Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 11, 1888, Part II, Page 10, Image 10

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MBER 11 , 1888.
AilvBrttfoment * under this lif ad 10 crntspoi
line for Iho lim Insertion , 7 rents for each sub
sequent Insertion , and tl.f/Oa / line per month
Ho advertisement taken for ices UianSTiCMit1
the llrnt .nsertlon. Poven words will bo countet
to the line ; they must run coMccntlvely am
must bo paid in ADVANCE. All advertise
Uients mnrt be handed In before l2:30p'clockp
tn- . and under no clrcnmntanccs will they b (
taken or discontinued by telephone
Parties advertising In tlieso columns and liav
Ing tliclr nnsw i n addressed In cai o of 'I HE HKI
* v ill please ask for a check to enable them tone
Ihelr letter * , as none will be delivered except ot
presentation of check. All answers to ndver
ilsoments should bo enclo ed in envelopes.
All advertisements In these columns are pub
llshed In both morning and evening editions o
3'iiK Hsu , the circulation of which aggregate' '
inore than 1H.OIJO papers dally , and cites the nd
Vertlscrsthnbenetlt. not only of the cltvrlrfU
latlonofTiir. lltr , but also ot Council lllutrs
S.lnroln and other cities and towns throughou
thlsspctlon of fho cciuutry ,
Advertising for thcso columns jv111 bo taker
en the nbovo cnmlltlons. at the follow Ing bust
toss houses , \vho are anthorbcd ngcntw for Titi
JJfhspoclal notices , mid will quote the saini
rated ns can bo had nt the main olllco.
JOHN W.llELL. Pharmacist,8 0SouthTenll
ClfABE i EDDY. Stationers and Printers , IK
Boilth ICtli tilreet.
Id II. FA11N8WORTH , 1'hnimaclst,2115Cum
IJi Ing atrect.
.T. HUGHES , Pharmacist. G2t North lotli
IXV. . PA Kit , Pharmacist , 1W9SI. Mary' ;
P\7OUN(1 Englisiimaii seeks oiiiploymont u
J. store or olllco. 1 ) years experience In oh
country. Uood references. Man led.
. . Fi * trANTRITosltlon - as stenographer bj
TTouug lady. Several year's experience ,
i Can furnish machine. Addiess Iliownoll. 8K
18th st. 2J15-17 ]
t/ANTIID-I'osltlon for rellnblo lady ni
T > nousokecpor lu wldowor'H family , dnm !
toferi'iacs. Adilrnisorcull lit Nebraska Urn
ploj mcnt Olllce , .117 N. Ifitli Ht. _ gl'J-lU
) Situation for llrst tlnsspnstij
WAMTIM . Also for good girl for second \\oik
Kehrnska Kuiployment Olllco , 1)17 ) N. Kith Rt ,
* \\TANTr.I , > - lly a coinretent woman , to dc
' washing. Ironing nnd hoiihctlranliii ; foi
tirhiitn families at their homes , Ad-lro sll't
Jlue ollku. 24i Lit
7pTIl ! ) Situation by n young man a1
ti.nellngs lUsman for giocerlcs 01 confi'C
tlonoiy Can furnish bust of ri'fireiiCB. Ad.
flicss , Lock llox t.7 , ( llenwooil , la. 212 1J
\\7ANTI ! ! ) Situation by a yotim ; inau as
IT rouihnmii iinil work mound thu house.
Apply aUl I X Ian st. _ 201 I2J
A VOt'NCJ gentlemnii of 12 yi-urs cxperlenco
riMa banklni ; dtslies aposlllon In a bank lu
Jown or Nebuskn Ilest of reference ami boml
urnlslied. Aildress H oil , I lea olllce. 111411 *
Troi'NH man who has hud three years' ox-
* . pcrlenco as grocorjdelheiy clerk ; youne
Judy live ) ears * experience ns asslstivnt book-
kt'upcr and saleslady ; good lefoicnces given.
Address box b'.U , Oiniiha. Neb. 105 11 *
i\X7"ANTii ; ) \ live energetic man to solicit.
' IT Small cash ill posit remitted. 1'osltlonper-
Jr.anent. halaiy good. .1 , F. Moore , Hoom Ni ,
ii llotiso. Council Hluirs. SCh-IJ
ANTi : ! ) Ilov. Apply Oroenman i : Itlch-
aidion. 417 S. 15th ot. 272-11
" \\7ANTED Compositor on job work and
TT bwedlsh reprmt ac 1513 Doilgo stioet , up-
Jitulrs. 225-11 *
_ _
lfl/17'ANTKO / Folder feeder wanted , Monday
TVVesteruNowspapur union. OOJ S. 12th st.
I'W ANTED Smart , honest boy , 12 to 15 years
t T T of age. Kefeienro rpqllll'-il. . d ill oil .1. fi.
jjParkcr S : Co. . ticket brokers. 8U S 10th st. 1-llj
) A ( iEN'IS-lrldecent holiday signs foroverv ; big prollts ; outfit tree. Hobt. Sims
fo : Co. , Washington , D. C. 202 11 *
UK T.7ANTED 8 good painters for city work and
r i T. ID men foi wort In city at Nebraska Km-
t Olllce. 317 N. Ifith at. 21llt
i MTANTEn Young man for olllce work. Ad-
I IT dress In own handwriting and enclose
Ptoinp H 18. llceolllee. _ g21 lit
JAL1SMKN Wo wish a few men to sell our
'goods b ) sample to the wholesale and retail
aile. Jarge--t manufacturers In our line. En-
loaoS-roiit Hfiinin , Wages $ .1 per day. Pel ma-
[ pent position. No postals answered , Money
advanced for wages , nuvutlslnir , etc. Ccnteu-
alal Mau'f'g Co. , Cincinnati , Ohio. 132 J 2 M
( / " ANTED Uood men to Inttoduce a Hfaplo
i article to consumers nnd the trade. Hlg
prollts and steady work. $ " > 0 to $100 per vvoik
for the nt six months. Send I outs postage
for Bftiu e nnd full partlculais. Addioss , Nlch
plaM'fg Co..Onalaska , WIs. _ all u
1IUAK factory , Now Vork City , making line
- * ana uiedluin goods wants salesman for
Investor ! ! Jobbing tiado ; state lofcrouces nnd ex-
( j > erlouce. Jos. Itosinthal A , Co. , 85 anil 7 lleade
Vi yt. . New York. _ 173 12 ?
I A ( iENTS O. 1C. potato and fruit peollrs ,
jXothor goods , quickest nrolltablo feelleis.
Bamples and particulars mailed 15 cts. dates ,
/fel / Dey St. , Now York. 170 12 *
WANTED 2 galvanized Iron coinlco makers
at once ; steady work guaranteed. H.
jGrahl. 104 and 100 Dtoadway , Council Hluirs , la.
_ _ 17 ! ) U
WANTLD A stute manager to open olhce in
ouch of the follow ing cities : Tnpokn. Nash
ville and Lincoln , Neb. haliuy , Jl.nuo per v ear ,
> hiHt Invest Address. ( JeorBo 8. ( line ,
y aglier lllock , DBS Molnes , la. _ 1.7
W ANTED 4 traveling salesmen , mdaiy nnd
expenses , no experience Jiecesrtrry. Ad-
btamp , Palmer A : Co. . Janesville.Wls ,
110 11 *
' - Is lo have n
live , exclusive Sunday paper , and it wants
B\oliinlt'cr correspondent lu every neighbor
hood ii , the city and In evnry town within 100
tulles. Nopieviousoxpoiieiico noodod. Call at
room 29 , Hoard of Ttiiile , between t and 5 p. m.
tliH w cuk or write. Don't delay. iX
* V\TANTHn A good canvasser , apply at S17
Tt N. lUth Ht , Omaha , Nub. 757
WANTED Salesmen , to Introduce a now
and veiy snltMhlo article In hlslooallt ) ami
* .djolnlng cltlc . Snlailispuld lo actlvo. oner-
ettc bali'Hmcn. AiUhc-s , enclosing thu-e Cents
In Btiimps. thu Atlas Manufacturing Co. locU
Box Ilsi , Cincinnati , Ohio. _ 7C1 d I *
\ \ 7ANTr.DMale * fcmnlo ageiitH oasv soiling
T T goods , room 24 , Barker blk , 15th fcFaiuain.
, _ _ _ 'Ji'JL1 * _
"lATANTED Energotlcmen and women ovorv-
TT whole for agontcal nioiioyiuaklug busl-
noss. leO wuokly piolltguaiuiitued fiislci than
IDJ mpnthly othurwlse. ixi : > oiloiiro absolutely
unneoi'ssarv , 1'uimanent i sltlon and exclu
sive ton Hoi y iiMiuieil , .samplos free.
