THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : RriSTDAY , JNOYEMBER 11. 18S&-STXTEEN PAGES. A WEEK Do Not Fail to See [ Among tiie Flowers ! THE BEAUTIFUL DON'FIlSS ' IT. HALL , issm THURSDAY , NOVEMBER IBth : 1888 And continuing for one week. A Carnival of Flowers in Omaha. Great Banks and Long Lines of Beatiful Chrysanthemums. The Greenhouse and MR. PARKER'S EXHIBIT. Scarcely two years ago Mr. T. N. Parker , located his present beautiful group of greenhouses For feature of Eastern Cities has been years pasta the annual exhibit of Flowers given houses , in a sheltered nook.just south of the State Asylum for the Deaf and Dumb.near the by the florists of each city jointly , Omaha with all her love of flowers and wealth of appreciation Military road. This new home of the flowers lies right in the lap of the sunshine , and is ciation has never had the privilege of attending one at home. Mr. T. N. Parker , sheltered from the wintry blasts by long rows of waving maples. There are twelve houses ' in all , six of them are 20x100 feet , devoted to roses and tropical plants. Two houses 12x90 Omaha's own florist has decided to give us this another evidence of Metropolitan growth. feet , contain Caronation Pinks , Violets , Pansies , etc. One house 16x100 feet , is the home He is determined that the great Chrysanthemum show which he will open in the Expos of Smilax and Bouvardias. Another , 8x130 feet , Ferns and Orchids , and the new ition Hall next Thursday , November i5th , shall be a credit to himself and the city. This building , 24x40 , for Aquatic Plants. The latest appliances are to be found everywhere ; en display must appeal strongly to our city pride , as the exhibitor and the exhibit are distinctly gines and windmills everything that means could supply. But to understand the true magnitude a part of Omaha. The entire display was grown right here within our city limits. The proprietor nitude and beauty of this orreat establishment you should pass with us through the interior. prietor is an enthusiastic florist , qualified by nature , travel and careful study to conduct suc cessfully such an enterprise , enjoying the benefits of ample means and gifted with a keen sense of harmony in color. He willl bring for your pleasure and inspection a noble exhibit flower of more than regal beauty. Next we come to the home of the queenly Chrysanthe beautifully planned , which should not fail to be generously patronized by our citizens , and mum , in a house 8x130 feet , which presents one long , glorious vista of natural beauty. Every especially the ladies and children. Whilst we are [ advocating corn palaces and art displays. all these model houses , is as sturdy as a cedar planted by the river plant throughout green Let us not forget the refining influence of this week of flowersand by our give it presence side. But no description , however accurate , will do such an establishment justice. Suffice it to say , that there is neither so complete nor so rare a collection west of New York City. such encouragement as will insure the future recurrence of like exhibits. The proprietor imports his bulbs direct. He has over $50,000 invested. The cut flowers from Parker's green-houses arc not excelled in Philadelphia. Drive out and see for your self. Attend the great flower show next week and you will have new cause to take pride in Remember the Date. your home city. . Parker's Chrysanthemums Excel all Other. Nothing like them ever seen CDBKZJI Admission , 25 Gents jj D in the west. Admission , 25 Gents Children , under 12 years , lOc. Children under 12 years , lOc. j Tickets Opera. for Sale House at , office and Boyd's OfficeBoyd's , Opera House.Green-house , Adjoining the Deaf and Dumb Asylum. House Telephone 1,000 | Tickets Opera for Sale House at , office und Boyd's - At Exposition Hall. Office Telephone 660. At Exposition Hall. i iBMII IHWII i MATRIMONIAL MISCELLANY , Hits and Misses of the Arrows of Cupid. r/IATEDANDMISMATED / HUMANITY A Woman Suffragist to Weil Nat Goodwln'H New Wife Cupid on Brooklyn Ilrhlo | Value of n Lost A Woman Suffragist to Woil. A ripple of surprise has boon caused In the circle of tile women workers in the cause of woman by the announce ment of the approaching marriage of Miss Rachel G. Foster , of Philadelphia , to Cyrus Miller A very. The lady has loig been identified in the front ranks of all woman's movements. She is cor responding secretary of the National Suffrage association , and she held a fiimilar position at the council of women hold in Washington hist march. She is an earnest believer in the doctrine of faith-cure , and is a follower of woman's ' dross reform. Miss Foster is u daughter of the late J. Heron Foster of the Pitts- burg Dispatch. The wedding took place November 8 , at the First IJniui- rhin church in