rTHE OMAHA DAILY BEE : TUESDAY , OCTOBER 30. 188a-SIXTEEN PAGES. THE DAILY BEE. COUNOIL LUFFS. NO iu P JJelhercrtby rarrlor In Any Part of the City a Twenty Cents l'er\\e k. II. W. Tlt.TON , . MANAOEil. TKLUI'HONKS : llrpiNF.Hs Orricr. No. 4.1. NICIIIT KIMTOII , No. XI. MINOR MBXTIUX. N. Y. Pluiiibtng company. Only $10.76 nt C'linpniiui's nrt store. Sec programme of tlio day oil the Bcvonth page. Kleptint ovorcoutlnps tit A. Roller's , merchant tailor , til' ! Hroailwny. Tlio cltv council i not planning on any meeting until after election. Best hard and soft coal and Missouri wood. K. E. Miiyno , ( ill ) Broadway , Members of the club should not for get to take their friends to the rooms to-day. The banks of the city will close to day at 1 o'clock , on account of the bridge opening. The Orand Army hall will bo open to day and all veterans will llnd a hearty welcome there. The democratic meeting for the or ganization of a Fourth ward club has been postponed until Thurbdny even ing.A . A centrally located , finely furnished room to rent to one or two gentlemen. Must furnish references. Address T. 10 , UIK : otlico. It is estimated tlmt.'i/iOO teams crossed the now bridge on Sunday. Kven at 10 cents toll , and/i / cents for foot passen gers , the receipts must have been pretty ' faro. " The street car mules look discouraged yesterday as they blood on Pearl street watching the electric motor lly along Broadway. The day of mules is about pasl.The The ladies of the Women's Christian association servo a o-cont dinner in the J'acilie lioiibo to-day. Lunches also borved. The proceed are for the hos pital. The attendance at the coining races will doubtless bo larger than at any previous meeting , as Omaha can easily Hcnd over a few thousand who enjoy bceing fast llyers. All railway freight ofllces in the city will bo closed to-day after Il2 : . ' ! ( ) o'clock for everything except pcrish.iblo freight. This will give railway em ployees an opportunity to witness or juirlicipalo in the grand parade. A largo number of Omaha visilors came over the now bridge yesterday witli teams. It seemed as if nearly everyone came over Sunday , but it seems that there were many left , who improved the opportunity yesterday. All business houses are requested to close at 1SJ o'clock to-day and remain elobtid during Hie time the parade and addresses are taking place in the city. Omaha business houses have agreed to close , and it is hoped that these in the Blurts will do likewise. Carriages for today's celebration have been assigned as follows : Press , two ; speakers , two ; commitleo , three ; gov ernor , one ; mayor , one ; federal ollicers , one ; bridge engineer and contractors , one ; oity council , two ; bonrd of super visors and county ollleials , three. All Sir Knights of Ivanhoo connnnn- dory are requested to report at Masonic temple at lli o'clock sharp to-day , armed and equipped in full uniform , to act as escort to the governor. IIr&o ) cover ings may bo secured at Duquette's filoro. The Third ward democratic club hold a mooting in Lucy's hall on South Main street last evening to which the First ward club was invited. McFadden's martial band furnished music. The speaker of the evening was C5. F. Bol- ton , Esq. , who has just established a law ofllce in this city. All visiting military companies who compote for the cash prizes will bo judged by their appearance on the line of march. The local companies will not participate , as their prize drill oc curs this evening at 7:30 : o'clock on Cap itol avenue , Omaha. .Yesterday's police viclims were ar- rcsled as follows : James Daily , $7.60 ; Robert Pope , $8.10 ; Harry Hilbert , e8.10 ; John Smith , $8.10 ; James Hamil ton $8,10 : John Woidmancharged with assault and batlery , paid costs amount ing to $4.UO and was released. The Chicago & Rock Island has a special train this morning which leaves Atlantic at 7 o'clock for Council Bluffs. Returning it will leave Council BlulTs at 10:30 : p. in. , so that the excursionists will bo able to spend the entire day lioro. DLittlo business was transacted in the district court yeslorday. The wills of A. J. Bump and J. II. Burroughs were admitted to probate. Court them ad journed until this