> Viiteforlpnrtlcnlai8. Addiess , . with st.imp ,
Merrill Mfg Co. , HM Chic xgo. 417iU'it
rV\rANTiD-8liovi : lcra ; wacps Jl.7 per day ;
TT hnard $1,00 pur week. Apply on wcnk at
Jllllo ,'h Hhrop , ronti artur. Sin
f\\T ' /yi'lID A limn to sollrlt ; salary ? 100 per
T T juoiit h ; rniiht deposit i- > and give security
Tor mone.v collrctod. Addirss Ueorge B. Cllne ,
> Vagnui block , Des Moluo.s , la. Mi
AOKN'ltJVANTril ) l75 a'month and x-
peiisit.s paid liny active purhon to sell our
( ooas ; no Ciiiltal | , salary nmntlily. oxpeiixesin
ayancv , paitlculuis tree. Blauilard Hlh iirwure
I'o. . Hoaton. _ 47
DUt. Tel. Co lliUl Douglna.
T ANTED Man to take the agency of otir
T Hafes ; HlioKbxWxlB Inches ; \tulglit f > 00 Ibs ;
r tall price Mi ; ottier Rlius In piopurtloti A
rarerimnco und pcrimiiiniu business. These
fafes meet a dejmind never bnfoiesuppllulbv
other nafn companies , as we are not governed
liytbe satopooL AlplnoSafo Q > . Cinciiiimtl. O.
\\7ANTED Good life nsuinuce solicitors
TT with bunk references , are wanted by the
JJnlon Mfo at 401 Merchants' nntlonal bank
t > ullllu ( , Ouinli * . Olllce lioma 8 to 10 a. m. and
to 6 p. m. Oil
ANTEO-Oompi'fentcirTto"cook and gett-
enil housework. X117 Douglas Ht. 223-llj
ROOD cook and house girl. Family of
three. Uood wages. None but good cook
apply. 21ia Douglas at. SIM1J
fV\7ANTED Lady canvas en on a now aud
r TT fast bflllur book. Salaiy ( .1 pur day. Small
Peposll n-iiulrod. Apply to "II 4f , " Iloii olllc * .
* * * * * *
. VVANTKO-A lady who will do plain aevrlng
r T \ n part of the the time for board ; can have
Iiomo for the winter. Call at room H. Iron bank
Imlldlog. between 11 and a o'clock Mqnday.
840 11
| 'W7ANTI'.D-1 ' < | rat-class waltu-ss for pilvata
.TT. fuinlly , II : second tlrlsi girl to wait ou
cur BIOUX iity ; uunqriuw for Norfolk ; SO good
klr.a who waling to work
nra la pllvatofam-
\VTANTED-I dr ag nu lor comomatlo
TT btistlo-sklrt , "Daisy" hosa supiiortci
mbbor aprons , blbi , sleeves , shoulder brace1
BBfety belts , waterproof garments , etc : rcllabl
house. Only goods of real merit ; profits large
Address with stamp , K , H. Campbell A.Co. , 4"
W. Randolph St. , C'nlCACo , W5nov 10 ,
" \\rANTED-8mnllplrl for llBTirnousewort
T T Apply Oreomnan lllchardson , 117 S , 15t
st. 512-11
"VVANTUD-.I.Rdles to solicit In tha towns ci
TT this and niljolnlng Mat en. Must deposit ) l
nnd give semrltv for monev rollorted , Salar
Id per mouth. Rail on J. 1' . Moore , Ogde
lloiiHc. Council HIiilTs. SC'j.
"WANTED Young ladv for olllco work. At' '
T dross In own handwriting and enrlos
Btamp H 49. Hee olllce. 22211'
Tl liN girls for general housework , 4 ROO
JL cooks , 4 Rlrls for Aslnnnd.'J for SlouxCltj
4 young girls for private families , 4 luumlroMO !
4 chambermaids , ,1 dining room girls. Nobrnsk
lliiiuloymciit Olllce. 117 N. 10th at. 2I'J-11 ' *
\\TANT1U ) A thoroughly competent secon
TT girl , ouo who undcrstundu her work , ai
y , gutn st. IM \
\\rANTr.n-Flrst-ciMi InllorcM to work wit
T T a tailor on custom work. Apply 111 N Ifit
upstairs. .OT IJt
\\7 ANTED-An Intelligent American womar
TT v ho Is willing to do some housework an
nsslst In the care of. clilldreii , 618 H anil st. U
T\7'ANTiD : A neat , rapabloglrl for genorf
T > housework , must bo a good laundtes <
Apply OKI 8 , istixnt. ion 13
\\7ANTED A lady to sollrlt : ninstdcposttIS
T > and glvo Keciirity for money collected
Addiess ( leorge S. Cllne , Wngnor block. Uc
Mollies , la. frti
- compctentntirso girl with goo
WANTED-A Mis. J , E. HalimIIII Woo
ANTED-Tablo boarders at 170S Dongla'
739 N 31 *
\VANfED-Thlrty day boardeis. also thro
T > i comers ut 22it Dodgukt. 271 u-J
VTKHHASICA Kmploimcnt N. Ifltl
S K3M7'
/CANADIAN liiiiplovmcntOlllcp. Mrs. Hregii
V-AJlf ) , S. r > th. HorerciKo Omaha National baul
2 J n 22 *
' udvuntnges now given iu tile's
blanches at Om ihu lommercial Collcgc.iipi
1' t ) , cor inth and 1 lodge. Hen I'ltmau sstem
liemlngton tjpo wiltcrs. i\ury : gtaduato ii
good position. Students complete li
two works , and wrltoiM words In three months
1 olllro dilll given each student ou
mouth free Mediations dally ono hour. Die
Intlnn thrco houis dally. Day nnd eveningso < !
Finns. Students enter anv time. For clrciilur
viilo Ilorhbough Ilios , Omahii. 218nlil
VALENTINE'S Shorthand and typo-vvritliii
A Institute , now Paxton building , Omaha
Nob. 'Hie only exclusive , practical Miort-ham' '
school In thewest , ' 1 ho demand for mioit-ham
iHers Is largely In evcesn ot the mtpnly.
bliort-haml Is much superior to book-koeplnc
nml telegraphy as a moans ot livelihood , W <
give instructions on Koiniugton nnd Ilnmuiom
t > po-wiiU'rs , both for the same price.
l > y mid evening J.essious. Students cat
cutorntiui ) tlmo. bend forclrculais. 75. ' " "
TVANTED-Ilids fo r the building ot tviTo"1
Ti room tenement Hats. I'laus and speclllra
Hous i an bo nc"n at olllco \Vostoin Laud am
Loan Exchange , 117 N. ICth st. 251 U
LfANTED lloics to w Inter. f7 per mouth
\v Imiulio ot ( Ju5 Weckbach , I18S IHht. .
142J Douglas
AKOOM-MATK WmiteJ-Iuquiro
las st , room 2. " 1'JJllt
WANTED Young ladles and gentlemen t (
know they can obtain n thorough am
practical knowledge of telegiapny , lilting them
bPhes In .1 shoit tlmo for good paying posltlom
at the Klcctilr 1'i-legiaph school. Iloomsut
and 329 1'nxton block , or 10th nnd Farnam st.
"V\7"ANTKD Two young gentlemen , wish tc
T T secure nicely f mulshed room with inndori
conveniences. 1'rlv.ito family niuferreil. Ad
ilross 1145. Hee. 21'i-lU
WANTED Pleasantly furnished loom , 01
sulto of rooms , with boird , bySor.lgen
tlemeu In private family. Address H 44 , Hee.
251 11 *
"IJIOIt HENT House. 4 "looms , and ono of 1
J- rooms , 12th ami .ronos ; house , 7 rooms
stable and large yaid , inth and Haruoy ; moileir
liouso. 10 rooms , 2lstand Locust , Kountze place
' looms , llth and Dorcas ; ,1 rooms , 19th and
Martha. Linahan & Mahoney , Hoom 506. Pax
ton blk. 350. ii :
KENT S-room homo on 15th st. betwcer
Jones and Leavenwoith. Iniiulio Dr. Mat-
tlce. Ibttl Dodge st. 243
FOK KENT o-room house and barn , 2511
Ohlc.igo st. Inquire MS Sl'Jth ' st. 745
HOl'SE ! ) rooms and bath room ; good barn ;
2521 Davenpoit s > t. ; inquire2518 Cap. nveO
tiJl 17 j
FOIl 11ENT Two live loom houses , 107 nnd
10J South 2Hth st. , $ l ; onomodeiii ten-room
bouse , KG South 25th st , very low. Hlngwall
Hi 03 2111JJ
(115 , nine-room house. No. l2l ! N 17th St. . all
'i'comoulcnciis. Including furnace. Imjulre at
lloc'dei'sdiugstoic , cor. l.'th mid llainoy sts.
O I'lVR-room houses on red car line , } 1J5'
-Jper month. II. E. Cole , Hoom 0 , Coutiiifiital
block. 200 lg
O ELEGANT 10-room houses 20th mid Callfor.
nia , cheap. H. E , Coleiloom I ) , Continental
block. 20012
TpLEGANT 8-room house ? with bath , 2 blocks
li/of / 20tli street c.iblo , S22 p r month. II. E.
