-J. THE OMAHA DAILY' BEE : TUESDAY , NOVEMBER G. 188a LINCOLN NEWS AND GOSSIP , A Man Worth Thousands Llvluff In o State of Abjoot Squalor. M'ALLISTER'S QUEER FREAKS. An InterrntlnB flullo of tlic f7nuimlRti | of 1H1O Kiinernl of CliarlcH K. Jtoot Ucticrnl nnil I'crNonnl. UurtEAU OP THE OMAHA. UBI , 10Jt N ru BUT , LINCOLN , Nov ft } Fosoiuf time rxMt an old inan has boon tvalkmir HIP trccW of Lincoln hlmoit evei-y day , with ciii'ic-iatud fiirra , tils Jn-ul ilr.iwn foruMfil l > y cuntr.KUcm of thn i-ords of tlio ncp'.t ami wlipsij tolturJnt ; limlw support linn witlifixlrometlinlrUlty. Ho livci In , \ smiill room on the third Hour of the H.ildwm block I on O street : It 11 Mild Unit h U rich , and common rcjoi t pictures him u miser. His oanio li Jolrti MbAUUtar. IIcw.14 before Om l o.ird nf limnc oommis BlOnciM to d.ii to h.ivo It determine ! whothof Or not lo w.it n 111. subjoin for the asylum. The tuitlinotii shnv.-L'il that tlm old ui in Inii lived lu Jiin pri-sunt quurutr * for s-jvoral inpntbs ; that he ii uninarncd and h.w rapId - Id ly fulled 1n health , that his room Is c\en more unt.cnjpt thiui its owner ; that h'1 hai i * t > ta icm for ( iiopuftj , nnd HI a nlattrr of loiutnou kin \l 'il r it , UH ; sUtcJ ; rtiit in lit- * cntlc : vors v > proi'iin ? rln * p toivl imsvrupu- I lou * tlcalor * have repeatedly palmed off en bhtl spoiled IJiimlH Thn I'Viili'iiri' iil-ui nhciwod thnt hiimN | | > rty h worth from . ! . ( > 0 to tt , < iO , unit thai ti U ilndor tin1 rinltrul itl .lolin tinwry and , { . ( I. > ! < .Mur ry The tttiamtu mail's ri'UtixYs , seine of whom r 'sldV in this ritiru jtixlott * In iiav < htin rtmnyeil t'i ' the tuylum ortua nlaco whore In1 MII ln uititily i'Ar id tot. Thi > y iniist , ton , that , hi * { iront-rty bu t'il fur to n gu.iiMl n l b a [ > hv tinroutt , Thi > opinion Is c < - thfit the' | > artl < who Iwvo hi * proii i rt > liu'liur i'liavi'plttyed nnthuitlil irun's cwlltlity. until thi\ > litViu'oti his I'ltillldi-nuc toD'l ' thiji sirnirtl tin1 t-iftiiociinttol of it . The Uw.u-r cmpi < , i.U'l li > thi- relatives Iran examiniil the ri-oinH nnd found tlliit the prdportv It lurtfi'Ivnvfri'u lV mm tKa < winu ofvhirh Mi-Allii < cr afci-m * to nothing ah'Htt. . TbfMxhtnur * Riven by blili. aUmvdl that he lutd HO dertriltu Irtqa how tnudi lirupcrti Iw h.nl , nor in whatioudllion it was in. flw hubby i "Itijfie , " ilud on this Object hi ; is iiiuluuhtt-tm ; i mmiomantic. Hut the botrU ilisiMi.urted him. Ub has been utnt dlBrnar cd froln it ? Care , i'rsoru of the opinion that | ) bi'ttor way would bn to hnvo the county colutiiH'Omt u Kiiurai.m to look after him as \vcll aatln'lUfptrty. Stcna will doubtless be taVuii tn l u\u ibis done. This move will iilUsplf to all who know of the case unfortunate man'-t ' eomlltion , Jtnl mny bo intcrcstlnt ; . * L < jOI STtM 1I4.IMII1 An iuMgniuvnni at the eonvcntion held in KiiiivJliiU Bounty , J'cnnsvlvanla , Juno U , was pr < < tt > ntil ; to Uovmuor Thaycr this by Mis Or H If I'ainter , of this city. 'Ihe ImilRO w.li worn bi the donor's litialtiind , Whu wns it delegate to the conven tion In iniusimn. It i : i beautiful pit-cc of nilU ribbon , tluco inches wide , with jrohl tritirO ( and boiiin Uio ( ilrtnro of nn old IOR Ciibib , In front of which stands the heio of Tippacaiiou Kiit tint ; a caller , and a ktx plkUnH-labeled "Huid Cider" Beneath the dut is uisvrJhed in jjilt loiters ; "Th * Cabin to Lot. " "Tho StriiiR Will Not Ho J'ulled In. " "Ilainson and Tyler , " "A Protective Tariff " "nnconiM ouicnt of Domestic Industry. " "No Kedurtlon of Wiuos. " "Atid what doon wish of uioi" said the KOfcnwt to thu Imlj us she Imuilcd bun the token. "Nothing sir , " she replied mgJcstlyj "but I would like to have \ou wear the badge. " In the presiMiroof TUB UFK icpri'Sont.itive , lilt * clerks and ju'ivnte secrotmy tins governor gnllftulh pinned the souvenir to the lappol of JiiH i'6it mid will \yo n it until the last gehoos of Ihe-election Ulea away. It will be out' of Ins most highly priced f.ou\oini3 of the cam- palpn ot Jhi > 8. iif nocini.n ni.iriEus VANQusnrn. Sbmo nf McShano's bobdleis made a ralj Vpon } , ho iopubllnn he-uliiuartei-s this after noon and coiiiiiiatulfrt any lopubliean present ' who had mono.v to bet on lO.OOJ pluiahty foe Tlm\iir to stand luith. In the twinkle1 of au eye hands went down mto pockets nnd ROV- ernl hundred dollata were tl.ished in siijht. It ( jot waim for JIdsoti Kich and Postmaster Wutkinson's brother in Uw tn a moment. 'Although thcho gentlemen made the Crack , it was only possible to get $ JO out of them , which was piomptly covcruit by Hon. I. .Lansing. 