rt. K t. . ' f 2 THE OMAHA DAILY BEJE : SUNDAY- NOVEMBER 4. 18Sa-SIXTEEN PAQ'Ea ! ' ( HOW COMES THE TUG OF WAR Only Ono Act Remains In the Groftt Political Oontost. THE LAST OF THE DIG PARADES Doth Parties Turn Out In Foi-co In Imltnnnpolls , Chicago and New York Illalno Speaks in Brooklyn. The New York Itepubllcnnfl. NEW VOHK , Nov. 3. Lower Broadway \vas thronged with pcoplo this afternoon to Witness the start of the republican parade of business men. The weather was much the aauio ns that of lust Saturday , when the democratic business men paraded. The rain came pouring down steadily from out ot loadcn skies ; but this did not seem In nny way to dampen the ardor of the paradcrs , Promptly nt 1 o'clook the procession moved , % vlth Grand Marshal Mitchell at the head. Ttic American Hag was omnipresent in the Tanks of the paradcrs , and on the buildings and windows along the route of the procession multitudes of pcoplo thronged the routo. Crowds of sight-seers stood on thu roofs , In windows j nnd doorways , and cheered the different or- I Kan ( rations as they passed , and the parudors frequently Joined in. Immediately behind the marshal came u string of twelve horses in double , drawing n trucK hearing the model of a steamship. The vessel was intended to represent the Dolphin , which was nk first declared - clarod to bo unacceptable to the ( rovcrnnient , but is now considered one of tha best vessels in the navy for coast defense. Alongside the model wcro men in seamen's uniform. They came fiom tlio docks of Ward's line of Havana steamships , and carried n banner In scribed : "Tlio democrats killed John Roach , but his spirit goes marching on. " Ono of the most striking and unique fea tures of the parade was the appearance pre sented by the Americus club , of Pittsburg. There wcro 275 men in lino. The men \voro tweed suits and white hats and each carried an umbrella , around the outside of which wore stats , while the ribs were alternately rod , white nnd blue , thus making the national Hag. When they wheeled out of Liberty street to take their place in the par.ula be hind the Philadelphia clubs , they were pre ceded by n standard inscribed : "Pennsylva nia is at your back. " When the Wall street business men swung into Broadway from that street , headed by the Seventh riglmout band , there was a big shout from the crowd that lined cither side of the street. First came the coffco exchange - , . change , followed by the tobacco men. lilt ; Every man of the latter had a loaf of tobacco plant fastened to the lappol of his 0 ' coat , or u mammoth plug suspended from his neck. The brokers' club w.is ono of the V ' features of the parado. Each man carried a cane , to which was attached u small Amorl- CH > can tlatr. Then came the members of the - consolidated exchange , the other associations " filing into Broadway from Wnll street , being n the produce and maritime exchanges , the ' ' custom house brokers , cotton exchange , A. > y R. Whltnoy , Bowling Green , Harrison and Morton Workingmcns' Protective associa tion , and the coal trado. Then came others in the following order : Lawyers , from Pine street ; insurance men , from Cedar street , and the machinery and railroad supply men , from Liberty street ; jewelers , from v < Maiden Lane ; wholesale drug , chemical and paint trade , hide and leather trade , whole- Bale boot and shoo trade , hardware trade West sldo merchants , War Veterans' asso ciation , paper and associated trades , book sellers and stationers , carpet and railway and steamship trades , dry goods , Columbia college students , umbrellas and parasols. Central division , dry goods , hatters , furriers . ' and straw goods , wholesale milliners , gas fixtures employes , East side business mon , building material , Up-Town Business Men's association , Now York university students and dental students. Above Chambers street the scene beggars description. Crowds obstructed the sidewalks - * walks , and the windows of the tall buildings i on both sides of Broadway were filled with spectators. In Chambers street , for many blocks above , marching clubs waited forever I . two hours after the head of the procession t had passed them before their right was un covered by the organizations starting further down town , in fact , the extreme loft of the r' line was not in motion until after o o'clock. The greatest enthusiasm prevailed all * along the lino. Hero and there , in a bewil dering display of stars and stripes and repub lican insignia , were occasional democratic decorations of bandannas , papers bearing . Chinese characters anp pictures of President Cleveland. The paradcrs flaunted their little tlo American flags und hissed ut the bandannas and groaned at the nortralts * of the democratic candidates. The i headquarters of the republican national n committee were profusely decorated , and a t banner bearing the portraits of the candi dates waved over the cheering thousands. * Messrs. Warner Miller , Hon. Levi P. Mor ton , Colonel Crucor and General John C. Fremont reviewed the parade from a stand at the Worth monument , in Madison square. Hon. James U. Blalno watched the pageant tram ono of the windows of the Fifth Avenue hotel , nnd afterwards expressed regret that ho had been unable to pet to the reviewing stand. It is estimated that at least fifty thousand men participated in the parade. ' While approaching the reviewing stand a ' broker named William J. Osbourne , one of the paradcrs , dropped dead nnd was borne i away. Shortly above the reviewing stand the * parade wus disbanded. The democratic parade to-night started an 1 hour later than scheduled. The crowds wcro Immense. The sight of tons of thousands of x men , all bearing torches or lanterns , baffles description. Thn paraders were fantastically , decorated and bedecked with nags and ban danas in every conceivable way. They moved along twelve abreast , but wore frequently > , blocked by the crushing crowd , whom the police seemed ixwerless to handle. Enthusiastic Itrooklynitca. NBW YORK , Nov. 3. The republican cam- . , palgn in Brooklyn closed to-night ut the dormant avenue rink with a speech by Hon. James G. Blalno , under iho auspices of the organiration of the Irish protectionists. The , structure has a capacity to accommoaatc n 0,000 persons , nnd they were thereto-night , .and more , too. Hundreds wcro unable to t gain admission. Judge Roonoy presided and essayed a speech , which was cut short by t shouts for Mr. Blalno , who advanced and epoko substantially as follows : ' ' I did not couio hero to-night to make c lengthy speech , but briefly to sum up the * caso. Are you in favor of a protective tariff ! * | Cries of "Yes , yes. I Then vote for Hurrl l" son. [ Cries of "Wo will. " ] Are you In favor of paying pensions to deserving soldiers ) [ Cries of''Ves."J ' Then vote for 1 Harrison. | Cries of "Wo will vote for ; , him. " ] Are you against a president ] usinf : . the veto ns if ho wcro a voter in the senate or house of representatives ! [ Criosof "Yes , we aro."l Then