Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 07, 1888, Page 5, Image 5

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The most desirable and beautifully situated residence property in the city of Omaha , the ground
having natural drainage and located on the high land adjoining the city on the west. The grading
of all streets in the addition is done by the company without cost to the purchasers , the system of
sidewalks will be on the Detroit plan , making every street a miniature park , and giving shade for
all houses , duplicating the best portion of the far-famed Detroit residence property. Parties pur
chasing lots in this addition must examine thoroughly the following restrictions inserted in all
deeds to
FIKST The said premises shall be occupied and used for residence purposes exclusively for a period of fifteen years
from the date hereof and for no other purpose whatever.
SKCOND No residence or dwelling house shall at any time within said period of fifteen yeara be creeled or kept on.
any lot hereby conveyed , wholly or partly , within twenty five feet of the street line in front of said residence or dwelling.
Tinui ) No residence or dwelling house built on said lot at any time within said period of fifteen years shall be
erected , on any lot hereby conveyed costing less than twenty five hundred $2,500 dollars , exclusive of other buildings
and improvements on said lot.
FOUHTH The premises hereby conveyed shall never during said period of fifteen years be used for any immoral or illegal
business or occupation ; nor shall any spirituous or malt liquors be sold or bartered away on said premises during said period
of fifteen years.
Our Salesmen are Ready to Show the Property at all Times ,
The Patrick Land Company of Omaha ,
Room 25 Chamber of Commerce Omaha
, , , Nebraska. DUNDEE
W. H. CRAIG , President. N. D. ALLFN , Vice President. w , K , KURTZ , General Manager.
How tbo Battle of the Ballots Was
Waged at the Capital.
Later I'ftrtlculnrs Concerning the lum
inous Case Tlie State Institutions
New Hanking IiiHtltutloiiH In
corporated General Notes.
LINCOLN' , Nov. 0. )
At ten different places throughout the
county tlio republicans of Lancaster hold
simultaneous meetings last night ; they were
largely attended and very enthusiastic. The
workmen of the night lay down on their
arms tor the battle of ballots which com
menced this morning at 8 o'clock. The day
dawned bright and fair , but the crisp air fell
sharply upon the cheeks of the boys who
were first at the polls. Although bundled
in "great coats" they had to keep moving to
keep warm. Hut withal no finer morning
for n general election over dawned. When
the news of fiiir weather in Now York came
the boys got dowa to earnest work. It means
republican success was the word.
At " o'clock to-day the vote polled in the
First , Third und Fourth wards aggregated
1,903. In the First ward the Burlington
scalpers arc Uniting Lccso to the heart. Ho
will lose the ward ; otherwise , seemingly ,
the boys arc voting straight. Laws catches
It , however , In seine ( Barters from the attor
ney geuorul's friends. 1'ottifogger Doweoso
and Tousito Phillips prance around the
corners , and have been in frequent consulta
tion with t heir booiilers throughout the day.
It is wife to say thai ' - > 00 illegal votes
have boon cast in thl.s ward. Train loads of
Italians , Krussiuus , Germans , Swedes and
indifferent devils have been unloaded for
ballot prostltutiou In the First ward all day
long. They swore their votes in with a reck-
lossnes thut vouchsafes they cure for neither
licll or heaven.
In nil the other wards qf the city tha poll
ing places have been uneventful and unex
citing. If thn local republican ticket has
been successfully scratched it has buen by
the vest-pocket voter. There is no doubt
but what Thayer has been scratched more
or loss. Hut McShano has also lost from Ills
party ranks. It is not probable , however ,
that he will gam what ho lost. It became
evident early in the day that McSliano "re
peaters" were abroad , and ready to do the
work for which they were hired. Five West
Lincoln follows attempted to vote in the
Third ward , but bv the prompt action of the
poll sentries they failed to get their votes re-
cordca. They were spotted und closely
watched wherever they went. This net led
to keenest vigilance on the part of republi
cans at the polling places.
