It # * > < . * \ _ . 'THE OMAHA DAILY 'BEE : TUESDAY. OGTOBEK 30 , 1883.-SIXTEEN PAGES. 5 INVEST YOUR MONEY IN GROWING PROPERTY ! DUNDEE PLACE. The most desirable and beautiftlly situated residence property in the city of Omaha , the ground having natural drainage and located on the high land adjoining the city on the west. The grading of all streets in the addition is done by the company without cost to the purchaser of lots , the system of sidewalks will be on the Detroit plan , making every street a miniature park , and giving shade for all houses , duplicating the best portion of the far-famed Detroit residence property. Parties purchasing lots in this addition must examine thoroughly the following restrictions inserted in all deeds to PROTECT THE PURCHASERS OF PROPERTY. First The said premises shall be occupied and used for residence purposes exclusively for a period of fifteen years from the date hereof and for no othe purpose whatever , Second-No residence or dwelling house shall at any time within said period of fifteen years be erected or kept on any lot hereby conveyed , wholly or partly , within twenty-five feet of the street line in froiit-of said residence-or dwelling. Third No residence or dwelling house built on said lot at any time within said period of fifteen years shall be erected on any lot hereby conveyed costing less than twenty-five hundred $2,500 dollars , exclusive of other buildings and improvements on said lot. Fourth The premises hereby conveyed shall never during- said period of fifteen years be used for any immoral or illegal business or occu pation ; nor shall any spirituous or malt liquors be sold or bartered away on said premises during said period of fifteen years. Blocks or half blocks will be sold to those wishing ample grounds ; average lots sold , 200 feet front ; smallest lots sold , 100 feet front. Par ties purchasing will not be required to build at once , but can secure choice sites for future homes. The price at present is low. Terms : One-third cash ; balance 1 , 2,3 years. Every purchaser receiving a deed on making the first payment. "We invite homeseekers to carefully investigate our proposition and terms for first-class residences. Call at our office for further particulars , building loans , payments on lots , etc. Our salesmen are ready to show the property at all times. T T _ SOLE OWNERS OP DUNDEE PLACE , Room 25 , Chamber of Commerce , Omaha , Nebraska. W. K. OPl-A-IO- , IT. ID. , "V"io © "W. IK. IKITJIR.T'Z ' ; , On.eral : /FOREWARNED / IS FOREARMED , Republican Voters of Nebraska Put Upon Their Guard. LOOK OUT FOR BOGUS TICKETS. Iho IiatcHt Scheme of the Democratic managers to Secure the Klcotion of tlicir Candidates Lin coln News Notes. LINCOLN BUJIBAU or TOR OMAHA USB , I 1W9 ( P STIIEBT , V LINCOLN , Oct. 29.1 I Bogus election tickets are abroad in the land. The plan of these tickets is somewhat original , but they bear the ( stamp of democratic genius and knav ery. The play ib not only made upon I' ' the republican party , but also upon the union labor party. Under the caption of "Tho Republican Ticket" the presi dential candidates are intact and also the electors , but the first name on the state ticket is that of John A. McShano , over the words , "Democratic Candidate for Governor. " The union labor ticket receives the same deal. But following the name of McSh ano on the republi can ticket is that of George D. Mioklo- John for lieutenant governor , and then that of Isaac Honthorn , the union labor candidate for secretary of stato. The name of J. E. Hill follows for stale treasurer , and that ot William Poyntor for auditor of public account * . These tickets have been scattered broadcast over the state , but the package that came to Lincoln fell into the wrong hands , and the scheme of the wlly.dom- ocrats explodes before the oppor tunity comes for them to do any dirt. But the desperation of the democratic party lenders is none the less apparent. They evidently intend to secure prestige and representation by fair moans or foul. As soon ns Chair man Richards discovered that buch tickets were Hooding the state ho nd- drcfascd a letter to Attorney General Loose for hlb opinion as to the legality of such tickets , and secured yesterday evening his reply , which is as follows : Your communication of the 2Gth inst. is at hand asking my opinion as to the legality of a ticket headed republican ticket , with the name ot another there on , not found In the regular ballot hav ing such heading. In answer thereto I would state that under the provisions of section 115 of chapter 20 , entitled elections , all such schemes to deceive the electors are de clared to bo fraudulent. D Sect Ion 110 of same chapter makes it a criminal offense for any person caus ing ballots to be printed with a desig nated heading , containing a nitno or names not found on the regular ballot having euch heading. Or , Tor any per son to knowingly peddle or distribute any such ballots. Tha statute is remedial , and to arrive at the intention of the law makers wo must consider the old law , the mischief nnd the remedy. With this rule In view there can be no doubt but what the intention of the law makers was to