Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 11, 1888, Part I, Page 7, Image 7

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Extravagant Rent and Heavy Expenses Make High Priced Clothing.
Cheap rent and a buyer constantly on the New York marketj-and the percentage of profit 10 per cent makes us able to sell
" SU * " 4 * O § * " ! 1 V % O - w / " \ 1 1 T < C EH 1 1 V9 VI I O r1 lf\
ntf"V ! JndLi5 , \ > oLU 5 \jj ( il 1L JL L/lt Ill lllll
For less money than all others. Below we quote you some of our bargains. Look them over before you thrown this down.
Brown and Blue Corkscrew
All "Wool Youth's Overcoat Department.
Good Wearers
Blue and Black Wide Wale Bui-
lock Overcoat , with fine serge lining , Heavy Cheviot KNEE styles PANTS ,
Real neat KNEE .
, PANTS Suits $ 1
At 90c , $150 $ , $2,25 $ , $3,00 $ , $4,00 $ , only '
Good wearin
And all prices up to the best made ,
And all buyers of clothing will please not forgot that
our buyer on tlio n arket has not forgotten to take care of Extra heavy and
those vriahing a fine Overcoat , and ho has sent us some of Dressy KNEE
the finest PANT Suits ,
Child's Overcoats ,
IRISH FRIEZE , with cape made of $1,90
CAMEL'S HAIR , blue Union Cassimerc ,
CHINCHILLA Child's Overcoat ,
with Cape , Astrachan
And all other fine imported in the dress ily-front and the Collar and Cuffs ,
wide collar Storm King.
.Nothing is too good for our trade. All sold on a ton All theto garments run in ii es from
per cent profit. It will please bo remembered that this cut to 18 , juulill bo found threat bargains.
In this department limiting a
\vc live
under the high rent and big expense fellows , who are obliged spcrial cllort mid conliully invite the
to make 40 per cent , is a saving on a $10 overcoat of § 12 , Indies to INSPECT OUK LJAUGAINS
and our price on a $40 overcoat is only $28. PUIf'Ed.
Our Bargains in
Scotch Underwear ,
ranej Stripe LAtICAU'A\ , ! ( All
Wool )
Undergarments ,
Only 75c.
Laundried Shirts ,
With Linen Front Reinforced , '
Good ones with Braided Ends ,
Silk faced with Draided Ends and
Drawer Supporters ,
< ; i\ri.M : : illicit FACCD
Gloves and Mits
With Knit Wrists ,
Only $1.40.
Tlicso Gloves are made of rosil Russia
Calf , dressed lilci- kill , and quoted cl&o-
whcro as liigh as $11.75.
This is n Great Bargain.
Boy's Polo Caps ,
Men's Scotch Caps ,
Full shape and splendid quality , at
A good heavy All Wool Suit
for winter wear
A good heavy All Wool Suit for
business wear - - -
3 Styles Fine Dress Suits.
A bonanza in every respect. Our buyer got them out of New
York by paying a drayman to haul them off , and we are going
to give them away for
$4.65 , $5.85 and $6.95.
We have so many styles of Suits at less prices that We pre
fer not to quote them , but ask your consideration and investiga
tion. And please remember that if we do quote you spine
small prices on clothing , it is not because we do not have .better
goods , for we will wager our entire stock that we have samje'of
of the finest clothing kept in Omaha. But we make the pi-tees
on the fine wear as Tow comparatively as on the cheap clothing
which we carry for those desiring it , and not feeling able to buy
the more expensive.
It will be remembered that we cater for all classes of trade.
/ ! >
I '
and Douglas Streets. Also entrance 117 South 16th Street.
No Important Change to Note in the
Money Market.
The I'rcslduntlnl KloctiiMi From a
Coinmcroinl Standpoiut tnnuc-
ol' I'Mnc Ciinr4
Quito Unoiny.
Money Still IMcnty.
The money market has been fnaturolcss
the past week. Tlio supply is fully to
the dcmiuul and rate * are uiiuhangcd , bor
rowers obtaining accommodations nt 8ioIO ;
par cent. Kvehuiigo is steady at f 1 per tliou-
aand prunilutn.
Qoncrul trade was fair the first p.irt of the
week , but full oft and was vary quiet the last
half. Collections are only fair , but now that
the biittlo uf the ballots lias bcun fought and
gloriously won , trade will lesutno its wonted
activity. To the commercial mind the results
of the election viewed in detail seem some
what paradoxical. Furinstancu : Now York
city with its thoutandsof in echanics gives half
n hundied thoiH.ind plurality for tiee trade ,
while New York state , outnidu of the city ,
with a population largely engaged In agri
cultural pursuits , votes for protection.
It would nppcar that this should bo
reversed , as if any class of the community
can profit by free trade the toilers of the boil
arc certainly the ones , Ono class of inanu-
factuicrs fear detrimental results to their
business should congress do away with the
internal revenue tax , and consequent gov
ernmental supervision of the tob.icco inter
ests.V allude to the clgur manufacturers.
