THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : FRIDAY , NOVEMBER 0. 1SSS 7 SPEOIAL NOTICES. No AiltrrtlsoiMPitis will l > n taken lor icho column1) lifter l'-tO p , in. Trims Cnnli In mix mice ts under this head n cents per JIMP for the first in-i itii.n 7c < nt" for cadi ub * f-f-viciit HIM nl..n. mil 4IT.OA . line tier month iidx-ft.tlMin'-tit . taken for U s tlina'-icenla t IIP ( irst .insertion. Sex vn rtrdt will be counted tMhllnp ; tlmy imifd rim conseontlx-elj nnd IntlM be paid In ADVAMl : All adveilHe 1m nls muM-n.i luiiiilrd in before r ! ' dock p in and under no rlrrninHtmicos xxlll they oo taken 01 dt-i.piitliinid l > y Mpphono J'orllpndx rtl lim in tlipf-o lohltuiiK mid hax-- Inr thi lr otis'xpri nitdrevtPrt In cam of lll IlKR xxlll please ask fora i hnck topimblp them to get Iheil Inltiir" , as none xvll ! 1-oitaIIXfrpdexcept on ) irp piitatlon of check All ntiswefs to ndx-i-r- > uld ! ieciicloipd In ( > nxelope" AH iHlviirtlsein-'iitN In Ihosnuilniuiis nit pub- IIMid In both in irnlmt and pvrnlni ; editions of 'I ill. IlKl the i luulatlnn of xxhlrli aggrp alHS nioro thin IH.IUII ( MIIHTS dally , and Rlx'p-.flie ud Ycrtlspi ihP lipiiptlt. not nnl > of the * clt > rlrcn- Inii'in of Tn > HPF , but nl o of I onm II Itlutrs , In > In nnd other pities nnd toxxns lliiotighout tluiBPCtlon of the rouiitrx. BRANCHOFF1CES , _ _ Adxertlslnp for thf n rolmnn xilllliPtnken nn the iiboxp piinditlons. nt the folloxx Ing busl ines homes x ho urn authorised agent" foi 'I UK JIM ppprlnl nntlris nmi will < iiioto Ihtj same nitcn IIH can be had at Ibu mahi olllce JOHN \ \ . HIH.L , Pharmacist , SJU t-outh Tenth Htieet. CtllASi ; & . I DDV. .stationers and Pi Inters , 111 Ninth inih wiuot "irTAHivsxvoIW'II , Pharmacist-'lliiCum- ing Hti eel. J. iTfOllinS , Phannaclit.iTJI North lutk 7 1:0"W. : . PAllHrT'hatnraUaOH'iht. Maiy s V * Axt-iliin SITUATIONS WANTED. \rl ) Nl ( man xxho has bnil three voarn ex- IIPHPIILO us Kioit-i x dellxcry chrk , JOMIIK lady IHo year 'cNpi ilcnce as a slHlixitt bookkeeper - keeper und mlcMndx itood letoiences Ltlxen. Adiliess Lo < WH , ( millin , Neb. 101 ll < K'I'll ATION as co ik bx n sober and ( loiilm- . I' al mini , riiuutij hotel piefc-rrecl Addles * II il , llceolllu ) . HI I h- " \\r \N I I.D ' lluat'on .is iolc xxhcio lnHbiind ' ' can buaid ; luat-ila a rufeioiiL - > . Addiess II ,11 lleiiollice ItAI M WAHTED--MAI.E HELP. \lrANTIil ) A htiiti mamiKei to opcuolllro In T ' each of the follow I in. i itlo i. Tojieka , Nash \llle nnd Llm oln. Neb i-alai ) , 81 fiilfl pel > i in , Must lux CM t if.DOO Addro-s , tSeoiye B. Unit * , lllock , DoB-MolneK , la , 127 VVrAW.l.KDTivulxo KIIOI ! nun to tain ass for V > u lixe papoi. Call at No. W2 boiith lilth Htieet US)1 ! ) XiriWl'IJI ) -Plumb.r. Call at U. S W. InV ! - V > Klnc Pump Lo . His Jones st I K ll * "l\rANTI.D A Hist clnss xxnitvr out of ellv Oood xxiiKfs to the il ht man Mis. i H. r ' ' N I'll ! ) 'I xxo Ilisl class tlnnuis it once J , . tlairx , BUN Ifltliit. J2U U * ) - \ llrst-elnssli.uber Immedlutlx- . T No olhp r need -applj. Addre-jS , 1'red J. Ilanter , Ho tiiil Cohimlnis , Neb. JIG 9 * WANTiitinxellng : ) | hileiiiion , salaij and o.''s , no c-xpcrlenco nccessiry Ail- ttu-ssxMlli Hlninp , Palmer & Co .Jnncsxllli-.WIs 119 11 * _ _ _ _ ODIH'olTxTTs-l klo p nnd Ills 1'ard-H heals them all ; no book like II ; oxerybody xxnu3 It.IIIIiistratl ns ; Immoiotui. pathetic , lascl- jiailtiB ; oxen other ( I. A II. man and thou sands of ottier.s will buv It ; one ngont sold 10) coplc-fl nlrgaily ; qiip-innQo 3I I In one xxeek.olc. ; Llioo u lorrlloly M omo ; 21 xerx nttiactlxe II- Instiallons freexx llh clrculnis nnd tei ms. N. O. Hamilton A. Oo. 1'ub IsUers , Cluv eland , Ohio. lit ) 10' irANTliD-Porter , atoliehlll. 1115 DollgUis. 110 111 " | \TANTRI ) First ( lass tallon to work xx Itli a ' talloi on i itslom xxoik. Apply 111 N. Iblh ilpstaln. WHO * ) Vdiini , ' man to le.un barber fl. de. Cnlloradihess 41S.S Dili st. * Obtl OJ " \\TAN"Tii : ) Vonngnmn to take charge of t blanch store ; JftU xxeokly nnd half Interest. BIist | > hav.j peed rpfuruaco and from $ IOJ to MO i -h. Address.O. I1. Woolton , 1'laltsmoiith , JSeb , . . , - - . and local aijenls to I T handle tlio nrtxvp : ilfcnt chpiulcnl Ink erastnp- pencils 1'rente t novelty oxer piodiiocd ; erases ink In txMiberonds : no abrasion of piper ; 2UO to no ) par cent piollttaells at .sight ; tPirltoix' iibsolutel.x fieo. siiliay lo KOodm , .n ; sample a > CPllt 'sbymr.ll. I'oi tcrniH and full particulars .iiUilrcvi.xbn .nunnfuctuivis , J. Vf. . Co. , Onulaska , WIB. Apepts lornexx-Chrlilmas books. T < Circulars will bnsent on auplhatlon. Pros VM'CtHSut-nt prepntd for r > 0o. Don't delaj. Ad- tJiess IJorlund kCO , 101 mate ht. , Chicago. III. Jli 8 J ) A boj iihoiit II yiHold , ( ierman l > eief < , > rredtotluil } mcdldne Z3U Karnam f IMNTHD 1'lrst class MileMiian for dross T > Roods dQjiaitiiiiMit at 'I ho I'.iii , Uth and Ilrinnrd , 007 ' ' Omaha is liaxo COHHK'M'ONDrNTS to n llxo , evcluslxulSunday paper , and It xx.ints ' 1 k u xohmleer correKpondent In exerj nelKhbor- liood In the city and In en-cry toxxn xxllhln 100 miles. No previous experience needed. Call at room t9. Hoard of Trade , bptxxodi 4 and fi p. in. thlsxxppkorxxritc. Don't delay. WJ \rANTii : ) A ( rood cnnxussei , upplv at 217 iN. tilth Ht. Omalia , Xeb. 757 \YrANTrD Saleamon , lo Inlroduip a naxv nud x cry -wlc-able article In hnlocalltj | und adloliiliiK cltlps. Saliul.'H paid to nctixe.encr * celli salcsniLii. Addicts , eudoslnRthieocents in Mumps. Die Atlas .Mnnufacttiiinp Co. lock 1)0Kl , ( Im innntl , Ohio. 701 d 1 * " \\rANTID ! Malc.V female aitenlH easy scdlm i T gooilH , room 21 , HarUirblk , 15th JsC'iirnmii. 7 4ill _ " \lrANTiD-iiierKetleiiiim : : nnd xx omen ex-c'i X'- > xxheie for a Keiiteol monoj makliiK busl- ni-.i' . friOxxeekly piollt cuaraiitqed eufcler thai ) JiV.l inontlil } otheiwlso i\lK'rlente ; iibnolnl ly uniic'i cssary. IViiii.uient pojlllon and exclu- Hlxn lenttoiy asmiied. ti.W Kamplas fue. \ \ > ltn torlpaitlciiliiis. Addiess , xxlth Mump , Meirlll MfCo. ( . . ll'vtOJhlcago. 1(7 ( luiW " \ \ \NTii-l : anxassoiH ht oiu ; , il.iry Jl.tH ) p.'i day ; must deposit ; * 2.1 fori-ampleS : illy Pi cuuntij. Addies-i H lu , Hec < olllce , Omaha , " \\r l Shox-eleinj xvagps , i | iei day ; board J ! 