Philadelphia , of which she is n trustee. The surprise is occa sioned by the fact that she had de clared that she would lead a life of single blessedness. Nut Goodwin's New Wife. Chicago Herald : The friends of Nat Goodwin , the comedian , were greatly surprised when they learned of his quiet marriage in this city early in the week : The license was quietly ohUined by George Appleton , the comedian's treasurer , who induced the marriage license clerk to suppress it for a few clays. The wedding was quietly solemn ized at the Grand 1'aeille hotel last Monday afternoon. In the evening the bndo and her mother occupied u stage box at llooloy's and witnessed Nat's per- jformaneo. Between the nets a news paper friend of his dropped into his dresbing'room with Manager Harry Powers , of the theater , and llio latter remarked that Nat had never played Mi' . Goliglitly bettor thnn ho did that night , The comedian smiled and said that U was probably beeaubo ho was fouling unusually good , lie then said that the elderly lady in the box Mrs. Hood win's ' mother had never before scon him act , and that ho was glad to notice that she appeared to enjov his efforts. Ho was careful to say nothing , however , about the particular reason for his happy mood. Mrs. Goodwin mid her mother accompanied him to thd GranC Wednesday afternoon and wit nessed Sol Smith uussoll'ti performance from u box. The lady is n handsome blonde ; very stylish , and her straw berry blonde husband appears to think the world of her. Cupid on the Brooklyn The Brooklyn bridge is becoming famous for itsquiot love-making scenes. 'Thorp is something about the light frisky air Up there that makes the heart Of woman nestle right up alongside the man who has vowed to give her ice cream and candy us long us his father- inrlaw'tt cash holds out. A Now York Telegram reporter eat buono of the beats under ttie arch of the Kcw Yprk side last evening. Tvo | 14- inosphero was cool , hut that did not pro- .vent Cupid from getting in his line work , A couple hud been seated but two minutes before iho escort. got his arm around his sweetheart's double-laced waist. , Presently there was a sound like the chirping of a bird , followed by a half- suppressed giggle. "Jimmy- " said the palpitating dar ling , "if .you 1dss mo again I'll spoil your new hat. " Jimmy ovidontjydid not think his hat in any danger , for. the sounds of oscula tion were hoard again amid the sighing of the wind through the forest of cables. "We 'em often " said bridge see , a po liceman later ; "but wo don't stop 'em. It's the only chance some o' them young folks has to do any sparking. They live in tenements and they don't get a chance for quiet love-making in such places : so they come up hero under the stars. "Two years ago a couple used to come every night- until late in the season , when I linally missed 'em. But last week they came over the bridge again , wheeling a baby carriage between them. Their sparking was a success , you bet. " Vnltie of it Ijost Now York Times : A novel case that has attracted borne attention in the vi cinity of Boston during the past few days is a suit brought by Mrs. M.yra Bcals , of Boston , against Dr. Augustin Thompson , of Lowell , for $50,001) ) dam ages for having alienated the affections of her husband , James II. Bcals. It ended in the superior court to-day in a verdict for the plaint ! u"of $ .iOOU. ( ) The trial of the case attracted large numbers of the curious. Mrs. Myrti Beals is a young and dash ing woman , twenty-six years old. Dr. Thompson is the originator and propri etor of a patent medicine , the stile of which , ho testified in court , brought him in an income of 8100,0 ( ) ( ) n year. Mrs. Bonls , when single , had some his trionic talent , or thought she had , and Dr. Thompson provided the moans for her education prior to her going on the stage as the star in a play of his own writing. About the tnno the education was perfected the young lady took it into her head to marry .lames Bcals , a fussy old man forty years her senior , lie had \\cullh and owned the building occupied by the Boston Post. Dr. Thompson was very angry with Mrs. Beats , and soon after the wedding began writing letters to Mr. Boals about the lady he had taken to wife. The result was. estrangement before the customary time allowed for the honeymoon had passed , followed by a suit for divorce which wab granted , the divorced wife getting $10,001) ) from her hubhand. Mrs. Coals immediately brought suit against Dr. Thompson for alienating the affections of her husband , and as a result the young woman finds herself pretty well off in this world's goods. The testimony presented consisted mainly of thq letters written to Mrs. Deals , and a good many epistles of a racy character that parsed between the parties to the suit. A