" < \ \ ' * " - " r - - ; | OMAHA DAILY EC EIGHTEENTH YEAH. OMAHA. WEDNESDAY MOKKING. OOTOBEll 31 , 1SS8 ; NUMBER 139 i. THE LUCKLESS LORD LIONEL , Unmerciful Disaster Follows the Lottor-Writing Englishman. HE REFUSES TO MAKE DENIALS , Arid IN 1'olltcly Informed That Ills BcrvlccH Arc no Lotiucr Accepta ble to the United States Government. Bnckvlllc Asked to Vacate. WASHINGTON , Oct. 30. By direction of the president , the secretary of state to-day in formed Lord Sackvltlo that for causes here tofore made known to her majesty's govern ment his continuance In his present otllclal position in the United States is no longer ac ceptable to this government , und would con sequently be detrimental to the relations be tween the countries. The grounds for this action on the part of the United States are stated in the report of the secretary of state to the president , dated the tUth ! inst. , which Is us follows : Dr.i'Aimiii.NT oi' STATE To the President : The undersigned has the pleasure to submit for your consideration the following state ment , with u view to receive your direction thereon. On the 4th of September last a let ter , purporting to be written by one Charles F. Murehison , dated at Pomona , Cal. , was sent from that place to the British minister ut this capital , in which the writer solicited the expression of his views in regard to certain unsettled diplomatic questions between Great Britain and the United States , starting at the name time that such expression was sought by him for the pur- pone of determining his vote ut the up- proachlng presidential election. He stated that he was u naturall/ed cltl/cn of the United States , of English birth , but that ho still considered England the mother country , and this fact led him to seek advice from the British representative in this country. Ho further stated that the Information ho sought was not for himself alone , but to enable him to give certain assurances to many other persons In the same situation as himself for the purpose of influencing and determining their political action as citizens of the United .States of English birth , but who still regarded their original obligations of allegiance as paramount. The letter also contained gross reflections upon the conduct of this government in respect to questions now in controversy and unsettled between the United States and Great Britain , and both directly and Indirectly Imputed insincerity in such conduct. To this letter the British minister nt once replied from Beverly , Mass. , under date of September lil , last. In his reply ho stated that "any po litical party which openly favors the mother country at the present moment would lose positively , und that the party In power is fully aware of this fact ; nnd that in respect to the questions with Canada which have been unfortunately reopened since the rejec tion of the fisheries treaty by the republican malorlty in the senate and by the president's message , to which you allude , allowances must bo made for the political situation as regards the presidential election. " The minister thus travo his assent und sanction to the aspersions and imputations above referred to , and thus , under his correspondent's assurance of secrecy , in which the minister concurred by marking his answer "private , " ho undortoolc to art- vise a citizen of the Unltod States how to exercise the franchise of suffrage In the elec tion close at hand for the presidency and vice presidency of the United States , aud through him , us the latter suggested , to in fluence the votes of ninny others. Upon this correspondence being made public the minis ter received representatives of the public press , nnd in frequent Interviews witti him , intended for publieution , added to the Im pugnments which he hud already made of the good faith of this government In Its pub lic action and international dealings. Although ample time and opportunity has been offered him for u disavowal , modifica tion , or correction of the statements , to some of which his attention wus called by the un- ncrslgncd , yet no sueh.dlsavowul or modifi cation has been Mi by him through the channels which lift IO tements first found publicity. The question is thus presented whether It Is compatible with the dignity , security nnd independent sovereignty of the United States to permit a representative of a foreign government In this country not only to recolvo and answer without disapproval and confirm by his repetition aspersions upon Its political action , but also to interfere in its domestic affairs by advising persons formerly his countrymen as to their political course ns citizens of the United States. As between this country and Great Britain there can bo no controversy , ns there is n complete severance of the tics of original allegiance by naturalization. Disputes on this point were finally put at rest by the treaty of naturalization concluded by the two countries on May 13 , 1887. Therefore it will not bo contended , nor was nuch conten tion ever admitted by us , that the citizens of the United States , ollBritish origin , are sub ject to any claim of the country of their original allegiance. The undersigned also has the honor to call attention to this provision of section 6335 of the revised statutes of the United States : Who , without authority or permission of this government , "commences or curries on any verbal or written correspondence or Inter course with any foreign government , or any officer or agent thereof , " either with Intent to Influence the action of such government or Its agents or with Intent to defeat the measures of the government of the United States. Penalties are made equally applica ble to every citizen of the United States , not duly authorized , who "counsels , advises , or assists in any such correspondence with similar unlawful intent. " The undersigned respectfully advises that the at tention of the attorney general of the United States be directed to these enactments , in order that an investigation may bo made with a view to ascertain whether they have not been violated In the present case by the correspondence of the British minister. By your direction the attention of the British government hat : , in a spirit of comity , been called to the conduct of Its minister , asalovo described , but without result. It therefore becomes necessary for this government to consider , when , as guardian of Its own. self- respect and of the Integrity of its institu tions , it will permit further intercourse to be held through the present British minister at this