v . MiS aefaSVieaS. . THE OMAHtA DAILY-BEE : SUNDAY NOVEMBER 4 ; 1888.-SIXTEEN PAGES. T „ A i1 M Largest Cloak , Suit arid Fur House in the West.- 111 HEYMAN & DEICHES. . 1518-1520 Farnam SI , * I * ' ! 1 , _ nr Continued Special Sale. Owing to the warm spell we have concluded to con SPECIALTIES tinue the following prices for the remainder of this week. IN Fine Dresses $12.75 , fully worth $18.50. Fine Dresses $17.75 , fully worth $25.50. Displayed . in our win Extra Fine Dresses $22.50 , fully worth $32.50. dow. Full Dress Patterns , Very elegant Dresses $33.50 , fully worth $50.00. with $4.50 ornaments upwards. from HASCALL AS A HUSBAND , A Torrlblo Oliaptor of Vlco Prom the District Court Rocords. SCAN DALOUS , BRUTAL CONDUCT. ZCIcklnt ; , Mnltianting mid Curslnc Children and Loading Young Girls Astrny Under Prom ise of Marriage. A IjoiiK-SupprosHOtl Story. Tor years past people on South Thirteenth atreot have talked about the scandalous be havior of Isaac S. Hascall , and since certain proceedings were had iu court which termi nated in a decree of divorce being granted to his wife. His malodorous reputation has spread very generally among his acquaintances. It was known to but comparatively few people , however , that a suit for seduction had been filed in the court , mid is tlll pending. Out of consideration for his own family and the women ho has wronged , publicity has been withheld up to this time by the , press. But us Hascall is now a candidate for the leglslatuie and has the backing of tbo very worst dregs of society , while thou sand of voters are Ignorant of his true char acter , it ia deemed proper In the public in terest to throw daylight on his conduct by reproducing the record of the court. Tile following explains itself : District Court , Douglas County Sarah J. Hascall vs Isaac S. Hascall. [ \ ' The plaintiff complains of defendant , that t' ' on or about thoLMdday of July , 18.M1 , at the II town of living , county of Clinutauqua , and state of New York , she was married to the defendant and has since conducted herself toward thu defendant as a faithful , chaste and obedient wife. That for upward of six months immediately preceding the time of flllnb this petition she has been a resident of Douglas county , in this state. The plaintiff further represents that said defendant , rugardlcss of the marital duties and obligations , on thu tith day of February , IBSTi , In the city of Omaha , and at divers times since that date , without any collusion 'on the part of the plaintiff , did commit adultery with ono Emman Anderson. That said defendant , on or about the 15th day of December , IbsS , in the oity of Omaha , did commit udultery with ono Adulla Hans- trop ; that said net of adultery was without the consent , connivance , or condonation ot plaintiff. The plaintiff further rcpicsents that on or about the 15th of December , 1SSI , and at various times before and since said date , the defendant , legaidlcss of his duties M a husband , was guilty of extreme cruelty toward the plaintiff without any cause or provocation ou her part. * Thut ho has struck , beaten , kicked and stamped upon his children , has called his son a Dastard , and assailed him In plaintiff's presence with various abusive , cruel and shameful epithets , for the purpose of wounding the feelings of plaintiff. * The plaintiff therefore prays that she may be divorced f rom said defendant and thatohe may be given the custody of said child ( a boy under age ) ami that said defendant be decreed to pay her rcasoiwiblc alimony , and .for such other relief as equity may require. SXVAOI : & Moititis , Plaintiff's attorneys. Adjudicated February 5 , ISbO. Recorded in complete record "Y" ut page 71. smitenoUNIIUII PUOMISU OF M.UIUIAOI : . Bo it remembered , that oil the 14th day of September , ISSll , n petition was tiled In the office ot the clerk of the district court for Douglas county , Nebraska , u Inch saKl peti tion reads and is us follows , to-wit ; In the district court of Douglas county , Nebraska Fmntiska Hiijok , plamtifT , vs. Isaac S. Hascall , defendant petition. For her cause of action against the defend ant the plaintiff savs that on or about thu 10th day of February. IS * ! , In consideration of the promise of the plaintiff , she then being unmarried , to marry the defendant upon his request , the defendant prombed to marry tha plaintiff. By said promise of the defendant to marry the plaintiff , defendant seduced the plaintiff , ttnd induced the plaintiff to commit unlawful BOxual intercourse with him at dlvois times froui and utter the bald 10th day ot February , 1830 , up to about the bth day of April , 1 1. Plaintiff , over since the said 10th day of February , ISSO , has been icady and willing -to marry the defendant at such time as he might name , and In thut behalf she has often besought the defendant to name thu day for their marrlago. But the defendant , unmindful of his said pronme , has tofusod , and still refuses and neglects to marry the plaintiff , although a reasonable time has elapsed before the commencement ot this action , to tbo damageot the plaintiff of $25,000 , for which , and the costs , the plaintiff asks