THE OMAHA DAILY BEE * . SATUpDAY. NOVEMBER 10 , 188a THE SPECULATIVE MARKETS , A Bullish Fooling Holds Sway In the Whoot Pit. CORN STRONGER IN SYMPATHY. Ontnllrcovcr Thursday's host firound An Knnlcr l-Vcllnir Noted In I'roviMotiN Cnltle More Sntls- factory Quotnt I onH. CIIICAOO PHODDCE MAUKKT. CHICAGO , Nov. 9. [ Special Telegram tf TUB Hi'K 1 Tlic wheat market was man Btnbborn than htrong to-t'ay. Trade ww largely locnl unit the drift of ftcntlmcnt W.T Occldrdly favorable to the theory of a ro notion. Selling , however , was for the most jinrt by the longi , though tbo beam displayed more or Icsn n > rressivciiess. Short telling was jnoro popular thnn usual. Shorts wlu were driven In yesterday at about f wen Fclllni ; again to-day at and under 11.17. Tin real pressure , however , seemed to bo frotr Boles of "long stuff , " a much more danger mis club thnn "short wheat" when tin market Is in n wavering mood. The north west was prolific In bull points on the croj movement and in selling orders the lattci coming from quarters usually accounted Influential , Judged by the bare record ol ) irlce fluctuation1) , the homo murkeU everywhere seemed to bo very stcndj today and rabies also described the Mutation tttroad In similar phrase. The very general wish of the trade inclines the other way. The feeling is that on any Important decllm ; there will bo an influx of new business and that until thcro is such reaction the public will bo chary with ItH favors. The majority ol bulls nppenr to favor n reaction. Mnny ol them haves been waiting for a break over since thn first big ndvmicu and will not take hold again until It comes ; that is they will not unless they can see good reasons fet changing their opinions. The astonishment occasioned by the export business reported yc'Hterduy has subsided and exporters here and in Ntnv York insist that prices at tide water are still fully 10i ? above a legitimate export basis and that the little quantity that may have been worked during the past forty hours possessed no special sij.'nillcani'c. New York is quite rttendy and linn , never theless. As the day advanced interest in wheat dealing cuuscd. Selling by Hcani , Jones , Iveiinctt and that class was the leadIng - Ing Couture on the one hand , and buying by Hutchinson on the other. The market was crowded down below $1.17 for May , and at one limp , shortly before 1 o'clock , the price touched $1 lil'.f. ' A very short-timo there after the market went to fl.lT'i , again , and was steadily held above $1 17 from 1 o'clock. The tip was given out with freedom early in Uio day that wheat would sell at $1 'Jo before it did nt * 1 Itl , and that it would close at SI. IS to-day , and at one timu it promised to turn out true , so far ns to day was con cerned , for the price climbed to $1.17 > f. Hutchinson's buying was given as the prime cause of the Into bulge , though a more sub- Mantlnl reason was also given that new ex port business to the extent of llfteen boat lends had been done to-diivln New York , and that stocks nt that point wore being drawn upon largely to Mil the domestic milling de mand The bull turns given the market at the tail end of the session forced a good many of the scilping : shorts to cover at n loss. May wheat , which opened at $1.1V5 ( ' , and sold down ns low ns Sl.lfi'f , closed'at $1.17an after having been at tl.l7' < , . Decem ber ranged about le below May most of the day. Trade in that future was light and Jerky. From the northwest advices were received thai the blockade was being lifted , that the wenther was getting colder and that as soon ns country shippers could get cars the for ward rail movement would show an import ant Increase. On the other hand , dispatches were on the lloor chronicling remarkably light deliveries at country elevators. The general movement us reflected in the daily tables of receipts and shipments at principal points shows no change of especial signifi cance. Grain continues to come forward in moderate quantities and such of it us docs not go into store finds its way Into domestic consumption , very lltllo going out of the country. Theoretically this is n very bad state of affairs but actually the congestion is nc * yet causing serious Inconvenience. Sur rounding conditions at the opening were ns favorable to higher prices to day as they wore nt the corresponding time yesterday. With tfco change in the outlook for wheat , corn again sympathized and recovered from its early weakness. The demand for shipment was again good , which , with other surrounding circumstances , made the lute advance easy. With the added as- Blatance of the changed tone of the wheat market November closed at 41o and De cember nt 4c ( ) , which is a gain on each de livery of 'jc over yesterday. Later deliv eries advanced oven more. January ut HSJ c and May at SOVdlU'JXe xvcrc i c amj i @i o higher , icspcctively , than they closed yester day.Oats Oats more than recovered the ground lost Just at the close yesterday. The market wai fairly active throughout all of the day , with prices averaging V@'Vo higher than the closing quotations of Thursday. Trad ing was again centered in May , with liUeral buying around "Uaff29c , in quiry being general and not conllncu to any particular short. Near mouths were quiet but stronger , partly on account of the con tinued short arrivals , with small offerings of No. - cash meeting wtyh ready sale ul"4j < | ) 25)/c , a MG&Kc advance. In provisions an easier fooling held control. The unloading of several thousand barrels of long January pork by a commission house on a slow market developed more or less weak ness and prices , as a rule , uveragoj and closed lower than yesterday. In pork the decline suffered amounted to 12l@l ? } c. In the different deliveries of lurd , except , Junu- nry , where it was % < . , and In January short ribs 5c. CIIIOAUO LIVE STOCK CiliCAno , Nov. 9. ( Special Telegram to THE llKE.l CATTI.K HuHiness was generally more satisfactory. Good to choice cattle all Bold very well at strong prices. There wore many thin beef steers , however , which wore hard to sell ut * 3.25rfa.S ( > 0 , and prices on these were fully us low as at any time. Thcro was a liberal supply of inferior cattle and no strictly cholco beeves were offered , gome of the best sold ut IS.90. The receipts In cluded 0,000 Texas and western cattle. Choice beeves , f5X.'i.OO ( ; medium to good Btccra , 1,1150 to 1,600 Ills , H.