.1 * t THE OMAHA DAILY BEE EIGHTEENTH YEAR. OMAHA. FRIDAY MORNING , NOVEMBER 0 , 1888 ; NUMBER 148 i DEMOCRACY'S ROUT , The Bourbona Are Fnirly Swept From the Field. THE LATEST NEWS THE BEST. Ghairmnn Brlco's Rainbow Disap pears Under Dark Olouda. HE FINALLY CONCEDES DEFEAT. Even Mugwumps Compelled to Qivo Up the Fi ht. NO MORE DOUBTFUL STATES. Jlnrrlhon Will Hnvu Two Hundred and Tlili'ty-tlirito VotoH In tlio Elec toral College A Few More J'lgiiren. nrlce Finally Given Up. NEW YORK , Nov. 8. An extra World Jays that Chairman Brlco of thu democratic national committee , concedes the election of Gcrcral Harrison , The World puts Califor nia and Indiana in thu republican column , and gives Harrison ) votes In the electoral college. In regard to the congressional situation , thu extra World says : "As the belated rc- turns'lrom the congressional districts como' in the complexion of tlio next house grows moro and more doubtful. Thu republicans are claiming that the full returns will give them ttio houso. This is improbable , but n distinct possibility. There have been some surprising republican gains. Democratic St. Louis has elected throe r - publican congressmen. The republicans IIIUKO rpparontly well-based claims to three gains m Michigan , but the democrats gain in Virginia. New York's delegation is un changed us to parties. The fact on the situ ation is there are enough districts uncertain to turn the house majority either way. INDIANA. , Nov. 8. On Washington nnd Illinois streets were gathered large crowds shouting und cheering for General Harrison. The crowds were naturally of a hilarious and humorous disposition , it is therefore not to be presumed that any dis respect , of the president was Intended by the roars of laughter nnd cheers that greeted n wagon which passed through the streets drawn by u mule. Within was a bit : colUn. On the top of the coflln sat half a dozen mourners carrying huge boquets in their hands , nnd , as mourners , acting with n great lack of decorum , for every few minutes their feelings'overcame them to such an ex tent that they stood up und waved their bo- iincts and than sat down and wiped mock tears away with' brilliant bandanas. From the head cf the coflin hung a picluro of Presi dent Cleveland. The eyes of the picture were black , wlnlo below was inscribed , "Thoy done mo up bad. " As the funeral wagon passed along Pennsylvania avenue it was greeted with fitorma of applause and the blowing of a thousand horns. Probably no city In the union over wit nessed Much extraordinary nnd outlandish scenes of enthusiasm , nnd chaotic but good- natured disorder , as prevailed hero this afternoon nnd to-night. Certainly the citizens - zons of Indianapolis never before saw such nights. The demonstrations that occurred immediately following the news of General Harrison's nomination sink into insignifi cance ns compared with the scenes to-day and . tha whenever to-night. Throughout day , ever the rain ceased falling , the distant boom of cannon re-echoed the enthusiasm of ten thousand celebrating republicans. About 4 o'clock the rain which had bcon pouring Bte'adily for live hours , ceased , and in an in credibly short tlmo the streets were again swarming with yelling , hooting , horn blow ing thousands , marching back and forth , re gardless of the mud and water. Pennsyl vania nvonuo , in front of the post- ofllco und around ttio New Deni- Bon , in ono of the big storerooms of which building IB located the republican county headquarters , was so cro\ydcd that the muddy street was the pedestrians' only unthwuy. On both sides of the avenue , as fur down as Washington street , the howling , Bcrccchlng crowd had full possession , while thu ( tame condition of affairs prevailed on Watihinuton street for foursquare. * , and also ulong Illinois street for two ftquarcs. All trains arriving in thu city since early morning brought hundreds of country people , who were .swallowed up by the crowd and noon became imbued with the sumo wild xpirit of enthusiasm , which seemed to attack nnd possess everybody , even many demo crats. It was a regular carnival day. Proba bly the most uniquu feature wus the way in which hats wore marked with red und white chalk. On the back of hundreds were the figures 544 , the number of votes General Harrison received at Chicago. Others had "Now York 11,000" chalked on their backs , while every lint bore Rome letters or figures. In the New Douison and on the street corners were half n dozen professional chalkcrs doing a land ofllco business. Diulish young men would submit to have their garments artis tically marked with all sorts of humorous characters. This dcvico that afforded the throngs thu most amusement was a minia ture canoe , four feet long , carried through the HtrcutH by four men. Within the canoe at n small chubby figure bearing u striking resemblance to the late candidate , holding the oars extended. The cards attached sug gested n trip up the niythio.il Salt river , while n hundred men and boys followed , singing , "Good-bye , oh Ororor , good-bye. " The celebration was of the most humorous and Impromptu character , and certainly wna nntj.designed as a murk of disrespect to President Cleveland , us inuiiv southern readers of this account mik'ht otherwise sup pose. The Associated press corrc- | iondcnt Bin-lit several hours on tha Btrcols wll. .3slng the demonstration , but ilid not ln..ct : a single expression ( if personal disrespect toward President Cleveland , und while the devices dchcribod vruro HUggcstlvo of a certain broach of pro priety towurd the chief magistrate of our na tion , thla fooling will bo moro pronounced with the reader than with the spectator , for the good humor of the crowds and the enthusl- HHIII permeating thu very atmosphere offer an explanation that the distant reader cannot fully appreciate. As evening came on the factories am. store a added their hundreds to the howling , screaming rabble. Between T nnd 8 o'clock the excitement nearly reached the frenzy point , A few buildings were illumlnatui with Chinese lanterns , and thu noise of cannon , the anvils , firecrackers und tin horns , which continued until after U o'clock could bo plainly heard us far out a Genera Harrison's residence. The general and hs family , except for these distant echoes , were unconscious of the stirring scenes in the city. Except for n short walk yesterday and this morning , General Harrison has not luft his rciBldenco since election day , Just bo fora dark n train \oad \ of enthusiasts cauio la from Danville. They word mostly members of thu ilrsl