The battle has been fiercely fought
by the respective parties , and especially by
the friends of tbo local candidates.
But it can bo said to the credit of all that up
to this hour there has been no wrangling ,
Jarring or fighting. The day has been very
peaceable. It can almost bo said to bo an in
novation upon the usual order of things on
election day.
There will bo by odds the largest vote
polled over cast in the city. Hnckmen aud
liverymen have been on the run all day. Tbo
pick and halt were berne to the polls as gen
tly as though on a litter. No patriotic citi-
icu remained at home. The FUk and Urooks
innovators actually looked sick and lonely.
Hut they put in the day aud occasionally
showed a little spirit. It U certain that tbo
l > rohlbtiou vote will not cut any figure in the
itoUtics of Luiio.vitor county , liut their de
lusion will uot linng to them very long , like a
l > all. There is omo prospect of a turning ( re
pentance ) that the good pastors of our
churches toll us about occasionally. It is
General Lccso raino in from Seward Just
after the dinner hour to-day. Ho says that
from the host information ho could get along
the line everything is going all right.
"A heavy veto la being polled , " said he ,
'itud the riUlrouds are knifing mo
wherever they can , Hut my faith In the
people Is supremo. | I will elvo the rail
roads of Nebraska something to
haia ma for before I have
done with tliora , They have robbed the people
ple long enough. I have no fears whatever
of the result. Let the railroad bums do
their worst. I will bo elected. "
Outsldo of the disgraceful raid upon
Loose's candidacy in the first ward , the day
passed without marked incident. Offers
have been freelv miido to-day that Thuyor
will be elected by lU.OOO . plurality over Mc
Shano. No taken. . I
There is moro in the Ktiunons case than
appeared upon the surface in THE Ur.u'.s re
port this morning. It now scorns that the er
ratic editor brought the trouble upon him
self by his hasty actions. Officer Mitchell
was on the corner of Tenth mid P streets
trying to disperse a crowd of loafers who
were obstructing the street so that ladies
could not pass , when Kdltor ICmmons
came along with his cards bearing Cleve
land's picture on ono side aud the ud-
vertismcnt of the State Democrat on the
other , distributing them promiscuously
among the crowd and scattering them along
the street. As this Is said to bo contrary to
an ordinance of the city the officer objected
to it , and requested him to desist , as ho
wished to clear the walk so that ladies
could pass. The editor took umbrage at the
order and hot words passed back and forth ,
resulting in his arrest. When taken to the
"cooler" Mr. Emmons resisted the officer
and assistance was called and ho was
roughly handled , but was put under lock and
key for a short time. Finally , however , ho
was released on his own recognizance to ap
pear before the police court to-morrow morn-
inp to plead to the charge filed against him.
Opinions differ widely as to where the
blame lies in this matter. Emmons is gen
erally regarded ns u good cltUon and a
quiet , Inoffensive gentleman. Ofllcer
Mitchell is blamed considerably , but
ho has his friends. The public , per
haps , is with the editor in his
trouble , but the facts will bo known to-inor-
row at least statements will bo made under
oath. The theory that the game was played
for political effect has exploded. It is now
known that the arrest was not connived , und
thut it was the result of an attempt to dis
perse a crowd that was standing on the
streets talking politics.
The board of public lands und buildings
hold an adjourned session this morning.
Nothing , however , of any great importance
came up for consideration. Vestordiiy after
noon the reports of the various state institu
tions were received. Claims were allowed ,
but us they wcro BO modest and just the
newspaper parngraphcr has no chance to
chronicle steals or Jobbery. The state insti
tutions seem to be in a nourishing condition.
Convicts increase at the pen , The hospital
for the insane holds its own. During the
past month Dr. Kniipii reports two deaths
and fifteen discharged. liut the same report
attests that seventeen patients have been re
ceived , making the total number of inmates
! H' > , the same number under treatment at the
beginning of the month.