-tO@fi.00 ; 1,200 to lR501bs , | 3.7fi@4.2.ri ; 950 to 1'JOO Ibs , J3.00Q ! ! .75 ; stoclccrs and feeders. $ 'J.OCK3.40 ; cows , bulls and mixed , Jl.-t ( > © ' , l. ) ; bulk , fS.'JO ® 2,40i Texas steers , * 'J..if > @ : i.l > 0 ; cows , jl.05ifi ( 2.30 ; western rancors , t J. r > ( 4.85. HOUB Prices were f.fJlOo lower , with an active demand , the market closing Btoady at the decline. The bulk of the mixed sold at | 5,50@5.ft5 , with common at V > .40'J5. < R , and n few fancy heavy ut fS.twa.YiW ' . Light sorts old early at $5.4@f ( ) > .60 nt averages of 100 to 180 , and IC.lOdiS.'J.'i for plgx and common. Underwood & Co. bought 403 good packing torts averaging 310 that cost f5.5j { . MVK Hi'oua. ChicriKu. Nov. 9. Ttio Droveri' Jour nal rcuortsiu follows- Cattle HcceiptB , n.OOO ; market strong ; leevc , | 5.on@5.W ) ; atoern , W.OOdJft.OUj lockers and feeders , J2.)0i3.40 ) ( ; cows , bulls and mixed , tl.40 ( aCO ; Texas cuttle , fl.05 ( < j 8.00 ; western rangers , fl.OAg4.20. ( Hops Receipts , 18,000 ; market slow and Bo lower ; mixed , J3.80 5.50 ; heavy , | 5.40 ® 6.05 ; lleht.5. ! K' 5. 01ii6s3.50i5.10. | | ) ( Sheep Receipts. 0,000 ; market strong ; natives , * I.OOCrf4.'i5 ; westerns , 'J.OWa)3,55 ) : Texan * , ! lambs , * 4.00 ( < { 5.l0. KnnsnH Oily , Nov. 9. Cattle Receipts , 6.035 ; shipments , 8,075. Market fairly ac < tlvo ; dressed beef steady ; grass range steers steady ; range and native cows SQlUo higher ; good to cholco corn-fed , ? 1.75@5.'J5 ; common to medium , M.i5l.0 ! ( ; stockcrs and leodlngsteerstl.fOga.aO ; grass ruucasteors. | 1.50@U.W ( ; cows , tl.lK ) < 8 ! ! . ! > 0. 1 logs-Receipts , 8,400 ; shipments , none ; market active and to 5y)5o ) lower ; good to choice , 5.40 5.50 ; common to medium , tt SO ( g5.HO ; skips and pigs , { Xt > 0 < g4.eo. National Block Yards , East St. I jo u IB , Nov. V. Cattle Receipts , 1,800 ; 1,100 , ; market steady ; choice henry native steers , SMOfrrSfiO : fair tReed t < Rood , ? - . ; ! tM.YK ) ; butchers' steers medlutr to choice , M 4i ( < rt4 10 ; stackers and feeders , fair to good , Zi.ofiW..IU ) ; ranpers , corn-fed ( .1.KK ( ( ' . ' 0 ; era * * fed. $2.10(83.15. ( Hogs Hl-eelpts. 3,1X0 ; shipments , 300 market " ( low : choice heavy mid butchers selections , $5."lO .1 ; ( Vi : packing , tnodium t ( prime , S5.30.i5.Wj ( light grades , $ o.25u,45 Vl.NANCIA.1j. NEW Yonn , Nov. 9. [ Special Tclcgrnn to Tun linn. ] SrorKs Stocks opened wcaV and n little lower for most of the list. Loti don was n seller ami Chicago put out SOUK lines of shorts , and early trading was with t weak feeling nnd some further fractional dc clincs. Heading was again prominent amour the more active stocks , but there was n good deal of dullness during the forenoon am transactions were light. At noon the markc' ' was steady to ririn after unimportant lluctuti tious generally at about opening prices. The following were the cloning quotations : t' . H. 4s regular . .IZT'i Northern I'.iclfle. . I" I' . H. 4 coiit > onH. . 1371 , doprefcrrcd < iPi r.H.4'ircKilli\r IU7'tC.N.W IIP , IJ. H. 4'i couponi .lirH' , do preferred H-ii raclttcBsof 'W 122 N.Y. Central IHI'f Central I'ftclllc. . . . yi'i ' I' . , 11. & K ! .r > ' < Chit-ago ft Alton 133 Hook Island 107 ( Jhlcngn.llurllnj.'loii C. . M. &St. 1 > ryi'j tiqntncv . . . . " " " , lo preferred 107 I ) . , t7.ii. w. , . . , St.l'anl JcOmnhn . 'It' ! Illinois Central. . .llfiU' ' ilnprcfcrroil IK" , L.ll.AW is Union I'ncinc K > > , KHimnq A.1'eius . l-'i W..SI. I , . tt\ ' H' < I.nki > .Shnra . . . .ini tlo preferred. . . . " 7l < -Michigan Cuntral Ml Western Union ff > N MlR uiirll'acillc 77 1 MONET ON Cu.t. Knsv nt 2 < ? M vci cent , last loan S } jicr cent , closed offered al SU. per cent. Pin ME MBHCXNTII.B Pirnn 4"ffiK'J ' * l'ot ' cent. STKKMNO EXCIUNOR Dull hut stonily al M.8-1'1 ' for Rixty-dny bills , and $ l.S7H foi dcinund. _ IMIODUCI3. CIIICAOO. Nov. 9. Irregular ; cnsh , t1.14T < ; December , $ l.l.'Xi .lununry , tMUJi : ' Corn Firm ; cash , 4IJjJc : December , 40Jfc ; January , ItoJic ; Alnv. 3U 7-liO. ( Oats Steady ; cash , U-V o ; December , S.'i'jc ; May , 'Mfc- Kyo 5. c. Uarley Nominal. Prime Timothy SI.4D@1.40. Flax $ I.4S. Whisky-- ! ( ) . Pork Firm ; cash , til.51 : December , $14.5 ( ) ; January , $14.75 ; May , $15 U2ltf. cash t-S.lT'j' Doccmber , Lanl Steady ; , - ; $ S.)7'i ( ) ; January , * S.13" " j ; May , & . 