avoid any deception that might bo practiced on the elector. And I would deem it the duty of th-i canvassing bo.ird to re- fiwo to count the vote ot anyone whoso name is printed or patted in print upon the ticket , unless the name of that por- eon is found upon the regular ballot having-such heading. The ticket sent mo for inspection is , headed 'republican ticket , ' and contains tbp names cf presidential 'electors.1 Now under the word 'state' on such ballot to irint the words 'democratic candidate or governor , ' or 'prohibition candidate or governor , ' or 'union labor candidate or governor , ' or any other officer , and allowing thereafter a name not found on the regular ballot of the party of iuch heading , is , in my opinion , an il- ogal vote for such candidate for gover- lor or such other ofllcor. The heading is 'Republican Ticket. ' The words 'democratic , ' prohibition , ' or union labor , ' candidate for governor , as printed on the ticket , is a designa tion of the officer to bo voted for ; a name found thereon , other than the name ! ound on the regular ballot , is but a schemes or device to mislead , and con trary to law. Tlio only method by which such name can bo legally counted Is for the elector , or some other person , to erase the name found thereon , and write in the place thereof the name of the person the elector wishes to vote for. Any other method is in my opin ion illegal. Yours very truly , WM. LEKSE , Attorney General. IMPOUTANT NEBHASKA ENTEItl'UIbKS. Articles incorporating the Nebraska and Dakota Bridge company , the Ao- way Valley Creamery and Cold Storage company and the Bank ot Omaha were filed with the secretary of state to-day. The articles of the Nebraska and Da kota Bridge company state the object of the association is to baild a bridge across the Missouri river at or near Ponca , Dixon county , and lay on or over the bridge railway tracks for the moro perfect connection of any and all roads that may approach the city. Wagon or vehicle routes over the bridge will also bo constructed. The company author ize a capital stock of $2,250,000 , which is divided into 22.500 share of $100 each. The bridge will bo built and operated under the rcstriciions and terms con tained in the charter granted by the United States governing such enter prises. The incorporators of the com pany are ns followb , viz. F. M. Dorsoy , John Plough , S. K. Blttonbondor , Bailey Davenport , J. W. Radford , D. C. Sherwood and S. C. Mnssoy. The Creamery and Cold Storage com pany llxcs its principal place of business also at Ponca , and will manu facture butter and buy cream , eggs and other farm produce. A capital stock of (0,000 has been subscribed and paid. The business of the company com menced on the 21st day of August and will continue for fifty jcars. The Bank of Omaha shows existence since the 1st day of September. The articles wore then filed In the recorder's olHco of Douglas county. It is recited that business shall continue under the corporate name for a period of twenty years , unle&a dissolved bv the confront of a majority of the stockholders. The capital stock is fixed at $100,000 , and may bo increased as business demands. Frank V. Wassurman , Charles Breasted , August Bonbon , M. B. Powell and U. P. Nccdham comprise the company. 60U1 > KOll THAYKK. The Grand Army boys of Lincoln are Folld for the re-election of Governor Thayor. There will bo no half way work on their part to secure this result. At a special meeting ot the post , called on last Saturday evening , there was a full attendance , and the action of the Call in bolting the governor WHS dis cussed pro and con and denounced in no unmonsuicd terms. Resolutions were introduced favoring the solid support of the order to Governor Thayer , and to-day petitions have been circulated all day long among the old soldlera , and. TilK l\KB \ representative is reliably informed , with splendid re sults. It is stated that with a single exception , oo far n peon , the boys have agreed to stand by him nrst and last and all the tlino. It la perhaps well to state , however , that the mooting was not called for regular business work connected with the order , but as a body of citizens to discuss the best interests of the state in the preferment of guber natorial honors. So the charge of "ollensivo partisanship" cannot bo made against the boys. NE\V KOTAKIKS ri'IU.TC. The governor to-day appointed the following Nebraskans notaries public : Peter J. Hanson , Plattsmouth , Cass county ; S. A. Searlo , Nelson , Nuckolls county ; Walter M. Koeimn , South Omaha , Douglas county ; A. L. Ilowbor , Hoskins , Wayne county ; William P. Minnany , Omaha , Douglas county ; R. J. McClelland , Rivcrton , Franklin county ; M. A. Hall , Omaha , Douclos county ; Carey T. Beggs , Stockville , Frontier county ; C. Jensen , jr. , Jensen , Jefferson county ; John P. Aruott , flem- ingsford , Box Butte county. CITY NEWS AND NOTKS. Dora Uhrman and Mary Harpster filed petitions in the district court against their respective spouses for divorce to-day , on the grounds of cruelty , desertion and failure to pro vide for their comforts and wants. They say they prefer to fight the battle of life