Cole , Hoom 0 , Continental biork. 2011 13
N" ICE rt room Hat on N. ICth st. rent 50. Sev.
JL > oral llrst ( lass houses and Hats In whlcli
the furnltuiHls for sale. Innulie at Co opera-
live Land & . Lot Co , 205 N. 1Mb st , 20" > 12
POH ItENTFrooiu ottagcTcLTslcth st. A ,
C. Pom-ll. 188
FOH KENT rour-ioom house , porch in fiont
and bark , good well and chtern. Iiumlro
1701 ( iipstHlist ) < outh 10th Btroet.
POIlHKNf 7louse8iooms 2221 Cassst , cot
tago5ioomh llth and Hickory. Inquire room
iQj , 81ieeli-y blk. _ i t
FOR HUNT New d-room cottage. Inrjulio Ja
cob Trolol.Leuvenwoi tli between27tniV2bth.
_ _
I71OII HENT Pour-room houbo , No. nifl \ \ 11-
L Hams Rt. lg | ] J
HENT ,1-rooniTrottirt's , cor 27th anrt
* Patilck ave. OIIB blcck , fiom lied Line car.
initiliu : | cor house , IbOl. 11,1 n ?
HENT Six loom hous" , IIO'J DavoupoTfl
r > -HOO.M cotliiye , fiillil.hrd 1 „
'JJU ' pcriiioiilh. 2JJI Ikcatnr st. 144 lit
IPO It HUNT A Ti-room house , well , cistern
L nnd nil modern Imiuovementb,2i ) . ! Chicago
it. , 120 a month. hnqulrone\t dooi. 13' I5t
OH HENT-3 room housoJIO , 2'd : and I'iorc * .
F. K. Palling. 1521 Kamiim. 1CH 12
171011 HENT-lleaullftil Broom house , bath
room , licit and cold water , rlstern In kitchen ,
> m\tr connection , gas ; haul plno tlnlsh. sulcn-
lid fuinaiu ; house now und lomplole , ( in per
iitiiitli , call nt oii' : . U. r , lliurlbon , 418 K. 15th.
ITlOIt KENT ( i room bolide. 11 UK N 17th. I8u
* monlU. Inquire atal < 8 13th , wr >
| ? OK KENT-Largo li room liouso No.253l :
L1 Dnveupoitbt.
Lurgo lu room house cor 21th and Capitol ave.
r. room house 2021 llouard at.
4 room house Uth nnd vintdu sts.
0 room lumsoffith anil .loucrt sU ,
ft room JIOUBO 221(1 ( I'lenest.
Apply to QroouLic Williams , lnt Nat Hank
house. K.-JB. 18th.yea
yea na *
. ' house with without
Foil or
barn 1UI7 Cnai st. 8 , LehuiAn. UI }
TTUm HENT H root i home and barn , 8 U cor
* - ' 84th avn and Wekstcr ht. fi i per mouth. In-
UilreiiOi I'axtou bloolc. 1' , J , Cfoeilon. Ml
1710 It HENT A now convenient 4-ioom house
L' with clot eta. pantries , hard and sof water.
.ii'J y. Silat At. , bet i\ ecu Center and Dorcas.
fcl5 11 *
POlt HENT-One of these lu-room houses lu
1'arlt Touace , cor. Iluuacom p.irlL , all mod-
nil Improvements , tlO permontli. Innulrit I e
L Nlchol , 25th and Loaveuvtorth. 809
171011 HENT-A nne n w S room house with nil
V modern Improvements , nuch 03 gas , bath ,
lot und cold witter on both floors. Inside all
mrd llnlali , luruo wlndowimnd large grounds ,
Corner of Hickory and Ueorgla ave. I'rlce UU ,
fJI Btlmon j.'l I Leaynnwortli BU 776.
filOH HENT U room Bar 13th and HowanC
L1 ea'i month. Apply H J , L llrandels & Boils.
'ornerlUlh ' aiidjlowanl. 7 a
I/vfR HENT At very low rates. 10 and 14 new
L ; reuld nc . S4M nd 2414. CAM etre L CUrke
luce. Can block ou U of Crelghton cell g , on
arnttm nd Slth street car line. All mode"
niproveinenta. Apply , U , T. CUrk Union Tr r7
> > . , or t SW Cass street. CU "st
RENT Now 8 room hou owith turn
ttire. city vv ater , b th , etc . central loratlor
J.VI per month. J U 1'nrrotto , rental BK < nc3
1COO Chicago st , _ 63113
ITKIH HENT h-room house , 2113 , 7-room housi
-T 24 1 1'opplelon ave. ( leo. I. Ollbort , Will
nell b'l'B. _ 61fl _ _
IjlOH HKNT o-room rottago on horse car lint
-L1 118 a month. Apply M , HlguUer 1001 , Tar
nam st. _ 418
rr HOOM brick house. 2111 Hamilton st. A
modern Improvements , ISO.
Broom frame , No. suio HanilHon st. , $27W
Ix > avltt Ilurnham , No t Crelglilou blocR. 41
HENT 3-sto7y "brlok rcsTdonco , 1V10C 1
Uol avo. . 10 rooms. Apply to a H. dulou.
T710H IlENT TVTO Btoro rooms , vhlch are cor
- \cTtedlnlo Uv IIIK roorna , Omomn each , nttl
per month. N. K. oor. Hith and JIosou , Innulr
214 b 12th sti _ 311
IJIOH house on B. IMh St. , tw
JL1 blocks south of Vlntonst. : will rent for tl
per month or Bell on terms to suit purchase )
( leo. J. Sternsdorlf room 0 , opposite V. O. 01
OK JlKNT When you wish fo rnnt a hous <
F store or ofllce call on us. 11. E. Cole , root
0. Contlniintal block. _ C13
TT\01t \ HENT House \Utli nine rooms. Ill f
JU aith st. Mount AClrlllln. . 211 S. llth st. 71
HENT 7 room house vv Ith farso bain
FOR per month ; for the wlnler. C. r. Iluril
son , 418 bo. 15th St. _ Ml
ifr.NT To -ipoii8llilo party , 0-roor
brick hotibo , 118 Soutli 2.1th st , IHI feet fror.
cable tine. I'lirnnco mid nil modern ronv em
cures. Hent Ml per mouth. Apply to . .1.V
Orinith , tJ. I' , hcndqunrtors _ < B8 15
IlENT 7-room Hat , city water , batli nni
modern conveniences. ! 1 unfurnished and
furnished rooms for HKht hotisokoonliitf. Al
o-v or MXH Howard st. C. K Sluivv , 1016 Howard
HENT ID-room house with Hcain heat
FOH D.1 S. 2Uh st. O.K. Thompson , Shool ;
block , l.'jth and Howard sts. 14
house , bath room , hot and coli
'Pvvati'r , BUS. Hevvpr , paved utrcct , now. ( J. I
HaiTlson. 4IM 8. liith st. _ _ 6S3
TTIOll HENT O-room house , city water , No. Ill
J I'acincBt. Inquire at 1PUO llovvard. M4
FOH HEtsT lly llosvvoith & Joplln , Harkc
block. ; ) , 4 , B , 0. 7 , 8 , V. 10 , 11 , 14-room house
In all pnrls nC the city. _ HK )
clnssiooms , new bilck residence , pi ;
FIHST family , 018 K IDtli st. All modem 1m
pi ov eniBiitH. 37-17j
front room , private family
- moderate prlco. i > 17 A tJ. Ave. i O-ll *
WANTED 1'amlly of two having a lars
house can nccommodato Ktmtloman am
wife , llavo stable room for two hor-'OS. Ad
diess Ivnr Ungstrom , or call at 1615 Dodge Ht
upstairs. l-12t
O HOOHB for rent , modern com eiiiencos : alsi
Aboard , lull Uoiiijlas bt. _ 241 17 *
HENT Nicely furulshad rooms wltl
nrst-clas.sboaid , at ItKJ rurnam , cor. 17th
OH KENT Furnished rooms , all modcri
F couvenlentut , 14 1'iuimm st. gl * 12t
TTOH HENT Nlcoly furnished rooms , HOI
-I ? Jackson , 8 and U , 1st noor. W llj
" 1J1OH HENT A largo southeast loom \vltl
JL1 furnace , pas nnd bJth for ono or tvv o gentle
men. Mil South SOtn , near St. Mary's ave. 1N5
FOH HENT A fuinlshed room , 1814 Davou
port st. _ lil ) IZi
ROOMS 1'lrst-class lioiue board , 1713 Dodge
185 IU
3HOOMS , furnished complete for housekeep
Ing aud 5-ioom cottage , furnished , I2W N lutu
070 lit
_ _ _
M"EAT front room , 812 N. Kd st. 197 12 ?
