Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 03, 1888, Page 5, Image 5

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    V-i - -
Indications Favorable 'for a
Swooping Republican Victory.
'farmers and Fluslnom Me.ii Cclnlirnto
at Tobias tfitpromo { 2ourt Mat *
. t'crs The Criminal llccord
General Gonstp.
LlN'COLN , NoV . , 3. I
Evcrvthln nt tlm Capital city bonds to ( ho
t > olltlcul boast. ( Jmilldiito3 : are nervous , if
not anxious. Knots of' men gather on the
Btrcct corners uni } talk politics and the
chances of the respective tickets. This con
tinues from morning until night. Nothing
else goes. Business practically stands still
and news Centura aru as barren as the grout
Sahara. Hut the end Is in sight.
In this county it Is only a question of ma
jority with the republican legislative ticket.
It is reasonably certain , liowuvor , that
Charley Hull will run behind the party vote.
This ought not to bo , for ho is one of the
very best mon on cither ticket. His attitude
on the submission question Is misunderstood ,
nnd for this rcusoti it Is said the Gorman re
publican voters in some parts of the county
will scratch him and vote for James Kelly ,
a IcgKlallva cnndldata on the democratic
ticket , and an ox-saloon keeper. The
intention to elect Kelly at the ux-
penso of Hall is very apparent. Mr.
llnll stands Irrevocably committed to
the fight against railroad domination , and
Iroiu every platform from which ho has
pokim ho bus declared it to bo his purposo-to
light for the people , cheaper freight rates
nnd against the aggrundi/emont of corpora
tions at the public expense. For this reason
the railrads have It in for him and they will
Hhow him no mercy at the polls. Money will
bo freely used to defeat him.
, T. C. McHrido sails along In his light very
nmoothly. He has cornered the enemy and
Ills name will shine among the victors the
day after the election. There Is no doubt
whatever about the success of the republican
ticket in Lancaster county. It is only nccos-
ttary hero to keep an eye on the Hall scalp
ers.McSlmno money keeps pouring Into the
city cvcr.v day. ( Us pasters uro in the hands
nf almost every voter in the county. They
tiavo been sent out Indiscriminately to demo
crats and republicans alike. The angelic
prohibitionist also has the article
that will make Hlgclow read Me-
Shane. There Is no buncombe In
the money statement. I htivo it from the
best of authority that a former prominent
republican accepted $2.50 from democracy's
leaders yesterday , and that It will be used to
defeat Governor Thaycr. If proof Is wanted
put Hon. Web Eaton on the stand , swear
him and the statement will bear fruit. There
will be a shameless expenditure of money at
tho' polls hero on election day. The ballot
will bo prostituted as never before.
Many republicans will scratch Secretary
Laws. Money will have no part in this deal.
Ills record on the freight reduction order is
too transparent to work. It will cost him a
great many votes in Lancaster county. Hut
it Is stated hero that Thuyer and Leeso uro
to bo traded to bolster him by the wliolo
band of railroad strikers. This move , it Is
eaid , Is to scatter all over the state , and is a
game that will bear watching. Divers other
rumors arc nlloat , but in the main treachery
will bo checkmated by the citizen vote at the
polls. Forewarned is forearmed. The at
torney goncral received flvo or six letters to
day warning him of the trade game.
From now until the day of the buttlo the
"still hunt" will bo the order with the ro-
apcctlvo candidates. The catnualgn prac
tically closes In the city to-morrow , and tho.
demonstration hero will by odds bo the most
imposing Of any during the light. The city
will swarm with people from nil parts of the
state. Council will bo hero. The best talent
of the party in the state will bo marshalled.
Tbo farmers and business men of Tobias
celebrated the hour of their triumph over the
opposition of the Burlington yesterday by
laying the corncrstono of the now elevator
now building ut that place. It was a great
day for the citizens of the town and vicinity.
Every imaginable obstacle had boon put in
play by the IJurllngton schemers to defeat
the enterprise , but without avail. Pure grit
won the day , and a line grain elevator will
soon stand as a monument to their energy
and enterprise. The builders expect to have
the building ready to receive grain before
the Christmas holidays. It is building on
the line of tbo Kansas City & Omaha road.
General Van Wyok passed through Lincoln
to-day en route homo. Ho honored tbo citl-
zoim of Tobias with his presence and deliv
ered the address of the day. Ho discussed
the relations of capital and labor and dwelt
upon the encroachments of corjwratlons and
the necessity of sturdy railroad legislation.