alone. Hon. Josiah Rogers , of Syracuse , ono of the most prominent democrats of Otoo county , v-as in Lincoln to-day. Ho concedes the election of Horn , repub lican , to the houbo , and when pinned down was not so sure but what the whole ticket was on the road to victory. Two young Bohemians , aged forty- five and forty-two years respectfully , were married to-day by County Judge Stewart. They hail from Crete and answered to the names of Frank Novak and Mrs. Antonia Nowatino. They looked as happy ns a youthful married couple newly wedded. T. J. Mahony , of Omaha , and Colonel E. D. Webster , of Stratton , were regis tered at the Cnpltal hotel to-day. Colonel Webster lias his eye on san guine democrats with money to give away on the result qt the elect ion. llrouehr lii a New Conundrum. Chicago Tribune : "I have got a conundurum , " said the visitor , timidly sitting down on the corner of a chair , "that I think is new. Why is a man who lavs out a now subdivision like pickles ? " "Because he c-c-cumbors the ground ? " hn/arded the real estate editor. "No , that isn't the right answer. " "Because , " suggested the exchange editor , "it makes him sour if ho doesn't ketchup with the " "No. no ; that Isn't it either. Give it up ? Because ho makes lots of acres. See ? Acres achres. Spoils the teeth , you know. Makes acres into lota " And then they rose up as oue man and threw him out of tlio window. Tlio late Hon. John Wentworth used to give the following account of the man ner in which ho gained the cognomen by which ho was so well known : "When I was going to school down in Connecti cut I was the longest , skinniest boy you over saw. I was fourteen years old. I used to have a habit In those days of getting my heels up on the scat , so that my knees towered above my head. I wna sitting that way ono day in school when ono of the examiners came around. Ho said to the teacher , 'What's that boy doing standing up on the bench ? Why don't you make him sit down ? ' The Tlio teacher bald I was sittin' down. 'That's the way ho hits'said the teacher. 'Who is hoV' asked the examiner. 'John Wentworth , ' saiu the1 teacher. 'He's a pretty long John. ' aald the ex aminer , and over since then it's stuck to mo. " _ * Merchants hotel , 15th and Fnrnam 2 per day , day board 92-5 per.month. An Anaconda In the Street. Now York Sun : John Burckhardt , of 41 First street , had nine feet and six inches of real anaconda neatly coiled up in a market basket on tlio lire escape outside of his parlor window. It came out of the manhole of a bower near the corner of First street and Second ave nue on Wednesday afternoon , just as school was letting out at Grammar school No. 79 on First street , a few doors awa.y , and hundreds of children wore pouring out. When first seen it was gliding along First street toward First avenue. The children saw it and shrieked : "Look outfor the crocodile ! " screamed one of them ns they ran. Their cries brought hundreds moro of persons flock ing from doors all along the block , and heads appeared at every window. The school janitors and other grown persons hustled the children back into the building and up the high stoops in the neighbornood. As the snake moved along , men , women and children tied before it , screaming warnings to others ahead. At first the snake took'its time about covering ground , but in a minute or two the throng , pressing closer behind it , apparently annoyed or terrified it. It stopped and threw itself into a coil.with throe or four feet of very vicious look ing body vibrating upright from the center and a mouth eight inches long gaping open to lot a forked tongue spit out. The children screamed louder than over and everybody that could run did so. It was at this moment that Mr. Burck hardt first saw the snake that ho had celled up in his market basket. The noise in the street had called him to his window , and just as lie hud taken ono look at it the creature sprang for ward. Mr. Burckhardt's hair still rises perceptibly as ho tolls of it. "I could just ROC It as it Hashed by , " ho said. ' 'Four men had run out from the wheelwright's shop with whatever they could lay hands on for a club. The snake stopped again , seeing the crowd , and made itSelf into a coil ready to spring. Ono of the men jumped for ward and hit it a terrible blow on the back of the neck. It dropped to the pavement and before it could got up again the rest of the men and every body else that could got anything for a club wore on top of it hammering the life out of it. It fought desperately , but it had no cliinuo. ) " The snake is ijnd4oubtedl.v a genuine anaconda , nearly full grown. Its body measures oaailyla foot in circumference ut its thickest part ) and its length was verified yesterday by Mr. Buckhardt. who stretched 'it out on his lloor and measured it. It is po cut and bruised from the boating1 ( t had with clubs that it is doubtful if i its skin can bo pro- served. It is suplx > sed that it came from some South American vessel un loading at nn Esftf river dock , crept along the sowet-s ! 