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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 9, 1888)
G THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SttTRIDAY , NOVEMBER 9. THE DAILY COUNCIL BLUFFS. NO 11 ! riiAltb STUI5I3T. Delivered lv carrier In Any I'art of the City n IwuityL'ents Per Week. II. W. TIM ON MANAOr.Il. Jlt'M ? > r "i Omc r. No. NKIIIT Million. No.-I. 31INO11 .MliNTlOX. N. Y. Plumbing company. Start tlio new year wllli a clcnn , ncnt set of books , nmde by Moruhouso V Co. Klcpnnt uvcrcn.aUnirq nt A. Hdter's , merchant tailor , 311 ! Uroadwny. Host hurcl and < -oft coal anil Missouri wood. E. K. Mnyno , 01U Hroathvuy , This cvcming Unity Guild gives n dime t-ociul at the residence of Mr. Ilun- ynn , on First Htrcot. Many of thy stniillor election lietfl have boon already settled. The larger btakcB are being Hold for the tnoro cer tain count. "Tain Tammany , " was the expressive way in which one of the democratic TonturiH oxpn-sscd his opinion of Now York yesterday. Preparations are being made to open the nUnting rink in about a week. A hard pine lloor is being laid , which will ( jive an e.xcollont mirfuuo. Yesterday afternoon , at 1:30 : o'clock , Mr. and Mrs. I , . O. Jiraukctt wore pro- bented with ii little son. Not bo little , eitlier ten and a half pounds. The little wnndoror fount ! on the Htreet Wcdnc-day afternoon by Ur. Sey- bert hiiH been returned to her mother. Mru. Kllors , who lives in the western part of the city. The Seventh avenue sewer is now completed and ready for use. Residents between Fifth and Ninth avenues south of Main htveot can noiv make connec tions for their house sewers. The election went the wrong1 way , and the Democratic Globe will not appeal- after to-morrow morning. The man agement is considering whether to con tinue a morning or evening edition. Nairn.1 ! , of probable candidates for the postolllce are getting too nlenly to pub lish , except in directory form. It seems conceded that the present democratic incumbent , llowman , will step out bo- lore his full term is up. Albert Turner , the darkey arrested on election day for illegal voting , lias been taken to the county jail on the charge of carrying concealed wrapons. Ho was dismissed on the former charge and held on the latter. It is said that Dan Carrigg has his eye on the postolllco. He is reported as having been looking through the new government building , and that ho liices it first ruto , except the color of the carpets. He prefers the green. The electric towers for a few nights have been in darkness for hours , when the city needed light. Whether the trouble has been with the machinery , or because of the operators getting hold of an old almanac , is not known. With no moonlight ami no electric light pe destrians are pun/led. Kd liritton yesterday carted away the Cleveland street banner , which hasdur- ing the past campaign Haunted a pretended tended portrait of the man of destiny in the faces of the coiners and goers on Broadway. lie repents that ho was the only pall-bearer , not another democrat in the city joining in the ceremonies of Cleveland away. Miss Mcally Slovens , the pianist , in whose brilliant career so many here have Jnkon so deep an interest , this being her homo , u ill give a concert in the opera house on the . evening of the ! 2M. She will be assisted by Mrs. Fanny Kellogg Oachort , who has won a national reputation since the days of her girlhood , which she , too , spent in Council BlulTs. Wiekhtun & Co. have 2,500 tar barrels stored in the western parl of the city , and they are doomed to speedy destruc tion. If Cleveland had been re-elected E. A. Wickham proposed to burn the entire pile in boner of the evont. Under existing circumstances ho does not feel like applying the torch , but offers to soil them to the republicans. No terms have yet been arranged , but the barrels will undoubtedly burn. They will make a grand blaze. The democrats are "taking their med icine" very philosophically. The older 01109 remember the experiences of twenty-four years of defeat , and are quite resigned , but the younger ones chafe under the collar , and cannot con ceal their chagrin and disappointment. With defeat comes loss