Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 01, 1888, Page 6, Image 6

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    . 6 0HE. ? OMASA DAILY BEETrffiBSDAY : NOVEMBER 1 ; 1888.
ou. NO lit I'KAiih STHKHT.
flcHveroJ by carrier In AnV I'ntt of the City ft
Tututy C'intB 1'crUtek.
11. W. T1I/10N. . . . MANAOUU.
i : No. .
N. Y. Plumbing company.
Only JlO.To fit Chapman's nrt store.
Additional Council HlufTs on Seventh page.
Elegant overcoatings nt A. Ituitur't ) ,
merchant tailor , . ' 1112 Hronilwny.
The paving of I'iorco nnd Stutsman streets
will be completed Snturdiiy evening.
Uebt hard and toft coal and Missouri
wood. I' } . K. Mayno , 019 Broadway ,
The Wndsworth-Skclton concert at the
Congregational eliurch this evening.
Prof Hactuis will give n violin solo at the
concert tills evening in the Congregational
The admission to the races will be M
cents. Carriages und admission to grand
stand free.
Divine service with the Holy communion
will bo held iu St. Paul's church to day at
11.00 a. in.
D Peter Duffry , of Omaha , and Miss Sarah
Farrel , of this city , weio united in marriage
yesterday by 'Squire Higgs.
A marriage- license was Issued yesterday
to Charles K. Pruett and Itebecca K. Lion-
hain , both of Honey Creek.
George H. Mcsehondorf donated the quar
ter of beef displayed by him In the trades'
pai ade to the sisters of tit. Ueruard's hos -
The W. C. A. ladies cleared over $100 at
their dinner served at the Pacific house
Tuesday. Hundreds of people had to bo
turned away.
The work of tearing down the Pacific
house was begun yesterday morning by Con
tractor Jensen , und will be completed in about
iiftecn dajs.
Mulholland ft Nicholas , with their nu
merous Ice wagons , made almost a proces
sion themselves. They formed a showy part
of the parade.
Thcie will be n special meeting of the city
council to day to pass upon estimates fur
nished by the city engineer for work on pub-
lie impiovomcntb just completed.
The three days' fall trotting meeting opens
nt Union park this afternoon. There is a
uplendid Held of hoises in attendance , und
the races will bo highly iiiteiesting.
"O1.1 Sport" Miller , for some time past n
patient at the W. C. A. hospital , is to leave
for the holdiics' home , a place having been
f-ecured for him theie bv the W. C. A.
The horse on the float of Charles Gregory
in ' ' celebrated
Tuesday's parade was Stewart's
brated Panlque , and was under the
c.ireofMr. Haynolds , the trainer of that
Deputy Sheriff Sells , of Neola , arrived in
the city yesterday in charge of two insane
men who had been employed by the Milwau
kee railway company on construction work
at that place.
The democratic shouters left for Missouri
Valley at 7 o'clock last evening to attend a
i ally. Theie were about forty of the unter-
ritied in line as they marched to the Noith-
wcstern depot to take the train.
Hutchinson ft Oreenshiclds will open a
crockery store to-day in the Keating block.
The stock was brought here from Omaha.
W A. Hohr will manage the business. This
is trie sciond business addition withm.i week
and more are to follow.
The "scab" in '
cigar shop display Tuesday's
.parade was gotten up by local assembly , No.
177 , Cipu makers' union , as a contrast to the
neat display of T. D. King & Co. , represent
ing a union shop. It was very effective , and
the boys are entitled to considerable credit
for their ingenuity and skill.
Work is progressing well on the cleiring
ui > of the Chuutauquu Kiounds. Mr. A. N.
Carpenter , the landscape architect , of Galesburg -
burg , is here preparing the plans for perma
nent improvements and beautifying. Ho has
Just completed plans for the Mt. Hope ceme
tery in Omaha.
A choice programme is prepared for the
concert ut the Congregational church this
evening. Mrs. Wadsworth , one of the finest
foprnnos in the west , und Mrs. Skelton , who
as Nellie Hangs won such a reputation as a
pianist , will both take purt. No uiusio lover
should miss the treat.
