1 ggtOt'Jgsau t &wiiHt' * > wmm fr-uw sviirAfTA TV ATT .IT' T > "nnrf Ar ' /-\/"irnrvr > Ti-r > 01 tSPEOIAL NOTICES , AdvertUemenU unilcrtjils head 10 "cent * per line for the llrrt iutcrtlon , 7 renta for each nub- ncqiient Insertion , and 1 1. MR line per month. Kondvertlftetnent taken for less than5Kceuti the first Insertion. Seven words will be counted to Hie line : they must run consecutively- must bo paid In ADVANCE. All advertise ments must bo handed In before la :9J : o'clock p. in. , and under no circumstances Will they betaken taken or discontinued by telephone. 1'nrtleri advertising In those columns and IIBV. 1C Ing thi'lr nnswerw addressed In euro of 'Liir.llt.r. v ill please usk for a check to enable them to get Ihelr letters , as none will be delivered except on presentation of rheck. All answers to adver \ > i tisements should be enclosed In envelopes , All udiertlseiiU'iitR In UIOBU columns nro pub- llshed In both morning and evening editions of TUB IlKK. the circulation of which aggregates \ rooro than IH.txn papers dally , and gives th ad vertisers tno bfliiellt , not only of the city circu lation of THE HKK. but also of Council HlulTs. J.lncoln mid / > ttier cities and towns throughout thl.iHoctlon of the country. BRANCH OFFICES. Advertising for these columns will bo taken on the uhtjVo conditions , at the following bnsl- res * ) houses , who are authorized agents for TIIR 1IKKspecial notices , and will quote the same rates as can be had at the main olllco. " OH Nw7TiKLL7T'harmacIsK K)7Bo\ith \ Tenth' ' Street. CIlASi : Jc KDUV. Stationers uml 1'rlnters. 113 South 18th Street. BII. > 'AKNBWOKTH. Pharmacist. 2115 Cum- . Ing Street. W J. HUaillM , Tharmacl.it , Kl North 10th , Street. G HO. W. 1'AUlt , I'harmaclst , 1809 St. Mivry's Avenuo. SITUATIONS WANTE& . for 2 llrst claks workIng - Ing women In or out of city. Each has u fnnall child. Mrs , llrega. 3U' ' { s loth. OOP ill * \XT ANTED Position to cook , wash and Iron TT In private family. 107 North mil st. O&Mlt " \\MNTKD Situation by an experienced T.T young man. Stenographer nnd type writer. Also bookkeeper. . Can glvo reference. Address (1 U7. llee nlllce. 67030 * CJ1TUATION wonted by a young lady as dress- O maker to go out anil Hew by the day. 2812 lieavenworth Nt. , upstairs. 4M I ? WANTED MALE HELP , compoMtor. F. C. I'est- I1 " \A7 ANTii-Ilurbor : Immediately with Hinall I ! TT capital. Cull at 4 18 S 13th st. WU It \\rANTKD-10 Teamster.5monthfaropuld ; Til good hardware man ; 10 hovolers. White's Olllco , ll'J N Htll. KG 3UC "lITANTKD-lloy 14 or 15 joars old at biass > foundry , ] ; eJ I.eavenwojth st. f.'JO iW WANTUD Fifty lubgrers to work on sewer X'ud and Hurt dtreets. J. Hyau lc Co. 6.S1-18 W A M'lUSolicitors. . ( lood salary to good men. Cull or address , M. I , S.T. Co. Cor. 1-th and Farnam Sts. HTlKf t \\rANTIIIl (20) ( ) teamsters. ( S3"i per month ) T > ( li'il laborers ( fl.7"i ) . Steady work and faro piiid. Apply tii7S. ; nib st. fioa ; m ) Agents to canvass for "History of the Hepulillcan 1'arty. " edited by John I ) . Long , ex-governor ot Massachusetts , in- ilorsed ami recommended by the national re publican committee. Most of the contributors re loading members of congress. The book is ( oiling rapldlv. Don't delay. A handsome prospectus will bo Sent postpaid forfiOo. llor- laiul A Co. . ll'l State at. . Chicago. 111. Rtll 31 W ANTKD KKperlenced solicitors. Good salary , permanent position. Address " ( I. 01. " Hoe ofllce. l M'Ul * ANTKD First class plumber , highest wages paid. Apply Urahani Park , -"Jill I.e veu orth st. ( it ! 30 * "IS ANTKD Hey tofeed nres.sjwoman to clean T > Htoro. Chase it. Kddy , m S 10th street. C1B ! i7 * _ * V\7 ANTKD-An experienced Swedish clerk In T > a general Htoru. Address 1'ost AI I lead- Htrom , Stromburv , Nob. 478 31 * " \\rANTHD Knergotlcnen and women every- T > w here for a genteel money-making" busi ness. I'M ) weekly prollt guaranteed easier than 100 monthly otherwise. Kxperienco absolutely unnecessary , Perinanont position and exciu- nlve territory assured. I.00 samiilai free. Write for particulars. Addrens. with stamp , Merrill Mfg Co. . UKi Chicago. AORNTS wanted to handle our new Una of goods. Koom 433. 1'axton block. V31 TTIT'ANTKD Bhovelers ; wages $1.75 per day ; TT board tl.OO per weolc. Apply on work at Hula , Neb , /ach Slirop , contractor. S i ANTBD-llallroad laborers tor Washing * ton Territory ; an all winter's job in a mild climate ? wages guaranteed from l2to3.GO per clay , or JV > to * lu per month and bonrd. At Albright's Labor Agency. 11-0 Farnam st. 015 ANTBI > A man to solicit ; salary $100 per month ; must deposit * - " > and glvo security for money collected. Address Ueorgo S. Cllne , Wagner block , Des Molnos , la. 035 A aBNl'8 WANTKD 75 a month and expenses - pensos paid any active person to sell our Koods ; no capital , salary monthly , expenses in nnvKnce , particulars free. Standard Silverware Co. . Hosloii. 47ii B 0Am. . Dlst. Tel. 1304 Douglas. 821 " 11T ANTED Man to take the agency of onr TT safes ; Rlzo2Hxl xlH inches ; w eight 600 Ibs ; retail price } 35 ; other sizes In proportion. A rare chance nud permanent business. These safes meet a demand never before supplied by other hofe companies , as wo are not governed by the safe pool. Alpine Safe Co. Cincinnati. O. WANTED Good life Insurance solicitors with bank references , are wanted by the TJnlon Life at 401 Merchants' national bank building , Omaha , Office hours 8 to 10 a. m. and too p.m. Ma WANTED FEMALE HELP. \XTANTKD-Oood yoiuiB German girl for T > housework ; 81(1 ( S23d. 6W 30 yiMNTKD 3 waitresses for Lincoln , 118 , faro T paid ; cook for family , nice place , for good Ctrl ; colored girl for private family. * l ; 2 wait resses. 1 chambermaid , 2dlshitashert ) , RU ; girls for general work. Omaha limp. Ilurean , ll'J ' N 10th. KTi ; tOf WANTED An experienced cook , washerand Ironer lit 1724 Davenport st. ( HJ8 JIT \\7ANTKI ) A goo.1 girl who understands T T housework , no washing or ironing. 1510 Ilarney. tpj tot V\r.\NTIvI ) Imme < llntely. girls to learn the Tt dress and mantle making. Apply to Mlsa V. C , Kruzler , U22 N. 10th at. , must come recom mended. OXi M ; VirANTKn-lmmedlately , conic and 2d ccirl TT for a tlrst class private family , 10 girls for housework In the country , 0 for hotels nut of [ city , 4 dining-room girls ; for Norfolk , Neoln and Koninov Hrst class laumlrors * in women cooks and lots of good places in city. Mrs. JlreK'OHSJs ' ! 5tli. tOl 31 * W ANTED Immediately lirst-class second girl , 1814 Dodge st. " 1\7 A NT1ID 10 sowing girls also a competent TT lady bookkeeper. No married woman peed apply , ( leo. Stiles , 1311 Howard. 