00 pei vxeek , .Apply on xxorkut It n In , Neb.uiliMuop , contrii 'Ml \ \ rANTJl ) A man toBoliclt ; MilaijjlOO > > i.ionth ; must depoalrt nnd glxnt < pciirlly foi luone.x ( .ollecltd Adilio-s Oleoige y. Cllue , AVagnt-r block , Dim Molupj , la. 6tj ( . N'I WAN'lii-J7n : ) a month and ev. A pi uses paid any actlxe peincm In hidl our KOI U , no rnpital , flaluix monthl > , e\ppiincsln niii'ani'e , piuticulurs free , blandnid .Sllxoiwaio Co , liosi'in , 47'J ' > OYb-Am. Dlbt , 'lei. Co. , 1J01 DOURI , LOJ VV AN'liD ; Man to tnko tlio agency of om hafiHj l7.o28xSxl | ( > IncliPi , xx fight oOOIbs ; lotalljitlro Jl'i ; other tdzes in propc'rllon A luiermincB aud permanent . .bdiluess. 'J'heso ilis nipet a di maud uexer mTme MippUed bv ollit'i t-ufn comp.iuli'8 , us wo are not goxerued liy the safe pool. AlpliieSate Co. cimnmntl , O t _ _ _ _ _ uio _ _ " \\'ANTiD-lood : ( life nsuianco sollcllors T > xxith bank refrioure * , are xrnnted by thn I'liluil Life at 401 Men-hams' national nank Imlldlncf , Omiihu. Olllce. hours 8 to 10 a in. and lo H p m _ nil WANTTED-FEMALE HELP. * l\'ANTilv--Cl : unbcrmmd at Mltluid ImteTT" 'vf'ANTKDIJrU - ( xxloim * 1 1 iKi-Btniula cootElng u ) | o. lltli , uptali9. . 'tent ( leiman Klrl foi uen- Mrs L. O.JoiH's , 7H N-lbt. 1'Q 10 flWANTKD-dlrUdernian prefcrredHfor ( , n . vial hotisiwotk ; faiuil > iinall Kumilrct N. IVfor. 2lth uii'H hi. . un t si7J c ' \\r AN'l'IJI ) ( loodKI ! 1 fi KO i lbl. SlHTmau ax e. TvANTlFD A Rill to Tciok luiiTiio 11 huiixnxorkl mu cba llut-clnss. ocust atltfrMCountiQ.iildlticu. . . . ) A ffooit ulil lor neiK'i l lionn-- _ ' -J ! ° i5 _ Api'jy.atjiiOfl ' ! I'liirli k av. > l * fc ) - < ToQilalilfoigeu : ial honsoxvoik. f\y A NTH D-A Ud > - to solicit : . I firtd Blvo irejirlty tor money uglltitviod i Ucorgo'b. ClliK * , " W iner WocV.jDus , Fo. ( & ; \\AANTKD-A romptumtnm cBlilxxitlt K , d ti'teuncci. Mu.'J , 1 : . ii.iuia , 21oM ! ! v ) in uxa. L' > \\\MI I ) I la H ) ini'i ly , T I BOCKI w 30 -M .iiy Wi VlJ tl \\TANTK1) Competent lrl for general liomo T > mirk. Mrs. Thos. 1' . Hall. 151 j 3hfinnati T\ [ r ANTED -Lady nt-enM lor potiinlmttion T bustle-skat. "Dahy hess supporter , rubber aprons , bibs , ileox-cs , shoulder braces , safety lielK xx.-xterpronf c-arments etc , reliable hou e Oulx Roods of n-al merit , profit * larce , Addr. - xxlth Htamp. P II Campbell \ Co , 4S4 W. Handolph M. . CniciKo. V5nox llJ ) , OARDINC " \\7ANJLD-Tuble boarders nt lius D < > ui'las ' Ti ) * N .Ml * \\rANTI.D-Tulity day bnanlori7 also thr-ie" > roonuTS nt J2.'l Ihnltfo gt ' 71 ii20' EMPLOYMENT BUREAUS. > ? lillllA K"l mpl iMiiPlit Onice , II ; N intlT CANADIAN HitiploxniPiit oill " Mrs"HrKoT JM1,1 * lUn. Heleniio omalia Saimnal bank 210 n Sit SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING NTALIN'TfNU's ! Mhort han I and t > pp xxiitlng insti'nte npxxpixton building. Oiuaha , Neb 'lln onlj ev < lu-slxp , pi irttc il a < > rt hand jichool In the " ' * l. Hit di mniiii fur snort-hand i In largely in exceji ot Bhurt liAtiji Isjuiicii . . ' _ . and teiPRraphy as a means of llx-ellhood XX o Klxc ; UisliUctluiiH ou UunliMlon nnd llamtiiuiid. l > pp-xviitcrs , both CflrtUoHumc prlfe. Dux nnd pxptilmt f-p-Hlotii. Mudpnts can enter ntiinx time Send lei urenlais 7fti nl 1 ' ' nilxnuln es imxx ixtnin the u Sl'l'KltlOll - In'iUH lies at Omulia Oommerrlal CollCL.'enpii. P ( ) , cor I'tli nnd Doclce , lieu Pitman sxstum , t-.pi ! XMltirs. Hxtrx giuduate In Hoc > il position. Students complete In t o uocks , nnd rlloij ) voidi in throi > . I'laitltnl olliip drill ( jlvcn < M < ) I itndpiit on inonlh frpp Itccltiitlona diitlt one hum. lili - tntlou threoliouis itutlv. Da ) nnd p\eiilnn os- hlons Students inter unj time Toi tlrcnliir- * \\rlttfitorhbuuKhlUoq , Oniaha. i'lsnl'j I OR RENT-HOUSES. _ 17IOU HUNT UcaiiiTfi'll . | ( > m house Inth -L touin , hot nnd told wattn , i intern In I itda-n. Bowerromiecllon , KUH ; hatd pine llnlsh. solcn- did fiuiiaco , IIOII-K * ncu nnd lomplctt * fl' ' ) per inontl ) , i all nt onto. I. 1' , ) iiuiluu , 41d s 15th. 1/10U KP.NT-n loom house , IlK'a N 17th , J1S .1 J inoiith. Iiliiulro ntU'UI S llli. : ! ! " 'i 171011 HUNT Small house 101J tlOK.inl sT | X1 n < ir Kjth , fM.W per mouth , fc. 1.1-limnn room n I ion Hunk. ' . < ; "IJIOIl KKN'J Ijuio 8 room House No S-'in JJ Diuonpoit st l.uiK' ' J < > loom liouv coi4th mid ( .ipltnl axe. n rotiin house 3UI MovMiul fll. 4 room house I'Jth anil VIIKDH sH , li loom hous'i'i.tli and .lours sts , 5 room honsH 'Jlil 1'loici1 Ml Applj to ( jit't'tiiA Wllllnins , 1st Kut Hunk WJ TIOH HUNT l-room bouse , tfZ * . 1Mbl l i Dil * HUNT Nice limililipil loom .Nether- ton Hall. ! - ) I Irsl National bank bulldlni ; . Ps.1-IO' "IjlOlt UIINTIn Council Illiills T\ JL1. biltk resiilenns , In dPHliable location. b > Odell llros. \ Co. , , 112 s. Ifllh , Chamber of Cum merce. W)0-S. TITIOIt lll'.NT HOIIM * 1 loomTaTnr bnlh rooml J. good bain'l ; Daxenpott ul. ; lniiilio | on premises. Ml IDf FOH HUNT l--room house xxlth 01 xxlthout bain UU7 Cnda si S Luliinau. lli : > IiVMt Hl.NT AT-room cottage on siicet car line , uiiil i-iin blosk trom uiblo 1'ainllx ot adulUipruferied. Ull N. I th st. IJIOIt HUMleu loom lniutse onnxx. cor. c ap JL1 Itol av. and 17th ; close in to business : suited for roomers ana boardeis. Apply to Dr. Nox-llle , nxx cor. Jouglas nnd lltli Ull III' FOIt HUNT fl loom house and bain , rail Obicago st. ImmlroSWS 1'jthsl. 74-i KH1ST-.1 room lioiibe , B2d anil 1'lerce. I' . K. Darling , li > 21 r.irnniii. K l 8 TTlOlt HUNT 8-roonuhonso auil bain , Kcor JL'jstli ax e and Webster til , J0 ! per month. In- 1 iiilrel | > U"i 1'axlon block. P , .1 , OYeedon. W- TjlOII ItUVfl' A nnxx convenient 4-room house J-1 xxillmlosetb.pauliies. hard and snttxxntei. 1'i.W S. 21al st. , betxxueu Center and Dorcas. 815 II- _ TT10H HUNT Ono of these 10-room liousos In -JJ Park Tciiaep , cor. Ilnnsiom puK , nil mod- i'tu improinpiits , $40 permonlli. Impilrp Lee to Nichol , 2bth and t.eax enxvorlh. W ) Foil HUNT Hoilso of H rooms , \xltbgood bain , cily Vater lninlie25Ib Capitol axe. 8311) ) ' _ TOK HUNT Heaulifjil b room lionse. bath JL1 Toym , hot and cold wacer.cbtcrn In Kitchen , sewer connection , gas , lianl plub llnlsn , splendid - did furnace , hou e unxv and complete. it.i per mouth , call at once. C. r. llarrlcou , 418 S 15th. 77H tlTIOH HllNT-A HUP nnxv 8-room house \xlth all J- modern Improvements , Hiich as g s , bnth. hot und 'coldvator im both iloonj. liuide all h rcl finish. larBO windows njijt lnr o Brpjinda , corner of Hickory and Georgia ave. 1'iice Wu. .1' . 