u Judgment against thu de fendant. HULL & SOKNIIOIIUCII , F. V. KIUTKY , Attorneys for Plaintiff. The State of Nebraska , I . . Douglas County. { B * Franliska Hajck , being first duly sworn , deposes and w8 that she is. ttvo plaintiff In the abovit entitled cause ; that she has read tuo forccolng | x > UUon , ami ( hat thu facts therein set forth are true. true.FlUNTISKA H\JEK. Subset ibed und sworn to boToro uio. this 13th day of September , 18Stt. . ( .Scat ] FllJLN'K J. IvASl'AK , Notary Public. In the District Court of Douglas County , Nebraska. Frantiska Hajck , I'lalntlff , vs. Isaac S. Has. call , Defendant Prccfp.o for Summons. The cli'rk of Mtld court will please Usuo a summons in the abo\ entitled case , directed to the sheriff of Douglas county , In ihq form and returnable as required by law , endorsing > thereon that the amount for which plaintiff vrlll take Judgment , If the defendant fails to appear , Is f.UOCO. UCLL & SaitNtioitacn , . F. V. KHA.TKT , Atturnpys for the Plaintiff. The State of Nebraska , I _ . . Douglas County. f" ' . I , Frank E. Moarcs , clerk'of said court , do hereby ccitify that the foregoing is a full and true copy of the original petition in said MM now oo file in uiy office , and that said MM is still pending in said court. * \ Witness my baud and teal this 1st day ot November , ISSSv Fit sic C. MOOKBS , Cleric. [ Scal.l Bv V. M. MACKur , Deputy. H V.SCAI.I.N AW nit. In the district court of Douglas county , state ofNebraska r"rantlska " Hajok. plain tiff , against Isnais S. Hascall , defendant. And now comes the said Isaac S. Hascall , defendant , and answers the amended petition of the said Frnntfska Hajik , plaintiff , us fol lows , to wit : 1. The said defendant denies each and every allegation in said amended petition. " . For a further answer to said amended pe tition , the said defendant alleges that on the 10th day of March , ISbti , and from mid after said time and up to thu 3.1 day of September , IbbO , and at the time stated in said amended petition of the making of the alleged con tract of marriaeo , the said defendant wus unable to outer into or tuaku any marriage contract with said plaintiff or make any binding or valid promise ot marriage , for that on the M day of March , 13M5 , the said defendant was a married man , one Sarah J , Hascall being the wife of said defendant , that said Sarah J. Has- call was alive on the said 10th day of March , ISStl , and she was still living on the "d dnv of September , 1S30 , nil of which the said plaintiff well knew. That on the 4th day of March , ISiG , In the district court of the Thud Judicial district of the state of Ne braska in and for Douglas county , and at the February term of said court in un uction pending therein , wherein the said Sarah .1. Huseall was plaintiff , and tne said Isaac S. Hascnll wus defendant , the court having Jurisdiction of the persons of the parties und iif the subject matter of the action , u decree I of dlvotce was grautcd nnd entered of record I In the proceedings ot said court , setting , aside and annulling the marriage relation ex isting between the said Sarali J. Hascall and Isaac S. Hascall , and decreeing the same to take effect and bo in force us of the ! M day of March , A. D. ISSt ) . That six months in which to commence proceedings for setting aside , reversing or modifying said decree did not expire until the 8d day of September , 18SO. That bv the statutes und laws of the state of Nebraska relating to marriage and divorce the djjfundant was prohibited from marrying during" said time , to wit from the said 3d day of March , 1840 , to the said 2d day of September , 1S66 , and a violation of said statutes and laws by the terms of the same is made a felony. Therefore defendant asks judgement heroin against the plaintiff for the costs and disbursements of this ac tion. I'SVAO S. II\SCAI.L , . Defendant. State of Nebraska , I , County of Douglas , f c B > Isano S. Hnscnll , being first duly sworn , deposes and says that he is the defendant in this action ; that ho knows thu contents of the foiegomg answer , and thut the facts stated therein ho believes to bo true. ISAAC S. HSCALL. . Subscribed in my presence and sworn to before mo this 24th dav of January , 1837. WIILI\M H. IJ\M , Clerk. The above answer is entirely ia Hascall's handwriting. Death of Madame Donovan at the Sa- crort Heart Convent , TUB Br.B lias already published an an nouncement of the death of Madame Donovan van , at the convent of the Sacred Heart in this city. The entcruient took place in the plot ot the institution in Holy Scpulchrr cemetery. . The death of this lady of the order rau tioncd , was particularly sad , In that she was still young , being in her thirty-third year , gifted with many talents and endearing qual ities , and the only daughter of a widowed mother who was unable to be present during the last moments of hrr child , Madame Donovan came from Cincinnati , und it hud been the hope of her reverend associ ates that the cliniato of 'Omaha would , at least , lengthen her das si but , with the full- Ingot the leaves and the withering of the llowera , she drooped und died. Surrounded by every s.iro und the