Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 11, 1888, Part I, Page 5, Image 5

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Look out for us. We are leaders in popular ) prices. We have made some immense purchases lor the next 30 days. We propose to double our business , regard
less of cost to us. Now is the time-to make your purchases , We will sell you carpets at prices never before quoted. Extra Wiltons and Moquettes , still go.
at $1.25 a yard. Curtains at ridiculous prices. We make and lay carpets. Elegant Dado Shades , with spring rollers , 45c. ; all complete. 1,000 Rugs , at
J wholesale prices. 50 rolls extra heavy Oil Cloths , 35c a yard. No. 1 oil cloths , usually sold at 60c a yard , Monday , 45c a yard. Don't fail to take elevator
* ' and walk through this department. It will pay you.
Come early if yon want a Uuuice ht
thchf ribbons. There are 1H ) ( ) pieces All
Silk Mork' Ribbons , in all colors , No.
r , 7 , ! and 112. Wo olowd the lot at a
low price. Von can take them away
Monday at 11 ! je yard , any width.
Silk Finished
45 pieces Silk Finish Henriettas , 4vS
filches wide. They are worth $1..5l (
yard. Wo have too many and will sell
thorn next week at iJoc yard. Wo have
them in all the new bhadesand black.
Silk Finish
39 pieces Silk Finish All Wool Hen
riettas , 40 inches wide , in all the now
shades and black , worth $1.00 yard.
Our price for ono week 05o yard.
Bennison Bros
Editor Bmmons Fined and Appeals
to the District Court.
Another Proinlfllue Industry A. Ho-
ccpllon to 1 6 Tendered Governor
Xlinycr by tlin Knights
of Pythias.
1W'J ( ' P SrilKKT , X
LINCOLN. No\r. 10. )
Judge Houston fined Editor Kuimons f ID
and costs for resisting un olllccr and disor-
orderly conduct whllo passing his advertising
cards on the streets the other day. It is un
derstood , howover. that the line will bo made
thus heavy to give the district couit juris
diction In the case. Einmons promptly ap
pealed his cause and Hied bond for all at
tending costs.
This case Is exciting considerable ! Interest.
There arc two big sides to it. The city coun
cil took thu matter in hand and appointed a
committee to inquire- into the animus of it.
Yesterday afternoon was spent In investiga
tion. Able counsel represented both sides.
The arguments wore submitted last night.
There- seems to bo a ilxod purpose to usk
Ofllccr .Mitchell to hand in hh resignation.
It almost seems that ho 1ms been prejudged.
The notion of the commlttco In refusing to
grant Hubpumus to bring nut tbo testimony
nt disinterested witnesses makes it
ocom this way. Mitchell has friends
who will resent this act to the bitter
end , Huslon'H decision may have a ten
dency to help Mitchell. It will ut least glvo
him u clmnco to Introduce testimony that
may niltlgatu his notion and perhaps relieve
> Mm from thn implications that must follow
him by the action of the council committee.
lu soiiiu rpuurtors of the city the feeling la
manifest Unit thn whole case lias been prejudged -
judged , anil It is probably true.
The evidence before the committee tended
to show that Mitchell was attending to his
nlllclal duties iiupaitlally when his alterca
tion with Ktnmons occurred ; that ho asked
the editor to desist In distributing his adver
tising matter , and that ha refused ; that ho
Used harsh language In reply to the request
of the oftlcor.
The committee sought to make n point on
Mitchell by asking him It he had not neon
other parties distributing advertising slips on
the sti-oots In open violation of the or
dinance law , mul jiermltted It without muk-
lua arrests. "I hove , " he replied , "but I
asked them to stop It , and no unu ever re
fused and gave back saucy talk. I arrested
Mr. Kmmons because he resisted authority
and refubcd to obey the law. "
This cose will grind Its way out through
the courts , and it will bo impossible to fix- the
blame until the evidence is weighed impar
tially , An TDK DRK has stated before , Km-
menu IB regarded as a peaceable and law-
abiding citizen. Mitchell lias generally been
couiidercd a good onlcor. The publlo will
now bide the decision of the case lu the dis
trict court. It will bo hoard during the term
C9mmoncir.g next Monday morning.
