Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 07, 1888, Page 7, Image 7

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* *
No Atlvrrllscmi'iiu will IMS taken fur
tliOM- columns niter l"i : > 0 p. m ,
Terms CnHli In nilvnncc.
Advertl' etnfiits under thth head lfl cents per
line for the Mm In ertlon. 7 rentH for each sub-
wntient Insertion , nml Jl.Mn line per innntli
No iid\f > i tl'ctncnt takrn tor lc ? than&tccuts
Ihu tli 4 .nstrtlon. fcuvcn words will bo fonnted
to the llni1 : tlicy inuBt run consecutively and
must be lialtl m ADVANCC. All advertise
ments rntiht bo linnilml lu before liiiWo rlockp.
in. , mid under no tlicumstancc * will they betaken
taken or ill > cnntimuil by telephone.
1'artle * advertising | ti thewo ujlumns and liav-
lap. thi-lr answers iitlilre sed In cnr of I HI : UKK
Mill please ast torn check loanable thoin to get
tholr letters , al nrtno will bn dellveiud except on
lircK'iitntlon of chock. All answers to adver-
tlfi mvntHfdiould b nnelosed In envelopes.
All iidMirtlf-ementH lu tiles' ) columns arc pub-
lltthed In both mornlnu and evening editions ot
'J'lll ! ItKl' , tin ) circulation of which nRRreRates
inora than lMt * ) implies daily , and wives ( ho ad
vertisers tno benellt. not only of the cltvcireu-
Int Ion of TICK UKK , but almi of Council DliUTa ,
Lincoln mid other cities ami towns throughout
IhlSftrctlon ot tha country.
Advertising for thepo columns will be taken
on the above condition' , at the following buil-
nets houses , who iiru authorised iiKtmts for THE
UKM special notices , und will ciuotu the same ni c.m bu had ut the tniiln ollicu
JOHN W. IIIILL , riiarmaclit , K South Tenth
Bt reft
c IIAPI1& IIIIDY. Stationer * and Printers. IIJ
South 18th Sliuet.
Sll" . PAlt.VSWOUTll , I'liarinactst.-'inCutn-
. _ . lug Sti-cut.
W " .I lirofiTis , I'harmacUt , KM North ICth
Stieet ,
"MX ) . W I'AUlC I'halinacUt. 1SJVfat. Mary's
-f Aienue.
\\'ANTlD-Situations ; for 'M peed girls , I
TT h.ivu ( i chambermaids. 4 kitchen girls , -
nnrsoglils , and balance to assist In housework ;
ha\i' also niunu Swedes nnd Ilohvmluns. who
cannot speak Ilngllsh. Mis. llroga , IIH'i S mill.
li | 7 *
SITUATION by a joung man sti'iiogriipher
mill tvpo writer. Has had lotH of vxperionco
and can furnish tlio very best recommenda
tions. ( wns a go > d No. U Remington typow rlter.
Address II M lieu olllce. K > l l )
" \ \ r.NTP.II'osltloii .is waiter In restaurant.
T > ICJ7. lli'oolllco. 'IIU ( i *
PfSI'l ) ION for young Klrl to do second work
Inprhato family. Nubruska KmplojniQUl
ofllrnIII , N Illtn. \ nij'
"V\ rAXTI'lSltiiutloii us cook whole husband
ran board ; llrst-iluss lufuiencvf , . Address
IJJ-'I llee olllce. 1 U >
CIS II , I'liglnrur nnd diuugiilsiuiin wants posi
tion \ \ 111 tukt' iinylhlnir at llrsl. fur-
nlsh A No. 1 rufcrcnco.s. Addiess II , ' . ' , ) UPC. '
\\r A M'lJISituation by vouii ' 1 idy to 510
' n Ing luprl.alo family , ajiply 13M South
lUlist. 'J117'
\ AN'TKIK-Sltuallou by ( 'irl for Roneral
T hoiiheworlc. Apply ntfcboulh nddown
wi nj
AV ANTI'I ) lieiionil and local agents to
Itundlu thu n w p.itcnt chemical Ink
H > enell ; gioiitost novulty ev r produced ; . . . .
nk In two seconds ; uo abrasion or paper ; " 00
toMI per cent prollt ; hi-lls at sight ; tcirltorv
nlmolutt'l ) free ; .siiluj to good nii'n ; saniplo 115
tents In' mull. l'or terms and full p.irtlculais
mldrets thii manufacturers , J. W. bklnner&
Co. . OliuliiBka , Win. tKi'J Ut
3DAMIVMAN , fcW ; I dishwasher. { 'I.VJ ; 5 men
for the cltv , J1.7li ; U mon for D teach * winter
work , l.7ii ; 5 men for work out otilty , steady
work. H.W , Wanrtoll XWalters. . 4W N. nth. ;
_ 'JVJ lit
' \\fANTIll ) A llrst-rlass mini in dross gooda
TT dcnartiiifut. J. L , Iliundlus & fcon , l th
nudUiiward. ( W fl
"IXrAN'l HI > Agrnts for new Christmas books.
T f ( jlrcnliir.s will lin Hi'iit on anpllrutlon. I'ron-
poclusHi'iit piepald for nkDon't delay. Ad-
' i norland i Co. , 10 | Stale St. , Chicago , III.
Ul ! 8
IfANTIJI * A lioj iibnllt 15 yis old , ( iunniin
T pcreferiod , toatutl ) inedli Ino ' . " 03 r.unum
" \\r-ANTKD VllHt ( lass Kali'smaii for dross
T goods dopartinent ut The I'tilr , I Itli nnd
llOWRlll. UJ7 _
COIlltisrONIiNTS : : Omaha ls lo ha\o u
llvo , f\i luslvo Sunday paper , and It w nnta
u voliintt'er roiiLspoudeiit in t'\ory neighbor-
Iiood In the city and In every town within 10) )
mlU'H. No previous experience needed. C.ill at
loom f.'J. lloaidof Tratle , betwuen I mid 5 p. m.
this week or wiite. Don't delay. ! WJ
\\rANTKD-BO teamsters and 71 Mono quarry
TT inen. Steady work Mid faro paid. Apply
atai7S i ith st. 11007 *
"ItfANTKO ! M coal miners. Kor nartlculars
TT lniiili | * at alike of Iowa and Nebraska
Coal Mining Co. , looms U ami I , Uiaultn Illook.
831 't
\\rANTKH A good canvasser , apply Rt 217
T N , liith t , Omaha , Neb. 7. > 7
"lirANTl' ! ) Salo'inen , to Intiodiirn a new
TT and \crjr saleable article In his locality and
adjoining cities. Hnl.irtra jwild to i\itivo , oner-
gotle Milesmen. Addii'.ss , uuclmlnj ? tineecents
ill stamps , the Atlas -Manufacturing Co. loci ;
I IPX ; iw , Cincinnati , Ohio. TCljl P ;
" \\7ANTI5D Malei female agents easy selling
T I i ; ° oiLs room "I , llarkor blk , llthrarnam ,
WANTl'.n Tcamstor.s at tavw p r month
and board Apply on work two miles west
of Irvingtoii ou 1' . 1) ) . A. M. V. It. U. J. P. Allen ,
ContrnUor. 701-7 *
V\rANTii : ) r.ncrgctlc men nnd women every'
TT wheio for nguntcol mouey-niakliig busl.
iii'ss , I'lO weekly prollt guaranteed easier thau
16 ! ) monthly othctwlse. Kxpcrlonco absolutely
unnecessary. Permanent position and cxclu-
Rlvo teirltory assured. tiUO .sa.uiplei free.
\Viltaforlpftrtlculars. Address , with stamp ,
Urrlll Mt gCo. . l > 53Chicago. 4l7n2jt
T\rANTKI > Two feeders' competent to feed
TT ilonble cylinder Hoe picas at the St. Jo
toph ( ia/etto olllce. BM)0 )
"l\rANTii : ) Canvnsseis at once : salary JI.W
TT piirdny ; must deposit t i forHatnplns ; dtj
Or country. Addiess H 1,1 , Hue olllce , Omaha.
7'J S *
\\TANT1'I ) Shovclors ; wages tl.T'i per dayi
TT boaid * l 00 per week. Apply on work ill
llulo , Neb , XachSIirop , contractor , 'M'\
\VANTii : ) A rnnn to solicit ; salary } 100 pel
T T month ; must deposit } - " > and give sei-urltj
for money collect ! d. Addian * Oeorge ( i. Cllue
Wagnct bloik. DCS Moluea. la. W5
ACIIN'IS WANTii-K5 : a mouth nnd e v
pcnsi-s paid any active poivin to soil oni
Itoods : no iMpltal , s.ilaiy monthly , innensesli
HI IUICC. paillcular fiee. Stuudatd Sihoiw.m
Co. , lloiton , 419
B OYb-Atu. Dlst. Tel. Co. . 1304 Douglas.
* l\7"ANTii- : ) to take the agencrof 0111
T safi's ; hlruWxlHxls Inches ; u eight MM Ibs
T tnH prk-e M > ; other sizes In proi > crtion /
r r chance aud permammt business. Tliesi
kftftuf meet n demand never bcfoie supplied bi
other safe companies , as wo ara not governei
by too safe pool. A Iplnc Safe Co. Cincinnati. U
_ _ _
tlTANTEU < lood Ufa nsiiranca solIcUor-
TT with bank references , urn \\antod by tin
JJnlou Mfe ot 4U1 Merchants' national bant
Inillillntf. Omaha , Olllce houm 8 to 10 a. in. am
o p.m. Ull
IA : AN'l'r.l > -Aglrl 't
V ? luiiisework ; ninstba tlrsl-clasj. 19 W
street , Kountze addition. Wl-u *
\\r. ' > NTii-li : ) iiu < diutoljr. an expurlencei
uur-.ii girl to euro for nlno-montho-oli
Jj by. full ut Will Pavenport bt. 1' . 11. Pugli
r ANTI'.D-tilrl for u noral lmu > o ork.
IV I'mnam.
