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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 8, 1888)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. I ! 'I EIGHTEENTH YEAH. OMAHA. THURSDAY MORN G. NOVEMBER 8 , 188 $ NUMBER 147 A GLORIOUS VICTORY Benjamin Harrison Will Occupy the White House for the Next Four Years. NEW YORK AND INDIANA REDEEMED , Cleveland Beaten in His Own State by Nearly Fifteen Thousand Plurality , and Retired into Private Life- The Democratic Leaders Crestfallen and Dis mayed by Disaster. NEW YORK. NEW YOIIK , Nov. 7. The republican /lationnl committee innkc the following state ment ; ItKi'Uiu.iCAN NATIONU. HEU > O.I-AHTIIIS Nov. 7. In view of the claims promulgated l > y the democratic national committee , that they have carried the stuto of Now York for Cleveland , and arc sending telegrams to their local committees all over the state to tliat effect , the republican national commit tee have sent out to the chairman of each republican county committee of the state tno following telegram : "Although full returns from every county in the state show Now York safely for Harrison risen by upwards of 15,000 plurality , the democrats are telegraphing to their county chairmen claiming the stuto , and urging them to pay attention to returns. Sou the returns are thoroughly guarded until oftlcially counted , and prevent frauds at all hazard. Incasoof necessity employ coun sel. Notify us of any tampering with the returns. Communicate with your own rom- mittco if necessary by special messenger. " The Evening World in an extra quotes Chairman llrlce , of the democratic national central committee , as having said : "Wo concede nothing , and from the latest returns there Is u fair indication that Cleveland has carried New York state. " Following this in the World ( extra ) is this : This is what they say at national democratic headquarters , and it was given out as the of llclal utterance of the national democratic committee , to u crowd of anxious visitors who thronged the parlors this morning in ficarch of the latest news. The statement is based uixm the fact that corrected returns from the interior counties of the state show a largo cutting down of Harrison's majorities , and many counties whoso plurality had al ready been given , purporting to bo in full , ro still found to bo Incomplete. This Is es pecially true , U is chumod , in Kings county , where it Is said there will bo a light be fore the count is completed. When It was learned that Illinois and Wisconsin might be close states as well as Indiana and Connec ticut , telegrams were sent to the chairmen of state committee * in each state. Mr. Da Forrest was the only ono at the democratic state committee rooms. Ho said : "We are not In us bad shape as wo were on the day after the election in 1884. We will concede nothing. I huvo wired to every county for revised returns. Till I receive them , I shall claim the state. There are errors in the Kings county returns , though how extensive I do not know. The count will bo looked after.1 At the republican headquarters Colonel Quay said : "I can't say anything until it is lUl oTur. Of course Harrison is elected and has undoubtedly carried New York state. lam told that an attempt is being made by the democrats in Kings county to stc-il the etato , but they can't do It. " In the sumo issun of the World which eon- lams the above in double-leaded typo carried over from an earlier edition , arc these words : "Apropos of Colonel Hrlco conceding noth ing , there is little reasonable doubt that Ben jamin Harrison will be the next president of the United States. " The Evening News ( dom. ) in a late extra beads up Its election matter thus : "Not yet cttlcd. Cleveland depending on Illinois and California. New York state probably repub lican. Connecticut and Indiana both demo cratic. " The matter thus headed up here follows : "The result of the election for presi dent is still in doubt. The democrats claim Illinois , California and Nevada , which would elect Cleveland without Now York , as the democrats have undoubt edly carried New Jersey , Connecticut and Indiana. It looks as if Now York state had been carried by the republicans , as tnc returns from republican counties continue to pour in gains. The latest returns show Har rison's plurality to bo about 8,000 in this state , but many of the counties are estl uiuteu. Captain McClollan , secretary of the executive cumiuilgn committee , has tele graphed the stuto committees of Illinois and Wisconsin for the latest returns. Both states are still in doubt. "Tho national democratic committee docs not concede New York to the republicans , No returns huvo been received to show any thing more than that the state is close. Con. ncctlcut and Indiana have been won. Call fornla news is very favorable to the demo crats , and In Illinois there is a llrm claim for the democratic presidential as well as guber nutorlal ticket. " In the same edition of the News are these editorial expressions : "Wo don't give ui lust yet , Cleveland has In all probability lost tbo state of New Vork , but there is n cheerful prospect that he may yet have t majority of the vote. The republi cans claim everything , while the latest returns turns positively Insure the states of Indiana Now Jersey and Connecticut for the democ racy. This gives the democrats 183 out ol the necessary 201 votes , with California 8 Kovada a and Illinois 23 as doubtful. Illlnoi' is almost certain to elect a democratic gov crnor , and the national committee does DO give it up for Cleveland. " Chairman Quay authorizes the following statement. The republicans on Tuesday car ried by Increased majorities all the statei carried for Mr. liluino in 1834 , and in addl tion have Now York by a plurality of 15,000 and Indiana by a plurality of from 4,000 ti 0,000. West Virginia is in doubt. Geuera Harrison's election is assured. 