of ready cash as well as lor-h of revenue to many of thorn , for they bet quito liberally on the ro- Milt. Said ono of them yesterday , "When you touch a man's pocket lie begins to holler. As far as I am con cerned I don't care who in elected , but I hate to see my good old money rolling into homebody else's pocket. No use talking , I do feel tough , and don't you forget it. " The poor follow need not feel lonesome , as there are thousands of others in the city who feel the same way. way.See See W. C. Staey's ad. Sco Forrest Smith's special column. Loans made on city business and resi dence property. Notes bought. Kim- ball-Champ Investment company. Wo ilonot Intt'iul to luclorso miy except nrtl- " cle of merit , hut n e take pleasum In referring to tliu ' ( lurliiml Movrs unil Itiiuuo.s , whoio Mipurlorlty In too \\rtl i > HttibII huit to bo culled lniiientlon. | They uiebellcvocl to l > r ini'iitmlml I ) ) any In the woilil. Soul uixlUHlvply by 1' . C. Mixed pickles iiTbulk at N. I. Tib- bitts , : U6 Uroadway. Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Hrackott rejoice ever the arrival of a now bubo. C. I ) . Ilardin , government inspector , was hero yesterday examining the books of Commissioner Hunter , as required by law. Fri'd Keller returned yesterday from n business trip to Pueblo. Ho will re main in this city ( luring the winter and return to Pueblo in the spring. L. H. Josslyn , of Janosville , Wls. , ar rived ht > ro yesterday expecting tospcnd BOino time witli his daughters , Mrs. H. W. Tilton niul Mrs. P. M. Pryor. Mr. and Mrs , L. M. FinkolHtein , who wore married at Austin , Minn.-hnvo returned from the wedding trip nnd taken up their residence in thin city. Mr. J. K. Hurley , who lias most ac ceptably lilled tbe position of night ono rat or in tbo olllco of the Pacific Mutual tologrnph company , has ac cented n position in tbo Omaha Herald olllco anil will rocolvo the night tele graph. Ho assumes the duties of his now position to-night. Wo have some choice bargains in bottom tom property listed with us by parties who sav they must have money. A. A. Clark fc Co , , Broadway and Main. Notice the beautiful finish given col lars , culls and shirts by Cascade Laun dry company. For Sale Cheap Lots near tbo bridge to parties wbo will build at once. Ad dress or call on J. H. Kico , No. 110 Main Btrcot , Council Blulla , \II \ UllPT ) PAI'VPII 1)1 ) Pl.TC1 ALL AliUll LUuMlL ULUrrb , County Returns Oomo in Slowly , But No Chnngo. WHY THE MOTOR IS NOT RUNNING A I'cw More Dnv I'or n CJonil Heady ( jntlicriiiK Up Itmiiioii Statis tics A New llrlduc For flip Creole. Tlic I.ocnl Ticket. But little additionil news could bo secured yesterday in regard to the local election. Considerable interest was o.\- preS'-cd regarding the justiceship , but it is hardly probable that there will b- any change from the llrst reports. Sehur/ and Shoemaker are unquestion ably defeated , and it is almost equally certain that Heed nnd Harnett are elected. For the third justice , both Higgs and Hondricks are claimed elected , but the best reports obtainable favor Biggs. The reports arc1 not au thentic at best , and there will be con siderable doubt until Monday , when when the votes are canvassed. E. II. Shcafo fc Co. make long or Bhort time loans on real estate , in sunn to suit , at lowcstrateof interest. Olllce Broadway and Main street , upstairs. Sec Forrest Smith's special column. Dr. C. C. Ilu'/.on , dentist , opera bouse block. Money loaned at L. B. Crafts & Co.'s loan ollli-o , on furniture , pianos , horses , wagons , personal property of all kinds , and all other articles of value without removal. All business strictly confi dential. Boots , shoos. Kinnehan'H , tt-G B'way. Another ltri < lin Needed. When the county supervisors meet next Monday to canvass the county vote , it is hoped that they will also take some definite action regarding the building of a suitable bridge ever In- dinn creek on Broadway. For years Council BlulTs has furnished a large part of the money expended in building bri.lgcs throughout the county , as the law required the money appropriated for the bridge fund turned ovr to the county to bo expended by the super visors. For the past , four