Hoolc on Miu'rinRfl nnd Divorce. Clone-Democrat : Two years ago , says a dispatch from Washington , con- authorised the department of labor to collect statistics of divorce in the United States , and the work then undertaken is so nearly completed that Commissioner Wright hopes to lay Ills report before con gross early in January. The "field work" has been finished and the liguros are now being tubulated. Commissioner Wright's agents have obtained the figure ? from every court in the United States having divorce lurib- dictlon , of which there are about 12,700 , and the , period of investigation extends back twenty years , from 18(5(1 ( ( to 188(1. ( 'Everything relating to the subject will bo given wherever it bus been possible to obtain information from the court records , and in every case the agents not only examined the dockets , but the original bills filed. The report of each case will give the ages of the persons concerned , the cause for which divorce was granted , whether the wife or husband obtained the de- dree , the number of children , the place of marriage and the migration of the couple since thenj so as to show whether the change of residence was bona lido or merely for the purpose of obtaining a divorce ; the length of time the mar riage lasted , and any other facts that might tend to throw any light on the subject. Another portion of the work will give the number of marriages , as far as the records show , by counties in the United States for the same period , so that the ratio of marriages to di vorces can be seen. A synopsis of the divorce laws of every state will also find a place , and the work will conclude with statistics of divorces in the princi pal countries of Europe. The .subject of divorce has never boon so thoroughly investigated before. The Italian gov ernment took up the inquirv several years ago , but it was limited in its range. The cost of the investigation , it is estimated , has not been loss than $ ; soooo. " Married in Transit. Paris intelligence : Elder George E. Luckoy , of Purib , Ky , performed rather a novel marriage ceremony recently at the Paris depot. Ho had procured marriage lieotibo , as directed by tele gram a few hours previous to the arri val of the evening passenger train , and going to the depot ho awaited the com ing of the train , when he entered the coach nnd , during the time consumed in making an exchange of engines , ho commanded Mr. II. A. Boden , the pop ular druggist of Springvillo , and MibS Laura Cnldwoll , a beau til ul young lady from Fulton , Kentucky , to stand up in the presence of quite a number of pas sengers , and in his usual happy style he joined them in holy wedlock , and bid ding them a hasty adieu they went on their way rejoicing. Wo did not learn what occasioned this novel procedure , whether tliey wore tleoing from pater nal cares or simply preferred the romantic feature. A llonmntlo Incident. St. Louis Republic : A case which at tracted a great deal of attention was tried in the district court in this city this forenoon , concluding early in the afternoon , and containing features of sadnobs and romance. Several months ago James McCowan , a railroad man , while , apparently , in a spasm of rage , attempted to kill his young wife at the Blanchard hotelwhore they were board ing , by cutting her throat with a knife. Ho was lodged in jail , and in a short time his wife obtained a divorce. lie was arraigned in the court this morning to have his case investigated , and while he wao on trial , his wife was married to another man , and a few moments after her marriage appeared on the witness stand , attired in her bridal costume , to testify ngaist her former husband , who had attempted to take her life. Mc Cowan was remanded to prison to wait dual trial on charge of insanity , which will sot aside the former charge of as sault with intent tojnurdcr. fI'rotty Ilomunoe. Globe Democrat : Hero is a pretty lit tle every day romance , warming to the cockles of the most cynical heart , Mr. Huynmn , a big blonde real estate man of Cincinnati , loved MiHg Jaynos , u slim , fair girl of San Francisco , with the full consent ot her wealthy father , us the two men had been friends for years. 