Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 09, 1888, Page 2, Image 2

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The Total Vote Pollocl Will Roach
Twenty-two Thousand.
A Cliancc to Build n Couple of Hop-
roscn tnt I VPS to Iilncoln to Join
'J'lin ' JU'puhllcan Majority
1'roin the Interior.
CotintltiK tlio People's Vote.
a. Hocbc. Turny nnil IJonnm , the
' bonnl , wore iiusily cnt'.iKoclci
tcrda.\ IUK over the rctunn of tlio roeont
olcrtlon. Ai was ciinrillly rxpi'ctcil , tlio
tally s'.icctH , tin iircparo.l by tlio Juilgdi mid
clerks oT election , tin1 In n oomplieat.ed Htntc.
U.'lio report ot the First wanlAVns taken up
nt tlio oi > uiiiii ( . ' yesterday inoniliig , and itv.n
found to bo bidly inuddleJ , coiitainint'nu-
niprons tnatlicmatlcal errors. The i-lungc ,
however , In tlio total niniiber ot votes east
for ciicli candidate will not Uo ot hiinirient
Diucnitudu to turn tlio ro ult uuo wuy or the
othi'r. 11 was discovered tlnit ttio returns
weiv forwarded to the board without beiMtf
CTtinet ! to by the Judges nnd clcrk In the
First ward , and n rumor followc.1 li i-in
flection with this to tlio ellet-t that one ot the
board perfonni'd his dutie * without having
qunllllcu. liunury In this respect resulted In It
tfeiliK denied to n certain extent , The count
r.-lll bo reminiert this niornitiK , ntid will bu
< .oiiipltud ! a.s soon a.siiossible.
llolow is tfivon thu the total vote on each
pindldato voted for in Uouglas county on
5'ilosdaj. The totals and majorities irlven
tire the result of elTorts put forth by Titr
III.i : to Mocnro nconrute rotiinis from eaeb
liollitiK Precinct in the county at tbu earliest
possible moment. They can bo relied upon
us beiti In tlio main rnrrcct. Slight uhauttos
fnay 1)6 ) made when the oflleial canvass is
completed. The democrats httvc prnethtill.v
nnrridd UoiiKliis county , elactlug over.v can
( lidulo 011 their Uukut with the
exyeption of OHU rcprescutativi
and perhaiu * Uvo. Podoluk ulom i
for the lower house is defeateil by I'oiulon
( rep ) and Morrinwev ( dem. I H tied with
iierln ( rep ) . The otllriiil count uiuy I'liuiiBO
the voio of thu two laltor to thu u.xtont of
blci'titiK one or the other. The delegation
from UoiiKliis county to the Htato legislature' ,
therefore1 , will bo as follows :
Senators -I'axton , JJuins and I'aulseii
UepruHontativuti Ciardntir , HuiiL-atc ,
I'V'imo , Novo , Cushliij , ' , Snydur , McMillan ,
Uondon , und either lierlin or Mot rinscy.
The folloivinjT tnblo tcllH the Htori :
rilllHIIIC.NIIAI , Ulil.CKIU" . ( dom. ) Hi.Slft
lledstrom ( dom. ) lls'J-J )
Tlbblttn ( dom. ) 10stl
KoHUTitun ( dem. ) 10vit :
Allun ( doiii.J 1UvJii
Total 51 , T
IlussL-11 ( rt-p. ) ID , li !
IIlistings ( rep. ) 10ti37
'JJutlor ( rep. ) 10'JSS
JTdditiBs ( rep. ) 10'J 7
MeNeny ( rep. ) lU.'ST
Total , , 5I , ; 3
Averuiru deuioerutic vote lO.H'i.'i
Averugo rupubliuun vote 1U'J4.
Averajjo democrutie majority MO
( iovr.itsoit.
McSliunc ( dem. ) 12,11
Thuyer ( rep. ) S.011
Majority li.STT
riii6Ti\\ : > T fioviii.viit. : (
Foldti ( dem. ) ll.oti )
Mciklejohn ( rop. ) U..ll'J ' '
Majority- lm
.SiKtltl'.IAItV 01STATt. .
Ilinqs < dour\ ) ' tO,0i
Laws'c ( < < p ; ) . . ' ) . , . . , . r 0,0 Jt !
1 Majority . . . . . . . . , . . . . ' : . . . . ' . . ' 733
Tiiifisvuiu. :
Patterson ( dem.r. . " . . ' . . ' . . . ' . lO.tlO.I
Hill ( rep. ) ( , 03
' ' ila ] o rity. , . ' , , . ' . IKW
royuler ( tleni. ) lO.S'.IO '
Jlcnton ( rep. ) 10,017
Mnlority 87l !
MutiRcr ( .dutn. ) 13liri
Lees'o ( rup. ) 7SVS (
Majority 5a.i7
.1 Ubsen ( dem. ) 10,8s1 !
Steen ( rep. ) 10-0.t (
Majority 870
Sl'l'KltlXTIS.SlHi.VI' .
Thruslier fdem. ) . . . . , 10,7M :
Juuo ( rep. ) . .10,070
Majority . G. > S
toXdiiijrAN : < ,
Jtlnrlnn ( dtsm. ) lO.KX . ;
ConnoU ( rep. ) 10rl , < j
Majority 117
Jjiims ( dem. ) ,11,711) )
1'nxtuii ( dem. ) VJs07 ;
PnuUon ( dem. ) ll.Orii'
Savugo ( rep. ) 9,711' ' )
Jfirolc ( ITP. ) O.titU
lIuHcnll ( reii. ) t 7tilO
iu'.rni'.siN CATI vis.
