Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 04, 1888, Part I, Page 4, Image 4

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    Wffli lW m
* THE DAILY ' . .BEE ;
Dally ( Morning IMltion ) Including
JlKK.Ono Yrnr . . . JW 00
TorHUMonths . , . Ii O )
J-'orThreeMontlis . SCO
ITiiKCjMAiu Ht'Niixv DEM , mailed to any
address. Ono Yfrar . . . . . . 2 W
lluii.iiiM ) . WASHINGTON Omen , No. 013
rouiiTiiNTii STUKKT.
coHHKSi'ONnnNri : . . , ,
AllcomtntmlcatlniiH relating tr newt and edi
torial mutter Blioulcl bo addressed to the L.UITOU
All business letters unit remittances should be
adres-ioil to I'm ; linn I'UMMHIIINO COMPANY ;
OMAHA. Draftn. checks ami postolllce orders to
,1)0 tnade payable to the order of the company.
y , Proprietors ,
: DAlhY BE13.
Bworn Btntcmcnt ol Circulation.
.gtnte of Nebraska , I
County of ncniRlns. j " "
( Icorge II. Tzschuck , secretary of The Itco Pub-
llslilni < Company , doci solemnly swear that the
actual circulation of TUB DAILY Due for the
.weekending November 3. 1838. was us follows :
Sunday. Oct. 28 . 18.MO
Monday , Oct. at . 1K.041
! rticslny.Oct. 30 . , . 18.0V )
Wedne fday. Oct. 31. . . . . . 1M.011
Thursday , Nov. 1 . 18C3I
J-rlduy , Nov. 2 . 18TJJ
Saturday. Nov. a . 18.10.1
Bworn to before me and subscribed In my
l > rc ence this 3d day of November A. II"S \ .
Seal N. p. FKIU Notary Public.
Btatoot Nebraska , i
County of Douglas , f 83 >
GcorK II. Tzsclmcic , being duly aworn. de
poses and gays tliathu Is tecrctnry of Tlie IJeo
Viibllhhlng company , that the actual average
flally circulation of TIIK DAII.V IIEK for the
jnontn of October , 1H87. 14.JKJ copies ; for No-
vimlivr , JWtr , I5 , ! ii copies ; for December , 18S7 ,
36,011 copies ; for January , 1KX8 , isaxi copies ;
tor February. 18C8 , 15.9-.fJ copies ; for March , Itm
Jfl.TO'J copies ; for April , 1888 , 18,741 copies : for
, Way. 18SW , JH.181 copies ; for June , Isss.lli.uu
copies ; for July. 1888 , is.OSl copies ; for August.
JPS8. 18.1K1 copies ; for September , 1S8H , was 18,151
Bworn to before and subscribed In my pros-
' * nce , this Oth day of October , A. I ) . 18H8.
N. P. KKlfc , Notary Public.
Mil. ANDUKKN is msiking n lively
iraco against the third-term candidate
.ifor commibsionor.
RKITIILICANS must keep a sharp
llookout for repeaters and the boodle
on election day.
* WHHN the sun goes down Tuesday
night republicans will demonstrate that
they have not all gone over , bag and
baggage , toMcShano.
DON'T forgot to scratch Russell , the
traitor , who made himself so notorious
in the last legislature as chairman of
the boodle judiciary committee.
IT is rather significant that a very
largo percentage of the retail liquor
ifloalors , and especially those in the
. lower wards , with sporting men. attach-
pients , are solid for Hascall.
' AMONG the candidates for the legis
lature who are making a very quiet
, and successful canvass is Mr. George
M. O'Brien , who has many warm
ifriends not only in the republican
party , but iu the ranks of the opposi
" THE schools of California are supplied
With text books published by the state ,
.The books are written by the best talent
among the local educators and give sat
isfaction. As there are no middlemen
.to . divide the profits there is a saving ol
Irom thirty to fifty per cent in the cost
of the books. This is a great advantage
In the matter of economy , and the ex
periment made by California will un
doubtedly bo followed by many othot
v THEIIE are rumors and roorbacks
afloat about nil sorts of plots and counterplots
ter-plots , but TIIK BKK has very relia
ble information that a concerted still-
hunt is .being made all along the line
( by the railroad forces to elect W. A.
Hunger as attorney Honoral and dofeal
.Loose. Mr. Munger wasono of the railroad -
road commissioners two years ago and
Jhelpod-to make that body a roaring
farce. The plot to boat Leoso is bolnf
worked in the sparsely settled soetioe
t > l the state by trades and swaps fet
county offices and legislature , with i
little boodle thrown in.
* WITH all duo deference to certain re
publican stump orators in this state wh <
profess to be alarmed over the dangei
of electing tv democrat to the UniUu
States senate , TUB BEE is willing t (
take its reputation as a politlca' '
prophet that a democrat has no raon
chance of being elected senator fron
Nebraska next winter than Grovoc
Cleveland has of carry ing Vermont. The
democrats have never como within thirty
votes of a majority in our legislature
ven with one-half of the delogatloi
Worn this county democratic. There I
* o risk whatever of endanger
ing the United States senate bi
voting against a few yellow dog candf
dates who huvo managed to got them
selves nominated in half a dozen coun
tloa by thonoglectof decent republican !
