Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 09, 1888, Page 5, Image 5

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Extensive Preparations For a Re
publican Ratification Mooting.
Blinrp HnllCtnltiR For Hilpplini Tlio
Kinmnns Cnno liiinrd ofTrnns-
] i rtntlnii 'rr
Now Notaries.
I..ixcoi N Bunr-At ; or TUB OWA.UA Ban ,
ira 1 Sutr.r.T ,
LINCOLN. Nov. ? .
Tlio republicans of Lunciister county
\vill ratify to-morrow night. This will
i'lo ° o the political meetings mm jubilees
tit the Capital city for the year 1898 , and
thi'ro will ho n ifiHicrul return to the
husinoqa walks otlifc. Hut the ratill-
cution intiutinp will boon 11 grand scale.
It will fully ilbinotiitrnto tlio apprecia
tion of this party over thu ruxnlt of the
election. Cannon will awaken the
echoes. Tlio rlnbs will linirch ut the
lead of handy and drum corps , ( front
bonfires will illuminate the streets , and
nhort spr-ffhes will bo iniulo by the
loading orators of the city and state.
Iiivitiitloii-uiro tjoinn oulto-diivrequost-
ing the tUtontlnm'c of itrominont state
lenders. Indeed , thu Invitation IH general -
, oral , nnil oxtumlti to tiny rcpuliuan ) ) or
domocral liumlilu onoiigh to fall into
line with the victorious army. The
evening will bo dedicated to general
rejoicing. It is mifo to say that the
meeting will bo the ino t enthusiastic
ever hold In Lancaster county. There
is rcititoii for tho. . party 'to rojoieo. The
victory of the locnl tielfet , barring the
Htate , national and ooiigre ionaL tri
umph , gives us reiison to realllrm that
there iu u God in Ltraol. Dozens of
Ihu-mimito spueuheswill ho mudo while
the marchers join in the chorus. "From
Atlanta to the sun. ' ' It will bo a
great satisfaction. Attend.
The comniitteo uppointud by tlie
council to investigate the true inward
ness of the alleged illegal arrest and
mistreatment of .lames Kinmons , one of
thotpiopriotorsand tlio editor of the
State Democrat , will moot to-morrow
evuning in the council chamber to hear
testimony. Notices to this ollect were
served by Councilman Meyers , ohair- of the committee , on hiscollengues
linslgn and Pace , and also on the of-
'flcerf ' , Pound and Mltuholl.
The trial of Hmmons will bo held in
the police court neforo Judge Houston
to-morrow morn Ing , and it will bothoro
determined whether the arrest of Ein-
nions WIIH or was not legal. If public
attention had not been drawn away
from the case by the excitement of elec
tion the feeling aroused would have
been much greater.
Kimnons' CHMJ ngninSt Pound and
Mitchell was cnllod before Judge Swelling -
ling this forenoon and continued to
: io.\t Thursday.
KHAKI' SUIKMIVO ron st'iMTjns.
Complaint ciimo to police headqunr-
tcrH this nftornoon that u forged order
for provisions had boon presented at the
grocery store of Cool : & Johnson and
that the person whopro ontod the order
was still there. Otllcor Mitchell was
went with the patrol wagon ana shortly
had tlio culprit at the station. An ex
planation showed that the man was not
the real olTondui * but simply a cat's paw
in the hands of some rascal whose verve
was as small as his stupidity was groat.
-'The fit-home was to 'semi an order for
'potatoes ' , etc. , by u drayman to some
grocery , the order being signed by the
nnmo of nome "prominent citizen. The
faamo trick was played on another man
yesterday , both draymon.boing entirely
innocentof any intention to defraud , and
dimply intending to haul the provisions
f'jr'nay. The matter was the
hnnds of'tho otllcarsiand willrdoubtless
bo siftocMo the bottom. The case will
'bo called before the court to-morrow
"The board of hooroturieaof the state
board of transportation passed upon tlio
'demurrer of 'tlio Burlington ' against the
alleged freight extortion on the ship
ment of threshing machines and ina-
'chinery from'Rnoinu , Wis. , to Alliance ,
'which ' attracted HO much attention' ' during -
ing the past bummer , to-day. Attorney
'Marquotto was present unit represented
the road. The demurrer was carefully
considered by SccroUiries Ma on and ,
Muugcr , apd the prayer of'tho ' road was
'BUBtnlned , but leave is granted the yo-
' Ifl tor to ( lie nn amended complaint
within thirty days , with duo cause.
Further consideration of this cause now
routs wholly with the complainant. Tlio.
Aurora case , also brought by Mr. Van
Itoskirk , was continued until the regular
meeting of the board in Docoiribor. The
secretaries then suspended business to
'tnllc politics , and the last Tin ; BKIS
representative KUW of Mr. Miibou and
Mr. Munger , tlioy were walking down
street arm in arm.
