10 ME OMAHA DAILY BEE : . NOVEMBER 4 ; -SIXTEEN PAGES. r { SPECIAL NOTICES. Advertisements unacr this head 10 cents per line for tlie first Insertion. 7 rents for each sub sequent insertion. and * i.r,0a , line per month. NondvMtlsement taken for lens thaniiicenW the first .nsertlon. Seven words will bo counted to the line ; they must run consecutively and must bo paid to ADVANCE. All advertise ments must no handed Jn before 12:30 : o'clock p. n > . . and under no circumstances will they be taken or discontinued by telephone. . Parties advertising In these column ; nndtiav. ing their answers addressed In care of IIIB HEB wfll please auk for a check to enable them to got their letters , as none will be delivered except -on presentation of check. All answers to adver tisements should be enclosed In envelopes. All advertlsemcntg In thesfl columns are pub- llshcd In both morning ami evening editions of Tin IlBK. the circulation of which aggregates more than ] , papers dally , and ilve the ad- . -rertlsers the benefit , not only of the cltycircu. JatlonofTiiB HEK. but also of Council Bluffs. Lincoln and other cities and towns throughout thin section of the country. _ BRANCH OFFICES. Advertising for these columns will be taken . on the above conditions , at the following busi ness houses , who are authorized agents for THE IIFK special notices , and will quote the same rates as can bo had nt the mnln ofllce. ' Tenth Street. C 1HASI ! Ic EDDY , Stationers and Printers , 113 South ICth Street. II. FAKNBWOHTII , Pharmacist , 2115Cum- s ' Ing Street. w J. HUGHES. Pharmacist. 624 North ICth Street. /1KO. W. PAUU , Pharmacist , 1809 St. Mary's Avenue. SITUATIONS WANTED. ANTED To do washing and housecleun- ing In private houses. Address II 2u , Iloo < oillco. 855 4t WANTI'.D Situation by an experienced young man. Stenographer and type- writer. Also bookkeeper. Can give references. Address (1 117. llee Oillco. 67U 4t [ * " WANTED MALE HELP. WANTED-Yardman for hotel , (18 ; barber , V ) , room nnd board. Mrs. llrega , , ' 114'i ' B.5th. Wl K A good , honest boy to work in ijnws stand in C. , Bt. 1' . , M. & O. depot. In quire Monday. _ 8414 * * I"ANTnO-Ono [ peed salesman to canvass city for gonetal commission hotiso ; for the 3-f-nt man n liberal salary will bo paid. Ap" ' " nt once to llnrber & Co , , 1012 N. Hth st. 868 < ( WANTED 20 coal fnlners. For D.irttculars Inquire nt oillco of Iowa and Nebraska Coal Mining Co. , rooms 3 aud 4 , ( Iranlto 1 Ulock , 851 4t WANTED A first-class experienced clerk ; references required. Apply Omaha Ha- v zaar , 1511 Dodge t. 791 4 -\\rANTED--Coat and a pants and vest maker TT atonco. J. Larten , Mlnden , Nob. f06 6 * WANTED Canvassers at once ; salary J3.W ) per day ; must deposit * H for samples ; city or country. Address H 18 Hoe olllco.Omaha. 789 4 . -\X7ANTED A good canvasser , apply at 217 ' ' TV N. 16th st , Omaha , Nob. 757 WANTED Salesmen , to Introduce n new nnd very saleable article In his localitv and adjoining cities. Salaries paid to active , oner- , gotlc salesmen. Address , enclosing three cents in stumps , the Atlas Manufacturing Co. lock box 88.I. Cincinnati. Ohio. 761 d 1 * WANTED Male * female agontH easy selling goods , room 21 , llarker blk , 15th ttFarnain. WANTED Teamsters at * 2,00 per month and board Apply on work two miles wust of In-lngton on F. E. \ M. V. It. It. J. F. Allen , Contractor. 701-7 * WANTIID Energetic men and women every where for u genteel money-making busi ness. > W weekly profit guaranteed easier than WO monthly otherwise. Experience absolutely unnecessary. Permanent position and exclu sive territory assured. $ . ' .00 samples free. Write for { particulars. Address , with stamp , Merrill Mfg Co. . ilia Chicago. 417 n35 $ ' ANTED Shovolors ; wages 11.75 per day ; board 11.00 por-week. Apply on work at Itulo , Neb. Zach Bhrop , contractor. & > \\rANTKD-ltallroadlaborers for Washing- T ton Territory ; an all winter's job in a mud climate ; wagoa guaranteed from $ Jto&.50 ! per day.ioc $15 to K40 per month and board. At Alorlgaf s Labor Agency , 1120 Farnam st. 6 > b "tXrANTKO A man to solicit ; salary 1100 per * T mouth ; must deposit $25 and give security for money collected. Address Qeorgo S. Cltne , Wagner block. Des Motnos. la. 636 AOKNTS WANTED-S75 a month and ex penses paid any active person to sell our goods ; no capital , salary monthly , expenses In advance , particulars free. Standard Silverware Co. . Boston. 47'J O OVtt-Aui. Dlst. Tel. Co. , 1304 Douglas. cm W'ANTKD Man to take the ngehcyot our safes ; size2xl8xl8 ! Inches ; v > eight 500 Ibs ; retail price W5 ; other sizes In proportion. A rare chance aud permanent business. These safes meet a demand never befoie supplied by other safe companies , as we are not governed i by the safe pool. Alpine Safe Co. Cincinnati , o. blO TSTANTED need llfo Insurance solicitors TT with bank references , ore wanted by the union Llfo at 401 Merchants' national uank building , Omaha , Ofllco hours 8 to 10 a. in. and too p.m. 611 WANTED-FEMALE HELP. -A good girl to assist In house- T work. Inquire at 1424 N. 18th bt. 871) "fXT'ANTF.O 3 competent women as working TT housekeepers where ladles are invalids , or ' . occupied away from home ; Ural-clans girl for family of 3 in Wyoming , J18 ; 1 for Neola. la. , $ JU ; 4 good waitresses for city , J15 ; lauiulri'ss out of city ; B gills tor the country , and M v , here re willing to go over 6 blocks from the post- office. There are plenty places for girls willing to work. .Mrs , llrega. B14K B. 15th. 863 51 TSTANTED-l'arty to take care of baby at TT Manning block , corner 13th and Howard , room it. K'vr)4t _ TST ANTKn Olrl for general housework. Call TT at No. 1107 Howard tt. 860 4t , "W7ANTKD A competent nurse girl with good TT roferenccs. Mrs. J. E. Ilaum , 2911 Woolworth - worth avo. SOU > . \VANTED-Ladyplaulst ttud lnt ' "oket sell- . . TT or for small compauy. O. Harcourt , Coz- gons Hotel. _ _ ' " \V ANTEU-A girl to assist lu general house- 1 T vrork. 1.158 Sherman avc. 850 3t _ T\rANTED-\Vorklng housekeeper in wid- TT over's family with two children ; must bo jffd 1 ? il , c.IUVaulo"abl0 tor UUI ° * o f 14. ANTED A good girl for general houso- iTANTT.D A Girl for housework 2116 Call. r fornla st. KJC-5 W'ANTED A girl for general hoiibowork" 1 Apply ? j"u P ' 8"1 . liberal wages paid. Douglas. 768 4 * " \717ANTED Girl for general housework , S. TT W. cor. 23th and Culdwoll. Mrs. A..I. Van Jxurau , 7ffc41 | " \\TANTE1 > Alady to solicit ; must deposit S TT aud give security for money collected , i Address George B. Cllno , Wagner block , Dos luolnes , la. -j- . I ADY agents wanted ; new nibber undorgar- * ! r.lllcIlfor. f8" > iles } j sells at sight ; proof iroo. Write Mrs. H. F. Little. Chicago. 