morning , when Judge Loofbourow will bo present and make an assignment for Wednesday morning at 0 o'clock. Next Thursday night there will boa choice concert at the Congregational church under the auspices of the mu sical commitleo and under the direction of Mrs. Wadsworth and Mrs. Skolton. An attractive programme is prepared , and with the reputation which these ladies have there ought to bo a crowded ° llOUbO. J. W. Paul , of Omaha , claims the first pedestrian record on or near Broadway bridge , On Oclobor Oth ho crossed the now bridge on foot , making the trip from the pumping works to his ofllco , No. HiO'.t ' Fimimu street , in twenty-six minutes. The following Monday Mr. Kvans and Mr. Wright crossed the bridge. See W. C. Stacy's ad. Programme of the day's proceedings on page 7. < , Mrs. ti. Simmons , dressmaker , 314 Hroad way , over KIsoiimn's , on olcotrlu motor lluo. Special advantages to Onmtm ladies. Monov loaned on furniture , pianos , diamonds , hoi > es , buggies or anything of value at low rates of interest. No publicity ; fair and honorable dealing. A. A. Clark & Co. , otllco cor. Broadway and Main , over American express. Illinois and Iow best soft coal , Gloa- eon , 20 Pearl street. Sco Forrest Smith's special column. Boo Forrest Smith's special column. We do not intern ! to Indorse any except arti cles of merit , but we take pleasure In referring to the " ( luiluml Stoves und ItixiiKes , uhoso superiority h too well established to bo called in question. They urn believed to bo unequaled l > y any in the world. Hold exclusively by 1 > . C. De Vol. Odoll Bros. & Co. loan money on real estate. Rook Spring coal , Gleuson , 20 Pearl street. Fresh California canned goods at Tib- bitt's , 315 Broad way i A $55 double breech loading shot gun for > 5. For sale by George II. Bennett , . Y. M. Oi A. , corner Broadway and Maine Sts. BLEST BE THE TIES THAT BIND The Elootrlo Motor Makes Bpcody Trips Botwoou the Two Cities. APPRECIATING MANAGER EVANS. Ho IB Prcfiontcd with nn Klccant IVntcli Tlio Union Pacific Cuts Its Dummy Hates In Two Queer Accident. Tlio Motors Started. The electric motor line was put in successful operation yehlorday. Cars were run on Lower Broadway in Iho forenoon , and in Iho aflernoon several trips were made through to Iho Metho dist church on Upper Broadway. The cars attracted a L'rent deal of attention , and it was quite amusing to sec Iho de gree of enthusiasm manifested by spce- lators as the motors made their initial trip. Everybody who was indoors flocked lo Iho windows and doors , and tainted the passengers with a general waving of handkerchiefs. On the streets the men hurrahed until they were hoarse. Several old residents testi fied their approval by jumping up and down after the manner of the average small boy who sees some thing to oxcile his unbounded delight. Everything run as smoothly ns could bo expected , and there were no accidents to detract from the day's success. In the afternoon themayor , city coun cil , members of the board of supervisors , and Messrs. Evans , Wright and Slew- arl , of the bridge company took car riages and were driven to the bridge , where the structure was inspected by Ihe mayor before accepting the work and paying the bonus voted by the city. Keturning homo , the carriages were dismissed and the party boarded the electric motorcars for the eity. General Manager Evans handled the levers on the trip , and although it was his lir t experience in that capacity , ho made excellent time , and handled his train like a veteran. The cars were under complete control , and quickly responded lo the least motion of Iho levers. The trip from the west end of the bridge to the corner of Main and Broadway , a distance of nearly four miles , was made in sixteen minutes and four bccomls. One mile on the lower part of avenue A was run in three min utes and forty seconds. The load was quite a heavy one for fast time , consist ing of three cars and thirty-eight pa- > - fccngcrs. The full force of the current was not turned , but the motor cars climbed the approach preach lo Iho bridcc , which is Ihe heaviest grade on the line , with perfect ease. Passing through tlio center of the cily Iho cars were loaded