"TJ1OH KENT Two nicely located fiont loom'
-A ? fiiinHhed. yuOU Hnrnuy st. Sftl U
T IUHNIBHED rooms at 2101 rurnam st. _
OH HENT 1'rlvato family handsomely sit
uated in moiUrniic'VV icsldeiico will iiccom
date few select bomdors ; references exchanged
. UK ; u *
TjlOH HENT Large , nicely fuinlshed soutli
JL ? room ; steam heat , Ibl ) Douglas. U8J-U'
ANUSOMELV furnished front room \\ltl
folding bed , suitable for 2 gents. 1817 Uov-
onport. _ 163 11 *
TTIOH KENT 3 nicely furnished rooms , parloi
laud bedroom , kitchen , for $21 , to man ani
\vife ; ab > o 'J unfuiulshcd rooms. 1218 Park uv ,
113 lit
_ ; _
HENT Warm furnished sleeping rooms
JH and ! 10 , payable weekly or monthly. M ) !
Howard. 112 11 *
_ _
3I-UKNISHKD rooms , single aud en sulto
321 S. SStll St. 160 11T
FOIl housekeeping Pm lly ftirni'.licd Hi si
llooi , 3 rooms and closets. 1(115 ( Capitol uo
115 15 *
"VflCELY Tuinished rooms , 2103 1 arnam.
JL > 141 15 *
OH IlENT Furnished rooms , with or vv 1th-
out board , at 1610 Davenport ut , 140 Kt
TT10U HENT Nice furnlHhed and unf uinlshcd
J-1 rooms nt 141'j ' Dodge st. Enquire 142 : ) Doug.
las st. , 1001112. 15815 *
ITIOIl HENT- nlcsly furnished loom , all
JL' modern conveuIencCB , 11U3 S. luth cor Pacltlc.
ini u *
Foil KENT Nlcclv furulsned rooms , single
or en suite ; boaid if deslied ; 1811 Cumlmr ,
T5 OOM for rent , tor ono or tvvoKentleinen ,
XXiilccly furnished , good location , 221 ! ) Capital
ave. lfl lot
rpwo south rooms , nicely and newly fur-
JLnl-ilied. Hot and cold water , steam heat.
Hist , class table board. 1721 Davenport st.
9ns lit
1710K HENT-Kuinihhfcd room ; boaid if do-
JJ uicd. 21)24 ) How aid st. ytl 12 ?
1 ? , LEOANT front and back parlors , furnlHhed
lil suitable for2 genllemrn or iiiiin aud vvifo ,
modem conveuleiicos. ILU'J Douglab t > t. OJ7
1J1UHNISIIKI ) room and board , with gis. bath
JL and furnace heat lu house , bevv ard.
b'Jd 11 *
F OH HENT A handsome south room for one
or two gentlemen , convenient to cable nnd
htf cur lino. Enqulro 2111 Douglas Kt. S41
1 ? UHNISHKI ) looms , with or without board ,
J 7W N. 22dst. _ _ 87J1UJ
T7IOK HENT 1'urnlshod room. 110 S. 86th.
J : _ m
ITiOll HUNT Very ( lesiihblo tiout room , fur-
JL nlshed ; ov < "y modem convcnli-nre ; block
and a half fiom llainoy at. cable. 2107 Douglas ,
IT' LEO ANT front rooms , clioap K3 H llth ,
JLl' ' _ _ 7C1-N. U'T
"ITlOlt HENT Nlco large fin n'sliod room with
-L' alcove , suitable for2 gentlemen , ll&i
IJOOMSvvithstovos * 1 pervcek
JLI month. IVJ2-4 0 S 18tu Ml. 412 ii25
" 171011 KENT A large front room , nicely fur-
X1 nlnhed , modern conveniences , suitable for 2
gentlemen. 101H Webster. 72 < l
171011 KENT riinilsliod or tiiifurnlanod room
A1 for two gentlemen , or man and vvlfo , 2025
Hovaidjit , 511
irTtfUNlSHBD room. A. ilospe , 1MJ _ Douglas !
l/HNlSHEDrooin , 113 B 20th near Dodge.
61U n2li *
FOU HENT Furnished room , south front.
N E cor 21st and Davenport sit. 480
LA HUB pleasant room , furnished , brick flat.
1418 Cnicagoif 4IJS
FOH KENT A largo front looiu , newly fui %
ulshrd , south front , cheap , corner 17th and
CumlngH ts , uortheaU corner. 3 3
1710K HENT Furnished rooms tn Qreanlg blk
JL1 cor , llth and Dodue st . Inquire of Geo. It. ,
Davis , Mlllard hotel billiard room. C17
TIiOK HENT A Jmndjomu room with alcove at
JU Zi , St. Mnry' ave. tiU
OU HKNT-Uufnrnlslied double parlors.
llefereii&as excliaiiged ; 84 | N. Kill at. 270-IJJ
POH HKNT To email faintly 5 unfurnished
rooms , 116. 1110 Chicago pt. 230 la
TWO fctory bulldliiRrcorner llth auil Howard.
Ji Unfurnished rooms , ofllce rooms or light
bualucna. Apply at house or 1311 b. 20th st.
| > OO > IB for light hause-Jteeplua 1303 Dounlu3 st
TTNFUKNI8HED backroom , llrst floor ; also
vJ f urnUhed rooms. Enquire 31S N. l&tli st.
10i IQf
fjWK HKNT 1 large frpnt room , unfurnished
U SS3 N 18tll St. 839
_ _ _ _ _
ITWll KRN'iVS or 0 rovms t 003 KlsttTa
JlJ UJQ1 ?
_ _ _
POH KK.ST-l'our rooms W Ductran'e build-
Ing. cor lathuucl I'ucidosto. Would bo u good
pl co for a doctor. Knnutre at room B , over the
irug ilore. L. Dungnn. _ T J
POK HUNT- Two plenum unf rul lied room *
at WO 8. Kdet. lid to ;
KENT 5 cKSiuters convenient forlioils
3J10H ; tn a man and wlfo wllhoutchllilr n.
blocks from postotjlce , 310 N 17th. ( ? H ) ! < ?
for hoiisescepini
UNrUHNlSIIElJiRiUable ) ) ) ! . 11 I
Kour (41 ( rooms , 4lfeB5i'th ! ' st ) :
1 wo ri ) rooms. 4lftK 19th st . . 1M
rnreo pi roomB , 1019 N , a n st. . . 11 :
Three ( .1) ) rooms. 70/M'Facino ' st 12 I
1 hreapl ) rooms , If lITPlerco n. . . . iS I
Three CO rooms , 1011 N , lilst st . . 10 I
TlireoOl rooms , 7U7 I'acltlc nt. . , 111
Kourmrooms , 1704 Wobstcrst IS !
IVo (2) ( ) rooms ] 18 Howard 2t . lo I
Jtidgo Hentlnn AttfRcy , a. w. cor. llnrnov an
IMh Mi. Hoom 1. upstairs. 230
OTOHE3 and flats suitable for tllnht manufai
Oturlng ; easy terms , Inquire 1WI Jarkson s
- -
, large ' fofe.rootn on lotlist , rent real
GOOD . Lu opfcrkttve Land A , Lot Co. , 2ur > I
ICfli st ) V 201 11
"lilOK HENT One Htoro-rrtomono bakery , on
JL' flat , cor. I'ark avo. and \Vool\vorth KVO. li
qulro 'thos. K. Hall. 617 1'axton building. 1.
KENT Storeroom , No. 211 S. 14th st. AI
at lUQllovvardst. Sll
_ . . KENT 0 stores on Ifith and Leave :
worth , apply Hank ot Omaha. 010
171011 KENT-llrlck store , Hat above. 2th ( an
. - Hamilton , desirable business location. Leu
vltt Ilurnham , room 1 , Crclghton block. OOJ
HENT-OHIce sulto $2.'i month. 2 slngl
FOH 111 each , all frontlns Kith St. , Husi
man block , N. U. Cor , ICth anil Douglas. W. M
Uushman , 1311 Lca > vuvvorth. G21
T/10K KENT rino retail store room wit
X'largo basement , tM per month , C. K. lln
rlson. 418 B intn st. 1)28 )
Oil HENT Clu'up. 1 have IT largo liver
bain , store room nnd tluoe living rooms
OOxiro feet , und accommodating soiuoul hoiao :
good location forstom , on Dodge st. tills side c
the Holt line , Omaha , that 1 w 111 rout cheap t
responsible parties. W. H. Vnughau , 14M t'ui
nam st , Omaha. 24'dlo
T710K HENT-Good barn. 4 stalls , feed root
JL' and wagon sued. Inquire nt 202i Ilouiud HI
F VOU want your houses rented place then
with llcuawa & Co , 15th , opposite postomo
EO. .1. Paul , 1609 Tarn. st. House" ' , stores
G etc foi lent. luO
Gnoltni : j. STHHNSDOHPF , roomo , opp. i
O. , will hereafter gi\o special attention t
renting houses , stores and Hats. If you wan
your property rentad without doiay and to rel :
able tenants , do not fall to list tlio mo wit ;
him. U23
WK give special attention to renting and co
lectlng rcnts/llst with us. II. Ji. Cole , root
6. Continental block. ( H4
ALONIUA ami bashful gentleman upo
w horn the Hies have roosted for man v > ears
desires the nsslstnuco and acquaiutHuce of
bright and hnpiij young lady. Address lu con
flilcnco ami on honor H 41. lleo oflico. 1 ' 11 *
I > iHSONAL : Klegunt trllo ] ) nnd
pinto cnstotx , cake dishes water and tc
sets , apoons , forks , etc. , absolutely ireo w 111
cicry purchase of MOO and upwards ns :
' ' 1 hankuplving oirerlng. " I , . O. Jones. Amerl
can dottier I tu'j Furuaiu. Out ot town re.irter
send for catalogue. tiTli (
"pEHSONAL If jou navou personal item , o :
JL any communication , drop It iu one of Tin
Bee's message boxes. _ Ifri
IOST * 7fi SatiirdAy Wtwoen nth and 14th 01
JKarimm or between tanmin , on 15th or lOtli
and Howard. Under icnardcd at Heoollice.