Mr. II. I ] . Moses admitted to practice.
Kvorson vs Graves : leave to amend
.jiatitiou allowed.
The following causob wore continued :
'PeWitt vs Mattiuon : Uuchanan vs
'The following cuusos were argued and
ubmittod : Mhull vs Drown ; Howard
YS Dakota county ; Convolve county vs
* nninlbcn ] ; Yulb vsVubstor : Tulo vs'
'JlhUilc ; Peakes vs Graves : Wilson vs
'Illlswortn ; C'oinstook vs Cole ; North-
o lib torn Nebraska Kailroad company vs
Frav.lor ; Lull ROM vu Gordon ; Sohwanl ;
VH Davis.
Uussoll vd Uosonbaum Uros. 'Krror
from the district court of 'Lanciwtnr '
county. Hovovsnd and remanded. Opln-
Jon by Uoo u , ( Jli. J.
Van lilt tin vs The Stnto of Nebraska.
Error from the dintrhit court of Douglas
county. Reversed and remanded. Opin
ion by Reese , Oh. .L
The Omaha , Northern & Black Hills
Itallroad Company vs James O'Donnell.
Uri'or from the district court of Platte
county. Alllrmed. Opinion by Max
well , . ! .
Union Paoiilo Railroad Company va
Miclmol O'ilern. lirror from the dis
trict court of Douglas county. Alllrmed.
Opinion by Reese , Clu J.
luYNUAVriili'S ort'-IC'IAI. VOTK.
Tim ollloittl voto'of Lancabtor county
on the deinoauatio and ropubliuan
tickets in as'fMlows ' :
Harrison . r > , rr ClGvoluml . fl.W
Tlinyor . SUO McSliimc . H.tMO
Molkoljotin . r.'U. , ( > l-'olda . 11-lS'J
I mvs . fi.lK'J Hlnca . If.S'JU
Hill . 5,1178 I'uttorsoa . , VM
Hciiton . 5,77'J I'oyntor . ! t,43l
Stecn . r.iST ( > Jiisson . a.474
Luao . C.OUH Tlirasliori . 11,474
The prohibitionists polled 780 votes.
The following notarial commissions
were to-day Untied by the governor :
Juda J2. 'SVcstcott , Geneva , Fillmore
county ; Richard II , Dawbon , Crcighton ,
'Knox county ; R. K. ICondall , Jjlnooln ,
I incnstor county ; l-'loyil O. Wnshburn ,
IS'orfolk , Madison county.
The county oommissloners inapootcd
tie ) work Just begun on the A btreot
liriilfe across Salt crook ,
Ifoury Kry , of York , editor of The
Horseman , was in the city yesterday.
The briuk work on the N u trout well
U rendy ( or sinking and the work will
begin nt onco.
I know nbout that standard remedy
. Dr. Hull's Cough Syrup : I know tliit it
2o cent Ijottlo cured me of-n baU cough in 12
hours. It is a fnct.
Myriad * of canes of rlictimntiim and nen-
rnleia hnVo nlroiidy succuinlcd to that won-
ilcrful rcined.\ Salvation Oil. Price only * i
cents a bottle. _
A Candidate' Dlnrjr ,
Minneapolis Journal : Monday , Octo
ber 5TI Korenmn of a section gang mot
mo this morning and asked fora receipt
of a bill for $27 which ho owes me ; inti
mated that twenty men working for
him asked his advice us to how to vote
will report him to the compnin if t
tun defeated. Member of the Seventh
Dnp AilvanlUts'cnllcd this morning and
tried to get mo to nlcdgo my word to
s.jpporl n measure makingSaturday
tin- Sabbath subscribed for 7" > tl page * .
of tracts , and promised tn scud im
nephew to his Sunday school. ( The
boy is deaf and dumb.Vont ) to news
paper olllco to work the editor for a
pulf ; found sixteen moil there ; talked
to him until my jaw worked con
vulsively and then started In on tlio
deaf and dumb alphabet ; promised him
a scoop if ho'd ' give mo a column boom -
got two lines in the paper met a re
porter next day took him to dinner
and spent $1-for wine then found out
ho had been discharged the day before.
Tue.itlny , Oct. ! ! ( ) . A man across the
street borrowed my liorno and buggy
the other day kept it throe days anil
returned it this morning horse is lumo
in four legs-four spokes nro gone and
the thills are broken whip and robe
missing ; the borrower then asked mo
for ? 10 to clinch a man who hadn't made
up his mind to vote for mo. Gate a fol
low ? AO for tickets said ho had to have
thorn heard ho didn't have them
printed naked' him about it-said he
mid them ho had in the Louisiana
lottery. Got a letter from my mother-
in-law says she's coming up to help mo
out think"I'll withdraw.
