Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 11, 1888, Part I, Page 3, Image 3

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    t .M. * . , * fr * JK- <
, . , . _ . .
j l
nnd Ooeoip of the Week
Among the Fraternities.
Oinnlm Knights of Pjtlilns Criticized
IJy the IlochcAtor Organ Dcnlh
of iv Prominent Simon Gen-
crnl Society NCIVB ,
Odd I-elloxvfl.
San Francisco Ex-
nmlncr : Although
the I. O. O. F. of
t America is nn entirely
Independent and diff -
f o r o n t organization
from the Manchester
Unity , yet as the off
spring originally of
the M. U. , the Odd
Fellows of this coun-
Aux BCtLUM.try are Interested in
tbo progress and results ot the mother order
nnd will poruss with pleasure the following
figures from the ofUclul reports for the year
38b7 :
Number of members January 1,1SS" , C > 17 ,
t < 87 ; admissions , etc. , during year , ! Wl > : t-l ;
total C57.&S1.
Deaths during 1W , 7.Vif , ; losses by sus
pension , etc. , 'JJ,4I3 ! ; total JO..M. '
Tot l members January 1 , IbsS , 027,004 , ; In-
Cfcnsc during year , 10,007.
Increase for past ten years members ,
300,000 , ; capital. t2,000OoO.
Receipts for year , .tSSI , < ! ' .Ci ; payment for
sick nnd funeral benclits , JtiV4llo : * ( 3j ; ) .iK)0. ) )
Cash assets of order , JLri4b ( ) , , U ( 12,741-
140) ) .
lu addition to the above membership this
order haw a juvenile brunch , in which youths
under sixteen years of ago urc admitted. In
tills branch are 44,2 < W members , making the
grand total of members 1171 , 02.
Not only do the Knglish brethren bolicvo
In admitting into the regular lodires nt the
ngo of sixteen , but they also believe in a
juvenile branch of youths under said age ,
mid the Jact that 11,002 members were trans
ferred in 18N7 Irom these juvenile branches
to tlio regular lodges carries its own argu
ments with it.
We claim that Odd Fellowship is "pro-
grcpHivo" In America , but it Is nn "open
question" whether a point could not bo taken
from the Manchester Unity In regard to the
.vounir. It should not be iorgotteu that tlio
boys of to-day are the men of to-morrow.
KnlKhtH of Pythian.
Concluding a two-column editorial bended
"S. S. Shropshire and the Pythian Life asso
ciation1 alined at the constitutionality of tlio
recently established association of Omaha ,
the Pythian Knight s.iys :
"The whole matter simply resolves itself
Into the question , Shall the Endowment Rank
be. sustained and be made a success , or slmll
it ho delivered over , n prey to those who , in
little knots here and there , all over the coun
try , are Hoping , aye , working for its death ,
nnd eagerly waiting for a chance to step into
its KIOOH ! When men of the ability and
character of Supreme Representative Shrop-
Hliire can bo persuaded to join the ranks of
Its enemies the friends of the Endowment
Rank must rally to a man in its behalf. They
must insist iiimii u strict enforcement of the
law , which plainly nays that no benellt or
other insurnucu associations of members *
other than the regularly established Endow
ment Rani : shall bo. organized. 'All such
organizations , ' says the ollleial digest of the
Hupromc Lodge ( section 21 , page KHi ) wnrK
injuriously to the Endowment Rank and are
prohibited. ' "
In the same issue Is an editorial headed ,
"Is ft constitutional I" which reads :
"Tho Grand Ledge of Nebraska has
ndoptcd n constitutional amendment prohib
iting the further admission of liquor sellers
to membership In the order , and making it a
Pythian offense hereafter lor members to
.engage In such occupation. The Grand
Lodge of Dakota adopted a resolution to the
sumo effect last year , but wo are of the opin
ion that all amendments nnd resolutions of
this kind are unconstitutional , for the reason
that the Supreme lodiru alone has the right
to prescribe the qualifications for member
ship in the order of Knights of I'ythias. "
It would thus appear that the Nebraska
knights have a light of considerable proper ,
tlbus on tlioir hands , and the next session
of the supreme ledge will bo awaited with
more than ordinary impatience.
The Pythian Knight has been copyrighted
nnd quotes the editorial depredations of the
Iowa Pythian Spear us ono prime cause of its
These wlio nro of the opinion that they are
nblo to suggest n new name which shall
moro clearly indicate the character distinc
tive military features of the uniformed rank
may compete for the ? 50 gold medal offered
the Pythian Knights of Rochester to the
brother suggesting the name which shall bo
A proiniscous amount of electioneering has
rather overshadowed society affairs for the
past few weeks.
San Francisco Ex
aminer : John Wer
ner Shacffer. grand
lecturer , died last
Tuesday evening at
7:45 : o'clock at his
residence , 1512 Lcav-
cnworth street. The
deceased had been
grand lecturer of the
grand lodgo'of Masons for the Hast scven-
tc'cn year. " . . Ho served three terms ns master
of Mount Moriah lodge. No. 44 , F. and A.
M. , and was a member Of California chapter ,
No. n , R. A. M. , also of California commaii-
Aery , No , 1 , Knights Templar , and was a
thirty-third ileurco Mason of the Scottish
rite. Ho wus for several years grand
treasurer of thu old Order of Chosen
jiYlemls , and up to tlio tlmu of his death
, wns trcanuror of the Masonic Mutual Aid
nssoclutlnn of the Pacific coast. Ho had
thu largest white labor cigar factory
on the coast , and was known by busi
ness men nil over the P.icilla const.