11. Salmon , l-l.l Lcax emx oith si. _ " 5. T71OH HlINl' 14-room Hat. nth aud Hoxxard , J-1 Wl montli. Apply to J. i , . lliandels A-Sons , corner nth and Hoxxaid. 748 IilOH HUNT Noxx 8 loom house xxlth fuinl- turo , cltx1 xxater , hath , etc .central location , it-ID per month. J. II Pairoite , icntal uucncx , lCOOO'hieafOHt. I > 'J1 I ) FOH HUNT liiooin house , 2M3 , 7-room house 2I.JI Poppleton ave. 0eo. ! 1. Oiilberl , With- luillb'l'fi. _ _ ( III ) TpOH HUNI'-Harn , S-l Main. 411 .S. 17th , bet. J-1 lloxxaidnnd llainoy MJ 10" "IIIOH ItHNT 3 story brick io ldcnce , I'JIOCup. X ? itol axe. , 10 rooms. Appl ) lo t. H. Olulon. $ so-8-room noiiao , liith loom , hot and cold xxalei. gas. exx r , pav ed btrecl , iiexxC. . P. Hiiirlson. 4Dt B. Iljth fit. 'Vli . ' HUNT < -ioom IIOIISP. rlty water , No.II10 Frl'c Pacillc st. Iminlro at l ou IIox\nrd. \ CH 7HOO.M In Id ; hoiibp. 2111 Hamilton M. All modern ImpiovementH , 1)0. ) Broom fi me. No. J.MW , llamilon | Hi. , J..7..7) . Loivltt lluiiiham. No I Cii'Ighton block. 401 OU ItKNT Two store .looma , > 'Jilcli ar.e con- Mrtodlnto living looina , Uioonueaih. at fll per month. N K. ( .or. I''ili ' and -Miiaon , Iminlra ill S )2thst. ) 211 _ TTIOIl HUNT l-ioiiiii house on . ifitn st. . two X1 blocts toutli of Vlnlonnt. ; will lent foi ,110 per month or sell on teinn totult purchaspr. ( Jep. .1 , Sternscloin1 loom ll opposltflj' . O _ 012 I710K IIKNT W UPII yotiiwUUi to ronta homo. JL } item or ollico call on us. II. II. Cole , loom C. Continental block. OH TjlOll IIKNT House with uino rooms. II ) H. -i.1 i.'llh st. Mount , A Oriniii.3U S. Uth ht. VIS FOH KKNT Tiooin housnxxltU largo bain 115 pci month ; foi tlie x\lnttr. C. I' llarrl- soni4ia&o. 15th St. Ml < lilOH HUNT To ' "spomllilo party , U room JJ brioklioiu.0. HHfrouttr2 > 'ilh Ht.iluO 1'oet cable Hue. Fnniacb nnd all moilriii uouvunl- CIHIM. Hem H" > per month. Apply to .1. W. ( irlliltli. U. P. lieadiinart * rs iw in ITlolt HCN'I'room Hat , city xxatpr , batn and X' modnin conveniences J unfurnished audit fuinlshed rooms for light hoiineLeeulng All oxei 100. ) lloxraidst. C. I' , Shaw , 1015 Honaid. . _ . _ 27tl _ uTrooin house with Menm heat , 4th hi. ( ! . L' . 'Ihompcon , Mieely block , 13th ami lloxxaitl its. 231 FOH HUNT L-ioi'in rottatp on liiir " car UUP , J1H u month. Apply .M.ailgnttui' loot , Par 41h HKNT House" rooiiLs. Sbht IIP.IV Cois. llouee S rooms , K lt-Ass bU .Juuulio Houm Si , Harker block. _ .115 l.viviiy llosMoilli&J . llaiker block , ,1 , 4. fi , 0. 7 , H , V , IV , 11 , H-IOOIU houses Inall parts of Iho clly , _ 6W lTHU IlKNT ; At x er.vio.xrates" . , 10 ami iTnow Jrculdt * uct'i. 2401 and 2U I. o'ass atreflt. Clat ko Placn onn block smith of ( 'relghton ( ollegx. o , , 1'arnam and 21th stiept car linn All mode" ImpioxeniPiitR. Anpl ) , II. T. Chut L'utonTr1 , , ' O'o. . orat24JOCa < sglieet. BI4 "u _ JfOR RENT--ROON1S F U R N" | S H ED _ 3" AIUiH comfoilubly furnished ft ont loom * at xrn mudPiale pilce , foi one 01 ixvogon- tlpinon. fjl" A tJouihjth uxo , close to 8t. SI u ry ax i- , Ul | HUNT rrlxato family handkumi'lx- iiatfd In modern nexx ickidvnce xxlll nuom date fou select boaidfiaiclctoncei ; > exchanged , ttKU llaineyst. _ 1W ll . ltHNr--T o or tlueu rooms , . . . . unf iinilslid , r.cxx- building , heal and mod * cilUmpioxeimmu ; no children , Appl > , Ict'l ) 0'aus , UilB > "VLICDLV fninUlipil fiont room , gas steam " .uth > ulUbl for txvoorfour L'cntlo * WNlblh , ithilooi , lOtWBt -TJ1UII.NISII15U frontioonn xxlth board. 1U17 J ? Cass , cai M _ r I Mllli : 1C nice f out h front r * > onia tori oat , Cur- .1 , nituinfoi Bains parties KaxiUB tha city N W. cor 1 Uh and llo\\aid. ujii , , ljUHMSIlu ) > giuUU ( rout pailor. i2ACApltoi J3a\e \ Ifll Kt _ _ _ _ iT'OH ' ll7.N'J' ipfceJj ftunWied IOOIHH , pallor -1. nud luiifooni , Mlcheii. t > r f 'J , to man nud xxtte al o J J1on IITNT Warm f.'rni'h" ! ! fi cj in. J1 ii a nit 10 , | nubloxxub 01 ircfuliily "ITOlt HRNT Large. nlcpx- ] furnished JJ room steam heat in ! I Donglaf * . U * . ' in * rnxvo smith rnonn , nl > lx nnd tiixxif > ir -L nl'hed Hn * nli'l cildxnt r otpam h'-at Tlrst class table board. 1"JI Uax enporl t _ T'U HI N I 1 irst class rooms , noxx brl k Jleshlence , fuinaco , prlxate tninll ) , Cl < 3. It'thBt. ' 87SIO "V'irKLV furnished -oitth loom. * Itli closet ; - . > alsu itnaller loom , xxllli hpnt , brlrk hoii"p. xx Ub orxxllhoiit board , UIU O'apltol axt ; . ; ! s I OH HPNT niooni" , furnl'lied roniplcte lor JL liousckeejilnt ; . and n 6100111 loltiuti * . fuf * nlshed , I.V Jf. llilh Bt , ; . .UiU lf | T/oli 111 .N Tru ili h cil i oiiin ; \ > VM dTf d ? * I Hlrpd II32J IloxMitd St. 1 1 I.1 * ' lOH ItltNT Ixxo pleasant fiTrulRlieil * 22il st" . Kit "V'lCri.V fur"Mnd oub ( loom , suitable f i > or J perions , xx-ith steam hMl ( uid mod' rn conxtiileiico- . Hates leasouabli * . 2S117 DoM "I ( HI ELI. CANT fiont nud back parlors , furnished s iitn'dn ' for J gintliitupnai man and lft ) , modi luionxvnleniuH JoOii 1) ) u his st. 'J- ; r nli HUNT Piu'iilslipd rooms xxlth llrst dus J-1 boaid. 201 ! IhiiiKla * s7il 101 X IO'KI.V fuinl-ifpd roin7lTrTliTixxnrd. l > * iiSni rtnd licfurd. \ < lth bus , bath eat In hou e , 2U1 stxx aid Wit II * HUNT isiicnjjltol.nxe. .Noxx ijirnlihml luonn foronc. tiVoor f mr gentlnnicn ? 7 IX ) to $ W im p r mr.nth W-.1 IOJ A VKMT. lloolns111 innd lilf. ( apltol uvo . i. him ks trom P.O. . iuxxlxfuinuinnl , puxat bouidlnghQll-epleas ml 1001113 , llll i nuxvnleir t'J > ' 1/Olt KI..ST-A liindsoiin * south tnom for one > - 01 tun noutloiuen. ( .onxt-nleiit to cable and hoiss inrllna. PlKUlrti2ll | I OfniKlati-it Mil IM UMSIIIlD rooms , xxlthoi xxlthout biriid. _ ' 700 .V fid st. 87nill _ 1IJINT I'tllii shed loom. W > * SVll "IjlOlt U'lNI' ' Txxiicti'gmtl , fuinlshed moms J wlih board l-lnqmKMit or mlilus * MiH L. llandall , IT-'I Dmlgc st. 7"i ) "ITIOII HUNT \ ei.x deniinlilo Irout loom , fur J nlshnd ; DVIM v modHin cuiiM > iii'nt. ; blink und n half trom Hume } st. cable , . . ' 107 Duiigl is , ' " * _ _ _ ELliOJANT fiont rooms , clieip fiT ! S fall , _ _ 7MN.I , ! ' _ _ _ _ _ 10lt ItKNT-NlPplat i cfuinsli ( < > il loom xxlth Jalcoxe suitable foi JguntlVincii.K.'H'itinitm - - - u-s _ _ _ _ KOUXISxxIthstox'es < il fier xu-Pk oriliVlpor ipoillh. 