THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SATURDAY , NOVE CBEH 10. 188& 5 PAINTED A LURID CRIMSON , Lincoln iho Scene oE a Ropubllcru Jollification. GRAND RATIFICATION MEETING The Cntillnl City Colclirntc-i tlio tloti ( if llnrrl < m nnil Merion In nt Stylo-A Terrl- blc Acokli'Mt. Ltvcoi x BUIIEAU OF Tnr OMUIA. Dm , 1 Ntt'J 1 > STIIRCT , V TjtNttji.v , Nov. 9. 1 Tlif rilyof Lincoln was colored alurii crimson to-rtlffltt. < lreiit ooiiflres innili the principal RlrouU us light if < 1".V ninl iniully ontliu-diislic remiblicivns fortuivl the line of iiuirch alino-tt as long as llio fuco of Iho iivoratto doniociMt Tla * imitations sent out. wore niiswerei in porioil , and every train throughout the day brought dolujjutioiis from oilius and towns all tnur the sUte. Ueduii > i rates had bui'ti sccun-il over the various roads , and republicans llocKod to the Capital city as uovcr be-fore. Although practically un impromptu allair the rati fication mcotintf was much the largest over witnessed in the stale. Four yours of democratic rule oxidontly around to the highest pitch sluitiliciliiKpnthus- inoin. and the ffrcat demonstration a Indianapolis last nijjht was cerlainlj rivaled by the republicans of tills-state Nebraskans , democrat or republican , never do things by 1ml VOH. lOvoi'i- lliinir went. The dyinp demo- cratii1 city administr.vtion inter posed no objections , and from man ifest indications e\idi'nUy believed in the irood old maxim , "Knrly to bed and . rlso maUea a man healthy , wealthy and wise.1' Tim committee appointed early ycs- tordav morning did their work well. Invitation telegrams wore sent to prom- incut republicans and thu rank and file of the party in dilleront parts of the state. L'lompt replies came accepting Iho Impromptu invitations and a ciowd ot visitors wasnssnrcd before the day elosed. Tlio attendance fiom abro.ul Wilt beyond expectations. It was an other outpouring of thu Israelites from bondiiKO. As liullghl commenced to deenen the lluttcr on the streets an nounced that spoct.itorsvoro gathering \\itnobs the imposing demonstration. The wlnterish air aeomed to hold no ono 1.1 chcclt. Streets were lined by a throng of humanity , do/.en deep , surg ing and shouting at the slightest prov ocation. The presidential salute was fired at the turn of 7 o'clock by the university cadets. This was the signal for the ] ) araders to move , and the liu of inarch was taken , up ono street and down an other , headed by the republican llambenu club , closely followed by the 1C. of I' , band , the old sol diers , Ural voters , university cadets. visiting clubs , colored band , tin horn brigade , citi/en voters and foot and mounted clubs. Transparencies carried by hundreds of hands , some ot which wore peculiarly fitting and timely. They provoked great laughter and enthusiasm. Some read "A Repub lican President , Semite and House ; ' ' others "Log Cabin Hitters is all we Drink , " "Free whisK.v and free cigars caught the democrats' " The local hits piovokcd a great of mirth. It will bo remembered that free trade caught two or three prominent republicans , and took them off into that sophism , thus securing their votes for the demo cratic nominees. "Hnrwood won't get that foiotgn mission1'uml"Hnrloy lived Now York , " smiled benignly unon thorn. The parade was reviewed in front of Funk's opera house on O btreot. Con spicuous among Nebraska , republicins in the "grand stand" stood Senator l\Iamlcr-oii , Congressman Conneli-elect , Governor Tliayer and the entire repub lican Htato ticket-olect. Itwas n grand sight , and inspiration caught the mul titude. As soon as the review was over the Metropolitan rink was filled tote to the utmost. Short but happy spcelics were made by lead ing republican orators. It is needless to name them. Cheer after cheer greeted them n they faced the vast audience. Shouts nnd hurrahs fol lowed thorn when through with their talks. Tlio David Citv u'ee ' cluh intcr- Bporsed the hpeeoh-nutking with their spirited campaign songs , and they , too , were cheered to the echo. The ladies' republican club of Greenwood