IELLEY , STICER & CO , Special Offerings in Our Cloak De partment. Don't ' Ilny Your Purs Without First Boeing Our Stock-It Will I'fty Corner Doil o and Fif teenth HtrcctB. .n'our clonk stock wo arc showing the largest variety of novelties in raglans , ulsters and ncwmarkots over brought to Omaha , to which wo are dally adding All the newest productions of Now York , Berlin nnd Paris houses. FUR DEPARTMENT. Fur Trimmings , Muffs , Boas , Scarfs , Capes , etc. , in all the fashionable kindsincluding Alaska seal , blnck lynx , beaver , black monkey , black bear , black martin , brown bear , badger , natural lynx , skunk. SPECIAL DRIVES. COO black Russian hare mufTs , 4Sc each , worth $1.00. 800 extra quality black coney muffs , 1.00 ; usually sold at Sl.C'j. ' 200 extra quality natural American opossum muffs , $1.75 ; usually sold at $2.60. I > on't buy yoxir furs without first seeing our stock , it will pay you. KELLEY STIGER & CO. , Corner Dodge and 16th streets. For Ton Days. We have a splendid line of knit un derwear in the natural and other colors and to call especial attention to it we will give u discount of 10 per cent for the next ton days on all goods in this department. MRS. , T. BENSON , 15th St. , 1 door south of Douglas st. C. J. Weber. HOSIERY DEPARTMENT. Wo would especially call your atten tion to our Ladies' , Men's and Children's Hosiery. Our stock is complete in every detail. Some special values at 25c , Black and Colored Cashmere ; also lit 60c and 75e. These goods are worthy jour inspection. UNDERWEAR DEPARTMENT. Ladies' , Children's and Men's Under wear in nil the different makes and qualities. Ladies' Jersey vests in white , natural gray , scarlet , light blue , pink , ecru , tan and white , with aim without eleeves , best values in the city. Wo have marked down this week a line of Montague Broadcloth , elegant goods , from $1.2o to 0/5c / a yard ; also a line of 40-in. French Faille woolen dress goods down to 05c ; wore $1.25. Wo hiivo re ceived another shipment of those 2oo all-wool Tricots , the last wo can got ; they arc beauties for the money. Inspection invited ; one price to all. C. J. WEBER , 114 S. 15th st. , next to P. O. Take the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul railway , short line to Chicago and all points cast , north , and northwest. The only eastern line running sleeping cars direct to and from Omaha on all trains. Passengers from the east arriv ing on the evening trains reach Omaha ut 7:05 : p. m. without transfer at Council .Bluffs. Pullman Palace sleeping cars , elegant day coaches and the llncst din ing cars in the world are run on till trains. For tickets and other informa tion apply at 1501 Farnam street , Barker block or Union Pacillc railway ticket o ill ccs. F. A. NASH , General Agont. An elegant line of line pottery from nil countries at very low prices at Moody's china store , 302 North lUth st. All members of local assembly No. 21'22 K. of Ii. arc requested to attend an important meeting to bo held at Gate City hall , cor. 18th and Douglas. F. J.JHAKTMAX , W. M. Itninoval ! The Chicago Bargain Shoo company ias removed to 1520 Douglas street. "La Confcslon" Cuban cigars at Al. Gary's , So. Omaha. MLa Confesion" Cuban cigars guar anteed to give the best satisfaction , On hand at S. R. Briggs' , So. Omahu fitock Exchange. Take no other , Jarvis' Brandy is best , - * - The Wabash Falls In Line. Commencing November 1 the Wabasli Will run a Pullman BufTot sleeping cai direct to and from Omaha , leaving the Union Pacillc depot at ! i:15 : p. m. , daily , In addition to the above.nowand elegant reclining chair cars ( seats free ) , are now running on this train. Only 48 hours Omahu to Now York via the Wabash The best njjd quickest route to all pointi south and southeast. Ticket oflico No 1602 Farnam street. Call for "La Confcsion" cigars at F , A. Morrell's , Kith and Chicago. Architect and superintendent , roon 605 Paxton block. P. J. CHKKDON. "La Confoslon" cigars manufacturer by the best skilled Cuban workmen am beat imported tobacco , for sale at W. J Hughes , 10th and Webster. Ilcinovnt ! The Chicago Bargain Shoo com pain has removed to 1620 Douglas street. "La Confesion'1 ' cigars , manufacturoi ! by the best skilled Cuban workmen ant best imported tobacco , for ealo at W. J Hughes , lUth and Webster. Ladies' Turkish baths Tuesdays am Friday sO , to 1 , under Boyd's opera'houso Bicker & Kipllngor , 13th and Far nnm , always keep a fresh supply of "L : Confesion''Cuban cigars. Auction. Auction. Monday. Nov. the 6th , nt 10 a.m. , a No. 3404 Wirt st. , on the Hymen prop erty , second house west of 24th St. . 01 Wirt Bt. , of furniture , stoves , carpets kitchen and dining-room furniture , fine piano , 1 now organ , 1 fine Blsamrcl range , parlor and chamber sots. Every thing that is found in a well-regulate ! house and must bo sold without re serve. A. W. COWAN , Auct F.iokcr fi Kiplingor , 13th and Far rmm , always keep a fresh supply of "L ' Cuban cigars. A. K Fitch * Co. 