At prciont they are protected In their copy
right privileges on brand * by the injunction
in the revenue law which prohibits the USD
of cigar boxes a second lima , as this provis
ion ( iobaiH dishonest doalorn from refilling
boxes bearing a popular and expensive brand
with cigaiH ol a cheaper malic , a practice.
which is lecallcd by old manufacture
us being of frequent mul annoying occur-
runce prior to the passage of tlio internal
revenue act. It woulu bo well not to bor
row trouble in this matter , however ,
as the republican party has always shown it-
uclf conservative where the commercial in
terests of the people are Involved and it ap
pears probublci that that party will produce
the legislation of the federal government for
Bomo tune to come.
The receipts of wheat In the northwest are
reported to bo not anything like HO great as
were promised a few days ugo , and 1'lllsbury
is salu to bo an anxious buyer in Minnesota.
lnmy noein strange that our visible supply
should show biich a small increase with
practically no export movement , when nt this
time last year it waa increasing nt thu rate of
over 2,000,000 bushels pur week. Now York
is actually losing in stock , as n result of de
mand by homo millers.
Koroscnu oil is steady anil active. Since
January 1 thcro has been a decro.iso of 0,0)50.- )
000 barruls In the visible supply of crude oil ,
which now amounts to 20,500,000 barrels ,
The exports from the United States for the
first ten months of 1SSS were 440,7113,000 gallons
lens , showing a decrease of 30,000,000 gallons.
Although 204 wells were completed in Octo
ber , the production was not increased.
Thu visible supply of Hlo coffee In thu
United Stutes a week ugo was 43S,2-10 bugs ,
gainst 41IWO u year provlouoly ,
aha Cincinnati l > rico Current gives figures
to thow that the present supply of peanuts
It only alwui three-quarters as largo as that
of a year ago.
Thu gtocl' of tallow In the Euro
pean nmrUuls is estimated ut 'AOJO tons.
Prices uavo nilvinced uharply within the Iitst
few days , with bidding up by thu mon who
ore upposed to control the situation. It is
now oot far from % o higher in this market
tfaao n week ago.
It U Buppokcd that the flow of money from
the cast to the west Is nearly over for this
MOH. L tt week thu Now York bank *
only shipped IJW.OOO ujoro currency thun
they rocolvtd.
The production of anthracite coal Is no > v
8,850,004 tons ahead of the quantity for tut
year up to this date.
' According to the report oE Secretary
Littler of the Chicago produce exchange , the
buttur miirlcct is quiet , there being u fail-
local trade , hut with shipping aiders light.
Ufcemts of chees'j are small and p'-ices ro-
mam steady , exiiorters do ng but little.
Fresh eggs are scarce and higher.
The Cincinnati Free. Current states that
the "past week's packing of hogs at the nine
leading points wii172,000 head , against , 2' ' i-
00. . ) head for tlio corresponding week last
Local receipts of Montana range cattle
this season have greatly exceeded all expec
tations * . As a rule they have been very fat
and buyers have purchased them freely in
preference to tlio .secondary grades of corn
fed stuers. Wyoming lias sent forward thu
usual number of cattle , but they have been
below an average in condition and m.m.v of
them have been bou ht b.v camiers , as It was
impossible to sell them us feeders.
Thu losses by luv in the United States
and Canada during October were $5)4V ) > ( )0 ) ,
against S10Oi4,7UO in Septi'inher. In Octo
ber , lbS7 , the loss was * U,7).s2X ) ) ) Kor the
ten mouths ending October ill the loss was
$ IOI,5y.\520. against < lOJ'ra2" ' : ! > in 1837 and
' .15,400,000 , for thu same time in 13SD.
Suturduv , Nov. 10. 1833.
There was n fair supply of western beef
cattle on the market to-day , but the iiiility ]
was nothing extra. The packer * paui f J.OO
for ono train of pretty fair cattle. The mar.
hot was about ste.uly with yesterday , hut
fully 2.V higher than last wcok. Common
mid medium cows , such us thu cjiinurs use ,
nro scamj , ami thny arc compelled to ship
that Hind of eattlc from other maikats In or-
ilsr to keep the houses lunnlncf. The supply
of western feeder * was liberal , but there
was very little doing oa the market.
The receipt * wen1 moderate and the mar
ket was .slow at noout steady prices. Thu
hogs weru all sold before the close.
There was one load received ami sold.
Cattle . 1,400
Hogs . 3,000
Sheep . 100
j trioui.