An immense throng of people greeted him.
At the conclusion of his address Hon. Kings-
inuth was introduced and sjwke to the as
sembled throng in the Bohemian language.
His address was also well received ! Thurs
day was a great day in the history of Tobias.
surui.Mi : : COUUT NEWS.
Belts vs Sims ; submitted.
All other cases not heretofore otherwise
disposed of from the Fifth judicial district ,
are placed nt the foot of tbo general docket.
Court adjourned to Wednesday , November
7 , 1633 , at 8HO : o'clock a. m. , when the docket
of cases from thu Sixth district will bo called.
Cases from the Seventh district will bo called
Thursday , Novembers , 18S8.
The cause of Kuto A. Uriftlth vs Albert C.
Smith , on error from the district court of
Douglas county , was filed for hearing before
the Huprcmo court to-day.
Thomas Uobmson and John Itlclmrdson
vroro tuxcd $1 each and costs for drunkenness.
Three vags , Albert Jefferson , ICd Baker
and .Tames Anderson wore lot off with a rep
rimand , after being in the "cooler" two days
and nights. ,
F , 1' . Converse was arrested yesterday for
draymg without a license. His personal recognizance -
, cognizance was taken for his appearance
thus morning.
John Nance was locked up drunk. Ho was
laboring yesterday with a bad case of "Jim
Jams. "
The democrats had a big blow-out at
, Palmyra to-night. The demonstration was
.abovo the ordinary for democracy in that
quiet village. Hou. J. Sterling Morton was
the principal speaker. His usual free trade
pcoch was his stock in trade.
Tito improvements made ut the state house
during tbo past week are quite notlceabloi
The conveniences of the rooms on the south
side , lower floor , attract attention at once.
Connecting doors , east nnd west , from room
to room , are now under construction.
'Hon. J. Sterling Morton , of Nebraska City ,
U iu the city to-duy. Ho has been hobnobbing
vrlth loading democrats all day long , liut
Ills conference will have DO effect ujxm Cou
ncil's majority in Lancaster county.
Chairman Hit-hard's open answer to Mc-
Shauo's "paster letter" provoked a gooc
many remarks In political circles here to-day
Democrats feel the force of It. It Is becom
ing manifest that the democratic nominee for
governor has overstepped hitnsplf ,
H. C , Molono Is improving. This It good
news for his many friend * all over the state
. Unless ho gets some backset his physicians
say that ho will get well. ,
The Baptist church convention still con
tlnucs in interesting session. It U said that
tboro is not a third party prohibitionist to bo
found among the ministers in attendance
Politically speaking at least this is the most
sensible body of preacher * who have assembled
bled In Lincoln for religious conference Iu a
taonth of Sundays.
Pastor Ncwinnn , of the First Christian
church , returned to-day from his trip la
Sprlnprflold , 111. While from homo ho at
tended the national convention at the Christ
Ua church at that place.
There is nothing la oxUtooco that 'wll
equal Salvation Oil in curing pain * in the
Jdints and muscles , or spinal affections. Pric'o
A preacher , who had been annoyed by the
Incessant "hacking" of member * of his con
gre atlou , recommended euch to try Dr
Bull's Cougu Syrup.
11OMK 'AHTIST8. " .
"What They Are Doing for the Coining
Art Kxblblu
The Western Art aMociation will hold its
initial fall and winter exhibit about the IStU
of thin month at Uio charming new ' frallcry
that is being.added to Mr. Linlniror'ft handsome -
some homo , at the corner of Davenport and
Eighteenth streets. This gallery , with a
novel tile Mooring and ornamental appoint
ments , is'to be a model m 'its way , complete'
In all details The association's exhibition
will bo continued for three days , and fol
lowed by another three nays' exhibit by Mr.
Llnlngcr Individually. His collection of rare
and beautiful paintings Is very largo , and
embraces tnauy pieces , yet unpackedstrnlght
from tho.Purls salon , The management Is
in the hands of a committee consisting of
Clement cClmso , chairman ; Mrs. Thomas
Orr , Mrs. F. H. Mumaiigh , Mrs. Kdwln
Uavls , Mrs. M. S. Sllkwortu , MM John S.
Hritrgs , 'Miss Mclona Buttorllold , Mr. J.
Hodgson , Jr. , Mr , Frederick Knight and Mr.
C D. Kent. Thcsa ladles and gentlnman
will spare no palus to make the exposition ono
of rare .attractiveness.