Gimlucr ( dom , ) lO.KH' '
Jlunguto ( dem. ) 11,108
J'odolulc ( < lom. ) , .10,4(7
3''eimo ( dem. ) 10,1110
JVlorriHsuy ( dem. ) I0rir >
K uvo ( dom. ) lOiK | (
Ciwhlnjr ( dem. ) ll.Oil ,
Knydur ( dem , ) 10iU < i
iMeMillan ( dem. ) 10liW
Gilmore ( rep. ) O.IW1
Jiaitubrook trep. ) 10'JJl
Worrison ( rop. ) HSC ,
"Williams ( rop. ) ' . ) , > -8S
O'Urlen ' ( rep. ) 10ltl ! !
llorliu ( rop. ) lU.fiO.'i
hpeeht ( rop. ) 10,4a *
Mulliall ( rop. ) 10,1 f )
Condon ( rep. ) 10,5'J1 '
cor.srv ATioitNEV.
Mahone.v ( dem. ) 11,010
CiurJey ( rep , ) UVI7I ;
Majority 1,007
C'Kceffo ( dom. ) 10KV >
Amlreen ( reji. ) I0itrj ;
Majority , KKt
Hy adding ? the uvenigo domoenitio uud
ftvurugo republican vote C.IHI for prcnldontinl
loctorH , us givtni ubovo , tlio total is Ul,070.
U'Uis does mil inuludu the pruhlbition vote , us
no rword of it was made in Tnu liu' : re
turns , Hhoidd the temiioranco vote run up
us high n thn iirohibitionlHts have been
cliiiiiinif , ' , the total vote oust inDou 'lus
county \vill ruuob at least . ' ,000 , uioro than
iluublo what It wut > in ItsSJ.
It AdJouriiH Alter Falling to Obtain
After wuithiK for lu-onsidorablo lonpth of
ttino in anticipation of obtaining tl quorum of
the council lost night , 1'reMUcnt llcchcl
cuiioil the meeting to order , uud but nluo
.inembLtrs iveru present. Tlio cliniruiuu then
niincmncud the council luljourned , Ho also
Dinted that hen-lifter tlio < x > nucll would bo
Called to session ut 7.UO p'oloclf , us per
un cxUtluR re.solutlun to tlint effect.
A similar UlsK | > siUou WUH niiulo of the
nieetlng of the board of CMiunlkutioii , by
Chairman iturnhiim. It was thought tUat
theswxU at wulauco last uliflit Wr > s on ac
count of tlto verdict Cf the \ woo > on election
ilny. The comer ot oratorical ipT.yity of tjio
council , Sir Uunc S. llnscall , was abse-nl ,
unil .Mdcrmun moved that the brother
Aldcrumu COUUAIUHU iuvoUi ) prayer jn behalf -
half of the proitmtvd politician. The blow
ilcult the dumocr.ioy wua tiuppo > ici ] .to have
brcu juNtrumcutal Jn uUiuntim ; Alderman
I oivry , nnd the scarlet ioiuplcxiuued ! retire *
Bi'titutlvo from tlm TJjlrJ ,
It 's ' tlinugiit tJuit no tiCSKloa will 1)0 ) .called
n-aln until tlta nest rcs.ilar meeting Tuesday
Tennyson Jas | n I.
upv , Jfov. 3. l oi\l Tcuny .uu Usa
K fulfil i ohyta oi rUcuumtio j ui.
They AVID Not Ho Allowotl to I'nrntlo
In iCIucnuu on Novpiulicr 1 1
Onicno. . Nov. S - Special Telecram to
TUB IJr.r.Ve , vo""t allow it , ( rctitlPinen :
you can not parade on November II , " said
Chief Ilublmrd to L. H. Oliver nnd H. K.
fthnntioii this morning. It will beroniom -
bercd that after the ntitirchists had been
sentenced Oliver win president of the Ani-
ncst.v aHHociatlon nnd Shannon was un active
participant hi the different measures pro
posed f6r HIP relief of the condemned. ' 'Mr.
llubbara told us , in a very Kciulcuianly way ,
that xvo could not parade , " said Oliver to a
reporter. "Hut 1 want to lunke a protect
against the deci.sion. By what right ilo our
servants , Mr. Kuclie anil Mr. ilubbard , dic
tate to us whether or not wo can p.iy an
amount of rp.tpect to our murdered
comrades : That is exactly what I
mean. I'arious was Judicially murdered.
What right bos Chief llubb.inl to sit in
Judiimual over the wLshes of my burninp
Hrtul' I am no nnnrcliist ami neither Is
Shannon. Moth of us were born and raised
In Illinois. Perhaps not more than eighteen
or twenty of us would liuye joined the
p.inide , but we wunteit to do it ; llrst , to p.i.v
n nlark Of tribute and respeot to our dead
i-nmrade. Parsons , und second , we wanted to
miter our protest utfaltmt his foul murder anil
- Unit not I'ovreil
show his murderea-it wo tire
b.v their di'creos. AVe didn't want tiny ban
ners , nn.bauds . or any red Hags. We wanlod
to assemble quietly , parade quietly and
iiii | tlv , pay our respects to our slum
brother. "
Shannon und Oliver .attempted Inter to
work on the feelings of Major Hoche , but it
was u fall un1. Tlio mayor said in answer to
their ( pi - > st ion : "You will h.ive no pnraili1.
no currying of red ILisrs , no displays to omn-
mcmorntt * the dead anarchists in this cltv.