> } 240 lit
LOST On Thursitliy , 'the ' 8th , a little Scotcl
torilcr , tin cqlo . Infonnutlou lending ti
his ri-eovi-ry w ill bu liberally rewarded , ilia
Couch , 2315 DouglasJ < 214 IU
On Mondrfy , fiift , 1 black buckboarii
LOST buggy , andptnglo ; was last seei
with hoisos in front of my barn about 7 p. m.
$5.0(11eward ( will be puld'on leturn of propeit ;
to my barn.V. . 8. Jardine , IU N. llth st.
107 14 *
rrUKEN UD Koah heifer between 1 and :
X jears old. Ownrr.canihavc same by provlni
property and paying expenses , ot 1701 boutt
JOthbt. < IDOiat
"ITlOn SALE Cheap for a few days , goodBjeai
J-1 old inar > . with orwithout buggy ; warrantet
O.K. ; good for buggy , wagon or Huddle. fc > ei
her. T. J. Heard ii llro. , Itlo Douglas st.
| 247-13
_ _
TTKUt SALE Second-baud furniture , be (
-I ? room sets , carpets , stoves , springs , mat
eiosses and bedding. 1UI2 N IBIh st. 2ia-llj
SALE ( treat bnigaln for young single
FOlt . A gentleman leaving town will hel
his loom furmtmc , which cost him $85 , for $ ! ( >
and rent room lu good down town locality foi
SS per month. This Is a bargain , "boys. " Ad
dletJS H 4'J , lleo olllce. _ gJO ( ia
Foil SALE A good horHO nnd top buggy ; lu
quire at room 4 , Continental block , 15th anO
Douglas. _ 108 liit
CAIMNET grand upright piano , llrst-claas
make , for sulo at a sucrlllco , only used one
year , part cash and part time if desired. Address -
dross H 10 , care Hoe. _ 753 dl
FOIl SALB or trade New fwo seated car
tlago and single top bucgy. Selby. 1521
Farnaw. : ) T5
OIL tank wagon , nearly now , with or wltnout
team , easy terms. Ilntchlnson & Wend ,
1521 Dodgojit. _ 1)C7
FOK SALE Very line family horse and
phaeton at your own prlco. Inquire loom 210 ,
First National Hank. Ii'O
F I OH SALE A first clans surveyor's transit
cheap. Call or addroas 2520 California st ,
rpHE urtof extcmporl/lng Piano AFcompanl-
Jmonts self acquliod lu half 1111 hour's prac
tice ; no noted or previous knowledge of music
necessary : complete instructions by mall Jl.ltO.
Send for circular. Harmonldel Co. , 04 Adams
St. , HoomO , Chicago , HI. 2IS-1U
EWAHD-Ileward , Howard. II. C. IJoyd
wlllgUel'iUtouny man. woman or child In
Omaha that has sere ey s that ho cannot euro
with llovd's wonderful Egyptian eye water. For
hulout Hoyd's pliui inner only , N K coiner Cap-
Italave. and llth wt , Omaha. 2:11-1 : Ij
H7:8S.MAKlN-Mlss : ! M. A. Phlnols pro"-
lulled to do fashionable dressmaking at
most model ate prices at. 117 N. loth st. 82 J- | ; >
rr llE greatest wonder in Omaha is the cure of
J-tlifl t-ye , when diseased ; believe and be
cured ; go to No. 1212 CURD t > t ; rail on MM. Wil
liams and let her 1 1 eat your e ) es ; no culling nor
aci aping of the cje , _ 20S 12J
Suporlliious hair ou the face , neck
or arms removed , and the loots Instantly
killed , by the Eleclrlo Needle Process , leaving
no mark * or scars ; positively the only perma
nent lomody , Mrs , Dr. Paokenl , 1KB St. Mary's
iv o , ; Wednesday * aud Thin sdayu only.
2U 13 *
_ _ _ _ _
CITY laundry , Kill Hurt , rollaranndcuflfi. c ,
HhlrtH Ulc , uudurwear 7c. family washing 2io
to ttjc do/en , llr t-cluss work. 1TO Ilf
PIUNTINO. Mc-lIride.Mlyun. 1510 Dodg. .
_ * . , . _ 187d9
HAT factory ! Hatlfictoryl Hat fuctoryl
lOll.UuwKrdnt ,
[ lavingponnanently.lcxatiHl at the above loca
tion a ladles' general bar lobbing factory for
remodeling all klndsoC ladles' bum. Our prlco
: H OOo and no extra cluigey. Omaha Hut I'ac-
tory. _ f..V ? . _ IU1 11 *
: 4 ItVAKj printing , 1510 Dodge.
- - _ . ; , . , , _ Ia7d9
VTOl'ICE to contractors and builders You
l- > wills ivo monev tip flgnrlng with Haymcrft
Her. tholr stock of billlaers' hardware is complete -
plete and prices low. * _ . lJOnl7 _
INFORMATION wlllimit charge to parties
wishing to buy , soll'or truilci houth Oiiiahu
property. D. 1) . UmoatOA , Hoom 4'J , Barker
jkick. Omalm. , . , V , } , _ 770
FELT hats pressed ! aud reshaped ; feathers
cleaned and cnrleiL i. Jl. 8cliadell , 218 N 10th.
, ' 740nl J
IjlirilNlTUUK carefully moved by the Omaha
1- Auction and Storage Co. 1121 Farnam st.
TNO. MULDOON & Co.nil 8. loth st. ; 10 stone-
utters , Mo ItiH'ul foot , Colorado bandatone ,
' 11 UK ban Jo taught M an art by Goo. P. ( ieljoa-
J- back , aa So. mill U _ IIP
ncTtj Kayiner & Her for flu * tooU andlbulld-
Hera' hurdn are , 6218,16th at , , Ilor building ,
. O. HICKETTH. roanaeer KxceUlor nund ,
Pit. Farnam. Ilrasi md'etriug iniiklc.
T1J n 1W
Quarnntw a4Trxlit Co. . VM * * r
n in Corapl8to abstracts furnished. * titles
r * l estate exuinlned.parfected <
"DHNSONACAUMICHAni , furnish compl t
Lanil euar ntp d bstr ct of title ito ao
real estate lu Omaha and DouglM county upo
short notice. The most complete set of ubstmc
boots In the city. No. 1503 1arnam st , OiS
STOHAtli : Merchandise. 319 Soutli 10th Rt ,
iJTOHAOE-At low rates at 1121 Varnaui s
Omaha Auction .V Storage Co. 13i
STOHAGE-IIousehold goods 31 Soulli lot
f > 7l
rtMlACKAOE , storage , loweit rateZ w7 J
JL llushmnu , nil Loarenworttv. ClfJ
"IRTANTED To buy secondhand furnltui
t cheap for cash. 718 and ? AI N liith st ,
104 Hi
WANTED Hi Council Illuir * . u meat lunrkt
or a place to put one. Address 807 llnrno
8t.Oiiialia. Neb. 1 ( U 1U
OT In Plalnvlow for cash. Hutclilnson ,
Al , lf > 24 Dodge 8t. 137 It
\VANTED-To purchase n bank in central o
T > western Nebraska. A. 1' . Carter. 2-iOSCai
Hoi ovo. . Omaha , Nob. 150 11 *
WANTED To buy livery business In cpntin
orwesteiu Nubiaska. Address Flock ltio >
Lclghton , la. 7 IL't
\\rANTI5D I'uriiltliro , carpets , Moves an
M household goods of all kinds Omaha Am
turn A btoiago Co. 1UI t'arnnm. US
nmiloou ronl eitato.MortgaRosbouitli
LOANS Hlclmidson.H. 0s.W.cor. 15th\.lomUa )
_ ,178 n2n
U VOU want to tioriowmonovr it you hav
dlamondB , watches or juwolry and desire t
ellort & loan on favorable forms la a strict !
prlTAto and coulldcntlal maniior , or should 70
want a lonu on finnlturo , horses , carriage'
land contracts or personal properly of any dc
script ion. > ou can have money advanced n
lowest rates of Interest and ampin tlmo to pa
by calling on or Bending postal card to the
. „ . . , Omaha Mortgage IoaiiCo.