5HO-1T W TANTKD-Dlnlns room girl and cook. 10)4 ) North 10th Bt. & .W 31 \\TANTKIJ-Lady agents for combination T T bustle-skirt , "llalsy" hose Biipporter , rubber aprons , bibs , sleeves , Bhoulder braces , eafety belts , waterproof garments , etc. : reliable liouce. Onlyguodsof real merit ; proflts large. Address with staini ) , E. H , Campbell Jt Co. , 44 \f. Handolph at. . Chicago. BS5 nov ltJ. ) \\rANTKD-A girl for general housework , 623 TT NWthst , , corner California. 4G4 MrANTED Experienced solicitors. Good TT salary , permanent ponltion. Address "O. 81. " itea onice. . 5 < T 31j firANTEn.-wlst nncl k > Unbhers. 151 TT Howard. M. A. Wallace. 311 28 \\TANTRD-Alady to solicit ; must deposit * 23 TT and give security for money collected. Address George S. Cllne , Wagner block. Dos Jnolnes , Ia. K13 SHORTHAND n-TALKNTlNK'a Short-hand and tyne wnttng T initltute. now 1'axtou building. Omahu. h Meb. The only ( xcluilve , practical short-hand chool In the west. The demand for snort-bana tvTltem Is largely in excea.i of tli uupplr. Siiurt-hund is much up rlor to book-Keeping nd telegraphy as a mean * of llrellhood. We give instructions on Uemlngton and Hammond tyna-wnt ro , both for the same price. ' Dnr and evening seoslons. Students can uteratnny tlnit. Send tor circulars. 753 n3. SUPKKIOK advantages now given in these brunches at Omalia Commerchil Uollece.op'D. ) > . O cor Uth and Dodge , lion ritnian system } , llemlngton type writers , Bvery graduate- Kood pod I tlon. students complete manual In e o w ceks , and wrlta 00 words In three months , 1'racilral office drill glron each student one month free. It6cHntlous dally one hour. Die. latlnn three hours dally. Day and orenlng ses- Ions. tttudenU vnteranr time. For circulars write Jtortiboucki Uro * , Utaaka. ill aU EMPLOYMENT BUREAUS. BIIRASKA Employmont-oniee , 3lV N lethst. / 1ANATIAN Employment omco. Mrs.'Ilrega , J5th. Heterenco Omalm National bank 293 u 3 MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. ITiXPEKT ACCOUNTANT Wanted to adjust JLUcompltcatcd books ; partnership accounts arul complicated accounting of all kinds : coun try correspondence solicited. Address V 11 Hue. ; & 7 n5- WANTKD-A desirable family to take charge of dormitory for young ladles at Tlellevue college. Apply xith reference to Kov , F. S. Illnyney. lleilevue. Neb. 707 \\rANTKD-lly two sisters , having ' i employment , n plensant room and board In private family ; location must bo central ; reference given nnd required. Address It , Omaha Kxcelslor , City. 007 1 * TXTASTRD The public to make good Use of T T The llee's wesaago boxes throughout the CltV. ' 00 WANTED If you have any lands , lots , or houses and lot * to sell or axchange for othpr property , call on me or write. I can llnd you a customer. C. C. SpOtswood 305HS. lutu.T BOARD I NO. ANTKIJ Thlrty ifay boariftw" . ilso throe roomeM at . ' 1 Dodge'st " 2T1 tOO' t\7ANTKO-Tablo boarders at 100) Douglas. TV . * 75 WANTED-TO RENT. rpwoorthreo unfurnished rooms with heat X niul gas for mother and daughtur : location flrst < laHM anil within easy walking distance of poatofllcu ; state price and particulars. Address U BJ. Ueo. & 74 Tl FOR RENT-HOUSES. "VTirKii room house , sort and hard water. J- > bit ) S 2'd st , 1 bl'k S of I.eavonworth. GIH 1" FOlltKNT 4 room house , WHS f.th fit. 13. r > join house 27th nnd llurdctta Htn tin ner month. Ueo. J. Fox. H 1 , Continental block. 6HI1 Ill Oil HUNT House of 4 room" , 15th ami Hurt. J ? ( Kit HI * TilOK HUNT Two Five-room houses 107 ami JD lull S ' "ith St. , $15 , Ten-room houe MS South 2.tli St. , f.V > . Hintru alt Ilros. , Darker block. GOO 21- "IJ1OII KENT Furnished. 7-roojn cottage. Mrs. JJ M. Wyman. 1310 N. 27th at. 583 _ TJ JU KENT Flat of 5 , rooms , bath-room , JLA closets , etc. , now. Inqulro at drugstore. JLAFr FrK ( KKNT 4-rooiu house , east front , for family without cutldron , HJJ S. 18th st. FOK KKNT 4-room house , 2dth and Howard. 57:1 : 31 * FOIt KENT Houses. Houses , Houses. In nil parts of the city. .Mumiiugh \ Fltchott , southwest cor. 15th and Howard. 601 Oil KKNT-3 room house , 2001 Luke St. . $11 , Selby. IKtl Farnam. , 481 TJlOlt KKNT 3 story brick residence , 1010 Cap- JL Itol nve. , 10 rooms. Apply to C. H. Union. 472 $30-f-room ! house , bath room , hot and cold water , gas. sewer , paved street , new , C. F. Harrison. 418 8. 15th t. 62-J TjlOK KENT 7-rooui chouse , bath , range and JL : furnace $35 lroom l > house , now 10-room house , 2 blocks from 1' . O. 8. > 10-room house , 2 blocks from 1' . O. 75 4-room house , new . 12 7-room house , new , paved street. . 30 H-room nouse. new , paved street. . Si 5-room house , now. paved street. . IB J. II. Kvans. 1510 Dodge. 4tW 2J ( nvw KKNT 0- room iibltso. city water , NoTllla H Pacific st. lininlro at 1(109 ( Howard. 544 FOK KKNT A nice 8-room house with good well , cistern , barn. H24 South 2Ith st. In- ( jnlre SI7 South 2Kth st 4UJ 2 > A n room Mat for rent and furniture tor sale. JiKnqulro at C. F. Shaw , 1015 Howard st. 4f Vnl 7 KOOM brick house , 2111 Hamilton st. All modern improvements , IW. 8 room frame. No. " ( ll'J Hamilton St. , $27.r > 0. Leavltt llurnhani. No. 1 Crelghton block. 401 "II1OH KKNT Desirable cottaco ot 6 rooms JL1 near street cars , 2524 Charles st. Inquire 1C19 Capitol nve. -Jillt TJ1OH KKN'P-Furnishod room , 2103 Farnam st. J ? ' . 640 3/J ' T71OK KKNT Cheap , 5 new 4-room houses , 'ja clstorn , well , closets , coal houses , all com plete for the small sum of 110 per month. J. H. Parrotte'H rental agency. 16ft ! Chicago st. ifJl 7 H ) H RENT Two store rooms , vhlchare con- JJ verted Into living rooms. 0 rooniu each , atjl.'l per month. N. E. cor. lUth and Mason , Inquire 214 S )2lh ) at. . 211 IOR KENT For S months , modern house of Hrootns , 'c&m'pleloly furnished , barn with room for two horses , rent 170 ; possession given Sept. 25th. 2204 N. 2tth , 1 block north of Lake. Apply 31U S , 10th St. 906 TT1OK KKNT 2 live room houses. South 2 th , 1st door west of bliot tower. UI130J FOK KKNT 2 good houses of 5 and 7 rooms with barn. Mo'.loru improvements. It. C. Patterson , 318 S 15th st , 280 FURNISHED Hnuse-Wtshlug to leave the city for the winter , 1 oiler for rent my house furnished , from Nov. 1 to May 1 , ton rooms , no better location In city , all modern improve ments. Apply on premises , 2U'J Dodge st , George C. Hobble. Telephone. IW. 187 Fi Ibll KENT 4-room house on S. lOtn St. , two blocks 1 south of Vlntonst. ; will rent for 110 per month or sell on terms to suit purchaser. ( Jeo. J. SternsdorU room 0 , opposite H. O. 710 OK KENT When you wish to rent a honso , store or ofllce call on us. H. E. Cole , room 0. Continental block. Sis FOK KENT House with nine rooms. 