Lincoln lea ue orguni7cd lu the -state. With fltttts Hying men , pushing , Ringing and shouting , drums tm hpnis , brass lands and cannon , nil unit ing to truke nu indescribable ml'dley , tha Harrison rculdenco wus reached. As tno crowd surged into the yard General llurrl koii ventured to look out of the south ba ; window , Ho was teen Immediately and th crowd broke for thu window. By thin tim the spokesman of tlio delegation , lion , J lj 'Uad Uvea uslim'd Into the library. H said that all they wanted was to tender their congratulations , nnd that no speech would bo asked , and thu general accompanied him to lie front stops. For n time each member of ho club mudo supreme endeavors to convoy ils individual congratulation , but Dually ulet was restored and .Mr , Hull delivered a ongrutulatory address , saying that "tho > coplo after four year * of search had found lie keystone who o loss has threatened the lostnii'tlon of the whole fabric of the gov- riiinrnt , anil now the arch Is perfect and the icoplu are saved. " ( loiioral Harrison shook lands with a few ami then bade thum a pleasant "good night" and retired. Fiom nearly complete returns from all ongresslonal districts , it Is claimed that the ndiana delegation in congress will stand , Icmoe.ratlotf , Republican 5. General Harrison began to receive con- rrntnlutory telegrams from Now York and ho cast as early as U o'clock election nljht ( , vhcn the llrst nn-ugro returns indicated his irobablo election. From that moment to lin present writing , telegrams and letters of ongrntulatlon have poured in upon him from rvcr.v city in the union. The table in his Ibrary Is piled with bundles of thcso tele- rrams , there being fully live thousand. So eng ns there was a shadow of doubt resting ipon the result of the election , Goncrnl Harrison risen was not disposed to submit for publica- ion any congratulatory communications. The abor of assorting the telegrams , which con- Intio to arrive , was begun this evening , \mong the congratulations wore those from .limit-man Quay and Huston , James G. Maine , John Sherman , cx-Gov. Alger , Jlmuncey M. Dopew , Congressman Me- Cinley , Mrs. Balva Lortkwood. M. M. Estec , lolinI. . Thur-ston , Senator Frye , T. C. Platt mil many other republicans throughout the country. MW ; YOUic. NRW YOIIK , Nov. S. [ Special Telegram to I'm : BIK. : [ Thu bulletin board lu front of he Mail and Kxpro.ss building was the center of Park llow attractions throughout estcrduy. When positive and chcerlul icws of Indiana's loyalty appeared on the > oard about : i o'clock the enthu-tlasm of the crowd knew no bounds , and three rousing cheers wore sent ulong the line for Colonel Elliott F. Shepard. Several hundred citi zens entered the building cheering , and a committee of six , with huge roosters on the crowns of their hats , were then appointed to wait upon Colonel Shepard in his oftlce on tno fourth floor and request him to spealc a few words to his friends below regarding the great victory. Colonel Shepard lescendod in the elevator with the commit- : uc , und when he emerged on thu ground \oor \ the shouts which greeted him were deafening. Colonel Shepard tried to escape without making a speech , but his admirers would not have it. nnd he was carried bodily out to thu front of thu building , where , nuiid frequent interruptions from tlio crowd , he delivered n short but pointed speech on the victory of Harrison , Mortlon and protection , und the rescuu of the nation from free trade. The Harrison and Morton banner still waves triumphantly in front of the repub lican national headquarters , but thu house where Senator Quay directed his forces to victory is no longer ulivo with campaign workers. Colonel Sword , sorgcant-ut-arms. had charge of thu building to-day , and wus having the furniture und paraphernalia rcinovid. Colonel Quay was smiling us usual , and said , in reply to a question , that it wus true ho had won something like 4r > O,000 on General Harrison. Senator Delamuter , of Pennsylvania Chairman ' able , Quay's sec retary , said that Mr. Quay would remain in N'cw York until the ollleiul count wus made. Secretary Faisott is still in the city and will not depart for several days. Assistant Secretary Oliarles A. Bull , who volunteered to leave his business in Wellcsvillc and as sist Senator Fassett , has gone home. Ho ; uinc nearer than un.vof the prophets hero in mining Hurrison's plurality in the state. Niw VoitK , Nov. 8. The campaign is at ant ended In this city , and things are fast settling down to their normal condition. The various campaign committees have closed their headquarters , with the exception of the republican and democratic national executive committees , nnd those will probably be abandoned to-day. The national democratic coin mil toe now concede for the llrst titno the election of Harrison. They make this state ment : "When the national democratic eoin- tr.iUou claimed the state of New York on Tuesday evening by 10,000 to 15,000 majority , the llgnres of the returns then received fully justified the estimate. Hcports from New York City and from large communities In the interior of the stnto showed democratic gains , and the llrst reports from Brooklyn were to the effect that the majority there was 19,000. The telegraph wires were very crowded , and the trans mission of the committee's bulletins to the west were considerably delayed. There is evidently a misapprehension in some parts of the west as to the time at which tbo dis patch was sent. " The particular dispatch referred to was re ceived in the west from the democratic com mittee claiming Now York by 10,000 to 15,000 majority. When thu dispatch arrived out there it was wholly at vuriunco with the re turns from this state , The democratic com mittee say it was not intended to deceive any one , und ut the hour it wus written the bulletins of the New York papers were giving the state to Cleveland by 18,000 plu rulity. NKW YOHR , Nov. 8. An extra edition of thoTolegram says : "Tlio house of repre sentatives is remarkably close. " The Her aid and World agree thut the majority is very uncertain either way. The Herald tlKiires a majority of two for the democrats on very incomplete returns. The Star says thut reports from : ) ! ' ) out of .T-5 congressional districts give 1G5 democrat * and US republi c-ads , leaving twelve districts In doubt , with good chances of continued democratic con trol of the houflo of representatives. The New York Times figures a democratic ma jority , while the Philadelphia Times exactly reverses the estimates , giving three to the