best medical attend ance , cheered to the last by an enduring faith in heaven and the hope that there she would soon Intercede for the beloved and lonely mother she could not see , she passed away smilingly and contented. To such beings death is a welcome deliverance and has nesting sting to embitter the ct.tranco to eternity. Slio died on a holiday which had been set apart for some time us a holiday for the pupils of the academy , but the recreation was necessarily deferred until the lust rites over the remains of the beloved inndnmu hud been performed. The funeral services wcro conducted by Right Rev. Jnuies O'Connor , who chanted u requiem high muss At its close the children she htid loywl so well and for whose pleasure , in preparation for their holiday , she hod put foith her last efforts , formed on cither sldo of the alsla ai the casket , containing her revered remains , was borne by hnr sisters in religion from the chapel , preceded by all the mothers and sisters of the institution. The leniuins wore followed to the grava by her late pupils. The mind may rest fern n moment in contemplation of the death of this revered young lady , whoso time energy aud. talents were devoted to her neighbor , and who , in her devotion to her kind und to bcr creator , found , it is known she believed , greater treasure than she would have earned in the wealth and pleas ure which she had willingly forsaken. TJIti IMj-FATii ) KOGKUT. Hnna Pctor'on Ijo-tes Ait KyO Uy n Flying MHalle. Hans Peterson , re ldlng on Cuminp near Twenty-eighth street , met with n painful ac cident while marching in the democratic torchlight procession last night. Ho was rounding the corner from Eleventh street onto Farnam , when a skyrocket struck him In the left eye. Ho was conveyed to his homo in a cab , aud medical aid was sum moned. The physician decided that the eye would have to bo taken out. The shock ulso iiff < 'Ctod the sight of the remaining ocular lar , and for the present at least Mr. Peterson is bereft of his sight. Tlili force of the rocket , together with the shock , i > ro lrated him , and but for the succor rendered by a companion ho would have fallen to thu ground. At a late hour last night Peterson xvag resting in a scml-cnnsclous condition , but it is thought that nothing further of a * serious tendency will result , Peterson is employed by the Union Puclrla in handling local freight and is a man of family. The' decorations. In front of the City steam laundry on Eleventh street , ne r Douglas , caught flro from a sky-rocket aad called out the Ure department about 0:3 : o'clock Ian night. No xlaiaago resulted. MORROW AND MORRISON , The Official Plaatoror of the Board Unbosoms Himself. TALKING TO THE WRONG MAN Kcvelatlons Tlmt Will Create No Lit tle Surprise Morrison's lllght Hand Man Will ilaro to Explain. During the controversy which arose some weeks ago iu the board of education over the purchase of school furniture , tlio conductor certain members aroused suspicion that something was wrong , Steps were taken by Tun 13nis to ascertain what , If any , corrupt influence was being used. A reporter was detailed to keep his eye ou the movements of suspected parties and follow up his inquiry as a detective to a point that would place him In full possession of the actual state of facts. The reporter went to work as directed ana in a short time found that ono William Mor row , a plasterer by trade and a ward bum mer and corner loafer by practice , had boasted of limitless influence with certain members of the board. This man Morrow has been on the pay roll of the school board for many months as special plas terer and 1ms drawn liberal allow ances from the school fund for time which is known to have been largely devoted to political dirty work. Morrow's footprints were soon discovered on the track traveled by certain members of the board , and ( ho fact he was the link between boodlmg agents and the vulnerable members < was established "beyond a doubt by the "de- 'tective reporter. On a curtain Sunday in September the re porter in question , dixgulscd as a drummer for a furniture factory , walucd into the yard of Morrow's house and inquired whether Mr. Morrow was at homo. A man with a very marked counte nance , blear-eyed and blotched , responded , "That's my name , " and when told that nn interview was sought on school furniture business ho motioned the reporter to follow him around the house out of hearing of his family. There the two sat down and had the following confidential talk. During the conversation Morrow several times cautioned the repoiter to lower his voice , us if to pre vent anybody overhearing what was said : Heportur My name is Watson. I am agent of the Minneapolis School Furniture company and I want to consult with you as to the best way of securing the patronage ot the board : "Well , you are a stranger to mo , " inter rupted Mori ow , "and of course I might en lighten \ ou provided I knew you better. Who referred ! you to mei" The icportcr answered that he had been advised by a member of the board ( whom ho named ) to see Morrow , and succeeded in convincing the latter that everything was all right. "Yes , " mused Morrow , doubt full ; then a broad smile meandered over his counte nance , and ho continued : "This is purely a nutter of business , jroa seo. Of course you understand that we do not do this work for nothing. " Kepoiter Yes , my experience has been that to gain u point in the desk business in a now territory a little currency is very serviceable. Morrow You bet that's Just what It is , and when agents don't look at it In this way they don't reap a very big harvest from their labors in this man's town. Reporter Yes , so other agents have given mo to understand. Now , my firm rightfully owns this territory , and wo do not like to have another manufactories monopolize the trade. In fact , we have decided to reach out for this patronage , and I urn here to- < lay under instructions from my firm to secure the patronage u | > on reasonable terms. Now , I will be liberal , ami although limited , I will do as well by you as any other house has done. Morrow Well , as I said before , business is business , and it takes money to buy whisky , and whisky buys votes. Hoportor Now , Mr. Morrow , as I am well awuro by jour conversation that you under stand how to put our scheme through , what are your terms ! Morrow Well , that depends on how you want me to gii lo work. You see anything that I say pretty nearly goes. Hut whatever you may say you will do I want you to stand by your word and not. go back on it as tV.'Ctt , the agent of the Grand Uapids firm , has done. Reporter I always considered htm on the square ! Morrow So did I , as also did some mem bers t > f the board , but we got left. Ho gave roe * 130 in cash to help him In getting in his desks hero. I used this ivJl up sugaring cer tain members of the board and giving them suppers. He promised me more , but he never guvo mo a d d uout more , with the excep tion of ono night when we wcro at supper bo handed me a * 3 bill. But ho won't make anj thing by It. Hu wrote several days ago tc the board cnncernlntrmattersconnectcd with the letting of bids for inoro desks , but upon my advice his letter wus ignored. It will not do to make promises in a mutter llKo this and not carry them out. Reporter No , sir , that 'vas not a square dorxl and I do not wonder thut you feel some what hurt ; you want the matter conducted fairly , and you are i ight. ' Morrow Yes. Some people might thinl that it was a system of robbery , but what If the uJ of having a plum if you do not gel any good out of ill . ' lloporterNow , Mr. Morrow , whotwil you carry .the prospect through for as re gards the putting in of lay desk In tin schools in Omaha ! Morrow I must have 1500 at least. It I no small Job to gut a thlmr llko that through , especially when opposition ! m a slmllni hold. Hut you give me (500 cash in ham and I will give you n written guaranty it put your desk * In at least one school build tug that U now nearly completed. I am sun that \vQcn j'ou once get u plant hew am M you say your linn U liberal with its -"su pur. " yoi ) will get lull control hero soonei or later. Now you mu -understand tha this (390 does not go to mo. f hare to dlridi it up among members ol the board. ' For to ; own labors I will uak that you give me S1& outright to. start on. U takes money to di anything. . At this Juueturo the reporter took asaial hand book from his pocket ostensibly for the purpose of computing the total amount re quired by the schoolboard workers , but pur posely so tlmt no confusion might result. Then to the request that ho name over the members of thu board that had to bo sugarc J Morrow responded : "Well , you want the building committee , of which Morris Morrison is chairman. [ Hero Morrow named each member of the committee ] , The money must pass through my hands , and tnat is I will see that you come out all right. You see I would not let you see mo trivo any ot the board money. I handle the cash and make the deals. It is simply a system of protection which we hsve inaugurated. Heporter Then in case I give you 500 you will guarantee me the votes ? Marrow Yes , I will fix them , sure. The conversation then rested. Morrow was loft after having been assured that his offer of KOO for "fixing" the matter was sat isfactory. The next day the reporter visited a party hero who was known to have some knowledge of the manner In which the Michigan desk was in troduce * ] , and represented himself as an agent of that desk. After stating his busi ness , the reporter said : "Hut now I understand that the people who ivero paid for their support are not doing by the flrnt uwhat they agreed. How can you account fcr-it ? " "Well , " was the reply , "thcro is a fellow named Morrow that bums around consider ably and undoubtedly he was paid some money. I do not care to speak concerning any member of Ithoi board. " Several dayg-vago Mr. Morrison , who re- gardcd Tun BEE'S ( -opposition to his candi dacy as personal rfpito work , was invited by the editor to call at the ofilco and leara the true cause * > f ? oTiiE BEE'S opposition. Mr. Morrison" called yesterday afternoon with another tnombor of the school board and the storjuas'above told was related to them. Mr. Mirrison denied for himself that ho had been in anv way concerned