* lrANTiilVorVtUtf housekeeper ou i
M r nulu aUo housekeeper fora Indy-whos
time U occupied outside , Ibt.and Sd ulrl In H\sl :
CUM family : paUry wok , : good pluci-s n
iuIvate famlllusevery day , Mrs , llrega ail1
B IJtll , Dili 7 ;
irAN'IT.D-Clrlntonce. HUT Howard.
U79 Ct
\\f.\NTKlJ-A competent Ui for cook uni
I > couutul work , Luullyof llirce.- ; ! ! . ' Douul.ia
W7 7
" \VwN' iiTr'lrl : ror aencial housework ii
IT No. I'UM Jackson at , ' .Ml It
* \VANTii-Thice : ) ualtienwi for Llucolr
two for Wyoming ; I8 and $ M. I'are paid
Cook , for Maiming , Iowa ; ( < laweek. for rltj
nice coloroil girl for family of three ; f.'l.M >
, Two dun \MXshera , one chambi-r mil' :
four , CIHIK for boarding house , un
nty-tlte girls for uuncralort. . Omnha Kn
llurt'iui. . l' ' > th t.
\\r.\NTi ; -A nuod Kill for Hi-lit home wo
T > .it lit. 4 Kiimders st. _ UlO-fl *
\ \ r AN"l'Jti-A coed girl for cen'ir l ho"u <
t > work , ( loodY.i e paid , afll 8t. Va
.1. U llrumllca. ti > v
LAOVrook. 1 dUhwimber. 8 clInltiB-rooii
Blrl3 , 1 i-haniliermnld , : i good girls for centra
iouseworN undell & Walters , iw N , luth ,
Wi C >
\ VANTRA coo'l Klrl for Ronernl house-
work. AMily at WJ ( IMtrl k av. B12 b *
/ ( .0'iltcirl8fprA ' Ulnn r cooks forprh-at
UfftinllleIlls ( For f-tncriil hou o\rorkl c ok
private family W ) a month , ! liii'-.di ss ,
woman to do quilting. Nebraska Employment
ollke. HIT N 10th _ aj | K .
CJIULfor light Housekeeping. 1013 Chicago
i f. t > a o *
_ _
ANTt'.II-Oooil KlrlntlDW Hodie ; st. ,
corner Krth nt. , Kood wanes paid. 1'lfi r *
\\r ANTKU ( lood plrl forgenerftl hou ewoiij
> > I'J Calltofula t , 8.1
WANTKD ( lood girl forgoncral honsswork.
tiu a iuth it w-
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -
\VANTIl-An ! cxpei lencoil saleslady. A piily
T > 17ZI DQ.IKO. . nul u
TtMNTKI ) At OIKB. Rlrl I'l to li to assist
T T with child. MusY be tirlglit , neat and will
Ing. ( all I'J to 1 room 'M.C'hainlier of I'ommorce.
.1X1 fi *
_ _
WANTIll ) A rompcH-ntliurnoBlrl with trooil
leleronces. Mrs. J , 1" . Ilaum , Kill Wool-
woi'tn ae , 8W
irANTII ! ) Plr t-cUis girl , small family ,
' " -le * . Apply 1112 S loth st. UI7 S
\\rANTI'I-Alady to solldt : mint ctepo r
TT nnd glvo spruilty for umnpy cullerti-d.
Address ( leorgo S. I'llni"Vaguer block , Dos
Mulucs In. Mi
\\rANTI'.J ) ( qtmictont gnl for genuinl homo
! > work. Mis. 'Iho4. 1. Hall , 15I > Suet man
avenue O.m
\\T A XT' I ) I ) Liicly agents lor couinlnlxtlon
TT bustle-skiit , "DuHy" hose biippoitiT ,
rubber aprons , bib * , slemes , Miolihlor unices ,
Mxfi'ly belts , wati'iptonf gcuinontsetc siellabld
house. Only goods of mil merit ; profits laige.
Aildlifts with staimi. M. II. Campbell 4 Co. , 4 < l
W , llnnilolph bt. , chi''igo. rDnov in ) .
X'ALKNTINIl'ri Short-hand unif type-wiitiTiff
> InsMtute. ii"xI'lixtun building. Omahu ,
Neb. 'I ho only ci\rluslve , prm th al snort hunil
Bchool lu the w eat. 'I liu demand for snoi t-lninu
v liters Is largely in e\ces-t of the supply.
ijhort-hamt U mucli supnrlor to book-koupliiK
mid telegraphy as a menus ot livelihood. Wo
give lust i m tlon * on lli'tnington and llnmmond
ytic-wliters both lor the h line price ,
l.iv nnd i-ifiling sessions. Studints can
enter alum thud. Send lor circulars. 75-'nil.
ITKIUOIt ad\untam > s now Klvcn in the o
InuurlK'.s at Oinulia ( 'ommerclal < . 'oiK'Uv > i > i > .
) ' o. , ror irth and llod e. Hen ritman Hj-Ktuni ,
Itemlngton tp ° wrlleM. lively uuuliutu In
Kood po-iltl < in. Ktndonts romplotn inixnuiil lu
"wo w < i'k > , and v. litcivi woids In thine months.
I'ructlrnl olllc ( drill Klven ouch student emi
.nonlh frer llecltatloiid dully ono hour , llli
tatlim throe hours dully. Day and cvenlnt * so1-
5lotis students niter tiny time. I'or
write IturhboiiKli ( Itos , omalm.
"IjiASIlTdNAHLiT"dios4m.iker "from tlio ,
JL' ( .nod rutter , litter und diaper , wlnhes to do
fuinlllen. Addles O "i , lloo.
cy- lit
K'lini'LlLlka to Invc-it i services or 51,000 to
} " . ( WI In legitimated p.ilm > DusliiBsS no pat-
nl hchemcAodirsi II. 1 llei' . l > ? J-t > *
C 1 \ \DIAN llmido.Miient Olliio. Mrs. llregci.
Ull jIMh ! , Hefcte'tiLU Omaha Natiooal bank
_ LVJ n 2gt
K lillllAbKA impluyment : Ollice.ai7N.lCth ,
b'll ur
rANTii-Tublo : ) boarders at
A\ rANTii'I : hlrtv day boarders , also three
> loomeu ut 2-JJ1 lludgu st 271 n-0
BY shik'lo youtic : man with t > e t of
loom ix nl boaiil iiaouooC family In a like
prl\atu tumlly near 10th and Douglas. Address
I' , line \ \ m llarr Diy Goods Co. 019 li *
" "
Ijldlt HIJNT-ln CoiTncIl"lllurfs-Tw-o"eloKaiit
1bilck lesidences , In do-diable location , bj
Od ll llios. A. lo. , 1112 tf. loth , Chamber of Com-
mi-no. ! MO S.
"ITIt tlll HUNT Monspn looms and bath room ;
-1- KIIOI ! barn ; 2Vl ! Dnxenpoit st. ; Inqulie on
IflOH HUNT I'-rooin lirutsn with or without
bam I'jr CasHbt. S Luhinan. Ull
1/olt HUNT A7-room cottage on street car
line , and ono block from c.ible. r.itnllr o
ndiilts pu'foircd. _ I2I1 N. I'.ltli st. 'Jll-h *
"IjlOH HUNT ri-ioom cottage.Diivenportatreet ,
-t1 JlSpi-r month. Imiulie. Netherton Hall ,
Itoom I.M , first Nut'l b.inn. b4 ! 7
I/Oil IU'NT-11-room house , every modern
convenience , centrally located , J70 per
month , HufpiPticet requited Netheitou Hall ,
lioom 42,1 , I' Nut'l bank , ! UI 7
"I/lOU HKNT HaudsomPh * fninlahed 9-room
4 modern house , near cable line. Netliertou
Hall. Itoom 4 ! l. I'lrst Nat'l bank. iXSj 0
T71OH HKNT 3 7-loom cottages , well located.
-13 Inaulie. Netherton Hull. Itooui 4 .1 , Hrgt
Nut'l bank. trj4 7
"ITtOH HUNT Ten room hoiibo onnw , cor. Cap-
J1 Itol av. nnd 17th ; clo-e lu to business ; suited
for loomers .inn boaidcrs. Apply to Dr. Neville ,
nw cor. Doti hiii uud Uth Ull 1U *
TjlO I ( HI ! N T-TnT'oiTncIl IIIuiTb-Two ninveie"
J-1 cant brick losldcincein di-slrablu locution
by Udell HIOB. &Co. , 31S S. luth , Chamber of
Cuiumetce. 8 7 7
FOH HUNT New 4-room house , ci'llai'.closet- . .
10th and Iliincrott , near new school. Ml n *
T7UH ) HKNTHrium Place , two blory eight
* - loom house , suiendld well and cistern ;
good b.irn Apply C. K. Maynv , Iteal INtate
Hnd Tiust comiiunv. 00(1 B
HUNT-U room house and ban' , 2.111
| ijlili.igo st , luinilru W3 a lOtUat. 715
* ) NKW c'leuunt brick residences In deslrabla
J location in Council lllutls for runt bj-u'UtMl
Hl03 & Co. , 31" 8 10th. Chamber ot Commerce.
Hs.7 ii
IJ DH HUN'1 'i-rnom house , s.'a and Pierce. F.
J : K. Darling , 1521 Parnnm. 8M > 8
TjlOH ItUN'l1 Nice ll-rooiu house with collar.ou
X1 - . " . and Walnut sts. at J7.50 per month. Ins -
' s 18th st.
"IIIOH ltr.NT--Ncwly furnl ltod 8 room house
J- with modern lmpro\emunts ; fnriilturo for
saloon model to teitm ; uouse reuU for $11. 4'M
21th a\e 67:1 : C ;
1J10H HUNT- " loom house , I''tli and Jones , a
JL1 looiiis lsh | and Martha. 7 ionm 2'itli nnd
llainein rooms , luo.lern improvements , 21ht
and Loi-nst , Kountze Place , cunvualent to ualilu
and fctieet cars. Mnahau \ Mahoney , room
Wfi PaMoa blpcL _ h,17 _
FOH oHUNT I have u number of parties
v anting to rent furnished houses \Vlio has
tlit me J. II. Pauotte rental aijoncy , IMMI uhl <
17"ull HINT S-room house and liirn. S K coi
Ji' 'Jsth axe and \\ehsterM , fmpL r month. Itv
quiieiiU'i I'.iMon block , P , .1 , Croodon. Kl !