occupied prominent seals. Delegations from Boward , Fremont. Beatrice , Nebraska City , Tecum&ohVtihoo , Abhland and \Vooplng Water were participators in ( jvcry leading incident of the wonderful demolish ntion. Kvory device imagin able was "codgered" up for the enjoy ment of the occasion. Tint the end came at the time for the departure of trains. At midnight the city wascompnrativoly speaking , quiet. Needed repose w is sought. No greater political demonstration was ever wit nessed in the state. It rolloolod credit upon the party , and especially upon the tireless energy of the stale central com mittee. The campaign of 1888 has andcd , and it is to be hoped thnt para lyzed business will Boon revive , UK 100K IMS 11MK. Soon after the machinery at Fit/gnr- . rUd's brick yard was * started tills morn ing ono of the employes , named Uanlel HurUo , was caught in the shafting and iiiHtnntly killed. The speed ot the en gine bad jiihthcou started. It had not reached over forty revolutions per minute - ute at the time the terrible accident happened. The unfortunate young man was as sisting one of the other hands in shift ing a bolt on the second lloor , where all the hhafting lb placed. A bolt had been thrown off , but the rope used to hold it away from the shaft to prevent wear was tangled and the other man went for a new pleco , leaving Hurko to hold the rono. In KIIUO way it became wound annual his wrist and caught in the turning shaft , and ho was jerked from his feel and whirled into the air. Ho- tween the lloor and the shaft the space was not moro than twelve inches , nnd the unfortunate follow was drawn Through this several times before the machinery could bo stopped , AHSOOH as | Ksslblo Hurlco was evtrl- cotod , but a gasp , a quivering breath , and his spirit departed the tenement of .clay. The revolutions of the engine injured him terribly. Ono side of liis head was a great , bloody bruibo ; his right arm was broken between the wrist and olbownnd twisted entirely oft ; several ribs were fractured and his left leg was broken. The coroner was Immediately notified und wont to the Hceno of the accident. Ho considered an inquest unneces ary , but took the Btatomunt of those who witnessed the tragedy. The body of the young man was then taken to thu un- ilm'tauor's room and prepared for burial. The funeral will probably bo hold Bun- day , under thu auspices of the Ancient Orclor of HilwrniuiiB. A mooting was hold to-night to arrange for thu cere mony. David Durko wns twonty-soycn years of ago and a native of Ireland , where nil of. his / a'nllynow are with the ox- uoption of an unolo who restde in Jloomlii tou , 111. For several yotvrs pn t ho hrn boon In the employ of Hon. John I'lt'/gcrald. and has won the re spect of his employer find companions. I or mio tiiuo past Hnrka 1ms been living inVesl Lincoln. Jlecontly bo and his roommate , Daniel Knright , ar ranged to go to Otnaha to make a start in some little eutei prise there. This nimnlug he staled to nnrlght that this would bo his last da > ; that ho proposed to got ht time , and that tlmy would go to < imalin on next , Monday. Poor fellow ' low I lie took his lltno , but'into the un known world. sri'HKMi : rouT : M vmnis. tVntico vs Armbuster. continued. .Proctor vs IVllit. submitted. Ilrcsslur vs Vv'ayno county , submitted ) Hale vs Christy , error tiom the dis trict court of Oleo oounty. Kovcraod nnd remanded. Oilnion | by Cobb , .1. ft.indi V4 Stale , error from the dis trict court of I'awnee county. He- MMsetl and roinanilctl. Opinion by Maxwell. , ! . . Hcc o. I'll. J. . ilisbOnling. ( aHalimi v.s Fowortt ot a' ' , appeal from Iho district court of Douglas counU. Alllrmed. Opinion by Keese , Ch. J. .sT.vir. rr.Atjr Atiovvi : . The bo.ird of public lands and build ings met in adjourned session to-day and allowed the following claims : John Lavne , for industrial home at Milford , * l-r > ' ) j.8) . John Latilium , csllmiile on work on Capitol grounds. $ j)07.50. ! ) ( in xnxvs AND xoii : < 5. Hon. S. . \lexander. . of .lohnson , is in Lincoln to-day. Ho came up to ratify with the victorious