vote against Clove land. [ Cries of "We will. " | Are you in favor of a thorougl American svstom , through and throughl t [ Cries of ' 'Wo ure."l Then vote for Har rison. Are you in favor of using the surplus In the treasury of the United States to paj the public debt [ Shouts of "Yes. " 1 Thoi vote for Harrison. [ "Yes , wo will. " ] An you against taking $00,000,0W out of tin public treasury nnd loaning it to favorite : Without interostl fCries of "No."l Well , I have something more to say ot that | K > int , for I have learned soinethln ( since I last * spoke on it. Not only have they taken | 60,000.00f and loaned it to pot houses in the Unltei States , but they have done it through tin agency of the bank established by Mr. Jor dan und by the late Mr. Manning , The , ) t have made them a sort of government bu rcnu. They gave them f 1,100,000 us n flxei balance to cull their own , and then they huv < < ' allowed thorn to peddle out of this $00,000,001 ' to other banks , and by that mean I4 * triad to got u largo number of banks through If out the country to give them their business t. and I say here that Louis XIX. of France or Pelor the Great of Russia , or Napoleon o1 | \ B f his most absolute period , would never have i dared to treat the trersury.of their respect 1 Ive countries in that way never. [ Choors. ] ' And I wonder it has not made a more pro V found sensation in this country. They have said such papdrs as tho. New York Times and the Evening Post that Secretary Sher Man dla the s&iuo. Well , I have been deny ing that n good while , nnd this morning I road a speech from Secretary Sherman himself , and ho explained exactly the differ ence. When Secretary Sherman made that marvelous loan of 4 per cents In 18T9 , they were sold through banks nud paid for at the bank's counter. The money was merely In transit between the man who paid for the fours and the man who got his pay for the surrendered fives and sixes. But these men have taken the money in the treasury , nnd against every provision Of law have dipped their hands ut > to their elbows and helped their friends. The most corrupt thing you can conceive is to take the money of the government and give it out to banks who can use it , and use their influence for the party in power. I saw. to my regret. In an Irish paper an accusation made that the extradition treaty had been injuriously amended by a republican committee , nnd reported to the senate by a republican committee. I state positively , and I state of my own Knowledge , that there is not ono particle of foundation for the allegation , not the slightest. And that llko the fishery treaty , which surrendered our rights in the fish- cries , this extradition treaty is supported In the senate by democratic senators , und by them alone. [ Applause. | Referring to the republican parade which ho witnessed to day , Mr. Blntno said : It was the most mighty political procession that over trod the streets of New York ( ap plause ] , and compared with that which the president of the United States came here last week to review why , that was a picket guard morelv to the republican nruiy ; and , gentlemen , that procession is prophetic. It means that the people of Now York arc aroused , not on old party lines , not an old- fashioned fight between democrat and repub lican , but a light between protectionist and nntl-protoctlonist a fight between protec tion and free trade. [ Prolonged cheers. ] Before the people were dismissed this tcl- gram was read : IxniANAi-ous , Ind. , Nov. 3. W. H. Grace , Brooklyn , New York : Please express to ho Irish-American Protectionist assocla- ion in Brooklyn my sincere thanks for their cordial greeting and hopeful prophesies. The independence of spirit and devotion to irlnclplo which they have shown in this cam- mlgn have been as conspicuous as they are. ; rcditublo to their intelligence und man- mod. BENJAMIN HAHIUSOX. After the meeting Blalno was driven to n mass meeting in Grand Army hall , in the eastern district of Brooklyn , where ho iiiado a short speech , saying in part : Wo must stand together in the election. Phis union carries the Hag of the union in stead of the dirty bandana , for , without anv disrespect to the candidate for vice presi- lent , I think that ono of the most extraor- Unary campaign badges is a pocket landkcrchicf that a snuff-taker uses n his extremities. Yes. I prefer the banner of the United States , which wasborno up the great avenue of Now York by 00,000 people , and under that flag , and under the flag of > rotectton , wo shall win a great victory on icxt Tuesday. After this speech Mr. Blalne was con ducted to a skating rink in the outskirts of lie city. His fatigue was apparent , and he poke but a few minutes. At Indianapolis. IxiUAXAi-oi.is , Nov. 3. General Harrison md an unusually large number of callers to- lay. The better part of the day was put in > y the general answering his voluminous mail. Among his replies was ono to the three Rector boys , who sent him a Jack rabbit yesterday. Ho was solicited for a copy of the letter , which is as follows : My Bear Little Friends : Your letter of ) ctober 31 , telling me that you intend o send mo a jack rabbit for luck , las been received. If there is any luck in a rabbit's foot , as so many of the colored pcoplo in the south are said to believe , then I think your argu ment that there must bo more luck in a whole rabbit is not a "non-sequitor. " You can ask vour father to explain what that means. The abbit came yesterday and furnished a good deal of amusement to my llttlo grandson , .n the lost number of Judge tticre is an illus- .ration . of what happened to a little boy who lad n jack rabbit presented to him , which will nmuso you , I think. With kind regards for you all , I am , very truly yours , B. HAitnrsox. The chairman of the democratic central committee sent a letter to each of the demo- ratio county chairmen to-day , of which the folio tving Is a copy : "Instruct all inspectors to watch that re- jublicans do not vote double tickets on Tuos- lay. The Journal tnls morning contains full nstructions how such a thing can be dono. The article professes to charge the democrats with this , but we believe the real object is to instruct republicans how to commit this fraud. " The republican committee , early in the day. sent the following letter to its couuty chairmen : 'The democrats injyour county are planning to have double votes cast. There is no mis take aboat this. Warn our people quick. Lot the ballots bo challenged. Print ana put up posters at polling places offering a reward of $100 by this committee for the apprehen sion and conviction of any person who votes double tickets. Print copy of our ticket and post at voting places. Force the fighting now. " The republican committee also this even ing mailed a notice to every town and city in the state , addressed to the public , announc ing a reward of $100 for the apprehension and conviction of any ono who , at the com ing election , votes or attempts to vote moro than one