1 ho evident purpose of the nlayv wus to ; ct u littlu cbeup ( liundcr to chronicle in the Hoi aid ou the morrow , but the scheme failed to work , It-did not pay tlm biuffctttu stovm the republican c.ts > tlo TUry got th < j worst of the deal and ieiifil ) in Evident dis comlltiire. The republicans of Lam-astci countj hnvfifoulldeiicp in the inlcsri y ol thu partj , nnd do not believe th.U M Shane's boodle will have any material influence in filmpuifr the yoto that will bo cast election day. IiMD TO IIRST. ( l arth to entth nnd dust to dust1 ' The mottal icmnlns of CliailCs C. Hoot ucro laid to rest inVyiika comek-iy todnynt"H : ! o'clock. The funui.il services wro held In t9 Uonyrcffational church nnd conducted bj Htiv. ( Srccory , assisted by Uov. Maker. Invi Gfttions hid been extended to tlio state Qiuuty mid city officials nnd so far as i > east bio they attendcn. The sermon over , and thi Bad pi occasion took itsv way to the cumctcrj Where the last sad rites were perfoimod Bix members of the J'less club acted as pal fcenrers and the entlrti association walked bj thoaidoof the Ircarao to the churchyard Kam 1) , Cox , in bohaU of the Press club In n few brief words expressed the sorrow ol Its members Unit n locd son , brother am comr.ulo had thus ca > l.In . life been called ti the Rrave. K\e4 glistened with te.irs a1 priHS of evergreen were dropped upon tin * asket , just before covering it out of High fojever , and then the friends of the lovei dead tinned their , stop * homeward sadder und let it bo hoped wiser and better. itui luuns MMDTiiriu u VM > TOO SOON. Juuge KechO , ofVahoo , te'eiihoned ' Dop Bty Attorney CJeiwral Stewart to day tlm thortipoitia circulating there nnd through out the state thatLeeso Is. lighting Timer nnd has from the ilrst connived with tin Call nnd democrats to defeat the governor The icport is also current tliat the litiorno. ' gcncrnl owns n controlling intciest in tha papoK Denial only was necessary to con vlnce the Judge that the story was n unsera blc , oowaidiy lie , started somewhere to in Jure Leeso and oncomp.ns his defeat. Lees and Thro or mo on tlio most friendly toroi and have boon throughout the camp.Ucti Indeed , Lceso has laboied nsHiduously fo the success of the entire ticket , and there 1 jiot u dkop of traitor blood In bis veins liu the word eamo in time for action upon th part of the state central committee , and th following dispatch waswlicdto every Count ; central lommlttccmau in the state this aftci noon : Chairman County Central Committee Governor Thayer and Attorney Gcnor.i Lceso ai-o working together for the succes of the entire ticket. Any story to the coi trary IB an infamous lie. Notify every vol Ing precinct. L. D. Uiciunn' , Chairman State Contra ! Committee. The cloven foot nf the rallroguc * In thi deal is app.ucnt. titit information wa n celvcd In time , it is thcoiRht , to chceUmat the attempted outrage NOT\IIIt. COMMISSIONS. The following Nobrnskans wvro nppolntc notaries public by tlio governor this mornin ) ; 1C. U. Allen , Norfolk , MadUon county ; Ni than Olnsbcrg , Omaha , Douglas county ; 'J W.Colo , Nelson , Nuekolls county ; Fran Sutcliffe , Omaha , Douglas county ; Gtorii Daton , Lincoln , Lancaster county ; G. V ArgabriRUt , Ncmahu city , Nomaha count ) L. U. Stewart , Lincoln , Lancaster county. fITV NEWS NJI XOTRS , Dan Sullivan was picked up blinddrunlcc the University campus yesterday inoinlni Ho claims to have been drugged ami robbei This plea secured his release , but not wit ! out a reprimand. "Money talks , " say the boodlers , and pops on the result of. the election , O\i IJ.OOO have been posted In tills city to-dt that John M. Thavcr will succeed himself I a plurality of 10,000 votes or more. The bo ; have confidence in the governor's wlnnh Qualities. Four couplet were licensed to wed to dt by Judge Stewart. Mdlrluiony goes , nc withstanding the excitement of the election Punk's opera house has been hired for re publican headquarters to-morrow night. Election returns will bo bulletined from the stage. ItlicuinatlHin Ts umloubUMllv cmiioil by liiellil neid in lla > blood. 'J'iils acid ntUifUs the rlbrou- ) tlssuus. unil ctiuies tbc iiaitH and arhcq In the bitek , shottldotM. Uncoi. nnklos , lnpj nnd wrists. Tltousniids of people ple bavo found in Hood's Ssirsnparllln n pocdtUo cur for rliouiniiti.sni. Tills inodlcinc ! , bj iW purifyiny nction. nuu- trnlixps tlio iirilltof ( the blood , and also builds up uiul itren thcns thusliolo body. riirri'tit Ijliprntiirp. Tnr. Cr.sTt-Rv , an illustrated monthly matja 7lno for November Terms ? l 0) ) n jx-.ir in advance ; 85 cents A number Hookselleit and postmaatei-s receive subscrlptioiH. Tn thi > blstory otillustriitctl litxr.itnrc tlio biubcst poVitiouai \ \ bitherto boon bold bi the rYoiiclimon , who workoil at ( bo etut of tbc ciffbtecntb conttiry ar- tihls of tlio typ * ot Moreau lo Jeuim. If nny reader ot Tun MKJ : fools an ambi tion to become master ot any ono of ( bo works ailurncd by blrnnitil bis co-mat's , lot him procure outof tlm oataloyuOs ot tSonaventuro or of llimton , anil ho will ( ( itioltly find thu valuu placed upon thorn. It is ouly by cutniHiri-H ) ! ! tliat we fan urrJvc at a lull ilotujreholnion of oxeollonociii : uiy line of art , Uiid it IP t\ fact that nootie wbitU unacquainted with Hi fitmonilltloti of Iji Puntaluw'H aioi-li' " . niul liuilU-of thit : Ht'itnpcui rt > - jili o to wlint a 4uM'i | * } > huiuht of tt'eluti- ral { tujK-rioclty tlii % illustrations of The Oiitury Magiv/lnu hau been oarri 'd. Toox.unJno nity iitnubur is to I'dm-atf out ) ' elf in the art ot ontrni\i ir , mil to keep abreast of thy tremendous t i'ojrx" " made by Amoric.iti onwiMVcrs.Vo mu tad ad\ i o the art lovers of Omaha It ) rli-.uvc to thu Century , and as the Itiontb if November is > the bc 'lnnlnc ; of n ttt'W series of illubtrationv , tbor.e Can bo llo eltor liiii" than \w \ [ presen , for sub- . superior fire the clijriMving * tlitit IK.I.V take thi > breath away. It. 