'M Flour Unehiuigeil. LJnlk Meats Shoulders , $ .n7 > ; ( cJ)7.50 ) ; short clear , tS.l'JJiCgi.So ; short ribs , $ T.5J@ . ( X ) . Butter Quiet ; creamery , 19(227c ( ; dairy , 10T'i5r. ( Cheese Steady ; full cream Cheddars , 10 ( I4c ; Hats , 10H@l'J io ; Vounf Americas , . -rr.s Unchanged nt 10@20c. Hides Unchanged ; heavy green salted , iijtfe ; light green salted , djfe ; green , "c ; saltc bull. fiUc ; Krecn bull , 4'4xc ' ; green drv Hint , " ( Kbi ; ; dry calf , 7 ( < ? be ; branded hides , 15 per cent otT ; dencons , lioCallOo cuch : drv united. lOtblfie. Ttillow Unchanged ; No. 1 , solid packed , 4Vc ; No. 2 , 3) < jO ; cake , 5e. tccGiuts. Shipments. Flour , bbls 10,000 11,000 Wheat bu 4'J.OOO ir.,000 , Corn bu Kte-OOO 604,000 Outs.'bu 1'AOOO 131,000 Kyo , bu St. Ijoiils. Nov. 0. Wheat Lower ; cash , fl.O'J ; December , $1 10 % . Corn Higher ; cash , 3J ( < IUe ; December , . Oats Hlclicr ; cash , 23c ; May , 2 < J l'orlt-15 00. Lard Lower at JS.12K- Whiskey * 1.14 HutterFirm ; creamery , fancy , 20@2"c ; rhoiec , 20iS Ic ; dairy. 22frf24c. Mliinonj.oliK. Nov. 9. Wheat Receipts of wheat were aS3 cars ; shipments , 122 cars. Sales of No. 1 nortnern wore made at $1.18. and some No. 3 went at $1 10 , but trading did not provo iiiucn during the day. Closing quotations : No. 1 hard , November , $1.24 ; December , $1.25 ; May , $1.2'J ; on track , $1.21 ( $1.85. No. 1 northern , November , (1.14'g ; December , $1. 15V ; May , $1.20t ; on track , $1.10@I.17. No. a northern , November , $1.07 ; May , $1.14 ; on track , $1.10@1.12. Mllxvnukec , Nov. 9. Wheat Firr.i ; cash , $ l.ltes December , $1.00 % ; January , $1.10M. Corn Steady ; No. 3 , 4lc. Oats Quiet ; No. 2 white , 29) ) (2300. ( Rye Firm ; No. 1 , 57c. Harley Quiet ; No. 2 , 71c. Provisions Steady ; pork , cash , $14.50. Cincinnati. Nov. 0. Wheat In moder ate supply , linn ; No. 2 red , $1.00. Corn Light supply , stronger ; No. 2 mixed , . > . Oats Steady , No. 2 mixed , 20c. Rye Quiet ; No. 2 , 37c. Pork Dull , nt $15.00. Whisky Active at $1.14. New Vork. Nov. 0. Wheat Receipts , 33,000 ; exports , none ; spot market less active and tfc higher , closing easier ; No. 2 red , $1.12 in elevator , $1.12X ( ! 1.13J4 alloat , $1.12' @ 1.13 ? / f. 0. b. ; No. 8 red , $1.0(1) ( ? ; No. 1 red , J1.10. Options less active , jrrcpu- lar nnd K@J t > lower carlv ; advanced J4@ % o and closed strong and ) f , ( ! ' 40 over yes terday ; No. 2 red , December , closing at 1.KI % . Corn Receipts , 34,150 ; exports , 113,580 , ; spot market strong , less active and % higher ; No. 2 , 51@51) c in elevator , (052 > < o alloat ; ungraded mixed , 60 > 4@ Options moderately active , llrm and > 'a ' higher ; December closing at 51c. Outs Receipts , 44,000 ; exports 10 ; spot market moderately active , Jlrm nnd J ( M.c up ; options fairly active , > ( $ ! iiC higher mid llrm , December closing nt ai e ; spot No. 2 white , SU > ff331o : mixed western , 29 < vfa2o ; white western , . ' 104c. ( ) Coffee Options steady ; sales , 45,500 bags , including November , $13.5l @ 13.'J5 ; Decoin- ber , $13.35 ( T 13. 75 ; January , $ l3.45J13.tl5 ( ; February , $ Ui.25 ( < gl3.50 ; March , $13.20 ( 1:1.55 : ; spot , Rio In moderate demand and steady fair cargoes ut $15.50. Petroleum About steady ; United closed at 85) . c. I'iggs Quiet but steady ; western , 24@ 2IKc. 1'or'ic Quiet ; mess , $ KS.OO ( < li5.50. Lard Prices barely steady ; sales , western steam , spot , fS.GO ; December , $ S.3'J. Hutter Steady and in moderate demand ; western dairy , 12 > , ; ( uN16c ; western creamery , 10@2(5c ( ; Elpins , 27c. Choose In better demand ; western , 0@ City , Nov. 9. Wheat Lower ; No , 2 red , no bids nor offerings ; Decem ber , MKc bid ; May sales , yjjfc. No , 3 red , cash , 7bc bid. No. 2 soft , cash. U7o * bid ; De cember , OSc bid ; May , * l.5 bid. Corn StcadyNo.2 ; , cash sales , 2S ) c ; De cember , 23o bid ; January , 2S > o bid ; M ay , Oats No. 2 , cash , 21o asked ; December , 31)iunaked ) ; May , 24fc usked. OMA.ilA 1,1 Vi ; HTOOIU Cattlo. Friday , Nov. 0. 18S3. There were a few more cattle hero to-day , but still the receipts arc too light to make much of u market. The packers wanted cat- Ik , but there were very few that were suit able for the dressed beef trade. Anything good enough brought strong prices , Among the receipts thcro were four loads of corn-fed steers , which sold at M.75@4. < ! 0. Cows sold lilghcr in the morning , but us tha later trains irnved the market was hardly as Htrong , rhero IK a feeling among stockmen that the [ ulvanco of tko past few days has been due entirely to the light receipts , und that prices ivlll dccliuo as soon as ca'.tlo are more ilont.v. The receipts of hogs were the heaviest of my day fur over avcek , still there was ) iuy n fair run. The market wait 'nYi'lUo owcr , but the demand was good at the do- line and the 'pens were cleared before the : lose. _ Kliuop. Ono load was received and sold , Jteoolptt. Mttlc . , . 1POO IORS . , . , , . . . . 4 , COO Sheep . . 120 I'rovnllinc 1'rioos. The following is a table of prices paid in tbi mantel for tUo graJos of stoox meiv- : ior.e.d t'ritocatcets , ISOOto 1500 Ibs. . 13,75 Ql.W Prime steers , 1100 to 1300 ibs. 3.75 * 4.25 Native feeders 2.50 (33.15 ( Western fect-ers 2.50 frtH.OO IZnnire steers , coln'on to cholco 2.50 irf3.23 Common to good cows 1.25 W2.1H ) Cliolcutd fatiry coivs 2.25 ( ifl.'sQ Common to choice bulls 1.25 (32.00 ( Fair toctioicp light hogs .p > .20 * 5.2o Fairtocnoico heavv hotr * 5.H5 (3.Y45 ( Fair to choice mixed hogs 5.25 OATTLK. No. AT. Pr. 24 cows , cnnners . H41 51 X ) sbulls . 1,401 ! l.tX ) 0 steers and oxen . . . . . l,5"i 2.00 3 cows , natives . 1.1XV1 8.15 1 cow , native . 1,210 2.15 1 ! l cov s . ] , 055 251 24 feeders , xvcsterns . SH.1 2.IV5 2.75 4 steers , natives . 1,000 3.1)0 ) IS steers . ll 0 3.15 2:1 : steers , corn fed natives. . . .lOJi 3 7ft 20 steers . 1,230 4.25 1UNMC OATTI.C. Owner and No. Av. Pr. J. Kuykendall 13 cows . 1,025 $2.00 : steers , westerns . J,05'l ' 2.00 70 stours , westerns . llt , ( It.OO Conner 07stccrs . 1,003 2. ! > 0 19 cows . 1,014 2.CO 8 cows . 1,055 2.00 1 stag . 