Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 11, 1888, Part II, Page 15, Image 15

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SuroWtSSr18611 I ClarkSt.
The Regular Old-Established
It tUII Treating with thoGrnlMt
Chronic , NGnrons and Private Diseases ,
a-NHRVOUS DEBILITY , Lost Manhood ,
r lllnc Memory , Exhausting Drains , Terrlblo
Dreams , Head and Hack Acne tul all ( he effect *
leidinu to early decay oml f > tlwn | Consumption 01
Insanity , treated iciinllfictlly Ly new method * with
nerer-bilini ! SUCCCM
* SYPHILIS and oil bad Blood and Sldn DU-
cases permanently cured.
KIDNCYund URINARY comrlalnlt , Gleet ,
Gonorrhoea , Strictu re , Vorlcocele and all diseasu
cfthe QenltO'Urlrmy Urgant cured promptly ilhoul
Injury to Stomach , Kldneyi brother Organ *
rNo experiment * , Afee and experience Im
portant. Consultation free ami sacred.
fl.Seti.l . t nt pottaqe for Celebrated Woiknon
Chronic , Nervous nnd Delicate Dneatei
4i-1ho contemplating Marriacs 'end for Dr.
Clarke's celebrated i > ulde Male nnd Female , each
15 cents , lx > th 25 cents ( staintwi Cotmill the ld
Doctor A friendly letter or caHiniysavefutiirpviner *
ing and shame , and add RoUcn years to life fiij-lfnok
"kite's ( Scctel ) Errors , " y > < entstlampt ( ) Medicine
and v riling * ent everywhere , secure from exposure *
llourj , 3lo8 Sundays 9 to 11 Address
F. D. CLARKE , ML D. ,
IOO So. Clark St. , CHICAGO , ILL.
N. W. Cor. 13th & , Dodsro Sta.
Appliances for Deformities and Trusses.
llmt facilities , npporatna ami remedies lorsurocss-
fat treatment ut every form of dhoasu requiring
4tlical ) [ or Hurfflcal Trtmtmcnt
llnnrii anil nttonUunco , best huai'ltitl H0comiuo.ia *
tiomlti the mm
wum. tint Cutout. I mon nofonnltlomnd Hracos ,
Truiwin , Hub hiict , Otirvntuni of tha Spine , Plle ,
'Junior * . Ciincor. Catarrh , IlnmcliUta , InliuliUlun ,
Klocti leltjr , rnriilrAM , IS.illupny , Kidney. Ittuililur ,
li.yu , Kur , Skin atid lllou 1 , tin 1 all Auricle il Oiiorutloni
DiBunsos of Woman n Specialty.
All Illco I DIsoMca successfully triMitcd. Syphllltla
1011011 rniiiuviMl from tbo system without mercury.
Nun reuiorntlvu Ir.'xtmmit fur Ion iif vital Power.
1'crion * unnblo to visit us may hutrcutcil at Iiiimo by
forru pun < lenco All cnniniu.ilciUlon * cnntManllul.
MetlUfnui or Instruments Kent by mall or cuprous.
securely narkAd. no ninrki ti Inillonto contents or
Biiilir Ono purbonnl Interview pri'fMrroil. Call and
cun'Ult in or nend hlstorr of jour case , and fa will
Mad In plain wrapper , our
Upon PrhHlo , Hi > nclal or Ncrritiis Dlseusoi , Irnpo >
timer. Syphilis , Uluot and Varlcocelo , wltu < | uuitlon
* -Aildreu
Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute , or
im. MclBENAMY ,
Cor. 13th and Dodge Sts. . - OMAHA. NEB.
Corner Dearborn and Lake Streets ,
lltls lioitso has just been tlioroitRlily rcllttod
otucostot ovur 115,000 , making It far bettor
tlmn uny hotel ot thu sumo ptlco In tlio wuat
Klovntor , uloottlc limits , batli looms , and all
modern IniprovumoiitH.
Rates , $2 and $2.8O Per Day.
lucliHlliiK'iiU'ala. ( eutrnlly located ; accessible
to all railway stations. thuatorx anil bislm > hS
houses. Street ( ars to all points ot the city.
hDt'clal lates to prori'sslonnl pi
! 3 N. inth Street. Omalm. Jlalr anil 1'ace
bleaching ; also manicuring.
Dr , R , W , BAILEY
HonmVIl" and11.1 I'uxton Illoclc , Omaha.