Tlio deceased wus stricken by paralysis Octo
ber 27 nnd uover rallied. Far and near the
naws of his death will bo received with ser
row. IHs gc.nlal presence , hearty greeting ,
teal for fraternity and unselfish labors en
deared him to thousands. The world Is
better that such a man has lived In It. His
( unuial will take plnco this afternoon from
the Tcmplo , Grand Master Kstoo having
called a special communication of thu Grand
, lodge for that purpose. Tlio services will ho
niHlor'tho auspices of the Grand ledge ot this
( state.
The library of the Grand ledge of Cali
fornia contains 2,000 volumes nil Masonic
works. Iowa's library contains ovurS.OOO
volumes , and many very rare and antique
books ,
Thu Canadian Craftsman says : "It has
been established that If all thu menilwrs of
, tho'Masonic.fraternity In the United States
were arranged lu ope procession , marching
two ami two , they would form a line 300
miles in length. "
* #
Work ol * Prittornltlofl.
Some corn-option of the magnitude of the
work being done by the various fraternal or-
Unitn.tlons of the country may ho obtained
by u | Hjru al ot thu followlng'llyurcH , roiutiv
to tlio city of San Francisco !
Tliuro are in that city , at least two hundred
different societies organized for the solo pur-
, pb o 6f giving , practical aid lix time of dis
tress , sickness and death. So my forty of
tlieAo nro protective trades' associations ,
twenty are under the auspices of temporunco
organizations , twenty are managed by work-
qn of dlfTiiront churches and 120 are frater
nal or scuivfrutornul.- Those sociotioa have
over M.OOO members In'thls city nlono , and If
our friends abroad desire to .havo the solu
tion of the question : "Why U there less
pauperism In Han Francisco than In any city
of its slto in the world ! " hero It U : The cit-
ltnn hero belong to fraternal societies ,
The veto cast In this city nt the presiden
tial ekcttou wa 47SV3. Allowing for these
rrbo Deloug to moro tUau one order , it In
ILLETT , STIG-ER & CO. , CoZL1e5Itsand
Monday , find for tbo following
week , wo will place on eaks a line of
Children's and Misses' Oloak , which ,
for style , quality of material , work
manship and finish in the manufac
ture of garmonto , wo feel confident
will surpass anything shown in chil
dren's cloaks by other houses west
of Chicago.
A Child's Cloak , striped cloth , in
two shades of brown , sizes from 4 to
12 yonro , price , $3.76 to $5.75.
A Child's Cloak , In stripes , two
shades of tan and n groyhandsome
ly finished with braid binding , has
double collar and bolt , two fancy
buckles , sizes from 4 to 12 years ,
price , 87.6O to 89.6O.
A Child's Cloak , In brown and tail
plaids , silk cord girdle and kilted
skirt , with fancy hood of cloth , sizes
from 4 to 12 years , price $7.OO to
Wo shall also show an elegant line
of Children's and Misses' Cloaks and
Newmarkets , in plain cloths , stylish
ly trimmed with braid , &c. , in all the
leading shades of blues , reds and
greens , at prices ranging from & 4.6O
to 825.OO.
Our line of Ladies' Nowmarkots1
Ulsters and Haglans is acknowl
edged superior to anything shown in
this city at most popular prices , sizes
from 32 to 12.
The patronage given us on Plush
Sacquosnlono speaks for their value.
At 82O.OO wo show the best Plush
Sacqucs in Omaha for the prico.
Our $25.OO , 835.OO and 85O.OO
Guaranteed Plush Sacques are ac
knowledged by every customer who
examines thorn , to bo bettor values
than are shown by other dealers in
this city at from $3O.OO , $37.5O tote
to 855.00.
Como and investigate our Cloak
safe to say that moro thanonc-half thevotlnp
imputation of San Francisco are mcmhers of
Bonio fraternal order , mid that , so far as
they and their families are concerned , the
public will never bo taxed to support them In
poorhonscs , or for their burial as paupers ;
and if the taxpayer can see no advantage to
himself or a community in this , argument
would be useless.
But four of the fraternal orders will now
bo alluded to , in order to fjivo the outside
public an idea of the money disbursed in n
siiiKlo year. The Odd Fellows mid Foresters
devote themselves principally to visitinc the
sick , furnishing physician and medicines ,
paying stipulated sick benefits each week ,
and in the event of death seeing that a decent
scpulchro is given , and that the widow and
orphan are cared for. During 1SS7 these two
orders have paid for these purposes54,000,000 , ,
and buried i,000 ) members.
The principle pecuniary feature of the A.
O. U. W. and Knights of Honor is the pay
ment at the death of a member of $2,000 to
his heirs. The year ISSti shows over $ f)00.- , ( )
000 paid out by these two societies , which
simply means that during the year 3,000 of
their members have died and that the sum
of $2,000 , has been paid to each of their fami
lies.Here , by only four orders , is a yearly ex
penditure of over $10,000,000 , , which goes to
proper persons , and at a proper time , to
avert distress and want. It is not only bcn-
elits to tnom , but it also benctlts and relieves
from possible care and expense the commun
ity In which they live.