in a noodle schemoUwlth the furniture dealers. The other memberr 'atcd ' that he had heard something of tuis , story before , and. both do- clarail they .wQuJd Jiatyo the matter investi- KuteQ by tte board'after , election. Mr. Morrison's Jatttehtion was also called o an aOldavit in which he is charged with laving , Bomc'titno'ago , paid $50 to tbo affiant for the purpose of influencing the action of a certain councilman. This was also flatly de nied by Mr. Morrison. AMUSEMENTS. Next week' for four performances , com mencing Thursday , November a , Boyd's opera house will be occupied by ono of the most successful of American plays , William Gillette's "Held bv the Enemy. " The play ; vlll bo presented by a strong cast , and with all the scenic and mechanical effects that iclpcd to make it so popular. "Held by the Enemy" is an American play , distinctly no- ; ivo , sprinkled with touches of tragedy , icroism , humor and pathos. The career of : his piece furnishes a peculiar incident iu the history ol theatricals , as it is ono of the very few dramatic productions of late years that has attained such world-wide reputa tion. It was written by Mr. Glllettd and produced by him , backed by his own capital , and its success is duo entirely to his own efforts. Besides being played in America , it is now running in London , England. There will bo a novelty ut the now Grand opera house this week , commencing Thurs day , November 8 , and continuing until Sat urday. It will bo the first production in Omaha of Willard Spenser's phcnominally successful American-Japanese comic opera , "The Little Tycoon , " which has met with much favor in Now York , Philadelphia and other eastern cities. "The Little Tycoon" Is a satire on the American craze for foreign titles , and bears not the least similarity to the "Mikado. " It will bo richly staged with elaborate and beautiful scenery and costumes. The company comprises fifty-two people , lieaded by Catherine Heinyard , Elvio Crox , Marie Sanger , Thomas Q. Seabrooko , J. Al- dutt Libby , Lloyd Wilson ana Joseph Mealy. To-night at Boyd's Mr. Koch's dramatic company will appear in the laughable piece , "Berliner Kinder. " It is n farce , with songs , In four acts. Ono act shows military life in the barracks of Berlin. The uniforms Mr. Koch has expressly ordered from Cincinnati , and a chorus of fifteen people will sing the soldier song in the same act. Mr. Axtmmi , the excellent comedian of the tronpo , will plav the part of Sergeant Gructzmachcr and Mr. Koch will play Wil- hclm , the cooper-boy. Mr. Koch with his brilliant company has given , especially for the last few performances , such au excellent entertainment that there is no doubt that the house will be well filled , as the performance deserves. . , ' The fact tlmt jtho people are Just now deeply Interested o in the election docs not deter tbo masses In Omaha from patronizing that popular family resort , the Eden Musoe. The , attractions for the week beginning Monday , November 5 , are many and excellent. Madame Kav- lini , the queei } pt clay , will bo present during the eutlro. week and interest the thousands of Visitors with her marvelous construction of useful and ornamental arti cles out of clay. W. E. Glenn , the great Spencerian macij 'ist , will remain another week and wilF'trmrk books , handkerchiefs , eta , free if brofujVt in the afternoon. In the curio hall the 'attractions will bo numerous and interesting. ' ' " P. S. Gilmonvtuo well known leader , with his great band , will give two concert * in th grand opera hon'se next Sunday afternoon and evening. His vocal artists this season comprise Mmo. Blanche Stone-Barton , c alsUrof Marie Stone , soprano ; Miss Helen Dudley Campbell , contralto ; Slgnor Bal lanxa , from Maplesoii's opera compaUy , am ] Herr Emil Singer , from the Grand open company of New York. Miss Rachel Franko's concert will take place on Monday evening , November 12. al the exposition ball. She will be assisted bj Mrs. Martin Cahn , Mrs. L. A. Moellor. Lieutenant John Kmzie , Mr. R. H. France Prpf. C. Baetens. Prof. A. Walther , Mr Martin Cahn and Mr. Butler. Howard Pew , the well known and iiopulai press agent of Cllinoru'a band , i in t he city G. H. Smith was arrested last night foi assaulting a Mrs. Mullbach on South Tent ) street. He was intoxicated at the time. Thi woman resides at 413 South Tenth. Tin blow which Smith dealt was devoid of injury A WILD AND WOOLLY CITY , Situate Amidst the Storllo Plains of Grant County. THE GAY AND FESTIVE COWBOY. A Uendezvous of the Border Tough Experiences of 1J. & M. OfllcialB Doc Middlcton and the "Itazzlo Dazzle. " "Whitman , Nebraska. A little shanty town , of possibly one hundred souls , nestling midst the sterile sand-hills of Grant county , on the line of the AuroraRfivcnna and Broken Bow division of the B. and M. railroad. But few know anything about this unpre tentious little hamiot , and care much less , btill it has a history of its own that is well worth chronicling , and which may severely tax the credulity of the unsuspecting reader. One year ago Whitman was the terminus of the branch of the B. and M. mention , and fairly bristled and scintillated