Articles incorporating the Kxehango bank
were filed at the oftico of the county recorder
yesterday afternoon. The institution author
izes a capital stock of $100,000 , subject to in
crease as business demands and 5U per cent
of it to bo paid in on or before the 1st day of
December , the date upon which the company
will commence business. The articles are
blgncd by S. H. Uurnhaui , I. M. Raymond ,
Uev. Lewis Gregory , Mayor Sawyer and M.
L. Eustorduy. Shares are fixed at $100 each.
Mr. Uurnlmm will nmnufeo the affairs of the
bank. It is understood that the now enter-
prize will bo quartered in the Shcldron
block. There is no question but what it will
prove an enterprise of importance to the
Capital city.
The docket of the district court will bo
called to-morrow. This means that the Lan
caster county district court will commence
to grind out Its grist of civil and criminal
H. F , Reel , the Insnno man found on the
streets n short tlmo ago and committed to the
asylum , was taken to Wilkesbarre , Pu. , his
homo , by J. T. I lay , to-day.
The deserving poor will not bo forgotten
In Lincoln on Thanksgiving day. Elder
Hoxvo announces that ono who sympathizes
with the poor has donated to each of twenty-
nvo families the following provisions , to be
distributed by the relief and aid society.
Ono turkey , ono bushel of potatoes und
twenty-live pounds of flour.
Although it is written upon the statute
books that saloons shall bo closed on elec
tion day , there was evldenco of rum and re
bellion on the streets in largo quantities
to-day. Some of the voters carried all that
they could stand under , There will evi
dently bo work for the policemen to-night.
Walt M. Socly came in from Bennett at 3
o'clock. He expressed the opinion that the
banner prohibition precinct of the state
would not thaw any gain over the vote of
two years'ago. .
Malaria Fever cured by Jar vis' Brandy.
An KuuiMttrlu Woman. . ' * * Fortune.
Springfield Republican : Mrs. llutsoy
Bradley , of Kant Htxvon , who died re
cently , leaving tin chtuto of $ ; { 50,000 ,
inaclu a fortune out of matrimony. She
married John Hrttdloy , ecvoiity-Jiyo ,
when she hor&olf wits llfty-two , receiv
ing S-'O.OOO. She asked $ .22,000 when her
lover proposed , and was refused ; but ho
went home and counted over his $ ; ! ( ) ( ( , < MU )
or more and the next day came and told
Butsoy lie hud decided to "split the dif
ference" and was accepted. The mar
ried life of this stnuiRo pair was without
event until Mr. HraUloy suffered u
"strolco" and a lawyer wns called to
make his will. Mrs. Uradley had ver
bally given up all right to her share in
the estate when she was a fiancee. Soon
after her husband died , and she re
ceived $1125,000 as her .share of the es
tate , no will or other written agree
ment being found to prevent her. A
lifo of the greatest economy increased
this to $850,000 , which she has willed to
St. Paul's church. She did not love her
relatives. Once she built a foiico twelve
foot high between herself and brother
who , she said , was prying too closely
into her affairs aud bought a fierce
bull dog to keep guard. An effort will
bo made to break the will , however.
The Japanese Style.
A little incident mentioned in a letter
to the Christian Register from the
Unitarian envoy in Japan shows the ex
traordinary care which is manifested in
that country that letters shall go right.
There was returned to him the other
day in NiUK'o a pamphlet which ho had
mailed in Tolclo a mouth before. He
says :
"It had painted upon it seventeen
tags of the curious Japanese mailing
paper , light and thin as gossamer , but
tough and untearablo as rawhide.