as full as possible , all standing room being taken , but Iho olTect was not noticeable in tarting or controlling the cars. Several minor details yet remain to be attended to before Iho work can bo said lo be completed. It is hoped by to-day to have the whole line in perfect working order , and regular trains run ning through the day and evening. Yesterday the current was turned on only ono track , and on that the cross wires were not connected , allowing a real deal of the current to escape. It will require some time to get the machinery all smoothed up , and the track well ballasted and as this can not all bo done in a day , the public will make allowances accordingly. No reg ular running schedule or time card has yet boon adopted , but a ton minute ser vice will bo maintained as nearly as possible with the cars now on hand. It was generally feared that the motor cars would frighten horses , but the re sult yesterday showed that the fears were almost groundless. Very few liorses manifested any concern about them , and after seeing them once or twice paid no more attention lo them than to ordinary streetcars. Ono runa way resulted on Lower Broadway , but it was caused by the negligence of a farmer who loft his loam standing on the street without hilching. The ani mals ran but a few feet , when they col lided with a telegraph pole and were stopped. The only damage was a broken harness. If the motor line has a tendency to make people hitch their hor&cs when loft on the street , it will bo greallv appreciated by the traveling public. Best bargains in real estalo. Odcll Bros. & Co. Mrs. II. E. Scalcy will , on and after the 1st of November , take possession of her house , No. 208 Fourth street. Those who wish table board or desirable fur nished rooms should apply at once. , T. G. Tipton has bargains in real es- lalc. Ilrmlley's Carver. At a hearing before Judge Aylesworth yesterday the accusation against M. F. Lewis of assaulting James Bradley with intent to kill was withdrawn and the defendant discharged. It was evidently it case of mistaken identity. Bradley staled lhat Lewis was not his assailant , and that ho identified him while much excited , when the doctors were dressing his wounds and on hearing others say that it was the man. J. B. Garrolt was arrested and identified by Bradley as his as&ailant. Garrett pleaded not guilty and was put under 81,000 bonds , which were furnished by William Card , a farmer in James town ship , for whom Gnrrett is working. The facts tfiat led lo Garretl's arrest are as follows : The olllcors detailed to work up the case found a bat on the spot where the stabbing nlTrny took place , and inside was Iho name of W. l < \ Gnrd. This young man lives in James lown- bbip , and Constable Hiekotls was sent out lo arrest him. Ho acknowledged that the hat was formerly his , but staled Hint ho had traded it lo Garrett. Both were arrested and brought to this city. Gard was released on bail fur nished by his father. Garrolt denied all knowledge of Iho alTair , and young Gard stated that ho know tnat Uarrott was not in the city on the night of the rally. When closely questioned by a Bui : representative , Garrett admitted lhat ho was in the city Thursday evening , and were the hat , but that it hurt his head , and ho traded it lo u stranger. The hat was undoubtedly on hand at the slabbing , but whether in company with Garrett or Ihis "stranger , " remains lo be de- lorniined. A. few are of the belief that ho would do anything when excited , and lhat lie is Iho guilty partv. Ho is positively idenlilled by Bradley , and Jiis case looks decidedly "rocky. " Gard is held as a witness , although ho claims at present to know nothing in regard to Iho case. Programme of Iho day's proceedings on page 7. Boole , shoes. Kinnehan's , 32u B'way. A Dcflttlnu TCatlniouml. In the securing of the now Broadway bridge and the electric motor 'line no one man'merits so much' credit as T. J. rvnns. * This is conceded by all. While Ills follow clll/cns are now rejoicing so enthusiastically ovcr the cpmplelion of Lhcso two great enterprises , lew beyond Ills intlmato associates know what burdens - dons ho has carried , and what obstacles lie has overcome , Some of