Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 30, 1888, Part I, Page 4, Image 4

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Dally ( Mortiln lMlllon ) Including
lH : , Oti Veur . * .
or Hlx Months . ! > no
or Three Months . . . W
IIKOXAIU HttNiiAY line , 'mailed to auy
Bddrrs * . One Year . 200
NKwYoitKUrncK. Koous 14 AMi15TimiUNK
comiE9i > o.
All communication * reli\Un to now * and edi
torial matter Bhould bo nddreHSud to the humm
nhoiild bo
All business letters awl romlttttncei
OMAHA. nraftH , checks and tie tofflco orders to
be made parablu to the order of Ilia company.
TbeBcePiililistiiiiE Company , Proprietors ,
E. ROSEWATEU , Editor.
Sworn Htntoinnnt o Circulation.
BUte of Nebraska , I - -
County of Douglas. (
( leorne II. TMiclmck , secretary of The Ilco Pub-
llHhlni ! Company , doen solemnly nvwar that the
actual circulation of Til K DAII.V HKB for the
week endlnc October 'J7 , 18S3. was as follows :
Bunday. Oct. SI . 18.21S
Monday. Oct. ! . 1V W
Tnesday , Oct. 'J3 . l , on
Wednei'Iny. Oct. ! il . ! . !
Thursday. Oct. 25 . WHl
Friday. Oct. 2rt . , .18,017
( Saturday , Oct. 27 . 1H.UI
Aferazo . 18.0S3
unoitar. n. T/SUHUCK.
Bworn to before mo and subscribed In my
pre enco this .Till day of October A. 1) . 1 W.
Seal. N. l > . FKIU Notary Public.
Btatoof Nchraaka , I „
County of Douslai , f83-
OcorKe II. Tzschitck , being duly sworn , de
poses and Hays that h Is Hucretary of The Ilee
I'nblUhlnfr company , that this actual average
dally circulation of TUB Dut.v HUB for the
montn of October , NW7. 14ttl : copies ; for No-
Y mber , 1KS7 , l"i , i ! copies ; for December , 18t)7. )
1S.OU copies ; for Junuary. ItWS , 15'JKi copies ;
for Kobruary. 1W , 15,9copies ; for.Marcli. IKSH.
Jti.Btat copies ; for April , issi , 1,7II cojiliss ; for
Stay. 18 n , IH.iai copies ; for June , 18SS.W.2U
copies ; for July , Kv * . 18,01' ) copies ; for August.
1SSH , 1B.ISJ copies ; for September , 1MW , was 1H.1M
copies. (1KOIH1K II. T/SOIIUOK.
Buorn to before and Mibscrllwd In my pres
ence , this Uth day of October. A. 1) . IRA ) .
N. P. l-'KII , . Notary I'ubllc.
y { TIIK republican rooster la pluming
his tail fcathors and clearing his throat
for November Oth.
THK resolutions adopted by the Doug
las county labor convention demanding
that the employment of armed merce
naries in this state be made unlawful ,
wore proper ami limoly.
TliEiti : is a project on foot to build a
railroad from Sioux Citv to Ogden ,
through Nebraska , Wyoming and Utah.
It is said to be backed on the ono hand by
the Illinois Central , and on the other
by the Central Pacific. It may bo a bona-
fide enterprise , and then again , it maybe
bo another scheme to raise the wind
with a paper railroad.
TIIK voters of Douglas county are not
dumb driven cattle to be manipulated at
will on election day by the contractor
rings and combines. The day is past
when they can force down the throats
of our people their disreputable tools in
the legislature in order to insure them
selves a longer Icaso of life for robbing
ONK must take with n grain of allow
ance the statement made by the gover
nor of Utah in his annual report that
the population of the territory has in
creased from ono hundred and forty-
four thousand to two hundred and ton
thousand during the past eight years.
Utah , despite its resources , has not been
inviting ground for immigration. It
may bo a great state some day. Its
boundless natural resources and > arlod
industries give promise c * prosperity.
But so long as Mor.monism clings to
polygamy , Utah will bo shunned by the
sturdy immigration of which that terri
tory , elands in need.
completed the tax lists of Douglas
county for 1888. The total assessed
valuation of the county has boon put al
twenty-four million seven hundred
thousand , on which a county tax ol
about two and throe-tenths per cent is
levied. This is undoubtedly much more
satisfactory and equitable than tin
assessed valuation ot the county for
1887. The tax lists for this year show
nn Incrcascof about nine millions in the
assessed valuation of the county. Here
tofore the assessors' returns have bcoi
disproportionately low ns comparet
with the known permanent improve
incuts utul the consequent rise in value :
of real property.
TIIK following question is asked o
THE BKB : "How long does a foroignei
have to bo a citizen of the United State :
before ho can legally vote for the presi
dent ? " The naturalization laws pro
vide that "No alien shall bo admitted
to become a citizen who has not for tin
continued term of live years next preceding
coding his admission resided within tin
United States. " The period of resi
dence necessary to qualify any citizen ,
naturalized or native , to vote , is rogu
latcd by the several states , oaoh for it
eolf. For example Nebraska requires :
residence in the state of six months , in
the county forty days , and in the wan
ton days. It is also provided in Nc
braska that an alien who has doclarcc
his Intentions to become u citizen thlrt ,
days before an election , and who ha
complied with the residence requirements
monts , ia entitled to vote , being in thi
respect more liberal than most of the
ngalnst the payment of n dividend 01
Union Pacific while the Outhwaito bll
is pending in congress. His plea i
that to pay n dividend now is to Invite
oppressive loj'lrtlatlon. Mr. Adams i :
nothing if not Ingenious. The semi
annual statement of the earnings of tin
Union Pacific railroad for the si :
months ending Juno 30 1SSS just mudi
public shows unprecedented prosperity
on the part of the road. While londlnj
transcontinental lines report decrease
in earnings , the Union Puolflo ha
s marked increase in botl
- ita nut nnd gross earnings
Passing n dividend to throw dust in th
people's eyes is llko thu ostrich hldin
Llsiioad undtr his vrlnjj. Mr. Adam
may pass as many dividends as In
pleases. The enormous earnings of hi
road nlTord ample proof that its toll
tould ba materially reduced if the roai
vras on an honest footing instead o
being stocked and bonded for over on
hundred thousand per mil * .
