Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 11, 1888, Part II, Page 14, Image 14

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    - J
pnst , Present and 'Future of th
Idol-trio Street CIIPI Kiiier cd fron
Hnrl > nrlnm--I0lo < ; trliity ; At Sen
Its VnrljiiH USCH In
ami'nr. .
A Itcinnrknlilo Hcoovory.
filolw Democrat : Dr. I'liitfo. of Pros
roll , MUSH. , reports a rcinni'kablu ens
of recovery from Uyhtuiiit ; .utroku. Thi
electric current .struck tlic lioail abov <
tlio loft cyo , jin uil in front of the eiu
tlioti uWi'omluil , by way of tbo thorns
to tlio k'Ks < nns-sinjp ilown both of tbcc
to tbo toes , whuni'o it left tlio body
The victim wnstiiicniisoiuiiH. motionless
mid without respiration or heart sound
and K ) ronininud for three-quarters o
: in hour. Hut , contrary to usual cn
lorn , lliorova no cessation of sUillfu
efforts to restore life. The niiliont became
came cold , but circulation was ouvour
Bi'tl by hot fomentations. When con
Miioiibiiess began to return niiriilyslH o
the whole ujiper purl of the body prevented
vented respiration , and the Mow o
mucim and saliva threatened strangula
lion , lint most persistent elTort , adapted
od to eireumstances. did produce complete
pleto restoration. The case is of im
mouse importance , as sho.vhif * llin
deaths by electric shock need not bo bj
any moans as frequent as they now are
Tlio case is reported in full in Science
The TransnilsNiiiii nf 1'owor.
Electrical World : Amontf the jjren
popular attractions at the meeting o
the Hritish association are the lecture
which are delivered in the evening eael
year by some scientilie celebrity. A
.Manchester in 1887 it will bo rcmeni
bored , Prof. George Forbes ilellvnroc
one of his brilliiuit and oliaracteristic
addresses on electric lighting1. Thii
year at Math the address was deliverec
by Prof. Ayrtoii , who chose as his sub
ject the electric transmission of power
'J'he lecture was a comprehensive 0111
and must have been very entertaining
and instructive to the largo audiunce
It .showed how in ringing a bell or send'
ing a telegraph menage there is an
electrical transmission of power , ant
then went on to describe what had been
done in the distribution of current to
lamps and to motors for electric wulding.
Prof. Ayrtoii stated that in America
there were (1,000 ( motors driving ma
chinery , while in ( irciit Britain there
were hardly 100 ; and ho might have
doubled the figures for America. In
respect to electric railways ho pointed
to the work that had been done in this
country , and ho said that every Knglisli
electrician who traveled in this country
came back impressed "with the
enterprise and the happy-go-lucky suc
cess" of their brethren here. 'As to
high potential , whether for lighting or
for power transmission , as exemplified
by American practice , lie was compelled
to conclude that it was now what ! ! 0
miles an hour was half a century ago
uncanny , rather than dangerous. Wo
are glad to see that Prof. Ayrtoii had n
good word to say fortolepueratro , which
ho was right in speaking of as a per
fectly trustworthy and most economical
method of utilizing distant steam , or
water power to transport goods auto
matically , and which might alto bo used
for passenger trallle , giving us the lux
ury of ballooning without its perils. In
dealing with more than one branch of
this subject , Professor Ayrton rallied
hit ) hearers somewhat playfully on the
backwardness of England in the various
electrical developments ; and , oven ad
mitting that our practice hero is some
times a little bit reckless and bap-haz
ard , ho appeared ready to grant that it
was better to have such practice than
bo content to theorize , sitting still
and doing nothing. One is pleasantly
accustomed to think of Knglnnd in the
vanguard of progress , and there seems
no good reason why she should not be
there to-day , as she has been in the
Klcotrlo Street Cars.
Electrical World : There could be no
mistaking the keenness of tlio interest
felt in electric locomotion by the .street
railway men who assembled in Wash
ington. It is the question of the hour
for a very large number of roads , and it
is evidently going to bo answered in
the aflirmativo in a great many instan
ces by the adoption of one or tlio other
of the electric systems. The success
with the cable , to' which attention was
drawn by Mr. Holmes , of whoso advoc
acy any interest may well bo proud , is
at once striking anJ convincing. By
that wo mean that while it proves much
for the cubic in good hands , it is not
less eloquent for electricity as onoinoro
means , and a bettor , of replacing horses.