The. people have most oiniiliaticall * ) said that . not want displays of that kind und
will not h.ive them. Vou may Just a- > well
understand it now in at any other time , that
Whenever imatvb.v shows lt hi'.id In Chicago
I will put my foot on it and suppress it. "
Ulllett Uy Send.
CRESTOK , Ja. , Nov. -Special ( Tolegr.itn
to Tin : But ; . | > Ed Ilull , a striker , was shot
and instantly killed this afternoon by one of
the new engineer * named Charles Huston.
The shooting occurred in the back room of u
billiard hall , used as u democratic he.iu-
ipnirters. .Ilall was a iuarrclhome | uhariictui' ,
and had achioved. since the strike , consider
able repulutioii us a slugger , lie figured con
spicuously in moat of tlm trouble that has oc
curred in this stronghold of the"Q' strikers.
Be was regarded as a desperate character
and has courted death many times since the
strike by looking down the muzzles of levol-
vers. Husion was also handy with a ruvol-
ver , nnd some weeks ago llred slioU at a
brottiurhood oiigineur at a "Q'1 ' crossing , who
scratched the back of bis hand at him. Hus
ton was immediately taken away on a special
train by the city authorities , who feared un
uprising of the stnUoi'.s. The origin of the
ti oil Did is not known , as the men had scarcely
met wht'ii thu eimlnuer called to tlio striker
to stop and not approach him. The order
was disregarded mat Bull wat > shot through
tlio head.
and lo\vu Pensions.
WASIUNOTO.V , Nov. S [ Special Telegram
toTiir Uin : . ) Nebraska penaious : Original
invalid Paul Meyer , Omaha ; Wostloy Crig-
ler , Liberty ; William McKoiglian , Kqd
Cloud. Jncreuso Joslnb II. Hurp , Bolvi-
dcre. Ku-issuo Joseph Hurd , Long Pine.
Original Widows , otc. Ithodn M. , mother of
John F. Cryslor , Boxeldcr : Margaret , widow
of John Pollnnd , Taylor.
lowapeuaiont ) : Original invalid Nchommli
Woodruff , Sliambaugli ; James A. Lane ,
Chariton ; Joseph 1) . Niotll , deceased , West
Union ; Oscar Chase , Cherokee ; William H.
Deaup , Oro.seo ; Banjiimin Lee , Woodburn ;
William M. Moore , Dos Moities. increase
Orion H. Wilcox , Crossvillo ; Arthur M.
Humiflton , ftiount Ayr ; Heiibcn Uunoe , sol-
tliers' home , Marshalltown. Original widows ,
etc. Jane , widow of Joseph 1) . Nieoll , West
Union ; Annie , widow-of Jauios N.i.oe , New
ton. Mexican survivors Levi C. Ulliott ,
Stuart. Mexican widows Saiah , widow of
William E. Sou , JJes Moines.
Republicans of Nebraska and Omaba , by
our honest cftorts anil Uio justice of our
catisc , we have gained a great victory. Lot
us meet together on Saturday evening next
aud ratify the action of our great uarty ,
ami by our enthusiasm and good nature
show that wo are there to stay. A great
parade with imw features wilt bo held , of
which the programme will bo published to
day anil to-morrow. All clubs and organ
izations from the city and all parts of the
state desiring to participate will report tome
mo us soon us possible , and cver.v possible '
provision will be made for till. Turn out
everybody , have an olegaut time und then
settle down to work again. The governor ,
United States senators , congressmen and
presidential electors are invltea to bo pres
ent. T. S. Uu.viiKiox , Marshal.
Kciuurkublo Newspaper KII terjiriHC.
Mi.VNHAi'OUH , Nov. 8. [ Special Telegram
to Tin : BISK. ] The Minneapolis Tribune dis
played great enterprise yesterday Jn the
morning between 4 mid 5 o'clock it dispatched
eleven exclusive' special trains , reaching all
northwestern points Trom two to eight hours
ahead of the regular trains. The papers
Bout out weso the .second edition , containing '
tabulatcd.returna by counties lor the im
portant states.
I'ntiiell Commission ,
LOMIOV , Nov. 8. Tno Paruell commission
spent the whole day henring witnesses of
outrages. Harrington objected to an in
terpreter prompting thu Irish witnesses , und
Justice llaunoii cautioned the interpreter.
The police .tcstilled that a large force was
occupied in protecting boycotted and
threatened tenants.
A j''loatiim Arsenal.
.N.RW Y.yiti : , Nov. 8. An examination of
the clcanmu'J papers of the steamer Sagmiiw.
supposed to be a blockade .runner .bouuil . to
Htiyti , hews -that oho carries I''O cases of
rifles , flvo tuiHOi of bolts , tbreo cases of paper
for cartridges , Jlvo casu.i of drums , forty-
three bars of lead , 70. ! canes of cartridges
and 11,000 koi'h of gunpowder.
Mm ( .011 Id DjuiKorously Slok.
KKW Ynitic , Nov. 8. The 'Tribune says :
"Mrs. Jay Gould is dangerously sick ami her
phj&icians are unable to encourage nope of
her recovery , She sufToiol a stroke of
parulyuis on Tuesday , und sluco that tlmo
her condition lias been vcgarded us despe
rate. "
lliutfion Rtvoi < Trains Oollido.