to keep them out in the primary olec
Tnu munificent legacies loft by tin
Into Sarah A , Croicrhton , rospoctee
wife of John A. Croightou , add addi
tional luster to the family so long asso
elated with gifts of public charity. Tin
bequest ot one hundred thouband del
larsfortho founding of Croighton col
lege aoino ton years ngo by Mary Lu
crotlu Creighton la still fresh in thi
inlnds of our citizens. This nobl
woman carried out the long cherished
ishod desire of her husband , Ed
ward Croighton , to establish a groa
public school. By her liborallt
the college was erected and tc
day stands a liwtlnjr nonunion
to the beneficence ot Edward Croighto :
and his wife. The work of coutrlbut
ing to the support' of this institutio :
did not end with Mary Lucretii
Creighton. Her sister , Sarah A
Croighton , has seen fit at her death t
supplement the original 'gift with i
bequest to the college of property I
Omaha to the vnluo of sovonty-flvi
thousand dollars. But more than this
Baruh A. Croighton has given the BUT
of fifty thousand dollars to the Fran
ciscan Order of Nuns for the building o
* now St. Joseph's hospital in Omaha
By these charitable endowments Sural
A. Croighton has perpetuated her nam
and has sot a noble example of philan
_ * - * * *
The laboring men of Omnhn should
resent and resist the attempt of .con
tractors and bosses to bargain away nud
deliver their votes ilo.xt Tuesday.-
.here is anything the American work-
ngmiin should cherish above all things
it Is his right to cast his vote' nut rum-
nollcd for any party or candidate ac
cording to his best judgment. There is
lothlng more degrading than the slavish
obedience of wage-workers to the dicta
tion of contractors and bosses. The only
thing In which the man who works fet
a living In this republic is the poor ol
the millionaire is his right to have n
Kirt In the choosing of public servants ,
Irom the president down to precinct
assessor. The ballot of the man whc
earns a dollar n day counts as much as
the ballot of the fifty thousand dollar o
year president of a great railroad.
Now it is an open bccrot that con
tractors on public works in Omaha and
bosses of ccrtnin hirgo corporations
arc pledged to deliver the votes of theii
workingmeii to Hascall in exchange for
his influence in their behalf in the citj
council. TIIK BEK calls upon the workingmen -
ingmen to repudiate these infamous
compacts. They owe it to themselves
to show their independence from nil
dictation by their bosses and the own
ers of boases. They owe it to the rep
utation of the labor clement to show
by their conduct us voters that the men
who buy their time and labor have nol
jought their manhood. If they are re
publicans , let them vote for republican
candidates whom they know to be hon
orable and trustworthy. If they arc
democrats , it is their privilege to vote
iccoi'ding to their sentiments , always
exercising their inalienable right tc
scratch any man notoriously disreputa
ble or dishonest. Let the contractor :
and bosses keep hands off.
The colored men of Douglas countj
have been appealed to for support bj
Isaac S. Haseull , as a staunch friend o :
their race and a true-blue republican ,
But if they examine the record of this
man they will not touch him with r
twenty-foot pole.
It is n matter of history that Hascal
before the war was a rank slave-driving
democrat , and as such was elected as t
member of the infamous Lecomptoti
convention which framed a constitution
for the people of Kansas that con
tained a provision making slavery
a legal institution in that state
During the entire war Hascall
was a rampant copperhead and sought
to extend aid and comfort to the rebels
whenever ho could. When Andrev
Johnbon vetoed the civil rights bill
which was the first recognition by con
gress of the demand for equal politica
rights for the colored men , n democratic
mass meeting was held in Omahi
in support of Andrew Johnson's veto
Hascall was one of the orators on thai
occasion , as will bo seen from the fol
lowing extract from the Omaha Herah
of March 9 , I860 :
Judge Hascall was loudly called for :
"Tho Judge was of the opinion that 'Thi
Tennessee democrat was in the presidents
chair , ' and that when he called Thaddeu
Stevens and Chnrlos Summer traitors hi
meant It , and when ho put his signaturi
vetoing that Infamous Nigger bill , ho mean
that , too. Andy Johnson was not ot thi
back-down stock , etc.
If the colored men of Omaha are si
recreant to every instinct of manhooc
as to vote for a man who denounce !
those immortal champions of frecdon
and enemies of slavery , Charles Sumnei
and Thaddous Stevens , as traitors , the ;
will deserve to bo disfranchised for
We have been asked several time
within the past few days whether a mai
of foreign birth who has not yet takoi
out his final papers of citizenship has i
right to vote for president in Nebroski
noxtTuesduy. We answer most emphati
cally , yes. The constitution of Ne
brnska confers the right to vote at al
elections upon any mac of foreign birtl
who has declared his intention to become
como a citizen of the United States a
least thirty days before the election
In other words , any foreigner who ha
procured his first papers on or befor
OctoDer 7 , of the present year , has ;
right to vole next Tuesday , provide *
that he will by that day have lived ii
Nebraska six months , resided ii
the county where ha votes forty days
and in the precinct ten days
The reason why people are at sea abou
the voting of foreigners at presidontia
elections is because they do not under
stand the basis of our elective system.