As wo have said before , the competition
does not Ho between electricity and the
horse , but between electricity and the
cable. The horse is already out of the
running , and of the various substitutes
for him the only two commanding at
tention are the cable and the electric
motor. Between those two methods no
tlnal decision will or can bo made for
the present. Probably there will bo
many now cable roads put in whore cit
ies have a largo population , but even in
those cases there will simply bo a post
ponement of the verdict for electricity
with its half a do/.en ways o'f
handling and propelling a car. No
one can say that electric propulsion
ramo worsted out of the discussion at
Washington. Mr. Unit-Icon certainly
made a most favorable impression in roj
gurd to storage battery cars , while Mr.
Ulnckwoll on the conduit system , and
Mr. Sprague and Mr. Mansfield on
overhead methods of operation , wore
listened to with marked approval. Of
course there was criticism , and some of
it was pertinent , but at the worst it
only meant that a few details wore still
defective , and not that the principle
was a failure in its broad application.
It seems but a day or two ago thut wo
wore told that no electric road had
over run with morn than one or two
ears , and never could ; while now roads
of ton , twenty and thirty cars are be
coming matters of weekly note. If any
body thinks that electrical engineers
have reached their best results in the
work thus far done , and hugs the belief ,
wo can only bo t orry for his delusion ,
and suggest that he study not merely
the advance that has boon made in
electrics , in oven the last five yours ,
but the history of the improvements in
steam and cable locomotion. Perhaps
there wan no more significant state
ment made , moreover in the convention
than that in Qulncy , 111. , and Cleveland ,
O , , the consent of the property owners
to the now electric roads to pass be
fore their doors was overwhelming in
its unanimity.
Kmcrgcil from Ilnrbarlniii.
'One ' would hardly think of going
Into the middle of vo ! : Pacifie , to a
country just emerged from barbarism , "
i > ays a correspondent of the Electrical
llovlmw , "to find modern electrical do-
volojimonts , but it la questionable It
there is any plneo in the world so thor
oughly up with the times in this respect
as Honolulu , the capital of the Hawai
ian , Inlands. With a population of
about two thousand , it supports two tol-
tdhonu companies , having altogether a
thousand subscribers. 7 > ory trnde ;
man has one in his store , and almost nl
residences of foreigners are supplied
so that it is possible to talk to ulmo <
l\ny one of your acquaintance in th
iotfn and transact ail necessary busi
ness at the telephones. The Slutun
Telephone company ran a wire over th
reefs to connect with vessels ii
the harbors , jind many a loni
pull ashore was saved by ;
shout 'helloP Several fofitf line
extend to the plantations and rnnchc
outside of the town. Tlio convenienci
of the telephone is probably bettor illus
trated hero than at any other town ii
the world , and is duo to Us univorsa
use. wliiuh in turn Is brought about b ;
low charges , these ranging from % < ' > t <
$ . ' 10 aonr. . It is Interesting to notothn
at these rates the companies state tha
they make money.
Electric lighting is represented by tin
Thomson-Houston company , who liad i
station three miles out of town up tin
Nuuanu vallev. operated by watei
power , from which they light the towr
with about sixty arc lights. The light
ing is under control of the governmon
and is admirably carried out. It is in
tended to Increase the plant by the in
troduetion of alternate current dynamo
for incandescentliphtint.aiid while UK
manager , Mr. Fauluuer , has gone t <
the states to procure the apparatus , i
largo reservoir to supply an increano it
water power is in process of construe
lion to admit of future development. A
present incandescent lighting is repre
sented only by a Thomson iiicnndo&cetr
plant of two UOO light dynamos whiel
light the Palace and Hotel Honolulu
Honolulu is wide awake electrically am
has energetic and capable men to ad
vance electrical interests. "
Klrctrlolty at San.
Klectro-Mechanie : The naval uses o
electricity are almost as numerous as it :
applications to general purposes upor
land. Some of the firmer , such as ttu
interior lighting of ships , the ringing
of call-bells , etc. , arc purely peaceful ii
their character ; others , however , arc
devoted solely to tlio purpose of war.