ballot ; circulates false and spu rious republican tickets ; alters , forges or mutilates tally sheets ; delays tha election returns or changes the ballot boxes ; and the committee calls upon every good citizen to see that the laws are strictly enforced and a free ballot and free count secured. Early in the evening the streets wcro blockaded with thousands of people , to wit ness the two great parades which had been announced. Fears of a conflict had largely abated during the week , owing to the extra ordinary precautions employed by the au thorities and managers of both parties. The best of good feollug prevailed everywhere , and so far a * can bo learned at this late hour no casualties ot any kind occurred. The re publican procession numboro 1-about forty- seven hundred men , and was reviewed by General Harrison from the balcony of the New Denison hotel. Thurmnn tn Ohio. NW.SOMVII.LB , O. , Nov. 3. This city , with 0,000 inhabitants , gave Judge Thurman an enthusiastic welcome , and to Ut population was added n great number of people ple from other places in the vicinity. When Judge Thurman mounted the stand at S o'clock probably nine thousand people wore massed in the vicinity , and ho was greeted with grout applause. Ho spoke briefly upon the subject of the tariff , and then turned to the subject of capital und labor. He said in part : "First , I want to say that I am not here to breed discontent ; I am not hero to set the employer against the laboring man , or the laboring man against the employer. I an bore simply to preach justice on all hands , and that every man shall have an honest and fair reward for bis labor. There is an annual accumulation of wealth In the world , and that accumulation is wholly I repeat it and emphasize the word is wholly the result of human labor. There IE not a writer of political economy who over wrote a line on this subject thai wui worth reading , that has not affirmed this to be the truth , and we know it by re flection. The difficulty about the production of wealth is easily solved , but there is anothei question that is moro difficult by fur , and that is the question of tho'distribution ol wealth. This Is the great problem that agi tales society all over the Christian world. This annual product of wealth is distrib uted between three classes of men. First the capitalist , who lends money to carry ot business , and if he charges a reasonable rate nobody complains. Next comes the manu facturer or employer , who is also entitled tc a fair reward , and If he Is content with fail and honest profits nobody in the length anc oroadth of the land begrudges him thos < profits. Lastly wo come to the laboring man , the man whoso brawny arms , level head and skill enables him tc pile up the wealth , and that mac is entitled to his fair reward , or the scriptures uros are a lie. Our opponents are accus toined to sneer ut what they call polltlca economy. They sneer at science and sci entitle men , as if science was anything ii the world but truth. If these mon will sneei at science , will they sneer at the words 01 the Almighty God himself , who has do dared that the laborer , is worthy ol his hlrol The speaker said that ttu sentence , "In the sweat of his fact shall he earn his dally bread , " was the great cst benediction ver conferred upon man . ' fe adW- * kfnd , as it made man industrious and Iritclli gent , nnd saved him from being a poor miserable erableloafer. . I say , therefore , that the laboring man l& entitled to his reasonable hire , nnd If ho does not receive it ho is n wronged nnd do. fraudcd man. Our opponents are preaching to you that the way for you to get good wages. Is to have a high protective tariff ; to tax you on everything you earn , for that is what it comes to. I do not bclloyo that. I nm no friend of violent means , but I tell you that laboring men's ' organizations , when properly conducted nnd rightly managed , have done moro to secure good wages than all the tariff laws that over have been or ever will bo passed , Your way , then , to got good wages is not by getting down on > our knees to congress nnd praying for high tariff. Your way to get good wages is to maintain your manhood. Other people can make-combinations , can form trusts , that word which has become so odious. Other pcoplo can do that. I would llko to know why mon who produce nil the wealth in this world cannot organize for their own protec tion. [ Great npnlnuso. ] Judge Thurmnn then spoke Of the charge made by political opponents that the demo cratic patty Is the enemy of the laboring man , nnd went on at souio length to deny that imputation , as ho has in other speeches. As ho wus closing his remarks some ono in crowd railed out for him to say something about Minister West , to which the Judge re plied : "All I can say about the West letter is that if I had a boy nnd ho was such a fool as to bo cntiapped ns West was , I would disown him. [ Cheers. ] Whether Mr. West is u knave orn fool 1 do not know , but ho is ono or the other too muclf'to rep resent the British govcrnment"nt'Wnshlng- ton , and Grover Cleveland has told him so and given him ills walking papers. At 5:30 : Judge T4iurman and party left for Columbus , _ Chlcauo'H Dcnionqtrntlonq. CHICAGO , Nov.-3. This has been a day of parades for Chicago. Both parties took un inning , nnd , as each was desirous of excel ling the other , the result was very creditable to both. The republicans began messing their forces ut 2 o'clock In the afternoon. A most creditable showing followed , the esti mate of those in line being 23,000. It re- lulrcd nearly two hours for the [ iroccssion to pass. As usual the organizations participating walked eight nbreast. The entire route through which the parade passed was lined with people. In the evening the democratic clans path- red. A brilliant parade followed , which was enhanced by the presence of numerous torches and a fair display of fireworks. As in the day time , the streets wcro crowded with peoplo. An estimate of the number in the procession is 15,000 , and the time spent 'n passing , including several stops , was two lours. _ Howards O ( To re ( I in Indiana. I.vnuNAi'OLis , Nov. 3. Chairman Jovctt , of the democratic state central committee , to-night received a telegram from Chairman Brlcc , of the national committee , saying that a number of citizens of Now York , moved by the Dudley letter , resolved to place nt the disposal of the committee 320,000 for a vigor ous prosecution of every man iu Indiana who rvould pratice Dudley's methods. Mr , Jewott has issued the following offer of re ward : Five thousand dollars for the arrest and conviction of William W. Dudley upon the charge of attempting to bribe , con spiring to bribe , or inducing others to bribe voters in Indiana nt the November election , 18SS. Ono thousand dollars each for the arrest and conviction of any number of persons , not exceeding live , who , in ac cordance with the plan set forth in Dudley's otter , have conspired or confederated to bribe voters. One hundred