The following u a t.vblo of prices pjdl In
this murxot for the Ri'aJoi of stock men
ITiraosloors. 1300 to 1SOO Ibs..13.75 (34.00
I'riuiostoers. liooto I'M ibs. it.T.'i nil.25 )
Native feeders ! J."il ( (3.1,15
Western feeders 2.50 QC3.00
HunpOHtcora , com'ou to choice 2.I50 i : < .2.i
Common to good cow : ) l.'Jo ( o2.00 ;
Choice to fancy cows a.'j.l
Common to ehoioo bulls. . . . . . . . I.'J. )
r . " 0
Fulr locnoico iiehtIIOKS < >
Falrtochoico heavy hujj. : . . . . 5.U5 @ . ' ) .4'5
fair to choice inixiid IIUKI 5'Jj ( i$5.40
UepruMniiiAtiro H iio .
No. Av. Pr.
fi'4 yearlings 700 $ HO
Syeiirlliib'S bliO 1.10
a bulls iii5 : 1.70
Jco\v.s \ USD 1.85
1 steer , canner 1,100 U.OO
I ulcer , canner 1,100 'J.OO
21 i-owo , natives 1,001 S.'O
4 calves ! HJ 2,25
1'J cows. . . . , 1,010 'J.2S
! l cows 1,100 , 3.75
Owner ami No. Av. IV.
Johnson ft Co
IKlBtuors 1,100 MOO
07 steers , 1,1GJ , a.00
tVlsteors 1,11)1 aOO
Now Humpshlro Cattle Co
10 cows 1,000 , 2.1)51 )
Wls. and Wyo. C. Co-
tMatocrs 1H5 3.00
J. M. Kuykeudull & Co
st aU'ors , 1,193 2.00
Gcorpe Lockwood
75 t8ora .1,007 C.CO
1 tv r , stray , . , , ,1,310 8.35
3 steers , stray > . .M1U13 2.05
nua *
No. Av , Shk. Pr. No. SUV. Pr.
03 , .251 1211 fS.UO tW , .
71. .an BOO nM : ) S3. . 6.35
TA , .257 . . . 100 685
O.'i. .243 240 5.UO 60 5.35
70. .2iu ira 70. . . .247 160 5.85
70.W. . .21S 1W ( 5.30 0 ! ) . . . 253 200 & .2S
70. -MO 160 6.3J 63..SS9 ItW 6.85
The indicated net supply the past week
was 71.000 , compared with $1,00) ) the prt-ccd-
Ing weeK , for corrcsjionding time last car
the nut .supply was tii.OOJ. Cincinnati Pi co
Current , _ _ _ _ _
Ijiv ( > Slock Notes ,
M. H. Jeffrey , Silver City , came in with
hogs ,
B. II , Wilcox came in from Wnhoo with
hoes ,
Daniel Hollarln , Llndsoy , was hero and
murlfetmi hogs.
J. M. ICmerlne. Council HlutTs , was over
with two loads of hogs.
Ticknor & Howard , Beatrice , marketed a
load of hogs at 5 15.
K. M , Klohardson left last evening for his
former home , Buffalo , N. Y.
T. J. Collins , Laramto City , Wyo. , was at
the yards to-day. He Is looking over the
flelil with a view of locating a commission
house hero.
I'rottiiue , I'VuitH , Kto.
HUTTBII Fancy , solid-packed creaniorv , 20
@ 2Hc ; choice country , 1820c ; medium
grades , 14'tl"o ( ; common graiics , I0@lllc.
1'i.ouK NebrasKtt piioiiU. tU.OOXW7.BO ;
Minnesota patents , * 0.25@3.00 ; straight
grades , f5.00C'(5.50 ' ; lukerb' flour , $3.25@5.75
jwr barrel.
POT-TOES NebrsTca1'25glOi ( > per bushel ;
Colorado , 755SOc.
SWBBT PorvTou'j ' 'o par lb.
POULTUV Live chickens , $ J.50 3.7"i per
doz , ; spring chickens , iJ.SO .iUOj dresaod
chickens , Baltic per lb ; turksys. 8012c.
KOGS Strictly freili , IVo cuudlivi.
CONCOUU Uiui'Es ao10o per LU-lb bas.
kot.Mii.4ox Oit i'K8 in kegs. 810o ( per lb.
lUXAMAS Cninmon , 1.50a-J.23 per bunchi
choice. * J.5d@3.50.
LBMOXS 4-V80 pof ca o.
OKASOKI Jamaica , $5 , 00 < Tj < UW per barrel ;
Florida , f4.00ftt.25 per box.
( UnM-t'er dotani Mallards , 3.50@2.75 ' ;
teal , | l.OC@l.i5 ; email. $3.00 ; prairie chick-
ens , * 3.50 ; rabbits , 31.00 ; squirrels , $1.00 ;
venison , 8@12o per lb.
CKUIIIY 2520c per do/.cn ,
OSIONS iOd.'jOu per bu.
CAIIIIVOE $2.00 per 100.
HiiETS 40c per bushel.
's 30c per bushel.
KUAUT Bbls , J4.75 ; half bbls , $3.75.
* Choice , $2 )0@2.75 perbbl ; fnncv ,
W 00 per bbl : common , $1.5Sil.7.j ( ) ( per bbl.