Nr.wnuuri , N. Y. , Nov. fi. A freight train
on the Iludion JCivor railway ran into a pas-
sensor train at Fishldll lauding , opposite
this city , this Ills rcKirtcd | that
suvenil passengers uro Injured or Itlllcd.
" \Vontorii 1'intnl
\YANII iu ; to.v , Nov. 8. Special U'eloKruin
to Tun Unu.Jpurist Wcborwas to-day ap
pointed pojtraaster at Spijtilding , Clreoly
county , Nub , , viya .Imiius Conueil , rosigiieci.
The nt Lust Chaiico , Lucas
county , in , will bo discontinued from No
vember ' 'a
A StaRe Owuch Ilclrt Up ,
Do\v.Ncn\Ut3 , Cat , Noy. 8. TJic down
stutfovna held uj ) to-auy by a masked lut'U-
waypmti. The express box , cotitalultig
bullion and cola auiouatlnt ; to jibout ( ? , & 00 ,
was riital ot Its contents. The taull bass
were noi found.
I'riuccCoii Confers Iorocs ,
ip : ; , N , J. , Kov. 3. TUo board ot
ot I'rliiceton colleso'today
to-day con
ferred tlio Iionorabla dc&rcu of doctor of
diMiiityoii Pr. Willlnm McAto69 , of Win *
ormfcln , nnd doctor of literature on Malcolm
MoNnil , 'n , professor ot autrjnomy in Lake
A Hntnl
Lo ? ANC B . Kov. s. The large hotel at
r < onh' Heah , on the coast , aV ut twenty
mile * fam this city , with nil Its oostly fur-
nlturo , ui totally Alubtroyod by.-ilio Li-st
The Mother of Mnurlcotto Tnkos
tbo Wltnosa Stand.
MaUnino Corroncnti TellH Ilic Sail
Klory of Acquaintance With
I'rntlo nnd Concludes AVItli nil
Mniirlcpttc'rt Motlior.
PAIIINov. . S , [ New York Herald Uablo to Tin : BKI.I Tlio Prado trial
to-dav was entirely rcl.itlvo to the thefts
which the pusoner nnd his accomplices are
supposed to Imvo committed in Spain. The
audience would much prefer keeping to the
murder- story , liven 1'rmln showed but in
different interest in the proceedings , rarely
taking the trouble to put in a word. If he
can only sttceoed in saving his bead lie does
not imml u few years' , imprisonment for
The llrst lucident which relieved the mo
notony was the appearance of Mine. Corro
tieuii , whoso resemblance to her uilfortuimto
daughter is striking. She explained in low
tones how 1'rado bad tlr.U come to their
house on a pretended business , errand , und
how a few thus later he bud cotircM'Jd that
bis real object was to demand in marriage
the baud of Mile. MuuriccUc. She also explained -
plained thodiplomallc manner in which 1'rado
hail obtained the family consent' to the
union. As nit accepted lover lie behaved
himself at lirst with the utmost propriety ,
but one day to her horror Mine. Corouneau
learned that Mauriectto was eneieuto. Then
followed n period of dissimulation and en
treaty. Prndo constantly promised to marry
the girl , but continued to put off the wedding
daj. Matters went from bud to worse and
to disgrace. There was soon added their
financial ruin. Finally Prado was arrested ,
unil Mauricette with bun.
The mother's cup of sorrow was full.
Mine. Corouneau spoke of the various ear
rings and bracelets bbe Uail received from
1'rndo. Shu ilid not know them to have
been stolen. She denied ever having had
improper relations with the accused , but ad
mitted that on several occasions he hud
kls. ed her.
Prado spoke up here declaring the kisses
to have been strictly llliul.
Tlio witness stated that she had advanced
Prado 5XJ ( ) francs and llnished with an nf-
fecung exhortation to pity and to acquit her
honest and misguided daughter.
The next point was the alleged attempt of
Prado to kill Ku/'OJU / ) Forestlorc at Budeiiux.
A revolver ball had boon found in the bed
room door. Prado said Eugenic had break
fasted with him one hour later and the story
was therefore ubaurd. Eugenie testiiled
tliat ho had to do ho to prevent scandal.
The Gunoral
CuiCARO , Nov. y. The general managers
of the Chicago , St. Louis & Missouri river
lines met to day to consider what action
should bu taken by them in view of. the par
tial collapse of the western states passomrer
association. As a result of the conference
Chuirnian Abbott was mstructciu to call a
meeting of the managers of nil roads in the
territory heretofore- covered by tbo associa
tion for the purpose of discussing the situa
tion and taking steps to renew ttio organisa
tion. Mr , Abbott hus accordingly called a
meeting for next Wednesday.
The Iturliitfftoii JUtxliiucs Kntca.
CUCAOO , Nov. 8. The Chicago , Burling
ton & Quilicy to-dav reduced 'tho rate ou
packing house products from Omaha to Chicago
cage to n basis of lii cents per 100 pounds.
The tariff rate is liO cents , the cut being
made to meet the rules of the Kansas City
roans. The Chicago & Alton has large qon-
tracts with ICnnsas City shippers made on a
basis of I a cents IKJI100 pounds. Kansas City
to Chicago , ami complaints of Omaha ship
pers led the Burlington to give thorn the
same rates. The Omalm roads have met the
Burlington's action ,
ISvon tlic Mugwumps Give Up.
NB\V YUIIK , Nov. 7. [ Special Telegram to
THU I3ii.j : : All the papers this morning con
cecded the election of Harrison & Morton.