'I'lio ' betrothed pair were intent on marriage , and as they had health , money und the paternal blowing , the course of true love ought to have run on into that haven without semblance of a ripple , but the fact was that the bridegroom could not find time for the far-western journey and the bride had no friend or brother to bring her east. So after much consultation and many loving letters , " she took her courage in both hands , boarded the train and came half way , or rather more , to meet her true love , and at the Lacledo hotel , in St. Louis , Jast week , the two wore made one , and let us dovoutedly hope , will "live happy ever after. " A Union Wcddln ? . Philadelphia Times : Weddings to attract more than passing interest these days must either excel in splendor or have something rare and uncommon. Much out of the stereotyped style was the interesting wedding of Miss Lucy Bramlotto Patterson of Philadelphia and J. Lindsay Patterson , which took place at Ru&sollvillo , Tonn. , the birth place of the bride's ' maternal grand mother and the homo of her aunt , at whoso place , Ilayslope , the reception took place. Although bearing the same name , the wedded couple bore to each other not the slightest relationship , yet the paternal grandfather of each was a General Patterson. They were married in a Presbyterian church ac cording to the Episcopal ritual by a Baptist clergyman. Every dointy touch in the decoration of the church was done by relatives of the bride. The wedding feast , a feast such as only a southern mansion could hot forth was composed of dishes prepared for the oc casion by relatives and friends , one vie- ing with another in contributing to the banquet of niceties. The wedding cake , an elegant specimen of decorative pastry in lillips nnd orange blossoms was the artistic handiwork of a lady from Alabama. The wedding march was played by an intimate friend from Now Orleans. Old family servants in the familj since slave days , and their descendants , served at the tables. One of thcbo , "Aunt Clarissa , " had been the " " of the bride's "mammy" nurse mother. Kinged about the church and numb ering l undreds , were the animals nnd vehicles in which people had come often long distances. Those varied from the farm mule , whose solo panoply was a blind bridle , to the stylish lun- duus with their perfectly appointed teams. Near the entrance all the old family servants were tse-ited. The center of the church was occupied mainly by the largo family extensions Tonnesscans from the Noliichucky , French Broad and Holbton , whom Miss Murfreo would have liked to moot. On either side , in strange contrast , were the city-bred guests , including those from Philadelphia and the east , perfect in toilet and manner. It was a remark able gathering. After the customary ushers came six little girls , picturesquely dressed , and carrying baskets of ilowers. Then came the maid of honor , a Jeiu'itiful girl of sixteen , and finally the bride , leaning upon her father's arm , , her dress of creamy white duchess utin mudo with a high coinage nnd front drapery of crepe embroidered in pearls , und the whole enveloped by a misty veil of tulle. The reception was charming. One of the guests described it as "a social pot pourri , " in which north , south , east and wcbt had its representatives. Every body was very warm and genial , and a thorough , hearty southern hospitality pervaded the beono. After biipper the dining room was Cleared for dancing , nnd the guests , old us well as young , danced vigorously to such tunes as "Mississippi Sawyer" und lNutches Under the Hill. " A Veritable Feminine Hoodoo. A few gossips of the southern end of Die city are jubt now dlseubtiiig the strange romance of a young woman who has for something over a year been a resident among them. Tlio story was told to a Globe-Democrat reporter by a clergyman of the Episcopal church , who has boon a sufferer from the lady's strange fate. The lady in question is but a visitor to America , whence she came to try and shako oil the spell of which she firmly believes she is the victim. A few years previous to her leaving "Historic Caledonia , " she re turned from the patrimonial estates of the family , nine and one-half miles from the Holyrood palace , in Edinburg to Aberdeen. By the death of her father , since her arrival in this coun try , she has become the heiress to a largo estate. She is refined , graceful and handsome , but the fatality attach ing to her makes her life an unhappy one. When but seventeen years old she became strongly attached to n nephew of the bishop of Carlyle. One day , while riding across the heath in his company , she had a presentiment that ho would propose that night , and she accepted. She saw him , in a momen tary vision , lying , pale and cold , by the roadside. Bewildered , she involuntar ily stopped her horse , and in another moment fell in a swoon. Ho bore her to a cottager's near by , and on her re covery the bashful young man's love had b'oon so intensified by anxiety that , in a moment of mutual tenderness ; they were betrothed. After escorting her homo ho had to pass the sumo spot to return to his domicile. The next morn ing they found him dead near where she had fallen. His horse had evi dently thrown him , and ho had boon killed by the consequent injury to his head. The lady recovered , and eighteen months afterward she was betrothed