" u loau out our own money , mak * out ou
own tinp'ir , ; and pay no commission , thus glv
ing thobomnt , to 'the borrower.
our facilities arc cuch that wo can accomrao
date you in a prompt and confidential manner
nor , giving you fair , hotiorablo and courtooui
All loans ronowcd at original rates.
We will pay off any mortgage younowh&n
and give you long tlmo and low rates : will loai
nny hiitn from Jii to { 1,000.
Commercial and 1st mortgano paiwr boucht
Omaha Jlorttrago Ioan Co. , rooms 17 and SI
1 li st National Hank build Ing- _ _ _
M ONEV to loan on chattel socurlttos. Ulsno ]
Ac Wheolcr Loan Co. , room 5 , Darker block
MONEY i'o lly the uuilurf Iguod , wh <
has the only propel lyoiuanUed lo.inaKonc1
lu Omaha I.oaus or f lute JIiUO ( made on furniture
turo , pianos , orsansJiorsos-waRons , maclnnery
etc. . without removal. No delays. Alt buslnes
strictly confidential. Loans so made that an' '
p rt can be paid at any tlmo , each paymon
reducing the cost pro lata. Advances made 01
line watches and diamonds. Persons ahoult
carefully consider who they are dealing with
as many new concerns aio d.illy comlnu into ex
Istence. Hhould jo < i uood money call and sei
mo. W. H. Croft , room 4 , Wlthncll building
loth and llnrnov. _
T UILUING loans. Lluahan i. Mahouey
TilE Omaha I'lnanclal Kxchango , Hoom 15
uajker lllock , southwest corner of Farnara
and lutu sta.
Makes a specialty of short-time collator *
and real estate loans.
Money always on hand In sums of 1100 am
upwards to any ntnouut , to loan ou approyoi !
Secured notes bought , sola Or exchanged. real estate anil cash to exchiiugo foi
good first or second mortgages.
loans made upon land contracts , stocte ,
bonds , trust doe ls , flr-.t or second mortgage so'
curlty , without publicity , delay or rod tape.
Financial business of any kind transacted
Promptly , quietly and fairly. Koom 15. Marker
block Corbett , Manager. _ KM _
ONCV to Loan On Omaha and South Oma
M ha pioperty. O. F. Harrison , 418 S 15th st.
HTl. 1REY 300,000 to loan on city property
and Improved farm land. Freuzor block ,
made on real estate nnd mortgage !
LOANS . Lewis S. Heed & Co. , 1621 Farnam.
. 051
* PO LOAN 43,000 private money. Apply al
JL onco. C. F. Harrison. 418 B. ICth st. 1.S 13
rpo LOAN ? -,5UO THivato money. Apply ali
- ionce. . C. P. Harrison , 418 S. 15th at. 122 13
to loan on Improved real estate ,
MONKV Uurnham , Crolghton block. 017
to loan. O. P. Davis Co. , real estate
MONEY agents. 1603 iurnam st. ( (13
IW.OOO to loan at 6 per cent. Linahan & Ma-
$ honey , room KK1.1'axton block. IHW
OODeity and farm loans wanted by A. K.
G lllley , 1510 i'arnain. 602
estate loans , lowest ratos. Odcll Bros.
K I & Co , 312 S. 10th St. 030
to loan ; long ( lino. George J. Paul
M .ONEY ) st. ( JJl
' FINANCIAL Exctango-Tho fair
est , ( lUlotost , most liberal money exchange
in the city ; loans made without delay or pub
licity , in any amount large or small , nt tno low
est rates of interc.-t , on any available security ;
loans may bo paid at any time or renewed at
original rates. O. noiiscaien , mgr. , room M } ; ,
Darker blk. , 16th and rarnam. _ 017 n lif _
to loan on household furniture , pi
anos , horses , vvagona and ether personal
property ; also on mortgage paper and contracts
as collateral security ; casii always on hind : liberal -
oral extensions granted ; business transacted
fairly.qulotly and promptly. The Fairbanks In
vestment Co. , B W cor 15th & Douglas , upstatts.
to loan on Improved property at first
MONEY No applications sent away for ap
proval. Security and titles examined free of
charge o borrowers. Lombard Investment
company , 809 S.J3thBt. _ 6(7 (
npO LOAN Fiom one to two hundred thous-
JL and dollars 01 smaller nums piomptly , east
ern capital always on hand cheap , Philadelphia
Mortgage and Trust Co. , ( Jeo.V. . P , Coates , ] j
board ottiadf. _ J8 _
to loan on fiiinltnre , Horses , wagons ,
MONEY ou any npprov ed security. J.V. . Hob-
bins. 11.'Wi siiooly blk , 15th und Hovvaiil. tl4'I
to loan on turnuure.vagons , etc. ,
MONEY removal , or on collateral security.
Business btrlctly confidential. A. 1C. Greenwood
& Co. , U 1 Cunningham blk , cor. IJth * Jackson.
lo loan In any amount , either for
MONEY or othonvbe , ut lowest rates ot
Interest and on Miort notice. D. V , Sholos , room
210 1'lrtit Nat'I bank , cor , 1,1th nml Pin nam.
MONEY to loan on Improvi'il city propoity or
for building pmposes ; lowest rates ; no
delay. Mutual Investment Company , room 1 ,
Barker block. IStb and Karnam. _ Mil _
rijWO.OOU ( I p r < ent. .Mouoy to loan on 1m-
uproved farms or city propoity , Jamns A.
woodman , at the old flro insurance ollice of
Murphy & Lovett. 220 i Utli L _ iilj
' hot row money on fmnltiirc , Morses ,
wagons , etc. , until jon have soon C. -
cobs , room 410 , First National bank building ,
tor. nth and Karnam _ _ ul" _
made on city property , chattel nnd ,
LOANS ( fiouirlty. mortgages bought. Klin-
ball , Champ ic llyiin Hoom 0 , V. S , Nut. bnnk
to Loau On leal estate and chattel
MONEV . Money without delay. Weitoin
Land and Loan exchange , 1178. luih at. UUivi
XV. PECK loans money , cash on liahTT
tjQO.OOO , can be placet ] oucity and farm prop
erty at lowest raten ; building loans u specialty ,
llooin 4 , llenzc-r block. Opp. P. O. CPU n IV
7VTONEY to loan ; cash ou hand ; no delay , J.
uLvr. Squlie. 121U Farnara st. First National
bank building. 014
QM6UUO to loan on inside property. Semi first
'P ' mortgages for fill * . Nathan Blielton , TiOj
Karnam street. * _ _ _ H5
JV/TONKY / to Loan-City ana country ; cnoap
WJ. rates , no delay. L. V. Hammond , 40J Pax-
' .on building , iJlO
to Loan Lowest rules. Loans closed
promptly , H. E. Cole , Hoom 6 , Continental
Ulock. _ 6W
CENT money to loon-Cash on hanil-
W. M. Harris , room 20 , l-'renzer block , opp.
f.O. [ ] J ! I'J _
OEOI'LE'H FINANCIAL Exi hunjta-Larffo
L nnd small IO.IUH for long and short time , at
ovvost rates of intercut , on real estate , mort-
: HKO noteu. chattels of all kinds , diamond * ,
vatclu-Haml Jownlry. Don't fall to call If you
irant fair and cheap accommodations. O. Hous.
arcn , mgr. , room Wt , Barker blk. IMh and
i'arimm 9I7H1IJ *
. _ . . . . . . In good
L order at ) our own price ; bust location. II
n , Hee olllce ! fli ) llj
fPOH BAIiK a first-class saloon on ICth et for
I. halt Its v olue. good reason tor sttlllnfr. H s-
: aurant , nhcrt order houien , cigar tort-s and
Hher business chances , Co-oi > rttlvo Land < Y
x > t Co. , afi , N. ICth lit , ! iUi ! It
| 7HK BALE A nice rohtaurant dolni ; a good
V business. Addrens H 4S , Hee ollice. 20J U ;
A UAHHopuonunltyTTlja vvell-kuown lUv-
LAleybouiw for rent , and furnltur * for < IK.
in easy terme. to good parties Tbl I * u rare
ipportunlty for the right man Address. John
Y , North PlfctU , Neb. ( OS :
BAliK-Luraber and coal busltiM.s I
n lghborlnK town , stiod. olllco bulldlni
scales and stock of lumber and coal. Dolt
business of f. O.OJO amially. Stock guarantee
to Invoice I3luo. Will trndo for nmalm ro <
deneoand takeor pay dineroncA on proport
free of iiKiimbrance , worth W,0i)0 to J7.aVi. I
H. Mayne , Heal Estate A Triint Co.V9 \ U
WANTISD-An Ititolllgent younz attorne
who has not worked up a practice- yet , an
Is willing to work to get a start , dm put tli
right kind of a man into a good business t
once. Address H T > , lleo ofllcp. 17211
ANTED-IntMllBont man tor ro pen lb
position ; good salary : must deposit | 2H
to J.OOO ns security ! interest paid on tli
money. Address H 83 , Hoe olllco. 171 11
"IJUHl SALE My restaurant , located ou iliS .