The president is not elected directl ,
by the people , but by electors chosen o
appointed by the various states in th
union. The name of the prosldontia
candidates might bo left oft the tickol
but the vote would count all the sanv
for the candidate represented by th
electoral ticket. The electors are slat
officers , and any man who has a righ
to vote for a state olllcor can vote fo
an elector. In some states there ar
separate tickets for presidential electors
tors , but in Nebraska their names ar
on the same ticket with state ofllcera
congressmen and candidates for th <
legislature. No distinction can bo mad
between ballots deposited with judge
oi election by foreign born or nativ
The Omaha waterworks have recon' '
ly changed management. The no
manager , Mr. Underwood , may not I
well informed as to how the land layi
but we will mildly suggest that any a
tempt on his part to vote his four hut
drcd and fifty laboring men i
Florence for Hascall will g
him into a hornot'K nest. Poi
hapa Mr. Underwood does' not kno
that Mr. Hascall was the loader of th
gang of Holly water works boodloi
whom THE BEE routed after on oigl
month's fight in the courts and nt tli
polls. The Holly tactics will not lllcel ;
bo' tolerated now by the managers <
the company which owes its existenc
to the earnest effort made by TIIK BE
and leading tax-payers to defeat tli
Holly jobbers. '
IT is pleasing to find southern me
who give more attention to practici
than political affairs , talking in the mqi
' " _ _
lopeftil strain of the business outlook
of that section1. The great material
it-ogress made by the south In the last
'ow years Is a source qf pride and gratl-
Ication to all American citizens , for
lowovcr great shall bo the future pros
perity of those states , it must bo shared
jy the whole country. The south is
rich' In the resources that make wealth ,
and the advance , already made in their
development will bo continued. With
is progress must inevitably como
changes in the views and sentiments of
the people of that section that will be
not less valuable than the material re
sults. .
Hascall 1ms boon pitted against Pax-
Lou , and the citizens of Douglas county
will have to choose between the two for
the state senate. Both of them are
well known. Pax ton is known as a
public-spirited , enterprising citizen ,
who has contributed as much toward
building up Omaha and Douglas county
ns any three men that could bo named.
[ Io was the chief founder of the union
stockyards by which Omaha has be
come a ercat cattle 'market. The es
tablishment of stockyards and pack
ing houses has more than doubled
the value off every acre of land
within thirty miles of this city.
This is not all. Pax ton has
invested hundreds of thousands' of dol-
.urs in factories and business bloeKs ,
which have given , and continue to give ,
profitable employment to laboring men.
[ Io is not n man of great education , but
Ims good horse sense , and means to do
right as he sees it. Socially , his con
duct has been without reproach , and ho
mingles with the best class of our citi
Hascall is also \ man of enterprise
and push , and is entitled to a fair share
of credit for many improvements in
Omahti. But his career , ever since he
located hero , has been that of a mounte
bank , demagogue and trickster. In
public life ho has always been the
center of intrigue and jobbery. In the
city council of Omaha ho has always
been the head of rings and factions that
have played into the hands of monopo
lies , contractors and tax-eaters gener
ally. He has encouraged lawlessness
and made himself the champion of the
lowdives. Hascall'sconductas n man has
been a stench in the nostrils of decent ,
people. His relations with bad women ,
before and since ho was divorced , have
been a public bctindal , and his associa
tions are notoriously disreputable. No
man who respects his mother , wife or
sister can with self-respect vote to make
such a man a representative of Douglas
county iu the state senate.
The report that Stanley and his entire -
tire force had been massacred comes
from the president of the geographical
society of Lille , and for many reasons
must be considered as authoritative.
The telegram from London discrediting
it is a simple contradiction based upon
nothing. That the White Pasha is
Emin Bey cannot be doubted when the
circumstances of the case are consid
ered , and to that conclusion the Ger
man geographical and colonizing asso
ciation have finally come. Lillo ,
though in France , is ethnologically
Belgian , and from the outset has par
ticipated largely in the move
ments towards African explora
tion promoted by the king of
Belgium , in whoso service Stanley
was enrolled. Ho obtained leave of ab
sence to come to this country and lec
ture , but he had hardly set foot on
American soil when ho received the
most pressing invitation from the Eng
lish government to take charge of an
expedition for the relief of Emin Boy.
The English having made the cause ol
Egypt their own by the summary pro
cess of appropriating all the possessions
of the Khedive , Ismail Pasha felt that
something must bo done to retrieve
their good name from the stigma o !
having deserted Hicks Pasha , and ol
having remembered Gordon Pasha after
Khartoum had fallen. There was o
flurry of self-reproach in the papers ;
there were indignation meetings in all
the large cities ; there wore resolu
tions passed by various learned societies
breathing contempt for the cabinet pol
icy of letting things slide in the Sou
dan. In short England was aroused and
the outcome was the expedition to save
the only man who had saved himself
and who Was not in need of any assist
ance. Stanley was most reluctant to
accept the commission. Perhaps he
had some inward premonitions. Per
haps he doubted the possibility of con
ciliating the Arab masters of Central
Africa. But he allowed himself to be
persuaded , and ho has mot the fate
which ho feared. From the moment
that authentic news was received ot
the murder of Major Barthelot it waf
plain to all men who know anything o :
African matters that Tippu Tib had
turned against the white men , and this
carried with it a certainty that Stan
ley's fate was sealed. The English
have a way of allowing bad news to be
dribbled gradually into the minds of the
public , and they have done with regard
toStanloy what they did about Suakim.