army. frank Snow. John Harper , Charles Barwoll , ! M .Sm\the , Al L. Hughes. Cljdo TajloiV. . I. Austin and Kred Wriffht , the gentlemen conn > rising the republican glee club of David City , registered at the Capital hotel at noon to-day. Hon. W. .L Council , congressman - elect from the First district , was in the Capital city to-day. He expressed him self gratified but not in the least sur prised at the general result of the election. Oscar Hanson , of Dodge county , was committed to the care of Wai dor livers .vesterduy for grand larceny , lie will serve a two years'sentence. . The following ( jentlenion were in command of last night's ij.irade : Mar shul , .1. C. Mctlriilc ; assistants , h. M , Melick , S. .1. Alexander , Major Frank liu and O. C. Hell , Lincoln ; T. J. Pick ott. Ashland ; Captain Cobb , Wnhoo : Major T. S. Clarkgon , Omaha : E ( Carnes , Scward ; .1. II. C'ulver , Milford ; Major Watson. Nebraska Cit.O. . ; . Horn Syracuse ; II. M. Well * , Crete : C. N , 1'ierco , " \ V.iverl.Colonel . ; Pratt , Ben nett ; J. .1. Thompson , liiekmau ; Dan Champion , Firth. A Dish of New PN. P stands forPuddmplorPc.uhiml for Pear , And likewise for Poetry and Prose ; The P.irot , the Pif-ccm that flics [ u the nir , The Pig with a rniR in his nose ; For Paper nuil Pen. for Pnattr and Press , Tor Physic ami People who hell it , Hut when you atosirk.toielioveourdisti09S Take at oncu Pieivo'H Purg.itive I'cllot. Oh , yes , indeed ! These are the P's for you , poorsick man or woman. Noth ing like them for keeping the bowels and slomach rajjulaled and in order tiny , sugar-coated grannies , scarcely larger than mustard seeds. They woric gentfy but thoroughly. WALNUT lllljlj SCIIOOlj SITK. A History of the Deal to ( Jet l'o. J9 ( > s nion oT tlio Ground. The history of the Walnut Hill school sites which. cMUsotl much controversy in the board of education Wednesday niKht , is succin ctly BB follows : To begin there has novcr been but ono site ordered purchased. At a. meeting of thu board Aupust bth , a rcsolutioa orilcrinsj the secretary to uilvertiso for proimuls for school sites , m which Walnut Hill vvaj to bo provnleil for , was introduced by Moms Morrison , and unanimously adopted by the board. These proposals vrero advci tlscd for and received , and on motion ruferred to the committee on now territory , who were in vested with power to make the selections , and recommend tlio same to the board. On August 25 this committee mido a ic- port , sptvifylnK the selection of sites made , and recommending for Walnut Hill that the board purchase lots 1'J , 13 , 14 and l > , of block 17 , at & 5l > 00. On motion this report was referred back to the committee , the site for Walnut Hill bulnff deemed unsatisfactory , inasmuch as it wduld entail an additional expense of $1 , ! > 00 for Rr.uliiif ; The committee , which consisted of Morrison , chairman , und Sholcs , Fclton , Saville and Mct'luro , were also Instructed to confer with the committee on finance , Messis. Gray , II. T. Ulark , H. C. Clarke , PurmeJcc und Livescy , as thci u was no money with which to pay for these sites , and It was thought advisable to ascertain where it waste to come from before any contracts were mad a On August 22 , Morrison , chairman of tlio committee on now tcirltory , submitted a verbal report , ajjainst thu puiohiise of the site selected at Walnut Hill , and in lieu urfflns un optional site in lots 53 , M , 51 , fil , fii ) , 57 , 5S and 5'J in block ! i as much moro desiiablc. These ciKht lots are la the Saunduxd & lIUnebauKh addition uiultho pnco lixcd upon Lliem wns $5000. with much loss gradliif ; than on tlio previously-proposed site. Moi- nson recommeiiiled the purchase. The conimltUio on tliiaiice had prior to thin , lowovor.recoinmended proposals for 5200,000 a l > ends IK ; placed botore thu people to be voted on at the next election. A joint report was submitted the s.i e evening by the committee of llminco und loniinlttcc on now territory , rccomuiohdinj * he silo selected by Morrison , whicu was adopted. The membcr.s of the committee say that .hoy were