One of the latter is firing of guns by
This is generally accomplished by
ciiushig the current from a zinc-carbon
battery to pa'-s through what is known
as an electric primer , placed in the vent
of tbo gun. The primer is simply n
.small tube containing a fine'platinum
wire , surrounded with mealed powder.
The platinum wire , as is well known ,
oilers a high resistance to the passage
of an electric current , and when con
nected with the closed circuit of a bat-
to r.y becomes instantly white-hot , thus
igniting the primer and firing the gun.
The firing key , by which the circuit
is opened and closed at will , is placed
in the pilot house , or at some other
place where it is directly under control
of the captain , and the circuit is. of
course , kept incomplete until the in
stant of firing. Obviously such a sys
tem , under some circumstances , as , for
example , where it is desirable to con
centrate a whole broadside upon a given
point and to lire all the guns together ,
would have trrcat ndvnntncos over the
old method of depending upon the
simultaneous action of the gunners.
On board the English armored turrot-
hhip Colossus , and several other vessels
of the English navy , electricity has
been employed to render visible the
sights of the guns when firing at night.
One of the wires from a small Leelnnehe
battery leads to the rear sight of tbo
gun. and is there connected with a line
platinum wire running across tbo
bottom of the sight notch.
The platinum wire interposes
just sufllcicnt resistance to cause
it to glow with heat while the electric
current passes through it thus enab
ling it to be readily seen at night.
From the rear sight the battery wire
loads to the front sight where it 'meets
the other wire of the current. The
ends of the two wires are brought very
near each other at the apex of the front
sight , so that the electric spark's pass
ing between them servo to mark its po
Every modern man-of-war is now pro
vided with powerful search lights.
They are of the arc pattern , usually
KOOU to:50)00candlc-powfr : ( ) : , so arranged
with reflectors that their rays can bo
concentrated into a single beam and
thrown in any desired direction. With
one of these lights of only 8,000 candlepower -
power , no difllculty is experienced
in illuminating a target more than
two miles distant , rendering firing at
night as easy and accurate asby day.
But , as its name suggests , one of the
chief uses of the search-light is to
search for autonomy. In war times ves
sels at night in proximity of an enemy
would constantly sweep the surround
ing waters with the search-light to de
tect the approach of hostile ships or
torpedo boats.
The search-light is also employed in
signaling at night , where the di'stanco
over which a message is to bo sent is
very great. The manner of using it for
this purpose is somewhat novel. It is
simply flashed against the clouds for
long and short periods , according to a
prearranged code , the letters of which
are indicated by various combinations
of Hashes of dilVeront durations. Mes
sages are said to have been successfully
sent by this method , between vo.SMjls o'f
the English navy a distance of thirty
miles. Pjans have also been devised
for signaling over shorter distances by
moans of the ordinary incandescent o'j
glow lamps. _
A I\\K \ \ Crop of Gall.
Detroit Free Press : "Two years
ngo , " remarked a prominent bus'inofis
man , "my house was robbed of WOO
worth of stuff. Two of the gang were
Caught and sent to prison for five years
uach. "
"Well ? "
11 Well , tlio other day a man cnmo to
ino to sign a petition for their pardon. ' "
.lNov ,
"True as I live. What do you suppose
his argument was ? "
"Ho couldn' have had any. It was all
gall. "
"But ho did though. Ho said the
men got into my house by mistake.
J'noy intended to break into my broth
er's house , but got the localities mixed
up , and ho thought I ought to overlook
i mistake in such a thing as that. "
"Did you overlook1" ;
"No , and the fellow wont away saying
lie hoped I might never know what it
was to languish in a dungeon under an
unlust sentence , "
Pop NervousncHB
Utio HoHlbril'H Aolil
Dr. W. C , Hnnscomc , MlnneapollH , Mian. ,
Rays : " 1 useil it in a enno of iicnto rlicnmu-
tlsin , during cnnvalusccnco ; tlio jwrtu'iilnr
symptoms I wished to rolicvo wcro Hlrculcss-
ness ima nervousness , nnd the results wcro
nil I desired ,
Eighteen years ago when the air brake
was tried , it required eighteen seconds
to apply it to a train li,0(10 , ( feet long.