A' loth st. , doing n good business , will so
cheap for cash If taken within 3JiUij , as
want to go south. 11 C Ltvnls A Son. 14011
"fllOll SALIC Harbor shop and bnth rooms bo1
-L location , luiiulru 1'iuiik Plvouka font
Omaha. Ifjs 10-
, ' ) buy a well-established retail gn
ctry , rontially located , uUhnnestnblMic
trade of $ > 5 to * 100 ppt dfcy. Address 112
llee olllce. t'74 ' lit
"IIlOll SALE Lodging business good toeutlot
-L nbaigaln If sold at onto. OAddross 11 ;
Hfeoinoo. _ iW.m
) ard In fulliunnliigindor on swlic
AllllICK . and It. nil. Englni'.bollcr , pulleit
fortvi H brlek sheds to match nnd soft mil
machine , good claj , for sale cheap. Address i
12 , Hoo. _ _ _ 7IV1 15 _
\XTiJvnhto employ a rollablo maulnjni !
> county. Noexpi'ilcnco leiitiliml ; pcrmn
neut position for throe years. Salirv 1m rcaso
each year. Light , e > sy , genteel btisluoss Moiir
advanced for ( , alary. advi'Hl lng , etc. Large'
nmmif'rs lu our line , r.iulnso 2-cent N
postals. Centennial M'f'g Co. , Cincinnati. O.
" | 7UR BALE or Erchango All old nstabUsho
JL1 good paxlug Llverv business In Comic . l f Malnst. Win Sladloman , f'J.1
OH EXCHANGE or Slip 20 choice Improve
farms , 14 to ! W miles frnmOmnhn.vlllpn
some cash In iisihango tor Omul.a city tiroi
crty ; parties ha > Ing business or teiu-ment lilocli
or residence pjoperty will do well toltivestlunti
K. r. lllnger , 119 N. Inth. _ in-ir ' ,
T7KK EXCIIANE ( } - oed reutlni ; city am
JBoiith Omaha property : also lots aud f arm ,
AVesteiuLaud and Loan exchange , 1Kb. llHb st
rpo E.\'t'IIANli-ood : ( ! farm Innoithwostur
X Kansas for a good country printing olllc
outfit.V < stein Land und Loan Exchange. 11
N. ICth st. 51 1 1
11'you have nn > thing to exoh.vngo call ixm
see our list , u extern Land ami Lo xu ON
change , 117 S. Ifith. 251 11
, stock of ntoioli.inclbe , tl.OC
$ stock of liniilwiiro and piopc-rtv , JIWJ ( .stool
ormllllnoiv , gt not aland poisonnl piopettvum
nnd teal otato of nil kinds. Co opeiiitlvo Lam
i Lot Co , 201 N lutll St. , Omaha. 205 U
FOIl THADU AIlist-oUisH Uiort-order lioiiBi
and icslaurant. ( , < IOiieratlvo Land am
Lot Co , 205 N. Kith. ' i'lii 12
\Vr ANTED-To evchango good lot for f mill
TT tin e. would taku good bualliess hoiso. 1
y Hoe ollico. mi llj
SPECIAL attention given to thn oschangliif
of atoelvS of merchandise. Wcstein Lund
and Loan Exchange , 117 S UV > 11
IIIOII iXCIIANGE-Tvvo ; Nebiaska farnw foi
-iI city i evidence property. Address H24 Jilih
olas ht. , city. 171 15t
FOH EXCHANGE -Stock of clnthlmr , Imf
and furnishing goods in a good ton In Ohio
v aliiw about tn.OUil ; will exchange for piodurtlvi
Omaha propoity. Western Land A. Loan Ev
clmiige. J7I 11
OHiEXCHANGE-lmpiovcd faun land for in
Kldo ii'sldclicu piopi ity. 11. 15. Copson. 15th
and Pacillc. 1,7 ( 11 ?
wanted for town lots or tauus ,
FUHNITUHE Eschango , 117 h. ll.thst.
OH EXCHANGE-Lot In Lincoln Place oi
F1 Meyers. Hlclmrds A. Tilden's add. Will
take u good uprlgiit piano on lot. 0. It. Hall ,
room 42 , Barker lllock. 1-1 H
" "
Fpo EXClTANC.E-Eiiiiity" In two lots twc
JL blocks from car lino. H 3-'Hee. MI-10
Stocks of mvrchnnill e In ox.
WANTED for city nnd farm piopetty. West
ern Land and Loan Exchange , 117 S Kith.
255 11
TCTOH EXCIIANGE-For dostialile residence
JL ; property In Omaha , uny or all of following'
40 cholro Inside residence lots lu Hastings.
1(10 ( lots In Lincoln.
610 acres line fanning land , Lancaster county.
Jlne residence property. Lincoln.
fiood rental propoity , Lincoln.
Choice fancy residence , corner , LOR Angeles ,
Aneutiesldeiice propeity in llanscom Place.
Also some good mortgage notes.
Addiess , giving location and price of property ,
J. E. B. , caio Ilaum Iron Co. , U17 Loaveuwortli.
* 5y i
I7IOR Trade Choice lot lu Giammorry Park
JO and choice double corner In Upton Place for
good land. D. V. Sholea , 210 , First Nat'ljjauk.
T HAVE real nnd personal property of all
J-kinds for trade. Call and see mu. George J.
Stcriisdorn1 , room 0 , opp. P. O. C5-I
IK womlorfiil.Iarbexu family can be con
Til sulted dally on any sickness , dlsensu or
trouble , sore uyos , liver mid heart troublis a
specialty.V don't want jour money until
you aio cured. Olllce horns from U to 9. 1CI
Capital avo. 22.1 ittt
LAIHVOYANT-Mttlngs daiT- ; alto massage -
sago and ulooliol b.ths applied by ladv grad
uate at No. 417 S llth bt , up bt.iirs , loom 2.
2Io lit
Teller Mis. Leporraan can lie oon-
FOHTUNE all alTuirs of life. Satisfaction
guaranteed. No : I13 N liith st cai n2 ! ?
. NANNIE V. Warren , clairvoyant. Med
ical and business medium. Female diseases
anpoclalty. 111) ) . N. IMIi Kt , Ilooms2 Ail , r.55
TJ10H SALE Lots 1 and iTcor Sith"and Taylor
U Hlh , fronting onst ; I room house , good Muod
mill nnd uiniago hous , well , celliit , clstcin ,
, hude and fruit trees ; within 1 block of subiir-
tan tialu station ; near several factories , { J.OW ;
11.000 cash , balance long tlmo. Inijulro on iirom-
ses. 228 llj
1JIOU SALE-Pull lot on l th st. , 1st north ot
IJ 111 HurtmaiiHchool toi iJ.'iXI. Ilutchlnsou
t Wtiid , 1524 Dodge St. 2JO-
E HAVE $14,000 worlh of pi oporty soon to bo
sold for mm tguge. 'I Ho coming Inside pro | > -
rlvofbouth Omaha llciiulies fl.oiHl nisli. Can
bought at u baigaln. 1) . I ) , bmeaton , Omaha
IftX ) miys a full lot and gooit 4 room cott.igo
Peasy terms and good locution. 1) . V. Hholm ,
ooin UIO , 1'lrst Nnt'l bunk , cor. Uth and Par-
inn : twO
IM.WO buy a good 2-story 8 room house nnd
Plot , east front. In Windsor 1'lnce , a birg.ilu ,
) . V Mioles , Hoom 210 , 1'Irst National Name ,
IjUlK MALl -iTii oas7Ti > rm , tlio liist house dl-
V rectly hoiith of Dr. Mercer's ri'uldeuce.Blovpn
ooins anil bain with lot 40x11'l only tl.50" . w
I1. Seaman , wagona , carriages , AC , , east side o
Othht. , north ot Nliiholas. l > 70
Poll 3ALK Twoplogant Homes in llanscom
Place on loasonible terms ; moitgugo paper pait pa > meut. Hosnoilh & Joplln ,
larkei black. ! >
ro I'S I'oi 8ilc I have 10 line loH In Itrlgi-s'
I icoiiiul. for hnlc , I'or fin MILT infoi million
E .loircty ( luli-nii , IH , 801
I7IOH BAIT ! T.ot ) xr'xJ. "with good ' 'HtoT-y
L ? liousn nicely finished , all moilern convun-
cnceH. within 1 blkpavvd st. , "i blk from Park
cliool und > l. E. church , llanscom place. Thin
soneof thfl best propertlos In tlio city , nnd
: an be had at a bnrgaln by addrnulng thu
iwnorF _ H.Jl'o olDco. 44S
ITIOH SALE-Or o\chaiigo for Omaha proper-
L' ty , so acres , suitable for platting ; will make
OOlots ; all clear : big mouoy In It lor some ono
vho can push this ; located lust ut ldu of the
Ity limits of Council lllutlH. Imiulio Ueo. j ,
iteiiiMlorlt , opp. Dostolllco. 801
HALE Not for trado. 5117 act us of Tin.