113 S. 21th Ht. Mount A ; Orlffln. 21J 3. llth at. 71S TjlOK KENT A boardlni ; house with twenty JL rooms In good location , with all modern im provements , all new. Inquire of Kmngcr llroa. , 912 S Kith Ht. IWn2t FOll KKNT House of n rooms , good well and cistern , 1112 S. 13th st. Apply at 1103 , room l 5. S. loth at. , rent $30 a mouth. L. Duggau. 906 F I OK KKNT 7 room house with large barn. 115 per month for the winter. U. F , Harri son , 418 bo. loth 8t. Oil T71OK KENT A newO-room house , city wut r JL' and stable , cor. Farnam and 42nd sto. Apply Koom Ol , 1'uxtou block B04 T71O11 KKNT To r > * i < i > onsllle party , 0-rooin J3 brick house. 118 South 25th st. 150 feet from cable line. Furnace and all modern conveni ences. Kent NV > per mouth. Apply to J. W. GrWItb U. P. headquarters. 780 Foil KENT 7-room Hat , city water , bath and modern conveniences. 3 unfurnished and 3 furnished rooms for light housekeoDlng. All over 1603 Howard st. O.F.Shaw , 1615 Howard. ! "plOK KENT- . . - . . . house with _ steam nt UVI S. 24th st. (1. ( K. Thompson , Shecly block. 15th and Howard IH. _ 2:11 : fJI OK KENT B-room cottage on horse car line , JD $18 a month. Apply M. Klgntter 1001 , Fnr- pamst. 418 HUNT House 7 rooms , 21 st near Cass. JL' House H rooms , 2 'l Cass st. Inquire Koom 33. llarker block. 315 _ Q EVER A L houses for rent. 8. T. I'etersen. B. O e. cor. 15th and Douglas. KM FOK llENTliy nosworth * Joplln. llarker block , 3 , 4. 6. ft. 7. S , 9 , 10 , 11 , H-room hoiues in all parts of the city. . . 500 TPOK KKNT New S-room house on Cuuilng Jst , near Lowe ave. Terms reasonable. Apply - ply qulclt. Spotswood , 05 BlOth. 824 KKNT House 519 N. 18th street. Apply at St. A , D. llalconibe , ) I 2 California st. TJ10R KENT At very low rates , 10 and 14 new JL1 residences. 2401 and 414. Cass street. Clarku 1'lnce. Ou block south of Crelghton college , on Furnam and 24tb street car hue. All modern Improvements. Apply , H.T. Clark Union Trust t'-o. . or at 2420 Cass street. sa * EOll KKNT One 7-room cottage. 2428 ( rank tin st. ; Inquire atOdu 1'axtou block. 1' . J. Creedou. 311 F I ; OK KKNT 6-room house , 2113. 7-rooiu bousn 24SI 1'oppleton ave. Oeo. I. Gilbert , With- neil b'l'g. 210 FOR RENT-ROOMS FURNISHED. TlW HUNT Furnished or unfurnished front fl room , southwest corner 22d and Dent. ( .CO-31 -VJICK front room to responsible party within -l- > \ block of street and cable cars , 2013 Capitol nl'0 f ' - r1\VO furnlsbed rooms , alcore , closets , all X modern conrenlencea , single or ensnlte. 200 ! ) Cass St. 66811 * FUItNISHED room , hent and gas. suitable for t or 4 gentlemen. 13Bl > ougiai3rdtlo < 5r 47 COMroitTAOnr furnished , heated room , without board , 613 S. " 5th ave. 6tU 31 > CMJKNISH ED rooms , 1418 Dodge st. ELKCi ANT front rooms , cheap C23 H. l.Uh. 5W-N,13' Foil KKNT-rnrnlihed room suitable for 3 gentlemen , Apply EO 8. SJth St. , cor , St. M dry's and 20th , brick residence. V 4 It FOR KENT Largo furnished room for pno or two gentlemen , near high school , furnace heat , ns ot bnth room. etc. Apply to Nothorton Hall , Itoom 423 , First National Ilank IlulhUng. - , - 1710H UKNT-Kurnlshed rooms , 410 N.Utliut. JL1 no , (12 , { 15 , and 1 suitable for 4 gentlemen , * W , MJ4t TJIOIl IlKST-Furnlshfld rooms , board If < leI - -I ? Hired. SU.'I Howard at. aci 4 * XTICKIjY furnlshnl front room , suitable for J- > one or two Koutlemon. 2114 Hurt at. ft3 "IfilUKNlSIIKD front room ; modern coin en- -I ? lenceH. 02t 817th. BWW OJirOUTAPLK furnished rooms to respcc- table iiartles from tl to W i > cr weok. 1121 uKlas , 1710K KKNT Nlcn large furnished room with JL' alcove.sultnblo- 2 gentlemonlS23 rarnam. ) f.AlUii ; , nleely furnished south front rooms. -i.MoU pleasant part of city. 7 blocks from L' . O. On cable line. Hoard 1C desired , aim Div- enportst. Mi 1 * -T j. - 71OII KKNT Comfortable rooms for the wlc X ! ter , with or without board 1701) ) IodK at ' _ Wi'illJ 1 OOMH-nithfitovoa fl per wuok orI.M per month , KKNT A large front room , nicely fur- nLstird.moderu conrenicncos , suitable for S Kcntlemca , 1C18 Webster. 7-11 JIGHLY furnished Koutli front room , llrst lloor , brick cpttago , $12 , 818 Howard Rt. & 8H Hi FOIJ KKNT Furnished rooms with board. (112 ( So. 12th st. 681-31 * I71OII HUNT Knrnlshod 'or unfurnished room X1 for two gentlemen , or man and wife , MIA Howard st. fill TJIOU HKNT-A nicely furnished room with -L' u o of batnroomconvenlent ; locatlon.prlvato family : to a gtntlemunof nilet habits ; refer ences required. 518 South iotn stt. near St. Mary's ave. UllNlSUKD room. A. Hospo , 1CU Douglarf. FUIINISHKD front room for rent with board. Apply 1HI5 Chicago st. 518 'lit F OIt HUNT FurnishedTooras with first class board. S013 Douglas t. M2 U * FURNISHED room , 113 S 20th. near Dodge. - f.10 n-S > - TOOK KKNT Furnished rooms ; al o. room's -L for housekeeping , Imiulro. 1713 Case. 611 1 _ TWO furnished , alv > sulto of unfurnished rooms .suitable for llirht'housekneplng.south- cast front. Northwest cor. 13th and Howard Hta. . fin 30' , EOOM with board for 2 gentlemen , 172:1 : Dav- enportst. 4822 ? FOll KENT Furnlshod room , south front , N K cor 21st and IMrenport st. ' 40 LAHOK furnished front room , all conveni ences , suitable , for two or tnree gentlemen. Address , e. N lltn ht. 4UJ : w E OOMS 1'irst class home board. 1718 Dodge. 4-15 nit FOH KKNT Comfortable roonm for the win ter , with or without board. 1709 Dodge st. KI4 nit "VTF.WLV furnished worm rooms 2 blocks J- > from I . O. , bay window parlors , single rooms , all conveniences , private house. Hi 13 Capitol ave. 4St nit FUItNISHED rooms , with or without board , 1010 , 1KU Davenport. Imiulre.lOlO Davenport. 44. ' N a * JAKGE pleasant room , furnished , brick flat. 1418 Chicago st 465 FOR KENT A largo front room , newly fur- nlshed. south front , cheap , corner 17th and Cumlngs ts , northeast corner. 'WS FOK KKNT Nicely furnished rooms , single or en suite , 1811 Cumlngs st , 157 U KENT FurnUbed roomi in Qrennlff blk cor . * Uth and Dodge sts. Inquire of Oeo. H. . Dftvls. Mlllaril hotel billiard room. KID KOOMS Including bonrd In the YOTOIB Wo men's home 1'JlO Dodge st , Inferences re quired. 940 IOR KKNT A handsome room with alcove at . Mary's are. 829 F OH KENT Klecantly furnished rooms with. board. Inquire ICWDouglas. FOR RENT-ROOMS UNFURNISHED , F OK KKN1' 6 large rooms. 1101 Kurnham. * 65331 * "CUHt KKNT .1 rooms , entire upper floor , brick -E house , fSper mo. , 2KB Hamilton st. 650 W TTNFtJKNlSHKD-Sultable for Housekeeping. U Three pi ) rooms. 211CI Nicholas st 12 50 Fear (4) ( ) rooms. 415. S Iflth st 225)1 ) Three ( III rooms , 1019 N.20thst 1125 ThreoPi ) rooms , 701M I'acitlcst fl o < ) Three (3) ( ) rooms. 