Stanley was well known hero. Ir
18G6 and 1807 ho was the Omaha corre
spondent of the St. Louis Democrat , ai
that time published by McKee , Fish-
back & Housor. Ho even then dis
tinguished himself by his faculty o
traveling from place to place on verj
limited means , for ho managed to visi
much of the surrounding country with
out assistance from the paper ho reore-
sontod. Ho had the same genius foi
traveling under difficulties that grea
musicians have for music and4gren
artists for painting. Before he came tt
Omaha ho had 'wandered in Asiatii
Turkey and Persia , and had sojournei
in more than one historic city in Southern
orn Europe. But he gleaned from thes <
early travels little information that Wo :
interesting to those 'in Omaha wlu
know him , and there wore few win
wore aware that he had made a tour oi
foot from Smyrna to Bushlrc. All earl :
residents of this city will , however , remember
member the small , _ wjry , energetic man
and his powers of getting from place U
place. Throughout his subsequentca
reer ho simply showed on a world widi
scale the faculties which had beei
noted in him here. '
All law-abiding1'citizens ' ana more es
pecially tnxpayersnre ! vitally interested
in the selection of ntif hancst rind Com
petent county nUdrnby. This olllcoi1 is
now qlothed with 'extraordinary ' powers
mul s'aoul'd bo above nil lomptntlolt.
Since gnittd. juries have been abolished
the county attorney nets in their stcnd.
It is his duly to file < lnformation in the
district court against all violators of
law. In exercising' ' this power the
county attorney -is- in position
to play into i the hands ) of
the lawless elements and befriend -
friend criminal ' . In chooslnc be
tween candidates the question is which
one is more likely to withstand the
pressure which the lawless often bring
to bear upon the prosecuting ofllcor.
The county attorney Is not only
charged with prosecuting criminals ,
but he is the legal adviserof the county
commissioners. He should bo a lawyer
not only qualified to give sound advice ,
but also familiar with all the intricate
machinery of county government , so ns
to apply the brake on unlawful appro
priations , improper tax levies and im
positions upon the taxpayers by reck
less or dishonest county olllccrs. In
this respect this county has been
fortunate for the past ten years in
having as its county attorneys General
Cowin iitulMr. , in whoso integ
rity the commissioners and the public
have implicit confidence.
And now the question , presents itself
to Douglas county voters , who is the
safest man us between the democratic
and republican candidates ? The repub
licans present W. F. Gurloy , and the
democrats T. J. Mahoney. TUB BKK
deems it its duty to oppose Mr. Gurloy.
This opposition is not personal , but is
based upon the conviction that ho is not
a safe man to place in the responsible
position to which ho has boon nomin
ated. In fact , wo honestly believe that
Mr. Gurloy will be bettor off in the
end if he is defeated. Gurloy is
his worst enemy. Ho is a bright
young man with bad habits and bad as
sociations. Ho relies for his main sup
port upon the ward bummers and outlaw
classes. His connection with the oil-
room railroad lobby during the last
legislature shows that he has no moral
stamina and for mo nay is willing to as
sist in promoting legislative bribery
and loading the representatives of the
people astray from their path of duty.
The testimony given by witnesses and
Gurloy himself before the Pacific
railroad coinmlssldn affords proof that
ho is an improuer person for prosecut
ing attorney. Conceding to him the
ability to prosecute criminals , wo doubt
his ability to fill satisfactorily the posi
tion of legal adviscr'Of the county com
Mr. Mahoney,4who is nominated
against Gurloy onJjbho ( democratic
ticket , is reputedto ba an able lawyer
whose conduct as a man and citizen is
above reproach.1 Mr. Mahoney is
vouched for by piomb"pr3 of the bar as
thoroughly competent jn every respect.
The office of couniy , attorney is a judic
ial position ) right should have
been tilled in an Off year on a nonpartisan
tisan judicial ticlfdtr
It is manifestly the duty of all citi
zens who desire good government to
cast their vote for Mahoney for county
No decent democrat can nfforll to vote
for Frank R. Morrissey , who is one of
the candidates on the democratic legis
lative ticket of Douglas county. Mor
rissey is one of the roustabouts who
made such dirty and nasty warfare upon
Van Wyck and his supporters two years
ngo. Ho was one of the gang of bull
dozing vagabonds that beset the lost
legislature and worked with the con
tractors and railroad lobby to defeat
legislation in the interest of this city
and county. Hois .night and day con
sorting with political bummers of the
lowest grade. He is a carpet-bagger
who hasn't ' a dollar's worth of interest
in this county , and only wants to go to
the legislature to make a stake.
The people of this county , and espec
ially the farmers , cannot afford to trust
their interests with irresponsible adven
turers and professional dead-beats.
IT AVitL bo remembered by everybody
that when , more than two years ago , the
supplementary extradition treaty ne
gotiated by Minister Phelps and Lord
Rosoberry was made public , it was uni
versally condemned by Irish-American
citizens throughout the country because
of what was described as its dynamite
clause. It will also bo remembered that in
his explanatory note accompanying the
treaty Minister Phelps stated that no
now arrangement could bo effected with
England without this clause. The min
ister was vehemently denounced as
having made a clear surrender to the
British government , which about that
time was particular.- dread of
dynamiters. In tfublio meetings
and through the press Irish-Amer
ican citizens called loudly upon
the administration ! to repudiate the
treaty. Nevertheless it was sent to the
senate with the objectionable clause ,
and there it roraai'ns , unmtified. But
strangely enough < ovoral prominent
Irish-Americans , .among them Con
gressman Patrick Collins and John
Boyle O'Reilly , who jworo among the
most active and ardent opponents of
the treaty , now como forward and say
that in its original ; focm it contained
nothing objectionable | but that an
amendment to itwa3. proposed that
would have rendered the treaty obnox
ious , and that thls-camo from repub
lican senators. 'It'lpicodless to say
that the Irishmen aaui'ad are heartily
working for the re-election of Mr. Cleveland -
land , and it may bo pertinent to roma/k
were largely influential Jn inducing
the president to dismiss Minister West ,
but oven with this In mind it is- re
markable that they should so' com
pletely stultify themselves as thoy-hnve
done in this matter. They opposed the
treaty in the form { n which it still
stands and before any amendment was
suggested , and It was in deference to
their opposition and that of other Irish-
American citizens that -the republican
senate postponed action on the treaty.
