Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 11, 1888, Part I, Page 4, Image 4

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nviniv MOUSING.
Dally 'Morning Kdltlon ) Including
Ilt.i.Oiie ; Yciir
ror Six Months fi 00
S'or Three Months
TIIKOMAIH HI'.NIUV IlbK , mailed to any
address , om- rear . 2 on
WKKKI.V HBK. One Year . 200
. .
nnoian OFUC-K WR HOOKBHV Ili'ir.wNfi.
NKWYOIIK OIIICK. 1100M1 14 AMIlVJtllllfNr.
Ill ir.Disn.VAKIIIMITON OIHUB , No. 613
Alt communications rclntln ? tqiiewsaml till-
torlnl matter should bo addressed to the KIIITOII
infliNiS9LKrn : .
ss letters ami rEmittiuicesihonM ho
OMUIA. Drafts , chuckinnilpostpfllce orders to
iKjmnilo jinyablotothoorderof tha company.
WeePublisIiingSiiaiiy , Proprietors ,
i : . UOSKWATKU , Kdltor.
Tim DAILY nun.
Sworn Rtnfomciit of Circulation.
BUtdof NebrnsVii , I „ _
County of Dom-lns. I B > Bl
< leorR Il.T/.flclmck.icCTctnrvotTlio lleM'uh-
llslilnir Compiny , doen solemnly swear that tlio
ftctiinUirrulntlon of ' 111 r. lUll.V UKK for the
Week iindlnK November 10. 1XW. was" ns follow * :
Rundny , Nov I . IS.L'.V )
Monday. Nov. 5 . 1WJ' ' . 1WO
Wodm-wlny. NOV. 7 . 3I.HW
rmirmlar , Nov. 8 . W , " < ;
Friday , Nov , 1) . auto
Batiirday , Nov 10 . .11).5)3 ) ( )
Sworn to before me nnd subscribed In my
plesteiiie this lUtli ilny of November A. t ) , ISiW.
fiu.1 N P. I'lJILi. Notary Public.
BtalB of Nebraska. ( „ _
( flinty of lioimms , fBB >
( Iforjio 11. T/.solinclc. being duly sworn. d .
Hays that hols necretnryof the llco
'iiblisliliiKcumpiny ' , that the actual nwrago
ilall > clrrillation of Tnu DAII.V IIhis fr > r th
month of November , 1S8T. WIIH ! " > , U coplos ; for
Jluceinber , 19sT , 11.011 < oplcs ; for January , KW
lli.i.'Oflcopies ; for rubrnary , 1WS IJ.O'ii ! copies ;
for Mnruli. 18SK , IHO 'J copies ; for April , IW )
3R,7 copies ; for Miiv , 1818. 17,181 coptos ; for
June , lh * . coptos ; for July. ItM * . ID.O.U
copies ; for Ainust , ISSM , ic.isi copies : for Sep
tember. 1H.U8 , 18,151 coploB ! for October. IKSX , was
38OHt coplus. OKO.II 'l/.htiHJIC. ; )
Sworn to bnforn mo und subscribed In my
Jircsence this 7th day f November , IHSM.
N.I1. Killfj Notary Public.
Tin : Br.u's limited telegraph pcrvico
this morning must bo charged up to the
elements. Until after midnight Inst
flight the Western Union telegraph
company's wires were so badly demoral
ized by eastern storms that press
Borvico was practically blocked. But
one wire was worldlier between Omaha
bud Chicago. The result was a com
plete failure to transmit Tin : BISK'S
heavy Saturday night special domestic
find foreign telegrams until too late to
print in this morning's paper. It was a
matter over which Tin : BKE had no
DEMOCRATS wore disposed to regard
him as the man of destiny , but they
found in him merely the man of den
Mn. RICIIAUD BKHUN will enjoy the
distinction of being the only republican
'member of the Douglas county legislative -
tivo delegation ,
Tin : question of the exact Bite of the
Crucifixion is being discussed in the
periodicals. Mrs. Cleveland fixes it in
the neighborhood of the executive man
sion at Albany.
TKEitK are throe classes of citizens
Who regret the termination of the cam
paign. They are the musicians , the
campaign uniform makers and the deal
ers in iiroworKs. But it is an ill-wind
that does not blow somebody good.
THE crime against Dakota bids fair to
t > o revenged by the next congress. The
disfrancliiactnont of the negro in the
Couth when supplemented by the dls-
.franchisomoiit of three-quarters of a
million of whites in the north made a
f olid west as against a broken south.
A DECISION has just boon rendered
to the effect that the Scotch court hod
jurisdiction in the suit of Parnoll
Against the London 2Vme.t for libel. The
proat Irish leader will probably have
the satisfaction of getting u big bill of
tiatnagns at the hands of a Scotch jury
against the powerful English news
paper. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
No vicssnr , flying the United States
flag has any right to carry arms andam-
muiiitloii to the citizens of thonaytion
republic who are in arms against their
government. Jf , therefore. Huytion
Cruisers capture any vessels owned by
United States citizens committing sucn
kn offonbo against the comity of na
tions such vessels are justly forfeited ,
ttwnors take the risk of capture for the
t&ko of big profits , and they must not bo
fxllowod when they lose to call upon
tholr country for protection. In the
case of the Vlrginius the Spaniards
Wore right , but they compelled the
United States to interfere by thoi ?
bloodthirsty treatment of the prisoners.
competition in petroleum
ivith the export trade of this country is
Uttraating attention , and the prediction
is nmilo tliat the time is not far distant
\vhon the petroleum of the Caspian re
gion will drive the American product
out of Europonii markets. The fact is
noted that while the world's consump
tion of petroleum is steadily incromfing ,
the exports of this country are not
keeping paqo with it in either quantity
or value. The Russian production of
mineral oil has risen in a few years to
twenty-five million gallons , and the oil
field appears to bo well-nigh inexhaust
ible. There appears to bo some danger
to the future of this important part of
our export trado.