Ij'UH Itl'.NT 17houso < In line location. renH
lea -nimble and furniture tor sain clieap.
Ou-oppiathti Land X Lot Co. , a"i ) N lilth SIJ fi
3/\OU \ HUXl' Anew convenient 4-room honso
'witliclo-i'ts.pantries , hard and softwatui ,
I" y S. " 1st bt. , bUween Center and Dorcas.
b5 ! 11 *
1/OH HUNT oneot those 10-room houses lr
J Paik Ti'iiacr. cor. Hansr-om parK , all mod
rrn linpiovumcnts , ilO per month. Inquire Let
i Xlrliol , " 'slli ami Leaxenworth. KU
F' H HUNT House of 8 rooms , wlthcootl
bain , ci'y wtitsr. Inimireailb Capitol ave ,
8H 9
ITltiH HUNT llouutiful 8-rr > om house , Imtl
X' iiiiim. hoi and cold water , l tern In Kitchen ,
sexYiTK'imectlpn. gas , hard pine tliilali. snlt-u
illd r < nnine , house new nnd complete. M.I ii i
mouth , e ill at once. C P. Hurrlaon , 418 S 15th ,
, : 77S
lilOlt Hl'ST A 11111" uuwSroom house with at
L1 modrrn Imiirovvmeuts , suclt as gas , bath
hot und c-old water on both floors , inside al
hard llnlsli , lai go window sand large ( -rounds
coiner of llkkory and ( k-oiglji ave. J'ncn tM
Y. II.Salmon , 1UI3 Leavi nworth st. 77JX.
"I OIt ItUNl-It-room liat. lUh and Tlowird
J1 tin iiMinth. Apply to j. L. Uran-loii A Sons
conior Uth niiJ ( Howard. 7ta
lir.NT-5 houses. 8 and 11 rooms. 2011
* , near faltfornla. Dr. Jones. ttW 7'
UKNT Xevx : i-roon : hou-es , Sfl.50 pel
month. John it. Hamilton , Hoom ill Flrv
K < t. Hank bnlldlliK. 7-4 7 *
1(1H ( HUNT New 8 room houk * with fnrnl
-L iu o , city wr.U'r , lintli , location
k-Vi p r month. J , H r rrolle , icutul aKfucy
iwjil Chlra.u at. ml IJ
Itli.NT ( j room house , ; > U. 7-rooni homo
I'oiH'leluiiiUf. ' Ueo. I. tlllbort , With
I'CV Jilll
0t | IMINT-llaru. stain. 411 S. Kth. bet
Howard aud Haincy. KX lu *
UN'la story brick rc.ia nce , a
Hoi aye. , 10 'roams. Apply to C. II , Union.
_ , _ 472
< J ! . > 0SriKni hoii.'c , Oath roon. hut n < l cole
"witter , gin , M-wrr , pared tre < t , new. c. F
lUrrUou. 4H. B. litll t. Kti
LI OU HUNT C-rooni lioimi , city water. No. UK
J j'-"i'l''H. ' ' lumiire at PKTJ llowarJ. on
r * HOOM bilik "libiice. Sill Hamilton . Al
iiiOtlrrn ImproTriupUts , $ XJ.
8 tnom fiame. No. wr llamllton St. . 13TM
L a > m IturnhaiL , No , 1 Cr igUtou block. < !
T710H KENT Two toro rooms , vhlch are conJ -
Jverted Into living looms , 8 room J each , ntHI
per month , N. i : . cor , 19th and Mason , Inquire
injnjtth t. 211
l/ioll IllST ; l-room .house on S. Iflth st. , two
JJ block * south of Vtntonnt. : will rent for 110
p r mouth o'r sell on terms to suit purchaser.
( leo. J. Sterusdorff room 0 , opposite P.O. 01"
"ITOU HUNT When you wlsiTto rent n house.
JL1 stdre or oillce call ou us. 11. E. Cole , room
0. Continental block. til )
TTVWHUNT Hoii T w 1th nine robtai. Ill S.
JU 21th st. Mount \ Orlllln , 211 S. lltlist. 7H
ell HKNT 7 room house with large barn ,
ill per month ; for the winter. C. F Ilarrt-
noil. 413 so. lith , Bt. 9J1
_ _
FOH HUNT A \vB-room lion' * , Uty w-ater
iiud stable , cur , rariiam and 42nd sts. Apply
1'a.xton block Hll
fj'OH HKNT To responsible party , 9-room
J1 brkk house. 118 South 21th st. 1.10 feet from
cable Hue. I uinacu and nil modem conveni
ences. Hcnt till per month. Apply to J. W.
( Hinitli. f. I' , headquarters < W M
IjtOH HKNT-7-roQin llatt city water , batn and
JL1 modpi n conveniences I ) unfurnished and ! 1
'm nlsheil , rooms for Unlit hotisekeeulm ; All
o\er 1000 Howard st. C. F. ShaAv , 1013 Howard.
KUVT in-room hou o with tteam heat ,
at 2m H. 'IMst. \ . ( I. K , Ihompson. Hheely
jlock , Htli ami Howard st ? . in
IjlOH HIJNT-ii-room cottage on horse car llnp ,
-L1 jis u month. Apply M. l.lgutlur 1UOI , I'ar-
lamst. _ 418
1/OH HUNT -House. 7 rooms , 23d st near CR S ,
House 8 rooms. Sill Caw Bt , Impilre Hoom
.I , llarker bloc k. _ 311 _
FOIt KUNT Ilv Iloswoith i .loplln , llurKer
block. ! l , 4 , f > . ( i , 7 , H , It , 1U , 11 , 14-room homes
in all parts of the city. r,1. * )
JjlOlt HUN I I'lioap , f > new i-room houses ,
Ustem. well , i I'iscts ' , coal houses , all com-
ile. to for tlio nmnll sum of $10 per month. J. H.
I'arrotta's rental iiK ncy. IWMrhtcajBo st. 311 T _
171011 HBNT AMeryloxvi.ites. 10 and U new
A1 residences. 2404 and 2414 , ( . ass street , t'luiku
I'lace Unn block south of ( . 'relghtcmcnllei ; * , on
t'utnuiii and 21th street car line. All modern
impiovements. Auply , H. T. t'laik ' Union Trust
Co. , or nt 24'W < 'a ° s stieet. fill
J7U'KNIHUD : front rooms with boatd. 1(117 (
Cuss. P'i ( ) b *
17Ult UKNT- Dining room , kltehan and bed
JL * room nttoly furnished to lent. ITI'.Mlaven-
ion st. A need cliani u ; no children nnd good
lefereneeieiiulred. lijS R ;
Kr nice south front rooms for rent , fur-
nltmc for Mil < i : luitlesle.ivlni' the city N.
\V. cor I ith nnd Howard. Sll 8 *
I/OH HUNT-Two or tliieo rooms , fuinlsliud
JL or iinfuinlshoil , new building , heat and mod-
1'in Impiovumuuts ; no clilldrvu , Apsily , IC-'O
Cuss. inj 8
1CULV furnished south loom , sultabln for 1
ca'2 poi'ions. nlthteam liuat uml moduru
coiiMiiloncus. Itute. , reasonable. ' Douglas \
st. Oil a *
ELUfiANT trout and back parlors , furnished
Millahlo for''gi'iitli'ini'ii or man nnd wife * ,
modem ( .onx'culeni es 10JH Duu las bt. OJ7
; i ) room , ' " N 1'th for gentlemen.
77i ! 71
OIt ulNT-riHnHhedioonn with llrst class
board. "OU Douglas. S7i ( IOJ
JICUIA' fnuilalied room , HIllowutd. .
ni ) loom anil board , with fas , Imth
' und t'uumco heat In lioii'-o. Ul Howard.
. ) ; 11 *
IOH HUNT Two pleasant , newjy fuinistied
1 moms , hpitel , for rent clieap ; contially lo
cated , nt 51 1 S lst live. li
front loom , nicely furnished. 1th
in lmpro\enient'f , rent le.isonablu.
2UOI Hurt st. lisl 7 +
GKNTI.KMKN only. One largo front loom
\\lthulco\r , ouo lat ii baclc room , both
nicely fuinisheil , hot and cold water bathand
closets same lloor. lor lent ro isonaulo. ItKiutro
at piemHes.11. . ) st. bJl ( it
O DOOMS furnlMied for lltsht hoiisekoepinu'
At KoSt. Miiiyjs .i e , , _ _ U ti 'a
POIt Itr.NT 1811 Capiloluve. Now furnished
looms for one , two or four gouttemen , t'M
tu.UUUper ni.ntlu Ni.1 IOJ
A VKM'I ! Kooms-llfiuncl llilu fapltol avo. , 2
bloikt tioin P.O. , newly furnished , pnvato
houseploabtint looms.ull convenlenceb
75U ! IJ
_ _ _ _
3"jVYiFTlUN fTomfoitably tnruUlieil'7ooinir
bik'K house , furnace heat , private laiully.
KISS. I'Jth ' t. h78 lot
" 1J1OH ItDNT Nice furnished and unfmnlflied
-L looms at II1H OodRo ut. Kmiulro room - bo-
twi'enn nnd tl o'clock. Two beautiful rooms for
man and wife. 07UO
fiont pallor for Kuntlemen. 43) ) N IStll.
HUNT -A haiidnonu' south room for ouo
or two ijentleinen , convenient to cable and
hoise car line , lluqulru 2111 Douglas at. b4l
looms , with or without board.
N. 2-M bt. _ 87' 1UJ
HIiNT-l'urntahnd loom. 11CS. Sith.