'Furniture , 900 Bo , 12th Furnrtm & Douglas "I * Confeelon" Cuban cigars for sal t J. A. DulzeU's , 16th confectioner. Cleveland It Harrison .agree on OIK oint ! , that the best out U Jarvis' Oil Jran dy. N. M. FAfjCONtill. On.Montlny and All \Vcck Wo offer some astonishing bargains in every department. Our 4 o fancy French dress goods cannot bo duplicated nt1.00.OurDSc Frcitich broadcloth is bold everywhere at $1.60. These goods will bo ottered at these prices until 'all are sold. Our onyx btalnlcss black hose at 46c are worth 76c. The ladies' white merino vests and pants ntU7jc , worth OOc. These prices are made to reduce stock. Remember , all week. Drees goods on Monday our $1.60 quality broadcloth will bo sold at 03 CENTS. Wo know that wo shall have a great rush of customers for this cloth , the price being so exceedingly low. Wo therefore nsk you to coino early. TRICOT. Regular 60c tricot plain , and mixed colors , guaranteed all wool , 38 in. wide FOR 7jc. FLANNEL. The all wool flannel mixtures that wo have boon selling at 60 cents , on Monday 32 } cents. FANCy WEAVES. Only a few of these line French Im ported goods. Wo have never sold these loss than $1.25 , 44 inches wide , clearing nt 4 ! ) cents. CLOAK DEPARTMENT. Monday's sale in this department in cludes some of the best values wo have yet offered this season. CHILDREN'S CLOAKS. Wo have largo quantities of chil dren's cloaks in 4 , ( I or 8 year sizes , which \vo intend to close out at the uni form prices of & $ . ! ) ( ) and $5. These are the best values wo huyo yet shown in this line. MISSES CLOAKS. Misses Newmarkets at 84.00 , they . sold formerly at $0.00 ; LADIES' NEWM'ARKETS. Ladies' newmarkets at $7.60 , regular price $13.60. A vorv " line assortment of those goods at$8.00$10. < > 0 , $13.00 and $18.00 , up to $30.00 , both in plain , striped and braided garments. PLUSH SAQUES. Twenty-live plush sacqucs at $2o.OO , regularly sold at $30.00. Twenty plush sacqucs nt $30.00 , usual ly sold at $3-5.00. Wo have a few Astrachan wraps which wo close on Monday at $9.50 and $13.50. These goods are just half price. JERSEY FITTING RIBBED VESTS. Wo are now showing an elegant line in this class of goods in sill shades , with high neck , long alcoves and sleeveless , at greatly reduced prices ; 3c ! ) , worth ( iOo ; $1.00 , worth $1.60 ; $1.25 , worth $1.76. IIOSIERYI HOSIERY ! HOSIERY ! ONYX STAINLESS BLACK. For first class black hosiery the celebrated "Onyx Brand" has no equal. Every pair warranted not to crock or fade. For this sale only wo shall soil our regular 75c quality at 45c. 125 dozen ladies' all wool black hose , seamless feet , heavy merino heel and soc , at 22Jc. LADIES' HOSIERY AND UNDER WEAR. As usual we have some very snecitil bargains in this department. Lot 1 1 ciii-o ladies line white me rino vests and pants nt 37Jo worth GOc. 45 dozen ladies fine camel hair vests and pants nt ( > 2Jo , good vnluu at OOc. GO dozen ladies extra line white lambs wool vests and punts , till silk fin ished and "stenin shrunk. " This gar ment is good value for $1.05. Sale price $1.00. SALE OF BLANKETS AND COM FORTS MONDAY. Our second purchase of blankets and comforts has just been opened and will bo placed on spodnl sale Monday morn ing.Snlo Snlo will continue for ono week. Attend this money saving sale of bed ding. Wo guarantee values. 6 bales cotton comforts at 88c , worth $1.25 ; 6 bales cotton comforts at 03c , worth $1.60 ; 6 bales cotton comforts at $1.C8 , regular price $2.25 ; 6 cases cot ton comforts at $2.48. worth $3.25 ; 20 pairs 10-4 soiled blankets at $1.2 ! ) , worth double ; 10 pairs 11-4 line all wool blank ets ( slightly imperfect ) at $7.50 , worth $10.60 , A few pieces 30 inch eider down flannel at 49c , reduced from $1.00. N. B. FALCONEU. CAMPAIGN HANDKERCHIEFS. On Monday and Tuesday. Wo will sell 100 do/.en campaign handker chiefs , extra line siltc , in white and colors , at 30c , worth $1.25. Remember , two days only. N. B. FALCONER. THE AinT EXHIBIT. The Outlook Promising For n Splen did Showing. As the time selected for the exhibit of the Western Art association approaches the re sult of their efforts become more manifest. The committee having in charge the details have miulc line progress In .their . several directions , and many artists from the neigh boring cities have availed themselves of this opportunity of placing before the public the result of their exertions. The association now numbers 175 members and includes artists from various places. This exhibit is un effort In the right direction , and It now remains with the citizens of Omalia whether it proves a success or fatluro. The price of admission Is small (25 ( cents ) , and wo believe the attend ance will aggregate to the end of profitable support resulting in establishing n perma nent Institution where the work"of out artists may bo exhibited and disposed of. The date for the first exhibition has been set for Thursday. Friday and Saturday , No vember 15 , 10 and 17 , afternoon and evening. Exhibits can only bo made by members , wtic will bo admitted free on n season tleitet , not transferable. Exhibitors must deliver theii pictures at Mr. I.lnlngcr's art gallery , Eigh teenth nnd Davenport streets , on Saturday , November 10 , or Monday , November 12 , a ! the latest , first having sent a list of them bj titles , with outside measurement of frames , to Clement Chase , chairman of exhibition committee. The citizens of Omaha should patronize this exhibit and thereby encourage the ef forts of our artists. No one can attain ce lebrity or portray on canvas their Ideas , whether they bo original or ideal , unless they feel the fact that their efforts will bo appreciated , nnd now that wo will soon have an opportunity of showing our appro elation , let each ono put forth an effort tc encourage and cause a , sinilo to wreath the faces of our artists. The following is u partial list of exhib itors : Miss Nollto llosowater , Mrs. M. S , Sllkworth , Miss M. Willmasser , Mrs. D. L , Thomas. Mrs. C. 1C. Coleman , Miss J. Me- Keen , Mr. A. Hothery , of Omaha ; Mrs. B , Hlalr , Dunlap , In. : Miss A. Shepherd , 1'lattsniouth. Neb. ; Miss J. C. Judson Council Hlnffs ; Mrs. L. 1'jiillips , Grand Is land , Nob. ; Mrs. II. Hagg , Lincoln , ' Nob. Keep Warm nnd Clean. The Edwards burner can bo used In any stove , but especially adapted foi cooking stoves and ranges. Bettor ant1 cheaper than coal. Call and sco ii burn. W. P. SI-AFAKU , Agent for Omaha , 1403 Douglas st. "La Confoslon" Cuban cigars , manu factured by the best skilled Cuban work men , nnd from the best imported to bacco , for sale nt Kuhn & Co.'d druj store , 15th nnd Douglas. For Ten HJIJB. Wo have a splendid line of knit un .denvcar in. the natural nt\d othoi colors and to call especial attention ti it wo will give n discount of 10 per confer for the next -ten days on all good in thl department. . . .MRS. J.BENSON , loth st. 1 door south of 'Douglas st. All line uiquor Stores Mil Jarvis' beat THE LiAST VTKEIC. And Tlilg Is Your Ijnst Clmncc to tluy Everything In llic Dry Goods and' Millinery Ijlnc nt HUe On the Dollar. UNDERWEAR. Our underwear stock is second t6 none in tha city nnd our prices lower than nil ; Wo have just received ncnsc of men's gray wool underwear , Wo did not intend opening these nntil wo moved into our now store , but being such a great bargain wo concluded to put them in nt the great 'sale at 99c , fully worth $2.00. Oiir $1.50 red underwear reduced to $1.10. Your choice of a lot of natural gray and white merino children's under wear , all sizes , at 25c , fully worth double. Men's camels' hair underwear flOc , re duced from $1.00. Wo still have a half case of the Indies' ribbed Underwear nt 39c. CORSETS. Corsets , all sizes , reduced from $1.50 to S'Jc. Our 43c misses' coroets are worth 7oc. REMNANTS. Wo are going to close out the balance of our remnants this week , and ANY REASONABLE Ob'FER WILL BE ACCEPTED. Our stock must bo fresh and clean in a week and wo will assist you if you will assist us. LADIES' MUSLIN UNDERWEAR. Special sale of Indies' muslin under wear. wear.Wo want to force this line and if you are in need of anything of the kind wo will save you 60 per cent. Good calico 3So a yard. Fine comfort calico 4ic a yard. MILLINEUY DEPARTMENT. In our millinery department we shall have n SPECIAL SALE OF TRIMMED HATS Trimmed hats reduced from $3.75 to $1.80. Trimmed hats roduc cd from $4.50 to $2.49. Trimmed hats reduced Irom $5 00 and up , to the rediculous price of $3.99. Some of these are worth $10 to $12. DRESS GOODS. Tremenduous sacrifice of dross goods. Our $2.00 broadcloth reduced to OOc. Our $1.75 Henrietta , excellent qual ity , 48 inches wide reduced to 89c. 5 salesmen wanted. 10 salesladies wanted. 10 cash boys wanted. Cull before 10 o'clock to-morrow. STONEIIILL'S , 1515 Douglas St. "La Confesion" cigars for sale at 2Cth nnd Davenport. A Cnrd to the 1'ubllc. The Chicago Bargain Shoo company has just removed to 1520 Douglas street , where they are better prepared than over , both in room and stock , to accom modate all of their old customers and hundreds of new ones. The proprie tors desire to thnnk the public generally - ally for the very generous patronage accorded them in the past and trust that not only nil of their old customers but bcores of new ones will favor them with n share of their shoo trade in the future. And they beg to assure nil that the past liberal course of this popu lar house will not only bo continued hut that with increased facilities and larger stock their course toward their customers will bo oven more- liberal than in the past. Very resuootfully , THE CHICAGO BARGAIN SHOE COMPANY , ROZISMKIHM ) & ZUXDKK , Proprietors. Ed Wittig , Farnam St. , handles "La Confebion' ' cigars. Dr. Dinsmoor has removed to 1022 Dodge st. , the former residence of Rev. A. F. Sherrill. "La Contesion" Cuban cigars , manu factured by the best skilled Cuban work men , and from the best imported to- , bocce , for sale at Kuhn & Co.'s drug store , 15th and Douglas. W. J.-Ward , 10th and California , sells "La Confesion" Cuban cigars. ICcmoval ! The Chicago Bargain Shoo company 1ms removed to 1520 Douglas street. "La Confesion" Cuban cigar for sale at Murray hotel. Ijtitc Court News. In the case of C. C. Palmer against the Joseph Garneau Cracker company , In an ac tion to recover $10,000 for services rendered , the Jury returned u verdict of $1,095 for the plaintiff. The Jury in the case of the Howell Lumber company against the city , in an action to re cover damages for loss sustained , returned a special verdict. It gave u verdict of $8W5 ( damages to the plaintiff but assessed bene fits on the plaintiff of $5,000 , which results in an actual verdict of $ ! ) ,035. , The Jury in the cast ) of William Saundcrs against the Omaha Carrlago and Slcign com pany , In an action to recover money on a promissory note , returned u verdict of $ XKM3 > in favor of the plaintiff. The Omaha Fair and Exposition associa tion , Commercial Union Insurance company. Continental Insurance company , Springfield Fire and Marine Insurance company , Penn sylvania Insurance company , Homo Insur ance company , Security Insurance company nnd the American Fire Insurance company , ns plaintiffs , have filed n uctition In the dis trict court , against the Missouri Pacific Hall way comnany In an action to recover Judg ment to the extent of 117,551.20 , with interest from October'J3 , 1SS7. The plaintiffs claim that a vast amount of their property was de stroyed by reason of a llro originating from a spark from n locomotive owned and oper ated by the defendant. Papers of appeal in the case of G.V. . Coreli against ( Jharlcs Haumbley wcro filed with the clerk of the district court yester day. A petition for the sale of real estate of Sarah A. Crawford , deceased , was filed with the clerk of the district court yesterday. Transcript papers have been tiled in the case of August Weiss against Louis Iliblcr. Book-keeping , penmanship , arithme tic , short-hand and telegraphing , day nnd evening sessions. Omaha Business College , 10th and Capitol avenue. Merchants hotel , 16th and Farnam 82 per day , day board $25 per nionth. All doctors