'absolutely ncocbstu-y to i-riti- . ! thorn in tlcttill , for some f tlio work hero will bo It ensured a lUiu4rativo of the art ilt the lust narter of the nineteenth centm\\ . Jlio best one both for this design of Tonry Sandham , mill the wood cutting f Whitney , is on iMgo S j of the "Ko- iimieo of Dollard , ' ' and the reader is itUed to Ustiii liU cjes by examining ho scale of whites anil blacks. Ho will thut there in a gradation In the \hites and n. gr.ulation in the blacks , nd those clloi'ls can only be obtained whoa tbc ilhistr.itor knows how to draw vlthin the limitations of the woivl cut er. The artist must work hand in hand vtth the latU'f , for if ho propOMis to the atUM-problems in wood cutting bejond elution tlic lesitlt innst bo failure. It s clear , theroforo.that Honrj Sandham "ouiprohcnds Jthe material by which its work \vill be reproduced , and this is ho beginning of true artistic workman- hip. Lot the reader mark the fold of ho black cloak upon the girlV right , and ob-orvc its harmony with ho white collar , Let him notice tlio onse of te.\turo iu the rugs upon the leer , and in tlio lady's robe , and the tone work of the convent cell , and the vooden lablo and biMich. This is en- .raving. Tlio next in excellence in our ipinion is the picture "Looking for 'amp , " drawn by Mary Htlllock Kooto ind engraved by K. fj. Kin * . Tliis s iti the spirit Of what may jo termed the American school of land scape on < cravintfand as it is well known ind appreciated , extended comment b not iH'ot'Ssa.'y. The engra\or , how- . \vr , forjrot that things wore reversed \hcti printed , and ho has cruelly con- ertiHl a sunset moon into a bimri&e noon , a ludicrous blunder to u $ > of the ( Treat plains who see much of nature. \'e.\t iu the. rank of excellence 13 a ; m'c- uro pf the ravine of Gravt'lotte , which bhowa ablendinfjof the Amorlcan xchool iui > t mentioned with the French icliool it the oidhleenth century , and it .strikes LW very foi'cibly that the { froatest future jiroffress will bo made iu this directiou. Lrts-tl.i i mcir tlvo process of reproduc tion of I'ennl'U's veil and ink drawings illustrating the London guild-hulls" . When the Century company commenced , their { , 'rcnt wotk of ole\atliij ( American illuf-tvaUoiH preat stress wan made of pen und Ink work , because obviously when ( iool ) it is bolter oven than etoh- uiff. The lirm labored faithfully , ptivo pri/Oh for excellenceissued instruction to those Who thought they co\ild \ do It , and emplrtved all who t-howcd tiny ca pacity. Ha'd there been any Humluif , ' about the Century company they would have rested on the laurels they ac quired , nnd done no more. Hut it was quickly demonstrated lo them that pen and ink drawing was frightfully diffi cult , and that only one in u thousand would over do good work. Quiet critiob commented On the inequality of the il lustrations , and the Centut-i company recognized that they had struck a false road. All honor to them , for they went backto wood engraving. They have retained the otic man whoso work is admirable Joseph I'ctmoll , whoso work in ilhibtratlOii ranks with Fortuity and llico in painting. Space is wanting to enlarge upon the Cole engravings , H series of illustra tions of thu old masters , beginning with Uimabuo. Stillman's notes are not sat- { ( factory in our opinion , because they do not comment .sUtllciontly upon the differences between work in tempera and oil painting ; therofoio tlio reader fatlb to grasp the signilicanco of the illustrations. It must bo explained thai tempera painting Is a sortof wiitoi color work upon a ground prepared tc absorb the color. This prevents any real chiaroscuro , the absence of which will bo noticed iu Colo' powerful anil sympathetic engraving of Cimabuc' : famous "Madonna and child" on page PoriiMit Sur.vi n MONTHLY 50 cents cdltoit by W. .1. Voumans , published by Apjilo tons & ( Jomp.iny New York. This magii7Jno is to the majoritj ol scientific books whataconsommosoui ) is to a btorefnl of raw meat. Ono v-ouli think that a book would present a subject joct moro carefully and moro thorough ly than a magiuino article on the saint subject , but this is not so. No one knows b'otter than the men of scienci who write the books that the chapter : are like badly aligned soldiers sonu too much in advance , some away bohini the gist of the subjectIf a man cauli sit down and write n book in a week i would bo a masterpiece , but as it take : him about a year it is full of crude speculations nnd stale