TjlOl ! 1IKNT Two eli-jjantly fmnlshed rooms
JL with board niiqnrli ) at or address Mrs. II.
I , . Handull. 17'il DodKC st , 7'JO U *
FOH HUNT Very deslic.hlo trout room , fur
nished : nveiy modem comenlenci- ; block
nnd a half liom llarnoy st. cable , -107 Dotiula > .
k ) ri'HN'I IIUl ) looms , akove.cloiets. inodetu
' ' , NluyU ) 01 en mte. 2tWJ Cass st.
"IjlOH HUNT -Coiufortablv furnished room ,
JL'\\lih dressing loom , centrally locate. ! , near
cable Hue , 1'MS Capiol ave. Kl ) 7 *
ELKUANT front looms , cheap ( KI S 11th ,
| _ _ 7C-N. 13-J
HP.NT Nlc large fiiniNhed room with
alcoyo.siilUiljlo for. geiitlumcn.ld l Putnam.
TJOOMS with Moves tl per week or &l.uU per
J. % month. MU.4-U s istn .st. 4 u-a *
FOH HKNT A large front room , nicely fur-
nlslied , modern conveniences , suitable for 2
gentlemen. IU1H Webster. 78fl _
IJ1OH HKNT Piirnlshod or nnfurnlslii-d loom
X1 for two gentlemen , or man and wife , 20Jj
Howard si. 541 _
loom. A. Hospe , 151J Doughib.
FUHNISTFUirroom , lUS20tlt , near Dodge.
MO n <
FOH HUNT 1'uinlshed loom. Bonth front ,
N U cor 21st ami Davenport st. 4S )
LA HOIK pleasant loom , furnished , brick Hat.
IMG Chkagost IKi
IT OH HENT-A largo front loom , now ly furL -
-L ! nlslied , south fiont , cheap , corner 17th and
Cumlngs sti < , northeast corner. il'Ji
CIOR HKNT Furnished rooms In Qreunls blk
JH cor. Vlth and Dodge sta. Inquire of Ueo. H , .
Davis. Mlllard hotel billiard room. 017
HUN l'-A M.MKlsomo rouin with alcove at
2M St. .Mary's ave. Iil8
TipOlt HUNT -I nfnrntshed looms , 3 or 0 rooms
J3 atom N uth bt. mo 8 *
"T7VH HU.NT-1 large front room , unfurnished
.i-'g-aN 1 ith st. bJJ
HI'.NT Four rooms In Dugg n's bulld-
Ing. cor 1 Humid P.iolflo sts. Would bo a good
placu tor a doctor. Umpilre at room 5 , over the
Uiug stole. 1 , . Duggan , 707
II OH HUNT- chambers convenient forhouse-
keeping to a man aud wife without child ren.j
blocks f rout poitollice. Ultt N I7tli , MK ) 10 *
fTNlTH Nl Bit TTD-Sultablalror nuuseiceepinir.
U Three | 3 > roouiH , 2UKI Nicholas st. . . . 12 ivo
1'our ( > rooms , 415 S luth st . 2J 2 , "
1 wo (2 > rooms , 415. S. luthst . no
Three (3i ( roonu. loiu N. aoth st . 11 ari
Three ( , li rooms. 701'4 Pacific st . . . . . J2 ft
Three ( Hi rooms. 11 li Pierce st . 12 B )
Three ft ) rooms , 1018 N. 2Ist at . H ou
Three ( J ) rooms. 707 Pacific bt. . 1000
1'onr (4 ( rooms , 1701 Webster st . PI 20
I'our(4) ( ) looms , 1704 Web ter &t . 0) i'
Judge HenliiiK Aeency.s. w. cor. Hurnev and
15th ts. nooni 1. 23fl
1(1011 ( HENTtorerooffl. . NoTsl * a. litust. A p.
X1 tilr at 1110 Howard st. gJl
FOH HUNT 3 store * on 10th and Loaves
worth , apply lUnk of Omaha , 01U
" | ? OK lll'.NT-llrick store , Hat above , Sltli oni :
JL' llamllton , desirable business Incatlou. Lea
vlU Iliirnliaiu , room 1 , Crelgliton block , 602
lilOH HKNT-Ofllc * suite KS month. 3 single
-L' oftices ins each , all fronting 10th at. , Husn
man block , N. K. Cor. lath ana UouzUs. W. M.
Hiishman. 1311 Loaveuworth. 631
HKNIrina retail etore room with
JLMari ; baseniflnt. WO par mouth. U F. liar
ilson. 418 S. l&tli st. C23
TTVMt HHNT-Oood barn , i avails , feed room
JL1 and wagon sued. Inquire at.2023 Howard st.
GEOHGK J. BTEHNSDoTo'F. room . opp. P.
O. , will hernafttr give special attention to
renting houses , store * and flats. If you want
your propel ty rented without delay and to relt
ablp tenant ) , du not fall to lUt the same with
Uliu. J
IF YOB want your houses rented plac them
yrlth Dean VTA & Co. , 15th , opposite postofflce.
. . K
Y\7K Rlve special attenZjpn to routlnR and colT -
T T letting r nts , list M * us. H. li. Cole , rooia
C. Continental block. CJ4
IJUHPONAI/J-IfyouhaToa p rsonal Item , or
any cotnmuntratlop , drop it lu ono of The
lisa's message boics. 105
] OST A large. blacking , lame In ono front
J leg. Howard will Utrflltd tor Ills return to
ini : Mason street. P02-7 *
ST11AVK1) ) or stolen A red cow , u til to fnce ,
broken hotn. Hettirn to L' . Jorgeuson , Doth
nnd Douglas , and g t toward , l'4S 7 *
LOST-During parade on Douglas st. . n red
plaid bhinKet dropped from horse near 15th
st. I'luder will bu rewarded by returning
to Nalhuti Sheltou , 1503 I'nrnam st , t > 15 a
LOST Saturday night Imtwcen the corner of
Klglith and Leavenworth street and ( lor-
mania lumso , Tenth struct , ladles' kid button
shoe. Reward at Uermaiiln house. wiiflj
OsT A while pony , lame In light hind foot.
Hfturti to Stockjntds Co. and iceelxe com
pensation. .1. P. lloyd. hJl U
rpAKKN UP Hay mare tiony , saddle mark on
JL back. ( Iro. T. Ulid , Hiauucu , Nubnibka.
oct iM-n-D-11-\-'J )
Foil SAIiK A membership In the Omaha
Hoard of Trade , worth JoOJ. What will you
give ? PO 110X242. _ UJ58
ITUMt SALU Hange base burner , brus < els
J ? c arpats and curtains. All good as new. JtiJO
W. 8 *
SALi : , ' ) thoumghbred Kngllth water
spaniel pups. C. U. Oll\or , " \ - Hamilton
_ _ _ -
I 7 < ( ) ll HAM : Wood In < iuantitles to suit , at
1 bottom prices , at 1U18 Cnmliig st. IKS St
F OH SALU A Huntletnun leiixlng town will
sell for t-.U ) the fiiinituro In his room whlih
cost him upwards of f8J.W. Address H 21 , llee.
rpVPUWHITUH Hlbbons-rino linen paper ;
JL short-hand text books and all kinds of short
hand and typewriter supplies for sale at Valen
tino's Short Hand Instltutu , new Paxton build
ing. Omaha. b9 19
"ITlOlf b ALU Almost new piano , ut 1U1' Cass.
JU blS 9
171 OH SALU Very line family horse nnd
J. phaeton atotir own price. Imiulio room 210 ,
rirst National llauk h70
"I71OH SALU Furniture and loa e at < i baigaln.
JU 620 S liith vt. 740 7t
A CA HI NUT grand upright piano , tlrst-cluss
make , for sale at a salrlllce. onlj used one
> ear , pat t cash and pait time If desired. Ad
dress H 10 , cart ) Hoe. 71. dl
T7KHI SALU or ti adoNew two t-eatod car-
i rlage and .slnglo top bnu'gy. Selb } ' . 1121
Kuruam. 375
I"AI)1I'S Supcrllucius half on thu lace , i-ect
Jar nuns lomoved nnd the roots Instuntly
killed by the Uh-ctrlc Neectlo Piocess. leaving
no niniks or pears ; ponltlvply the only pcima-
nont rdinprty. Mis. Dr. Packeid , 1822 St. Mary'H
nve : Wednesdays and Thursdays only. 7tiO li *
HUSSMAKlNd-MlssJM. A. Shim Is pio-
pared to do fashionable dressmaking at
most moderate prices at $7 N. Ifith st. 82ii fl
\\/"ANTI''D All in y iff'fl.'hbois ' to come and
TT sfc > mv unind opi-uJjy of new goods next
Saturd.i\ , Him MWyittlu s grocurv , cor ,
30th and Mnplo sts. Wi7
IP you ha\c houses and lots to soil clii'iip. list
\\ithus. \ \ o can Hud a custouier. Mutual
Investment Co. , Il.ukor block. 70"i 7
TNKOHMA'riONlhrtttchaigo to parties
I wlshlngto buy , sell or trade eolith Omaha
property. I ) . 1) . Smcatcai , Hoom 43 , Darker
block , Omaliu. ' " ' 770
"VTOl'ICE to contiactois and builders Yon
Jw 111 save moner tiv licrurlug with Itaymer ( c
Her. their stotk of bulldeiu' hardware is com
plete aud prices low. j ( 120nl7
" 1/IUliT hats pressed aftll reshaped ; feathers
-L1 cleaned nnd culled. 1 i-M. Scliadull , 218 N Kith.
740nii :
IiU KNlTt'HK carofuHjcJiioved by tlio Omaha
Auction nnd Storage Co , 1121 I'ainam st.
Teloponno 1205 , lllnlS
JNO. MI'IJJOON Cor.SI'S'P.-IOth St. ; 10 stone-
cutterd , 12c lineal foot , Colorado sandstone ,
_ J JO
T 111 U banjo taught as an art by fleo.T. Gellen-
beck. 32.1 So. luth st. 182
CU ) to Kaymer & Her for fine tools andlbnlld-
Jers hardware , 021 S. 10th bt. , Her bulldlnif.