Wednesday , Oct. .SO. 1 * . Ito cius
lunks , who has not yet decided how ho
will cast his vote and who has boniti in-
lluoncu with the sewer trang , struck mo
for a lton"-ur to-day to bury his wife ;
charg'cd it to prolit and loss. The
Pumplmmlio Makers' Anti-Proteotive
association brought mo an iron-clad
sot of pledges to sign to-day : kicked on
the fourth clause but the leader inti
mated that Mio had 1M ! votes in his
pocket I signed. Suffered great men
tal distress over the action of the Steel
Rail Layers'broth or hood. They wanted
to know how I stood on the railroad
commission , and as I did not know how
they stood , I was up tv stump ; hope I
dodged the question successfully , but I
doubt it. Was obliged to kiss Schwartz-
heimor's baby to-day ; it smolledof Lim-
berger , but I have his vote bolid.
Knit Khoitiii * i
With its intense itching , dry , ho't'skin ,
often broken into painful crucks , and
the little watery pimples , often causes
indescribable buffering. Hood's sursa-
parilla lias wonderful power over this
disease. It purities the blood and ex
pels the humor , and the skin heal with
out a scar. Send for book containing
many btutemonts of cures , to C. I. Hood
it Co. , Apothecaries , Lowell , Mass.
A Kettle Full of Silver Coin.
Springfield Itcpublicun : James M.
Eddy , of Olnoyvillo , R. I. , has unearthed -
earthod a kettle of very old Spanish
coins , which ho believes are a part of
Captain Kidd's buried treasure. His
digging has been done by direction of
an old pamphlet. Mr. Eddy's grand
father , Amasa Eddy , is said to have
Bailed the seas with Captain Kidd , and
later was lieutenant governor intlio time
of'Govornor Dorr. He was ninety-four
years old when ho diedj and he loft
among other things a curious old docu
ment. This parchment contained di
rections regarding the burial place of
Pirate'Kidd and his supposed treasure ,
a"nd they wore as , unique as tlio story
btfnks usually make such 'directions.
The Under of the hidden'wealth ' must
go from a nail on somebody's barn to
the southeast corner 'of an oak tree
root ; thence as the crow Hies and so on.
And both Amasa Ed'dy , Second , and
James Eddy have puzstlcd over the time
worn papers for many .years.
James owns a fawn at or near Horse
"Neck Beach , Westpoint. The bcaoh is
a , vild , wind-swept strip of Band and
coarse grass stretching out to sea and
just across the rivefr from Westport
harbor , the summer resort. To this
farm James Eddy has for a long'timo
devoted himself. Ho 1ms not been engaged - ,
gaged in tilling the soil , but in digging
it up , hunting for gold which lie lirmly
believes is , concealed there. At inter
vals h'o has amused himself by Hsliing
in the ponds around Pall River , Mass. ,
but ho has always had the farm by the
ocean in mind and has persistently dug
for something which ho expected could
pay bettor than crops.
i'Mdy was boring into the ground as
usual Wednesday when he struck an
old-fiishioned iron kottlo. In this kettle -
tlo wore the 1550 silver coins worn
smooth and not in a very perfect plate
of preservation. _ Twelve hundred of
them are Spanish dollars of the date of
1715 , and the reign of Ferdinand VII.
Three hundred and fifty were strange
looking coins , which experts bore-have
not accounted for. On tllo'obverso side
is the date 1787ith this inscription ,
"Sil Noinun Domins 'Bunodictions. ' "
The reverse side bore thcso marks , .
"Lud VVI D. G. P. R. Et Nov Rax.1
Tho'obverso bide of the 1200 Spanish
dollars boars the date 1715 , and the fol
lowing inscription : ' "Fore. VII , Dei
Gratia. " On the other side are the
words , "Hispano Et Ind. Kox. M. E. H.
I. P. " The fortune hunter loaded his
valuable Jind in a wagon and went on
his way to Providence. He is going
back to his farm for more wealth , and is
confident that he possesses a gold mine.
He was disinclined to talk of hib treas
ure at first , but he had displayed the
coins and the story leaked out.
Sick headache Is the hano of many
lives ; to euro and prevent this annoy
ing complaint use Dr. J. II. McLean's
Liver and Kidney Pillols they are
agreeable to take and gentle iu their
Blin Korjjuve Him.
Chicago Tribune : "IJilliger McSwat ,
remove your arm instantly !
Great , drons of poi'rtpirutipn broke out
0111110 broad , ii.telluutual brow of the
young man to whom worcU were
"Hnvo I presumed too much upon the
klmlnobs and familiarity with which faho
has treated moV" ho said to hiniRolf.