This morning the attention of TUB UIB
representative wa railed to it piece of luuthcr
In the possession of Mr. Lo Ores , the East Q
street chiropodist. It was isoft. pliable anil
of very linn texture , technically known as
kid-tanned calf , mul equal tu any of the Im
ported leather of its class. It was tunned
from Nebraska skins by n younp Englishman
who lives at Crete. Ho has been In this
country but a few mouths , uml comes di
rectly from the largest tannery In London ,
vrhoro ttomo of the llnest leather In the world
U produced. The young- man , shortly after
coming to this country , concluded to try
what kind of work could bo done with Amer
ican hides , und the result of hi * labor he
brought to Lincoln and allowed oj samples.
lly nil who have seen It , It is pronounced to
bo nuporlor to anything heretofore produced
UUut state. A sample of tbo leather was
taken tu the Lincoln tannery und un oftlcml
them declared that uch leather could
not bo produced In \l\\a \ \ \ country.
CO nloi'os All wool Tricot * , all color1 ; ,
world ( > " ) C yuril ; on biilu Monday only nt
40c yard
80 pieces line All Wool Dross Flannels ,
sold by others at ( > oc ; our price Monday
only 4fie yard ; full line colors.
CO pieces Astrachans , all staple col
ors suitable for Ladies' and Children's
Cloaks. They have never sold less than
$1.50 to $1.75 ; our price to close the tot
$1.00 yard.
Bennison Bros
The coit , Mr. Le Ores says , Is just half
the price of imported leather of an exactly
similar grade. The Englishman has recc'veil '
liberal offers from Lincoln dealers , Lincoln
is a line Hold for the establishment of a
leather industry that will produce : i finer
grade of goods than can be manufactured
anywhere else. Mr. Le Gros lias ordered
several skins and the Lincoln Glove coin-
pans lius contracted for ono thousand dozcm.
A strong effort will bo made to secure the
establishment of the industry here. It can
bo done , and if Lincoln does uot get it , it is
its own fault.
Monday evening , November 12th , the three
Lincoln divisions of the uniform rank ,
Kniehts.of . Pythias , will tender Governor
John M. Thaycr and Lieutenant Grifllth , of
the Eighteenth United States regulars , a
reception at their castle hall over the First
National bank. The intention is to make the
reception something more than a local affair.
Visiting members of the order are invited to
be present from ntii part of the state. It
will almost bo an ovation on the part of the
brotherhood in honor of their special guests.
The Lord rclgncth. Lot the jieoplo rejoice ,
and give thnnks to the Supreme Kulor of the
universe for his countless blessings.
The people of Nebraska have the most
abundant reasons for heartfelt gratitude to
Him for his guardian care and keeping.
They should give praise that He has blessed
them with citbcnsliip in this favored com
monwealth ; that Ho has conferred on them
the blessings of pcaco and social order ; that
the labors of the husbandman have been re
warded bv most bountiful harvests ; that Ho
has stayed pestilence from our borders , and
lias conferred upon us general health and
prosperity ; that all are permitted to live
under the benlllcent influences of education
and Christianity.
Therefore , in acknowledgment of all these
mercies and in accordnncu with a most ap
propriate custom , I , John M. Tlmyer , gov
ernor of the state of Nebraska , do hereby
designate Thursday , the l9th ! day of the
present month , as n day of thanksgiving and
praise to our Heavenly Father.
I respectfully urge that all the people of
the ativto abstain from their usual avocations
on that day , and assemble in their accustomed
places of Christian worship , and glvo thanks
to Him who has M > bountifully biassed us
with evidences of his goodness , and let not
the poor bo forgotten on this day of thanks
In witness whereof I have hereunto set my
hund ami caused to bo alllxcd tliu great boal
of ttio state of Nebraska.
Hone at Lincoln this 10th day of November ,
in the year of our Lord IbSS , of this State the
Ono Hundred and Twenty-second and of the
Independence of the United States the Quo
Hundred and Thirteenth.
Hy the Governor , JOHN M. THATCH ,
G. L. Lots , Secretary of State.
M rni.MU : cot it r uicoiti : > .
Late cases as follows havu been filed for
hearing before the supreme court :
William G. Sloan ct ul vs Willium Coburn ;
error from Douglas county.
William N , Wise vs Joseph Nowborry ;
error from Cuss county.
Kato A. Grinith vs Albert C. Smith ; error
from Douglas county.