Four years later the time was reduced
to four seconds. Recent experiments
witn the air brake on froignt trains
show that it can bo applied to every
car in a train of that length running at
the rate of forty miles an hourand that
this train can bo stopped within 600 feet ,
or one-fourth of Its own length , and all
this without seriously jolting.
Soouro a .sound mind , which seldom
goes without sound aigoBtiqn , by using
the genuine Angostura Hitters pf Dr.
J. G. B. Sicgcrt & Spu * .
Celebrities who Have Done so nt th
City Jail.
A Itnscnlly Catalogue Exploits <
Some of the Fraternity Sonic
who Have Hc chc l the KnA
of Their Tether.
There is an asylum located within th
corporate limits of Omaha , for indlvld
mils who have been overtaken in thel
crusade upon the aims of justice. It i
known as the police station. It is ii
the basement of a structure styled th <
Exposition Annex , and the main en
trance faces North Fourteenth street
The rear portion of the room is set nsidi
for prisoners , and contains nn iiine :
structure of chilled steel , which serve
in Mib-dlvidiiig the space into cell"
The latter apartments do not possess :
glass facing or rose-wood finish. Oi
the other hand , huge steel bars in per
pcndtculnr form , placed four inche
apart , are called upon to perforn
the functions of a barricade
Hy those who are not familia :
with the nature of criminals a quostioi
might suggest itself n to the need o
such uninviting surroundings , but t <
those familiar with crime and the na
ture of criminals no such quostioi
would ever suggest itself. Siillieu t <
say that the circumstances are not few
where justice has been cheated by tin
imprisoned cIToeting an escape througl
the instrumentnl'ty of a saw. chisel 01
sledgebefore discovered in his attempt *
to regain liberty.
In the latter respect. Omaha lias beer
extremely fortunate , and with but few
exceptions , every individual who hai
been incarcerated for violating the law ,
1ms been safely brought before the tri
bunals of justice and expiated his crime ,
And to the credit of the authorities
may it bo said that some ef the most
noted violators of the law have been
foiled in their attempts to hero carry
out their ignoble vocation.
Among the most noted "crooks" us
ing a metaphorical expression of police
origin that have visited Omaha , the
names of Gib Yes > t , the world-renowned
safe-blower ; "Cabbage" Kyan , the
noted sneak-thief and all-around crook ;
"Heddy" Mullen , a veteran burglar ;
"Three-fingered Jack. " the highway
man , Poke Wells and Charley Pitts the
train robbers and bank burglars , might
be mentioned. Their calls in Omaha
wcro merely of an informal tendency
and were void of sensationalism for the
reason of their extended acquaintance
in police circles. But each one of them
came once too oftenand in consequence
was ensconced on suspicion of having
perpetrated some outrage upon an un
suspecting community. The police
however feel confident that they will
come no more , or at least the major
portion of them.
Gib Yost fell the prey of Billy Pinkerton -
ton after having been engaged in his
nefarious undertakings for nearly a
score of years. Clad in the garb of an
.iged women lie was just entering the
doorway of a lowly cottage in the
suburbs of Chicago with a market bas
ket on his armwhen the officer swooped
down upon him and he found himself in
the environs of a medium he had so
long kept at bay and scoffed at its ap
proach. Like the youth who fired the
Kphcsian dome he felt that his mission
on earth had been fulfilled and with
, ho quickness of a catamount ho ] > ulled
his revolver , but when his eyes rested
upon a copy of Smith & Wesson's latest
.11 the form of a 45-callibre revolver in
, ho hands of a man who yet never
flinched , ho for the first time , since ho
ibandoncd his parental tutorage ,
loinled his hands heavenward and suc
cumbed to the inevitable fate of every
crook. He was given trial and although
argo sums of money were placed nt his
difeKsal ] , he was punished with a scn-
, ence of seventeen years of hard labor
in the Illinois penitentiary , where ho is
confined at present.