111. 711 4t t "WTANTED-Competent girl forgenaral house I' TT work. Mrs. Thoa. F. Hall , 154J Sherman avenue. upg ' \VA-l'Tt1 ' > T1'a < ' > ' "Gents lor coinolnatlon IT bustUvskirt "D. " , lsy" hose bupporter , rubber aprons , bibs , sleeves , shoulder braces. safety belts , waterproof garments , otc. : reliable . house. Only goods of rval merit ; profits largo. Addre ! > swlth stamp , K. a. Campbell i Co. . 4H4 > V. Randolph tit. . Chicago. frE uov Ml. . -r VALl'.NTJNE'S Short-hauTamrtypeTwrlting „ . Institute , now Paxton building. Omaha. Ken. The only exclusive , practical snort-hand achpol lu the west. The demand for snort-hand writers is largely in excess of the supply. Bhort-hamHs much superior to book-keepin ? > rod tolegrnphy as a means of livelihood. We give Instructions on Itemington and HaramonJ typo-writers , both for the same price. Day and evening sessions. Students can ntor at any time. Send for circulars. 752 nU. UPUKIOlt advantages now given m these branches at Omaha Commercial Coilege.opD P. O. , cor lUh and Dodge , Hen Pttmau syatoin Kemlngtott typo writers , livery graduate li eood position. Students complete manual In two we k * , nnd wrlt j words in three months Practical ollice drill glreu each student ono ) month free. Hesitations dolly one hour. Die tattnn tlin-e houis dally. Day and evening sus ions. Students enter any time. For circulars w yrlto Itorhbough llros Omaha. 218 n9 ' _ _ | PLOYNIEN'T BUHEAUS. CANADIAN Kraployntent Olllce. Mrs. llrega. V/814HH. l&th. Itoference Omaha National bank * _ . yj3 n a Emplojrincnt Offlce , 31T N. lUh MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. AHIUOMAIir.K dressmaker fromtliY oaat. good cutter , fitter and draper , wishes to do dressmaking tn families. Address G 72 , llee. c 2 a ; IJHOL'LD Like to.Invest services or * l.tt)0 ) to O I2.UU in legitimated pn > Ing buslne-fl ho pat ent schemoH , Address II. 1 llee. tl7K * EXPERT ACCOUNTANT-Wanted to adjust complicated books ; partnership accounts and complicated Accounting of nil kinds : coun try correspondence solicited. Address F 11 llee. itt'nS * BOARDINO. ANTED-TaVIo boarders at 17U8 Douglas. 73U N ill * BOARDING for gentleman and Vtlfocanbo had In strictly private family by applying at 1124 N 23th st. 741 4 WANTED Thirty day boarders , also throe roomers at 2221 Dodge st. 2711120 * WANTED-TO RENT. ANTED Nice cottage. 4 to 0 rooms , with modern Improvements , centrally located ; small family. W. R. llonnett Co. Ktl 4 FOR RENT-HOUSES. oil RENT Newly furnl'hod 8 room house with modern Improvements : furniture for sale on moderte terms ; nouso rents for $45. 4.10 24th avo. 873 6t T710R HUNT 6-room cottage , furnished or un- J-1 fqinlshed , cor. 3dth and Leavcuworth. Leavcuworth.7OT43 FOR RENT Throe desirable houses , 6 room ? each , just completed , In the highest and healthiest part of South Omaha , remote from all unpleasant odors. Houses are well ar ranged , ample closet room , cemented cellar , coal houses , cisterns , an excellent well , pure cold water , neat , fences , walks and stable to each nouse. To careful tenant price ffM per month. J. It , Parrotto Rental agency , KXM Chi cago. bun , FOR RENT 7 room house , 12th and Jones , 3 rooms 18th and Martha , 7 rooms Kith and Harnoy , 10 rooms , modern Improvements , 21st and Locust , Kountzo Place , convenient to cable and street cars. Llnahan & Mahoney. room 600 Paxton block 857 6 "C OR oRENT I have a number of parties J- wanting to rent furnished houses. Who has them ? J. II. Parrotti-rental agency , K00 Chi cago. 8 * > s o TTIOH IlENTV JOno 3 room house. $7.00 , One I room house $10.00. One 4 room house , $11.00. Ono 5 room house , $12.00. Ono5 room house , J14IM. One A room hoube , $ li.U ) . One 0 room house , 115.00. Ono 7 room new house , f 12,50. Ono 7 room now modern house , $30.00. One 9 room new moderi' hoiibo , Kr > , u ) . Ono 10 room new modern house , $ , r > .ut ) . Ono 10 room new modern home , I ? 10.00. Ono in room new modern house. W5. < K ) . J. H. Parrotte Rental Agency , ICOOChlcago. 8004 FOR HENT 8-room house and barn. S E cor 281 h ave and Webster st , $ . ) per mouth. I n- qulrq 605 Paxton block. P , J. Creodon. 824 " 1710R RENT-17 houses In line location , rents reasonable ? and furniture for sale cheap. Co-operatlvii Land & Lot Co. , 205 N 18th. 8,12 5 FOR RENT One good 4-room house , clstoin and well water. Inquire ol F. Klee , 8. E. corner 4th and Woolwnrtn ave. 793 5t " 17011 RENT Modern 9 to 14-room houses in J- choice location. Inqulro Netherton Hall , room 423 , First Nat Ilk. 8204 FO R JlESBfT A now convenient 4-room house with closets.pantries , hard uud soft water. 1639 8. 21st at. , between Center and Dorcas. 815 11 * "filOR RENT 9-room , 2-story house , with all JL modern Improvements , cor. Sid and Chicago cage ; rent moderate , luqulro 1119 Farnam st. 81 1 FOR RENT One of those 10-rooin houses In Park Terrace , cor. Hanscom park , all mod ern Improvements , $10 per mouth. Inqulro Lee & Nlcliol. 28th and Leavenworth. BOO fTIOH KENT House of 8 rooms , w Ith good J- barn , city watar. Inquire " 518 Capitol ave. u IlKNT Small cottage 3307 Jackson. At > - ply next door west. b23-3 * TTIOH HENT 6-room house , 2623 Chicago . In- J-1 quire next door , 840 4 * F OH HENT 8 room house , cistern , well. 838 "C"IOIt HENT Heautiful E-room house , bath J- room , hot and cold water.clstern In Kitchen , sewer connection , gas , hard pine finish , splen did furnace , house new and complete. $35 per month , call at once. C. F. Harrison , 418 ti 15th. 778 Tj"Olt KENT All modern convenlences.choap , H the premises , 1057 Park ave. Call on Fcaron , Cole & ftobcrtson. 310 3 < 5th st. _ 789 4 1TIOH KENT- flne now 8-room house with all -L modern Improvements , such as gas , bath , hot and cold water on both floors. Inside all hard finish , largo window sand large grounds , corner ot Hickory and Georgia ave. Price wu. F. H. Salmon , 1213 Leavimworth st. 775. FOH HKNT 9-room house nnd barn. 2511 Chicago st. Inquire 638 S 19th st. 745 FOR RENT-14-room flat. 11th and Howard , JO. ) month. Apply to J. L. Hrandels Ic Sons , corner 13th and Howard. 748 FOR RENT 2 houses , 8 and 11 rooms. 20th street , near California. Dr. Jones. 630 7t FOIt HENT Nicely furnished cottago. Kent can bo more than paid by boarding gentle man ana wife. 1124 N 25th st. 810 4 * TjlOH KENT New 3-room hotistH. J0.50 per J ? month. John It. Hamilton , Itoom 21,1 First Nat. Hank bnlldlng. 