These , by the strange characters in
scribed thereon , showed that it had
been sent to seventeen different places
in the endeavor to find the person to
whom it was addressed. All this trouble
taken for a more pamphlet. A greater
marvel still was that it should by any
possibility find its way back to me , when
there was nothing upon it except my
English handwriting to indicate the
sender. "
This seems to bo an improvement upon
the methods of our own department
under a democratic administration. If
the party addressed is not found the
lirst time the letter is thrown into any
ono's front yard or chucked into a waste-
basket. If the present administration
is to remain in power its lirst duty
should bo to import Japanese post
Its superior excellence proven in millions o
homes for more than a qmm r of a century. It
IN used by the United states Government. l'u
doragd by tu ueads of tlie urent Uulveraltles as
tliostronuMt , purest ami mast healthful. Dr.
1'rlcp's Cream flaking Powder does not contain
ammonia , time or alum. Sold only In cans ,
New York. Chicago. Bt. Louis ,
Is Like a Cannon Ball Without Powder.
iliar th " " # eroIlMlk Tailor f < ? f ft Sllit or Overcoat when ho can buy the sim
best adv age 1 ' Clther m ° rC lnoney thtm brains' or ho docs llot lls ° s wits to the
"Workman and Independent Man ,
srSvS ss f sKS " t"raclmufc Tuilor-made Sults aud o" th °
offer VJBl ° Ur aS ° 'ltS throuhout th °
$9 80 buys a CHINCHILLA OVERCOAT , which was made to order for $2O.
$11.80 buys a CASSIMERE OVERCOAT , which was made to order for $22
S Jn KUyS a ? ° ° d CHESTERFIELD OVERCOAT , which was made to order for $28
$16.00 buys a fly front WAKEFIELD
DRESS OVERCOAT , which was made to order for
$20.00 buys a K ERSEY OVERCOAT , which was made to order for $4O
f OQ'B uUyS af atin Lined MELTON OVERCOAT , which was made to order for $ BO.
| ° uysaSil LinedTREBLEMILLED MELTON OVERCOATwhich was made to order for $6O
30.00 buys the finest SCHNABELS
f CHINCHILLA OVERCOAT , which was made to order for $60
for $ ? 0 B fine BEAVER T'MIYIED ' ( SHAWL COLLAR ) OVERCOAT , whlcTwL.nmd oorde
40.00 buys a FUR LINED OVERCOAT , which was made to order for $83.
FALL SUITS , CORRECT STYLES , Elegantly made and Trimmed ,
. . . . . . . . . . . _ . _ _ . _ _
* t "
$9.8O Itttvrr * - On. A C" I r - ? *
buys a Seymour Sack Suit , which was made to order for $2O.
$11.8O buys a One Button Sack Suit , which was made to order for $22.
$13.78 buys a Straight-out Sack Suit , which was made to order for $28.
$16.OO buys a Railroad Sack Suit ; which was made to order for $8O.
$2O.OO buys a Four Button Cutaway Suit , which was made to order for $4O
$24.OO buys a One Button Cutaway Suit , which was made to order for $ BO.
$28.6O buys a Bannockburn Cheviot , sack or frock , which was made to order for $6O.
$3O.OO buys a Crepe Worsted , ( imp. ) 4-Button Cutaway , which was made to order for $00.
Of every description of goods nml uiiy style from $3.00 to $10.00.
They must bo seen to be appreciated , from $10.00 to40.00. .
Room 3D , 22-24 Pacific Ave. , ChloBHO.III.
CoiultfunieiiU of drain .ollclted. Qrstln aucl Pro-
Tlilom bought , or told , or rarrleil on margin ] ,
Valuable Circular * uoil Ilullr Mufkri Uo *
porti i nt to auy addict } . Corres incidence Dlkif J.
KIRNFY fnQ urinary troublMeasllr , quick *
MUnt I ly and bafely cured by DOCU1A Cap.
Bules , severest caies cured In seven davs. Sold
lUSOoerbox , all drugKlsts , or by mall from Do-
B.CV. U'Jwulttsu N.l. full Direction * .
E - - " F
Nos , 3O3-4O4-I7O-CO4.
Adv-ertialng has always provoa
successful. Before placing any
Nowjpapor Advertising conaus
II t * i < U < U * Klnrt. CHICAGO. J
Real Estate ,