* *
Can Von Afford to Drop Iff
A. O. U. W. Guiilo : When assessments
for death como in two at a time , for three or
four months continuously , many members
complain to the llnancier that they cannot
afford to keep up their membership.
If these brothers will glance at the names
of tlio brothers who have died they will no
tice a variety of circumstances which will
interest them. Let us look at the deaths in
tlio Juno notice. The youngest brother died
nt thirty-six years , was a member one year.
Another died after cloven years member
ship ut the ago of forty-live. Another died
afU-T twelve years membership ut hixty-ond
years of age. Another died after nine years
membership at fifty-seven years of ago , nnd
another uftcr six. years membership nt fifty-
two years of ngo. Tlio average of these
brothers was fifty ycarH , and their average
time. In the order eight years.
Tlio death rate for 1.000 members in this
jurisdiction for tlio last eight years has been
as follows :
1SSO 1831 1SS3 1683
8.-U ( US 7.33 7.S4
1SS4 lS8.r > 1SSO 1SS7
7.37 0.73 7.'i 11.25
Which Is an average of 7.20 per l.tXN ) , and
shown that the amount paid for $2,000 insur
ance In the past eight years by our member
ship has been an average of ? 14.40 , or $ t a
year less than in guaranteed by tlio Supreme
Tlio nvcrago time In the lodges of the
brothers was eight years , but last year's uv-
crnga of time In the lodges of those who died
during 18S7 was only tlvo and a half years.
You may imagine , however , that our
chances of life are good , and that you may
have to pay assessments for twenty or
thirty yoais , Instead of dropping off , as our
brothers have heretofore , with an avorapo
of live or six years' payments , Hut lifo is
very uncertain , uud because of this uncer
tainty every man who luw a family dt-pcn *
dent upon hii ) exertions should guard
against the contingency of death so far ns It
Is lu Mi power , niid as our fraternal society
gives this protection at the least possible ex
pense. ! { . behooves every brother to remain
steadfast In membership. And herein do wo
iiiiiUo our strongest argument for the frater
nity of our crgnnuatlon.
Cm you , then , afford to drop a member
ship llml costs so little annually as the A. O.
U. W. , and gives you an assurance thut if
sudden death comes your family will have a
fund of t'J.OOO-just at the moment U will bo
must needed i
Death is moro certain than a tire , and If
protection aguiimt ono of these inust bo sac-
ritlccd let It bo that of lire. Keep your llfo
protection ; the cost Is but little moro than
lira insurance and means a great comfort to
your family.
Colleges nnd Hclenllllo.Schools.
Iiitor-Occun : Tlio forthcoming re
port of the United Statna commissioner
of education contain * * eomo statistics ro-
gnrdlng aUoniltuico upon colleges and
eclontlllo sell * olu which will attract , at
tention. Thu states and territories are
divided Into live ground or ill visions ,
Prices Cut to Rock Bottom Tliuougliout the
Entire Stock , Comprising ,
Muffs Boas
, ,
Scarfs , Capes , Etc.
In All the Most Desirable and Fashionable
Furs , Inchiding
Alnoka Son ) , Bonvor , Natural Lynx , Black Lynx ,
Otter , Black Monkey ,
Black Bonr , Brown Boar , Black Marten , Rod Fox , ifec. , &o.
Boa and Muff Sets.
( Boas 3 yards long- . )
Extra quality Black Hare , only $2.75 a sot , usually sold at J&5.OO. &
Extra qualty Natural Lynx Back , only 81O.25 a sot , usually sold at 315.
Extra quality Black Marten , only $16.25 , usually sold at $2O.
Finer grades proportionately low.
Muffs. Muffs.
6OO Black Russian Hare , only.48c , usually sold at 81.
26O Extra Quality Black Coney , only O8c , usually sold at $1.6O.
3OO Extra Quality Natural American Opossum , only $1.75 , usually sold
at $2.65.
1OO Extra Quality French Seal , only $2.85 , usually sold at S4.5O.
Finer grades proportionately low.
Fur Trimmings.
1OO yards 2-inch Natural Amoiican Opossum , at a price that will pay to
15O yards 1-inch Natural Lynx Back , at a price that will pay to investi
1OO yards Extra Quality 3-inch Black Monkey , at a price that will pay
to investigate.
The entire stock of Fur Trimmings have boon marked very low.
BSTDon't buy anything in Furs until you have soon our stock.
Lace Department.
1O pieces 5o-i ch Pure Silk Lace Drapery Not ( in oiogant striped effect ) ,
in Black , Oroam , Rose Pink , Nile , Cocquolicot , only $1.4O , usually
sold at $2.OO.
5 pieces 45-inch Pure Silk Lace Drapery Not ( graduated Polka Dots ,
oiogant effect , in black and evening shades ) , only 81.85 , usually sold
at $2.5O.
Ladies' Handkerchiefs.
1OO dozen Ladies' Embroidered and Veneered H. S. Handkerchiefs in
( white and colors ) luteatdesigns , only 12 l-2c ; wouldbo cheap at 2Oc.
1OO dozen Ladies' Fine Linen Cambria H. S. Initial Handkerchiefs , only
25c , usually sold at 4Oc.