721 7t TT1OU 11KNT 4-room house , east front , for XJ family without children , 822 S. 18th st. I 10U RENT Now 8 room house with furni ture , city water , bath , etc. , central location , Kill per month. J. H. Parrotte , rental agency , 1COO Chicago st. bai 13 BHJH HENT 3 nvo room houses. South 24th. 1st door webt of shot tower. 0115j EUU KENT 6-room house , 2418 , 7-room house 2121 Popploton are. Geo. I. Gilbert , With- nellb'lg. aio F OR ItKNT Ilarn , 20 stalls. 414 S. 17th , bet. Howard and Haruey. 852 10 * I 1011 ItKNT Houses , Houses , Houses , in all parts of the city. Mumaugh \ FItchett , southwest cor. 15th and Howard. 501 FOH KP.NT-3 room house , 2001 Lake St. . J13 , Selby , 1521 Farnam. 481 FOll HUNT 3-story brick residence , 1910 Can- ltola\o. . 10 rooms. Apply to C. II. Union. $30room nouse , bath room , hot and cold water , gas. kew cr. p.iv ed t > treet , now. C. F. Harrison , 418 8. 15th st. 5SJ FP"C ItF.NTroom house , city water. No. 1110 Paclui ! st. Inquire at 1U03 Howard. B44 r ? HOOM brick house , 2411 Hamilton bt. All I modern Impiovomcnts , $ W. 8 room frame No. Sfll ! ) HamlUon bt. , $27.50. Leavltt Iltiruham , , No , 1 Crelghton block. 401 " 1710H KENT Furnished room , 2103 Farnam st. -L' . 5i ; i * j TTIOU HENT Two store rooms , vhtch are conJ - Jverted Into living rooms , 6 rooms each , at 81.1 per month. N. E. cor. 1'Jth and Mason , Inquire 214 S 12th .st. 211 " 171UHN1SHKD House Wishing to leave the 1- city for the winter , 1 offer for rent my house furnished , from Nov. 1 to .May 1 , ten-rooms , no better location in city , all modern improve ments. Apply on premises , 2119 Dodge st. George C. Hobble. Telephone 88. 187 TC1OU RENT 4-room house on 8.10th. st. , two A' blocks south of Vlntonst , ; will rent for 110 per month or sell on terms to suit purchaser. Geo. J. Stomsdoiff room 6 , opposite V * . O. 6K FOlt HENT When you wish to rent a house , store or office call on us. H. B. Cole , room 0. Contlmmtal block. 611 T71 HI RENT House with nine rooms. 113 8. JU 24th st. . Mount & Orlllln.3U 8.14th nt. 718 T710H RUNT 7 room house with large barn. JP (15 per month ; for the winter. C. F. HarrV son , 418 ho. 15th St. 931 lOIt HKNT A nowP-roora house , rlty water and stable , cor. Farnam and 42nd bt-s. Apply lloom 4iO ! , Puxton block to ! POH KENT To r'-sponslble party , 9-room brick house , 118 South 25th st , ISO feet from cable llnt > . Hirnace and all modern conveni ences. Kent { " , per month. Apply to J. W OrlllUh. U. P. headquarters . jri FOH HENT 7-rooia llat , city water , bath and modern conv uinnces. 3 unfuralshed and : : furnished rooms for light housekeenlng. All over 1603 Howard st. C. F , Shaw , 1615 Howard. _ . _ 270 FOH HUNT 10-rooiu house wltli steam heat , at 203 8. 2Jth st. O. E. Thompson. Sheelj block , nth ami Howard ats. 34 ITIOlt HUNT c-room cottage on horse oar line , J$18 a month. Apply JI. Elgutter 100L Far- namst. _ _ _ _ _ 418 "fjlOlt HBNT-Houso 7 rooms. 23 < l st near Cass , J-1 House 8 rooms , 8 ! 1 Cass st Inqulro Hooiij S } , lUrker block. 315 _ llENT-Ily-Bosworth * . Jopltn. Tlarkei block. 3. . 6. B. 7. K. . 10 , 11 , 14-room honsci In all parts of the city , . 600 "nOU HENT Cheap , 6 new 4-room houses , " - Qlatern. well , rlosdts , coal houws. all . complete plote for the bmall sum of $10 per iqontb. J. H I'M-rotti's rental ugoacy. 1WJ Cblcago * t. 3JI 1 "Ijion nnNT Atrery lc\v rates. 10 and 14 nair 1"residences. . 2404 and 241 4. Cass street. Clarke I'lace. Onn block south of Crelghtou college , on i'arnam and 2tth street car line , All modern improvements. Apply , H. T. Clark Union Trust ; 'o. . or at 24JO Cass street. C14 JFOJTRENTRIOOMS "FURNJSHEDT Oli rtnNT Comfortably fiTrnlshcd rooms | bricK house , furnace heat , private famllyt , 018 B. 19th st. 878 10 * ROOMS furnished & unfurnished , 1303 Douglas K M NICELY furnished room , also slnglo room with moderu conveniences at 1023 Farnam St. cor 17th at. _ 781 U UHN1S11ED room , Zti N 19th for gentlemen. , 77B it 1CELY furnished rooms with board , 1017 Cass. _ _ 700 > * "molt KENT Nice furnished and unfurnlfhed X ? rooms at 141B Dodge nt. Enquire room 2 be tween 6 and 0 o'clock. Two beautiful rooms for man and wife. c"0 0 Flf ) HENT Two pleasant , newly fuuitsbed rooms , heated , for rout cheap ; centrally lo- cated. at 611 3 21st nve. _ b600 TJ-IOH KENT 2 rooms , east nnd south front , J : with board. KM 8 2Jst st. 700 4 _ HENT Ono ortwo front rooms In nurto FOH otherwise : furnished or unfurnished , to gentleman und \i Ife. 2115 California st. 827-6 FOlfuENT Pleasant furnished room with all modern convonloucos ; brick residence , cor. St. M ary 's and 20tll or 620 8. 0th. 788 4 HRNT-Furnlshed rooms 3214 Parnani. rOll 747 5 * H.ooms-1013 and 1616 Capitol avo. . S AVENUE P. O. , newly furnished , private boarding house , largo , pleasant warm rooms.all modern conveniences. 763 8t _ furnished rooms ; also 2 front ELEGANTLY ; Improvements. OU8 N 17th. T71OH HENT one room or suite of room ? , with. JD board ; all modern Improvements , includ ing gas , furnace , bath , hot and cold water , etn . ; lit block from cable , 1 block from car ; 1812 grace st. _ 848 0 / \NE largo front room for two gent lemon : olo- \J gantly furnished , with nso ot parlor. 849 4t ENTLEMEN only. One largo front room with alcove , one latgo hack room , both nicely furnished , hot and cold water bath and closets same floor , for rent reasonable. Inquire at premises , 2313 Douglas1 St. _ 804 Ot OH HENT 1811 Capitol avo. Now furnished rooms for one. two or four gentlemen. J7.00 to $20.00 per month. 8C3 10J HKNT A handsome south room for ona Foil two gentlemen , convenient to lablonud horse car line. Enquire 2111 Douglas st. 841 "I71UUNISHED front room , all conveniences. -IJ tgJS.lTth. 870 5J _ rooms , with or without board. FURNISHED ) . 8J 10J _ fTloU RENT Furnished room with all modern J2 conveniences. S2-J7 Dodge st , 718 HENT Furnished room. 1J8 S. 23th. oil KENT Two elegantly furnished rooms with board. Knqurie at or address Mrs. II. J. Itanrtall , 1721 Dodge st , 7U6 9 nCELY furnished front rooms , 1021 Farnam. N K34- FOU HENT Very desirable front room , fur nished : every modern convenience ; block and a half from Hamey st. cable , 2107 Douglas. 799 O FUllNISUUD rooms , alcove.closets. modern conveniences , single or en suite. 20U9 Cass st. 82811' rpHHIU" rooms , furnished for housekeeping , JL and a 5-rooiu cottage , furnished. 120" ) N. llith. HB 6 * FOK KENT A pleasant furnished sleeping room , f U ; also small slnglo bed-room , $5 , 809 Howard ; payable weekly or monthly. Bua4t TJIOIt HHNT Comfortably furnished room , -U with dressing room , centrally located , near cable line , 1918 Capiol ave. 804 7 * T7IOH KENT Furnished room , 1720 Capitol av. JE 8,806- ELEGANT front rooms , cheap 623 S 15th , 703-N. 1J TJIOIt RENT Furnished rooms. 