Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 06, 1888, Page 4, Image 4

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    . = : - 85jyfcw
jnl1yMornluKi ) ( : < iltlon ) Including SI-NIUV
lUr.Ono Year . . . . MOM
J'f.rJMJt Months l > ( JO
VorTlireo Months . . - u >
Tnr. OMAHA S.IINIHV HKK , malktl to any "
oiMrris. One \ ear . w
OMMIAOJKH rNoi > . .uilNI > PUK I > A ! * THI-MI.
Ni w VoiiKOmcr. HooMH It * M > ir.TimittMj
Ill it HIM ) . VOsiiiMi-toN OFFIU : , fso. 6U
AlUommunlfatlnns r.'lnllnn toiipw fin.l . H -
torlal iimttcr should bo mltlrciseil to tlto UIITOH
, . , , , ,
letter ) nnil remit tuntf Simula 1)9 )
nildn-s ed to Till ! ! . rciiM-miMi < OUIMNV.
linDrafts rheoksnnilpostoriltponlen to
Ire made jujjiblu to the order bf the company.
The BecPttWlshiBgliiany , Proprietors ,
K. HOSFAV'A'IT.K , Editor.
TIII : \iiiv HKI : .
Htntoinont ol Circulation.
Pint * of Nebraska , I
County of Diiniilns , | " s <
( leorKP ll.T/ci luick.h < vrct n'f > rThn Ilo ? Pul > -
llshlnt ! ( Viirtliany. ilfn-s solemnly swffirtliat tlia
actual rlrctilntlon of TUB IHii.v HKK for tlm
week endlntr Nnvuinle.r J , 1TO. wo * a.s follows ;
Sunday , ( let 2H . , . . , ItV-'i'O '
Moiuliiv , Oct. 2-1 1VI" >
Tiu-Hdnv. ( .if t. < a , I-'IV '
Uedm'ii'lny. Oft. Ill . . . I * . < HI
Hiurtflfiy , Nov. 1 " . . . . W'Jt
Vrtilay , Nov. B , IH , < ri !
Batnrdny. . . . . , '
m.oH'ii : .T/.si'iircK.
fiworn to lipforn me and stil > - rrll)0il In my
filfhtmco tills .kl day of .SoM-mlirr A. II , 1&8H.
eal X. J > . I111 U Notat v 1'ubllc.
State of Krbranftn , i
County of DoiiKlaR , I
( ipnrKfl II. T/.schuck , liulns duly nvrorn. d -
\H > nami hUs Hint liu Is e < rutnrv of Tile lleo
I'ubllslilni ; loiiijianv , that tlio actual nvi-ratfu
daily ( -Imitation of TDK HUM IIKK for the
niontn of IK toiler , iw. iict.icoiin : > s : tor No-
vcmlx-r , W ! , l"i , "Iroplei : for Dixeinwr , 1W ,
15,0.11 loplcfor.Ilnilary ; , Isss'SW } copies ;
foi IVlintaiy. ItW , JiVJ.r ; copies ; for March , MS ,
I'l.uwt ' copU-i ; fur Aptll. INS. " , IH-U toplus : for
Mnv. ISNI , IS.IS1 toples ; for.lnna , I H < . I'V-'H
copies ; for July , ! * . - < , IS.Ofl copies ; for Anciist ,
1CM , ) topics ; for September. INW , was H.r.l
copies. ( inollOK II. T/.srillVK.
Sworn to before nnil sulHrrll > "tl In my ] > im-
encc , this Uthdaj ofUitober. A. 11 , lss .
iS. I' , rmii. Nomiy I'unllc.
lr nnj man tnlks tiirilT after the-elec
tion , shoot him on thespot. .
TnrjtSH will boa grcilt ninny surprises
Jti tins resulls of ti-diy's : uorlc.
Oiif\M/.ii ! : ) liibot- will record its vote
for W. J. Connell for
You cui ; scnitch llasuiill JIIH ! Morri
son witbout running the bliffhtobL risl >
of it duiiiuuratic senate.
TiiHiti : will bo no more an\iouh people
in than the fellows
ple tlio country to-day
lows who have wafers at ataUe.
It'is a pleasing rellci'tioii the
buMMObS of the prophet , as vvcK
as the political prevaricator , ib at at :
_ _ _ . - _ _ _ _
Wii.i. the board of education paj
RJorrow for tiic time lie K flpcnditig ii
the slums in the interobt of Morris
risen 'i
A VOTI ; afjainbt Morris Morrbon jt
an indirect vote against politics in the
HCljool hoard. The yellow-clofj crowd in
the hoard snould bo routed.
THKiiK is no moro datitfor of a duino-
cratia United States bOJiator Jrotn No-
bra-ilca than there is of thihstato
its electoral vote to Cleveland.
Tin : property owners of Omaha d <
not propose to pay outrageous prices foi
' 'extras" on public works. They wil' '
light the issue through the courtb i
Anot'T half the people in the coiuitrj
Will discover to-morrow that theii
Jadgsient in politiqal matters isn't ffoo (
for anything , and a great many of then
will have ) > aid dearly to find this out.
' GKNKUAT , HAUKISOX has not only re
reived the left hind foot of a rabbit , foi
luck but the rest of the animal came
along with it. If things turn out ai
they bhonld , jack rabbits will bo in bi >
Tin : extent of the mibinfortnatioi
and prevarication that have boon in
dulged In by the politicians and tin
parly organs during the past two o
three months will bo shown by to-day'
results. It cannot fail to bo a rathe
startling record.
Tr Isaac $ . JIaskell would put on hi
prey and brown uniform as a colonel o
She Kaiibas bttahwhaekern , and wca :
decorations aa Knight of the Goldet
Circle , ho would bhow oft ino t stun
ningly on election day as a eamlidat' '
for the legislature on the rcpublicai
A MAN'who sots himself up as a can
ilidsito for the legislature should b <
fcbovo suspicion. For that reason n
rcputablu voter will cast his ballot fo
Morris Morrison. His connection will
school-desk rings and school buildinj
contractors , as a member of the bean
of education , is ducidodly shady. Keo
Morrison at homo.