with life in its most robust form. It was a town of from six to eight hun dred inhabitants , consisting of railroad graders , cowboys , ranchmen , hunters , gamblers , cut-throats and thieves , with an overwhelming representation of the demi-raondo of the lowest , most desper ate and vicious stripe , The houses Tore inoro board shells , and laid out In , wo straight rows at the base of a owering sand-hill and to the north of the track. Roundabout , at the foot of ; ho hills to the south , was numerous ; onts , occupied variously by graders , Dagos , Irish , Mongolians and blacks us well as hunters , cowboys and gamblers. It was a veritable frontier town , with all its rough and rugged concomitants , and as wild and woolly as over Lotvd- villo , Dead wood , Abilene or Poker Flat wore in their most halcyon days. With out the faintest semblance of law and orderfreeuntethered and unrestrained , the lawless characters who rendez voused hero Kept up ono coaselobs satur ' nalia from ono week's end to another. Gambling , drunkenness and murder held high carnival , and furnished the principal occupation of the desperate , reckless , dissolute spirits who congre gated there. Small as the town was , Ita population , like all the typical cities of the moun tain and the plains , was drawn from all quarters of the known world , and included every grade of character from the highest to the lowest , but the latter , of course , largo predominating. The was the coldcalculatlng speculator , the Omaha real cotate agent , the squalid mendicant , the dignified judge , the jolly steamboat man , the rough miner , the weather-beaten trapper , the shrewd sport , the blear-eyed loafer , the scowlIng - Ing greaser , the dare-devil cow-boy , the scowling Italian , the negro and the Chinaman ; all these and hundreds of others wore to bo met at Whitman ono year ago the world in miniature , a focus of its passions , it prejudices , its hates and loves. Among the vicious class were such well known characters as the notorious Doc Middle- ton , of unsavory Omaha record. Doc Johnson , the Ditto boys , the McCabe brothers , George , Frank and Arhe , and last but not least , Joe Hall , the mur derer , railroad wrecker , horse thief and all around scoundrel. Doc Middleton ran the "Ra/.zle Daz zle , " a low doggery and hurdy-gurdy house , while Joe Hall presided over the ' 'Ilcardquartors1 gambllnp hell , gin- inlll , bagnio , hotel , dance house and variety hall. Hero the click of the roulette wheel and the faro chip , the wild whoop of the drunken cowboy and the strident laughter of the harlot , mingled all night long with the collicky notes from a dingy and batter ing upright piano , and the dis cordant wheezing of old Ruff's liddlo , not unfrequontly Interrupted by the crack of the six-shooter and the fierce oaths of bartenders and managers. In those days It was no safe thing for a respectable man to venture into Whitman , so hilarious were the cow boys , and HO reckless with their guns. Quick to resent any fancied offense , and always with the bixbbootor , the cowboy when full of bug-juice Is no pleasant perton to meet. They are death to the tenderfoot , and when one was so venturesome1 as to leave the little , shabby hoard hostlerlo nc r the depot and go up into the city , it waa ton to ono he had an experience before ho got back. Their favorite diver- tisement with a green ono waste to make him dance , and II ono was so luckless as to drop Into Mid dle ton'a don , or Hall's , or McCabo'n when the cowboys were out , ho never escauod exhibiting ta thq. admiring throng- his utility and ability as a terpsichorean artist. Then , as the poor , frightened , shivering victim , in hit wild ambition to pleaao and placate the applauding cow-punchors , poriouptted chunseed and evoluted in excruciating nwkwivnlnoM , the reckless audience would Infuse him , ever-and nnpn , will ; a renewal of enthusiasm , by shooting holes in the plank floor under his fool with their revolvers. . Tiring of this amusement they would march thoauckci up to the calico bar , and with the mule / /lo of a big Smith ftVcbSon or Colts' , staring him out ot eoauteii mcc. they would inquire whotfior ho didn't ' think it was his treat. Ho al- \aysdid. Then every mother's son of them in the hall would call for whisky , and as this vile stuff was never retailed at a lower figure than two bits over the mr , the oodtlvlty rarely failed to run " vo l up Into a"tondollar bill. After hit ) evidence of generosity the grauious cow-punchers would either allow him to cmain and enjoy the discomfiture of some other sucker , or kick him out into the street , as the fancy beizcd them. A good story in this connection is to bo told of Messrs. John R. Brandt , the gentlemanly B. & M. traveling auditor , and Charles A. Worthington , another urbane official of the road. These two gentlemen found them selves in this delectable town on the 21st of October a year ago. They had fono up on business for the road , and in , ho evening after supper at the depot lash counter they thought they'd stroll up town and see the elephant. They were well aware that Whitman , as a city , was a full-blown daisy , and aory , ough