THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : If KID AY , NOVEMBER 0. 1883 , TUP Pl\ITt1T ITTtTM llinlfPTP llll ! , SPECULATIVE MARKETS , Wheat Uulos Strong Until Just Eo- fore the Oloso. CORN ENCOURAGES HOLDERS. | ( A Hotter rcellni ; In Onls Prmlnlons H AgAln Inhibit CoiiftldcrAhla I'lnn- nrnn Cnttlc J'nlr HI > KS Weaker O.notations. . . CHICAGO piiooucn MAUICRF. Cniriiio , Nov 8 ( Special Tclccram to Tnr. Hrr ] The market averaged lilplicr to- iln > and it V.M one of itrcnRthntul liuoynncy until toward the close , when prims turned down sharply. The market closed soft with about nil tlio improvomunt lost. The open 1"K rnnifo wns KQJJf c oer ycstcrdnj' close , tlio principal ruusu of this bolng trio export bnslne B In New York coupled Alth bullish advices from the northwest The cjt | > ort business that sprung up so suddenly und un- cxppctcdly , seems to be sporadic , however , as tlio seaboard is still nuoUblj above le pitlin.ito parity with most foreign nmrUuts. Although business Is small , It shows that the difference between the views of foreigners and Americans is no longer BO wide that it cannot bo bridged It 1ft not now absolutely prohibitory Under exceptionally favorable conditions , the "working" of a quarter ol a million of wlieut more or less for the lists on ariolint Induced free purchases in all trur kets by speculative bulls , and powder hid been burned additional courage was extracted from the reports that Spain and I'ortugalcro about to take off the Im port tax on cr.iln. This could not bo traced to an uuthoritivo souice , but it was used as nn effective lever for the time beitiR. The tuiino influences that inspired sculping and KpcctiltitiVG purchases caused a frooil many nhorts to cover heiu and in the country The sharpest Millies occurred during the process of covering , nnd nlioti this sustaining ele ment WUB measurably ulimlnattd the market was in good shape- for Itloom , Uciun and other local heavy weights to pound it down , which they promptly did Hutchinson moderate bujer on "soft spots , " but there wcro nmnliltli iiieuiiistunces to warrant the opinion that ho was feeding the crowd all the wheat the market could sUind on "liard spots. " New York not overloaded on Its export bulge nnd broke oil sharply when the longs mulei took to unload. 'I he ml van co in New Yoilt seemed to bo a specu lative bulge that couldn't hold The ini- piovcmcnt In the nortlwest , however , was moro solidly founded Good buying in that section for millers was repoitcd. The ic- Luipls of spring wheat are not , excessive , nnd in Minneapolis the blockade of loaded cars is being reduced.Vinter wheat receipts are Jight , keeping up to about tlio recent lc\cl. The shipments from nil points of Kcciimuln tion are light , but indicative of a continued milling demand from interior jKiints. For cign markets mo reported better as a gen- cm ! thing , and not equitably higher. Initial quotations were $1 1"0 for December and $1 \ iyt foi May The latter month went to fl l 's , back to ? 1 17Vf , up to $1 1VB , down to f I 17 % up to $ ' „ and down to Jl VJf , where it closed amid ( onsiderabln .exeito merit , the most curious break taking place between l'J0 : ! ! and 1 1 ! > Uccembcr was a full -c under May at the outset , but ttiu difference ferenco was narrowed to nothing , both months being quoted at $1 IS At the sumo moment an advance in December was caused by tliocovenng of possibly 1150,000 bushels by Counsclman and others. When this demand was satisfied December broke back to $ 1 lt > V nnd thereafter ranged JidBl'-fe ' under May nnd closed ut $1 Hi. [ / ! The corn market had many items of en couragement for holdeis in today's news. Iteceipts , which had been estimated jester- day nt fUl ) cars , turned out to bo tiO cars short of that number. The outward inspection was heavy. Cables were very strong , the morning was wet and for to-morrow receipts IV ere estimated at only UiO carloads. Under such circumstances , with a large and nervous short interest , un advjncu of J c over yesterday's closing price for this gear's ' deliveries was iiot extraordinary. Novem ber opened nt 419fe , December at 40 > e and MayatJ'J'tfc. ' December bold up to41'so nhortly after the opening and moro than once thereafter , but there was plenty for Rivlo lit-lie ami over and there was a reaction from that jKiintcai rying the price back 40c , but it remained steady around 40j < cduilng the greater part of the session. There was a good deal of activity in tlio pit at times and there was an excellent demand for cash corn by shippers The closing of the day was c under the average price , selling off near tuo end In sympathy with the lower tendency of wheat ill that. time. Closing prices , however , nhow good gains on deliveues ; Novcmbat at 41Jfo and Doceinbei ut40 % < \ being each jc liigher than they wcro at the close of business yesterday , but January and M i.v at ilS',1 foi the former and UT cfor the latter wcro unchanged from the preceding day. In oats there was n better feeling , with the prices touching J @ 8e' advance This wus induced by the generally strong market in other cereals , together with lighter leccipts In May. There was umsuicuible purchasing on the part of the shorts In that month. Near futures were in HOIIIU favor , with n fractional advance quoted. Cash oats in stoioor to go there sold up , ' t < ! $ Jtc , at 2-l io und at'-il&e. Provisions ueain exhibited a strong front. Light receipts of hogh , combined with the improvement in grain , strengthened the