15O dozen Ladies' Fine Embroidered Scolloped and H. S. Border ( in all
the latest designs ) , only 5Oc , worth 7Oc to 85c. ,
Mail orders receive prompt and careful attention.
nuinolj , the north Atlantic , south At
lantic , south central , north central anil
western divisions , and the years cov
ered are 18S"8 ( , which arc compared
with 187o-7 ( ! . Of course this classilica-
tion ib purely arbitrary , and yet guilef
ully convenient , although some care
seems to have been talcon , for example ,
to place Missouri in one group and Ken
tucky in another , nnd the District of
Columbia with n , group whose average
is deplorably low , while returns from
Dakota contain too many ciphers to beef
of the highest value to statisticians.
The figures respecting the population
of the several states and territories
must also be taken with euro as to Jinal
generalisations nnd averages , because
the census which they are drawn from
wus midway between the federal census
of 1870 and 18HO and between 1880 and
1800. Tlioro mav , however , be sulliotcnt
data with regard to these matters to
suggest some valuable hints respecting
the needs of higher educational institu
tions in all parts of the country.
This gives a summary :
1S75-0 1885-0
Population 4-1,043,739 50.HJU)7U
Colleges and scientific
scnools DJU 371
Students 37'Jll 41,1(11 (
Average population to
ono student. , 1,303 1,30S
The old Now England states had
thirty-two collegcsnndscientific schools
in 1875-0 , nnd in 188(5 ( there were
twonty-nino , while the number of stu
dents'in 187i-i ( was 4,070 , against 5,80t >
in 188-j-O ; in other words , there was a
falling oil'of three in the schools , with
an increase of 1 , ! . ' ! ( ! students.
In the old Middle states , that is , Now
York. Now Jersey , Pennsylvania and
Delaware , wo have n condition of af
fairs worthy of notice. In 1875-70 there
were thirty-one colleges and scientific
schools in Now York , seven in Now Jer
sey , and thirty-live in Pennsylvania ,
while Delaware reported one ; in 1880-0
there were twenty-nine in Now York ,
seven in Now Jersey , thirty-live in
Pennsylvania , and ono in Delaware ;
while in 187o-(5 ( there were 7,1)44 ) stu
dents , and in 188o- ( ! there were 0 , < l.3 !
students , not counting Delawarewhich ,
strangely enough , in 187li had one in-
btitiition nnd forty-one students , and
precisely the same report is inado in
Tlio fourteen southern states in 1875-0
reported 11" institutions , to which may
add Missouri with HI , against 100 in
18S5-0 , with 15 in Missouri. In 187f > -
there were in the institutions 7(110 (
students , and in 1885-0 there are in the
100 institutions 8,751 students. Several
of the leading institutions were estab
lished are maintained through the
liberality of northern philanthrophists ,
while no institution nt the north was
established and is maintained by south
ern capital.
In wlmt is designated as the north
central division nro the states of Ohio ,
Indiana , Illinois , Michigan , Wisconsin ,
Minnesota , lo'vit. Missouri , Nebraska ,
nnd Kansas nnd Dakota. In 1875-0 this
group had I'M institutions , nnd in 188(1 (
there were 1U7. The increase in' the
number of students this division has
been most marked. In 1875-0 there
were 10.JI57 , against 14,013 in 188-3-0.
Tlio state of Connecticut heads the
list with the highest number of stu
dents , there being one student to every
610 ; persons ; Massachusetts has ono to
every COO , Iowa to every 777 , Kansas to
every 055 , nnd Pennsylvania to every
081 , The names of those states will
suggest some recollections of n politi
cal cliaractor , aa It is quite necessary
to consider the question of the per cent-
ngo of students in the southern states ,
or tbo rplatcd subject of illiteracy.
On nil Pennsylvania line trnintf , tin- Is on some of the srn'al ( brandies ,
the bell cord is gone , and instead of it
the air brake pipes are use < to blow n
whistle in tho. locomotive cab. The
slightest touch of a delicate , wire lend
ing to a valve in the brake By stem blows
the whistle. The Vuudaliu. , as well , has
adopted'it on most of its trains ,
Politics Leave But Little Room For
Social -Duties.
Weekly Bulletin of the
I'nrtics , Bulls nnd Oilier So
cial I'.ven ts Personal
mention , Ktc.
Sncrc < l Concert.
The lirst of a scries of sacred concerts , to
be given at St. John's Episcopal church , was
rendered Wednesday evening under the di
rection of Dr. Pfdin Sax by to an appreciative
audience. A tier a choral service the can
tata , "The Widow of Nain , " was given , with
solos selected from the great oratorio's , and
with choruses and recitutvos composed by
Dr. Palin Suxhy. Mrs. Bald ridge sung the
part of "The Shunamito Widow , " in Men-
pelssohn.s "Elijah , " and "I Know That My
Redeemer Liveth , " from Handel's Mes
siah ; " also singing at sight the contralto solos
and duetts assigned to Mrs. Jester , she being
indisposed from recent illness. Mrs. Hald-
ridge is well and favorably known in musical
circles in Chicago and elsewhere. She sang
thu solos with rare skill and sweetness and
her duet , with Mr. Saxb'y was especially fine.
Mr. Abbott sang the solo "If With All Your
Heart , " fio.n Mendlesshon's "Elijah , " in a
splendid and effective manner. The duet ,
"Love Divine , " from Staiilcr's "Daughter of
.luring , " by Mrs. lialdridgo and Mr. Abbott
was rendered with more than usual perfec
tion oT expression.