11 p. in. The unofficial vote of nil countle ; In the state , as far as returned , show plu rallllos for Cleveland of 78,1)50 ) and for Hur risen 00,147 , giving Harrison a plurality it the state of 11,191. The Sun this morning will say : "Harri on has 11.7G2 plurality In Now York slat and Hill 18,932. " U says that the next nous of representatives will bo so evenly divide , between the two parties that an nftlclalconu will be neec * ary to decide which is In tin majority. It has figures to show that Indian ; give * Harrison a plurality of about 2,00(1 ( Connecticut is democratic by 494. Auivxr , Nov. 7. The Argus ( dam ) give Harrison a majority of 10,000 ovcrClcveUsd s , Nov. 7 , The city has bee In a ferment since early morning. Long be fore the resumption of bulletins a larg crovyd gathered around the Journal ofl'.cc calllpg "Heturns , Heturns , " and clamodni to know the latest from New York and In The Journal and Dally News Usuci 10 e'dock extra ctUU&o * . As eoou u tk newsboys appoai'cd bearing their arms fu of papers , n crowd of one hundred or mor would encircle them and quarrel and scrambl to buy their goods. For an hour or more tli two perfecting presses of the News and tli big Journal press , could not keep up with tli greedy demand for the latest election n turns. All day long the crowd skirted tli Journal bulldltiir , while on Washmgto street , in front of the News oflleo , the polit could not krep the way open , and for a tin trulllc was blockaded. As the bulletins wei posted In the News windows , showing tin Harrison steadily gained in Indiana , or : least maintained his lirst gains , the crou cheered and yelled for n long time. Ucturns were being received at seven other places in the city , and the interc : as last night. / darkness came on tnu crowd b gan to grow around the Journ promises , standing patiently. As a steropl Illuminated the latest returns from Nc York City and Kings county , conlirnili previous figures , the crowd grew boistcroi uii'l hilarious , singing and cheering. In tl corridors of the New Denison the scenes i last night are being repeated upon a mode ate scale. At the H.ites and Grand hole largo crowds are concregatcd , but no dor onstr.itions are in progress. Thousands of telegrams were received t day by citi/.cns and newspaper people fro distant friends , appealing for information i to how Indiana had gone. The mengcrnoi of the returns of last night at the lute hoi nt which they arrived seems to huvo dlrectt thu eyes of the entire country toward the ol Hoosier state. Among the several hundred telegrams r ceived by Chairman Huston were over fifl stating that parties were being offerc wagers on Indiana going democratic. Co gratulatory telegrams have poured in c General Harrison slncn early morning , in are from all parts of the country , The pre will bo given access to thcso telegrams such u time us General Harrison thitil : > ropcr. Under the circumstances he is n lisposed to be hasty in this matter , takir .lie same cool but serious view of the elo .ion as hn manifested in such marked degn throughout the campaign. It has been nn anxious day for the crowd : lie democratic headquarters. Returns fro New York have been very well received , m all eyes were turned to Indiana. At 3 o'cloi thU evening the committee rooms wo packed with seekers after the latest now Chairman Jewett , Mr. Shcerin , secretary the democratic national committee , and largo corps of assistants have be < busily engaged since early mor ing in receiving and tabulutli returns from various parts of the stat When the Associated 1'ress corresponds called this cvcnlnc after news , Mr , Sheer was in charge. When asked for an oxprc ston regarding the result In Indiana , he sal "Wo huvo heard from fifty-four count ! officially , and , taking the figures claimed I the republicans for the rest , our retur give the state to Cleveland by from 1,500 1,000 ! plurality. The republican state tick is behind their national ticket , so that estate state ticket will have a larger plurality tin that. I think wo have gamed three , ni possibly four , congressmen , and wo have good working majority in both branches the legislature. Our returns are ofticial frc every county. Our committeemeu vend the to us us soon as they can get them exactly The opinions expressed among dcmocro generally are varied , but a great many a conceding the state to the republicans. Men while tha faitnful keep up their weary wa INDIAN-ATOMS , Nov. 7. Attorney Uener Mlchner , on behalf of General Harriso wired W. W. Dudley , of the national ropu lican committee , this afternoon , inqulrii with regard to the correctness of the rcpo acceded Jto Senator Gorman , alleging t discovery of an error in the returns of Kin county which will glvo Now York state the democrats. Colonel Dudley , at 4 p. u sent the following to General Harrison : "There Is positively nothing m it O people , are guarding the returns from Kin county and other precincts and counties wl absolute vigilance. Fraud is barely posslb but will not bo permitted if the most perfi espionage by honest , bravo men can prove it. The state is now ours. The latest i turns sure to give you Iti.OOO. If there is a change it will bo more. " The following telegram was received 1 night by General Harrison : NEW Yoitic , Nov. 7. To General BenJ.ire Harrison : Cordial congratulations. Ni York is supremely happy. The republica nro Jubilant and the democrats shcddi thuir tears. Ciuuxcp.v M. Dui'isw , Bight hundred and sixtv precincts in 1 dmnu give Harrison 13j2al ( , Cleveland 1U IMS. Tha same precincts in 1SS4 gave I31ai li'1,744. Cleveland I'i5,7tl. The following dispatch was received fro Chicago : To Hon. nonjnmin Harrison , Indianapol Ind. Congratulations upon your elcctii Chicago is proud of the fact that her gr < auditorium was dedicated by the nomlnati of our country's next president. FKIIII. W. Pr.cK The Indianapolis Journal has returns frc eighty counties , showing gains for Harris of 7,875 and Cleveland 350 , and3.500 major on the national and state republican tickc The democrats gain congressmen in t First , Eleventh and Twelfth district * , a elect majorities in both branches of t legislature. Nine hundred and seventeen precincts Indiana give Harrison 145,941 , Cleveland IS ! 