TIIICRE is every reason to'predict the
success of the Bazaar to bo given within
a few woolcs in aid of the Omaha
Guards. This crnolt military organi
zation is making extensive preparations
to take part in the inauguration of
President Harrison. It Is eminently
proper that Nebraska should bo repre
sented at Washington on the 4th of
Itlarch. The Btiito stands in the front
ranks o/ / the "republican column , and it
1m ? strong family ties which bind it to
the president elect. Local pride more
over should prompt our citizens to send
the young soldiers to the inauguration
in bpick and span now uniforms. They
ehould bo encouraged lu every way to
I strive for the distinction of carrying off
the honors for the sake of their state.
As nearly ns can bo estimated from
the returns , Nebraska cast 187,000 votes
in the last election. In the Gnrflold
campaign our vote was 87,353. Four
years later it was IJU.-'Ol. The present
vote therefore shows a gain of 100,000
voters over 1830 , and of 53,000 over 1831.
The comparison of the votes with the
inhabitants nt the tlmo the votes wore
cttst is Interesting ns indicating the
probable present population of Nebraska
nnd its past and future rnto of Increase.
By the national census taken in the
spring of 1880 , Nebraska had 152,402 in
habitants. Six months later on the
basis of 51 citizens to the voter our pop
ulation had reached 180,452 , a conserva
tive estimate of increase , Tnldng the
same ratio of increase and applying it
to the vote of 1SS1 , which was 181,201 ,
we obtain 7.n,127 ! as the population of
the state , which falls nearly two thou
sand below the figures given by the
state census of IBS' ; . The ratio of fl } in
habitants to the voter may therefore betaken
taken ns a conservative basis upon
which to found estimates of population
la years when a full vote is called out
in this state.
Applying this ratio to the figures of
the late election wo have at the present
tlmo 1,023,500 inhabitants in the btate.
This is an increase of very nearly ! ! 00-
000 in four years , an increment of 40 per
cent , or nearly ton per cent annually
during that period. At this ratio the
population of the stale considerably
more limn doubles every ten years , and
in 1800 , the next census year , wo shall
have fully 1,1/50,000 / inhabitants.
Nebraska's congressional representa
tion in the fifty-second congress will bo
based upon her population as shown by
the census of 1S)0. ! ) Under the present
congressional upportiontmentof 151,012
inhabitants to each representative as
applied to the census of 1830 , wo are
only entitled to three congressmen.
Two years hence , oven with the basis of
representation raised to 17oOU ! ) inhab
itants to the voter , wo shall double our
congressional delegation and proportionately
tionately increase out' importance as a
factor in national legislation.
It is interesting to note that Omaha
has maintained her position relative to
the state at largo. At the late election
she cast one-tenth of the entire vote.
Douglas county polled nearly one-ninth
of all the ballots deposited in Nebraska.
If the state doubles in the next ten
years , as may bo reasonably expected ,
Omaha will have more than 200,000 pop
ulation before 1000 strikes the death
knell to the present century.
1111 ADS 'Will LTST.
The foolish brood of half-Hedged poli
ticians who imagined tluit the great re
publican state of Nebraska could be
revolutionized by the democracy in a
presidential year are now rubbing their
heads in a dazed way and wonUering
why the political signal service didn't
hoist the cold wave flag a month before
the election.
The result of. the election has boon
more tnan surprising. It has been be
wildering. Nebraska has given a ma
jority for the republican national ticket
greater than over before in her history ,
while she has elected every republican
congressman , increased the republican
majority in the legislature , and , in spite
of bitter local fights and the full use of
democratic patronage , has chosen the
entire state ticket by overwhelming ma
So far us the state was concerned , the
tariff issue cut little figure. The Mills
bill which began its reform by
inserting the kinifo in a great agri
cultural industry was repudiated as
sectional , crude and unsatisfactory.
The great soldier vote was cast almost
bodily against the perpetuation of an
administration which had boon notori
ously controlled by formerly disloyal in
fluences. A false oconohiy which gave
millions of dollars towards improving
southern bayous and madu up the defi
ciency by cutting down the mail service
of the west did not commend itself to
Iho frontier farmers or the border busi
ness men. Least of all , did boodle exercise -
ciso its influence. The counties which
two years ago administered a scathing
rebuke to political charlatans seeking
endorsement at the hands of the repub
lican party swung nobly into line to re
sent the imputation that their former
action was the result of any other inllu-
once than an earnest desire to purify
the party and to purge it of its political
While full returns are not yet availa
ble enough have boon received
to warrant the prediction that
Nebraska is near the head of
the republican column. With nil the
immigration of nearly thirty years she
has not boon unmindful of her early his
tory , forever and inextricably inter
woven with that of the times of storm
and stress which accompanied the birth
of the republican party. Then as now
southern bulldo/ers opposed a solid
front to western rights , and Kansas and
Nobr.iska wore confroato d by the same
political forces which are to-day deny
ing the rights of oiti/onship to Dakota.
Southern slaveholders than occupied
the place held to-day by southern brig
adiers , but tholr methods and their aims
were opposed to the progress of the west
for the same reason that under Mr.
Cleveland's administration western
claims have been ignored and rusonted.
As a result every western state has
swung Into line for the restoration of
the party of progruas and Nebraska
stands with Kansas again nt the head
of the column.
The call of the First Congregational
church of this city to the Rev. Joseph
Duryoa , D. D. , of Boston , has boon nc-
coptod conditionally upon the consent
of the council of which ho is a moiubov.
There is no reason to doubt that it will
bo cheerfully given and that the pas
toral ties which have hold Dr. Duryoa
to Congregationalism , in the Old Bay
state will bo speedily dissolved to per
mit him to make the change which hose
so greatly desires. Omaha may tlioro-
fore soon oxpact an addition to its al
ready largo corps of clergymen which
will bo alike of bdnollt to the city and
to the religious denomination with
which Dr. Duryea la connected.