Induced to niako the recommcndn- lon to which Morrison so strenuously ob- cctcd ut the last meeting un account of an mprovcmcnt iu the site , und the much more economical price asked , * 5,000 , with but ittlo additional for grading. For NcrvouMiens Use HoMlbrd'/i Aolil iMiospliulo. Dr. W. C. Hansconio , Minneapolis , Minn. , sitya : " 1 used it In a case of ncuto rlieumu. Ism , during couvulusounco ; the particular sjrnptoms 1 wished tu relieve vvoro sleeplessness - ness and nervousness , uud the , results were ill I desired. ' A Dunr Drunk : . C Johnson was arrested oil suspicion of atualiug u bottlu of ucer , although itvus not tnown from whom ho had H'chcd It. Cap. ain Given , however , assumed thnt he knew nil about it , nnd Johnson \\as fiiKhtonod Into i confession Hu pleaded guilty , hoping herebs to lighten bis soiitcnco , but thujiulgu gave him twenty days in the county jail. Quick , safe and huro. This is said of Sal vation Oil , the great rheumatic ix'inedy und greatest euro on earth forpaiu. PiieoDS onto u bottlu. "Down in the Coal mines underneath the 'rouurt'1 coughs anil colds uro very frequent mil there is whc.-e Dr. Hull's Cough Syrup s invaluable. Out A train. A permit has boon gi anted to the Mctio- lolltan Hallway Co , to open California street rom ln Iltuto boulevard ( Forty-Thirdstrcet ) our blocks eastward for the purpose of juildlng a c.iblo railway , provided the same hull bo done In accordance with the require ments of existing city ordinances , Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria , VTlien Baby wu lick , wo gave her Castoria. When the was a Child , she cricJ for Cutoria , Whirnahebev nolUw , ebaclunctoOiutoria , Whn , she had OUldreo , nho garo them Outoiia. An Important Annonncement About lt rtft-ii ncixwhlla&t buolaeM.1 traa luddintf altACked with ucrtirlaltnx pain * inmjTfft. kneel acit BuniUL 80Mirer * lti attack that 1 toole mjr twd Immediately , Knd In tire or thrm dKT BIT Joint * wrr * aTfollrn to almoat double tbtfr natural ulte , pndir p WM drtrtn from tnr. Aftcrlntlor- Inf t1 moit e cniPtatln p ln fornwfplc , UUDR llnlnienti ud Tarlotn o rr nmnllei , a frfiMirl nlio 7m'AtBLi a-wltlimjr htlploj condition , raid to me i "Why don't you ( jet Bnft' ! 8r cine n4 nit. 1 ntil guarantee A cure , aodlf ItiloM Opt thoTntdlcIii * Khali cot you nolblntc. " > I M on ) rrcurnl the 3. S a , ana nftor O lnx It tbo tint clay , had a quiet night and refrvihlng elern. In n irt > "k I frit greatly brnrrUtfJ In tbrruweekn I cntim > ltiiariit | walk aliout the room , ami after usliu nix bottlu I irni out and nbl to 10 to builneta , Blnunthcu I linto t/eeurbgulailT atniriii. ' ! of Oiitjr , anil Ktnnxl on my fret from nine to tfn hoiua a day , nnd am eutlrelr frfe from rain. T&cio aie tin' pJnln nnd ilnplo fnctt Innrri-c rrul I will cheerfully atimtor nil r lill o tbrrcto , clthirln imiwu ot tjqtilrloii r mail. Titouu Miimuje * It W l thi rcct , > ewYortCtty. F MA TKSN I harp \vnrJiMl oft a Vcro atiat.k nf rlirumntlfim by n lintel } mort to Swlft'ii Rpctfflo. In all cnjr wWroatirr- Bianrnt r 'l f t * lauxht this mnllrlue ciim- rnctidi lUfK fnr n romtltutlonal trrauncnl that tlmrinuhly rrndlcatra the ( cedi of iu > aie from tlie iy < te ii _ _ X. Iter W P. lUnutsOit , D. D. ' Ktw V HK , fn Trn AAfter npandlnf ITOO tu 1 rtAletcil of lllooil PolMin ltbout any torn-fit , few In ttlei of Swifts Sppclna worked njicrftctcure , C. I'oniim. ' Ticttt , Ol My llttlo Rlrl , ageil nlx.niid boy , nf' four jenrv hail forofula In ik * tfoitt travrtcd Blinpo. Thny wfro puny and tick r. To day they nra bi althy aad ro- Lust , all the remit ot taungS. S.S. JOK T. Cotxiin , i IUDT Lntr , ScitTtn Co , tu. Tour S. a. B. nanjinirrd a nondcrral tuecc In my ca ( < ? . Tfi > can < * r cmy inc < * . no doubt , vruuld hatn aoon hurried me to my KraMJ flo thlult Itlsunderfill , nnd hn unc > iual. n. II. limn , Postmaster. WACO. THAR , May 9,1533. B. R C < x , Atlanta.Oa. : GontltMnenKnnwinjtthat you appreciate Voluntarytestimonialwo take pltuaurala Stating that ono of ourlndy lUstomerfl has regained her health by the u e of four larg * bottles of your great rcmeilv , after baring btonnn Invalid fur smeral ) ( ar . Her trouble ntu en trrmo drbllltr. caused by a illdcnuo po- eullnr lolur noi.IILIS& Co.IlrUKKUIs. i Tlireo tionLs mailed free on appllcatloa. IRK SWIFT Srrrtrio Co , Uran art. At Inuta Oa. iiavr rort,7M UiooUway.V ANGLO-SWISS Combination oFCmJenss il Mill and the Best Chocolate , Sold by I'nvton , OnlluBher&Co. T0 % TOr , 70) ) . 