bull Intercut m its position , and the day's prlics avenged hlghe-r than > estciday. Still , the changes shown at the close wcio compara tively model ato. 1'oik for November , DC- cembci and year lesteil atan ndvaneeof only S'jCt'Si' ' , lurd foi November , Dc'cembpr and yearut ) { ( " - > < * . and January shoit ut CII1CA < JO Ijli'l ! HTOCK do , Nov 8 [ Special Tolesram to Tim lUb 1 CATTI.U Trade wab fair in splto of the dull and dreary weather of the day. Dealers forgot for a time their victories and defeats in the election and settled down to the old jog trot of loutino bubinecs. Na- tlvo fat cattle uio 10@15o higher than last \veok , but the advantuwaslargcly icstcrday , us there is llttlo or no change to day. Good native butcheis'JstocU is also stronger than last week , some lots of priuio cows und licifors making un advauco of 15Vl2oc ( , but it vhould bo icmomborcd that the strength is tv holly duo to the light run. The demand is no better than last wock and no new bujcrs lire on the market. Tcxnus are also sold stronger mid good rangers were linn. Thcro were probably 5,010 rangers and Tcxans , nbout oiiually divided , on the uiarkut , The etocker nnd feeder trada was quiet with jlttlo or no rhaiigo in values as compared with last m'i'lc'o note u car load of mllU crs peddled out at fiom $10 to $3G. Choice to txtrabcovoH , $5 OcXfto'.lS ; i.icdlum to good Btcers. 1,1150 to 1,570 Ibs , 70 ; l'M ) to l.HSO Ibs. , | .J.50/i4.10. ? 'J50 to J.'OO Ibs. . f.l.K ( ) @ a.Tfi. btockers and feeders , < ] . ( l."i@3.iO ! ; cows , bulls nnd mixed , f 1.4f > 0 'HKJ ; bulk , ti IHJtfS ! UI ; U'exassteois , J2'JOit.lOO ( ; co\\b , $1 .riO ( < h. . [ ) ; ivcstc'ru rangers , -i 70ifJ ( l > j ; cows , f-10iB ( BTO. lloas Tiado opened steady. The few eiirly sales showed no particular chaugo as compared with jestcuUy , but later on , when it was ccitatn tlicro would be a largo in- crciiso in the run over early estimates , them wus u I'.uk'k downturn of 6@10o , thu hulk of nules Hhowtng that reduction. The quality \\uatritibcstof any day this week , carload nfter carload averaging : i50 Ibs und upwards. The. bulk of mixed und packing sorts sold at | 5 M)05 ) ( W. A few fancy heavy inudo $5 05. U'ho Undeiwood string of hogs , consisting of fAU head , averaged U1S Ibs mid cost (5.S7. At the close about | . > 6)g5.00 ( for bout heavy uml f5K ) for best light was about thu market. Some rough lots of mixed told as low as > 40. New YOHK , Nov. 8. [ Srv.'clal Telegram to Tnr. lhT. ] STOths The mnrkot opened ralhor quietly and with a weak tone , exhibit ing some fiactiDiial losses as compared with last nlght'b close , The varlj temper of the room was bcarlub , m.d some profcsshnala jyutout n uioderalu line ofshoiu , whllo tbo jfc1 commission people did hut little. London was n seller of trunk lines and specialties , nnd was prominent in dumping Heading , ' \hlch led during the first hours In nctivitj Chicago gas trusts wcro nn exception to the general wc'akncss Holhns bought and ad vaneed this security , and at one time they show < d n good gain over the opening. There was considerable dullness throughout the morning , and bi noon nearly over } thing In which there was any trading was a llttlo below the first figures of the day Heading proved to be the most active stock on the list , and closed with a IOSR of nearly I point , the remainder of stocks mostly showing a frac tional decline. It was n rather uninterest ing day. The following were the closing quotations I ) . K. 4s regular U7U Northern I'ncinc ! 'i' } I * . K. lscoutK > ns l-7' dopreferrcd. tti'i P. .4'sri-gulnr ' 10T' * C. V N.V 111' , U. y. t' moupons NISV dopreferrcd , HZ1 ! I > 6rinc t > s of ! l-"i N. V. ( Vntral 110' , Central I'nclllo " > . ' i I' . , 1) ) \ K KD' Clilcntrn Jc Alton iltcM-klMnnil . IW.'s ' ChlriiKo.llurllUBton If. M. ft St. I1 ro- . .V Uiilnrv ria % io preferred. 100 ' I ) . , I.Jk W . 1 Wi , ht. I'mili Omaha at" , Illinois Central lift I dopreferred ln" > III\\V. IK I I'nlon I'acitlr ( A KKIKRH ATPTRS IS > . W.i t. Ii .VI' Hf , LakcShore 103' ' t do preferred 27' ' MichlgHtH cntial t-s > , Wvstrru Union. WV MISMiirlPacille V71 , ! MONFT ON Cn.i. liasv at 2iT2 ( ; per cent , last loan 2 ] KM cent , closed offeicd at 2 per cent PHIMK MRIICANTII.I PAPRII tX 'i ' I'or cent. BTFIIMVO ExciiASdR Dull but stcadj nt W.M'4 for sixty day bills , and 14 tftf for duinand. _ ruonucn. CIIK * no. Jov. 8 Wheat Lower ; cash , tl HJf , December , * l.lli : January , 1 14 ; Muv , 1 10 % . Corn Steady ; cash , 41J e , December , 40\c ; January , K\fct \ Muv. Ity'fc ' OUs Stendv ; e.ish , iMJ o ; December , . , Kyc Nomimvl. H.ulej Nominal. Prime Timothy Nominal. Tlix-Sl 4t W.i 1.47. Whisky $1 0. 1'ork Easy ; cash , f II OTJ ! December , $14 < .2 > , Jnnuari , HS7li , May , SIS 17 > jifi ( 15 20. Lard Kasy ; cash , $3.20 ; December , .lO ; January , ft > 18 ; May , fb 8 ' . Flour Unchanged Chccso Steady , full cream Cheddars , 10 ( a > ! lc , Mats , lO'ififilJ' ' c ; Young Americas , Kggs Higher nt 10 ( < iS < lc Hides Unchanged , heavy green salted , OJ-fc ; light green salted , ti'jV ' , given , lie ; salted bull , Ti' e , grccu bull , 4'4c ' ; green drv flint , " ' -fWc ; dry calf , Tuibc ; brunde 1 hides , 15 par cent off ; deaions , J.X'JJc ) c ich , drv salted. lOajlfic Tallow Unchanged ; No. 1 , solid packed , 4 > < c ; No. 2 , J > ; o ; cake. 5c. itcceipts. Shipmpnts Flour , bbls . 19,000 7,000 Wheat bu . 50.000 27,000 Corn , bu . 