To lh extructwl without pain.
Gold nnd alloy Illllnya at rcusonablo prlcoi.
Capital , -T _ $100,000
(1O1 Boutli Tlilrtmmtli Struct.
Qencral Banking and Savings Business ,
CIIAIIII.S : nr.KVhTUi ) , I'roshlcnt.
0. J' . Nh'KDHAM , Vlco rrosldent.
J'llAMt V. W.lSShltMAN , Clthhlcr
For tlio bonellt of Depositors thu Savings De
partment will bo opunon Butiinliiy ullitH | ; ( torn
0 to o'clock.
5 1'cr Cent on Si ) > lilt's anil Time Depo-ils.
Jlo tnn , .I/as. * . ; Knmum Vltilt
Capital Hurplus , $1 $ , !
IliU company bun nponed an Omalm nlllcv and
Llnpiuiuroilto ) fiunUli money promptly ail 1m-
ed i-lty and faun propurty.
appllrutlotiH xent a\\uy for approval.
cloned and luild fur n Ithouidelay.
JOHN UMilSII , Mun.iir. :
i Dili Stn-et. Flret Natlon.d lliinlc.
a Platte Land Go ,
OW1CIS , Clutinlior of
CAPITAL , $300,000. $ ,
JOHN U. Cl.AKK , 1'rcslilcut Uucoln , Neb.
UHAitLKBA. II ANNA , Treasurer ( .Inrolti , Neb ,
flUNUIH C. OU.V1ILK. Socrctary , Unmlm.
Lains ! III llii > deslrnliliCoiuitius in
Nt bl1l ku , Kansas , Colurailo juulVjom -
lug bought mill
A Walk Throuerh the Country of the
Irish Hlghlandor0.
Hcd IhiKli mill Ills Thrlllltii ; Kxpcrl-
onccs Died of n Uroken Honrl
AVnr of tlio Ancient
A Toot In Iff Intnl.
STitANiiir.V.l ( ( , Iro. , Oct. .10. [ Special
Corrcfepoiitlctico of Tun BKK.J The un-
ciont bcnport of Ireland's romantic
Northwest , quaint , musty Donegal is u
very little pliico with u vor.y largo
amount of country about it. Hut great
inturcHt ts found from possible historic
and traditionary researches ; from
ficeniu fascinations within range of its
surroumding hills ; from studios of it"
people and the quaint mountain peas
antry who resort to il ; from Its noiu *
fluu bitlinon-lcaps and picturesque son
aide resorts ; fiom its nearness to the
ormur homo of that lovc-lo ra maiden
from whoso doplorahlu misfortunes
sprang the pathetic story of "Oolloon
llawti ; " and fiom the wierd , grand and
often miblimo grouping.s of mountains ,
lougs , glens , tarns and rivers which
In every direction bewitch and
enthrall ns in no other part
of Ireland , and I believe in
no other part of the whole world. Amer
ica tiiinmtlly bends 60,000 touribts to Eu
rope. Not one in a lliousuml overset
vision upon these transcendent beauties.
That one fact is a greater marvel than
the most marvelous brone upon which
the eyu mav rest in all the glorious
Donegal highlands.
In the sunshine old Donegal town is
cheery nnd snug ; but when the fog-
H iuds como up from the sea lilce dingy
wings slapping it growsomoly in its
face , tlio half town , half humlet , huoms
to shuddorinnly shrink closer to the
shores of the noisy Ksk , as if seeking
shelter at the bases of the dark moun
tains behind. Fort of the White Stran
gers is the signification of. the name ,
Donegal ; although one would luivo a
hard time indeed to find what that
meant. Aside from the picturesciuoness
of its charming old streets , an interest
that is almost melancholy attaches
to its half ruined castle , at the riv
erside , near the ancient arched bridge.
Many a pugo of history would luivo to
bo sciuulnlizui ! to learn its haps and
mishaps , and of its dilleront lords , gov
ernors and rulers ; for here during1 the
last live centuries was the center of
blooaicbt struggles between northern
Irish kings and their foes , and especi
ally the conflicts between the O'Neills
and O'Donuells. The life nnd adven
tures of Hugh Koo O'Donnell , or Red
Hugh , properly depicted , would alone
surpass the most thrilling tale of Scot
tish border-land warfare. During the
fourteenth century the daring and he
roic spirit of Hugh when still but a boy ,
attracted the notice of Sir John Parrott ,
lord just top of Ireland. In order to pet
him within his power , Pcrrott sent a
ship into Lough Swilly laden with
samples of the llnest Spanish wines , and
inanuod by his own seamen clis-
Kuised as Spanish wino merchants.