republican party. McPhoraon Long , the re publican clerk of thu house of representa tives , estimates the republican majority at 17 , and the Tribune nccopts thcso figures. The Press roaches the same result , Democratic losses have exceeded republi can ones apparently , and thu democrats have only u leeway of fifteen seats In thu present house. While it takes the oflleial count to nettle the question , it looks as if thu Fifty- tlrat congress would bo republican in Doth branches. _ IOWA. CAHHOI.L , It. , Nov. 8. [ Special Telegram toTiiBllitK. ] Preparations-for a great bar becue and ratification meeting to bo held hero next Saturday are being made by the republicans. Three hundred dollars have so far been rained to defray the expenses , and nil ncighboriiig towns have been invited and will probably send largo delegations , A big time Is expected. All republicans are cor dially Invited. Atlantic and C'orrcctionvillo also ratify on Saturday , All northwestern Iowa has gone wild over Harrison's election. COHNIXO , la , , Nov. 7 , [ Special Telegram to Tun BKK.J A certainclivuo in this county has procured an affidavit from a man named John West , In which ho alleges that KH H. Hunter paid him * 3 for voting a second time nn November I ) . West is known hero us u worthless vagrant , who has been buhlm ! the barn several times for thieving und other misdemeanors , mid hits no standing what ever in the community and will bo impeached by u majority of the reputable business men of this city , Mr , Hunter was Informed of the tiling of this uftlJavIt , and Immediately returned here on the first train , and did not go to Chicago , as stated lu a special from Dos Molnca last night , and gavu band for appearance whenever called upon , The whole mutters Is without merit or founda tion , and Is condemned by the better class of our citizen * regardless of parly nnlliatlon. So far us West \a \ concerned it is considered n blurkin-tlllng schema. When this case comes up for hearing it is thought that an abundance of evidence will bo forthcoming to allow that he was hired to do this , nn ho inado u statement on the street this morning that ho would put a Job on sotno one and make soma money out of it. Ho sent Mr. Hunter's friends word during the afternoon of election dav that if he would send him $ 'M he would leave town , Wfbt bud his pro- litniuary examination to-day and his owu wit nesses Impeached his statement ns to Ins getting money from Hunter for voting. IK ) < < MOINKS , la , Nov. 8. Sixty-one coun ties ( complete ) give Harrison a net gain of 10sa or n plurality so fur of 24,000. The roimilnlng thirty-eight counties will proba bly raise his plurality to ( H,0 W. KANSAS. Torr.iu , Kan. , Nov. S. [ Special Telegram to Tun Bnt : . ] The dispatches received by the republican sUUe central committee from i-vory county in the state show that the vic tory achieved by the republicans of Kansas wus the grandest in the history of the state. In spite of the desperate fight made by the democrats , nnd the active opposition of the union labor party and the the third party prohibitionists , the republican candidates have undoubtedly received the largest ma jorities ever given to n republican candidate in Kansas. Secretary Hutch ins , of the re publican state central committee , states that from telegrams received from almost every county in the stuto General Harrison will receive a plurality of 70,000 , nnd Hovernor Humphrey's ' plurality will without loubt bo (15,000 ( , but the greatest victory was in the election of n legislature which is more unanimously republican than > t has ever been before. Up to 0 o'clock the connnlttpo had information of the election of only live omtosition members of the legislature. In view of the fact Unit in nearly every county n the state thu democrats and labor union mrty had combined on members of the leg islature nnd made n desperate tight to secure nn opposition legislature , makes the victory all the more satisfactory. Wyamlotto county , which has always boon a democratic stronghold , elects the entire republican ticket. Cherokee county , which is another democratic and laborunian stronghold , elects tbo republican county ticket for the llrst time in its history. CAIjIPOllNIA. Stntc lly Annul Klvc Thniitmnd. RAX Fiuxc.ii.co . , Nov. 8. The count of 41,402 votes In the city out of a total of r.5,370 gives Harrison 20,007 and Cleveland 21,4.V > . It is expected that the canvass of the vote of the city will bo completed this afternoon. The republican stuto committee estimates that the democratic plurality in the city will bo about live thousand , but contend that out side counties will furnish n republican plur ality of 14,000and thut the republican electoral ticket will be elected by ' .i.OOO plurality. The prohibition vote , ns far as canvassed , falls beloiv that of 1SS4. M. II , Do Young , chair man of the sub-committee of tlio national ex ecutive committee , telegraphed to Chairman Quay last night thut all ttio Pacific coast states had gone for Harrison , and California particularly , by a rising vote of 8,000. The estimates of the democratic state committee does not vary from the one made yesterday , of a probable plurality of 'J.OOO to JJ.OOO in the state. The Examiner editorially claims California is still in doubt. The Chronielo says ; "Wo think we are entirely safe in saying that California has gone republican by from four to live thousand. SAV FIUNCISCO , Nov. 8. Late this after noon ttic count had been counted in 140 pre cincts in this city out of u total of 17 ( > , and the result is ns follows : Cleveland 20.9SO , Harrison 20,110. WISCONSIN. It Gaei Itepulillcaii by at Least Blf > hlccn Thousand. MIJ/WAUKZE , Nov. 8. Returns nro coming in slowly , but enough uro in to make it cer- taid that the state has gene for Harrison by at least 18,000 , and probably 21,000. Chair man Usher of the democratic committee , con cedes the state to the republicans by Blaine's ' plurality in 1884 , which was 14,500. , Tlio legislature is overwhelmingly republican , there being a republican majority on Joint ballot of over fifty out of a vote of 133. Of the nine congressmen voted for in this stuto seven are republicans and two democrats. The democrats reclaimed the Second district , which wus represented by a republican for the llrst time in Its history , and the republicans have offset this loss by the gain of the Fourth Milwaukee district , represented by a union labor congressman. KENTUCKY. COVINOTOX , Nov. 8. A story is In cir culation in hero , that Speaker Car lisle Is to be deprived of