Thd pt'olongod political campaign , of
which nearly everybody except the
spoils politicians is weary , is noarlntr
thp end. Ono week from to-day Iho
great political parties will incut at the
ballot box. The Intervening time will
be a period of earnest and active work
throughout the country , and especially
so in the states where the result is
The republicans of Nebraska have an
equal Interest with those of other states
in the general result , and they
should also bo deeply concerned
respecting the outcome of the
contest for political supremacy
In the government of the state. So far
ns the former Is concerned , wo believe
there is abundant room for confidetico
that Nebraska will give Harrison and
Morton n plurality that will maintain
the state in the proud position she has
always hold in the republican column.
Eight years ngo Nebraska's plurality
for Garficld was in round numbers
twenty-six thousand , nnd her plurality
for Dlnino four years ago was over
twenty-two thousand. We have no
doubt that the vote on next Tuesday
will restore the republican plurality to
the former figures , and It Is not Improba
ble that they may bo exceeded.
Many democratic farmers and workingmen -
men in Nebraska , as in Iowa and other
states of the west nnd northwest , are
not satisfied with the method of revenue
reform which the administration pro
poses , and they will cast their votes
with the republican party , in the ex
pectation that if successful that party
will give the country a reform just ,
equitable and national in its character.
The gains thus to bo made there is
every reason to believe will largely
overbalance the losses.
Hut not loss important , perhaps much
moro so , is the question of maintaining
republican control of the state govern
ment. We are not apprehensive that
this will be lost. Wo do not believe that
the plurality of more than twenty-
three thousand received bv Governor
Thayer two years ago can bo overcome
by any efforts or expedients which the
opposition may adopt. Dut it is a fact
of common knowledge that the demo
cracy are working every device known
to politics , that they are not hesitating
at any form of misrepresentation , and
that they intend to use money freely , in
order to draw votes from the republican
candidate for governor. These tactics
demand of republicans unceasing vigi
lance ana work until the polls close on
the day of election. The demo
cratic candidate for governor does
not desire that oflico for its
honor or its emoluments. He seeks
it with an ulterior purpose in view , and
if by any possibility he should be suc
cessful In accomplishing that purpose
the responsibility might rest upon the
people of Nebraska of making the Sen
ate of the United States democratic ,
The republican candidate for governor
has established his claim to the confi
dence ana support of the people by n
constant devotion to nnd faithful dis
charge of the duties of that office.
There is every assurance in his past
record that ho would continue to be
found earnest and zealous in promoting
the interests of the state , of which il
can justly bo said that ho has a knowl
edge far more general than his oppo
nent , and at. least equally intelligent.
The duty of republicans is to keep a
work. There is quite us much neccs
slty for effort now as at any time durinp
the campaign. If the zeal and enthu
si us m thus far maintained continue tc
the end Nebraska may be the bannci
republican state in the national contest
while the control of state affairs in re
publican hands will be retained by such
a majority as will fittingly rebuke thi
plans and plot tings and unworthj
methods of the democratic ! managers.
There is nothing tamer in democrat !
appeals to popular prejudice than th
effort to belittle General Harrison b ,
assorting that Mr. Blainc is really th
foremost figure In the campaign , an
that if Harrison should bo elected hi
administration would be dominated b
Blainc. The "damnable iteration" c
this assumption has latterly been les
frequent in the democratic organs thai
earlier In the campaign , but wo obsorv
that Mr. Dickinson employed it in hi
recent tirade against Blaino.
No ono can belittle the wor
that has been done in this canvas
by Mr. Blaine , or question thn
he most heartily and earnestly desire
republican success. It was inovitabl
when ho entered the campaign that h
would command universal public atton
lion , and while he has in some respect
orrcd , ho has on the whole not disap
pointed the expectations of the party
But General Harrison has been no los
a force , and in some respects his ser
vicea have been moro valuable tha
these of Mr. Blainc. Ho has held thi
attention of the country as never did i
presidential candidate before , and i
has been justly said that in al
his speeches , some eighty i
number , ho has not uttered
sentiment or un opinion that gav
the opposition an advantage. Accurat
information and sound discretion in it
use have distinguished all that Genera
IJarrl&on has said since his nomination
and Mr. Blaine has himself borne coi
dial testimony to the superior abilit
unit judgment which the ropublica
candidate has shown throughout.
Even if General Harrison had not be
fore made a record for possessing
strong , stable nnd solf-roliant uhanu
ter , il is abundantly disposed by hi
conduct since ho became the eandidat
and loader of the republican party. Bu
as a boldier il was the strong charade
of General Harrison that won him prc
motion , while as a senator he rose t
prominence because ho was r
all times and In all circumstances true t
his convictions. Indued all his micco :
in life is evidence of the stability an
solf-roliant quality of his charaetei
Such a man will not bo the instrumcn
or servitor of any other , howovc
eminent , nnd himself elevated to th
highest trust in the gift ot a great-pec
pie could'bo depended upon to oxocut
it firmly and conscientiously' , with
purpose single to the gpriernl welfare.
It is too late for any effect from th
assumption that General Harrison ,
elected to the-presidency'would bo'con-
.rolled pr dominated by tiny man. The
icoplo 1mvo learned to fully understand
itmnnd tlioy regard him as the peer in
every essential Duality of n successful
public oflloltil of any man in either
liarty. If elected to the presidency ho
would be president , and his administra
tion would bo conducted on lines of his
own making.