Hugh , with others , was lured aboard ,
and , while being feasted , the hatches
wore battened and the young chief car
ried to Dublin , where he was immured
in the Tower. Though but sixteen ,
ho here made one of the most heroic
prison escapes known to those savage
times. Flying to a supposed friend , Sir
Pholim O''Toolo ' , who had boon his
fel y prisoner , ho was betrayed , again
imprisoned , and subjected to every bar
barity save downright murder. In a
year he ngaifi escaped , Hod to the
mountains where ho for mouths sub
sisted like u wild beast , but finally re
gained his own country and king
dom about Donegal. Succeeding
his father as ruler , and beiug
joined by the valiant O'Noil , ho
sot about avenging his wrongs and in
dignities , ugainst the English ; but
quarreling with O'Noil as to which
should load the attaclc against the on-
tronclu'd foe at Kinsalo , each contend
ing for the bloody honor , the battle ,
after great slaughter was lost , Hughes
followers routed and dispersed , and the
nt'uvo young chieftain , himself wounded ,
compelled to lly to Spain. Hero after
great labors he succeeded in inducing
King Philip to raise un urmy of succor
for the recovery of his do
main ; but , worn out with delay
and effort , ho died from grief
and a broken Heart at Valladolid. His
character and noble qualities , as they
were then measured , nnd his wondrous
bravery , rendered his niunu a luminous
and pathetic one in the Irish annals.
This , old stronghold of the lords of Tir-
connol must have boon a splendid and
powerful fortress. Cliimnov-pieccs of
magnificent sculpture in the style of
James I. , are still POOH ; and KOHIO of the
Gotnic windows overlooking the bay
are fairly prcMirvod specimens of tha
impressive architecture of half a thou
sand years ago.
To Irishmen , or indeed to all men
who are earnest students of the history
of 11113' race , people or land , the drear
old ruin on the below Donegal ,
nearer Dallyblianon , must possess
an absorbing fascination. Here
stood the lone , sumi-monnstlc
ciistlo of Kilbarron , an ancient
fortaliro , and seat of the O'Clory chiefs.
It was in this stronghold that tlio
brothers O'Clory , Hugh Ward and John
Golgan , known to all scholars as the
four masters , in the midst of furious
wart of clans , chiefs , 'kings and what
not , p"ur uod their great historical re
searches nnd labors , resulting In these
monuments of industry called the
' 'Donegal Annals , " or the "Annals of
the Four Mnitor.s. " which , dosplto all
cnvil or prejudice , stand out utt grand
landmarks against the age of darkness
and blood In which they wore pro
duced. The Hoholar and erudite , sur
rounded as ho is with the illimitable
possibilities nnd facilities of to-day ,
should stand hero and contemplate the
few remaining crumbling pnaks of ma
sonry , standing in thij awful solitude of
clllV , wind anil sotv , in order to just for
once rcmlb.o the sacrifice and devotion
of the patient .souls . of nil lands in the
dim days behind us , uiul the infinite ad
vantages of the brighter time that is
ou i'8. Tlio gray old ruins stand at the
von , udge of u precipitous and almost
iufeular clitl. Fur/.o and heather cover
most of the flattened uiicarpoineuts of
the once mighty walls. To the east ,
the south , and southwest , BUVO where
thu misty coast-lino of Sligo here and
there pushes through thu distance ,
naught can bo soon but wild * Kwoep * of
upland moor , white Band-reaches and
ghostly dunes , or vast and dreary
stretches of wind-swept ; shuddering
heather. To the north ncrosa
Donegal bay thn grout headlands loom
hard nnd Huvngely , as if soinu mighty
Ir.ipuHO of nature tyuro about to topnlo
thorn into thu waves. While .to the
woU , wluu'o the sun is over Betting In
the ceav.-lcB.s turbulence of the but
rising upon happier liuuls hovond , tliora
are just the JiioaningH and tuumloriiiKH
of the mighty ocean. Hut down thu
coast , behind the sand-hills , U r&re old
Ballyshannon upon the stately Krno.
whereas its waters leap with a roar into
the bay was once one of the most splen
did salmon fisherle- Ireland. Three
miles above , whnro the waters of the
noble lakes of Krne , nfter loitering in
the sandv vnlloy , make a mad rush as if
to cnptilt Hallvshannon , forming the
beautiful falls of Bollock. On beyond
the old town along the circling bay. Is
Uundoran , where families of the' Irish
gentry from the middle counties and
the west , come in summer to the glori
ous Bundoran donkeys and the sea.