TUB popular vote four j oars ago wn
n Cmotion over ten millions , which wn :
about eighty par cent of the voters. 1
is expected that the popular vote thi
year \ylll reach twelve and a h.ilf mil
lions. Estimating on the basis , of on
voter to every 11 vo persons this woul
show the population of the eouatrj t
bo sixty-two and a half millions.
FOHTY-THUUK responsible citizens c
Denver , for the committee of ono bur
ilrod , hiivo guaranteed twenty thousan
ilollars to bo paid as rewards for the ric
tcotion and conviction of persons guilt
of illegal voting. The railroad bosst
and contractors in consequence nr
obliged to use-a great deal of caution i
running excursion trains into the pol
ing precincts of that city.
THE romnrkablo open weather of Oi
tobor , which waa during its last days t
balmy as Juno , has not boon particular !
beneficial to corn. It is claimed tlu
the crop is both green and sappy , unl
for cribbing and if shelled will spo
through swelling. This has led dealci
to complniu that tlio crop will bo disa ]
pointing and difllcult to handle , duo \
the largo percentage , of soft corn. Wit
seasonable weather , however , th
month , the crop will bo able to matui
rapidly and IHJ cribbed with safety
shipped to ulovatcra in condition I
run nAiutoADS AT womr.
DNpatchcs from various parts of the
tate and information coming from well-
informed parties in this city , leave no
room for doubt that several of thu fail-
roada. nnt-ibly th > 15. .V M. , are ongagi'd
in a concerted effort to defeat Attorney
( ionrrtll Lcei e and elect Williaiu JI.
Muiigcr the detnocrUtic candidate.
From some of Uio most distant places
wo arc advised thatlcadingrepublicans ,
and especially men engaged in mer
cantile bn inc' % have been in
duced to play calsp.uv for the. corporate
enemies ot Mr. , Heavy shippers
In this city have been , Importuned and
are being engineered in the -wine inter
est , under the pretense thtt Lee e is an
uni'iny of Oiuaha. and purlictilarly ol
the Onuilm jobbers. Many of the i > a\v
ing contractor- , * hive been cnlNtpd in
this work and are expected to cut down
the tote of C.enoral Lecbe , if they can
not defeat liinr.
/ HAVS ; S is ooon.
As heretofore i-dinarkod. the dismnmls
of an nclivo political campiign upon
the attention Ot the people have inter
fered loss than usual with the business
nlliurs of the country , and in nearly till
< lei > artincnl3 of ti'ado there has been a
steady iind profitable movement. Tht
New York Coiinif n-inl JiiiUili , ! , says of
the business .situation that the volume
of trade transacted throughout the
country is remark-ably large , compfirinn
favorably with liist year , luul jirobably
greater than ever before during the lasl
Week of a national campaign. Agricul
tural movements in Iho west have bo-
conic iliore extensive , and have led lo a
ileady increase in the volume of ro.ll-
oad tr.illlc. There has beeji an utl-
Hual activity in business on the Pacific
coast , while in the south the cotton and
sugar movements luive iium d large
iroportioiis. The industrial situation
iins iiiaiiitaincd its activity in Now
England , and manufacturing operation'
liave been on n large and prosperous
scale. The October export movement
way larger than last year , while the Im
ports were less. The general tone ol
business has been conservative find non
speculative , trade us a rule being car
ried on with small shocks , at reitsonnbli
prices , and with a view otilj to imme
diate consumption.
November has therefore opened undo
very favorable auspices , and with tlu
promise of a progressive improve
ment in business from the moment tin
disturbing influences of the election tin
withdrawn. Jt cert'itnly seems reason
able to expect that having posset
through the political campaign Wi'th &i
litllo disturbance to trade , and Vi lib al
Lhe conditions so entirely favorable
business will now materially improve
ind that the period between now am
the Ili-ot of January will witness in
ictue movement. So far as the suppl ;
of money is coivunrncd , it is ample foi
o\ery demand. The treasury slate
ment for October shows that there wa
a in the surplus dnrhi |
that month of twenty-two million del
InI-B , expanding to thai amount , tlu
money circulation Of the country , whicl
has reached a greater aggregate thai
ever before.
There is nothing in the material con
ditlon of the country that is not en
tirely satisfactory and reassuring , giv
ing promise that the year will clo-i !
profitably to Utl interests and that nex
year will witness a rising tide of general
oral prosperity.
The proposed congress of Amerieai
nations to be hold in Washington npx
year , to which invitations to all the gov
iM'nmonts of the western heniispher
have been issued , appears likely not ti
prove bo great a. success as has bcei
lioped , even if it shall not prove to b <
very nearly a complete failure , . Th
objects of the congfoss. are to consido
measures to preserve the peace and pro
mote the prosperity of the nations whicl
have bpen abked to eqnil delegates t
the congrcs * , to cstablibh an America
customs union , to secure moro frcqttcn
ititev-cojnmunication , to agree upo
uniform customs , appraisement an
< regulations , td provid
fof uniform weights and measure ;
to adopt a common legal tender silve
coin , and in a general way 10 bring ai
American countries into closer relation
commercially and otherwise with
view to mutual advantage and sup
port. '
The inception of this comprehensivi
and really important project dates bad
some twelve years , and while not favor
ably regarded at first , subsequent dig
cussion and inquiry led to the belie
that it would bo heartily welcomed b
all American countries. There wor
certainly fair assurances that sue
would be the case , but it now appear
that whatever view ono of the mo <
important of thorn , Rra/il , may hav
taken of the matter in the pa&i
that government cannot now b
depended upon to take any part in th
proposed congress. In a general wa
the opinion seems to have obtained i
that country that it has nothing to gai
ny entering into any now cotnmereir
alliance with the United States wlul
the fiscal policy of this country romaii :
as it is , and the feeling there ovidontl
is to lot well enough alone. It is hardl
necessary to remark that this sonllmci
has doubtless boon very asslditoUsl ,
worked up and encouraged by the Eurt
pean interests that are profiting so 111
orally by thp tradt * of Brazil , and it
an interesting question as to how fn
this foreign influence may bo oxertc
upon other South American countries. ' .
is certainly to bo apprehended that tli
e.\amplo of Brazil will have an effect o
other states , and supplemented as
will bo by the determined efforts of th
European Interests there is reason I
fear that the representation in the pv <
posed congress will bo far short of win
is necessary to make it a success.