to an English naval officer who was sud denly ordered to the West Indies to join II. M. S. schoolship Eurydice. The next spring , on the return of the ship homo , she was wrecked and all on board but two were lost. The young lover was not one of the saved. Time healed the lady's thrice wounded heart , and her affections were won by an English army ollicer , who was drowned shortly after the betrothal. The night ho was drowned she was at tending a ball , and , according to her statement , was boixod with a sudden at tack of dizziness and fainted. On re covering , she said she had been , in a vision , the ball-room suddenly trans formed into a submarine cavern , con taining nothing but the corpse of her accepted lieutenant. She could never bo induced to dance again. It took a good deal of persuasion to in duce her to become a fiancee again. But the persistence of an American sea cap tain conquered her reluctance , and she accepted him. Ho returned to Phila delphia with his bhlp for the purpose of putting his affairs in bhapo for the wed ding. While his ship was at anchor off the Delaware breakwater ho was also drowned. The bride-elect came to the Quaker City afterwards , and , having relatives in Carondolet , resolved to make a long visit to them. The clergyman who furnished the /acts / above related mot nnd loved the lady , and she apparently reciprocated , but when ho proposed she replied by tolling him her htory , und all his elo quence failed to change her resolution never to marry. His attentions to her hud been a matter of society gossip , so that there was something of a fconsation when there appeared in the booioty columns of the , Globe-Democrat an item stating she hud gone to visit friends in the interior of the state , and would soon return to her homo in Scot land td reside permanently. A .MlK'd Wmiinn'n Ucvrnce. A bfiiibutioiml itory comes from \nv \ town of Tonawanda , adjoining Buffalo of a woman jilted and revengeful. At the tale is told , George Kudo fell in love with and was loved in return by Lena J. Phonor. Ho hired out to Free Landoll , and became enamored of his daughter Carrie. Lena threatened Carrie , and soon Landell received annonymous letters threatening that if Kado was not discharged his property would bo destroyed. Soon after his barn was entered and a buggy ruined. Kado was discharged nnd was at once hired by Henry Lnndell , uncle of Fred. Threatening letters then came to Honrv , but ho decided to stjck by Kado. The result was two buggies cut to pieces and three horses poisoned with Paris grcon. _ Landell hired men to watch his property , nnd early Tuesday morning one of his barns , was discov ered to bo one fire by the watchers. A figure Hying across the field was pur sued by the men. Others wont at once to Phonor's house. One of them saw what looked like the figure of a man enter the outhouse in the rear of the building. A few moments after a woman in a white dress came out nnd wont into the dwelling house. The Landells say stops have been taken to arrest Lena Phonor. The fire , luckily , was put out without much trouble. Two cans of oil had been sprinkled in the barn. The fire had almost eaten through the plank ing. Tlio Nephew of tno Pope. London Star : The story that Pope Leo's nephew has just been married to the daughter of the beadle of the Jew ish synagogue turns out to bo correct. The circumstances savor of romance , and are told by the Inruoltischo Gem- oiddo Zoitung. It appears that home years ago Herr S. , an enterprising tradesman of Vienna , crossed the fron tier to Peck a now field for his labors. Arriving in Porugm. Italyhe made the acquaintance of the present ponlinund ultimately an attachment sprang up be tween the fair-haired Tedesco and the dark-haired Sigdorita Pocci. In duo course Herr S. proposed to her , was ac cepted , and it was not long ore the pair appeared before the bride's uncle , Cardinal Pecci , member of the college of cardinals in Homo. The bridegroom being a Jew it was necessary for the ecclesiastic to bapti/.o him , nnd this be ing done , the ceremony of marriage was gene through , the blessing pro nounced , and the happy couple em barked for South America , whence they kept ui ] a constant correspoddonco with the cardinal. Quito recently , however , Mine. S. succumbed to a severe illness and the bereaved widower , by that time a millionaire , not caring to remain any longer in South America , where past associations were over before him , loft the land of his adoption and betook hinisolf to Home , in order to visit his uncle. The cardinal has now become Lee XIII , , chief of the Komun church , and resided at the Vatican ; but , although altered in position , ho had in no way lost sight of his nephew , on whom ho bobtowed a royal welcome , not forget ting the papal benediction. "I