While back along the beach from
Ballyslmnnon. down behind the old 1CH-
barrou ruins is the tiny hamlotof Ward-
town.the old seat of the Kfolliottfamily ,
whorotho incidents of .that tcndorcst
nnd most pathetic of Irish love dramas
"Colleen Biuvu" had tlmir mournful
origin. Here ouco rcallj lived 'Squire
Ffolllott , whoso daughter Helen , a lass
of radiant bounty , \Vas enamored of a
bright Irish lad-sc'rvant , Willy Hetlly.
In vain the stern old 'squire sought to
stem the torrent of their lovo. Finally
the couple stole away together , the girl
taking with her her jewels. ThoyXvere
pursued and overtaken. The jwols be
ing found on the lad ho was prosecuted
for felony and sentenced to transporta
tion for MOVCII years ; but from the mo
ment poor Ueill. ) 's sentence was known
Helen , tho'collcon bawn , the lovely
maiden , became a raving maniac. For
seven long years Hoilly sullorcd the
pains and degradation of nonal serv
tudo : for seven long years 'Squire Ffol-
liott s daughter called madly for her first
lovo. Nothing like the excitement oc
casioned by the woe of those two lovers
wa over known in this blessed laud of
marvels. And what a meeting was
there when the lover true rotlU'nod and
claimed his poor mad bride ; and kind
hcavon that instant gave hen back : her
reason ! Why , the story threads and
thrills through Irish heads and hearts
to-day with the same magical power
as when it was now ; and until love is
dead , the eves will glisten , the bosom
heave , and the tender hoart's-blood
leap into the glowing face of every fair
daughter of Ireland at reoitlal of this
pathetic and true love tragedy , wrought
in the old days down hero among the
sand hills , near Ballyshannon
by the sea. A gouty old doctor is
now living in the Ffolliott
homo. Become a sentimental tramp ;
knock at his vino-covered door ; and
mention ' 'Colleen Bawn" to him with a
sort of longing look in your eyes , as
though you vonrnotl to bo shown about
the placo. While the doctor goes into
convulsions , his faithful hirelings will
set the dogs on you. Gentle memories
of Helen and Willy do not brood over
the interesting spot ; not at present.
A rude yet charming independence
seems to possess the people of Donegal
toxvn , and the peasantry of the Donegal
highlands. This goes on , too , from
character to phjsique. However hum
ble and poverty-curbed men nnd women
may ho , they stand straight ami tall ,
both in tlibir own individuality and
upon their strong , long logs. Indqed
this often reaches grotosquencss in both
respects. While the Irish peasantry ,
particularly of the south , arc frequently
diminutive in form and sometimes for-
roty in character , these folk seem to
possess an inner consciousness of self-
importance cut in glorious patterns and
largo lilies ; while in no few instances
they are so straight that line Hogarthian
arcs sweep from their heels to the
b.icks of their necks , often giving them
the appearance of carrying , and with
seine disdain , invisible but mighty com
missions on the tops of their heads.