15. The same precincts in 1SS4 gave Ulul 182,575. Cleveland 131,305. This includes of Mnrlou county excujn four precincts. T ofllclal vote of Indianapolis city and Marl county glvei Cleveland 3JS majority. Sec : tury Shorin of the democratic national co inittco said to-nicht that It looked now though General Harrl ou had carried t state , but it would require the ofticial rctut to determine. At 10:30 : this evening the democratio co uiittee rooms were deserted. The Janil had full possession of the lower rooms , thu chairman's private room Mr. Jowett n throe or four assistants were engaged ilgurlng on the result of the Ic.dslatlvo a congressional tickets. Mr , Shcerin li gonu homo. Chairman Jewett greeted t Associated press correspondent pleasant and in answer to a suggestion that ho mi ; huvo something to say regarding the sin tion in the state , said : "The indications ore that the republic doctor * have carried the stato. The oftlc count may show differently- The probabil U that we have elected a part of our sti ticket. Wo have elected fen congressmen gain of four. We hnVe a certain majority the stale senate ol six , and in the Igy house of twenty , giving us control of the Joint ballot. I do not cure to say anything about the mcthoils by which this was accom plished. " IOWA. DBS MOIXES , la. , Nov. 7. [ Special Tele- grain to THE Hii.l--There : was a great sen sation in democratic circles hero to-day on the arrival of the sheriff of Adams county with a warrant for the arrest of E. 11. Hun ter , chairman of the democratic state central committee , on n charge of bribery. Hunter's homo Is at Corning , and n man was arrested there for repeating , yesterday , and he made on afllduvit that ho did so at the request ol Hunter , who , he says , gave him two dollars for voting the second time. The man had voted In ono of the country precincts , and , coming to town , was met by Hunter , who , hi says , induced him to vote u second tlmo and lalleU him aside and paid him two dollars foi lolng so. Local democrats took pains tc over up Hunter's tracks , and gave out thai 10 had gone to Chicago \vhen the sherlfl icarched fo1- him to-day. It was ascertained .hat he left town in the opposite direction , olitical circles are greatly excited over tin escapade. Dm Moisr.s , Nov. 7. [ Special Telegram oTin : Hen. ] Keturns from the following ounlies give the vote for president us fol ows : llarrtffin. Cleveland Adair Dsb : ! Hi ! tiickasaw. . i l.VB lOW : irecno ! ! 174 180 Grundy 13.15 113 Hamilton 1777 100 Hancock Mil W > Ida 1S74 IDS Jefferson 'JH'J ( If. ' . ) Madison 1S ( > 9 1 ! ) Montgomery 'J'iii ? 123 Muscatino 27(19 ( 2iTi Osceola iW2 3. Page 2.VX > 144 1'ocahontus 1H)7 ( ) 7. ao Ib3t 110 Story ' .Mill 10.1 Tiuinv 2 J-JS 221 Washington 2.14 ! ) IKS Webster 2353 1W1 Winnesheik 2.VI ! 20-1 Worth IIXKI i M DEI MOINK-I , In. , Nov. 7. [ Special Tele gram to THIS Huir.l Thirty counties ( com plete ) Indicate that Harrison will have 30,00 plurality in the state , the largest for seve : years. The entire republican state ticket i elected by majorities but little less. Th most notable gains nro for congressmen , th republicans electing all but the ono in th Second district , n gain of two. All the cor grcssmen have increased their vote , as i this district , wlioro Conger had 000 majorit in 1SSO. This year ho has nearly 5,000. Th only republican whoso re-election was n ( arnica ns doubtful was ex-Governor Gear , i the First district , and ho has nearly 1,0(1 majority. It has boon a republican tuln wave in Iowa , instead of u democratio hope us Chairman Brioe has claimed. ILiMNOlB. CntcHoo , Nov. 7. This city , complete , an the rest of Cook county , except two sinn townships which , it is not thought , will in : tcrially change the result , give Clevelan 81,120 , Harrison 80,203 , u plurality for Clevi land of 857. The county complete in ISi gave Ulalno 09,2)1 , Cleveland 60C09 , a plu nlity forHlulnoof 8OJ2. As there has bee no doubt that the state outside ot Cook wei heavily for Harrison , though possibly I somewhat loss plurality than for lilaino i 18V4 , there would now appear to bo absolute ! no question , notwit hstamling the great gai for Cleveland m Cook county , that the stat is safe for Harrison. UOCK ISLIND , Nov. 7. Hock Island count ( complete ) gives Harrison 8.53 mnjorit. Fiforis but little behind. Gest. forcongrcbi gets lUund ( is elected by 1,500 to 2,000 i the district. The entire republican count ticket is elected by good majorities. CHICAGO , Nov. 7. The vote of 84 countie in Illinois , including Cook , show majoritic for Harrison of 3S.1I13 , Cleveland 19,373. Th remaining IS counties , in 1884 , gave Ulali 5,834 and Cleveland 0,542. Assuming thi these 18 counties , not yet fully roportei give the same result as in 1884 , the state wi now give a plurality for Harrison of 18,91' ' It is safe to say , therefore , that Harrison1 plurality will be ubout 19.000. For Fifer , tt republican gubernatorial candidate , Coc county complete , except two townships , givi 7&/J83 , and for Palmer ( dom. ) 8Sl > 73 , Pi' ' rnllty of 4,090. The county complete , in IbS pave Ojrlesby ( rep. ) for governor 05.KI against ( ijiJ3 , for the democratic cundidat u plurullty of 103 for the democrats. Cook county ( complete ) , including the ci of Chicago , gives Harrison 83,790. Clcvolui 84,3r > 4 ; Cleveland's plurality 504. Fif ( rep. ) , for governor , b2,442 ; 1'almcr ( dcm. 80,9r.O ; Palmer's plurality 4,514. In 1884 tl county gave Hlaine U9,2M , Cleveland CO.GO Ulalne's plurality 8,642. The Tribune will announce the defeat Haker in the 188th Illinois ( William H. Me rison's ) district by W. S. Forcmas by a m jority of 148. CAMFORN1A. SiN FIUSCISCO , Nov. 7. He turn B throng out California are coming in very slow ! and ns there are no complete city or counl returns there ii no basis of comparison wit 1884 possible. The republican and dem cratic state committees both claim the stat the former by from 7OOJ to 9,000 while tl democrats contend that their ticket will ha' u majority of 2,000 or 3,000. The city of S : Francisco has been carried by the democrat The Evening Post ( rep ) says that Clov land's majority m thu city will bo 4W while the democrats claim that the major ! will approximate. s.OOHJ to 9,000 in the clt and that the republicans will not como to tl city with u sufllcicnt