H. O. HICKE'ITS. manager Uxcelslor baud ,
11201'iiruam. llrass and string music.
713 n 121 :
A NTlyL'AHIAN book stote. 1413 Tarnam st. .
-t vhlghett cash prkos iHild for second hand
books. 621 n lot
" \f IDLANIGuarantee and Trust Co. . 1505 I'ar
J.nam Complete abstracts furnished , & titles
to real estate examinedperfected & guaranteed.
r _ l > 27
BENSON * CAHMICHAKL furnHu complete
and guaranteed abstracts of title to any
real eitata In Omaha and Douglas county upon
short notice. The most complete set ot abstract
books In the city. No. 1WJ 1 urnain st. tl.'s
STOHAOK Mcrchandlseri-lO SoiithTofiTstT
S TOHAdK At low rates at 1121 1'uinaui st.
_ Omaha Auction \ Stoiago Co. _ 13 j
s- TtHAE-lIousehold ! goods 311) ) South 671 10th
_ _ _ _
n 1 HACK A G I ! , storage , lowest rates. w7 S
JL llushmnn. 1311 l/aavenworth. Kfi
\\rANTED Kiirnlture , carpets , stoves and
T > household goods of all kinds. OmiihaAnc
turn A , Slorago Co. . ll.'l Tariiam. Ul
LOANS made on rail potato and mortgages
bougnt. Lewis y. Heed it Co. , IW1 Farnam.
MONUV to loan on Improved real estate ,
Leavltt Iliiriilmm. Crclghlon block. til7
MONKV to loan. O. P. DavU Co. . real estate
and loan iigentj , lVi ) Karnain st. UI3
ri0 to loan at 0 per cent. Llnahan & Mahoney -
$ honey , room 500 , Puxton block. IHXI
CIIArrKLaiidcollataral loans. ALE. Davis
HIS Uth St. , 10011127. K.VJ
/ .OOOclty and farm loans wantoil by A. K.
vJ Hlley. 161 ! ) Patnam. 052
K UAL estate loans , lowoit rates , Oclell llroi.
A Co. . ! I12 S. 10th st. KM
MONUV to loan ; Ions dma. Ouorga J , Paul
1C03 Karnam at C1I
Bl'ILUlMJ loans. LlriiUau i Mahouey.
( > ! 2
DO VOI want to liortou money ? If yotThavV
diamonds , watches or juwelry and desire to
effect a loan on ravoraWs-tornn In a strict Ir
prUuti ) and contldeutlal mtiuiiur , or should you
want a loan on fnrnlturf. carriages ,
land contracts or personal 'projwrty of any de
scription. yon can have money advanced at
lowrst rate * oflntrreit 'n * > fl ample time to pay
by callluB on orsomtlng iiostal cord to the
Ollla a Mo 1-oaii Co.
\v inn , , K a -
wT , tntiv.oul .ur "wn money , malca out our
f wn papers and pay no commission , thus irlv
Injtll2 " ? " to'tuebouauer.
tur facilities are such that we can accommo
date vou in a prompt tad couHdentlal man-
" you /alr * hottirtabla and courteous
All loans renewed at ortjnnal rates.
We. will pay off any mortgaga you now have
and give you long time and low rates ; will loan
any sum from fij to ll.ooi } .
Commercial and Ut mortgage paper bought.
Omaha Mortgage Loan Co. , rooms , ' . ' 17 and I'lb
first National Uankbulljjto ; . _ ' QUl
rP'K } O'naha'rinanclal ' Exchange , Hoom lZ
* rt'"OCt' ' * oulliw't comer of Farnaut
d 1 th
Makts A p claltv of short-time collateral
and real estate loans.
Money always otj hand In uta of 1100 and
upwardi to any amount , to loan on approved
Secured notes bought , cold or exchanged ,
Clear real ujtate ami ca < h to exchange for
good flrtst or second mortK eea.
lx > ans made ui > on land contract ] , itoclci ,
bonds , trust deedn , llr.--t or second mortgage jo-
curlty , without publicity , delay or red tapo.
Mnuiiclal buslneai of any kind transacted
Promptly , quietly and fairly. Hoom 15. llarlcer
block. Corbett , Managnr. _ iu
MONUV To Loan lly the undeislgned , who
has the only properly organized loan agency
lu Omaha Loans of ill ) to 11,000 mad * ou turni <
ture , piano * , orguni.horsei , wagons , machinery ,
etc. . without removal. No delays , All Imslneai
Hrktly cpnildontlal. Loan * no made that uy
part can b paid at any time , each payment
reducing tb * cost pro rala. Advances made on
line wuuhei and diamonds. Persons should
carefully consider who they are dealing with ,
ns many ne\v concerns are dally comlmt Into nx-
Isteuce. Miould you need money call a.nd see
\ wJS-Cro" ; ' roow . Wlthnell building ,
Ilarney. 4
PtOPLE'S nS'ANCIAli Kxctangc-The fair
est , nnieteit , moat liberal mouev exchange
In the city ; loons wade without delay or pub
licity , In any amount largo or small , at the low
est rates of lntcrc t , on any available security ;
loans may bo paid at auv time or rouewert nt
original rates. U. Ilousciuen , mgr. , room 50' , ,
IlArkcr blk. , IMh and Knrnain. U17 r.t
MONUV to loan'on household furniture , pi
anos , horses , wagons and other personal
property ; also on mortgage paper and contracts
as collateral security ; rash always on hand ; lib
eral extensions granted ; business transacted
falrly.rjulftly and promptlr The Fairbanks in
vestment Co. , S W cor loth' * DougLij , upstairs.
MONUV to on Imnrovpil property at Oral
hands. No applications sent away for ap
proval. Security and titles examined free of
charge o borrowers. Lombard Investment
company. 'M S. UtK st. _ 6)7 ) _
FllO LOAN From ono to two hundred thous-
JL and dollars or smaller sums piomptly , e int
ern capital always on hand cheap. Philadelphia
Mortnari * and Trust Co. , Uco. W. r. Conies , 13
board ot trade. _ _ iKiS _
HUNT onoroom or suite of rooms , with
board ; all modern improvements , Includ
ing pas , furnace , bath , hot and rold water , etc. ;
H. blork from cable , 1 block from car ; 1112
Oracedt. t-48 G'
MONKV to loan on turnlture..vftgon' . "te. ,
without removal , or on collateral security.
lluslnots Htrlrtlv confidential. A. K. ( Ireenwood
& Co. , U 1 Cunningham bile , cor. 13th 4 Jackson.
Kf )
TIIKCuutral Loan A : 'Irilst Co , No. 1011 Far-
mini .st. , hao it < - | > < > clal fund of fMM > , U to loan
ouiholro Omaha nroporty at tiniinually low
rates.Cu8li _ on hunil. ( ' . A Starr , Manager. UTJ 10
GW , I'lX'IC loans money , cash on ntuid ,
J'00,000 , can bu pl.ticd on city and farm prop
erty ut lowest rates ; building loans n specialty.
Itoom 4 , 1'ieuzer block. Opp. P.O. WO n IS'
V\f AXTlM-To loan on Improved rfty and
countiy property $100.ini ) ; also MU.'tU ) In
llrst mortgage notes at olllco of ( luaianty l.onn
and Inustment Co. , Pith nud Chicago hts. h43 II
\IONUVto loan In any atiiountr elthor for
J.'l building or otherwise , ut lowest rates of
Interest and on short notice. 1) . V. Wholes , room
ilU Tlrst NaU bank.c or. Uth and ritrnam.Jil40
MONKV to loan on Improved city property or
for building pmposes : Iowi st rates ; no
delay. Mutual Investment Company , room 1 ,
llarlcur block , 15th aud rarnnin. J > ftl
AiVXl.txX ) tl per lent. Money to loan on 1m-
tuprovcd forms or city property , .lames A.
woodman , tit the old flru Insurance olllce of
Murphy > VLovutt. _ ! i3J S l.lth st. _ 04 1 _
AVr.M'Il Itooins ICIItand Pil.'i Capitol nve. , 8
blocks from P. O. , n wly furnished , pilvnto
boarding house , large. plcut > aut warm room.s.all
modern con\enlencos , 7."D . St
DON'T borrow monav on furniture , horses ,
wagons , etc. , until > ou liava seen C. It. Ja
cobs , room 111) ) , I'lrat National bank building ,
cor. 1 Ithjind I'arniiin _ _ _ (1 ( 4' '
LOANS made on city property , chattel and ,
collateral MHMirlty , moitgagt's bought , Kimball -
ball , Chump \ Ilj an , Hoom G , U.S.Nat , bank
" to Loan On real estate and ihattoi
hocuiltv. Money without dnlny. Wuitoin
Land und Loan extliangc , 117 S. luth st. ryWut
MONUV to loan on furnltnic , horses , wagons ,
etc. , or ou any approved security. J. W. Itob-
bins. H. r.l sin-fly blk , nth and Howard. Cl'l
MONUV tn loan ; rash ou hand : no dnKy , J.
W.Smilro. 131'JFarnam bt. First National
bank building. CD
UM5.UW to loan on inside property. 01111 first
P mortgages for sale. Nathan Hliulton , IN > : >
Farnuni street. _ _ 015
MONUV to Loan -City und country : cnnap
rates , no delay. L. P , Hammond , 4W Pax-
tou building. IUt >
MONUV to Loan Lowest rates. Loans closed
promptly , U. U. Cola , Uoom 0 , Coutluuiital
lllock. _ & 0 ! > _
GPKIt CUNT money to loan-Cash on hand
W. M. Harris , room 30 , Trenzer block , opp.
. . _ \ _ Cl't
MONKV to Loan On Omaha and South Oma
ha propoity. C. F. Harrison , 418 8 IMh st.