dollars each for any number of persons , not exceeding 100 , who , in accordance with said letter , shall bribe or attempt to bribe voters. The Weather Indications. Nebraska Light rains , preceded in the eastern j > ortion by fair , cooler weather , vari able winds. Iowa Fair weather , followed by light rains , cooler in thu western portion , station ary in eastern portion ; southerly winds , be coming variable. Dakota Light rains , colder , winds shift ing to northwesterly. Police Commissioners. The board of flro and police commissioners met last night. The charges , of neglect of duty , preferred by ox-Officer Gregg against Sergeants Mostyn and Sigwart were dis missed , as there was no ground for com plaint. The charge of being found uslcon on duty against Ofllccr Dcuiorost was also dis missed , owing to sickness in the family of the officer , which prevented him from ob taining the required rest , A Train Robbed By Ono Man. Nnw OULE vxs , Nov. 8. The United States express messenger on the train on the New Orleans & Norwostorn railway which ar rived here this morning was robbed at 5 a. m. between Lacey and Derby stations , fifty miles from this city. The express officials refuse to state the amount of the robbery , but it is understood that the loss is between f.10,000 and { 50,000. Between the stations above named the robber got on and at the point of a revolver placed sacks over the heads of the baggagemaster and express agent. After securing the contents of the safe the robber pulled the boll rope and jumped from the train and escaped. PlattHinniitli Democrats. PLATTSMOUTH , Neb. , Nov. 3. [ Special Tel egram to THE BED. ] The democrats fired their last round hero to-night. The speak ing took place m Rockweed hall und was a purely local affair. F. E. White , J. C. Gilmore - moro and Mathew Goring were the speakers. As usual the crowd wus small and contained nearly as many republicans us democrats. Confessed Judgment. GitAHn IHIAND , Neb , , Nov. 3. [ Special Telegram to THE BEE. ] T. J. Hurford , a hardware merchant of this city , to day con fessed judgment in favor of his wife for $2,500 and closed his doors. Liabilities about I',000 ; assets , unknown. Ho has been hard pressed for some time , but his embarrass ment was thought to bo only temporary. nuslnctts Troubles. TEXIJOUO , Mass. , Nov. 3. The Rotary Shuttle Sewing Machine company have gouo into insolvency with liabilities of $40,000. BOSTON , Nov. 3. Henry S. Dewy , assignee. in the case of William D. Forbes , late presi dent of the National bank of Redemption , says that the liabilities can bo placed al $200,000 nud a nominal assets at ubout $75,000. , fjocomotivo Engineers. Scribnoi- ; The enciuecr whose hu manity Is not hardened has his feelings harrowed occasionally by pedestiinns who risk their lives on the truck. Tramps anil other curolosa poi-bons arose so numerous that the casuttl passenger in n locomotive cab pononUly cannbt ride fifty inllos without seeing what scorns to him a hair-breadth escape , but which is nevertheless treated by the engineer as a commonplace occurrence. These heedless wayfarers do , however , occasionally curry their indifference to clanger too far , and they are tossed in the air lilco feathers. Doubt less there are those who , litto the fire man who talked with thotondor-henrtod young lady , regret the killing of a man chielly "because it musses up the en gine so ; " but , taking the fraternity as a whole , warmth of heart and tenderness of fooling may be called not only well developed but prominent traits of char acter. The great btrlko ou the Chica go , Burlington & Quincy road last spring , which proved to have been ill- advised , wouldjhavo been passible only in ii body of mqn aCttftitcd by the mosl loyal friendship. Undoubtedly a largo conservative clement in the brother hood of engineers believed , the move injudicious , but they joined la it out ol an intense spirit of fidelity to their brethren and leaders. . Hon. ' William , F. CodyBuffalo 'Bill . Cody- ( ) , ao- companlod by a number of English lords , en route for the mountains on a bighunt.-wil arrive bore Monday morning , and remain several days , the guest of George Caufield. DEMOCRACY'S GREAT NIGHT , They Turn Out En Masse and March Thomsolvoa Tlrod , VERY CREDITABLE PROCESSION. Msh Horns , Ilockata , Roman Cnn- tiles , Heel Flro and Shouta of 'Foitrt Four t Four Years * More ! " Sldo Incident * . Tlio Democratic Parade. The democratic hosts had n final rally last light und took their till of the great Amori- nn privilege of yelling ono's throat dry and carrying a torch amid a Hood of enthusiasm and kerosene. The streets began to flll long before the lour of the parade , ntul the glowing an- lounccments of un extraordinary display jrought thousands from quiet homes to wit ness the promised spectacle nnd have tliolr corns trampled under foot by the Jostling crowd. The unterrllled icsponded well to ho urgent appeals of their leaders nud gave a demonstration rcspcctablu ns to numbers nnd brilliancy. The black empyrean was filled with fllzz , bang nnit 'rah , and the narchltig columns were wrapped In n blaze of many-colored glory * Rc-d lights Hashed up , tloodcd the streets for a moment and died out ; rockets mid candles filled the air with lulls and streams and sparks of flro n mimic combat ; the marchers howled ns : hou U In Konio Instead of nt homo , und the jands tried bravely to out-blaro the din and confusion of the wild and excited men , The display was creditable to the democracy and a fitting baptism for the hundreds of promis ing buds who were drafted into the sorvfco. The McShane Flambeau club was honored with a place at the head of the column and marched up Furimiii street , thence to How ard , Ninth , Douglas , Fifteenth , Webster , Sixteenth , Fnrnaui and Eleventh , counter marched on Farnam to fifteenth , thence to Cass and around Jefferson stiuaro , whore the procession disbanded. The various clubs full in line from side sticcts. making a tiack of light long drawn out. Many of the clubs became - came too weary to finish the march and dronpcd out of line before the place of dis banding was reached. The procession started at about 8 o'clock , Chief Marshal Hiloy being in the lend. The First division was marshaled by Judge Brandies. The Union band led and was followed by the McShane Flambeau Club , sixty-five uniformed men under com mand of Captata Jauic * B. Fogcrty Military baud followed , then came Sanio- set association , " 25 men , marshaled by Charles Ogdon. These were followed bv the switchmen , 320 strong , under command of E. B. Mahonoy. Too First Ward club. 3")0 men , under com mand of T. J. Lowry were next in lino. The Lincoln cluD , 800 strong. 