"Have I lost her ? No ! No ! It cannot be !
It must not bo ! " And he gave voice to
the emotions that thrilled bib faonl.
"Lobelia Grubb , " ho said , with the
yearning , passionate warble of a young
pool tendering the first paroxybin of
his muse to a rcd-wliiskorod , cross-eyed
literary editor , "hear what I have to
say first. "
Clearing his throat with convulsive
energy ho wont on :
"For tlio love of heaven , Lobolin , do
not toll mo that I have been mistaken
in thinking the uniform regard that
lias marked your conduct toward mo
during thu last six months to bo a
\uinuor hcntlmcnt than that of moro
friendship ! 'Do not crush the hopes that
have risen in my breast like a Milwuu-
kuu uvonuu Umeuiunt-houso ereotod on
Pears" Soap
Fair white \ ands.
Soft healthful skin ,
" ' ' Great SOAP.-Sold . . - "
PEftRS'-TtiB Engllsli Complexion - Eveplieio.-
thn contract plan. He your own gentle ,
tender , pitiful * clf , and '
"Hllligor McSwat. remove your arm ! "
' One moment , Lobelia' Think of the
hnppy , soulful hours wo have spent over
Dante , Hrowning , and and the hen and
a half problem ! ( . 'nil to mind the on-
joymont. the enthusiasm , the cr pa
tience with which wo liavo attended
lecture after lecture on art ! Remember
the "
"Uilligor McSwat. remove your arm ! "
"And listen to the pleading ot , your
own Rcntle heart when 1 tell you of the
sorrow that a hasty decision on your
part would cost mo now. 1 could not
bear It. I came here this evening , Lo
belia , oppressed by the news ju t re
ceived that I have lost my only uncle.
In the breast nochct bf this coat is the
letter that convoys the sad news. It is
true he was a man of great wealth. lie
was worth , perhaps , a quarter of a mil
lion , and in the letter of which 1 speak
1 am informed by his solicitors that I
am his sole heir , but " '
"Lost your only uncle ? Oh , I nm so
sorrLot ! it bo'inv mission to comfort
you , Hilliger. "
( lently , forgivingly , the fair mnidoa
beamed upon thatsorrowiiigyoungman ,
as she laid her beautiful hond with its
wealth of .golden hair tenderly and con
solingly on the breast pocketcoutaining
the sad letter.
And Billigerdid not remove his arm.
VInkc no mistake.
By illspollliiB tno symptoms so often mis
taken' for Consumption. SANTA AUIE IIIIR
brought ftludncss to toany n household. Hy
its prompt use for brcuhing up the cold that
too of ten develops into tlmt fulaldisoasdithou-
snnds can bo saved from an untimely grave.
You iiuikc no mistuka by Iceopluprn bottle of
tills pleasant remedy in your liousc. CAM-
POHNIA OA1MI-OUUE is equally effective
In er.ulicntinp nil traces of nasal catnrrh.Iioth
of these wonderful California remedies ; iru
sold niul warranted by Goodiann Drug Co.
f 1 a package , 3 for $2.50.
Our Secrets.
A naval ollicer , in speaking about the
presence of foreigners in the navy , told
the following story to a correspondent
of thojiBnltimoro American : " 1 was
sent to Europe not long ago on an im
portant errand , and it became my duty
to form the acquaintance of foreign
naval oflicers , in order to accomplish
certain ends I had in view. I mot many
of them at dinners , receptions and en
tertainments , and was surprised to find
out how well they were informed on
American naval alTuirs. 1 had occasion
to go to Kiel , Germany , for the
purpose of visiting the dockyards there.
I felt sure that my credentials would
admit me to inspect the plnce , but
they did not. I tried a little game of ,
getting the desired pass by reaching :
the olliciule through the use of winds
and fine dinners. One day a line look
ing German otliccr met mo as I was com
ing out of my hotel. 'Hollo , ' said tie ,
slapping me"on thoshouldor , 'have you
got in yet' : " He spoke such pure Kn-
glish that for a moment or so I was non
plussed. "
" 'No ' I 'will in ? '
, replied , you get me
l"Icnn't'nnd ; thereupon lie remarked ;
'It is easier to get into your yards than
ours. '
"I looked at the officer intently and
found by his uniform that he was thu
chief naval constructor , and the man of
all men in the German navy that I
wanted to meet. 'Will you take a glass
of wine with mo1 I asked. Ho con
sented , and wo returned to the hotel.