1412 i'lerco st 13 fiO Three ( .1)rooms ) , 1018N. 21stst 11 Oil Three (3) ( ) rooms , 707 t'aclflc st 10 ( W Four (4) ( ) rooms , 1704 Webster st 16 20 Four (4) ( ) looms , 17IU Webster st..r : . ' S3 BO Throe (3) ( ) room cottapn 1124 N. 21st st 13 G'l Judgii Itehtlug Agencya. w. cor. Harney .and 15th ats. -238 FOR RENT-STORES AND OFFICES. OK KENT Storeroom. No.Sll B. 14tH at. Ap- plvut 1110 llowurdst. S31 neil KENT 3 stores on Iflth and Leaven worth , apply Ilank of Omalm. 2U "ITIOK KKNT Ilrlck store. Hat above , 24th and JL1 Hamilton , desirable business location. Lea vltt lliiriiham , room 1 , Crelghton block , mi TTlOll KKNT-Olhce suite K5 month , 2 single X1 otHces $15 each , all fronting 10th it. , HUHM- man block , N. K. Cor. 16th and DougUs. W. M. Bushman. 1311 Leavenworth. 834 "IJ OK KKNT-OnCumlngst. store and llvlne JL' apartments , also livery stable. Knqulre of Harris K. E. Sc L.Co. . Koom 411,1st Nat. bank. Ctfl T/1OK RENT Fine retail store loom with , -1- largo basement , too per mouth. C. F. Harrison risen , 418 8. ISttf St. 823 FOR RENT-MISCELANEOUS. 171011 RENT-Good barn , 4 stalls , feed room J- and wagon sned. Inquire at 2J2. > Howard nt. RENTAL AGENCIES. EOKflK J. 8TEKNSDOKFF. room , opp. P. O. , will heieafter give special attention to renting houses , stores and Hats. If you want your property rented without delay and to reli able tenants , do not fall to list tno same with him. Kiri WE glvn special attention to renting and col lecting rents , list with us. H. U. Cole , room 6 , Continental block. 8J7 [ F VOU wantyour houses rented place them L with Ueuiiwa & Co. , loth , opposite postofnce. PERSONAL. 1NSUKK ynur life In the Uermalnla before you cross the bridge. _ PKKSONAL-Mrs. Whitney. nurse , can Tie found at 1815 North SStli st. 46U 2 _ PKKSONAi/ you have a personal item , nr any communication , drop it in one of The Bee's message boxes. 106 LOST. LOST Largo yellow envelope containing re turn ticket to lluirulo , N. Y. , nnd oilier paper. Flmlor please leave snuie at 1018 Kurt street and receive reward. 603 31 * LOST Oil STOLEN A bull pup , right side head brlndlo and loft side white , 0 months old , * 5 reward for return to Chai ley Storz , N. K. Cor , Clark and Saundcrs. 581-1 * L IOST Saddle and bridle on Itth ht , near Sea man's Carriage Keposltory. Keturn to C. f" . Hlggln's saloon uiid get reward , 670 U1T ( i > 50 reward will be paid and no questions asked "Pfor the return of gold watch. Howard move ment , stolen on U. 1 * . train between Valley and Chapman on Friday evening , Oct. U. Address confidentially , J , D , C. , care P. O. Grand Island , Neb. 880 FOR SALE-MISOELLAMBOUS. TfJIOK SALE Two hay presses , one Whitman X1 and one Ertel Victor , almost new ; will bell cheap , llox 645 , Omaha. Neb , 430 2 LA HOE square bone burner , Cortland Home ventilator , good aj new , Several beating Blow a , KKi Farnam. 3U3 31" OK SALE-Wastmlnitar bsater No. 00 , burned iwlntor.'cheai ) , 2409 Joncs'at. Call Immediately. 473 8 171011 SALE-First-class nearly new piano vrlll X' b sold on reasonable terms if sold Immeill- ately. Inquire 24QT Capitol ave. 364 30 THOU BALK Very fine family horse and ' JL' phaeton at your own price. Imiulr * room 210 , llrst National Ilank. . . 670 FOK BALK or trade New two a at d car riage and.Blngls top busgy. S lbr. liil Faruaia. Vf > IjlOK SALB AnewSsrat llookaway carrlaeo J ? at Lee * Nichols' llrerr barn. Twenty-eighth and Learenworth. Telephone 810. -417 _ TT1OU SALE A family horse.or for general JD use , price$150. ' , Inquire No. 319 S , 10th.City. . F OIl SALE Ono cook Movft 'with rwervolr , good as now , for tlJ.ifJn ! 3 mil ut , 6 ; 1 to contractort&'nnd ' linllders Voit - will s.ivemoney by n urlng Mlth.ll ymcr& Her , their stock of buildrsihatdware is complete - pleto and priced low. t , , J30nl7 TTiriLT hats pressed and , reshaped ; feathers J-1 cleaned and curl d. KM/Schadoll , 218 N 10th. _ . _ i-nt ,740nl3 ONLY 'catarrh euro ohcnrth. 'fiamplps free. M , J. S. T. olllce. ! W5 90uth 12th St. 677-yt LAD1KS SupcrluioiisTiRlr on the lace , neck or arms removed nnutho roots Instantly killed 1 by the Electric Needle 1'rqcess. leaving no murks or scarst positively the only pertna- , umt remedy. .Mrs. Dr. iwicrd. 1822 St. Mnry's nvc : Wednesdays nnd TlAlrs-layn only. 471 1 * IADIKS if yoUdetlrc your dresses made In Jtho latest style at reasonable prices , call at dressmanlngparlort ) , 2lOi ) Capitol avemie. dtI I rilNITlTHR carefully moved by the Omalm Auction and ttorngo Co. , 1121 Farnam st. Teleponno < 1205. lillnla _ G O to Itaymer A' Her for flno tpols .andlbulld- e ' h rd are , & 1 S , 10th st. , Her building. ' THE banjo taught as an' art by Geo. P. Gellen- beck. 8-3 So. 10th st. 182 ' DR. O. KICKETT3. manairor Excelsior baud , I IS ) Farnam. Ilrass 'and ' string music. 1 713 n Kf A NTIQUAHIAN book store , 1413 Fnrnam st. . xxiitghest cash prices palil for second hand books. , .C3.1 ii 10 * JNO. MULDOON & Co.,31.1 S. 10th St. ; 10 stone cutters , 12c lineal foot , Colorado sandstone , 190 H OMK far Destitute Woman and Children , .Z718 Hurt st. , 940 OMAN'S Exchange , 1C17 Farnam st. Lunch dally , supper Saturday ulghts. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. MIDLAND Guarantee and Trust Co. . IWtt Far nam Complete abstracts furnished. * titles to real estate examlnedpnrfected & guaranteed. BKNSONi-CAKMICIIAF.I , furnish complete and guaranteed abstracts of title oto any real estate In Omaha and Douglas county upon short notice. Tliu most complete set of abstract books In the city. No. 1503 Farnam at. 878 STORAGE T\7ANTKD Use of piano by two younc ladles T > for tno storage ; no dilution In the family. G. 08. lieu ofllce. WJ 1 * JTOUAGK Merchandise , 319 South 10th st. 671 STOKAOK At low rates at 1121 Ftirnani st. Omaha Auction & Storage Co. llii STOKAGK-Hoilseliold goods DID Sputh 10th 571 rpKACKAGK , storage , lowest rate . W. U Jllushuian , 1:111 : Ixiavenworth. 87H WANTED-TO BUY. " \\rANTED-Furnlture , carpets , stoves and > T household goods of all kinds. Omaha Auc tion & Storage Co. , 1121 Kara am. W > i10NEr TO LOAN \ II ATfKL and collateral loans. M. B. Davis I S 13th st. , room 27. WBj > HAL estate loans , lowest ratos. Odcll Ilros. t A Co. . 