5l2.4li IStli st I'.J iLi "I71OH HUNT -A laigo tionc room , nlcclx fur- JL1 nlslied , modern convonleticos , xultabli for : ; neiltlc men , llllb \ \ ebslor. _ ' , 'it JTlOlt HUNT I'tunHiod 01. iinfnvnUUdl loom for txxo gentlejneji , or man , and xxlfe , Ali Hoxx anljtt. _ _ fill loom. A. llospe , IM I Douglis aSHIItfroom , lKIS20th near DOUL-I * . 510 n 2i , TjlOlt UUiS'T-rumlslied loom , ( .pillh fiontT -UN i ; < % or 21&t and Jaxctiport4t ) IN ) T AHOK pleasant loom , , bikk Jiat. HUX'1V-A lar n fiont loom , nexx ly fur- ulstied , nonth frpnt , cheap , corner nth aud Cnmlngs sts , northeast corner. J la I71OK KKN'IV-Vurnlfned room * in drouiUg blk -C cor. l.'lth and Dodfo dtp. Inquire of Oeo. It . Davis. .Mlllard hotel billiard room. 017 TBOIt HI5NTA liandsomB room \xlth alcox-o at JC 2JJ9 bt. Marj s axe. I.IS "IJOO.MSI tor light hou'e-keepmif KW ! loil l isst b.Kk loom , 111.t llooi ; also - fill ulihed rooms , laifiulret'd'iN 15th st. lie 10- Flllt HIJNT-PnfuriiLshed rooms , 3 or 0 rooms atwW N Ijthst. 'IJ08 ? FOH lll'.NT 1 large fiont rcom. iinfiirulsheil 2aiN 111 list. ( Mi _ IJIOlt IlUfT rourvopnis.In Duggan'.s build- JL Ing. cor Uthnud P.i' UK sts. Would be n oed place for o-doctor. Kuiinlio at loom , " > , ox'cr the drug stole. L. Dilgg.ill. 71 ! " TjjIOIt -richambeisionxeiileiit forhouse-l -I keeping ton man and xx Ifcxtllhoutchll'li en. 1 blockh fjom postolllce. JlO l'tli. ClK ) lot U NFlrHN LS 1 1 1 : 1 ) - Snltnble for liousecedpim ; . 'JhrioiI ( ) looms , * { WI NtchoAas M . | 2 M l'ourt ( ) rooms , HIS 19th"st. . . .2)2.1 ) 'lxvo(3)iooins. ( ) iin.x I'llhst ' . LIU ) 'I hreo ( .1) ) rooms , iulf > N. 20th fit . ll il 'lliroof.ll rooms. 70l'i ' PaclHest . i2 50 'Ihrep ( I ) looms. 111. Pierce "t i. 50 Three ( .i ) looms , 1UION. 21st st II Oti Three ( .1) ) rooms. 707 I'aclllc st. . . . . 10 it ) Four (4) ( ) rooms , 17MVebaterst 111 it ) Four ( t ) looinx , 17Ot XV bter st . 20 tl ludgp Ilentinc Agency , s. xx. cor. Hnritox aiyl Hooiii 1. at ! FOK RENTSTOs ANP OFFICES OU TtHNTMoi Broom. No.SU 8. 14tU Bt. An. l < lxat 1110 Hoxxnrdst. Ml H ISN'T 3 stores on llith and Leaxea FOH xx orth , apply HankoCOfluiha. 01 ! ) TmoiriU'-NI iTrkk stoic. Hat above , 21th aiil | J Hamilton , desirable business location. I.eji- x-ltt lluiiiham , room I , Crclghton boc" ! " { . fiffi " Olt HLNT-OMIca suite Ji' month. 2 Mngie otllres $11 each , all fioutliu Ibth Ht. , Hush- man block , N. E. Cor. loth .in it Donglai. XV M. Hushman. 1311 Leaxenxxorl ! : . 0 1 "IjlOlt HKNTFinn ictall store room xxith JL largo basemeut , $ W pel moulli. C. I' . Ilar- rls.oo. 413 S. 15lh st. _ Ivi2 " ' FOR"RENT MISCELAIMEOUS. | HH ) HKNT deed barn. I slnlls , feed loom and xviiuon sued. Iniiulro at 2021 Hoxxaid it. _ RENTAL _ _ GEOlUli : J.8TKHNSIOHKK , roomtl , opp. p. O. , will hereafter givu bpecinl nttentlon to renting houses , ntorea and Hits. If you want yoilr property lunted xvlthout deiay and to rell- abln tenant : ) , do not fall to list tna mo xx 1th him ( cj IF you xvaur your houses rented place them > v Uh Heuaxra A Co , 15th , opponlta postolllije. ( . . ' 'i \V7"KKlxespeeinl attention 10 renting and cpl * TT IpctlnRienls , list wllh ua H , K , Cole , room fl. Continental bloi k li.'l PKHbO.N'Al If jou uaro u personal Item , or any communlrull Jii , diop It inona of'iu [ | Kee'n ine3i > aga bovos. lOj " " LOST _ _ il OST-On Mondaj.nth , 1 blaik buc.kbo"ad , Ijloji buggx.niidbiugleharnpss' XMIS last setti xxlth liuipusiu fiont of my barn about 7 p , in. , f.1.00 loxxuiil xxlll bu p.itd on i ctiirn of properly to lilj bain. \ \ S Jardliu' , ll N. Hth Ht. 10714 _ _ _ LOST A xx Idle pony , lainn In rtahl hind fool , Hi'tuin to t-toikxnrds Co. und recclxe roju- peiianUon. .1. 1' , lloyd. _ S Kiv \ KOl'NIK TWOl'NI ) Pony hainpss and rait in CouiuMl J3 Hlulls , liumlie , I . P. Mubles , cor. Sill and raiiium , 113 10 FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS. 1 1 lit sALI ! A good hoi su and lop buggy ; | u < Jijuliu at loiiin I , Continental bluck. Citb and . . . ' " - Dougla. . _ 103 I.- O II , tank xxagon. nenily m xx xuth or xxitmmf team , ensj itnui. Iluti liln m A.IMI | , 15.MIodge _ ) bt nnd qundinpo watei und tea FOH HALI1 A moubfrshp ) ) inthe Qnuiha lliMidof I'radP. xxorthSiW. 'What xrlll jou Klxc.P O llox 'r. . jfin KALI.-lluiiK" ' b.uo buinec , i.irnatb ud curlatns. All good " , ' } . AIJ ; Wood In quautittPs'tuMUt. at bottom price * , at 1QIS ( . iimlbg- . U28 bt Til OIlT-JAItK A KOiitlciinm li-axlng tox\n xxill J. tell fpiJii.OO the fiiiultiiH' iuliH room xvlilrh COlt Jilm upualds of < S-5W. Adiretii | H 25 , ll < c < Tnoit ' 8AL1I Very Una family lu > o e and Jl1 pluif too at your own price. Imiulie room ; ! ( > , KJrat National llunb. Liu Illubons-rjiie iluen "pa -8hyit-h udtext bpot and alt Klndsof | ioit- hand nnd typexxiucr nuppllea foi nale at V/ilun. tlu&'s .sjiorf-llauil tiiiJIUltO , now Pton Imlld- Iqy. Onialm. ' ( -8J n THOU SALU Almost UQ > r piano , ut 1'Jl'i ' -J i , h AL'ADlNLTuiaiut upilehliilano , Qu . . - - > make * , lei sain at , n i c-rlllxo ; , only ut-ed ou.i > tr. IMI > I.I 'land ' tbnttU ( le ired Ad. urcd'j Ul'Vvaro ' Ua.1. 75. dl "iron ALK or tradtrtxcw t\xo ipf.tsd cat * I Huge and tdnglo tiAi buBgy Selby. 1VJI 1'arnam. l'3 poll SALK A drM rings f urx'cj .n's U inslt heap Call or addrJs J'A ) California st. I Rt ! 10 * I.Ij\1 fttftofy lint factory1 lint futux * 1 tntl HuxxardM llnxlng peimaiiently lo nted at the n ! nx lo ! tlon n ladli i'-cpiieiiil hat tartmx fm remodeling all klmli ot i.idlo * ' hats Our prl- 1 > It iVlc and n > extra rhalzfs. Om ihix lint I'u toiy. _ Vi U11 " ' K'OTICIJ to rontinrtoM aiil bnllilpr'n \ \ xxill aixonionex nxTrgurlng vith liiyim i * Her. the'r ' stock of builders' liardxx are n POIU- plc-ti and prloe Joxv. v > _ _ _ Ijonl. _ nilK MAKlNl.-Ms M A . 'iiiii isire p. n til tii do fashUinnblc drps innklng nt most niitdprato prUp at ,117 N" . Pith st. , s."i I NV'OKM VIIMN xUthont rhaiijo to partlo * I xUsmlUK to bux. sell 01 11 nde notlth Umiliix property D. D. Miieaion , Ho mi 41. Hnikei , Omulm. 770 1 1 LT lmt pre pd mid renhnpod : fnatliom -L c leaned find i tirled. 1 M. j ? ( haiV-ll .Jlnjv. HUH _ _ _ _ 40nl _ IT1 ! KM II III ; canifnlly nuixod bx thu Omaha J- ' Auction Mid Stoiage Co , 1121 laiuiim st. 'I elctpunno I-V. . UlnH " ' . Mi'iiiinuN A. - toiitv cutters , 12c lineal foot , Colorado siiuHlone , M\K \ binjo t-uiglit as an art by ooo P , Gelleu- beck , r.'t So. huh at. Hi MO to Kax'tiipr \ llur/ur Hue tools nndlLiulld . 