his certificate of election. The ground of this action is the alleged illegality of ballots cast for him in Campbell and Ken ton counties. It is as sumed that if they are thrown out bis ma jority in the district will bo overcome. The Kentucky law requires that a ballot shall bo on plain white paper , with no distinguishing features , but the Carlisle ballots wore printed on largo sheets of perforated paper , so that when the tickets were torn apart perforations appeared on the edges and mode them easily distinguishable from the other tickets. Color is given to the story by the fact that the canvassing board in Campbell - boll county is republican. CINCINNATI , Nov. 6. In regard to the effect of tickets with perforated edges , that were voted for Speaner Carlisle in Covington and Newport , the common opinion of leading republicans und democrats in Cincinnati , as well us in Covington and Newport , is that they are not marked tickets within the meaning of the Kentucky law. Further more , it is the general opinion that perforat ing the sheets on which they were printed , instead of rutting the tickets apart , docs not show any intention to mnko thorn so that they might bo distinguished as the voter hamlcd them to the Judgo. In any event , if all the tickets thus technically marked wore thrown out it would not bo lilculy to elect Carlisle's opponent. WEST VIRGINIA. WIIERMXO , Nov. 8. Dispatches just re ceived to-night from the capitol of the state announce that the democratic state treasurer urer , Thompson , concedes the state to the republicans by from -100 to 703 majority. This Is simply a confirmation of the steady republican gains that have been coming in to-day. Thu republican state committee here claims the state by a much larger ma jority. They claim to have nt least three , and probably 11 solid delegation of tlvo con- pressmen. They claim majorities for the electoral ticket and a majority lu the legisla ture. ture.Tho scene of republican enthusiasm In this city to-night is unprecedented. Thousands of | > cople have crowded the streets in front of tha Intelligencer building lo rend "tho bulletins , und on every hand is heard the cry thut the "solid south" is broken at lust by the vote of this stuto. MICHIGAN. DRTUOIT , Nov. 8. Harrison's plurality In Michigan will reach 23,000 , against 8j,000 : for Blalno In 1SS4 , The combined greonbackcrs and union labor vote of labt Tuesday will not exceed 0,000. Comparatively few counties have mode returns of prohibition vote , but St. John's vote pf 18,403 hus been reduceil nearly one-half. Luco ( rep. ) for governor , will have a plurality of ubsut 13.f > 00. Ho was bitterly opposed by the luiuor men , and ran behind In all the largo cities. In tuis county Cleveland's plurality is 4,404 , uni ! that of Hurt ( dem , ) for governor , is 11,013. In the country , however , Luco more than held his own , Thu republicans have carried eight congressional districts , the democrats two and ono ( the Tenth ) U in doubt. The repub licuns gain two. The republicans will have a majority In the legislature ot thirty-live on Joint ballot. _ VIltOINIA. HiciiMUSn , Nov. S , United States Com missioner Pleasants has arrested thu city board of commissioners of election of Rich iiiond for refusing to allow the United State supervisors of election to bo present nt the count of the vote to-day , CIUIII.CSTON , Nov. 6 Information reached liei'C thut JcJTcreou couuty goes ratio , and Fuycttc , Mason , Putnam nnd Canawa counties republican. The rcpubii- mis claim the legislature while the dumo- ruts say that they' gain three , being n true najority on Joint ballot .of . 11. There was nuch scratching and It is Impossible to give uiyttilng strictly roliublfc except thut the lute officers will be' democratic. 1LM.NOIS. CIUPAOO , Nov. 8. H will probably require he ofllcml canvass to decide whether Cook county , Including- ( the city of Chicago , Is leuiocrntle or republican ! According to the Iguros of tlio Tribune it gave Hnrrlson n ilurallty of 4')7. ) According to the Inter- Ocean it pavuhltn.7'JO plurality. The Times and Daily News figure a plurality for Cleve land , the former of 857 and the latter of MM. Cinctnn , Nov. 8. Thu oflleial returns of St. Clalr county , received here lo-niyht , ro- ducu the plurality of Formnn ( dem. ) , candi date for congress , 121 votes. His plurality In the- county is 2-MJ , and not , ns reported un officially lust night , 350. Tliis makes thu dis- rict so close that only thu ofllclal figures 'rom the remaining counties can tell dell- iltoly whether Forman is elected or Jehu iJukcr ( rop. ) , who bent William II. Morrison. CIIICAIKI , Nov. 8. The republican stnto centrnl committee reports thai complete re- .urns from ninety counties In Illinois and a careful estimate of the remaining twelve live Fifor , for governor , lil,007 plurality. Harrison's plurality is placed In thu nelgh- norhood of 25,000. , The Times chums that unofficial returns from ninety-two counties show Vifor's plurality to be 0,274 , and Har rison's iyU20. DKIjVWAHE. Nov. 8.- The nent legisla ture will probably stand Mxtcon republicans to fourteen democrats , Insuring the election of a republican successor to Senator Salis bury , wtiose term expires next March. Wn.MiXfiTON , Nov. S. Cleveland's plu rality in the state is 8,114. Congressman Pennington ( dem. ) is > rolectcd by over 3,400 plurality. The next' legislature will stand : Senate , democrats 7 , republicans U. Housu , democrats 7 , republicans 14 , giving the republicans u majority of two on Joint ballot. _ _ CAMI'OUMA. SAN FIIAXCISCO , Nov. 8. The Altn , ndemo- cratic morning paper , has n summary of the vote on the legislative ticket. Including senators who holdover from the last session , thu next legislature Will stand as follows : Setiutu , twenty-two democrats and seventeen republicans. House , thirty-nine democrats , forty-one republicans. This gives Die demo crats a majority of three on n Joint ballot. There is u vacancy in one senatorial district , caused by the death of at republican senator a week ago. _ M1SSOUIU. ST. Louis , Nov. 8. Official nnd semiofficial cial returns have been received from 110 of the 114 counties in the state , und with ad vices from the remainlngSl show that Cleve land's plurality will excobd 25,000. Francis ( dem. ) , for governor , will have n plurality over Kimball ( rep. ) of about 12.0PO. The re publican state committee now concedes the election of Francis , but by a very small plu rality. No further changes huvo occurred in the congressional delegation. Mi V ADA. SAN FIIAXCISCO , NoviS. Returns from the state of Nevada , as for 'as ' counted , give Harrison risen 4,443 , Cleveland ' 8,133. For congress the returns as far ns couYitcd-give-iBartinc ( rep. ) 4,105 , Cassidy 8,1-43. COLdUADO. DENVEK , Nov. S. State returns show that with the exception of three members of the Icglslatura the entire republican ticket is elected by majorities of from 8,000 to 10,000. TENNKSSEK. CIIATTAHOOONov. . 