410 N. 14th st. -L' $10 , $12 , $15 , and 1 suitable for 4 gentlemen. FOK RENT Furnished rooms , board It do- Hired. 2021 Howard st. 3G2 4 -\TICELY furnished front room , suitable for JLi ono or two gentlemen. 2112 Hurt st. CM -I71OK KENT Nice large furnished room with JL : alcovesultable for 2 gentlomen,1823Fnrnam. 4--S T3OOMS with stoves $1 per week or $3.50 per JLV month. 602-4-0 S 18th st. 452 n25 * Tj-IOK KENT A large front room , nicely fur- JL : nlshed , modern conveniences , suitable for 2 gentlemen , 1818 Webster. 1W 1JIO11 KENT Furulshod or unfurnlsnert room JL ! for two gentlemen , or man and wife , 5023 Howard st. 644 FOK HENT A nicely furnished room with use of batnroomcouvenlent ; locationprivate family ; to a gentleman of qjlet habits ; refer ences required. 518 South20th st. near St. Mary's ave. 312 FUUN.ISI1ED room. A. Hospe , 1'l.J Douglas. MlUll l TTiUKNISHEDroom , 113 B 20th , near Dodge. J ? 510 n20 * FOR KENT Furnished room , south front , N E cor 21st and Davenport st. 480 LARGE pleasant room , furnished , brick Hat. K10 Chicago st 465 T7IOK KENT A largo front room , newly fur- JJ nibbed , south front , cheap , corner 17th und Cumlngs ats. northeast corner. 393 FOK RENT Furnished rooms In Qrennlg blk cor. 13th and Dodge sts. Inquire of Goo. K. . Davis. Mlllard hotel billiard room. 617 171OR KENT A handsome room with alcove at JC 2539 St. Mary's ave. 618 FOR RENT ROOMS UNFURNISHED. rplIUK.K nice south front rooms for rent , fur- JLnltureforsalo ; parties leaving the city. N. W. cor. 13th and Howard. 8116 " | 7HK HUNT 1 largo front room , unfurnished JD 223 N 13th St. 839 FOR HENT Four rooms in Duggan's build ing , cor 13th and Pacific sts. Would be a good place for a doctor. Enquire at room 5 , over the store. L. Duegan. 767 drug Wl U l 4Sll gjMU tVt T71OII HENT 6 chambers convenient for house- J2 keeping to a man and wife without children. 3 blocks from postollice. 319 N 17th. UVW 4 ; rTNFUltNISHED-Sultable for nuusoteepmtr. U Throe (3) ( ) rooms. 21U3 Nicholas st 1 * no Four (4) ( ) rooms , 415 6. IHth st 20 25 Fonr (4) ) rooms , 415. S 19th st 22 50 Three (3) ( ) room * . 1019 N. 20th st 11 25 Three (3) ( ) rooms , 701H Pacitlc st 000 Throe (3) ( ) rooms. 1412 Pierce st 1250 Three p ) rooms , 1010 N. 21st st 1100 Three (3) ( ) rooms. 707 Pacitlc st 10 ( Four(4)rooms. ( ) 1701 Websterst IB 20 Four (4) ( ) rooms. 17M Webster st 22 m Judge Kentlng Agency , s.w. cor. Huruev and 15th sts. Itoom 1. 230 FOR RENT-STORES AND OFFICES. I1OU HENT-Storeroom , No. 214 S. 14tn at. An. plr at 1110 llowardst. B31 OH HUNT 3 stores on 10th and Leaves worth , apply Uank of Omaha. 019 Foil KENT Ilrlck store , liat above. 24th and Hamilton , desirable business location. Lea- vltt Uurnhaui. room 1 , Crelghton block. 602 TTIOR HENT Ofllce suite 3 month , 2 slngla JolTicea 115 e&ch , all fronting 16th St. , Ilusn- man block , N. E. Cor. 16th ana Douglas. W. M. Hushman , 1311 Leavenworth. 021 T/1OH KENT Fine retail store room with JL large basement , $90 per month. C , F. liar- rlson. 419 S. 15th st. i22 FOR RENT-MiaCELANEOUS. TTIOH HUNT Good barn , 4 stalls , feed room JL1 and wagon snod. luqulro at 202) Howard st. 644 RENTAL AGENCIES. GEOUOE J. STEHNSDOBFF , roomil , opp. p. O. , will hereafter give special attention to renting houses , stores and flats. If you want your property rented without delay aud to rell- able tenants , do not , fall to list the same with Win. 623 "fTTE give special attention to renting and cot- TT lectlng rents , Ibt with us. H. K. Cole , room ft. Continental block. ' < < IF YOU want your bouses rented plane them with Ilenawa & Co 15th. opposite pontoffice. PERSONAL. \\rANTUD-A gentleman , a fttrancrrln the T T city , desires to make.the arquamtanoe of a handsome respectable joung lady of 18or2o , Object amusement. Address II10 lice oilice. h u 4T PEKSONAIs If you nave a p rsonal Item , or any communication , drop it in one of The P e's inesaage boxes. V LOST. ' T OST A white pony , lame In right litnd foot , J < lteturn to stockyards Co. ami receive rom- tiohsatlou. J. r. itoyd. t l w FOR First-cfasTnew milch covvTcalf 1 week old. InTpiTra of E.G. Merrill , 3d door west of Walnut Hgl cchogl , on Hamilton st. ( iriOH SALH-AltttKt'new ' piano , at 1917 Cass. JL 818 9 rilKOTTINO roadster for sale The buy gold- JLlnnCastloton , entered til tha t40 ; clays at Council Kluffs driving park ou November 2 Is for sale qheap airtt ISTlow. on the grounds. TJlOIl BALE One oll-ilnish marble-top walnut JJ chamber suite ; afgood as new , for t-L\ cost > 125. Call at 611 N. Utjl st. . 810 i Poll BALK Very i.flne family horse and phaeton at your own price. Inquire room 210 , First National Hank- 670 _ OU SALE At bargain , the shelving. Ux- turcs , etc. and CO tt upright glass show ciiso lu store , 12J7 Douglas fct , luqulro at store. 765 4 UJ/.UU will 'buy ' the furniture of a 10-room house Pwlth moderu conveniences and centrally lo cated ; also about $76 worth of staple groceries , horse cart , single harness , riding bridle , etc. , etc. : also 2 good lots with small encumbrance ; partita leaving city. 714 N. mil. BJ7 4 "TJ1OU SALE B slit , volumes Harpers' Weekly , JD fiom 18(11 ( to 1871) ) . What will you give ? Ad dress Harper , 8807 Hickory st. Omaha. Neb. 701 4t _ IJIOll SALl'-Hase burner for $10 , worth IW i ! parties leaving town. Apply 414 N. 14th. 751 6 * FOK SALE Furniture and lease at a bargain. 620 a 10th at. 740 7 * _ A CA1IINKT grand upright piano , first-class make , for sato at n sacrifice , pnly used one year , part cash and part time If desirmi , Ad dress II 10 , core Hoc. 752 dl FOll BALE or trade Now two seated car- rlage and single top buggy , hoi by , 1521 Farnam. 375 _ MISCELLANEOUS. the complexion 25 cents. Send 4 cents for clr- cular. Madame Itupport. 243 Btnte Bt. . Chicago. THE banjo taught as an art by Geo.F. Gellon- back , sa So. 10th st. IBS T.ADIES Superfluous hair on the tace , neck JLJor arms removed and the roots Instantly killed by the Electric Neealo Process , leaving no marks or scars : positively the only perma nent remedy. Mrs. Dr. Packord. 1822 St. Mary's avo. : Wednesdays and Thursdays only. 70D 0 * tlESSMAKING-Miss M. A. Shim is prepared - pared to do fashionable dressmaking at most moderate prices at 317 N. llith st. 821) ) I ) * WANTED All my neighbors tocomoand see mv grand opening of now goods next Saturday , 10th lust.at MacVlttio's grocery , cor. 30th aud Maple sts. 8357 INFOHMATION without charge to parties wishing to buy , sell or trade South Omaha property. D. 1) . Smoaton , Room 43 , Darker block , Omaha. 770 IF you have houses and lots to sell cheap , list with us. Wo can llnd a customer. Mutual Investment Co. , llarker block. 