"After a few minutes' 'conversation
wo became quite friendly and I was sur
prised at the insight he had of our naval
allaira. He astonished mo by inquir
ing1 about certain olllcers who were at
the Now Yorlrnavy yard during the late
war. I could not restrain my curiosity ,
and I asked him : % IIow did you become
acquainted with the olllcersV 'Tho
story is a short one , ' 'ho replied. 'When
the war broke out in 1801 , 1 was in tlio
German navy and I got/ orders to goto
America , and study your methods of
building ships and getting guns ready
for uo. . When I got to Now
York my dress was that of a.
plain German mechanic. 1 got
work at * a enrpontor and ship-joiner
under a lictitious name and in a short
time I got used to the nickname
"Dutchy.1 Nobody know mo and my
curious questions were never hiispeutcd ,
and the workmen readily and inagood-
humored way answered them. I helped
to build and repair ships , and in time
got hold of much information. I made
plaiiti of the vessel , machinery , guns ,
rigging , and in fnct got on to every
thing. I worked hard at night in my
room , and kept my government as well
posted as 1 could. The moro 'English ' I
learned the bettor I understood things
that thu workmen said in my lioiiring.
I worked on the big fchip Uumlor-
borg ; also on tlio Mtn'rimao at
Norfolk , and on some of the monitors.
I nont inliuh valuable information home.
Now you BOO the reason why you can't
got into our yard. '
"The narrative was straightforward ,
and was BO full of fact * concerning nion
and ntYairs , that I readily baw how the
German naval constructor got onto my
visit , and , although I tried to convince
him to the contrary , he was not to bo
hoodwinked. I know where Kiel is ,
and that it has a dockyard , but I'll have
to go to Kiel as a German mechanic
before I can got'insldo of that place.
This shows how necessary it is to keep
an eye on foreignord in our navy yards
if we want to keep our bccrcts. "
- fAn
An AliRnluto Gura.
is only put up in lartfo two ounce tin boxoi ,
and is an nh < elute euro for old sores , burns ,
woundH. i'hap | > ed hands , anJ all lakin erup
tions. Will itoaltlvoly earn all llniis : of piles ,
MKKT. Sold by Goodman Drug 'Co. , . at M
cents per box by mull 'M cents.
Mr. Ward Would not Kow-Tow.
In the November American Magazine
Mr. L , Mclntosh Wnrd , in hU article
on the First American I'lmbas y to I'e-
kin , thus describes the negotiations
about nn interview between the Amur-
lean minister and the emperor.
The icouimisdionors would discuss
nothing' but the proposed audience with
the emperor. One of the commission
ers stated that thu empuror himself
was doslroiiH of conferring with Mr ,
Ward , having boon favorably imprcheBd
with what ho had heard of America and
Americana , unit wishing to feco the first
rcprcbontutlvo of that nation who had
ylbited his cApltol. The stumbling
bloc' ' Ir in tlio way of the audience was
the rite called the Kow-tow , which Mr.
Ward refused to perform. The com-
mibsioncrri requested Mr. Ward to kneel
to the empuror , uud agreed Unit the
knocking of the hond on 1hi ground
would b" dispensed with. To this Mr.
Ward roplcd * that while he entertained
the greatest respect for the emperor ,
and in that only felt what the president
himself had expressed in the letter
of which he was the bearer , yet he
wished to declare that highly as ho
would regard an audience and Import
ant as ho deemed it under the eiroum-
blauccs , still ho had never naked for an
audience , and the treaty said nothing
about it , and he could not kneel when
he came before the throne ; ho could
only salute the emperor as ho did his
own ruler ; that he knelt only as an net
of worship before God , and would do so
to no man.
Take no ether , Jtirvis' Urandy is best.
"Yankee Doodle" In Ghent.
Youth's Companion : After the Amer
ican and British plenipotentiaries had
signed the treaty of peace in 1814 , the
authorities of the city of Ghent pro
posed to give a grand musical onter-
tninmont in honor of the event. Of
course they wished to have the national
airs of the two countries performed by
the bands.
Accordingly the biiud-tnnstor called
upon the American gciitlomen to got
our national air. The envoys wore di
vided between "Hail Columbia" and
"Yankee Doodle , " but a majority tin-
nlly voted for tlio latter. Then the
band-master , turning to John Quincy
Adams , said :
' I'lea-te give me the air. "
Mr. Adams looked at Mr. Clay , and
said , ' 'IMcaso give it to him. I can't : I
never sung or whistled n tune In my
life. "
"Neither did I , " said Mr. Clay.
Mr. Bayard and the other olivoys all
answered in like manner. No one could
sing or whistle , and the situation bcctuno
embarrassing. Finally Mr. Clay said ,
"Call John" his colorc'd man.
John came in , wondering what could
bo wanted.
"John , whistle * Yankee Doodle' for
this gentleman. "
John was moro musical , or loss bash
ful than his white brotheren , uud at
once struck up the tune.