capital. It Is to bo observed that pre cedents are not vrantlngas to the question un der consideration. It is a settled rule , essential to the maintenance of International inter course , that a diplomatic representative must bo persona grata to the government to which tie Is accredited. If , by his conduct , ho ren ders himself persona non-grntn an announce ment of the fact may bo made to his govern ment. In the present case. U the require ments of comity have been fulfilled and the facts huvo been duly communicated to her majesty's government , with an expression ol the opinion of this government In regard thereto. Respectfully submitted , T. F. BAVAHD. THE FEELING IN ENGLAND. How the Sackvillo Incident Is Re garded Across the Water. [ Copt/rfu'iUSSSbi/ Gordon /tenmt'.l LONDON , Oct. 30. [ New York Herald Cable S | > eclal to THE BEE , | H is well un dcrstood that the communication made to Lord Salisbury by Mr. Phelps was to the of feet that the government of the United States lokcd upon the Indiscretion commit ted by Sackvillo as fatal to his further use fulness as n British minister. 'Tho suggea tlou was , therefore , thrown out that U might bo a friendly act on the part of Great Brit aln to supersede him at as little loss of time as IMsslbla _ Phclpst .representation * wort received most'amcably ( by Salisbury , who jnado , no attempt to 'excuse .or justify tbo letter. Ho , however , pointed , ou l-'tbat the minister had not designedly offense to the Uultcd-States : given govern- aeut or to the people , aud that during tlu on years he has lived fit Washington ho had Uways i preserved friendly relations with everybody , public nnd private. The govern ment regretted very much the indiscretion vhlch ho hud been- guilty of , but was very reluctant to Inflict so severe a penalty for It ns to recall a minister who served his coun- ry so faithfully for forty years. Mr. Phelps again pointed out what might easily have bt.cn overlooked as nn Indiscre tion In ordinary times became serious on the eve of a presidential election , when party 'ccllng was running high and the interfer ence of n foreign minister would naturally irovoko bitter resentment. Lord Salisbury fully admitted the gravity of this consideration , and I understand that substantially he admitted the possibility ol returning Lord Salisbury against the wish of : ho American government. On Monday some further messages were exchanged between Washington and London , ind again thin morning , nnd as a final result t is settled beyond doubt that Lord Sack- villo will resign or will bo lecallcd at an curly date. It Is probubly felt by the ministry that If mmcdiuto concessions were not made at .his point there would bo a strong feeling expressed in parliament on the subject , debate would assuredly arise , ind in the event of the government refusing ; o act promptly it might bo defeated. As for the suggestion that Sackvillo wrote the foolish letter In collusion with the British government , nnd that it Is a part of a con- iplracy to secure the re-election of Cleve- und , everybody is nstounded that it could lave found u moment's credence In the United States. The ministry here were pro foundly annoyed ou hearing of Lord Sack- vlllo's letter , which they did through the [ mbllc press , und not ono word has been ut tered In defense of It. Moreover , Salisbury's colleagues have never done anything moro than to endeavor to maintain u cordial un derstanding with Mr. Cleveland , as they would with Harrison if he were elected. It is i matter of entire indifference to them which candidate wins , and In no way whatever have they the power or inclination to influence the course of election. No public man in Eng land is so insane as to suppose that any par- ; y in this country could effect the issues next Tuesday , and the Idea of money being used by the Cobden club or any other organization is so supremely ridiculous thut It would not te mentioned in any public meeting In Eng land without exciting roars of laughter. By rashly posing his government to injurious suspicions ut so critical n time , Lord Sack villo must bo well aware that he has forfeited the confidence of the English people , und will have to take the consequence for his want of common sense. Iho Icc-Iiouiid Whalers. \VASIIINO ro.v , Oct. 30. Acting Secretary Thompson to-day received a long telegram from San Francisco , signed by Senator Hearst and others , informing him of the per ilous situation of the crews of about a dozen whalers supposed to have been wrecked near Herald island , in the Arctic ocean , nnd ask ing that u revenue steamer bo sent at once to their assistance. There are said to bo nearly five hundred men In the party , and they , are in no condition to withstand the rigors of the Arctic ocean. Acting Secretary Thompson visited the white house during the day und luid the mat- ier before the president. The president sent for Commodore Harmony , acting secretary of the navy , and instructed him to take im- : nedlate steps for the relief of the sufferers. Commodore Harmony said he would endeavor to communicate with Commander Emery , commanding the United States steamer Thetis , now cruising In the Arctic , nnd which is expected to arrive in San Francisco in a short time. The present plan is to tit the vessel out-far a relief expedition as soon as she arrives at Sun Francisco and to hasten her arrival there with thut in view. Moonlight Wauta Ills Head. LAIUMIE , Wyo. , Oct. 30. [ Special Tele gram to THE BEE. ] Territorial Auditor Grunt , whoso homo is In this city , was to day informed by Governor Moonlight that his resignation would bo acceptable. Grant is a holdover republican , owing to the fact that the legislature failed to confirm the democrat nominated ns his successor by Moonlight. The reason assigned for re questing the resignation is that Mr. Grant Is an offensive partisan , ho being chairman of the Albany county central comm itteo and a prominent man In politics of the territory. Mr. Grant wus appointed auditor in March , 1SS5 , by Governor Warren. His resignation will not be forthcoming , as the governor is powerless to remove him , u similar case hav ing been decided by the supreme court of Dakota. _ _ Foul Ploy SitsDOctcd. KiH9AS CITV. Mo. , Oct. 33. [ Special Telegram - gram to THE BEE. ] A special from Spring field , Mo. , says : Detectives are searching for II , C. Hoover , a well known and wealthy trader , who is supposed to have been mur dered. Ho left hero several days ago for Lebanon , Mo. , and on his arrival there made it trade of stock and propertv