312 S. 18tll St. HOJ M ONEV to loan ; long time. George J. Paul 1UW Farnam st. 9Ji B UILDING loans. LlitAbau & Mahoney. D ( ) YOU want to borrow > "lnonoy7 If you have diamonds , watchea oiMjnnrelry and desire to effect a loan on favorable .terms in a strictly private and cduQdentlal manner , or should you want a loan on furnltu > b. horses , carriages , land contracts or personutfiproperty of any de scription , you can have money advanced at lowest rates of Interest and ; ample time to pay by 'calling on or sending iMMal card to the , „ u Omaha Mortgage Loan Co. Wo loan out our own money , make out our own papers nnd pay -commission , thus giv ing the benefit to the borrower. our facilities arosuch totitjwo can accomrao- onto you in a prompt and confidential man " r ; giving you fair. hondraWo and courteous eatet. o- All loans renewed at original rates. WawtH payolTany mart cage younowharo and give you long tlmo nnlC low rates ; will loan any.sum from 125 to ti.OOOxxii Commercial and 1st mortgage paper bought. 1D Omaha Mortgage Loan 86 , . rooms 217 and 218 First National Hank bulldln * ilK Omaha Financial .Exchange. Room lu , _ . . llarker lllock , southwest-corner of Farnam andilothsts. , Hakoa a specialty of short-time collateral and real estate loans. NoneV always on hand in sums of 1100 and upwards to any amount , to loan on approved Secured notes bought , gold or exchanged. Clear real estate and cash to exchange for rood flrst or second mortgages. Loans made upon land contracts , stocks , bonds , trust deeds , flrst or second mortgage se curity , without publicity , delay or red tape. Financial business of , any kind transacted Promptly , quietly and fairly. Room 15 , llarker block , Lorbett. Manager. 881 MONKV.To Loan-By the undersigned , who has the only properly organized loan agency In Omaha Loans of $10 to JLOOO made otf furni ture , pianos , organshorseswagons , machinery , etc. , without removal. No delays. AIL business strictly confidential. Loans so made that any part can be paid at any time , each payment reducing the cost pro rata. Advances made on fine watches and diamonds. Persons should carefully consider who they are dealing with , as many new concerns are dally comlne into ex istence. Should you need money call and see me. W. K. Croft , room 4. Wltlmoll building. 16th and Harney. 833 MONEY" toloan on household furniture , pi anos , horses , wagons and other personal property ; also on mortgage paper and contracts as collateral security : cash always on hand : lib eral extensions granted : business transacted falrly.qtitetly and promptly. The Fairbanks In vestment Co. , S W cor 15th * Douglas , upstairs. EOPLK'S FINANCIAL Kxctange The fulT- est , quietest , most liberal money exchange in the city ; loans made without delay or pub licity. In any amount large or small , at tno low est rates of Interest , on any available security ; loans may be paid at any time or renewed ut original rates. O. Honscaron. ingr. . room M ! ' , , Darker blk. , 15th and F.irnam. 017 n 1JJ P EOPLK'S FINANCIAL Kxchange-Larfio ana small loun.s for long and short time , at lowest rates of interest , oil real ( State , mort gage notes , chattels ot all kinds , diamonds , watches and Jewelry. Don't fall to call If you want fair and cheap accommodations. O. llous- curen , mgr. , room 56 ! { , Darker blK. 15th and rarnam. 917n 15 _ _ _ _ WK keep on hand money to oan on inside property in Omaha ami South Omaha m sums from * VW to M.OJO , and as wo do our own valuing , make all papers , etc. , we can complete a loan uy day you wish and pay you the money. llates , Smith Co. , Itoom 20.1 , Kamgo building. ; n M ONEV to loan on Improved property nt first hands. No applications sent away for ap proval. Security and tltle.s examined free ot charge o borrowers. Lombard Investment company , 30 S. 13th st. l t mo LOAN Frpm one to two hundred thous- JL and dollar * or smaller sums promptly , east ern capital always on hand cheap. Philadelphia Mortgage and Trust Co. , Oeo. W. 1' . Coates , 13 buartT of trade. MONKV to loan on turutture , wagons , etc. , without removal , or otf collateral security. Business strictly conttdentttu. A. E. Greenwood & Co. , K 1 Cunningham bllfrtor. Uth * Jackson , i'Mif 887 GW. PECK loans mbnay , cash on hand , KOO.OOO , c n be placed oil city and farm prop l erty at lowest rates ; bullAnvt loans a specialty. Room 4 , Frenzer block. Opp. P. O. OQ/1 / n 15 * It ! ONKV to Toan In any1 amount , either for ITJ. building or otherwise , t lowest rates of Interest and on short notloo : > D. V , Sholes , room 210 Flr.st Nat'l bank , cor , pt aml Farnam. 8J1 \ fONEV to loan on ImprtWed city property or HL for building purpolesj lowest rates ; no delay. Mutual InvestmentConipauy , room 1. ] llarkor block , 15th and Faraam. 53 ! A 500.000 8 per cent. Mpwy to loan on 1m- Oproved farms or city .prope . James A. woodman , at the old 8rn , .nsurance office of Murphy & Lorutt , 330 8. 13tUht. 894 ON'T borrow money Jon1 furniture , horses , wagons , etc. , until youffiiare seen 0. 0. Ja cob * . room 410. First Nitteual bank building , cor. 13th and Farnam 0i MONKY to Loan On real pstate and chattel security. Money without delay. Weitoru Land and Loan exchange , 117 8. lOth at. 600n MONKY to loan on furniture , norsas , wagons , etc. , or on any approved security. J. W. Hob- blos. It. MS Bhoely blk , 15th' and Howard. 01 $2.600 special fund to loan on vacant or Im * , , ! Jr , < lY ' 11 , property or good mortgage , paper. ! D. V. Bholes , 210 ut Nat/tank. 404 ai Tl f ONEY to loan ; cosh on hand ; no delay , J. 1TJ.W. Sciulre. 1219 Farnam st. First National bank building , , fTO S. lllSUEUwaute flntclass business loans at once , the larger the.better. 318 First Na * tlonal bant. .438nl MONEV [ to Loan City and countryj ctieap rates , no delay. L. P. Hammond , VW Paxton - ton building. 703 TICONEV toloan on Improved real rstate. -ITLLeavltt llurnhani. Crfclghton block. ii79 al&uoo to loan on inside propertr. Some flrst I g mortgages for sJ . Whau Bheltou , . V to loAn. O. F. Davli Co. , real cstiite Land loan agruU , fAi Faruain st. W3 [ "ONI5V to Loan I/iweat rAtss. Loam closed IDock.promptly , II. K. Coin , llooiu 0 , Continental IDock. Ol'EII CKNT money to loan-Cash on hand W. M. Harris , room 20. Frenzer block , opp. 11 O. Hfxi LOANS made on rcnl estat .MortK KP b usht Fi M , Hloliimlson.ll. O.a.vv.cor. Isth.VUoimlns U78 Ii23t MONKV to loan on chattel securities. Illsnop Ac Wheeler Loan Co. , room f > , Darker block. < * Ha IllBV-5 ( , OiiO to loan on city property and Improved farm land , Frenzer block. LOANS made on r&il estate And mortgages bougnt , Lewis S , Iteed A Co. , 1K1 Faruain. $500OX ) to loan at 0 per cent. Unahan & Ma- honey , room 60) ) . 1'axton block. tlW /IJOOnclty and farm loans wanted by A. K. VJ Ulley. 15I rarnam. 8M BUSINESS CHANCES. w ANTED Partner for amusement enter prise. Call Occidental hotel. H. Tons. 68i SO * " \\rANTED A partner. Must have * .VJ. A TT bl thing for the rlglit mnn. Address (1 , CO this olllce. 778-HOt STOCK of hnrdu are in one of the best western towns , stock about iM,500 , ( tales past year tA\ 000 ; 1111191 sell. Address O M lice olllco. 