examples Thus it happens that the men win arc lirat in the line of pi-ogres ; prefer to send their discoveries am their views to specialist maga/.incb The nrchieologigt chooaos his Kortu Archeologlquo , the electrician , his spe cial nugiuinc , the chemist , his , tin metallurgist , his Popular Science Monthly obtains from the most nil vancod indn in all these lines origina articles which would otherwise bo hidden don from the world in some specialls organbo that the reader-gets thotrtic-- glance possible of the scientific outlool from month to month. What is one man's meat Is anotho man's poison , and the most euso hard eucd reviewer cannot so far conquer tin Id Adam within him as to be without irelorotico nnd prejudices. In es- imating "Four-handed Sinners. " n harming chapter on monkeys , " 'The 'roblem of a Flying Machine , " and Altruism Economically Considered , " as the coins of this month's issito , it is irobablq that the writer is governed by ndivlduul preferences. Hut in criti- l/lna1 the "Kfrcets of Protection' ' nnd 'Pnlcoltthlo Man In America. " ho is conlidcnt that bo id In no way swajcd > y prejudice. With regard to palcon- elegy , the world is sick of its \ague- icss and its generalizations that mean lothlng and simply fill up pages with out Imparting Idea * . Prof. McCleo lias vritten a lot of geology in which he has ntroducod references to the possibility of man's existence at such ana uCh geological epochs. This s all llonnderlng in the mire iko Milton's liond. Them is no sto pou 10 | Xint of departure , and this is what rritatos the general reader \V want a dentist who writes about paleolithic nan to bridge the sp.ioe between him ind us of today. We don't care for a vriler who polls u.s with its , nnd who goes on accumulating particular facts vhich ho balam-cs on the tips' of his ingcrs in tin aimless cllort at doing something without the power to con- truct general law. Why dp not these vritci-3 take the delugn , jr.u-tial or gen eral , reason backward and /onv'ard from tV We are not particular n > < to the tjleof dt'lugu , but Adln-mai's1 hrpoth- " ; sis is not a. hnd. ono. Suppose"Prof. . itcfJeo trios his hand by endeavoring to it all hi * partu'iilftr ( sots with tbnt on- lorful theorv t-ttited in "lA-dlte\olutioiifi li laMi r. " 1'HK HNiitisti iLLrsTiiiTen M in imp MoMHIan & Co. New York. Annual subscription $1.75 ; Hin Iu copy 11 cents. This nnhtbur ( Octolwr ) ibtho first of a lew sorieH of continueil j-torios1 , a d i ( mo limy siy : fco without olteitM. ' , tliw Miitrm of the mnga/.ino 'n in them , and lot in the pictures. More frightful pen xud ink drawings than those ot Wtlltor > Ain the eye of man has not < oen ( and t is-evident that ho. h not as milch at mine in illustrating as in painting. 5tt ( the story ot S.int Tltirio , by Marlon Llrawfol-d aipuals | / , moro strongly to irlistii- readers than Charles Anehester lid to the music-mud world , ospt-cially 0 those who liavo traveled in Italy , lov- ngiy and sympathetically. It las ono little fault ; it is ho sequel really of Saracinosca , and > ooplo who have not read that jr.tscina- , lng work are rather buwildorod by ill usions to personages and events of vhioh they know nothing. That is only illy fipeuk. The opening1 of Sant lla- io presents the render with some facts ibout liomaii life in Rome which will -iitber astonish him , and these are given with such force and artistic feel- "ng that it in a .series of pictures , rather .ban a romance. Tlio House of the Wolf .8 probablj for the youthful reader , and .s the result of cramming rather than , ho outpour of full knowledge upon a jclovod topic like Sant Ilario. Still it iboundfl with lire nnd the interest is well sustained. Hut llyland's Jiist niim- jor of the Morto d' Arthur is of high educntioitat value , and is accompanied with illustrations breathing the very spirit of the original work by Sir .Thomas Malory , tlio Welsh -priest from whom Tonnjison stole all tlio material 'or ' hU idylls of the king. The article , s by one brother , and the illustra- Aonby the other , and they work so larmoniously together that they must jo twins. Onl.y in such a huge rity as London would it bo possible to got into a magazine two serial articles' written ibaolukily from tno heart. . The piofcs- sion of litoraturc promotes padding und or.imming and intriguing for rccogni- ; ion , so that modest merit generally is iHished into the background. In some .yondorful . way this maga/.ino seems to ind out the llosh and blood men and jives them places at the high board' C < S MI" < Fi ii i IMAov/iM' , 104 aud IW Fourth u venue , New Voik , IS cents per copy , f 1 50 per annum. If a mother , after providing her daughter with the. Youths' Companion and various goodv-goody serials , finds that- they are not mid and should ho in scat-oil of a plaeLdly interesting and inodol periodical , lot her choose this ono. It i"j Iwanlifully illustrated with engravings ot the kind most familiar to iVmortoans ; that is to say , showing markedly the iritlueueo of Japanese art. The stories arc not so iftterentluga' . the illustrations , and it is not likely that any young bujy will live from month to month in constant pain for sonic lioro or heroiiioVdisiiNtioim Chances. Hut it is equally certain that when a reader has commenced any ono of the stories howill find his _ interest vovivo when ever the mail brings the next number of Vnssell's Magazine. ftI\\/iNE ( or AMI.UIC Hi'Tou'i , edited by Mrs. M.irthu Lnmb.publishcd ntTtS Hroad- w.iy , New Yolk ; 50 cents Mnplo cop\ ; yo u ly Btibsci Iption ? 