8. Evans ( rep. ) , for congress , is elected by nearly 300 majority. Hill ItocrotH Cleveland's Defeat. ALIIANV , Nov. 8. Governor Hill was ser enaded to-night at the executive mansion , and in his address to the thousands of per sons who thronged the terraces occurred these utterances : ' 'Our ' success in the gub ernatorial contest , however , is marred by the shadow of national disaster. In common with every true democrat , I greatly regret the defeat of President Cleveland in this state and In the nation. Ho deserved better at the hands of tha people of this country. Honest , bravo and courageous , he gallantly led his party in the great contest for tariff re form , und suffers defeat , owing to false clamor , unjustjprejudices , ' unfair represent ations and the gigantic and combined efforts of all the monopolies of the country. He did his duty , as ho understood it , regardless of personal or political considerations , and ho should have been sustained by thu tax payers , consumers and masses of the people , whose true interests ho desired to subserve und whoso rights ho unselfishly endeavored to maintain. It is not necessary or profitable to inquire whether the issue which ho so boldly tnado might not moro wisely have been earlier presented or postponed to a later period. It Is sufficient to say that as the trusted leader of the democratic party , after a full and careful consideration of the whole subject , ho deemed thut the best nnd truest Interests of the country required that the issue should bo-mado at this crisis , und with that patriotic and deliberate conclusion , when once reached , there should have been prompt acquiescence. " Ilrlco an nti Optimist. NKW YOIIK , Nov. 8. [ Special Telegram to THE BEB. ] Chairman Brlco , of the demo cratic national cxccutivo committee , kept up his reputation as a "rainbow-chaser" up to the very last moment , Tuesday evening , after the polls had been closed three hours , ho met ex-Governor Samuel T. Hauscr of Montana , a democrat , and invited him to Dcimonico's to celebrate the "democratic victory. " Ha told the ex-governor that Now Vork had umlaubtcdlyjgtvcii Cleveland from 15,000 to 20,000 plurality. Thcso figures somewhat elated the-Montana ) democrat , and ho locked arms 'With the "rainbow- chaser" and started diiia- triumphal march to Dcimonico's. On th'el ' viiy Colonel Brlco met several republlcanp'uml chaffed them on their defeat and. invited1 them also Into Del- monlco's. Ho had a * jolly time and then wont forth to read the returns and have the bad fact forced upon'-ljlin that "man may bo deluded by the intensity of his own optimistic recklessness , " Anna Dlckltnon ntH Her Money. NKW YOIIK , Nov. S.i Anna E. Dickinson , lecturer and actress , < has begun suit in the supreme court against 'tho republican na tional committee to recover fl,250 for services rendered during the ( campaign. She claims that she was engaged ' in September to de liver thirty lectures la ) the wrst , und was te receive f.'t,750 , but clniuis it wus also ugreeO thut in the event of Harrison's election she was to receive 15,000. Complaint wus served on Senator Quay and his fellow committeemen - men to-night. AV. II. Burniiin Herionsly III. Nuw HAVEX , Nov. 8. W. II. Uarnuni , of the democratic national committee , is seri ously ill at hla homo nt Lime Hock. In an swer to a telephone inquiry to-night it wus learned that ho wna taken sick a week ago , whila in New York ; Ho returned to his homo on Monduy und his illness assumed u danger ous character. To-nght | , however , his con dition Is slightly Improved , The trouble was caused by overwork , resulting in nervous prostration. Paper Hills Destroyed. IXi > iA\Aros ( | , Nov. 8. The paper and bag mills of the Indiana t'apor cor pany ut South Bund were destroyed this uHernoou by fire. Loss , $200,000. Insurance , fiO,000 , , chiefly- eastern companies. RETURNS FROM THE STATE , They -Contlnuo to Oomo in , But Very Slowly. THE STORY OF THE BALLOTS. Democrats Will Out Very Ijlttlo Com fort Kroin it , Wlillu ttic Ilcpiib- lIcniiH Have Abundant Cause to lie Joyful. FIRST DISTIMCT. Pawnee. PAWNKH CITT , Nob. , Nov. S. Official returns - turns from Pawnee glvo Harrison 1,20" , 2levclnml ( MS ; for governor , Thnyer 1,27s , McShuno ( MM ; for congress , Council 1,2'7 ' ' , Morton 047 ; for senator , I.ltm ( rep. ) 1'iW , Martin 77rt ; for representatives , Khodos ( rep. ) 1,845 , Merry ( rep. ) 1,2(51 ( , A very ( dem , ) oca. _ SECOND D1STUICT. Howard. Snwxni ) , Neb. , Nov. 8. [ Special Telegram to Tin : Hp.K.l Tlio Seward county oniflnl returns uro us follows : Harrison 1M)1 ) , Cleveland lr.5S , Tlmyrr 1,77(1 ( , McSllane 1.0S7 , Laird 1,78. , Hustings 1IV > S. Senator Miictcentti ilistriet , Klclmrd Norvnl ( rep. ) 1,81 , Smith ( dom. ) lini. : Republican rep resentatives , Ailiini Seed lSi : > , Henry Beck- iniin 1,7W ; democrat , Stoneekci lOI'.l , Her- nceker 1,641. Loose , attorney general , HOi'i nuijority. Anderson , county attorney ( rep. ) , 240 majority. The democrats elect a ma jority of the board of supervisors. Kearney. iNiiRX , Neb. , Nov. S. [ Special Telegram to Tin : lice , ] The oftieial vote of Kearney is as follows : Harrison 1,05(1 ( , Cleveland lift" , Fi5k lilt , Stroator 117. Tor governor , Tluiycr 1,0-JI. MeShatio 7U'.i , Hiu'olow 11H , Butler 112. For congress , Lulnt M7 , llnst- intrs 074 , Scott l.W , Kohr 125. For represen tative , Abruhumson ( rep ) 1.01)1 ) , McLean fisi , Thompson ( labor ) 10) ) , Vunniso ( pro ) ' . 