which netted him u largo sum of money. Ho left Lebanon to return hero on Sunday night , in company with a suspicious looking man who has been seen but once since and then with a big sum of money on his person. Hoover has dropped completely out of sight. He had nearly (1,000 with him when last seen. A Cut In Dairy Untes. CHICAGO , Oct. 33. At a meeting of the Chicago freight committee of the Central traffic association to-day the representative of the Plttsburg , Fort Wayne & Chicago road gave notice that ho would immediately put Into effect a rate of 44 cents a hundred iraunds on dniry products to New York , where the truftlo waa- from points we t of Chicago. This action was taken , it is said , because similar rates had been madaby other roads. The tariff i ate on dairy pro ducts , Chicago to Now York , Is 55 cents. A Fatal GIIH Explosion. CINCINNATI , Oct. 30. A dispatch from Lima , Ohio , says that an explosion of nat ural gas m Schultheis' tannery to-day killed John Schultheis , Peter Klein , and James Hubbard. Schultheis was burned to death. The others were crushed by the falling walls. Natalie Makes a Protest. LONDON , Oct. 30. Queen Natalie has sent a formal protest against the divorce granted to King Milan by the inctropolitun of Hoi- grudo to the Greek orthodox synods of Bu charest und Athena , to the holy synod of St. Petersburg und to tno ecumenical patriarch of Constantinople. The Parnell Commission. LONDON , Oct. 30. The Parnell commis sion reassembled to-day. The court heard formal evidence proving the correctness of the short hund notes of the speeches from which the attorney general quotes. In his presentation of the Times case last week. Now Iowa lo tma tor. WASHINGTON , Oct 30. [ Special Telegram to THE BER.I Hurvey B. Peckcnpaugh was to-day appointed postmaster at Unlonhurgh , Hurrlton county , Iowa , vice Samuel Wood , resigned.1 Tbo Kalsor' * ' Movements. .BERLIN , Oct. 30. The emperor bus 'left Frcderichsrhuo .for Berlin. Jte "walked to the depot , escorting Prlnco Bismarck. Ho took a cordial farewell of the party at the station and 'was given an ovation. HURRAHING AT HILL'S ' HOME , Enthusiastic Republicans Capture the Now York Capital. SOUND PROTECTION DOCTRINE Quoted By Illnlno Prom a JIlRh KIIR- Ilsh Authority Thiirnian Begins Ills Labors Among the Went A ninlnc nt Albany. AMHNY , N. Y. , Oct. 30. Since the "Tip- pecunoe and Tyler , too , " campaign neither this old Knickerbocker town nor the sur rounding countryside has known such a demonstration as that today furnished by the republicans of Albany and Troy. Farmer folks , In vehicles new full many years ago , began coming down out of the Hlldcrbcrg mountains this forenoon. Chartered craft brought people Jfrom up and down the river. Trains on four railways brought excursions. The people of the towns turned out Into the streets , nnd the activity usual at the times of the legislative sessions was exceeded and eclipsed. The weather was favorable , and the air clear and crisp. The orator , James G. Blalne , had been announced to speak at the fair grounds , and there the country folk nnd city people repaired at an early hour. The train on which Blaine was coming from New York w.vs duo at 2)0p. : ! ) m. , and was prompt. The depot was thronged and the street approaches were packed with pee ple. The Grant club was In charge of the demonstration , nnd Senator Henry Uussell , the millionaire representative of the Minne apolis flouring interests , was waiting with his carriage for the city's guest. Upon leaving the train .Mr. Blaine was driven away by Senator Hussell , while the crowd cheered , nnd the others of the party were conveyed in other carriages. They were Walker Blaine , Judge A. W. Tenny , Senator C. P. Veddcr , Dwight Lawrence , General Adam E. King , of Maryland , Gen eral S. B. Hastings of Pennsylvania , and Colonel Coburn of Pennsylvania. Great en thusiasm greeted Blaine and his party as they drove upon the fair grounds , where , it is estimated. UO.OOO persons were gathered. Throngs followed the carriages until they became wedged in the masses about the stand where Blaine was to speak. Blaine , though he said ho was not at his bo t physically , spoke clearly and strong , and that ho was heard was evidenced by frequent - quent demonstrations far in the crowd. Hon. 1. Martin Townsend of Troy presided and introduced him. When Mr. Blaine had fin ished speaking , addresses were made by Judge Tenny und General Hastings , of Pennsylvania. Mr. Blaine started for the city at 450 p. m. in Hon. C. M. Depew's private car , for Now York. Mr. Blaine said : Fellow Citizens : But for my treat dcslro to visit this part of New York to-day , I would have sent a telegram excusing myself , for I am not quite fit to bo hero , especially not fit to aadress so vast an audience as this. But I could not deny myself the pleasure of coming here , if only for the purpose of mak ing my excuse in person , nnd in addition to that of exchanging congratulations with this vast audience of republicans on the prospects of the republican party throughout the union , and to remind it that if there bo responsibility upon any republican it lies tenfold fold upon the republicans In Now York. The post of honor and of responsibility rests with you , and if the republican voters come to'tfie polls on Tuesday next , rain or shine. ? bc3 roads or muddy 'roads , gocd weather or bad weather , Benjamin Harrison and Lev ! P. Morton will be the next president and vice president. | Cheers. ] It is almost too late for argument , but I wish in the moment or two that I shall stand before you to give you one , and to give it in n very suggestive mode , not , from myself but from another ; not from an American but from an Englishman. If it bo lawful in the ancient Komans to learn from an enemy. it Is certainly lawful in these modern times to learn from a commercial rival. I hold in my hand a clipping from a recent Issue of the London Morning Post , n'well known and prominent organ In England , and the organ of the lato.Lord Palmerstono , an influential paper , advocating hitherto , as all English papers do , the doctrine of free trade. The Post is getting a little fatigued with certain arguments of the free traders. It does not believe m all tuat is said against the doctrine of protection , and I am sure that I can in struct you no more pleasantly than to ask my friend from Brooklyn , Mr. Tenny , to read from the editorial whieh I shall hand , from the Morning Post. Mr. Tenny reaa as follows : "But for us , and the consequence upon our working classes , who feel