5. Poslmusters receive ceive subscriptions. Accompanying the mnga/.ino is a slip of cardboard "for the nso of editors whoso time is limited , " ' and wo feel Hie greatest temptation to avail our selves of the considerate Card. Hut duty is duty , and wo must tell Editor Martha Lamb that the maga/.ino is as dry as chips , and that to read it is a penance , and to remember it when read an impossibility. No doubt it is all true , and all the result of careful , con- scidntious research , but it takes as much eflort to peruse it as to swallow a dose of cod liver oil. The lion.Thomas \Vili-oii is the author of tin article on the treaty of Ghent which would be in teresting had it been handled In a life and blood fashion. Hut the writer has not done so. When the butler brings uji a > bottle of Hurgundy , say white Ilerinltago , and displays with pride the cobwebs that cover it , the guests drink the wiilo and lea\e the cobwebs. What would bo thought of a host who should carefully spill the wine ou the ground and compel his guests' to chow the cob webs ? This is precisely what the lion. Thomas Wilson has done. Much ol the work done in this maga zine is by enthusiastic volunteers. Very often they do admirably well , but oil this occasion , as said before , it is till dry as dust. THE AMcmciv STVTT. Rsi-oilr. containing the cases of general value und authority decided in the courts of last resort of tlm several states Octavo , price $1. Selected , icportcd nnd annotated by A. C. Freeman. Published by the Bancroft-Whitney com pany , of San Francisco , Cnl. It is strange that so Herculean a task should bo assumed by company in far off San Francisco. But Hubert Bancroft , the historian of the Pacific slope , is no common man , and as It is his company that has made the venture , it is certain that it will bo carried on precisely as has been promised. This means that every year the firm will publish six \ol- umcs like the ono just issued. The work is the continuation of "American Reports and Digests" published in the east from 1809 to 1833 , in sixty-throe volumes , and this was itself a continua tion of the American "Decisions and Di gests , " in 103 volumes , which covered all the period from colonial times to 1S59. The publishers seem to have felt that with nil the concentration possible , and with the utmost rigidity in selcc- , lon it was impo-tslblq to present the re ports in less than six annual volumes. I'ertalnly the task is ft momentous one , and in other hands than Hubert Bcin- : roft's tlid publication of the work in Snn Francisco would hayo raised much loubt that so heavy a burden could bo jornc. Ills name , however , is sulllclcnt [ juaruntce. The work itself Is n necessity , but it requires Bisnmrckian powers of cidlting .0 keep within the prescribed six col umns , and iu the near future when the leighboring territories become states , t will be impossible. The plan of re- mrtlng adopted id th'o survival of the litest , to drop everything Hint is tem porary and everything that is cumula- : lvo and to select only those cases which sear upon points not so definitely set tled in many states as lo be beyond the chances of revision. In the technical presentation of oaeli case , the effort of ihe reporter has been to odtico from each opinion nil the legal opinions ihercln assorted as nccessarj grounds of the decision , and to formulate those : > rnciplcti ! into syllabi as elnr and Vrse as1 possible. Also to state these 'ncjts which though not disclosed by thd comt are necessary to enable the reader the bettor to comprehend the opinion , and to determine whether any portion was uitncicssary ; to the decision of the , case , also to embody in cross reference' ) nt the dose of the opinion citations of [ virallel nnd analogous ense < * reported in the previous volumes of tlio series or of the serlei preceding , and tlnnlly to unite full and nccurato notes to fiueh PAW ns in * ohe > topics which either from their not city or liupcn-tiuice am thought worthy of especial considera tion. tion.Tlio Tlio ninticr reported eonMstsof opin ions of tbrt oourtH of ! at report in tb elates , selected ( or their professional \ttlue to lawyeis throughout the union , invohjug local or statutory are omitted except when these isare hlondoil with others too linpoti'ant to be excluded , -mil thou uo joint of the opinion is omitted. Without health life has no sunshine. \Vlio could be happy with dyspepsia , : > iles , low spirits , bcndiichaguo , or dis eases ot the stomach , liver or kidneys ! Dr. .lonos' licit Clover Tonic quickly cttrc the above diseases. Price 00 cents. m Knew It Would lie Needed. Chicago Tribune : "I would like a ittlo motie.i thi- ' morning , John , ' " said : he wife , who was about to sUirt down : own. " 1 need a few chairs for the din ing room. " "All ritrht , Maria , " said the husband , ooking up from his paper. "Here's $ K.V ) "I bavo found a place on Bargnti street , ' ' she went on , as she put the money In her purse , "whore they are going to s-ell some nice ones , to-day at " ' uu'tlon "At auction ? Hold on a moment , Maria. Hero's $10 more. " * . 