.If'they were Honest then they cannot
bo so now , and it would seem that their
present attitude must lose them the
confidence of nil Irishmen. To aid donv-
ocratic success'those men are now really
playing into the hands of Great Britain ,
and they are estopped from any future
effort to defeat n tr&aty containing n
clnuso which every Irishman believes
to bo aimed agtinsl his countrymen.
WHY should the public schools bo
closed next Tuesday1/ There are no
polling places nt the school houses and
women do not vote at the presidential
elections. Manifestly the object is to
presi the janitors and the male teach
ers and the official plasterer into the
service for political purposes , and es
pecially for Mr. Morris Morrison.
The Beaver Vnlloy Tribune mixkcs note ol
the fact that "Cleveland's Hurchard was
also a minister a British minister. "
The North Bend Flail tells its readers that
it Is "awfully in earnest In its advocacy of n
reduction of the tariff on elevator tolls auci
railroad rates. "
The Hastings Gazette-Journal says that
the "philosopher who defined music as the
most expensive of noises , " had probably
been paying for a campaign brass band. ' "
According to the Madison Heportor's esti
mate , "McSlmne , with all his boodle , will
lack the ten thousand of being elected gov
ernor of Nebraska. "
The Schuylcr Quill gives tills advice : "II
you believe In a reduction ot freight rates
vote against Laws for secretary of state and
for Loose for attorney general. "
The Nebraska City Press believes it "vio
lates no confidence in stating that the entire
republican state ticket will bo elected In Ne
braska this year by about the usual major
ities. "
"Whatever you do take tiino to seratcl
Laws , " says the Ulysses Dispatch. "Seratcl :
your ticket every time , rather than U
knowingly vote for a dishonest or uotor
lously uuflt man. "
"It seems , " says the Liberty Journal ,
"that If Mr. McShano has no record in the
house of congress , ho has one In the house of
the legislature , and his friends are not very
proud of either. "
The Kearney Hub makes the assertion
that "if all of these democratic lies on Gov
ernor Thayer corao homo to roost , the demo
cratlo party of Nebraska will have to en
lartjo its buzzard-roost after election. "
The Columbus Journal saya : "Tho people
of Nebraska , irrespective of party , owe ittc
their own interests to support Attornoj
General Lccso and give him such a rousinp
majority as will convince everybody that the
policies advocated by him are in the right di
rection and must bo followed up. See that
j-our ticket has on it his name for attornej
general. It Is said that there is a concerted
effort to defeat him by having at each voting
ing place in the state two men to plaster re
publican tickets with his opponent's 'stick
crs. '
The Fremont Tribune observes that "Mo
Shane , as ono of the leading men in the
South Omaha Stock Yards company assesses
every hog the farmers of Nebraska send t <
that market eight cents each and charges
them one dollar per bushel for corn that ho
buys at twenty-six cents. If ho is so sad and
tearful over the tax burdens of the farmers
as ho pretends to bo , why don't ho manifest
his sympathy in a manner they can a pprcci
atol It is probable that who ever else mighl
own the yards would charge as much to the
farmers as McShane does , but is doubtful it
another man could be found in Nebraska
who would skin a hog to purchase votes. "
Referring to the abuse being heaped upor
Governor Thayer the Wyinoro Union re
marks that It "knows something about th (
source of this opposition. During the session
( if the last legislature a stringent gambling
law was passed , a law calculated to close ur
the gambling houses throughout the state ,
This was a hard blow at a class of people whc
make their living In this way. They brought
every Influence they could command upor
Governor Thayer to induce him to veto the
measure , but without avail. At the first op
portunlty the governor put his signature tt
the bill and it became a law. Failing In this
the very same crowd undertook to dictate th <
appointment of the members of the Omahi
l > olice commissioners , but the governor agait
gave them to understand that he was th <
chief executive of this state. Ho appointee
a commission from among tno best men o :
Omaha , men who were in favor ol
an improvement in the moral !
of the city , and the enforcement of the laws ,
It was a hard blow to the gamblers , pimp :
and saloons and that crowd has lost no op
portunity since to malign the governor. II
is this crowd of people who are working ii
cahoots with the democracy for the defeat
of Gen. John M. Thayer , one of the noblest
and purest men that over sat in the execu
tive chair of any state. They cannot use him
and they know they can McShane. It should
not take a voter , no matter what his politic !
are , long to decide which of the two candi
dates Is most worthy of his support. "
Sir Lionel.
For tlie lite.
Onl Sir Lionel West !
In this land of the blest
For your folly you cannot aton * .