1,340 2.00 W. .t M. L. C. Co. suiir : : No. Av. Price I natives 79 1'ncKcrn" Showing the number of hogs bought by the loading buvers on the in irket to-ilay : G. II. Hammond , t Co . 578 Omaha Packing Co . l.ojil Armour C. P. Co . 2,426 Stevens * Co . 58 and Lowest. The following are thu highest and lowest prices paid for hoijs during the past few days and on the corresponding datuj onu and two years ago : | Oct. IJH- o-t. 1-H7. O-t. i M n 10 © t" 4 15 ( A I S- : i in 4H uu 4 10 Oil I Hi 3 It ) .l OJ 8 Sunday. 4 ir ei ; ir- il 70 Cnl CJ 9 5 0 ( rT ( ) .Vt 4 ) ftf.4 40 : w 5 ir © > M Sunday. 3 ( , ' , ( Tr/1 ftj ill 5 : u eft40 4 U'JR.I ! 'VJ Siinihiy I Nov. 1SS8. Nov. 1S87. Nov. IshB. II 5 1M ( iVi 45 4 ( JO fel i & 5 ( XI 5i.1 45 4 0 > f.4 LT > il t'iO ( ft. ) ( ! " > 5 10 til 4' > I ! M Cu.t il'i Sunilny. . i ai ( S4 iw r > tfJT. f no 4 10 4 2o it fi7'5t ( i.r , n 10 r.i I _ Sunday. il 411 C-'il 70 5 ; m ' 4 10 ( ft l ; u i ) 40 < < M 7il sQ , CO 4 Oil ® l : Vi il Co 4ti ) 70 Ijlvc Stock Notes. Heavier receipts. Cattle soil strong. Very fo\v slice ) ) here. A decline in the hoi ? rnarhct. .loo Uixon , Greenwood , was here and mar keted hoirs. J. M. Harrett , Mnlvcrn , la. , sold n load of hogs - H. F. Clark , Uellcvuc , was in with three loads of cattle. Mr. Uattelle , Hancock , la. , came over with a load of hogs. Hogs sold hero within 20c of the extreme top paid in Chicago. Nels Peterson , Wcston , la , , came in with three loads of hogs. W. II. Timinel , Swanton , was nt the yards with a load of hogs. A. L. 13raiaard has gone to Kansas City on a visit to friends. Mr. Connors , Koek Creek , was here vvitli four loads of cattle. The Koclc Island will open an olllco in the Exchange building. Jim Prazer , Columbus , sold two loads of hops at the top price. Mr. Mills , Edgar , Nob. , was in with u load each of hogs and sjiecp. Western was represented by J. T. Goodcll , who came in with u car of hogs. Mr. Cutler , of Cutler Bros. , Greenwood , was hero and marketed a load of cows. Mr. Norcross , of Norcross Ac Worl , Ster ling , Neb. , came In with two cars of hogs. J. G. Smith , Hlalr , was down and mai-ltetcd a load of corn-fed steers of his own feeding. A. Sutton , of the linn of Mclntosh &Sut- .on , Chapman , Neb , , came in with a load of hogs. The Kansas City receipts of stock for Oc tober were ICJ.baO cattle , nU0'JO ? hogs und HW1 sheep. OMAHA AVIIOfiKSALK MARKETS. Produce , FrultH , Ktc. HUTTKII Fancy , solid packed creamery , 20 @ ' . ' 3c ; choice country , 18 ( < ' .20e ; medium grades , 14f H7c ; common prndes , ID&flOc. FI.OU-II Nubraslta pateats , SO.OOc J7.50 ; Minnesota patents , $0.ii5@S.OO ; straight grades , $ ; 5.0l ) ( ( 5K ; ) ; baiters' Hour , fS.Uj o.TS tcr barrel. POT ATOKS Nebraska , 25@40o per bushel ; Colorado , 7i ! ( < ? SOc. SWKET PO TATOHSC ' per lb. PoL'i/mv Live chickens , t2.r 0i2.75 ( per iloz. ; spring chlckons.r < Oviti.n : ( ) ; dressed chickens , 8@10e per lb ; turkeys , fj ( > 12c. Eons Strictly fresh , I'.io ' c.mdled. Coxcoiiu GiiAi'ts 30@IOc per 10-lb bas ket. MALAGA Giuric.s In kegii , 8n'10c ( per lb , 1UNANAS Common , fl.iX ! ( < 2..J3 per bunch : choice. fci.r > W < { : ! .f > 0 , b I5.SO per caso. F.s Jamaica , f.jOOrtIO.OO per barrel ; Florida , 4.00@ .li5 per box. OiMij lVr dozens Mallards , | 3.r 0v ( 3.75 ; teal , $1.0 @ 1.2.V qunll. 1.00 ; jirairie ohlek- cns , ? ; i.r.U ; rabbits , fl.X ( ) ; squirrels , Jl.Wl ; venison , b12o ( ; per lb. CKLIIIY : 2r > CtOo : per dozen , O.sioss OW.riOo per bu , CAIIIIAOK f'J.OO per 100. DEBTS lOc per bushel , TuiiNii's aoo per bushel. SAUKII KIIAUT Hbls , ft.7Sj half bbls , 12.75. AlTl.KS-Choico , f2r : > 0@a.75 per bbl ; fancy , 1,00 per bbl : common , $ l.ftOO 1.75 per bbl. CiDuu Michigan , per bbl of 33 gals : California pour cider , t5.00 ! per hbl. PoiCQIIN Uico , 8@iu ; common , 2@8c. CAHHOTS lOo per bushol. HIIAS.S Choice eastern hanilplckod navk > a , ; 3.00 per bushel ; western hand picked nu- ICH , 1.7r > c l.80 ; mediums , ? 1. So ® 1.40. Lima Deans 5o per pound. HAY F. o. b. cars , No. 1 upland , JO. 00 ; No. i upland , J5.00. IJHAN M5.00 ( ! 10.00. Ciioi > i'ji : > FEKII $ U.OO@1D.OO per ton. Cons31 ( ftttu. OATH 3303:10. : Vi.NiiOAii Cider , 10@ISo per gal , Whlta vine , 10@30o per gal. Ciu.NiiuiiitiKs-r.r > 0@0.00 per bbl. PKOVISIONH Hams , No. 1 , 12o : No. 2 , loj shouldcrn , ( o\ \ rib bacon , ll } < ei > acon , l-o ; picnic hams , lOu ; dried beef hams , OKci dry salted clears , short , O'tfos extra hort , 0 > o ; short ribs , OJfo ; plclUd pigs oot , l.Vlb kits , bOoj lard , U > f(310o ( ; gmokeu uutiage , ( XfCbo per lb ; liog casings , i7@15u. Grocers' , Revised prices are as follows : HAOOISO Stark A seamless , 33o ; Amos- ccag , bcaniless.17Ku < Lewlston A. seamless , Uc , Amcricau , tcamless , I7u ; burjnps , 4 to 5 ) U , ll@Hc ; gunnies , single , lUo ; gunnies. loibltV20j ) ; wool sacks , D5c. Twiles | FJax , igoejtra sail , -30(2215) ( ) sail IJ , lyaSOc ; cut- on , SlCj Juvc , Oc. DniKi > FnriTs Tics. In boxers , per lb.Hiil \ Ific. date" , In boxes. 7crtl'c ( ' ; l.&ndon Mnlncn layt'r rai'ono , oor box. $ J W < w\ ' , ' , . Malaga looto raNins. 43IW ! 3.V ) , now Valen cia nilMns. ) > or lb , T c ; Cnl.fornui loose nnis- cntcls. per box , * l ( Hi ; C.illfoni1n LPnilnnsl1 S * M.V pltti-d churrlf * . fer lb. lOc : Califor- n in pitted illume , per lb , l'18c ( ! ; ilriixl blai'kbcrries , per lb. 7't@ > 'e : dried rn pbcrrics , per lb , ! Mu.