Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 07, 1888, Page 3, Image 3

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    9 *
. . .MV.U. .
MkXICAN MnsTANiff.tNllir.NT li
OLD suu , cuuu liUAijg uaa ll
In thi world that Instantly stops the most excruclntliiK p.ilni. It never falls to give ease to the
tuffem-of 1'iitu arising from whatever cutisu ; It is truly , the great
mnl 11ms done moioKOOil than any known remedy. PorSl'HAINS. IWl'lSBS. itACKAClIK. : PAIN
IN THE U1IKSTOU SHUCK , IIKAllAUIIK. TOOTH ACM K. or any other external PAIN nfpwnnpll-
ciitloiiK , rubbed on by hnnil act Hko magic , ratiilnRthe pain to Instantly .stop. Kor rONlir.STltiNS
K.MAII , Ol' ' Till ! HACK , more extended , longer continued and repeated applications nro neces
FAlNTINH SI'iU.S. : NKKVOt'SNKSS. KI.KKI'IiKSSNKSS are relieved instantly and qulckl
cured by tukiiic Inwardly 'JU tow ) droii.s in half a tumbler of water.
Policies Incontestable and Non-forfeitable After Three Years.
Agencies In all the larger cities of the Unite-States and QeriimuJKinplre.
DECEMBER 31ST. 1862.
Assets $26O.B85 4-3 | Surplus $207,158 97
Assets S13.O73.24-7 37 I Surplus $1.836.636 62
Amount of Insurance In torco $4-5OOOOOO
Annual Income . . . $2,4OOOOO
Ihadcrmanl.l possesses $110.1(1 ( of admitted amets for every I100.UO of HauilltlcH.abettsr ratio
lhan that of any of the other throe largest Life Insurance Companies of the UnitedStates. ; J
Unices Rooms : $ < ) < { anil ! i07
Ernst Benninghoven , Manager , Fli-ht National Hank.
IDPUITCPTO. U STAUB , ICIO Howard St. , Omaha , has drawn plans and
AMI ) It 11 LU I peclUcatlona for a 9-roorn frame house , which combines
\Hllltycomfort , couomir and btnuty.lnarfny Ifflpoa'lble In any good
house that roati from ( o | 1. X ) . As more than 1 * ) _ f. , , , . . .
will be built , I can afford to offer a copy tor Original and splendid
| 2fi , the usual f e B othurwU * being from tlrslenn furnished , as can be Judged
the ° < I"8"80' on.P > tetl building ot
1 percent more. all descriptions. I have in my ofllce , ranging Incest
' " z Z tromtRWatoUQO , < X > 0. My unusual experience \\111 guarantee satisfaction
and reliable contractors only arc engaged on my works. Parties wishing to build
ar * cordially Invited.
State Line.
To Glasgow , Itolfast , Dublin nnd Liverpool
From New York Every Tuesdav ,
Cftbln im-isnKo MS and S.W. ncoordlns to location
ot state loom. Kxcurslou Jiu to iW.
FtccrnKO to nnd from Europe at Lowest Hutcs.
AUSTIN 11ALUWIN ic CO. . ( icn'l Acents.
611 llronilwuy. New York.
JOHN nUXJKN. Gcn'l Western Aijunt ,
1C4 Itandolph St. , Chicago.
HAHHV K. MOOHES. Agent. Omaha.
Itcduucil Cabin llntes to Glasgow Ex
I'tlhllo sale of Imported
draft HtallloiH aud trot-
tins stock at York , Ni-b
Nov. 7 , IS B , common-
cltiKnt'iIJOti. : m ,
We \ > ill offer onr entire
Htockof liorseM , nbout
I HO In iiumbi-r. II l' 'r-
[ cneroiiH. 1 Clydosdalf ,
' 1 Shlro , 1 French Oina-
aliin , several eruilo
draft and ono trottliiK stallion The balance
consists of trotting hred mares , fillies auddrlv-
Inn lianas.
TKKMS : One years time. Koodliankablo jiaper
cnnlrrd. 6 per-eont discount for caHli. SAliK
HAIN Oil BlllNi : . t-end for catalogue.
F. M. WOODS. Auctioneer.
Warrantol attiohitrly jiuro
Coroa , from wlilcli the exccu ot
Oil bu b cn removed. It hai three
limn Ike ilrmglh at Cocoa mixed
with Starch , Arrouroot or Sugar ,
and U therefore far more cconoml *
cal , tciting Im than one ctnt a
cup. It t delicious , nourlihlnp ,
trCDithenlne , ailly illjt t d. and
admirably adapted for Invalldi u
well at for pertoni In health.
Sold bj Oroceri eterjuhtrt.