Two quartettecs composed of Mrs. Fleur ,
Miss and Mr. McICunu and Mr. Rockwell ,
and Misses Riggs and Swobc , and Messrs.
Sa.xby mid Abbott , rendered two quartette ! !
from the Messiah. " Mr. Saxby sung the
parts assigned to Mr. Hlukc , whoso absence
was attributable to illness. The concert wus
very impressive , and was highly onjgycd by
u large and musical audience. The sweet
boyish voices of the choir nroso In the
choruses and was a beautiful feature. The
regular choir of St. John's church was
augmented by members from the All Saints
and Kountzu Memorial church choirti , De-
sides others. Mr , Saxby's training of St ,
Jolin'H ' choir has been inostpucfussfui. Start
ing In with entirely raw material , ho has
built up a choir , which rivals niuaicnlly and
in numbers any church choir In Omuliu , and
the congregation of St. John's church appre
ciate his endeavors with their most hearty
support of his work. These sacred concerts
will 1x5 given from time to time , and are
attracting the attention of the musical people
of Omaha on account of the high class of
music rendered.
Mr. Fitch O.iiiuettcc1.
Mr. W. P. Fltchi'Iuto malinger of the Fro-
tnont , Elkhorn & Missouri Valley railroad ,
wus banqucttcd ty' hls'tato associates of that
road on Tursduy evcjiing. The event oc
curred at the Mlilard , nnd a royal supper
was spread. Those present were , J. U.
Huwloy , W. C. Httlsey. 1C. C. Moorohouso ,
J. II. lluctmnnn , J , P. Alnsworth , O. W.
Whittlesoy , II. CoBsidfty , S. A. Teal , K. C.
Harris , J. B , Mash Wl N. Habcoclr , C. W.
Colt , H. O. Hurt , C. O."Hughes , D. M. Phil-
bin. K. T. Horn , W. VI Look , F. M. Marsh ,
P. E. Hall , H. U. ChMioy , P. W. Whitney
J. 13. Owen , 11. TUurl/cr. W. M. Shipmaii.
G. F. WheelockV. F. McFarlano , W.
E , Tutor. .1. .1. Wolchi Q. F. Forseman , T. H ,
Lurk , John J , Connelly , P. W. llrown , P.
Cheney , Rome Miller , Colonel R. M. Strong.
W , JI. Ramesisycr. Lyinan Shales , Hugh
Chltticlc , T. A. Searls. J. .M , Summon , rep.
resenting order of railway conductors : L. S.
Cook , W , Cooley , representing Brotherhood
of Locomotive engineers ; II , E. Ponder'rep
resenting lirctherhooil of Railway bruku-
incn ; C. J. Cripnen , representing Brother
hood of Locomotive engineers.
After the banquet Mr. Fitch was presented
with a beautiful glass set valued at $1.00.
Tuesday Mr. FiteU and family left for their
new homo at Marquette , Mich. , where he Is
to take the management of the Dnluth. South
Shore & Atlantic railway at the salary of
120,000'per year. Mr. Fitch ana family take
with them the good wishes of a host of
Social Column.
The Younf Married -Folks' Social club
organized auj-hif the past week will tivo .a
Our third invoice this season of
SOIE SILKS have arrived , nnd
on Monday we will be prepared
to give ALL CUSTOMERS the
benefit of three special qualities ,
nnd WEAR.
Take notice of difference in
prices and act accordingly.
Black French Peau
de Sole.
Every ynrd guaranteed , 22
inches wide , and all pure silk , nt
$1.85 , reduced from $1.GO.
Black French Peau
de Sole.
Every vnrcl guaranteed , 22
inches wide , henvy nnd hand
some , nil ptire silk , at 1.05 , re
duced from $2.OO.
Black French Peau
de Soie.
Every yard guaranteed , 28
inches wide , extra weight and
finish , all pure silk , at $1.85 , re
duced from sj2.5O.
This is the very latest , and at
present most desirable weave , in
silks , soft and elegant in finish ,
and the very best color.
Complete assortment of black
and colored Faille Frnncnise
Silks. All prices nnd qunlities.
series os pnrlicn this winter at. the I. O. O. P.
hall on Snundcrs street in North Omaha.
No single persons will bo eligible to mem
bership. The dates will be announced later.
The charter membership of this club
is composed of the following well
known gentlemen : J. H. Schmidt , G.
13. Hengen , G. J. Stnrnsdorff \ . G. Shriver ,
A. M. Kitchen , J. .1. Gibson , C. J. Canan ,
Hrueo McCultoch , I1. V. Wnssrman , J. L.
Stcelc , G. A. Ostrom and E. P. Gerth.
Tlio Unity StmkcBpcnro.
Last Friday evening the Unity Shake
speare club had its regular fortnightly meet
ing. A most interesting programme was
presented , and all present professed them
selves well pleased , The third and fourth
acts of "Tho Merchant of Venice" were read.
There were essays on the characters of
"Portia" and "Shylock"and Prof. Chauvean
gnvo some recitations in an exceedingly ef
fective manner. This club 1ms inaugurated
a scries of Shakespearean readings for the
winter , mid judging by the last two meetings
the prospective evenings with the great
dramatist will bo most entertaining and in
structive. Among the members of the club
are several who huvo made a special study of
Shakespeare's plays , and some who are prac
ticed elocutionists nud readers , anil who are
able to express their coiicrptions of the
famous characters with skill nnd force. The
next meeting of the club will bo on Friday
evening , November 10 , in Unity church ,
Seventeenth and Cass streets , The lirst two
acts of ' 'Julius C'nsar" ' will be read and there
wil ) be some essays. The meetings nro free
to all , nnd these interested arc cordially In
vited to bo present.