Ihe more public circumstances arc familiar lo all , but the many others naturally attend ant upon an enterprise of Ibis magni tude , are known bul lo himself and as- fcociales. Upon him has fallen the brunt most of the lime. lie slaked liis all on Ihe success of Iho enterprise , and devoted his strength and time , to almo t the sacrifice of health and other interests. While arranging the preliminaries there was much opposition , even from these who now begin to realize the bcncfils resulting' ' . While there can be no full apprecia tion of what Mr. Evans has passed through , still there is Midicient to con cede to him the honor ot having accom plished great things for Council BlulTs. Last evening an attempt was made lo give some expression lo this feeling. A number of cili/.ens quietly planned a surprise for him. They met at the of fice of Sapp & Pusey , and proceeded to Mr. Evans' residence on Oakland ave nue. The purpose of this visitation waste to present him with an elegant gold watch. Aside from the intrinsic value , which was great , it was made still more so to Mr. Evans by being inscribed very appropriately. There was engraved upon one of the cases a perfect picture of the new bridge. Colonel W.F. Sapp made Ihe prcsenla- lion speech , lo which Mr. Evans re sponded as besl he could under such circumstances. The committee having the presentation in charge were Lucius Wells , W. F. Sapp , J J. Steadman , and George Bebbinpton. The recipient responded in a few well chosen words winch were well te- ceivcd by the friends present. Ho was : ilso presented by a few friends with a liouvy gold headed cane , inscribed W. 3. Choice refreshments prepared by Mrs. T. J. Evans and Mrs. F. II. Evans , \vofo served. During Ihe evening de lightful music was rendered , and Iho occasion was a most happy one. odd per E. H. Shenfo loans money on chaltel security of every description. Private consulting rooms. All business strictly confidential. Olllco 'oK ( ) Broadway , cor ner Main street , up stairs. Leans made on city business and rcsi- lence properly. Noles bought. Kitn- ball-Champ Investment company. The streets in Burkc's nddilion are all graded. Remember , this is Ihe Insl day of the world's greatest illusion , "Galafhca , " ' at old Pacific House. S. B. Wadsworth & Co. loan money. Money loaned at L. B. Crafts & Co.'s loan otlice , on furniture , pianos , horses , wagons , personal property of all kinds , and all other articles of value without removal. All business strictly confi dential. llcdiicinii Kates. Yeslcrday Ihe Union Pacific cut its rate down to3 cents for the round trip , : o Omaha and return , Iho former faro being 45 cents , or 25 cents each way. The cut rate will be kept to-day , and .ifter the motor line is regularly slarled the fare will bo made the same as on the motor line ten cents each way. The bridge tolls for carria'gcs , etc. , will bo the same as on the Broadway bridge. It is understood that this is in accordance with an agreement between the two companies , as staled in yester day's BKK. There lias been some wondering as to whether there will be a war of rates. Those who claim that the Union Pacific Is interested in Ihe Broadway bridge , point to the uniform rates as proof of their asscrlions. Others , who are equally confident that the two companies uro distinct , and arc rivals , are looking for a cutting of rates between them. For bargains ji real cslate in any part of the city see F , J. Day , the lead ing real estate dealer. E. II. Shcafe & Co. make long or short time loans on real estate , in sums to suil , at lowest rate of interest. Ollice Broadway and Main street , upstairs. Burke's addilionsec , Burke , 115 Pearl St. Have our wagon call for your soiled clothes. Cascade Laundry Co. Sco Forrest Smith's special column. Programme of Ihe day's proceedings on page 7. 