Judge Loofbourow was on the bench in
district court yesterday morning. There but little business to bu transacted , nnd
the session was short. A motion lor n new
trial in the damage case of Vernon vs City of
Council Hi n IT s was argued and submitted , as
was also a similar motion in thu damage ease
of Hough & Maikeson vs Danfotth it
It has at last been determined what desig
nation applies to the man who pulls the
levers on the clectrie cars and manages the
mighty current. The new badges just re
ceived by the motor company are of two
classes ui.d bear the words "conductor" and
"motor man " The motor man is on a par
with the engineer , driver , gripman , etc. , of
other linos.
Yesterday Fred J , 13ree70 received from
S. A. Hoaglnnd and William Preston , of
Omaha , heads of n monster elk and a black-
tailed deer , recently shot in Montana. They
nro inagnlllcent specimens ol their kind.
Breeze has al o a gray owl which uieusinci
live feet liom tip to tip. This was shot ut
Big lake by Undo Dan Furguson.
The sight singing class will meet this
evening at the residence of Mrs. D W. Hush-
liell , 202 Fourth stteet. The members ate
requested to bo in their places promptly nt
half-past 7 on account of the concert in the
Congregational churchiu wiiich Mr. Hartcns ,
the teathor , takes part near the end of ihc
piogrammo. It is hoped that after the lesion
as many as possibl } can will attend the con
Many of the Knights Templar nnd aides
who took part in the panula had not been on
u ban-o before for several ycnis , and many
of the hoises had not been under a man before
fore for about the same length of tlmo. The
animalH stood the ordeal very well , and re
covered quickly , but the riders did not ap
pear to have entirely forgotten it when they
appeared yesterday morning , nud their move
ments were anything but graceful.
H. K. Grimm , the local representative ol
the Omaha World , tiled nn information nl
the ofllco of the count\ cleric charging "Doe"
Wliite , an eccentric oddity of the city , will :
insanity. The journalist alleged that the
man of wonderful cures annoyed him. T lit
board of insane commissioners failed to dc
tect any serious symptoms in the case of the
unfortunate victim , nud ho was allowed to gc
ou his way rejoicing.
The motor cars mndo numerous trips yes
terduy afternoon , and were very llbcrallj
patronized , as everybody was carried free ol
charge. The curient was turned on boll
wiics , and the south track was used by east
bound cars and the north by westbound , n !
will bo the case Iu the future. The motor :
worked nicely , nnd gave evidence of bcinf
nil that could bo desired when the line ii
finally In active operation.
Heforo the grand demonstration of Tues
itny there were countless troakcrs In thii
eitvlio could find nothing to say In fuvo :
of Council muffs , and nothing against Omaha
It was quite n surprise to old acquaintance :
to hear them talk yesterday. The splcndii
trades display gotten up by the cnergetii
merchants of the UlulTs had changed the !
minds , und they are now willing to back ou
lively , beautiful and prosperous city agulns
the world. The change is an enjoyable one
and it will lead to grand results.
O. P. Anderson , nn old nnd trusted cm
ployo of the Chicago & Northwestern rail
way , was yesterday wedded to Miss Annl
Grcgcrsou , at tlio home of the bride's inn
ents in Harlan. The happy pair arrived her
last evening , nnd will proceed to occupy thei
now homo corner of Kightli und avenue H
Mrs. Anderson also has many friends here
whoso well wishes are no less hearty thai
the many congratulations expressed to hlu :
Wo will romniii open uvery ovoninj
an nnd after this date. PAitus&SoN %
Sco W. C. Sfnoy's nil.
Illinois and lowv best soft coal , Glen
EOU , Q Pearl street.
See Forrest Smith's special column.
S. \Viulsworth \ & Cp. loan money.
TUP VIMITP AP pAnvi/ nt I'ppn '
Recovering From the Celebration ,
find Foollnff fi Little SOro.
Successful Forgery A Wilson I-o.tdof
OnlH Stolen A Telephone Iltirnnd
Out Sunday School \Vui leers
Social Doings.