'and ' along them to the place whoroMt reached the street. Some sailor probab'ly brought it from South America. It may have come from there when young , hidden in fruit or other cargo , and have grown to its present size in the sewers , but that is not likely. m A. Sea or Seiuor Water. Now York Sun : A company has pur chased the Seltzer spring at Saratoga , N. Y. , and will utilise its watorb for the purpose of liberating and storing , in liquid form , the carbonic acid gas with which it abounds. To do this , oxton- slvo arrangements are being made upon a largo amount of invested capital , The establishment of the plant is under the supervision of Mr. Oscar Brulil r , a German export. The' Seltzer spring , located on Spring avenue , waa developed by Dr. Ha kins i Icb3 than three years ago. The drill was put clown to ii depth of 600 feet. At this depth an abundant supply of water was found llowing from a crevice in the rock bottom. A few days ago , to assure himself of the depth of the spring , Mr. Brunler sounded it with a line and plummet ; but instead of resting at 600 the weight sank the whole length of the lino. ! X)0 ) feet. Other soundings have since been made , the weight used being a piece of inch gas pipe flllon with lead and weighing thirty-four pounds , until a depth of 3.300 feet has been reached , and yet without touching bottom or any obstacle. No further sounding will bo made until in struments expressly designed for the purpose can bo procured. Prof. Brunler admits it as possible that the line and weight could have been carried away by some powerful current , but ho holds to his original be lief in the existence of a mibterranian &ca of greater or less extent , and that there is undoubtedly some connection between it and the water of the ocean. In other words , that Saratoga Is over a vast wutor-iilled cavern , tlio roof of which is about 500 feet thick. Ho albo thinks it probable that at a given depth and temperature carbonic acid gas may bo found in a liquid form. The specific gravity of the liquid gas is about nine degrees lighter than water , which would readily cause the water to climb 300 feet above the" ocean level. Should the existence of a subtorranian nca bo established , It would put to flight many theories and scientific speculations as to the bourco and course of the many min eral springs hero. A Word to YOUIIK liadios. Five Talents of Women : We must give all the nice , modest girls wo know credit for not consciously endeavoring to catch husbands. If men fall in love with them and desire to marry them , and they are the right sort of men , and the girls can love in return , well and good they marry , and hoixi to ho happy over after , but they will not run after men. or think in everything they do or say , "Can I catch a lish with this b.iit ? " It must , however , bo confessed that there are girls who , instead of making themselves useful and calmly resting in their maiden dignity , think only of getting married , and use qucbtionablo moans to achieve their purpose. For getting the proverb , "Tho more haste the less bpeod. " This bert of girl not unf requently assumes a "fast" style of talk , manner and dress , in order to make herself attractive to the opposite sex. In doing BO she makes a great mistake. Fish may nibble at her bait , but they will notallow thoinbolvos to ho caught. A loud girl may attract atten tion and liavo half an hour of popu larity , but she Is a. type of the short sightedness of some of her BOX. Men of the baser sort may amuse themselves with her , but no man worth having would think of marrying her. There is a liberty that makes us free and u liberty that makes us slaves , and the girls who take liberties with mod esty of speech and manner , and who cross over the boundary line into mus- culino territory , are not morn free but more slavish than before. And the ap probation of men , which is the end in view , is loat by the means taken to gain it. Whatever men may bo themselves , they like gentleness , modesty and purity in act and thought in women. They want their wives to be better than themselves. They think that women should bo the conservators of all that la restrained , chivalrous and gentle. Ho Spilt in the Wheat. Chicago Times : When his roynl high ness the Prince of Walei visited Chicago cage , John Woatworth wu muyor , and one of the nldormcn was Fernando Jones. Mayor Wcntworth mapped out the programme of entertainments for the distinguished caller and his suite , and each day during the royal sojourn some ono alderman was designated to head the procession. It came Alder man Jones' day , and ho took the party to the grain elevators. Mayor Wentworth - worth was in the midst , for ho went every day as the generalissimo , the al derman being merely the master of do- tails. The largest elevator at that time was the ono still standing near the Illi nois Central station. The blooded vis itors and the escorts inspected thor oughly. Alderman Jones directed the gaze of his highness to a mammoth hop per filled with the golden cereal of the northwest , liis highness was then an overgrown lad who retained some boyish manners. There never was a boy who when ho looked into a depth did not spit in it. The Prince of Wales gazed into this great depth of wheat and , un consciously perhaps , ho spat in the hop