Hut if the result shall show that tli
time has not yet come , or thecoiiditior
pro not-favorable , for successfully cai
rying out'thls project , it will not then
fore bo rendered hopeless. There wi
come a time wliou closer commcrcii
relations and nn alliance for genort
mutual advantage and protection wi
bo established between all America
ountrics , and the proposed congress as
i step towatd that consummation can-
lot be wholly a failure. This country
vill at least learn from it what obstacles
ts own commercial policy presents to
ho desired arrangement , and such
{ nowledgc will doubtless be worth all
hat the congrc-s.s will cost.
nnA \ \ r TO K/ro/ur.
Mr. Will Gurley Is" a bright young
nan , but ho lacks the moral courage1 to
shake oft bud associates and break tip
Kid habits. The position of county at
torney demands a man of firmness , who
annot bo swayed by Improper influ
The most that can bo said for Mr.
Hurley by his ardent friends is that he
Intends to reform if he is elected. But
c\crybody kiiows that political office ,
ind particularly an ofllce that
throws a person into contact wltli
the lawless elements , docs not
tend lo reform a man who is
naturally inclined to dlbMpate. Wha1
Mr. ( itirley needs is the chastening Ics-
ton of defeat to impress upon him tlu
fact that unbending integrity and so
briety are the best passport to nn olhcc
of honor and. trust. Let it be impressed
jpon the generation of young men in
Omaha who are ambitious to be honored
in public life that they mubt not look It
the slums and gutters for support
but to the honest , industrious ajii
sober mass of law-abiding citl/cns
Mr , Ourley's defeat will do much towar (
making tins impression. It will no
only reform him , but many of our mos
promising young \ who are nov
drifting toward perdition.
v rm :
Iii a paper by Mr. Gladstone on tlu
future of the English-speaking races
just published in an American journa
to which it was specially contributed
the great blatosiuan spoakb most hope
fully of the future of the United State
and of the influence it is likcl ;
to exert upon the world. Then
ib no reason , he thinks , for fore
seeing any serious controversy botweei
this country and any Europeai
couiitry , and as there has been n
war across the Atlantic ocean for mon
than bovetity years , ' 'Why , " ho asks
"should there be- one for seventy , o
twice seventy more1' ; ' He think
there is an approximation actuall ,
at work between Englishmci
and Americans , and that they are be
ing drawn nearer1 and nearer to on
another , not by any artificial contriv
ances , but with "the cords of a man. '
In illustration he refers to th
increasing minlbcr of marriage :
between tie ) English and American
and the entirely genial charade
of their social results. Ho find
that the intercourse between the tw
countries is not the same as it was. I
has been visibly boftened , mellowed
ripened. "An Amoiicdn stranger i
to us more and moro like a Uritibl
stranger'saya Mr. Gladstone , "and
hope that a British stranger is t
them more and moro like a
American stranger.1 Regardin
the English tongue , the distinguishc
statesman expresses the opinion that i
will bo , with all that belolrgs to it , th
one most fully represented at over
point on the surface of the globe. "J
will reach almost to every hi
man l > oit > gi even if enl
by material dealings , and th
stressof the progressive material dc
velopmont. " In order that this sha :
be accompanied by thoj.argobt mcasur
of good , Mr. Gladstone urges that En"
libh speakers "should boar in min
how every new' channel opcnv
to our influence , every accessio
made to our social force , over
shifting to our advantage in tli
distribution of the momenta of humn
action , isa new trust for which we inu ;
give account , a new summons to us the
we should live a braced and watchfu
not a remiss and sluggish life , a now el (
ment of that univelsal priesthood , i
which every man , wht , > does his clut
day by day , ever offers for himself an
for others gifts lo the most high God.
Sojiri recent public utterances 1i
prominent Canadians , among them th
the premier , Sit' John McDonald , sho' '
that the ruling classes in the dominie
regard the sentiment in favor of mine :
ation as little short of treasonable. It :
deed all public officials bo characterise
it and urged that every man who talke
annexation should be spotted as a
enemy of Canada. Sir John too
a practical view of the matte
urging that nothing woi'ld bo gained b
the Dominion from annexation. It
people would bo taxed from Wnsljin
ton , regardless of their interests , an
they would surrender not only their ii
dependence , but far moro in a matoi'i :
way than they would receive in rcturi
The tendency of recent qvcntsfiu th
country will very likely bo to strengthe
the clement in Canada hostile to tl
annexation idea.
Tnu promise of some great surp'ris
with which , the democratic manager
intended lo startle the nation in th
hist days of the campaign did not m ;
tcrialire. This is not to be accountc
for on the supposition that the demt
cratic faculty for inventing roorback
was exhausted. The true oxplanntioi
doubtless , is that the mauagors had b <
come convinced that the people , bein
prepared , were not likely to b ? Jiooi
winked , and that an effort to inisloa
thorn at the hist moment would prol
ably do the democratic party moi
harm than good. They have had
rather unprofitable- experience wit
roorba cks.
Tin : several elovatoraecidonts whlc
have happened in the past few days !
this city seem to have been caused eitlu
through negligence or carelessness <
the elevator boys in charge. It is a fai
that two-thirds of the elevators in on
principal buildings nro in charge c
boys who are altogether too you ig fc
the work. They are thoughtloos i
starting and stopping the elevators ai
Qnrolcss in r clock ing the doors of tl
cages. The tenants of our largo t
floe and mercantile building should site
to It that only experienced and carcfi
persons bo put in charge of the passei
ger elevators.
"WHY should the city council
Omaha bo given ppwers to regulu
fares over n bridge ( the Union Pacific )
chartered by , tlio United Statei ? "
"Why should railroads be compelled at
their own c"c | > Qiiid to build viaducts and
clontlte them to the city ? " asked Frank
Morrlssoj' . There is every reason to
believe that if tyoi'rissoy were sent to
the legislature he irotild become us use
ful n tool to the railroads as he has been
serviceable to them as ah oil-room
lobbyist mul a * he is to-day a political
ivirc-pullcr. In short , Frank Morrls cy
n dangerous character. .