The StrntiKcr's Dratli.
Tor the past two weeks there has 'occn a
case of small pox In thu city , but the pi ess
was requested to suppress the news , us it
was found that \\ould have n tendency to
keep visitors awny from the city on the occa
sion of the republican rally and on bridge
day. As all possible measures were taken to
prevent contagion , and there seemed no pos
sibility for the dread disease to spread , the
matter waskctit quiet and comparatively few
of the citizens knew anything about it. On
the l lh of October a stranger arrived at the
transfer from the west. Ho was taken sick
while waiting for his train , and sought St.
Hernard's hospital. He gave his name as
Mark Jarrctt , and said that lie had been vis
iting friends in Portland , Ore. , nnd was
en route to his home In West Virginia.
His symptoms becamealarmingnnd several
physicians were called In. Thciowas some
doubt as to his disease for several dajs , and
when it was lln.illy determined to bo small
pox lie was icuiovcd to a small house near
the hospital and Ortlccr Cusick , who has had
the disease , sent to cars for him. The best
of c.u-e was given the unfortunate man , but
ho died Tuesday night and was immediately
buiicd. He was thirty-eight years of ago
nnd unmarried. The house was yesterday
burned by order of the authorities , and thu
Ilro department was ordired out to nrotect
sin rounding property It is claimed that
tliero is no fuither danger. The citi/cns in
thu vicinity of the house on Louisa street
objected ID having the case kept there , but
us the pest house was sold with the poor
farm there was no other place for it. Prep
arations are now being made for the erec
tion of a neat lire proof biiclc building for a
pest house , and plans have been submitted.
The council will probably take action con
cerning it at its next regular meeting on the
5th instant.
See Forrest Smith's special column.
Wo do not Intend to Indorse nny except arti
cles of meiir , hut \\o take pleasure In rotor ling
to thu ' ( iiiiland Sto\ci anil Itanges. whose
Mipoiiorltj Is too well established to bo called
In question. They mo believed to lie utl < * ( iual < Ml
by any In thowoild. Sold exclusively by 1' . C.
lie Vol.
Oilell Bros. & Co. loan money on real
Rock Spring coal , Gleason0 Pearl
Fre.-h California. canned goods at Tib-
bitt's. 845 Broadway i
The folio .ving is the programme ar
ranged for this evening's concert at the Con-
gic ationul church.
I a Improvisation In C..Jadassohn
b GavoUo 1Jb . C1.vrlc
Prof. A. E. Do Normandie.
2. Solo . Selected
Mr. Frank U'cstcott.
3. Piano SoloUlgoletto . Liszt
Mrs. Nellie Uaiifs-Slelton. !
4. Solo Casta Diva ( Nonna ) . Bellini
Mrs. J. G. Wadswoith.
C. Violin Solo La Melancholic . Prumo
Prof. Uactens.
I'Aitr u.
1. Solo Mia Speraiuu Adorata . Mozart
Mrs. J. C ! Wadsworth.
0 pinnn J Valso Hrilliautc. . . .Chopin
L lanot nln
" = j i , Pasquinade . . . .Gottschalk
Mrs. Nellie Uangs-Skolton.
D. Solo Lo , Hear thu Gentle Lark. .Uishop
Mrs. J. G. Wadsworth , with tlute obligate
by Mr. Frank Hadollet.
4. Molin Solo I a Consolation . Uactens
] b Vi9lnns . Bactens
Prof. Uactcns.
5. Solo Killarncy . I3alfc
Mrs. J. G. iViulsworth.
The Steinway Grand used at this concert
is kindly furnisned by Max Meyer & liro. , of
Have our wagon call for your soiled
clothes. Cascade Laundry Co.
Snint Ilcrnnril I'lnce.
I have a number of fine lots for snlo
in the above addition , located only two
blocks away from the street cars on
Broadway. These lots are 60x250 foot ,
and are choice residence property.
They are high and dry and present a
commanding view , For full informa
tion regarding prices and terms apply
to J. G. Tipton , bolo agent , 627 Broad
Guns and ammunition at Odell ft
Bryant's hardware and stove house.