Dr. Duryea is a strong roan , physically
and intellectually. Ho is still in the
meridian of Hfo nf tor nearly thirty years
of labor in the pulpit , * A graduate of
Princeton college ho entered the minis
try nt the outbreak of the war and fotf
twenty years was prominently identified
with the Presbyterian church. Much
of his work was done in Brooklyn ,
N. Y. , uhere ho built up the
Classon Avcnuo church into ono of
the strongest metropolitan churches of
that great denomination. Dr. Duryoa
is celebrated as a man of wide cultures ,
innate refinement nnd of scholarly in-
stincta , cultivated by voars of labor.
His view of the preacher is that of the
teacher. His pulpit oratory is the re
verse cf sensational , but it Issoarohing ,
inspiring nnd suggestive. lie is a mu
sician by taste , and is deeply interested
in rtrtnnd educational problems. Both in
Brooklynjand Boston he rapidly rose into
prominence by his outspoken interest in
matters relating to the municipal wel
fare of the two cities. In the lecture
hall and on the platform ho waged
brilliant war for humanity entirely
apart from dcnominiitionallsm , and
made himself felt ns an intellectual force
in the communities in which ho cast his
It is interesting to know that he comes
to Omaha because he yearns to find a less
contracted Hold for his broad humnn-
itarianism , and thut ho docs so at a pe
cuniary sacrifice. The Boston pastor
will become the Omaha pastor with no
inconsiderable gain to the newer stale
and newer city into which he will pro
ject himself ,
row : .
The statutes of Nebraska provide
that the votes cast for presidential
electors shall bo canvassed by a board
of state canvassers , consisting of the
governor , secretary of state , auditor of
public accounts , treasurer nnd attorney
general. The hoard is required to
meet at the ofllco of the tL-crotary of
state on the third Monday after the
election , which this jear will bo No
vember 20 , nnd in case all the returns
shall not have then been received at
the ulliee of the secretary of state ,
the board may adjourn from day
to day until the same shall have
been received , not exceeding
five days. A certificate shall
be served on each person elected , no
tifying him when he shall attend at the
scat of government to give his vote for
president and vice president.
Under the national law in vogue at
the last presidential election the elec
tors of president and vice president
were required to meet in each stale at
noon of the Tuesday preceding the first
Wednesday of December next after
election , and the law of Nebraska is in
conformity witli this. But the act of
congress of December , 1SSU , to fix the
day for the mooting of the electors , pro
vides that they shall meet on the second
end Monday in January. The first Sec
tion of this act reads : "That the elec
tors of each state shall meet and
give their votes on the second Monday
in January next following their ap
pointment , at such place in each state
as the legislature of such slate shall
direct. " This of cour-.o supersedes the
state law providing for the meeting of
the electors in December , and : .s in
1870 the national law will bo regarded.
It will bo remembered that in that year
Nebraska hod no law providing for the
separate canvass of the vote for nresi-
dontial electors , the statutes providing
that all returns should be canvassed by
the legislature. Compliance with this
would have lost the electoral vote of
Nebraska to the republican presidential
candidates and thus defeated them ,
but those who insisted upon
compliance were overruled and the
electors mot agreeably to the national
law. In the present case the state
statute respecting the mooting of the
electors will give way to the federal
law , and the second Monday in January
will bo the day of mooting , instead of
the Tuesday preceding the first Wednes
day of December.
The canvass of the votes for all state
otlicorsand for members of congress is
required to bo done by the legislature at
its next regular session.
The first exhibition of the Western
Art association will take place during
the present weok. A second exhibition
consisting of Hon. G.wgo W. Linin-
gor'.s collection will follow a week
lutor. An opportunity is given for the
first time to view the works of our local
artists and to examine Mr. Liningor'H
fine collection. That our citizens will
avail themselves of this treat is assured.
They have evinced great interest in
the organization of thu art association ,
nnd are ready to encourage the objects
of the society to advance the knowledge
and love of the fine arts In our city.
The time is rlpo for such a purpose ,
and an impetus was only necessary for
an awakening in art. The erection of
the Liningor art gallery is most oppor
tune. Although a priv.ito art hall ,
through the munificence of Mr. Linin
gor it is put at the disposal of the art
ist * of the city. For all practical pur
poses it will servo Omaha as a public
art gallery. Hero the exhibitions of
the art association ta'co ' place , and hero
the students and patrons of art will
have the opportunity to visit at pleas
ure. Under such favorable nuspicas
the Western Art association has taken
the Initial stops in laying the founda
tion of a permanent art gallery and art
school in our midst.
The suggestion that the citizens of
Omaha should join in contributing a library for the enlisted men at
Fort Omaha , should moot with an im-
moaluto and generous response. The
garrison has for years boon an Impor
tant and liberal patron of our business
men. It has added much to the attrac
tions of the city. Neither officers nor
men have over failed to respond to calls
of the city for friendly assistance in
ceremonials and parades and their pres
ence has increased greatly the interest
of such occasions. The present of a
small but wall chosen library of general
interest would bo a courteous recogni
tion on the part of our people of past
favors shown , while at the same limo it
would bo an act Of permanent educa
tional , benefit to men who are deprived
of the ? advantages of our public library.
Garrisons would change anil commands
come nnd go , but the library
would remain a gift of porpotunl
interest. Wo sco no force in the
objection of an enlisted man who writes
that soldiers are not objects of charity.
Wo have never heard of a community
objecting to the foundation of a free
library on anysueft. grounds. The books ,
which TV-O trust will bo liberally fur
nished by our people , will not bo the
property of the Second Infantry. They
will remain at the , post , we hope , loner
after that regiment has gone elsewhere.