The calm came after the stonn. It is lone-
BODIO oa the streets of Lincoln to-day. Ho-
publican politicians will spend Sunday ut
bourn serenely happy.
Hovn.v P. Harrett , of the Herald , went to
Howard to-day to alm'ice off dosiwndonry. He
ruminates tliusly : "Landslides fun't ' come
but once in four years. "
Kov. Father fit. Lawrence , Into of St.
Torrcsa's Catholic church , bus resigned his
position and will probably go to Denver , Ho
will leavu a largo circle of frlonds In this city.
Hon. N , V Hurlan , of York , was conspic
uous among the prominent republicans in
Lincoln ye.-amliiy. Ho was accompanied by
Kiiltor Sodgwiok.
Captain J. K , Hill is in Lincoln. Ho baa the
satisfaction of ( wiling the largest vota on
the Ute ticket in Gage mmy , Ho ro-
colvcd a magnlllcont homo endorsement.
Election returns now crowd upon the soc-
rtHury of state. The ofilcial vote of the
sUto will ghorly ( bo announced. It will
chow at least twenty thousand plurality for
Ncmahb county prohibitionists boast the
election of K legislator. Strange ; the can-
dldata-olcct , Mr. Lash , was tlrst nominated
by the democrats and endorsed In regular
oulorby the uuIon labor party und prohibi
Mr. George Smith , Into of Philadelphia ,
( Ladies'Newmarkets ' , $15 $
10 JRh >
Beaver Newmarkets , hand
somely braided , as cut above , in mahog
any , nnvy blue , gobelin blue and brown
braided on collar and cuffs , down back ,
and in front with full pull buck , tight
lltUni * . This is one of the best values
over offered in n Newmarket. One
week $ ! / > ; worth $22.
Hffl Mffmmi iTCTfc ta
Newmarkets ,
52 Misscii' Newmarkets in 12 and 14
years only , made of All Wool Black and
White Block Plaid , also Black and Red
Plaid , beautiful garment ; gTolelien skirt
and bolt , lined hood ; sold tit $15 , but as
wo have only two sixes left. 12 and 11
years , we will close them at $10.)8. ! )
S5 dozen Children's and Misses' Mus
lin Drawers , worked button holes , all
sizes , from 3 to 14 years. Choioo 25c
pair ; worth double.
Bennison Bros
OnrMail Order Department a Specialty ,
has located in Lincoln , and will take charge
ot Hradstrcet's agcncv at this
place. He is a son of Hon. W. Henry
Colonel A. G. Pairbrother , editor of the
Call , rctunica last night from his trip to New
York and Boston.
For a number of years the Hanlons aston
ished both Europe and America by Jheir won
derful acrobatic feats and clever stugo tricks ,
and now they come in an entirely remodeled
play , in which new features , new tricks and
new songs are Introduced , which ecllpso any
thing they have ever done before. The Han-
Ions have been before the public so long and
are so universally admired that whenever
they appear the public knows that the per
formance will bo rirst class. The mechanical
appliances this year are the most extensive
they have over carried , requiring the full
capacity of a car to transport it. The com
pany still includes many of the favorites who
have aided thoHaulons In making their great
reputation. "Lo Voyage en Suisse" will bo
produced ut Lloyd's opera house on Monday ,
Tuesday and Wednesday evenings of this
Murray and Murphy will occupv Boyd's
opera house the last three nights of this
week with a delightful mcdloy of mileslan
fun , entitled , "Our Irish Visitors. " Patrons
of the entertainment must understand that
dramatic oltcct is neither offered nor at
tempted , but that great big successful efforts
reach after the laughter of the audience , and
legitimate methods are employed to this end.
It is appropriate to say that Messrs. Murray
and Murphy are noted vaudeville specialists ,
and that in melody and suppleness of liuib
they discount nil competition.
The election is over and the management
of the Kdcn Musco have prepared an ad *
mirablo entertainment for the coming week.
Prominent In this will bo J. W. Coffey , thn
famous dude skeleton who 1ms in
terested thousands by his remarkable
person. Kaolin I , the ( vniccn of Clay , and
W. K , Glenn , the great Sponcorian machin
ist , both remain another week. In the thca-
to rum will bo Harrigan , the famous jugglur ,
the Nester brothers , song and dance artists ,
Mmo. Tliles , the only woman whistler , and
many other great attractions , The enter-
tertuinmont of the week will moro than HUH-
taln Ilia reputation of the great family
resort. _
JVrHonul 1'nragraphs.