Notice the bo utiful finish given col
lars , cults ami aim-Is by Cascade Laun
dry company.
Too Mwli ;
The telephone wires and the electric motor
wires get along very nicely when kept ap-ut ,
but a collision makes trouble. Yes'.crdty
afternoon while the men employed in solder
ing the "ears" to the electric motor wire
were nt work on Upper Hroadway they acci
dentally brought tlio wire * in contact with
the telephone wire of J. M. , tlio well
known markctman , that crosses the street at
that point. Mr. Scanlan heard a qucor ,
bunuig sound , and on looking at his tcla
phone , \ \ here the noise seemed to come from ,
he saw smoke and Humes issuing from the in
strument It lasted but a moment , and for
tunately did not set fire to the building. It
was enough to spoil the phone , however , for
the thing has obstinately refused to ring
since. Manager Lane , of the telephone ex-
chance , had to furnish u new one , and tlio
other has been laid away to recover from itb
Mrs , TJ. Simmons , dressmaker , 314 Broad *
way , over liisenmn's , on clectrie motor line.
Special advantages to Omaha ladies.
Money lonncil on fuiniturc , pianos ,
diamonds , horses , buggies or anything
of value nt low rates of interest. No
publicity ; fair and honorable dealing.
A. A. Clark & Co. , olllco cor. Broailwny
und Main , over American express.
No Joy Without Alloy.
A largo number of those who took part ir
the trades display at the brldgo opening fee !
very much disappointed because they wen
not given a chance to display in Omaha also
r The managers of the affair are criticised be
cause they BO planned as to have the Counei
UlulTs column marched all around the city
down to the brldgo and back again , and time
and strength completely cxhaubtcd , It wa1
impossible to reach Omaha before dark , am
few attempted It.
It is claimed that it would have been inucl
better if the Council Bluffs display had pro
cecdcd over to Omaha , und the Omaha parade
been uiudo hero.
On the other hand , Council Bluffs hac
much to bo thankful for. The day was per
feet. The city was thronged. The big par
of the show was here , nnd the crowds wen
entertained all day.
The fact is that there was a larger nroces
slon , a better display and bigger crowds hen
than were expected. It was unwicldly ti
handle , nnd could not but bo confusing.
When the third bridge is built , and nn
other opening occurs , the experiences o
Tuesday lust will prove valuable.
Ijlnkcd in Ijovo.
Yesterday afternoon nt 4 o'clock occurrci
the nuptials of Mr. Adolph F. BenO nnd MU
Ida M. Harris nt the residence of the bride'
mother , No. 14 South First street. Hev. ' 1
J , Mackay solemnized the union \n \ the beat
tlful service ol the Episcopal church. Oul
the mtiinato friends arid relative1 * of the I
principal ? wire present. The gifts to the
happy pair wtro manj nnd valuable , An i.
cjeglmt rOpast followed the , congratulations. '
Tljo couple who have thus plighted their
troth nto well known us leaders ill the btt.t
sociotj of Council Bluffs , and ilo words of
introduction or encomium nro n-ccded. At
li-oO o'clock the happy pair were driven to
the Hock Island depot nnd departed for Chicago
cage , where a few days will bo passed before
nettling down to the realities of married
life. On their return they will bo at homo to
their many friends at No. 14 South First
Sunday School Workrra
The first Sunday school convention of Layton -
ton township will be held In Walnut on Sat
urday nnd Sunday. The services on Satur
day will be in the Presbyterian church , and
on Sunday In the Methodist church. Among
the participants on the programme arc an
nounced ; H. A. Cummlngs. Kuv. Mr. Held.
Hev. Dr. Phelps , of Council bluffs : J. H ,
Thresher , of Council Bluffs ; Prof. C. P.
Swarm ; Hev. A. B. Shlpman , Hev. Mr.
Coulter , Fred M. S. Forrest , J. H. Phillips Kelley. The oflleers of the new
organl/utioii are : H. A. Cummlngs , presl-
gent ; H. M.Vllson , vice president ; Mis *
Nettle Boiler , secretary ; Miss H. Hlllman ,
treasurer. .