'ers hardware. 52 ! S. ICth l. , tier bdildllli- "T"\H ( ) . HIO'KKI'IX minicor Hxcel'lor lunrt , / luyiannin. Hrasj and "trim ; iniHtr. 71 1 n Ut NlliJIItlAN loot store 111 I I'nuiam st . hlglie t unh ptk-es p.xlil lor second handbook book- . 021 n lilt _ ABSTRACTS Or TJTLE. I DLANt ) Guarantee and Trust Co. . Iwl T M mm Completoabstiacts Ciirnlshed , A Utlai toroal estate examined , perfected & pu.-xraiUeoJ , _ _ _ _ IK7 ( \\UMItlIAKL furntilh complete BKNhONAUMItlIAKL and guaranteed ubitnicH of tltlo to uuy real estate In nmahi and Douglas county 11)1011 ) short notlco. 'I ho moil complete sot of .ibsti ict boots In tlio city. No I50rarnntn ) st. OW STORAGE AOiMeichaulije , J1U froillh 10th HI. > _ ' 571 O'IOItlit : lo\x tafes at ll.'l Pain im stT ) Z30malia Auctluii A Stoiattu t > ' 1 li " ' . .11'.itith Inth S"'IOltAOi ) ; ll-m-eliolvl goods .11' - f.7l niHACKAOi : , itorsB" . loxxest rate , . XV. "il JL llushnmii. 1 Ul LOIX-DIIHtjith. 02.1 WANTED-TO BUY. A\TVN'1II1 ! To buj llxery business In i ent nil f or xxestc'in Nebimki. Address 1'lock Him. LelKlilon , U ! I7 > 1 .t "It AVTIJI ) ruiiittiire. caipeis , stoxes and \ > household goods of all Muds Omaha Auc lion A i-tiianre c o , ll.'l 1'ainain I > " iflONEY TO LOAN I o.N'UV to Loan On Omaha and bouth Oma- I ha inopeit > . t. P. Hiurlson , 4\b \ S 11th nt. H II IHIIVJ'lOO.OXiitxj loan on city pioperty and improved fa i , land , rrcnzer block. T OANS made on rB'xUjJStnU ) atwi nu _ _ , . JLJ bougut. I.oxvls a Ho6d A O'o , ll.'l I'nriiaiu. r1 ( ) LOAN-i..ilfl pilxale money. Applxat JL once. C. P. H.UUMHIIHb. . blth at. i i 1J MONI'.V to loan oiFlmpioxed real estate Leaxltt llurnham , Ciclghton block. ulT MONP.Y to loan O P Dix-ls Co , real o- > tale nnd loiuaic'iitj , M0.'i harnamst. Old loan at U per cjnt. I.In ill in to Mahoney - honey , loom 691. Piytton block. 'RD /"HIA'ITI'.Landcollatiaul loans. M. U. Davis V'lll S lltliht , room Jn _ iiVl /and f.iun loans xxauted b } A. K. Hilex. HrJ.I'a--niiu , 6V IJ estate loam , loxxosc ratal. Udell Ilioi. Xl A O'o , , IU X Ilitll bt , G.W IV to loan ; lonf { ( lAia. GCoigo j. Paul urnam at IV11 VOLxant to borio\x money ? If you have diamondvxatuiius or jdxxelrj nnd doslieto effei t a loan on faxorablu terms In a strictly private and confidential maniiur , or should jiii | want n loan on finnltnie. horses , cnrrlaces , laud contracn or poiaonal property of njiy de scription.oii can hnxo money adxuncedat lowest rats f Interest and ample time to pay by tailing oil 01 sondlug postal ianl to the . Omalia Moitgago JioanCo. „ i wo loan out our oxvn moiinr. malm out our oxxu paperHuud pay no commission , thus glx-- lug the bsiiitllt to th boiroxxei. uur f iciliii/5nrt / * 1ueh that we can accommo date jon in a prompt and conlhleutlil man- nc-r , giving jou fnlr , lioiioiablo and courteous treatment. All loans reuuxx'edat oiiglnnl rates. Vovxtll pay off any mortgnge i ou poxv barn andglx'u yon long time and low raten ; will luan any hum from t' i to JICH. J. Commeiclalaud lft mortgage paper bought. Oninhn Mortgage Loan Co. , rooms 217 and 218 National Ilunk-bulldtm , ' . < > - < l rpill. Olnmha rinanclul l.tcliiuge , Itoom l i. llarkur Illoclc , southxvast comer of I'auiani ud lothstfi. Makes -special ! v of short-timo collateral aucl leal e uile louns. Money always onh inl in sums o JIOJ and upwards to any amount , to loan oil apyrpvod Secured notes bought , sold pr eYthiiiBad. Clear real estate and < .a-di to exchange for good tlnt or second mortgages. Loans maclB uppn land contracts , stocks , liondi. trust iloeds , fir-it or snqoud morl aga 40- ttiriU , wllhout publicity. Aijlay or red tape llnanclal bu-.lnes of any klpd transaotixl Promptly , nuletlv aud fairly , lloom 15. llarkur lilock , Cjjrbeti IanasBr. _ UH MONKV I'o Loin -.Ily the unfloMlHlioclxho ha ( heonlj pioperlyoiganlzud loan agency in Omaha Joaus of JlOto Ji.UO made on furni- tnro , pianos , organs.hoi'jes xxagons , imclimory , etc , xrlihout relnoval. No delays All huslneHS ttrluly conllduntlal. l oaiH &o made thul nny part can be paid nt any time , each payment r iluclntti ( coit i > ri ) rat.i. made on. line watches and dlammds. Veroons nhould tarufullv londder who they are deillnpr with , as nmiiy u concoinsaro ilnily cpmln ; Into "X- lilencK. Should yon , mj d money pill aud M-D me. W.It. Cioft. room 4 , Wlthnoll bulldlnj ; , luthand Huiney. 4 Tpl.OPLK'S I IN ANf'IA L 1fange The fn7r * J enl , qulBtont , most Ilbeial ininm.x CM h.inge In the city ; loans made \xllu ( > nt ilolnj or pub- Hilly. In aivyiiimoiinl Jargo oi-hin.ll | , at tlio linx-- t'st. r.iU-s of Intet'a t , "n nnj ft.allablu wcurlty ; loans may bi * paid at unv lime or renexxud at original rate.s. o..lloiiticaren , mgr. . .room 61,1 , , llnrkoi blk , l.Mli and rninam ! " n rrf _ MONHV to loan on "houssholirrurnllnrfl , pi- uoos , ImiriosXUKOIH and othei personal piopprty ; also Oiimoitijazo paper , and umti acts as tollaU-rai security ; ca h | U.WJ > > pnjaiullib' oinl oxteusloiiH giantpd : business tnuihai-ted rulrliiili'tl | > and pronrptly. 'IJieil'iilrbdiika Investment - vestment Oo. , SV coi l&th .V Douglas , ( iiBtali3. | ) _ _ C3 ( * M ON IIV to loan on Improx'twl propartv at first hands No applications .sow axvay for ap * pioval. Si-Purity Wild 'titles exanlnod ; fron of charge o lmuoi\ufip''rlomlmnl lnvestmc < nt coiiipauy. . . ) H 13th st. _ 017 rivt LOAN -iriontoimlo nxo Imndiod llious. JL nid dollius 01 smaller sums inomptlx * , fl ntr ern cnpllal alxxaj , on liand cheap. 1'lilliuU Iplii.i Moit atnnd 'lrur > t Ui.iCioo ( V > . } . Lo.ttnH , U Od.irdof tiade. _ tK _ _ _ J 8 _ Tl/fONBY / to loan un tnTiiitjird. wagons , /-tc. , ailxvlthoiit lemovul , otpon collateral sucurlty. nusInosH hlrktly coiitldtiitlal. A. 1C. Creenwood U Co. , H 1 Cunningham blk , cor. Uth Ic Jackson , lIlICuntTal l.oun k I rnitO'o.No ! Irt'ij , , _ , oiKhoico Omaha projlvrtv a nuuaually loxv mien. Oa< onlmnii C A Stun ; Mnnugef uri.10 GW. PICK : loaiwTOoney. cash on nand' iVU,000. can bo placed ou city and farm prop erty at loxvet rules , liyildips loans a Hpecfultj. Hcxmi 4 , Kt cnzer blov iff I'l'- ' Iw lvT' * MONI.Vlo loan In lny amount , cithar for building or olheHtiao , at lowest ialon of InteniHt und nil yhort niitlro. D. Vhholm , room JUJ''Jrt Nat I bant , cdf lltluind rnruain. Wi'l ' 'Aft NKY'to loan on impraxcd city property 01 'L forlimiillng puipQaui ) : Jo > x > t riitca. uo dcla.x. Mutual liixrstment Uompnny , loom I , llai tun' llu < , k. liitli and 1:01111111. : _ &M . U per i ont. JlQP , to Joan , on im * dproxixlfavm < ! .or tltxpropsrty. . .lames A. WixHlman , at tua old flro litjiiruuco ollltu of Muipliy A Lovt-tt. SW ft. Dill at. Ml AVl'M'l ! lliiomsTlll iiiiul Hll'i I apllot mi' " , 2 blocks fiuin P 1) , uoxxjy turntshed , inUiitn boaitllng luMisr , large , pleasant arm looini.all modern cqnxa-nlencfi. 