W , BAKER & CO , Dorchester , Mass ,
xua for xuucuiLu wax JIKST
Blocks ,
real itont ,
ntEHE-NT for
chlUrca and
For IUS or
tlU ) a fuo
avenue bur.
iTfl/ for Duciiptlra dialogue , eeat pott ( roe , to
Ft AD. RICHTE * & 00. ,
BIO B roadway , Jfew York.
| ro5ltjTT ! cumIre yda'SlU US
| llorue' > HItr..M > c > < tleUlt.
TTru acomblned. Uu riuilmlth *
onljr oue lathe world c ntr llDij
contlniioaa JCttctriaJt Maynttfc
. - - l. BcUntlOc , t'owerful. Iar tlf ,
OorafarUbl * and Ktltciln. ATold Cnudi.
OrcrO.OOOctirM. HpDqHtunpfjrpmphl L
O KLEOf ItIO BKLft > OU jllKtAHt'it.
10BNE. uvurot , lai WAUIK * vt. . Cmaca.
Louisiana State Lottery Company.
Incorporated by the IcfjUlaturo of IfW , for IM-
ticatlonal and Charitable purposri , and its fian-
chKi ) made a purl of the prevent tUato Constitu
tion , in ira > , by an ovi-rwhi'lmlnK popular vote.
take place Soml-Annually ( .Inne and DeepniDcr )
and Us UKANI ) BINOliK Nl'MltlMt DltAW-
INJ8 ( take place on each of the other ton months
In the year , and arc all drawn In public , at the
Academy of Music , New Orleans , La.
"Wo do hereby certify that wo supervise the
ftrratiKoments for alltlio .Monthly and S-eml-An-
mini Drawings of The Louisiana State Lottery
Company , nnd in person mamma and control
thu IlravvlnKS themselves , and that the same
are < oniluctfd with honesty , fairness , and in
K ocl faith toward all parties , ando authorize
the company to use this certillo.ite , with fac
similes of our signatures attached , in its adver
tisements. "
We , thfltindor.'lKHPd Hanks and Hankers , will
pay all 1'rizes drawn in The Louisiana State
Lotteries which may uu presented at our count-
H.r'M. WALMSLKY , I'res. Louisiana Nat. Jlank.
I'IKUUK LANA1T.V. 1'ii-H. Ktato Nat'l
A. HALUWIN , I'res. New Orleans Nat'l IHnk.
CAUL KO11N. I'res. Union National Jlank.
In tlio AcnUcmy ot Alimic , Now Or-
luniis , Ttiesilny , Novunibcr 111 ,
CAPITAL PRIZE , $300,000.
1CO.OOO Tiokot : at Twenty Dollars each.
Halves $10 ; Quarters , $5 ; Tenth : , $2 ; Twen
tieths $1.
i I'liizu or iioo.wo is . r3fti.oor
rowxiis .
1 PHIiSB OK S.-UUU . i'5.(10l (
Zl'lU'/r.SOK 10.0UO are . MKli ) (
f > IMll/.KSOK B.OUO are . , 25.UX
a 1MU7.1-S OK 1,000 are . IB ,
Ittl IMd'/.KS OK i ) are . DO.UK
SOU l'Hl/.r.SOK ! 0 are . fill.OOi
tOOI'HIZUSOK 200 are . 100.0W
100 Prizes of 1500 ure . to.ocx
100 do aWare . 30.UX
100 do SOOare . aO,0X (
890 do lOOare . TO.Ott
va do lOOare . W,90 <
3,134 VrUfs , amounting to . ll.oiH.KX
NOTK. Tickeu ilrairmic CapllM I'rttci are not en
tltlol to terminal prlte * .
IVKunCi.uii HATES , or anr further Informatlot
deilreil , nrllo leclblj to tha uuilcrrlKneJ , clenrli
ilatlnc yuur renUlenca.wilb Main , t'onnlr. Mreet nc
number. Mure rapid return mall delivery will bo av
lured IIT your rncliolni an vuvcloue tearing vui
lull adnreti.
hcml I'OSTAI. NOTK8 , Kxpress Monej OrJer > , o
New Viirk tjiclianua In imlluurr letter , ( Jurreuvj Lj
Kiprvn tut out wpense ) ' " '
* ' "j' , , . , , , v
OrM.A. nAtll'lllN , htwVrlijni.La
WasliliiKlou , 1) . C.
Address Registered Letters to
_ New Onciui , I.a ,
11 IM"llVf'RTlJ That the prcieaceof Qert
IvJlilll Lj ] > U > ljlV frals lioaurncarrt aui
Kurlr , who are Incharxonr the Urawinni.ii guar
ante. * of aluoUite lalrnvn nu.t Inle ilty , that tb <
cliaiu'ca are all cqnal , and thai.DO ouo tan vonlbli
dlvlati wbai number < illl draw prlie.