The Times , which refused to believe it Wed
nesday morning , concedes more than the
democratic papers , and gives California to
the republicans The democratic papers
claim that California is still doubtful , but all
give up Indiana. Tlio World admits that the
indications all point to a good republican
majority in the next hoiibo of representa
They Failed to Kcipaitcl.
Niw : YOHK , Nov. 8. Hon. , S. S. Cox said
to-night : "I think that the house is against
us , notwithstanding our gains in Virginia
and other states. The northwest and west ,
including Minnesota , Michigan and Wis
consin , have failed to respomi for us. "
Tlio Augusta IOV posit ion.
Auoi-iTv , On. , Nov. S. The Augusta na
tional exMsition | opened to-day. The wcuther
was perfect uud tlio attendance large.
Jlforn Be.iuitit'ul Tlmii
Now York Times : A dispatch from
Olcnwood Springs , Col. , sstyh : "A
limiting party returned fruni the iiinitn-
tuiiiB north of the Grand rlvoi * j'eijtorduy
nnd reported the discovery ot n wonder
ful wutcriull hitherto unknown. Though
not oqunl to Niagara in volume , it was
thought to exceed it in beauty. The
plnoo is on Rillo creel ; , twpnty-lhu
miles from here , nud it > supposed to 1m o
novel * boon vibitod by white nion bofoi 3.
The stream HprondH out to a width of
UOO feet at the brink , and the wutop
glides over the rocky edge , ijproiidiiig
out into a thin Hhcot UH it-fjilK dis
tance of 151) ) foot to the bottom of the
ciinnti directly undornenlti. TJio party
disuiotmted , and carefully ibreoiiing
along the base of tUo 'poi'irandiculur
wall , puahod behind Uio aquatic tapostrv
into nooks und vuvoriis honoath the
Tlio walls anil
arches were Ihiekly studded with astnl-
tictitn aud stjUutfiulto foriiialioti ot rare
bc-nuty. It { a.'without doubt tin- finest
waterfall in i ilnrado , The disi'ovi'rios
any tlioohiiin \ of water fulls snftlj over
tin * lodRO and ( gracefully dissolves into
uiist before rjoaohitiK 'tho boltotu. A
party is beipc'orptitiT/.oil to sisit the
spot , anilit i.-jjhoupht , to tiainc it Kocky
Mount nlti fullri.
' ' (1m ( Itdorbnek.
A eoiTO-HJHMloiit | tolls the Lliiffnlo Ex
press that "roorback" oriRinnted in the
ciuupuign ol 1S-14 , and that the very lii-pl
of them was | i story told by one Hoor-
bick : , then traveling in tlie south , that
hi- saw there slaves branded 'M. 1C. P. , "
the property of .lames 'K. 1'olk. then n
candidate , nnd whom the story oatno
near defeatlitg. So it is safe to suy tlio
political imagination moves ulotig
pretty well tlio same lines , no mtitler
what it era , and iiima only for the
deadliest -tiilo without any regard to tlio
probabilities. .Itimcs K. Folk , the sim
ple , honest , God-fearing country gun-
tlemnti. was uniting the most humane ot
men , and though he had large slave
property , tidmmiblered it in such fash
ion tlttM1 , itMW much more a chargit
than a profit , nor did ho : il voids pocket
witli any porauUitus of ofllce. It iH
also a muVter of tiolorluly that his sal
ary as president was far from ooverltig
his expenses while in tlie White House ,
und of Atiron N. Mrown. one of his ettb-
inet the story is told that he had to re
sign to oseauo Ilimncinl ruin , as it oo. > t
him $10,000 u year to live in Washing
ton us he thought his position de mauded.
Ktntuo of Itwutior.
Rpringlleld Hoptiblieiin : A east is
being molded by .1. Q. A. Ward tit New
York for the broii/o btatuo of Ileni'y
Ward Hcecher. whieh ib to sui-mnunt
the monument to the preacher in Pros
pect park. Brooklyn. The gran he
pedestal will bo nine feet high and have
llgurea in bronze on each side. Ou the
loft will be u young negro woman reueji-
inir up to the plinth to lay a palm leaf
tit the feet of the friend of her race.
Ou the right will be the liguren of two
white children , one ot whom endeavors
to place ( lowers on the plinth.
The Ptnttie of Mr. Beeelier
will bo eight feet six inches high
and represent the preacher standing
bareheaded , holding his familiar toft
felt Imt by his side in his right hand.
lie wears his usual cape overcoat im-
bottonod , disclosing the coat and vest
underneath. A plain cravat , knotted ,
is worn under the broad I urn-down rol-
lar. Mr. Beecher's left hand falls by
his side , and lie looks slightly up , ahead
und ti little to the right. Air. Ward's
idea is to show the great preueher in
his aspect * IR a publicist and citizen.
Ho looks as if ho were taking a walk in
the park and had removed his hat , but
for the mometrf. The monument will
coat about fiiljOUO.
DrirJiiir Machinery.
A novel nietfi rt of driving machinery
by aniiiionia v ijior , which , it it ? churned ,
will revolution-/ , ! * marine engineering ,
is lo be tried rri a few days on the , now
Ked Star tug illurculeb , which is now
being prepared for the experiment ,
says the Philadelphia Record. It as
claimed that theYo will bo u wiving of
60 per cent in oonl , and no oil will be
required , the lituinonia being it own
lubricator. TJib amnuniiti is forced
with Hie wnlot ; into the boiler and
driven out of Vhtj water at n compara
tively low , Uiuperuture ) , and then
lionttid in n stetihi-box known as usuper-
.hentor , ' 'expands and enters
the oylijidors winr 'great force. After
leaving the cy ders.'it is iigjiin forcUd
into the boilers and reab--orbod by the
water. IJtit a few barrels of the ordi
nary ummonio. will be required to run a
largo engine. The trial is looked
upon with great interest , as it js
Claimed that tlio system can bo.applicd
to larger vessels.