The chairman of the board of public
works has ventured to pacify the tax
payers of Omaha about the alleged
paving frauds to which public attention
lias recently been called by his late
colleague on the board. In this effort
Mr. IJalcombo has placed himself in n
questionable attitude. Instead of meet
ing the charges made by Louis Hcimrod
from the standpoint of n nubile olllocr ,
ho constitutes himself the champion and
apologist of the contractors. This
feature is manifest throughout the on-
tlro length and breadth of the very
lengthy and very lame defense with
which Mr. Balcombo seeks to smother
the facts cited by Mr. Ilclmrod. Chair
man Balcombo starts out as follows :
Somebody has composed a loiter "To the
Public , " ami Louis Hulmroil , late member of
the board of public works , has fathered it by
signing and causing It to bo published. The
real author was undoubtedly inspired by a
well-known contractor , who was very much
disgruntled because ho did not get the cedar
block contract J. It. Smith obtained last
spring. This contractor seems to think that
no other should bo allowed to cotno to this
city to perform public contracts , and that alt
others who liavo been doing public contract
work for this city should bo driven out , so
that ho would bo loft alone In hit story the
only pet , the king bee contractor of this great
and growing city.
Ho has a few noisy and aggressive follow
ers in the city council. Poor Hulmrod needed
their support in his uttompt to hold a posi
tion in this board another term In spite of
the mayor's wishes.
Now what do the taxpayers of Omaha
care as to whom inspired Hclmrod'd
letter , und why should Mr. Balcombo
pettifog about the plain Issue presented
to the public. Why should ho go out
of his way to talk about poor Hoimrod ,
the King Boo contractor , and Indirectly
cast slurs upon members of the council ?
Who is this King Boo contractor of
Omaha , anyhow ?
Again Mr. Balcombo attempts to side
track the question at Issue as follows :
Now to further show the animus of this
postmortem letter , your nttcntion is called
to the fact that there is not one word in it
about the work being done by Kegan Bros.
ft Fox , under the same specillcations and ex-
cuted in the same manner , nor ono word
about the concrete base of the Harbor As
phalt company , which Is being done , and
always has been done , under the same speci
fications and in the same manner in this , and
in all other cities , as J. H. Smith & Co. are
doing it. Not one word is found about a
hundred of other contracts performed or be
ing performed in this city this season. His
letter is entirely devoted to J. R. Smith &
Co. , who happen to bo the recipients of the
displeasure of another contractor , and a non
What do the taxpayers of Omaha care
about the partiality of Heimrod in
singling out ono particular firm of con
tractors , if what ho has told about the
shortage in tar and the Inferiority and
shortage of concrete under the wooden
block pavement is true. Concede that
all other paving contractors are cheating
and doing poor work , does that facl
constitute a proper defense by the chair
man of the board of public works' :
Docs the statement ho makes further
on , that no better paving is done else
where , prove that our contractors arc
carrying out their obligations ? Is 11
not notorious that gigantic frauds arc
constantly being practiced by public
works contractors in the largo cities':1
Is not the "you're another" argu
ment childish and unworthy of Mr
Balcombe's intelligence ?
The only proper defense Mr. Bal
comb makes Is embodied in the follow
Ing :
If the contractors are made to fulfill the re
qnircmonts of our specifications , each and
every day as the work progresses , our con
crete base will be all right. In this mattei
as well as .in obtaining the right quantit ;
of tar , and all other matters connected will
public work , we are dependent upon the bus
iness tact , fidelity and integrity of our in
spec'.ors who ore in daily charge of the work
I flnd that the obtaining of persons for inspectors
specters , possessed with all the qualification !
and elements of character necessary to ena
bio them to properly enforce a ricid compli
mice on the part of public contractors , with
the specifications and stipulations of thcii
contracts , who are willing to servo seven o
eight months of tlio year for only $109 pe
month , is the most difficult problem to solve
in connection with my duties.
This Is the milk in the cocoanut. Bu
is it not a fact that very good men am
men of known integrity have appliec
and been rejected for appointment a
inspectors because preference is giver
to ward bummers and political hacks
who have no other claim than tholi
pretended inlluenco at elections. Si
far as the taxpayers are concerne <
they have no prejudice againbt Smith S
Co. , Pox & Regan , or the king bee con
tractor , whoever that person may be
They expect the board to rigidly enforce
force all the contracts without fear 01
favor. They expect u thorough investigation
tigation of the charges made by Mr ,
Heimrod. If they are true , the con
tractors bhould make good the shortage
by doing the work according to specifl
cations. If any other contractors an
known to bo cheating they should bi
brought to time. The board has m
business to favor any contractor or ti
discriminate against anybody.
WHO was it that mutilated the orig
inal Omaha charter , deprived this citj
of parks , and necessary improvements
caused vexatious delay and injured th <
reputation of Omaha In the eyes of th <
world ? Wasn't Prank Morrissey ono o
that gang ? Why should such a man b <
olcctod to the legislature ?
Everyone has read Jules Verne's "Twent ;
Thousand Leagues Undur the Sea , " In whici
ho gives a description of the vessel capable o
navigating the peaceful waters below the sue
faco.and below all effects of storms. Spain ba
Just completed a vessel of this class , but tin
first nation to attempt to put into buccessfu
operation tha French romancer's idea wai
the Irish , particularly that part of it which
will not bo satisfied with more autonomy
and desires absolute separation. Hy moan :
of subscriptions among themselves the Iris !