753 K _ LOANS madnnitrcal tij-tateMortgauca\iouglit \ l.M llichaiiiitou.K M.xx.cor. 15lh\loiiila _ _ _ _ uiiinajK _ MONKV Uj loan on chattel sucnrliie * . Illonop \ \ \ heel r Loan Co , tooni B , Hmler block. DON'T Ixm'ovr inonsy x n fuiplturc. hor0s , WUBQ118. etc. , until you hayn 5 an ( J II. Ja coin , loom 410 , 1'Jrnt National b uU Inilldla- , cor. HtUaud I'atuam _ . _ . _ < 115 . tn tiOa > > l.o\Cp4 < mteortiH | closcsl II. I' . Ouli'i K'ioin i1 , Ooutluohtal LO VNS ni dp on oily projiorty , thnttpl and 11 'Intel nl sei urit > . mortcaisps bmiaht Kim ball , llmmp v lljali , Room C , t'.S.Nat. bniil PMdl MONIJY 10 Loan On real est.ita ami ilmttt ? socuillX Monej without delaj. Land mil 1.0,111 ovpliaiiito , 117 8 Iwhst MONK\ loan on fnrnltiin1 , norae\xaeon pp. | , or on anv npiirovd pcilrlty. J. W Hob bins. II. MKhcely \ ink , IMh and Howard. tH 1\TONiV : tolonn ; rnolion hnnd : no delay. .1 I' I W . t > qnlro. IJl'.i 1'uuvuii st. Tlrst Natlima bank bnitdintr fill $ IWJUO to loan nn inside property. Sonin firsi tnortgaip < for dil NnlliAn Shelton , IM ) ' Fnruam street. _ M ; MONKV to Loan-0ityund ! rountiy , cunaj tatPMiu delay. L P. lUmmona , WJ I'ax ton building. - OU ) /J Plllt CUNT mono ) to loin C.iih on handY - Y W. M. Harris , loom 20 , Prtmrer block , opp HI ILDLNOl loans. Llnah in \ MabonexM ( M _ 'IV ) LOAN-MW ) prlxntp nionej. Apply n . * . once. C P llrtirlion. I1SS. Kith st. H2 IIi \i , i : and small Kinn for IOIIK and short tlmp , ul rules of Interest , on leal cstntp , inort' nntex , t ImticlH of all kinds , dtitmonils ( WIH < lies and jmvph'j. Don t fall to c.ill If you want f.ilr and fheiip accommodations. ( ) llojis t.iron , 11151. , room DO1 ! , ll.uki-r blx , Kitn nuil I'at ill" Ji * n im it _ " BUSINEaS CHANCES. " 7" I J lDIt SAI.K Kostiuuiint and chop Mouse li fine Inn , doliif : a irood bnslluss , Co op liltl\P l.nnd & Iot to , .Vi N' ir.tli st. 110 10 ] 7 i > lt SAI.I1 llnihpi dhop and Inth looms lipsi location. Imiultu 1'iank l'l\onku MMUII Om.iha. $ " .WO llt Imv a wi ll-chtiilillsiioil iptnllRi ) LIIV , reiiliallv In \\Ulinuostabliminl \ trtiUoot ifi t i flm ) poi ( U.y Aildtt' s 11 'n , Lodpllle buslnoss jood loi.itloni it sold nl onip cAddieis II Jl lloo olllci- . wr-W IJHMt SAI.H llonr mill , now nrocu-a. ovcol- J. lent lotulltj. A b.iiiraln. TUKCII on dplit and not in poMtlon tiMipu.iti' . \\llltraile forttood ( arm. II. T.nrl , 1,1m oln , Nvli HV1 8- AllAUKoppoitunlty : Tlippllknown Ilnw- li'V IIOU P lot U'lil. and furultuio tor nalc. oiiu.iAN tcrino , to | ; oed ii.iltlcs 'Ihla Is a iaii < oppoitnnlty tor thinlKlit m in Addipus. .lohti liuulexNoith 1'latto. Nt-U. | rH > < FOM JAI.U matkct , KO llstun'u. a 1C UKon at once. Addu-sH II Sd. llceolllrp. ( M7'l AIlltK l\ j.iiil In Cull i unnlm : older on swld h ot I' . 1' . and II. , V .M. i.iiKlur.bnilci' , ] ) tlhittH toi . > yXl ( ' . brick Mieils to matiU and soft mud mnclilnp , good cla\ , lei .ilp chtnp. Aililiroa II U iico. _ _ _ _ ; n _ \\TlJv\iHhlo ( 'luplov a reliable manlnjour i > county. No esperlciu toiinlteil ; perma nent po-dtloii for tlirou joai.s S iliiv Imrcasod em n j l.lRht. . ponti el business Money aiUmiced tor-nlirx adxnrtt-liiu , oic. I.arii t liiiinul ih In 0111 lliii ! . Ihiclosp ciiil Mo postals M C g Co. , Cincinnati , 0. Ui ) Z M ) . 'Aijl ! nl \clmiiKP All old < " < tablishod X iood piiliii ; laxerv business in Counoll lllnlls.ia. , liiN Main si.'ia SUulluman bil.l FOR EXCHANGED ICllANiI.OCOxoithoC : liauUaro nnd implenientB , like Kioto building A'ld ' dxvellliiK honsfl In a peed loxxa toix n. to ex < li.'umo for him ) . Co-operatl\ro l.nnd .V IAJ | Co. , 1) N. ICth .st. Ill 10 IpOlt r.XI'MANdi : * IWJ vortlt of millinery Intltyulltiadelor ; clear land or xxillus. stiiiu'soine Inciimhrancp and t iko somu cash. Co Upointtx-c T..iml and Lot Co. 2) " > N. lolh st. 110 'i _ _ _ rpOU liJCCHANOK Lot in Mncohi l'lac 01 I1 Jleyeis. Richards A TlldenN add. Will tnko auooil upiiKiit pl.ino on lot. H. It. Hill , roo'ii I. , Darker Illoik. I' l 11 o : r mud. or well for casl jor on time , J" > ,00fl reidx'-made clolliliiB , and f < i.O 0 .slock bools and < hojs K. Vf. Cilles , teal estate nml loans , i\-ro-d ) Neb 117 Ifl' \\rILL exchange a good xxoil. t am. i > and hniiHs101 ! mix- line of goods dry go ids notions 01 scinnd hand fuinltute , call at * 0 < i N IBth Ht imist rpo H.VCIINOP.llqnltx - in txxo lols to JL blocks from cat Hue II.ti , llee 031-lft FOIt TllADK 2 noxx lnr o xxioiinht Iron fur * nares for h than value , tin a teed liorso. D. Lntidun. xvltll Potelgn Immigration Co . 1502 Puinam. 81-at FOlt JIXCIIANOK 101 ilesiraldfl rn-sldonco propei ty In Omnliii , any or all of folloxvlng * W choice Inside lesldcnco lots 111 Hastings. 100 lots lu Lincoln (110 ( acres line faimlmrland. Liuc.isler county. 1'lno roskleneo piopertx , Lincoln. Ciood-riiutfll propei tv , Lincoln. Oliolu1 fancy re-sldunop , coiner. Los AUKflles. > Mtt lesldelice piopeityln Hiuiscom Place. Also some good moituase notes. AddiesM.glxliiKlocatlimaudpriCDof propiirty. J , K. li , caie Il.inni lion Co. , 1.17 Leaxeinxoitli. 691 IJIOH Trade-Choicn lot in ( irammeicy- Park JL' und choice don nip corner in Lipton Place for good ( ami. i ) . V. Hholes , 210 , Nut 1 bank. 577 Tl'youliax'e Hiivihin ! ? lo exchange call and see our list. Weotuin Land und Loan ox- " 17b _ Ilitll. W)7nS ) _ FOU L.