The committee on entertainment is. Mrs.
Held , Mrs. Ho.icr . , Mrs. Coulter , Mrs.
Spanglcr , Mrs , Hrtico and Mrs. Kelley
The finish on our collars , cuffs' and
shirts cannot bo equalled. Cascade
Laundry Co.
Ave. B lots at WOO , small payment
down , balance on long time at low rate
of interest. Odell Bros , ft Co.
KrultH and Flowcrx.
Council Bluffs nnd vicinity has been for
some time the head of supplies for Omaha
for vegetables and fruits. The evidence of
how these classes of industry nro being
pushed hero and hereabouts was manifest in
the parade on the day of the bridge opening.
The lloral display made bv L A. Caspar was
wonderfully attractive. It was as artistic
an arrangement as any in tlic trades display.
The fiuit and vegetable displaj by Caspar ft
Wilcox also attracted much attention. J. H.
MePhorson made a very creditable display
in the like line , he being one of the largest
growers of vegetables in the west. The com
mission and fruit houses aUo made unique
shottitics H was bclitting that in view of
the extent of the products of the earth
raised and handled in and about the city
that thei should be so well represented.
Dr. C. C. Iltucn , dentist , opera house
Fir t avenue lots for sale at abargain.
Odell Bros. feCo
See Forrest Smith's special column.
A Forced Check.
Some unknown lascal forged a check
Tuesday at a market on South Main street.
The fellow bought a few cents worth of meat
nnd tendered n cheek for $12.f > 0 in payim'iit.
The check was drawn nn the First National
bank by Moreliousc & Co in favor of James
H. Whitney , and endorsed by U'nitnev.
Morehouse .So Co. know nothing of the checker
or of Whitney. Their banking is nil done
with Oftlcer Pusey , nnd the First National
could not honor it. It is not known who pre
sented the check , as he was a total stranger ,
and the police have no clue.
Buy a lot on Broadway and realise 60
per cent a month on your investment.
Odell Bros. & Co.
Best bargains in real estate. Odell
Bros. & Co.
Ten Years of Wedlock.
Last evening was the tenth anniversary of
the married life of Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Tip-
ton. Many friends remembered the fact and
at an early hour the hcme , No. 102" Fifth
avenue , was t'ironecd ' by n merry party. And
it was a merry one' Indeed. Gifts appropri
ate to the occasion were numerous. Various
games , music nnd dancing whilcd away the
hour happily. An elegant supper was spread
by the hostess , to which ample justice was
done by the guests. The memories of last
evening will long remain as a most happy
event with all who participated iu Us fes
Boots , shoes. Kinnehan's , 320 B'way.
E. H. Sheafe loans money on chattel
security of every description. Private-
consulting rooms. All business strictly
confidential. Office 600 Broadway , cor
ner Main street , up stairs.
Grain Thlevcfl.
John Haines. a farmer living cloven miles
east of this city , called upon the police yes
terday to assist him in getting track of n loud
of oats stolen from his farm the preceding
night. He tracked the wagon as far as Ban
croft street , nnd then lost all trace of it. It
was probably taken over the river. There
seems to bo a regularly organised gang who
make a practice of stealing grain from Iowa
farmers , and running it to Omaha. The po
lice fail to get any clue.
Loans made on city business .and resi
dence property. Notes bought. Kim-
ball-Champ Investment company.
Money loaned at L. 15. Crafts & Co.'a
loan olllce , on furniture , pianos , horses ,
wagons , personal property of all kinds ,
and all other articles of value without
removal. All business strictly confi
Cclchratcd Too Freely.
Evildoers were numerous in police court
yesterday. The bridge celebration proved
too much for a numuer of visitors , and their
enthusiasm landed them in the cooler. Fines
weio assessed as follows : A. M. Walty , W.
H. Hobb and J. A. Hyatt , ? S 10 each ; Thomas
Kgan , William Crollov and Andrew Me
RUiro , fs.70 , nnd Fred Stone , $7 ( VJ. W.