over.v day moro and moro the pinch of foreign competition , it would bo decidedly amusing to note how completely every one of the principles assumed by the ono sided free trade school of this country is necutlved by facts and falsified by the ex perience of commonplace business men. We are constantly told that protection raises the price of commodities , and that a hostile tariff , as John Bright said but u few days back in a published letter to one. of his correspondents , is only a tax whlck a com munity pays to support a particular industry benefited by it. As a matter of fact , what do we find In America ) Why , their manufac turers can actually beat us out of the field on the score of mere cheapness only. So far from protection enhancing the cost of ithcir goods , they can turn them out at rates with which wo , with all our free trade , cannot manage to compete. The Yule lockmakcr.s can afford to pay the car riage of their goods to England and yet undersell the Wolvcrhnmpton masters , In the very heart of the lock trade , Just as the Belgians can quota lower rates for angle iron delivered in Derby than the local Iron masters of the midlands. The Philadelphia engine makers can turn out as serviceable n locomotive us any English firm , nnd ship it all the way to Now Zealand for i'OOO ( $3,000) ) less than the English tenders. In south Hussia the agriculture is said to bo passing entirely into the hands of American ex porters in spite of the English nnd German competitors , though the latter arc nearer by 3,000 miles to the local market. With the exception of made up clothing , which Is dear because labor Is highly paid , and not because the duty on the stuffs is so heavily there is not a single manufactured article produced in the United States , from carpets to cotton , from locomotive engines to steel axes , from agricultural Implements to cutlery nnd "Yankee notions , " as many little domestic appliances are called , which Is not as cheap or even cheaper there than in this country. " Mr. Tenny , having finished reading , Blaine resumed : That Is a most effectual contradiction to the story which free trade orators have been telling us during the wholi ) campaign that the people of the United States uro ground down by high prices. It Is not so , nnd at last we get un English witness to admit It. And I say here that thcro is not ono article In the United States to-day that is not far cheaper than it was when protection wus applied to it not ono , not one and the argument that Is now closing between pro tection and free trade Is the argument which I took pleasure In saying in the first speech I made In the campaign It is not for capital ; it is for labor. It U not ono for the rich man ; U Is ono for the wage earner ; and If It is lost , it Is lost to the hurt of every man in the United States who earns his bread in the bwcat of his face. [ Applauto.l Wo are not going to have the British minister in Wash ington tell us how to vote. Wo will not take instructions from the court of St. Jnmss as to how wo shall vote on the protective tariff In America. You are reading u good deal in the democratic papers Just now as to Lord Snckville West being re called. Tno Cleveland administration want to'iihovv their , indignation for this interview. It will only take ono word to recall him. What they .havo been doing Id trying- in duce the English . prime minister to recall him. Mr. Phelps , the American minister in . London , as. we get the news over the cable , is dining oUt at Hattielu with Lord Salis bury , to see If Lord Salisbury" wont relieve Mr. Cleveland and Mr. IJiyaVd by recalling Lord Sackvillo. . F" X Now , my friends , I want > . to say n word further about Lord Snckvule's1 letter. 1 ob * serve that Mr. Patrick Collins , of Boston , representative In cbngrcB * , ; In an Interview states that U Is a very rtJnwrkablo circum stance that Murchlson's letter should have been written on tho. 3d of September and Lord Suckvillc's on the 14th , and that it should have been published In Now York nt the Irish meeting in Mtulison Square by mo on the 'Jflth of October. Well , the letter had been published four days , 'and Lord Sack- villo had admitted it. andjMr. Bayard had three times criticised it by.'saylng that it is a private affair nnd none of his business , nnd after It had become , In the lahgungo of the boys of to-day , a chestnut. I referred to it in n public meeting , and novy Mr. Collins says that it is the most remarkable conspiracy of modern times. [ Applause and laughter. ] Anything to get It off their shoulders. It Is bothering them. No republican administra tion ever had the intervention of a British minister , and never wilt No advocate of protection In this country ever had the sym pathy ot a British minister , and never will. [ Applause. ] The American doctrine of protection , upheld by the republican party , finds no support nt the hands of Englishmen or English ministers , nnd what wo contend is that self-respect Is the flrlt law of nations as it is of men , and that wQlIc England would resent to the last degree $ iy Intervention in her domestic affairs by ( ti American minis ter , so should we resent the least interven tion in our domestic affair * by a British min ister. As lone as no is ajBritish minister ho is entitled to the respect of the whole Ameri can people. Diplomatic rcspect is the first law of all intercourse between nations. Ho is entitled to every protfction and every re spect , but he is not enlltled to the right of intervening in our domestfc affairs. And if the people want to resent It they can resent it one week from to-day , and they can resent it in a very simple way. . They can resent it by voting for Benjamin Harrison for pros- ident. [ Great cheering and applause. ] They can resent , , It by voting for nrotcction to American manufacturers. They can resent it by restoring to power with whoso existence thoj. prosperity of the United States for twcaty-four years w.is identified the republican party , which in peace and in war has held the high honor of the country under all circumstances. [ Ap plause. ] ( Now , gentlemen , as IJlmvo said once be fore , and I repeat it hero , for I want It to come out , there has been OH attempt by the democrats to sneer ntf General Harrison. They call him the grandson of his grand father. Well , General \Harrison stands , as much as any man in this , world ever stood , on his own merits. Ho , was a young lawyer that struggled to the front of the bar , un aided by power or j wealth. Ho was a soldier , who , on the field of