711 South th Street. Hklmrdson Urns Co. 100" , 10.W Jones Street. Win Gentleman. 10th nnd nnd Cuss Street- ) . A. H. Gladstone , 1108. Ul'J SOME DOCTORS ( lint they can't CUK Rheumatism anil Ncttralpin. Others &iy they uin but -tlon't. Ath-lo- phn-ros says nothing but cum. That's tlia secret of its Hiircesfl. Years of trial luivc protetl it to bo a quid , safe , titre cure. Concord , N II . S it 1. 1S9T In my own family tthlorihoron waHU ed SR n laRt rtsort , the UM'rlmvluK Niifl'tivil front ihciinmti-ini for rcani and havin liccn trtmteil for tlio dfwiie liy dlnrixiif pbyxldatix in tills UUte iitnl .Ma < u-udiu. tt wllljout e\en temi < or > r > rtllif. Ulion rfcomnundatlonpcoreMof pio. hiv iii.eil tbiH rem ly vritli thn pamo B clalniPfl for It C. H. WII.KOX. lnbiiiiic ) | , Iowa. Jan 3 lew. AthloimoToH h IH cnmpMvu i-nicil me of ncrMius luailacbn nnd I feel thankful for ull the tfood it hax done nn * . i\Irn I.ooi r. Citinnr. Kf Send f cents for the bo.uittAil cotorol pic ture. .Moorish Wulden. " THEATHLOPHOROS CO. 112 Wall Sf. N.Y. HNPRECEDBNTED A1TBAOTION U O\ Kit A MILLION DlbTIUIiUTKJ ) ! Louisiana State Lottery Company , Incorporated by the ICKis'iUuro ' of 1MI8. for ndiicntloiiiil ami CLmrlt.ible puriiase.i. ntnl it.s frmu hlto iiiiulo u ] > art of tlio pi iMcnt tuto Con- stluition , in If-Tii , by ttti o\ui whelming voto. r.HANDlIXTItAOIIDIS'Alll" DIKWIVfJS tilkuplULU Sciui-Aiinu illyijunc ami Iliir-oiiilierr ami Its UIIANI ) bINGM ; NOUIRIt D11AW3 INGH tnko placu on each of the other ten menthe In the year , ami are all drawn In public , at til Acatlemy of Music , Now Orleans , La. "We do htreby certify that wo siponlso ( lie nrraiiKi'iueiits tor all the Jloutuly and Si'inl An- uuul Diawluut of 'Hie I.ouhiau.i btato Lottery Coinpanj. and In person jiinnaue nm' contiol Uie Orawlngs themselves anU tlint thu brtino uro conducted \\itli honesty , fnlrnes * ami In oed faltli toward all paitie-i , and we nuthoil/o thu company to lisa this c crtllkati' , ith fac- ilinllos of our al nuturus nttached. In lit , utler - Jseinents " COMMISSIONKUS. \Vo , the tmderslgnetl Hanks ami Hanlcc r4.will layiill 1'rl/es druwn in The Loulsluua Stotu Lotteries \Milc-h may bu presented at our conn- 'U1H. IL \VAI.JlSIiv. : . I'rea , I onla'ana Nat.llauk. I'lKltltlMNAfX 1'ios. State Nat'l Itiinlc \ . lI ll ) I f. ITos. NcwOrk-ans Nnt'lllank. JAHI , KIJIlN.l'roj. Union NatlonaUluuk. GRAND MONTHLY DRAWING , In llio Acailnny of Muaic , Now Ur * U-ntis , Tuesilny , November 1U , 1HHK. CAPITAL PRIZE , $300,000. 100,000 , Tleksts at Twenty Dollars each , lalvei $10 ; Quarter ) , $5 ; Tenths , $2 ; Twee * isths $1 , LISTOITIUZPS , ,13 Prizes , amounting to . II.G5lr03 NOTI > . Ticket * ( Irawluu Capital 1'iUe * urn not en * ItluJ to tfrmlitnl prlsct. Iir-hon tluiiIUiis , or nuy further InforiuntUm HBlii'd. write IrKlblr to tbo uailertlk'iirit , clrnrlr latlus four rc l.ence ( , llh Hlate , County. Hlrof t anil umtu > r More rupiil tctura nialliloltrury lll U ) H - urtxl by juur urivloiina an envelapo Ueiirlng j-our till udtlrvM bon.l Iti-iTAIi KOTI'H. Kxprtu Money Onl < m of lew Vork Kxclianirt ) lu onllinry leKor , L'urr uoy U - _ iddress Registered Letters to NUW UULKAN8 NAT1ONAI < HANK , Mew Orleuiijt , La. 7 AnrArTJI ? ! ) luuttlia XIliiTl lljlil I > ljlV trail HeauroKurd and : rly , who are In churveol ( lie drawings , U ftL'uur. nice 11 f alisulute falrnimi nnU Intonrlty. lluu the liiiiit-C * are nil niual.and thutnoonu ran poitllly irln * whuinuuibir nUliltuxr a inlio. Ifl.JIKMHKIl.alHi. tliuillio rmynient of prltetli IUUANTKK11 IIV I-OUU NAUOMAI. BANKS UK1 DM Urlvaui , BnJ tun Ticket * urvoicuml hy the 1'rc * lunl of mi luitlliitliMi i\Uuvo lUnrtfrod tluhK aru ire