place generally , but on account of their connection with the road , and "rom the fact that they had four or five Hundred graders at work there , they ipprehended neither danger or un- [ ) ieasantnc& > . The sounds of riotous : nerriment exuding in great chunks Tom the interstices in the bosird and sod walls of the "Razzlo- Da.i7.lo" attracted their attention , and they concluded to drop in and see the fun. They wore soon within the Blaring refulgence of the bar , and wore imazcd at the spectacle spread out be fore them. A frowsy group of cowboys and loafers , with six-shooters strapped i-hip , crowded and jostled around a faro game , the dealer being a dignified , long , gray-whiskered old gontlcman known as the "Judge , " and the "look out" no loss a personage than the placid , Salhd , thin-faced , sharp-eyed Doc Mid- loton. At the far end of the room , perched upon an upright whisky barrel , was a greasy coon sawing wood on a consumptive violin , while before him was a sot in a quadrille , four very rock- ioss cowboys and their partners , a quartette of females with about as much drapery upon their lissom forms as is to bo scon upon Domenichino's statue of Minerva. It waa a loud and jaudy soirco dansanto. Along the bar ivoro ranged the usual habitues of the place , waiting patiently for some ono to ireat. "Hello there , " cried a tall , thin cow- joy , as Mr. Worthington's glistening : ilo caught his eagle eye , and leaving , ho sot ho advanced toward our friends , and laying his hand on Worthington's shoulder , continued , "Just in time an' the danco. " pard , come on join "No , thank you , " suavely replied Mr. Worthington , "I never dance' " and ho winked at Brandt. 0 "Git out , " rejoined Mr. Cowpuncher , "I know you dance , como give us a stop. " "Noap , " from Worthington. "Oh , yes , I thini ; you'd hot ter , " persuasively ( rom the man of serope and sombrero , and with this supposition , his sixshootor was slung across his arm , looking the startled railroad otllclal square In the face. "Well I do feel like " , dancing , joy ously exclaimed Worthington , "In fact I never felt so much like it in all my llfo como on , Brandt , lot's take a whirl. On with the dance ; and let joy be unconfincd " Bangl It was the cowboy's gun , and it tore a big ragged silver out of the plank at Worthington's feet and scared him out of acouplo of years' growth. " Dance 1" Was the peremptory adjuration from the man of the lariat aud broncho , and bang ! wont the slxshpoter again , barely missing Chur'oy'n ' glistening tilo. Then you should have soon Messrs. Worthington and Brandt. Did they dance ? For nearly ono"hour. . Galloped , waltzed , bchottlsched , rippled , ma/.ur- kaod , ] > olkaud and jigged. Delohanty and Honglor , Billy Emerson , Dick Slider and Andy McKee were nowhere. The stops they executed were marvel ous for their grace and b'eauty , phenom enal in conception , Incomparable in their alacrity and timo. 'Their fairy forms , now here , now there , Hovered like children of the air. " Worthington's plug foil off aud rolled to the floor , only to bo perforated agiiu and again by balls from the cowboys' guns. The men yelled and whooped like fiends of some infernal arena , while the worn cm screamed and laughed , and finally joined in the weird , unbridled can-can , and the scene became qnoof general uproar and confusion , and dur ing this our friends made their escape. Halloas and perspiring they voachq'l the caboose on the siding at the depot , but they never ventured out again that night , nor the next day even , did they go I'ocK up into Whitman. They were no hogs and knew when they had enough. 1 } was my intention at the outset ol this article to give the readers n good dual of the history of Whitman ; the murder of Joe Hull , the infamous bor der rough and outthroat , how Bunker Fllmmor wouldn't nor didn't dance at the cowboyu' bidding ; the grcal cattle rungus ; how they round up , cut nut and brand cattle ; the whole great country , measure less plains , rolling sand hills and beau tiful lukcri ; about the game , now and formerly ; buffalo , ollc , dcur , wotveS and coyotes ; geoao mid dilcks ; the dreaded prairiu llrcs nud iho ninchcro's guard : the bright aide of cowboy life , and o many of the flue follows there aroamonu them , lu wull us about the town o Whitman of to-day , and many oilier In teresting m.ittor.s and things gathered on a recent hunting trip there , but owing lo the length of this must defer t until another Sunduv. SANDY G.'V. Gius\yotD. COUNTY \ Brief ScHHloit , at Which HtiHlncns of Minor Importance Wn TrntiHrtot'dtl. ' The county commissioner * mot ycstb'fjany ' afternoon with a full attendance. A rcsolu- ion to the effect that Klizaboth Haiti ho. paid ; I5U for damages resulting from the opening of road 111) was adopted. ' * The following resolutions were ntso adopted : Placing the grading ou Twputy- burth fltrcct from A to Wyman istrcot at the expense of tliu county , providing ( Up oity of South Omaha shall pay 0 eonU p.orcubio rard for each yard movud by the county ind he latter 7 cents for each yard moVcdi by the city , the same not to exceed 20X)0 ( ) yards. On recommendation ol