separatists built an experimental vosso
which could bo submerged. Thoy.kopt thoi
secret well enough , but the builder was to
clato with his share of the success not ti
claim the laurels of notoriety which he con
sidorcJ duo to him , and ho blabbed. Frou
.that moment the papers were full of ac
counts of the Fenian navy , and many a ra
porter sought the saquosicruU shores of Nov
Jersey beyond Communipaw to catch a sjgli
of the monster ; that was going to ;
liagland' float. Not a few wore' hospituW ;
treated by the Irish.admiral ; and enjoyed th
pleasure of cruising along Iho bottom of
Uarltim Hay. ' Engli i Uoh.''a ox-or ,
to find coil the cxiicv ? facts , but fortunately
for American ) scientists cnino to their
aid and demonstrated Uiat the .Fonlnn do-
atroyerwas a most Ingenious toy , nothing
more. To use it for purposes of warfare
would be to destroy It und consign all Inside
to n living tomb , for the Jarring of otplo-
slVcs would necessarily chatter all the deli
cate contrivances that made submarine nav
igation possible. The Spinlarda having no
money to spare have lavished largo autni
U | > on a larger vessel of this kind , tint oan ob
tain nn other results than these of the Irish
The German expedition Ito relieve Emln
Bey has been abandoned , for two reasons ;
first , because there will bo an expedi
tion to pacify Zanzibar , and next be
cause viewing matters front a com
mon sense point of view It Is clear from the
first that Emln Hey is abundantly aulo to
take cnro of himself , It Is now conceded
that the white pasba , said to bo planning an
attack iiK | > n the infthdl hi Khartoum , must
bo Emln Bey himself , and this proves that
ho Is more than holding his own in the prov
ince of the Bahr el Glmzcl. Ho was one of
the European officials appointed by Lsmacl
Khedive , and when the first Mahdl Mo
hammed Achmct burst out of his cavern , and
commenced his career of war In the Soudan ,
Emin Bey retired to a stronghold and held
on. Some pashas among his colleagues were
killed , some ran away , . ome apostatized and
Joined the Mahdi. Emln Boy held on , and
ho has gone on sticking to his post ever since.
Ho had but one trouble , and this was his
warllico neighbor , an African klne with no
Arabic alliances or proclivities , who simply
endured htm when trie forces of the khedive
were behind him , but talked of cutting him
in pieces when ho became Isolated. It Is
clear that ho has conciliated In sonic way
this potent foe. Nominally Emln 13ey has
hold his province for the khedive , but actually
ho is an Independent protcntato. This
state of things has drawn much inquiry ai
to his origin. Ho has been popularly sup
posed a ticrman. but it now appears
that ho is n Polish Jew , and that , his real
name is Edward Schnitzer. of Oppeln. Ho
married a daughter ot the Pasha of f anlna ,
but whether ho became an Islamite is not
known. His son will probably call himself
a sultan.
A Frenchman writing to the Soleil of Paris
makes the curious proposition that the House
of Orleans shall come forward nnd purchase
the unsold bonds of the Panama canal's last
issue , of which only two-fifths were taken
up. The Orleans princes having Inherited
the millions of their miserly old grandfather ,
Liouls Philippe , are in a position to do this ,
but it is to bo doubted that they will. The
writer urges as the main reason for his pro
posal that Prance la upon the verge of a
vortex , and requires above all things to bo
saved from financial ruin , which would bo
precipitated by the bankruptcy ot tlio Pan
ama scheme. The reward for such nn act of
devotion would bo the return of the nation tea
a monarchical government under the Comte
do Paris , the older of the Orlcanist princes.
In the mean while that tireless octogenarian ,
Do Lcsscps , is traversing the whole of
franco , going from city to city , endeavoring
to form local committees charged with the
burden of finding subscribers for the lottery
bonds unplaced. Tim plan is to invite each
shareholder to take two nbw bonds with the
condition that the promina is not to bo bind
ing unless the \vuoju { { mount can bo so
placed. Under such circumstances it is diftl-
: ult to give full credence to his promUe that
the canal will bo opened for traffic in 1830 ,
which seems an assutanqc wrung from his
Icsporutlon , rather "than based upon a cer
tainty of its fulfillment. '
A sepulchral discov cry'of some importance
has been made In the Caucasus in the region
of the Kooban riv'erinut far from the rail
road which skirts that gfceat chain of moun
tains , of which the lofty Elbriu is the chief
teak. In making excavations for tlio ICrlm-
skuya railroad depot the workmen came upon
Btouo work which was evidently the vaulted
roof of some structure. The ofHcial in charge
recognized the importance of the discovery
and ordered his men to lay the buried buildIng -
Ing bare of earth before attempting an en
trance. The building was seventy feet long ,
and when entered proved to bo in three
chambers with a corridor , a peculiar ar
rangement which has hitherto been con
sidered exclusively Egyptian and was
founded on their peculiar ideas of the
soul. The innermost chamber contained
crumbling fragments of iron belonging to
wheels , and to the head-gear of a horso.
With these were mingled the bones of n
horse. In one corner was a great amphora ol
clay whicii had contained wine , from the dis
coloration of the interior , and a silver drink
ing vessel. Near the latter was u heap of
glass beads , evidently of Egyptian origin. In
the soeond chamber was the skeleton of a
female quite youthful , from the teeth. Mixed
with the bones were ornaments of gold and u
number of pigeons cut out in thin gold plate ,
which apparently had been placed over the
whole body. On the bony wrists were
massive gold bracelets with heads of horses
at the point of junction , and boslde the skull
was on each side an ear-ring of gold filigree.
In the third chamber was the skeleton of a
man with n quiver of silver inlaid with gold
containing a number of copper arrow-heads.
Thcsoobjects have been sent to the Hermitage
museum und have been seen by many arclnu-
elegists , who are delighted ut the obvious
conclusions that ttio Scythians are much
older than has been ooliovcd.
The congress of the Argentine Republic
has become alarmed at the speculative fevei
prevailing in Buenos Ayres , and has will
great prudcnco shelved every new railroad
scheme that was brought before it. This
elicited a clamor of protestations from vari
ous promoters of extraordinary undertak
ings , and particularly from gentlemen repro
scntlng the Interests of a French syndicate
who propose to build a railroad from Monte
video through Brazil and Paraguay to Bo
Hvla , and thence to a point on the Pacific oc
Peruvian territory. The cost Is to be twc
hundred millions of dollars. No wonder thai
the Argentine congress has called a halt nnd
proposes to investigate before permitting the
investment of any more foreign capital. The
Argentine Republic has a vague suspicion ol
a great truth , that enterprises based on for
eign capital are of great detriment
to a country , draining it ycarlj
of immense sums under the head
of earnings which go to the foreign bond
holder und do not return again in any shapo.