years com paratively little has been expended for bridged in this city. The supervisors have promised to build a new bridge at the point mentioned , but are holding elY in a manner thai looks rather suspicious , in view of the fact that after January 1 the city will be allowed to build its own bridges witli its own appropriations. Unless .some thing is done before the end of the Dresont year the city will get nothing from the county in the way of bridge funds. Even if this was not the case , there is the greatest demand for im mediate action in replacing the present structure , which a fiords , very meager facilities for the great amount of travel on Broadway , with ono more suited to the public needs. A structure the full width of the street is demanded , as the continual passage of street cars takes up much valuable space. Much annoyance now results to the traveling public be cause of the necessary waiting entailed on all kinds of carriages and teams at this point. It is time the matter received the attention that it deserves and some moans wore devised for the relief and proper accommodation of the public. The finisb on our collars , cuffs nnd shirts cannot bo equalled. Cascade Laundry Co. J.G. Tipton has bargains in real estate. Money loaned on furniture , pianos , diamonds , horses , buggies or anything of value at low rates of interest. No publicity ; fair and honorable dealing. A. A. Clark & Co. , ollice cor. Broadway and Main , over American express. Cabinets $2.12o per dtwen at Schmidt's. Gotinn a Good Heady. The electric motor cars wcro not run ning yesterday. The damage done by tlio hot box on the cngino , Wednesday afternoon , was repaired , and the cars run during the evening as usual. The cars wore run to the western end of the now bridge , and it is reported that the wires were strung to the center of Omaha yesterday , to that through trips will be made as soon as the cars start again. Ono of the largo dynamos has not yet arrived , and it is not expected to start up again until that gets here , so that in case anything should happen to one the other could bo started imme diately , without causing any delay. In the meantime the switchboards and other interior arrangements of the power house will bo perfected. We have no competitors in finishing collars , culfa and shirts , Cascade Laun dry Co. E. II. Sheafo loans money on chattel security of every description. Private consulting rooms. All business strictly conlldcnlial. Ofllco oH ( ) Broadway , cor ner Main street , up stairs. Illinois and Iowa best soft coal , Glca- soii , " 0 Pearl street. S. B. Wadsworth je Co. loan monoy. Hock Spring coal , Glcason , 20 Pearl street. An lOronliiur In Japan. These who were at the Congregational church last evening had a treat indeed. Spencer Bon neil gave ono of his inimita ble lectures on Japan. Ho has a vein of delicious bumor , and his style is sprightly and highly entertaining as well as instructive. Ono can got moro from such a lecture than from much reading or travel oven. Mr , Bonnoll having been foimorlyin the Japanese government service , is thoroughly con versant with his subject , and presents the most fascinating features. Japan ese lifo was illustrated vividly lust evening by young ladies of the church arranged in brilliant costumes. The entertainment as a whole was thus ono of much merit and interest. If you want to borrow money , buy a lot , house and lot , farm , or trade any thing , sco A. A. Clark & Co. , Broad way and Main , For bargains in real estate in any part of the city neo F , J. Day , the lead ing real estate dealer. Gnthcrlntr The secretary of the board of trade will issue aleut December 1 a report of the trade nnd commerce of the city since January last. He has called on the business men , wholesale and retail , for figures showing the business transacted by each branch of trade during that period , Ho assures us that the aggregate - gate only of each particular branch of business will be published , so that no ono linn or indlvidunl need hr ilntc to answer his circular letter for fear of bis divulging nnmes or private matters. This report will bo for general dis tribution here and in the east. Early replies arc urgently requested. Parties