120 uni formed , under command of Marshal Whit- field , were next in order. The Omaha \Vheol Club represented by 03 mounted ridctC oUpwud making an excel lent displuv. Hed Oak democratic club , with 20 men next appeared under , command of Marshal Calhouu. - I ? n Second Dlvisiour-tCr Dnloy , chief aido. Swedish band of eighteen pieces. The Fifth Waru'club under command of Marshal McGlnroshowed up 220 men in lino. The Sixth Ward club turned out 200 men under.coinmund'O't "Marshal Loftus. The Danish club un lor command of Mar shal Neve turned'tfuV.85 uniformed and ! J20 in citizen's clothes. ' ' ' * The Eighth VYardielnb marshaled by A. J. Whitcomb turned out 188 men. Marshal McGiqnls jwfns Jit , the head of 12 > men from the Ninth.wnrd , Tim Tlmnv DIVISION Avas composed of the Omaha club , the Third Ward club awU'ttio.aHair' ' ' democratic club. The flrst mofttionpd was probably 300 strong , made a nout but not gaudy appearance , with white plugs with bandanha trimmings , and a flaming rod badgo. Thoyllfd n great deal of the yolllng for the procession. The Third Ward club embraced within its ranks in the neighborhood of 150 men and boys , uniformed , In the Blair club there were fifty-six men , who had bandannas flying- from their torch staffs. The aide was John Drexel , who sat his fiery untamed steed like a true , old Roman warrior. Tltt I'OUKTIl DIVISION. The fourth division was made up of the Seventh ward club , the Douglas precinct club and the South Omaha club. The Seventh warders wcro out 150 strong , with a cardboard placard bearing the talis- manlc words , "McShuno , he's the man for a uniform. " There were a hundred or moro in the Douglas precinct club , with no distinguish ing features. The Old Hickory club of South Omaha looked it in the fullest sense of the word. They created a good deal of very loud en thusiasm. Mayor Dennis was the aido. TUB FIFTH DIVISION was commanded by John Eunls. It was bonded by the Bohemian band. After them came the McShano Invlnc- ibles. over 200 in number , with their at tractive costumes. They were conceded to bo the handsomest company in lino. They wore zouave uniforms. They were com manded by Captain Foloy. The J. E. Boyd club numbered about 230 and were distinguished by white plug hats , embellished with bandanas and cards bear ing the initials "J. E. B. U. C. " James Nor ton commanded. They were followed by the Second ward club , numbering about 120 , under the leader ship of Mat Uuland. They carried brooms , on which were tacked small flags. The Gate City drum corps accompanied them. The Frances Cleveland club comprised twenty-one plrls , mostly under fifteen years. They nestled in live hacks and wore red tur bans on their heads and a bandana on their breasts. Miss Shaw was their leader. The atone pavers numbered about seventy men and wcro commanded by Alexander McDonald. The Italian club wore 1 0 strong and were under the leadership of W. F. Higginson. The Park Forest and Oak Hill clubs num bered about 200 and wore under the command of Frank Kaspar. The sixth division , composed of the visit ing clubs , did not moot at Howard street , as designated , but they wore all there. The Lincoln Democratic club were the guests of the Samosets , and marched in pro cession with the Lincoln Democratic Flam- buau club , and the Cleveland and Thurman clubs , numbering in all about 500 , and headed bv the Lincoln military band. Dr. U. P. II. Miller anu Captain Blake Jcero the marshals. ' < " A The Washington county democrats num bered about ouo hundred and fifty and were in charge of A. M. ° Bowler. They brought with them the Calhbnn brass band. Fremont made nil- excellent showing , hav ing sent about twb hundred democrats in their delegation , which was composed of Senator Sherwin , Dr/'Elvvood ' and Messrs. Gcorgo W. Dorscfyfttyhn Odell nnd H. A. Williams. Thoir'zflaro1 uniformed club was about the neatest'jOjO'Utyjg nnd best drilled in the parade- , and was fn , charge of Captain M. W. Murray. Tho'Fremont band furnished the necessary muaUM ' Iho Council Blufls contingent was about an hour late tnrough.hjwing missed the trainbut joined In the procession , at 61ovcnth street und numbered about throe" hundred members of the Young Mens1 Democratic club. They marched behind Dolby's Corbet band nnd were in charge of Messrs. Bab Huntlngton nnd Peter Peterson. The Papillion club was 130 strong and was taken care of by Charles Uehrcnt as marshal. Pluttsmouth , Missouri Valley and Glen- wood clubs were also represented , but owing to the divlsipn being scattered throughout the parade , it was impossible to get their numerical strength or the names' o-f their marshals. There was nothing unusual in the tran sparencies , the majority of thoul being 'small and illuminating only tttoreotyued sen tences. There were two large transparencies which were carried on a couple of wagons. Procession NOU-H. The bandannas \vpro plentiful. . . The Omaha wheel club made a' flue show- fuK. . . ' Small boys contributed their usual repre sentation in the parade. _ . Council Bluffs was well 'represented both In the Hue of march and among the specta tors. tors.Tho The sivtlchm.cn turned out In round num bers nud cut n conspicuous figure hi the pa rade. .Indire Aylosworth , of Council Bluffs , was ntuonir the spectators who viewed the pa rade. E. W. Whltmoro , of the Fifth ward was slightly Injured by coming In contact with n street cor on Farnam street near Eleventh. The Lincoln democrats turned out 800 strong nnd made a fine showing. One hun dred nnd twenty of their number were llain- beau suits. The enthusiastic clement of democracy es timated that fully twcntv thousand mon wore in line , but the moro conservative- placed it nt 0,000 strong. The McShano Flambeau club made n flno showing , nnd was the flower of the proces sion. Captain Fogerty. the commander , was awarded many a complimentary expression bv the lookers-on. MONDAY NIGHT'S TUUNOUT. llopubllcnua Proi > : irlnc toKcliuso the Dctnoor.itN , Below Is given the order of procession nnd line of march of the republican parade to occur on Monday night : Grand Marshal Major T. S. Olarkson. Aides Messrs. Hurmelstcr , Gordon and Kitchen. First division forms on Eleventh street south of Harnoy.A. . A. O. H. Band. Irish-American Hopiibllcan Club. \ isitors fiom Council Bluffs , Lincoln , U'ahoo , Fremont , South Omaha , Pupllion , Platts- inoutlu Blair and all points. Second Division Twelfth street , south of Uurnoy. Aides Paul Hcrsh nna Anton Briggs. Band. Lancer's Club. Independent Hcpubllcan Club. Veterans of 1S4U in Carriages. First Ward Club. Second Ward Club. Third Ward Club. Third Division Thirteenth street , south of Hurnoy. Aides M. Maul and M. O. Rickctts. Omaha Guards Band. Omaha Hopubllcan Flambeau Club. Fourth Ward Club. Manderson Guards. Colored Ladies' Club. Colored Republican League. Touith Division Fourteenth street , south of Harney. Aides-H. Leavitt and W. II. Shrivcr. Band. Seventh Ward Club. Ninth Ward Club , First Precinct. Mounted Men of Douglas and other Pre cincts. Fifth Division Fifteenth street , south of Harney. Aidca-J. T. ICinslor and J. T. Clark. Swedish Band. Fifth Ward Club. Sixth Ward Club. Kighth Ward Club. Ninth Ward Club , Second Precinct. Scandinavian Republican Club. Bohemian Republican Club. Mounted Men of Jefferson and other Pre cincts. Omaha Wheel Club. All divisions nnd