The banks of Buenos Ayres are Hooded witli
foreign gold , and yet thu paper currency ol
the republic is lower than it over 1ms been
before , for the gold premium is quoted at 4S-
percent ; .so thnt the odd spectacle is pre
sented of a gold plothpra in the banks and n
gold scarcity in the country. It is obvious
that this state of things is duo to the foreign
indebtedness , which amounts to $ 'jr 0,000,000 ,
The population is onef&ctlc ; and has great re
sources , but it is small , amounting to onl.v
H.000,000. This means ) a debt per capita ol
$ S.'l. ! < : j. It was indeed tioio to call a halt ,
Maybe the reflections of , f.he Argentine con
gress will not ultimately bo for the benefit ol
the foreign bondholders , for they may for
mulate a law that a tnan 'must go with hi ;
money. If ho invests" In Buenos Ayres he
must live there. Otherwise tlio old La Plato
will suffer the fate of Ireland and all othci
countries cursed with Absenteeism.
A Noble RItmfiment.
J'/if/adfljiJifd / / / > V < Mril.
Thu whole country 'Will be gratified witt
the decision of the New York court sustain
Ing the validity of Mr. Tilden's will. Thi
foundation of a great free library was per
hops , the best i > ossib5o use to which Mr. Til-
den could have devoted his wealth. It will
bo the means of storing up the Intellectual
harvest of the whole world for the benefit ol
whomsoever shall hunger for it. A iiobloi
monument to a great man's memory coult
hardly bo conceived of.
Ijo ( ho Poor Indian.
Chicago Htralit ,
Tho.rod men of the American forest hav (
fallen upon cvU days. The government U
after their reservation , the greedy Oklohom-
lies are trying to dispossess them of India !
Territory/and / ( .ho confessions , pf tynrgarot
Fox-Will destroy the'active busmcis tun
dead Indians bavo done a.s spiritual "con
trol. " The tn.ost sociable nnd entcrtafnlng
spirit Visitors at tlio seances have been tha
j'raves nnd sijuaws , but Mrs. Fox has ex
iioed Hiclr tricks nnd their manners , nnd
ihoy will probably return from the happy
limiting grounds nq more.
When the C.-UT are Awnjr.
Cfmldiitt Lit iiiler ,
Treasurer Axworthy Is In Canada or Eu
rope ; Mayor Hnbeock Is in Toledo ; the
mayor's clerk Is somewhere out of town ;
City Clerk Salon ii In Virginia ; City Engi
neer Ulco Is In Virginia ; City Auditor Athey ,
the man of nil others whosd presence U
needed to unravel the mixed up accounts ,
hunting with Salon nnd Ittce hi Virginia.
Not a single democratic head of department
Is In his place In the city hall , nnd the treas
urer has run oft with half a million of
money I What a flue "business man's ad
ministration 1" Turn the rascals and Incom
petents out.
Tlio Country U Safe.
Commercial Jlnllctln.
Despite the fact that the presidential elec
tion Is only a few days off , the reports from
many parts of the country continue to show
an Increase in commercial activity. The re
turns of manufacturing and industrial oper
ations generally are unmistakably favorable.
New mills , now machinery , extensive buildIng -
Ing operations , unprecedented activity In
railroad transportations , unusual orders for
now tonnage in all divisions of domestic
shipbuilding , and increased clearing-house
returns in many of the leading cities , arc
among the signs of the times which leave
no room for doubt of the prosperity of tlto
country or of the determination to push for
ward regardless of the question who is to bo
elected , and without reference to the vain
attempts of the campaign orators to show
that the safety of the nation is trembling in
the political balance.
A Mutter or Season * .
From tlic Octan ,
The season's o'er , the girls no more ,
With skirts just to their kncos ,
Trip 'long the shore where Breakers roar ,
For chilling is the breeze.
Within the hall , at play or ball ,
It is iot proper thought
Short skirts to wear , and so with care
They to the floor are brought.
But , In distress , girls flnd their dress
Too short their needs to meet ;
And so they bare their shoulders fair
To cover up their feet.
They Gather Autumn Leaves ,
Hound Nature's woodland altar *
The wind forlornly griove.s ,
While hollow-eyed defaulters
Are gathering autumn leaves.
West's Letter.
Pioneer Press : "While you blawsted
Hamericans are hinvcntin' fire escapes , why
cawn't sum'un hit vent some kind hof a let
ter escape , you know ! " Lord Sackvillo
Minneapolis Journal : Minister West's bad
break is likely to result in the retirement of
two men from public life. Ono suclls bis
name the sumo way that Minister West does
his und the other spells his nanio the sauie
way that air. Cleveland spells his.
Glebe Democrat ; A French minister was
once recalled from this country for writing a
letter that was insulting to the Taylor ad
ministration ; but the letter of Lord Sack-
vllle-Wcst was inspired by feelings of ex
ceeding respect and friendship for the Cleve
land administration , and hence the prece
dent in the Frenchman's case does not
apply to that of the Englishman.
Inter Ocean : "Daniel i
"Yes , sir. "
"This Sir Lionel Sackvillc-Wcst business
all upsets me. Daniel , what will our Irish
subjects think of us ! Wo must act promptly
or there will not bo ono of them left by No
vember 0. Daniel , telephone Bayard to order
Mrs. Victoria to remove the remains of Sir
West at once at once , Daniel they are
offensive. "
Chicago Tribune : The worst feature of
Minister West's letter in the o.ves of demo
crats will bo the blunt and direct manner in
which ho has given away their game. Al
ready some of them are calling him "a
chump" nnd other opprobrious names. It
was well understood after the rejection of
the llshcries treaty between Secretary Bay
ard and the British minister that the retalia
tion message of the president was to be sent
to congress for political effect only , and this
explains why it made no sensation of consequence
quence in Canada , and why no diplomatic at
tention was paid to it In England.