vote to overcome tin The entire democratic ticket in San Fra Cisco is elected. Los Axor.i.R * , Nov. 7. Ninety-three o of ono hundred und thirty-one precincts this city and county give Harrison 10,31 Cleveland 7,759. SAN FIIASUISCO , Nov. 7 , A Chronic special from New York says that Chalrm ; Hrico concedes the election of Harrison. SAN FIUNCISCO , Nov. 7. The Chronic claims the election of four republican co pressmen in the interior districts , as follow In the First and Second districts Thompsi and Uijrgs ( dem. ) , and present incumbent have been defeated , by Dp Hovcn and Eagi ( rep , ) . MolCennaand Van DoVer ( rep. ) ha' been ro-elccted in the Third and Sixth di tricts. Hcturns from the Fourth district a meager , and no indication is given as whether or not Morrow ( rep. ) has been r elected. Ueturns from the Fifth distric ; u also meager and no conclusions can bo bas < upon them. Seventeen thousand votes had been ca vassod in the city of San Francisco up tt o'clock this afternoon , out of 54,000 cast. T ! vote gives Harrison t > ,293 , Cleveland 8,7 ; Naper county returnscompleUjgivoHarrisi ( ) 1,752 , Cleveland , 1.4S3. In 1SS4 it gavoUlaii 1,590 , Cleveland 1,238. Sacramento coun ( complete , except ono precinct ) gives Hnn son 4,070 , Cleveland 3,3i7. In 1884 it ga Ulaine 4,308 , Cleveland 2.UG4. COLORADO. DBNVER , Nov. 7. The excitement in th city last night and to-day over the olcctlc returns Is intense , each bulletin being grceti with rounds of yells by the republicans , wl are confident of the success of the nation ticket. The democrats , while acknowledgli that their chances are very doubtful , ha' ' not entirely given up all hopes of carryii New York. Returns of the Colorado clcctio both state and Arupahoc county ( Denvc arc unusually slow coming In. Up to tli hour (7:30 ( : p. m. ) only partial returns ha been rccclveJ. These indicate the elect ! of the republican ticket by majorities ran ing from 8,000 to VJ.OJO. The next gcnei assembly will probably bo as follows : Sena1 six democrats and nineteen republlcat House , tvn democrat * nd thirty-nine rcpi Means. Partial returns from twenty-tin counties give Cleveland 5,044 , Harrison 7d Congressman , Moivnsontl ( rop. ) 7,302 , Mac ( dem. ) 4,749. Governor , Cooper ( rep , ) 0,0- 1'uUersou'dem. ) otlHJ. from twenty-live precinctiltd the city and county give the following vote : Harrison 4Wi , Cleveland 3 ? 27 , Topsend8 , Kll , Mncon 3,397 , Cooper 4,370 , Patterson 3,0i > y. r- M , N13W JEflBKY. TKCNTON , Nov. 7. Thi" congressional del egation of New Jersey is as follows : First Distrlct-C. K Btrsen ( rep. ) Second District Jainel Buchanan ( rep. ) Third District-si , Golienlieimer ( dcui. ) Fourth District P. Fthvler ( dcm. ) Fifth Dlstrict-C. D. Beckwith ( rep. ) Sixth District Herman Lchlbaek ( rep. ) Seventh District William McAdoo ( dem. ) Tha state legislature will stand thus : Dem ocrats 31 , republicans 2"f in doubt 2. Demo cratic majority on Joint ballot , not including doubtful districts , 5. I WISCONSIN. MILWAUKEE , Nov. 7. Van Schulk's ( rep. ) majority over Henry Smith ( dcm. and labor ) in Milwaukee , Fourth congressional district , is about 1,500. The republicans elect the entire - tire county ticket , with the exception of treasurer. Haruig ( dem. ) is elected to congress - gross over McFetricdge ( rep. ) in the Second district. i MICHIGAN. Dr.TitotT , Nov. 7. Th4 election of Wheeler n the Tenth district oveV the democratic In cumbent is conceded.This leaves but ono district ( the Seventh ) ) in 'doubt , and is a republican gain of tlired. DETROIT , Nov. 7. Sufficient returns have icon received fro'm all congressional ills , tricts in Michigan , with one exception , to in > sure the election of eight republicans and two democrats , n republican gain of two , Tno result in the Tenth' ( Fisher's ) district if in doubt , and may require the official count to determine. * DKTUOIT , Nov. 7. Tbo Tribune estimate ! Harrison's plurality in } Michigan at 22,000 Luce , for governor , ruis about 8,500 bchini his ticket. The Free fPress estimates an practically the same as'above. OHIO. CINCIXNASTI , Nov. 7 , All counties except Ing six show a plurality for Harrison o 20,3.11. The six counties not reported gavi Foraker ( rep. ; for governor in Ibs7 n pluralit ; of 430. OUEGON. POUTI.AND , Nov. 7. Returns from tin more remote sections in the state arc cominf in slowly. However , sufllcicnt have nlrcad ; been received to place Harrison's majorit ; larger than Herman's ( con gressmun ) . A the election last June Herman's majority wn 7,407 over Geerin. The very latest und mos authentic news jU3tilics.tho estimate of be tween 7,000 and 8,000.- . CONNECTICUT. HAVEN , Nov. ' 7. The republican hero celebrated their nationul victory b , firing u salute of 100 guns this afternoon am u monster procession this evening , the char aetunsties of which were music , firework und general enthusiasm. ; ' IlAitTFOiin , Nov. 7. Complete returns giv Cleveland 74.H04 , Harrison 74,519 , Fisk 4lbl Cleveland's plurality 085. For governor Morris ( dem. ) 74,144 , Bulkoly 73.425. Th legislature has n republican majority of 49 o Joint ballot , and this insures Bulkely's clec tion as governor. 4- * * MINNESOTA. ST. PAUL , Nov. 7. 'Merrlam's majority i about 7,000. Four republican congressmen have been elected. Tfip'Tlrst district is stl in doubt. V' ST. PAUL , Nov. 7. The 'Globo ( dcm. ) con cedes that the state has'gone for Harrison b 20,000 ; for Mcrriam ( rep ) , for governor , b 10,000 ; and that republican congressmen r elected in all districts. WEST VIRGINIA. WHEEMNO.NOV. 7. Atkinson ( rep. ) 1 elected over Pendlcton ( dcm. ) for congress ! the First district , by COO majority. WHREMNII , Nov. 7. Fourteen out c twenty-four precincts , casting one-third i the vote of the Btate'Hhow republican gain of 1,00. ! . If corresponding gains ure made i the rest of the state it will give COO republ can majority. WnEELixo. Nov. 7 It is pretty well n surud that the legislature will be repubhcni Atkinson ( rep. ) is elected to congress in tl ; First district , and Jackson ( dcm. ) In tl : Fourth. The Second and Third arc I doubt. Both state committees claim