bat tle , won the approval of that great general whose approval Is tno highest title of honor General Grant. When they attempt to sneer nt a man because ho comes of a good stuck , I rescnt'it. After a reference to ( General Harrison's ancestors , he said : Gentlemen , unless nman had merit himself I neVer * would quote his ancestry. But I hurl back the sneer of the democrats ; I hurl .It In their teeth , and there Is not .ono among them that would not give his eyelids to have the lineage General Harrison bus , nnd whenever a man lives that docs not have un honest pride In u great and honorable and patriotic ancestor , ttiatk > raan is dead to some of the highest attributcs of human pride and human chaiacter. Noflry gentleman , all that is in answer to their sneers' . Wo run Ben jamin Harrison "oh"lit * ownmerits. . As man , soldier , senator , states man , republican , a * 'a protectionist , ho fills every requirementr ; Ho is the very embodiment of every'MM that is to-day be fore the people oh MiUhuthe republican party take their-posltion:1 : * And I say to you' again , as I said before , lthat , if you In Nnw York do your duty on this 'day week ho will bo the next president of the United Sates. [ Prolonged applause. ] Spicy Development * Expected. ST. Louis , Oct. 30. The withdrawal of Mr. Blnko as gubernatorial candidate of the union labor party in Missouri has brought to the surface the alleged true inwardness of the selection of that gentleman by the execu tive committee of the party. It is said tnat the name of O. Manning , who was the orig inal candidate nominated In the convention , was dropped and that * of Mr. Blake substlf tuted with the understanding that the latter was to withdraw In favor of the republican nominee , E. K. Kimball. Mr. Manning now comes out on a card and says he Is silll the union labor candidate for governor , and claims that his name Wai stricken off by the executive coimnittoo because ho declined to pay over to the committee $3,030 for cam paign purposes. Spicy developments are looked for. The Cabinet Meeting. WASHINGTON , Oct. 30. The cabinet meetIng - Ing to-day lasted about two hours , and was attended by Secretariat Bayard and Endl- cott nnd Attorney General Garland , Assist ant Secretary Thompson , of the treasury. Commodore Harmony , acting secretary of the navy , was present ! during a portion of the session , discussing measures for the re lief of the whalers Ice ; bound in the Arctic ocean. The regular pesslon , however , was devoted mainly to a consideration of the case of the British minister , and the result Is shown In the statement furnished to the press by the secretary of state this evening. After Secretary Bayard had prepared this statement ho walked over to the white house nnd submitted it to the president for his ap proval. The president perused it carefully and suggested a few verbal changes In tno introduction , and when thcso had been made the members of the press were furnished with copies of It. Kecplnu an Eye on Lawbreakers. NEW YOIIK , Oct. 30. At a meeting to-day of the board of apportionment districts Mayor Hewitt stated that within two years his ofllco and the police authorities had es tablished a secret service system for the purpose of watchiug the oponcnts of law nnd order all over the civilized world. The an archists and socialists , ara among those who are being watched. He also said that some the boodlers under ball would beyond ques tion bo tried for bribery ; during the coining year. r 1 o wa TPdt o n t s. WASHINGTON , Opt.30. * [ Special Telegram to THIS BEE. ] Iowa patents granted to-day : Charles F. Allen , B&rtlngton , la. , horse col lar ; Lewis Burg , FaVtiilngton , la. , shaft , tug and road cart ; Jay''O. Farwell , Dubuque , la. , assignor to G. C. Bcntz , hammock and camp chair ; Ellas Fticus , Audubon , la. , automatic grain weigher ; Allen Johnson , Ottumwa , la. , ruftlingattachment ; for sew ing machine , also machine for polishing sheet metal ; Samuel Pars ton , Boonc , Iu. , wind mill. \ _ * Dcadwood'rtjSfreet Hallway. DEAIMVOOD , Dak.'Oct 30. [ Special Tele gram to THE Bcc.J Alargo force of men was put to work on .the 'now street railway througn the city this tiornlng. The contract requires one mile of the truck to bo laid by December 1 , 'und in order to complete It a force of 300 men will have to bo employed. Bndnuu's Cuso OUmlHscd. NEW Ypnic , Oct. SO , The. case of General Adam Badcau against the widow of General U. S. Grant for $15,6oo for alleecd services on "Grant's Memoirs , " has bceu discontin ued en consent of bijth parties. The Equal lUghfs P.irty. > TE\V. Y9 K , Oct. 30. Charles Stewart Welics has-written u letter -to'.Anna. P. Johnson , secretary of the oqilal rights party acceptingtho nomination pie vice-presidency ' The I'aroe.ll Defe.ntio Fund.- DUULIN , Oct , 80. The fund for the do fense'of Parnelland his associates' Involved 'in' the Times charges amounts to 13,660. WEDDING BELLS AT BEATRICE Marrlago of Miss Harriet Paddock to Mr. O. J. Oollmau. MANY GUESTS IN ATTENDANCE. Wreck Neiir YuIparnlHo A Demo- crntlc Paper Bolts .J. Sterling Mor ton Mysterious Disappearance of n YounB liaily of 1'onca. The Collntan-Pnddnck Nuptials. BEATRICE , Neb. , Oct. 30. [ Special Tele gram to TIIK BEE. ] The wedding of Miss Hattlc A. Paddock , the eldest daughter of Senator Paddock , to Mr. O. G. Collman , president of the First National bank of Urokcn How , which was solemnized to-day nt Christ churchwas the social event ot years in southeastern Nebr.iska. By high noon , the hour set for the cere mony , the church was crowded with the friends of the contracting parties. The chancel arch was beautifully decorated with flowers and smllax and the darkened windows and burning candles gave all the effect of an evening wedding. Mrs. Horace Candce , a musician ot rare talent , presided at the organ. Precisely at 12 the Ut. Hev. George Worthlngton , Hishop of the dioccso of Ne braska , accompanied by Uev. Hobcrt Scott , rector of Christ church , emerged from the vestry and knelt before the altar. A moment later the organ burst into the strains of Mendelssohn's Wedding March and the groom and best man , Mr. Hen S. Paddock , of Fort Hobinson , Neb. , cousin of the bride , advanced to the front of the altar to meet the bridal 3rocc sion just entering the door in the following order : Ushers Messrs. Watson Peckeral , D. G. Mellor , G. P. Kingsley and W. T. Shelton ; Bridesmaids Misses Fannie Paddock , Judu Hobertson , Lizzie Weston nnd Com Penn ; Maid of honor , Miss F.innio Hlgbeo. The bride came in on the arm