A. U. Fuller , of Ashland , is at the Paxton ,
David ItennNon loaves to-day forChicago ,
J. C. White , of Lincoln , Is nt the Paxton.
II. W. Scott , of Holdrogo , Is at the Pax-
F. II. Jnromo , ot Lincoln , Is at tbo Mur
Surnuol Honakcr , of Beatrice , is at the
W. A. Hanson , of Weeping Water , ia ut
iho Murray.
Gcorgo W. Honoll and wife , of Lincoln , are
at the Murray.
Councilman Alex Halter , of Lincoln , was
In the city yesterday.
Ft M. Lluckluy and A. U. Todd , of Plait *
mouth , n HI at the Paxton.
K. P. Mason , president of the Rhode Island
Locomotive works , isit the Murray.
DiCU Miller , N. P. Lawton and J. 0.
Kliotos , of Lincoln , are ut the Paxton.
J. Uratton. W. R. Alexander und W , A.
Honni'll , of walioo , ai-o nt the 1'axlon.
Joseph Sythgoo. superintendent of the
Ilhoilo Island Locomotive works , is ut the
Mr. F. D. CalUoun left Friday evening for
Denver , after pleasant vNlt with relatives
in Omaha ,
Mrs. Kiln GlfTord arid daughter , of Elm
wood , 111. , U in the city , the guct > ts of Mrs
P , J. Nicholas.
General MnndersOn's Indisposition , over
work in Washington and on the stump has
made him un easy victim for cold to opurulo
upon and ho is temporarily piotratcd , liut
hopea to rally und gain Ms fi'i t In a clay or
The Omiihtt Charity association M re-
quitted to meet at the Puxtou Friday , No
vember in. ii-o'oloclc , to consider some
O'HIIIKO in tli1) coiistitutlo'a srul lu form com
Children's Plush Cloaks
Children's Plush Clonks , In 1 , 2 mid 3
years ; grctchcn sldrt in enrrtiiml , scar
let , electric blue , gobelin blno , mahog
any , brown and copper , ono week $4.US ,
worth S3. Mail orders tilled.
Ladies' ' Plush Sacques ,
S1S.OO ; M-orlli S2.-.00.
S25.OO ; ivorlii 835.OO.
SUO.OO ; worth $ ir .0 ( > .
Children's Cloaks ,
4 yours , 0 years , Sj-onrs. 10 years , ISyenra
Children's Grctchcn Cloaks , as cut
above , all wool'fancy ' stripe , in gobelin
blue and grey , with shoulder cape and
belt , full grotchon skirt. This is ono of
the greatest bargains over offered in
Children's Cloaks. . Ono week only.
Mail orders filled.
Bennison Bros
Chicago Anarchists to Celebrate
the Execution of Their Loaders.
And Nothing More Thau Simple Ob-
flcrvnnccB at the Cemetery Will
Bo Attempted An Address
to the Sympathizers.
The ChlcARO Anarchists.
CHICAGO , Nov. 10. [ Special Telegram to
TUB UEK. ] The anarchists "festival of ser
row" to-morrow in commemoration of. the
execution of the anarchists a year ago will in
all probability bo n quiet affair. The mayor
has forbidden any street parades , and noth
ing more than simple observances at Wald-
hoin cemetery will bo attempted. The cen
tral labor union will be largely represented
at the cemetery , and also 5,000 others , at
tracted by curiosity mainly , are expected to
go out. Several speakers will address the
gathering , both In English and Gcrmuu. Nina
Van Zandt will doubtless bo there. With
the exception of a few months' visit to Ot
tawa , this state , she has remained quietly at
home since the hanging. She has very few
callers but her grief has spent itself , and her
face looks as bright as on the day she and
Spies first chatted gaily through the bars at
the county jail.
Mrs , Parsons will not bo at the grave of
her husband to-morrow. She is in England.