2ii > i 000 247,000 Onts , bu . COD.OW ) 76,000 Kjc.bu . . . . . St. Ijoulf ) . Nov. S. Wheat Higher ; cash , tl ( re , ' ; November , $1.1 1 ' 4' Com Higher ; cash , a'JiB40c ( , December , Oats Easy ; cash , 23Kc. May , ii'JQJ I'oik-$1500 Laid -Lowci ntJS 12Jsf. Whiskc1'J. . liuttur Quiut and firm ; creamery , 2Cg ( 27c ; dairy , Ji24c. ( . KUIIMIH Cnj. Nov. S. Wheat Steady , No J'J red , cash , iile bid , Deccmbei , ' . ' " ) < o bid , May , SI OJ bid , No ! l red , cash , 7sc bid , No. 2 soft , cash. 1 1 00 bid : December , Slot asked ; M.ij , tl 07' < i bid Corn btronger ; No 2 , cash , S-i' c bid , December , bales at 2i'Hc ' ; .l.inu.iiy , Js'tc ' , May , HOJ cbid ; No It cash , 27' ' , c bid. Oats No. 2 , cash , 21c abked ; December , 21-iMc asked ; Mm , 24J < c asked. Clnciiitintl. Nov. S Wheat Firm ; No 2 red , l.l(5Cl ( 'Hi ' Corn In good demand and strongei ; No 2 mixed , 47c. Oats -In good demand and firm ; No. S mixed , ' . ' 5c Hve-Quict ; No. 2 , Whisky Firm attl.14. MlniiflitpollH. Nov. b Wheat Receipts of wheat weroHs-i cars ; shipments , 7li cars. The market was firm , early sales lowest , but before the close some sales weru made 2c above .vesterday's price. Closing Quotations : No I haul , November , Sl.'JJ'xj ; Deccmbei , $121' ' ; on track , fl.25 No I northern , November and December , f < 14V , May. fl.l' i , on track , No 2 not them , November , $1.07 ; December , 81.08 ; May , $1.U % , on track , $1 09@1.12. Milwaukee. Nov. 7. Wheat Steady ; cash , $1.0S ; Deccmbei , li.O'.ij ; Januarv. tl.lOV. Corn Firm ; No. 3 , 41'jfc. Oats-Quiet ; No. 2 white , 29 > < ; @ 30c. Kye-btcadv ; No 1 , 50 e. Uarlcv Quiet ; No 2. 70J < @ 71c. Provisions Firm ; pork , cash , $15 00. New Vork , Nov. 8. Wheat Heccints , 111,000 ; exports , none ; spot market unset tled and J o liighci , closing easy ; No 2 icd , M ll'jWl ll > f iiiolo\ntor , .I.12S,0 , ) l Ktalloat , $1 12'j ' ( ! l ISJdf.o.b. ; No. 3 icd , 51 OJ1 07J f ; ungiaded red , $1.12 1.21" ; No 1 red , f 1 10 ( jj1 1.1 OK Options more active and strong ; opened J O 'fiC higher ; No 2 red , December , closing ut 31. 111. Corn Uocelpti , 178,000 ; exports , 59,00(1 ( ; spot market uutivc and Jfc higher and un sailed ; No 2 , % @ ' > fc in elevator. 31 if C < r > JXc alloat , ungraded mixed , .riO@i24c. Oilions | moro aetUo and irri'gul.u , with thu market CfWc highrr , closing heavy ; De cember closing at Wl'Sfc. Oats Heecipts , O..OOO ; exports 231 ; spot innikct strong , ' 40 higher nnd fairly active ; options dull but ntoady , Doeomberclosing at yji c ; No. 2 white , 'sfiWHJc ' : mixed west- ciii , 2SWJ2c : wlilto western , . ! OC < { 3'Jc. ' Coffee Options steady but dull , sales , 25 , 50 bigs , including November , $ n.V > ; December , flASV'flll ! I5 ; January , SKI 20Q ii2ri : ; rebruary , * 1M 10aK120 ; Mau-h , $1'J 10 C < M.0 ! ; spot , Kio firmer ; fair cargoes at JIT. M ) . Petroleum Steady ; United closed at c. ICggs Steady but quint ; western , 24 ® 1 > fc. i'ork Quiet but film : mess. $1(1 ( 00@1(1,15. ( Lard Advanced I ) points but closed weak ; sales , wcRte-rn steam , spot , f .UO S 03 , Do cumber , $304 Mutter About steady ; western dairy , 12jf ( fflbc ; western cieameri,10y2ii ( ! ! : , Logins , Ji > a @ 27c. Cheese slow ; western , OQlOu. ia VB STOCK. . Nov. 8. Fliu Drovers' Jour nal reports as follows- Cattle Kecolpts , 10,000 ; market stronger ; bcQves , ) ! ; stockers and fecderw , ft U5jW ! W ; cows , bulls and mixed , 11.45 ® 3 CO ; Texas cuttle , f l.M3.95. ) Hogs Hecuipts , 10,0i)0 ) ; market steady ; mixed , fiiWirfMa ; heavy , < 5.JU ( < (570. lluht , $ S aX5 ( 05 , skips , t i 50@5.7S. Sheep Hecelpts. I'.OOO ' ; market steady ; natives , J f-OGM 25 ; westerns. $ J.25 < SJ55 ; Texans , $ . : < 0ri ( .10 , lambs , 1375 550. Kauyau City , Nov. 8. Cattle Receipts. 2'W ; shipments , none ; mnrkot active nud strong , good to choice corn-fed , $475@525 ; common to medium , ti2. > @ 4.50 ; grass range steers , tl. WXfti 00 ; Btockers and feed- iiiE-steer8l..W J . , cows , $ I.OOJ.IH ) . Hogs Kccolpti , 7i > 05 ; shipments , none ; market activa und steady to 5o lower , good to choice , f550i < ? 5CO ; common to medium. 11.003540 ; skips and pigs , f'W ) < S4 70 , National Stock Yard * . Ka t fit. I/oulB , Nov. 8. Cuttle Hecciptg , 2,017 , shipments , 1 , ( > SO ; market strong ; choice heavy native steers , $5.00H5 ( 00 ; fair to good , $4,40(3500 ( ; butehorb' ulcers , medium to choice , $ > > t30@4 50 ; stockers and feeders , fair to goodJ.10@320 , rangers , coin-fed , WOOifrUO : snm-fed , JJ.10@iOO. : HOKS Heccipts. 4,7UO ; shipments , 430 ; market stronger ; choice heavj and butchers' selections , fo.50i35 ( S3 ; packing , medium to prime , f > 30(35,60 ( ; light grades , ordinary to best , (5.25@5.45. ( OMAHA ItlVK SfOOIL. Cnltlo. Thursduy , Nov. S , 1S5S. The situation In the cattlu trudo was the same as yesterday Thmu wcro no cuttle hem to make amaikut. What foiv loads there wcro wcio not desirable , A few Lead ut strong prlici. The curly market was n shade lo 3c low er , but it closed fully Up to yesterday's prices. Hvcrjthing was sold out early. Hhcrp. There were none here to make n market. Ilccolpts. Cattle. . . ! VX ) HORS . 3,000 1'rcvntlmi : 1'rloe ? . The fMlovvini : is a tabloof prloa * 1 la this tnarKct for the grade. ! of stooc men tioned. Hnmestcers. llOOto Jlbs..W 73 (34 t,0 Prime steers , 1UX ) to ItOO Jbs. If 50 at-t 00 Native feeders 250 (3.111 ( Western feeders 2 M di ! ! TO llam.'o steers , com'on to choice 2 50 vi-1 ' ' * ' Common to good cows ] 23 ( a2.ixt Choice to fancy cows . , . , . . . . 