Millionaire Flood is still living. He Is at
Heidelberg , attended by his sister Rosine.
Mr. George W. Cable has returned to Bos
ton and resumed charge of the great bible
class in Tremont temple.
Carl Schurz sails from Germany for the
United States on the 27th. If his ship makes
a speedy voyage he will arrive just in time
to vote.
Mrs. Humphrey Ward , whoso "Robert
Elsmoro" has made her famous , sketched in
her first novel about four years ago ( Miss
Urctbcrton ) , an actress , as the heroine , and
a great many people felt certain that Mary
Anderson was the original.
Colonel R. M. Aulisfer left Insurance poli
cies aggregating fi.W.OOO. These are In the
Now York Equitable , ? 100,000 ; Now York
Life , $100,01)0 ) ; Massachusetts Mutual ,
IOOO ; Peim Mutual , $10,000 ; New York
Mutual , 815,000 ; Northwestern , $ r ,000 , The
losses will bo paid , the agents say.
Governor Moonlight , of Wyoming , went
hunting some days ago with a friend , and
each took opposite banks of the stream. His
companion raised a flock of ducks und let fly
both barrels. The governor , who was in
dulging in a yawn at the time , received ono
of the shots In his mouth , and hereafter will
doubtless hire a substitute- do his hunting
or his yawning for him.
Lord Tennyson is not , as some people be
lieve , enshrouded in Impenetrable- gloom , for
ho has relaxed again Into social gayety of a
mild typo. The poet regards Mary Anderson
with nn affectionate interest and considers
her "a living , breathing poem. " During her
recent visit to the poet's home In Now For
est , she was appointed high priestess of his
Lordship's pipe. Sim filled and llu'htcd it for
him , and hud conferred upon her the title of
"Ministering Angel of Tobacco. " So says a
late special-cable.
Miss Frances E. Willard , president of the
Woman's Christian Temperance- Union , now
in session in Now York with an unusually
largo attendance , is editorially i > okcn of by
the New York Sun as "a model presiding ofll-
cor , dignitlcd , quick-minded , and vigorous. "
The sumo high authority says that the oratory
tory of the Indies at the convention Is of a
high quality , reasonable not less than emo
tional , and sometimes felicitous , and the pro
ceedings are worthy of the admiration which
they command from all observers.
Chauncoy Dopow was recently called upon
for pusses for republican speakers over the
New York Central railroad. "I can't do It
I won't do It , " Dopew replied , with a bland
smile that did not hide his seriousness , "I
wouldn't Imvo let the company do such a
thing if I myself had been nominated for
president. It would cause talk so damaging
that you might better pay treble rates for
the tickets required. But I will make but u
check for your treasury Instead. " Depow
thereupon wrote a check for $10,000.
King Humbert Is so hi that two physicians
are in constant attendance upon him. Con
sumption Is fust wasting his Iron constitution.
The empress of Austria Is said to own
twenty pet horses and twice as many dogs ,
after whoso proper entertainment she per
sonally sees every day.
The prince of Wales attonJod the Jublleo
races at Vienna , Sunday , but had the news
papers suppress thn fact. His royal high
ness stands In a good deal of awe of his
Too czar , as a memorial to his late parents ,
has devoted 1,000,000 rublus and an estate
worth 300,000 rubles a year to the foundation
and maintenance of an institution for the
blind at St. Petersburg , to bo called the
Alcxandcr-Marlcn Institute.
Pfmco Eugene of Sweden , youngest son
of Oscar II ; , recently sent hi Ills resignation
as a member of. th Swedish ' order of Frwt-
masons , for tho'reason thnt ho thought the
society In Scandinavian 'countries wa8'"anl
mated by atoo conservative spirit. "
Count van Moltko , In hU letters to tha
present emperor of Germany , always nd
dresses him as "Most illustrloust , most puis
sant emperor-king , most trnicious kaiser *
king and lord herr. " The' ' emperor's ropllc *
nro addressed to plain "Molu ileber felduiar-
schall , "
London papers are very sarcastic In their
references to Prltica Albert Victor , wuo was
recently quoted by ono journal ns an author
ity on racing matters. Lubouchcro writes in
Truth : "t have yet to learn thnt Prince Al
bert Victor is a recognized authority on this
subject or , Indeed , on any other. " Poor
prmco I
Kaiser Wllholm's latest edict that all bills
ot faro ut royal dinners bo printed in the
German language is bolng obeyed by sub
jects outside of the royal household ixs well
as these within. The French menu has dis
appeared from Berlin society , the bill ot faro
oven at "swell" dinners being printed In the
German tongue.
While Prince Bismarck was Inspecting his
fields not long ago , two of the reaping women ,
following nn old custom , seized htm and
bound him with bands made of straw. The
great diplomatist submitted with anparont
good grace , and bought his release by paying
n liberal ransom. When ho rode away In his
carriage the straw bands were still fastened
around his arms.
It is said that the Princess Maud of Wales
carefully collects , In the yards of Snndring-
ham house , and In these of Windsor , Balmo
ral and O.sborne , all the peacocks' feathers ,
and begs them also from her young friends
of the Kngllsh nobility. With this plumage ,
received without cost , sue makes pretty
hand-screens and sells them at bazars for
the profit of poor little children.
Queen Victoria has begun to develop a
great fondness for the game of whist. She
is not satisfied to let a day go bv without
having her rubber. She Is not a brilliant
player , but she tries conscientiously to sat
isfy her partner. These about her are beginning -
ginning to be bored by nor Incessant longing
to indulge in the game. She can stand a
long siege at the table , and often wearies
those who arc playing with her bv her disin
clination to quit. It Is said that she hates to
lese her money as much us though HIO were
poor for she plays the good old English
game of a guinea a corner.