of her father , the Hon. A. S. Paddock. The bride , an attrac tive brunette , looked charming in a bridal gown , the artistic creation of Madame HUB- sel , a famous modiste of New York. The front was of ivory white satin In the style of the court of Louis XYI , so arranged as to seem a dividing line separating the two sides. These wore brocaded in cords in the form of roses , covered with dew. The texture was relieved nnd broken by a heavy satin duchcsse almost covered with tiny and grace fully arranged coquetts of lilies of the valley. The train , of graceful length , was made of Algerian satin which fell in long folds. The perfectly lilting cor sage was low pointed with sleeves of pearls trimmed and finished with old point lace nnd orange blossoms. The neck was also finished with points aplinuc. The maid of honor and the two brides maids were attired in white silk , the other two in pink faille francaiso. Each were made with low pointed corsage and short sleeves and each carried boquets of roses corresponding in tint with their dresses. Mrs. Paddock , the mother of the bride , looked regal In a gown of pearl brocade satin on train , trimmed with point lace and fastened with a diamond pin. While thTCov. Kubcrt Scott read the pre liminary marriage service the organ accom panied the service and responses. The bishop performed the ceremony with rare impresslvencss , after which the bridal pro cession re-formed and taking carriages were rapidly 'whirledaway * - tothe reception. Alcmma place , the comfortable homo of Sen ator Paddock , was beautifully decorated' for the occasion. The parlors , libra ry and re ception rooms were profusely adorned with rose chrysanthemums and smilax , under the direction of Moore of Plattsmouth. Potted plants nnd ferns filled the alcoves. The study was reserved for the orchestra , which discoursed choice selections from popular operas during the reception hours. The din ing room was redolent with the odor of roses and exotics. On tno table was an exquisite center pier of fruits and Jlowcrs. The bride and groom received congratulations under a pagoda of roses and smilax. MoroMhan five hundred residents of Beatrice and prominent citizens of Nebraska City passed through the handsome parlors during the course of the reception. Both ushers nnd bridesmaids wore souvenirs. Those of the ushers , a gift of the groom , were diamona scarf pins. The bridesmaid received , with thocompli ments of the bride , four-leaved clover green enamelled diamond lace pins. The presents wore very numerous and elegant , among them being a deed nnd gift of improved realty , stock nnd bonds to the amount of $10,000 , the gift of Senator Paddock to his daughter , and a case of a hundred pieces of solid silver table ware from the mother of the groom. The son of General Harrison and two nephews of President Cleveland sent souvenirs. At 7:15 : p. m. Mr. nnd Mrs. Collman left on the Union Pacific- for Colorado , where they will spend the honeymoon timid recollections of ono of the most bril liant launchlnga In married life which has ever been celebrated in the west. A largo number of prominent citizens from outside of Beatrice , Including many old settler's who knew Senator PaJdock in the territorial days , were present. A special car from Omaha brought down Major and Mrs. Pad dock , uncle and aunt of the bride , Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Annin and the Hon. A. U. Wyman , ex-treasurer of the United States. Bolting Morton. Wrsionn , Neb. , Oct. 80. [ Special to Tun BEE.I Mr. Dodds , the editor of the Demo crat of this city , has declared his radical op position to the election of J. Sterling Morton to congress , and his. position has created a sensation among the democrats. Mr. Dodds , through his paper. Ins championed the cause of the strikers aud the cause of all labor or ganizations , and with that class has a largo influence which will have an effect on the vote of Mr. Morton In the approaching elec tion. _ Now Put Up Your Money. HASTINGS , Neb. Oct. 30. [ Special Tele- grain to THE BEE. ] Funds to the amount of tGOO had been collected by democrats in various sums and placed In the Exchange National bank of this city to not on the gen eral result of the election. Yesterday C. F. Taylor covered the entire amount and called for enough more to make it un oven $1,000 , but up to this tune the additional amount has not been raised. Mr. Taylor is a demo crat , and a well-known man of sporting pro clivities , who says ho bets his money to win. A Prohibition Rally. HOI.MESVJLLE , Neb. , Oct. 80. [ Special to THE BKK. ] The prohibition rally of last night was well attended , several hundred people being present. About one-third of those In attendance were ladles. The speak ers were J. 1C. Lane of Pleasant Hill , and Mr. Bennett of Beatrice. Much enthusiasm was manifested. Prohibition is gaining ground rapidly at this place. Another meet * ing will bo held on Monday evening , Novem ber 5 , addressed by the Hon. Mr. Hardy of Liacoln. Passed Forged Chocks. NKDIUBKA CITV , Neb. , Oct. 30. [ Special Telegram to THE BEE. ] A number of forged checks fpr various , amounts have been passed upon a number of merchants to-day by a man giving the name of James B. Wil ton. Among the victims arc Brown & Wood , of the Merchants' National bunk , Nebraska City , H. N. Shuraan & Co. and H. Fuss. The icuii has escaped , ' Hardly n Corporal's Guard. , . NELSON , Nob.'Oct , 30. ( Special.to TUB BEE. ] The democratic rally nt this place was addressed yesterday afternoon by W. A. McKcIgair , of'Ued Cloud , at the court room. There was aq audience about cn.ua ! to that nt the prohibition meeting lust week , a com pany which would have looked small indeed in the o | crn house where the republicans held forth , n few days ago. The day was very flue , so that It was mere lack of demo cratic material that caused the comparative insignificance of the rally. Democrats nt North Pintle. NOIITII J'IATTB , Neb. , Oot. 30. [ Special Telegram to Tin : BEH. ] The democratic demonstration hero to-night was n surprise to both democrats and republicans. It ex ceeded anything of the kind ever witnessed hero before. A torchlight procession of fully two hundred , headed by the North Plattc band paraded the principal streets. An nudicnco of about eight hundred were assembled in the opera house and were ably addressed by T. P. Weath- erby , democratic nominee for con gress in 'the Third district , Thomas E. Turner , of Chiulron , Neb. , and M. V. Gannon , of Omaha. Mr. Gannon , during his rcmiirk : * , handled Paul