'J i5 C < < 2 W ) Common to choice balls 1.23 M2.1K ) Fair toehoice light hops. . . . . . . . { > 20 ( ttft 23 Fair to choice heavy hears 5.41 ( jiVS'i Fair to choice mixed hogs. . . , . 5.30 ( ( { 540 g t'io number of ho i bought by the lei ling buverso i the m iritut to day. G II Hammond .V ; Co . 4I > S Omaha Packing Co . lU'i AimourG I'.Co . , . (157 ( Chicago Packing Co . 'J > nnd The following .iro the highest an I lovve-sl prices pud for hogs durum the past fmv davs nud on thu corresponding d it jj o.u and Uyj j uars ago . 1 uct I oat , mr. _ _ ° 'l' ISI- ) ' 4 o-i ei u r > lu 4 > 4 r , toi i , J 'H Wl tX ) o 'i > ct : , no 4 1U 04 I. ,1 II ) dj , { M . Sunday. 4 ! * > 'ii.1 M ,1 ' 0 (61 h ) ' 6 ao w , x , 4 1 ( < i4 40 uii r > u"i tti ar , SuililuN. ( t 'i ( jt I SJ 31 f > 4 ( r.,4ri w Stindiiy Nov. I-WH Nov. 1NJ7. No\ . 10. n 20 < ar , 15 1 ( ftl U'l r > txi . < ri 4 0Ct.4 -.I ! l U > 5J _ ! iV > 511 1 4 4 U > ( i 4 J > .1 r > . > t.i-1 . a > Mindiy. I 4C. 5H ( > . - > fi 20 5M CO 4 HI ( it 11' . ' . .1 r.ThSil 115 6 iu ( ii.i r > . * > bntiiliiy .1 4 I ( ( [ .l 70 ! > JO .ri 5A 4 10 < U,4 JJ J 41) ) 4i.l 70 OMAHA I.nsAMJ MAKKKI'S. Pmiliicc' , l-'ruiiH , Ktc. IlLTTru K.ine'.v , solid packed cicamcrv , " 0 , choice lountiv , lX Oc' ; inuilium gr.ules , l-KitlTc1 ; common jjr.iiles , lllf'tlOi1. Pi oeit NouiasU.i Date-tits , $ d tn ) ( ) ( .VI ; Minnesota p.ituiits , $ ( lVii ! ! > IK ) ; str.uirht , gi.ulcb , W 00(115 ( 50 ; bafceis1 Hour , $5 L'Jrai'i 75 jioi biriol. Porvroi. * Nebraska , 'JIIOc per bushel ; Color.ulo , TojtMIc Swiitr Poi ATIII d "e1 per Ib Poi'i.Tiiv Live1 ebiuUcns , $ J.50itJ " 5 per ilo . ; spimtr chickens , W )0' < 1 ) ( II , iliessjil chieke'ns , b it'IOo pci Ib ; turlto\s , > ( l. e . I K.-J Strictly Ircsh , 1'locjinllml ' Coseoiti ) OiiAi-i s 30iitUo ( ) pui 10 Ib > - Let. Let.MALAGA MALAGA Gittl'KS In kt , sffflOc per Ib HAS\.SAS C'onimon , | 1 it'J 'J5 per bunch ! choice , $ J Wj ( i 1 r > 0 LKMOSS f.r > Si ) per case. OHAMILS .IiuiiiiiLM , foOOCfftJ CO per barrel ; rioruln , J4K ( ) ( . I 5 per box. GAMI : PIT doenMnll.uils , ? 2 M ) ( r i " > ; teal , $1 0 ( Sll.a'i ; qu.ul , $ .100 ; prairie chick ens , t-lftt ) . rabbits , (100 ; Biiuinels , $100 ; vciiwoii , bfVJI.'o per Ib CKLUII J5i < ! 0o per dozen. OMOSS- ( ; " ' 0c1 per bu. CAiuur.i JJOOper 100. UIMTS I0cpel bushel. TLMMl's 30i- per bushel. SAI EU KIIALT Itbls , $4 75 ; half hbls , 12 T5. AiTi.hsC'liune , iJ * " > 0@J 75 per bbl ; faiicv , $ . ) 00 per bbl : lommon , $1 .Win 1.7. ' > pei bbl. Cinrii , * t ) ( iiu.ii ) ftt ) per bbl of aj g.ils C.ilifonu.i c'liler , f 1" ) IK ) pci hbl. Poi1 Cons Uicc , Ma.4 , commun , . ' ( Sl.lc1. CAKHDISlOc per bushel. ULVNS Choiic e.isteiii li.mdpickeil n.ivics , JJOOper busliel : western hand picked na vies , ? l T5' ' ) l so , mediums , tl : iuBl ( 41) L.IIII.I beans 5c pei pound HA I' o b. eats , No. 1 upland , JO CO ; No. 2 upland , { 5 00 liius M.IOOWIOOO Ciiopi'i D Fi h i4 ! 00 ( 15 00 per ton COUN : uc ) LV. O VT 'JJ@J 1C. ViMOAit Uulcr , 10lSc ( ? per Wlnto wine , H'JOi ) > jicr ( CiiAMiiititiis-7.r)0i"J ) ( 00 per bbl. PnoviMONs- Hams , No. 1 , 12c ; No. 2 , lie ; shoulders , ! ) Jii ; rib baeon , lljje' , clear baron , Uc ; picnic hams , lOc ; dried beef hums , I0'o ' ; drv salted clears , short , 'JJjo : extia short , 9 0 ; short ribs , D'fc ' , pickleil pifjs feet , l > lb kits , Mc ) ; lard , ' .I' ftJlOu ; smoked sausage , 0 ( < $ ic per 1U ; hot ; easing , i7ijisic. ( OrocnrK' IjlHt. Reviseil prices tire as follows- Uuioivd Stark A seamless , 2"'c ; Amos- kong , seamless \ a , Levvistoii A , seamless , 1'Jo ; Amcric-an , seamless , 17e , mil hips , I to 5 bu , Ilijl4c ; gunnies. siiiKlu , l-i ( " , Kunnles , double , 20c , wool sacks , IISc. Twines Fmx , abu ; extra Mil , 2id ( > lc , sail II ! U ( vlOc ; cot ton , 21c , jute , Do. nniMi FKL i rs - TIKS , In boxes , per Ib , ia < W I fie , dates , In boxe-s , 7@10c , London Malaga layer laisms , per box. fi.r > 0c < ( 1.75 , Malufu loose raisins , $2 : ) ( < TJ tt ) ; now Valen cia raisins , per Ib , 72 o ; California loose muscatels - catols , per box , f 1 ( XI ; California LomlonslhSS f Ml , pitted cherries , per Ib , lOc ; Califor nia pitted plums , per Ib , I''QdCto ; dileil blar-kbcrries. jicr Ib , 7'i@Se ; dried raspberries , per Ib , 24W2 > o ; cvajvoratcil up- plc-H , 7' < ( iDlle , Califonna sun dried peaches , ISc , Calitornia unpareil cvviporutod jicachcs , 15ifI8e ( ; evaporated California npricotB , Ihc ; /antec currants , Ii ( rf7c ; Turkish prunes , < 14(2-3 ( * i' ; Citron , 2JC < t'J41c ; or.mtfo peel , 15e ; lemon peel. lt > c ; California Trench iirunes i , IKnlCc. COHTFSMocha , e.l itto ; Hio , good , 17c ; Mandahllng , 2tK > c2d : roasting liio. 1509 lte , O. O. Juvu , U4 ( < ta ) , Java , Interior , SAg 25c ; Uio , fancy , 1IS@10 ; Kantos ami Mara- e-albo , 17i l'i5 ) ; Arbuckles , 21/o ; MuLaugh- lln'B XXX.V , Sl 4'c. i Granulated , 7Jfc ; conf. A , 7' u ; white extra C , 7 o ; extra C , 7 ? o ; icllow C , ; ixwilereil. 8Jio ; cubes , i ; fc. 10@llofor 1 Ib frames ; Btrnincd honey , lOQlle pe-r Ib. Ch oico yellow , SO@M o ; dark colored , lit ® He. CIIPESK VOUIIR America , full cream , 12@ 12' ' < o ; full cream chetldara , Ilal2c ( ; full cream flats , 12Kc. PICKI KS Medium , in bbls , 15 ( HI. do , In half bbls , ( : )00 ) ; suuill. iu bbln , ( ti.OO ; do , in half bbls , ti : M ; gherkins , In bbls , ,17.00 ; do , half bbls , f4 00. TODACCO I'lug , 2a , ' < 7rt5c ; smoking , 10@lo JKI.I 1Kb $1.25 perBO Ib uall. SALT 1.30@l 85 jwr bbl. Koi-K-7 10 , 10'fc Mini ; SuoAii Hrlcks , Il@12o per Ib ; ) " > uny cakes , 12@13o per Ib , pure inaplo syrup , f 1.00 per K.II. TEAS Young Ihson , common to fair. 18@ 2.V ; Young HI son , good to fancy , ! K55ci ) ; Gunpowder , common to good , 2g ( 5o ; Gun powder , choice lo fancy , 40@il5c ; Japan , com mon to medium , 15@20o ; Japan , choice to fancy , ! iO@45c : Oolong , common to good. ' > ( & 35o ; Oolong , choice to fancy , 50@70o ; Impo- rlal. common to medium. 