-KK.MKMlliil , aluo. that the payment ot priteili
New Orleam , and the Ticket * are fUnert bjr the I'rei
Went of an liiitltullou whole chartered Menu ur <
rrcocnlted lu the hlitneit courtii therclotc , tewaii
Soinp I'acm nutl ( Jo.Riti | About tlio
llrllluli MliilHtcrntVnsliliitoti ( ,
Pililnilclphiu lleconl : The Hon. Sir
Lionel S. Sm'kvillo Wu t , kniirht com-
mantlcr of the Ordei1 of St. Mii'lmel nnil
St. Gcor o , who littoly Inherited from
his brother the additional title of Unron
SacUvillo , with an estate of SoO.OlM u
year , curtiunly has written himself
down nn us $ . This was no news in
Washington , but jUvlKiiirT from the re
publican noivupnpufs , which luivo been
teilint ; us for bovorul years how mueli
abler West was than Uiiytird , it seems
to have been new * to tlio rest of the
country. Here in Washington this ex-
traordinnrv envoy has been recognized
over since his arrival , in Ibbl , as an
tuniablo though reticent nonentity who
was ont hero in the mysterious nrocL'bS
of promotion which gives Washington ,
as a i-econd-class capitalthe s-econd-class
men of the Knglisn diplomatic service
when they are beginning to think of
their approaching retirement from
public life. All our diplomatic business
with Great Hritain , if it is of the slight
est consequence , is transacted with the
secretary of state for foreign affairs ,
either directly by our secretary of state
or intermediately through our minister
to Kngland. I liavo read most of the
published diplomatic correspondence
between our government and that of
Great Britain in the seven years since
the present English ministry came to
the old-fashioned manor house occupied
by the legation up on Connecticut ave
nue , t do not recall a single despatch
of the least importance written or
signed by Sir Lionel Sackvillo West ,
Duron Sackvillo. Whenever ho does
anything at all ho "transmits" some
thing or other that some other man lias
written. All that ho has done could
have been just as well done by the third
secretary of legation. He has had no influence upon affairs here , for
ho has not been able to form a friend
ship with any president or secretary of
state or any oilier public man.
His $ -50,000 a year entertaining fund has
given some social inlluence with which
lie lias been able to get some things out
of congress.
mi : nxTiiAim'io.v TIUIATV.
After Secretary Dayard , through
Minister Phelps , had concluded with
Lord Rosebcry , Gladstone's foreign sec
retary , the best extradition treaty wo
ever got with any government , West
did succeed in getting the republican
senators to amend the treaty so as to
make the dynamiters extraditable. This
the republican senators did , not that
they haled West less , but Bayard more.
They knew that just as long as they
kept the treaty in executive session ( and
they have kept it there to this day ) they
could make the ignorant believe that it
was Secretary Hayard who had listened
to West and not themselves. You know
how well they have succeeded , strange
as it may seem that such wretched
cheating should succeed at all. West
has accomplished several of these little
back-stairs feats. Hut that is about all.
He has done inoro at tennis than he lias
at diplomacy since 1881. Ho has a ten
nis court in the backyard of the lega
tion , and plays there every fair evening
in the spring and fall with a lot of
young people who might bo his grand
children. Ho is also a good walker.
Every day , rain or shinehe takes a six-
mile walk. The British minister plays
tennis and takes walks. That is about
the size of it all.
"orn SIUNCI : : . "
Ordinarily he is known as "Old Si
lence. " At dinners and at parties , as
at conferences and negotiations , West
has been as silent as a dead clam. One
night at a party last winter ho stood si
lently contemplating the dancers so lontr
that a young = ocioty man thought ho
was slowly petrifying. In order to save
him the young man moved up to him as
though inviting conversation. For a
full minute West , who know him per
fectly well , looked steadily and silently
at him. Then ho suddenly dropped his
single eyeglass and ejaculated : "Let's
have some sherry ! ' , which was his entire -
tire conversation for that evening. Nor
did any one suppose until this week that
West could write. The fact is that West
is too old for work. Forty-three years
ago ho entered the British diplomatic
service : is a clerk to the earl of Aber
deen , then secretary of state to foreign
affairs. Ever since then he has been
slowly drying up. Attache at Lisbon
and Berlin , secretary at Tunis , Madrid' ,
Berlin and Paris , clwvgo < ! ' affaires oc
casionally , and linally minister to the
Argentine Republic , to Spain , and to
the United States , he has long since
left his wits behind him.
I take very little stock in the theory
that ho wrote the Los Angeles letter in
collusion with the republican managers ,
lie is just dull enough to fall right into
their trap with all its outlines full in
view. I liave no doubt that ho wrote in
perfect good faith , although with as lit
tle knowledge as wisdom. I am glad it
happened. The humbug was so appar
ent as to bo dissolved at the lirst touch.