CIDKII Michigan , SO ( W@0 50 per bbl of 32
gals : California pear cider , { -15.00 per bbl.
Poi1 COIIN Hice , 3iy4o ; common , 2@3c.
CAUKOTS lOc per bushel ,
Bivss > Choice eastern handpicked navies ,
$2.00 per bushel ; western hand picked na
vies , S1.75@I.SO ; mediums , ? 1.3u@1.10. Lima
beans 5c per pound.
II iv P. o. b. cars , No , 1 upland , $0.00 ; No.
2 upland , $5.00.
Cnoii'iu FKKU $ l4.00fif 15 00 per ton.
Cony ! ) l@t'c.
O ITS 22@2.1c.
Vixen IK-Cider , iodise per gal. White
wine , 10@20c per jrnl.
CiiANiiEitiuisa jr.Mt © ) 00per bbl.
PUOVISIONS Hnins , No. 1 , 12c ; No. 2 ,
lie ; shoulders , 9)40 ; rib bacon , llj c ; clear
bacon , 12u ; picnic hams , lOc ; dried beef hums ,
10 > , e ; dry salted clears , short , OMcj extra
short , OKC ! short ribs , U , ' < fc ; pickled pigs
feet , 15-lb kits , 80c : lard , 9)i@10ir gmoked
sausage , 08c ( per lb ; hog casmifs , i7@l8o.
Uevised prices are as follows :
BAOOI.VO Stark A seamless , 22o ; Amos-
kcag , seamless , 17 > e ; Lewiston A , seamless ,
lUc ; American , seamless , 17c ; mirlnps , 4 to 5
bu , ll@14c ; Runnles , single , 13c ; gunnies ,
double , 20c ; wool sacks , 35c. Twiuos Vlax ,
38c ; extra sail , 20Cd21o ; sail H , 10@20c ; cot
ton , 21 c ; jute , Oo.
DIIIEU PHLITS Flits , In boxes , per lb , 13@
ICc ; dates , in boxes , 7@10c ; London Malaga
layer raisins , per box. W.50@3.75 ; Malaga
loose raisins , $2. : ) ( " , ' . 50 ; now Valen
cia raisins , per lb , 7Jfe ; California loose mus
catels , per box , fl.OO ; California Loudons 18SS
* 1.45 ; pitted cherries , per lb , Ida ; Califoi-
nia pitted plums , per lb , 12@13e :
dried blackberries , per lb , 7VJ@Sc ; dried
raspberries , per lb , 2442'ic ; evaporated np-
pics , 7 > < ( < 7)llc ) ; California sun dried peaches ,
1'ic ; Calitornia unparcd evaporated peaches ,
15@lSc ; evaporated California apricots , 18c ;
7untee currants , ffCa7c ! ; ; Turkish prunes ,
4J " 4j4c ; citron , 220 24c ; orange peel , 15c ;
lemon peel , IGc ; California French prunes ,
COHTEH Mocha , 25@2c ( ! ; Kio , good , 1(5 ( ®
17c ; Mnndahllng , liilTo2-J ( : roasting liio , 15(7 (
lOo ; O. G. .lava , 2l@2il ; Java , Interior , 'ttlg
25c ; Kio , fancy , Kldl'l'J ' ' ; Santos and Mara-
caibo , 17 ( < fl9o ; Arbuoklus , 21KO : McLaugh-
Hn'sXXXX , 21Jio.
SUOAII Granulated , 75fc ; conf. A , 7Ko ;
white uxti-a C , 7A c : extra C , 7 ? o ; yellow
C , fi o ; powdered. 8)40 ; cubes , 8fo.
HOSKV 10 ® Ho for Mb frames ; strained
honey , lOfujllc/iioqib.
HKUSWAX Ciiqlcu yellow , 20@J2j < B ; dark
colored , 13@14 < j. ' "
CHKESK VduntrAmerlca. full cream , 12 ( < 3
12 > foj full crt'um Cheddars , ll@12c ; full
cream flats , 12X0. ' * '
PICKI.ES Medium , m bbls , tf.OO ; do , in
half bbls , M.OO ; small , in bbls , { J.00 ) ; do , In
half bbls , * 3.5U ; glierklns , in bills , $7.00 ; do ,
half bbls ! $1. . '
Toiucco PugJ2C'tf | < 15e ; smoking , 10@19o
Jui.i.iEs-l.25ptl-w-lh ' : nail.
SALT 1.30@.3.Vper ! bbl.
Hoi-K 7-in , lQ'to
MAIM.B SudAii Urlcks , ll@12o uer lb ;
penny cukes , O12/813u per Ib ; pure maplu
syrup , II.CV per gal.