LOANS made on real cistata.MortgnKesbought
K. M. O.s.w.cor. 15th&Oouglas
H78 n
M ON'HV toloanou chattel socurltios. Illanop
In \ \ heeler Loan Co. , loam C , llarkor block.
Hit. liiUV ( ) QO.Un ( to loan on city property
nnd Improved farm laud. I'reuier block.
L aim .small loans for long and .short time , at
lowest rates of interest , ou real estate , mort
gage notes , chattels of ail Kinds , diamonds ,
watches and Jewnlvy. Don't fall to call If you
want fair and clieap accommodations. O. lions-
curen , ingr. , room 56Jj , llarkur blk , 15th and
1'arnam. 017 n 15 *
Foil SALK I'iour mill , new process , excel-
lent locality. A baiculn. Taken on debt and
not In position to operate. Will trudo for good
farm. II. Uarl. Lincoln , Neb. 1)5.1 ) ti *
AHAHK opportunity ! The well-known Ilaw-
loy house for rent , and furniture for sale.
on easy terme , to good parties This is a ran )
oppoitnnlty for the right man. Address. John
1 1 aw ley , North Plattu , Neb. DOS
LU Meat matket , good locatlon.good
ilxtiues , a bargain If taken at onie. Address
liai. llee olllce. til7u
Allltlt'lC ' yard In full running order on switch
of r. p. and II. Ar M. Knglne.boller , pallutts
for Vfl.W3 , brick sheila to match and soft mud
machine , good clay , for sale cheap. Address U
13. llee. _ 7C.I 15
KAUR business chiince : Fine stock of gro
ceries In llvo citv of 13,000 Inhabitants ,
doing a business of T.n.tiiU per annum , capital re-
nut red from H.O.X ) tolHOit , reasons for uelllug
111 health. Address ( j : tU , caie Dec. < ; 07nO *
\VTKwishto employ a reliable man In your
TT county. Nooxpeilence reijiilrcd ; perma
nent ] > osltton for three years , fcalary iucreased
each year. Light , easy , genteel business. Money
adxanrcd for halary. ndM-rtlsIng , etc. Largest
manut'rs tnour line. Uucloso 3-cent. No
postali. Centennial M'f'g Co. , Cincinnati. O.
FOIi eAI.U or Krihango An old established
good paying Livery business In Council , . luN Main bt. Win , atttdleman. 60J
\\7ANTKI ) Oood horse and pliaeton or buggy
TT for lots. W. .1. Paul , pHlil Varnam st , 006 7
FOH TUAUK-3new large wrought lion fur
IIUIPS for > i their value , torn good horso.
I ) . Landen , with Foielgn Binlgratloa Co. . 1VJ3
Ijui nain. i3Ht
\ \ TANTUOllnildlng matoilal of all klmlH
TT for casli , mortgage notes , houses , lots ,
lauds , fiums , ctt. , etc.V. . J , Paul , ICtW Karnum.
1U5 7
IT OIl UXCIIANliK-l0.r > OOMock general mer-
I. ' tlmndlse for land ; also have 4 billiard ta
bles unit IKtmeb to tiade. T. E. 1) , Hlspluy.
Shcnando.ih , la , 7117 *
TCTOK UXUIlANTilT For dpsnable resTdnnce
JU property In Uuiaha. any or all of following-
40 choice Inside residence lots In Hastings.
inolotsin Lincoln.
CIO acrns line fanning land , Lancaster county.
1 Ina lesldence piopeitv , Lincoln.
( ! oed rental propeity , Lincoln.
Cholci- fancy residence , corner , Los Angeles.
A neul residence piopeity in Hanscom Place. some good moricagn notes.
Address , giving location and prlco of property ,
J. K. H. , caie Uanm Iron Co. , U17 Leavenwortli.
r > i > i
I71OII Traau-Clioice lot in ( irammercy I'ark
J- and choice don bio corner In Lipton Place for
good land. 1) ) . V. snolcs , Sll ) , First Nat'l bank.
11'yon have anything to exchange call and
see our list. Western Land and Loan ex
change , 117 S. ICth. 507 us
OH KXCIIANIU-iood ( ( renting city and
bouth Omaha property : also lots and farms.
Western I and and Loan exchange , 117 b. 16th at1
IIIAVK real and personal property ot all
klndf for tiade. Call and sue me. Ueoge J ,
Sternsiorff , room 6 , opp. I1. O. Cut
louug Mr. and Mrs. Jarbe&u have Just
arrlxed. have traveled through all the prin
cipal cities of liurope , Canada and the United
States ; will tell all who cull their life from the
cradle to tlio KIno ; will bring buck husband ,
sweetheart or lover , no matter If they bn ten
thousand miles iiwuv ; will tell you how to re
move trouble or dUBi-nltim ; will ghe $100 to
any man , woman or child that has ndlboaso wo
cannot euro. Call at once and bo convinced.
OIBie hours U to V , l l Capital ve. , up-stalr.s.
_ 6.-.3HJ
ELUOTItO Magnetic Healer-Prof. J.P. Hazer
cures allcurnble diseases ; from one tn thirty
treatments : a hours given every Thursday from
toll , free to the poor. Magnetic sea salt
baths given also. Wife will attend ladles.
lluslnuns sittings dally from u ted p. in. Mrs.
Itiizer gives psychometric readings by letter
and locks of hair , t ) questions answered for tl
by letter and twos-rent stamps enclosed sit
tings dally at 1M7 N. aith Bt. _ 7 8
' '
FOirrUN'ETelle'r Mr ! ) . Lerorman can be con-
suited on all atlairj of life. Satisfaction
guaranteed. No 63d nlii ;
Dll. N'ANNIU V. Warren , clairvoyant. Med
ical and business medium. I'cruala disoasea
aipeclalty. 119. N. 18th st. Itooins 2 43. C6i
IIIAVi : lli.OOO worth of property teen to b
bold for morlguire. Thejcouiltiginside prop ,
erty of South Oinulia Itequties ! lUOOca.h. Can
be , bought at a bargain. U , U , Uiutatoii , Omuba
" . ' 771
SALU-A decided bargain ; GUI'S feet ,
FOH two homes , l th mu Uor j. 4.W.
This propert v Is actually worth f T.Birt. Look at
it. C. U , Mnync lies ) K tftl9 \ Ti nsl Co. 7 'J
YOH SACR Lot 15 , block , Omanli View ex-
JL1 teniionat Crat cost , J M. Ourslcr. Coun
cil mutts { ill t"
_ _
$ .WO buys a good 2-story 8-room house and
lot. east front , In Windsor Place , a bugaln ,
U. V , Sholes , Itoom U'10 , 1'irst Natlouiil Hnnjc
_ _ _ _ _ 673
"ITlOlt SALU On easy tcnm. the first house 01-
JL1 lertlv outlnif I'r. Meroer'nresldence.cleven
rooms aud born w 1th lot 10X1 W only H.60J. W
T. Seaman , wagon * , carriages , dec. , east side o
16th < t. , noitli ot .Nlcliolns. _ I'Tii '
FOlt SALE Two elegant homes In
Place on leasonable turnn , tuoitgaga paper
taVenas part payment , lloswoith ! t Joplln ,
llarner block. _ _ _ I'M
"IJIOH SALU Or exchange for Omalm proper-
JL' ty , 80 ucios , suitable fur platting ; will make
4Wlots ; all clear : big moiioy In It for some one
who ran push this ; located lust outslda ot the
city limits ot Council llhiffs. Inquire Cloo. J ,
Stenisdorlt , opp. postofllca , _ ! '
FOU SALU Lot 60x150 , "with good 2-story
house nicely f lulslied. all modern conven
iences. within 1 blk paved st. , > ' , blk from Park
school and M. K. chnrrh , Hanscom pluce. This
Is one ot the best properties In the city , and
can be had at a baigalu by addicsslng the
owner , r 14. Uo olllce. _ 413
Per Sale-1 lm\o 10 flm lots in nrlgc * '
plart > add. for wile. IVr fiiithcr luforuiiitlon
adtliessU Jcllery Ualcua , 111. _ Mil
TIloH SALK < ) r xcnixngo. tYo have some
JL1 good Omaha real estatn nnd Nebraska
farms , which we will sail cheap or traun for
itockot clothing , furnishing goods , drr Roodi ,
boots aud shoes , groceries or hardware , bcUlei-
inger llros. . BU S. 10th st. _ _ luSj
I71OH SAl.E Not foitriulo. . 6U.70 acres of tin-
JL1 provud land ! i miles from Maiquotta In ,
llamllton Co. . Nebraska. Tramo house , frame
stable , IWO acres under a good 1 barb-wire fence ,
round cedar posts and ' ! stavs ; living water ,
good corral , -wells , wind mill , U-'O-baiiel tank.
self-fci-durtroiu'hs , etc. ; 75 acres clover ; model
f. 11 in.
Pi Ice ( about $12 per aero ) . . . . JB.500
Cash . 'WO
a yours time nt fl per rrnt , . . D.OOO
Oo and looK over the land and addiessthu
ow nor , K , K. Atkins , 15W Larimer St. , Denver ,
Colo. ' . ' 44
ROO buys a full lot and good 4-rooui cottaga
$ easv terms and good location. I ) V. Sholos ,
room 210 , 1'lrst Nat'l bank , cor. Uth and Fav-
nanu _ _ ttVl
FfiniA'I.U-512 acres llamiltinT Co
land , I'.i pur acre , one-third cash , balance nt ( I
per lent , Address W. J. Wlldmau , l > en\cr. Col.
_ _
FOlfSAlTlf OrKxclmngo ; SUl-ucro farm , all
cholco land , PXJ acrus under rnltUiitlon ;
leased for one year ; iu Plaltn Co. , Nuu. luves-
tlmito this.
Two 7-ioom now houses on ISlh , south of Vlu-
ton st.
onel"-room new house In Hanscom Place ,
ougivioom nuw house In Kount/o Place.
Ouo j-iooiu new house In Lowe'.s add.