recommend Jarvis' Brandy. THEY 1NCOUPOUA.TE. The Nebraska Phonograph Company FiloH Articles. The Nebraska Phonograph company filet articles of Incorporation with the county clerk yesterday. The Incorporators are Frank Murphy , J. O. Phllllppi , Prank Dinko Hamilton S. Wicks , Simon Ott and George E. Towksbur'y. < The general offices of the company will bo located In Omaha. The nature of the business to bo transactcd-Is the purchase , sale , renting , leasing and subleasIng Ing In Nebraska , Iowa andtn tbo territorial of Pi.kHa , Montana'and Wyoming of al graphophonc , phonograph , phonograph graphopbono patents ' of Edison , Doll and Talntor , the famous electricians. The Urn 'Itcd capital stock , of the company is set u 525.000 , and U divided .into u,250 shares o (100 each. . Tho. limited Indebtedness Is 150,000. The company will 'commence opera tions November 15. All -druggists sell Jarvis' Medical Brandy. HAVIVENjBUOS. Special N U e. Mondny morning , Nert6th , you will ind us ready for businona in our now milding. a few doors north of our pres ent location. It is impossible for ns nt this time to [ iioto prices , ns wo nroitoo busy in open- ng nnd arranging ourrnew stock , which s , on account of Inrgcmorcs and larger building , much largownud bettor as- orlod than over before. > But you mny rest moored thnt wo hnll in the future , usnvell as wo have been in the past , continue to bo leaders of low prices. II AY DEN BROS. , Sixteenth street , Bet. Dodge and Douglas. II AY DEN DUOS. Specthl Notice. Mondny morning , Nov. 5th , you will ind us ready for business in our now wilding , a few doors north of our pres ent location. It is impossible for us nt this time to luoto prices , as wo are too busy in opcu- ng and arranging our now stock , which s , on nccount of Inrgor stores and larger ) uilding , much larger and bettor as sorted than over before. But you may rest assured that wo shall in the future , ns well ns wo have > een in the past , continue to bo lenders of low prices. HAYDEN BROS. , Sixteenth street , Bet. Dodge and Douglas. "La Confosion" Cuban cigars for sale at J. M. Boll's , South 10th St. UAYIIKX ItUOS. Special Notice. Monday morning , Nov. 5th , you will ind us ready for business in our now building , n few doors north of our pres ent locution. It is impossible for us at this time to luoto prices , as we nro too busy in oppn- ngand arranging our now stock , which s , on account of larger stores and larger juilding. much larger and bettor as sorted than over before. But you may rest , insured that wo ihall in the future , as well as we have > eon in the past , continue to bo leaders of low prices. 1IAYDEN BROS. , Sixteenth street , Bet. Dodge and Douglas. "La Confesiou" Cuban cigars , im ported stock , line llavor. Always on innd at the Goodman Drug Co. , Far- uun St. HAYDEN HIIOS. Special Notice. Monday morning , Nov. 6th , you will find us ready for business in our now juilding , a few doors north of our pres ent locaiion. It is impossible for us at this time to quote prices , us , we arc too busy in open ing1 uwl arranging our now stoi'U , which in , on account of largerstorcs and larger building , much larger , nud bettor as sorted than ever before. But you may rest assured that wo shall in the future , ns well as wo have boon in the past , continue to be leaders of low prices. IIAYDEN BROS. , Sixteenth street , Bet. Dodge and Douglns. IlroH. Monday's sale will be the greatest dny wo over had. The weather is too warm and wo intend to make a fearful slaughter to unload' fctock. The goods must go - Read every item carefully and note the prices. 1.000 yards grey union Hannah ) , worth 18c yard ; , .Monday they go tit 01 o yard. < 1,000 yards line operu flannels , nil colors , retails everywhere at lee yard ; our price Monday 22jc yard. 3 cases heavy shirtings , sold by our com petitors as a great bargain at Klu ; our price Monday ( ! u yard. Wo close a lot of children's plush and fancy caps nt 1 price Monday. They go in two lots : Lot No. 1 at OOc , worth SI .2-5 ; lot No. 2 at 69c , worth OOe. 1 case heavy unbleached canton flannel , worth lee yard , on bale Monday 11 yards forl. 1 cuso heavy red twill flannel , Monday 22ic yard , worth 40c. 75 pieces 5-4 table oil cloths , 15o yard , worth 35c. 1 case Renfrew turkey red remnants table damasks , worth 75e yard , on sale Mon day 30c yard. Boys' tlannol shirt waists Mondny' cachj worth $1. Wo will soil Monday all of our boys' flannel waists that formerly sold at $1.25 , sM.-lO , $1.50 and $1.75 , Monday your choice $1.19 each ; come early and get right size , as we ciuinotoxchautri ! . We make this prieo _ to close the lot. KM ) dozen Turkish bath towols5coach. Children's double school mittens 2oc pair , ehenput 40c. Mprio silks , all colors , 2oc yard Surah silks , all colors , 32c yard , worth double. 100 pieces dress goods nt hpo- cinl prices for Mondny. Lndies' white merino vents nt 39e each , worth OOc. Ladies' cashmere hose , all wool , still go at 25c pair. Ladies' black hose. MulTs Mondny 50u each. Ladies' nnd children's fine nobby tobog gans , all colors , Monday 15c each. Gents' fancy border handkerchiefs , 12c , worth 2oc. Fancy stripe velvets , 33c yard , cheap at 76c. Gents' fancy clouded merino i hose , 25u pair , cheap nt ! ! 