The musician took down the air ,
arranged the hur'm'ony , and on the next
day "Yankee DooUlo" was performed in
grand style as the national air of the
United States.
Cleveland fc Harrison agree on ono
point , that the bust out is Jurvls' old
IJ ran d y . , ; , _
A Silver Ten Set iu tlio Mint.
Philadelphia Telegraph : Many curL-
ous articles are taken to the United
States mint from time to time for eon-
version into solid' cash. Said Superin
tendent Fox : "A short time ago a ludy
sent a trunk to tlio mint filled with sil
verware. She was nn aged lady and
was wealthy. I called upon her to ' ee
why she had sent the trunk of silver
ware , and at the same time to uppribo
her of the fact that she would realize
but little upon it , inasmuch as the gov
ernment allowed no more than the ab
solute value of the metal for any arti
cles sent to the miut. She said to mo :
'I don't care what it brings. That
trunk contains a service of silver which
I prize most highly. It was the gift of
my father to my mother on their wed
ding day , and I don't want it to fall into
any other hands. I dent want those
precious pieces , sacred to mo , to become
the property of others. Tlioy wore the
gift of my dear father to my sainted
mother moro than eighty years ago ,
and when tlioy died they came into my
hands. What I want you to do , Mr.
Fox , is to bee that the bervico of silver
is placed in the crucible and melted up.
I want you to see it done yourself. I
don't care anything about the amount
of money it Will realize. ' I promised I
would attend to it , and I curried out her
desires. "
"The best on earth" can truly bo said
of Grigsrs' Glycerine Salve a speedy
cure for cuts , bruises , scalds , burns ,
sores , piles , totter and skin eruptions.
Try this wonder healer. Sfleontb. Guar
"Now , that we are engaged , George , "
she baid shyly , "It is proper that wo
should have no secrets from ono an
other. I have loved before , but it only
resulted in a breach of promise case. "
"And what did you got ? " asked George ,
hoarsely. "Three thousand dollars. "
"Ah , dear , never mind tlio broach of
promise suit. My love is founded upon
'rocks' unil will endure. _
ItsnuporlorDxriillt'in'o iH-ovon In millions a
honuM fur moruthuit a quurtor ut u vuntury. It
In used by thu United Htuteb ( iovurnnient. in :
dorrtod liy the heads of the great Unlyerultles as
thestronaest , miioMt and must huultluul. Or.
1'rlcv'a'ruant flalctiiK I'o 'dur dora not toiituln
ammonia , limn or alum. Hold only In cans
I'ltlCIK MAKING 7 > 0\\'Dini CO.
Now Voik. rjuicatfo. Bt. Louis.
Tansiirs Punch Cigars
were shipped during tba past
two yoaro , without a drum ,
uior in our oniploz No otbor
liouBoln tlioTviirlucan truth *
lullyinakoiniobit ahowu
Oiio a/ent ( tleal i
wonted it ouch town ,
R.W.TANSILL&C0..5B Slalo SI.ChlMan.
ly und tufuly cured by JlOCUTA < , ' i > -
. Hiivertwt ca en cured in woven'days. Sold
Jl.r/it.erbor , all drtiL'Klbtn , or by mall from Do-
cutaMftf.Uo. .mmmeSUN. V.ruUDlroctlouj. i
Special Bargain this Week in Boys' and Childrens' ' Suits and Overcoats ,
Perfect Clothing at Poplar Prices , A Wholesale Stock to Select From.
The following special lots are offered this week at prices which only
a house like the Continental can offer.
Lot 3230 , Boys' ' Blue lysian Overcoats , Ages 11 to 16 , Price $7. $
Lot 2875i Boys' Blue Elysian Cape Overcoi , Ages 4 to 13 , Price $5. $
Lot 3406 , Boys' Cheviot Cape Overcoats , Ages 5 to 14 , Price $5. $
Lot 3073 , Cassiincrc Knee Pant Suits , Ages 4 to 14 , Price $3.50. $
Lot 3413 , Striped Caere Knee Pant Suits , Ages 4 io 14 , Price $4. $
tot 2882 , Mixed Clicviot Knee Pant Suits , Price $4.50. $
Lot 2883 , Black Diagonal Knee font Snils , Aes ? 4 to 14 , Price $5. $
We make no hesitation in recommending the above named lots
thoroughly reliable and at a lower price than is often paid for infer
ior goods.
Sam-Dies ol all the lots advertised sent to any address , or sample
garments will be sent and may be returned at our expense if not sat
Freeland , Loomis & Co.
Proprietors ;
Cor. Douglas and 15th Streets ,
Thomson's Celebrated
r.QrAr , TO rims.