They have also an equally charming
frankness , They would all mal < o good
atcross-"questioning. . "In a
weo'kV trnrriplrig o.vor" these mighty
mountain roads of Donegal , some of
which would put your famed old Roman
ways to shame , I have had odd experi
ences in the witucss box. When paus
ing at some grand curved esplanade to
contemplate shadowy glen , roaring cat
aract , gloomy tarn , or ledge of lofty
mountain , a Donegal highlander , over
taking mo , or approaching from the
opposite direction , would halt , instantly
open court , and begin the blandest of
interrogations. Pacing the ringing
road with exultant stridoI _ would notice
away beyond some bellying bog against
the edge of nn overhanging rocky wall ,
the entire occupants of some little cabin
issuing from the doorway like a swarm
of bees. Wildly donning his pictur
esque clothing the head of the house
would start off around the circlincr bog
on a mad gallop like a dread courier of
alarm to suddenly confront mo in dig
nified surprise miles ahead upon the
winding road. Again , from whore a
white hut gleamed like the wing of a
bird upon a lofty crag , a half do/.on huge
lads , bonded by a huger father , would
descend with a rush as if to reuol in
vasion and arrfist my way , sagofy ques
tioning my mission. Old women with
parcels of yarn from the Glontios ; young
women coming from or going out to
service in their bare foot , their huge
shoes slung over their round shoulders
for the saving ; car men loaded
with pontoon and passengers , or
empty ; and all manner of Highlanders
in their interminable goings to Somewhere -
where for nothing , and coming from
Nowhere with imaginary somowhnts ;
each with their freshly-cut , willowy
sycamore withe , or more suggestive
black-thorn stick ; would , with a sort of
sidewise , enlilado "stand-right-thero-
mo-boy ! " movement , bring mo ton halt ,
when the severe , smiloless , oratorio and
ever-dignified proceedings would begin ;
"Fine Hay ! " And it is always "Fine
day , " if the leaden mists are Hupping
and slapping the earth , like a ship's un-
aycd sails pounding the docks in a
storm ,
"Fino day " i would reply assuredly.
' il'm an' phare air yo goiii'V"
"Oh. up the road a bit. "
"Aha , but that's down the road ! "
Tho\ had mo thoro.
"Are yo goin1 far ? "
"May bo. I'll see how I like it. "
"Well , rallly. nowJ An'pharo are ye
from ? "
"America. "
"Well now ruilly ! Wor yo long
out ? "
"A couple of months. "
'An1 does yo bo IOIIL' BtayinV"
"Sic ? montlm , or so. "
"Well , rnilly , news yo'r'o tollin me !
Il'ml for bye , yor car's handy ? "
"I have no cnr ( jaunting car ) ; I
walk. "
"Faith , now raillyl Arrah , but yor
not grudgin' the poor carman the fee ? "
"Oh , no , my friend ; but I prefer
walking , ' '
"Faith , the road's ns hard as the
dlvil'H foro'ud ! "
"That's why I like it. "
"It's ruhhin grase to u fat pig to say
it ; but it's as strong legs as sorrow , ye
All this in a largo , judicial air ; but
with n , final cheery , "Crnh ( luck , good
will , ) go wid yo ! " to which I would send
hack. "Thu same to you , woven times
over ! " my mountain barristersif there
wns a party of them , whispering among
themselves , "How does ho know phat
he'll do ! Sure he's born , not buried ! "
or , "Faith , there's a thatch off his roof ,
poor crcatur' ! " wont on their wondering
way.And whenever these little incidents
of the road occur , and they happen
scores of limps each day a.s I go forward
nt a quickened pace to.mako up what
has not ucou altogether lost time , I can
sou with half un eye these comuiipcrat-
1 'H
ffH Ol-
* 1l ? > ' .
tW >
llaf .
II "ft
'l.fJSjMJ ' , , . * < .
* '
. fXtClXn
Factory No.
Smokers , watch this space to find where you can get a
1 Ju 1 vIlJu
ing , doubting , sympathetic , incredulous ,
but forever patiently kiud-hoartod men
of the Donegal mountains , halting in
little groups ; watching mo as I tramp
along ; while their rare and wise
leaders with brains ' 'like rock-water , "
rehearse the interviews to fix the
importance and the manner of it
all in their minds ; implant a lesson
in roadbido good manners ; and impress ,
with much porsillagOi and many qualifi
cations , all the possibilities of the momentous -
montous occasion. ' Bless them for the
arrant nature's preachers and poets
that the yarel 1 know every word tha
tlio glib tongd s1 afo saying , and shall
hero sot it do ni
"There's a that'dU oirhis roof , the poor croa-
tur' 1
But 'twas n&t in ! me brecJIn' or natur1
To pass wWont 'top 'o the moru1.
By mo sowl , liatnlsht bo n bould major ;
Or far worse , tiho divil's ' own guuKor * ;
But to pas him n silcnco , I'd scorn.
"There's a that'ih'olt hts tool , the poor crea-
tuij 1 io.
'Likes < hu\vaa oaNy mis-rated by natur' '
Mind him slatjhecin' ilown the boreenst.
But , whist ! ye can't tell whut his state is ;
For sometimes the licartsomeat prntica
Get mixed with tlio dirty porccna J 1"
* Ganger ; nn excise odlcor.
t Bo'-cens ; mountain paths , or roads.
t Poieons ; unmarketable potatoes.