This display Is to bo classified according to
kind , oil paintings , water colors and crayons ,
architectural draining * and photograph } ' ,
and china and decorative work , each by
At the meeting of the association , Novem
ber 12 , will bo submitted u plan for a nerios
or lectures by some eastern urtlstof note or
lecturer on art. who will also give instruc
tion In day time to classes made up of teach
ers and students desirous of lilgner and completer -
ploter Instruction , open only to members of
the association. Plans also will bo discussed
looking towards greater tiselulness by the
association than their fall mid spring exhibi
tions. Mr. LIninger Is also to bo invited
to deliver u Hcturo on what ho saw in the
European galleries , and Mr. El-
guttcr on the "Parthenon , " Miss
Popplcton on "Art , " nnd Air. Men
delssohn nnd Mr. Hodgson on the line art of
architecture. This Is to form a series of lec
tures by local talent. Mr. Wilson will also
bo asked to contribute a lecture on clay
modeling , Mr. Knight on etching , Miss Ball
on perspective , and so on until all those.
; lfted in particular lines of art shall have
iavo been heard. The association now num-
iors on its roll over ouo hundred and sixty-
five members , and applications are being nu-
nerously received from both at homo and
abroad. The coining exhibition will contain
nany line pieces from artists in Denver , DCS
lioiucs , Sioux City , Duulap , Plattsmouth ,
jraud island and other cities , and will most
assuredly result in u most gratifying success.
The worst feature about catarrh is its
langcreuH tendency to consumption ,
"look's Siu-suparilhi euros catiirrh by
mrifyitig1 the blood.
Marquis of Quernsljcrry Dilates
on i'liRtllHtic Matters.
Omaha had a prominent representative of
ho sporting fraternity in its midst yester
day. The Marquis of Queensberry , founder
f the ring rules that have given htm a
vorld-widc reputation , and under which
many a colossal specimen of humanity of
ho male persuasion has both won laurels
and met defeat. The Marquis is on his re-
.urn homo from San Francisco. While at
ho Pacific coast ho witnessed the Conloy-
ilcAuliffe contest , but ho had but slight
ompltmeuts to pay Con ley , when speaking
} f him as u pugilist. The distinguished
; ucstwns met ia a carriage at tha Union
'ucillc depot by Ed. Uothory , of this city ,
and from thence ho was conveyed to the lat-
er's headquarters on Eleventh and Harney
itreots. While there ho nmused himself in
lanclng over innumerable accounts of ring
encounters , and when his eye rested upon
hut pertaining to the Sullivan-Mitchell
Ight he muttered , "I want to say something
° ysu * Mr. Hothery. If over a man
ms been dealt unjustly with by thu nowspa-
> ors , it Is John L. Sullivan. Ho has ox-
rcmcly unpleasant ways when ho is intoxi
cated , but in a prize fighter wo must set that
aside. Now , as to his 'go' with Mitchell , it
was all ono-sldcd. The big follow got tired
of knocking Mitchell down and ehasinc him
when ho would arise. It was an insult to the
chamDionshtp of the prize ring. Mitchell is
a good man , but Sullivan overshadows him
as a prize fighter. "
A reporter for THE BEE who happened
along about this time ventured the query.
"How about Jake Kilralnl"
"He is no good on oarth. He can not fight.
Ho is shoulder-bound and is short in his
reach : besides , ho has not got the staying
qualities. "
"Whom do you consider the coming cham
pion in cose Sullivan abandons the ring ) "
"That is a hard question to answer. I
lave considered it to some length ,
jut I really can give no direct reply
that would do myself Justice. I am inclined
to think that Pnt Klllcn will bo the next
champion , nnd I will do all I can to advance
bis claims. "
"It is rumored that you are endeavoring to
arrange a match between Killon uud Kil-
rain. "
"Not not Just at present , but If Kllr.xln will
light Killen Queensberry rules ho wont have
long to wait for a purse , and in such an
event my money goes to back Klllou as the
winner. "
After luncheon was served Mr. Hothery
escorted his distinguished guest to the depot ,
accompanying him to Council Bluffs , where
he took passage for New York City.
I cheerfully recommend Rod Clever
Tonic to those sulTcrinj , ' from troubles
of the stomach and livor. I am now on
my socoud bottle , and it makes mo feel
HUe a now inau. C. M. CoNXOitNashua ,
la. Goodman Drug Co ,
" Dressmakers" Must Go.
A report is current to the effect that the
police will soon bo called upon to make a
crusade .upon a certain clement of the female
persuasion who , under the garb of "dress-
maker , " persist in living a lifo of sliamo.