JuLkbon and John Ucechcr weio taxed $0 00
each for disturbing the peace Authur
Hciow , un Englishman , was held on suspi
For bargains in real estate in any
part of the city see F , J. Day , the lead"-
ing real estate dealer.
E. IT. Shcafo & Co. make long or
short time loans on real estate , in sums
to suit , at lowest rate of interest. Ollice
Broadway and Main street , upstairs.
> Attention , NilKnights. .
Ivanhoo Commandcry , No. 1" , Knight
Templar , holds its regular conclave this
evening at 7:30 : p. in. Installation of oflleers.
Visiting Sir Knights cordially Invited ,
By order Executive Committee
For Sale Cheap Lots ncarthe bridge
to parties who will build at once. Ad
dress or call on J. R. Hice , No. 110 Main
street. Council Bluffs.
We have no competitors in finishing
collars , cults and shirts. Cascade Laun
dry Co.
1 J.G. Tipton has bargains in real estate.
0 Picked Up Hy the Police.
A carpenter known as "Heddy" got into
trouble last night on "the How. " Ilo began
to beat one of the frail sisterhood and was
creating considerable disturbance when
Oftlcer Thomas . " "
appeared. "Heddy" jumped
out of a window onto a shed roof and the
oftlccr ran around the outside of the house.
Thinking that his man had jumped the fence ,
Thomas followed and fell Into a hole , sprain
ing his ankle. Ho lay there for u minute ,
almost helpless. Drawing his revolver ho
awaited the movements of the. woman beater.
"Heddy's" head soon appeared over the edge
of Uio roof , aim Ills eyes fell upon the re
volver covering him.
Ho obeyed the summons to "come down"
with alacrity. The patrol wagon was sum
moned , and the prisoner taken to the station.
A friend appeared und furnislied the ncccs-
sary. bonds for the prisoner' ! ! appearance at
10 o'clock tula morning. Tlio ofuccr'a unkto
$10.75 $ SHOKT ORDER $10,75 $
Frame and Easel , Now of
W. W. Chapman
$10.75 $ $10.75 $
. Nos. 1O5-107 Main .
St. , Council Bluffs.
. . . Vol'i ' Store , No. I OMAHA- Co. , No. 1114
Coi viii. HUTFP. C. Do OMAHACarpenter Paper
SOI Middle Hro.ulwnv. Tolcphone No. b . Douglas Street. Teloi'l.ono ' No 2 ( > 0.
was swollen to four times its natural size ,
and pained him terribly. Ho was compelled
to no off duty and neck the services of a
surgeon , it will be some time before he can
resume his duties on the beat. Meanwhile
the force will miss the services of nn accom
modating oillcer and cftleient guardian of the
peace. _
An Kxtrnordimiry Phenomenon.
No other term tlmn the nbovo would
apply to the woinnn who could see her
youthful heiiuty fii'linyiuvny without re-
tfret. Many si woman becomes proinn-
tnrely old and hafftfiml because of
funet'ional dornneetniMit. What si pity
Hint all sui'h do not know that Dr.
Picrco's Favorite Prescription will re-
btoro their organs to a normal htatc ,
nnd make them youthful and beautiful
once morel For ills to which the
daughters of Eve arc peculiarly liable
the "Prescription' " is n sovereign rem
edy. It is the only medicine sold by
< lrinpibts under si positive guarantee
f i om fie manufacturers , that it will
{ rive satisfaction in every caseor money
will bo returiu'd. See guarantee on
bottle wrapper.
The Auction Sale of Itonl
The great auction sale of lots In Kvans'
bridge addition was completed last evening
in the new car house of the motor company
on Avenue A. O\cr two hundred lots ueic
sold at an average of $ T > ' ' .4D each , aggregating
gating the large sum of nearly $7f > , OCU The
attendance was very large and the bidding
was spirited. Thu motor cars furnished
ample tiansportation. The prices received
\\eie veiy satisfactory , and compared \\oll
with other pioperty sold in that pait of the
Nipped In Hie Und.