Three Uonprths
Short , Medium ami Ex
Twelve Grades.
Highest Awards
ivw -a- - - - -
Mention tbo Omaha Heo ,
Dlirff.nrppi , ) ESTABLISHEO-I86I I ' 186 So.
bUTO tUreSIf choaBOj | , II8. | j ciarkSt.
I&e Regular Old-Established
Irstllf Treating with the Greatest
. M . * Fmfl' t
Cbronic , Nerrons and Private 'Diseases ' ,
* 3-NERVOUS DEBILITY , Lost Manhood ,
Falling Memory , Exhausting Drains , Terrible
Drcams.'Head and Back Ache And nil the effecti
leading to early decay and peihaps Conaumptlon ot
Insanity , treated scientifically by new methods with
never * fauing'KUccess.
3-BYPHILISand-allbad Dlood and BklnDia *
eases permanently cured.
'f KIDNEY and URINARY complaints , Gleet ,
Gonorrhoea , Strlctu re , Varlcocele amtill ! diseases
Of the Oenlto.Urin.iry Organs cured promptly without
injury to Stomach , Kidneys or oilier Organs.
AT-No experiments , 'Age and experience Im *
portant. Consultation free and aocred.
V3-Send 4 cents postage for Celebrated Works on
Chronic , Nervous and Delicate I ) ea > cs.
-9i"Tliose contemplating Marriage nd for Dr.
Clarkc'u celebrated guide Male * nd Female , each
15 cciill , ) x > th 2 ; rents ( stamp * ) , Consult the old
Doctor , A friendly letter or call may save future uffcr-
ineand shame , and add golden yean to life. 9 lloolc
"Life's ( Secret ) Errors , " 50 cents ( stamps ) . 'Medlciin
anil writings sent everywhere , secure from expoaurt.
HourtBio8. Sundays j to 11. Address
F. D. CLARKE , M. D. ,
186 So. Clark St. , CHICAGO , ILL.
Health is Wealt i !
Dn. . fL WVBT'B Nicnra AND tair ; TJIHA
UBoof lcoholor tobocoo , WBlteftllnesa. Mental
Depression , Boftenlng of the Brain , reuniting in
Inaaiilty , anil leading to mUarv , decay And
death. Piemntun Olrf Age.'HarrenntBS ' , LOBS f
Power In either ( wi. Involuntary J.o.Hsea end
Rpennktorbnen caused by over-exertion ot the
br&ln , Mlf-abuso-or ovenlndulcenco. TEaah bo
contains ono month's treatment. 11.00 a box. or
Blx tioxea for (9.CC. i nt by mall prepaid on re
ceipt of prle * .
Tocureaay owe. With each order reetired by
n for te IIOZM. ccampan ! d wtlh KM , trt
will eend tat yurchan r our wrttUn otiarant * *
to refund th * money if the treatmint flees not
( Ten a. cure , uuaranten laatied onlr " \ > r 0. F.
(100DMAN. DninuUt. Hole Ae nt.lllO I'uruam
htr t OrnsCH. Jiri
Advortlsliiff bus alwnyi ) proven
fliiccTssful. Iloforo piaclnnrnny
Nowspitpur Advortlaliig-oonnutt
15 < Ui.a.Icb lr U CtllCARO.
ir , ,
Surgeon and Physician.
Ofllee N.V Corner jitlt ant ] liimiiUs Ht. Office
tolophouu , ia ; JtoJiUuacB tulupUoue ,
Policies Incontestable and Non-forfeitable After Three Years.
. \trcncles In all thu larger cities of the Unite tstutcs ami UernuinlHuiplro.
Assets $260,885 3 | Surplus $207.168 97
DECEMBER , 3IST , 1887.
Assets $13.073,247 37 I Surplus. 81.836.63662
Amount of Insurance In force . $4-5OOO.OOO |
Annual Income . .i$2,4OO.OOO
TlipOcrmanlapo-HesseVSHO.Hior admitted assctn for c\eryl)0,00of | ) llalillltloiMcbetter ratio
than that of tiny of < the other three largest Llfo Iiisur > inre t'oununlcs of tlio Unltud'Stnte-t.U
Rooms : ! < ) ( ! and IJ07
Benninghoven , Manager , I'lrsl National Dank.