4111 ! * ANTED-A man witli fiom fl.OUO toU.OOU to takn interest In a good established mfg business. Klght man Can take active part. Address G 411. ee. 3W ! 31 "C1OK SALE A small jewelry store , best loca- ' JL'tlon in the city , rare chance by addressing nt once. 0 Ifl. lice olllce. 3fl5 31t T > A HE business chance : Fine stock of gro- XV cerles In live city of 12,000 inhabitants , doing a business of SJ\inD per annum , capital re- ( 'Hired ' from pi.000 lo tt.OOu , reasons for selling 111 health. Address G 30. care Bee. 207 n 0 * . WK wish to employ a reliable man In your county. No experience required ; perma nent position for three years. Salary increased each year. Light , easy , genteel business. Money advanced for salary , advertising , etc. LargKAt mannf'rs In our line. Kncloso 2-cent. No postals. Centennial M'f'g Co. , Cincinnati , O. 13J J2 8'j R SA Li : Salt Lake lots $2. ) each , nt 310 S. 1Mb Ht. 425 _ FOR SALE or Exchange An old established good paying Livery busliinss in Council lllulT.s.Ia. . lu NMain st. Wm. Stadleman. OKI FOR EXCHANGE. A1IAIUJA1N TAVO line lots In Ilrlgg's place for 11,41)0 each , on very easy payments , or will trade for a good farm. Address O.IV5 lleo r 5 FOK EXCHANOK-For desirable residence property in Omaha , any or all of following- 40 cholco inside residence lots In Hastings. 100 lots in Lincoln. 610 acres Hue farming land , Lancaster county. Kino residence propertv , Lincoln. (3ood rental property , Lincoln. Choice fancy residence , corner , Los Angeles. A neat residence property in Hanscom I'lace. Also some good mortgage notes. Address , giving loca tlon and price of property , J. E. 11. , careUuuui Iron Co. , 1217 Leavenworth. am - r > ui IjlOR Trade Choice lot In tirammcrcy Park J- and choice double corner In Lipton Place for good laud. D. V. Sholes , 210 , First Nat'l bank. 577 IF yon have anything to exchange call and see our list. Western Lund and Loan ex- changd. 117 S. 10th. 607 nS FOK KXCHANGK-Good renting city and South Omaha property : ali > o lots nnd farms. WcbtcrnLand ana Loan oxcliaugu , 117 S. 10th sf 605 nH WANTKD Good family horse In exchaUKC lor cholco lot. A. P. Tukey , Hill's lllock , 15th and Douglas. 417 I HAVE real and personal property ot all kinds for trade. Cell and see mo. George J. SternsdorflT. room'o , opp. P. O. 823 CLAIRVOYANT A' TTKNTION The gifted destluey render can . be consulted dally for two M c-okn in nil nf- fnlrs of life or death ; toll your lift ) from tha cradle to the grave ; reunites thd separated wltn the wonderful Kgyptlan charm ; locates di sease and heals them with MaHsageand electric treatment. Ollice 417 S. Jlth St. , ill ) Htuifs , rooms " and 3. HIiKt I * POKTUNR Teller Mrs. I.eporman can be con sulted on all affairs of life. Satisfaction guaranteed. No 318 N Itsth st DK. NANNIE V. Warren , clairvoyant. Med- Icnl and business medium. Female diseases a specialty. 119 , N. IKth st. Hooms s & 3. 255 FORSALE-REAL ESTATE. TT1OR 8AI.K Nice east front lot , level and on -L1 grade. One block elf street car line. Half mile Inside city llmltK. Price 1375 , * i1 cash , bal ance $ ! per month. Call to-morrow at residence n. e. cor. 15th and Chicago st. 559 'M' FOR SALE Elegant reeldenco with barn , oath , furnace and all modern Improve ments : can give Immediate possession. Hicks , Real Estate Agent , room 40 , Darker block. 645 $3r > 00 buys a good 2-story 8-room house and lot. east front. In Windsor Place , a bargain. D. V. Sholes , Koom 210 , First National llanlc. , 67S FOB SALE Untncum bored real estate in Pacific Junction , Iowa , which will pay 20 per cent annually on the Investment above taxes and Insurance. Address F. W. Miller , 1'aelflc Junction. Iowa. 97Hnl * fjlOK SAIiE Or exchange for Omaha proper- JL' ty , 80 acres , suitable for platting ; will make 4001ots ; all olo.ir ; big money In It for some ono who can push this ; located just outside ot the city limits ot Council IllulTs , Inquire Geo. J , Stornsdnrir , opp. postofflce. 30i TOOR HALE-Lot 50x150 , wltli good 2-story JL' house nicely finished , all modern conveniences - ionces , nlthln 1 blk paved st. , V blk from Park Rchool and M. B. church , Hauscom place. This Is one of the best properties In the city , and can bo had at a bargain by addressing the owner , F 14 , Hee otllco. 448 A BARGAIN for a few days : 2Kllbyplaco lots , JJ.10J for both ; 1 lot in Saunder.- Hlrr.ftbuugn'ii add. , very cheap. Inquire at 115 B. Kith st. 4(030 ( * "fiiOK SALE New 4-room house , a good lot at Ja bargain , only 1100 cash down. A choke double corner on Davenport street , II.4CO. 100 feet front. Chicago street , ju-it east of Hanker Vales' stone residence. 'M , 40,60 , 60 or 110 feet by 150 , on Webster'.nenr 30th street. Just at grade , on very easy terms. East front on Saunders St. , nno fruit trees , a snap at (2,000. Hue lot on Lowe ave. , just south of 2 now houses in La Vela , tl.tUO. These and n mint ner of tracts in various parts of the city are In my hands to sell close , If bargains are wanted in tlr.st-class rusldvnco property see J. II. Kvans , 1510 Dodpe. 447 III LOTS For Sale 1 have 10 Jlne lots in llriggs * place add. for sale. For further information address B. JefTery , linlemt , 111. HOI FOK SALli on easy terms , the first house di rectly south of Dr. Mercer's re.sldence.eleven rooms and barn with lot40xlH only $ l,5i > J. The same Improvements with grounds HiOxTOO only tl'i.OUO. w. T. Seaman , wngotis. carriages , < xc. , east side ot Kith St. , north of Nicholas. U70 FOIt SALE or exchange. Eighteen choice Improved farms within from fourteen to eighteen miles ot Omaha. Apply to K. K. Itlnger. ll'J N 15th st. 358 30t n-- SALE Two elegant homes In Hanscom -i- Place on reasonable terms ; mortgage paper taken as part payment. IJosworth le Joplln , Ijarter block. FOK SALK-512 acres Hamilton Co. . Neb. , land , to per acre , one-third cash , balance t ( J per cent , Address W. J. Wlldman , Denver. Col. 193 TpOK BALE > r zcnange. We hare om JL' good Omaha real estate and Nebraska farms , which we will sell clieap or traoa for stock of clothing , furnishing goods , dry goodj , boots andshoes , groceries or hardware , Schlai- inger Uros. . OK B. 10th st. oio LOK SALE-Not for trade. 613.7 acres of loi- -L proved land 3 miles from Marquette In , Hamilton Co. , Nebraska. Frame house , frame Btaolu , 300 acres under a goo < l 4 barb-wlra fence , farm. Price ( about 113 per acre ) 3 years time at f per cent 2,000 Go and looIc over the land and address the owner , F , K. Atkins , 1502 Larimer St. , Denver , Colo. Z4 THOK ' SALK-Lot 11. b. 20 , Hanscom place. KVK ) -L' on what it la worth. 0. F. liarrlsou. 