Chaplain Nave's appeal , which has been
Generally circulated , should meet with
a liberal response ,
IT SKKMS that there Is no doubt of
the existence of largo deposits of tin
ore at Hartley's Peak , near llapld City ,
in southwestern Dakota. But though
the fact has been known for some years ,
only ono altnmpt has boon made to re
duce the ore , and that was unsuccessful
for want of sulllclont funds. The ore
beds have been disposed of to English
capitalists , and this seems an unfortun
ate proceeding , for if these purchasers
are interested in the tin tire of Now
South Wales , ns is only too probable ,
Llarnoy's Peak tin fields have been
bought simply to prevent them being
worked. Deposits of tin in large1 quanti
ties tire so exceedingly few that the in-
c-oitiintr of a new souico would knock
down the price. Before the discovery
of the black crystals of tin in New South
Wales , the chief source of supply was
Banca , and the raleent down very
much when Australian tin came into
the market. It looks very much ns if
in spite of the deposits at Hartley's
Peak the United States will have to buy
their tin from foreign countries , as
WHIM : American capital is pouring
into Mexico it is a remirkubie fact that
there is a strong movement of native
Mexicans out of the rich state of SOIIOIM
into Arizona and New Mexico. The
reason of this sudden emigration is explained -
plained on the ground that the authori
ties of Sonora have invited foreiirn cap
ital and immigration into the state , and
that the lands' have buen given or sold
in large bodies to English anil Ameri
can cattle eomp inics. mining syndicates
and coloni/.ing oo'iipinies. There is
undoubtedly eo isiderahlo truth to this
complaint. The granting of monopo
lies increase ; the burdens1 on the nati\o
population. Besides , the influx of the
wide-awake , monqyrmikitig : American
pushes to the wall Ihe simple and indo
lent natives. {
TllH republican' demonstration last
night was brilliant and enthusiastic ,
and fittingly expressed the gratification
which all republicans feel over the .sig
nal victory of the party in the national
contest. Omaha h'us demonstrated dur
ing tho'past month that her people are
not behind thodo of 1iny ( other com
munity in the interest they take in pol
ities , and the dispbiy Just night was the
crowning evidence of this. It was a
splendid finishing toucli to a memora
ble political battle.
Mus. CLEVELAND wM retire from
her position as the "fli-ht lady of the
land'1 universally respected for the
modesty and self-poise with which she
has conducted her elf during her brief
social reign. Few women of her age.
elevated to such a height without any
previous preparation , would have borne
themselves so creditably in all respects
as she has done , and every American
woman should bo proud of her example.
California wine in the east suffers a neces
sary though unmerited cciipso on account of
a cause which which has hccn unsuspected
by eastern men , and about which Califonans
do not care to talk. Only practical vini culturists -
turists are aware of the fact that the wines
winch are of the host quality ripou very
slowly1. Only very ordlnajy wines are fit for
consumption c year alter the first fermenta
tion. Others gi on fermenting sprint ; after
spring until the mysterious pro * ses of na
ture uro accomplished , nnd the \ \ H u is per
fected. Until tlio last fonnc.itatlon hns
taken place the wine is not truly itself , the
bouquet does not disengage itself , there is a
perceptible noidlty in tlio uftor taste , and in
the case of red wines the tannin picdoml-
nutes unpleasantly. A really fjood red wino
llko Zlnfandol in its first year tastes as if
someone hud ( hopped a llulo modlcino into
the bottlo. Now the ripening process cannot
bo consummated east of the Hoelcy moun
tains because the variations In the temperature
turo arc too great , and too sudden. Wino
ouidit to bo kept at nourly the same tempera
ture until it is perfected , and this can bo done
in California. Hut in the east where the
changes are terrific , the wines subjected to
the tremendous full of the burouictor in a
blizzard are ruined , and can never recover
themselves iK-causo their vitality is killed.
And this Is cqtiiilly true of the excessive
heats. Hitherto the Callforlan wino
men have not hud BUftluiont money
to handle wino on a great scale. To keep , IIH
is necessary.ln.tho c.iso of Kiosllng , six vint
ages in tlio cellar before ono can bo sold , de
mand very capital. Also such wines
cannot bo cheap , and eastern men particu
larly insist upon cheapness. They argue that
wino grown in America ousrht to bo cho ipor
than wluo Irom the Hhlno or franco. Now
the price of wino depends nnou the iiunlity.
nnd the great majority of the California ) !
wines nra of tlio hichosi nualitv , nnd there
fore cannot bo cheap. Prpluuably Malvasia
nnd White Mission ate- the coming cheap
wines , but California for years to come will
only produce the higher grades , anil to ro-
sK | > nd to the domain ! for cheapness thoio are
sold in their second yc/ir / vfhcii they uro do-
testable. i
. * . i
For Boine time past.Kngland has exhibited
a fatal facility for making blunders , wlilch
has thrown grave discredit upon the govern
ment. Ono of the most astounding mistakes
perpetrated was with regard to the Canadian
Pacific railroad. It was so much the object
of the homo government to have this rail
road built that the authorities at Ottawa re
ceived a hint to glvo to the company an abso
lute guarantee that .hero should ho no com
peting lines. To no purpose did Canadian
journalists iwlnt out that suci | a guarantee
was both impolitic and impracticable. The
sovornmont did not care for the future wlilch
scorned very remote and only concerned It-
tolf with that which was present. So the
Canadian Pacific , received Its guarantee.
