. - - , . . . - , - - : , . : : ) _ . - - ; - - - - - j- ; ? - - # -4 - : ; . , - , . - . . " - . . - . . - - - - - . - - . . - A ; . . . - ' - - . . _ . - - - - . . - , . - - _ , . . . - - - - - - - - - * - - - - - - - * - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - , . _ _ _ _ _ _ T . - ' - ' _ . ct _ _ ; - . , , , , - . , - - . : -T. _ : - : : : : -T : : : ' : - - : . - - ' . I . . . . : S - ' ' . . ' 4 . . _ . ' ' . . . j THEOMAHA DAILY BEE : TUESDj. , OOPOBER O,1S8a-STXTEEN 'PAGES . 15 . . ' . - - - - - - - - - V R'SCOOUNDOF PURE COD LIVER OII'AND LME I 011r04 Cnitj.hq , Coldq , ANt1I inn , Itron. otittis , IebIII y , Wnsi ) . ntt SCt,11111)1tl ) II U 'l'o 0N1 Al.l. . Are 7"I tifliirIiu from n Cough Cold , it iitliinn flineiItI' ) . I ) ? liii r o I I ho % ft r4ou pu I no fury I rc II IiP thKL 4 , ni ton ( ml I ii ( nii .ii in htIuu ) ? II un % hII'ot' I'uru GoiI IIvr Oil and T.hiiie , " i , I fu nuI U ru nieIy , VII I ( ) rIUUr k IrIira : thnn. liii I I retiI ha ny urec'rI hiol b' thu in gth : ih fnctiht y. % I anu liu to I I I only Iiy % . II. % Yi 1.0011 , CIienIst hIo. ttI. . MhI by ni I ( IrIiZgIt' . - OMAHA MEDICAL and SURGICAL INSTITUTE , ; ' S ' llii ; _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1i1 . ( I I . N. W. Cor. 13th & Dodge Sts. 101 Till : TIIgATME\T or A T.L C1llOlliC iiiEI llc81 BiO App1iarico for Doformt1oz a Tro. IloRt facIhhth , nppnratu ahiti rerethe for ful trtattunhiI Ut every form of dhitnoo riuIrIug doi1Icn I or surgical q're1tmeIt , FIFTY ROOMS FOR PATIENTS. floart ntiI uttounflco ; b03t IiopttnI aecoturucdft tt ( ) ' I ii the wtt. ' will u : init CtflCflt.AIt $ on Iolorrnltlo ) , nnd 1hraeo. , TruMu , ( 'huh , Iot , ( IIrvatLIrt3 ) f thu ptne. ItIu , I'ii nhsr , , ittIcer. Catarrh , . lirorielt ItIq InIiI itt lou JIoctrIcIty , I'irtIy.is , Eihh'sy. Kidney. lhhiohthtr , Iyo , : ar. r.kIi , ui4 IIImd , ufl1 all urgIo'tI Oporntlon , Diseases of Women a Specialty. IliOI ON Ihsi.tsEM Or WOXIN 1itiE. I OITLY flLtA3LE MEDICAL I1ST1TUTE M.tINI ( A PCIAI.TY OF PRIVATE DISEASES. All Ihhoo I II'ao' ) s1iihIy trcatiul , SyphilItic I Vloti rtiziuveI from , io ,13'.telI without niereury. Now re.14ILItIvo treatment for iOM4 f % 'ititl Ijwor. a &or,00 , IIIIItiO to vi'I L tI Ijifly ho treittI at I , i uuio hr corrJouhIcno. A I I ( 'O1OmUfltCtIOfl Coil 11(1 en tini Mudietn,4 , or Instrunc&t , . , IL by rughl or oxprcM. 'ociiruIy IIckpci : , no niiirk to iiclirito .nntiIit ( or aejider. ( HiO renal interview hiroforred. anI coriilt 1P4 or .enit history of your case , ui , ! we will Cutt In lIahii urn ppur , our : i BOOK TO MEN. FREES Upon I'rlviilo , S .ochil or Ilerouis Djono. Inipo. tericy , $ YJIIlI. iiuot int1 ViricoceIo. with , quetloii Hat. Aihilrcii Osnuha 411et1Era mu ! Strtco , , Institiic ( , or IL1. 11IeMENitM , Cor. 13th' ' itoti Iodgo ) Sts , . OMAhA. Nebiaska NatillaI ilank. U. . DEPO1TORY , OMAHA , 1ED. j FaId Up Capital . 109,000 , _ 4 Siir1tliis 50,000 IL. V. YATP.t4 , 1'roslteflt. Lisis S. RKEI'lto I're8IIlont. A. fl. Touz.tL1N , 2IIC1ico I'rekl.nt. . , \v II. l3 hIUiIIt4. Ca1iier. 1)IIIECTOItL v V. tOIoE. JOIIN S. CII.I.INS. 3 II. V. triM. : I.EVISS. liu. ( .1 fl. 1'OUZ.tI.IN. . 1Jflkl1g ! 0111cc- THE IRON BANK , Corner 1tht atul l'nrnutit Sts. t : A ( cfleraI IItutklii 1luiiieiTr.tusttctcd. \ ( PR ADO1AHA CITY LOMi. The , nsas City InYc:1ffl6n1 : Ca , I ) au cnncr of Coitiziterte , 7. 