clubs must bo in position promptly , as the procession will move ut 8 o'clock sharp from Eleventh on Harney to Sixteenth , to Douglas , to Eleventh , counter march to Sixteenth , to Cass , countermarch to Howard and disband. The following aides will report at the mar shal's office at 5 o'clock for instructions and ugaln to him , mounted , at corner Thirteenth and Harnoy at 7 p. in. : Paul Hersh , C. E. Burmuister , O. H. Gordon , H. B. LeavittW. G. Shrivcr. J. T. Clark , J. T. Kmsler , A. M. Kitchen , Mlko Maul , A. H. Briggs , and M. 0. Uickctts. The Irish-American , Lancers , Flambeau and Young Men's Kepublicon clubs will re port at ther headquarters at ? o'clock sharp foa escort duty. T. S. CLIKKSOX , _ Marshal. ELECTION DA1T. Where to Vote and What to Vote * For. Next Tuesday will be general election day , when the peoploof the country will bo called upon to vote for u president and vlco presi dent of the United States ; the people of the First congressional district one member of congress ; the people of Nebraska for gov ernor , lieutenant governor , secretary of state , state treasurer , auditor of public ac counts , attorney general , commissioner of public lands and buildings , and superintendent of public instruction ; and the residents of Douglas county for one county commissioner for District No. 1 , ono county attorney , three senators for Sixth senatorial district , nine representatives for Tenth representative district , ono as sessor for each precinct , three judges and two clerks of election for each precinct , two road supervisors for each precinct outside city of Omaha , three road supervisors for Valley precinct , ono justice of the peace for Chicago precinct , ono justice of the peace for First ward , two justices of the peace for Eighth ward , ono justice of the peace for Seventh ward , one justice of the peace for Union precinct , ono constable for First ward , ono constable for West Omaha , ono con stable for Seventh precinct , ono coustablo for Douglas precinct , ono constable for Chicago precinct , two constables for Eighth ward , one constable for Second ward , Omaha , one constable for Florence. The polling places In tne city of Omaha have been located at the following points : Precinct No. 1 District No. 1 Southwest corner Tenth and Jones streets ; No. 3 , lit" south Sixth street , Vinnoy's barber shop ; No. i ) , southeast corner Eleventh and Dorcas streets , engine house. Precinct No. 2 District No. 1 "McShano Wigwam , " Sixteenth street , near Williams street ; No. 2 , lb ! 3 south Sixteenth street. Precinct No. it-District No. 1 100S Dav enport street ; No. 2 , 10J2 Harnoy street. Precinct No. 4-Distrlct No. 1 Planters house , corner Sixteenth and Dodge streets ; No. 'J , Henry Grebe's ofllco , St. Mary's ave nue between Seventeenth and Eighteenth streets. Precinct No. 5 District No. 1 500 north Sixteenth street ; No. 2 , engine house , corner Sixteenth and Iz.ird streets. Precinct No. C District No. 1 North west corner Twenty-seventh and LaUe streets ; No. 2 , Crossing Twenty-fourth street and Bolt Line railroad. Precinct No. 7. District No. 1 1239 Park avenue ; district No. 2 , corner Ed. Creighton avenue and Twenty-seventh street. Precint No. 8 District No. 1 Chaney's barber shop , corner Twenty-first and Cum- ing streets ; No. 2 , Furay's barn , Cuming stieet , between Twenty-fourth street and Twenty-fifth avenue. Precinct No. 0 District No. 1 Chas. Johnson's store , corner Twenty-eight and Farnam streets ; No. 2 , C. J. Uyan's ofllce , corner Mercer and Lowe avenues. South Omaha. Precinct No. 1 Frank Pi- vonka's ottlce , N street , near Twenty-sixth street ; No. 2 , Judge Levy's ' office , Twenty- sixth street , between N nnd O ; No. a , Kil- kttrr's building , Q street , near Thirtieth street ; No. 1 , Stock Yards Exchange build ing. ing.All parties living In South Omaha precinct , not } within the corporate limits of South Omaha , shall vote In the First , Third and Fourth ward * , as follows : All east of Un ion Pacific railway , south of Q street , In Third ward , and all nortu of Q street la the Fourth ward. The voting places in the county will bo as follows : Douglas Precinct-i-IIonry Ruser's. Mlllurd Precinct School house at Mlllard station. McArdlo Precinct McArdlo school house. Florence Precinct Florence school houso. Union Precinct Railroad store at Irving- ton. Jefferson Precinct School house district 44. klkhorn Procint Town hall , Elkhorn city. Valley Precinct School house , Valley sta- w'aterloo Precinct Masonlo hall building. Chicago Precinct School house at Elkhorn - horn station. West Omaha Precinct School house , dis trict No. 0. Besides the candidates above enumerated , tha people of Douglas county will be called upon to vote on the question of the. purchase of land for a county poor farm nnd appropri ating certain monies for that purpose. This question , as submitted by the board of county commissioners , is as follows : Shall the county of Douglas , by It * board of county commissioners , be authorized to purchase land , not to exceed six hundred and forty (040) ( ) acres , for the purpose of using the same as a poor farm for the poor ol said county , nnd for the purpose of purchasing said poor farm , shall said commissioners ox- pom ! , not to exceed seventy-five thousand ( $75,000) ) dollars of the moneys derived from the salu of n portion of the present poor farm , nnd which remains unexpended after tliu erection of suitable buildings for the in sane of said county , nnd to expend the bal ance , after paying for said land , or so much thereof as shall bo necessary for the erec tion of suitable buildings thereon , for the care of the poor of said county. The form in which the vote shall bo tnkch on the proposition submitted shall bo by bal lot , upon which shall bo printed or written , or partly printed and partly written , the words : For the proposition to purchase land , not to exceed six hundred and forty (040) ( ) acres , for n poor farm , nnd to expend , not to exceed seventy-five thousand (575,000) ( ) dollars of the money derlvqd from the salu of a portion of present poor farm to pay for the same ntul the necessary buildings thereon to bo used as a poor farm. Said proposition , for the sale of land , for the poor farm purposes , to bo submitted to the board of county commis sioners In the form of n scaled proposal for the fulo of land for poor farm purpose , the board reserving the right to reject any or all bids. Or , Against the proposition to purchase laud , not to exceed six hundred nnd forty (040) ( ) acres , for a poor farm , and to expend , not to exceed suventy-flvo thousand ( $75,000) , ) dollars lars of the money derived from the sale of n portion of the present poor farm , to pay for the sumo and the necessary buildings thereon , to bo used as a poor farm. Said proposition , for the sale of land for the poor farm purixiscs , to bo. submitted to the board of county commissioners in a form of n scaled proposal for the snlo of land for poor farm purposes , the board