J. H. Johnson , 411 1'axtonblk.
C1lrflfnmTl ESTABLISHED 1851 I I8O So.
bureiurcsij Ch0ag0 | (
The Regular Old-Established
Is $1111 Treating with tha Greatest
Chronic , Nervons and Private Diseases ,
- NERVOUS DEBILITY , Lost Manhood ,
Falling Memory , Exhausting Drains , Terrible
Dreams , Head and 13ack Ache and all the cfTccti
leading lo early decay mulpeilupj Consumption 01
Insanity , treated scientifically Ly new methods ilh
SYPHILIS and all bad Blood and Skin Dls-
cases permanently cured.
S-KIDNEYand URINARY earnplainU , Gleet ,
Gonorrhoea , Strictu re , Varlcocele and all dUeaiu
of tha Qenito-Urlnary Organs cureil promptly without
injury to Stomach , Kidneys or oilier Oreanj.
agNo experiments. Age and experience Im
portant. Consultation free and sacred.
OVSend 4 tents pottage for Celebrated Works on
Chronic , Nervous and Delicate Diseases
* S- Those contemplating Marruct tend for Dr.
Clarke's celebrated guldo Male and Female , each
IS cents , both as cents ( stamps ) . Consult the old
Doctor. A friendly letter orcll may ave futurcjuffer-
inland shame , and add golden years to life. * 9Ilook
"Life's ( Secret ) Errors , " 50 cents ( stamps ) . Median *
and urllmgs sent everywhere , secure from exposure ,
Hours , 8 to 8. Sundays 9 to 12. Address
F. D. CLARKE , M. D. ,
186 So. Clark St. , CHICAGO , ILL.
Your Left Liver
Medicine that ueeiU
to proT Its vrortb.
On Calbdei's ' left liver Bitlers ,
The only Distilled Hitters la tha United
Btatos. Th oaly Bitters recognized by th
United BtaWs Internal revenue laws as n Pro
prietary Medicine. Lawfully Patented. No. of
Patent I49.D73. Contains no fusil oils , BO foreign substance ordamag.
lag drugs. A perfectly pure medicine , com.
pounded from Pure Hoot Herbs and Old Peach :
pleaiant to tti taste , quiet and decisive In It *
ffect. Cures Dyspepsia or Yellow Jaundice in
BTaays. Heiultlts the Jlowpla. Invluoratea
Inactive Lirer , Gurus Diseased LlTer , HeTlros
th Kidneys , ImproTes the Appetite Quickly.
BeirnUtos the vrnole system. New LIU to th *
wbl sysUm.
oI.RftUrer Hlttcn ir oM In Om ba , Neb. brtlie
ml0 ! ! * " " ? dJUBXi'ts Illcluinldon Drug Co , Spuclnl
tafters Mbnoi ? i'le ' a'Ul ' * lntull0 ! * Nobrnkt. ito-
Uooduiaiiliru 'C'O. , W. J , WHcUome , T. W.Spjf-
fiirJ. Htm 11. Tarnswortd. Hchrotsr' I'hirmacr
Kubn * Co , John ( JladUll , M. l' rr , J. A. 1 uller St ( Jo.
} V. .1. lluvlies , JiiUn I ) . Conta , U. J. V rice , .M.I. 1'owcll
K ] | . ( lrntirh.lotin K.lluttilirMorrell's I'harmacr
.latuo toraytli.U.C Dell , llr. J..I. b.nllla. c ; . M.Crii.
* er. K. ( 'handler , llahn's I'linrnncr , iliinior A D.IT' *
J.C. Kluiz.J. W ciark , .l.II.Bchralit. l i llucht. . )
h.Cllrhlouion. W. U. l.ttjjbcnou. H. H. Cox , Max
C' Irnr.kV. . t-'tigt , U. lu niiMon , Oeo. ItoeJer
llord'i I'lutmacy , c. A. Melcaer. llowarl Merer * . Deiiuno A ( Jo. , wboleiilu Joilori in C'cirj ' unJ
Produce , Fruits , Ktc.
nuTiEii Fancy , Bolld-paclicd urcamorv , 20
( n'iic } ; ; cliolco countrVi ISMiDa ; medium
grades , 14Jil7c ( ; common grade * , IDialilo.
li'i.ocu NobrMKu patents , lO.UO T.W ) ;
Minnesota patents , tG'i'QS.OO ; straight
grades , $5.00(145.50 ( ; baUcru' flour , | 3.'Jj55.73
per barrel.
1'oTATor.s N'cbriska , 23(210c ( per bushel ;
Colorado , 70@SOc.
I'oiiLTiiv Live chickens , f2.50fi52.73 per
dosprinpr ; chickens , 12.50 .3.00 ; dressed
clilcltciia , lUo per Ib.
Kens Strictly fresh , 19c candled.
CoKcoitu GiisPiis 30@10c per 10 Ib bas
UAHANAP Common. $1.DOM2.25 per bunclit
choice , W.OO D.W.
LitMONii 13.0 per case.
OIIAKOKS Jamaica , $3.00 ( 0.00 per box :
Ploridaiflno@l.2r ) .
C'EiKur ' . ' .Vri : < ) c per down.
O.N'IONl lOOiSOc per Im.
OiBBAOE.OOper 100.
Hei/nt ! 0c per bushel.
Tuusirs SUii per bushel ,
SAUKK KiucT-Hbls , f I 75 ; half bbls , I2.T5.
APIM.IS-Choice : , $ 'J.VJ@'J ; 75 per bblj fancy ,
I3.W per bbl ; common , tl.50C l. < 5 per bbl.
CIDKII Michigan , | 5 ( MKJJiO.W per bbl of 32
gals : California pear chlor , lin.uo per bbl.
I'OlCoux lUco , Cci4oi common , UQJu.
CAKKOH 40c per busl-el.
HKA.NS- Choice eastern luii'lpitkcd ' navies ,
J3.00 per bushel ; western hand piokcd na
vies , tl.-iDQl.60 ; mediums , $ l.3urtjl.m. Lima
bonus 5s per pound.
HAY K o. b. cars , No. 1 tplaud , W.CC ; No.
2 upland , 5 00.
Uius $ l5.00i4'lO.OO ' ,
CitorrKn 15.00 per ton.
Vivrnui-Clilor , 10jll5o ( per gal , \Vhit
wine , lOQiWo per gnl
.NiiuituiiiLs K t > ( i ( ! 0.t)0i ) > cr bbl ,
l'uovtsio's : Hums , No. tl , I'.V ! No. C ,
lie ; shouhlorsic ! , rib bacon , \ \ < 3- clear
bacon , 12c ; picnic hnm , lOo. dried bopf hams ,
lOt c ; ilry srtltod clonrs , nhort , PVo ; extra
short , OVc ; short ribs. V' ' i' ; plcklcil plgl
feet , 13-lb kits , MV ; lanl , l > Sii llOo ; BtnoKuJ
saus nge , Oyiso per Ib ; hog casiugs , l7
Grnccra * I'Ut.
Hovised prices arc as follow * :
IKooiMi Sturlt A seamless , 2Jo ; Amos-
koap , seamless , lTJ > e , Lewlstou A. soamiess ,
I''o ' ' ; American , seauilos , 17c , utirlap * , 4 to t
bu , ll@llc , Kunntes. single , 13c ; gunnies ,
doubli' , SOo ; wool sacks , H"iJ. . Twinoi Vlax ,
So ; oxtrii s.iil , SOjJ'Jli'i ( sail IJ , lS ( a'Oc ! ; cot
ton , 'Jlo ; Jute , I'l1. '
UuiKH Vitt ITS Fig , lu boxes , per Ib , 13 ®
lOc , ( lutes , in boves , f@UV ; I.omlou Malaga
layer ratstns , per box. $ > . > .riOv < ( : < .7 ( Malaga
loose raisins , f'J.Mi T'jM ; new Vulen-
cln nilsins , per Ib , "Jfo ; Cnllfornl.i looJomtH-
catels , per box , tl.OU ; CnUforiiln l.oniUnis 1SSJ
$1.4 , plllcil cherries , per Ib , lOo ; Cullfor *
niii pitted plums , per Ib , IJMl.'lOj
dried bluekberries , per Ib , 7l @ o ; ilrloil
raspberries , per Ib , 2l ( 2.V ; ovaponiteil np
pics , 7Uiillc ( , California sun dried peaches ,
lc ! ! ; Culilornlu unp.ircd ovnpouited peaches ,
ISCS'He ' , evaporated California apricots , ISo ;
/.nntee eurrnnts , dV fii7c ! ; Tuikisli
414ifl\il ; citron , 'J'JiiC-lc ; orniiKO pool , ISc ;
lemon pool , lOc ; California French prunes ,
COFFIIES Moclm , 2r > ( t4.V > o ; llo { , Rood ,
ITc ; AlnnilahlUifr , " ( Iif2i ( ; i-oattinir Kio ,
lilo , O. O. Java , atifl'Jd , Java , interior , 23i (
UV ; Kio , fancy , liMifll ) ; Santos anil Mara- ,
o.ilbo , 17U > c , Arbuchles , 2l'4c ; McLaugh.
Clr.iiiulatoil , Tlfo ; conf. A , 7lo ;
white extra C , 7 'c , extra O , 7-Vo ; yellow
C , ( ijtfo ; powiloriul , b. i" cubes , S , ' < c.
Hoxia U@llc ) for l-lb frames ; strained
lioney , 10Cillo per Ib.
HKISA.Choice yellow , SO JJ'fo ; ilarlc
colored , liUiMlc.
Cniisi : : : Voung Amei'U'.i , full cream , 12H ( !
13 > c ; full cream Cheddars , llGin'0 ; full
crram IKits , 1'JJ ' o.
PinKi.KS Medium , In bl > K $ TiOOilo ; , In
half bbls , $ a.OO ; small. In bbls , JGAHl ; do , in
hnlf bbls , $ a.BO ; gherkins , in bbls , { 7.00 ; ilo ,
half bbls , $1.1X1.
Toincco-- ! ' ! ! , SOfiJOTio ; smoUliiff , 10@19c.