NOTIIINU will do mot'o to advertise
Omaha abroad than polling a full vote.
There arc at least eighteen to twenty
housand men In Omaha eligible lo vote
mil every one of these Voters should
: ast hts vote for president , evetl if it
ahis pitchfork's , C'omparlsnns are al
ways made between rival cities based
on the popular vote at a presidential
election. The polls close at 0 o'clock ,
The patent-leather gentlemen who arc
: ifraid to soil tholr boots , should put on
their overshoes on election day , in cast
of bad weather. No excuse will be
valid. Turn out , cvcrjbody , and vote
early. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
WOHKINUMKN of Uouglas county , foi
the last time Tin : Biu : calls Upon jou u
exert jour manhood and to stand up foi
principles. Don't bo led away by met
.vhoin you know to be dishonest and dis
reputable. Bo independent of bossc :
who barter and bell you as they wouli
cattle. The ballot is the most bajrci
privilege of American cUi'/ens.hip. It
prostitution for the interests of badmei
a menace to your liberty and to you :
property. ,
IV vnn : bank clearing ? of Omaha an
a barometer of business , it shows tha
the great political storm affects bu
little the course of trade in our city
The clearings for the past week exceei
those of St. Paul , and are an inc-rcasi
of tweuty-fivo per cent over those o
last year. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
IT ib very questionable whether th' '
Order of the commissioners to close lh' '
polls at (5 ( o'clock , standard time , is ii
accordance with the spirit and letter o
the law. The statute fixing the hour
of election contemplate : ) the uniforii
sun di-'l time , and not railroad time
which shifts by sections.
Wi : repeat it again , that there is u
danger that any candidate for the legit
laturo on either ticket will vote forprc
hibition. That issue is not before th
people of Douglas county. All the tail
that Hascall's presence is needed in th
legislature to prevent the pas-sage of
.submission amendment is bosh.
THAT proposed railway from Sal
Lake to Siou\ City , Iowa , has advance
one stop further on paper. It is an
ilounced that the entire line will b
completed within- the next two years
and that means , the times is almost rip
for the syndicate to strike the countic
of Nebraska for bonds.
EvniiY vote for Harrison and Morto.
is a vote for the speedy statehood (
DaKota. Remember that , gentlemen f
the democratic persuasion who do btibi
ness with the coming city of Southwes
em Dakota. Your friends in Dcadwoo
expect you to bo true to them.
'd method of inmicncin ;
legislators on railroad questions wa
social conversation and spicy anecdote :
and sometimes a little wine , but h
omitted to siy that there was siign
with the 'Vine. Scratch all sugar can
IT IS understood that the present mis
treas of the white , house has declare
that if Grover loses the election all hi
charms , his battered old cents , his ral
bit's foot and his horse shoes will Ii
dumped into the ash bari'cl.
Tin : rabbit's foot , charm of Grove
Cleveland will bo put to a severe btrai
to-day , and it is not so strong as it wt :
cither , for the wild West wind warpc
it considerably.
Till ? Burlington's Stone has bee
moved off the in-tin track and it look
very much as if the brotherhood wi
have the right of way pretty-soon. : WKST will at least luu
the privilege of reading election r
turns on American soil.
YOUK , Indiana , New Jersey nn
Connecticut , the oycs of the nation av
fixed on you.
Nebraska Jottings.
The roller skate has Just been declared
nuisance at Cedar Uaiiids.
There is talk of moving the Prcsbyterit
church at Humphrey to the town of Cresto
Improvements still continue the order i
tlio Uuy at Snyder. The latest is a tree 'bi
William Anvan , of Grand Island , came f
tlio way from Uuglaud to vote tlio republic ,
A bi # catamount , killed on n farm a fc
miles from town , wus 6nc of the eurlositi <
nt Oxford last week.
Thy merchants and barbers of Walibo hav
resolved to close their places of business i
the futuio on Smulav.
A move is bchiK made to start a debatii
society at Humphrey to help whlle-awuy tl
long winter ovonlnirs.
Mrs. Patrick Coouey , of Greelo.v count ,
rcccatl ) RUVO brth ) to twins , making tl
llftli pair thai she 1ms borne.
Sneak thieves aroat , work at Norfolk. Oi
of them was caught , but tlio police allowt
him to slip tlnoiik'h their fint'ers.
A S.uinders county farmer named Sa
fitrom ) iad Ills haiuls oni off the other day
tlio Rcarmft of a ItirCsliliiK machine.
Plffeen hundred head of Htoers and 0,0
sheep have been jinpoiled from Colorado t
n Buffalo count } num to focd this winter ,
A while robed apparition 1ms been seen r
cputly at the school liouso at Uiiadilla ui
the people arc all worked up overthomatte
Ono of tliq freaks of Hallowe'en ' eel
brators at Oakland was the swinging of
gilded beer sign from ttio tall republic :
pole.The horse poisoner Is abrouJ in Antoloi
county , a valuable animal belonging
William Laibin of Frsnchwwn being tl
latest victim.
Some democrat cut tha llac rope on the r
publican poloutUlmdron , and Patrick Haye
another bouibon , climbed up the polo ur
brought tbc end down.
An Oxford dealer sent a consignment <
4,000 pounds ot wool to Chicago recently ai
Instructed Ills ugont to hold the clip unl
after election , as ho was certain the republ
cans would bo successful and tvool wou
go up.
A Ccdnr Haplds man named Brown , Who1
wlfo had secured a divorce from him nt
bcjti given the custody of their child , tiuf
garuud the court's ordcf lust w celt and kl
tbc little oiio atu\ still has it in his
The pnntor of tlio UnptUt church nt
Stroimburg preached Ills furowell .sermon
Jant Huntlny morning Thr > people were so
highly pleased with the production thnt they
gave htm.nn . encore ami the discourse was
repeated nt the eve nlng service ,
( own.
Tlie cost of Hie Sioux City corn palace has
been ilgnroil up at f.VVXX ) .
Twenty new schools have been organized
In Sioux county during the past year.