G. A. K. Socinl.
The G. A. H. hop and social given by Guto
City Post No. yiJJ , at Goodrich's hall on Fri
day evening , was a most pleasant event , as
uro all tbo parlies of this post. Twenty-six
numbers were danced , the grand march
hem ? led by Commander . A. Willis and
lady. Elegant refreshments were served nt
midnight in the banquet hall abovo. These
who did not euro to dance entertained each
other in the post hall at cards and with
music. The headquarters of the organization
are most admirably adapted for entertain
ments of this character.
/V Theatrical Society.
The young people of Unity church have
formed a society devoted to theatricals , and
will present Gilbert's charming comedy
"Engaged , " at Unity church November 33.
A line performance Is assured , us tlio society
numbers among its members several very
clever actors. Mr. W , I , Swoopo and Mr. J.
Hobinson assume tlio leading characters unit
tlio comedy will undoubtedly call out a largo
and fushiounblo audience.
llnppy Hours Club.
The. . Happy Hours club has boon reorgan
ized for the coming season with a member
ship of forty-live. The first party of the
season will bo hold at Masonic hull , Novcm-
bei-21. The olllcera of the club nro M. J.
Scuulon , president ; John M. Mullen , vlco
president ; Gcorgo J. Paul , secretary and
treasurer. _ _
Piano Concert.
On Wednesday evening , November 21 , a
grand piano concert is to bo given under the
auspices of the Women's Christian associa
tion , A magnificent programme has been
arranged. Tha artists taking part are ; Miss
Neatly Stevens , pianist ; Mrs. Fanny Kellogg-
liachurt , soprano ; Mr , Martin Culm , accom
panist. _
Ivy Itobokali.
A sociable and hop will bo given by the Ivy
ItcbeUuli ledge on Friday evening , November
10. The affair occur ? at Odd Fellows ball
on Saunders and Paul streets.
Wedding Hells.
Charles M. Daohmann , connected with the
firm of Droxcl. & Maul , was wedded Wednes
day night at U o'clock to Miss Gcorglana
Dean , a well-known young lady of this city.
Ths ceremony was performed at tlio homo of
the brldo , 2210 Capitol avenue , and Hov.
Wlllard Scott pfflclatcd.
Miss Maud It. Kcycs , daughter of Mr. f ) ,
R. Koyos , was married -Monday , Novf in >
her 5to , Mr. Matt 0. ICoegc. Tbo event oc
curred at the home of thu bride's father and
Hov. W. J. Hursha ofllolftted. After , a hprt
trip , thq happy couple returned to
GO pieces ofn full 10-Inch silk
plush In nil desirable shades , In
cluding pink ct-enm , light blue ,
Nile green , nnd mnny other light
shndes for fnncy work , nt 70c.
36 pieces of n full 10-inch silk
plush , extrn henvy weight , suit-
nble for dresses , jnckets , etc. All
new colors , including mnhog-
nny , serpent , reseda , stone blue ,
London smoke , etc.
See this $1.5O quality we offer nt
BO shndes of n full width extrn
quality silk plush nt $1.5O , never
sold for less thnn $2.00. Every
new color , including empire nnd
emerald green , reseda , mahog
any , old pink , Coquelicot , Siam ,
d'Ante , Mousse.
24-inch quilted satin linings ,
in pink , light blue , oream , navy ,
cardinal , seal brown , garnet ,
black , all at one price , 7Bc.
Quilted sateen linings , yard
wide , at 6Oc per yard.
Omaha yesterday and arc nt homo to their
friends at 1 14 North Twenty-eighth avenue.
< Tii.iN-junoxiy.
The umrriugo of Miss Alary Mahoney , the
eldest daughter of Jcro Mahoney , an old res
ident in this city , took pine" on election day
at Bt , Patrick's ' church in this city , the
bridegroom being Mr. Richard Cullin , nn
employe of the Union Pacific railroad. The
Hcv. Father Jcntictte performed the religious
ceremony , a largo number of his parishioners
being present. After the nuptial knot was
tied the happy pair lelt for the homo of the
hrido's father. Fifteenth and Martlm streets ,
where a largo concourse of friends had as
sembled to partake of the wedding feast and
wish tlio bride and groom many happy days.
The presents were both numerous , cbusto
and costly. _
General Gossip.
Mrs. E. S. Rood has returned from Minne
Mr. Ben Batik nnd Miss Yetta Netzncr nro
to be married next S.unday.
The Park Avenue AVhist club met at Judge
Dandy's on Friday evening.
Mrs. Charles Hamilton gave luncheon
Thursday afternoon to her friends.
Mrs. J. E. Hoyd , Mrs. Hicrhower and Miss
I3oyd have returned from Chicago.
Mrs. J. M.'Metcalf gave a dinner in honor
of the Misses Wndlcigh on Tuesday after
Mrs. W. II. Remington , formerly of Omaha
but now of New Vorlt , is visiting her friends
in the city ,
Miss Richardson gave n luncheon Wednes
day afternoon in honor of Miss Parmelee , of
Cleveland , O.