His Fcnra Komnved.
Chicago Tribune : " Mary .Tune , "
said the wholesale fruit' dealer , with
feeble voice and pallid lips , ' 'tell me
the truth. I can bear it. What does
the doctor say' : " '
.He says , " responded the wife , her
face nidi an I with joy , "that the crisis
is past and you will recover , William. ' '
' Mary Jane , " lie exclaimed , infirm ,
ringing tones , ' 'you may countermand
the order I sent to the warehouse yes
terday about re-barreling that carload
of apples. Tell the men to ship them
as they are. "
Ail Iiifllnn'H Trunk.
It s said that the Ural thing a Wash
ington Territory Indian buys is a huge
trunk. Then , if ho lias money enough
ho lills it. This trunk acts as a store
house for trinkets as long us the look
holds good , then it if ) turned into a cra
dle , and when the owner dies ho } s
buried in it.
Dr. Hamilton Warren , magnetic phy
sician and surgeon , room : s , Crounse
block , icor. 10th and Capitol avenue.
Qhronlc uud nervous uisoabos a spec
ialty , n Telephone ! ' 44.
The block system , ; u , it is now termed
in railroad parlance , is simply the di
vision of a railway into ti certain num
ber of what are called telegraphic di'h-
tricts , the dj&taneo between which is
determined by the amount of tratlic.
and each block station hus signalling
instruments by which thn signal man
fpmmimicatCh with the box on ench
side of him. Now , when a train enters
any block a semaphore signal is lowered
and no train js allowed to follow until
the one in front lias reached the end of
the block , when thu.Hlgnal is raised and
ut the same time lowered for the block
ahead , etc. The block systems in use
in Kuropo and t.Ud country generally
amply me-ehmdeUli loviees for lowering
and raising tff/"aiil / ) | , door signal , l-ut
thcnc. it is thought , will eventually bu
replaced by uulon/atic devices.
MEXICAN MDBTANauWni ENT ll ( loath t
Ou > auui . ( . ' .ULUI IJiut-urj tuitl all li
Real Estate Column.
Unreal u * Tills wVolt in
ItHsllJKNfr. PUOl'K.UTY.
EMXIANT huMt'iimll'i' in II.itH' ' m I'lu. . i > ,
b.iui , furtmcc , but liroom , city wntor , nil
iiHxlprnliniirm'iMnpnti. n sjiU'inllil liomi- full
Klvo imuieillHtf i > os.'i ssu > u ; it bin ljarK lii if
Hiililsoou call and j i < t in U-i' .
K'lf'l ! olislit room liom' with full 1-it , ui'nr
'J'lthnml I'niiplftoanvemtp. i > rk' < . < t7.W > . A
f KW 8 room liouso , nil inurtornuiivunlt > ti < en
InVcit \ Oninhii j a WB lurxnlu It tiiUivuit
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
"V' , . iitnl lot , l < tli inn ! I.-ikc , on
- > cur line , anil onlv two blocks fioiu n.iilo ,
only f I.ROU 1C aohl at oiire.
" [ jMHUJMtOMM liuuX-ou i'tirMlTlirur M ' "
1 'nril.enst ftont.iirlcfJ.V ) 0. Jl.fOJ casli bal *
mire to unit"
Xl'l'fnar | room ( iitttiKi' mill lot. In Pi mill
- i.Onmlin , , jieiir SMh tiiul (1 cK. i rln only
$ sGO : siiuilliMsli payment.
cct.ronti'r.lnck'cm ami l.u
- - uvo , OIKI of HID llmMt letidiMiro Mt ( > In
Oiuiiliu. fi'
ITM.r.llANTniutli front lot , iVKIlTTon lluviu' }
it lii'iir i lh street , only S.iVni.
CIIOIl'l ! fi".liloiico ( on Mth iivtMiitt * . In
( 'Iiiik'.HUtlillttoli Tlil < lot In ti4xl , iiorlVi t
gr.ulo Unit ulroly sJtiiatoil , lu-t\\coii St. Muiys
urpiHicmul Hmiii'v M roots , M.w.
. litixlll ) , otiiowuM amU'Mn
V. ' eat front mid on crude &I..VU.
COKNint. ] vo.xTv > fooiTcuriiihrmui
uVi'iiiii" . ii.ivnl street , itowt'niKv. wmor mid
KIIS ; itorluut Kradu mid iiiujjulllootit view : HIH-
ott In tinp&lti.-auluiiju Ues lutuuuitj. Cull and
lU't pi-lei1.
beautiful south front lots on I'omili1-
- tun nv iim > lor xnlo for a few ilnys , nt alow
llKtue..Unly iKiO cash iuiiilu | > d ; ImHuire-caiumi
1 , ' . ' , . 'laud I year.H yon \\nat to miiuu u nli'i >
homo In tinnleest n'tldencc | ui tlun of the city ,
It v III iwy you to look tills tip
EAST front lot. OUxlV ) . on lllst btrovt , nunr
] 'oi > liletoii aveniio , IlaiiMotu I'lucc. Just
t no jilari * for a uico lioine. Luti olTcr for a few
daya at $ Ifi00.