Mrs. Fieldon is ou the west side with her
children. She is a quiet , frail little English
woman und never associated with the anar
chists or sympathised with them to a great
extent. The funds raised by the friends of
her husband for her assists her greatly ,
Mrs. Schwab resides on the north side , on
Hudson avenue. She visits her husband at
Jolict as regularly nu the month comes
uroutid. She determined to go tiomo to Gar-
many some time ago , but she is still here und
hopes to see her husband pardoned In a few
years. August Spies' mother grieved sorely
the loss of her son. but she is a resolute littlu
woman. She , with her daughter Grotchon ,
reside on the north side.
The Central Labor union n few days ago
promulgated the following address , printed
in German. It-vus nuimlv that which caused
the police to refuse the anarchists permission
to parade the city to-morrow :
"Fellow Workmen and Sympathisers !
Only u short space of time separates us from
thu 11th day of November , the anniversary
of thu murder of flvu of the truest friends of
labor the , legal ptrangulation of Spies , Pur-
sons , Engcl , Fischer and Llngg , This day ,
which always will ho u dark spot In the his
tory of the United States , because on
that day the capitalist class of
this country for the first time
ventured to , .resist the efforts
of the proletarians for emancipation , and by
brute force to supplaut thu tree of liberty by
the gallows , must and shall burn In the
memory of the ctnss'of conscious workmen
until the great wrong shall have been atoned
for by u realisation qf those Ideals for which
our friends roiihl .fight so persevonngly ,
suffer gallantly , and die defiantly. Novem
ber 11 shall be , henceforth , aday.of mourn
ing , of protest , und of encouragement for ull
men who uro yearning for liberty. On that
dny lot all differences of opinion , ull the un
fortunate domestic quarrels of the pro-
loturiuto be forgotten and burled. Lot us bo
animated by ono spirit und dominated by ono
feeling. The holy spirit of opposition to ull
that Is tyrannical und base , hypocritical and
avaricious ; und let our liuurU bo warmed
with love ami esteem of those who , devoured
u victims in thu struggle of humanity , are
rottlnir In the cool grave or languishing In
dark dungeons. Men und women of the
people , never forgot the victims , of Novem
ber II , Orgunl/od thinking workmen , be
united at least on this day , and remember
your mission ami sully forth into the streets ,
assemble In the open air or in hulU , as oc
casion or your resources permit , and protest
lu loud iiu llblo voices against the five-fold
judicial murder of tlio llth of November , .
1Y)7 ; uguiast thu outrage1 committed on your .
Seal Plush Wraps
f = u
Ladies' Seal Plush \V 'um , as above ,
inudo of llnest quality "Seal Plush ,
quilted satin lining , trimmed all around
with seal plush , ball fringe , coat boll
sleeves , tight-litting , a perfect beauty ;
worth $35. For one week , $ ! i.l)0 ) ; all
bizca from 32 to ) " in bust.
Misses'Newmarkets '
Misses' Nowmarlcots , made of an all
wool Berlin beaver , grotchcn skirt ,
boll sleeves , braided on back and on
sleeves ; a beautiful garment , and fi'nest
made , in gobelin blue , mahogany and
tan ; worth and sold by other houses at
$18. Our price for 12. 14 , 10 and 18
years is 314.50. Mail orders filled.
Bennison Bros
brothers , who are hold prisoners in .Toilet.
Trace witb an iron pencil on the slates oi
history your judgment of condemnation o1
the policy of the ( fallows , pursued
by the heartless money bags and their tools ,
that you may stand justified before the im
partial judge of the future and make tremble
all those to whose hands the blood of our
brothers sticks , and who imagine that with
the bodies of "our live" they could ulso
strangle the ever younp and vigorous spirit
of rebellious workingmcn , in the name of
those of Waldhcim , do your duty. Lctthoro
be fulfilled the words of your August Spies ,
which read : There will bo a time when
silence will bo moro powerful than the voices
you strangle to-day could be.
With fraternal greeting.
Corresponding See'y , 531 Raceno Ave.
" "
Tliolr Numbers and Feelings and
IMeetlne To-day.
A meeting1 of the socialists und anarchists
of Omaha has boon called for Mctz hull at 3
o'clock to-day. Speaking on the subject , Mr.