wanting books made to use by the llrst of the new year had best plneo thelrorder atonce with Morehouse .V Co. Sco Forrest Smith's special column , A Work of I'rayrr. The twenty-third annual season of prayer for young men and Young Men's Christian association will begin Sun day , November 11 , and continue one week. The week of prayer last year wan ob served by 7H ( ) American , together with hundreds of associations of foreign lands , with marked results. The association of thin city will hold series of ° pccial gospel meetings , begin ning with the Sunday 4 p. in. service , and hold thereafter each evening dur ing the week except on Wednesday evening. These services , like all young men's meetings , will be brief nnd spirited , conducted solely byjoung men in be half of young men. They will begin promptly at 7 : ! ! ( ) o'clock and continue tin hour. A largo attendance is desired. We have listed with us some cash and a few good farms to exchange for Coun cil BlulTs property. A. A. Clark & Co. , Broadway and Main. Headquarters for stoves. ODKI.I. & BIIYANT , A13 Main st. An IniamWandi'rer Near Mnunvvn. A party of hunters from the city ran across an insane man at Lake Mannwa yesterday afternoon. Ho began to cry when accosted by one of the party and begged them not to tell where ho was. On returning to this city in the evening - ing they related the circumstance to tlie chief of police , who at once organ- i/.ed a party to go to the lake and search for thi ! unfortunate man. A gentleman from Omaha appeared at police head quarters and stated that he was looking for Mr. Wnddell , an Omaha contractor , who wandered away from home two days ago , and from his description the man seen at-Manawa was the one. Ho joined the searching party , which left for the lake about ! ) o'clock. A very short search with torches resulted in finding the man on the island. He was brought to this city and left at the Broadway depot with his friends , who boarded the dummy and took him home. Dresses made Wool dresses $ . > to $8 , silks and plushes $8 to $10. Miss Sim mons , ever Eiseinan's. Have our wagon call for your soiled clothes. Cascade Laundry Co. DroMiird IlerHclf. The wife of Andrew Nelson commit ted suicide last night by drowning her self in the cistern of the Denmarlc hou e , corner of Twelfth street and Washington avenue. She had been insane for the past year and a half , and last night walked out of the house and ju. .ped into the ci.storn. Her husband is a , tailor. A coroner's jury was ein- panneled and returned a verdict of sui cide by drowning. Snint Hernnrd Place. I have a number of line lots for sale in the above addition , located only two blocks away from the street cars on Broadway. These lots are 50x250 feet , and are choice I'csidonco property. They are high and dry and present a commanding view , For full informa tion regarding prices and terms apply to J. G. Tipton , solo agent , 627 Broad way. Vaudcrbllt's Nine Ilcsldenccs. Philadelphia Prcss _ : A quarter of a million dollars has just been paid by Mr. William K. Vanderbilt for the villa and grounds hitherto belonging to A. G. Stout at Newport , and the next neighbor on ono side of the place is William Astor and on the other Will iam Waldorf Astor. This trilling bit of architecture and land is a birthday gift by Vanderbilt to his handsome wife. Ho now owns no less then nine resi dences , ranging from hunting wilds of Scotland to the exquisitely civilized corner of Fifth avenue and Fifty-second street. Each establishment is complete in itself , with line furniture and all the outfit necessary to luxurious habitation. There are servitors in charge who keep everything almost ready for the arrival of their master and mistress , who bring with them personal menials sufllcient to fill out the complement. Everybody who has boon to see the mansions built by the late William H. Vanderbilt for himself and his two daughters , with their families , knows that the structures occupy the whole Fifth avenue front between Fifty-first and Fifty-second streets , and most visit ors have noticed the enormous stones which form the sidewalk. These blocks of granite reach from curb to area rail and are proportionately wide. The