the cle tlou of governor and the ght is very ulos The state ticket , may be split. This clt gives Cleveland 7 majority , republican gai of Ib8. . _ LOUISIANA. NcwOjii.TAfs : , Nov. 7. Nearly comple1 returns from the Second congressional di trict show tut election of Coleman ( rep. ) I SOU majority. In the Fifth district the repu' llcuiiH claim to hav elected Mudd to co grcEs by a plurality f t Hi. TENNESSEE. CiutTAXooGA , N r. 7. R. Clay Evar ( rep. ) defeats CreedF. . Butes ( dem. ) fi congress from the Third congressional di trict of Tennessee. Evans1 majority i 8 This is the ilrst republican congressman en elected from this district. FLOUIDA. JACKSONVILLE , Nov. 7. Florida gives tli Cleveland electors and the democratic stat ticket a majority of something less tha 5.WXI. PENNSYLVANIA. PHILADELPHIA , Nov. 7. Returns fro every county in the state show a pluralit for Harrison of 72,928 , u democratic gain < 8,071 as compared with the vote of lbS4. Or republican congressman is gained. MASSACHUSETTS. BOSTON , Nov. 7. All but two towns in tl state have been heard , from , and give Han son 183,447 , Cleveland ) 151,990 , Fisk 8,04 The same towns in lt& > gave Blaine 140,01 Cleveland 123254 , Butler 24,870 , St. Jol 0,910. JU _ _ NEVADA , SAN Fniscisco , .Hov. 7. Forty-two pr clncts in Nevada , out ( of 172 , give Harris * 3,147 , Cleveland. 2.034. Returns from thlrt five precincts iu Nevada give the republica congressional candidate 1.084 , und the dem cratic 1.C33. * ) } > VIUCIMA. WASHINGTON , Nov pJi A special to tl Post from Alexandria , Va. , says the scrr tary of the democratic state committee claiu the state for Cleveland by a reduced m Jority , probably between 4,000 and 5,000. KANSAS. Torniu , Nov. 7. Returns have been n cclved from every county in Kansas. Tt estimate of Chairman Booth , from the n ports received , gives Harrison 70,000 majo ity over Cleveland , and 65,000 for the entli republican ticket. 'The republicans hui elected all but four members , and two < these districts'ure In doubt. Every repub can senator ie re-elected but two , ono Leaven worth and one In La Belle count There are 38 opposition members ID tl present legislature , ' KENTUcTTy. LOUISVILLI , Nov. 7. 'J'ho latest returi show that the , democrats carried the fir nine congrCMJ nal districts , with much tl best prospcct { n the Tenth. The Elevenj has elected Fin ley ( rop. ) . This Is a ccrta gain of one den o : ratic congressman at piobably two. Cleveland's majority is nci SHE IS ALL RIGHT. This Remark Applies to tbo State of Nebraska. A FIELD DAY FOR REPUBLICANS. Gonornl Thayer Gets There By n Handaomo Majority. CORPORATIONS BADLY BEATEN. They Try Very Hard to Defeat the Attorney Qonoral. BUT THE PEOPLE REBUKE THEM And Howard Honesty , Ability am ! Courage Ity Uctaltiintc William lioesc lit Ilia Present Ollloo Imtest Returns. FIUST IJISTUICT. Ncinalm. AcnuiiN , Neb. , Nov. 7. [ Special Tele gram to TUB BEE. ] Church Howe is electee to the senate by over 1,200 majority. Hli majority in Nemahu county is bOO nnd it Johnson county about 500. Tom. Majors I elected to the house by 75 majority. Pohl man is probably elected to the house eve Lash , but It will take the official count to dc cldo it. Corbin , float representative for Ne maha nnd Johnson counties , gets over 20 majority in Nenmha county. Thayer , fo ; governor , carries Ncmuha county by : t50 , am Connell , for congress , has 250 majority. Snrpy. PAI-M-LION , Nov. 7 , The vote for Sarp ; county is us follows : Harrison 000 , ( Jlcvc land Nil , Council 053 , Morton 855 , Thuye 014 , McShane 91b , Clarke C7I , Gates b5C Picket 719 , Lutten 819 , Leeso COO , Munge bCO , Bcnton GJO , Poyntor 801. Puttorsoi ( dem. ) 801. Bellevue precinct included bu not official. Otoe. NF.IIIUSKA CITV , Neb. , Nov. 7. fSpeciii Telegram to Tun BE .l Official return from back precincts are not in yet nnd the , will be necessary to decide the result on th legislative ticket , but tlic election of Matte nnd White is conceded , while Ransom ( rep. for the senate and Watson for lloat sonata will have 400 majority In the county. Morto for congress gets u majority of bOO. Follow ing are the official returns from the city which will also hold good for the entlri county : Harrison 044 , Cleveland 75(1 ( , Fis bC , Thayer 705 , McShano 025 ; lor congress man , First district , W. J. Council ( rep. ) 480 J. S. Morton ( dem. ) 928 ; for stuto senator Otoo county , Third district , Frank T. Ran sum ( rep. ) 900 , Eugene Muun ( dcm. ) 493 ; fu representative , Horncr ( rep. ) . C75 , E. 1' Lutta ( rep. ) 030 , John Mattes ( dem. ) 754 , Di AVhite ( dcm , ) 093 ; for float representative Biggins ( dom. ) COO , Wutson ( rop. ) 993 county attorney , Herman Wendall ( rep. ) 58' D. T. Huyden ( dcm. ) 813. Cans. PHATTSMOUTH , Neb. , Nov. 7. [ Spccii Telegram to THE BEE. ] The return arc not all in yet from the count ; Some cf the precincts ure very slow. Thor ure no definite results in regard to tl stale lickct to bo had. The republicans ele < Jolk senator and Sutchcll representative and give Watson u majority for float rcpri icntatlve. The democrats elect White repr , iCntattvc and Geerlng'for county attorney. Gnge. BEATRICE , Nov. 7. [ Special to THE BEE The entire republican ticket Is elected 1 Gage county by majorities ranging from ( X .o 1,000. Very few returns in yet. The vo n the city of Beatrice is as follows : Hari BOH 8(19 ( , Cleveland 487 , Ffsk 123 , Thayer 78 ! McShuno 590 , Bigelow 125 , Hill 9S3 , Pattei son 383 , Leese &U3 , Munger 772 , Council 801 Morton 652. I. W. Funck , republican candidate for sta senator , is elected about by 800 majority ov Cuptain Ashly , W. C. Bill , J. W. Wllliau and F. E. Whyinan. All the republican cai dictates for representatives are elected t good majorities. A. B. McNickle , rcpublici candidate for float representative fro Gage and Saline counties , ostlmat that he will carry Guge county by 8 majority and that his opponent , Vilda , Saline couuty , will carry Saline county 1 500 majority. Hugh J. Dobbs republican elected couuty atlornev over J.V. . Ebers < A big fight was made by a good niuny leu ing railroad republicans against Lecse. LmncnHtcr. LINCOI.V , Neh. , Nov. 7. | Special Tolegra to THE BKK. ] The official vote of the coun is not fully counted but Harrison's pi Ural I is carefully estimated at 2,030 , Thayer 1,9(1 ( Connell 1,800 , Leeso 1,850. The official vo of Lincoln on the following candidates 1 Harrison 3,218 , Cleveland 1,958 , goverm Thayer 3,002 , McShauo 2,113 , Connell 2.91. Morton 2,210. State senate , Raymond ( ret 3,245 , Price ( dem. ) 1,980 , Beardsloy ( ro | 3,147. Butler ( dcm. ) 1,820. Rcprcsentalh Dickinson ( rep. ) 3,19:1 : , Kelly ( dem. ) 2,4S Hall ( rep. ) 2,709 , CunditT ( dcm. ) 1,874 , Sal well ( rep. ) 3,200 , Dunn ( dcm. ) I,8o5 , McUrl 3,438 , Heuiper 1,847 , Severm 3,235 , Huff 1,6 : County attorney , Stearns ( rep. ) 3,287 , Bak ( dcm. ) 1,805. SECOND DISTRICT. Dundjr. BENKI.EWAN. Neb. , Nov. 7. [ Special Tel gram to THE BRK. ] Dundy county gives tl national and state republican ticket 250 m Jority against 100 in 1887. The majority Meeker , republican , is estimated at two to 91 Clay. FAIIIPIELD , Neb. , Nov.7. [ Special To ! gram to THE BEE. ] The effort on the part the railroad crowd in fuvor of McShane ai Mungcr was attended my meager resull The vote : Harrison 190 , Fisk 112 , Clevelai 105 , Thayer 178 , Hlgelow 114 , McShano 15 Laira 178 , Scott 122 , Bastings 11 ; for t state senate , 20Sth district : Pure ] , re pub can , 192 ; Smith , prohibition , 119 ; Vunduyn democrat , 104. Bcrtts and Chisly , ropub can Candida tea for the legislature in i Forty-second district , run oven with the c tire lickct. For county attorney , J. L , Le person 232 , William Clark , democrat , 110 ; 1 attorney jreneral , Lccso 159 , Munger K Barnard 118. Nuckollo. NELSON , Neb. , Nov. 7 , [ Special Tolegra to TIIK BEE. ] Nuckolls county : Prohll tion vote 78 , labor 12 , Harrison 1,228 , Clcv land 740'Thayer 1,212 , McShane 707 ; co pressman , Second district , James Lair republican , 1,209 ; William G. Hastiiu democrat , 765 ; stale senator , Twcnty-tni district , John S. Hoover , republican , plur ; Ity 500 ; representative , Thirty sixth distrlt James Hnnthorn , republican , plurality 41 attorney , C. S. Johnson , republican , plur < Hy 300. Adam * . HASTINOS , Neb. . Nov. 7. [ Special To gram to THE BEE. ] Adams county retur are incomplete. Republicans make a cle sweep and give about 800 majority for t national und slate tickets. Hamilton. AUKOIIA , Neb. , Nov. 7. [ Special Te gram to THE BEKJ Aurora precinct Han son 310 , Cleveland 178 , Fisk 50. Thayer 3 ! McShano 180 , Blglow 48 , Laird 310 , Hnstin 177. Scotl 55 : republican legislature 310 , dei ocratio legislature 159 ; senators same tel vote 540 ; no relurns from other precincts. Kearney. MINIIEN , Neb. , Nov. 7. [ Special Tolegra to Tin : BEE.J Returns show that t straight republican ticket Is elected , niuku Otto Abrahamson representative. Sullnc. SWANTON , Neb , , Nov. 7. Swan CreeU pr cinct , republican ticket Harriscm 133 ; tta lickcl , Thayer 1HO , Laws 129 , Hill 13'J. Be tonll > 9 , Lceso 182 , Stein 129 , Lane 129 ; co gre.s6io.nal tlc'u't T.lnl 122 : legislature xnpe liK , Bohacelc.123 , W. J. Dunn 123 , M Nicklcll5. Democratic Cleveland 51 ; sta democratic Mc.ShaiieW ! , Hmo52 , Putlersi 62 , Foynter 02 , Hunger 63 , Jussea I 'hresher 52 ; congressional Hastings C2 , iarkor Ml , Allen fit , Daugherty 42 , Vlhla ( Vi ; inhibition Fisk 2.1 , Blgelow 1" , Hopper 24. Tlinycr. CliRsTEii. Neb. . Nov. 7. Harrison 123 , Cleveland 74 , Fislr 13 , Streator 22. Thayer 23 , McShano S3. Ulglow ( prohlb. ) ill , Butler union labor ) 12 , Laird 115 , Hastings S ) , Scott ( prohlb , ) 22 , Roha ( union labor ) 14 , . .uws 124. Illnes 75 , Hopper ( prohlb. ) Ill , Align ( union labor ) 19. Treasurer Hill 121 , attcrson 75 , Stewart 15 , Wash ( union labor ) li , Hcmton 123 , Painter 75 , Holiner 10 , Han- horn 19. Wi'tmtcr. Rr.n Ct.nvn , Neb , Nov. 7. I Special Telo- 'ram to Tin : Bnr. . ] The election passed oft Itlletly here. Everybody turned out to vote as isunl , Webster county shows u good ropub. ic in record with but little union labor ot irohlbltion defection. Hurrlson 252 , ClevO' and 181 , Thayer 248 , McSlianu 129 , Laird 240 , lastlnus 130 , Hoover 245 , Dawson UI4 , Hump- on 242 , McCall 141. Hnhn 204 , Buschow ltd , A-eso 107 , Munger 210 , Wilcox 254 , Hopkins M2. NucknlU. NEI. ON , Nub. , Nov. 7. [ Special Telegram o THE BBE. ] Harrison 187 , Cleveland ! ! ! , I'haycr 1WI , McShuno Vi. For congress , Second end district , Jiiines Lulrd Is5 , William U. lastlncs 92. Senator Nuckolls county , fwenty-third district , John S. Hoover , ( rep. ) ilurulity , 94. Uepresentativo Thlrty-slxtli listrlut , James Hawthorn , ( rep. ) plurality , 17. County attorney C. S. Johnson , ( rep. ) iltiraltty , 57. llEi.vinnui : , Neb. , Nov. 7. Bolvldcro lire cinct gives Harrison ICC , Cleveland 121 rtnivcr 107. McShano lill , Meiklejohn 1C4 Foldu 127 , Laws ICO , Bines 125 , Hill 107 , Pat terson 125 , Bcnton ICO , Poynter 131 , Lucsi 170 , Mumrcr 127 , Ltilr.l 101 , Hastings 133 ; foi senator Wetherald 171 , Stump 122 ; for rep rosentutlvo Truesdale 147 , Rohrer 135 ; ilea representative Baker 154 , Burrus 143. Hnil Willow. MrCoou , Neb. , Nov. 7. Willow Grove precinct cinct gives Cleveland 202. Harrison 3(12 ( , Me Shane 225 , Thayer 333 , Hustings 184 , Lain J84. J84.HAUTI.ET , Neb. , Nov. 7. Harrison 7. Thayer 75 , Laird 73 , Cleveland 20 , MeShuii' ' 25 , Hastings 25. Klllmore. GENOV , Neb. , Nov. 7. Returns from nl jut ono precinct in Fillmore county show i republican plurality of about li(0 ( on th state , national und legislative tickets. Luird for congress , has about 500 majority. York. YOIIK , Neb. , Nov. 7. The York count ; official returns are ns follows : Hnrrlso : 2,253 , Cleveland l.Oill , Thayer 2 , 143McShan 1,2 : < 5 , Meiklejohn 2,214 , Folda 1,102 , McNen ; 2,321 , Bines 1,109 , 111112,247 , Patterson 1,09 : Hcntan 2,248 , Poyutor 1,095 , Lccso 2,2.1' . Munger 1,11)7 ) , Stern 2,243 , Jussen 1,104 , Lint 2,249 , Thrasher 1,101. Congressman , Luir 2.110. Hastings 1,140. For state sonatoi Keckley 2.210 , Tyler 1,142 ; for rcpre.sontr lives , Gilbert 2,201 , Gnrternreicht 1,121 Hayes 2,202 , Graves 1,122. TlllUD D1STUICT. Buffalo. KEAUNET , Neb. , Nov. 