705 7 to conti actors and builders You NOTICE wilt save money by figuring with Haymer * Her. their stock of builders' hardware is complete - plete and prices low. 120nl7 " 171ELT hats pressed and reshaped ; feathers -E cleaned and curlod. i. M. Schadoll. 218 N 10th. 740nll FUHNITUllE carefully moved by the Omaha Auction and Storage Co. , 1121 Farnam st. Teleponno 12 5. I'llnia GO to Kaymer & Her for flno tools andtbulld- era' hardware , -521 S. IGth bt. , Her building. 120nl7 _ D U. O. HICKE'rrS. manager Kxcelslor band , 1120 Farnam. Urasa and string music. ' ' 713 n 1st A NTIQtTAIHAN.iooV ; store. 1413 Farnam st , . xi-hlghobt cash prices paid for second hand books. i if 631 n lOt JNO. MULDOON & CoyllS 8. 10th St. ; 10 btono- cutters , 12c lineal fojot , Colorado sandstone , ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. ItflDLAND Guarantee and Trust Co. , 1505 tar JJJ-nam Complete abstfact-i furnished , & titles to real estate examined perfected Ic guaranteed. ENSON&CARMTCH'Anij furnish complete and guaranteed1abstracts of title ito any real estate In Oman * and Douglas county upon short notice. Tha most Complete set of abstract books In the city. Mo. l9 Farnam pt. 628 CTORAGK-Merchamllsejino South 10th st. " TOUAQE At low rates at 1121 Farnam st. Omaha Auction & Storage Co. l.Ti bTORAGK-Household goods 319 South.10th . TKACKAOK , storage , lowest rates. W. M llushman. 1311 Loavonworth. ft9 WANTED-TO BUY. ANTKD-To buy building lot on Walnut 11111. E. (1. ( Merrill , : id door west ot Wal nut Hill school , on Hamilton. 817 4 * w - white rabbltts. Inquire 1003 Saunders. - 812 5 wWANTED WANTED To buy a second hand standing desk and letter press. Address II 17. llou office. 7003 ? WANTKD Furniture , carpets , stoves and household goods of all kinds. Omaha Auc tion & Storage Co. . 1121 1'arnam. 135 rtlONEr TO LOAN WANTED To loan on Improved city and country property ilOO.uoo ; also 50,000 In first mortgage notes at oillco of Guaranty Loan and Investment Co. , 16th and Chicago sts. 843 6 " \TONKY to loanp - Davis Co. , real estate -It-Land loan agents , 1503 Farnam st. 618 q > 500,000 to loan at 0 per cent. Linahau A MaP - < P honey , room MO , Paxton block. DUO /-III ATTEL and collateral loans. M. B. Davis Will B 13th St. , room 27. C53 / OOO city , and farm loans wanted by A. K , V3T Hlley. 1511) Farnam. Kg ERAIj estate loans , lowest rates. Odell Bros. & Co. . 313 S. ICth st. KM MONEY toloan ; longtime. George J. Paul 1000 Karnam st. 0.11 . UILDING loans. Llnahan & Mahouey. B 632 VOU want to borrow money ? It you have diamonds , watches or jewelry and desire to elTcct a loan on favorable terms in a strictly private and confidential manner , or should you want a loan on furniture , horses , carriages , land contract * or personal property of any de scription , you can have money advanced at lowest rat s of interest and ample time to pay by calling on or sending postal card to the Omaha Mortgage Loan Co. We loan out our own money , make out our own papers and pay no commission , thus giv ing the benefit to the borrower. Our facilities are such that we can accommo date you tn a prompt and conlldentlal man ner , giving you fair , honorable and courteous treatment. All loans renewed at original rates. We will pay elf any mortgage you now havn and give you long time and low rates ; will loan any sum from 12. ) to $1,000. Commercial and 1st mortgage paper bought. Omaha Mortgage Loan Co. , rooms 217 and 213 First National Hank building. 1 3 TlilE Omaha Financial Exchange , lloom 15 , Uarkur lllock , soqUtwest corner of Farnam and 15th sts Makes a specialty * of short-time collateral and real estate loaus < . .ii Money always on.n * < lln sums of 1100 and upwards to any amount , ' to loan on approved Becure'd notes bought sola or exchanged. Clear real estate and cash to exchange for good first , or second inorleages. Loans made upon Jaad contracts , stocks , bonds , trust deeds , flrst Or second mortgage se curity , without publicity , delay or red tape. Financial buslnets f ; any klud transacted Promptly , quietly an * fatly. Hoora 15. llarker block. Corbett. Managsr t ONKV to Loan-City : and country ; cneup rates , no dulay. > ii.V. . Hammond , 4W Pax. ton building. s ' 1 U4 MONEY To Loan Hytiho undersigned , who has the only prcrpei'ly' organized loan agency in Omaha Loans ot Stlu TO Sl.uuO made on furni ture , pianos , organs , Her o3.wasoiH , machinery , etc. , without removal ; .No delays. All busluosi strictly contldentlalo I-Otuvi so made that any part can bn paid at any time , each payment reducing th * cost pro ruta. Advances mada on tine watches and diamonds. Persons should carefully consider who they are dealing with , as many new concerns are daily coining into ex istence. Should you need money call and get me. W. U. Croft , room 4 , Wltlmell building , 15th nd Harney. 4 ' FINANCIAL Exctango-The fair est , quietest , most' liberal money exchange In the city ; loans made without delay or pub licity , in any amount largo br unrnll. at the low , est rutws of interest , on any available security ; loans nmy be paid at any time or renewed at original rates. O. nousunrnu. mgr , , room W > S4 , llarker blk. . 15th and Farnam. 017 n 1 ONKV to loan on household furniture , ji- M anoii , horses , wagons and other personal property ; also on mortgager paper and contracts as collateral security ; cash always on hand : lib eral extensions granted ; business transacted fairly.quietly and promptly. The Fairbanks la vestment Co. , B W cor Ibth K Douglas , upstairs. / < tm 6PKlt CENT money tb loan Casli on tiantl- _ W. M. lUrrl * . room iJ , Freu er block , opp , P.O. . . ( 9 MONEY to loan on Improved property at flrst hands. No applications sent away for ap proval. Security and titles examined free of charge o borrowers. Lombard Investment company , 309 8. 13th st. 6-17 ri iO' LOAN From ono to two hundred thous. J- and dollars -.mailer sums promptly , ens > em capital always on hand cheap. Philadelphia Mortgage and Trust Co. , Gee , W. P. Coates. U board of trade , 0,13 MONEY to loan ou furniture , wagons , etc. , without removal , or on collateral security : Business strictly confidential , A. K. Greenwood A Co. , R 1 Cunningham blk , cor. 13th * Jackson. 639 W. PECK .loans money , tosh on hand. loOOOOQ , can bo placed on city and farm prop erty at lowest rates ; building loans a specialty. Itoom 4 , Frenzcr block. Opp. P. O. lip ) n 15 * MONEY to loi\n In any amount , either for building or otherwise , at lowest rates of Interest and un short notice. D. V. Wholes , room 210 First Nat'l bant , cor. 13th and Farnam. EUO MONEY to loan on Improved city p'roporty or for building purposes ; lowest rates ; no delay. Mutual Investment Company , room 1 , llaricer block. 