There are several places of this description
that have attracted the attention of the pub
lic , and tbo authorities intend to swoop down
upon thorn nnd bring them to Justice. It Is
claimed that one on an extensive scale bus
been conducted la a block on South Thir
teenth street near Howard , by a woman who
basks updor tno curtain of deception , iu the
form of u dressmaker , but who conducts a
business tinged with immorality nnd shame.
PencrvltiK or Confidence. Tncro is
no article which so richly deserves the entire -
tire confidence of the community as Brown's
Bronchial Troches , Those suffering from
asthmatic and bronchial diseases , coughs and
colds should try them. Price 25 cents.
A Matrimonial Bet.
Philadelphia ! ! "Is It true that you
have bet yourself against 820,000 that
Harrison will be oloctoil ? "
Indiana Girl "I havo. If I lose the
gentleman can claim my hand. If ]
win ho must pay me $20,000. "
"You are working hard for Harrison ,
no doubt ? "
"N o , lam working for Cleveland.1
Its sunerlor excellence proven In millions o
homes for more Uian a quarter ot a c utilrr It
is med by the United Btatos Government. * in ;
dorsed by the beads of the great UnlvcraUIrs as
UieatrooKtit. purest and most healthful. Dr.
Price's Ore inn Haking Powder duo * not contalt
acnnouia. lima or alum. Hold only in cans.
New Voik. Chicago. Si. LouU
Champion , Amfra-
Han Cricket
" 31.
Jaeolt Team ,
Oitcurtd me writes :
of a tcrrille
IrUlie. "
OliatlesA.VoCelerCo. ,
PICD'I Miu , Tsui , Juno W , 1958 The
Birlfl Siicclflo Company , Atlanta , Oa. Gen
tlemen : ODD ot my children nix troubled
with rheumatism ami bolls for about. two
foam.V Kara her various kinds of raetfl-
Ine , but without Profit , and bgtm to drapaii
ut curing her at aa. I wns persuaded to try
your Bwm'i Spcclno. After ho had Ui J
ercral bottle * the dlieasei all dltapnearoit ,
and she Is now a hale , heartr and healthy
twelve years ol4. Another child liaa
nrl become afflicted In th * aamo way , anil I
am using the 8.8.8. and anticipate a prompt
and permanent euro. N. O. WAOO.OSIB.
RICH Hili , Mo , July 7 , lK8-Thn Swift
peclfla Co. , Atlanta , ua. Gentlemen i Our
little girl when but three weeks old broka
out wiih corf ma. Wo triad th * prescriptions
from Severn kood doctors , bat without any
neclaj benefit. We tried B. B. 8. , aad br tha
time one nettle WM ( OB * her head began to
hudl. and by the time th * bad taken sir
bottles sha was completely cured. Xow she
has a full and heaTf heauot balr o robust ,
heartr child. I feel It but my duty to make
U tatomant. Reipeotfally , II. T. Siiouz.
CniTTANoooi , Tent. , June ST. 1SSS The
litlft flnscinc Co. , Atlanta , Oa. dontlomen :
In 1SS41 contracted blood poison , and at once
souzht a physician , who treated ma for ier.
ral months. By his advice I went to Crab
Urchtrd Spring , Ey.f wharo his course of
treatcieiit Wa carefully observed. I recor. I thought , but the next apiinz plm-
pies began to appear on my fnco at I body.
Thete fciailb Uy Increaaexl to sores and run
ning ulcer * . I was advised to try S. 8. 8. , and
Immediately alter taking It I commenced to
Itnprme , slowly at first , but more rapidly
tiorwards , and soon nothing remained to
tell of my trouble. Sly blooil Is now thor
oughly cleansed , and uiy system free from
tAlnt , and I one my present condition
perfect oure to your medlctue. I cheerfully
Clro thla utMement that others who liar *
l Utered as I have may rcon thn some benefit.
IURDT M. HURT , 24 West Ninth St.
HOMER , I.l. , May a , IMS The Swift Bpcclflo
Co. , Atlanta , Oa. Oeutlemeu i About two
yean ago my general health Bare way on.
urely. I wu so debilitated that I afmott
despaired of ever fooling well again. All
that the physicians done for me brought no
permanent relief. Frlendi Insisted hat I
hould Rlro 8. 8. 8. a fair trial , altho ugh I
uouxht It would be throwing away money.