5c. Floor oil cloth , 35e yard , worth 60o ; 0x4 lloor oil cloth rugs , 75o each. Monday , worth $1.25. Special pale on carpets , curtains , etc. Still contiucd A fine satin comforter , $2.25 , worth $3.25. Special clonk sale visit our clonk de partment the coining week. Ladies' striped nowmnrkots$8.50 , worth $12.00. Ladies seal plush sacqucs , 42 inches long , $25.00 , worth $35.00. Ladies heal plush jackets , witin lined , $8.90 , worth $15.00. Childron'o plaid cloaks , 4 years , $2.08 ; ( ! years , $2.08 ; 8 years , $3.38 ; 10 years , $3.08 ; 12 years , $3,98 ; 14 yearn , $4.48 , all worth just double. Infants' cashmere cloaks , long nnd short , em broidered collars and cults , $2.08 , worth $4.00. Monday you can buy a good beaver shawl at $2.50 , worth $5.00. BENNISON BROS. R. .M. Brown , St. Mary's avenue , sells "La Confesion" Cuban-cigars. Uncle John NEW YOIIK , Nov. 3. The will of the late John Guy Vassar was presented for probate nt Poughkeopslo yesterday. The opening sentence was as follows : "Having no lineal heirs , my desire a.od.aitn in the dis sition of my property is to do the most good nnd forward the cause of.humanity.'i in ac cordance with this sentiment all of the estate is willed to public institutions in and about Poughkccpslo , the leading bequests being to 1Tassar college , in which J.tlireo now chairs are established , besides .heavy endowments to Vassar orphan asylum- and Yassar bos- pltal. , Win. BaldutT , 16th and Capital Avo. , handles the celebrated * 'La Confobion" Cuban cigar. Firemen Fatally Injured. EAST' SAOIXAW , Mich' , Nov. 3. Last even ing u largo empty wagon was left standing fn the middle of the street In Baginnw City. A hose cart , on which were six firemen , dashed Into the wagon , throwing off the fire men. Ono man IB expected lo die , while sev eral others are very urlou ly injured , Jas. A. Forsight , 16th and Capital Avo. , always has on hand a fresh sup ply of the great "La Confesion" cigar. Cleveland's Mayor Visiting Axworthy MOXIIIEAL , Nov. , 3. Mayor Babcock , of Cleveland , O. , Is on. 3 a visit to this city anil will remain hero for two or three day s. He Is the guesi of Axworthy , ' abscqudlng treas- ' MAYDEN nuog. Hpc'clal Notice. 'Monday inorning , Nov. 6th , you will Ind us ready for business in our new building , a few doors north of our pres ent location. It is impossible for us at this time to juoto prices , ns wo are lee busy in opon- ng and arranging our now stock , which s. on nccountof Inrgor stores nnd Inrgor building , much Inrgor and better as sorted than over before. But you may rest assured that wo shall in the future ; , as well as wo have been in tho. past , continue to bo loaders of low prices. HAYDEN BROS. , Sixteenth street , Bet. Dodge and Douglas , Call for "Ln Confcsion" cigar at Her man Shaller's , 13th and Harncy. ciiuucit "ntECTOUY. 11A1TIST. ' South Omnbn , ( mil nrcr postoWcc Her. Daniel lloiieM.jmniir. 1'rcachlnit every Hunilny at 10.15n. m. , anil IMS p. in. Mimtuj ncliool nt nuua. CnU rjr. Sniimlcn.nenr rumlim-llor. A. W Clsrk , [ m tnr. I'runchlni ; ut lu..Ila. m , StinJ y etciuul tit ItTV ) . No evening n'rvh'O. Klf'l , StrmiKOM * Snblmth Home , corner Fifteenth nml l.iv ) i"t | A , W l.imnr , pastor. I'rpnchlnv nt II ! : , a. in..nml 7.11 p. in. Pumlnr i-cliuol nt I. in. frajrprint'i'tlnu Wodnp ilny pvcnlnus nl".U. : VoiinK piMiplu * ' tucvllni ! I'rMav , lit 7t'i : | .in. HcnlMil i > i > f vkc nt the Mimlny nlttht , Wi > < lno < lnr ) nlitlit nml Krl- rlutr night itii-ulliiKs tlurliiK UIL entire fall anil winter. All Boat * True. Imiimmicl ilntroh. Nn. ? H1 Pnumleni Mrcot. In iCountro placiItiv. . K. W. Kostor , imMor , ro ! ili'nco MSIOIitiitilri'i't. Kumilnr prcnchlnit ix'iivke' on fun * ilny'it ID. IIn. m , , unit T 31 IMII. similar nolioul itt 1'J in , Wi'i'kly pi t > r mi'i'llnuv Y. I * . S. U. K. on More ilny cvrnlnu lit ii HI , iinil roKiilnrcliiirrh pr.iyer nipct. inun WiMliiita Iny uTunliuint i.U ) . M'UU Itx'C. Pub lic Imltoil. Hcth-IMon , P.irk nvcniio nnd Lonvcnwnrlli-ltov. II. I. , lloiiii' . | > .i-lnr. Service' mnrrnni , ' iiml mclllnu. Mi'.ilp.ilh ' .iilmnl at II m. V. 1' . S. C. K. Til'i p. m. Flint /.Inn church , Nineteenth ftml Ihirt ftioet < lli'i * ilnr-I'rvliiM Mimlny nmrnlnx nt II , nml erenlnK uiau'ckxk. T. II. lltvlni ; . puslnr. North O.nnli , ! , ! iiuj Saiimlcrs-Ilcv , K. W. Koitcr. im tiir. M.'rvlcu mornlnn nud avciilnx. biimlny Mlioo ! nt l.'ni. Swedish , I'l.-t North Klxlilccnth HOT. I.urs Arlandor , pnitiir. M-r\l.0 < ininnliitf nml ovonlntf. Sunday Bflimil nt noon. I'rnyer lueoUni : Wcdnuxdny evening. Tenth slieet ml sl < m llev. IA. . UCIIHK , p.inor. orv HUH nt U. M11. in. , nnd ' : ' > < p. m. /limlcnlnriMllPllNnrtli Seventeenth Her. ( lonriio W Wocidln-y. p.i tnr. Nfvle ! ? < nt 1 l.'l ! iv. m. , nml ; . , al p.m. Mimlny ncliool nt I' ' : Ill p. in. Ultilo rending nt ; ! Ill p. HI. , WiMnuiduy. I'r.iyer mi-cilim nt 7. : * ) p. lu. , ITlUiiy. CATHOLIC. St.I'ctern , Twcnty-olk'hth nnd I.e.ivcnwortli-Hev. P. ,1. I'ojlc , pii'to- . liiwnin - > nt Ma. m. ! huh limn nn I minium nt 10 1(1 ( n. m. ! < ii'iilty : vhuol nt''p. in. tu'.liillty ut .1 p. in Ve per < nn 1 benediction nl7 : > > pm > im'p illi'ilnU'-Twonly-tttth nnd fallfornln- Huv.M. P. Duwlliu , S. .1. puitor. Mindny. Mimics nt isauil Da. in , , the la t hHli nnm with vcrniiin. Vo - pern , ri > : iry nnd benediction nt h p. in. Mime * , week il.ty , ntiinirl H On the llrst hrlday ol evuiy month IIIU--IM lit i ; . ; , anil SJu. : : ) in. Pruyets , sermon , iinil benediction nt S p. in. Holy l-'niiillylilt North Illnhtrenth-Very Hev , It. A. Shunvl , .1. V. ti. . paitor. Itcv. Peter Koopimut , . , ii"sit int im lor. M isvt ut 7. ' . ' . nn I In..11 n. m. Sun day irhiHil n * . nuun. Week day-jrvlo. ' ut 7 nndtfn , m St. Pliiniiun : iN intho.lrnl. 4JI South Nlnth-llor. I1. Met unity , putor : s. h' . Carroll. m < .Htrit putor Sunday iiii : i tiil5 , 7,11. nnd l.l'lii. ) m. Holy iinyt nt 6,7. nnd .i , iin.l7 > < eL days ut 7..kniU ) b n. in. Vcspors nnd lect'tr-snl 7. : l p. m. M. .l cpli r. 1581 South SPTcntecnth-Hev. ( ! . . ! . Glauber , i .i-tor. hervlietnt buml lUJn. : > . in. , and .MU p.m. Dilly ti.i HntSu. m. M. Mary Ma/dclcnu ( ( icrinnn ) IC14 I > oii''laiHev. . ( ! . .1.ilanber ( , pnatnr , scrvUea nlMnml HI. Un. m Sun * day > ch olul : oUp. m. Vespers .1 p. in. D.illy 111:199 : nlttn. m. M. I'.itrlek's 1 4 CnitelHr-Itev. .lolin .lennetto HOI Cnatellar , paMur. lluv. M.O Dun.ihue , a * > Hvtaiit | pi > tor. Mau lit 7-11.I nnd 1(1. ( . > U a. in , Snniliischool Kl'i p. m Ve peri nlH p. m. St. Wen'p-d.iH' * ( II I'li .il-iu ) , HtlJoiith To irtectilh Hi'V.llllnin Sluikii , pi tnr. Servlies nt s nml Itln. in..nnl2 ijp. in. m. St Itrldfet's Itoinnn rathollr cliiirch. Tnpntvlxih nnd Itliv t .voiilh Oin.ih -llev. i . l-'nther I ) . W. Mor- liuty , p.iilor. Illi-'h inaiH at ltl.n : n.iii. lloiury nnd liune lUtluii of llio HIcciMl Micra- inent nt 7JUiuiu : &niHhiy-t-choolnl'Ja.iu Tlrst (1irl llmi church. Twentieth anil Capitol nve- niu Hev A. Martin , pastur. He-hli'iico 2.JIJ Capitol iwi'iiui * . I'i cui hint : al II a. m. and 7 > 0 p.m. Sunday- school at' . ) Ua in. Y. I' . S. C. i ; . inet > tlni ; at ii : u p. in. rra > ei mi'ctint' Wednes lay Milntiit7. . 41. So.ils Ircu Walnut lllii , On'e ' HIT..1. II. Johnson , p.istor. Si'rvlios HI 10 .Xlti. m. an I 7 < tlp.m. Mm lay fchnol at Klu. in. I'myor niccttin ; lit 1:8) : ) P iu. , Wed nesday. COXnilHlATlOVAI. . First. Dmonport and Mnctci nth > -ir lcci nt 10 . " > < ) n. in. and i 41 p. in. Militia/ > hoolat n mil I'raM'r mcctliiifitt 7.1:1 : p. iu. . Wrilm'sday. Vuuii , : people's uicutl'iKitt i'.U p in. , I'rlil.i ) . M. Mary Avemio , St. Mirr's and Twenty-sot I'ntli nvrnuesIttiv. . Wlilard Moll , pastor."Civices at M.i : ) n. in , atiil7 : ' > ) p. in. Siind.ticliool at noun V. I's. ( ' . 1 ! . Monday evonlnu Pastors I'vi'nlnir.nt liiiini * , Tuesday. Church pmjcr mccttni : Wednesday Jlothlvlic'iicli.ipcl.Pnut'i Sixteenth ii'i 1 Hickory Ili'V. M. . ! . t' . Thinp'isti ! r. Sunday school at .1 p , m. Industrial KI.IIOOI , Mitur.iiiy at Da. HI , I'.UA.-nloi.'liapcl , South Twonty-nlntli an 1 Martini T. II. ia > .or , superintendent. Mimlny school at : | pin Tli'i'i'iylor.l nitiniorliil , Windsor l'lac ( uiivlllary to St. M.iry H itve'iiiL-l lluv. Wlli.irl t-cott , pistor , In cliar.-e. ' .inlay school at a p.m. Cliurcli pra > cr meeting TliurHday u\eiiln . ri > iii ( HliKcUiit ) ; ( > l'liico-Hc v.Alfrocl II. I'cnnliuan , pastor. lloliU M > iilci3 tit 10.'O a. in. , anil 7.'BI p m. Minilay Mduiol lit noon. V. 1 * . > . < ? . K. at u:4S. : llruwn's gruvu ci.iiul ! | burviccs at 4 p. in. Snr.itiKi. Twentj-tlftli anil Amo aronuo-HcT. Friink > . i-'orbi'R. ptistor. ServKe4 ut l'I..I ' ) a. in , , anil 7. . pin. V.l'.S ( , ' . K.ut ! ' . : ! , ' > p. in. l'uier ini'i'tliu- We.liiC9.ln } ' ut 7..HI p. in , Krto KvanKi'llrul tierinnnTwelfth anil Dorctin- llev. * ' . II. W. llniet'liert , pastor. : * er\lfoat H-tiii * ) rn.anl7i : ) p.m. VOIIIIK peoples' im'cll.ii ; at7pm. hiiiulav t * ' liool ut SJiO p. in. Wculnesil.iy , piuyrriueet- InC nt7-U p. in. Cherry Hill. Cc-ntral I'nik-ltcv. .1. A. .Milll.-nn. pan- tor. t-crvlco1 * at 11 a. in. , ami 7.11-1 p. m. Suintaysdiool ut J3a. in. WfUncs lay pr.iyer inuutliix ut 7 'S3 p. m. Hillside , Thirtieth uml Olilo-SiTVluei at IO.Un. : m. . nn 17. II p. in. Sumlny tciool ! nt noon. Junior V. I * . H. C. K. uti : : . < Up. in. ; M nlor V. I * . * * . t * . 1 * . at ii'iU : p. in. l'ra > er moctliii : Wednesday evenlnu nt 7'f ) . I'nrk I'lace , Cnllfornla nnd TUlrty-llrst-Uev. Sl.I , . Holt , pastor , hervlien lit lO.'KJ a. m. , nnd 7IW p. m. Bumluy school ut noon. noon.EPISCOPAL. EPISCOPAL. Trinity cnthcrtrnl , KUIitecntli anil Capitol ivcmie Very Kev. Denn ( iurdnor , pastor. Holy ( Ominunlon nt K n. in.Miiiilay school anil M. Andrew's brother- boo.l lilbli ) chiBH at l.iJp. : : ( in. Mornlnii pni ) * r , litany Kvcnlni ; prayer , with a xhort . . ' . ' wi'C' at'.ia. lid.Ilo s at T.'CI IP. in. Mcrvlci' " every ilny in.aniloii Krldaj evening ( with It'ctnrt-l nt7'l. ( In nil . - -Mini's- i ) H , holy communion ul U a. m. M runners CorllR.Iulcumed. . /illSilntnelinroh.Twonty-slxtli nnd Howard Hcv. I.OIIIMaliiici.S. . T. 1) . , rector. Minday rorvleeii : Holy voinnrjnlon nt 7 : . l n. m. .MornliiK prayer and litany ut 11 a. in. ; uvenlii'i at 4p.m. Mindny Krliool lit.'In. in. VOIIIIK iiion'D lillilo cl.its nt I..H : p. in..directly nttcr thu midday er\Ice. On thu llret Mimlny of eaeti roontli the holy communion Is at Ho clock In- Mead of inornliitf piayer. hervkei nro nl o held on \Vi 'lin"'diiy evonlims nt 7.Ynndon : ) Friday moruliiKi nt JUo'clock. Mrr.nforsnhMiys welcomed. St. Ilarnuliai Krce , Nineteenth anil ( ' .illfornla Hov. Jo'in ' Willhiins , pastor. I'laln culcbratlon at 7 Kin , iii.j tlioiul ( I'lehratlon ut II a.m. bunduy nciiool nt'JMa n m. Chornl uvum < oiiii nt 7. : l p. in. Ml" < lon service ! ThurBdny ut 7:40 : p. in. , ut the roil- den-oof Mr. John Kjicncter. llev. John XVllllunii , | ia < tnr. ht. I' North Nineteenth Hov. II. U Gum- hie , pii-tor , Culeliratlon ot holy communion mil u. ui. l\cintoiiKiil : 7.iJ : p. m. St. Aluln.'w'H mlKslon , Walnut Illll-Ui'v. Charles Wltn > r p ion , ptxtor. In charire. Sundny > clioul ut llcrunnm lull ) , on hiimliiy at 3 p. m. ht..Iolin'Meliiiroh. cornerTwonty-ltth nnd Kriink- UnHov. . William O < aood I'camon , rector. Holy ciMn.iiiinlon lexiepton tint Sunday In month ) nt H a. in. Mimliiy Bchool at li:41n. in. Matins , litany ante- eo-nmiinlon sor\ Ice ( on Nrht In month litany , holycommunlonlmid sermon at 11 a.m. hvcnsoiiK und hcrmon nt7.w : p. m. i : > ery Krldjy , Iltany.ud- Urt's * , etc. , ut 7 : * & p. in. M I'nul mlnslon.Tiilrty-fCcondnndCn'n-llev. II. I , . Oamlile , pastor. SC | vices nt 11 u. m. Sunday school i.t .1 p. m. South Omaha .Mission , Third ward school honi-e , letter' * uddlllon-ltuv. C. S. Wlther-poon. priest In eharue. Minday-scliool nt a p. m. Scnlcei us mi- nonncod. Walnul Hill Sllinlon. meetlim In the Chrlitlan rhnrcli corner nf Nleholns ami llnlu flrei'lf llev. H. 1. . I iamtile. pastor. Sunday-school al J p. m. lvcn- : tong ami sermon nt 4 p. m. J.t'TlIKItAN . Kotmtie Memorial KvnnKellcnl , Sixteenth and Ilnr- ney lluv..I , s. Detweller , pnstor. fenlto nt HI..10 n. m. , and 7-45 p. m , Minday Khool nl noon. Vounu people's nicetlni ; ut 7 p. m. Danish , south Twentieth , between I.cavi'nworth nnd MnonKor. . K. C' . llodholdt. pastor > > ervlci > > at iu. . ) n. iii.aiid.Mp.iu. : Thursduy evenlim meellnu at7. . ) . Hwcdlih , Cass and Nlnetocnth-Ilov. K. A. Koecl- All sciindlnavluim nre welcome. Cermnn. 