Now , the natural off exit of all railroads Is to
build up the countries traversed , mid the
first result of the Canadian Pacific was the
building up of Manitoba. The Canadian Pa-
Me , which Is a full eistar of the Union Pa-
; lflc , so dear to Nebraska aud Wyoming ,
Immediately proceeded to skin the conmuni- )
lion of Manitoba , by the application of rates
"based upou what the trafUc. would , boar. "
Nebraska knows what that moans. The
people of Manitoba determined to rcllori
themselves from the burden by building ;
railroad to connect with the Northern Pacific
and so obtaining connection with the fiourlni
mills of St. Paul and Minneapolis nnd tin
meat mnrkota of Omaha , that they might sol
in ono and buy in the other. The road had
to cross the Canadian Pcclflc at two points
nnd the Canadian 1'nelflc , strong In the gov
eminent guarantee , hns torn up the rails lair
down by the Manitoba connecting line. Tlu
province is In a flame of fury , and is led k
Its opposition by its attorney general , whc
declares that if his province Is compelled t <
submit to such tyranny nt the hands of tin
Canadian government at Ottawa , ho shal
call the Munltolmns to arms nnd ncccdo. Al
this Is because the homo government couh
not understand that In this locality stntci
grow fast , nnd become strong nnd rich bofort
A cabinet minister has fairly begun to lean
the nnmcs of the uew communities.
Some things die hard some never die
but remain , in the language of ICe.its , thing'
of beauty nnd Joys forever. Of such it seem-
is that peculiar object which the dressmaltoi
calls totirnure , and the scoffing world ol
coarse men n bustlo. It wiu currently re
ported that It was dead , that it would be
seen no more , end Hint it had been killed bi
the refusnl of Mrs. Cleveland to utllUo Jits
mjstorious advantages. The most reeenl
diipatehcs from Washington indicate that all
this was erroneous , and that Mrs. Cleveland
is not the sworn enemy of the tournure. A
reporter dared to ask the question point
blank of the loidlin ? milliner of Washington ,
nnd was told so. It is well for humorists
that this Is the case , for their topics aio so
exceedingly limited that the loss of a single
one would create the greatest embarrass
HI *
Some journalists haven mania for inviting
the general reader into the buck kitchen and
showing him nil the soiled linen of the pro
fession. Those of Chicago are grave sinners
In this respect. Kecently there was a long
winded yarn by n city editor of the scoop he
obtained In the exclusive report of n suicide
in one of Chlcago'B grandest hotels. The
news wan telephoned to him half an hour be
fore the printing of the pnpcr by n hotel
porter ho had once aided. Ho sent two re-
porteisuho forced their way into the bed
room , and found there the half naked body ol
a beautiful woman who had shot hersoll
through thu heiut. These wretches for
whom death and womanhood offered nothing
sacied , pried over the bidy with gloating
eyes nnd filthy lingers , noted all tno jewelry ,
the rings on tno still llaccid lingers , ami the
ounings In the delicate oars , nnd the watch
chain dabbled with blood , spied out an old
letter close to the lovely breast which they
ascertained was still warm , recognized that
the suicide had clothed herself specially for
the act.nnd not through their odious work be
fore the police who hud been notified came
to tnlie charge. It is not claimed that such
rcpoits should not bo made , but m the numu
of decency no boast , should bo made of them
nor working details given. Such explana
tions can but lower Journalism in the eyes
even of those who love to read such reports.
If lovers of good living knew the secrets of
the cuisine , many a dainty morsel would be
untouched , nnd it is an act of wisdom for
journalists to keep icticiont upon the mys
teries of their professional cookery.
* *
The discovery has been made by the
fuinons chief of New York detectives Inspector
specter Hymcs that the murder of the Ital
ian Fmconnlo was the work of an infamous
organization for criminal purposes known as
Ln Malia. This association is special to
Sicily but it differs in nothing from La
Camorra of the Neapolitan kingdom. The
question is now being asked whotncr
Lv : Mafia was not interested in the murder
of a railroad paymaster , and nis attendant in
broad uavlight near Wilkesbano , and the
robbery of more than twelve thousand dollars
destined to pay the laborers nnd teams tors
Both men were shot deid from an ambush ,
and the local investigators nt once deduced
the conclusion that it was n carefully
woikcd out crime , prepared to the minutest
detail in advance from the circumstance that
Winchester carti idses had been dropped at
the point of ambush In order to draw the
attention of the police to the hunters of the
locality who use the Winchester. Hut nsthe
fatal bullets were not Winchester , It was
clear thnt the cartridges had been obtained
simply to throw the police on a false trail.
It is now suggested thnt among the Italian
railroad laborers in the vicinity there inuv bo
some members of La Matin who supplied the
central organi/atlon with all needful information
mation gave assistance to the men who were
sent down to do tlio job. Should the police
succeed in proving this , there will bo a
strong movement ngninst Italian immigra-
ion which is of a highly undesirable charac
* *
The earthquake shocks reported from Now
Bedford , Mass. , have by no means the im
portance indicated. There are earthquakes
nnd earthquakes , as the French say , nnd
these which occur rcgulaily every fall in the
cast are not worthy of being.telegraphod ns
a sensational Item. Under the influence-
the summer heats the rocks underlying the
alluvial soil are expanded , and when the
frosts uoinu are contracted. Whenever such
rock strata lie upon clay beds the contrac
tion is accompanied with a slight slipping ,
nnd this produces distinct shocks which oc
casionally have force enough to bo alarming.
Those periodical earth tremors are not to bo
classed with genuine seismic action , which Is
always mote or less cosmic , Hnmboldt , by
an exhaustive study of the subject , arrived
at the conclusion thnt earthquakes of the
genuine class were caused by the sinio force
that raised up the mountain chulns.-nnmcly ,
n contraction of the earth's crust , caused by
radiation of hoat. Ono of the results of this
contrjctlon is the falling In of the walls of
Internal caverns twenty , thirty , oven forty
miles below the surface. Ono can realize
this theory forcibly by a consideration of the
effect of HUCII a falling in of the great cnvo In
Kentucky. There would bo n distinct radia
tion of shocks from a central point. And
thut was the most inarKcd feature of the
Charleston earthquake , which most unmis
takably was of a true seismic character.