5. For secretary of state , laws 1IKH ) , llinus (571. ( For treasurer , Hill 1I5I ( , Patterson OtM. For attorney f-ener.il , Leeso 1,053 , Mungor 17U. Tlmyer. Hnnuoy , Neb. , Nov. 8. In Thayer county the onicial canvass gives the following vote : Kenubllcan national ticket 11V,1 ! , Thayer 1.II72 , Meiklejohn 1.SS7 , Laws 1,832. Hill 1JHJ : ! , Henton 1,3I'J ! , Lecso 1 , S3 , Stein 1,091 , Lane l.IWi , Luird 1W7 : , Witherall l.filil , Trtiisdnll 1.309 , Hakcr 1 , : S , Kicbards Iifl5 : , Halu 1,37J. Democratic national ticket l,0 l ) , McShano 1.10U , Foldtv 1,0H ( , Hmes 1,005 , Patterson l,0ilo , Poyntcr 1,003 , Mun- ger 1,0'Jl , Jntison lUOi , Thrasher 1.074 , Hast ings l,12a , Stewart 'JS7 , Itopor 1,180 , Hurress 1,129 , Fisk 133 , Hull 1,122 , union labor 73 , prohibition S3. Fillmnro. GCNP.VA , Neb. , Nov. 8. Oniclal returns , Fillmore county ; Total vote 11,404 ; Harrison 1'Jl'J , Cleveland 1,313 , Thnyer 1,854 , Mc Shane 1,400 , Lccso l,9iS , Munper l,3Sii , Laird 1,8 ' 0 , Hustings 1.3S3 , prohibition vote about ICO. Hurt. TKKAMAII , Neb. , Nov. S. [ Special to Tun Bui : . I Following are the majorities of the candidates named : Harrison SOI , Thayer 78S , DorscySGl , Sothcrland U40 , Hardy 671 , Evoret 894. Clixy- Harrison 2,035 , Cleveland 1,023 , Thay6r 2.00U , McSlmno 1.040 , Laird ( rep. ) 1.U50 , Hustings'Cttem. ) J.OOO , Hurd ( rep. ) 2,010 , Van Duyn ( dem.-1.020.Chri9ty ) ( rep. ) 2.3Q7 , John ston ( dem. ) 1,018 , Bortis ( rep. ) 2.0ir : , Glazier ( dem. ) 1,02.1 , Epucrson ( rep. ) 2,040 , Clark ( dem. ) 1,002. IlnyoH. CuMJnnT ox , Neb. , Nov. 8. [ Special Tele- cram to Tin : Hii.l Hayes county polled a total vote of SOS. Following ur ° the majori ties : Harrison 103 , Thayer 175 , Laws 200 , Hill 194 , Lecse 15" , Laird for congress 178 , Llndsey for state senator 191 , Thompson ( dem. ) for representative 07 , Kobert Orr was elected county attorney. Illtuliuock. Ci'MiKUTSON , Neb. , Nov. S. [ Special Tele- grain to TUB HcE.J Following is the offi cial canvass of the vote in Hitchcock county : Harrison 830 , Cleveland 43rt , Thayer 7Ki ! , Mc- Sliane409 , Higelow25 , Butler 42. For con gress Laird received SOS , Hastings 451. For representative Meeker received ( ! : ] ( ) , Thomp son 595 , scattering 75. F. M. Flansbury was elected county attorney by a small plurality. Leese ran behind 75 votes. The total vote of the county is 1,335. IcfTorHon. FAinuuur , Nob. , Nov. 8. [ Special Tele gram to TUB HBK. ] Following is the can vass of the vote cast in Jefferson county : Harrison 1,742 , { Cleveland 1,001 , Thayer 1.051 , McShnno 1,101. For congressman Second district , James Laird ( rep. ) 1,1551V. . G. Hastings ( dem. ) 1,0(10. ( For the state sen ate , F. M. Wethcrald ( rep. ) 1,770 , U. F. Slump ( dem. ) 9S7. For representatives , H. S. Hakcr , ( rep. ) 1,813 , P. F. Burross ( dem. ) SfiS , W. H. Diller ( rep. ) l.fiM , G. II. Turner ( dem. ) 1,153. For county attorney , C. li. Letton ( rep. ) 1,088 , H. M. Holbrook ( dem. ) 1 > ( M1' xinun Giuxn ISLAND Neb , , Nov. 8. The full vote in the county on state and national ticket gives the republicans 1,875 , democrats 1,5'JO , prohibitionists and labor 140. Donman and Hooper ( rep. ) are elected to the legisla ture and \Volbach ( dem. ) is returned to the senate. CIIKYBNNB , Neb , , Nov. 8. ( Special Tele gram to TUB BEK. ] The returns for the county so far as follows : Harrison 820 , Thayer TIM , Cleveland fi37 , McShano 470 , Dorsey 701 , Weatherby 49 , ' ? , Nesbitt 773 , Vroman 4i > 5 ; for representative , St. Hoy- ner 793 , Feltz 511 ; for county attorney , Leo ( rop. ) 803 , Wallace ( dem. ) 371 , Sixteen out of thirty-six precincts have oeon heard from. County division Is carried by COO majority. Hiioiu ; . AMIION , Neb. . Nov. 8. The official vote of Hoono county gives the national and state re publican ticket a majority of 590. For state senator the republicans have u majority of 424. Ore cloy. SCOTIA , Neb , , Nov. 8. The following js the oniciul canvass for Grceloy countv : Harrison risen 519 , Cleveland 508 , Thnyer 453. Mc Shane (134 ( , Uorsoy511Vcathcrby579 , Uooho 490 , Barry 595. Representatives , Hanna470 , Covov 014. County attorney , Bell 495 , Gear- nan 5901 Knox. Kxox. Neb. , Nov. 8. [ Special Telegram to Tim BHK.J The official canvass of Knox county shows the following majorities : Uo- publican national ticket 322 , Thayer 2U , Lecse 292. For representative , Itobertson , republican , 31" ; Lowu.rcpulilicai . ! , representa tive , 274. Grnnt. WIIITMAM , Neb. , Nov. 8. [ Snccial to Tun BU.J The republicans elect O , P , Warner county attorney , and Gust Buflnch commis sioner , Thayer ran a trille behind the na tional ticket. The county gives a democratic majority of 3. Hex finite. Harrison 743 , Cleveland 573 , Tlmycr T10. Mc Shane 003 , G. W. K. Dorsoy ( rop. ) 742 , K. P. Weatherly ( dom. ) 573. Charles II. Cornell ( rep. ) 734 , Herbert A. Cox ( dom. ) 584 , L. W Gilchrlst ( rep. ) 849 , W. H. Wcstovcr ( dem , ) 490 , James H. Dunskm ( rep. ) 620 , W. M lodonco ( dem. ) 499. Trains Collide Near Chicago. Cm CAQO , Nov. 8 , A dense fog to-day ro suited in u collision on the St. Paul roai near Crnijin a suburb of this city , between freight and passenger trains. A man in a passenger car was seriously , if not fatally Injured. The other passengers wcru badly shaken up and some of them slightly injured Tlin Death Itccord NEW YO K , Nov. 8. President George H Forster , of the board of aldunnnn , who was re-elected Tuesday for another term , died a 9:30 : o'clock tli in morning at his home In Hivcrdalu , The deceased wan ball democrat of loot standing. A LtVKIjY CO II I'M 13. GliulHtonn AtltlresnoM n \\\K \ Liberal Nov. S. [ Special Cablegram to TEH HKK. ] A great liberal meeting was held In Blngley hall last ovening. There was an enormous demand for tickets , two guineas being paid for the best scuts , and the whole space loft freeto the public was crov.'dod throe hours before the spouklng began. Be hind thu platform was a shield onvhloh \ was inscribed : "Tho Tide Is With With Us. " Punctually at 7o : : ; o'clock Mr. Gladstone , looking hiilo and hourly , usi-ondod the plat form , the atidienco cheering him enthusias tically. Ho was accompanied by Chairman O.slet , Lords Ulpon , Spencer and Hosoborry , Sir Wlllum | llureourt , Mr. John Morley , und other prominent liberals. Mr. Gladstone , upon rislin : to speak , was loudly cheered , Ho said that Lord Hurting- ton , who , among the opponents of the liberal patty , spoke with the greatest weight , had recently said that the homo rule question was dead. Ho ( HarUiigtoiil had developed a peculiarity hitherto unsuspected. Ho showed a vivid imagination. [ Cheers. | But ho would sec from those proceed Ings whether homo rule was dead or whether the aid of mi undertaker should bo Invoked to serve the absolute necessities of the other party. | Laughter. 