Durilli : uiriiur. UHKIW ) fuot. on Wonlvorth
iiveimn anil JKiul sttvet , IncliiK Hunsrom
I'ark ; perfect grade , .lust the place for ane - iisUli > uo block. J7.COJ.
EAST fiont lot on I.ono areuiiD. Ineit
Omnlin , jl.euii.
ONI ! of tile nicest riKiilcnco Iota lit llun-x-om
I'liirc , < m Popple-ton nviMiui'.for Kilprm \ * iy
small cash imymout , loui ; tlmo Nuw oalik'lUie
will iiuike tlib tlio Ilnubt ii'ildouco piopoit.x in
the city.
"V" H'i : east front InVp tluwn , close to .station
-L > on Ilelt I , hie lly. , only twenty minutes' ride
Horn bUHlucs.f portion of the citv , .1u t theplac"
for a nli ; hoiui ! ; nrlce f.'iW ; cash fo'J ' , baluuco 0 ,
1' ' , 14 and " 1 mouths.
' 'eet ou " ' " ' f'root ' near Karnam , for n few
days at llaiiK'slt , will pay ymi toinvesti-
gate. _
' ' 'est on Haniey iiuar 1HU hti-eet , splendtil
wholesale point. A burRain it .sold soon.
O1I010K bnslnojs lot 4K1K fe ; t ou Tuntlitioaf
Ilarner , * 2JOOl.
BUSINESS lot with UKW two-stinystoieliiilld-
iiiK. on M. lU'in-L'Ttlt St. , South Omaha. Will
n'lit for t\\ vivo per cent on the luvestjia-ut. Call
and .seo It , prli o JI.MU.
O N12 of the tlnost Uuslnoss Lots in South
Omaha , 1'or a few d.iys at ft.OW.
; uuilaroiiiiH ) property - ,
corner inth and Nli'ltolas.hido track 'in alloy.
O'liorolsjijo ) prolltlu this lot Cur bumu one , can
otlur for a t > liort tlmii
1'1'1 ° n Helt MHO KaUwny , lit
junction Of two main Mrec.u
Icadlns out ot city in West Onuilm : splendid
pulnt lor coal and lumber vards. Kraln and pro
vision nousK or mllliiiK ami elevator buslnebs.all
Ninooth and level ground and on one of the
pieces of tr.U'kiiKe property around the city ; cau
utltirfora tew days ot { T.fiOJ. This property will
q iiu us
CliOJPKleu-arra tract , liear Ilolt Lluu H tt
in West Omaha , only twenty-tlvu mlnnte- >
ridpby trains fiomVeb.tor Mreet
depot ; nmiilllcent"vi"W1 ( pleasant ami healthy
locntlon. Just tlm place for a nice home or line
truttand v'totoble Kiirdenq , Till * property i an
bti plattud into llfty ciiolce lots that will sell In-
hlduof thru ycarafor lour tollvejinndrmleaclu
Can olfur the whole tract fora short time ut
TJAIHrAlN Choice tell acre tract wltn com
JJ fortablo Uonuv , burn , hnlcndld Khado trees ,
btf. , to city and Uolt Un rallwav , junt.lh
place for. a nice homo or line fruit aud vegetable
giirdfii.s. C'un make this a bit ; bargain 1 . taken
at once.
/ ( OUN'lIH. lX\18J.Iea.s ) than seven blo.'Vi troiii
\J Court houi-i' , with three small col tapes , rent
ing for $7.11 per year ; room 1'or throu more ;
ground alone li > worth fitly per cell'/ more than
priue. .isked. ] t will pay you to Jook thin up :
"JjlOtt SAM-An ! luterunt ill cmo of the b'St
-P pieces of lijveitmeut property In Onialiu ;
ran iilfi'r tills fiir.llOUO. I'lirchaserHCanrealUu
fI'l.WHIout ' ottliiMiiroparty within thri'O years ;
Itvlll pay you to fnvostluatetilts.
TOT 4 , block 31 , South Omaha.GOxIM ) feet near
J .1 and : ; rtti streets o ily < 1,2JU.
AT INK lolti Hour K and aith" street , South'
-i- > Omaha ; tliobljjgest bargain in bouth Omaha
at W.OUJ.
I' nice lots , OIIH a coruor.-near Catholic
Chiuvh on ith ) street , South Olnuha , for
_ _
K'U lit tie i etta e aud full lot iWxl.Vi in South
Omaha , near th and ( streets for sivle at
ri'AN Ui-TKKfor Hale , for n short tlme-\Ve t
l.awu I'.u-k , consUtinu of th beaulfnl
Kio > eand K'"iiuUs on 1'aik .street , just ouUldo
the cltv limit" , and no\rly ; opposite Iteiiser'H
hot l mid sniniH'rinleii ! ( , Incst Omalm. Tills
projierty lias IOIIK been considered the lineal
plate In the west for summer Kimlen iiiidilcnl <
jroumlsuml is now olferrd ror nal.i ut Ifmiies
it will pjy yon to lnestimate. . The Mhauinl
] ' .u.ltlc licit' IliJ llulU' runs tluounh one
corn'-rof ' tliUinopeily. mill a station lias Jut
been located iliiht nt this point , and snlmrb.ui
triiliH now riiimlnv curry paK iiiiiieih from the
\Vnbsti-r stu-et depot to tht propel ty ( julcher
tliiiu joii inn KI > I to lluusuom I'ark fiom the
Imslni" " rental ottho i-ltj. I'lie rremont. I'.lk-
honiAr Missouri Vulley Jtalinmd line to .Smtli
Omiiliaiuns within tlnee blocks , and It Is less
tlmu ten minutes' ide | bclwcen this propeity
ami I he bli | ness portion of South Omaha.