After taking a thorough course , my health
nd ttrongtn returned , and I mutt tar that
l 8. B. alone cured me , u I discarded all
others while using It. As a tonlo I can mott
beartuy recommend It l for general debllttr ,
tt oertalnly U a ipeolflo. W.V. Bxirxiza , J. t.
noMca , Li. I know Kr. W. F. Bridget , aa4
Will say that hli statement U correct. ,
JOSIFH SnriTOK , Druggist. '
TrtatUe on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed
free. Tni Bwirr Beicma Co , Drawer %
Atlanta , at.
She Tried and Knows.
A leading chemist of New York
lays : " No plasters of such merit as
the A tli-lo-plio-ros Plasters havcever
before been produced. " They are
a novelty because they are riot made
simply to sell cheap , thuy are the
best that science , skill and. money
can produce , and will do what fa
claimed for them. For sprains ,
aches , weakness , lameness , etc. ,
they are unequalcd.
404 ration Bt. . Samlueky.O. . Nov. SI. * 87. '
T ) < Athlophonw 1'luter acted Ilka
It Is tha li'.i I over triort and I
have uefd many klniUi. Our draKKist
Bald "iilaatnni art-all about tha same" but
I don't think BO uow. I m > raln d my arm
and Hhouldcr In July , and It bM been
rainf ill since , but It rtw not pain me at
all now. Mrs. MiatLL.
jWSond C rents for the beautiful colored pic
ture , "Moorish Maiden. "
Louisiana State Lottery Company.
Incorporated by the legislature of 180S for Ed
ucational and Charitable purposes , and its fran
chise made a part of the indent State Constitu
tion , in IBTl'j by an overwhnlmlnc popular voto.
take place Soml-AimmUly ( Juno ami December )
INUS take place on each of the other teumonths
in the year , and are all drawn In public , at the
Academy ot Music , Now Orleans , La.
"We do hereby certify that wo supervise the
arrnnuoinonts for all toe Monthly and SemiAnnual
nual Drawings of The Louisiana Btato Lottery
Company , and In person manage and control
the Drawings themselves , and that the same
are conducted with honesty , fairness , and in
Rood faith toward all parties , and we authorize
the company to nso this certlllcute , with fac
similes ot our signatures attached , In its adver
tlsemonts. "
Wo , the underpinned Banks and Uankers , wll
pay all Prizes drawn In The Louisiana State
Lotteries which may ua presented nt our count
It" ! . WALMSLKV. Pres. Louisiana Nat. Bank.
I'IKUUE LANAUX , Pres. State Nat'l Dank.
A. HAI.mviN , Pres. New Orleans Nat'l liank.
CAUL KO11N , Pres. Union National Bank.
la the Academy or Music. Now Or
leans , Tueidny , November 18 ,
CAPITAL PRIZE , $300,000.
100,000 Tickets at Twenty Dollars each
Halves $10 ; Quarters , $5 ; Toatta , $2 ; Twen
tieths $1.
1 PRIZE OP fc00OJO ! is . f300.00C
1 PItlZK OP 101,000 la. . . . . . 100.0IX
1 I'Ul/.F. OK M.00ais . U,00 ) (
1FU1ZBOP 2. .00013 . 25,0
2PU1ZK90P J0.000are . J ,00 (
6PHIZRSOK 6.000 are . 26MC (
S5P1UZKSOK 1,000 are . Si.OOf
100PHIZK3OF 600 are . BO.OOC
sna PRIZES OP ! ) are . eojXX
KMPRIZE3OP 2U ) are . loO.OOt
100 Prizes of VW are. . , . no.OOC
100 do SOUare. . 00,000
100 do 800are . 20.00J
099 do lOOare . , . Kt.HX
OW do 100 are .
8,131 Prizes , amounting to . , . . . . 11,054 , 80C
NOTE. Tickets drawing Capital Prtiei ire not en
Mid to termlnkl prizes.
nrron Ci.uii lUTis.'or nnjr further Informntlnn
desired , wrllo Ivirlblr t < > tli updor lk-noJ , cluurlr
stating your residence. with Hutu , Countr. f trupt anS
nuratwr. More npld return mall' delivery will bo as
sured br your enclosing nn enTOlope bearing you
( ull ndilrcsi. ,
genii llJbTAI , NOTE3. Bxpresi Monor On ! era , o
New York Kiclnngo In onllnarf letter , Currency bj
Kiprets ( at our expense ) uddrvsted
Address Registered Letters to
t. New Uricatin , I
IviZjlHJlilllJUllilVerds T ? " ? Tb t the'prpseuco of Qcn-
Ueuuremrcl and
Early , wbo are tn charne of the1 drawlnns' . Is a wuar
antvo of absolute ( atrness and JnloKrlly , that tbo
clianm are all equaJ , and that no one can posslbl' '
divine what number .will drawn prtio.