POH ] ( > d laud 2 miles from Marquititit In ,
lamlltonCo. , Nobrnsku , rriiuo house , frame
table , aw nereis under a uood 1 bin b-vvlr fence ,
ound rodnr posts mid a ( < tays : living water ,
oed corral,2 vvelln , wind mill , ,120-bairiit t-ink ,
elf.feed rtioui'h8 , etc ; 7&ucius clover ; model
rice'about ( 112 per acre ) J1.MO
\ish . . . . . . . . . 't il
years time at ( l per emit . 3000
( In and look over th Und and address the
wner , Y , K. Atkins. I'M Larimer St. , Denver ,
tolo. 214
OH HA LE-513 acres Hamlltou ( xj. . Neb. .
P land. Vi per acio , one-third c ish , balance ut U
Address W. J. Wltdmau , Dcuver Col.
POH 8ALE-M ? icn'tigei We have om
Good Omahft real estate aud Nebrmlc *
rmu , which we will n ll dieap or trad * for
tOv\cof \ c'.otUiflir. furnliblne coodt , drr ( < > < > d * .
oourJ9bo . grocerlis or uardwar * . ticblt >
ager llro , U 8. lOlujit. _
[ ? Oll BALE-Not for trade. A nice 2-storr
L. home and lot , completely furhkod thro\iiiit ,
ut.luoaeor the best location * In to * city.
loclern tourtuleuct * . Only H.760. Tormi
aty. A rare chance to secure it home of your
wn at a bottom rock figure. Don't delay , but
inn till ! up at one * . Oeerg J , Stcrnndortf ,
loom 0 , opp , I' , 0. 3TM3
Snip ,
Notlro Is hereby given that on Tuesday nftor
noon , November llth. Kts at 2 o'clock , tha
IU A. McDonald Block of rloak , snlts , fUM.
trlinmlnas , underwear and oilier goods , ntul all
furniture- and tuturcs contnlnnd tu stern at 11
South Fifteenth Rtreot , tn the city of Omalm.
will 1)8 sold to thn Highest bidder for < wh at the
oltlco of Hall jcMcCulloeh. In thn "Omaha N
tlonal bank bulldlim. " Sealed bids for the salil
stock will be received M tln-lr ntnc until 13
o'clock , noon , of said Nov t mber t Uh , 1W. Said
Rood * and chnttols will be op n fortiupoctlon
to bidders all dsy Monday , November Utli.
Klght to reject all bids lesi-rved ,
IlAt.ti&MOtM,1.lCII MllNTIlOMKIir VJlir <
ntKV , Atlorneis for Mori gagee * . Novlld.'tj
1'nHt Kloutlott P
Ohlonpo HornUl ! Ot the clovou
nrosidonts who stood for ro-ploctloit
four have boon dofoutod John Ailiuns ,
John Qnlnpy Adams. Murtlu Van
Huron , and ( trevor Clovolnnd. Sln-
pulai'ly onounh , two of thorn vvoro
fuvorilo sons of Mas < ; noliusctH , nnd t\vi >
of thorn tiivoi-ito hona of Now York , nnd
till of thoni were dofontoil by the poou-
liar miiohiniitioiis of Now York pol-
In 1800 Aloxmulor llninlUoti uinliir-
took to dofonl John Adams for the first
pliii'o ou thu tiokol , thotiiih ho did not
wish to dofonl thn tloUot its-olf. Ho
simply trlod the Impossible tuslt of
brinyinp C. ( . ' . I'iiioUnoy , Ailams' run-
HiiiR inuto , ono or l\vo olootornl votes'
nhoad , "so tluit I'lnoknoy would Iwomo
president and Adnnirt vloo piosidont ,
His Intri no was discovond before the
oloi-tlon , and the result \\tmthnt both
Adiiius and Plnoknoy were dofontod by
Jollors-on and l > urr. Jn IS'JS.whoa .John
Quniey Adams ran n > .ocoud timo. Now
York dofoatvd him mainly through the
work of Martin Van Huron and tlio Al
bany Hcyonoy.
Again , in 1810 , when Vim Huron him-
tolf came up for re-oloction , the party
divisions in Now York , anil tlio report
of thorn Unit sprond throuyhont the
oountrydid moro todufuat him than nil
the "noise and nonsonso" ongondorcd
b.\ the clamor nbout "Tlppocanoo and
Tyler too. " The democratic pirtj : VVH
siilit hi two pnrls , iminodovoiilly
"Ilunkors" and "H.irnburnors.1 This
division enabled Sovxnrd toonrryiho
t-t.ito for irovonior in IS'1) ! ) , ami fed to
.such an oritini/ition : of the \vlnn : party
that it urrlod all before it in Ihli ) .
Coming no\v to IS S , it nnpoius that
tlio doinoornts in Now York eit.vvi'ro .
uioro intorc led in the city bpo'il tlmn
in uny patriotic coiibidoratloii tilloolinij
the whole country. The oloeluiii of
Grant as major could fjuo T.iiiiiii.iiiy
hall ? . )0.00HH ( ) ( ) of patroiiii Ohilc tlio
cloolion of Cleveland would jjt\o tlioiu
none. No DO t o u doubts that tli it or-
i ani/.ation is a practical politic il ma
chine , and is m politics for the money
there ib in it. Tlioie is verv littlu
quebtion that it l.'i ahvaj s soorolly op-
po od Cleveland simply ou the around
that ho did not disneiiBO the otllees to
suit them.
Arrive 1
Omaha. j TUAINS.
Ilmmlng between Council HlulTanil Albright ,
u addition to the stations mentioned , tialm
.top . nt Twentieth and Tvronty-fourtli stroutj.
nid at the Summit In Omaha.
[ road
0:10 :
8:41 :
I0.4i h
11:45 : rd
I' . Al , bd
2:11 :
2tr : >
11.4 4:45 : frj
5:45 : nl
0:15 : o |
8-4r , 9.110 ol
0.15 IOJ )
10:1 : 11W :
Poiith ) maha Trans Hrond
) maha. Bheeloy depot. fer. way.
A.M. A. M. A , M. A. M. A. M. A. M.
' " ' 0:45 : 5:67 : 0o- : ,
0:10 : 'fliri : CJO : 6W :
7UO 7:05 7:15 7:20 7:35 7:40 fi
7:50 : 7:55 H.07 8:15 : 8.2
8M : U:07 : U15 ;
:50 : 0i5 : 10.07 10:15 : 10:27 :
10 : W 11:07 llili 11.27 fiOH
n ! 11:05 : P. U. M. P. M.U'.27 P. M.
P M. P , M. U'.27 12.-IJ
)2to ) : 13:5. ' 1:07 1:27 : l.'W
1:50 : 1:5& : s-.m OH
Z : ' & 3:117 : }
3M 4:0" 4:11 : 4,27 111
41 ; ( c.o ; 6:15 : fi2J ; 5:11 : III
81 It , 0:27 O..H IIIu
0:6C : 0K6 : 7oi : 7ll6 7:27 :
7WJ 7M : ! 07 8:27 : 8tr : > u
8W 8U : 9:07 : B1E ; 9:27 : w
0f. : : loU7 : 10(15 ( 10:27 : ti
10.M , 11.07 IlilK 11:47 : \\\'j \ \ \ > tiy
20 um tiTl
* " ' ua
. No , 3 . 0:50 : p. in. , ! ) No.l . 7:00"m' :
No. 0 . 0:00 : n. in. U . fiiVJIi , m
. No. 4 . 9MOm.rn.lA No. a . HlVJp.m
. No , 4. . . . . 'J ; o . m. , A . 7 : a. m.
, No.B , . . . , JlJ5pjii.A No.7 . / . : > jii in.
. No.B . : Mpm.lA No. a , iiV : ) i uu
, No,0. . . . . . U40 ; .m. A No.a . 7IOam
. No. 4 . 0uup. : m. 1) No , 1. . . , TOI : ) . m ,
; No.a . 8llp. : ( m. A No. 5. .6.1' . 1' . in.
. No.Z . UMOtt. in , A No , 1 , fi.nn : , m ,
No. 4 . . 7:00 p. HI. A No.U .ilV ; ) u iu.
llliUl'l b.
. No , 2 . 0-1 . in. A M > . 3. . , m.
No. 4. . . .U:20p. m. A No. I. CJUp m ,
. No,10.,7a'm.m. A No.o. . Hiiu.m.
. No,13..Tinj.ut.iA ( ) No.ll. UiUOp in.
. No.B .Ji4ipmA Ni > .7. . .
A dally : H dally except Saturday , U
uadtiy ; Dec pt Momtuy ; ' fait 11111 ,