Don't you think it is best
That you go homo and rest ,
And forever leave "letters" alone I
Oh ! Sir Lionel West 1
Low droops your proud crest ;
Back to England you'll go. Perhaps then
You'll have learned 'tis no Jest ,
In this land of the west ,
To bo caught fooling round with a pen.
Oh ! Sir Lionel West !
With what infinite zest
Wo enjoy all your trouble and woo ;
On your mind 'tis impressed
That Murchison's quest
Was for " suckers ; " you bit "don'cher
know t"
The manufacture of paper bottles Is to be
begun on a very extensive scale.
The Harrison Rolling1 Mill company o (
Kansas City will soon begin the erection of
The strike of house carpenters In Dundee ,
Scotland , for an advunco of a half-penny an
hour , bus been successful.
"Thoso woo build palaces should not dwell
in hovels , " is the motto of the brotherhood
of carpenters and joiners.
The first shoe factory In New England to
run exclusively by electricity is that of Pack
ard & Grover , at UrocUton , Mass.
A now labor organization has been formed
ana Is known as the "Brotherhood of Rail
way Porters. " It has a membership of 0,000.
Carpenters' union. No. 393 , of Grconvillo
Pa. , has established the nine-hour work day
and tbo contractors are well pleased with the
Eucalyptus leaves and extract hnvo long
beeu used for the removal and prevention , of
scales In steam boilers. Scionti Bo authorities
recommend It and engineers In public service
have boon advised to use It by the engineer
ing authorities at Washington.
Wood oil is uow rnado on a somewhat extensive -
tensive scale In Sweden , where the refuse In
timber-cutting and forest clearings Is turned
to account for the oil It contains. It Is used
for illuminating purposes and gives , when
put In a lamp especially mad a for It , a very
satisfactory light.
The grand duke Alexis , ot Russia , haa
just gene to Jerusalem to bo present at tae
consecration of a church erected In memory
of hU mother , anil his Imperial brother , trie
czar , will very shortly follow him. to this , the
holy place of tbo orthodox Greek church , of
which the Russian ruler is cx-oBlclo taa tem
poral head.
CURRENT xorica.
The question is being nstced whether the
ngo of mi exogenous trcocau bo told by the
rings , anil It Is admitted that while the renO
test can bo applied to Rome , It cannot to nil.
The linden tree evades it absolutely , IMnos ,
firs and oaks nro obedient , to tbo law , arid It
lias been founded that the two foruior are
much longer lived thnn the oak. 1'iues and
firs have been cut down whoso rings denoted
nn age of from five to seven hundred years ,
whott'iM ordinary oaks seldotrt attain 300
5'cara , and tlio oldest known specimen of the
helm oak was .only 4PO years by Its rings.
When these trees cease to add an external
ring the innermost heart begins to decay ,
and tbo tree slowly rots until the trunk Is
completely hollow. Sclcneo uas discovered
no way of telling how long It Is before a do
caylng tree is blown down. But the zone
test ought to bo applicable to the soouolatho ,
giant redwood of California , seine of Which
have a circumference of ninety foot , with
rings indicating more then six thousand
years of growth , to say nothing of tbo period
when growth ceases. Tills last fact is not
easy to discover , for after n term which can
not possibly bo ascertained but certainly be
tweeu five and alx thousand years , the tree
grows with incredible slowness , tand it is
possible that very many years are repre
sented by each of the latest rings.
* *
Two more lives have been lost In seeking
for the Adams lulno which is if it is any
thing but n nijtb , in the Navajo reservation.
Opinions nro divided about this mine , some
claiming that it is only a revival of the old
Spanish legend about the mountain of gold ,
others assorting that It Is n fact. Ono thing
is very certain and that is that the Navajoos
kill all the prospectors who como into their
mountains and their valleys. The last expe
dition was headed by a man named Patter
son , who claimed to have received his information
mation from a man who heard it from Adams
himself. They started from Socorro , N. M. ,
and were accompanied by a deputy aherift
from that place who had a permit from the In
dian agent to hunt for stolen horses. The
party wandered around finding nothing , nor
trace of anythlngnor did they catch the slight'
est glimpse of the two buttcs of black basalt
which stand like guardians nt the entrance
of the gold bearing gulch according to
Adams' veritable account. Finally all deter
mined on returning homo save Patterson and
ono other man , who persisted in continuing
thp search. The deputy sheriff , going about
his own business , c.ime across the dead body
of Patterson with a bullet In his breast , but
thccausoof death Wds evidently a fall from
some height , for nisslcull was fairly smashed
into a pulp. Inquiry after the other man
elicited no direct answer from the Indians ,
only nodJand winks and gestures , from
which the Socorro oflichil gathered that he
too had been dispatched. The question arises
What is it that the Navajocs guard so jeal
ously ? The mine may be a myth , but the re
peated killing of adventurous miners is a certain
tain fact , and was a fact long before Adams
made his alleged discovery.
* *
The ladle * near Virginia City in Nevada
have a way of going to the theater which is
absolutely unique. They utilize the Sutro
adit tunnel of the Comstock lode , which is
1,050 feet below the level of Virginia City ,
but is naturally on the level of the little
towns near its two entrances. There is f
tram-lino from ono end to the other for the
cars of ore , from the different mines on the
lode , and this is furnished with cars for sup
erintendcnts and other big folk. In these
parties who wish to visit the theater In Vir
gtnia City can make a wonderfully quiet and
comfortable trip , which is warm in winter
and cool In summer , if they possess the gooc
graces of some ono in charge of a mine neat
the center. Such mines are the Consolidates
Virginia and California , callol for short the
C. & C. , or the Old Ophir or Savage. Thci
leave the cars at the 1,050 level of any ono ol
these mines , and take the lift which shoots
them up to the top of the mine In about r
mlnuto and a quarter , landing the ladies
with unruffled plumage , but somewhat out ol
breath from nervousness. As the mines arc
actually In the center of Virginia City thoi
have only to walk a couple of blocks , anc
they find themselves withiu the vestibule ol
the opera house.