"KK11KMIIKII , al o. that tlie ptrment of briiesl
Neir llrleaos. and Hie Tickets are sltmoJ bj the ( res
ident f an Institution whose cbarletnl rights are
recoxnlscd In tba UUIieit courts ! luerwf ore , b wara
ot aor luiltstlcms or anonrmuus sclieio i.-
. . AdTertlslng has1 always prprott
< successful. Jioforo placing any
Newspaper Advertising oonsui
UleObefelfttaUMt. CHIRAGO.
A ( gelling from W 'cents
to H.50) ) will pay you a larger proHt than
any otUera toe next three mouths.
OASSKLL * CO. . ( Limited. )
40 Dearborn Strict , CUlcauQ , 11L
Is Like a Cannon Ball Without Powder.
MORAIi : A mnn that will pay $00 to a Merchant Tailor for n Suit or Overcoat when lie can buy the s.n -
iliar garment for less thim half that price , htis citht-r more money than brains , or he does not use lus wits to tlio
best advantage.
Workman and Independent Man ,
It is to your interest to cull nnd see our expensive stock of Fine Merchant Tailor-made Suite and Overcoats ; the
most slveptical observer and inveterate bargain seeker is sure to be suited.
Owhi" io the heavy consignments , wo have lately received from our agents throughout the country , TTO will
offer these goods at the following VERY' LOW PUIOES.
$9.BO buys a CHINCHILLA OVERCOAT , which was made to order for $2O.
$11.BO buys a CASSIMERE OVERCOAT , which was made to order for $22.
$13.75 buys a good CHESTERFIELD OVERCOAT , which was made to order for $28.
$ I6.OO buys a fly front WAKEFIELD DRESS OVERCOAT , which was made to order for $30.
$2O.OO buys a KERSEY OVERCOAT , which was made to order for $4O.
$24.OO buys a Satin Lined MELTON OVERCOAT , which was made to order for $ BO.
$28.60 buys a Silk Lined TREBLE MILLED MELTON OVERCOAT , which was made to order for $ OO
$30.00 buys the finest SCHNABELS CHINCHILLA OVERCOAT , which was made to order for $08
$3B.OO buys a fine BEAVER TRIMMED ( SHAWL COLLAR ) OVERCOATwhich was made to ordo'
for $7O.
4O.OO buys a FUR LINED OVERCOAT , which was made to order for $88.
FALL SUITS , CORRECT STYLES , Elegantly made and Trimmed ,
$ O.BO buys a Seymour Sack Suit , which was made to order for $2O.
$11.BO buys a One Button Sack Suit , which was made to order for $22.
$13.76 buys a Straight-cut Sack Suit , which was made to order for $28.
$16.OO buys a Railroad Sack Suit ; which was made to order for $3O.
$2O.OO buys a Four Button Cutaway Suit , which was made to order for $4O.
$24.OO buys a One Button Cutaway Suit , which was made to order for $ BO.
$28.BO buys a Bannockburn Cheviot , sack or frock , which was made to order for $ OO.
$30.OO buys a Crepe Worsted , ( Imp. ) 4-Button Cutaway , which was made to order forGB.
Of every description of goods and any style from $3.00 to § 10.00.
They must be seen to ba appreciated , from $16.00 to $40.00.
These figures are more eloquent than volumes
which mlKht bevritten iu pralso of the peculiar
merits possessed by the Magee Goods.
"I use the Magee Itange conatatlUy in my
Schools and Private Kitchen ; It fulfllles every
requirement for the most exacting worlcj I
would not exchange it for any ran e matlo , "
Send for our Furnace Circular and read what
physicians professors , scientists , mechanics aild
merchants Hay of the Magee Furnaces they have
In use. Don't put in Steam or Hot Water Ap
paratus. till you KNOW what a rmsT-cr.Ass Hot
Air Furnace will do for half the cost.
our agents , and we warrant each one to give
perfect satisfaction to the buyer. MAOER
FURNACE CO. , 33 TO 38 UNION ST. , Boston. 88
Lake St. .
Agents Omaha , Neb.
Omaha ,
Council Bluffs
And. Chicago ,
nd llnon fen' ' , < M. Mllwauk.e.
rldn wVomin. V ' 9 1 ? P ? Pl of 7 < ebra aColo.