418 s 1'jtli 697 TjlORSALE-aixiOO feet near corner Woolworth , JL' ave. and 2 th n.hoitse ; of 8 rooms.bat hroom , gas , cistern , hot anil cold water , sewer connec tion , furnace , 9 cellars , location all that can be desired , school , church and 2 lines of horse cars wlthlnffS blocks , cable is. project ; 14.699 ; 11,0 rsM feet cor. Woolworth ave. and I. , " ' house ud Improvements materially . t _ n * above. li.OJO. ll.Mu cash , batauo * ea > S 1 a > 00 buys ix-full lot and good 4-ronni Potty terms and good location. D. V , room 210 , First Nat'l bank , cor. Uth and Far. SALK-Frunk Wassprnmn. at. the Ilank of Oninlm , has sonto of the choicest rest' denco and business property In the city for falo cheap. 408 171OK S \ LK-Sealed bids will be received at our X1 olllco tip to Nov. 1st for lot W. block 1. Ked- Ick's sub-divtson , 5'J ft , front Also lot 4 , block S , Drake's addition , 50 ft. front. Only ono lot will bo sold. These nro line residence sites , on Howard and Davenport streets respectively , be tween 27th and 2sth streets. The right to r Joct any and all bids reservedlltds will Htato terms wanted. M. A. Upton Company. 314 ONLY 275 DOLLARS Torn Lot 23x130 in Van Beureii Heights. These lots nre locnlcd near several larpo fac tories ; are ! * than 20 mluute.s from Webster flSI . pepot ; only 5o fart ! on llelt Hue ; sidewalk to center of city ; command a line view , and nro in pe > ' cent chuiipcr than adjoining lots and cold on the ensy terms of $10. casli.aud 15. per mouth. 10 per cent discount forcnsh , ANOTHER SNAP. 2 acrolots. near Fort Omaha , price J50D-MOO. Will take good horse or team as part payment. Hntanceeasy. Lots In Lafayette rark , atiUOOto MIX ) . One-fourth cash , balance l-2--t-4-5 years , at I ) percent. Will take horses as part payment on thosolots. VANHRUHKN. Douglas niul 14th Streets. TIAKKN Ul' liny mare nony , saddle mark on bick. ( leo. T. Hlrd , Hoi euce. Nebraska. oct.a-n-c-ia-au-- < _ _ Election I'rnolniiintlnn. Under and by virtue of the authority vested In mo by section eleven ( ID of chanter twenty- six ( W of the compiled statutes of Nebraska , entitled "Elections , " 1 , John M. Thuyer , gov ernor ot the Btfitu of Nebraska , do hereby Issue my proclamation , that on Tuesday , tno sixth day of November , A. I ) . ISAs , them will bo an election held nt the Usual places of voting In said state , for the purpose of electing the follow ing ollleers. to-wit : Rive electors of president and vlco president of the United Status. Ouo member of congress from the First con gressional district. One member of congress from the Second con gressional district. , . , , t One member of congress from the Third con gressional district. Governor. Lieutenant governor. secretary ot state. State treasurer. Auditor public account * . * ' ) lands and buildings. Suorlntendent of public lubtructlon. Htnto senator for each senatorial district , and Hoprosentatlvos for each representative 3 'M day of October , In the year ot ourlyordone thousand eight bun- ( Seal. ] dred and eightyolght , thotwim- ty-socond year or the state , nud of the Independencoof the United States the one hundred and thlr- ' ' Hy the'do'vernor , JOHN M. THAYEU. O. S. LvwS. Secretary State. THE BJIIM TIME TABLES , OMAHA. UNION PACIFIC. Leave Arrive Depot 10th and Marry sts , Omaha. Omaha. Lincoln , Heatrlco and Alma 8:30a.m. : 4:30 p.m. "Overland Flyer" 8:2Jtt.m. :40 : p.m. Lincoln , lieatrlceft Grand Island Kxpress tt:00p. : m. l:20a.m. Pacific Mail and Kxpross. * 8HOp.m. : 7:50 : a.m. 'Dally. tDally except Sunday. HUKL1NGTON KOUTK. Leave Arrive Depot lOthandMasonsts. Omaha. Omaha. Chicago Fast Kxpress. . . 3:50n : , in 7lf : > a.m. Chicago Mall 9Wn. in. 7:45 : p.m. Chicago Local 6:25 : p. m 7 : ; ( . > .in. Denver Fast Express 3:30 : p. m. California Mall 8:15a.m. : U-00 p.m. Colorado Mall 8:00 : p.m. ! ) 10 a.m. Kansas Citv Kxpreas 9iUa.m : , 7:00 a. m. Kansas City Kxpress. . . . 8:50 : p. in , 7OJp. : m. or * N.-w. uTK Leave Arrive Depot 10th iindMarcysts. Omaha. Omaha. No.O 0:15 a. m. No. 4. Vestibule 6:15 p.m. tNo.2 7lBp. m. No.l 7:25 : a.m. No.i : Vestibule 7:85 a.m. No.5 a.m..m. . tDally except Saturday. * Dally except Monday , C. , MIL. & ST. PAUL. Leave Arrive Depot 10th and Marcyats. Omaha. Omaha. No. 2. 9:15 a m , No. 4. 0:15 : p. in No. 1. 7:15 a. in. No. 3 , 7:06 : p.m. C. , ST. P. . M. tf O. Leave Arrive Depot 16th & Webster sts Omaha. Omaha. Sioux City 11:20 : a. ra. 2:45 : p. m. Bancroft Kxpress 5:30 : p. m. 10:00 a. m. St. * Paul Limited 0:45 : p. in 8:50 : a.m. Kxcept Sunday. MLSSOUItl PACIFIC' . Leave Arrive Depot loth * WebstersW. Omaha. Omaha. Day Kxpress. 10:20 a.m. Night Kxpress. 8:30 : p. in. 5:5Tip.m. F. . K. & M.V. 1L U. Leave Arrive Depot 15th i : Webster sts. Omaha. Omaha. Hastings * Ul'k Hills Pas 7:15 a.m. 6:20 : p.m. Norfolk ' Passenger . . 6:10 : p.m , 10:30 : a.m. 'Daily. SBxcept Sunday. SUBURBAN TRAINS. Running between Council illufrand Albright. In addition to the stations mentioned , trains htoi ) at Twentieth and TwontT.fourth streets , and at the Summit in Omaha. Westward. UroadTrans - Omaha uoely. South AT way. for. Dopot. bright 0:10 : 0:17 fiV > 7:02 : 7:11 : 7:4.1 : 7:52 : 8:115 : 8:41 : 8:53 : 9:05 : U:45 : 8:52 : 10:03 : 10:41 : 10:5 : : . 11:05 : 11:45 : lliK , P. M. P. M P. M. 12:05 : % 12:5 : : 1:05 11:4 : ; 2:0.1 2-4' 301 y.-4fi 4:0.1 : 4:4 : 6:4 : ; 6ai 0:45 : 7:05 7:4. : ' 8:05 : 8:4.1 : 9:05 : 9:45 10:05 : 10:45 : Eastward. lYans- llroad bright. Omaha. Sheeley depot. far. way. A.M. A. M. A. M. A. M. A. M. A. M. 5:45 : 6:57 : 0:05 : (1:10 ( : 0:15 : 0:30 : 0:42 6:50 : 7:00 7:05 : 7:15 : 7:20 : 7:32 : 7:40 7:50 7:55 : 8:07 : Bir : ' R:35 : 8:50 : 8:55 : 9:07 : 9:15 : fl':27 : oai : :50 9:55 : 10:07 : 10:15 : 10:27 : 10:3.1 : 10:50 : 10:5,1 : 11:07 11:15 : 11:27 11:3,1 11:50 : 11:55 : . M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M P. M. 12:07 12:1 12:27 : 12r : 12:5. : " 1:07 1:15 1:27 : 1:35 : 1:55 2K)1 ) 2:15 : 2:21 : 2:50 : 2:55 3.-07 air : 3:27 : 3:50 : ; i:5T : 4:07 : 1:15 : 4:21 : 4:35 : 450 ; 4:5r : 5:07 : 6:16 : 6:27 : 5:50 | 5M : > ; 0- 6:15 : 0 6:3. ; 8:50 : 0:56 : 7:07 7:16 : 7:27 : 7:35 7:50 7:5& : 8:07 8:15 : 8:27 : 8:33 8:50 : 8:55 : 0.-07 9:15 : 9:27 : 0:1 ; U:50 : 10U7 : 10:15 : 10:2- : ioap ; 11:07 ar. 11:1T : 11:47 : 1150 11:50 : 12 ? IV. 1I-.3C :15am : COUNOIIi BLXJPF3. CHICAGO. HOCK ISLAND & PACIFIC. No. 2 6w p. mjD ? No. 1 7ou : ! w' No. 6 0OOa.ni.U : No.6 660r No. 4..0:40a.m. : A No.3. . . . . . . ; wE CHICAGO. llUKLlkoTON & QUINOrT , JJJ -0:40a. : in , A No.6 7:3oi. in. O. 8 JiliSp. m.A * No,7 5 JO p.m. No.O .8:60n.m. : A No.3 oaSOo.m , & CHICAGO NORTHWESTERN. No.o D:40a.m.A : | No.3 7:10a.m N0o.43--.8 SSiX : : : n:7 : : : : : : : pS : : CHIOAUO. MILWAUKEE & BT. PAUL. 