* *
American nrchcaologists have fought rathei
shy of that symbolical carving upon the
bluff at Alton , known scientifically as the
piasa bird , but popularly as the man cater ol
the Mississippi. It was destroyed during the
war by discharges of artillery from a gun
boat , but whether that vessel flaunted the
stars and stripes or the bars of the confed
erates is not known. IU destruction was
nothing less than a national misfortune , foi
it furnished a clue to the aboriginal history
of this country , which was of inestimable
value. Tbo student now has to cheese be
tween the descri ptlon given by Father Mar-
quo tie in 1073 , and the account furnished re
cently from memory by I. R. Miles , of Miloa
Station , 111. Father Marquette saw It but
once , and at a time when his imagination
was all on fire with the glory of discovery.
Mr. Miles saw it thousands of timai and
studied it minutely , for ho lived in the neigh
borhood. Father Marquette described it as
a compound of man and dragon , with the
wings of a bat , and the horns of a deer
sprouting from a human head. Mr , Miles
declares that the polyform monster was of a
gentlct and benignant character , recalling in
a marked way the polyform monsters of As
syrian art. It had tbo body of a lion , tbo
wings of an eagle , and the head and antlers
of a deer. In his opinion it was symbolic ,
the lion representing strength , the door gen
tleness and beauty , and the wings swiftness ,
the whole representing not a devouring
monster , but some personage pos
sessing the moral qualities des
Iguatcd. Mr. Miles is undoubtedly
on the trail , but the history of symbolism
nhoivs clearly that such forms represented
not moral qualities , but sounds. Occasionally
the wings are used to designate that the rep
resentation refers to a spiritual being. As
for example , In the winged globu of ICgvpt
and Assyria , where the glebe or cirelo rep
resents infinitude , because a circle has
neither beginning nor end , and the wings
represent a spirit the whole typifying the
Infinite Spirit. The piasa bird would seem
to represent the spirit guardian of all the
tribes that were typified by the deer and the
lion. The Lcnnl Lcnnapl or Algonqulns and
Hurons are typlflod by the first , and some of
the Chlchimec tribes by the second. The
Whole would then reproiont a confederation
similar to that of the Kouo-Shlonl or Iroquois ,
and the piasa bird would bo the special
divinity of that confederation.
Scientific gents are being eagerly asUod
for by tba suioltcrs of the Martin White ere
at Ward , Nevada. This ore Is vary base and
It Is noocssry to roast It , during which pro
cess no deleterious fumes are emitted , nor is
tlioroi that delicious smell of two or thrco
million heads of garlic which to the expert
betokens the presence ot arsenic. Liu t the
hair , and the beards , and even tlio oyoUrows
of the smoltont become In a duy or two a
bright arsenical green color. It fi notorious
that la smelting works where the futne * are
overpoweringly alliaceous , as at Argo and
Golden , In Colorado , no such phenomenon
has ever been \vitnosjod , and men who are
accustomed to mineral working are- com
pletely non-plussod. Old swelters say that
tne change la'not wrought by arsenic , but by
omo.mystorious and unknown metal which
.for the first time has boea separated.from
silver oro. It is , however , ruoro likely that
It It caused by nrsonlo , but that the ursonionj
compound Is of such a character that It ddo
uot emit tbo well known garlicky fume's. .
* *
* #
Dr. Sainuol Johnson said-thai It roqulroil &
surgical operation 'to niako a Scotchman
comprehend a-Joko , but American cxporloneo
Is that the Kngltsh are far mare obtuse thnn
the Scotch. A joke travels through the bniln
of an average ) Englishman with cxtroma
slowness , and poor Artomus Ward averred
solemnly that some of his very bust worb
only appreciated after a fortnight's slm-
mcrmff la tbo skulls of his English audiences.
Mr. Furnoss , the English artist who re
ceived the commission to paint the portrait
ot the Marquis Tsong , at the tluio that ho
waaChlncso minister at the court of London ,
tells some stories about his excellency which \ |
show hpw fatally ho Tailed to coinprohotld
his sltters's remarks. Ho objected to thd
shadows which ho did not understand , says
Mr. Furnoss , protesting that his fuco was
clean. It la the law In art that the shadow
shall bo of such transparent quality as to
show that what Is In shadow Is of the samci
color and texture as the part In light. Mr.
Furnoss failed to catch on to the sarca ti $
criticism of the Chluoso cuvoy , whoso re
mark that his face was clean was as neat a
hint as Huskln could have given that tha
artist's shadows wore not transparent. Ho
protested against the varnish that was
smeared upon the canvass , declaring that U
gave the skin a slimy look whlon was undo *
niiibly true. Titian and a host of the grand *
cst portrait painters never used varnish
which Is the substitute ot n modlocro artist
for tone and liarmony of color. Tseng seems
to hnvo been full of that sly humor wulcU
the Scotch call pawkio. i
* .