(3ic ; cvaporatod ap ples , ' 'jWllc ' ; Callfornlu sun dried peaches , 13o ; Calllornln unparcd cvajtoratPtl poaches , l.ViV ! ; cvaponited California npricots , ISc ; X.Hiitcc currants , ( ll/jj ( < 7o ; Turkish prunes , I ' 4(11 ( IV' : citron , 33ittMi. ( ; orance peel , 16o ; lemon peel , Ilic ; California French prunes , ll i Itk- . COFFIIES Mochn , SA idc ; Hio , peed , 105 ? Mnndahling ; , 2 < Hi2 ( ; roasting Hio , ir > Cd lllc : O. G. Java , 3-IQt3il ; .lava , interior , 2V ? 2-.c ; Kio. fancy , liVcUll ; Santos and Mara- oiilbo. 17n lllc ; Arbuckles , 21 ' 4c ; McLaugh- lln-sXXXX , 21 ' < c. SftiAii Granulated , 74C ; conf. A , 7 c ; white extra C , 76 < c : extra C. 7 ? c ; yellow O , HJc ( ? ; Powdered , slie ; cubes , sjfc. Huxi'.v ld ( < | Ho for 1-lb frames ; strained honey , lOGtllf per lb. IJKiitwCliolco yellow , 20@23lj 'i dark colored , IMrrfHc. CilBRsi : Voting America , full cream , 12e ( ? 12'jc ; full oreain Cheddars , Ilrt.l2c ( ; full cream flats , 12 } c. PirKl.ns .Medium , in Vibts , M.IKI ; do , in half bbls , I.N ( ) ; small , in bbls , M.K ( ) ; do , in Imlf bbls , $ -'l.M ; ghci'kius , in bbls , f7.UO ; do , half bbls , $ UH ) . Tniivfui Plug , 2iiiWc ( ( ; smoking , UiOflPc Jm.i.ih- $ | , ' . ' , - , per 30-lb nail. SU.T l.Wu ! I Il."i per bbl. Hol'K r-Ki , t ( > V- MAI'I.I ; StiiAii Hrlcks , Il ( < il2c Dcr lb ; penny c. kes , l2 ( < H.'lc pur lb ; pure maplu syrup , f I.IK ) per pal. Tiis : Young Hyson , rotntnon to fair. IKif 2."c ; Younir Ilvson , good to fancy , ! HcM5. ) ( ' ; Gimpowdi * ! ' , L'ominon to good.2'.l'.y5'V ; Gun powder , uhoirc to fancy , 4lul.jc ) ( ( : Japan , com mon to medium , Ifiii20o ( ; Japan , choice to fancy. . " 0 ft I.V : Oolong , common to good , 2. ) c Hoc ; Oolong , choice to fancy , firTUc ( ) ; Imperial - rial , common to medium , 2. * > ( ! ' 3.ic ; Imperial , good to fancy , 4iii\Uc. ( ( Ni r- < - Almondlfi ! ( < BI7c ; lilberts , 12iul.c , Hrnril , ! > C'f I0c ; walnuts , 12c ; pecans , luwlk'i pca'iuts , ( ioi'.le. ' Cint'KKKi .ViilOc per lb ; nssorlcd cukes , 7 C Cc. per lb. as per list. Usnv Mixol. 8'iSlrto ; stick , Sifti'ii ? ( ) ' , rock candy , 10 > aifl.'io ( ; fancy candy , "Oi.'h. DrV Gooils Bristol , 12i c ; Union Pncllli' , 17c CAHI-BT WAIIP Hib White , ii > .o. colored , 0 | HATT-t Standard , Sc ; Gem lOc ; lleauty , l i e ; Hoone , 14c ; U , cased , M.5u. 1'iii.vis Solid colors Atlantic , C > o ; Slater 5Uc. Ucrlin oil. O' c ; Garner oil , 7c. PHINTS Pink and Helms Allen , c ; nivernomt. 5 c ; Steel aiver , 0 c ; Ulch inond , C ) < Jc ; Pacific , PitiSTs Uress Ctiarter Oak , " ' . Kamajiot' c ; Lodi , fi c ; Allen , ( KJ ; Richmond mend , liV c ; Windsor , . Kddystone , CJ c ; Pacific. ( I' ' c BMACIII'I SIIEETI.NO Hcrkoley cambnu NO. oo , ' .IJtfc : Host Yet , -M. d e ; butter cloth Otj , 4Uc ; Cabo' , 7 } c ; Furwell half blo.vchet Vliv- Fruit of Loom , ' .I'-ic ' : Grecui. G , 'O' ' c ; nope. 7v ; ] fiiji | philiji cam brie , no. Lonsilale cambric , . Lonsdi0i ! | yc ; New Yorlc mills , io'c ' Pcppcrcll , 42-in , lie : 1'cpporell , 40-in iC c Puppcrcll , ( i 4 , Kic ; P Jpporoll. S.4 , 21c ; pep- peroll , ; M , 2'Jo ; Pepporell. io-4 , 2.'ic ; Cantoi 4-4 , b' c ; Triumph , Oe ; Wanisuttn , He ; Vul le.v. 5c. FI.AXVP.I.S. -Kaftsmen,20c ; Gosnon 82' cj Clear Lake , 8 > Xo ; Iron Mountain , " ' ? , : . > * White G HNo. 2 , ? < , 3 c G H , No. 1 , 5f , 2 c : li H , No. 2. J4' , 2 i c ; U H ! No. 1. V. H0c ; Ouucheo No. ifV4& . COIIIBT JCANS AmlroscOK-in , 7 c ; jCear- siirgo , 7/c ; iiockport , 0)fc ; Conestoga , like , TICKS York , 30 in. , 12'fo ' ; York , 3i In. . 13V. , c ; Swift Kiver. 8c ; Thorndiko OO , 8X0 Tliorndiko HP , SJo ; Thorndikc J20 , ! ) ' < c Thorndiko XX , 130 ; Cordls No. 5 , DUc Cordis No. 4. ? i \ oz , Jaffrey Heaver He. Heaver Creek CC. luc. KuNrucKvJBAXs. Memorial , l.'o : Dakoti. ISc ; Durham , 27 > c ; Hercules , iboj Loannii ington , 22fe ; Cuttswold , 3r ; u. CIIASII. Stevens' H , c : Stevens' IJ bleached , 7o'Stovoii8' ; A. 7V < fc ; btevuas A bleached , S' o ; Slovens' p 8V'c ; Stevens' Januo 1J , 4-4 < > c ; Aurora L.U 4-4. uo ; Aurum C.4-4 , 4ic'Crown ; XXX , 4tijfc ; Hoosier L.L , 4-4 , Co ; Indian Head , 4-4 , i > $ c ; Law rence LLi , 4-4 , (5c ( ; Old Dominion 4-4 , CJjc ; Peppercll It , 4-4 , 7o ; Pepperell O , 4-4 , CJfo ; Peppercll. 8-4 , 18c. ; Peppercll , 0-4 , 21c ; Pep perell , I0-4,23c ; UticaC , 4-4 , 4Jfc ; Wachusctt , ' " Aurora U. 4-4 , 7c , Aurora H , 4-4 , 'IjucKVest Point J m , 8 oz , West Point 2'J in. 1 0 oz , 1 c ; West Point 29 in , 12 oz , ICe ; West Point 40 in , 11 oz , 16c. FLANS-BUS Ked , C , 34 in , 15K ; E , 34 in , H c ; G G , 24 In , To ; H A P , % , 25o J K P , f , 27 > $ c. UINOIIAM PlunKCttcnecks , 7 > c ; Whitten Ion , 7KC5 York , 7K ; Nonnandl dress , y/tc : Jnleutta dress. 8' oj Whittentou dress , sycRenfrew dress , 8jV ( < § 12 > { c. ' CAMIIJUCS Slater , 5 0 ; Woods , Cj-i'c ; Standard , S c ; Peacock , 5'ic. PUI.VTS Ixiiiao tSMJi : Arnold , Oltfc ; Amer ican , i < c ; Gloucester , O'/e ' : Arnold C long cloth , 0 : Arnold 13 long cloth , 'OK' ' Arnold Gold Seal , lo'.fi Stietcl A. 12 ; Windsor Gold ' 11 H II 11(1 / | | < ; 11 | j j C7 * MiscKi.MyKoiH-Sulph , a-id , U o ; citric ncid , (50c ( ; tartaric fiOc ; bal. copavm , (5Sc ( ; borax , 12o ; chloroform , 47o ; glycerine1 , 2io ; jinn Arabic , sercct , $1,00 ; gum iMinnhor , 35c ; fiim opium , $3.25 ; siilpli. morjihm , S3.SO ; bromide potassium , 4'Jc. OILS Carbon , U > 0 = HH.Je ; headlight , 175 ° Iii > jc ; gasoline , 74 o 121 0 ; West Virginu summer , lie ; zero , 17c ; No. 1 gulden ma chine , 18c ; extra W. S. lard , ble ; No. 1 lard , I7c ; turpentine , Bic ; linseed raw , 5Sc ; boiled , ( tic. QUIXI.NB P. & W- , per oz , 55o ; German | ) cr oz , 4Gc. Lcatlior. Hemlock sole , Ib27c ( per lb ; oak solo , 3l@ 3'c per lb ; onlt harness , itO ( < 2 2c per lb ; BOCU- ! ; cd oak and trace , 3 e per lb ; o. ic and hem- oclt upjior , 20ii22is ( per foot. Hemlock calf ikln , No. 1 , bOCdOOo per lb , tie-cording to .voight . ; oak calf skin , No. 1. 