city home of Mrs. William Vanderbilt is on the corner just across Fifty-second street , and it is more ornamental , with its carved granite , than the larger piles of brown stone. But the 200 feet of sidewalk bordering the two sides of the promises were composed of lings not remarkably big , although rather better than the Fifth avenue average. The whimsical young matron did not choose that tier sister-in-law neighbors should be. better off than she , oven in what they tread on in transit between portal and carriage. Therefore she has ordered her sidewalk torn up and re placed by the biggest flagstones over quarried. They will bo about twenty feet square each and a foot and a half thick. The difficulty of getting out Kuch tremendous blocks nnd the costs of transportation will mnUo t to price rather moro than $1.000 apiece by the tlmo they are laid. To realize the ex travagance one has only to realize that the money naid for every one of these stones would build a pretty house in the country , or buy n considerable farm. Nevertheless , as not less than 0i ( per cent of the outlay is for labor , isn't it bolter for many poor people that this very rich person should want that kind of a sidewalk ? A Htmleiitu' Ilrrad lllot , A brief but lively broad riot on the grounds of the Sacred Heart academy , Vineland , N. J. , caused much worri- inent to the faculty , cays the Philadel phia Record. Bread lias been served to the institution since the present term by a Vineland baker. The product of his ovens was batisfactoiy till the corner in the grain market sent Hour Hying upward like the temperature in Au gust. Shortly afterward complaints began to crop out that the bread was not good. Mild at lirot , the utudonts began to get deeply in earnest in their pro tests against the stall of life placed be fore them , Father Porcilo , president of tlio ncadomy , finally determined to change bakers. A Millville man was given the contract , and livht week the liret load was delivered at the academy , At noon the nearly two hundred utudeuts But THEE Artfti > t d for SIZES FROM- 25 TO 300 ELECTRIC HORSE LIGHTING , HORSEPOWER POWER , Mills and Elevators , AUTOMATIC CUT-OFF ENGINE. Specifications nnil estimates furnlrtied for complete steam plant * , lltpilntlon , niimnllltr Climr- nntcvil. tun show letters from users where fuel Kconomy Is eqiinl with Corliss N E. C. HARRIS , Agent , Send for Catalogue. No. filO Pearl Street , Council MhilTs. down the at table and eyed the piles of bread with suspicion. When the meal begun a low murmur passed through the ( lining-ball nnd swelled until it ( .Import itself into tbe cry : "Sour , sour , senr. * ' The next morning before recitation hour the Millville baker's wagon was driven into the grounds. Tile bal < er went inside to arrange for unloading. As if by magic threescore lively students were dancing fandangoes about tbe wagon. Soon tbo college grounds were strewn with bread whole loaves , fragments nnd erninUB. Loaves were used forfoot - ballh , and the boys bombarded each other with them. Tlic baker came running out of the building in time to tee his wagon overturned and a crowd of merry students swarming around it. He was exceedingly cool under the cir cumstances. He looked lor a moment , and then returned into the college buildings. Father Porclle , whom tbe students revere and love , mildly suggested that afternoon that they "chip in" to raise the amount to cover the baker's dam ages. The bread destroyed was per fectly good , but the baker did not know ' that'his previous load wan sour. The suggestion seemed to strike the students very forcibly , for the necessary amount was'soon made up. -o- liif < > on the I'rairle. Hamlin Garland : Some days were al ways spent in stacking the onts in the barnyard , where the straw could bo banked up for winter use. and these were the of all the harvest days , for it was near the bouse where the girls could come out and chat occa sionally and bhow tbeir pretty calico gowns. Tlie kitchen was so handy Unit we could binell the doughnuts frying and bear the plates being laid for din ner. Attracted by the swarms of grass hoppers falling out of tbe grain , tlie clucUens and turkeys came crowning noisily about