7.A A Singular Accident. Miss Spcra , who is a clerk in Dr. Montgomery's ollico , met with a queer mishap the other day. A cocklcbur became attached to her glove , and she thotighllcssly put her hand up to her mouth and pulled oil the bur. At the same time she broke inlo a laugh at some remark made by another in the party , and accidentally swallowed the bur. It became lodged in her tliroat and her distress was terrible. Physi cians were summoned lo her relief , but it was some time before her sufferings could bo relieved. Saint Itcrnard Place. I have a number of fine lols for sale in the above nddilion , located only two blocks away from the htrcet cars on Broadway. These lots are 50.x2o ( ) feet , ' and are' choice residence property. They are high and dry and present a commanding view , For full informa tion regarding prices and terms apply lo J. G. Tipton , sole agent , 527 Broad way. Programme of the day's proceedings on page 7. The choicest residence properly is Burkc's addition. Guns and ammunition at Odcll & Bryant's hardware und stove house , The G. A. R. ball will bo open to-day for the entertainment of the veterans who may visit the city. Notice the beautiful finish given col lars , culTs and shirts by Cascade Laun dry company. Personal Paragraphs. Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Strong , of Orange City , are visiting Finloy Burke and fam ily for a few days. William Sacklor left last evening for Washlnglon territory. His family will remain here for the present. Mrs. * Dr. Judd has returned homo from an extended visit with relatives in Illinois , Wisconsin and Minnesota. Mr. George W. Hewitt , the most prom inent attorney in Sioux county , Iowa , is hero to take in the bridge opening. S. E. Caldwcll , formerly with the Bankrupt Shoo company , o'f this city , but now at Atlantic , la. , is in the city to witness the wedding. Miss Maud 'Robinson left Sunday evening for her homo in Avoeu , [ after a SMOTHERS & BEECROFT , 4 - PIIOP1UKTOI18 OK - COUNCIL BLUFFS AND OMAHA , J „ - lOFFICESI - Cotixni. BM-FFS P. Q. Do Vol's Store , No. I OMAHA Carpenter Puncr Co. , No. 1114 504 Middle Broadway. "Tolophono No , 87. | Douglas Street. Telephone No. StXl. short visit with -Verl friend , Miss Blanche Arkwright , ' on First avenue. Robert C. Glvins7 bf" Chicago , who takes charge of Kvan'a big wile tomorrow row , arrived ycsterdily , and was among the passengers on the first motor trip. Congressman Kane , of Utah , left this city for home Sunday evening , accom panied by hlb duughtor , who lias spent the past two months in this city as the guest of Mrs. H. J. Pace , on Mynster street. Hcv. Father Ilcaly , formerly assistant to Rev. Father McMenomy at St. Fran cis Xavior's church , ib in the city for a brief visit und to got his mother , who will return with him to-morrow to his new field in Kansas. Father Hcaly can bo found bv his old friends at Father McMenomy's , or at Mr. Fit/.gcrald's , No. 220 Tenth avenue. His new field in Kansas is an extended one , reaching about two hundred miles and embracing seven counties. Ho has started the building of a bride church at Mead Center. Citixcns without regard to creed arc helping the enterprise gener ously. In the spring ho will start build ing a stone church in Coolidgo. He llnds plenty to do in this extended mis sion field , but is cordially received , and enjoys his work grcatly.'llis old friends here gladly welcome him , though his stay is too short to satisfy thein J. Y. Fuller , " > ! ) Pearl street , open un til 11 a. m. , October ! iO. Full stock of hams , bacon , dried beef and lard. Programme of the day's proceedings on page 7. , _ gj The finish on our collars , cuffs and shirts cannot bo equalled. Cascade Laundry Co. See Benson fc Shepherd for Broadway lots. Work was started Saturday on a 81.000 cottage in Burke's addition. This is the most select property in that part of the city. _ Ave. B lots at $400 , small payment down , balance on long time at low rate of interest. Odcll Bros. & Co. Dr. C. C. Ilay.cn , dentist , opera house block. Twin City lots , Benson & Shepherd. First avenue lots for sale nt a bargain. Odell Bros. & Co . Buy a lot on Broadway and reati'/o 50 per cent a month on your investment. Odell Bros. & Co. Programme of thcday's , proceedings on page 7. For traclcago lots go to Benson & Shepherd. Proolniuntlun. In view of the ceremonies attendant upon the Omaha and Council Bluffs bridge to-day , it is hordwith requested of merchants , manufactories , banks and all other business houses that they bo closed from 12 o'clock to 5 o'clock this