'Ot } ( , * * * 40 AKA No. 4 . . .7 0 KA 'NSAS'CITV , A No.S..OS5o.m.A ] . A No. 4 . aop. m. A No.l . dOP. * woux Atana No.t. . , ' f I ADDITIONAL COUNOIL BLUFFS An Arrojriuit C An occurrence took plnco on lower Broadway last evening tlmt crciUoil con- slilonxbto IcoHnp ngninst the cloctrio motor HUQ. The last motor to lonvo tlio 'brlilgo ' for thi8 > uty ( was licavlly loaded , several hundred passoujjors bolnjr on board. On arriving at the car house , corner of Avenue A and Thirty-first street , Mr. Isaac Lovott , the miporin- tondoiU in charpe of the electric power department , niinouucud that the train would go no further. Despite the stren uous urging of the passengers and the ndvlco of other employees of the company ho insisted in adhering to his determination. The passengers wore compelled to wallc two miles to the center of the city. The gentlemanly ( i1) ) employe of tlio companv gave as a reason for refusing to run. that it would soon bo dark and there was no light in the power houso. The run would not have taken moro tlmn llftoeu minutes and oth6r 'oftlciulH said there was nmplo time. Not only was a needless task put upon a mrgo number of passengers , but an unfavor able impression was created in regard to the company. It is to bo regretted that such nn occurrence closed an otherwise entirely successful day. The lUiifTi Hand. The boys of the homo band nro a lit 4\ \ tle warm , nd their friends are still warmer. "It shows the difference be tween Omaha and Council Bluffs , " re marked one of them. "Tho Hod Oak band , desiring ft little nromincneo and free advertising , wrote U ) Omaha offer ing to pl.\y yesterday for nothing if they would glvo them the load of the column. The Omaha folks would not accept the proposition , because they preferred to give the honor to their own bands. Moro than that the Omaha folks paid their band $1H ( ) . The Kcd Oak band tlion made the offer to Coun cil Bluffs , and Council Bluffs jumped at it. The homo band hero agreed to play for a merely nominal sum. It looks like an insult to our own band. It is rather discouraging for the boys to attempt to keep an organization hero , and these who have stood by it are celling weary of the way the band is treated. For ono I bcliove in protection , to a certain ox- lonl , anyway. If Ibero is any honor to be given or encouragement shown , it should be to our own band , so long as it needs it. " A IJrokcn John Mikosell. the well known "Q" engineer , met with a serious accident vhilo crossing the new bridge. Ho vas on horseback and got jammed in > otwoen two buggies in such a way that the horse in turning to got out foil , lis weight coming on to Mr. Mikosoll so as to break his right log near the anklo. One of the buggies run over his ight arm bul it was not broken. He scrambled out as best ho could and limbed over the rail into the foot pasa- ngo. There the crowd was so dense that it scorned ho could not get out , but on its becoming known that his log wa9 > rokon the way was cleared and ho was iclpcd into a carriage and brought up .o the olllco of Drs. Macrae & Thomas , who attended to his injuries. Tno Fast for Marshall. While returning from Omaha ycster * day afternoon just before the parodo started , a horse driven by M. M. Mar shall became frightened and ran away , Fortunately Lower Broadway was noj ; rowdcd at that time , and Mr. Marshall managed to keep the animal in the street without colliding with any other vehicles. After running nearly a milo ; ho horse was driven into a fence near ; ho Northwestern depot and stopped' . Mr. Marshall was uninjured , and the VI only damage was to the harness. Mr. \V. J. Davenport , freight and passenger agent , was in the buggy when thohorao started but jumped to the ground with out injury. The escape was a very for tunate ono for both gentlemen , Personal Pnrnjrraplis. Judge Dcemor and wife were among the prominenls at the celebration. E. W. Tlehnor was in yesterday from North Bend , greeting old friends and celebrating with the others. Mrs. R. C. Shively , of Missouri Val ley , is in the city visiting her sister-in- law , Mrs. 8. A. Anderson , and her brothers , D. W. and H. B. Jones. i S. H. Carpenter , a , young business man of Cedar Falls , la. , is in the city visiting Prof. McNaughton and family and taking in the bridge opening , i Past Eminent Grand Cominan&Te * Dewey , of Washington , Iowa , was In' ' the city yesterday , and participated la the day's exercises with Ivunhoo Com- ruandory. Electrician Bradley , of the lira d * partment , has sufficiently recovered from his wounds received in the recent stabbing affair , to bo out again , and WM ut his post in the line yesterday. Mr. Fred Pullman , an export in the employ of the Thomson-Houston Eloo- tric company , is in the city superintend ing the opening of the motor line and seeing that the machinery will work properly. Several Bluffs citizens "got left" so far as witnessing the parade was con cerned. They drove across the river In the morning to look over the prepara tions going on in Omaha , and did not start to return until the Omaha proce- sion moved. It was then almost impos sible to got near either bridge owing to the jam , and after taking their place in line and waiting for nearly two hours , they managed to reach Iowa soil , but it was too late to see much. Omaha turned out en masse , and the passage ways to the bridge wore blocked. A boy , who was trying to clamber upon one of the wagons in the parade yesterday , caught his hand in the ond- gate of the wagon in such a manner that ono finger was mashed to a Jolly before ho could bo extricated. Ho r&3 taken to Dr. Macrae's office , where the end of the injured digit was amputated. The lad lives in tbo eastern part of the city. Ho will carry the mark of the day's celebration with him to his grave. Judge Aylosworth did very llttla business in police court yesterday. Four drunks wore the only victim * in the cooler for his attention. With the exception of the time spent in going to the bridge and returning , ho passed ( the day at the city building. manuUiot turing voters. The naturalization ma chinery works very smoothly now , and Germans , Irish , Italians and ftwodea are metamorphosed into American * * t a surprising rate. * Fourteen special police were on dtttjr yesterday to assist the regular force ia looking after the great number of etrangors who flocked to the city to witness the cororaortlea 'and domoatir- tlon in honor of the opening of 4 0 brjdgo. They were , distributed all over cltjr , bMt mainly along IJroadwa/ , few. > voro detailed for duty at the -Bet * bridge to assist in keeping hack crowd during the progro'na of. th ? tlul coromouy. ' '