J. Kopp , of Kopp , Driebus & Co. , the whole
sale confectioners , eaid :
"I have not attended an anarchistic so
cialistic meeting in two years. I do not know
what is to bo done nt to-morrow's gathering
except in a general way that it Is to bo u
memorial service for the anarchists who
were executed in Chicago a year ago. "
"How many anarchists are there in Omaha ,
Mr. Kopp "
"I don't know , and it's hard to guess. As
I said bcfOiC , I have not attended a meeting
for two years , although the reporters
periodically raise n bugaboo about
such a gathering , winch is nil
uncalled-for und a needless ulurm. About
u year ago we had a mooting called and n re
porter on one of the morning papers came tome
mo for such facts UK I could glvo. Afterward
the meeting was declared off. It was just
before the Chicago execution , Public feeling
was running high and wo didn't want to
cause unnecessary excitement or fear , Evi
dently the reporter did not know of the post
ponement , for his papar gave u column und a
half report of the supposed gathering , " and
Mr. Kopp chuckled loudly at the remem
brance of thu joke on the enterprising pencil
"Ho even published pretended speeches , "
continued the speaker , ' 'and thu best joke of
all the German papers used his account for
reports of their own , "No , " in answer to an
other query , "thcro is no organization of
anarchists in Omaha. Otto Von den Stoinon
can probably tell .you all you want to know. "
Mr. Von den Htcinen is u German and en
titled to wear the word "Huron" us u handle
to his name , but in coining to America , he
cast It off. Ho was found in bis working
clothes In the grinding room of Melchlor
Hros. barber supply house. He is an in
telligent looking young man of u quiet demeanor
meaner , wholly dlfl'crent from the anarchist
that he In usually pictured. When asked
about to-day's ' meeting ho said ;
"It will be called ut MeU hall at 2 o'clock ,
ana may last two or three bourn. Tuoru
will bo speeches in English and German ,
interspersed with singing , that's about all.
The oxcrclsoa will be In memory of the
anarchists and BocIulUU who were hung In
Chicago u yearngo. I was put on the com
mittee , I think , because 1 was well ac
quainted with .Spies. I can't tell you the
names of the other mi'mhors of the committee
because their employers might bo narrow-
minded enough to dlschargu them If they
were known to belong with us. The
ctigllsh speech will bo made by
John E. Aliuors , of Council UlutTH ,
I cannot give you the names of thu German
and liohcmian spcuitcrs for the rcusons I
stated. "
The reporter urged that the names would
probably bo published after the spuochctt
wore made ,
"Vou may see them and hear them speak,1
replied Mr. Von den Btelnen , "but I will not
give their name * and you will probably not
know. Mr. Ablers is well-to-do ; don't/do-
pond on unyone olsu for employment uud
don't mlud having his name published. "
"Well , Mr , Von den Stelnon , how many
socialists , und anarchists are there In
Omaha ! "
"I do not know and have no iicans { of tell <
ilig. 1 know tliut there are' 120 copies of th9
Yolks /.cluing , of Now York , taken here.
That is a paper for MK-i.UlHU ; hardly radical
enough for umirchUttt The Alarm is printed
19c each ,
This Toboggan is cheap at 50c.
Next week wo show some- Novelties in
O'SHANTKU'S ' at enticing prk-c- ? .
Hair Muffs
For ono more weuk
50c each.
We will show the greatest bargains
next week that has over been offered in
the history of Omaha. Tbib will \vako
up our competitors , but wo are after
your trade and propose to have it. Cut
this out and bring it along.
15oo YARDS
You can't buy it less than ISc. MO
t\A"S PRIOli ,
6c yard.
1OOOur ls tlic Finest
Got our competitors , prices ut 45c ;
Our price is
22c yard ,
DREN'S CHECKS , would bo a bargain
at 12e. } Our price is
6c yard.
IQc each.
Bennison Bros
in English and road mostly by Americans.
It circulates lifty copies in Omaha. Der
Armen Toufel ( The Poor Devil ) is scientific
in its treatment and has seventy-fire sub
scribers hore. Frciheil is also taken. "
"Then there must l > u 150 to 200 socialists
and anarchists in Omaha. " ventured the
"Yes , oven moro tban that , " said the Ger
man nolilc.
"Aro there any organisations of these
men ? "
"There Is an international workimjmcn's
association that is socialistic iti its tenden
cies. The anarchists have no ortrani/atlon.
That would bo contrary to the fundamental
principle of their belief. They elect a chairman -
man when they meet , that's all. I am an an
archist myself , but. contrary to the popular
notion about us , I do not believe in murder.