afternoon , that all may have the oppor tunity of celebrating the day that unites Omaha and Council BlulTs as one city. M. F. Roinini : , Mayor. First avenue lots , Benson & Shep herd. The School Ronrd. The school board held a special meet ing last evening for the purpose of ex amining bids for furnishing the new school building. The Now York Plumb ing company was awarded the contract for doing the plumbing , and a contract feigned. The contract for furnishing the steam heating apparatus , previously awarded to J. C. Bixby , was referred to Mr. Bixby and the superintendent for revision. Several minor bills were al lowed. PJainview lots , Benson & Shepherd. Hon. James W. Haworth and wife , of Decatur , 111. , are guests of Harry Haworth , of this eity. They are just re turning from an extended trip through California , Oregon and the west , and stopped off here to see the bridge cele bration. Mr. Haworth is a heavy capi talist , and the head of the linn of Ha worth & Sons , known to fame as the manufacturers of checkrowers and corn planters. He is much pleased with the appearance of tlio city , and says the people here show enterprise. Omaha addition lots at a bargain. Benson & Shepherd. HOT WATER HEATING WIND MILLS , . IRON and WOODPUMPS PUMPS , _ PIPEand and FITTINGS , JOHN' ( HLUEKT , No. 521 Main Strnet. Council muffr , la . Correspondents Mention This 1'aper. FINE , CHOICE IMPORTED MILLINERY 1514 DouRlati St. , Omaha , Nob. THE MORRIS TYPE WRITER. PRICE $15. Is equal t ) any High Priced Machine. TIuiIMInon > llmeo rapti , the be t Hiipnratiu tor nunlfolcJIiu , autogmpbln anil type writlnu work. hOUI rop'.rt ran te luteo. ' The Ezctlsior Ce. , Council Bluffs , I * . I SHALL OFFER THIS MORNING liiOxl'O fret of trarVncpon I'srst nvcnuo In llry. nnt * Clink's mlil. the finest track- HRU In the cltv. Also Choice Itfgldrncu I < ols In BRYANT & CLARK'S ' ADDITION , HTKKKT'H AIHUTION. rifty I.otH in Highland 1'lnce. Seventeen Lots in Central Sub. Twenty Acres on Ninth Avenue. W. C. STACY , NO. O MAIN NT. TELHI'HONK tl)2. SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE. SITCIAfi nilvcrtlst'iijpiitsi , such a i Lost , Found , To Loiiii , Tor S l < ? . To Iteut , Wnnts , HoardIng - Ing , etc. , will be Inserted In this column nt the low rate of TiN : CKNTS PKIt LINK for tlio first inicitlon und Kivo Cents 1'cr Line for eiicli sub- Sfijucnt Insertion. Leave advertisements at our office. No. 12 1'enrl Street , near Ilroadwny , Council Hindi Iowa. WANTS. FOIl HUNT A nicely furnished loom with Inr o closet , marble liow I. etc. Suitable for two gentlemen. No. fi27 Btli n\e. WANTI'D TcTbuv several lots for cash to build on. Address or call on C. II. Judd , C'K ) 11 road way , IUK [ SAijT ; Lease and furniture of hotel in Oinalu. Coodienson for selUim. Will sell on payments or trade for llvo Etock. Address - dress 1KM N. Him at. , Omaha. idft "I71OH KENT Ilnnso corner : k ! nnd Worth bt. J ? Inquire at 'M M st. WANTii-City : canvassers. Call at White j-ewlnc machine olllce. Sal llroadway , Council Illuirs. HKNT A furnished room , suitable for two gentleman , ground lloor , % ery centrally located. Applicant must b'l\e ieferenco. Ad- dreis T. 10 , lice oltice. WANTP.I ) Mattress makers at C. A. Ileebe & Co's. r for sale In car load lots. Mulholland Ic Co. FOIl HENT Furnished front room , for gen tlemen. SKIN. Second street. FOH HKNT Seven-loom cottace. on the cor ner of M ave. and nth t.V. . C. James. T71OII HKNT A larce number of good dwell- JL1 Ings. Call and examine list. V . H. Sheato A Co. , Uroacluny and Main St. . up stairs. TTOl'SKS for rent. Johnston A , Van Patten. . ! * ! Main st. FORREST SMITH'S SPECIAL WANT COLUMN. T71OR SALE House off ) rooms and two lots on X1 t th Rvenue north of the tiansfer. Will take tl.OU ) for this , one-half cash. "CUMl SAI.K A lim > corner In IMcrce's addition -1 ? just north of the transfer , on 7th avenue and 18th * t , Wlxttu ft. , MM ) . FOH SAI.K-IIouse and lot north of IT. P. transfer cheap at $800 ; J-VJ cash and i > per month. FOH 8ATK-I.ot 41x120 on 1st ave. near N. W. H. It. depot , on N. W. track ; cheap at WOO. FOll SALK-18 acres on both sides of U. 1 . It. H. track , ' /t mile west of union depot ; would make a line addition to Council Hind's or Omaha. Only tJW per acre. | JHll SAI.II An elegant fi-room cottage with X' lot D'lxInO , on llairlson ft : tills property Is worth from IJ.OOO to W.WH. but if sold boon will sell for * JWJ ; good terms. TTIOH HKNT A flue new client-room house at X1 No. 