But where does it leave Minister West
and those republican newspapers that
have been exulting for two or three
years back over his superiority in sa
gacity and astuteness to the pre.iidont
iintl 'Secretary Bayard1 ! If any man
ever played the fool so to the life as
West since David deceived the Philis
tines I have not heard of it. It is easier
to belicvo that ho is not acting than to
believe that he is.
West is a small mnn.thin and straight ,
although his head leans forward when
ho walks. Ho has scanty hair and full
beard.both once jet blnckbut now blue-
blacked with dye. He wears , English
clothes , which are ahyays twenty years
too young for him. His face has a hard
wooden expression , and all his move
ments are mechanical. He must bo six
ty-live and ovcrand very old for his ago
ho is. Ho lives like his predecessor
Sir Edward Thornton , in the big brick
building put up by the British govern
ment in Sir Edward's time on Connecti
cut avenue on land bought cheaply bj
the shrewd Sir Edward. It is substan
tially , but not very tastefully , fur
nished , and altogether is a comfortable
sort of place. Ono thing that makes ii
especially comfortable is that the Brit
ish government pays all the expanses o
its maintenance . West has nn income
of ncurly $125,000 n year now , besides
liis $50,000 for entertaining purposes.
And yet ho IB the most unhappy man in
Washington. In ono shortlottor ho has
made hiiubelf the laughing block of the
Cowtioyi ) lloplni ; Bears.
The cowboys of Northwestern Texas
are becoming very proficient in lasboo-
ing bear. Three have boon roped and
killed within the last three weeks. The
woods are full of black bear that grow
to considerable size and weight. Last
week U. O. McCutcheon , the best roper
in Northwest Texas , caught a big black
bear with a rone. Ho made the animal
prisoner , holding him by the rope , and
managed to keep his horse out of dan
ger. In this way ho traveled some
miles , when ho mot two other cowboys ,
who all roped the bear from other di
rections. IIo was caught by a fore log ,
n hind leg and around the neck. Mc
Cutcheon , while the others held the
animal tight , dismounted and killed
him with u pocket-knife.
Cleveland ifc Harrison agrco on ono
point , that the best out is Jarvis' old
OMAHA MV ( : jjXOU.1.
Cattle ,
Tuesday. Nov. C. 1S5S.
There were only n few loads of cattle hero
ntid very little that was In uu.y wny desirable.
The packets picked out a'Tew of the best
western steers at t'J.50ti'2.S ( , nud a few head
of camiers changed Imiids , whioli was about
all thnnt was done. The feeling was strong ,
nnd I'hoioo beeves would perhaps Imvo
brought better prices.
HOC * .
There were only a few hop * here , but they
were all peed nnd as high as { 5 f > 5 was paiit.
Taking the iiuullty Into consideration the
market could only bo culled Strong.
8 Hoop.
Only one load was received ,
Cuttle. . , frOO
Hops 2,500
Sheep 1,000
rrovollniir Prices.
The following is a table of price * p.itil In
this mancct for the grade * of Rtoc'.t men-
I'runcstccrs. 130010 1500 lb- . . ! 3.7 > (34.50 (
] 'rimesteers , 1100 to 1300 ibs , . 3.50 t < 4.00
S'ative feeders 2.50 (33.15 (
IVestern fcet-crs 2.5j ( u3.l'0 '
{ mine steers , cotn'on to cbolco 2.50 y } l.f > 0
Common to good cows Cd'i.Ot )
Choice to fancy cows ' . ' . ' 33 ( ii'.vO
"lommon to choice balls 1.25 WJ.IHJ
j'alrtoeiioicoliRhthops f > .20 ( a. ' > . "ri
? "alrtoctiolcc heavy Hoes 5.40 ( ii..Vj
alr to choice mixed ho s 5.30 ( ( ( o.-tO
ilcirc | : iiinti vo'Salu i.
No. Av. Pr.
1 cow , native 1,020 tl Ni
1 cow , native 1,100 2.25
Owner and No. Av. Pr.
F P. Kniest
02 steers and heifers 1,021 fJ.flO
0 steers and heifers 'JS ) 2.yo
Aiuorettl Cattle Co.
3S steers , tailiups 1,101 2.25
1 ! ) steers , tailings 1,2J ( ) 2.25
15 steers lt ; i 2.45
2s stecrt. 1,21'S 2.r.0 .
24 steers 1,2W ( 20
2J .steers 1,251 2 > 0
44 steers 1,214 2 S5
43 steers l,21b 2.b > 5
30 steers , tailings 1,117 2.S5
No. Av. Shk. Pr. No. Av. Slfrf. Pr.