This Is n great year for apples , not only in
the states , but also in Canada , and the tin
prccodentcd shipments to Knglnud Imvo
knocked down the prices fur below the hope
of any return to the shipper. In the Ian
guago of commerce , apples nro a umg In the
great ports of Liverpool , London mid Glas
gow , which cannot bo wondered nt when It Is
known that the nrrlvala of n slnglo week
amounted to 75.0U bushols. The shipments
BO fur are nearly double what Is normal. In
this case , ns in so many others , the early
birds caught the worms and disposed of
their apples at fair prices ; thofiowhocamo
after them received lens and less until at
prohcnt no dealer will listen to any proposi
tion with npples in It. The agricultural au
thority Is ut u loss when usked for some alle
viation to the woes of apple raUors. Eating
applas cannot bo converted into hard cider ,
and the article which cnn bo manufactured
Is nlcohollcnnd lias to bo kept several years
before It Is lt } for consumption , consequently
It cannot bo converted Into npulojack. reed-
lif | ( the apples to hogs Is tin Injustice to the
hog , and he resents H by developing soft , in
ferior pork. The only courup loft to the un-
rortunntboruhnrdlst' Uv'Co # et rid. of tUotu at
"If Clorolnnd had kept his mouth shut an
other year nnd not precipitated that d d
tariff Issue , " growled na old democrat , "wo
would have won hnuds down. Dr. Miller
said so two months ago , nnd so did Dana of
the Sun. I don't think that nny of the demo
cratic wheel-horses mourn much over
the result , They have been ignored
slighted nnd stood up in the corner , while
now nnd untried democrats nnd mugwumps
Imvo been given the reins. No polltlttcal
pnrty over perpetuated Itself by any such
means nnd never wilt. "
"Cleveland's ' election , " continued tho.
spcnker , ns ho shifted his position , "would
hnvo put Mnnderson in fnr better shape. It
is true he tins failed to carry his own county ,
which hns snowed the head of tno republican
ticket under nn. ndvorso majority of over
3,000 , nnd has scratched n republican fctnto
candidate to the tune of 5,000 votes. Hut
even thnt might hnvo been overlooked if the
had 1" ' M ' -
patronage question not c
hundreils of office seekers will tunu „ _
In naming the winning man. Depend upon
It they will nil bo for the candidate whoso In
fluence with the administration will be great
est. "
.Tim Crelghton is the sickest man in town
said n friend of McShnno. Ho wanders
about to vn like u lost spirit looking vainly
for consolation , The only ray of connotation
In his sorrow Is John McShnno's disappoint
ment , .lim had three ambitious in the late
local campaign , to bent Puxton , elect Ilascnll
nnd "down" McShnne. Ilascnll In the legis
lature was depended upon to prevent nny
climter reform udvoisoto the Interests of the
contractors with whom Itoltcn Pavement
.llm is tied up. Pnston wns too independent
a man to be used against the tnxpnjers , and
McShano belongs to the Creighton family
with whom Hod .lliu Is always quarrelling.
I honestly think thnt , lohn A. McShano
thought he would be elected. His success
two jcnrs ngo ngamst Church Howe
tinned his head. Ho made the
mistake of failing to see how
conditions had changed. Then ho was run
ning against the weakest man who could
have been nominated and had the powerful
support of all honest republicans nnd of the
press. It was an oft your. Thin year ho
tried to cover the whole state and to defeat
a reputable nnd popular old war horsein a
campaign waged on national Issues. As a
result his assault was a mosquito bite. John
baldly knows now that he was running. It
was an educational campaign to Mr. Me-
Slinnc , and has cured him of nny further po-
litical.aspirations for some timo. "
"No ono in Omahn , " suggested one of the
wheel horses of the Nebraska democracy ,
has heard from .T. Stirling Morton since the
election. And they are not likely to soon
again. Morton was in some ic-
spects the weakest candidate the do-
moera'-y of the First district
could have named. He has been for yours n
bnlbunt nnd eftlulent uttoiney of the Bur
lington road and the most ramiiant free
trader , pure and ubsolnto , in the west. Ho
is rich nnd values his social position more
than votes. Ho bus been in legislative nnd
national fights so often tliat he tins mudc
enemies , who were ready to pay off old
scores , nnd dirt so. More than this , ho was
an avowed and bitter enemy of Cleveland ,
and had the enmity of the office-holders as
well as of the workingmon. S. II. Culhoun
is ten years younger since Morton's defeat. "
"I was not at all surprised at the result of
the election , " said a republican recently
from Washington. "Quito tipait from the
tarjff issue , Mr. Cleveland's personal unpop
ularity among the leaders of his party east
was such that I never believed thnt ho could
win without a political miracle. The men
who four years ngo secured his election this
year secretly hoped for his defeat. Patronage
ago turned out to bo n two cgcd sword.
While the hogs were quarreling over the
trough , a united republican party , chastened
by defeat , marched shoulder to shoulder to
victory. ' Mr. Cleveland made the monumental
mental mistake of trying to lead his party
without taking his generals into his confi
dence. His kitchen cabinet was Inexperi
enced nnd subservient. The masses refused
to follow , nud the generals are now laughing
in their sleeves , and ostentatiously washing
their hands of the whole business. There
will bo no great mourning over Cleveland's
defeat in Washington , office-holders alone
exccpted. "
"Harrison's election in "
my , re
marked n veteran politician last night , "puts
nn entirely new phase In the Nebraska sen-
atonul contest. Mundcrson will now have
no wnlknway. Candidates will spring up
like mushrooms under the warming stimulus
of impending patronage , and towering above
[ ill the possibilities I sec the stalwart frame
of Alviu Saumlcrs , of Douglas county. Just
ook nt it for a minute. Don't laugh , but
consider. Senator Saunders was beaten by
Manderson for the scnato nfter serving six
yeara in that body. Ho is a North Plntto
man and n resident of Omaha. Helms Imd
more public oxpcrlenco than Mnndcrson , and
s fully us well known in the country and
stnto. His health is quite restored. More
than all , his daughter is the duughter-in-lnw
of the president-elect , and the family rela-
ions nro Intimate. Senator Saunders is ac
cordingly In prime condition to make n fight
for the Manderson succession. His
promises will have the backing of
intimate relations with the throne ,
which Mnndcrson's will not. Ho
will bo In n nosltlon to guarantee nil his
assurances. It is a vantage ground which
will count. You need not bo surprised to
hear the tnlk now so general on the streets
materialized into un organbcd movement for
Saunders , "
A CurloiiH Faot.