\OIIAN.i-liOod : leutmg dtv and South Omaha propeily : nNo lots and taniH. Western Land and Lo in exchange , 117 b loth st * BO. . nH IHAVK real and poisonal property of all klp.ds for trade. Call and see me. George J. Slcilisdorir , roomO , opp. P. O. Col _ CJLAIHVOYANT _ TTHNTION-Tho gifted destiny reader can I in tonsnltod dally for t o xvooks In all niriilisof life or death ; tells your life from the cradle to grave ; rcninltes the Kujjarated with \\ouiluifnl llgyiitlan cliaim ; locates dlient-e nud heals , them xx itn masaage audolecrlc ( treat- meiit. Olllce < 17 S. Uth St. , qpitnlrs , rooms 2 A ; ; ) . fjllli ; MHing ill' , and HIM. Jjirijoan havu Jnt > t J arrived , Jiaxc traxcled through all tie ) prin cipal cities of Ihirope , Canada and tlm fnlted States ; will tell all vilm citll * their llfufioui tie | rradhi to ihogiaxi * ; xxlll bilngback lunband , snivtheartor mutter if they bo Ion thousand miles axvnv ; will lull you how to ru- moxo. ' Uoubloordlllkliltio- K'V" 'UJ ' to any man. xxomun 01 child that has a dlscuso XX.D cannot cnio. Call nt once and bo convinced. OfllcehomsOtoO. 1J21 Capital ave. , ni > stalrs. 8.-.I8J . _ _ _ " nAriorHo"jiI.igiietlc : Healer-Prof. J.p7llawr JuureH ullcuiaiilit iltxvases from uu < - tothtuy tieatments : 2 houi.s given ox-ei vThuibday fiom IMoll , free to the Door. Magnetic HPawalt liitlm Hlvon also. Wife xxlll attend ladles. Huslui'ss rilttlugs dally from II tut ! p.m. .Mrs. Ha/etglxus iisvch m t4l' readings by letter ninl locks of liali. K fincuttlniM ami't'r il for * 1 bv letter and txxo2-pent btamps enclosed blt- ll'ngs dally at IW7 NaUll _ _ t. _ 7H7 8 * _ IjlDU'CLNU'lolTgr 5)TJ ) * . LtHiorinan c'tnliu con. J : nltil on all nlfalrs of life. batlsfacll6n Uimranleed Nn : iia NtliitliHt fill nlJ ; BH. NANNIU V. Warren , clairvoyant. Sled * leal and bnxlness medium. Kamala diseases atpeghilty. Ill ) , N. Wth nt , HoomH 2 A .1. flol IjMlltMWuhavohlrceBnlotH i Central 4. ( subdivision , ( ; , ) nncil lllutTH , twelve ucnis In Hice'H aiu/mx-lsloii. and eluht u\u \ udjolplng HeiiKon'H second addlslon on the north , all m > ir IJloclrlc Jlotor line. WH poll in a bnuchot a IxuKuln. C. L" , Mnyno lloal R\iAo Sc o. , Oiuaha. 114 IB J HAVi : 1 1 ionn ixorth of property wpn to lie . told fOl jnoitgjge. 'Ihe.piimlngluiido prop erty ot South Omulm Iteii'ulres ? IXW ( cash. Can IM bought at H bargain. I ) . 1) , Sinoatou , Omalia 711 IJIOIt SALII- Lot 15 , block 22.malia ' ) View ox . 41 tension nt Hrst cost , J M. Omslor , ( Vmn. ul | Illiills Wt U * $ \NMmiy a good 2-stoiy Bioom lionso and lot. east front , In Windsor Place , a bargain , D , V , aholea , Ituom 210 , KlrBt National iianu. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 678 1710H 9ALi-Un : raity tiivino , the llrnt house dl- JJ icctlx' south of Dr. Mortec's rojldunco.olqvbii rrtnins nnd barn with lot 40xlJ ) only 41 , WV T. Seaman , wngonn , cai rlafcs. eto , oaut nldo o loth bt , north ot Nicholas. i' > Foil yALT.Txxo elpgunt IIOIIHH In Iln ijci/in / Placaon itufionublft tuniiH ; moitgage puner taken an pai t p ij immt , IJosxxorth it Jopln | , llarkui block. t'Jj _ | TMK BALK Oi exchange for Omaha proper- J. ty , Rt ) jurcn , buliAhlo for platting ; will maUo 40)lot ) > > ; all clear ; big roonny in It for Home onn xvhouan push thU ; located Just ontstuu of tlm rityllmiu ot Council IlltiUd. liuiutro Uoo. j , Hteinvlorll , Opp. post illlce. _ W > L OTh Tor friileI lmv JO ilnBlot In Hrlggs- nlucouild. furii.r.e. Tui fiirtlior lufx/rmathm addre-iK Jt-ifery Oalpnii. 111. _ 801 "TjiOH bALK Or lixcliangu. 8 * ) aero .farm , all JL' iholco .land , UIO aciu.4 uhdur cullluUlou ; in Platta Co. , Kea , Jnxea- tloate UiU. 'iwo 7-roow uexv houses on 13lh , &outU oC Vln < loust One 9 loom new hpnse In Ilanacom Place , dim H 100)11 ) new house in Kount e Place. . .1 II. Johnson , ill i'axtonblk , _ u _ _ _ . ajSoiii | ! a fifltlot aud gowl 4-room rPeM ytornin. iidKoo-l locAtJon 4roomV. . Bhples , ( , Uvm Nut Ibiulc , cur. Utli and Far * BU1 ' K AliP I/ot WtlVl , with Rood 2 story hoiiPiMiicelj nn'isliuil all tlirtdern conx en- lenpes , xxllhin 1 blk pixx-eilst. x blk from Pnrk ccliool nnd M K. church , mnicotnlcp This Isonpofth * best prnportlC't in tlip < Itxni.d ran be had nt n bsrizatn by addrewlUK tlio oxincr , I'll , Hpoolllce _ * ' _ 1710)11 8ALK Nol for trailo. 8HJO acrriof Im J pioxed Iftlld 2 tulles fiom MnrqiU'ttp 111 , Hamilton Co. , Nobra kn Vrixliin liotisp , frfttup f tfxnln , no acres under ix good 4 bixrlt-XTlre fouep round cedar liosti and 2 Hais ; I | IUK xrater , good rorral. 2 xx plls.x tnd mill , : Vbnirpl Imik. Kplf-fiH-dcrnonrhs , pit ; 7jmron clox-prs model Pilrp'iabnnl ! perarrpl 3 > ears time at n per cent , . ) .0\ > ( loand lees OTCI the Ivid nnd ntldtfssilu oxxner , 1K. . Atkins , litrJ l.nrliner St. , Denxer Colo. 244 171011 b.LUsllJ acres Hamilton ( > . . Nol ) J laud , j' mi ncie. oui--thlrd casti , balnnep nt I per cent , AttdroM XV. , ) , Wlld-tinn , Dpuxt-r. Ceil. uu SALK r xriiinie. ! rt'e hnvp some - good Omaha rrnl eitiitu and Nebraska farms , xrhlch w o xxlll poll cheap or traa * for Mock of clothing , furnishing good' . rx' poodB , boots andshoos , groceries or liardxx ftru. Sollies- U S. mhst r > s . HUN -Houses I storoti aud tints ) from lo Jioi put month , to desirable trnniitt. . 'i room xx Itli stablo. f-'O. llioiiullnt hath nas. c-tr . Jil. Morp | ni7ParR axe , xxlih biMMiient IncluMuo of x\aU r , Jli H room house 2.111 f.hlcngo st WO. fl riiom licmsi' , .stable , et.'i ) Molt * luuins on t Maty s nxe , JL ! to $11. Txxci ( ipleiidld H room residence * , fnrnacps , Hinges mantel. 1 \nndi.r. xerj. deniable loin- tlon , fr7i and Js. % . II iiw > m residence. 2112 Cas M. , ? 70. Wchaxo ethel desirable holism. Hats and stores tor icnt. AUoctmlcp lots cm the Conn- til Illiills bottom" , xx hlcli .110 apositixe b.u- KV' . H Ma > ne. Heil Kst.xto A Tnt'l O'o \ \ 111 build > ou a nvat 4-ioom cottage In Van Beureu Heights. \\lth cknets , cellni ixoll cistern out houses , \\alks , etc , .ind sell at the. easx luims of JSOc-iish , .mil # I'I..O pel tnontli Or xxlll hell jou a lot lor ( .7A ; ill ) oaxli , Ki IIPI menthe mo pupated to build any.stjlo aiiil-lzi > of liousu > ou xxinit and Mill ut ouiu-pondliiK eisy terms. These lols me located neiir xexeial hupp faetorles ; mi 'ossthan ' M minutes riom \ \ eb- > lei Slu-ot , tlepoi , onlx ftc fare on Hell lino. SnriiMulii. iu > ai 1'oit OniHha , price * .VXJtW. ) . Wllltako good hoihtf 01 team as 11.111 paMiiPiit. Halnnic'Onsj. Lots In Lafayette 1'nrk , at $ M to $ -W. One-foul Hi cash , li.ih nic l.Mlriinrs { , ntil in i \\llllaXehotjiesns nart paynipnt mi these lots. \ AN lIliritKN. Duuglas nnd Hth Ptreels. TIIBBANKOPCfllGHCB. S , M Cor , Fariiam anil I5tli Sis , J'nlil in Ulipilal . $ riOO,0ll ( ) oi Ko n. I'losidimt I' . L. IHKItllOU lilt. \ li-ti I'icsldeiit. r II JOHNSON. Uashlei1 JIUIL'I : L. \Vtl.MXMS S. \Vll.KV. . S. It , JOHNSON , J. 11. MU'otiNKI.U \V.M Slivill , CllXiMnv , AU.I.N 'I' . IthCTOH. J > . Cl .N.N1M1II VM , II. A. 11KNSON , ( jlISlAXANllfKSON , .1. L Mll.K. Accounts of Hankers , Mi'iUmnU and IniUx Id- uals recelx c'd on the most favorable teims. THE RAIIM TIE TAILE OMAHA. HiinnliiKbetween Council HhilTand Albright In addition lo tha stations mentioned , trains ( ton nt Twentieth nnd Tweuty-fourtU stiouU , and at the Summit In Omaha. AVoMtxvar/il. IlioadTrain - ] Omaha Huoaly. South xvay.fer. . Depot Omaha A.M. A. M. r11 ; li.U ) n)7 : tt-M fifVi 8U 8:25 ' 0:2.1 : OV'K ) HL ) ; 10-.25 11:1. 