? ( ) . . . .2.U 3.0 M.10 Ci..2CO ( 200 $5.40
. . .22U 1X ( ) 5.30 70..2TSI 3.0 5.40
MI..2.M HX ) 5.32' ' ' ; IW..2H7 120 5.42' < <
74..214 120 5.35' 74..215 320 5.421 <
i3..252 1(10 ( 5.3" 70..8SO 100 5.42' . <
! 3..2iil 410 5.IC. 00..301 4Wt 5.45
10. . . 2M N ) 5.35 05..275 120 5.45
> 3..2til 40 5.35 01..2MJ 240 5.45
3..20'.l 120 i3.07..272 320 5.45
72 . . .215 100 5.ii : , 57..2i7 bO 5.45
! . . . . ! 0 5.40 72..271 i-0 5.45
> 7..27S 2K1 ( 5.40 01..270 120 5.45
' . ) . . . . 320 5.40 01..310 100 5.47JJ
ri..25'J 120 5.40 57..32S 12 > ) 5.50
n..240 2 :0 5.40 00..2-0 M ) 5..VI
M..S27 5.40 50..322 120 5.55
UJ..2U1 100 5.40
101 westerns . " 'JO S3.10
Showing the nuuibor of liog- > bought by
: ho leading buyers on the market to-ilay :
U. II. Hammond A ; Co . 430
Omaha Packing Co . 001
iVrmour C. 1' . Co . , . bl8
J. P. Squire Ac Co . 307
and I/owest.
The following are the liiirhest anil lowest
iricesi.xul | for hogs during the past few days
uml on the corresponding dates ono and two
ears ago :
on. li
) r > 40 n ; M Kundiiy. ; j N )
.M f > - " > ( fi/r > nr > 4 % ( it , M Sumlny
! 4 ( r , GtH 4(1 ( a N ) ( it-1 :
r. To tii M 4 15 < ttl M a uj or. i co
5 : . : , cst. ; to 4 10 Ci4 .l-i : ) SM 044 uo
1 Snnilay. 4 15 < a.l ; if. : i TO en HO
B a ) trf : is 4 V4(4 \ 40 a 65 ( & \ 7ri
w | TI ui ® s an Sunrtay. a w t&w \
Jl1 f > BO ( i 40 TO Sunilay
Nov. IMS. Nov. . Nov. IStO ,
ti M fid 46 4 ttl © 1 r > i u ( iti ; u
fi ( 4 ft-i < Z4 LT > a m < iu r.'i
3 1'J tt'i 4) 4 05 4 2 a M Hi ; ] a i
Siindny. 4 05 (44 25 ! 4f > 61.1 rV.
5 i'O ( FW > M 4 10 Q4I 5 115
Culirorniii Cnt-Ii-Citrc.
The only guarantee cure lor catarrh
cold in the head , hay fever , rose cold
euturrhul deafness and sore eyes. Re
store the sense of taste and unpleasant
breath , resulting from catarrh. Easy
and pleasant to use. follow directions
and a euro is warranted by all drug
gists. Send for circular to ABIKT1NK
MKUICAL COMPANY , Oroville , Cal.
Six months' treatment for $1 ; sent by
mail , $1.10 , For sale by Goodman
Drug Co
Reported ly Phonograph.
Now York Sun : The first attempt to
record a public speech by means of a
phonograph was maiio lust Thursday
evening at a democratic rally in the
Park rink in Orange. Very few of the
o,000 people present , knew that the cur
ious funnel-shupcd instrument just in
front of the platform was there for that
purpose. It , in fact , reported the greater
portion of Governor Green's speech and
that of exSunatorVinlleld. .
The funnel , seven feet long , looking
like a hugo cornucopia , was placed in
front of the platform , with the largo
end pointing toward it. The smull
end was connected with the trans
mitter of the phonograph , which stood
upon a tublo about nineteen feet distant
from the mouth of the speaker. Owing
to lack of accommodations , the largo
end of the funnel was not so placed as
to secure the best results. It was about
six feet lower than it was designed to
bo , and was not directly in front of the
speaker. Nevertheless , the experiment
appears to have been very successful.
The phonograph was operated by
Theodore Wangemun and nn usMstunt ,
who are connected with the Kdison
laboratory. Eighteen cylinders wore
UbOd , and the portions of speeches wlucli
were taken occupied nearly two hours.
Each cylinder would last about seven
minutes , and then it had to be replaced
with a now ono. There WUH a slight
break caused by the changing of the
cylinders , but this dilllculty can easily
bo obviated by using two machines.
The breaks , however , are not serious.
At the Edison laboratory yesterday af
ternoon the clmngo was accomplished
in eight seconds.