uliod lu the hlitneH rourtii therefore , bvwitr * ( any Itnllatlon * or anvnBiou icheme ) , GENIUS WITHOUT AMBITION Is Like a Cannon Ball Without Powder * MORAL : A man that , will pay ? CO to n Merchant Tailor for n Suit or Overroat when ho can liny the sim iliar garment for less tlum hulf that price , has either moro money than brains , or ho docs not me his wits to the best advantage. "Workman and Independent Man , It is to your inteiest to cnll and see our extensive slock of Fine Merchant Tuilor-nmilo Suits ntul Overcoats ; the most skeptical observer and inveterate bargain seeker is sure to be suited. Owing to the heavy consignments , wo have lately received from our ngents throughout the country , vro will ciYer them goods at the following A'ERV LOW PRICES. OVERCOATS. $9.0O buys a CHINCHILLA OVERCOAT , which wns made to order for $2O. $11.SO buys n CASSIMERE OVERCOAT , which was made to ardor for $22. $10.75 buys n good CHESTERFIELD OVERCOAT , which wns made to order for $28. $ IO.OO buys nfly front WAKEFIELD DHESS OVERCOAT , which was made to order for $30. $2O.OO buys a KERSEY OVERCOAT , which wns made to order for $4O. $24.OO buys n Satin Lined MELTON OVERCOAT , which was mnde to order for $ BO. $28.BO buysn Silk Lined TREBLEM1LLED MELTON OVERCOATwhich was madeto order forOO $3O.OO buys the finest SCHN ABELS CHINCHILLA OVERCOAT , which was made to order for $65 $35.OO buys a fine BEAVER TRIMMED ( SHAWL COLLAR ) OVERCOAT.which was made to ordo for $7O. 4O OO buys n FUR LINED OVERCOAT , which wns mnde to order for $ SB. FALL SOUS , CORRECT STYLES , Elegantly made and Trimmed , $9.0O buys n Seymour Snck Suit , which was mnde to order for $2O. $11.BO buys a One Button Snck Suit , which wns mnde to order for $22. $13.73 buys a Straight-cut Sack Suit , which wns made to order for $28. $1O.OO buys a Railroad Sack Suit ; which was made to order for $3O. $2O.OO buys n Four Button Cutaway Suit , which wns made to order for $4O. $24.OO buys n One Button Cutaway Suit , which was made to order for $ BO. $28.BO buys a Bannockburn Cheviot , sack or frock , which wns mnde to order for $6O. $3O.OO buys a Crepe Worsted , ( imp. ) 4-Button Cutaway , which was made to order for $60. PANTALOONS Of every description o goods and any style from $3.00 to $10.00. They must be seen to bo appreciated , from 816.00 to $40.00. ALL ALTERATIONS TO IMPROVE A PIT MADE FREE OF CHARGE. MISFIT CLOTHING PARLORS 1119 FARNAN STREET , 1119. OMAHA , NEB. ESTABLISHED 1851 ( 186 So. Chicago , Ills. ( Clark St , Tig Regular Old-Established PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON (3 ( still Treating with tha Greatest SKILL and SUCCESS CtaicNGrvotis , and Mate Diseases , NERVOUS DEBILITY , Lost Manhood , Falling Memory , Exhausting Drains , Terribta Dreams , Head and Back Ache and nil the cfTectl leading to early decay and perhaps Consumption 01 Insanity , treated scientifically by new method * uith never'Tatltng success. A3-SYPHILIS.ind all bad Blood and SlcmDIs. eases permanently cured. * S-KIDNEY and URINARY comrilamU , Gleet , Gonorrhoea , Strictu re , Varicocele ami all iiuease * of the Gcnito-Unn.ny Organs cured promptly without injuiy to Stomach , Kidnrjs or other Organs. Jt'if No experiments. Age and experience 1m. portant. Consultation free and sacred. * 3)"bcnd4ceiit3 postage for Celebrated Works on Chronic , Nervpua and Delicate Uueases. > 93 ihose contemplating Marrface send for Dr. Clarke's celebrated guide Mali , and Female , each 15 cents , both a ; cents ( sun \ r.Corsult \ the old Doctor. A friendly letter orcill may savefntnresuffer- inc and shame , and add golden years to life O-llook "Life's ( Secret ) Errors , " jocentijtamps ) . Mcdtcina anil writings sent everyhere , secure from exposure. Hours , 8 to 8 , Sundays 9 to i . Address F. D. CLARKE , fV * . D. , 186 So , Clark St. , CHICAGO , ILL. 3VER 10,000 MAGEE RANGES 2,000 MAGEE FURNACES AND 13,000 , MAGEE HEATING STOVES WERE SOLD IN 1887. Tlioio ilfrurosnre moro eloquent than volumes vlilcti lulght IM ) written In l > nila of tlutptxullur iierlta uosaesned by tliu Mtiuto ( ioods. Jli8-4l > * nr.ov8/ys OKTIIR HANom : "IISH the Jlageo irturiKH uniintiintlv In Jiiy k'liools mid I'rlV.tttt IvUolmn ! HtiillllN nveiv eiiulremcut for lint most uinctlniork ; I voiild not oxclmiiRa It for any riniKo madt1. " r-ond for our Kurunco Clrculiir nnd road what iliyHldansprofesanrn , Mdontltt" , iimcl uuluHitml itprclmntsDay ot tbeirngtia Kutnitceditinyliuvo inibo. nonlinitln bt um or lint Muter Ap- ) aratMbtlllyou KKOW wliat n MIIKT CLASS Hot Ur furnuco will do furluilf the rent. Tut : 3lAniR : lUNiii.H.l'uitNACLii.IlcATiNn AVU 'OOKIMJ BTIVhS AUK SOM > EVKRYWDEItr. by mr aReutt. ntul wo warmnt pacli ono to KVH > erf ct Hatlsfixition to the buyer. MAOKI ! 'fltN'AOK CO. , M ioiH : UsiO ! ( Sr. , IJoston. W tt tlilX ( > Ko. - norKUB & BONH. , Agents Omuhu , Neb. DREXEL & MAUL , ( Successors to John 0. Jacobs. ) Jndertakers and Erabalmers \ \ the old stand , 1101 I'aniam St. Orders by telrgrapb solicited and promptly attended. Telephone to No. 22. SteekPiano Itemarkftble for powerful mMr ihctia topf , pliable lee ana ikiliu durability , 80 jtvn' rtco ISS tout guarantee of tti enca of tnes butrUrutBo. WOODBRIDGEBROS , S ! ° JR ° in.Foll'i 'f"0"1" or V lr hA o icrloniily Jrolnc > llnlryitnlltror Ielllllal d IbMr erToul PyUfmsf and irt.j re Incopicl'atod for tlio M uly Wtitlea oflilo c nflna ptrfccl retlorutlon to MANLYVIGOR Health. Rlrenrlh and Ilohust Mnnhoo.l In the , la cSZSSJSSfiffi"3"1 " ' " P" ' " ' "h < "n rBUi1cJ rmt i. null , qnlftly rcitorxl to VOUNO lr.uclihulljVk ( , rcncia l , . . . { ; ikini".ntuJ , ulllttl ! h'nV7 BBBM 1 ! * ° J " ' "i"1 ' p" " " 'l > l > iTl'o , nS ' "OLDER MEN ! . , Virility luj rol.ncr I > TO rrn > lurtlj WB.k.uM wl who find , , , | , M Tl < orou.nt lotillr I'rfft of rutinri > lie trt H/lilfi HIM ' fl Mrrl ADnnTTn MARilt. * J'I ' * ' 'A orTj'IrSflty'oV'wiWoIS blmJii llh inorltlei Iriciuliillli to BrVASICOCUE RAOICAUY C'JBED WITHOUT OPERA-nOl..n CIVIALE REMEDIAL AOENOy- liQ Fulton Street , New ; YorH. , CHICAGO * Omaha , Council Bluffs And Chicago , , Jtsrjlmltown ad nllnn ; v.r' . " ' 'eago. ' Milwaukee tf.rrot tlj" uumorous points of nuperlorltr 11 a. < * " 8..thr5 ° traln' rt r of I AV , wliicJi are tbe nntitt that huronn art and Ingenultr can erf ate. lt < { 'AljAORHr/RKPlNfi PAIIM luu equal of which can not lii t uiind eliHwher. At C u > icll Illurr. the tralni .if the Uiiion KSlrlo Hail. ca/aela& tn Uloa ,1 l' ° f"Vltli ho of "So'ch i " "rthweaiern . hf. ? \ < UT. In Clilcngo tbo Iralnaot Kilter " ffo'e " " " " "otlon will , ihosSSf illolhir ySiareir'au'uSi2Sbli."iVi ? ' " " " " polli. Cincinnati. r laeara tain , uurialo. J 'Ittuburg , lnmt ( > Mnntrnal io Uiu. N w York , biladelpliia 1 altlmoru wT.l I jn.tou , ar,4 all points In th , ia.t , ' Ai for tllt Y " a "NORTH WESTEnN" It y u with the licit accomttiodaiiori All tlrk.t ' ' ' ' " TU " ' " " - Ateat I'ulilic taio of Imported diaft utiiHIoiiH and trot. tliiKKtuck at i ork. Neb Nov. .7. ItUM , cominiii' clu atU.MJu. in , Wo will oiiur our entire utork of ImrBeB , about UO in nuinber , . ' 1 I'er. cnAron , I Clydesdale , laiilro , 1 French 0' < > na , uuorul ( 'rado draft and ono trottlnc etallidii Tlio b.ilauce ( onslitnoftrottlmf breJ mart.a , fllllos and driv ing IIOMUJ , 'I IMt.Mri : Due years tlniH , good bankable paper ventured. B nnr rf lit dUcount for cash. JtAIN OH BJI1NB. fc lld for . F. MVOOBS , Altctlotioer. . c / ( iu lUMMiiwpUf vt. t * ni fCHU & VMiUKi'in trutttlM ( Muted ) cotitttinJiitf full i irlcul4f4 ( or Lofun rur * % free t > t LJiruv Ad Irew , PROF.r.Of FOWLERMooduoConn. DR. HORNE'S Electro-Magnetic Belts ! The Grandest Triumph of Elcclrlo Science Scl- cnlifically Made and Practically Applied. z-- Best SfientiDc fleditlsDISEASE ; CURED WITHOUT MEDICINES < T 1 HOC ? IInTOTonr ln lnnioIliil.lllD , llrmlorI.lmbii. JOrr- vU > wrE < n HibllUr , I utnlmcn , < m r l Kobllllj. , rtt trtn..u.uuoa ALL ELSE FAILS. TESTIMONIALS ElK-CT an. A ( Iresorr , ci > inml lori me reliant Stock Yards : JIuiMIioblo , the Krtnt horormani A. U. Woodlcy , M. 1) , 800 Main btrwcl.llut/ulo. N. Y.i ( I w. llellui.M. 1) . , Moiniontown , lowai lemurllUllc , KankuLon , III