16th and Farnam. r > IO djOQO.liQO 0 par cent. Money to loan ou 1m- tpproved farms or city property. James A. woodmun , at the old flro insurance olllce of Murphy & Lovctt. 220 3. 13th st. Ml DON'T borrow money on furniture , horses , wagons , etc. , until you hare seen C. 1) . Ja cobs , room 410 , First National bank building , cor. 13th and Farnam 042 MONKY to Loan On real estate and thattet security. Money without delay. Western Land and Loan exchange , 117 S , Kith st. MONEY to loan on furnitnro , horses , wagons , etc. , or on any approved security. J. W. Hob- bins. H. 208 Sheely blk , nth aud Howard. 04.1 MONEY to loan ; cash ou hand : no delay , J. W.Bmiiro. K19 Farnam st. First National bank building. Gil ( & 1&.UOO toloan on Inside property. Some flrst JP mortgages for sale. Nathan Bhelton , 1505 Farnam street. 615 MONEY to Loan Lowest rates. Lonns closed promptly , H. K. Cole , Itoom 6. Coutlnontal Ulock. MX ) IONKY to Loan On Omaha and South Oma- I ha property. C. F. Harrison , 418 S 15th st. 777 JOANS made on real estate.Mortgagesbought F. M. ltlchardsou.lt. O.s.w.cor. lotluV Douglas 878 u3 3 ? MONEY toloan on chattel securities. Itisnop 4s Wheeler Loan Co. , room C , llarker block. 930nl7 HU. IKEY $500,9)0 ) to loan on city property and Improved farm laud. Freuzur block. 660 LOANS made on real estate and mortgages bougnt. Lewis S. Heed At Co. , 1531 Farnam. 051 PEOPLE'S FINANCIAL K.xchange-Largo and small loans for long and abort time , at lowest rates of Interest , on real estate , mort gage iiot-os , chattels of all kinds , diamonds , watches and Jewelry. Don't fail to call If you want fair and cheap accommodations , o. lions- caren , jngr , , room 66i ! , Uarker blk , ir > th and Farnam. 017 n 15 * MONKY to loan on Improved real estato. Loavltt llurnlmm , Crelghton block. 617 BUSINESS CHANCES. A PARTY with $2,000 wants to connect him self with some mfg or mercantile business. Address 11 0 , llee. 854 5 ? FOlt SATjK A first-class gcneial merchan dise btoro In ono of the best county scat towns in the Republican valley ; stock Includes full lines of dry goods , clothliiL' , boots and Hhoes , huts and caps , groceries and notions ; uplendid chance for a live man ; good reason forfeiting. AddressII IB , care Deo. K)7 ) 4 FOR SALE Cheap and on easy tcims , gro cery store , saloon , restaurants , bakery , din ing hall , short order house , hotel , cigar stori' , and other business chances. Co-operative Land and Ix > t Co. , 203 N. 16th at. 832-5 WANTED- with $200 each to learn pol ishing abalalu shells and manage business in Nebraska and lowu. Address for particu lars , II11 , Hoc oilier. 750 4 * A HltlCK yard In full runnlngorder on switch -ti-of U. P. and H. If M. Kuglue.boller. palletts for 350,000 , brick sheas to match and soft mud machine , good clay , for sale cheap. Address I ! 18. Hee. 763 15 T\TANTI"D Young man as partner to leara T barber trade. Call 113 S 13th Bt. 7tU FOR SALE-Or exchange : One drug xtoie dolugnlce business. One large general mdse. store. Western Nob. One farm , 240 acres , near Nellgh , Neb. Ono farm , ICO acres , near IJIunt , Dak. One horse ranch , 040 acres , near Chadron , Neb. One good 7-year-old Hone for sale cheap. One big spring wagon for sale cheap , One South Omaha small business , good pay. Also many houses or lots to sell or exchange for good stock of goods. D. I. Thornton , 121 N. 15th st. Telephone 420. 710 4 , R A It E business chance : Fine stock of gro ceries In live city of 12.000 inhabitants , doing a business of ! Wi,003 perannnm , capital re quired from IS2.0UO to 14,000 , reasons for selling 111 health. Address O ! W. care Bee.Ml n 0 * WE wish to employ a reliable man in your county. No experience required ; perma nent position for three years. Salary increased each year. Light , easy , genteel business. Money advanced for salary , advertising , etc. Largest nmnufrs In our line. Enclose 2-cent. No postals. Centennial M'f'g Co. , Cincinnati , O. 13 ! J2 B'J J ? good paying Livery business lu Council HlufTs.Ia. , lu N Main st. Win. Stadlenmn. 6Ut FOR EXCHANGE. FOR TRADE 2 now largo wrought Iron fur naces for H their value , tor a good horse. 1) . Landen , with Foiclgn Emigration Co. . 1503 Farnam. 81128 * SPECIAL attention given to the exchanging of stocks of merchandise. Western Land and Loan Exchange. NIT 5 C1OII EXCHANGE Improved and uulm- JL' proved lands , vacant , lots , houses and lots stuck of goods and , nil kinds of property. Cooperative - . operative Land tc Lot Co. 205 N Ifith st. 8.f.5 \\TANTED To tiade tree claim , improved. In T Holt county , for a good team ot mules or horses , wagon or harness. E. Savage,15i3 Dodge. b7 4 * T71OR TRADE Houses for lots or farms. X Clear farms and some money for business lot. lots and $5ui for a house and lot. 2 nice cottages , reutral location , for good building lots. Furnitiireund lease of 12 room house for other property. Gi over Elevens , IKlFarnnm1 8X1 4 VVANTED Stocks of mcrchandlso In exT - T ? change for city and farm property. West ern Laud and Loan Exchange. WJ7 5 WHAT have you to trade for peed timber claim In Fi ontler Co. , Neb. Prlco $ joO. 1'ranlc Stiles , Ulysses , Neb. 71S C. OR EXCHANOE-M.r.00 stock general mor- chandlse for land ; albo have 4 billiard ta bles and ilxtnros tollade. T. E. I > . Riseloy , Shcnandonh , la , 711 7 * FOR EXCHANGE For desirable nisldenco property In Omaha , any or all of following- 4U choice inside residence lots In Hastings. 100 lots In Lincoln. ( MO acres line farming land , Lancaster county. Hno rnsidence property , Lincoln. ( ' oed rental property , Lincoln. Choice fancy residence , corner. Los Angeles. A neat residence property In Ilausqom Place. Also some good mortgage notes. Address , givlnglooatlonondprlcoof property , J. E. 11. , care Ilaum Iron Co. , U17 Leavenworth. | ( W _ _ C10R Trade Choice lot in firammorcy Park Jj and choice double corner In Ltpton Place for good land. D. V. Wholes , -10 , Flrat Nat'l bank. 677 IF you have anything to exchange call and see our list. U'esteru Land and Loun exchange - change , 117 S. 10th. HIT nS TJTOR KXCHANGE-Oood renting city and JJ South Omaha property ; also lots and farm * . Western Land and Loan exchange , 117S. llith uf &y > n3 I HAVE real and personal property ot all kinds for trade. Cull and BOO me. Cjcorse J. Sternsdorlf , room C , opp. P. O. G54 CLAIRVOYANT yoiinK Mr. and Mrs. Jarbeau have just THE , have traveled through all the pilu- cipal citloH of Kuropu , Canada and thn United Butes ; will tell all who cull their lift ) from the cradlu to thogiave ; will bring back husband , sweetheart or lover , no matter If they bo ten thousand miles awav ; will tell you how to re move trouble or dlfllculties ; will give ilOJ to any man , w omau or child that has a disease wo cannot euro. Call at once and ba convinced. Oillco hours U to ii , lJi4 Capital avo. , up-atalM. otxi HJ A TTENTION The gifted destiny reader can J Vbo consulted dally for two weeks lu all af fairs of life or death ; tells your life from thn cradle to the grave ; reunites ! he separated with the wonderful Egyptian charm ; loiutes dlsoaso and heil * them with Mass K < and lfrtrlot t- ment. Ofllce 417 8 llth St. , up btalrs , ropmsii A jlv Magnetic Healer Prof. J.P. llnzer ELECTHO curable diseases from one to thirty treatments : U bouts given every Thursday from tt to II , free to tha uoor. Magnetic sdasalt baths girun aUo. Wife will , attend ladlc-a. lluslnesaslttlogs dally from u to Up. in. Mrs. Razer gives psychometric readings by loiter ana Ipcks of fiair. 