TEAS Young irvson , common to fair. 18 ®
23c ; Young1 Hyson , good to fancy , 30 ( 55o ;
UuuK | > wdor , cbmmbn to good , 2J'J25c ' ; Gun *
powder , choicd fti'fancy ' OSO.'Se : Japan , com
mon to medium , 15 ( < { 20c ; Japan , choice to
fancy , 80g45os Oolong , common to good. 25 < y
35o ; Oolong , choicfl to fancy , 50C ? 70o ; Impe
rial , common to medium , 25@35u ; Imperial ,
good to fancy , 4X ( 50o.
NUTS Almondi. 15@17c ; filberts , 12@l5c' ,
Urazll , S @ | 0o ; walnuts , 12o ; pecans , 10@lloj
peanuts , OQ'Je.
CIUCKKIIS 5@10o per lb ; assorted cakes , 7
@ 35c jier lb. as per list.
CAXDT Mixed. 80l3o ; stick , .
rock candy. 10 @ | 3c ; fancy candy , 7W *
Dry Good *
] C/OTTON1 pti xcts 10 par cent dls. ; titt
HX.'lSoj ft , 80o ° ; 'No. lo , $ < ° ' > No * . iV Xoj
No. 00 , liyfc ; No. BO , WKo : No. 30. colored.Ooj
No. 60. colored , ISc ; No. 70 , colored , 12 > < oj
Bristol , laXo ; Union Pacific , 17o ,
WAnr-Blt ) White. Id o ; colored ,
UA.TTS Standard , So ; Com lOo ; Beauty ,
12 > c ; lioone , 14c ; U , cased , fti.Su.
PUISTS Solid colors Atlantic , Oo ; Slater
5Kc. Uerlln oil. OJ > ac ; Gainer oil , 7o.
PIIISTS Pink and Kobes Allen , ' 'c ;
nivcrpomt. 5 c ; Stool tfivcr , 0 c ; Hich
mend , 0 } c ; Pucillc ,
PUINTS Dross Cnartor Oak , " > . ' ;
Ramapo , 4Kc ; Lodi , 5 } ± c\ \ Allen , Co ; Richmond
mend , Cl-jc ; Windsor , 0'i , Eddystone , OVo :
Pacific. We
BtKtciiKn SIIBRTIXO Berkeley cambric
NO , 00 U < < fo : Ucsl YctO ' c ; butter cloth
Uj , 41/0 ; Cabo' . 7i c ; F.irwell half bleached
§ VcFruit of Loom , 9.J. o : Greene
O , O' c ; Hope. " ? / ; Ki"lf Philip cam
bric , Ho. Lousdulo cambric , II r ,
Lonsiiaie DC ; Now York mills , \0\fc\
Peppfrcll,42-in , He : Pepporell , 40-in , vjc ;
Pcppuroll , (5-4 ( , lOc ; peppercll , 8-4 , me ; poji-
perell , 9-4. 23o ; Popperell. 10-4 , S5C ; Canton
4-4 , 8 c. Triumph , Co ; Wamsutta , He ; Val-
le.v. 5c.
r.Asxm.s. Plaid -Raftsmen,20c ; Gosnen ,
c ; Clear Lake , SOJtfo ; Iron Mountain ,
II'LANXELS ' White G11 , No. 2 , 92 c Q
H , No. 1 , f , 2 c ; U H , No. 2. Jf , 3 KcV ;
H.No. 1. { , 30c : O.uecheo No..i \ { . via.
CoitbET J HANS Anaroscojrtrin , 7 c ; jCear-
sarh'o. 7Jfc ; Uoukport , C o ; Concstojja , 0
TiCKH-York , yoin , , 12 > c ; York. 33 In. .
13 > c ; Swift Hivcr. 8c ; Thormllko OO. 8Ku ;
SSSSllite 8 ° i Thorndike liiO , flKo !
DBNiMS-Amoskeag , 'J of , W o ; Everett , 7
07. ' 13) < c : York. 7 oz , j3Kc ; Iluvm-iker , 8Ko :
Ja'ffrey XX , . tl1 ; JatTroy XXX , i2Hc
Beaver Crook AA. 12o ; Heaver Crook UB
lie. Weaver Creek CC , lUc.
KENTUCKY. ) BANS , Memorial , I5o : DaUota.
16o ; Durham , 27 > c ; Hercules , iSo ; Learning
ington , 22 > c ; Cottswold , 2"Hc. „ .