11:2 : ; 1' . M. P. M. J' . M. 12:2 : ? 12 ! ) Is I. J.O- lW ; 2:25 : 2 \H \ ajT ) O.-l. W 6'BT ill ' B'S 0.05 9:2. : ' 9-.I ) 10:0 : } 10:1. : 10:2. : ' lUil ) 10 ; 1.1 'nfx''jlsn } lllC IllW I2nNtxvnit1. cacAoio. itooic JSf\Ni ) ' A go. s No.l O No , U UUa. m.'C ' No. fi rWn A No. 4 .ll:10 : a.m. A ' " io. iiiJjVii. ; 5o'nml A No. 4 . .n : 0a. iii A No. r , .7 : lo a in. A r.,0,0 . . . .M'Jli , m.A NO,7 /iJOp : | ii , A Mo , . . , .fl.Wl ' > . in. A No. II //M / p in. omCAOO'i : NOHTHWKa-nSH.V , A No.o. . . . usiua.m. A No.i ; .7jin ( ) m A NO , 4 . , ) No.l , .TjUUu. m li NS . . . iVJJ' : . n.'A.Np.r , . r'JMH. liA CHIOAOO.-MIIiWAUKHIS . A No. a , . .0W : . m , A No.l , flW : , m. A No 4 7:00 p in A No I , ti'fl\t \ 111. KANHAB OMTV , Hf * JOS'JI'H & COI .NUH i/un5. / AKo - . .9.21 a , HI A No 3. e.tOa jn , AA AA No I 9l2Ui | , in A No I orwp m " " OITV & PACK A * | V7 t4 .m.JA No.jl , , , iDilK * U , } IJ. A , J : , " / . ' -'At.9i.l' ' ' ' , ! p.m OMAHA & bT. LOL'18. o. D ( ) niilA It * i * a in 1 ; * * ; . * i 3i4p 4 * ' < k . iii' . 7. 11 i * * A daily : 11 dally except baturduv , O oxmyt uuUti } ' ; D xcapf Monday ; fast taall. OISEA5C6 OFDM uT3 % ® jL W r as 2i. ? * weUi PllHiuS5vl SWffiHBffi * Sold ttooihnan Drug Co IFOR SALE * yx EVERYWHERE. TO 8T TIU ! A ilcrrpp for forei lOMirimfinln't HIP tiTHO I'l N'- NKI t nmptn ) ha < Jmt boon entered In Uu < I nlUvl MMtr' ( iicilUCtiurt. Math llruilt , Dlftrlcl of-Smjiiln nut ) Hie propert > ol that coiiipuu ) nil ) be noM there' unilor at nn eurly Onte The HeownUivtkm Cjnii' Hilltop hcrcliy KIVIM nolliii Unit torliliiiMer < of that coiiiinn | > xxlll lienllimedn I INALnppnrliinltr toj > n tpct the Ir Imherto iiiiii cntiM stock tij uli crllilim to the new tiiimt * unit iliipmUltiB Ihclr xloik nslierrto- luu'ililrerlKi'il Slibi rliuiix | | | to Jtlil ImiuH will I'll ' lecotvintat the I'nlna Trn t roiupiiiif , > o 7tIliolJ- XVKV.NLMTork i\t Hie lollo\vltiK Ie.rni4.lo wit r 5 < KN'JS J'nU SHARK. ASSIONT- IN < } l.'HO.M Tlll-1 OATH UU11KOK 1O NOV. : , t H , AT 1U AL , and thnrant'tor OOO1JNXS I'lOUSMAItK , ASSI'.NTINO UNTIInIAN. U. 1881) , AT H I' . BI. " < iili crllier liillio boml < will terelx p'l ru t ( 'nm | > nny riTtlllc.-ue' tntltlliitf Iliein to the MIIIH' nuiiibiir ot .iluiri'sn tli one. ii innllcil li > them , ninl Jl Inkiiiiilsfor oncliM CPU Is ami UlcPiitMvuiH'c lively | > nM liy them. Intriett ut tint rule ul < per4.11111 "III be iillulxiutuu fiiibiorlptl uns ironi dtite nr pn > inenl I'liyinen t shinilil Dp inDile liy nlunk > n Nevxntk to Hint nlon 'I ni'vl Coniiaiiy.iiinllit iilittioiuciMiipniiieit ti > thpstoik ilnly piainrHiMi in blnnx uiul nu iiiithor- Irnllon In ill p I ulim 'Inut I'onipimy Illiink liirnin for tills nut liurtrHtlim inul cut lei of circulars etui In * * nlitiilneil up on ppllcnth > ii at Hip fnlon Trml Coin" lninyV ciilico room U1 , but until Hoar , Mills DulU Inir New \ urk l > t d M xxUIIK , Odobpr > , IsilS II. U. ItAM'KKIl , , CJOIIDOV MACDONATjl ) , IMA. . 31. VAN WKIUj , OTCO Jj'J\VKNGAKU , X1IKODOK1J S1JI-1GBIAN , 1U'.0)HGANI/.AT1ON ( OMMITI'I K. Your Left Liver IS OUT OF ORDER ? BEAD THIS IF IT Ai'loprUtixry Modlqinu that neeiU to prove 1U worth. Or , Calbder's ' left Lher Bfa , The only DlatllUd Illttora In tka United States. The only .Bittern recognized by the JnltedStatea Internal iqvenuo laxxi as a Pro- > rlotary Medicine. Lawfully Patented. No. o f-Jtent loG73. OXmtRliiB no fusil oils , n * usentlal oils , uo foreign mibutanoe or dama > tag driica. A perfectly puie mediclno , com- loundccl from Pure Root Herbs and Old Pencbai > lett ant , to the tante , quiet and decisive In It * iftect. Curei UyspepsU or V llow Jaundlc * ia Ire d ya. Itejeulates the illoweUi. Invlaarntes cMTe LlTor , Cures Ilee ) ed .Ltrer. . Itevlvertf he Kidneyi. ImproTei the Appetite Quloklyj ttjiruUto * " the wnolo system , j eiv Life to-ttii trhol * system. oI-efiLUer lllttem urn coM In Omnh Noli , Ur Ilia lloninij dniKjisiH Illclinrilinn Drnir C'o , rtpc'Clal ibflems"0 dru' l"u rest Ol Nobronks. ltd * aUew M Woodman Druz Co , W.J.Vlilteliouke , T. XY.Sp f * aril. M m It. K msworyi. ttti.hiitcr I'liunnao/ , tilling Co , . lolm Ulnillsli.Sl 1-arrTj.A. l-nllcr .VCo. T..l.iinlH".liilm | I.Oiile. C.J.Vrlce.iM.J.rnwiJll ' . II.Gont > cliJilin t' Ifult ltr , MnrrcllS riiurmitcy Janja-t ( ' .Hell. Ur .1.J.SiTllle. C ll.Crll * or , I' O'liHiidler. llslias 1'liainiacy , Ijnnicr i Ilar'n J.i' KhiB.J. XV Clnrlic. . ! II Schmlilt , SUr UPcllt. J . < ll Liver Ulltui * PreserveYour Health I ) . C. HALL A. CO. H PI.IU'O- IttVTKI ) HUCKHKIN I'NDI.H- lo persons sUBcuptlblotot'oldtliu best protection agalnxt PNlill MONIA. HHI'.IUIATIKM. and nil lib'M. JIlhlJAblitf. llucom- mended for Lmllns undumitle- mcn by the Medical I'acnl ty bend for illustrated circular. CANI'IIIM ) UUIUHHt CO. tjor.i : M.XM i AOTI iait.s 06 Le9nardONow : York City SteckPiano trkable for powerfiil Tinp * Ua toiku. lllltblo ttclloo ntul t > * Bie bent gimranlue ot th lonteof tniise lu jtrnwentu. WOOPBROS , Iril thio lloiil o Til TO tlilupccitopuriuM.CUUo * ll ( IllkTITB XTliKNEIII , gif oui , niiUl. ioolbli | curr u off jlkfi < uh l | > ir.kpMti.iMlof * > iiiiVliirouiBiii > | ih tl.tulo tf 111. V I'KNNYnOVAI. XVAPI.RH am ntc e fully Ukiut monthly hyoVur 10,000 v I uilea Arotiufe. Effectual anil I'luuant .V 9 1 per hex by iiiail.ur t rt riiKRinta. SfflM -J'tirltcutari B iiosUgu uUimpj. Addru | ClUUICAL. Co. , Dl/niOlT.lllCli. mall by ( Jooclinmi Omaha , jV < 3& . _ WeO hrisglvcnunlvcr eal ei > ilst5tlon ( la the euro. of dojc-rhcca r > nJ filed , ipreictlhaltaQc ; I cf ) ealu lu r ; 'oinmjni * IMC it to all iDffcrco. " T. ECU.PI n FIRE liisuRAtiGE BROKER , Jtoom 0 ? Triidera1 Uull CHICAGO. Itefur.ncei Heir jpoljlan Hutl'.ml i It. b. l)4u , to.