A Cuslilng hunting party killed twenty-
five ducks , an caelo and a calf on a recent
Palo Alto county 1ms a republican who was
at ono tiims the teacher of Uroer Cleveland
'u a district school.
SKti eight school teachers Instruct the
youth of Kmmct cotmtv , fifty-two of them
wsidmg at KsthOrvllle.
It took -400 men -sevcml hours to find n
ircov car-old child which hud been lust in : i
corn Held near Ml. Vcnioii.
lail tiintor , nn Iowa City restmiranter ,
ound a big llliiip of gold In U chicki-n he wirt
Iressing livur body is now killing chick
ens there. ,
A physician nt llntiiburj ; lias written to the
state board of health to learn if umli'r tha
resent Manor law fie fs allowed to till his
own prescription containing alcoholic llqupr
from his present supply. Ho oiuinot.
A ixcarold . daughter Of Gcorpo Mar
shall , of Ulngwood , Clinton county , had
scrofula In her throat , and n pleco of hickory-
n-ut getting in lior windpipe hurstod the
scrofula sores , choking her to death.
The city warrants nt Deadivood are selling
at 70 rents.
A theological department bo added to
the college at Vankton.
An unruly colored kid. is the first Inmate of
tlio Plaiiklnton reform school.
A Potter county farmer has received ft 14
for the this raised on eighteen acres of
The Prcslu tcrinn clergymen and laymen of
thu Hluuk Hllk mut at Sturgls lecently to or-
gnnlzo a new prcsbj tqrj .
Kd Harnvis of HWersidc township , claims
to bo the oldest , settler in Uiown county ,
having lived there since 1ST1 * .
Hcv. Mr. Parqnhnr , of Morris. 111. , has
been called to tin ) pastorate of the Congrega
tional church at Kapid City.
Two moro electric lights have lieon added
to tlio plant in Doudwood , but still some of
the principal streets remain in stygian dark
Kd Lvmnn , V\M \ lias been in Jail at Yank
ton charged with selling liquor to the Indinns ,
lias been released on bail , us the cvidcucu huh
cates that ho is the wrong party ,
Thinking itwns whisky , Thomas McCluie ,
of Wentwoith , swallowed an ounce' of car
bolic acid. His chances of llvinir now de
pend on the Duality ol whisky he lias been
in the habit of drinking.
Picparations for the accommodation of the
legislative clowd next winlor arc already
being mjulo in Iho boarding houses and by
house owners In Bismarck. The session
will bo one of great interest and a largo
number of visitois will be piosent.
An Opei Ix'tter to IMoShanc.
OM tut , Nov. 5 , 1S > 3 To John A.McShanc
Heveral weeks ago 1 challenged you to dis
cuss with mo before the pcoplo the charges
you had made through your paper , the Her
ald , and asked jou , if you had any evidence
of fraud in connection with any act of mine ,
to publish it at once. You have not done so ,
and you declined lo moot me. because you did
not dare to do so in the presence of out
constituents , but jou skulked behind
silgnco and continued In jour dirty work ,
and now in the closing hours of the c.-uii-
patgn , when .von ihink I cannot answer \ out
calumnies , jou icuew them. I therefore tic
nounco jou as a coward.
I denounce ovr ry one of j'our charges lr
this morning's Herald as malignant false
hoods , and dare jou lo the proof. 1 pionouncc
jou n malicious falsifier , siunucnii' and liar
Now for a few questions. It lias been cnr
rently reported and generally believed that
j'ou s\ro u member of a syndicate which hai
a large government contract for furnishing
bcof to the different Indian tribes up north ,
and thut the practice js to run , say n thotiv
and head of cattle , thrungli a narrow chute ,
Where someone in collusion with the sj-ndi-
cato counts them , and tlio sumo herd ic
driven round a largo ciiclu and lliun llirougli
llio same chult ; again and this is continued
a thiid , fourth and llftli lime , and thus the
same thousand catllo aic made to numbcl
"i.OOO head , and the syndicate recclvo-
pay for r > ,000 , although only 1XX (
had been delivered. It is a poiutenUar\
offense for a senator or a member of tin
housq lo bo interested in a government con
It has been currently reported and believed
that , when out on the plains , jou commenced
the. caltlu business by branding calves \vhjcji
belonged to other people , and continued this
business till j on had gathered a large and
valuable herd ,
It has been currcnlly reported and. gencp
ally believed that you induced a number a !
your employes lo perjure Ihcuisolves
in proving up for j'ou on fraudu-
lentlj" pre-cmptirm claims , where jou
fenced in Innnonso quantities dl
lands in order to prevent men of small
.means from getting land.
It Is rcpoitcd , and gcnCralij * believed , that
jou purchased a scivt in coiicress Iwo year"
ago by the corrupt nso of SlUO.tXK ) , and thai
jou are now employing jour vast wealth , ob
tained by the means pbovo described , in try
ing to force yourself upon the people as gov
ernor. You have never denied tlio truth ol
any of these very d.unagJng repoits. I should
bo glad if j-ou could prove your innocence.
In this Campaign jour course has been In
famous. You have utterly refused to slum
yourself to the people. You have never bean
upon anj * platform. Are you so conscious of
jpur utlcr unfitncss or mcap.icily and woith-
lessncss that you dare not appear before thv
people ! No man since Hip days of William
M. Tweed over resorted to sucji disgraceful
and dishonest political methods as you have
introduced into this canvass. Your onljmean5
nro boodle , corruption and fraudulent ballots ,
You have no hope or thought of accomplish
ing anything by fair means.
Counterfeiters jock themselves up In bacli
nllevs , in retired places , and with their asso
ciates in crnno and with their tools , puisuc
Hi ? ir nefarious business in making counter
feit money , and then spread it among tht
people. '
It is reported and gonerallj' bclie-vcd that
jou have locked .yourself up with twentj
pr more persons , sworn to socrec.y , and haw
made out fraudulent ballots ami have v > prcad
thein over the jstato to cheat the people.