the Mack , hinging joyously in their harsh , .strange fashion , as in giving tbankb for their unexpected feast. , Neighbors pacing by on their way to town stopped to "gas" in their western fashion. "Say ! Adams ! " "Hello1' ! "Y'r stack's tarnui over. " "Oh , get out. " "You bet it is. You'll slide off in an- otlier minute. Say ! " ' "Sav it y'rself ; y'vc got y'r mouth open. " "Go'n to have a shindig t' wind up on ? " "Mcbbe. " "Wall , don't leave me out , 'r I'll bust yor biler. Who's go'n t' play f'r y' ? Dave MeTurg ? " "Uh-hm. " "That's bully ! When y' go'n to thrash ? " "Oh , in a week or two. " "Wan1 to change works , of course ? " "You bet ! When you goin' to start in ? " "Monday. Come over. " ' "I'll be there 't breakfast. " "Yiuis , you're likely to. If y' do , I'll " "Say. drive on there. Howdy s'poso Adams is goin' to build a ten-foot bulge with you a clockin' away like an ol' gunny hen. Git ! " SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE. CJl'ECIAkadvertlBements , suchni Lost , Founil , O To LOMI. For Sale. To Kent. Wnnts , Hoard ing , etc. , will b Inserted In tills column at tlio low rate of TEN CUNTS PKIl UN'I * , for the first Insertion and Five Cents I'er Line for each sub- cemient in rtlon. Lenva advertisements at our offlce. No. K 1'earl Struct , near Hroadwny , Council muffs Iowa. WANTS. rpoil BAl/E-Or Kxclmnge A ( rood Kraln elo- JP vator In mi Iowa town , to sell or trade for fnrm land. Jonnston & Van Patten , Council Illulls.'In. Al'CTION Snle At IDS Main St. , Monday , Nov. 1' * , at 10 o'clock , I will sell tin-liousn- liold property and olllcu furniture of the late J. II. llurroiiglis , deceased : also , a quantity of Ixxiks and cloth ing. Kale absolute. Terms , cash. J ) . C. Illoomer , executor. WANTED Two gentlemen lioardera. or man and wife ; private family ; mo minutes walk from 1' . O. Itvfurem os required. K B Hoc ollice , Illnclc nnd tan hitch , clinin collar , lock LOST bull. NameNellie. . Mnder will bo suitably rewardi-d by returning same to George llerciiacher , 8JU Hroiulttuy. " " ANTED A younR man to attend stable W and do other \\ork. Horace Kvt-rett. TJlOIt HENT-l'nrniBlieil lioiihc , : i rooms , tlty JtJvntei. . Three blotkH from dummy depot uud moteT Hue. Address H a , Ilee olllce. ANTKD Jluttreas makers at C. A. Jleube A : Co'u. CG for fiule In car load lots. MulholUmd A Co. FOH HUNT Furnished front room , for gen tlemen. ) N Second streot. 11KNT Seven-room cottage , on the cor- FOll of yd ave , and Pth nt. W. C. James. TfilOH HUNT A lar e number of good dwell- JU Ings. Call and examine , list. } . ' . II , Sheufo & Co. , Uroadway and Mali ) St. , up stairs , FORREST SMITH'S SPECIAL WANT LOOKLOOKLOOK ! ! ! LOTS IN CHARLTON , A new addition , lets than ' * mile north of llroudwity. Jlankera , iiicrchuutu , professional men , mechaiilcn , voi kluymen and everybody can make money faster by buying In ( 'liarlton than In nny other | > ortlnn of the New Council lIlufTs Thcbe lotw will 1)0 sold at from 1150 to lUXleucb , One-sixth cash , bulume In monthly payments at H per cent Interest , Cull and get your choice , FOH HUNT HOIIM of 7-rooms , closets , pantry , ( liar , city water , rtc. No. HW Jth street. FOH SA LE-Ixt WxI'-UI'-ornerof ave. A and WU st. Only MI . tlOU cash , remainder In one and luo years at b per cent. I'OU BA LV. 'M ncri'H of tlie best gardening land on the bent road runnluc into Coun cil lllutlH unit Omaliu. Jlibt east of tlilv city. Will uiiiku you any terms you want If you uru able to improve U at once. If you want a garden this la the luml you want. J'rice , IJ.OOU , FORREST SMITH , Room i , 3rd Floor , Drown Uuildlug. NEW BARGAINS 11UOADWAY LOTS , J-'IKST AVKMJK I..OTS , MCltHY ADDITION' I.OTP , 1'KUltY ADDITION LOTS , EVANS' ' BRIDGE ADD , LOTS , URYA.NT * OKAIIK'H ADDITION MTH , STHHKT'S ADDITION I.OTri. rtLiSO 2O ACltns OK THE BEST PROPERTY IN TOWN FOll 1'I.ATTINCJ. * " * W. C. STACY , Tcli'iiluine I1/ ' . No. U Mnln Street. T REE OF LIF E A positive euro for Uvcr and Kidney troub les , nil Hlood Diseases , Indigestion , Dyspep sia , nnd Sour Stomach , is found in 'S ' TREE OF LIFE Tor sale by local drupRists nnd everywhere. Price ? 