1UIJ Poulh Twentleth-Ilev. K. .1 Krccjo , pnslor. Services nt 10 a. m. Mimliiy uchool nta p. ra. St.Mnrk'H KvnnKcllcal , corner of North Twenty Hrsl nnd Ilunletto-llev.d. 11. Schuur , pnstor. f-or- vires nt 10 : : l n , m. , and 7'U p.m. Suntluy school at 2u : : p. in. Prajcr mcutlnK , Wednesday nt 7:15. : Dunlth nnd Norweslnn-lOH North Twenty-sixth 1'eter A. Henderson , p.iftor. Bervlcce at ItUOu. in. , aad 7 : 0 p. m. Tuesday nnd Thursday at 7:3U. METIIOIIIST CI'ISCOPAU \rt , Davenport , between Seventeenth nnd Kleht- ccnlli-llev. T. M. Houne. pmtor. I'reachlni ! service til 10a , in. , anil 7 : : p.m. Sunday school ! : in. Oxford IciiKuc , Monday evenlmt. btatud prayer meeting , Wednesday evening at 7.U : p. m. ( lint German , corner Hoiilli Eleventh nnd Center Ilov. Chillies I ) . Decker , pastor. Kvslitence 1'X'I South Kloventli. borvlcenulW..Un.ra and7 : : Jp. m. Hun- ilny school at 2.U : p. m. I'rnyer mncltni ; , Thursday at 730p. ; m. Children's meeting , Saturday at'Ja. iu. gewanl street. cornerTwenty-second-llcv. William Kirtl , Norwegian and Danish , Twenty-first , between Seward and Kranklln-HeT. II. Darldton , pastor. Treadling ut 10UJ : a. m. , and7:30 : p. m. bunday school at tp.m. South Tenth fltroel. Tenth and I'leTCO-IlPT. C.K. Dawson. p tor. Prcuclilng nt 10.UU a. m. . and 7-iu : p.m. Sunday school at Jp. m. Prayer meetinf , Wednes day evening at 7-.U. Teachers' mcctlnK , rlday nt 7U : : P.m. Young people's meeting at ou : p m. Children's meeting at lUn. m. Clan meeting al noon. HweJIih , KlBlitccnth , between Can and California- Be r. P. J. Uerg , paitor. Preaching at HI.30 and 7UOp : m Second A Wcan.WIIHann and Blxteentli-KeT.'r.T. Thomas , pastor. Pr sclilng al Id.'JU a. m. , nd 7JO ; p. m , bunday school at 3 p. m. African , corner Eighteenth and Wetsler-HeT , V. A. Hubbard , pastor. Hertleetatll a. m. , aod H p. m. S'liDtiath school st J p. m. 1'rajer meeting , Wcdnts- dayevening. . , Kree , 14 * ) Bouth E1eTentb Berrlce at 100 a.m. , and7ipm. : : Sunday school at V.JUju m. llollnes * uitttiogatJp. > , I'faj r ulcetlBK , Tuesd at-JJ ; TTft Omaha , corner Thirty-seventh nnfl M fOn I'rf nchlng every PatibMh at lO.W a , m. , and 7 : ; J p. m , Sunday ichool at 3.-"J p , m , Wrsl fide church-rrvachlnt ever/ Sabbath at IO.TO : a. m. , and.7i.O p ; m , Sunday fchool al 7 Wp , in , Oitcllar Street church 1'reachln a at lOiSt * . m. , and 7Wp. : ru. Walnut Hilt cburcta-1'rcachlnn at 10.30 a. m. , and 7.TIp. : m. Florence chnrcb.-1'reachlng at 10:30 : a. m. ( and 7:50 : p.m. Sunday school nlj : , j p.m. Preaching every t-atbatb ) at Park KOreit school boui all.iOp. : m , AlbrlKhl church-IlOT. W. I ) . I.uthpr , pastor. Treaca- Ing every Sabbath nt I0:1u : a. ru. , nd7.V : ) p. in , llanscoru t'ark , corner Woolworth avenu * and Twenty-ninth streetllev. . u. > i. Drown , paitor , I'rrnohlntr al 10U : ! a , m. nnd 7i. J p. m , Class meeting nt U in. Young people's rlas * r.Q : p. m. Sunday- school at 'J'H : p. m , llegular prnyer meeting Wcdtiet- day wcnlng. Trinity M. K. chared , corner Twenty-first and Hln- ney streets Itov. J. W. Hoblnsoo , pastor , Sabbath services 10nn. : : in , and 7 : . Jp. m. Sabbath school HI S.liOp. in. I'rnyer nieetlnu Wednesday evening. Ux * ford League M ondny ovenlrg. flormnn Mothmllst Episcopal , Twenty-eighth nnd H streets , south UmahaHov ( lustnv llecicr , pastor , Preaching every Sunday al 11 o'clock a. ui. Bunday school nt lOu'clock a m , Klrst Mcthodlsl Kplscopal rhnrch , H. and Twenty. third streets , south Omahn-Hev. I. . II. KddlcbUito , pnstor. I'reiuhlng every Sunday ut 10. Un. in. and 7li p.m. Sunday-school nl DOOU. Prajcr meeting every WcdneiJuy al 715 ; p. tu. First church , Doilgo nnd Seventeenth-IloT. W. J. Hnrshn , pastor. Hesldenec SOI stniith Twenty-ntth nveiiue. I'rcnchlnK nt 10.1(0 ( a. m , nnd p. m. Sab- bnth sihnol at iJni. Y. P. s. C. I : , meutlng al 7 p. ui. I'ra > er meeting , Wednesday atS p. m. Second church , Saunders nnd Nicholas Hev. W. H. Henderson , pastor. Itesidcnco Uli ! North Twenty- sixth , rrenclilng nt I0ti : n. m. , nnd 7UI : p. m. Sab- bnth school nt 13 in. Vonnu people's meeting nt 7 p. in. Prnyer meeting , Wednesday nl S p. m. Southwest , Leavcmvorth nnd T entleth Hev. I ) . H. Kerr , pastor. Itcsldcnco KJ1 South Twentieth. I'rcneh- IngntKu. m. , und 8 p. m. Siibbuth school nt H.l.'ip. m. Y. P. S.C. i : , meeting nt 7 p.m. Prayer meeting. Wednesday nt 8 p. m. KlrsK'crmnn , Klchteenth.nenr Ciiinlnc Hev. J. (1. Schalble , pnstnr. Hc ldeneB SI7 North Jlluhteenth. Preacliliit ! al 10. 'O u. in. , and 7 : II p. In. ( iernmii Sun day school nl noon. Kugllsii Sundny school nt : i p. m In ( harcoof otllcers of First Presblcrlnn church. Prayer meeting , In licrmnn , nl7J : * p. m. , Wednesday. C.i.tollar Street , Sixteenth nnd Castellar-llOT.J.M. Wilson , pastor. lU'siileneu Seventeenth nnd Castel. lar. PrenehliiK nt llCMn. m. , Und7lp jn. Sabluith school ntl2m.oiitiR K'oplo's meeting nt 7 p.m. I'rnjer meeting. Wednesday nt 7:45 : p , in. Wo liullister , South Twciity-nliithund Mason. Hov. John ( 'onion , pa-dor. Hc'ldenoi Hi ! South Thlrtv- Ursl. Prcaehlni'iit 10. tin. m , nnd7-Up. : ( m. Saldmlh school nt 12 m. Young people's meeting at 7 p. tu. I'rnyer meeting , Wednesday at " ! : M p , in Ambler 1'laco. llnlloii nvcnuo nnd Miranda utrect Ilev.O.M. IxHlgo. pa tor. Itesidcnco ono block cast of church. 