7. Special TeU gram to THE Bun. ] Election returns cam in steady to day. Two precincts have no been heard from. Harrison received 2,13. Cleveland 1,333. The whole republica ticket carried by a hundsomo majority i Buffalo county. Henry Field Grove , e Shelton , nnd R. 1C. Potter , of Elm Creel are the representatives elected from thi county , George E. Evans , the present ii cumbenl , is re-elected county attorney ovi John Murphy with a good majority. Keith. OCIALLALA , Neb. , Nov. 7. [ Special Tel grain to THE BEE. ] The official report < Keith county Is as follows : Harriion 31 Cleveland 2C3 , Thayer 312 , McShane 27 Doraey 319 , Wcathcrby 2U For state sen tor , Nesbitt ( rep. ) gets aio , Q. W. Vroniii ( dcm. ) 305 ; representative , H. St , Raym ( rep. ) 208 , F. O. Feltz ( dem. ) 317 ; altorni general. William Leeso ( rep. ) 303 , W. 1 Munger ( dcm. ) 207 ; county attorney , J. < Halllgan ( rep. ) 344 , H. L. Mead ( unic labor ) 207. find & ; < FUF.MONT , Neb. , Nov. 7. [ Special Tel cram to TUB BRE. Incomplete returns fro Dodge county indicate the election of Dei Tor senator , Larson and Christy for repr sentatives , all democrats , by from 250 to 7 majority. Dlxon. PoNOij Neb. , Nov. 7. [ Special Telegrn to THE BEB. ] Quito a largo vote was polli in Ponca. ' The weather was lino. The vo for this city stands as follows : Harrison i : Cleveland 80 , Thayer 138 , McShane 82 ; f state senator , Robinson ( rep. ) 138 , Bonste ( dem. ) 79 ; for representative , Whitefo ( rep. ) 140 , Sherman ( dom. ) 89 ; for conn attorney , Barnes ( rep. ) 140 , McAlllst ( dem. ) 81. In Galena township : Harrison SI , Clcv land 50 , Thayer 52 , McShano 49 , Roblnsi 52 , Bonsteel 60 , McAllister 53 , Harncs 4 . Ponca Township Harrison 71 , Clovolni 79. Thuyer 71 , McShano 79 , Dorsoy 71Wcut crby 79 , Robinson 71 , Boncsteel 79 , Whitfo 70 , Sherman bO , Barnes 73 , McAllister 77. Newcastle Harrison 18 , Cleveland : Thayer 18 , McShane 45 , Robinson 18 , Bor steel 45 , Whitford 15 , Sherman 4S , Dors 18 , Weutherby 45. These nro nil the pi cinctfl heard from up to this time. There no doubt of Whltford's election. Spring Bank gives to all republican cam dates , state and national , 81 votej and votes to the democratic candidates. Twal precincts give Thayer 155 majority. Fi precincts are unheard from. In 188(1 ( the gave Thayer 32 majority. The national tick will be republican by about 157 In the pi cincts reported. In the precincts to be hea from the national republican ticket will ha a majority of about 32 votes. Robinson a ried his party voto. McAllister and Barn for county attorney are still about oven. \ Allistcr is carrying many and running ahe of his ticket in all republican precincts. Wayne. WAYNE , Nob. . Nov. 7. [ Special Tolegn to THE BEK.I The Wayne county plurallti are : Harrison 184 , Thuyer 1V ( > , Dorsoy 1 Manning ( rep. ) senator 187 , Ley ( dom. ) re rcsentatlvo 174. There were 133 union lab votes and 31 prohibition In the county. L ( dcm. ) was elected by u small majority. Holt. O'NEILL , Neb. , Nov. 7. [ Special To gram to TUB BER.J Returns from 20 out 'M townships give the republican nation state und congressional tickets between 1 and 200 nlurullty. The representative a senatorial candidates arc elected by good n Jorillcs. Chapman , the democratic candiclt for attorney , is probably elected. The ( jiu tion of county division was defeated. I'lattn. CouiMni's , Neb. , Nov. 7. [ Special Tel gram to Tins Bun. ] Harrison 1,221 , Clov land 1,598 , Thayer 1,1(17 ( , McShanu 1.07C , a grcssman Third district , Dorscy ( rep. ) 1,2 Weatherby ( dem. ) 1,590 , state senc Twelfth district , W. A. McAllister ( re ] 1,207 , Michael Muher 1,500 , for rcprcsen lives Twenty-fourUi distriet , W. A. Hampt ( rep. ) 1,229 , J. C. Swartsley ( dom. ) 1,0 float reprcsentallves Twcnly-flfth dlstri Nels Olson ( rep. ) 1.H03 , E. O. Greene ( don 1,633 , county attorney , James G. Reed ( rep. ) 1,824 , John M. Gendering ( dem. ) 1,6 Dnwes. CaADiioN , Neb. , Nov. 7. [ Special Tel gram to THE BEE.Six ] precincts In Daw county give McShano330 , Thayer 549 , Wcat crly 328 , Dorsoy 540 , Cox lor senator 4 ! Connell 410. The iitulo ticket in Daw county will go 400 to I'M republican majorit Reports come in very slowly. Dakota. DAKOTA Cirr , Neb. . Nov.7. [ Special To ] pram to THE BuB.l Harrison 710 , Cluvelai b9 : ) , Thayer 623 , McShane 009 ; congrcssra ; Third district , Dorsoyr ( rep. ) 715 , Weather ! ( dcm , ) 8S7 ; senulor Elghlh district , Robi son ( rep. ) GS5 , Bone Heel ( dcm. ) 919 ; rcpi stmtatlvo Sixteenth district , Combs ( rci 720 , O'Sulllvun ( dem. ) 873 ; county altornc George H. Fair ( rep , ) 771 , 1C. W. Frazi ( dcm. ) b''O. Fair and Combs will conic Wlnnebago precinct , claiming the India were not legal voterii. i' or k I nt. GHANT. Neb. , Nov. 7 , [ Special Telegrc to Tirn liisE. ] Tlio county has gone repi liran. Meeker for utato representative iv ckctcd by 3QO nialority , Thg republica have elected the county ticket by small ma jorities. Khernlnn. llriuviM.E , Neb. , Nov. 7. [ Special Tolc- grum to Tin : BIK. ] Returns como In slowly but twenty five out of thlrty-throo precincts indicate the election of the , stuto , congressional nnd legislative republican , ticket In SJieriimii county by 400 majority. The republican county attorney Is elected by ubout 300 malorlty. Antelope. OvKnu.E , Neb. , Nov. 7. [ Special Tele gram to Tin : Bir..l : Antelope county Klvos Harrison 937 , Cleveland il'.O , Fisk UN Thayer b28 , McShano ! Wi , G. W. E. Dorsey ( rep. ) 9.17 , E. 1' . Wuatheiby ( dem. ) 395 ; senator Ninth district , J. J. Roche ( rep. ) 900 , Barry ( dem. ) 308 ; representative Twonty-tlrst dis trict , J. M. Coil-man trcp. ) majority l&S ; county attorney , J , F. Boyd ( rep. ) 2TO ma jority. Howard. ST. Pu't. , Nob. , Nov. 7. [ Special Tele gram to Tin : BIE. : I The onicial count is Just completed. McSiiano 74 majority , Cleve land 47 majority. Tomplin , democratic can didate for county attorney Is uleetod. Wol- bach ( dem ) carries the county by 155 major ity for state Honutor. Colby , republican coiulidato for representative , is elected by 100 majority. Vnlloy. Oun , Neb. . Nov. 7. - [ Special Telegram to Tin : BEB.J Thu entire republican ticket , Is elected in Valley county : Harrison 829 , Cleveland 525 , Thayer MM , McSlmno .V > 0 , Dorsev S25 , Weulhorby 52 , L H. Jowutt , plurality 25S Westover , plurality 122 , County Attorney E. J. Clement's plurality 2)1. The state ticket Is elected by ever 250 plurality. Hliornmn. LoinCITV , Neb. , Nov. 7. The following vote is ofllclal : Loup City precinct Harrison risen 18S , Cleveland 92 , Dorsoy 187 , Weath- erbylM , Tlnivor 187 , McShant- , Laws 181 , Bines 93 , Hill 195 , Patterson 18' . ' , Benton 183 , Poynter 92 , Lcusu 149 , Mungor 129 , Stenrn 147 , Junsen 93 , Conger 189 , Green Ib9 , Wheel 91. Bradley 19. Washington precinct Harrison 50 , Clove- anil 30 , Dorsoy 50 , Wcathorbv 30 , Thayer W , McShano 30 , Laws 50 , Bines : ) , Hill 50 , Patterson 30 , Benton 50 , Poynter 30 , Loeso VI , Munger 30 , Stern 50 , Jansen ! ! 