00i1.0. ; per lb ; Philadelphia calf skin , extra I1.00gl.lO ( [ tor lb ; hemlocUklp skin , No. 1 , W ) ( < 470o par lb ; oak kip skin , No1 , TO isOu per lb : Phlhi- leiilihi ] kipskin , cxtru,80@'JOc ] ) orlD , French . alf skins , ( accordinu'to weight nnd ( juulity ) , ft,15@1.7ouer lb- French kip skins do , bOc < < < ! M.10orll ] ) . Corunvun russctt , Ibo ; mum llr.ish , 20o per fogt ; welt leather , $3.50 T4.00 or sldo ; moroi-cos , ( nebblo goat ) , 2030o cr foot ; moroccos , boot leg , 25IUc ( ( ! ! per loot ; glove calf skins , 2030e per foot ; Douflaa kid , 30@40o per foot ; kungarco ikins , 40@50i ! pur foot , according to quality. Toppings , M.00ftl,0 ( ( ) per dozen ; linings , S.OOQil.OO per doicn ; upron skins , $10.00@ 12.00 per dozen. Liuililicr. first and second clear. 1J4 In..fl9 OOQ51 00 Wrstand second clear , 1 > in. , 47 00af > 0 00 I'lilrd clear , \ifif\i \ { in 43 O0u4(5 ( ( 00 \ select , 1 (71 } in 87 00 ( 31) ) 00 J select , l > iMlK'n..i ' 35 ( Hif37 ) ( 00 \stock boards , 12(310 ( feet. 12 In 40 00 5 stock boards , 126 $ 1(1 ( feet , 12 in 41 00 Jstoek boards , 12 ( )1I5 ) feet , 12 in 3(1 ( 00 13 stock boards , 12(0Ul ( feet , 12 In 23 ( X ) Mooring , llrst common , 0 in 34 ( K ) Mooring , second common , U in 32 00 Select fencing tloorin'g 19 00 jldliig , llrst and second clear , 14a 10 ft 2.1 00 Elding , llrst common , 10 feet 22 00 jldinii. second common. , 10 ( iO Common boards 1(1 ( 00 Vo , 2 boards , all lengths , 14 CO fencing No 1,12r < | 3ofeet , .10 CO 'dicing No. 2 , 12 , 14 and 18 font 15 CO loists und icantling. 2x4 , 14 ( < 216 ieet..ll ) IK ) I'imber,4x4 , 8x8 , 12GC1U feet 1700 Ickcts , I ) nnd H Hat ,22 00 Mckets. 1) and H square. . . . . , , 25 U ) Shingles , extra A. . . , , . . . . . . . , 2 bO Shingles , stiimliird A , S (50 jhlnglcs , No. 1 l M ' -nth 40 ) . G. Halts , 2K in . „ . . 70 ) . Q. HattB , kx3 , S. I. S 40 In Well tubing , I ) , and M. bev 2200 MotulH and Tinners' Stuck. Hock tin , small nig f ,2J Jlocktin , bar . . .s tapper , planished trailer tizos. , . .3t k > pper , cold rolled. . , . , . 31 topper , sheathing . „ . . . . , . . 'M 'oppqr , pitta . , . so AH druggists soil .Jurvitt1 Medical Jrftndy , TIII3 HKAIiTY MAIIKKT. IiiHtruincnts 1'inocil mi Uccuril Pur- Inc Vostcrtlay. 1) M Ptuurt to U W ClAVton. lot S < , blk 1 , and lot * 1 1 , U ami 1' ' , blk " , So Kxclniueo I'laoo. wd . . f 1.SSJ A I ! Shaw anil liuslmml to T II Martin , lot li' . blk 14. Cvntrai 1'ark , tl . 2,500 \Vm I'rteryon el nl to II 1) llcoil , o , t ) ft of lots n nnd in , Mk 2. Hazel Tcrrnce , wd . 1 , W A KounUe ami wife to S Ainscowvi , of lots 1 ntul 4 , blk 12 , Kountze A Kuth'a mill , TV a- . . 1,1'pO J K ltiin om to M 11 WHO , lot ,1 , blk US , 1'lorcnro , cjcil . . . 4ffl 3 I , Miles et ul to U M Taylor , lot IB , blk 17 , Orchfcnl Illll , wil . . COO H C Shpimril niut wife toVm 1' Dovctcll i-tal , lot 7. Clifton 1'lBco , il . 2,600 I' Wagner to Otto Wiustier , und ' uf t < 1W ( ft of lots 1 aniK' , lilk l * , KeiUord'ssa Mill , \Vll . 1 S II II ( .lurk , tniMto , to M I , Alter , lot 1 , Mk II , Wit t Pttlo. wil . , . WO K U I. n- von to It It iJutihnm , lot 0. blk .1 , I.ako View , wil . . 7fl ( .M A t'pton nml wife 10 W S llriicn et nl , lot : . , lilkw , So UnmlinM ! . . . . 00 M I' Chuhli et nl to A II Doncckeu , n 44x OOftof lotfi , blk-s ; OmnhB. wil . . . . 7riOfl K P. Utson to J ll Itnlni , lot 7 , blk ,1 , l.nku View , wil . . . . ? W A Kountzp i-t nl to S Alnscovv. mldilic S lots | anil 4 , blk 12 , Kountzo .V llutlfs wild , w il . . 7MI T .1 Toohi'jr anil \ > lft * to .1 II Iliiminnnil , lot l.blk ' . ' , t citni-r Archer's ailil. w il 4(0 ( li'lirlsti > nst > ii nndvlfp to II .1 Mlchnel- on , lot 'JS , blk fVo < tlaw n , w il . . . 425 M ( iiinllnor tn K A Spethmann , lots Vnnil III. blk ri , Kount/o pniri1v il . 2,760 I'lxlcy nmlltc toriias Corbett , lots 4 and 5 , blk" . llii'iimin plucr. w a . . . . Win l.ntcy i > t ul In li llruiltord , lot ? , blk'J , . . C It llnrrlset nl to 1 Julin-on , lot 1. blkt : , Lvavpimorth ti-rrnci1. wil . . . . . . 1.2U1 \V II Husvnowtn ChasCorliett , lots 111 ami \t 17. blk 7 and lots -1 uml XTi , blk 11. At- brlKht's ntinex . . . . -1.0(0 ( Twenty-one transfers . . . .f.SlV < Cleveland & Harrison ngrcc on one point , that the bust out is Jurvis1 old Bntntlv TEEL PENS Are the Best , IN THC j : stvriAij : CH'AI.ITIKS OK Durability , Evenness of Point , and Workmanship. Haiui'lcfi ' for trial of 12 illlTi-rcnt Mylcs tip mail , on rcivli'tof ' 1O cfiilii In ntauiw. | Ai-k tor card Ao. S , 1VISOH , BLAKEHAN & CO. . mwZ * ' BANK AGGOUNT. If > nii ilrMrr tii open onu or inakiaii ) IIIIKI' | , . ' Miall br pirn * * ! * ! ! to rniifrrlth 1111 Mo allmv Ill- ton > t on lliui' l > | . | ii > vt | , DKriuint HIIVIIOM | > 1'ai'cr , ISMIIDr.idsnn llu | > tnrlul ! | rilk-s of iuiou : > , ii ! o I.i tiers of ( 'mill. : uul ti.iusart : ui > liu lnt III thu line or UAMil.NCJ. SPECIAL DEPARTMENT FOR LADIES. .l-ll tlllill ) IT . . ll MllllllllKll. INVESTMENTS Soliotil or It. K , JIlJOXIlS anil otliiT -.iff vrmrltti'S. wr Iitill In1 | ilfaM'il lo * i t * orcurre- . MIIIIHI with j nit All fjn | i It HIT in i t > M iu.\ Inrjcus ( thi'H in : nl\.int.iic In sel-rlliiith < - lii".t liiM'tnionls , liiitliiisto loLMllty : iiiil Iliiaiulil Mamlliiir Wo also III I.AXIVAltlI.V.NTS A.