NctirasUn ,
A Presbyterian church was organized at
Loup City lust Sunday.
A lady passenger on the Union Pacific over
land pave birth to a boy while the train
stopped at Sidney the other day.
A prairie dog exterminator hus boon pat
ented by a Buffalo county man and ho is
busy cleaning out dog towns for so much un
Ducks are very plentiful at Silver Lake ,
Sheridan county. Ono man succeeded in
bagging twenty-six before breakfast tlio
other day.
Frank Chase , of Overtoil , has a little lump
under one of his cars caused by the wheel of
n wiigon loaded with twenty bales of hay
passing over his neck.
The programme is now being arranged for
the meeting of the North Nebraska Teach
ers' association , which is to bo held during
the holidays at Columbus.
Mrs. Olof Krarer , nn Esquimaux lady , dc-
livered _ an interesting lecture in the Congre
gational church at Eagle last week. She up-
peurcd in her native costume made from the
sitin of the polar bear.
A horse thief named MikoChclaski.wantcd
In Illinois , was arrested in Loup City nnd re
leased on * 500 bail. When the Illinois oftl-
cor arrived to secure his prisoner it was
found that Mike had Jumped his bonds and
again run away with the stolen property.
The ladies of the M. E. church at Chadron
will give a political dinner and supper on
election day. The lodios are arranging to
accommodate all classes of voters , and will
spread a separata tnblo for each ticket The
prohibition table will not bo provided with
high wines.
The Nebraska Farmer asserts that if the
prodigal son had gone out to service in Ne
braska in 1SS3 he would not have been
obliged to till up on husks. Hardly , for the
yellow cars are plenty and to spare. Some
immigration committee should wire him U
his address can be ascertained.
Mr. I. E. Wilson , a young man who came
to Eagle last spring , ami by his peed graces
wood und won one of the best young ladies ,
has disappeared under circumstances that
give serious apprehension among Ins friends ,
and severe comments by others. He leaves
behind him an indebtedness of about $1,000 ,
mid it is believed ho 1ms skipped for good.
Sioux City hopes to uet an electric car line
A holiness convention was held at Sac City
last week.
A female evangelist is conducting revival
meetings utKingsley.
The Davenport , Iowa & Dakota is the only
railroad in course of construction in Iowa.
The West Branch Record has an apple that
measures fourteen inches around the waist.
A wagon load of apples for a wagon load of
corn is the kind of trades that are being
made near Albion.
The vinegar and pickle works In Burling ,
were destroyed by firs lust Saturday. The
loss is estimated to bo about S > ,000.
Two young fellows returning from the rally
at Wapello Saturday night got into u dis
graceful fight , ono of thu participants1 fingers
getting chewed off in the encounter.
An equestrian performance not previously
announced was witnessed a few days ago , ut
Esthorville , where a woman mounted h'or
horse man-fashioned and unconcernedly rode
The baldhcads at LeMars are having a
feast. A racy seduction case , in which
Lizzie E. Henricks is plaintiff and Will
Hogun is defendant , is being tried in the dis
trict court.
An "original package" that found its way
into Clarion ono day last week was taken
from the express oflice on a foreod order and
then stolen four times before it was tapped.
It was then left hidden for a time , when tha
various raiding parties united und went In u
body to resurrect it. It was gone. Not even
the hole where it was buried remained.
Thn Business Situntinn.
Cotninciclal DuUctln.
The past week has been one of many and
varied developments in six'culation nnd busi-
nc&s. Ono of its prominent features has
been the increasing influence of tlio political
agitation. Its general tendency Iras beun to
ward an abatement of the speculative excite
ment of the previous fortnight , und u grad
ual return to more conservative methods , ac
companying great activity in agricultural
and transportation movements. The long
awaited increase ) in exports has not yet man
ifested itself , but tnuro has bocn nn immensi ;
Increase in the volume of railroad trunk1 ,
and general business throughout the country
lias continued to exceed last year's activities
at this season.
\ Shnrp CrltlclRin upon The RCO'H San
Francisco Correspondent.
OMAHA , Oct. 25. To the Editor of
TIIK Hun : While porutilng the col
umns of your valuable pajiur , I noticed
with pleasure the caption of an article
from your San FraneiHCOcorrespondent ,
und that belli ? my homo , I commenced
to read the aforesaid article with the
greatest avidity. I found it quito in
teresting until I came to the part where
the writer Bpcaks of "Judge Terry's
hopes , " and the sympathy that is now
felt in California for "that wayward
pair" being babed upon the popular
hatred of injustice and the power of
Ho says , "We hate our millionaire ! ) ,
they have been robbers and upoilora
and oppressors over since they nceuml-
latod wealth. Whenever ono of thorn
drops into hl& collln thorc is a chorus of
oxclamationa of 'Thank God ! another
oppressor gone ! ' Who mourned for
Charles Crocker ? No ono , for he was
one of the Central Pacific thiuveb. "
How dare he make such an atrocious
assertion ? Did lie think while writing
thla article for your paper that Ornuha
was so far from California that its mill
ionaires wore unknown to you and Its
readerb ? that ha could malign th6 liv
ing nnd the dotulTrith impunity , hoping
that the words Written by his vonomotm
po'n might bo bollovod by.somo , nnd a
fllmdow cagt on the name cu California's ' )
honored men ? It is linrdly possible to
conceive of a man who has so little re
gard for the truth as to wrlto thus. The
thought forces itself that a man who
can spunk so of the dead must bo do-
prlvod of all the finer instincts of man.
His nature possesses no conorous im
pulse ; no promptings of his heart will
cause him to throw the mantle of
charity over anyone. If it wore BO ,
his pen would have refused to have
written , "No ono mourns for Charles
Crocker. " lias ho forgotten that there
is.a tearful , loving wife nnd children
whoso life will never bo the same again ,
for thov mourn the lews of a devoted
husband nnd n loving father. Tha
writer of this never know him person *
ally , but know him by his reputation ,
his good works and his charities. They
have boon silent , but thousands of
homos have been blessed by his secret
muniliconce , nnd many , many llttlu
homeless waifs have been cared for ten
derly , and they , with thousands ol
others , lament his loss.