reserving the right to reject any or all bids. All ballots having tluu-eon the words ; For the proposition to purchase land , not to exceed six hundred nnd forty (040) ( ) acres , for a poor farm , and to expend , not to exceed - coed scventy-fivo thousand ( .75,0X ) ) dollars of the money derived from the sale of n portion tion of the present | > oor farm , to pay for the same and necessary buildings thereon to bo used as a | xx > r farm. Said proposition , for the sale of laud , for poor farm purposesto ba submitted to the board of county commission ers in the form of n sealed proposal for the sale of land for poor farm purposes. The board icserving the right to reject any or all bids , shall bo deemed and taken to be in favor of said proposition. And all ballots cast having thereon the words against the proposition to purchase land , not to exceed six hundred ami forty (040) ( ) acres , for a poor farm , and to expend , not to exceed seventy- live thousand f$7.5OOJ ) dollars of the money derived from the sale of a portion of the pres ent poor farm , to pav for the same and the necessary buildings thereon , to bo used fern poor farm. Said proiwsltion , for the solo of land , for poor farm purposes , to be submitted to the board of county commissioners In the form of a scaled proposal for the sale of land for poor farm purposes. The board reserving the right to reject any or all bids , shall bo deemed nnd taken to bo against said proposi tion. tion.Tho The polls shall bo opened nt 8 o'clock in the morning , and remain open until 0 o'clock in the evening. _ * GETTING HKAI > Y. Judges and Clerks of Kloctloii Ap pointed For Tiicnday. The couuty commissioners huvo completed their list of judges and clerks of election. Those appointed in this city are : First Ward , First District Jiidgos , Hob- crt Glenn. John Mulvihill , Patrick Lallj ; clerks , George Lomke , Henry Mattison. First Ward , Second District Judges , Wil liam Rest , James Henderson , Con Kennedy ; clerks , Nols Nelson , Pat Dewitt. OFirst WardThird District Judges , Fred Hortzke , James Tracy , Pat Begley ; clerks , C. E. Goodman , William Flood. Second Ward , First District Judges ; J. E. Gustus , C. E. Hodfield , Henry Brunlng ; clerks , Thomas Nolan , E. 1C. Bartos. Second Ward , Sei-ond District Judges , Albert Lewis , Fred Schnell , John Kopps ; clerks , Doa Pickard , C. Brcwlngton. Third Ward , First District Judges. Wil liam Nagl , Ervin Duggard , F. W. Solon ; clerks , George Hoffman. John P. Egan. Third Ward , Second District Judges , Wil liam Carlin , O.K. AValkor , P. H. Neff ; clerks , James Wallace , James A. Fognrty. Fourth Ward , First District Judges , James Forsyth , P. II. Allen , L. W. WullT ; clerks , Joseph McCagery , C. F. Huntzlngor. Fourth Ward , Second District Judges , Andrew Bovins , J. J. Hogan , E. L. Emery ; clerks , E. C. Adams , Charles Crary. Fifth Ward , First District Judges , Daniel Hagcrtv , Patrc'c Foley , Peter Brophy ; clerks. Thomas Birmingham , Alex Gray. Fifth Ward , Second District Judges , Charles Wilkins , William Whitchouse , George Kimball ; clerks , Patrick McMahon , D. M. Stockham. Sixth Ward , First District Judges , J. W. Russell , J. S. StcoloJ. H. McCarthy ; clerks , John I. Kennedy , William Butt. Sixth Ward , Second District Judges , Michael Cody , Charles McCay , Hobort Proiss ; clerks , J. M. Williams , W. E. Hen- shaw. Seventh Ward , First Precinct Judges , G. L. Dennis , J. J. Points , D. V. Sholcs ; clerks , W. S. Coombs , Charles L. Thomas. Second Precinct Judges , Gilbert Blue , P. J. Qualey , Chris Schllcmanu ; clerks , A. Schaab , Charles Hoborts. Eighth Ward , First Precinct Judges , Simpson , J. U. Woosham , Louis Gunnoll ; clerks , O. Carmlchaol , Thomas McNamee. Second Precinct Judges , S. N. Gustin , D. H. Pratt , H. Breckonfeldt ; Clerks , W. W. Koysor , Matt Usher. Ninth Ward , First Precinct Judges , William Van Buron , R. E. Llvesoy , W. F. Clark ; clerks , C. S. Huntington , S. T.Valen tine. Second Precinct Judges , Osborn , Jerome Coulter , Frank Ziramcr ; clerks , H. D. Noeley , R. M. Taylor. Tha appointees for South Omaha are as follows : First Precinct Judges , A. N. Shriver , P. J. King and J. W. Cress ; clerks , James Fleming and Ben Eybol. Second Precinct Judges , F. J , Persons. David Hohan and G. Hart ; clerks , J. Levi and J. O. Eastman. Third Precinct Judges. Frank O'Rourko , Charles King and James O'Crine ; clerks , H. McKondry und Walter State. Fourth Precinct Judges , E. A. Stearns , D. II. Scott and M. Mortonson ; clerks , C , A. Horino and B. Kclley. Como to the Front. I will put up a warranty deed , perfect title to eighty acres of improved land , clear , worth $1,000 , against f 1,000 cash , on each of the fol lowing propositions , all to go : That Harrison carries Now York. That Harrison carries Indiana. That Harrison carries Connecticut. That Harrison is elected electedC. C. L. WIIIOHT , 215 South Fourteenth street , Omaha. Political"Culls. . All republicans of the Sixth ward are re quested to assemble at Twenty-sixth und Lake. Monday evening , the nth , at 7 o'clock. The Una will move at 7:15 : sharp. All men having uniforms in their possession will bear in mind that it is important for them to bo present. The members of the Omaha Republican Flambeau club are requested to meet at their headquarters on Monday evening next to take port in the grand parade. Republican Veterans. All the veterans of 1810 arc requested to meet at republican headquarters , on Four teenth street , opposite- the Murray , on next Monday , whore Major C. Clarkson will have provided carriages for them to take part In the great republican parade. JIU Curiosity Aroused. Merchant Travoller : "Kcop away from that , " said ti restaurant kepor to an Irishman Who wiw sltuidi'ig in front of a newly arrived box of turtles , hold- his finger in evident puln. "What are .you doing there nnyliowV" "I wor investigating. " "Investigating what'/ / " "I wor trying to see which was the head and which wus the tad ov that baste over there iu the corner ov the box. " "What do you want to know that for ? " "I've a curiosity to know whether I've boon bit or stung. " Hung Himself nt Sea. NKW YOIIK , Nov. 3. Froderipk S. Lomas , an English saloon passenger on the steamer City of Chester , banged himself in his state- room'at so October 29. He was dead when discovered. The City.of Chester arrived in port to-day from Liverpool. THE VICTIMS OF EXTORTION , Iowa Jobbers Sustained Iu Their Charges Against the Roads. THE COMMISSIONERS' RULING , Discrimination nn Ihtcr-Stnto Qtics tion Beyond tlio Control of the Board Ilawkoyo Happening pening- ) . Thn lown Jobbers. Drs MOINHS , la. , Nov. U.--Spccial [ Telegram V to Tim Bun. ] The noted cases brought by the jobbers of Davenport , Lhibnuue and Bur lington before the railroad commissioners were decided to-day. They charge the roads with conspiracy to maintain high und extor tionate rates , and disci iminntion against Iowa cities. The commissioners find us fol lows : 1. The churgo of conspiracy is , not sus talnod. 