remain thy uncle , my son ; may Heaven's bless ing loud thee back to thy native homo. " And after so many years absence , Herr S. returned to Vienna a millionniro and consul for the land of his voluntary ex ile. Howovcr , an the novelists put it , lime heals many wounds , and a month or two was long enough for another woman to find a place in the heart of the exile. Herr S. was btrlckon , and fell in love with the synagogue beadle's lovely daughter. But there was an ob stacle. The fair one would not give up her religion and bo baptized into the church , of Lee , EO there was nothing left but for the stronger vfesbej fo give way to the weaker , which lie did , and returned to the faith of his ancestors , with the result anticipated. i CONNUniALITlES. / The widow of Senator David Davis has recently married ex-Congressman Green of North Carolina. While a wedding party was waiting for a squire to perform the ccremoiiv at Alpha- retta , Ga. , the groom excused himself and fled. The bridn proposed to the gioouisnmn on the spot , and they were married withlu an hour. Lady Druinmond , ono of the American girls married to a title who came to rriof , is now living quietly in Hartford with her eight-year-old daughter , who is hoircss to $1300,000 , which English lawyers are now try ing to get for her. The power of persistence in matters of love was well illustrated in the courtship of Itobort Browning's ' son. For fourteen years lie maintained a suit at Hist unsuccessful , but finally rewarded witli success. Jit ia hardly to the credit of the poet's ' penetration , that during the time of his son's suspense ha had no suspicion of the a flair. Washington women who are mothers of eligible daughters are aghast over the information mation that Chief .fustico Fuller will have sixdaughtois in society tills winter , There are already plenty of marriageable young women in the capital and the sudden Introduction - duction of six new ones at a time is regarded as quite too much of u good thing a real imposition , in fact. Boston is nothing if not aristocratic. A re cent dispatch sent to New York from that city Informs the public of the uniting by mnrnugo of two "old families. " The dis patch further says that "tlio eight brido- maids represented the families , of Cnbot , Mason , Coolidge , Oodman , Lowell , Lyinau and Curtis , nnd the usheis weio of equally distinguished lineage. " Mies Ada Tltcoint ) of Lansinglicrs , N. Y , , has withdrawn her consent to marry Charles Hcnton of the same pluco , nnd a wedding to which the Bociety of that place has looked forward with much interest , is "off. " Charles got up the wedding eaids , and they read us follows : "Friends : I do most cor dially invite you nil to come to my honsu Monday evening , November 1 , IBS ! * , at 7 p. in. 1'resonts received until 'i p. m. on thu day of the wedding. Como ono. Como all , " Tlie young lady refused to recognize in ttiis attempt to give a boom to the wedding nroi- cuts an ovIdciiL'o of ontorpmo nnd business capacity that might have been of imineiiBo aid to them in married life , und tore up th cauls and discarded Cliailey. Who says talk is cheap , when Tahnnco gets fWOper lecture ? A Maine clcrfryjiinn went to Massuchu I setts to preach the other day , and they ubr-J him whether ho wan going to talro uis toxZr from the bible or from "Uoheit Klsmure. " "A clerical mummy rose up from his sar cophagus ami opposed the lovivnl , " is the pungent und pertinent way u Methodist ( , ie.iuhor in Nnslivillo delivered himself ibout it. Thd Hov Mr. Mlldinav thoughtfully con templated the ruins after thu donation party : md loft for homo. Finally lie remarked to ijg spouse "My dear , I think I may sp.fely su.v that Soloinon in all his glory had not u raid like ono of these. " f "I thought jou won' ' * it a sore throat staying out m latu Satui my night , " ndinon- shed Mis. Drown. "Como elf , " tro.vlud the old man in a husky volcn. "You woineii can't never reason. Haven't you bent-u enough to sec I got this cold going to churtU with you Sunday ! " The Hov. J. L. Scudder , of Jersey City , said in u late sqrmon : "Tlio bible says the ) a s a river in heaven , und I tinnly bollovc that here- will bo swimming und yachting there , too. " Ho ulso says that ho hcos no hunt ) in. canl-iilaylpg so long us It is indulged in mod. oratory , hut leaves us in doubt whether that s ono of the amusements to be permitted ou ho celestial bhore. Deacon Skinflint This is an outs of Irrov- cienco. I icad to niglit ubout sorno fellow who had engraved tlio Lord'ri ' Prayer on a ten-dollar gotl ) plccu and wears it on his watch chain for u curiosity , llils is oil vroiig , very wrong. Tioru | are some tlilngn oo s.iered to bo trilled with. " Carper "To vbii'li do you refer , Ucacou , the prayer or tlio gojdpiecol" , . .