An Inventor named Peter Campbell lias
perfected and patented an air ship which ho
proposes to put to a practical test nexV sum
mer by flying from Hrooklyn , whor * ho
lives , to the city of Philadelphia. Prof.
Lo Coutc , who has made a scloutlfio study
of aerial flight , has declared authoritatively
that a true locomotive balloon can bo made
by combining the balloon principle with the
flying principle as exemplified Iu birds. Pure
t flying machines ho ridicules as Impossible ,
demonstrating that In birds not ono can fly
that weighs moro than fifty-two or fifty-
three pounds , which la the limit of flight.
Ills Idea is that ostriches and emus , and In I
older times the oplornis and dlnornis , wera
smaller and lighter and able to fly. Hut cir
cumstances nroso which enabled them to
procure their food Independent of flight , and
they grew and grow until they had developed
asiro that made flight impossible. Then
their wings bccamo abortive. This is ucf.
the current notion , but it is a beautiful and
most effective illustration of Darwin's law
of evolution. The professor's statements
will doubtless encourage the Inventor , who , '
It Is to bo. hoped , has profited by the orrora '
of his countless predecessors in tliosauio
The story of Daniel Hand's generous gift
of a million dollars for the education of the
colored people" In the old slave states Is not
complete without some account ot the man * ,
nor in which tlio bulk of the money was
gutnod. Mr. Hand was a wholesale grocer
In Charleston , S. C. , when that wayward1
sister seceded , and as ho was loyal to the
backbone ho had to flco for Ills llfo , leaving i
his property behind him in the hands of his
confidential clerk , George W. Williams. It'
was , in Mr. Hand's estimation , worth about
$130,000. Mr. Williams wont on with the
business , survived the siege and profited by i
the return of peace to the nnhappy south. |
All the profits were Invested by him iu tim
ber lands , which Increased greatly In valuo.1
In 1832 Mr. Hand demanded a settlement , to'
which his former clerk promptly nccedofl ,
and paid him in various Instalments a total
amount of (040,000. The million donated \va
made up of this sum and $351,000 drawn from
' .us own fortune. Mr. Hand's resolution to
give this in trust to the American Missionary
association for the purpose specified Is an act
of the truest philanthropy and must have the
most important results.W .
* *
Prof. Mnsso , an Italian physiologist , dee -
o lares that thought hitherto claimed to bo in
tangible and imponderable is not so , und thut
by means of a largo balance In which the hu
man body may bo poised horizontally one's
thoughts may be littcrally weighed. Dreams ,
or the effects of sound during slumber
turn the blood to the head sufficiently to
sink the balance of the brain. Without criti
cizing Prof. Musso , whoso theory only cornea
to the writer at second hand , It is certain
that wo all knew that blood shifted from ono
part of the body to another. Also , wo all
woro'awaro thut blood could be weighed.
Also , it was well known that in the act of
thinking the blood rushed to the head , and
filled the brain cells , llul this does not glva
us any power to weigh thougts , nor can wo
believe that the greatest thought requires
moro blood or n longer elaboration , or the
secretion of a greater amount of phosphorus
than any trifle light as air born of the Idlest
fancy. If Prof. Masse has been correctly reported ;
ported he has drawn a conclusion which la
not contained In his premises , a common ,
error among scientlfio logicians.
The race of public benefactors will never
die out in America. Tlio last of the noblu
army is a man who is making excellent paper ?
from the stems nnd waste of tobacco manu
facturing. Hitherto tlieao odious substances
have been nefariously converted into ciga
rettes. The largo profit derived therefrom
stimulated rival makers into adding Induce
ments of photographs which were frowned
upon severely by Anthony Comc&tock because -
cause they were just within the law defining
decency und could not bo seized though their
influence was bad. Now that these sub
stances can bo turned to good account , they
will acquire n value of their own , und the
cigurotto makers will bo compelled , however/
reluctantly to use tobacco. This will reduce )
tlio profits materially , though it will Improve ,
the quality of the article Iu a corresponding
ratio , and there will bo no more chronios and
photographic temptations to boys. So tha
business will at least bo on a sound smoking
basis , which hitherto has not been the cuso ,
The dispatches from California announca
that the exclusion bill has been judicially do.
clared to bo applicable to the Chluoso wbu
caino by the latest steamers as well as these
who wore residents of this country and left
intending to return , to whom certificates of
residence were issued. Hut the exclusion
bill does not prevent Chinamen from stealing - '
ing into our territory from Manitoba , no
from crossing the frontier between Moxlco'
aud the states. It U difficult to see how thi *
country can , so long as the administration la
democratic , make any appeal to neighboring
nations for common action. Mexico has
boon brow-beaten and bulldozed , and the
treaty frum which so much good was ox >
peeled was thrown under the table. Canadu
Is bursting with rage over Cleveland's retal
iatory pulley , und is still jnoro enraged oovr
the comments of tUo democratic prosf
thereon ,
Under tlio Walnut Tree. / '
Mail and Hxpreii.
Under u walnut tree they sat : /
Ho hold her hand , she hold bU hat.
I held my breath and laid quito flat- * *
They kissed ; I saw thorn do IU ;
He hold that kissing was no crime ;
Khq held her head up every time :
I held my peace and wrote-this ruyrna.
They never know I knew It ,
i - . I , .
Prince Bismarck has gone back to beerund ,