1 Vitr Nervousness Use Ilosford'H Aclil 1'lionjiliate. Dr.V. . C. Hanscome , Minneapolis , Minn. , says : "i used it in H cnse of ucuto liicnma- tism , during eonvnlcsceUco ; the particular simptoms 1 wished to relieve-wore sleepless ness and norVoutmcs * , and the results were all I desired. Lucky JU'nrn. Norristown Herald : The Prince of Wales' took a Hungarian brass band with him when ho wont boar bunting iu the mountains of .Transylvanin. Some persons would cell 'it cruelty to finimnlR to frighten a boar to death ; but still I ho boars are lucky that the priuco didn't tnko a couple of Scotch bagpipes with him. Use HI-OWII'H Bronchial Trot-lien for coughs , colds nnd all otln-r throat troubles. "Pro eminently the best. " llov. Henry Waul Ueechor. Clone Chicago Tribune : "They arc working oil a new telescope , " observed le Smith , "that will bring the uioou within bixty miles of the earth. " lvif the moon is really made of old cheese , ' ' remarked lie Cantur , "that's clobc-cnoiigh. * ' > „ AH doctors recommend Jai-vis' Urandy. It IK rnmovoil that one of Uie Rooil lookinjj rlub mombcis te building auc.it little Cot- tuge , and takes moro Intercut lu ( .ookstoves and "sluli" thtiti lu wheeling. WJintUoen this muntij pPRICE's CHEAM Ttisupi-rloroYcollenieproven In millions o homes for moro tluul u qimitur of a centiuy. It J- . used by the I'nltcrt states Uovcinment. I'.n dor ed b ) the heads of the ureat Unherslties its thoHtroimuit , tiniest nndmnsf healthful. Or. 1'rliv's ( learn linking I'owdui dotw not contulu ammonia , lime or nlnm. Sold only In o-itw 1'KIti ; IIAKINH l'0\VIit ! ; U ) . New \oi-k. I'ljli-apio. St. I.onls OH ! MY HE AD. Tlic pain from Neuralgia and ita companion disease r.licumati m is pzctttcialing. Thuuiaiiils whoooulil \tc \ fiiclvly ) ! cured arc neeillc'sly suf. forin . Ath-lo-jiho-ros will do for others what it did for tlio following WilUro ! port Ind , Oct. 8. IW. U Tin be a ractedwith ! n ur l i for uaput fonrjMt * . nq cu > o innr. tninx , but In Tiin. I tlnMI ; hrarj of Atblo- phorni After liklnv ono tattle I found It to bo helping in ? , and iim tnklni four lx > t- tlo of Athlophorna nd n of Iin . I found Hint I wuuutlioly well 1 think tbo medi cine is ponltirely * inro cure CaAUNcrr n. RrnmcK. Mt Utrnel. IU. . IVc W. 1W7. I h r nexd Athlophtrw In my funlly and Dim it to L * tlm ( roateftt mMUlne for neu- rucu ineiUtcnco andhtvinc bad | t > f n a futanoduponmeforthepirt Juytirdknnw whereof I speak , Mas. JDLIA UHILTOM IS- Send C cents for the Jx-amlful ( olorcd pic ture , ' Moorish Mnldeu , " THEATHLOPHOROS CO. 112 Walt SI. N. Y. A l y afford bodily protection In your mind , ' but lomctnlng more substan tial will bo necessary quite soun , mi Ifn UCT wl"ler ' " rapidly apiiroachliii ; Iu V tLV 1 1 MlJUIon to heary clothing. thos who nre prudent will provide n mipply of HKNMIS'S l-i AhTt.li lii antlc'li atlnu ot _ . . . . rough" , CoMs , Chest I'Klns , llliuumri. Pfll I AD " " ' . " l : > llra and nthor allinpnu UULLMn hlchar uro to preTHll iluilnu the rail ruontlii. This plaster l veil known as a uniformly rolUblo remedy nil v/niin laauch trouble * . t § l m reudy tur ( IN YIIIIH Immeilhita uppllratlon nnd Its eflcct U1 | I UUII it prompt and permanent. At ttu-ro are many epurloui linliulioui In tlm market , caruful buyrn will alwayii a'k 'or Ui-NMiN'b un < l refuse all other plmteni two Pent utimp lo Fea- bury AJoluikoo , Jl I'latt tiln-ot , N. \ . . fur f ° I ) ' Of INHTIII CTIOM. HtO TIIK DOCTOH , u raluablo houicbold iThe Burlington takes the ( tad. It was in advance of all Imes in developing Nebraska * ' iIt Was in advance of all lines in establishing dining-car service between Missouri river points and Chicago. It was in advance of all lines in giving the people of Omaha and the West a fast mail service. , . . . It was in advance of all lines In running its trains from the East into Omaha proper. It was in advance of all lines In reducing the time of passenger trains between Omaha and Chicago , It was in advance , and is the only Una by which you can leave Omaha in the morning and arrive in Denver the ; vening of the same day. It has been progressive in the past * It will lead in the future. Travel and ship via the Burlington. Ticket Office , 1223 Farnatn Street. Telephone Depot on Tenth Street. Burlinglon Roule C.BRQ.R.R. : C B S C " < - ' . * "j i. DELAM ESTABLISHED 1851 1 180 So. Chicago , Ills. ICIarkSt. The Regular OU-EstaUIsbed PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Is still Treating with tbo Greatest SKILL and SUCCESS Cliroiiic , Neryous and Priiatc Diseases , - NERVOUS DEBILITY , Lost Manhood , Falling Memory , Exhausting Drains , Terrible Dreams , Head and Back Acne and all Oic cITccti leading to early decay and jieihapi Consumption or Insanity , treated ; qienlifically by new methods with never failing success. tit- SYPHILIS and all bad Blood and Skin Dla- eases permanently cured. -KIDNEYand URINARY complaints , Gleet , Gonorrhoea , Strlctu re , Varlcocele and all diseases of the QenitO'Urinary Organs cured promptly without injury tn Stomach , Kidneys or other Organs. OjNo experiments. Age and experience Im portant. Consultation free -and. sacred. 