J. .1. Mahonoy/tho / salary of Dennis Sullivan , driver of , the county ambulance , was raised f raui 423 to f30 parmnnth. , . , , The contest for the grading of tuo road south of riorencc lake was awarded to McKlnney & Hall , at ! ' . > > cents pei4 cubic yard. Y. The contract for furnishing coal to , ' the leer farm and city poor for the season of 18SS and 1KV.I was awarded to CJ. B. HaVeus & Co. , us follows : McAllister lump Coai on .rack at hospital , fC7i ! ; county poor , Rich Hill lump coal at S'J.fX ) par half ton aud Jl.GO > or quarter ton , subject to drayage. The following communication wasVecolvod and referred to the committee on charities : To the Honorable Boara of CountyCom- nisstoncra : At a meeting of the board of rustccs of the Omaha bureau of charities icld October 31 , the following resolution was adopted : Kesolved , That the secretary of the board 30 instructed to present a request tp the xiard of county commissioners that they cm- > loy Mrs Pearson , heretofore employed by us , as the assistant to Mr. Mahoney at $75 > er month. AI.FUKD MILLAUD. TUKP KVENTS. Summary of the National Jookoy Club Itnccs. WAsnixoTox , Nov. 3. This was the last day of the fall races of tbo National Jockey club. The weather was line and the track fast. fast.First First race , three-quarters of a mlle Wall- satch won , Carom second , Passport third. Tune 1:10. < ai Second nice , one and one-quarter miles i3clla P. won , Frank Ward second , Favor third. Time 2:10. : Third raee , three-quarters of a mllp no- porter won. Tom Vaughn second , Wheeler T. third. Timo-l:10X. , Fourth race , one mile- Swift won , Judge Murray second , King Crab third. 'Xinjo l : 5f. Fifth race , one mlle uafltte won , LJoll- wood second , Drake third. Time 1 :4 IJON'T WANT TUB KAUT1L But Lay Claim to n Good SI/.oil Portion tion of It. : SANTA FK , N. M. , Nov. a. A man named Hodges has notified Surveyor General Julian that ho and his brothers and , sisters are the rightful owners of a tract of land ' thirty miles square , coutuining 000,000 acroi , in Col fax county , New Mexico. The title to this vast territory Is claimed under a grant alleged to have been nuido by the crown of Spain In IfiS'i to thu present claimants' natu ral ancestors , who bore the pccnllar name Corpus Christl. Mho laud claimed is located in the vicinity of the towns of Raton , Springer and Folsom , and probably Includes the last two unified. A poitlouof the Max well grunt , and a largo number of claims of settlers ure Jeopardized by this grant. Tom Plait's Prediction. NIJ\Y YOIIK , Nov 3. [ Special Telegram to THE BUE.J The tlda Is setting in higher and higher towards republican victory in thU state. Every hour Improves the outlook qiid It now appears that a majority boyoud all anticipation will bo the ror.ult. The last poll of the state revealed surprising returns , whereas a month ajo the republicans would have bcou satisfied with u bare majority for Harrison. The news that reached them from all quarters was of such u ohedriug character tlmt positive predictions were made by astute politicians that Harrison would capture .New York's electoral vote bv from 10,000 to 20,000. Kx-Senator Platt has decline" ' to taltf of the outlook heretofore. No < " uiulorntahds the situation bolter tUt . no. Last-night Platt voluntarily made this statement ! i"I have heretofore declined to express my viqws because I desired to bo positive of any prediction - diction I might mako. Novs has readmit us thut is simply astounding In Its character. The cyclone I have prophesied p/lvatcly/ already on its way aud will reach Harlem " river next Tuesday night with from BOUO to JO.OOO plurality for Harrison. " , i "It will bo nearer lOO.UOii than 90,030 , ' . ' In terrupted General ICnapp. "I speak authoritatively , " Ptatt continued. "I told you a month ugo Cleveland would not got more than 40,000 plurality in New York county. My figures are unchanged. I also said ho could nut honestly ecuro more , than 10,000 in Kings county. Our figures thvday provo Iho correctness of that pre diction. I told you ut the saino time that Queens county would probably givu Cleveland l.fiUO plurality. H will not give him a siuglo vote more than it does Har rison. Richmond tnuy give Cleveland 1,000 , but Suffolk will offset that by 1,000 or inora republican plurality. Our figures sjiow 20- 000 plurality for Harrison in the ntato. You can quote mo as saying that nothing but tha most outrageous frauds can prevent tha real ization of the prediction I iimko. " , Ucnoral'Knapp , of the state central com mittee , heartily endorsed the ata'.oniout made to ex-Senator Platt. ' , When democratic politicians were .told * of Pl'.tt's prediction they hnd little to say , 'Ex. Mayor William H. Wicklioni. however , though a llfb-lonc dotnocrnt , acknowledged tlmt in the niaiii lilt's tlguroswora relia ble. , , , . , "I have been through the siatd myself , " said be. "I went under the impression 'that ' Cleveland would carry it by ut Icaitt 10,000. I returned with the conviction that Harrison' * plurality would bo at least 20,000. A-roralu- tion h u occurred among the vrorlilngneD. Everybody is shouting for protection nod damning IreetraUa. "