You nro corrupting the ballot \ jou ave cor-
ruuling men ; jou are striking at the vorj
foundation of government , of civil order , ol
the social sj-stcm , of socletj1' . You are u po
lilical outlaw. Iol mo warn you that tht
avenging Nemesis of Justice Is over on the
trail of such us jou. William M. Tweed
died a miserable death hi a common jail ,
Such will be j-our fate unlnss jou mend youi
The .MonhliiK of It.
"Coming down to Harlem river" means f
good deal this November. The slrcam is UK
dividing line between the parties in the Km
pile-state. North of Harlem river is ropub
Ilcan , south democratic. Tour joura ago the
vote of the southern portion was as follows
Hlalno. Cleveland
Now York . UO.OOJ 13.M.151
Kings ( Brooklyn ) . , . 5&.M4 09,31'
Queens . - , . 8,445 , ioai ) ;
Htcitmoml . H.1W 5,13 !
Suftolk . , . ri.b-Q 0,1. .
Total. . ' . , . 101,003 SJ4 > if
Cfoveland's nfajont y . .ifti'Ji : , >
This dqea not lake in Iho Hutlcr oiTprohl
bition votes. The noi them portionjthls ycai
expects tp como down to Harlem river wltli
80,000 or 00,000 majority for Harrison , am'
so the southern portion will have , to do bettci
work than in 18S4 to overcome" " it At this
ttngo this jieeuis liardly possible from the
outlook nt present , for the mayoralty light la
conceded to hurt Cleveland.
Hack nt Ills I'ot.
LF , Nov. 5. Strauss , UtJiter
Stati-s minister to Turkey , 1ms arrived here
on his return from the Unltud States.
Oh Fiunny shores of troplo Ulos ,
Wnero all the j'ear bright verdure smiles ,
Constant fragrapco illls the uir.
Yet will SOXODONT compare
With those odort of the south ,
While U cleanses teeth ana mouth.
nt'FPAI.0 ' Itlljli.
Return or the Great Shotrnmit From
n Two-Year Trip.
Buffalo Hill , Hon. William Cody , arrived
In town yesterday. Ho Is In the enjoyment of
excellent bodily health , he possesses oven In
greater degree than ever before the distin
guished air which makes him a central llguro
In any gathering. His inseparable compan
ions , his diamond buffalo head and cuff but
tons Hash us of yore , though his manner has
less of the dash and moro oT ULO reserved
than formerly distinguished him.
' 1 am going to my homo in North Platte , "
said lie , "to bo Introduced to and
cultivate the acquaintance df my frtnillj- , not
having seen them in nearly two yenri Wo
loft this country a year ucti the I'.ltti of l.nt
March ami have since played as you know
with wonderful success in England. Wa
have aho played to great audiences In this
country Wo carry more hones , equipments
and men than any show on i-aitli. Wo have
oven knocked Ilarnum out. At llrst
ho used to ran against us , but
wo have knocked him out so
thai he has concluded to glvo the wr tern
Show a widebcith Our stock is now at
General Dual's farm , olght mlles outside of
Washington. Cloncral Deal is the imui who
him the Arabian stalUons which woix' prc-
sontcd to General Grant.
" 1 shall stop n couple of months at homo
and then go on n hunting expedition ncitus
the country , possibly to the. Pacific roast.
In our party will l > c n number Of gentlemen
from abroal , Lord Hereford , probvbly
Lord Mandevlllc , Lord Clifford , and others
Nate Salisbury will not go. He is going to
Paris to niuiio iirranutMricnU for our show
thcro next , season. The show wo will gtvo
thcie will bo a great one. The one wo turtle
to Unglnnd wan n big one , but it won't bo n
starter compared with that which wo ura
going to tuko to Franco. Yon see wo nco.
not only still in the business , but are making
impro\t'inents even if it doesn't put anj
thing into our pockotbooks. "
Mr Cocly left las t evening for North
Platte and was accompanied by Sherman
Conllcld , who has Just returned from histiip
with William to Hliglund.
The lilterary K veiling nt Saorcd
Ilrnrt Academy.
The "iveiiiiiRs With tlio Nations" are still
irivniR u liiu'li lone to tlio literary entertain
ments nt Park I'luoo , a tonq whoso notes are
heard only in gieat scats of Ipanmlf. , as tins
bids fair to bo. They seOni to indicate that
the pursuit of real knowledge , the liik'li pnro
of llnlslied scholarship , nrti the absorbiiiR
thoughts of the serious touchers ami oaircr
students at the Academy of the Sucrod
The introductory essay which wns the key
hole uf Iho lilerar.jiarl of tlio proirraiiunc ,
showed how Gioeco became Iho school mis
tress of the world , how Iho intelligence of wnild took refuse in Athens , how the
Iiillueiioe of her literature , commerce and
civilisation penetrated the heterogeneous
masses out of which the Homan empire was
built. Tito historic mission of Gieece , nnd
how she perished us a nation , were
well iiortrayed by Misses liabi'ouk
and Shelley. Tlio vocal nnd instru
mental intoiliides sustain their ronutatiou
foruood tnstc and relltied musical culture.
Last weak a beautiful elassie drama was
enacted by these snmn.\ninig Indies , showing
tbat cloeutiun and thu histrionic art rui-eived
fair share of allonllon in llns homo of the
niuses. The little plai entitled "Tho I.list of
the , Vcstaln , " was rcndored with a fine
iceiiie olTect. The back ground scenery icp-
ruscntmK t'lo ' inlenor of Iho Temple of Vesla
was painted for the occasion by the teacher-
of urt and her pupils.
Following is the programme ot ' 'An liven-
lap with the Greeks : "
Introductory Miss McIliiKh
Geotrruiiliy of Greece Miss Ottls
Tb.e Tulo of Troy t.Miss licdford
'I lie Story of Sparta , Miss Clrcpi ;
A H'at > py Land Mls GrueaiK
The Dying Lion , .Miss Habcook
, Yoimjr Uarbarians at 1'laj Miss Shelley
In addition to the above Iho following
musical interludes were rendered'
Kntrop , "Murcho mix Flambeaux".Clark
Misses Guthuiun , Uarallug , O'Kocfe , Gruc
nit ; .
"Jaimea Uhntcr , " vocal ihio , .l'insuti
Misses I' . Lowe , M. Lemon.