Chicago Times ; It is ono of the marvels of
the outcome that while the woikingmcn in
the ir.dustrl al centers whom the cry of free
trade was designed to atampcdo into voting
the republican ticket , were not affected by
the cry and Hccm thoroughly to understand
that In rift reduction would benefit , not harm
them , the farmer , especially the farmer with
n sheep or two , wus carried away by the fal
lacies pi cached from the stump regarding the
great to the agricultural class of a
homo market.
In nil the Industrial centers the democrats
make great gains. The republican majority
In Pennsylvania Is decidedly reduced. New
ark , Now Jersey , becomes democratic ,
Cleveland receives the vote of Pullman nnd
Chicago. Whore Industries nro most numer
ous there the vote for Cleveland was largest.
Exceptions may bo shown , but the rule in ns
stated. Hut the farmers of the Mississippi
valley , the men upon whom the burdens of
the tariff fnll heavily , without nny substan
tial compensation , were Ilrjn In the faith
that nn excessive tux on the nccensrrles of
lifo 1s somehow beneficial to them.
The farmers hnvo much to learn.
( ilutie-liemnemt ,
Secretory of Stuto George F. Edmunds.
Secretary of the Treasury John Sherman.
Secretary of War John J. Ingalls. ,
Secretary of the Navy Nathan Ooff.
Secretary of the Interior Matthews S.
Postmaster General Frank Illscock.
Attorney General Jbbn H. Henderson.
Freddy Goblmrd nnd five of his employes
have brought units against the Now York ,
Lake Krlo < fc Western railroad for damqzoa
aggregating $100,000 lor personal injuries
the loss of pgraonul race-horses by
ter last summer at Shohoola , Pu.
Well Itopnlii.
Knnsns City Journal ! Wo said beforetliS
election thnt never in our histor.v Imd u tires *
Idcnt so recklessly played with tlio Intoro l4
of the people , so fur ns our relutlous witli
other nations nnd powers are concerned , than
hail President Cleveland , And now thnt tha
election is over , wo desire to repent it , nud
to record Otir profound satisfaction , nslds
from nil pnrty fooling , thnt ho has been 0
sternly rebuked by the American people.
The Rcglnnln R of ( ho 10ml.
Inter-Ocean : The election of llnrrron
nnd Alorton menns the beginning of the onit
Of the solid south. From the nature of tha
case thin defeat for thnt sectional diabolism
is n finality. The old nlnvo states may Mill
overawe , slaughter aud defraud the colored
people of the rlpht of suffrage , but they need
look for no olTectlvo nlllnnco nt the north.
Hoforo another presidential election Dakota ,
Montana nnd Washington will ho admitted
Into the union , which of Itself would bo
easily decisive , but the census of 1830 wilt
Blvo the nation n now apportionment to tlio
great advantage of the republican northxvost
nnd .tho , dtaadvnntngo of the dcmoorntlo
.1 thcso two great nnd inovlt-
uuio . . .uts thora is no danger of nny other
presidential contest with the republican
pnrty so hanvtly handicapped ns It was In
1833. nnd thnt , too , however tenacious thu
democracy may bo m uialntniuiue its orgaa
izntion intact.
_ _
On Its IICRN Agfilit.
Pioneer Press : The American voter has
been nbroad In the land , and this ndmlnistnx-
tlon nnd the party which It represents , nd
milled for four years to n trial of responsi
bility , is rejected for nil tlmo to count , nnd re
buked with nn emphasis which ndds thostlinr
of humiliation to the bitterness of dofcat. All
hall , to-dav , the grand old party , which has
demonstrated its right to command , nnd has
cilled bade to Itself the nlloginnco of tin )
brain and heart nud conscience of the Auiorir
can people. _ _ _ _ _
What Klllocl Cock Itoliin ,
Philadelphia Lodger : It was the unnocoA
sary nnd most Ill-advised self-protective tar
iff mesHngo , with its most fateful approving
echoes lastautly resounding over the Atlnntlo
from the HriiUh islands nnd the ringing
shout of welcome with which the republicans
accepted the challenge proffered by Mr Clo-
velnnd nnd the Mills school of revenue re
formers Hint iniulo up the great nnd incline *
ing issue the democrats Imd to uiuut in the
"doubtful states"
A PnrniloY In Politics.
Chicago Tribune : In analyzing the results
of Tuesday's election , ono feature Ht.uuls out
clearly : The democratic strength was In the
cities. The republican strength wns on the
fnrms nnd In the villages. The increased
vote of the democrats in the cities is to bo
accounted for by the largo accessions of nat
uralized laboring men. The foreign labor
vote went over to them almost solidly. It
represents n majority of 55,000 in Now York
citv , of 12,000 in Urooklyn with nil its fno-
toncs , of 10,000 In Uultimoro. of tl.OOO In
Hostoti , of 7,000 in San Francisco , of 4,000
in Detroit , 1,000 In Albany , 2,000 in Troy ,
nnd of It.SOO in Chicago. U inflicted a loss
of 10,000 on the republicans of Philadelphia ,
nnd Jl.OOO in Cincinnati. A largo majority of
the Irish , the Germans , the Poles , Bohemi
ans and Italians , nnd the English trades-
unionist xvorkinginon went over to the suu
l oit of ttio democracy and frca trade.