Miss Eva V. A.vcrst , a young society lady
of Sioux Falls , Dak. , will make her future
homo in Omaha.
Mr. M. M. Marshall and wife entertained
a number of friends Tuesday evening at
progressive eucliro.
The members of the Imperial club , give
their next party next Friday evening nt their
own hall , tiTOS Siiuudors streco ,
Mrs. Magrano gives a select social to her
pupils and a number of invited guests iicut
Wednesday evening , at Masonic hall.
The Hens Amis Whist club meet to morrow
evening at the residence of Dr. Mooro. The
last session was hold at the homo of Augus
tus Pratt.
The second annual ball of the Garneau
Cracker company employes will ho held next
Saturday evening at Cunningham's ' hall.
Their first ball was a gr.ind SUCCCHH nnd u
largo attendance is expected at the coining
The Saratoga lyceum opens again for the
season next Saturday night nt tjio Saratoga
Congregational church , This lyceum Is
among the relics of old times and many
who were once members of it , have since
risen to eminence in the sttitc ,
InutriunentH IMacoil on Kcoonl Dur
ing VcHtcrilny.
W 8 Wright and wife to W .1 Stedman. n
Uorno um-in-iue , w d . j 500
Ilyron Hoed at all to A ! ' Oilman , lot 0 , ulk
4 , Campbell's add , w il , . 050
A l-'Ohmnn nnil wife to U J I'ctc rson , w
IHJift lot I ) . blk < , CuuipboH'H ncld , wd. BOO
A O L'lmrlton and wife to J N Mr < ; nloch ! ,
lot 7. lillc ; i , Inntltutu I'lucb , w (1 . 300
A K KHby ft al to M A Wright , Jot H , blk
18. Carthage add , w il . 57,1
il I' Nelson to J FaKclKtroni , friuno house
on s w corner s w U-lil-.i , w l . 200
Union Block Varrli ) Or > to .1 X.aniba , lot 0 ,
blk 'M. II r i = t udd to South Omuliu , w U , . . 350
Patrick Land Co toV H CrnlK. loth J , gi. ;
I , M , 7 , . 11.10 , 11 and 1 ' , Ulk 1UJ , biut-
ileu I'liice. w d . 12000
K Itahltr urn ) wlfo to U Nelson , lota , blk
in. llrown 1'arkv cl . , . * )
M T 1'ntrlck ami wife to A J5kp , lot li , blk
H , Patrick's M nild , w it . j &a
1 II Grant and wife to W A Oardnor ot al.
lot u. tiU 11 , Mjcru , Illclmrdu & Tllilau'i
add , \vd . 750
Wrn ( I Albrlpht and wife to J II I.ticus , lot
4. blk 4'J ' , Albrlfilit'H choice.rt \ . MO
U ! ' Hoys and wife to I , r Marshall , lot 17 ,
blk I. MntUiion square , w a . . L'.OOO
0 K llurkor ot al to O 1' Shrum , lot 6 , h5ic
. Orchard lllll , wd . . . ! . C50
1'ntrlok.and Co to 0 II Craig , lot 7 , blk
iaj , Uundeo place , w it . . . . . . . . 1.000
0 II 'Jralgund wlfo to 8 W Ketierts , Jot 7 ,
blk 120. Dundee plnce , w d . . . . l.QX )
0 Wllle and wife to ( } W l.oomlH , 42 ft lot
n. blk * . Hub. J I Kedlrk'H mid , -w d . , V&K )
0 K Hark ? r i > t al to J U't'lyng. lot 10 , blk
] H , Orchard Hill , wil . . . . . . . ' . . . . . . 700
J A Jglmnon toJ Wlldonor , i Wxifj ft lot
1 and H , U n of o 11 ft lut X , blk i.'J , Went
Omaha , w d' . . . : . . . , . . . . , . , . NW
.Nineteen Jrnnsfeni , aittr fc'fttfnij. ' . . , . . . 30l2i
Ninety L-lvcs Jjost.
RociiESTifH , N. Y. , Novt 10. K. is now
mown t hat nliiuty lives woro.ost ) aml'lUttcn
pcrbcntt. Injured by last flight's Uro , ,
Facts tuid Fmiclos for Our Sweethearts - _ q
hearts and Wlvoe.
I' nflhloti nntl Her Follies Wlso nn < H
Foolish Achievements ofthpJJIrlH '
Woman's Klnjcilotii nntl '
How She lltilrn U.
She Tnkos the Illnjr.
TJio Bristol Courier publishes the fol *
lowinjr :
VASCK'S TANK , Tcun , , Oct. 4 , 1SS8.- *
Mr. I'lmrloy Slack Dear Sir : In Po-
roiibun vour Dully Courier I llml A prop
osition from some Hatchoior In Lyneh-
lutrp oforlnp A Diamond King as A
present for any Lntly- that was llfloon
years tlint 1ms never worn a Huacl
or Hanjs 1 anv in my ISth yearo anil
liavent were oithur I dame the rinp
Please in for mo the Kiumlor as to my
whereabout Vour f rionu
D.Mirfss A. SMITH.
VlrKlnln Glrlw the SniartKHt.
Pittsburu Distitteh ) : There is a queer
thing : about civil service examination.
The Virginia womoti average about IS
per cent hlphor than the women of any
other state in the union. They are far
inailvaucoof the Massaeliusottswomon.