\l > Nt'KIl * . ANKERS , N EflN6s. ( N. Y. Office : Z Wall St. . cor. Broadway. Corner < it Kith anil I'lirniun Ptu-ets , Chaniticr of Commercu llnildlnt ; . Capital Stock $ -l,000 ( ) ( ) Liability of Stockholders 800,000 Y Ivc pi-rii-nt | i lil on icMi ! | llM. loiinx iniulu on n > al I'htnle nnil iifron.ilvciirlls ; nite , jrrunl ! , stocks iitul LonilH imrclia'.ril. OFPirHUS : JOHN U MILKS , I'rcililont. A.Mlli : V ItoSKWA'I'lIll , Vlru 1'rf ililcnt. DKXTKKIj. THOMAS , Cnsljlcr. MUAItl ) Ob' D1HKCTOU- John I , . Mile ! ' , iru-tnii : llcni-on , MiniiH'l Col HIT. Jolin II. Kvnn . Anilrcw Hii i'waU'rMorrl" .Morrl on , W. A Udlbiiiin , lluo. K. llnrkcr. Cor. Al\ln Saiindcrs , lixti ) > r 1..Thoni'i" , Nnrinun A. Kubn , Jurat's Tlioniiton , K. II. Jolnuoii , Julm Hu b , Geo. C.lIobLlc. ll U. S. DEPOSITORY. OMAHA , - - NEBRASKA. Capital $500,000 Surplus 100,000 II HUMAN KOUNT7.K , President. JOHN A. Clir.ICHTON , Vice President. V. II. DAVIS , Cashier. W. H. MKGUinit Assistant Cashier BANK OFOMAHA. _ Capital , - - - $100,000 (1O1 South Tliiriuontli Street. Scneral BaaWng and Savings Business , L'HAllliS : IICKARTED , I'rosilU'llt. 0. P. NiiiniAM : : , Vlco President. 1'iitMC V. WAHKEIIMAN , Ca hler 1'or the lienctlt of Dcposllors tlie Savings Ie- ) l irUncnt will be open on Satuiilay nights fiom i to C o'clock. ) I'c'i' Cent on Sat lilt's and Time Deposits. La Piatte Land Go , OFFICE , Chamber / ' Commerce Jttilldinff. CAPITAL , $300,000. $ , IOIIN K. ChAIIK , I'rcsldcnt Lincoln , Nt > b. JtlAUI.r.SA. IIA.NNA , Treasurer Lincoln. Neb , -'ItANCIS 0. , Secretary , Omaha. Lands in the d ( > > lralil ( ! Coiinlit-s In S'cbraska , KUIIHIIS , Colonulo uml > Vyoin- iiK bought iiuil hold. 21.829,650 TansilPs Punch Cigars wore Bhlppert during thn paat two ycurH , without a drum- iner In our employ Woollier uouBolntUo-worlilCBn truttj. 'ullyumkoiucb a showing. Onu axout KJcaler only ) wantinl iQcucli town , „ SOLD Hr UAOINQ DRUCCISTS. , W.TANSILL&CO,56 Elate SLCIilcauo. PEERLESS DYES 11. r.ii.yeii. y r nirniiAN. j H ni.i.scnun PALMER. niCHIVIAN & CO. . Lire Stock Commission Merchants , fllcollooiu 3 ( . oppoiitc KicliKHv llinlitinc , l/iilon _ H'oik ttril , , boulli OmuliB , N U. .ORlVIERWESTERFIELp& Live stock Commission , aom 15 , KicLanyo lliiiKIInu , I'mcjii block V r < 1\ tkiutU Oiiiulni , Ncl ) . ALEXANDER Cominision Dealers in Live Mt ooui' " . ' , OH | | | | < I KirlmnyH llullilliiir , Ul - vcto lurtUouiU tnituUii.NVb. ' ' " " UNION STQC YARDSl Of Onudia , Limited , A g rTcnifiTrn"i nnpl o m o n t a . " CHURCHILL PARKER , Dealer in Agricultural Implements , Wagons , i > rrl sp Anil lluitclri , Jmr < Ptrrrt.belwccnVthftiu 10thUul ll N _ _ UNTNGEFf A METUALP'CO. , Agricultural Implements , agonsCarriage ) ( Kir.hclptlc. . OrnKhn. NftiraokK ARLIN"bRENDOnF & MA R TINT" l r , In Agricnltnral Implements , Wagons & Buggies _ Wl , wn. WV. and ! CT .lonci Plrcet , Omnhn. P. P7"MAST A. CO.r Manufacturers of Buckeye Drills , Seeders , CullltetorOUj n > kp(1iti < r Mllli nmt I.ulmn 1'ul T rlicr > . Cor Illh mt Mi- IMPLEMENT co. - Wkolrnalr Agricultural Implements , Wagons & Buggies . , , , , - r * * > , , i vi hoto pirrrlti _ OMAHA IMUSrfu J. F. SEIBERLING A : CO. . Akron , Ohio. Harvesting Machineryand Binder Twine , W. K. Mi-n.1 , Manager. 15l3la * uworlli t Omalia MOLINE.MILBURNAST"bDDARDOo M > nutarturvrr.nd Jobber , In Wagons , Buggies , Rakes , Plows Etc , Cor. t'thnnl 1'nclflc glrceti , Umkha.Neb. Artiste' Mntorlnla. " " " * A HOSPS. Jr. . Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs , 1M3 UUK | > jjtrrr I , Oroih * . Nf br k . _ Booksellers nntl " " " " H. M , & "s. W. JONES. SucccMorsto A. T. Konyim X Co. , Wliulioalo i Uct ll Booksellers and Stationers , Kino WeililliiR Sntlou rj. roumifrrlal bt tloncry Uri Ikm lniBircct. OinatiD. Neb. Boots nnd Shoa . _ w K1RKENUALL. JONES & CO. . ( turcc ort lo lltcd , Jnnc A ( o. ) Wholesale Manufactured Boots andShoes Aunilnfur lloflon Itubnpr f-hno On. 1IU2 , 11W A 11W llurim M. . Uuiabii. .Nclinmtn. W. V. Jokers of Boots aud Shoes , lM Pt .OiiiKtm Jlauutaitory , Sum mer Mlu nm. Coffees , Splcos , Etc. ' _ _ CLARKE COFFEE CO. , Omnlik Coffee niul bplcn Mlll . Teas , Coffees , Spices , Baking Powder , riBTurlne Kitrncl , , I.nutnlr > HimlnV.i. . Klc. 1414- UK. llnrnty Blrnut. Omab . Ntbrttka. Crockery and Cloeawnro. " w. L. WR'ICHT. Aecnt for Iho Mcnulnclurvri and Irninrtcr of Crockery , Glassware , Lamps , Chimneys , Kir OBI n > . HIT h. Kill M. . OlilRtik.VvlrUJkn. . PERKINS. GATCH fcLAUMAN Imui'rlorfnnd Jobber * of Crcciery , Glassware , Lamps , Silverware 1SU1114 Krr.rrc St. > ( " Pcxtou llulMlng. Commission and Storage- " " " RIDDELL & RIDDELL. Storage and Commission Merchants , Srcclttillr- - ' - ' ' - ' ' " 'Hry , ( Jaoic , USUoward Strent. Orjiaha. GEO. SCHROECER & CO. . Fntccecsora to McSbano .V Hcbrovilcr. ) Produce Commission and Cold Storage , Omabn. Xebrnaka. FREDERICK J. FA1RBRASS. \Vhole nto Flour , Feed , Grain and General Commision Merchant. Correspondence sollc-llod. 1011 Nortu ICtU . ( ri'etUmnha , Nub. Coal , Coke end Llmo. OMAHA COAL , COKE & . LIIME CO ? Johte of Hard and Soft Coal , y Poulli loth Flrcel , Onmhn , Nebratka. " ' J. " J. JOHNSON & [ CO. . Manufacturers ofLlme , Anrtfliliiiiors ol < < i l , O ) > k , C .neu TiaHlcr. 1.1 n UialnTlli.and Howar 1'lpe. Otllcc ' 'IS,1 * . 13lh bt. , Ornabu , Nob. Telephcn til. Dry Coodo nno Notions. " M. E SM ITH li CO. . Dry Goods , Fnrnishing Goods and Notions , \Wl aoil 1104 Douxlai , Cor. 1Kb St. , Omnba , Neb. Mt-PATRICK KioclHI DRY GOODS Co Importers and Jobbers in Dry Goofls.Notions . Hints' 1'urulibliiK Oootli. Corner llth nnil UBJUOJ bt . Qinulm. Nabrntka. NEBRA sl < A Fljil. CO. , ' Shippers of Coal and Cote , 314 Poulu nib St. , Omika. Neb. Furniture. DEWEY & STONE , Wholesale Dealers in Furniture , Kani m Strtiut.Oioaha.Ncbraika. CHARLES SHTVERICK , Furniture Omnba. Nubiuka. CrocorloB. ' " " % PAXTON. GALLAGHE'R"A"CO Wholesale Groceries and Provisions , ? 