"Ho was ono of the Central Pnclflo
thieves. " Oh , it is very plainly BOOU
that your correspondent was not a
searcher after the truth , or if informed
of the issues of the day , they not being
en rapport with his desires , he rejects
them. The enormity of hia conceit
ns Obeing endowed with so much
more intellect than the ordinary man
is bliown by his positive declarations
which would fitly place him by the aide
of "Veto Cleveland. " 'Tis true thai
until the last few years Senator Stan
ford , Charles Crocker , and their asso
ciates wore mostly known in the east by
the blunders related by Borne unknown
person , as to how they accumulated
their wealth , but to-day there is no rea
son for not knowing the truth. The
pooplc have only to read the splendid
argument and vindication made by Col
onel Creed Haymond before the RCtmto ,
the highest tribunal In our country , as
it is now published In book form and
should bo read by all. In it is ahown
that the Central Pacific railroad company -
pany have faithfully complied with all
the obligations to the United States ,
and it has boon affirmed by the
solemn judgment of the supreme court ,
that our government has refused
to pay this campaign money earned and
due them and so UK- record stands , YOUB
correspondent doubtless belongs to that
class of men who , seeing that ho dooa
not possess the mental caliber to bocomu
a leader in remunerative- enterprises ,
cries , "Down with the monopolists , down
with the demagogues. " If living where
such millionaires ns Senator Stanford
and the late Charles Crocker is to bo op
pressed may such oppressions oontlnuo
indelinitely , and may others arise to Jill
their places as public benefactors to tha
same extent. Their names should only
bo spoken in the kindest manner. It fs
to their great genius and intellect that
the now glorius state of California owes
it pile-nominal prosperity.
They conceived the idea In 1800
of building n railroad across tha
Sierra Nevada mountains. Although tha
project seemed insuperable , they , by
energy and privations hardly to ho
credited now , accomplished the greatest
miracle of the ago , the binding of the
contlnents.and with the branches which
now emanate from it to all parts of our
state , have developed and advanced it
thirty years. As years went by the
Central Pacific company prospered in
their undertakings , nnd have received
their just remuneration. They do not
hoard their weal th , ' but give from it
bountifully. Where was over anything
known like the great munificence of Leland
land Stanford ? Ho has given twenty
million , the greater part of his wealth ,
to public charity. Oil. would that tlioro
were more men like him , nnd his good
wife , whom wealth could not despoil of
her kind , womanly Instincts ,
goes hand in hand with
her noble husband in his good
work. Would It wore as natural and
easy to remember the gr.od ono roads as
the vile slanders thnt seem to bo the
undeserved portion of our public bene
factors. Mils. II , M. I' .
Them Sweat.
Detroit Free Press : The colonel had
boon jawing all the forenoon about "tho
durned lazy niggers , " who wore idling
about in crowds , and when lie found
about 200 at the depot to see the train
come in ho boiled over. I told him it
was the usual sight of every southern
town , and that it was none of his busi
ness whether they worlffcd or played ,
but he went over and sat down on a bar
rel and conspired with himself how to
make them sweat. Uy and by he came
over , and climbing upon n bale of cot
ton he said :
"My friends , in coming up from Cal-
cra I lost my wallet out of the car win
dow. Whoever finds the $150 in it can
have half. "
He had hardly ceased speaking when
a hundred shouts arose , a mob moved
down the track , and in another minute
we wore alone. Next forenoon wo
passed some of them twenty-one miles
away , heads down and oyou searching
the ground , nnd the colonel wont to tha
rear of the cr.r and encouraged them by
calling :
"I think it was about six miles further
down , and you can have the whole of it
if you find it. "
Women tn
Glebe Democrat : The fact is not gen
erally known that women are already
occupying place * and doing work ill
iron mills and in manufactories of wire.
Three years ago the men in a Pitthburg
bolt manufactory gave BO much trouble
that they were displaced by women.
Tlio venture proved to bo a marked sue-
C"c , so that tlio omployoiM could not 1)0 )
ituuicod to go back to inun and boys.
The wire mill , which was established
about that time , took up with the idea ,
and again everything worked satisfac
torily. Then a hinge factory wua
opened to them , and once more the
\yoinon proved better workers , more re
liable and less troublesome than their
male rivals , flow fur the innovation
will go can not DO estimated. Kvidontly
the end is not yet scon. Muanwhllo
girls as aucojmtants and otlleo helps are
winning their way. liy and by the
boys will have to agitate for equal
rights ,
A Good MUI'H Unou.'iHlni ; Ijj\l > or .
Washington Post : Archbishop Cor *
rignn's /cil : in thu prosecution of dioce
san improvement allown the million
aire Catholics of New York little rest
from well doing. Ho is a frequent vis
itor at the houses of bankers , merchants
and brokers. His benevolent face is
well known at thuir business olllccs.
Ho has the best pobaiblu argument for
generosity in the example of his own
munificence. It is said that Ills salary
as archbishop is not far frorru$20,00 ( > ,
and that with frequent gifts and the
interest on his personal property his
income is of goodly sizo. But ho uses
little of it for himself. When ho oska
u wealthy parishioner for $1,000 for
some religious or charitable purpose ho
shows him n subscription pnpor on i
which generally appears hidownnamo
for a much larger sum. Ho has now
ruibed enough toward the diocesan 6eni
inury to innko It a comfortable fact.
Sarah BunihimU ( titanding on weigh
ing machine ) /.tire ( tea a mocs take I [
do not weigh BO rnoooh. Ho. scale la in-
oor-r-rcct. Ah ! I .seo. Zere eni a My
On zc .scale. I wcel d-r-rlve it awuyl