Vamlorvoort with out gloves , refreshing the minds ot his audi ence on Vandorvoort's connection with tno r.iilroad oil room during the last session of the legislature by reading from Tin : HIE : some of the testimony taken by the 1'aeitio railroad commission In Omaha. Vauder- voort speaks hero to-uiorrow evening. A Glrl'a Mysterious llsn.pponr ucc. Poxcv , Neb. , Oct. HO. [ Special Telegram to THE But : . ] About 4 o'clock this morning Emma Barlo , the twenty-one-year-old daugh ter of C. T. Barlo , ex-county treasurer , and n prominent clti/on of Dixon county , wan dered away from homeand has not been seen since although the county has been scoured. The creek near the residence was dragged , but no trace of her was discovered. Her con tinued sickness wus thougnt to have caused insanity. Senator Mnndcrson nt Grand IMnnd. GIUN-II ISLAND , Nob. , Oct. ISO. [ Special Telegram to Tin : BII : : . ] An enthusiastic audience packed the opcr.i house to-niglit to listen to Hon. Charles F. Mandorson. A largo number were turned away. The sena tor spoke for over two hours and made the most forcible and masterly speech delivered hero during the campaign. His allusion to our legislative ticket was greeted with ap plause. _ A Wreck Nrnr Vnlpnrnlfio. VAU-AIIAISO , Neb. , Oct. HO. [ Special to Tun BKK. | An extra freight train from tnc cast at midnight last night was wrecked ibout a mile from town. Six cars were thrown from the tract : into the gully. Ono of them was reduced to kindling wood. Two .ramps were on the train but no one was lurt. _ lion. JaiucH Kwlng Dylntr. GitANi ) ISI.AXD , Neb. , Oct. HO. [ Special Telegram to Tin : BKK. ] Hon. James Ewing , of Wood Hiver , republican candidate for representative , is lying dangerously sick and his death is looked for hourly. The latest reports state that ho will not live until to morrow morning. Grant ItoUlH the County Scat. GIUNT , Nob. , Oct. DO. [ Special Telegram to THE BEB.I Grant is gloriously happy to night. The election contest case of Madrid against Grant was br.ought up be/oro : ; . dis trict courttcifoy and was promptly dis missed. This leaves Grant in undisputed possession of the county seat. Prohibitionists at Wymore. WTMOIIB , Neb. , Oct. 30. [ Special to THE BEK. ] Rev. U , S. Vllltars -Holmesvllle addressed n sinull audience at Brownwell's hall In this city last evening from u third party standpoint. Took Morphine. TEi fAH. Neb. , Oct. 30. [ Special to THE BEE. ] Last night Mrs. George Haver , wife of a saloon keeper of this place , took an over dose of laudanum , It is thought with suicidal intent. Prompt assistance was rendered by physicians and she will recover. Clnrko of Snrpy. PAPIM.ION , Neb. , Oct. 30. [ Speojal to Tun EBB. ] The Sarpy county republican conven tion last night nominated H. T ; Clarke for representative/ opponent , Mr ; Keys , re ceiving thirteen votes to Clarke's 'twenty- eight. eight.Tho The Manitoba Itnllw iy Troubles. MINNEAPOLIS" , Oct. 30. An attempt was made last night to burn the Canadian Pa cific bridge at Headinglv , Manitoba. The bridge wus saturated with oil and consider ably damaged. The flro is supposed to have been the work of settlors. MANITOHA , Oct. DO. The legislature moots on Thursday , and it is the intention to adopt retaliatory measures against the Canadian Pacific , wnicfi will probably include the re moval of the exemption from taxation now enjoyed by the road , and which amounts to { 500,000 per annum. Result of u Futility I tow. ST. Louis , Oct. 30. Last night Henry Lnngo , a river contractor , quarreled with his sister-in-law , Mrs. Sudbeck , and slapped her in the face. Patrick MeDennot. head sawyer m the Knnpp. Stout & Co. mill , In terfered nnd Lnnge shot him twice. His wounds were at first thought not to bo dangerous , but McDermott died in the city to-day and Lange is now in Jail , The victim came hero from Muscatinc , la. , where ho has a wife and several children. The Weather Indications. For Nebraska and Dakota Local rain or snow Wednesday , fair Thursday ; colder , northerly winds. For Iowa Local rain or snow , warmer Wednesday morning , cooler Wednesday night ; southerly , shitting to northwesterly , winds. The Honnleld Klre. BEHUN , Oct. SQ. The great flro at Heun- fcld , near Casscll , continues to spread. Three hundred houses , including public buildings , have been consumed. A force of mllitry and thirty tire brigades from adja cent places arc endeavoring to control the flumes. Blonuknr'K Cnno. TOIIONTO , Oct. 30. Lewis Helm Slonakcr , absconding cashier of the Chicago & North western railroad company at Sioux City , la. , was brought before u police magistrate to day and remanded to the county Judge's court , where ho will bo brought up for ex tradition to-morrow. The Sacluaw liaised. NEW YOIIK , Oct. 30. The steamer Saginaw - inaw of the Clyde Steamship company , which sunk nt her dock hero yesterday , has been raised. The only damage sustained wus to the cargo , which was JJ,000. An Klevator Accident. ST. Louis , Oct. 30. By a falling of an ele vator In the J. M. Ward Furniture company's store to-day , Charles Ltchter was fatally , and Major Wm. O'Keofo and tllcbard Home seriously Injured , Charged With Murder. KANSAS CITY , Mo. , Oct. 30. ( Special Tele gram to THE BEE. | H. R. Deweerc , an exposition - position exhibitor , was arrested to-daj charged with having killed a man at Kahoku , Mo. , eight months ago. lie denies .his guilt , Hcarlo DcfcntH Keuip. LONDON , Oct. 30. A dlspatph- from Aus tralla announces that Scarlo has dcfcatct Kemp In a match for.the sculling , champion bhlp and i'D.OOO'a.sido on thol'uramctturlvor The Yellow I'evcr. FnnxANlu.VA , Fla. , Oct. 30. Fourteen nev cases of yellow fever were reported to-day ' No deaths , DONE FOR POLITICAL EFFECT Cleveland's Request For the nation of Minister WoBt. THE MOVE OF DESPERATE MEN Who Arc Now hajjcr to Socrlflco 4 Friend HCUAUNO Ho HtnmlN in the Way of tlio Prcsl- ilcut'H Ambition. A Rrcrfe C3oos Forth , WASHINGTON Huiuuu TIH : OMUIA Hen , 1 5ii : Fot'HTr.i'.XTii Sntr.ET , V WASIIIXOTOX , 1) . C. , Oct. > : > . I The president was visited by n delegation of prominent democratic politicians from New York nnd New Jersey yesterday nfter- loon. They talked with him for upwards of in hour on the subject of the Sackvillo let ter. Then they went back to Now York. This morning Mr. Bayard had an Interview with the president on the same subject. Later in the day the secretary Informed nembers of the press that he would hava something to give out for publication ut 4 o'clock. At that hour the secretary of state mstcned over