'J18 4th avenue ; bath loom , closets and all modern lmpro\ements ; nice l.irge pleasant yard. This place is only 'J blocks from dummy depot. FOH HKNT Nice 4-room cottage on 8th ave. and 10th st. , only $11 per month. rPO LOAN Money to loan on horses , cattle , -1- furniture , pianos , jewelry , etc. ; see me be fore borrow Ing elsewhere. FORREST SMITH , Room 4 , 3rd Floor , Drown LJuildinp. GEO.H.MESCHENDORF Will sell for cash , meat at the following prices : iioir. imEK 4c me OWN 1IKEK 4c POHK CHOP . ! IC IIOUI.l > r.K UOAST.Gc I'O It K HO A ST. . Kc Hill IIOASI' . Bo HAMS IIOL'NII HTKAK. . . . 80 IIACtIN . U'c SIKLOINSTKAIv. . lllc JAIU > . U'c VKAT. AND MUTTON STKWS 4c VKAI , ANDMl'TTON ' ItOASTS He SAUSAUKOFALMilNUS to And all other Meats in the same Proportion , NO , 827 B'WAY. TEL. NO. 101. FOR SALE ! A Complete Stoi-k of COOK and HEATING STOVES Lower than the lowest goods sold on easy pay ments at Cash 1'rlces. 1'ortheaccomodatlcm \Vorklngmcn , I will keepopen Sunday from S u. in , to 1 p. m. I'orSecond Hand Hoods lit Rood order I will pay full value , bpeclul Inducement to Omaha Customers. A. J. MANDEL , NOB. : i2t ! : and ittift Uroadu'iiy. ROCK SPRINGS , CANON CITY , And AH Flue ( Jrailcs of Coal. COUNCIL BLUFFS LUMBER CO , TELrKPHOMl XO. 257. OFFICER & PUSEY , BANKERS. BOOBroadway Council Muffs. Iowa. KstablUhed 185T DANCING CLASSES. TUKSIIAY I SATIIHDAV AT4ti : : ) > .M. AT 3P.M. ANll H I' . M. I AND 8 P. M. Royal Arcanum Hall , Beno Block , nuts. itiA HA.\i : . D , H , McDANELD & CO , , Hides. Tallow. Pelts , Wool and Furs. Highest Market Prices. Prompt Returns. { 20 and K3 Main Strcet.Coundl S STEWART M D D V M , , , , , , , , HOSPITAL 45 'FOURTH STREET. Tele-phono No. 205. COUNlMLi BLUFFS , IOWA BUY A HOME , Nice new five room cottages with closets etc. finished ill hard wood and oil , only 5 minutes walk from Omaha across the new Bridge and located immediately on new electric car line. A And easy terms will secure you a comfortable and convenient home. ONLY A FEW LEFT. . . P. O. BOX 4HH , OMAHA , NKB. A COMPLETE KNOCK OUT ! IS WHAT OUR PRICES ARE. WE HAVE NO COMPETITION FOR WE ARE SELLING LOWER THAN THE LOWEST ! CARPETS OF ALL KINDS. OF ALL KINDS. COME EARLY FOB A CHOICE OF OUR IM MENSE STOCK. Council Bluffs Carpet CoNe No 405 Broadway , Council Bluffs. THE TIME IS $10.75 $ SHORT ORDER { 10.79 YOUR PORTRAIT Frame and Easel , Now of W. W. Chapman $10.75 $ $10.75 $ . Nos. 105-107 Main . St. , Council Bluffs. THE Especially Adapted for SIZES FROM ELECTRIC 25 TO 300 HORSE LIGHTING , HORSEPOWER. POWER. Mills and Elevators , AUTOMATIC GUT-OFF ENGINE. Specifications n" > 1 estimates fuvntsho.l for complete steuin plant" . Itpgiilntlnn , Duralilllty fimr- ! auteccl. Can show letters from users wliexc fuel Kcnnnmy Is equal with Corliss Noii-ComlensliiB. E. C. HARRIS , Agent , Send for Catalogue. No. .110 Pearl Street , Council ItlulTH. CASCADE LAUNDRY COMPANY MAKE CALLS AND DELIVERIES PROMPTLY. NO. 330 BROADWAY. TELEPHONE NO. 260 POST OFFICE MEAT MARKET Manuraclurrrri and \Vholmilu Do lorn 'n Sa/uiseige of .A.11 Kincis. OnlerH I'roinptly Fill oil and Delivered. NO. 3r imOAIMVAY. TELKPIIOXC XO. F. J * BREZEE , Taxidermist and Naturalist. Permanently loeiited nt No. 14 North ( ith St. , opposite 1'ostolllcu , on Motor Line , Council LUulTs , Inwu. If you have specimens don't wait for prices. Send them to liim before they spoil. If you ( lout want thorn utter thov are mounted , ho will pay you the hi"hcbt market price for them. Will mtike a specialty of heads during winter DR. C. B. JUDD , MANUFACTURER OF ELECTRIC BELTS AND ELECTRIC TRUSSES. No. 6O8 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa. WANTED Good Salesmen on large commission or salary. A.\O TKAVULJXG AGU.Vl' * C'OKiJi.SSIO.V ( The "WHITE" Is King. This is the verdict of ull liidlob who havu need the \Vhito Sewing Machine. See jt before b'uyititf ' > > ' other. OFFJCW , U05 Middle Uroudwuy. J , M , BROWN ,