1 per bottle , six for $0. Address all communications to OH. J. IS. MOOKR , Council liluflVIn. HOT WATER HEATING WIND MILLS , IRON and WOODPUMPS PUMPS , PIPE and FITTINGS , GIIlinilT , No. 521 fllnlii Street , Council RliiflY ) , la. Correspondents Mention This 1'aper. C. K. IiniiL. O. A. I1EUMNGI10F. BELL & BERLINGHOF , Architects , Designers and Superintendents of instruction , Mr. Derlliitchof was seven years with Mendelsohn , Fisher A : Lowry , and lias designed many of ( he lines ! blocks in Oinahii and Council IlInlTH. Plans and Specifications Prepared and Estimates made on Application , Studio , Jloom 2 Opera House nioclc D. H. McDANELD & CO. , Hides , Tallow. Pelts , Wool and Furs. Highest Market Prices. Prompt Returns. (20and K2 Main StreetCouncil UlulTti.Iowa. FINE , CHOICE IMPORTED MILLINERY 1514 DoiiKloN Bt , , Omaha , Neb. THE MORRIS TYPE WRITER. PRICE J15. li iquil ta wy Eigb Priced Machine. TlicKdlton Mlmeompti , tlie best it | > Pratu * ( or nmnlfultlluK , aulograpblc and Ufa writing wurk. 3.UJO roplet ran bo taken , The Excelsior Cc. , Council Bluff : , Ia , S , STEWART , M , D , , D , Y , M , VETERINARY SURGEON HOSPITAL 45 FOURTH STEEET. Telephone No0. . " > . COUNCIL BIjUFFfi , i IOWA. OFFICER & PUSEY , BANKERS. UCliroadwuy Council UlulT * , Iowa. K 1W7 C. COLBY HAS FOR SALE FREE TRACKAGE OH the following railroads : Chicago & Northwestern. Chicago , Burlington & Quincy. Chicago , Rock Island & Pacifc and Union Pacifc. Don't wait to buy at second lunul , but buy now of the owners. CHEAP HOMES. ON EASY TERMS. Residence1 lots in fho best additions in the city. Don't fnil to call and see if you want to buy. O - MASONIC TEMPLE , COUNCIL BLUFFS. TELEPHONE NO. 112- THE A COMPLETE KNOCK OUT ! IS WHAT OUR PRICES ABE. WE HAVE NO COMPETITION FOB WE ABE SELLING LOWER THAN THE LOWEST ! OF ALL KINDS. FALL KINDS. COME OP OUR IM MENSE STOCK. Council Bluffs Carpet CoNe No 405 Broadway , Council Bluffs. MUELLER MUSIC CO. , No. 103 Main St. , Council Bluffs. Now that the New Bridge is done wo have all that ia needed to bring the good people of Omaha to our beautiful city , and give them inducements to buy cheaper than any where else. * We propose to make such low prices to ouu Omaha friends that will insure us at least a portion of their trade. Our stock is not excelled by any in our line. We sell the beautiful HARDMAN , FISHER , A. B. CHASE , ' Everett , Pease & Howard Pianos , and the ROYAL CENy TUHY Organ. Sell for cash or on time. Our stock of small musical instruments , strings , sheet music and music boo lea is comPlete < comPleteSATISFACTION GUARANTEED. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY. / M Dl M C Hydraulic and Sanitary Engineer. I'lanfi , Estimates , HDIDI/I IlL. " " Specifications. Supervision of Public Work. Urowu Huilding , Council DluH's , low * . , riMI r \ / DHDI/C Attorney at Law , Second Floor Brown Uuildinj ( , 115 rllNLLY DUimt. " " 1'earl St. , Council Hlullb , Iowa. . " * B MB MMI MVMM * V M / " * Justice ol the Peace. Ofllce over American Express , No , 419 , Ov n UL. . Uroadway , Council Hlullb. Iowa. Attorneys at Law , Practice in the State and Fed cm &OIMO " " Courts. Olllce Roonib 7 and 6 , Shugart-Heno Hlock , Council lilulU , Iowa. "F. J. BBEZEE , Taxidermist and Naturalist. Permanently located at No. 14 North th St. , opposite Postofllco , on Motor Line , Council Bluffs , Iowa. If yon have specimens don't wait for prices. Send thorn to him before they spoil. If you dent want them after they are mounted , ho will pay you the highest market price for them. Will make a specialty of heads and drobuinij of furs during the winter. SMOTHERS & BEECROFT , I'ICOI'JIIKTOIIS OF COUNCIL BLUFFS AND OMAHA ( OFFICES' ' . Hi.urrs-I' . C. Do Vor > Stem , No. OMAIU Carprntcr I'aper Co. , No. Ill n. . . . . . No. WA. WMlo-dlii IJnmdway. Tcl.-phonu No. BT. | Doutlus Strcot. Telephone DR. C. B. J U DD , MANUFACTURER OF ELECTRIC BELTS AND ELECTRIC TRUSSES , No. eoe BroQdwuy , Council Bluffs , Jown. WANTED Good Salesmen on lar o commission or salary , WA.VA'ii.OCAI' : AM > TK.IVIIMNU AtiU.Vl'S OS COM .111 Shi OX The "WHITE" Is King , Thib ib the veruictof nil mhcb who have usjii the AVliHo Sctvintf Machine See U Ueforc buying ' > oilier UJti ItU , U05 Middle Uiuuduuj. J , M , IJHUWll / ,