2 @ 35o ; Imperial. good to fancy , 4050o. Nuis-Almonds. 1517c ; filberts , 12 ( < $15c ; Drazl ) , 0 ( < glOo ; walnuts , 12u ; pecans , 10 ® lie , pcauuts , ( XiiUo. C urhEiis 5@10o per Ib ; assorted cakes , 7 QJ5o pur Ib. as per list. CAMIV Mixed. 8 l3c ; stick. 8 rock candy , 10 QJ3c , faucj caudy , Drr Rood * COTTON m WHS-10 ( ! # cent ill ; Mj 6Sc ; CO , C'4e , SS. 7 c ; Nmneless , Be 5 HX , ISc-s 11 , We ; No { o , $ Vc , No 40 , liv ) < c No to. USc , No SO , IH c ; No 30 , colorodA ) No 60. colored , 12e ; No. Til , colored. VJ c : Uristol , la'fc ' ; Union Pacing 17c CAUFET WArtr Hlb White i > i colored , " IUTT Standard , Se ( Gem lOo ; Beauty , 12 < e ; Hoone , 14e ; 11 , cmed , M fei i'litSTS Sollil colors-Atlantic , Go , Slater t > Vc. IJcrlln oil. O'tfcj Oaintir oil , 7i % . PuiNrs Pink and Kobcs Allen , c ; nivertKwit. 5 c ; Steel jllvor , C ct Uleli inond , 0 < c ; Pnelrte , PiitNTS Urcsi Cnnrtcr Oak , Kama ) * ) , 4lac ; Lodl , o'-iC ' , Allen , Oc ; Rich- inond , GHcj Windsor , „ > Edd > stone , O cj Pacific , GJ < e . SlI.nISO1jcrkuoy | | cnmbrio NO. CO 9l e : West Yet , 4-4. OJ/c , buttvr cloth tJU , VcCnbo . 7Jfo ; Parwdllialt ble.K'hed 8-Vc" Fruit o' .Loom , 0'ic. Greene Q , 'C' ' c ; nope. ; Vi Ki"B Philip cutn- brie , noLoiisdalo „ Cambric , Lonitlnir VfNniv \ orK mill's ; J'eppc-rcll , 4i-in , lie : Peppcrcll , 40-in , . . _ , Pcppcroll , M , lite ; pemwrell. 84Jio ; l'C | > - pcrcll , p , 2.oi ) Pepporcll. KM , 2-wj Canton 44 , 8'4t. Triumph , \\annutta ; , lie ; Val- lcoo. . Kl.lNVris. -lJnftsincn,2oe ; Oosncn , 82 c , Clcnr Luke , BlHc ; Iron Mountain. i'G.V i < ili.NSii.s-Whlto-O : H.No 2 , < ' , 2 e. Q. H , No. 1 , It , 2 c , 11 H. No. a. V'a iiC ; U H No 1. k , UOc ; Uucehw. No 1. "V. 40. r , iJirfrt York. " ' . l-J' e. H.IMII mor , b'o ' ; J-llTiuV XX ll. Oi Ji Hi'y XXX. UUo : IJe.iver ( Jruo-t AA. I'-V ; He.ivor Creek UB llcUeivcrCrcvk CC. luo. KuvTi'Ck Jews -Mt'in irlnl , l , " > c : D.iltoti. I'-e ; , 2 Kc ; Huivulos , [ so ; Lc.inunc ; iiiKlon , "J jc1 , Cuttsttold , 27'jc. ' CiusnStevuiis' 11 , t ) c" btovens1 b'cnrhi'd , 7o ; bti'veiis' A , 7U > < oU'Nctis A blc.ic'lu'd , > l < c" btevonV I , b'-jC ' ; btuvons P , bli'nclii'd , 'i' ' ' . Slovens' N , ' " c , StovonV N , blcaohc-d. 10 > < , i" Sto\ens. blU , UVe .MiM pii.ANrtiLH r.ioio on ul ) n , fJ.M ; plain Hollatnl..I'/aC ' ; U.ido , I2lve. . liru\Mi shc'ctlut ; - Atlantic A , 4 4 , "Su- " * ' li-ntic H , 4-4 , 7'4c ' : Atlantic D , 4 I , C.H4c ; At lantic P , 4-4 , lie ; Aurora LL , 4-4 IV , Auior.v cv4 * 4\ < " \ Crown XXK , 4 4 , iie ; tloosicr LL , 4-4 , tic , Indian He id. 44. . c ; Luv- rcncoLL , 4-4 , ( ; O.d Dimiiilon , 4-t , f .c ; Peppciell It , 4-4 , 7c ; Pepp' " ' " ° . * - * . ( iiiu' 1'eppeioll 8lbl < < % ; Popp'Te'll.'J 4. 2U- ; Pep peroll , 10 4,2V ; UticaC. 44.4n Waohusett , * - . J' c : Aurora It. 4-4 , 7e , Aurora H , 4 , IJIICK West Point : : j m , 8 o ? , 10V ; West Point H in. 1 0 or 1 c ; West Point 20 in , 1207 , 15c ; West Point 40 in , H oz , Ido. PMNNBI.S Ked , C , 21 in , n ' ; E , 24 in , 21 e ; G G , 24 in , i c ; H A F , < f , 2c J R P , % , 27' c UISIIIMM Pluiiuett chocks , 7ljc ; U hitten- ton , 7KC ? Yolk , 7' , c ; Norinandi dn-ss , S' o. Calc itta dress. sijL : Whittentoii diess , yc , Henfrewdross , ! > ' „ Ui , , , CAMIIKHS blatci , 5 0 ; Woods , S'je ; Standard. .T/e ; Pe icoik , 5'ac. Pill \rs Isiuoo Ml III' A mold , O' c ; Amcr- iian , 0'4c' ' ; Gloucester , ( i'4c Arnold C long cloth , il ; Arnold H long cloth , H > Jf Arnold Gold Seal , 111' ; : Stietul A , 12 ; Windsor Gold Ticket. 10K. lira ; s nn I ClirmU- . Miscri i. IM.DI < - S lip i .Tnl l' o ; citric acid , ( i'c ' ; tuturio Mu1 ; bil lopivia , esc , borax , Uc , ehlorof.n in , 47c , gljii-nno , 2 > c , gum Arabic , select , SI 0 I , RIIIII i-unph > i. Sic , gum opium , SIstilph morphm , ( 'bi ; bi oniidu pot issium. 4J < * Out Cai bon. l.iJ = 10'c ; , headlight , 17" . = 11 c , gasoline 71 ° l ieWest , Virgniii summer , He , 7010 , 17c ; No. 1 gillun m i- clnne , Ibc ; extra W. S. lilld , biu. No I 1 irJ , 47c , luipcntinc , 5-'c ; linseed law , 5 c ; boi'od , i le. Qi iMNh P. A. W- . per or , 5'c ; German pel o4lic. . lj < * iithe'r. Hemlock sole , Ixrfiic per Ib , oak sole. 31@ 3 < per Ib ; oak li.inic'S' , , W 2o pei Ib ; selec ted eaU and ti.iev , It * pi rib ; OIK and hi'in- Joctc upper , 211,11 JJt * pci fdot. iieiiilock nit skm , No. 1 , sliii'Mlo ' per Ib , aeu.iidiiig' to weight ; oik call skin , No. 1. 'Jl ( ( . ( < flrl 01 per Ib ; Philade'plu i calf skin , i'\ti.i fl ( M ( l 10 pci Ib ; hemlod : kip skiu..No 1 , ( 0i ( 70o pur Ib , oik kip skin , No 1 , 70nbOc per Ib : Phila- delplna kipsUm.cxtia. vOirfUOc pci II ) French calfskins , ( at eordim ; to vvuiKht anduality | ) , $1 IXBl 7n er llr TriMich Kip skins do bUedO Jl.lOpcrlb Coiuovan iiissett , I'Msatin ; ln.ish. 20cp-i fool ; welt le.ithei , $ . 50 < 7 > I 0) ) 1 er side ; moio os , ( pebble go U ) . 20C" illo per foot ; moroicos , boot leg , 25 ( < t.H'c ' per foot , glove calf skins , join lilc per foot ; Douglas kid , : Ut10e ) ( per foot ; kangarco skins , 40(2T > Oi > pji foot , acc-ordm to ipiilitv Toppings , S8lalOO ( ) ( ) per do/en ; limits , Jr > 00 ( < ? 