After the meeting an exhibition was
given of the power of the instrument.
Several persons put the tubes to their
ears , and the plenscdiind wonder-struck
expressions of theircountcnanccs testi
fied that they heard and understood
what the machine haicl. Among these
was Editor 1) . A. Uugun , of the Orange
Herald , who claims , the honor of being
the lirst to publish a speech reported by
the phonograph. , JSJr. Dugan says that
ho could hear not , oily ) every word dis
tinctly , as reported by the machine
after it hud been .carried to hisolllco ,
but he could distinguish the inflections
and hear the apuluusc- and cheerhand
music of the band us plainly as though
they hud actuallyboon ! repeated. The
ad vantage of the phonograph over sten
ography , ho says , is that ono can get a
faithful reproduction of the wholoscono.
Its accuracy can bo absolutely rdlied
At the Edison laboratory the phonograph
graph was put in operation and the re
porter , by putting the tubes to his curs ,
heard the peroration' ox-Benutor
WinfleJd's speech.
"Protcctionl Protection 1 Protection
for monopolies and trusts ! " said the
phonograph. It sounded as though wo
wore sitting in a largo hall close by the
platform and listening to a speaker of
deep , sonorous voice of extraordinary
powo'r. So real did it becui that ono
wns surprised not to see the orator
whoso vehement questions ho could
picture. At the conclusion of his re-
murks there arose a perfect fatonn of
cheers ) mingled with tlio clapping of
Next to the presidential contest has created more excitement than , '
our great Overcoat sale. It is the talk of the town , and every mail
brings us scores ot letters from outside ordering Overcoats. We
haye not said half enough about these garments in our last "Ad. "
Hundreds of customers nraised the Overcoats more than we did ,
and acknowledged that \vliat they saw outstripped their best ex
Of the three special lots advertised last week , two are nearly
sold out and the only one we have a fair quantity of , and all sizes
yet are the $7.75 SATIN LINED CHINCHILLAS. There isn't any
thing that will compare with them at double the price in Omaha ,
and you will say so if you see them.
We propose to keep up this grand Overcoat sale for a while ,
and to replace the broken lots will add to-day and offer for the I'M '
coming week three more styles , which we can conscientiously
recommend as bargains just as great and unparalelled.
Elegant wide wale woven back cassimere Overcoats in 2
shades , blue and brown , well trimmed and made at $6.00. This is
an extraordinary bargain ; $6.00 would not pay for the Cloth alone
in the garment. We have sold the same Overcoats right here early
in the season as a bargain for $10 , and they can not be bought else
where for less than $12.50 to $15.
A large lot of strictly all wool Chinchilla Overcoats , the Chin *
chilla made by one of the best mills in the country and warranted
Indigo wool dyed , with elegant serge lining and satin sleeve lining
at $8. We challenge any reliable Clothing House to produce a like
garment for $12. Our price this week is $8.
The third is the bargain of the season. A lot of rich and velvety Ve
netians and Elysiums , in beautiful mixtures , lined throughout and
sleeves with finest silk ; a garment which is not often foundin readymade -
made stores , at $15. You would not have a coat made to order any
more if you see these. They are perfect in every respect and a mer
chant tailor would charge for a similar coat , $50 to $6O.
Next week we promise some extraordinary thing in suits and pants
Watch our "ad. "
Close , economical and intelligent buyers who are judges of qualities - .
ties and values are doubly welcomed to this great sale.
Plain Figures and One Price.
Nebraska Clothing Company
Corner I4th and Douglas Streets , Omaha.
hands and the stamping of feet. There
coiild bo heard a confused mass of
sounds as of an audience rising to their
feet anil dispersing , amid conversation ,
laughter and the playing of a band.
A J till < I Xiw T'P.
P stands forPuddlng.for Peach and for Pear ,
And likewise for Poetry and Prose ;
Tlio Parot , the Pigeon that Hies In the air ,
The Pig with a ring in his nose ;
For Paper and Pen , for Printer nnd Press ,
For Physio and People \vlio sell it ;
But when you are sickto relieveij-otir distress
Take at oneu Picrco's Purgative Pellet.
Oh.yes , indeed ! These aro.thcP's
for you , poorMek man or woman. Noth
ing like them for keeping the bowels
and stomach regulated and in order
tiny , sugar-coated granules , scarcely
larger than mustard seeds. They work
gentfy but thoroughly.
A Sudden Decline.