8 questions aimueied for $1 > by letter and two 2-cent stamps endowed. Sit tings dally at 1W7 N. .Mth sU . 3 , S * TjlORTt'NE Teller-Mrs. Lerorman can boon - X1 suited pn all attain of Ufa. Satlifartlon guaranteed. No. 318 N Hth st TVlt. NANNIE V. Warren. clMrvoyant. McJ- JVlcnl and business medium , renmlo discuses a specialty , llil. N. Uith nt , Roomsa A3. fif > 5 FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE. TJWR SALE Nothing but nrst class proper. J. ties. M. A. Upton Company. 87a i Blfl _ tlarpain-7 room house , llnlslied In hard oil. third door west of Walnut Hill school ; 11.400 If taken at once ; terms easy. Inquire at house. Or will trade for full size lot. 815 4t FCW 9ALK-Wlmtyouhavo been looking for Is a nice Z-story , hard wood finished house of 8 rooms on east front lot lu a good neighbor hood for f,5W. ) We have It. M. A. Upton Com. 1'iny. 878 4 FOR BALE-Or Explmuge-Half section in Antelope co. Neb. ; good framn house , frnmo stflblo for U horses , shedding for K ) head of cattle - tlo irp acres lu pasture. 140 acres under cultiva tion ; balance gpod grass land , 0 miles from Oak- daloandL'H fiom Elgin ; a very dealrablo half section for small taiieh ; will oxchaugo for general - oral stock of merchandise , or will soil on easy terms. Western Land and Loan Exchange. 117 B Iflth t. yum il SALE-llest building sites. M. A. Upton Company. 78 4 FOR SALl'-A decided bargain ; OIU3- feet , with two houses , tilth and Dorcas , iN.SOii. This property Is actually worth * 7UX ! ) . Look at it. C. E. Mayne Real Estate ATrusl Co. 7i'7 ' 5 1J1OU SAIi-intlne : lots on high ground m -L' llryant As Clark's addition , Council HlulTs , for WM each. Must bo sold at ouco. M. A. Upton Company. 878 4 BARGAINS In Omaha and Council lllulls property , List jour property with mo. ( } rover Slovens , IK.1 ] Farnam. 8fl 4 lUMt SALK-Kiglitoetr lliro resldonco lots in J1 West r.ndfiomJt-50tof3,7lO. ! M.A.Upton Company. B7t)4 ) $ .1,500 buys a good 2-story 8-room house and lot. east front , in Windsor Place , a bargaiu. 1) . V. Sholes , Room S10 , First National IJauk. _ _ _ _ _ _ 678 FOR SALE llest business property. M. A. Uptou Company. B7S4 FOR SAIiK Un easy terms , tlio first house dl- roctly south of Dr. Mercer's resldonco.eloven rooms and t > ara with lot 40x1,1) ) only $4,600. The same Improvements with grounds l.RK'JOO only 115,000. W. T. Seaman , wagons , carriages , c. , east side ot Itlth st. . north of Nicholas. U70 BROADWAY 1 have the cheaiost lot offered on Ilroadway , Council lllulTs for a few days. Grover Stevsns , i5Jl Tarnam st. SB 4 E oiTsA M-Omaha : dlit. You \ \ 111 wish you owned moro than you do before "many moons. " M. A. Upton Company. 878 4 FOR SALE Two elegant homos In llanscom Place on leasonable terms ; moitgage paper taken as part payment. Uoiworth A : Jopilu , llarker block. few FOR SALK-100xl40 , southeast corner illtfi and Park street , ulcnO-room house , cemented cellar , city , cistern and well w otor , good barn , coal house , etc. , etc. , an extra bargain at Jrt.OOO , $1,150 cash. M. A. Upton Company. 8784 ajlOOcash and balance easy teims will buy a Pnlco cottage near car line , a rover Stevens , 16U11'arnain fct. tai 4 FOR SALE Host resldonco property. M. A. Upton Company. 6784 FOR SALE Or exchange for Omaha proper ty , 80 acres , suitable for platting ; will make 40fllots ; all clear ; big monny In It for some ono who can push this ; located just outside of thn city limits of Council Illuirs. lumilro Goo. J. Stemsdorll , opp. oostolllce. 305 T710R SALE Nice homo In Windsor Place ; full X1 east front lot , $3.000 ; r OJ less than It Is worth. M. A. Upton Company. 8784 I HAVE $11,000 worth of property soon to be sold for mortgage. Tho.comlnglnsido prop erty of South Omaha Requires $ ) ,000 cash. Can bo bought ut a bargain. U. D. Smoaton , Omaha T710R SALE All Kinds of good proderty. M. U A. I'pton Company. 878 4 fjlOR SALE-Lot COxlJU , with good 2-.story JJ house nicely 'finished , all modern conven iences , within 1 blk paved St. , 'i ' Bile from Park school and M. E. church. Hauscom plnco. This is ono of the best properties In the city , and can bo had at a bargain by addressing the on nor , F14. llcoolUce. 418 T710R SALB-SealedTbldH will bo received nt JJ our olllce up to Nov. 7tli for lot 10. bloek 1 , Redlck's sub-dh Ision , 62 feet front. Also lot 4 , blocK a , Drake's addition , 60 feet front. Only one lot will bo sold. These uro fine residence sites , on Howard and Davenport streets respectively. betHocn 27th and asthsts. The right to reject any and all bids reserved. Illda will Mate terms wanted. M. A. Upton Company. 8784 T OTS For Sale 1 have 10 line lots in Ilrlggs' JUulaco add. for salo. For further information address E. Jolfery Galena , 111. 801 FOR BALK The very best South Omaha prop erty it lowest prices obtainable , if. A. Up ton Company. 878 4 I710H SALE Not for trade. 61X70 acres of 1m- X' proved laud 3 miles from Marquette In , Hamilton Co. , Nebraska. Frame house , frame staole , 300 acres under a good 4 barb-wire fence , round cedar posts and M stays ; living water , good corral , 2 wells , wind mill , 3i31-bariel tank , self-feedertrouirhs , etc. ; 75 acres clover ; model farm. Prlco ( about 112 per acre ) JB,5 ) Cash 3.WO 3 years time at 6 per cent 8,001) ) Go and look over the land and address the owner , F , If. Atkins , 1603 Larimer St. , Denver , Colo. Z44 FOR BALK The shrewd man will buy when tiado In the article sought la quiet. Now Is the time to make Investments In Omaha. See M. A. Upton Company. 8784 FOR SALEOr zchange. ( Ve have some good Omaha real estate and Nebraska farms , which we will sell cheap or trade for stock of clothing , furnishing goods , drr goods , boots andahoes , groceries or hardware. Bchles- Inger Bros. . 