'J.fio DCI docn ; apion skins , $100Ji < $ 12 00 | > ei do cn 1 iii in licr. First and second elcir. 1'4 ' in . M9 00@5l 00 I'M stand second clem , lh m 47 IHIcanO 00 Third cle.l' , I'4ml ' j ill 4) ) IKIC'i Id 0 > A select , 1'4.US ' ( in 1)7 ) ( H ) ( < i I'J ( K ) H select , 1'4WI in J5 00 < < ) . )7 ) 0) A stock boards , 12 ( 10 fut , U m 40 ( K ) H stock boaids , 12i0IO f < et U m . . . ,41X ( ) C stock boards , 1J ( < UO feet , 12 in : tl ! 00 I ) stock bo.uds , 1J ( .H ! feet , 12 in 2 ! 00 rioonng , Hist lommon , ( > in ' 14 ( X ) Flooring , second common , 0 in IU ( H ) Select fencing flouting HI 01) ) biding , fitst and second , Ht'tll ) ft 21 OJ Siding , fiist common , 10 feet 22 OJ Sidinir. hccond conimoo Ill ( Xi Common boards 10 OJ No 2boariU. alllonglhs 1450 Fencing No I , Ui 20fect 1050 I'enemg No. 2 , 12 , 14 and Ib feet . . . .15 50 Joists and scantling , 2x4 , 1 K" In iccl . . .Ill 00 Timber , 4x4 , 8\S. lJ ( . | ( i feet 17 00 Pickets. D and U Hat 2J 00 Pickets.I ) und H sijuaie 2r > ( H ) Shingles , extra A 2 bO Shingles , stand ird A 2 M bhinglcs. No 1 1 : > 0 Lath y 40 O fi Hitts,2KI" < > O. G Halts , J.x.'l , b. I S 41) ) 3 In Well tubing , D. and M bev 2200 MctalH nnd Tinners' Stock. niock tin , small ing f .23 Hlock tin , bar 21) ) Copper , pi inishcd boiler sizes ! ) ( Cojiper , cold rolled 31 Copper , Kheuthmg 'iO Copper , pitts. . . . , 30 TUB llBAI/rV MAIMCIST. IiiNtruiiicntH Placed on Itfcortl Diir- intt VoHtcirday. I'l' Turk and \ \ irntoV s I'aik , nnd 'i of lmjil rt. , t0 ! Jt u of MU cur , nu or no II 15 11. c.d 4 .1,000 J J' \ \ lllliuiiK and v If i ] to J K ( liamhert , lot u : ! , lilk.l. lleijfonl l'liiu > . \ \ d. . [ * * ) A 1' Drnko ct al to W II llronn , lot t ) , blk n , DniKu h mid w d , . 1..VW Ed I'liuliill to H W ll > df , s 41 ft lot 10 , lilk 71 , hoiith Umaha. and und'i lot P , lilk H , trit mill South Omaha , and loti . ' and .1 , filK 71 , boutll Olllillia.Vd . bQUQ Tlieo Williamson and wife to r.UStanlvy , o 40 ft lot Ul , blk \ . r.hlin'h | .Id add , w il. JXI J N KroHtruw und Nlfe lo II O I.JIUIK- Rtrom , lot - \ , Iliukajn I'ln-c , w d . " 'tO J r Flack nnd wlfo to ( i K DletrUL , lot 6 , I'ro , V Klack'ii sub , w d , . . ; ] , 'J.KJ 'Jlio JMutual liiM-stnient Co to < } I Milk' uorth. lot H. blk It ) , HUUlland l'laic , it II A Trillium to ( ) II 1'nyiiii ct al , lotH T and , blk 1(1 ( , Ihghluntiij'lnci' . q , d . 10 OH i\TCo : to Hxl > .lota7and f , blk Id. HlKhlanJ I'lare , ycd . . . . 1 M ftiid K l. ls to ( i II Maelt , lot 15 , blk IB , Walnut Illll.wd ' . . 1,100 Win A lleatty to J K llojil , blk 7 , lloyd'a addiod | . . . l 0 W LnomU and wife Ini \ ChrlHtoiihon , Iot2 , blkHesthiuiiailil. . wd . . 400 K i-rench and lt to A Mulr , lot" , blk 7. Central I'ark , wd . . 2.600 A Mulr to .1 O ( Irven , lot 2 , blk 7 , Central I'urk , u d Jti . . , 2/00 W .1 llurtdia to u A lleurtptt , 8 fi of lot W. NelMin'H udd. w d . . . . , i tUf , ) ti Anthux and wife to A ! ( ItftzHi-hmnnn et Hi. w 70 ft of lot UO , blk U , Kountzo Jd add , w d , Foventecn transfer / OF OMAHA. Northeast Corner Furiiam and lUh ! Sis. Paid Up Capital $500,000 Surplus I'uutl , . . 100,000 FUANK MUnPJIV , rrrsldent. BAMUKIK. ItoaUKS , Vlee-I'resldsnt , HEN 11. W 000 , Cashier. MJTHiit : DHAKK , Anslstant Cashier. Account ! Bollclicd and orompt attention given to bualnrita intrusted lo its cum. ADVIOTV5 H , HOW TO ACT. lxlVlfor nd > lintondlUtci < t. I'lfc mtur Ilccllntf And Kunrllontl dlwr. ufAoi ( htoni rli Mrdklo . ONION TRUST COMPANY. NO. 308 S , 137H ST , OilAHA , NEB. CAPITAL , . $300,000 $ , Loans Made on Real Estate , School. I omit-nml Municipal Howls .Negotiated WM. A. 1'AXTON. I'roMilent. W\l ( i MAI I. . Vice l'rc Ul"nt. H01liiT : U a.\ltlH IIS , i > rrrt > tnn. Mll.l.H1 > , Trfcmurer. iWMm : > i ! ? VM. A l'\T < > , , lit Mil , tt (1. ( MM I , .IIIXH'II UMIKHI , Hour I , , ( i MM K n . At HUD MM.nun , di0 i : . Hunan. .1 Corner of llth anil rnrnntn Mrtvts , Chamber of Cotnmirco llullillni ; . Capital StmJ $100,000 I.ialiilil ) of Stockholders 800,000 Ht,1 porcrnl | al I on deposit * IcmcK nindiMiii n-al rrlulr uinl | nr mal Mcnrity , null- , warrants , stinks Illlll b ( > Mil IMIrlllHHll OH-irKUS- JOHN I. MM KS , I'rt'lilint AM > KiHO : * * \V MTU , Vlrr I'rrxlrtpnl UK VI hit 1. IIIOMA-irmliliT I'oviii ) L ntiti i ion- .lilnil , MiU , Vni-tii > lli'n on , Niimult tnir , .Iclin II Kvaim , Andrew Itn-M'wiitrr , Mnrrn Mnrrl nn , \ \ V I. < . | I linn < ; , n 1 lliirittr. lim M\In * atinilnr , I'i'Xtirl. Ihnnin * , > i rumii \ luilin , .tHinc * Ihumpion , 1 II .Intuition , tulin Kuril , Oil ) 0. Hobble U , S. DEPOSITORY. OMAHA , - - NEBRASKA. Capital 500,000 Surplus 100,000 IIKUMAN KOtlNT/.K , I'retiiltnt. JOHN A. CHincil'tDN , Vice President. I' . II DAVIS , Cuslilt-r. AII. . MUU'IKU Assistant Cashier LOMBARD 'Tl ' 'I his c iinpaiiy lias ojieni'd niiOniah lolllroand Ispiop.irodto fmiilsn mnm-v piomptlj ou im- l > ii\ed iltj mid faun proper\ ! . No.iiiplli.ulons SCMII < nuf n .ipproval. I o ins closed ami p ilil fur \\ltlmiit ilclay. .liill.N \ \ ( il > ll. Manager .iw.vmth lithfctrn-t. riist National Dink 1JI01 DOUGLAS STIlKir. Ciiiiii.ii s ( < nii . $ ir > oono l.i.ihilitics orMo.'Kholtlcrs . liOO.OOU Fire I'cr Ctnt Jntcrrtl J'nltl on Ue- C'oinpiiiinilril Seinl- Anniuillif. IKM < I llS : CIIAIII S P. .MAMHIH'ON. I'ip-lilent. 