49- Send 4 cents poMage for Cel.brnted Works on Chronic , Nervous and Delicate Diseases. jp Those contemplating Marriage icnd for Dr. Clarke's celebrated guide Male and Female , eacli 14 cents , both 25 cinU ( stamm ) . Consul * the old Doctor. A friendly letter or call may Sae future suUer- insandOiame.ind aJil B Wen > ean ( " 1'fe ' fl 9H6 lc "Life's ( Stcret ) Errors , " 50 cents ( itamps ) . itediein * anil urilir j sent everywhere , secure from expoiute , Hours , 8 to 8 Sundays ij to 12. AdJiess F. D. CLARKE , M. D. , 186 So. Clark St. , CHICAGO , ILL. Election Proclamation. tTiulci nail I > y virtue of the authority veitod. intilub ) sortli a 'ltsii < H ) of chaiitoi twenty- alxC oiof ttie rompllert Atatnt s nr Neliniskn , eutltlcd "iioctlon : , " I. Joliu > I. Tlmjor. gov ernor of the > tatft of Ni-brasku. dohtMbj Isstiu my proclaiuattpn. thnt on Tuesday , tne t-ixth ilayotXorettiIier 1) . IbJM. tliqru will tin an ) l ctpn ! lidd at. the tlMinlT > l.incsafiotliucn ( said mate , for tlio purumpof clecthictlja folldn-- lUK otllcers. to-\\it : rHo eli-rtiirn of president and \lto rireMtnt ttliuritltwlStntei. On mi-inber of tongrcsi from the Vint ton- One nieiniici of tcngro 'j ' from the Second con- KiiihMloiml ilNtrlrt , Uiioinumueror u > nrc"j3 from the Ihlrd con- Eresslounl dlsttlct. Oovernor. MeutPimnt RO ernor. Socretniy otstuto. Htiito trciisuror. Aiuiltor public account ! . I'ommlsiloner of'tmblli. lauds and buildings. f-upciintuiidontot public lum tictlon. Stntpsotwtor foreacli xen.itorlnl dlstrltt. and lli-ire-.entitlves ( foi B.K.U lepreseutatlva dlstuct. as provldad by law. In witn"sisni'reof. . rhme hereunto set mv band ami causoit toboalllvod the ureat weal of Ioj | ( Ullcoln Ulls Sit day of October , lu the year of our Loitlonu thoitsmil elijlit bun- [ Sell 1 dred and olih1j eight , thu twen ty S"Qond year or tliohtnte , and of tha Independence of the I'tilted State1) thu ono hundred and thir teenth , By the Oovernor , JOHN M. T1IAVEU. G. S. IjVrtS. fcecrotnrv btate. PreserveYour Health D. c. iiAUi A ro.'s iMjnro- K \TKIl lU'CKSKI.V I'NDKIt- ( iAUMI'.N'l.siSuiltn'si'at.iallord to persons < u > > cuptllile tncolil the best protection ntralnst I'Nl'.U JIONIA , HHKI'MATISM. and all U'M. Ulbl'.ASDS Itecom- jnriulcd for l/adles unU Kontle- men by the Medhnl I ncnl ti * hfiul for Illitstruted circular. CAXI'IKLI ) Kl'IMIITv (0. ( BOM. M VM'KVCTUIIFIIfl 80 Leonards- . , New York City DREXEL & MAUL , ( successor to John (3. .lac-ob . ) Undertakers and Embalmers At the old ht.ind , 1W7 I'ainam St. Orders by telegraph solicited and promiitly attotulcd. Telephone to No. r"- . T. E. CU.PIIM , FIRE INSURANCE BROKER , Itootu C3 Traders' llulldliid CHICAGO. nofercncesetroi ! > o1ltnn National Hunk It. Q liundcCo. 'lbelrud ! ir ctCa Public sale of Imported draft HtallloiH and tiot- tln stock at Voik , Neb Nov.27. IKV , cainmcn clnijiit tl .nia m , \Vowlll oiler o\ir \ entire stock of horses , about 'M lu nuinbni. 3 1'er- cliorotiM , I Clydesdale , lShlie , I 1'reiiLli L'una ntnti. eevoial giade draft and ono trotting stallion The bilunco conilstHOf tiottlngbredruare ; ! , Ulllus anddriv- Inc horse ? IKHMS One years time , Rood bankable paper .eriulit'd , ft per cent discount f 01 rash , MAIli lt A LV OU oUl.NK. bend for taUlouue rUVi.-1'AllUMACH. I' M. WOODs. Auctioneer. jr. J. Surgeon and P - \ \ W OfficeN. W Owner I'll tins fioiiKlaHSt. Omcs Ul lepuone. ioj ; U Ujildea t lcpUau , BU. ' ' W. G. ALBRIGHT , .1.1 Real Estate , 2i8S.i5lhSt.Omaha. BEST AND CHEAPEST ALBRIGHT'S CHOICE ! SOUTH OMAHA , BUY NOW TERMS KASY iqpUITppTC STAUH , 1619 Howard Ht. , Oman * , has drawn plans Hnunl I tU I speclQcikUons for u 9 room frame houan. wlilcli combines ntlUty.coinfprt.ei-onomy nnd beniityInanity Impasnlblo Inuuy Rood house that costs from II , M ) to $ IAJ As moio tlian 100 - - . . . . . . . 111 be built so , I can afford to offer a copy for- - * OtIglnalanfl pendl4 ! ! 5.tho usual fees otherwisei bplng fromSffZ ' dmlgns fnrnlihed. as c u too Jiia < 4 he acts or pl.HBOCcompl.tM bulldlnf iof gp r r ntmote. . . - J njl descriptions. 