CIUSH. Stevens' H , 0 c : btovens' D
AlisfEU.AXEOi-'s , Taom on ciotn. $3.50 ;
plain Holland. O'ic ; Dado Holland , l2 > Jc ,
Urown shcctiiiK Atlantic A , 4-4 , 7Ko ; At
lantic H , 4-4 , 7'/c ' ; Atlantic U , 4-4 , OKc ; Atlantic -
lantic p , 4-4 , fie ; Aurora LL , 4-4. Co-Aurora
O , 4-4 , 4fo ; Grown XXX , 4-1 , OJjfe ; Hoosicr
LU 4-4 , Oo ; Inrtinn Head. 4-1 , 7 } c ; Law-
renee Lib. 4-4 , ( ! c ; Od Dominion , 4-4 , S'jc ;
Peppercll U , 4-4 , 7c ; Peppcroll O , 4-4 , C'foj
Pepperoll. 8-4 , 18' ' e ; Peppercll , 0-4 , 21c ; Pep-
poroll , 10-4,23c ; UtiraC , 4-4 , 4j ! o ; Wachusott ,
* v' 7 ° ! Allrora * * " ° Aurora Bi * *
< '
{ JVCK West Point W in , 8 oz , lOUc ;
West Point 23 in. 1 0 oz , 1 o ; West I'cmt
29 in , 13 oz , 15o ; Wojt Point 40 in , 11 oz , lOc.
PLAN.NKLS Red , O , 24 la. 15X ; E , 24 In ,
21 o ; G G , 24 in , Co ; H A P , % , 250 J II P ,
OJ.SOIIAM Ptiinuctt chocks. 7 > io ; VVhltton-
ton , 7Kc ; York , 7jijCi NormandJ ctress.
8 0 : Calcutta dress. MaWhittonton dress ,
8io } ; Kenfrow dross , g ( ffiia 0.
AMMIIICB Slater , 5tfe : Woods ,
Standard , 5j o ; Peacock , 5c ,
PUIXTS I.MIKIO UJ.OK Arnold , OKc ; Amer
ican , Gtfu : Gloucchtcr , C4' ' J : Arnold C long
cloth , ! ; Arnold H long cloth , ' 0 : Arnold
Gold Seal , 10U : StlelclA , 12 ; Windsor Gold
Ticket. 1UX. _
mill ChuiniciilH ,
Sulph. acid , \ % ocitrlo \
ncld , ) XJc ; tartanc , .VJo ; bal , copaiba , iSu ! :
borax , 12u ; chloroform , 47o ; glycerine , 23c ;
gum arable , select , $10) ) , gum camphor , 35c ;
gum opium , 3.25 ; sulph , morphia , f J.6U ;
bromldu potassium , 42e.
Ou.8 CurbonlWI = ,10 cjheadllght,175o ,
ICKo ; gasoline , 74s , 12 > fc. West Virginia
summer. He ; zero , 17c ; No. 1 golden ma-
chlni , 13cj extra W S. lard , 81c ; No. 1 lord ,
47o ; turpentine , S2c ; linseed , raw , B8c ;
boiled , Die.
QUISISK-P. & W. , per oz,55o , ; German ,
per oz , 40c.
liUlllllOl' .
First and second clear. ! > / in , . . $49 00 ( 51 00
l-'irst and second clear , 1 ' " WWW 00
Third clea- r < ( ljin . 4U 004 00
ABelectX < tt\yt\\ \ \ \ . in OWH'M 00
It select , IMMXto . 85 " 0 ® 00
A Block boards , 12 { < 410 feet , 12 in . 40 00
U stock boards , 12@10 feet , 12 In . 41 00
C stock boards , 12W10 feet , 12 in . 80 00
I ) stock boards , 1210 feet , 13 In . 23 00
Flooring , .first common , 01 n . , . . .HI 00
Flooring , second common , 0 In , . . . , . 03 00
Select fencing flooring . , . 11) ) 00
Siding , first and second clear , 14Q910 U 2.S 00
Siding , first common , 1(1 ( feel . , . , i."J 00
Sldine. second common , . . . . . 10 00
Common boards . . , . , . , . . . .10 00
No. 2 boards. . all lengths . , . U 50
KoncinifNo 1 , 12tf20 ( feet . , . . .lft W )
Fencing No. 2 , 12 , 14 aud IS fpet. , . . , . .15 CO
Joists and scantling , 2x4 , 14lf > loot. . . .10 00
Timber,4x4 , 8xS. 12i10 ( feet . 1700
Pickets , UumlH Hat . 22 00
Pickets. D and II square . 25 00
Shingles , extra A . 2 SO
Shingles , standard A . 2 60
Shingles , No. 1 . 1 50
Lath . 2 40
O. G. Halts , 2 > in . 70
O. O. HatU , Ux3 , R. I. S . 40
3 in Well tubing , I ) , and M. bev . 2200
Hemlock solo , lSc$27c ( $ per lb ; oak solo , .11(3 (
3l'c per lb ; oak harness , 30@(2c per lb ; selccj
ted oak and trace , 3"o per lb ; oalc and hem-
loon upper , 20@2io : per foot. ilemloclc calf
skin , No. 1 , bOWJOc per lb , according-
weight ; oak calf skin , No. 1. OocS1.0u per
lb ; Philadelphia calf skin , extra $1.00(31.10 (
perlb ; hemlock kip skin , No. 1 , C0@70c per
lb ; oak kip skin , No1 , 70Ji80o per lb ; Phila
delphia kip Klein , extra , 80f ' .Hc ) perlb. French
calfskins , ( according to weight and quality ) ,
* 1.15@1.73i > or lb- French kip slims do. tJUc ( <
$1.10 per lb. Cordovan russelt , ISc ; satin
finish , 20c per foot ; welt leather , t3.50@4.00
per side ; moroccos , ( pebble goat ) , 20@30c
per foot ; moroccos , boot letr , 25@ioc : per
foot. ; glove calf skins , 20C < ? 30c per foot ;
Douglas kid , 30@40c per foot ; kangaroo
skins , 4 < ) @ 50c per foot , according to quality.