Is it not better to nip Consumption ,
the k'i'eatcbt sconrye of humanity , in
the bud , than to try to stay its pro ress
on the brink of the ( jrsivo. A few doses
of California's most useful production ,
SANTA AUIH , the kinj , ' of Consump
tion , will relieve , and n tlioroiiKh treat
ment will cure. Natal Catarrh , too of
ten the forerunner of consumption , can
be cured by CALIFORNIA C'AT-K-
( JUKK. These remedies are sold and
fully warranted by Goodman Drug Co. ,
; it 81 , or throe for $2.o ( ) .
Mr. S. S. Keller anil family had n narrow
escape from fatal injuries while out riding
Tuesday evening. In n collision at the corner
of First street and Hroadway their carriage
was overturned and Mrs. Keller was severely
trampled by the horses. Her head was cut
and bruised by the iron hoofs , nnd one arm
was badly injured. It will be several days
before she can leave her bed. The others of
the party escaped injury. _
are cured bu
usad "
according to
- - - - -
IRON and
kX and
JOHNo. . BUI Main
Council UliilVn , In.
Correspondents Mention 'Ihls 1'nper.
Will sell for cash , meat at the following prices :
HOIlj 1IKKK 4c inc
COUN IIKKr . . . < c roiticciioi1 o
KIIOl'UiilHOAST : fie 1 > ( ) UK HOAST. . . . .to
Kill HOASr. c HAMS 11'Ho
K. Wo 1AIU > Us
And all other Meats in the same
Proportion ,
XO. .127 HMVAY. TEL. XO. Kit.
PRICE $15.
Is eqn&l t :
any Hlgh
Frl d
Machin ; .
Tlio Killson .Mimeograph , Hie bent apparatui for
roanUuMInx nutourapblo and tjrpa writing nurk.
i.UJU coplci < aii bo taken.
The Eehlor Co. , Council Bluffs , la.
tGCilroauway Council IHutls , Iowa.
A Complete Stojk of
Loner than the lowest goods sold on easy pay
ments lit Cash I'lU'tM.
Tor theiircomodallon of Worklngmen , I will
bocpnpen Knnilay fruniS n. in , to I p. iu.
rorNjcoml llnml ( ] oi U In good order I will
pa\ full \uluu. Special IniUaemunt to Onmha
JVosi. ; i'2'l m i l : t25 ! Itromtvay. .
150x110 feet of track.iL'o on 1'srst avenue Iu llry-
nut A. Clatk s add. thu tlnest tr.ick-
ugc In thu cltv.
Al'o Choice llfsldfiiee Lots In
Tlfty Lots in Highland 1'l.iop.
Seiuutuun 1/ots in lontr.d Hub
Twenty Acies ou N'lntli Avenue.
TEliEI'HOXB tl > 2.
SITriAfjndvortlsi'iiu'iitf. , uch ns f/0't. round ,
To Loan , Tor Salt * . To Kent , Wants , Itoaid-
Ini ; . etc.i itin \ \ inserted In tills column at the
low rat of TUN CUNTS I'KIl LINK for tilt ) ill -.t
Inseitlnn .mil 1'ivo Cents Per Line foi each tub-
sequent Insertion. Leave advertisements at
nut office. Nn. U ivart Street , near Ilrondway.
Council Illulls low.i.
" \\7'ANTKD ( iood girl for penoral housework.
T T Mis. J. F. Klmbnll. M > 7 1'ourth nveaue.
FOR RUNT A ple.imnt front room on Hrst
lloor nt reasonable rates. Enquire at 'J17
Second a\emio.
FOK HKNT A nlcciy furnished room with
largo closet , imirbln bowl , etc Suitable iur
two gentlemen. No , f7 > till UNO.
Tobuvs-eveinl lot * for cash to
WANTED on. Address or call on C. 1) ) . .luild ,
BUt ) Hroadway.
FOR Itr.NT House corner 3d and Worth st.
Inquire tit'iKI ( M Kt.
WANTKD-City canvassers. Call nt White
hewing machine oltice , 305 IJioadwiiy ,
Council IllutTH.