,1 1:1.1.11. : f 1 2,1 periO-lb ; pull.
SVI.T l.SO&Jl.tBporbbl.
Kiii'i-7 : If. , 104c.
MArtK Ht'iuii HrlcUs , llH12o ( oor Ib ;
penny caltcs , 1'J Ulo per Ib ; pure tuuplo
syrup , 81.1H ) per pal.
Tins Young Hyson , common to fair , IS ®
2,1c ; Vounij Hybon , good to fancy , lUXgiiSc ? ;
tJuupowtlor , ooiiiuiuu to good , 2JMo ; Gun
powder , cholco to fancy , 40iiirio ( : Japan , com-
inon to incilium , Ifiyi'-'Oc ; Japan , cholco to
fancy , "O I.K" Oolong , common to good , 23 ®
: i.1o ; Oolong , choice to fancy , fiOOJtOo ; Impo-
rmt , comii'on ' to mailium , UDuiKn : ; Imperial ,
good to fancy , 40 ( < Mlf. (
NIT- , Almonds , il7cv lllberts , 12ilfio ( ;
Hrn/il , lKrIOi ; wuliiutH , PJc ; pecans , 10(2 ( > llc ;
ponnuts , Odiiio.
Cnu-Kiins 5fo lOc per Ib ; assorted cakes , 7
C'$2. " > o per Ib. as per list.
C\MIV Mixed , hC'fllle ; stick ,
rock candj , lO cjilllo , fancy camly , 7i (
Dry Goods
COTTON FI.AKNBM 10 par cent dU.5 Lti
5Uc ; CO , 0'4'c ; S3 , 7 0 ; Nnmoles1 * , 5o ;
HX , 18o ; U , 20c ; No. 10 , 8' c ; No. 40 , lOWc
No. BO. pji c ; No. 80 , ii ; > < o ; No. 80 , colored.Oc ;
No. GO , colored , 12o ; No. 70 , colored , 13 > tfo ;
Unstol , 12.i o ; Union IMcinc , 17o
CAnrKT WAnp-Uib White. ISU'c ; coiorod ,
"I ' , , ( .
H TTS Standard , So ; Gem lOc : Deatity ,
IS'/Jc ; Hooue , 14o ; U , cased , W 5u.
I'utNTS Solid colors Atlantic , Oo ; Slatar
CKcHorlln oil , Gfc ; Garner oil , 7c.
PKINTS Pink uml Kobes Allan , To ;
Hivcriwint , 5 o ; yteol fliver , 0 ic ; uicb- ,
nioml , OK < - " Pucillc , ii
PIUXTS Urcbsi Charter Oak , fi o ;
Ilamapo , 4' c ; Lodi , H'i'c ' ; Allen , Oc ; Rich'
inoiul , Olic ; Windsor , ii'm , Uddystoue , 0 > icj
I'.ioiilc. ti'x.o , ,
, O o ; Hope. VXKi"f \ ( Philip cam
bric , lie ; Lo silalo cambric ,
onsd , 'Jc ' Vori
Pepporcll , 42-in , lie ; Pepporol ] , 40-in. iJo ;
Peppcrcll , 0-4 , lOc ; popporell , a-4 , Ulo ; pen-
perell , 9-4 , 23o ; Peppurell , 10-4 , 2.1c ; Canton
4-4 , 84C. Triumph , Cc ; Wamsutta , lie ; Val-
le.v , 6c.
FLANNELS. Plaid -Uaftsmon Oo ; Gostien ,
82Kc ; Clear Lake , 8u'Kc ; Iron Mountain.
FI.AXSEI.S Whitc-G H.No. 2 , Jf , 3 'V , o ; Q.
H , No. 1 , Jf , 2 Sc ; U H , No. 2 , } / , KO ; U
H. No. 1. V. yoc ; Oucchoo No. i.if , 42c.
COUSET.IEANSAmlroscoggln , 7 < , o ; Ccar-
sargo. 7fcj Hooknort , O o ; ConostoKa , Ojtfo ,
TICKSVork , 'M In. , p fc ; York , : \2 \ In. .
lIHic ; Swift Kivor , 8c ; Thonuliko OO 8Ko :
Thormliko EF , SMo ; Thormliko 120 , Oo
Z'l ° ' C ° riliS W0 > D >
o 4 .
' ' "
oz ,
Heaver \ ICUK 1. 1 , AWU , *
Ho. Heaver Creek CC , 10a
KKSTUCICV JEVxsMemorial , 150.Dakota. .
ISe ; Durham , 87 > ( fcj Hercules , i c ; Leamms
ington , S2 < o ; Cottawnld , ar' ' o.
Citisu. Stevens' U , 0 cs Slovens' n
bleached , 7c : Slovens' A , 7 o ; Stevens A
bleached , 8 > io ; Stevens' P. 8X0 ; Stevcni'
P. bleached , 9' < c ; Slovens' N , UKo ; Stovous'
N , bleached. l ( ) ' < c ; Stevens. S1U , 12Xo
MlSCELI.ANF.OUS. 'PaOlO Oil ClOtll , 13.30 ;
plain Holland , OJtfe ; Dado Holland , 12Kc. . .
Urown shnetinff Atlantic A , 4-4 , 7H i
rciico LL , 4-4 , Cc ; O.d Dominion , 4-4 , Cli'c ;
Pcpperoll IJ. 4-4 , 7o ; Pepporoll O , 4-4 , OJi'o ;
Pcpporoll. 8-4 , IS o ; Pcpperoll , 0-4 , 21c ; 1'cp-
perell , 10 4,23c ; UticaC , 4-1,4' ; Wacliusett ,
4rt' 7Ji'o ; Aurora n , 4-4. 7c ; Aurora 11 , 4-4 ,
DUCK \Vcst Point 7 ! ) in , 8 oz , „ , , . ,
West Point 20 In. 10 oz , 1 cj West Point
2U In , PJ 07 , ire ; West Point 40 in , U oz. IGo.
bYANN'Ri.sKeel , O , 21 in , 15X5 E , U4 In ,
21 c ( i U , 21 In. ( -05 H A F , , Wo J K F ,
' * bi.sni ( wi Plunnctt cnoclcs , 7vc ; ; WUItton.
ton 7Kc ; York , 7Kc * . Nomundi - - " ' "
PJIINTH INIIKIO HI.UEArnold ) C'-i'c ; Amer
ican , G'.j'c ' ; Gloucester , O'/c ' : Arnold C IOIIR
cloth , J ; Arnold Ulong cloth. 'OVf ' ; Arnold
GoldSealj 10) : StletelA , 1'Jj Windsor Gold
arid OJiciiiltiuU.
Sulph. add , IKo.
acid , GOc ; tartano 50c ; bal. copavia ,
borax , 12i- : chloroform , 47o ; glyoorlno , Uio ;
gum Arabio , sulect , $ l.u < ) ; gum camphor , H5c ;
gum opium , $ , ' 1.85 ; 8tili > h. morphia , t'J.30 ;
bromide potassium , 42c.
On.s-Carbon , 150 lO'-fe ' ; hcaailght , 173o
Kiv c ; gasoline , 74 ° 12K" ' . West Virginia
summer , Ilo ; ycro , 17o ; No. 1 golden ma
chine , Itfo ; extra W. S. lard , blc ; No. I lard ,
47o ; turpentine , O''c ; linseed raw , OSoj
boiled , ( lie.
Qi i.N'ixu P. t W- , per oz , 03o ; German
per oz , 40c. _
Ilomlock sole , 13'J7o per Ib ; oak sole , niJ (
30c per Ib ; oak harness , 'M ( $ j'jo | > or Ib : selected -
ted oak nud trace , Uio per Ib ; oal < ami hem
lock uniicr , 20tf2Jo ( per foot. Hemlock calf
kn ! , No. 1 , bOfa'.lOo ' per U ) , ai-cordlng to
weight ; oak calf skin , No. 1. OOc ( OH.IW Per
Ib ; Philadelphia oalf skin , extra ll.dOftl.lO
per Hi ; hemlocU kip skin , No. 1 , C < o < ( $ TOo | wr
lb : oak Itip skin , No. 1 , 70HSOo per Ib ; Phila
delphia klpskln , extra , 60f < S'JUo ' pcrlb. French
calf skins , ( according to weight un J ouality ) .
tl. 15011.7.oer IB- French lop skins do , BUoc4
(1. 10 per lb. Cordovan russott , I'-fo ; satin
UnUh. SOo per foot ; welt leather , J.u.r,0@1.00
IcrsIJo ; inoro-cos , ( itcbblo goat ) , COC'iMo
per foot ; moroccos , boot leg , 2.i@x'o ; ' per
loot ; glove calf * klns , VXfi'.no per foot ;
Douglas kul , 0040o ir ; foot ; kangaroo
skins , 40@ . " > 0o per foot , acconUng to nuullty.
Toppings , tSOO lO.OJ per do/cn ; linings ,
15.00(29.00 ( per doicu ; apron skms , JlO.OtWI
12.00 per dozen. _
1 ill m her.
First and second clear. Hf in . . $19 007 51 00
First and second clear , Hf in . 47 OOOtWj OJ
Tiiirdclea'- ' < /l" < ln . 4l ! oorrjld 00
Aaolcct , lli' lKin . 7 00&1'J ( ! ' ( X )
H select , UfOfUf in . ! I3 OO&UT 00
A stock boardi. , 12 10 feet , PJ In . 41 ! ( X )
H block boards , 12 10 foot , 1'J in . 41 00
C Block boards , lUyjlO feet , 12 in . 'HI 00
I ) stock boards , 12uill ) feet , 12 In . 2J 00
rioorjng , llrst common , 0 in . 81 00
Flooring , bccoml common , 0 in . aii 00
Select fencing llooring. . . ' . . 19 00
Siding , llrst aad necond clear , ! 4&ltJ ft 25 IX )
Siding , lint common , 10 feet . iu OJ
Sid.uc. se-oud coaimou . , . 10 ( X )
If- ,