Toppings , $300010.00 per dozen ; linings ,
* 5.00@9.00 uer dozen ; apron skins , $10.00@
12.00 per do/en.
and Tinncra' Btoolc.
Hlock tin , smiill pig . $ .23
Hlodc tin , bar . 29
Copper , planished boiler sizes . 34
Copper , cold rolled . 31
Copper , sheathing . 30
Copper , pitts . SO
NKW YORK , Nov. 10. [ Special Telegram
to TUB UKK. ] SIOCKS The short session
was not productive of much interest. Trans
actions were light and fluctuations wore not
wild. The opening was at or near lust night's
closing figures , and the close was not far
away from first prices. London did little ,
and as n wliolc the market was quiet and un
Thu following wore the closing quotations :
tr. 8. 4 regular . .m1 * Northnrn 1'itclllc. , T
U. H. 4SCOUPOIH , ] ' . * 7UI < lo preferred . r Ij
. H.4'isrugulur C. AN. W Ill'/ '
l/.H.4"ncoupons ' do preferred , , . . .113
122' N. r.VnntiAi iuay
Oentnil 1'aclfle . 3)i'Jl'J ) | ) . & 1' siij
Chicago & Alton l.'lj i Hock Inland I OH
OliIc.iKo.niirllnutun I' . . M. * St. I1 . . . . ul' ' {
& Qnlney . , . 11IH5 ! ilo preferred 10BU
D..L.4 W . . . . , 1W , St. 1'auliOmaha. , a j
Illinois Central. . .110 ! , , dopiuforred , . . .W > 'i '
1..II.&W IS Union 1'aciHo . . . . B5' ' (
ft Texas. I. ) \V.St. I , . * P . , 14)- )
I.Hlcc.Shoro . . . 10.T , | do preferred. , . . ' IY
MlchlgnnC'entrul. . BSJi.Western Union M' ' ,
MlHsourll'acinu . . . 77J5I
MONKT ox CAM , Basv at Uj per cent.
mand ntttifOX for cent.
HTKJII.INO Kxciuxon Dull but steady nt
$431 for sixty-day bills , and H.t > ; > ( ( for
Ctifcaci ) . Nov. 10. Flour Dull , steady
and neglected ,
Hulk Moats Shoulders , $7.7503.00 :
short clear. $3.35@8.37 ; short ribs , $7 60.
Huttcr Qulcl ; creamery , iy 'i7u ; dairy ,
Cheese Steady ; full cream Cheddars , 10
® 14c ; Hats , 10) ) < @l2 > c ; Young Americas ,
EPBS Qnchanceu at l'J@20c.
Hides Unchuntjed ; liijiivy green salted ,
Ok'oj Htht Kfoon ealtoil , ti c ; Kreen , 5o ;
aalted bull , b 'c ; prcon bull , 4jc ; green
dry fljnt , 7X@bu % ury calf , 7ft8o ( ; brandiid
hides , 15 per cent off5 deacons , 2330o each ;
drv ( altod , 10J415c.
Tallow Unchanged ; No , 1 , soliu packed.
4 > < c ; No. 2 , Sa ; cake. Cc.
KecftipU. Shipments ,
Flour , bbls 9.000 7,000
Wheat bu , . . .35.000 18,000
Corn , bu 137,000 30,000
O t , bu , . . . .140,000 8W.OOO t. . . . .
New Vopk , Nov. 10. Wheat nocelnts ,
39,000 ; exports , SO , spot market dull.heavy
audKu lower ; No. 3 red , l.llMl.ll > f In
elevator , * UU fttloat , tLll l.13 f. o. b , ;
No. 8 reil , 11.00 ; No. I roil. 11.18. Option *
fairly active und heovy , and declined ICgl.Vc ,
' ' ' are/steady ) ut J@lQ uuder yetter-
day ; No , 2 red , December , * 'closing ' at
' '
51-12 . -
Corn Receipts , 10,500 ; exports , 3,384 ; spot
market firmer and modoratolv active ; No. 2 ,
51@5lc in elevator , f > 2 ( & afloat ; un
graded mixed , Dl@52) ( * . Options dull and
steady ; December closoi nt 51 3 c.
Oats Hecolpts , 31,000 ; exports 1,000 , ; spot
market steady ; fair trade ; options nuiet aud
steady ; December closed at 31c ; spot No. 2
wlilto , tfy Mo : mixed western , 2'J@32o ;
white western , ; iO@yJKc.