"Smile Again , ' ' bistriimenlal duo
Harp , MissJVIcCreary ; piuno , Miss Uobeits.
"Storm and Sunsbmo , " vocal solo..Hack
> hss Uabcock.
"Valso du Chopin" ( o ] > < : ! 4j , piano BOlo. .
Miss 10. Leo.
"Des Morgctis in der Fruhc , " vocal duo.
Misses L'reiKliton and McIIuj-h.
"Boitata No. SJ" ( op. 1'Jij instrumental duet
, Mo/ai t
MISSQS t F. French find Mollugh.
"Ode to a Statue , " vocal trio % . Massini
Misses Gicgff , "Itoburts , MeNiiugliteu.
An Apponl for Andrccn.
Nob. , Nov. 5 , IvSS. Kmrolt ou
Tid : Hun. The people of this county have
nlwajs looked upon a "Third Termer" as an
ungrateful politician. For , having received
the suffrage of the voters for two successive
terms of ofllce Ihojniitimdlj" consider that
sulllpient for any ouo man at a time , nnd it
lias been the custom to summarily sit down
onanj'man who may imr.gino that having
bcun twice elector to ofllco ho carries the
vote of the countj' In his vest pocket , and
can upo it at will.
This is ( ho case in the present contest foe
countj cOmm'ssionor ' , Mr. O'ICcefo has
held the ofllce for six years , or two full
terms , and prior to his tfoctioir la that oftlca
was a member of the cilj council for lour
j-cars , su wo sec thai ho has been in ofllco
continuously for ten .yciiif ) , and uny man
who can usk for moro at ihu hands of the
voters of Ibis cgiintj * is to say the least hog
gish. Mr. O'Kcoto muj' bo a good man for
the place and may have made an excellent
commissioner , but wo must lemembcr that
Ihero are other men who uio us capable and
well qualified and as fully cntilled to the re
spect and suppoitof the voters of thU county
as Mr. O'Kcofo.
It is an old saying and a true one that "a
! iewbroom , sweeps clean , " and as lonirns wo
k-ep fresh Hfo and energy in our public of-
tlces just so long will we have an honest and
Judicious administration of the samo.
Tlio republican candidate , Mr Andrccn ,
lias lived among us for a number of j'cars ,
has built up a business for himsulf and has
materially helped the giowth of the city and
county. Ho is a man of splendid buslntm
qualities , upright and honest in his dealings
With his follow beings , and cannot fall to
make u splendid record us countj' conunis
sioiicr. A. V.
No "Ijnbor Tlokot" Authorised.
of the labor-or
An adjourned meeting joint
ganizations was held at Grand Army hall last
Thursdaj' evening to hear Iho report of n
committee appointed at a previous meeting.
"Tho committee lecommcnded that no labor
ticket , distinctly representingorgani/ed labor
bo put in the Held al this time , and wains all
worklngmcn thai If any nuch nppoai's that It
is not uutlioEued. Tito only parties rocog-
nl/.cjil are Iho republican , democratic and
union labor. Thcso parties being national
parties and rexularly organised , having tick ,
cts in the Uold , worklngmcn are advised to
use their best judgment us to tlio merits of
candidates on cither of those- three tlcke-ls
Tliii aetwn is thought necessary , as it is i u
mored thai irresponsible individual ? are pre
paring to have u so culled labor ticket at the
polls on election day. " The lecommendntlon
was adopted The committee consists of
K. J. MiAulic , sccrotarj' , Daniel O'ICccffc ,
Charles Wchier , J. Allan , M. C. Holland , J
L. llluck. .
Heller Than Powder nr Dynamite.
Hartford Times : Thu romurkablo
BuecchS of a .jounff Swedish drujj'Kiht ,
Uudolph I'Mcosoli , of Now Hritnln ,
Conn. , in conducting experiments with
a now substance has surprised inanj
experts In rock blasting. I'p to ten
years ago young Jwi'iCbBon worked In u
pov\der mill in Sweden with his undo.
Desiring to win fame and forluno ho
left his native pluco and carte to
America , lloro ho worked at uiio trade
and another , finally learning the drug
business. Ho corresponded with mw
unol in the old country and a few years
ago the uncle told him thut lie had boon
successful in inventing the now famoufe
powder , in the btudy of which ho hud
spoilt so ninny years , and nt once offered
lo the boy the right to mnmifacluro hi
America his new compound. Flvo week *
niro a patent was grunted fo rrlesson for
this substance [ and .it will bo knwn to
the trade ns "c.xtralitc. "
The new powiler , which looks much
like damp corn meal , and which hasan
odor about it which druggists would at
once recogni/.o as oil invrbano , is easily
made over a stove. The writer saw
some of it made over a little tire in thu
back room of Mr. Curran's drugstore ,
in new Uritiau. and then by special in-
vitntldn saw the pxperlmcnt ? made by
Mr. lric.sson ! nnd Mr. Cut-ran at thei'r
oxpei'iment station on Shuttle Meadow
mountain. The first throe trials were
to prove that the inixltiro cannot bo ex
ploded in the open airA small fire of
wood and leaves were made and then
two pounds of the yellow compound
were put Into the firo. I'owdor or dyn-
inito subjected to such a test would ex
plode \iolulitly , but thvi now invention
would neither \phnlo nor burn. It
was saturated with l.eiosi'iie and then
about one-half of the ( | iuiutUy burned
slowly. Next , u roll of Iho comi > ound
about the sl'/o of the largest Uro crncker
vras tested hy the inscrtitin in It of a
dynamite furtvidge. 'L'his csirtrldge
was touched of wltli n fuse , but IN ex
plosion did not explode the new , ub-
stance. I'owdtir or dynamite tested
llins would pnwhii-ea violent eoru-us-sion.