Detroit tYoo Press : Two old woodI I
sawers who sat on the curbstone near
the vegetable market were talking of
the times , when ono of them slid :
' I was reading that it only cost $17 to
go to Liverpool now. "
"Is that all ? "
"Yes. "
"And the same to come back ? "
"Yes. "
"That's ? 'U. That's cheap enough. "
"So it is. "
"And shall wo go ? "
"Not us. Wo are not the kind to go
sailing around and spend our money
foolishly. 1 think wo should start a
bank. "
"That's better. Say , Thomas , could
you lend be 10 cents to buy a peck of
potatoes with , and ' > more to buy some
bread ? It's all I'll have for over Sun
day. "
"Could I ? I have only 7 to my name
and that's as good as laid out for cod-
lish. "
Hood's Sarsaparilla cures catarrh by
expelling impurity from the blood ,
which is the cause of the complaint.
Give it a trial.
A Now Idea.
Detroit Frco Press : A colored man
who called at one of the precincts of the
second ward to register gave his name
in due form , when ono of the ofllcials
said :
"Aro you sure that your name is
James SpollmanV"
"Ar11 suahV"
"Yes. Wo want to bo certain of
that. "
"Mought I bo fcomobody clboV"
"Certainly. "
"Hu ! Nebbcr thought of dat. "
"You must bo sure. "
"Sayl Dat upsets mo. I thought I
was sartin , but I don' like do looks of
dis. Mobbe dars a mistake sumwhar' .
Jist hole on till I go homo an1 look in
do Bible. Bonn' ketch mo in dat sort
of a trap , you know. I'll bring do book
right ober. "
Ho came back with it in nbout an
hour , and as his name was put down ho
said :
"Izo gwino to-writ it off an1 carry it
wid mo Dls boin' onsartin of who yo
are makes a pusson drofful queasy. "
Love thy neighbor as thyself , and when
you see ono with a bad cough advlso him to
buy a bottle of Dr. Hull's Cough Syrup.
Price only 25 cents a bottle.
Tbero is no thin f In the world which will
give prompter relief to all sufferers from
neuralgia than Salvation Oil. Price only 2
ccoU a bottlo.
11HANCH OFl'ICi : .
Grain , Provisions , Stocks and Bonds ,
MarRln Transactions a Specialty.
Mcinltcisnf thu Chicago Hoard of Tiade.
vutu Wires tuChlcagoauil NewVork. I'rl-
An Important Announcement
About fit weckt Ofo , while t butlnes * . I
Wat lurtilrnly attacked vrtth icruiUUa
pains In mr fet. kuem and hands. So rev era
( he ttlnvlc ttiat I took , my bed Unmrdlttcljr.
aucl In tire or three < Jui my JolnUi ncra
iwullrn to nlmuit iloublo their nulurnlnU * ,
and ilerp wai clrlM-n frnru me. AfUrniffer-
inff thu most excruclatlnc pnln forawrekc ,
mTnu UnltnfntR andvarlouft other rem dl i ,
fmuil who sympathized with Hi ) hclpleu
condition , said to me : ,
"Why don't you get Swift'iSpecific nd
nuelt. I "III 1-liarnntee a cure , ami If It iloo *
Hot the medicine pbnlUoit ) mi nothing. "
I at once lecurcd thn B. K. B. , anil after
Online It thn first day , hid a quiet night nnil
refrfililng ilt p. la a week I ttlt Krtaily
twiirfltUil In three weeks I could Htnpand
walk about trio room , anil after utlh * ilx
bottlci I Wai out anil able to f o in buHuen.
Blncolheu I hat been regular ) ; atiay r * ' ' !
of duty , and ttnud on my fret from ulne to
ten hours a day , and am rntln-lr frnifiurn
pain. Thrio are the plalu and tluiplo fact *
InniycaJia.aiiit I will cheerfully an w r all
imiulrlai relative thereto , tltbtr In veneu vf
Ly null. Tuoiln MtRKIIUt.
fr II W. lth itrcet , Hew York City.
f NiiimuK , Trnn. I have warded oft a ie-
> ern Hlttck of rheumMKm by a timely retort
to Swirt'i SperlQc. lu all cum nhere a per.
tnaueut rrllef la louitht thin medicine cum-
nindtltir f for a coaktltutlonal treatment
that thorctiKhly eradicates tb * > edl of UU-
ue f rom tUe ivttuui.
I Her. W. P. HiRnison , D. D.
* Kiw Voar , 111 7Tit ATE. Aftr-r ipendln *
| iU ) to In. relleted of Illotxl I'ulron nltLoiii
aay bcurflt , it few bottlei ol Bwlfl'n lipectlla
worked a perfect cure. U. Pourcn.
Vliixi , O * . Hy little girl , aired fli.nnd
lx > y > K" ' f" r yean , had icrofula In Hi *
worn trarnteil ihtpr. Tufy were pun/
ami klcklv. Today they are healthy audr
butt , all tlio remit u : taking a. 8.8.