Real Estate ,
218 S.i 5th St.Omaha.
C. I. . BTA.U1I , 1610 Howard Ht. , Omaha , has drawn planH and
specltlcntlon for ft It-room frame UOUSB. which combluuti
itllHy.corafortec < moiny nnd bpRiity.lnawny Impoo lble Inuny good
hotiBotlmtcoBts from ll.'WO to l.uoj. AH more ttmn 1UD _ -s - - , . . .
will bo built no , I can afford to oQ > r n copy for Original find gplondlff
82fi. the usual foes otherwlsu balna from f- dcalgnB fnrnlalicd , as can bo JudneA
* p vZMyo'&MM , term tl18 B0ts orpltinsof completed bulldlngsot
B per cent more. nil clcscrliitlnnH. I Inivo In my ofllcc , ranj.'lDK In cost
" " trom M.OOO to WOO.OOO. Jty tmtisual oxporlciico v , 111 eunrnnten aallsfuctl o n
uud reliable contractors only are engaged ou my works. I'artlen vrUblut ; to bu lid
re cordially Invited.
diicag-vMilwaukeo & St , Paul R'y. '
Tlio Uesl Route from Onmlm and Council
ItlufTg to
Chicago , - AND - Milwaukee ,
Ht. Paul , MliiiicupiilN , ( 'pilnr
Kork Island. Frveport , Itoekfonl ,
Clinton , Dubuiiiic , DnVcniioi t ,
Elgin , MutllHon , Janmillr ,
IlplolfVInoim , La Crow ,
Anil all other Important nolnti Rast , Northeait anil
ror through ticket * , call on lUe tlrkst uncut nt IW1
Furnaiu s treat In liurkur llluik , or ul liiilou I'ltcmu
Depot ,
l'ullu.un Biropen anil thn finest Dining Can tn tha
world ur ruu an tti lunin Hue of thu Chicago , Mil-
HBkuu A Ut. 1'niil Uallnuy , Anil oreratUiitluu l > paid
to imiinnisi'M br rnurtuoui mplorei ot the cnmvaur.
H. 1111,1. Kit , ( ienernl ll.najer.
J. K. TUCKKH , Axlitnnt Uouertl Harm JIT
A. V II. ( Mltl'KNTrlll , Ueneral i'aiitaaer o4
Ticket Avvnt.
OKU. K IIKAKKOIIU , Anlitaut ( leneral
and Ticket Aiieut
J.T. CIjAIIK , ( janaral Huperlntondtnt.
I'alil I'll Capital $100,000
Siiriilus 50,000
II. W , VATIH , I'ronidftiit.
IihwiHtt. IlKfi ) , Vlro 1'renldnnt
\ , K. Toi'/AM.v , "nd Vlrn I'lmlclonl.
VV. II. H. lliTuiiKi , Cuhliler
. , , I'lni.uioits.
w.v. MOIINK. JoirNB.Cnu.iSH.
II. W. 1 ATI'.K. MJWrH H. llliKII.
Cnrtier I'Mi and 1'imiuin Htfl
A ( ieut'i-ul llunkliif lll ! liio.-.B'rian-jiiclcil.
InoomDnrablv the Boot.
Omaha ,
Comic ! ! Bluffs
And Chicago ,
. . V t/.a'9.1' ' ! " ' "on , Chicago , klllvraukoo ,
IK K * t 'Io the people of N l > rnak , e < > lo.
} ' ii'r .f . ' ' " ' ' Nomrtn. Oregon , Wnili *
bTiio ii'i | " "rn'al' ' it oBera aupcrlor Huvuntriufji
rnjoT ° it''h1 fi" ' ° " 10 "uinpro" point * of luporlnrltf
liSi nurr'i' ! ' * 'lle'1 ' ' V1 * 'lnl > * v * * - h"r"l , , > " rt n4
' ' *
( our"'ll'lOVr'i'i0''cau ' ! ' ' ' n < " ' bB'rtn'n'1'l""f'l ' ' 'r A
" * C2"no | < " . l'n union 'rtopot ' ivllli 'lUoie ' * f'thp'oili' ' '
Cairo 4 Nurtliwcaiern llr In fihlr g < i llm tmliu of
Kultrrn linn " to""octl ° " " ' " 'l' " " < " "olloth J
Knr llplroll' , rolumbui , , .
Inilliio i > nlli Cincinnati.
Klsgarn Vtli , liutt.lo riltiliuric , iftn ti/Moiilrn
lo ton , Wi-w Vom , lliiuntluhia , luliiuuro , "viiiu !
jn tou , aua | | pomti In tllc Aik for tlckcU Vlik
ntl'iiiVl1cteWfKihi''Mlll1'u'JM011' ? | ' A" tlckel
M ( |
. -
a.n-1 -
Nos. 3O3-4O4-I7O-BO4.
. . . . cur < xJTrTo7iiiu7 Cy1 ; !
\ nAWfftr9Mme AU1lt i
' . .
li'rmi.cuniLipt-1. tluutclecillhi
ouly ono lu tL worM Kenerutlrju
eront nuoim Jjleetrlaif tltgnilli
luvutoi , 101 Wiiux AYE , .