per. Mayor Wcntworth was standing some distance from the scone , but ho called out so that everyone in the party heard it : "Say , prince , your highness , you mustn't spit in that wheat. Don't do that again , please. " Not only the prince but everybody prebont roared. Mayor Wontwortn then came around to the hopper and apologized to his highness. A gentle man who was present and hoard this apology repeated it to mo to-dny , as nearly as ho could remember it. Mr. Wcntworth said : "Your high ness , this wheat is to bo loaded in the vessel down there , and is to pass through the royal dominions of your highness' mother by way of the Wclland canal , down the St. Lawrence , and then to betaken taken across the ocean. This very wheat is to go to your highness'mother , her majesty , the queen , aa a present. She may huvo it made into bread for the royal table , your highncbs , and I don't want it spoiled , Your highness will understand why I spoke so abruptly about your spitting in the wheat. " A Hurled Cedar Forest. Donnisvillo , ( N. J. ) Letter : An in dustry , the like of which does not exist anywhere else in the world , furnishes scores of people in this part of Now Jersey with remunerative employment , and has niado comfortable fortunes for many eituons. It is the novel business of mining cedar trees digging from far beneath the surface immoiibo logs of sound and aromatic cedar. The fallen and submerged cedar forests of southern Now Jersey wore dis covered llrst beneath the Donnibvillc swamps soventy-ilvo years ago , and have been a bourco of constant interest to geologists and ( .cientibts generally over binco. There are standing at the pres ent day no such enormous specimens of the cedar anywhere on the face of the glebe as are found imbedded in the deep much of the Donniuvillo swamps. Some of the trees have boon uncovered meas uring six foot in diameter , and trees four feet through are common. Heading Off a Prohibition Committee. Boston Courier : She was a Boston woman and although the accidents of her life placed her in u prominent po sition in a western city , eho still main tained the courage of her convictions , and un independence which savored strongly of Now England. The city whore she dwelt was at ons time greatly given over to the vagaries of the prohibition movement and Mrs. X. was teased and badgered to a degree which she could ill brook. After she had been interviewed and written to and solicited to help the cauje in one manner and another , she was oue dajr Informed .that a committee of women wore coining that afternoon to make a last effort to induce her to join the prohibition movement. Mrs. X. smiled placidly and gave her ordora to her servants. 'When the visitors ar rived they were met with much cor diality , and the conversation kept , by the cleverness of the hostess , to strictly impartial subjects. Just as the commit tee wore clearing their throats to broach their errand , the door opened and in walked a procession of demure maida bearing trays upon which were punch , wines and liquors in moro variety than the horrified callers had probably over encountered. Of course they all de clined the refreshments with nirs of the most indignant virtue , but ovou the prohibition committee of a western city lacked the hardihood to invite Into their body a lady who sat sipping her wino with the nonchalance which Mrs. X. assumed for the occasion. It maybe added that Mrs. X. was never troubled by them again. _ The Rcliiclous Taut. Glebe Democrat : A queer state ot things is found to exist ns to using a re ligious test on the witness stand. Twenty-six states and territories forbid the exclusion of testimony owing to the religious belief , or unbelief , of the wit ness. These states are : Ari/ona , Cali fornia , Colorado , the District of Colum bia , Florida , Georgia , Idaho , Indiana , Iowa , Kansas , Maine , Massachusetts , Michigan , Minnesota , Mi.Stiissipni , Mis souri , Montana , Nebraska , Nevada , No w York , Ohio , Oregon , Wisconsin , Texas , Utah and Vermont. This loaves twenty states and territories that still apply the religious test , to their disgrace. Early Christians , in heathen courts , refuse to tuku paths ; and the authority of scrip ture is fully against it ; but the usage came in as the nges grow corrupt. It is to bo hoped no state will long retain this rolio of barbaric intolerance. It is well known thut the oath is valueless. Ono result of the street car strike in Chicago has been the formation of a citizens' committee , which will 011- doavor to force "tho Philadelphia syn dicate to give Chicago proper facilities. Tliis committee is preparing a state ment showing that when the North Side lines were sold to Yorkcs tlioro were Ml per cent moro cars in use than at the beginning of the strike. " CREAM BAKING Its eniiertor excellence proven In million * ( . ' lioniM for more th ui a cimrte.r | of a century. U U usuil by tlio United Htat > s ( IcHununent. Fn ( lorsod bythuhaailiof the great ( JlilvarHltles a the btrongoit , nureit and most healthful. lr Prloa's Cream Ralclng Powder does not contain ammonli. lime or Mum. Hold nnlv In cans , I'tllOl ? 1IAKINO I'OWm'.ll CO. NewYoric Chlcajro , St.Loul * .