1 The Irish ought not to acqui esce in government by unequal law * . They should resent a government which , while irofosMir.g iinxioty to execute the law , man- lestcd contempt for it whenever it found the aw's action inconvenient. Apart from the jnperlal necessities Irishmen must bo the jest Judges us to how to deal with local af fairs. fairs.Mr. Mr. Gladstone illustrated nt length the in- oqalitics in the laws under which the Irish suffer , cspucinlly the laws dealing with com- inutions , public meetings , and the prison : roatmeht of political offenders. Lord llartinglon , ho said , charged the liberals with thu responsibility for the evictions in Ireland. The responsibility in reality bo- .ongs . to those who refuse to give to the Irish : onant the relief from arrears that had been jlvon to the Highland tenant. When Mr , Gladstone referred to the two wings of the liberal party for the purpose of denouncing the broken pledges of the dissi dents , some one in the hall shouted , ' 'Ono wing has no feathers 1" This sully was greeted with much laughter. Mr. Gladstone wont over the old ground of the historyof the union. He .said that at the oloso of the lust century the Protestants and Catholics In Ireland Joined hands , but the tory wire-pullers made it their business to introduce , mainly through Orange , lodges , religious animosity and intolerance between them , In conclusion , ho asked what the dissidents could look for except speedy extinction. Could they reasonably expect Irishmen , under the present favorublo cir cumstances , to change opinions thut had been hold for seven centuries ? Why persist in such n hopeless battle now that Ireland wus lighting not with threats of separation nor Fenian lam , but with confidence in a powerful party whoso irrevocable decision she knew was supported by the affection of England ? It would bo bettor to endeavor to promote and consolidate the affection that was ready to burst from every Irish heart und voico. Mr. Gladstone resumed bis sent after ppcaking for nearly two hours. The close of his address wus the signal for prolonged cheering. Sir William Vernon Harcourt proposed a vote of thanks to Mr , Gladstone , and Mr. Morley seconded thu motion , which was adopted. Mr. Gladstone made a brief response. ni3BIAnKARIjE'CASK. A "Woman Driven Insane Br thfe Ex- CniCAfJO , Nov. 8. [ Special Telegram to TUB 13KB. ] There was n remarkable , case this morning among the unfortunates who were brought into the insane court. Mrs. Sadie Walters , a well dressed und comely woman , twenty-eight years old , was ad judged insane and will be sent to an asylum. She is the wife of Joseph C. Walters , a traveling salesman. The witnesses in tbo case were the husband , George Stung , u brother of the lady , and a Mrs. Peterson , a friend of tbo family. Both the brother and husband testified that in their opinion Mrs. Walters' insanity had been caused by the excessive use of cigarettes. She hud been ailing for a year , and about five months ago begun to show signs of derangement and on Sunday night last she became violent , and Mr. Stung had her removed to the detention hospital for the insane. In court Mrs. Walters was quiet , and she sat in bur chair before the Jury Jauuhing ut the testimony given by her friends. From the testimony in court , and the statements of the husband und brother made subsequently , it appears that about two years ago Mrs. Walters suf fered from hay fever. She was recom mended to try cubeb cigarettes , which she did. From this use she contracted the habit of using the tobacco kind , and the desire for them became so strong that she smoked al most constantly. Her friends admonished her and tried to induce her to quit the prac tice , but without avail. When she wus brought to the Jail a package ot the noxious things , nearly full , wus found in her pocket. iii Council. BOSTO.V , Nov. 8. The bishops of the nleth odist Episcopal church began their semi annual session this forenoon In this city. The Episcopal board is made up of eighteen members , sixteen of whom are here , as fol lows : Hors. Thomas Bowmanof St. Louis ; Handolph II. Foster , Boston ; Stephen M. Merrill , Chicago ; Edward G. Andrew , New York ; Henry W.Varron. . Denver ; Cyrus 1) . Foss , Philadelphia ; John S. Hurst , Wash ington , I ) . C. ; William M. Mind , Topoka. Kan. ; John M. Walden , Cincinnati , O. ; Wil- Inrd F. J. Mnllllllero , Now Orleans ; John H. \'inccnt , Buffalo ; lames N. Fitsgerald , Min neapolis ; Isaac W. Joyce , Chattanooga ; John P. Newman , Omaha , and David A. Goodscll , Texas. The bishops In council repruHcnl more than 2,000,000 of communicants , They will hold their sessions mornings and after noons. These councils are secret. They Cut anil lilt. TAHJ.I : HOCK , Neb. [ Special Telegram to Tins Hiiii. ] At3 o'clock yesterday morning quite n crowd was at the. depot waiting for election Haws , arid a quarrel started between James Whcelor and Gcorgo Purccll. Aftoi a few words they clinched and n. lively scrimmage ensued. Both were larpo , power ful men , and it was some time before the crowd could separate thum. Purccll hud ono linger bitten off , while Wheeler was badly cut in five or six places , and hud to bo car ried homo. It is not yet known whether Ills wounds will prove serious. James Wheeler , although notn quarrelsome mnn , had the reputation of being u great fighter , and thin is the llrnttimo he lias been worsted In his iiiany local battles , The quarrel originated over some trille. .More LcttnrN Found. BEKUN , Nov. 8. ID addition to the letters from the late Emperor Frederick found in Baron Von Koggcnbach's house , the police discovered In a secret drawer in a writing desk two bundles of telegrams and letters from Frederick , written when ho was crowr prince.to his wife , Queen Victoria , the Prince of Wules , Prince Alexander of BatU-nburg Or , Mackenzie , thu duke of Cumberland Count Von HelcUcndorff , Dr. Windthors and others. The CabinetMculliiir. WASHINGTON , Nov. 8. All the members o the cabinet , except Secretary Vilas and Post master General Dickinson , attended the cabinet meeting to-day , which lasted ovc two hours. lin.ivy Hutting : In 'Mexico. Crrv OF MKXICO , Nov. S , There has boon inten&t excitement here over the tlc-ctioi news from the United States and the bettln on the result " , YA6 heavy. NOT WISELY BUT TOO WELL , Notwithstanding His Bnd Luck , the Frooklont is Ohoorful. HE HAS NOTHING TO REGRET \llliougli Ho llpllevoH nin Devotion ( a Tariff llcrorm Dcl'onlcit Illtn-Tlio No\t lloiiHC Will Umloulit- filly Bo Hopnlillunn , Sir. WAMIINHTON HUIIKAU THKOMAIU HRR , ) fill ) KorllTBGNTIlSTKKBT , } ASIIINCITHN. 