) Mattress makers at C. A. lleebo
4 Co's.
I"CK for tale in car loud lots. Mulholland & Co.
FOR HKNT Furnished front room , for gen
tlemen. " 1 N Second street.
TjlOU RUNT Seven-mom cottage , on the serI -
I ? uer of M nve. and 'Jth st. W. C. James.
FOR RUNT A lnrio number of good dwell
ings. Call and examine list. K. II. SIionTe
\ Co. , liroadwuy and Main st. . up stairs.
HOL'SKS for rent. Johnston it Van fatten.
& ) Main st.
A new addition , less than 'i mile north of
Hro.uhMij. lluukois , merchants , profess o'uil
men , inrchnnlcii , woiklngmrn and everybody
can make money fnster by buying In Chuiltun
tlian In any otht'i poll Inn or the New Coiini'll
Illullrt 'Ineso lots > \ ill bo sold at from $150 to
JJXcuh. ) ; Onu-slxth ciihh , balance Iu monthly
pajmunti at 8 per cent Intel es > t. Call and b'et
jour cholcu.
FOll KENT Houce of 7roomilosots. . pantry ,
collar , tlty water , etc. Ko. too ith
roil SALE-Lot 60xl2l\ corner of Ave. A anil
st. Only HOii , * 1U ) cash , rumnlnder
In one and ut 6 per cent.
roil SAMI .TO acres of the best gardening hind
on tlipbcht luml runnlm ; Into Coun
cil llhillb unit ilmalm , Just east of
this city. \ \ 111 mnlco you any terms
you \vant If you nro ube ! to Imrrove
U ut once. If vounnl a cuden
thin U the land you nt. 1'rko ,
J'JOO. '
Room 4 , 3rd Floor , Hrown Building.
AT < :3J : 51 AT U 1 > . M.
AM ) g i * . U , AND 8 P. M.
Royal Arcanum Hall , Beno Block ,
D , H , McDANELD & CO , ,
Hides. Tallow , Pelts ,
Wool and Furs.
Highest Market Prices. Prompt
t20 and KB Main Streat.C'ouacll IlliUKl
, , , , , , ,
Telephone No. 203 ,
1)0 u Bias St. , Oiuah , Neb ,
Nice new five room cottages with closets etc.
finished in lia/rd wood and oil , only 5 minutes
walk from Omaha across the new Bridge and
located immediately ou new electric car line.
And easy terms will secure you a comfortable
and convenient home.
.A. .
I * . O. BOX -1H8 , OMAHA , NBB.
Council Bluffs Carpet CoNe
No 405 Broadway , Council Bluffs.
Our Stock is Larger Than Ever Be
fore. We can give Lower Prices
than ever before.
Our stock is more complete than
ever before. You can get better
bargains than ever before.
Especially Adapted for
25 TO 300
POWER , Mills and Elevators.1
Specifications nnd estimates furnished for complete Btentn plants , llpgulatlon , Dm ability dimr-
inlced. fan show litters from users uucro fuel Uconomy Is vqiml with Corliss Non-Comleii'-lni ; ,
E. C. HARRIS , Agent ,
Send for CtiUiloK No. MO 1'oiirl Strcot , OOU.K il Itlu 1's.
Blnnufncturora anilVlioloinli Do'lcrsln
Sa/u.seige of .A.11
OnlcrH Promptly Filled and Dolivrrod.
Taxidermist and Naturalist.
Permanently located at No. 11 North Gth St. , opposite Pofatofllce , on Motor
Line , Council HlufTis , Iowa.
If you Imvo specimens don't wait for prices. Send them to him before they
spoil. If you dent want them after they are mounted , lie will pay you the
highest market price for them. Will make n specialty of heads during winter
r7R. C. B. JUDD ,
No. GOO Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa.
WANTED Good Salesmen enlarge commission or salary.
The "WHITE" Is Kins.
This is the verdict of nil Indies -who hnvo ubed the White Sowing Mnehino. ,
See it bcfpro buying Riiy other. ' '
orriCE , 'J05 Middle Uruad\vuy. J , ft ] , DnUVlN ,