Cleveland nH nn Accident.
Globo-Uomocrat : Accidents of tlio am8
clnss uovor occur twice In succession m tha
.same plnce. This Is true of the moral nnA
political world ns It Is of the pliyHicul uni
verse. The election of Grover Cleveland in
lbS4 wns nn accident. In the triumph of the
democratic candidate for the presidency in
thnt year the probabilities wore violated n
completely nnd na conspicuously as the
proprieties were transgressed nnd outraged.
No Intelligent , rightly constructed person
imagined that Cleveland would bo elected
simply bccausp no such person could bring
himself to believe in the occurrence of nnyf
thing so thoroughly , absurdly nnd flagrantly
in violation of the eternal illness of things.
A Great Jjoflson.
Cleveland Loader : The triumph of tlia
republican party yesterday contains a lesson
which ho who runs may road. It moans that
the intelligence nnd patriotism of the people
of the great states of the north nro equal to
nny work thut the wclfura of this great na
tion mnv impose upon them. It proves that
the majority nro on the side of progress and.
honest government , and cannot bo deceived
by the plausible sophistries of demagogues ,
misled by falsehood nnd culumnv , OP
swerved from their duty by the corrupt uaq
of money.
The MiiKwumpR Weep.
New York Times : "Whatever may bo true
as to the 'knifing' or the betraying of the
elccloral liclcct by Governor Hill's ' support
ers , there is no manner of doubt that the ( M
governor nnd his ofllcial nnd political meth
ods are responsible for the dofeut of Cleveland -
land in this Htate. "
New York Herald : "The political lesson of
the election is that the nationul supremacy
of the democratic-paily has been sacrificed
to the ambition of David H , Hill and Abram
S. Hewitt , nnd the fuct which democrats
throughout the country Rhotild Iny to heart
that , in this gamu of politie.4 , tholr possession
of the imperial patronage of Now York city
is of fnr more importance than the govern ,
meat of the union. "
A Democratic Wall.
Kansas City Times : It is Harrison beyond
all doubt or question. Now York slaughtered
Cleveland with u cold brutality that did not
oven Imvo us nn excusable- basis the nnlimi *
of n personal grievance. In his own slnta
and at the hands of his own political peonlu
was ho mercilessly set upon and overthrown.
Chicago Herald ( dem. ) : The causes of
Inst Tuesday'8 catastrophe , although largely
chanceful , um still worthy of some roamrlr.
Die campaign was nno of intellect. Thu
Herald has resolutely believed that the cul
ture of the east is bogus. The bogus Intel
lect of that region does not control the pupil *
lar movement , an J piobubly does not exiitt.
I'ho classes robbed by the wicked war tariff
; ould lie terrified by simple and discreditable
means. In the west the name elastics listened
x > nil arguments mid offered the spectacle of
i complete i evolution in thought.
Might Jlnvn Hcon Worst1.
St. Louis Kemiullc ( di-in. ) : Tha' , wo nro
lisnppointcd at the election of Mr. Harrison ,
t would bo useless to deny. Aside from thu
lis.istcr to the party , wo believe it to be u
nisfortuno to the country ; and yet It might
inve been WOIHC. It might have been Blaine.
It in probable thnt a more essentially com-
non-place and mediocre man has not enUiroA
.ho white hniiNo us chief executive since tha
irganl/atlon of the govcinmcnt ; hut there In
lothfng In what in known of his character
mil career to mantle with shame the check
if an American clti/cn.
1 Told Von Ho.
Now York Sun ( dem.j : The great mass of
ho democracy , ound to the core , loyal us
vcr to the essential nnd ctoimil titiths of its
reed , hopeful oven in defeat , nnd cour-
freouH nnd unHhnkcn this iliimml November
Horning , is the victim of thu educational
imp < iign. It IIILH been educated with u veil-
x-anco and nt n tremendous cost. * *
t HCCIIIH to us thiit wo I'.avo earned the priv-
lego of speaking plaln words this morning
iut thcro Is no need that thu plain wordit
hould bo bitter , nor l It tlmo just yet tj
I'rlto the list of the architects of illsusto' .
'ho democratic paity'u face Is toward the
uturo , und Ita watchwords uio courugo uuU
ope ,
An Opinion Prom Canada ,
Toronto Umpire ( tori ) : An regards the )
iTecl of yestcrdny'a presidential election on
'amulhm ' Interests , It may bo stated that it
mltea little difference to Canada which of
i'j gruut parties elect the president. Tim
jpubllraii party , In any case , holds the Iroy
f action ; yestci day's olecUon
ocs nut effect the situation in the United
lutes senate , and the republicans control
to senate , Their general commercial pol *
iy does not favor fioor trade with Canada ,
rid their control of tuo sonnto prevents the
IHSURO of any democratic measure looking
i freeing uny class of Canadian Imports into
10 United States from present high duties ,
l''arowell fur I''oiir ' YOUTH ,
Commercial Advertiser. Farewell to you ,
i , mlsccllunrouv IIIOSH of campaign "prop-
tliiB , ' U ) ban MUM und handbills , to budgui
id handlciTchleft , to flaming appeals , to
igry disputes , to plots nnd counterplots , to
10 "bombshell. " the -'roorback , " the cam-
ilgn lie mid Its lying refutation , to mum
ueting und monitor parudo , yea , and for it
mo aud In BOIIIO jogreo to dmingcnuous ur-
linunts on tlia tariff , the nurpTus nnd our
rolgn policy. Oood-bye to the whola kit
id boodle of you und to.u'Xnt of you a vary
i oil riddance ! '