i JitJuoI. N Murray. Kaixrvllly , III i U I. .Mibntt.nupt. city at rivorlii.bouth Itrnd , Inrt i llobt U. Sninimon , Cbliafro poitoDliO ! ! U Mc > flclmil , full .Kutfalci , N. Y. "Your licit l > u accaiunlfaluU what no otlifr rcmodir liani steady nerrnanndcoDifoitiiiiN * sleep at nlalit. " llobt. Hall , alderman , ir > O rnntSltuKtront.Now Yorlt , eto. - tfEAK , NERVOUS PEOPLE. daji f fjfuaniz's mtcTRO-Jua. . . ncU IlfcLT ponltlTatr Currl . „ . Uunrsntccdtbo iuv. Tr Mcombined. ciJiauitlnir Kit , IIDIKT nd cnlr ono In th" worMccncrntlna Magnriti rhroDle dlReaHcn of botli Mira ftcontlnuous Fltctriqtt contains 3 to 1 no dfffreos of RDd jW rffectdo BtUiriI.kLlCIUlCIIKLrln l-llO , , WontD. FJMtrta Busponsorfoi frea wlih Mal luits. . _ _ Any Imnlc , commercial unency orArold boirat compunli wltbrnnnr allMM and worth. wholrtale House JnClilcBgui wUolfsaloarugcUUBaDjeo , imilatloijs IHCTOIC Tnusftfa FOO UtTIUUS. FraDcUcound Chlc'UHu. i > , OOO eorM fiend > tMnp for IllustreVed pmmphlet. W. G. ALBRIGHT , Real Estate , ai8Si5thSt.Omaha. BEST AND CHEAPEST ALBRIGHT'S CHOICE ! SOUTH OMAHA. BUY NOW 1 TERMS EASY IDPUITCfTC * ' BTAUH , 1819 Howard fit. , Omaha , has drawn plans and flnunl I LU I BiioclllCBtlourtfor ntooin frftinohouHD. which comblno * ntUUy.oomfort , tonomyund brnmr.lnnwny Impojilblo In any good houtus that costs from lJfi to jl.tiw AH moro than 10) , . . . will be built BO , I can afford to offer a copy for Original nnd splendid (26. the iiBual foes othnnvlsn being from _ _ _ IL - rteslnnt furnished , on caa be ludc a the a.U of plan-ot completed building o all descriptions I tiavo In my olllte , ranging in coht from l < lfXO to WOO.OCO. My unusual experience will Ktmrautei satisfaction and rellabla Loutractors only uru encuced on toy worUs , Varttes wishing to bu lid u:0 : cordlftlly InvltwL -TUP 01' TUB Milwaukee & St Paul ' Chicago , , R'y. The Host Route from Omalm and Council - THE EAST TWO 'J'UAlNd DAILY IIKTWKKN OMAHA ANQ COUNCIL U1.UKK8 Chlcngo , AND Milwaukee , St , Paul , Minneapolis , Ceilnr Ituplds. Hock Ibliiud. Frccport , Ituckford , Cllutoii , Duljuquo , Dareniioit , Madison , Juncsrlllc , Wnoim , fia Crossc , ADdallbtbtr ImperUnl oolnli Etii , Noilhetst and tiUUtllCBkC ror through llck t .call ou ih tlckil ugeut tt Mruiui treul , lu U fi r Uloik. of t Uulou " ltlm n Blc p r nd the Hncit Ditiloa Ctrl ID tha norld ar * run un th main line of tha Chicago. Mil. wakee 4 St. i'uul Kallnvr. and ererr alleatloilli paid IWf'W.l hT tou" uu mplore ortbecoaiBany , H. Mil l.e it. General Mauagor. J. f. 1 t/CKEH. A s.l , tint u.acral Jlarnear A V 11. CAKl'KN'iKR , U n ral I'a ian r aud ° " K "v\vvoiiv , Aiilitaoi Qeneral aud llokol Agent J.T. CLAItlf , UVDiulSupcrlDtendauk JUaiCIO'3 AND PEIISISTErif , } Advorttoln-f has alwa > 3 p'ovoa euctt'safu , Uoforo pl.tcliiif any Newspaper Advortlsln ? cousui LORD & THOMAS. IDVMrrlSnu tUllTD , < i l l u U.k lrU QXIOACO. DRUNKENNESS Or the Liquor Hnblt , rosltlrclj Cured b ) Admlulgt rlDgIr. Hnlues' Oolden Specific. U can be given In a cup of cells * or te with * put the k'novdtUge ot tiui puraon tuklnit It ! absS lately harmless , nd will effect H permanent and speedy euro , whether the patient U u moderate drinker or on alcoholic wreck. Thousands ol urunkardi Uarc been mudo temparato tneu who have ukun ( joldeu Hpocino III their coffee with out tbolr knowledge and to day bvlleve thuy null drinking of tbolr own fine will. Itnovoif ralla. The tiystnm once lmpreKnat d With tha Bpeclflc. u becomes an tutor impoaslblllty for tuellriuor appetlta touxlit. ror l by Kuhtt ft Co. , 16th and Uouglai ata , aim 18th nd ( ) uru Inaita. . Omaha , Nob.j A. It , I'oattr lc lira. VjuncU Uluffj. JOH . State Line. w , llolfast , Dublin aiiiU , ! > oriiool From New York Every Tuesdav , Cabin paxHaKo H-'i and KO , according to locattua ot utate room , llxcuitilon fij ta tAl , Ftforaee to and from liuiopa at Lowest ItitteJ. AUSTIN I1AWJWIN A : ( X ) . Gen'l Agents , M Hronuway. N'jw Vork. JOHN HI.UKIi.V. Oen'l Western AKeV , ' ' c"Icaiio- MoowBb.'j'Bwrui.1- ; - HAHiiv K. . . Induced Cuulti Itutes to C'lasirosv Ex- Ulbltiou.