An Absolute C'tire.
is only put up in large two ounce tin boxes.
and is an absolute cure for old sores , burns ,
wounds , chapped hands , and all skin erup
tions. Will positively euro all kinds of piles.
MENT. Sold by Goodmnn DrupCo. , at ! i5
co a ts per box by mail HO cents.
Has obtained a reputation wherever in
troduced for "CoiniKcn STYrK"l'iit- :
KKCT FIT , " "CosiroiiT AND DuitAiiir.-
ITY. " They have no superiors in Hand
Turns , Ilniul Welts , Goodyear Welts ,
and Machine Sowed. Ladies , ask for the
"IiUDLOW" SIIOK. Try thorn , and you
will buy no other.
State Liiia
To Glasgow , Ilclfust , Dublin and Litcrpool
From New York Every Tuesdav ,
Cabin passage Hi anil $ .10 , acrorillng to location
ot state room. Dxourslon Wi to $30.
Stcorngti to mill from Kuropo at I.ouost Itatoi.
AUSTIN IIALUWIN & CO. , Ooil'l AKents.
M Broadway. New York.
JOHN IILKQEN , G n'l Western Acont.
_ i 164 llandoljih ht. , Chicago.
IIAKItVK. MOOliraUKont. Omaha.
Reduced Cabin ; Jfcitos to Glasgow Ex-
\Y Jjn.vt > | u ponltlTO curn for ITCH 11(1
Uil3liunf lU.tKm.MJ I'li.Ki lly Hi
u e tliU | .inilB of cnics of limit Kami-
Inil liMW t > eon cured. HoitrunuUour
faitlrUPfra curative inmou that we
nlll nin | | ono nnmplo box KlIKK to any
uieredi iN. li.-Tlili li no ImnibuKj
JTOII ifttunlly recolvu abor freobyiu-
tiirniiytll , ( not n lot of olrcnl ni > . ami
uu aiijilloullon will ruiivlnru you of
It * worth. AdtlraVlI > V Vt. Mllluril Co , Iliiirutu , .V. V.
Mention tliii Oinaliaft-fl.
IfinilCV u uilurmurymiu tiles easily. iiilclc- |
MUNtly \ anilMtniiy enroll by DOUUTA 0 i > -
Hiilcs , 3WU-ellu seven daja. Kola
Jl.W tier box , nil iltjuuUbts , or by mull from Do-
cntnMfif.Co. 11J WlTfuiHt. . N. V. l-tlll Directions.
Buningfpn Burlington
V The Burlington takes the load.
It was in advance of all lines in developing Nebraska.
It was in advance of all lines in establishing dining-car
service between Missouri river points and Chicago.
It was in advance of all lines in giving the people of
Omaha and the West a fast mail service.
It was in advance of all lines in running its trains from
the East into Omaha proper.
It was in advance of all lines in reducing the time of
passenger trains between Omaha and Chicago.
It was in advance , and is the only line by which you can
feave Omaha in the morning and arrive in Denver thft
evening of the same day.
It has been progressive in the past.
It will lead in the future.
Travel and ship via the Burlington.
Ticket Office , 1223 Farnam Street. Telephone 250.
Depot on Tenth Street.
Burlington Burlington
Mitchell & Lewis Co. , Limited , Racine , Wis
Manufacturer of Farm and Spring Wagons.
Lininger & Metcalf Co , , Omaha , eb , , Gen'l ' Agents for
MKLODHWS .Vl/H.VBH.S , WAKIUJtrO. 'I'UtfK 1118 .
Box Trade Soliuited. Private Lock Boxea.
JtailKElt BLOCK , FA UN AM utul latlt.
A magnHlcimt1 display Of everything useful and ornamonta
in the tur.uit.ure maker's art , at reasonable prices.
0 ° | , Interact an deposits , compounded aoml-annuallyt \
H " Saving * Certificates with Interest coupons attached. j „
DEBENTURE BONDS In Denomination * of S2OO , 930O , &QQ ,
and tlOOO , based upon First Mortgage Real Estate Securities
I dopoflted with , and bonds certified by the Union Trust Company
1 or New York. Drafts drawn on the principal cltlon of Curop * .
nrs - : - = ; DRECTORS-r- | : . . ' .TO . , t
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