"Cabbage" Ryan is still at largo and
K stated to have reformed , and to bo at
, ho present time employed as "spotter"
in a well-known banking house in Chi
cago. Ho was given the name of "Cab-
jago" for the reason that , in his early
lays , his father operated a market gar-
Ion in the suburbs of Chicago , and
Young Ryan used to dispose of the pro
3ufo about the city. One of his-
2hicf exploits was the stealing of tliirtv-
six head of cattle from a "stock farm
tear Chicago and disposing of them on
, hp local market before detected. For
Lhis ho was given a term of years in
state's prison. However , it is stated
hat ho has abandoned his wayward-
less , and has returned to a reputable
system of gaining a livelihood.
"Ruddy" Mullen is now an inmate of
Sing Sing. Ho operated from New
Vork to the Pacific coast , and from the
Jritish possessions to the Gulf. Tlio
natter of his escaping arrest is not at-
ributed alone to his dexterity , but to
lis courageous spirit. Several myster-
ous murders are laid at his door by the
luthorities , but the slightest circum-
tantial evidence is all that they have
o rest their suspicions upon. Three
ears ago ho was in Omaha , but finding
ho situation anything but inviting , ho
iropolled himself eastward , and about
ix months afterward was arrested while
ittompting to blow a safe in a bank in
Jrooklyn , N. Y. For this and for other
rimes known to have been committed
iy him , ho was furloughed in the poni-
entiary for a combined term of forty
Thrco-fingorcd .Tack is well known
iorp and in Council Blutl's. Ho was a
aring burglar and highwayman , He
vas hero about two years ago , and dur-
ng his presence several robberies wore
oportca to the police , but in vain did
hey search for the much-desired indi-
idual. The description given in each
aso tallied exactly with that of the
toted footpad. lie loft hero and was
ubsequently captured in Minneapolis ,
\Iinn. , and sent to the penitentiary at
Stillwator for a term of thirteen years
md .six months nt hard labor. Ho was
ilno sentenced to spend the first thrco
lays of each month in solitary contlno-
Poke Wells is perhaps the bent known
> f all in this section. Ho was arrested
> n iiumorous occasions while in this vi-
: inity for felonious crimes , but escaped
vith light sentences.
Daniel Fnrroll , now connected with
ho Glebe of Council Bluffs , and who at
ho time was bhorltT of Mills county
Iowa ) , carries three scars from bullets
ispntchod from a revolver in the hands
) f Poke Wolls. But Wells , like the rest
f his clan , was destined to
nect outraged justice when
11 prepared to withstand its
uddon approach. Ho was preyed upon
jy the authorities in every clime ho
, 'IbUod , and was finally captured near
U. Paul , Minn. , and at present is sorv-
ng out a ten-years' term in tlio state
jastilo of Minnesota.
The manner in which Charley Pitts
ixpiated Ills crimes is perhaps fresh in
lie minds-of u great many , Being a
xnvorful man , and jKJb&uesfut ; a feurlesti
record , he teen found n position open
for him in the ranks , of the noied coterie
of bandit" , headed by the James broth
er" . He was with them in their lawless
work for a period of years , and a
among the first to dispa'tch the life ol
any pei-Min who dare interfere in their
transactions. But persevering justice
with her mantle of power hovered over
liis pathwnj. and while attempting to
rob a bank in mid-day at Northllold ,
Minn. , years ago. he was riddled with
bullets , and fell prostrate in death.
Thus it will bo seen why the huge
iron gratings are an indispensiblo
ngonoy in the formation of n receptacle
for that element of humanity that has
been led from the path of rectitude by
the wiles of the tomptor.
R. J. Ci.ANtrv.
A National Sellout of MitHlu.
American Mnga/.ino : Mrs. Thurber
knows that a national conservatory can
not be established at Now York at the
first stroke. She has clearly outlined
her project , but the project must be at
tained bit by bit. It was mapped out in
her mind several years ago , when , trav
eling between Toulouse nnd ( 'otto , she
took part in a conversation on music and
on art in general with a choice party of
French and English gentlemen. This
conversation led her to sketch on the
fly-leaf of a Bradshaw's Guide the plan
of a national conservatory. Associated
intimately as she was with European
feelings and ideals , she was still in
tensely American in her anxiety to
a-sist the art progress of her own
A national conservatory , as she had
planned it , though necessarily more re
stricted in its scope than she wished it
to be. was finally established ; and it
represented in her mind and in the
minds of her co-laborers a purely in
dustrial and patriotic enterprise. It was
not , in other words , a money-making
scheme. It was likely to be , on the con
trary , a money-losing scheme , bravely
TltouHnmlM of Dollni'H
arc spent every year by the people of this
state for worthless nii'dlciaca for the cure of
throat and him. discuses , when wo know that
If they would only Invest $1 mSAXTA A HIE
the new California discovery for consump
tion ami kindred complaints they would in
this pleasant remedy Hud relief. It is rec-
fimtnemlcd by ministers , physicians and pub
lic spealters of the Golden State. Sold and
gunriintcud by Goodman Drug Co. at tl u.