1. . M. IIKNM'.rr , VlciI'l ] ' . \ \ . VVI.SSIILS , MiiiiiKlni ! Dlreitoi .IO11N i : . WIUIUII , Cashier. STOJKllOMH3lts : J. W.JNMTT , OlIVC. IHllTOV , J J. IIUDU.V , ] . M. Ill SMTI , C. K. M * MHSV | ( , 1lHI . I. , HI-MIV I'uMir , r Isroi , OMV1IA ti \ T. Co , It II. VV 11 I IMH , Mix Ml vi ii , 'J IIIMUS Ili'CK , , T\MIS > S h\V < (1F ( , i ; VV. Nv-ll. r. w. w i-sii. > , i i : COMJIIOV , Assov ( ! . MI COOK , N. W. Wi I i.S 11. NilMA > . JOII.N K. VVll UU . La Platte Land Go , OFFICE , Clutmbcr of Commerce JtnUdintj. CAPITAL , $300,000. $ , JOHN H. CI'MIK , I'n-slilcnt Mncoln , Neb CHAItl.nSA. II VNNA.'Irtasuier Mneolu. Neb. ritANCIS 0. CillAIII.K , Si'Cietarj. Omalia. I.amls ill Uio ( lctsiii ) lc Coiintics in Nt'hr.tska , Knnsiis , Colorado nud > Vom- l S bought nuil sold. Or the Liquor Habit , Positlrely Cured b ] AdminlbteringDr. Ilnlncn'Golden SpcclHc. U can be ( flvoii In n cup of coTeo ( or tea with out the knovrledKu ot the person taklnt ; It ; abso lutely harmless , und will ell ect a pel nmnent nnd ipeeajr cure , whether the patient It n moderate drinker or tin alcoholic wreck , ' .thousands of drunknrili ImTe been made temperate men who have takou ( iolden boeclflo In their collee ltli- 0111 their knonlt-dRa and to clay bellova thiiy null drlnklnicof tUelronn lieo will. It never fulls. ' 1 ho system once Imprecnateil With the Bpucltlc , It becomes an utter Impossibility for IU liquor appetite to exist. I or naln by Kuhn A. Co. 15th and Doiitrlas t > ta. , anil 18th and Cum- , Omiiha. Neb. ; A. D. Tontcr & llro l JIUitTB. Ion a. H. K. BURKET , FUNERAL DIRECTOR and EMBALMER 111 Nonli JCth ritreut. DREXEL & MAUL , ( Successor ! ) to John Q. Jacobs. ) Undertakers and Embalmers At the old Htiinil , 1(07 ( 1'iirnnm Bt. Oider by telegraph ollclt < > d and promptly attended , Ueliphono to No. 'A PFFRI F < J9 Alll ! TK | | r tbllLCOO Sold by f.ll l-AIVZIl , h 1M1IC1IMAV. J II III ANCIIAIIII PALMER , RICHMAN A CO. , Liyc Stock Commission Merchants. MALEY Liye Stock Commission , lloom 11 , Kicbmivo Hi 'dine , Union ytock Yards , _ ttoutUOiunU , NeU. /D'ER / Connnision Dealers in Live M , Soomfi , Opjioillo KrclieiiBO Jlulldlnit , Union Block _ iarilt , Houlti OmaliaNib , UNION STOCH VARIES CO. . Of Omalia , Limilefl , AgrTcuiturni uiiptamontB , CHURCHILL PARKER , Dealer in Agricultural Implements , Wagons , LININGER A METCALF CO. , AgricDltnral Implfimcnts.Wapns . , Carriages llutdcl Ftp VVholcmlc Om > hv Npl > r l TX R L llNToR E N D CJRIF"iM A RT I N VVIiolonle lc lfr. In Agiicnltnral Implements , Wagons & Bnggies Wl , W , " ' n < l 907 Jones Slrcet , Onmtu _ P. P" , MAST At CO. , Mannfaetnrers of Bnckcye Drills , Secflers , Cultn tor , liny Rakn.Cldtr Mllla unit I.ulnn 1'ul Ttrlirri Cur lllli tnd McbuUi * * trvrt > . WINO NA Agricnlturai Implements , Wagons & Buggies nti-r 1 th Pit Meh OMAHA nilANCIt. J F. SEIOERLING & CO. , Akron , Ohio. Harvesting Machinery anil Binder Twine. \ \ K Mr l , Haniscr ISIII nrfnworlh t Om li MOLINE.MILBURNiSTODDARDCo .MnnuUrlnrrrs nn I Jollcrs In Wagons , Buggies , Rates , Plows Elc , Cor. 9lti an t I'aclilc slreoi : . Uniiili , Ncb. Artleto' Mntorlnla. _ _ " A HOSPE. Jr. . Artists' ' Matmals , Pianos and Organs , 1M1 llounUn S-trcrt , Oniilin , Npbrnika Bookaollora nnd Stntlonora. H. M. & S. W. JONES. Pu < Tos or to A T. Kcnjou V Co. , Wholnale A lictull Bookseller and Stationers. Hue Weitilliiu Sta'lmiorjr ' , ( otnniorclal MitlonrrT 15.IHiittf 8lrcft CHunhn Nrti. Boots and Shoos. K1RKENDALL. JONES Si CO. . ! to Hied , Joner Jk * o ) Mosaic Manufacturers of Boots and Shoos jtkttitMur llnrton lli'htw r ' line Co 1102,11111.111 * lluruoj St. OumUa , NcbtuaVa. VV. V. MORSE . \ CO. . Jolibsrs of Boots and Shoes , 1101,1103-lllb Dougln" Pl.Onnlm ManufiiclorT , Sum iner1luaiuH Ooffooa , Splcos , Etc- " " CLARKE COFFEE CO/ / | OnuvLitt eoTt < o anilplro Mllli. Teas. Coffees , Spices , Baking Powder , aTcrliiB Kitrncti. 1 aumlijr Him Inkj. Kli lill lll'j llnrney Direct Oniitha , > tliraik Crockery nnd Glassware. _ W. L. WRIGHT , Agent forlhr Manufufturrra anil Importrnof Crockery , Glassware , Lamps , Chimneys , Ho office , 117 S Htli M , Omnha , .Ncbrmkn. PERKINS"GATCH &LAUMAN. Irauoricrt RIM ! Jobber * of Crcc'rcrj , Glassware , Lamis , Silyerware Etc. I'il41 rr _ r-St o' ruton Building. Commission and Storage "RIDDELL & niDDELL. Storage and Commission Merchants , Todulllr- - - r . i > , , „ n i-onltrj. Game. lUIlotvard Strsnt. ( ) m hi. CEO. SCHROECER & CO. . huccciiors to Mchhana A Srlirocdcr ) Produce Commission and Cold Storage , Omalia. Nebraska FREDERICK J. FAIRBRASS. Flour , Feed , Graii : and Genersl Commision Men linn t Corri'ipomlenoB ollclli-il 1011orlli Kth Mrcet.Omgh i. > ub. Cool , Coke nnd Llmo. ' OMAH A COAL. , COKE & LIME co. Jokers of Hard and Soft Coal , WO "oiitli nth Plrcpt. Onmlm , Nchrapkn. j. J. JOHNSON & | CO. . Manufacturers of IM , And xhlppi'rri ot < nal , ( o ik , Coiiiun 1'i.lster , I.IEB Jlialn Illuami hewer 1'lpe. Oli'C ; | Ss.iltk Ht , Oamtin , N b. Tclopbcn HI. Dry Goods Notions. " M. E SMITH & CO. . Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods and Notions , 1103 nml 1101 IXniiKlai , Cor. 11th H , Omaha. Neb RTUPATRICK KOCH DRY'c.OODS Co Importers and Johhers in Dry Goods , Notions dents' KurniibliiKinodi Corner llth anil Hunej bl Oumlm. Nibrauka NEBRASKA FUEL CO. . Shippers of Coal and Coi5 , 211 Puuth 1 lib M . Omabn Neb. Furniture. DEWEY 4 , STONE. Wholesale Dealers in Furniture , Jornam blrnt , Omaha. Ncbraika. CHARLES SHIVERICK , Furniture Omaha. Ntbraika. CrocorloB. ' " " PA XTON ? G A LL AC H IpT'coTi" Wholesale Groceries and Proyisions , 105 , ' 07 , TO rinil 711 S. 10th ? t , Oniaba , Neb. McCORD , BRADY & CO. . Wholesale Grocers , 1 111 and J/eaTenworth Strcntf. Omaha , Npbraika. Hardware. MARKS BROS. SADDLERY UO. Wholoalu .Mnnutarturorn nf Saddlery & Jihoers of Saddlery Hardware Andl athpr. HOI , H'Jj ' nnl 11(17 ( Ilurncy fit , Omaha , .Nebraska. Heavy Hnrdvvarp. ' ' Heayy Hardware , Iron and Steel , Sprlngi , Wauon Hluck , llanlwaro. I uinbcr , Etc , \yf. and 1211 llarnujr utruvt , Umaba HIMEBAUGH & TAYLOR , Builders' ' Hardware and Scale Repair Shop , Mechanic ' Tooli and niirfalo Hcalei 1106 Htrael , ( Jratlin , Ncbraika RECTOR. WILHELMY it CO. , Wholesale Hardware , and Ilnrnvr HU , Oouba.Neb , wUt rn Agciiti tor Auilln rnirdcr Co , Jetrur.on Hli el Nailk. ( alrbankiHIaudirtlhcalet. LEE , CLARKE. ANDREC8EN HARD WARE COMPANY , Wholesale Hardware , Cutlery , Tin Plate , Metals , hhwt Iron. < ! < Afirnts for Hd c Sfalct , Miami l'oui ! r uiul l.yjnnn U&rbrd wire. Hats , CnpB , Etc. VV/L. PARROTTi : fi CO. ' . Wholesale Hats , Caps and Straw Goods. 1107 Unnier Mnot , Oiuuifi.Kob. * 3M A H A U M BH R CO . , All Kinds of Building Material at Wlrale _ j Ubtrcetanil Union I'Bdflo Track OTI 1 LOUIS URADFORO , Dealer in Lumher , Lath , Lime , Sasli Dootktc. Vin' Corn r1ib njcl Utj lm , Coinei tit. uij Ikiujiat C. N DIET2. " Dealer in All Kinds of Lumber , 13th and Califurnl > Slr l . Omaha. Lnmlicr Line Ccffleil Eic , , , , Elc , Corner h snl Douel rij..Om h . T. W. HAHVEY UUMDEH CfoT To Dealers Only , omo lln ( > iirn m Street Om hii JOHN A. WAK FIELD , Wholesale Lumber , Etc , CjulnfV hllc Mine CHAS. R. LEE. Dealer in Hardwood Lumber , Wool Carpttt anil I'trqurt Hoorlny lh * nrt IKiuiUi Mllllnory nod Notlonn. i. OBERPELD.-R * co./ ' Importers & Jobbers in Millinery & Notions an iUimiilW'oiUlilllri'.trjM _ OvornliR CANFIELD MANUFACTURING CoT. Manufacturers of Overalls , Jfam I'unLf , tlalrts , Vtc IKQnmt 1104 IKiuyla * Blrrrt. UlllKhk. .Sob. Noti'onB J. T. Wholesale Notions anil Fnmisliiiig Goods Mnn \ J Mi h ( uth | iih SI . Om h _ _ OllB. _ CONSOLIDATED TANK LINE CO. , Wsale Refined and Lubricating : Oils , Aile C.r f. KlcOm h _ A 11 Illthnp. r VINYARD it SCHNEIDER , Notions and Gent's ' Furnishing Good ? , 1UK > linrncj otrpol.Omuli * Office Fixtures. CO. * of Banlr , Office and Saloon Fixtures , Unntlc | , | lMi ri | lino1 ! Co'C llriiK Hxtiiron Wall ( ii . rnil'liiiiin ItHllhuii.l inititir * , HcirniiU Wine Cnipr | > Vtlrror etr hiitnr inn" nnlrr , irw iind r > SI t-oulli Ulh M , Omaha lelopliont1U4. . Points nnd Oils. CUMMIN"GS & NEILSON. VV Itolc'ftlo Dciilcr * In Paints , Oils , Window Glass , Etc , 1IIR KurnamIroct. . Omalm. Nob. _ Paper. ' 'c RPENTEn Wholesale Paper Dealers , C rrr rlco itock of t'rlnllnkVrapplnu nml Wrltlna l'i > r r Bpvclal attontlon KiTvn lotar load tinlen Popor Boxos. _ , mi _ _ _ JOHN L. WILKIE. Proprietor Omalia Paper Box Factory , r\o < HIT nml Hl'J DouRlim bt , Oiiialm , Neb. _ Soods. PHIL. STIMMEL \ C O. Wholesale Farm , Field and Garden Seeds VII onil l > HJonei > blrnt Oiualiu. Storage , Forwarding A. Commlaslon ARMSTRONG. PETTIs'vl CO. , Storage , Forwarding and Commission , Drnnrhliou oiif tinlltnnrr IIIIEC < " IlutBlrn l wtiolentluunilrctHll 1KB lilOnnil U\i \ lianl bin el , Omaha lilopliune .Nn.7W. Brewora- STOR2 & ILER , Lager Beer Brewers , 1121 North Klgthtccnth btrcct , Ornnha , Cornlco. EAGLE CORNICE WORKS. Mannfacture Galvanized Iron and Cornice , John Upiinctvr. 1'roprlotor. VM Doilirit mill 103 uucl IM North 1IAU Mtrcit , Omnliii. Printers' tVlatorlala. 'WESTERN NEWSPAPER UNION. Auxiliary Publishers , Dtalcrsln Tyre. l'ri' si > anil I'rlnt ri Huppllei. 601 i-outb 12tb Strttt. Oinulia. lubber Goods. OMAHA RUBBER CO. . Manufacturers and Dealers in Rubber Goods 911 Clothing nuil 1/ckllicr HeltluK. lUOi I urniim HtrouU Sash , Doors , Etc. M. A. DISBROVCO. . , Wlnle iili > Manu' icturrrn of Sash , Doors. Blinds and Mouldings , rMirti DtTlre , IJlli nnd Izanl StruoO , Omaha , Nob. , BOHN MANUFACTURING CO. Manufacturers of Sash. Doors , Blinds , Vuldloiri , lalrVVork nml Interior Hani VVooil 1 liv n N. K CornerHlh and I I'uruiiirurlli SIliiU , UmaliK , be * . _ _ _ _ Fittings , Pumpa , Etc. " ' ' " A. L.'STRANG CO. . Pumps , Pipes and Engines , Jtfam , Water , Ila Iwar nml Mlnlnu Hnppllei , Kte , VM. Vfi end yZIJKurnBm t-trcel , Oninlia. c H u H cm L L PU M p 5" Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings , Sletmnnc1.Vnlfr Piipplloii. tJ"iinrlrr ' for Ma U cod ) Kurnitin t , Om a U. S. WIND ENGINE .V PUMP 'JO. . Steam and Water Supplies , BROWNELL Si UO , . Boilers and General Machinery. 8bccuron Iron Works. STEAM BOILER WORKS , Cartur ft FOII , I'rnp Muuufncturcn or nil klndi Steam Boilers , Tanks and Sheet Iron WorK Worka HoutliJOth and II. AM CrmilnK. i 'xi ON & Wrought and Cast Iron Building Work. HiiKluei , lira * * Work General hoimdrr. W o'ilno ' aui llUckiinllli Work unicu nnc ! U.nki , 1) I' . Kf. iiad ltb htrocl , Unialm. WIRE'S IRON WORKS ; Manufacturers of Wire and Iron Railings Ueik Haiti , Wlnilntr ( luardi. ( lowrr Hlamti , Wire Mlinii.Ktc. la NurlU Kill hlrrcl , t > inuha OMAHA SAFE'nnd IRON WORKS , r ult . Jail Work , Iron nnd Wire Kintlnir , flui Rte , U AuJroLu , 1'iop'r Cor lllb. and Jutkauiibti , CHAMPION IRON nnd WIRE WORKS Iron and Wire Fences , Railing ? , Guards and hrrcrni > fur bunk * ofllrov t lnu ri T , d Awnlix * l4tck mlih MKihlufr ) Mhtt Illmkinillli \ > urk > lltlrniilli Kill M MEACHliR X WHITMORC. Fire and Bur JlarPraifSafGJ.Tliae Lucks . * f nu i ii locuuld nmo 4. j.uct i/u . Vauili mid Jali Woik , | J B. Ji