Coffee Options openeil steady , closed
weak ; sales , 30 , ° 50 bags , Including- Novem
ber , 813.03 ; December , * 1U.75U13 ( 85 ; Janu
ary , * 13.fiOf < SI3.70 ; February , $13.50@13.00 ;
March , S13..r.0@ 13.00.
Petroleum ( Jnito ; United closed at 8'iJ c.
Kggs Firm but quiet ; western , 21$24 ( } c.
Pork Quiet ; mess , * 10.000.oHi.50.
Lard Easier and dull ; sales , eastern
steam , fS.OO : options , no sales ; December ,
Huttor Firm ; western dairy , 1
western creamery , lGS ( > 2ic ! ; Klgms ,
Chouse Strong , moucrato demand ; wast-
ern , 0@10j4c.
Cincinnati. Nov. 10Vhoat Caster ;
No. 2 red. $ l.05 > f.
Corn In tfooil demand ; No. 3 mixoJ. 4tj c.
Oats In fair demand ; No. 2 mixed , " 7c.
Kyo Dull ; No. 2 , 57c.
1'ork $15.00.
Whisky-Firm at * 1. 14.
St. IjouH , Nov. 10. Wheat E.xsior ;
cash , $ l.l'i ( ) ; May , $1.14 f. .
Corn Firmer ; cash , 3'.l@40 ' } c ; Dcccmbor ,
Oats Lower ; cash , 22Kc ; Dcc6mber ,
Pork Steady at $15 00.
Lard Unchanged at fcUS'/f. '
Hutter Steady ; creamery , fancy , 2C@27e ;
choice , 20Qe21c ; dairy , ffi Wc.
Mlniiimiiolla , Nov. 10. Wheat Wheat
on sample tables was hold at about ye.-tor-
day's prices , with porlmps moro united ( In-
inuml from local buyers. Koceljits wore
271 cars. Closing quotations : No. 1 'luinl ' ,
November , $1,23 ; Docornhor , $1.21 ; May ,
tl.2'Jon ' trncli , $ l.3lfi1.25. No. 1 northern ,
November , $1,13 ; December , $1.14 ; May ,
$1.17k ; on track , $1 lft@l.lfl . No. Si northern -
ern , November , tl.i7 ( ; December $ l,0j : May ,
$1.14 ; on track , $1.10.
Milwaukee. , Nov. 10. Wheat Firm ;
cash , $1.0S # ; December , $1.03 ; January ,
Corn Dull ; No. 3 , lie. .
Oats -Quiet ; No , 2 white , 2'J/ffi / " Oc.
Uvo-FIrm , No. I , 57J/c.
Hurley Qulot ; No. 2 , 71fc. }
Provisions Dull ; pork , cash , $14.57- } , ' .
Nov. 10 , .The Droven1 Jour-
mil rconrtxas follows :
Cattle Itecolpts. 3,000 ; market steady ;
beeves , fS.OO&fl.Vi'i ; stijers , M.00ii5.00 ( ;
rtockers and feeders , f2.00 , < ? 3.30 ; cow * , bulls
mid mixed , $ l.M2l)5Tuxas ) ) ; cattle , tl.lOV )
a.OO ; wr'stonrrangcrs , $ .1.K ( ) ( t 1.00. '
Hogs Uucuipts , 14,000 , ; market wtwk.tunl
C@lo ( ) lower : mixed uud light , t : > SiO
heavy. W.35 ( < i5.57Jf ; hklps , * J.50 i.OO.
Sliuep lleuiipts. 3,000 ; market B
and strong ; natives , $3.00@.23 | ; woaturns ,
$3.00 1,55 ; T.OXUIIS , $ i.50 5.25 ; iuuibs , f .OO
( VJ5.25 , '
HlH Nativity.
Oiic.'i 'o Tribune : In ono of the
crowded South S.ide cublo uara tiioatiior
iluy was u mini who up promutly on
Booing1 n n'lmbur ' of laiiioaontor the uur.
Not Biitlfadod with tills ho induced
Hovoral licaltliy hut roluotiiut younf (
inuii to ( 'lvo up tlioir Boats also. Ilia
chivalrlu politorioss wns olnorvod by u
lull , resolute looking mini with iron-
gray wiiislcora , who grasped hiH hand
with a cordial , ( rutonml grip mid OK-
claimed ;
"I don't ' Unow you , sir , but 1 would , bo
willing to bet u IIOMO you aru a south
erner , sir , and a brotbor KentuoUinn. "
"No , my friend , " replied thu otlior ,
with a look ot jiaUont but hopolos *
inulanchuly ; "I am only a plnlnillli-
noliiuu. I was born in oust St. Louis. "
Wo have the finobt yullery , ttici bcbt
workman nnd lunjBSt builuuH.i ill the
pity. Ioyn [ , the Pliotogi-aplier , Gniulto
block , " .