NeTBda. Oregon.
fcutero fine. ! f conu llt" WltU { nose of all otn
vSK'fS lfA.'n < > l n .oll . . Cincinnati.
" MtT
"o Sm . H.flavS'Mfu.r' ' ' ' ' Tfiron.'Oi Montreal
° * ' N v
Irriton ? . S i , r.k > PnlladelpUia , Dallltaore , Wash !
, and all
points In u Kasl7 Ask for llckeu "lk
A" tlcktt
O.n-/Man /
1) . B. IIHBALK Tlclet JUent.
" rWK8T ,
. >
, - GUrPasornierlirent
tin t. '
1M1 J-rnam 'St. . Om W Neb ,
Epps's Cocoa. '
"Or a thorough knowledge of tbe natural laws
WHICH Korern the operations of digestion and nutrl-
t on , and by a careful application of the fine proper-
tins ( if well-selected Cocoa. Mr. Kpps baa provided our
brraktmt table with a delicately flavored beverage
which mar save us wany heavy rtootor1 bills. HIv
by the ludlcluus use of such articles of delt that a grailuallybuilt u ) > until stroilx
enough tu resist , * verjr tendency to dlavase. Hun-
drrds ( if subtle niala Tes ara.nuatlng aroumLus ready
to attack whorerer Uiern Is a weak point. Wo mar
escape manr n fatal shaft by kneplnv ourselrcs well
fortltlad with pure bfood and a properly nourtihea
frames" Civil itarvloaciaietto.
Madtfslmplywlthbolllni ; water or milk.1 Sold only
1nhaUjioundtlnibtCrocer labeled thus :
| ilomoiopathic Chemists ,
Your Left Liver
Ai > * oj > rl Ury Medicine that ne 0 buttrial
to prove Its wortU.
Dr. . Calender's ' left Liver Bitters.
T only DlBtlllsKl Hitters in the United
Btatos. Th * DiUr Bitters recognized by the
United Stat4 > Internal revenue lawi as A Pro *
prletary Medleino. Lawfully Patented. Mo. of
Patent 149,673. Contains no fusil oils , na
saentlai elli , no foreign substance or damag *
* ? * A K- . > -Prtectlv pure medicine. , com.
Todays. K itulatci the Bowels. InvieoratM
Uactlre LiTer , Cures Diseased Ltv r , KeTlres )
lb Kidneys , Improves the Appetite Quickly ,
RMpslate * the wnole srstem. New Lit * to tM
wkU irstem.
Ol < ctUvernilteraare sold la Omaha. Ncb.brtlio
llowini druKKistst Hlcbardson Druu Co. , Special
Wbnlasalc. fur tne drug Interest of Nebraska , lie-
aoodmVnlu ? ! Co. . W. J. Wbllebouse. T. WJpsf-
fnd. Bam U. VaTiiswortn. Bchroter-i l
. . , ,
rfII11K I > * T > iar ed * II. nuniniuk um * WUVM * *
H.Cbrlstenson. W. K. Jjkmberson. H. H. Cor , Max
Conrad , Kranlr W. FouC , II. Kasmusson , Hon. Hoed or
Boyil's rkarmacr. C. A. Melcher , Howard kterers ,
Frank Dellnne * < ; o. , wuolesala d l rs la Uigurs sal
liCftLlTer Bittern
Health Bjr . ( rjlia Itobait JTsuheod Intle ' /
saSS feS SSSS11"
T A2SS & ' ' '
.vr"'iiIli , < * lel11Mitors4te YOUNO MEN wb
" , . .
> ' > fo r Tlc oc ( tevelrulwMrawl lw IllUtal
* * nV'e ° iSic15"4P'"d " ieStt I/P"w. , , ,
U"lt & & ! Mtt - " * ' % & . . ' ! Stt
" of fnrsrr
Yon l
iTJccessfully used monthly by over 10.000 ,
I tdles. Are Safe. Kffectualanti Pletuant
tll-tirrboz brmall.or at drugfislt. Sealed
-Parttc lart 2 posUga atarapa. Addreas
TUB Count CiicificAi. OeM DDTKOIT , Mien.
JT r oi ami by > naU by Goodman
Drug Co , , Omaha , *
Real Estate ,
ticj lElectfo-Magnetic Belts !