Our meetings were held openly until a year
ago , when the newspapers raised a great
clamor against us. The publlo have been
misled by n biased or purchased press to mis
represent us , our methods and our purposes
but time will right the matter. "
Litigation of n Sensational Character
IlcKardittR Ownei-Hlilp ,
Loverett .M. Anderson has filed null in the
district court against William A. Paxton ,
Peter Ilor , James M. Woolworth , Alexander
11. Swan , Thomas Swube , Frank Murphy
und Charles W. Hamilton , known as the
South Omaha Land company. The plaintiff
alleges that In September , 18S3 , the lands
hereinafter mentioned , in this und Sarpy
counties , were convoyed unto him und held
by him In trust for certain parties who hud
contributed to the purchase money thereof ,
amounting in ull to the HUUI of WiO.OiO , in
cluding certain improvements made upon
said land. The petition states that thu plain
tiff was ono of the contributors to that fund ,
and was , in law und equity , owner of an un
divided portion of the laud tlnm purchased ;
that the petitioner contributed ftl.UoO of said
amount , und was thereby made thu owner of
one flifty-sixth portion of the property , It
further alleges that in January , 18S4 , thu
petitioner convoyed the property to the foregoing -
going us the South Omaha Land company
with the undoiHtandlng that upon this , bonds
in three scries to thu extent of fl100,0(11) ( )
were to bo issued , the petitioner receiving
ono-llfty-hixth of the bunds thus issued. It
alleges that a certain portion of the prop
erty herein mentioned was disposed of to the
Union Stock Yards company for a coiiHldor-
ation of f T8i' > 0. Also that in July , IbhO. the
above UH trustees , made u pretended sale of
said property and trust funds to John II.
Hosier , for the pretended sum oft7f > l 1,1)00. )
That the purchase was nut made by Uohler
on his own account , hut was In thuinteicst
of said trustees. The petitioner alleges that
ho never received any part , or any remuner
ation from said sale or uuy certlllcatn of
stock issued. That the present valuation of
said property is about 5,000,000. The peti
tioner pruya that the sale to Hosier bo sot
uiildu as being fraudulent and void , und units
that all instruments pertaining thereto bo
cancelled , and that thu suld trustees bo
compelled to account for all moneys , and that
n receiver be appointed.
The principal pioperty thus involved Is
that tract of land located within the coriw-
rute limits of South Omaha , und upon which
the stock yards uru established.
a Withdrawal.
The two cases of C , E. Muyno that have
been on the flics of the United States district
court for BOIIIO time were withdrawn by the
ilulntirr yesterday. One was Mayno against
ihol Jank of Commerce , George E. JJnrkar
and Charles Corbett. In the former instance
the case was dismissed ut the cost ot the
> lulntilT , tunl the orders of Injunction and for
ipKintment | of receivers , wore vacated , lu
thu latter instance tljo order of Injunction
wus illumined ut the cost of tbo plaintiff.
VeHierilny'H Oourt Nowu.
In tuo L-USO of Mury Noihouso against Clang
Liber , charged with seduction , a healed ver
dict WUH rendered by the jury lulu ycbtcrduy
Green Swayo has filed proceedings of ap
ical from the county court against Patrick
MoBvoy In an action to recover $5f > 7 judg
Tito county court was taVo.i up yesterday ,
n hearing the case of Frauk KoHoburry
dt M'iicodvre U. Ferguson , ju uu action
Boy's ' Heavy Gncres ,
\\orth oOo ; Mondaj and until sold
25c yard.
Fancy Skirtings ,
\Ve made an olTer for the lot and you
can got u benefit Monday ,
IQc yard.
Monday and next week ,
Next week uo will olTor sonio rare
bargains in our
An elegant Heaver Roverslblo Shawl
worth SHI , next week
500 Large Si/o Turkey Hod
Worth 31.50 U | > to $2.00 , choice Monday
200 Turkey Red Covers , - v <
Satnc : isxbovobli ! > .rlitly duiiin cdjcholco *
50c each. ' <
Huckv Toweling if
4fcc yard ; , ' ' j
50 Pieces Table Linens ,
Choice 48c yar :
Worth 05c to 76c. if }
At 7c anil lOc , extra value. ,
Bennison Bros
to recover judgment for 5100 on a promissory. ,
The cnso of the State against Charles
White , charged with burglary , was given to
the jury late yesterday afternoon.