to the white house with a bun- , llo of manuscript In his hands. Ho said that ho would bo back at once , but It wus nero than an hour bororn ho returned. When at just ho again reached the depart- iiont he entered his room and locked himself In. His assistants were busy with the man uscript , which had evidently been altered In nany particulars by the president. At 0 o'clock the child was born. It was furnished the press associations ntonee and the country knows what it is. It is difficult to conceive. of a moro thorough piece of political dema gogy. The document , on its face , bears very evidence of having been com-octeu for political effect. At no other time would : hero have been such summary und dis courteous huste. If the president had directed the secretary of state to send Lord Sackvillo his passport mmcdlately after ho acknowledged the au thorship of the Muschison letter there would have been no criticism. But ho preferred to place the matter before Lord Salisbury , and common diplomatic etiquette would seem to liavc demanded that ho should wait a reason able time before proceeding further. There are several queer incidents about this matter besides the visit of the politi cians from New York and New Jersey last night. There is another thing which is peculiar at this time. The Sunday Ga/etto of this city last Sunday contained a special from New York in which it was as serted that something would be done about the Sackvillo letter on Monday or Tuesday , and this something would amount to n'pXisU' live insult to Great Britain. BusldeMhiAM is noticed that the Bayard letter is" dated ' yesterday. It seems that it was sent oree last night to thoVrtilto house , revlncd.b/th in ; ! Bidtiii.ssnf. book to the state department. , igaln revised and taken over personally by t Secretary Bayard , us uiiarc stated. Every ono who bus heard Of thi * action of the state department to-day says cither privately or publicly that there can bo no doubt whatever that it was intended foe political effect. But it needs not tliii asser tion to convince oven the most thick-headed reader what the object wus. The Joint letter of Secretury Bayard nnd President Clev- ' land to the press boars upon its face the desperation which those gentlemen feel * over the political situation and is convincing argument that the pfesl nent regards the endorsement of tin British minister of his administration ua thrf most powerful factor in opposition to his re election which possibly could huvo been pro cured. There is no doubt now that ho will from this time forward show contempt for Great Britain but , unfortunately for him , his whole administr.i'ion has been so thor oughly pro-British that he will not bo able .to * fool the people at this late day by seeming ; disposition to snub the country where free trade has its scat. > KKUltASKA LAND DECISIONS.r The acting secretary of the Interior to-day decided throe land cases involving the title to cortnln tracts of land in Nebraska- ! ! * roont Young appealed from the < 4e i ldoo : * Commissioner Sparks refusing to ewM'hiy application to cancel the homestca i. ttNfy , for the northwest quarter of sootwH WL/ township 6 , north range 41 west'without prejudice to his right to make a new4entry for the northwest quarter - -.section , 5 , same township and range in ths McCook district. Young claims tohavo made an error In selection nnd Hies affidavits hi support of his good faith. Misapplication to cancel the original entry was filed within eight duy.s ufter tiling the application. Sparks found a lack of due care , but Acting Secre tary Muldrow docs not concur In that flnd * > . ing and reverses the decision. In the content CUHO of North L. Overtoil vs. George L. Hesklns , involving the hitter's homestead entry for the southwest quarter , section 27 , township 17 , north , range 21 , west. North Platte district , In which the register and receiver recommended the cancellation of the entry , the contcstce appealed and Overton subse quently withdrew. The acting commissioner holds that the Unltod States is still a party and ho therefore returns the papers for con * sideration. In the case of William Holcomb's cash entry of the south half of the northeast quarter and the cast half of the southeast quarter , faction 27 , township 2 , north range its , west , McCook district , the entry man has tiled a supplemental proof since the appeal and the case is returned to the general land ofllco for further investigation , nisiitvE : : AGENTS ArritovKii. The comptroller of the currency has up- pi ovcd the selection of the United States National bank of Omaha as reserve agent for the Cedar Hapids National bank , of Ce dar Uapuls , la. , the Omaha National for tha Iowa National of Ottumwu , the Iowa Nil- tlonul of DCS Molnes und the First National of Ida Grove , la. , the First National of Dead wood , Dak. , und tha Central National ot Broken Bow , Neb. The Hanover National , of New York , Is also apptoved as rescrva agent for the last named. Nebraska nnd Iowa Pension * . WASHINGTON , Oct. 30. [ Special Telegram to TUB Hun. ] Nebraska Pensions : Original invalid James Francis , Gormantown. Ue- storatlon , relssuo and increase William 'E. Kelly , Shubcrt. Increase William H. Kcitli , Precept. Iowa Pensions : Original Invalid Edward niakcloy , Randolph ; Dennis Foley , Keller- ton ; Anderson Leo , Stuart ; Ilennch Graber , Dews ; George W. Scott , Weston ; Lcandea C. Goodwin , Sidney. Increase Nathan L. Webb , Steamboat Hock ; Francis Bias ( do-i erased ) , Oskaloosa ; Lewis S. Hawk , Elk- Hurt ; Harton N. Daily , Wuverly ; Lewis Kuty , DodKUvlllo. Brevities. The secretory of state is In receipt of a dispatch from Minister Bragg saying that J. H. Lawrence , the American citizen who has been confined In a prison at Sllno , Mexico , on n charge of train robbery upon the. Mexi can Central railway , In the state of Guana juato , since Juno 17 , 1SW , was dischaiged from custody on the 20th Inst. Lieutenant Colonel Heyl , Inspector gen eral , has been transferred ' front the head * quarters of the department of Texas to' the headquarters of the. division of the Missouri , replacing Colonel Joseph C. Hreckenrldgo. Major Henry W. .Lawton , inspector general - , oral , has , been relieved from temporary duty In the billed of inspector general and ordered , ta the department of the Missouri. Lieutenant Colonel Henry Wood , nssluanfc adjutant general , lias been ordered to 'duty m the department of Dakota. * , The president's congratulations to theldnf of the Hellenes ' on his Juliilco were' to-day cabled. .