Tht Grandest Triumph of Electric Science ScN
StlenllSt enlificaly | Maie and Practically Appllod.
tb Snspensorj Electric , " fledleiu.OISEASE ! ! CURElWiTHOUT MEDICINES
Will ffHDBT Vmi n > v < > 7i iraln > la thelUeklllDsllead npl.lmb < . ] t rr-
GP I , WWileljiUlfC TUU ous Webllltr. l..imhp o , Urneroi NrMltlr. Itheumatlsat ,
uIriUN or .lU , delation , DUtcam-s or Kldnryi , HDlnttl IHM-B.T- . , Torrid Mver , Uunt. Kihsmstlon !
- -UTU"ftA'tl"flJ'cfl JJIwase. Wj pei > la , ConsirpBllon. Krjflprl , lndl ii. o U ies , la. '
k-A Oaturrh , Piles. Kpllop.T. Dumb Aajuo , Itlabetea , llrdraeclf , Illoort IllSfasvu. l > ropsy. t-tcJthen
kArJ" ! y .1 M : - , ' . UntJZaJL . i. ci ! b PI' < lto.i.yiarf67th tbod , .
f jJi !
, .
"only one In th ( B , K1UVH and sbauitlDB
chron Io diseases of bulb ( oiea.
Contains 23 tn I no ttnrnea of
- Electricity. CViBWlitT > tbo
vroTeachf : pe t. olentll1c.powerful. < 1a-
5eff et e KDICib LlCTKib BKLTIn tba
757 J11 , commercial
. raolwalt 1 hou UCiiMaV > | wholesale dni
I Francisco and Chloani , _ _
I DR. W. J. HORNE , Inventor , 191 Wabash Avenue . Chlcaco ,
1 *
| DPUITCnTO. L. BTAUB , 1619 Howard St. , Omaha , has drawn plans and
AlluniJLWl spaclflcatlonaforaO-roomfrAmebouse. which combines
ntlUty.comforteconomy and beauty.lnaway Impossible In any good
. houne _ , . . . . . that . . . . cost . . . * from (1.3UO _ , to . ll.ii _ > j. As morn . than 100 , " . - . &
will bo built ao , lean afford to offer a copy for g.- Original and splen4td
K5 , the usual fees otherwise
being from
designs furnished , as can. be judged
form the seUotplansof completed buildings of
all descriptionsj J have in my office , ranging in cost
from 18,000 to MOO.OOO. My unusual experience will guarantee satisfaction
and reliable contractors only are engaged on my works. Parties wishing to build
are cordially Invited.
Or tlw Lii or Hebit , Posltlrely Cure * bj
AimlHUUriigDr. Hnluc * . ' Ooldea
. l * , ? * HT , n 1 ° * "HP of coffee or tes with-
nt the Knowledge ot the person taking It ; abso
lutely harmless , and will effect a permanent and
peedy cure , whether the patient 1 a moderate
drinker or an alcoholic wreck. Thousands oi
drunkard ! bare been mad * temperate men who
haye .i- taken , Golden . .j HoeOlOo In their coffee wlth-
ta to-day believe they
oult drinking of tftelr own frae will. It never
falls. The nystem once Impregnated Wit "
Specific , It becotnes an utter Impossibility fc
the Jlqxior pp tlte to exist. For sale by fruh
& Co. . 15th and Douglas st . , ana 18th an Cum >
„ ( Successors to John Q , Jacobi. )
Undertakers and Embalmers
' '
At the old stand. HOT Fara'ata Bt. Orders by
telegraph solicited -and promptly attended.
Teluphono to No. ' 1.
' '
' Surgeon and Physician ,
Office N ; W Ournar itth anl Douila.i3t. Offlc4
telephone , iU.'ktuiaeacx ' '
I "
„ , , „ „ .
Paid Up CapUnI 9400,000
Surplus 50,000
H , W. VATEH , President.
LEWIS 8. llt.KU , Vice 1'reilrlent.
A. li. TOU/AM.V , 2nd Vice I'rusldnnt. ,
W. II. B. lluniiiss. Cashier
W , v. MOIISK. JOHN S. Cm.r.tNH.
_ . A. B. TOUZAUN.
Ranking Office
Comer 12th and 1'anmm Sis ,
A General ( tanking llusliieilTransacted.
The Kansas City InveteotCo- ,
a Cliambor of Commerce ,
No deltys. All business , done nt this office , '
T. E. ClbPIN ,
Room 03 Traders' nulldliife
IleiiErencil-UetropollUn National Hank.
; , U. U. DMQ 4 Co. Tb liradstraat Ca
lMi ud r ctloul dl > 4"
b M 4lcl > < s.