2. The chnrgo.s of discrimination bolug Interstate - tor-state , are beyond the control of the board , n. The charge of unjust extortionate rates is fully proven by evidence und sustained by the board , which adopts the rates In Urn Hist , second , third , fpuith nnd fifth classes , and A , B , C , 1) , und K classes of the commissioners' soliodulo of Juno , with the addition of the lumber rate In the Burlington case , thiostorn classification having boon adopted In lieu of the Illinois classification. The following in n brief summary of the opinion : The evidence on the question of discrim ination In Inter-stato lutes against I own shippers develops a system of latos so un just us to be a serious blow at the business pioporty of those thus engaged wltnluj the stato. The low rates obtained by town Jobbers from the eastern markets uro neutralized by the high local rules within the ntatc , so that the llfth cl.iss rate In und the fourth class rate out uro largely In excess of the class from Chicago to Iowa points , nnd Our dealers are placed at such a disadvantage us to dcstroj largely their prolits und seri ously cripple thrir business. In fact , seine of thorn declare that unless relief comes m , x reduction of high local rates they \sill bo compelled to leave the stuto and go where they can do business nt a profit. In many instances the discrimination in rates in fuvor of Chicago merchants are 10 and 25 per cent , and representatives of lown business houses find themselves ut such a disadvantage us to bo unable to com pete unless at n sacrifice ; and the icsult Is that our business Interests in Iowa are lan guishing and the Held given up largely to Chicago dealers. What is true of the Iowa Jobbing Interest Is largely the ciso in lofor- unco to the manufacturing interests of the state. The products of western manufac turers enjoy the benefits of low rates from the cast and also those from Ohio , Indiana nnd Illinois. Our stuto is invaded with the product of tha skill of thu workmen of these states laid down nt our doors at lower rates than Iowa manufacturers can transport their goods from the manufactory in Iowa to points with in our own state under the present Iowa distance tariff ; hence Iowa industries are few nnd far between , nnd struggling for exist ence against great odds , und in seine In stances shut down or removing Irom the stnto to preserve an existence. From u careful comparison of these rates and the testimony m tills investigation , the commissioners are of the opinion that the charge of conspiracy mndo is not sus tained , there having been no evi dence offered as to this allegation. The proof of discrimination was con lined entirely to a comparison between state and Interstate business , ov'or which the commissioners have no jurisdiction , nml while the commissioners are unable to grunt relief against inter-state discriminations they are of opinion that n fair reduction of local rates within the state is the proper remedy to protect Iowa interests against tlio injus tice they are subjected to ftoni discriminating inter-state rates. The opinion is signed by Commissioners Smith and Campbell. The other commis sioner , Mr. Dcy , says ho has be n threatened by the jobbers in case ho did not give his opinion before November 8 , and so ho do- cllncs to state his views till after the election/ Mm. Brown Indicted. MASON CITV , la. , Nov. 8. [ Special Tele gram to TUB Bnn. | The grand Jury , after twelve days cf careful examination of writ ten and verbal testimony , finds an indict ment against Mrs. Sarah E. Brown for poisoning her father-in-law and youngest son. The crime was committed March 1 , while the family , consisting of flvo , were seated around the supper tables. They were all taken violently 111. On the following day Hi mm L. and Jesse died. Jjlngnoslng thu case , the physicians concluded that the symp toms much resembled poisoning. On search ing house u hex of "Hough on Rats" was found. The affair remained an unsolved mystery for two weeks , whan public sontl- grow so strong us to demand the coroner to take proceedings in the matter. Tha body of Hiram L. Brown wus exhumed and sent to u chemist in Chicago for ex amination. Ho rcjrarted that he found arsenic in largo quantities. The jury , after four days of examination , rendered a singular vcrd let , In which it suspicionod Hiram E. Brown as being the cuilty person. Brown , in order to clear himself , secured the services of Detective H. H. Chuflin , who accumulated enough evidence to cause the arrest of Mrs. H. E. Brown as being the one guilty , but in presenting the matter before Justice Cum- mlngs , he found no grounds on which to bind her over. Much additional evidence was secured by the grand jury. A warrant will bo issued for her arrest. The trial will not occur until December. This Morning' " Flro. The department was called out nt 3:30 : o'clock this morning to the corner of Six teenth und Iiard streets to suppress a blaze that consumed a barn belonging to Mm. Carroll , t widow lady. Two horses woru burned to death , and a lot of hay and other feed consumed. The property was iusuicd for $700. Invention of tlio Shot Towor. Chicago Mall ; There wan once a mo chunic at Bristol , England , who had a queer dream. Watts wau his niuno , and he was by trade a shot-maker. The ) making of the little louden pellets was then a slow , laborious , and , consequently quently , costly process. Watts had to take great bars of load and pound them out in to shoots of a thickness about equal to the diameter of the shot he desired to make. Then ho cut the shoots into little cubes , which ho placed in a re volving barrel or box and rolled until the edges were oft from the constant friction and the little cubes bccamo spheroids. Watts had often racked his brain trying to devise a bettor scheme , but in vain. Finally , after an evening spent with some jolly companions at the alehouse - house ho wont homo and turned into bod. Ho Boon fell into a doap slumber , but the liquor evidently did not agree with him for ho Imd a bad dream. Ho thought ho was out again with the "boys. " They wore all trying to find their way homo when it began to rain shot. Beautiful globules of load , pol ished and shining , fell In n torrent and compelled him nnd his bibulous com panions to draw their heavy lliubs to a place of shelter. In the morning , when Watts arose , ha remembered the dream. Ho thought about it all day , and wondered what shape molten lead would take In falling a distance through the air. At last , when ho oould rest no longer , ho carried a ludloful of th hot metal up into the steeple of tha church pf St. Mary of RodclifTo and dropped it into the moat below. Descending , he took from the bottom of the shallow pool several handsful of perfect shot , far superior to any he had over seen. Wnltn' fortune ) was made , for ho had conceived the idea pf the shot tovV'or , which has over since boon the only moans employed In Uso. manufacture of .tho little missiles BO much used ia war and ttporU ' "s