1 ha\e In njj' oQlcc , rnoetnx Itt cost fronilCCClOtoHOOou ) . My unusual experience will juarantc'i3 U3fueUo and rellabls contractors ouly aio oognpod on ray works , Parties wishing to build are cordially invited. DR. HORNE'S ElectroMagnetic . Belts ' ; * " - - < wi The Grandest Triumph cl Electric Science Scl- entifically Made nd Practically Applied. Best SriwtiBe " DISEASE CURElWiTHOUT MEDICINES IT WILL CURB YOU IW T P r lifl..7V < ) ur l l. , cUllr,7feu * . .orKlJiify < . i4ml Vllruurr , Torvld U.rr , Uvit , Kikmitlt ; ? fmltMomi , Adlimii , irrurt nir Vjfiwpil * . t'onitlpvtUi , r.rnlpH , IiidlarMJon. Wtvluirw , Im- [ . < 1 ( rflH I'll * * , lilll nr , ! > * ! > , Ilf4rocol < , Illoofl flltrllf * , Wr ljr , tu. , tkr > , lVI > belt l > Jurt wlmt jc i < > . > .l iririv 7ii lmill flll C n tie auiillrd la nyj ) rt gf tSo Boilf. Ii.joramll/cnnw . ] r If. It clertrtflcitlioblJoOl ' tiVH LL IE Lftit FAILB TCCTIUAMIII * CtrrT on c < mulno and'inctl by iiermlulon MuTu thocallDiTjnMvhaTare b n IK9IIMVIIIAL * ) - \ .J.lluieliiiul.U B llailrCt.oltoilllo.rfldrTrBtlc'.CrjIcv ' " cni A Oncoryonuutsiion nierr-hantstopic t'rtrilM Hudrt f > o\ii."tii.Kr \ at tiorntman , A I * . Woodley , M.p t Sis Main Sheet , Buffalo.Y.i O W. Bellas , M 1 > , MormontownIqwa | Lemuel tinic.KanliiUrC , til , tjudctl. h MurrayNatiervlllrin \ K't , , AbbattiiU | > t.cltywnrrT'ork , South iieml , Ind t Itoljl. V. Hmv on , Chlf o nuktutUHi ! Ijl.Mc3llchapl , 61. D , UuuaJurN. V.---r lour tClt lias accoinpllalirU what nu other remedy lui lUmdyiicrTi-sanacomfortnlilo Bleep at night" Uoht. Hnli. - - - - Tr icombined. Uuaraatccdlbo onlr ono In the world r ncratlni acontlBUons t'ttctrio ct Uagnelit ? V ; ciirwit. BctuitlllcPoworful , uurablp , CComTortPible a < l BOocilTe. Avoid frauds , , . . Klectrlcltr. GCiniNTKIBth * . OTerH.OOOcurml. BnnriKtiuDpforiittmjihlet.'Ss" roTed.chMpo't.wi'ntlnrnowertul.do * ALSO ELKOflUO 1IELTS foil jJlSEABlk \ g ! fffClTe MI1IIC1L ItllTRlb HILT In th lectrl lo bu > pea arl fti-u wlIU llala 1) IM- " ' IlFtEBKVCESnT bank , commeTclalncy OFATOWboKu comrwSilWwiibif nV"aU 'Enrt vVrtlv whnlesalo house.InChlcutfo . ; wliolMalodrUBKl l , SaiilM .lmluilons CLECTRIC TK18HES rou frianilsconml Chicago. II.OOQ cartd""tJcncTit mpYor lllujtra'l ( i iimphltt. DR. W. J. HORNE , Inventor , 191 Wabash Avenue , Chicago. ( IRATIIFUL-COMrOHTINO. Epps's Cocoa. IHtEAKPAST. * -rty n thorough knowledge ot tbo natnral Hwq wlilth u v ( rn tlio oporullom of Ol cttlou and nutri * tlon , anil liy n ( aroful uppHt ntlcm nf Iho tint ) iiropcr. tltn nfMlt ntccli-d ( - ( > cuit , Mr. Kpp * hus prnvtiir-il our brc-iiktaxt tiUilu witli u dchcntt-iy rtii\urud lievt-ruuc uhUh may stive iH niauy hcav-r - doctor * bills It If by the Jmllc luui u o nt uri ) nrlUH'S ol di It tli.it .t constitution in ly be Kr.iiliiiilly built up until Mroni ; cniiunh to ri'MH nrrry leniluiicr to riljcaio Hun- druili of suliilo iniiladlcs uro HnntlnK arnund u < > rt-nily tonltnik wht-tcvcr them li u weak point \Vi-limv c cnpo iiiiinyn fatil ilinlt by kcctiliiKotificlvei fiirtltu-il with pure blood and n properly nourished Iriuups CUIIriertlcoJ.ait-ttu. .MniliiHimply with holllnc Mutornrmllk SolJ only tn Imll pountf Una by . droct-ra . labeled tbus HoiiUL-opathicOlieiuIals , I.OMIOM , KMII v.su. IFOR SALE * EVERYWHERE. DRUNKENNESS Or tbo Liquor Habit , I'ositlrely Cured b ) AdmJulstorlugDr. HnlucB' Goltlea tipcciQo. U c m be ( riven In a cup of coffee or tea with out the itiovrJedKo ot the person taking Habso ; lutely barroluss , and v\ ill eaoct a permanent and ipecdy cure , whether the patient Is a moderate drinker or an alcoholic wreck. 'JUousuncls ol drunkards bare been made temperate tnen who have takun Golden Boeclfic In tuotr roffce wltli- out their knowledge and to day believe they quit drlQktne of their own free will , u never falls. The system once Impregnated With thu BpeclDo , It becomes ao uttfr Fmpoj lblltty for the llqnor appetite to axUt. J'oraale by fXubn & Co. , 15th and Douglas Bts. , aim 18th and Cum- IngBta. . OmthB. Neb.j A. D. i'oeUr k jjro nouncll muffs. Iowa. * ' . ' . " "fft.li'A 'fi' hlk'c" ' " ° u , ° ' feiuuia Or l ii impioiim.au of > r III Clint Mill Wo'riiciiiip . * n D < itl/cur.dlKlh * MoiiUi. fltbleil | > ftqip l tto t iaa lha Stnd.n Elwif > o Co. 109 Liiiflo > tu Chlcifl * DIVOUUBS-A. OUOUKIOU , lit l > t-urtiurn . , Cblozo : luitlcofree : 1 rc i4 uipeneace ; buslncu ( juiotlj nJ le illr lr aJ ct l YOUNEMEN MANLY VIE OR lleallh Rlrrnirl'i nnd nohult MAntio W ' sss " ' " t ID nfi.rlnj , ' ILLUSTRATED MEDIOAU'WORK REEt ( by Mall . fVAaiCOCUtRADICAlir CtSt5 ! WITHOUTOPfWIOI. . * * CIVIALE HEMEOIAL AQENCV- , - r li.v Fuiun Stwi , tVtw yoru\ \ J fl JOSEPH EILLOTTS STEEL PENS GOLD MEDAL PARIS EXPOSITION 1373. Nos. 3O3-404-I7O-604. THE MOST PEBFECT OP PEN& - - - . - XVAFUns on ( uccessfully used monthly by orer 10,000 Ladlea. AfvfSafe. Kfftcttialanil I'lcaiant SI pi-r box by roall.or at druggists , fr-alcd particulars 2 postngo stamp * . Adiirem THE EuatiA Ciixuicu , Co. , DUTROIT , Mica. For sale ( tmlbu inrtllt \ Goodman ! > / Co. , Omalta , Neb , : . HOWTOAOT , l.otlVltotiidiltnhoo'lRlitoitJ Fit , IM\ \ ( IP tnilin Decllm and Futctlontl du r. bW - - * 1 ricurt4i ( lAoulRloiaicb MttIiclD . b tl d Ti IK nt if Dl fC0 &n AK'llcailoa. MAITO eO.tir | ki-l >