bottle. Thrco for fc > .f > ll.
The most stubborn case of catarrh will
speedily succumb to CALIFORNIA CAT U-
CUIIK. Six months' treatment for $1. By
mail $1.10.
lie Went On.
Detroit Free Press : A couple of ran
ged dirty boys wcro playing in a.yard
on Clifford street yesterday when an
agent for the sale of sham-holders
leaned over tlio gate and asked if their
mother was home.
' 'Yes , but you keep out'replied the
"But I want to ask her something. "
"It won't do any good , and sho'll bo
hopping mad.1 ,
" ' ' ' '
"But can't I
"No ! You'll sihk her if she isn't
president of acoinmittocon the heathen ,
and if she hadn't better put a little
work on her own children , and she'll
lick both of us and jaw father all even
ing1. So you { jo on and let us alone. ' '
If you have a recent cough , you can
break it up immediately with a few
doses of Dr. .1. II. MuLean'h Tar \Vino
Lung Balm. So cents a bottle.
A. Sinn with Owl'i Kycs.
New York Sun : John C. Dooley. one
of the best known of the aqueduct inspectors
specters of New York city , is , strange
to say , almost blind during daylight. At
night , however , hisoyesighr is so good
that he has been appointed a night inspector
specter on the masonry work , and , it is
said , can detect a weak spot quicker
than anyone engaged in the same work.
It is said that he has followed under
ground work so long that the pupils of
his eyes arc more like those of the owl
than those of man.
IVcurc again prepared to show a com
plete stock < if 3Ien's Diisincss Suits ,
, made in both sacks and tntaMajs ,
1 luuing received largo invoices during ,
the past week. Also , let us remind
i you , if u Dress Suit is needed , ne eau' '
' please yon. '
Ovoivoats in all stjlcs ami nt Um
right price. i
Dr. J. E. McCrew ,
One of the Mo-t * SiK'ce.-sful
n the Treatment of all Chronic or the
So-called Incurable Diseases ,
A cmejnianiuU'f'il in ull of PIUVATI !
mil SKIN JHSKA8KS. All illMirclrrn of Iliu
nd KNiity ( KKSTOKKD. .
I'niler tinDoctor' ) ) foun nf irntmrnt no < ) !
nt.o In coiiNhlcied Inciit0ilr..imtll | DIM jiurts of
ho body nllu'tril by < lhfi | : > iim ilrutroyt'il
lister tlmu they nm IKS ir | > ulrp < l or built up ,
Treatment by correHpomleicc. Semi Mump
or reply. _ i
) ffloo Bushman Elopk , 16th and
Douglas Sts. Orn lm. Nob.
Worth of
Goods for
and House Furnishing Goods of every description on
easy Weekly or Monthly Payments.
Installment House
613 North 16th , bet. California & Webster.
& CO.
Our Mons' Cus
tom Made
Perfect Fitlorx.
Wo have and can show the GKNTLE-
MKN of Omaha , the linestline of Mens'
Shoes ever shown in the city.
I'ltICK , S5.OO to $8.OO
no better goods made.
d O K\ For Mens' Calf Shoo in Uut-
ip&.OW ton , Lace and Congrcbs ;
"good dress bhoe. ' '
d 0 HO Fol < Jllc 8' Clllf Seamless ,
ipO.WW nil styles , bettor than any
idvortised ' 'so-called $ fK ! ( ) shoe.
3J ' _ fCIn this priced shoo wo have
tp'i.WV au gtyios and with the
nine stock as in our $ o.OO Hand Sewed
From $ I.5O to $2.5O.
Good litters and excelent wearers.