Commissioner Lyman says he can partly
account for it by the fact. Unit the Virginia
ginia women wh'o apply for government
places belong to elnss-ort that , in other
HtntOH are sullloiontly prosiwrotin not to
seek Much omploytuont. ' Hut this hardly
iiieota the ease , as three-fourths of the
women in the departments to- < lay are
of good soeial stamling. Many of them
are widows anil daughters of olllcors.
Nor does a comparison of the Virginia
women with these of other btates s-lunv
tiny perceptible ililTerencein their aver
age and social status. Hut so marked is
their higher educational average that
what would bo considered a high mark
on the roster of most states is a very
low innrR on the roster of Virginia. At
a eivll service examination hold at
Klcluiioutla week or two ago , the great
est number of women pahsutl moro than
85 , and a larger proportion of these were
in the nineties than the eighties. This
proportion is not kept up at all among
the Virginia men.
DP. fllnry Walker Scares n Girl.
Washington Critie : A young woman
from the country beeaino bewildered in
the eapitol corridors at Washington
and in her endeavors to Hud her way
out met Dr. Mary Walker.
' 'Mister , ' ' she said in the most inno
cent manner possible , ' 'will you sho\7
mo how to get out of lioro ? "
The doctor drew herself back indig
" 'ou arc addressing a lady , madam , "
she replied serenely.
The young lady gazed at the doctor
in amu'/.oinoiit and said never a word.
Then she turned to lly.
"However , I will show you out , " con
tinued the doctor.
But the girl didn't wait. She wus * * "
sure some horrid dude was attempting
to make a mash , and she fled away down
the the hall and through the lirst door *
she saw , with the doctor after her.
MlHS Anna Dickinson.
Philadelphia News : Anna Dickin
son lias biien so long before the public
that a general impression seems to
have got abroad that she is an Old
wonian. She is not. She was born in
Philadelphia just forty-six years ago
tins mouth , and before slid was Ilfleen
years of ago she was teaching school on
the outskirts of that town. She wont
into polities before she was eighteen
and she has been tlioro over sinco.
Her interest in public affairs began
when she was given a place in the
mill tut Philadelphia , and her first pub
lic political speech was made in a debating -
bating club on Chestnut street. She
has never stopped speech-making sinco.
Miss Aiidcnricd'a Wheelbarrow Knee. '
Philadelphia Times : Miss Andenried , j
of Washington , daughter of General j
Audonricd , is at the Aldino hotel , hov- j '
ing just returned from Europe. While ;
nt Hamburg Miss Audcnrciod was much
noticed by the Prince of Wales , who
originated the idea of wheelbarrow
races , with a lady in each barrow , tho.
lady and the cavalier wheeling her whd
came in ahead to receive n prize. The
whcelharrowcontaining Miss Audonroid >
won the race and thenceforth she was it .1
celebrity in Ilomburg. Miss Audonriod
is very stylish and pretty.
' Women in Holland.
A correspondent of the Now York j
Tribune , writing about Holland , says :
"You cross a railroad track , and casting !
a glauco along the iron path , a woman ,
waving a white signal Hag , catches ;
your oyo. She is the watch woman at ' '
the crossing. At every railroad in j ,
Holland this position is filled by a woman - I
man , and railroad ollicials have" assured f
mo that no accident has ever boon
caused by a watohwomun's carelessness.
They receive 120 guidons ( $9) ) per mouth.
A man would require double that salary
and hu might get intoxicated once in a
while. Distinction ! ) in privileges be
tween married and single women are
BO thoroughly established here by social
customs as to bo observed in the
ovory-day association of the SCXCH. A
native will readily discover whether
Lho couple walking on the street in
front of him are married or not , this
discovery being made easy by the strict
[ idheronco of the populace to the an-
piont custom compulsorily introduced
into the country when under the iron
rule of * 'Alva the Bloody.1 An unmar
ried lady always takes the right arm of
tier escort , while the married one se
lects the left fiido of her husband. Su
leoply has this custom entered into tlio
life of Hollanders that at a church wed-
llng the bride enters the cdlllce on the
I'ight side of the graom , the young wife
returning on the loft side of her hus-
tomd when the ceremony has been per
tlio Noise.
Berlin engineers hnvo adopted two
lilTcrent syaloma for diminishing the
lolsu of trains on their viaducts. Ones
s to holt to the bridge btructuro long
roughs of sheet iron , about sixteen
nchcs wide , sp arranged that a rail
rVill coma in the canter of each. The
troughs are then ( Illed with gravel , In
.lie middle of which Is buried the long-
tndinnl timber carrying the rail , and
-ho sptico between the troughs is cov-
ircd with iron plates , on which is spread
i thin layer of gravel. The second
DQthod , whloh is found to bo moro olll-
: iiiH ; than the other , conbists In placing
i continuous Borics of shallow iron
roughs , about live foot Kquuro , along
ho line of tracks. Them ) are fllloa
vlth gravel , on which the HCB and rails
ire laid ,
Conn. , Nov. W. A telegram
row Ilmo Koek , Conn. , at'JJ4 , suys lion ,
Villlum H , Itanium Is dying unit cannot live
11) ) noon.
South Omaha republicans are loud In thnlr
lambrs for a contest over the election ,
luiinln tliatwith u "fair vote mid rui honcat
ounl" thu republican candidates wci'a
iccted. Kcclluir is rgnnjnu higher now thuu
t-dlu Mblprc election. :