Next. sDine tjf it was pifi on u stone nud
hit with a sh'ilgo hammer. Ii did not
explode. I'owdev or dyn.imito woithl
have exploded. At no tlnui has it been
po iblo to ovpludo the uqw subdtiiiieo
In thu opounir ,
Three mon who have bhibti.d stone
for the city of Now Hntain for many
\cars were thwn asked 1,0 as.sibl in blast
ing a rock. A hole two feet dcui | win
drilled in the ImrdQst rock to be found
on that porlitm of tlie > mouiitain. Thw
oxiiorts say ihat were Ihvy ti bhwt it
with powder , two pounds would bu ve-
qwlrcd ; witlj ilj imlnite. half Hint
amount , and Uas diwided to trv what
nine ounces l ! the ilo 'vonipound would
doi Thi'tio rolls , each euntnlning three
ounces * Nvoru jiliK'ed ' in ( \ \ < s hole , 'lit
hning been properly connected with
u fuse , the whole w'ns t ; > uipcil M lidl > 3
The fuse was lighted , and shortly aftm-
the air wns full ot Ili'jog bowldot's , iul
the rock was blasted to fragments. All
tests go to prove that thin m'n\ ponder ,
which actually does tile xvijrk Of hlmt-
Ing powder arid dyuiimTtb , tind whi.-h'
can bo inarto vei'y ehetiply , in ptirfecJly
harmluss to handle , shipments
of it are s-afe. The maniifnelniv will ln
al oneo connuoniei ; ) p Novv Ilritaiu for
the trade. Tlio French Ktn'uniun.-nt lnt <
ycav paid 1,000.000 f runes f < > r thu riglit
to use it. The stt'eet commissioner wilt
use it In his work hi Ihij i-My i { rry
- * * -
IXIVO'H I'rojtfreMS.
Chicago TribtiiiQ : , k > U is w sudden.
Mr. larno.Uo. "
" 1 know it is , " responded the younjj'
uilul gently.
He stood' before her , with his weight
rc"itiivg easily on one foDthUli > f | elbow
on thu iikuitoliiiei'if , his right arui be-
hiuil him , and h | wlioU * Httitude one n (
care-less , uiistueSiod ease unu gr.vco , e-
iiuired only by long nnd ] Uttient time-
lice."I know it tV he1 1'dnc.n.tcil. "Meas
ured by ordinary standard and b > thu
cold coivvutlonallttcs ) i > f wu-Icty , it ill
indeed suudoil. Wo hu\o known e ci
Other only twenty-four hours. Until
8'J5 ; o'clock last night neither of JH hrul
over hoavd of the other. Vet with thu
heart QUO dnv ifc as a. htuulred yc ! rs.
Could we huve Known slch other belter ,
darting , " , he went on with a trcinoi1 in
hib cultivate H flat baritone voit-e , "if
we littd attended the theatre , the Con
cert , the church , and the oyster ) i:4rlor :
together for n , clowii soisonH ; ' Does tlot
your heart ) ) oat rcspouuive to niinoi" ' '
"f will licit protcjiid to deny. Mr. liar-
nolle , " veuliud thy young lad , > , ftilh ( V
rich blush } na.ntling her clieU and
brow , "that your avowal moves mo
fitrangelv. "
ul knew it I felt It. " hd respaiKhul
eagerly. ' 'Love is lipf. the slow , veg-
otablp-Ulce growth of ycara. It dots ( iit (
move in its course with the inCM-tiri-d ,
leisurely slop of a man Working by the
day. 'It Hprings up Jilie u
like tin olectvic flash. Jt takes iiiftant
] > ossession , Jt ( loot , not nOed to be ] orl > od
in , as it wore. It npodo not Clio ag
onising coaxing of of a young mo-u'rf
first ehinhiskers , nl.duvling. . It JM
hero ! You will forgive niv pivsump-
tion , will yo i not , and Hnonlc the words
thut trcinlilo on your Jips tlip words
that will 1111 my cup of joy to ovcr-
' '
llowingV' '
* i * f
The evening had passed like a beauti
ful dream. Mr. Iariu > IJe , iidinonishud
by Iho clock that it wns time to go , had
risen reluctantly to his feet , and stood
holding the hand of his beautiful bo-
' My hive. , " ho said , in eager , passlon-
tile accents , ' 'now Hull jou have blessed
my life \\ith H measuccle-ss , InelTablo
joy. and made a.11 my future radiant
with golden hope , you will dot think f
am.asidng too much if I plead fin- just
ono fiuorV
"Whut is itV slylj responded Iho
lo\ely maiileii.
" 1'leabO toll mo your llrnl name. "
Jama' 1877 Brandyjiurestsufost&bobt.
Sfie Ij > ves . Ic , flho I eves Mo Not.
Mail : They were sealed on the toto-
n-teto , hib lelt arm encircling her \uns.t
and her right hand nestling in his ,
while her sunny head which in the
dimly lighted parlor plTored no sugges
tion of the proximity ot a white her e
repoaed on Ilia woll-jiadded shoulder.
The grate Jiro throw out a graceful
warmth and as he sut there occasionally
inhaling Iho faint tutti-frnillj pcrfumo
of her liroatli h was very , very happy.
Hut the demon of unsalisfied longing
to have hqr tell him again how much
she loved him made him spcan.
' "flaribol , " HiiiiJ ho , "arc you Hiiro- you
would bo true to me , oven though my
wealth should vanish and I be a pau-
"Oh , Poloy , " she answered \vllh a
roiiroachful look , disengaging herself ,
"hov. ' can you for an instant question
my love when you know I rclimed Tom
I'lunger for \o'u- > -Toiii who was so hand
some nnd made me so many beautiful
presents ? "
"Hut , " he persisted , "but - "
"Why do you bemtato , my own dar
ling V she asked , encouragingly.
' Well , niv sweet , you remember It
uasonl.v after Tom went broke on thu
1'uturitj that ypu llnallj consented to
be mine. "
Ileroyohiiow had a far-iuwaj look in
them and u regretful sigh escaped her
its nlio murmured , half unconsciously ,
"That's where I WPH foxy. "
Positively ciircil by
' those Mttle. 1MIU.
They also itllcvo W
tresA from Djspcjr-la. Indigestion -
ITTLE digestion and Too Heurt )
IVER Katlntf. A perfect rem
edy for , Nau
PILLS. pronMnes.i , Had Ttvitr
In tlio lloullj , Coated
Tongue , I'ala In tUo blclr ,
retjulato tlio Dowels. I' '