0f > . 707 , TW nnd 711 H. :0th St. , Onmlin , Neb. McCORD , BRADY & CO. , Wholesale Grocers , 1 lb nnd Lcnvenwortb Street , , Oiuaha , Ntbratka. _ Hardware. " " ' 'MARKS BROS. SADDLERY co , \Vliolc nlu .Manufacturer * of Saddlery & Jobiiersof Saddlery Hardware lud Leutbur. HOJ , 1(03 ami 141/7 llarncj St. , Omaha , Heavy Hard wo ro. "W. J. BROATCH , Heavy Hardware , Iron and Steel , iprtnglV uon Hturk , lUrdwarn , I.umlicr , Klc. 13V. und 1911 Harrier 8lre l , Ulrmlia. HIMEBAUGH & TAYLOR , luilflers' ' Hardware and Scale Repair Shop , lucLmilc , ' Tooln and lluffalo Kcalct. 105 mreecUiuab , Nebra.ka , lECTOR , \AMLHELMY & CO. , Wholesale Hardware , ftband Ilirner Sti. , Omiba , Neb , Writorn Ageul , for > uiln Powder Co. , Jttttnon f tetl N ll , Kalrbkuki HUndtrd Hrulc * . HARD- Wholesale Hardware , Cutlery , Tin Plate , JetnlH , Hhert linn , etc. AKentn for Mown Boalou , Miami ro di > r and Lymun llarbed wire , Umahn , Nebrarka. i , Caps , Etc. Wholesale Hats , Caps and straw' Goods HOT Uarncr tlrceU Omaha. Hob. _ _ Lumhor , " * " ' " 'OMAHA L u M B K n c oV ' Ul KiBds of Building Material at Wolesalt latu Blrf it n-l Union I'acldo Tr c , Oro.i ! . " " LOUIS BRADFORD" Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime , Sasli , fttm. , I'.ic. IirJCor&tr r 7ili KCU UgiuUi , CoiuOl i wwnrani i C. N. DIET2 , Dealer in AH Kinds of Lumber , I 15th anil Cnl.tftrpln Street * . Onithn. Netiri i . . r Liiralier Lime Cement Etc Etc , , , , , , J Uouslis SU..Om hiu T. W. HARVEY LUMBER CO. . To Dealers Only , Offlf 1. 1 03 K rn m fltee t Om hi . JOHN A. WA'KEFIELD. Wholesale Lumber Etc , Uulncy Wlillc l.lmv. CHAS. R. LEE. Dealer in Hardwood Lnmbcr , WcoJ C rrcl nd Parquet Hoorlntr 9tli n < J IVons frtilllnory nnd Notions. " " " " I. OBERFELDER A CO. ! Importers & Jobbers in Millinery & Notions 3 * . 21(1 ( ml3H South lllli SIrpM _ _ _ Ovornlln. CANFIELD MANUFACTURING CO. , Manufacturers of Oycralls , Jtuni TanU , bblrti , Ktc , 11W IHiuuUr Htreet. Uniftlin , IifU. Not.'ona J. T. ROBINSON NOTION CO. , ffliolesale Notions and Fnrnishing ; Gooils ilti 10tUHOmili . _ _ Oils. _ _ CO'NSOLIDATED TANK UNESCO. , Msale Refined and Liibricating Oils. Ailo r-n n. Ktc. , Oru ht , A. II lll'liop. Mmiimr , VINYARD & SCHNEIDER. Notions and Gent's ' FnrnisniiiE Good ? , lnrnoj Street , Omnlin. _ _ Offloo Flxturoa. _ . T1IK SIMMONDS MANUrAd'UllISa Co Mnniifurtiirr.i nf Bank , Office and Saloon Fixtures. M ntlp . Mitclioiinl' , Hook Cimcn , Dniif Klilnn . l'a-o , I'nitltloii' . llnllliii' . CoiiiiliTK , llrrraml Wine ronlprp , Mlrror .ctt * . Kuctory HIU * ( iftin * , ITiUuiul ITJ3 boutli 1JCU t > [ . , ( lai lm Tcluuliona 1121. Paints and Oils. " " cu MM INGS A NE'ILSON. WIiolo' lo Paints , Oils , Window Bias , Etc , Ilia Purnum Stroct , Oninbn.Noti. Papor. CARPENTER PAPER CO. . f bolcsale Paper Dealers , Carry n nice Hock of Printlnc , Wrapping anil Wrlllnc rsr , Sl'tclal ucnllon oiron In car ioail orrivrs. Paper Boxes. Proprietor Oraalia Paper Box Factory. Noi. 1.117 nml 1319 Douidim St. , Ouiaba , Neb. Soods. PHl"L. STIMMEL5b".r : Wholesale Farm , Field and Garden Seeds (11 and 1)13 ) Jones Street Oiuaba. Storoge , Forwardln g & Commla slon ARMSTRONG. PETTI S & CO. . Storage , Forwarding and Commission , i huuQ of the Ilermry HUB try Co. IIucpio At nnd rt'inil. l , b UlOuiut IrarU Btrct't , Omaba. Telephone OMAHA Browora- STORZ & ILER , Lager Beer Brewers. 1121 North Eltithtcontli Street , OmiiUn , Feb. Cornloo. EACLE CORNICE WORKS. Mannfactnrc Galvanized Iron anfl Cornice , John lIpiiDetar. Proprietor , mi Duilzn and 1UI iiutl 101 Nurth Wtlj atreet , uuinba. . _ Printers' Materials. " WESTERN" NEWSPAPER Auxiliary PalJlishers , Dealer. ! n Rubber Coocla. OMAHA RUBBER C. , Manufacturers and Dealers in Rntter Goofe 311 ClotbliiE and I/eiihcr IleUlnir. 1UOS F rniiiii titraet. Saah , Doors , Etc. M. A. DISBROW t CO. , i Wtoloulc Mnnuridiirorn of i Sasti Doors , Blinds and Ilranch offlcc , lllli and UarJ Strccli , Omnli , .Neb. \ BOHN MANUFACTURING CO. J ( i'annfactiirers of Sash , Doors , Blinds. , ; ulilnc , Htnlr Work nnd Interior Hnrt Wool riii Kb. tt. U. Coruur Hth unO I.nncuwurlli fctrcutu , OmnUa. JS'oo. ' } Flttlnaa , Pumps , Etc. " " " A. L. STRANG CO. , Pumps , Pipes and Engines , iteam- " " CHUHCHILL PUMP CoTH Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fillings , * * Jtcain fid WAtcr fiupplloi. TTo-'nnnrtpr * fnM - 1 , oed t'.irnnin t. , Om a O. S. WIND ENGINE . PUMP CO Steam m Water Supplies , BROWNELL & CO. , : , Boilers and General Machiner/ , Iron Works. Carter ti ton , I'rop'n , MaiiufarturerH of nil kinds , Steam Boilers , Tanls anil Sheet Iron Wand Worki South ailli iiml II. A M. Cni liur. 1'AXTON It VIKKUNQ 1IIWN WOIIKH. Bought and Cast Iron Building iuKliio. Ilrtti Wurk.dencrnl Koiiinlrr.ilnolilnB uod llluckimltli Wurk. unite uml VVuiki , U. I' , Itjr. nail lilli Htrcct , Omulia. -UMATiTrwn ? tT "inoN WORKS. ' Manufacturers of fire and Iron Railings luik null , . Wlurlow dimr.1i. Klimi-r HlnmlVlr < / Micni , Ktc. JW Nortti Kill Hlruiit , Omulia. and IRON WORKS , Man'frsofFire&BnrglarProofSafes ' / . I'uiiltn.Jall Work , Iron and Wlru Ki'iitlnK.BIifui ' , UtO/ ! l U. Audivvn , fiuv'i. Cur. lUtiunilJackkoii till. , i\ \ I 4 3HAMPION IRON nnd WIRE WORKS ron and Wire Fences , Railing , Guards ki ] Scri'Oin. for hunk * . uHt ( i * , > lor > , lo'iiluntm , ole , lluiiru'eil Awiilncn. Ixx'knultU JU ( t'lnvrr iluil HUikniulth Work , . Wit-oillli Dili bt. MEACHEn * V/HITMORE , 'ircanil ' Burglar Proof safes. * Locks icBetut ' ' " - " " '