1'reachui nt 11 n , m. mid 7U : ) p. m. Snb- bath "ihool nl li-IS p. m , I'rttycruud teachers' niuet- Ing. Wolncsdny U17-OJ p.m. Walnut HIII.I.OWO nveiuin nnd Nleholns street Hcv. W. .1. I'nlm , pnstor. Hcsldonco 4118 Nicholas street. PrenclilnK ut I0 : : u. m. . nnd 7-.VJ p. m. sab bath school at IJiu. Prayer meeting , Wednesday eve ning nt 7. KIIOJC. Nineteenth nndOhlo-Hcv. r.uil Martin , pns tor. I ( < > sipnc | | < * 21l3 iJike. I'rcachlntt nt IJ.Un. in. . nnd 7 : . Jl p.m. Sabbath school ut 1.1m. I'ruyer mcct- \\odnesday evenliiK at7i. : WoMi. ici Satmdeis Hcv.W. II. ' .Vllllams. pnstor. HcstdiMieo 'Jol' . ' Caldnell. Sablmlh school nt noun , I'rciu liliiK ut IO.Un : m. . nnd p. m. Prnyer meet- Int. , Wcdnevday c\eiilnt ( at 7t'U. Church of the'tranicrTwent : nnd.T streets , South Uinnhn Itov. llohert I , . Wheeler , pastor. cr- Mcoi nt 11 n. m , nnd 7 lip. in. I'rayer meeting , Wed- uosd.ty evenlnB ut7 ' * ) . First trnlted. CM North Klchteenth-b'crvlccs nt 10:30 : n. m. , nnd 7- 1 p. m. Sundny school nt noon. " Voting people's meeting ut I ) : , ! ) . l'ru > er meeting , Wednes day at 7 i'M p. in , I'ark Avenue Cnltpil , 1'ark a\eime nnd Orant Hcv. J. A. Heiider on , iristnr. services niornlnu and eve ning. Sunday tihool * ntnoiin. Central Tnlted , Seventeenth , between Doilt'O nnd Cnpltol avenue Hev. .lolin Williamson , pastor. Ser vices nt 10. . > 1 u. m. , nnd 7. , HJ p. m. sniiduy ochool ut noon. fVITAlllAV. llnltv , Sevnntecnth , between Chlenno and Cnss Hev. W. i : . Copeland. p.ntor. Promhlng ut II u. m. nnd 7 : lip. m. Sunday school ntl'j.lj p. m. Tin : AIIMV. Kurt Oinnhn llev. Orvlllo ,1.1'nve , post chaplnln. Services ut 7 p.m. Sunday B'-hool ' at. I p. m. I.M II\N h\iM * fiMi'tu Northwcflt corner Tnenty-llrst and Clark. Services morning and evening , snlilmth school at 12 : : < U p. m. Itemovnl ! The Chicnjjo ; Unr ain Shoo company has removed lo 15i2 ( ) Douglas street. "La Confcsion' ' ' C'nbiiii cigars , im- iiorted btocU , line tlavor. Always on linnd at the Cootlinan Drug Co. , Far nam St. ELECTION NEWS iron Eviuviiouv : ( ON ELECTION NIGHT TUESDAY , NOV. 6th , -JAISO UUKAT'- ' STEREOPTIC N EXHIBITION , ADMISSION 5O CKNTf- % Thursday , 1'rlilny nntl Saturday , N"ov. H , ti , and 10 SATURDAY .MATINKIO. W.M. H. GlUJnTK'S Host m All Anivrlcan I'liiys , HELD BY THE ENEMY wn.i , UK lly a Company of Arknowledpeil .Milllty. manv of lionieiolu the Original Miull- hon i-ciuavo 1 heater fast. SI'ECIAI , sniNIIKV has been painted fur tlilH tour , ami nil thu stiiKO nppolutiiR'iitH nud etlurtH will be new , and not hu > ln been seen durliiK this sanif engagement when here last year. _ Itegular 1'rlces. Sain of heats opens at 0 o'clock Wednesday Morning. NEWGRANDS Him Afternoon and GILMORE ! With his ( ireat Hand. Matehless snlolMs , emi nent vocal artists , artil lery , etc. .Seat nule ojiens Thurs day. DENTIST. Dr , R , W , BAILEY llooni : ! I2 and 3)3 ) I'.ixton Illock , Omaha. Teeth e.\tiacted without pain. Cold and alloy IDlliiKs ut rensoiuiblo rrlcca. Fatlsfaction gum anteed. FREDERICK AGENT. The Host nnd most POPULER HATS IN T1IK WOUU ) . MtlUiKltlCK , Leading Hatter , CtelKhton Illock. NEW GRAND OPERA HOUSE , Tlntrmhty , Friday , Saturday rind Saturday Matinee. NOV. 8th , 9th and 10th. At last the Favo.ite With Us ! The Comic Oncrrt Event OF THE SEASON , First Production in Omnlm of WiM.AHD Sl'flNSUH's Perpetual Comic Opera Success - = THE- Presented in the same Gorgeous Style ns in Now York and Phila delphia , where it had the Phenomenal run of fi'iJ IS'ights. Grand Company of 52 Artists. This Great Prodir'Hon under ( ho Per. sonnl Direction of the Author. No Increase in Prices , Week of Monday , Novcmlicr 5lh MADAME KAVLINI , The Queen of Clay ; n Sliirvolous Woman LITTLE FLORA , Wire Walker. Grand Attractions in all parts o the house. One Dime Admits to All. Warm Goats For It , TO ORDER , $18 TO $60 $ We have gone through too many winters to be without warm wool fabrics for Over coats. Nearly a hundred styles in our assortment comprising SMOOTH : Meltons , leavers. Kerseys , Cnstora , Tricots , ClicvlotK , Fine Twills , Cork * strews , Diagonals , Wide Wales. A BOUGH : CliiiMlilllfts Frlc7e , Slictlnntls , Fancy Cheviots , Scotches , Tweed * ? , Etc. Made to order in these shapes : Great Coats , Cape Coats , Storm Coats , Ulsters , with detachable cape ; Box Coats , Driving Coats , Blizzard-Protecting Coats with big collar and DressyOvercoats. Suits and Trouscr Goods in abundance , Tailored at saving prices $5 and $20 , up to the price of princely garments. TAILOR No. 1409 Douglas Street. We've known our Irish Frieze Coats to wear five winters. The Chinchillas are nearly as serviceable price $25 and $30 made to your measure. OMAHA COMMERCIAL COLLEGE AND INSTITUTE OF / and Typ AVrltlni ? . N. Ti. Cor. and DodKg st . Opp. Post .Offlce. TEACHES all llnslneis Ilranrhex.lnclu'dliiK Short-liana and Type-wrltlng. . The CollennKlreR student work to pay his board. < ) v r 000 students last year. Ovnr ] , Vi now In BtttniTam e. Every craduato In a coed position and plenty ot plact-s for others. It roats only , about' % tQ to co l < wontlie. It has the finest actual Uuttncm Uopurtroenl ( n thu Went , bond nsme aniladdrem fcr circulars and a beautiful epeclmeu'ot penmanship. Anyone pending 'namts and addreiius of 23 youtiK men will uvt College Journal ono jr ar.f ree. Alnays addrevit ItOIIUIIOUUIMlltOM. , , Omuh i * . tbiftska. . . .