13. O. , Nov. 8. I The usual Thursday cabinet mooting icld at the white house to-day , nil of tha nembors being present except Messrs. Dick- nson and Vllus , who hwvo not boon hoard , rom since the voting day. Very little wua ulked about at the cabinet mooting but tha lection , Us results and the causes thut led hereto. Whllo the giithor'.ng was not so oily ns it sometimes Is , the president was he most cheerful gentliiman present. Ho lad several sly Jokes with SocrcfaryBuyurd > vor the loss of the democratic senator in ) cluwuro. As ono member of the cabinet xpressed it , Mr. Cleveland took his defeat ike an old gumblor. Ho said thut perhups it vas a mistake politically to have forced the uriff issue , but he thought it wus tlino to > ring It before thu country , and lie did not eerot m the least huving done so. Ho Old lot consider it a personal defeat , but n simple [ iicstion of an issue which the people had lotormlned , ho considered , unwisely. Ho lad nothing to regret , would mnko no hanger * in his policy aim hopes that u till-ill eforin bill will pass congress before the ex- lirallon of his term. run NEXT nnriR. The democrats here now concede a repiib- icun majority In tlio next house of repro- tentative : ) and in the senate , which is an entire overturning of both brunches of the government to ttio opposition , Kdwnrd Mo- Micrson , who Is bettor posted than any other icrson in this city as to the congressional .Dilution , claims a republican majority in the louse of sixteen , but the democrats do not oneode moro than half as uiiiny. At any ate there will bo a good working majority ind a contest for the spvnUership will ooni- ncnee ut once , there being four candidates , VIe.ssrs. Hold of Maine , Molvlnloy of Ohio , Uurrows of Michigan and Cannon of Illi nois , Mr. Kdwnrd McPherson will undoubt edly bo elected and a new sot of ofticcra chosen. The little state of Delaware is to small thut it has been considered iui- lossiblo for anything to turn around in t , but according to the latest returns the leg islature is republican nnd will elect n repuu- iean senator to succeed the venerable Mr. Salisbury , whoso term expires on the 4th of March next. There was to bo n very hard light between the Bayard and Saulsbury fac tions in that little state ovitr the scnutorahip. and it wus expected that the secretury of state would retire from tlio cabinet for the fiurpose of muking a canvass , but ho will not t > e required to do so now. The result in Del aware is so unexpected that uo republican has. yet been talked of. " i MIHS KNDICOTT'S ENGAGEMENT. The engagement of Miss Kndlcott and Joseph Chamberlain , Is now formally mud * known to the friends of the fumly | by the mother of the prospective bride , and the wedding will take place at the residence of ttio secretary of war next Thursday. Mr. Chamberlain being at present upon tho-At- lantic on his way to claim hU proposed bride , Tho'cnguBomcnt has boon repeatedly denied by the members of the Kndicott family.and it is said the announcement was withheld until after the election for four of the cffccl upon the Irish vote. PCIIHY S. HEATH. IIAIUU80VS CAIHNHT. Speculation ns to WIio Will Bo tlio New Prinhlcnt'H AdvlBnm. , Nr.iv YORK , Nov. 8. [ Special Telegram to \ Tni : Bui : . ] Charles K. Coon , ex-assistant secretary of treasury , in conversation to-day at the Fifth avenue hotel , gave the names of several statesmen who he had no doi'ibc would bo selected by President Harrison for his cabinet. He said : "My opinion is that j Senator John Sherman will bo secretary o * ( state. I huve little doubt about it. Ho Is a statesman in the largest sense of the word , und hus made u study of the Canadian question. During the next few years wo will have to deal with Cnnudn , nnd naturally General Harrison will dcsiro to have trained nnd able statesmen to settle our differences and establish an entente cordiulo that cannot easily tie disturbed. Senator Sherman , I think , will accept the seorularyHhip , Ho hus had political honors heaped upon ! him for years , und hus no ) umbithm beyond a nesiro to help this ropub-1 lie to prosperity and peace , I bulleva he will' be willing to relinquish his seat in the seimto which ho has so ably filled , to go into tha cabinet. He has been secretary of the trens- ury ami I do not think be would care for it' again. " "Who do you think will bo chosen secre tary of the treasury I" "Kx-Senutor Warner Miller will undoubt edly be selected , unit wilt muku one of the ablest officials thut over graced thu ofllcc. Hal is a safe man , hus mudo n great fight hero in New York and should be chosen. " "Will Mr. Blalno go in the cabinet ! " "No. Ho will , in my judgment , bo sent ua minister to the court of St. Juincn. He Is put culiurly fitted to bu n diplomat , and will re flect great credit on President Hurrison'n ud ministration. Then , too , he will bo 'person : * grata' to the English. They udmlro Mr/ / Blame because ho is such a staunch und ouU spoken American. All tulk about Mr. ' Hlalnu's being u power behind the throne in' nonsense. General Harrison will bo prcsi' dent In fuel us well us in numu , " Five Men Killed. Loi'isvu.M ) , Ky , , Nov. H. [ Special Tele gram to Tno Bui ! . | Particulars of the elect ion day Unlit at Livingston , Ky. , allow that five men were killed and ono other seriously wounded. The light ticg.iu with u quarrel over politics between Champion Mullins , a prominent republican , and John Martin , n government oflleial , Hath drew revolver * and began shooting. Twenty other men jolnod in the fray and n pitched battle ensued. The light continued a quarter of an hour , when for want of ammunition It reuHRii. Samuel Ward , u member of the Kentucky legislature , John Martin , a government Htoro keeper , John Clifford and Frank Stewart , railroad men , and Champion Miilllns , were hilled , and Sam Crook , a merchant , duspor- utely wounced , Anoilier Kloothm Klllluc. SANTA FJ : , N. M. , Nov. 8. A report from Valencia county nays there waa trouble be tween a republican and democratic jnil o of election at Sari Kafncl Tuesday over an at tempt of the fosmer to secure the poll boohs. T. Provonsonor , one of the judges and uri old-time citizen , was shot through the heart and killed by tlio attacking party , who c- caped to tlio mountains , Tlio Went lie-r Indlunlloni. For Nebraska and Unkotu : Slightly warmer , fair weather , winds blurting to southwesterly. For Iowa ; Fair weather , prwdcd : by rain. In eastern portions , stationary temperature , followed by colder wcatlier Friday nlflit lu BOUthcuaUirn portions , northerly winds. Had Flroin .Milwaukee. MiUYAUKKi : , Nov. 8At an curly bourn this Liorning the upper story uf the building occupied by the wholesale grocery house of Jacob \Vclluncr was dwtroyrd by lire. The loss , which was caund mainly by witer , ! 100,000 dollars ; fully Insured. Fireinua ly vbcuucd death by