J. E. Upton has entered suit m the county
court ucainst P. McArthur. ia an action to
recover $ li5 ! us commission on sale of certain
real estate. 4
E. E. French has entered foreclosure pro
ceedings against W. W. Pattoison in an no
tion to recover payment on $ lf > 00 mortgage.
Fred I ) . Miles has entered suit in the dis
trict court against John Weiso in un aetion
to recover 10OOJ damages for slander. The
plaintiff alleges that the defendant styled
him n rascal and u cur in the piosonce of his
George T. Wullaco , trustee , filed suit
against the Union National bank in u fora-
closure proceedings.
Thu Nebraska Savings bank enters fore
closure proceedings against Louis Marks In
an action to recover $0,000 on promissory
HI : noitnri : > TIIK MAins.
Wanted in Oregon Territory and Ar-
rrNted In Omaha n Fugitive.
Yesterday ovenbig as Ofllecr Savage was
parading his beaten South Tenth street , his
eye rested uion an individual who was walk
ing sloivly along seemingly on un endless
journey. His every appearance , aside from
n slight variation in his habiliments , tallied
exactly with the description sent out about
eight months ago , of Klehard .lonowuy , a ,
telegraph operator who was wanted by the
United Statc.s authorities at Sjilcor , Ore. , for
robbing tm ! mails. This led the officer to
scrutinize his man more closely , und the re
sult of the occulnr survey was tlio arrest of
thu Individual on cuhpiciun of lielng the man.
Ho was completely duinfnuiidcd when placed
under arrest , but when ho was brought before -
fore the criminal dock at the centiul iiollca
station , ho admit ted that ho wan
Jencwuy , and that ho was the
man wanted by the goveiiiment
authorities. To a reporter for Tin : HUB ho
stated that he luft Spicer , Ore , which Is u
town uliout aovoiity-llvii miles otit from Port
land , last spriiig. lie staled that he was u
telegraph operator and had nad charge of thu
railroad iitutlon ut night ut that plnco. The
lulu mulls wcru placed in liii clmriro , and
while he did not openly assert that hu pil
fered them , ho said that hooulil hu nblo to
return the amount I'lnlmed lo huvu boon
stolen by him back to the government , hopIng -
Ing thereby to escape Imprisonment. Hu
also stated thut ho wan onto short in hla i o-
coutits with thu telegraph company , but thut
ho made It good before bin crime was de
tected. The extent of his thtift Is unknown ,
Hu ( Iocs not deny thu cluirga of liavmir plun
dered thu mulls , und also states that he will
go buck without u requisition Ho has
evaded thu unthorltlus for nearly ulght
months. Hu arrived In Onmlm but uu hour
before bis urrc&t direct from PluttHinouth.
It Is stated thivt u reward of . ' .000 Is offered
by thu postal department for his arrant and
conviction. Jenuway i u young muri of me
dium brightness , uiid about twenty-seven
years of ngo. Ho htates Unit liln boyhood
homo Is In thu enut. Thu | > ontul authorities
at Spicor , Ore. , have been netllled. He Is
charged with being u fugitive from justice on
thu police docket here.
A ( lull Drlvor'H Narrow ISnoapo From
ItoliiK Shot.
Last night T. W. Scott , n , telegraph oper
ator , got into a dispute with u cab driver
over some trivial matter , and In the liolplith
of his patutlon ho drew a l.'i c-illln-o bull-du #
revolver uud aiming' it direct nt the cub
driver's heau , pulled thu trigger , Forlu-
imtoly , although every ehambir contitlnetl-a
cartridge , the Instrument fulled to respond , . : >
und before Scott could i.-.uko a second at- ' . '
tempt' ho- wan overpowered and the weapon
taken from him. An nnicor wu * summoned ,
und Scott was looked uj ) with the charge of
carrying concealed weapons lodged iiKulust t
him. It is thought , however , that the charge
will bo remodeled Homowhai before it roaches
thu court docket Monday morning. The
scene of the affair was opposite the entrance
of the MllUrd hotel , oa Douglas street. Thu
name of the cab driver could rot bo nccec-