811 8.10th st. 058 , , T71OR SALE Home" . These are to bo pitied Jt ? that have money in their pockets and are "homeless. " when necessity compels a person hero and there to sacrifice on a good homo. M. A. Upton company. 8784 buys a full lot and good 4-room cottaso" $800 terms and good location. I ) . V. Kholos , room 210 ' , First Nafl bank , cor. 13th and Far- nnm. 050 TT1OH SALE-512 acres Hamilton Co. , Neb. . JJ land , W per acre , one-third cash , balance at U per cent , Address W. J. WlUUuan , Denver , Col. FOE SALE Or Exchange : 3iacre farm , all choice land , 11X ) acres tinder cultivation ; leased for one j ear : In Plnttn Co. , Neu. Inves- tluate this. Two 7-room new houses on 18tb , south of Vlu- tOU Bt. Ono 9-room new house In Hanscom Place , One 8-ioom now house in Kountzo Placo. Ouo5-ioom new house In Lowe's add. J. II. Johnson , 411 Paxtonblk. 1703 8 * Election Proclamation. Under and by virtue of the authority vested In me by fcoctlon eleven (11) ( ) ot chauter twenty- Blx(2r ( > ) ot the compiled statutes or Nebraska , entitled "Elections , " I , John M. Thayer , gov ernor of the stale of Nebraska , do hereby Issue my proclamation , that on Tuesday , tno sixth day of November , A. D. 1HS , thoio will bo an election hnld at. tha usual pliioeb of voting In Bald Mate , forthopiirpoaoof electing the follow ing officers , to-wit : I'lvo electors of president and rlco president of the United Statin. One member of congt ess from the First con- grofslonal dUtiict. One member of congress from the Second con gressional district. . , , _ . , Ono member of congress from the Third con gressional district. Governor. Lieutenant governor. Secretary ofstato. State treasurer. Auditor public accounts. ConmUsslouo ? 1 nubile lands and buildings. Superintendent of public iustruetion. Pa o senator for each betiAtorial district , and Representatives for eacli representative fiiKtrict as tirovldsd by law. fnwltifesi"hereof. . I have hereunto set mv Uanrt 2nd Suswt to'e \ .mixed . the great seal of uanuanuca tl ( ) sato. Done at Lincoln this 2 < 1 day of O t l or , In the year of ourUjrdone thousand eight him- IBeal. ] dl ed and eighty eight , the twen ty-second year of thostito. and of theindepemlencnnf the United States the ono hundred and thlr- ' ' fiy thoVS'im'i'nor. JOHN M. THAYEK. G.S. faws. Secretary Suite. Corner of Ittth anil Karnam Streets , Chamber of Commerce liullding. Cnpttnl Stoi-k 00,000 Liability of Stockholders 800,000 Fire percent paM on ilepo U . loam ruadeonreal p tnlfl nn.l | wn > < mHl M'cutllri nolce , warraDti , > tockl " ' - - nnd CS , I're l < lent. llOsKWA'J'Blt. VI J Pwlflent. lK.\TiiU..TlHMASC : slilor. I'.OAIIUOf DlllKCTOUSi John ! „ Mile * . Kin.tin llfnion , bam4icl Cutaor , John II. KTHU. Antlrtw Uoicwnker , Atorl Morrnon , W. A.I UIbl on , Oi" > . H. Harder , Cor. Alrlu Maanocn , DtzltrUThuuiti , Noriuan A. Uilba , James TJiom > ' . UJ < ma > oa , John Uuh. Gta > C.llo/t ! > ii. Clmrnctor AH Indicated by Memory uf Events This la shown by n wide , full forohond In tho'contor. HcnsonhiR Power A hlpli. loiiff nnd woll-dollnou nose nud broad fuco ex hibits this ftvcMlty. Mornl Conrngo This faculty maiiU fcsta itself by wide nostrils , short neck , nnd eyes sot directly In front. Lnngimgo This faculty la exhibited In many parts of the face , particularly by a largo mouth , nnd largo full eyes , opened wide. Self-Esteoin This fiftt shows Itself In a long or deep upper lip. Lur o Rolf > esteem gives ono dlpnlty , self-control and perfect Independence. Firmness The presence of this fac ulty , when very largo , is Indicated by n long , broad chin. Firmness Is synony mous with willfulness , perseverance and stability. Perception of Character This Is Indicated dicatod by a long , high nose at the lower end or tip. Tills faculty Is very useful , if not Indispensable , lo'a judg'o in the exorcise of the functions of his olltco. Power of Observation The situation of this faculty is in the face just nbovo the top of the nose , ll'ling ' out the foro- Jiead to n level with the parts on each bldo of the noso. It is a faculty which enables ono to concentrate the mind upon the subject being discussed. Conscientiousness This Is shown in the face by a square jaw , a bony ohln , prominent eheolc bones , nnd n general squareness of the features of the entire face. To bo conscientious means that ono has n sense of justice , honesty of purpose , rectitude of character and moral courage. What n Convict's Sentence RliouUI Bo Charles Dudley Warner , in Novem ber Forum : A convict should bo ont to prison and hard labor not for a definite arbitrary term , but until ho IB PO changed in his habits that ho Is fit to take his place in the world again. If that were done , and society understands it , a released man would not find the doors of employment and sympathy shut against him as ho does now , for he would come out with ti certificate of in tegrity , industry and intelligence. If ho is so debased as not to bo able to be changed in his Habits and practices , by any discipline , however long continued , then the prison is the place for him for life. Wo shall do llttlo to reduce the number of the criminal class till wo come to this conclusion. Of two colts similar in disposition aim sense , ono may develop into a steady nnd valuable family horbo , while the other may bo everything that IB vicious , treacherous and unsafe all because of a dilToronco in the men handling them. THE RAILM TIME TABLES. . OMAHA. SUIJUUnAN TRAINS. Itunnlng between Council lUuff and Albright. Jn addition to the stations mentioned , trains stop at Twentieth and Tweuty.fourtU itraats. and at the Summit in Omaha. Westward. Ka-t\vard. ) COUNCIti BLUFFS. CHICAGO. ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC. A No. 2 jgW'D ' fio.1 7 O No. 6 COOa.m.O : , * , o.5 6:50p.m : A No. 4 . 'JMUa.m.lA No.3 n:60um : CHICAGO. 1IU1U.1NG1XIN & QUINO VT A No.4 .v:40a.m.A : | No.fi 7 : ) am. A No.8 J5:36pm. : A No.7 Ji.Mu. : in. A No.6 0:6011.m.lA : No.3 fi"flii. ; ' ilk CHICAGO & NORTH WlSSiKUN. A No.6 9:40a.mJA No.a 710a.m ; A No.4 8-Up.m.11 No.l 7:01 : . m. H No.2 8IOp.m.'A : ' No.6 8fI : > . lit. CHICAGO , MILWAUKUK it. T. PAUL. A No.2 .D:40a.miA : No.l flnna. ; tn. A No.4 , . . .7OOP-m. : A No.JI _ . , . .Bop : , m. * n , , . ' " " * ' * ' KANSAS 1i f'/n f. CITY , A No.B 0:25a.m.iA : No.3 C:30a.m. : A No,4 9:2)p.ra.lA No 1. ' . . . 6Up. : ! m. SIOUX CITY & PACI r'IC. A No.10 ,7Krta.m..A No.'U. 8Via.m. : A Ko.U..1':08p.m. ' : A No.ll ' .i00p. ; m. OMAHA & ST..LOI'IS. A Ho.8 3:40pm..A : . No.7 JIrT7 . m. AdstlfjU daily except Sa'.urdar : C i Buuda/ ; except Mondny ; fMt OJfcU.