Hot luxe , Scimcn Co. , FLI. Tour 8. B ,
B. hui jiroTed a wondtrful tuccekt In rny
caie. Tl.e cancer ou rny face , uu flnubl.
would have coen hurried mo to my grave. 1
Oo think Itli wciDdcrful , nnd kai noeiiual.
U. U. BraD , Poitniaiter. 1
WACO , Tiiin , liny 9,1SSS. 1
a B. Co. , Atlanta , Oa. : 1
t Oentlemen Knowing ttmt yea appreclat *
Voluntary tedlmonlali , vro take plcaiurola
tiling thut ono of our lady cuilomiri haa
ngalneil her health by the uie of four large
bottle * of your great remedy , after having
b eu an Invalid for leveral yean. Her troutle
waa extreme deuUlty , cauied by a diieaie pe >
Dllartaheriez. WILLII * Co.Orueglita.
> Three bouki mailed free on application
TBK Bwirr Srtcrrio Co. ,
graveer 3 , Allanta Oa.
iUw York.7M -
Tan sill's ' Punch Cigars
wore ihlppod during thn pait
two yearn , wltliout a drum
mer fn our employ No other
nonielntbownrluean trulh-
( ully make such a thawing.
Una cRout ( dealer ouljr )
wanted In each town.
n.W.TANSILL&C0..55Stap |
lilCR hftsclvenunlvcr
al tatlsfactlon In the
cure ot Oo'jcrrbcca and
Olfft. IprctcrlboUanO
( eel nit lu rciommcni-
IDC It to all euffcrtrs ,
i.J. STONTC , M.D. .
Dccalur. III.
Bol'l by Drurtlata.
Omaha ,
Council Bluffs
And Chicago ,
M .iiU'f' ' 'v/-1" " ? ? ' " " ° . riilcBco. Milwaukee.
fa.if.atf ' te"V , ll\"le P' < ? Pl' ! of Nobraika.CoIo-
ln tnn VT-nf.UI".U' I.rtllh2i N vad . Oregon. wain-
MV aVin,1 : ' , ! ? " lu"crlorDamage. .
iiin l"i < iu f.V of lno nan"'fou polntu of mporlorltT
? ni 7i"hi/ * i " .I"7.'ns.'Jf lh" ' " " 'I hutw.eiiOmahn
roAriiirJ 11 f Ilirce trains a rtny of DAlf
lifiSiuiii/ . llllre V.1.1"1 ; tliat hurnKn art and
F'Tl" ' ' ' " ' ' " { 'A'S
I ounell Hhitr . the trains of thn Union I'aclllo hall-
? / S"1 , ' " u llorl rto' ' > 0.1 wltl1 the o of the Chi-
tM. iin ' Tl V"ern "fl ln Chicago the trolna of
iTnejC < -unn ctlonwiththoieofallolUtr
I-or letrolt ) , < * olumbuf. Indlananollt Cincinnati
Niagara hall , , lluffalo. Pllltbnr" 'or ntorMontroa *
So.toii , Nuw '
Vork , I'litlnilflpliiB , UalilmorB WHtb-
{ iigton , and all pjlnts In the , st Aik for ticket. T |
Vrll ° lbTHy/ESI1 ? N"
If yon wl | ,
[ ? : . P
tien-l Marmgor. flcn'1 1i.a ; r Agent.
w. . DAI.COCK . .
II. K. , , . ( Agent.
i. . " ' ' ' WKsT , CUT l" nger Ag * MI '
K rn m St , Otunha.
These n iires are morucIOfii | nt than
which mil-lit bit wrltti-n in prulso ot the peculiar
mtrlts iiooseisfd by the Mugea ( JouiU.
. ,
rrt i ,1 * i w - * rt n i fijv I III * ll > kO1ICr *
"I mo the Manao UunK coti tnntly In my
SfhooU iiml I'rlvato Kitchen ; It fiilllllrs every
rninlri'iiirnt for the most exacting > \ork : I
would not oxi nance It for any rnn ( > inailo. "
bimil fpr our Kurnaco Cliriilar and icail what
physlcluns iirofcisors. scientists , nivchumai mul
ini-rchantH nay of the Maneu 1'urnacc.s tnny luvo
Inuo. Don't juit In htouiii or llot Water Ap-
plir.ltllH , till JOU KNOW Wllllt n KlltHT-CLAeS HOC
Air rurnuce will do for half the cost.
our amenta , amiwo wurr.uit inch pno to ptva
li'rfi-ct natlsfai-tlon to tll tmynr. MAUIU :
MMtNACK ( „ ; ! To ) UNION HT. , lioston , WJ
I.uke tit * . Cilcato. )
MILTON nnni'.im .fc 80NH.
Aatnta Omalia , Meb.
th *