0 , Conner M , Green 30 , Fuller 50 , Bradley . Slnnx. IlAitui oN , Neb. , Nov. 7. Seven precincts out of fourteen glvo Harrison 131 , Clcvo- ml 153 , McShuno 101 , Thayer 121 , Dorscy ' 1 , Woathorbv 150 , Council 140 , Cox 159 , Ichrist 173 , Westover 123. Cherry. VAI.ENTIVK , Nob. , Nov. 7 Sixteen out of twenty-ono precincts in Cherry county give Hurrison 205 , Thayer 131 Dorsoy Ih3 , re publican candidate for senator 220 , for representative HI majority. The remaining precincts will probably slightly reduce the- republican majority. lUnlne. DUVXINO , Nub. , Nov. 7. Bromster pru- cinct , Blaine county , gives Harrison 03 , Cleveland 41 , union labor caiuildato 10 , pro hibition 2 , Thayer 42. Dunning precinct gives Harrison 33 , Cleveland 17 , Fisk 1 , Taber 1 , Thuyor 33 , Mc Shane 17. Gni field. Bt'iiwr.i.i. , Neb. , Nov. 7. [ Special Tele gram to Tun BKK. | The complete returns of this county show the folloxving vote : Harrison risen 230 , Cleveland 131 , Thayer 209. Mo- Shane 152 , Dorsoy 231 , Weutherby 131 ; for the stuto senate from Garileld county , ShUn- ncr ( rep. ) 250 , 1 . Fuhy ( dem ) 111 ; repre sentative , J. L. Hunna ( rep. ) 200 , A. L. Cove ICO ; county attorney , J. W. Newman ( rop. ) 100 , T. W. Bartloy ( dem. ) 200. linox. NiomuiiA , Neb , , Nov. 7. [ Special Telo- grum to TIIK BBI.J : Knox county gives the national and state ticket 350 republican ma jority ; senator 225 majority ; Towlo 300 ma jority. There uro four republican precincts to hear from. linrlnn. ALMA , Nob. , Nov. 7. Incomplete returns from Hurlun county : Harrison 975 , Cleve land 400 , Thayer 050 , McShano 430 ; for senator Burton ( ron. ) 010 , Price ( united la bor ) 750 , Bliss ( pro. ) 120 ; for rcprosentutlv I Elliott ( rep. ) 750 , Siuiins ( dem ) 40J , Evani ( union labor ) 320. On in I tig. BANfiiorT , Neb. . Nov. 7. [ Special Tele gram to TUB Biiis.i Hurrison 103 , Cleveland 53 , Fisk 13. Lincoln. NOUTH PLATTK , Nob. Nov. 7. [ Special Telegram to Tin : BEE. | North Plutte city. Presidential electors Harrison 310 , Cleve land 299 ; governor Thuyor 325 , McShnno 325 ; congress Third district G. W. E. Dor- sey ( rep. ) 315 , E. P. Weatherby ( dcm. ) 305 ; state senate Thirtieth district John I. Nes bitt ( rop. ) 337 , Geo. W. Vroman ( dom. ) 313 , representatives Fifty-fourth district Henr St.Rtiynor ( rep. ) 'Ml , F. O. Feltz ( dcm. ) 80(1 ( ; county attorney W. T. Wilcox ( rep. ) 348 , W. B. Risso ( dem. ) 302. Hurt. TEKAMAANOV. 7. [ Special to THE BEB ] Burt county nearly 1,000 for the rcpublicrn ticket , Thuyer will run to behind his ticket. In Tckamau precinct Thuyor received 118 majority. CAIILTON , Neb. , Nov. 7. Harrison 155 , Cleveland 115 , Wetherald state senate repub lican 127 , Stump state scnuto democratio 118 , Trucidnln legislature republican KM ) , Roper legislature democratic 110 , Bnkor lloat rep resentative republicun 145 , Burresa float representative democratic 123 ninillMin. NOIIFOLK , Neb. , Nov. 7. Norfolk prcclnot total vote b22 , Cleveland 437 , Harrison 370 , Fisk 45 , Slrealor 20. Cheyenne. ' Loncu : POLE , Neb. , Nov. 7. Harrison 05 , Cleveland Ki , Fisk lit , Thayer 93.MoShanu A muu * > ' , A tii niuui ut * L/ut ou > yit cuidiui uy blNosbit9SVroman91StUaynerl05l.'eltzi9 , PLUM CHEEK , Nub. , Nov. 7. [ Spoclal Tcla- grum to THE But : . ] Returns from precincts meagre , but enough to show that cntlro re publican national , state and county tickets received increased majorities over last year. Grecloy. GnnEi.EV Ces'Tnu , Nub. . Nov. 7. [ Special Telegram to TUB BKK. Three precincts in Orcciny Center giro Hurrlson 10 , Cleveland 199 ; Thayer will go behind ticket. Hanna , three precincts , gets 199 , A very 1W ( for sena tor , Harry i3 , Roach 152. Leese ran ahead of ticket. Wheeler county gives Hunnu fo rcprchcntativo 107 ! aiority ; Buffalo. ICEAiiNr.v , Nob. , Nov. 7. ISpecial Telegram to THE BEE. ] The election board has coun ted all straight votes cast In thu city , resulting ns follows : Republican , 452 ; democrats. ' - 29 ; prohibition , 7 ; total vote cast , 1124. Center precinct gave a republican majority of 57 out of 139 votes cast. A. H. Connor. candidate for the state senate frein third district hud no opposition. An Orntlnn to Chairman Klolinriln. FHEMONT , Neb. , Nov. 7. [ Special Tele gram to Tin : BEE. ] When Chairman Rich ards , of the republican state central com- mittco , arrived home from Lincoln this even ing he was met nt the depot by the Fremont band , und a large procession of citizens cur rying brooms , and was escorted uptown by tbem. Congressman Doroy was Mr. Rich ards' special escort. The impromptu recep tion swelled Into an Immense throng nnd wa * n splendid ovation to Mr , Richards for hla generalship and organization in this cam paign. Tlic I'roio | eil Zanillmr Hlookade. HBULI.S , Nov. 7. Portugal has glvea potico that sbo will Join England and Ger many in the proposed naval blocUaJo of Zau- zibur ports , to suppress Tlie Wcathar ImtlunllonH. Nebraska : Light rain or gnow , colder In. eastern portion , stationary temperature la eastern portion , northerly wind * . Iowa : Threatening weather and rain , northeasterly winds , becoming variable , fol lowed by colder during Thursday night , Dakota : Light snow , stationary tempera ture , northerly winds ,