U'JK'ro l.s-a horse car llil nlri-ady ivnuplrted and
in ppei.itlon , i-iiiuiliiK to within a Rhort ilintuiicc
ot tilts piopertj. Hmnemlier It Is Jn.jt outside
tile city limits thus1 escnpluK the lilffli license
iind.rlty iixes. It i tluionl > nice wove udnpjed
lor .MUi4V"'ri'Hrilijii utiriMHcs on tlm Ilelt Line ,
or around the rlty. The only place that can be
reached MI easily , from either the rJty or Kouth
Uiiiulm , bolnjr tweiity-llv minute * ' ri < ln trom
0110 | iUiC.o. mid ojily ten mlmiten trom thu other.
U'Hwit Is no plm'e ' tsunt ut CUIt'iiK' " that can coiu-
I > nrt with thin property for a Miniincreiirdeu ,
pud if properly haunted , 11 cmibo made the
Ut'eitt leKoit ofOnmliii , and a live energetic
man CJHI inako a bushel of money out of it. And
111 addition , the propuity Itself will double In
value within tlir yearhlf not bnfore. I can
ollci1 thl iilui.o al IlKiires innku it a jilen
illd liiirgiiln. 1C sold at once , and , w III be glad In
have you rnll and let UH HIIOW yon the propoity.
" " " "
i\ti\ clinlro land In Howard l.ounty
\rt\J cloo to two rallro.Klu ; tor Huleat.ibar
ljHSTCIBS | Itiiiiroroi fiiini in lla-tern
J. { { itbiMHKu ; biiwll caah payment , loin ; lime
Cull and j'et pikes ,
> ' * rn In t cdar County , .N brai > ka ; II
linproo-d ; for a few days at llgiHes
make li a bargain ,
$ ; t ( , Ot ( ) tvorlh of ( 'ood Omuhit in'Oiiut'ty to
traJo.forKooil btoek rauch.
1UI ( nun * lunn clear of ineiimbranco to
tnulo for u pond liouxc and lot.
010 IIIJITH eiiolco farm In eastern Nobr.iska
frco of iucuniliruncc ; want llrst class iosi
ilunco wropc-rt.v
l.COO'iicrcsof trooJ funn lutiU In CuiliMl
IS'ourasUu , no lictiei' soil in the t > titt ; , will
eirclmiige for rasldcnco block 01'
Al o twoohm.i'o ' ten acre Iractt close to
bull liiiii rallwiu , jirk'o iT.'K ' ) and fll..iHJ. '
KitCli of Uicio tracts will muko llftj nicuJoU.
( hut will sell iuaiuo of three icuri for WOO
onrlior 5MO fpr lUo truct ; waul iinprovcil
ri'sldenco proncitj or business tot.Ylmt
have yon to rflfer.
J t yon ha vegoml property iq sell or rent , call
andilit it
1C jou want to rent a honsa or buy a piore of
prop itj. cull and look on our Ihf.
GEO. K. . HICKS , Rojm ' 10 , Earksr So ! :
Right now ill season we are determin
ed to close out our entire stock of over
coats. , and any one in need of a fine or
medium overcoat , will save dollars by
buying' of us. Also men's , boy's and
cliildrens' suits , hats , caps and under
wear , as we are determined to clean out
our entire stock in the next 60 days.
So come along- early as you will never
have such an opportunity ag-ain. All
new goods just in from the eastern niaii-
ufacturies. Mens' underwear , hats and
caps , at the lowest prices. Conie and
see us.
1306 Farnam Street.
The Jewel Heaters and
Great Western Oaks
Which in price and economical use of fuel , are ahead , of
anything in the market Sold by
27O9 Leavenworth Street.
i Musical Instruments ]
'I ' Violins , Guitars. Violins , Mandolins , Acordituis.Zithors , Aulohni-its , ?
f Etc. , AT COST , A
ffiiP HTEMG , 114 Nortli lii Sirat
Call and see our gpods and get prices be
fore you buy a stove of any kind. WE WILL
save you money.
14th and Farnam Streets.
D &
a o _ A
A jjiagnifioonl djuplay of ovorytliing useful and ornamontri
in the iiirnituro maker's art , at rousouablo pricou .
M KWHlOl'ti Ml'li MKHS , II A HHhlXd ' 1 1 'XJ' HIS I'KA th
.Vy ( CIUAU ur.Ai.iit IN OMAHA.
Box Trade yolicltud. Prlvalo Lock Boxed.
iuit illicit , FAHNAM ami icth.
PAID UP CAPITAL , $300,000. SURPLUS $40.000 ,
" . '
O8 | Interest on deposits , compounded noml-annually.
5 " Savings Certificates with Interest couponu altnohod.
DEBENTURE BONDS In Denominations of (1200 ( , 83QO , 8OOP ,
o ] nnd SIOQO , hoaod upon Flrot Mortgage Ronl Eototo Boourltloa
6 doposlted with , and bonds certified Uy iho Union Trust Company
' " of Now York. Drafts drawn on the principal oltloe of Enropo.
0 , M. CARFLH , rf , . $ fJ , I ) , COOLF.Y , V.-Pres. FllltlP P07THI , Sc-c.
J. J. BKOM , ALVlfi 5AUNUEHS , C , S , MONIfiOMtRV , i. . FI1ED liOGE