Ladies' Fine Shoes
Hand Sowed in Turns and Welts ; n lc
3 hco this slioo.
Our warm lined Shoes and Slippers
re now oiion and ready for your inspoc-
lon at prices lower than the LOWEST
> r the Miino quality of goodn.
Til mC I/ M.iUfi-ring from ll.
II OTCnn MiiH.mdx
| U ' IHt.ll.ri. . . , , . ,
my.Tnt moiiliwiilrt < ; I will ivml lu l > l
IriAllto ( Mitlull roiiialnlni : full | iruoiliir IT
hnmortiri * , fl o of . 'liHri : * ' . Amlron.
PROF.P.O. FOWLERMoocluiConn.
and TypMVrltlnif. N. n. Cor. If.Oi nnd loile Htm OppJ'ost Ollioe.
TKACIIF.S nil Uu lnei > H llmni'lio1 * . Including Short-hum ! HnilTjlie-w riling , Tim ( 'olIi'KO give * iwh
HtiulHit M'ork.10 pwy liUlioanl. Overu ihtiiilnt last jciu4 Over I.rUmm-In nttemlutuu , l.viry
Kiuilu.Uu In'u gooil jlo.1t . ! < > n iinil J > ! omy of i > lac < > for otlii'rx. It ICHIH only itbont f < > to pi lx
inoiithx , Jt luin tliu liii t ftuul IliibJni'iiS lU'iiartiuent In the West , Send nntjitanil nuili H for
circulate uud a , bountiful Madmen iif pemimnMilp. Anyone sendtin , ' IIAIUPN and mldri'iibOH of as
JOIIIIK men Will fft College Jouinal omjcairfrte. . Al MJBuddrisslOnUIUUilJ ' ' ' ( | ( lUlU. . ,
Call and see our goods and get prices be
fore you buy a stove of any kind. WE WILL
save you money.
t ;
14th. and Farnam Streets.
The Jewel Heaters and
Great Western Oaks
Which in price and economical use of fuel , are ahead of
anything in the market. Sold by
2709 Leavenworth Street.
Real Estate ,
218 S.i 5th St.Omaha.
Two-wheel Phaeton. .
Policies Incontestable nnd Non-forfoitoble After Three Yenrs.
Atoii l''H In all tlio larger cltlcis of tlio I'ntti'SHtute * wul ( iemwiiyimplro.
'N AM ) SIJKJ'I.IJS 01' Till : CO.IUM.VY.
. .
Assets. . . $260.885 4-3SurnlU8 | $207,158 O7
ASBQts . $13,073,247 371 Surpluo $1.B30.O3O 62
. . $ < V5)oooOOO
Amount of Insurance In loroo )
Annual Income . $2,400.000
Uli ( i { < iinnnlftposi.c sisl0iJor : | | ndiniltiil assets for avery JliW.iiOof llnbllltlijH.ubetter ' ratio
Dian that of any of the other till UU largest Ufo limiruiite Companies of , I lie IJniU-cl.'MuU. * . j
Olllm-Ui.mns . MM ! anil ! ! 07
Ernst Benninghoven , Manager , i'h'Kl National Hunk.
'C It. BTAU11. 1610 Howard 8t. , Omaha , has drawn plant
. . . , . , , . . npadflrntlonsforaU-roomfr inelioiis . wJilch eotnblnt >
inimy.romfort.eionomy and bvnutr.lnnway iinpoaalblo Imiuy oed
tioiu * that ixjito from I.'KO to ll.ifaj. An more than W f
will bu built 10,1 run afford to pH > r copy for
* , the usual fees otherwlso belii ( ; from - zZ " dtelgns furnUlied , as c n 1
6to7p rrent. I'uteiitBlpleil | fpr. * form uta net * ornlaoibf roninlpln
For variety of tfutd i.ia8 ! -
* percent more. . . - - - ? * ' nil dfjcrlptlonn , I liuve In my offlct , rnBglns in cntt
" "fioirt W.OOO to WOO.OOO. My uuuBualexporiencevlllguftront i atUf ctJon
itllubla ( optrft'ctorB only ' arv cDtfuyed on 1'iy ' works. I'artict wlthlne to build.
n > cordially lnvltfd. ;
j& '