0MAI14. NEll. No d1yg. All business donu at this office. Health is Wealth ! \ L. / _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Dii. I. C. Wir S NXRY MID ThAT1 TfiIA. I hysteria. Dlzb :1I I IeR COflYU1S1on , hilts , 'ervoug Neuralgia. : I t His autie , Nervou. Protrnt1on. caused by th I I ie of aicetiol or tobacco. Wa ¼ eftIuee. Mental I I , , pre'atoll. Softening of the lirain , reiulttng t I nian1ty. an iesdlujt to misery. decay antI , d.th. einature Olu Age. flarranness. Tos ol . ? In either ICT lnvoluntazy Losea anti F. causea by over-exartion of ti riL aeif.abtae or overlndnlgence. Reob boi ontJ.ni on montha treatment $1MO a box oi ix 11.3 for * S.OG iint by mall prsp&J4 ou x ) S p of w GVRATEE NIX ) IOXES ) ocur.aa7L Witbeach sr4 rsoti-.db U. . for .lz boi. accompanied with 11.00. wi ) 11l ceni ts prcbaser our wi'ittsn uarante money if the I ffect a cure. Uuarnteea tsusd on1 by C. F ( IOODMAN Dnigalst , Sole Agent. 111 Fainati trMt. 01D.6. Nh SteckPiano Jieniarkable for powerti5p. . 1 thttc tone. pliable action and a' . .hii.aurahl1tiy.Jyeararecord , Ii beRt guarantee of the axe. ) ! \ liie of tunste intttriucnta , i . , WOODBR1DCE BROS . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Mainy men era unmindful tue laYs of henhtti and ex'o thotnoIve5 II ) a'l ' khtol , B URING weather. iuch hlupruIenc ( often rolults In Uiugorott Coughs , Cold , , Chest l'ahii ! AN lIhauniihint. Selathct : an t . .thter itlnfiii Iihictlon. IIg I $ ox t PIAgTIII will 103 COurt thp tuosi rijhhable E XCITINO rPtlIeIIy known [ or the I'rotn ( rullef nn4 euro of , ticlt ii , titruti. It kei UI. It hielth 11(1w of 111(1 1,10(1.1 whitn thi boIy I , UXIISeI tIth ( . P REStUENTtAI Of thin tutill hticlenictit % Vt nt he ( 'tiretul btIY ( t , will Rtk ( ( ItItN'M 11.AM rElt uttil rolu ! ull otitera. WSeitd two cott rintup I CAMPAIGN Fettbury & Johnson , i lt Sired. N V. . for ii t oiy IXItI uLCTIttX $ IttUJ Til I : ltl rot , . a yttluablo Iiuuuht , book. VE IAYIO F8xx. HOW TO ? .O. ( I.o.tVInr.ndMnhnM It..torat. i'r. . , IrN mtt. Itechln. aid Fuii.etlon.I dnr. N d.rrur.d whio.4gt.uwch MItcineI. STRONG ' MAITOV co.lrtrts..io'L PENWVUOVAL W.IPERIU am , ucct.Uhly taoch monthly by ovt.r 111.001) Ladles. AreSafe Lffectualondilcajott $1 ) byrnahnratdrugglsts. &nje4 / .jbrtCulars . poataga at3rup..i. AtitIrss Tiza EcuexA Curuicjx. , brrrrr , Ltci , . Ji ? . ( a6 ( thu b , icuiL 'ij 000dHaI I DruuCo.Onsalia , b. , ' ItIgfl lhagtVeounIycg OrnI. , al saLiiia.etlon In the I Co 6 DATA. curs of Ooicrhtr3 cr.cl . . . . .aract..4 . .I 14 . .a.aa1ri14s. . ( heel. Ire3ctboltnC c 1311 In rlotnmQ. lug It to nil att crers. &ubitgi2. CinalnuaU 1. J. STONCITd.D. , I Ohio. Doctur , III. a.rt Sl4 by Drugkt ! . ½ KIDNEY all urtnary troubfe. easily. qui _ _ _ . ly . antls.ifeiy cured by 1)tCl1r ) t'i' V. aUlSat31were.jtcaJescttredlu seven d.tvg , ) c _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ii.Mhzerbr all 1rttip1ts. or by zjett fioii I ) A1 1LhVti.tebt.N , YutilI flIr.rt'ott \ L LtY4) In tte ! MoItntnhtlM. Thu iuxt ( tty alitor the nhlittr itt l3ur- tOti's , IIItS it writer lit the 1)utrott Free l'i osii1 wont ( ) VOF to Androsv8 Ftjrk , I SOVCO ( Ir e.lgIit inUc ttw&i ittid wi iIndo IioitrtI.v wclcoiiio at the lutgest of th three cabinit. Andruws had it 1 lauglitor about tWCiht yC1LI old , anti I 1 Soon tiiidctstood that slio wits to lnitrriCl hiuit tlity. liidecd , the lucky young Iflithi svhIs OIL tIit j.rOtlhI(1 1111(1. wititltig. 110IILS Li , six-footer slim iui a toothpick , ttwk- ward tt ! 01 cult. 0111t1 1etttl lii Itve. The gr1 wits sIy , but not to bo bluffed by ) II reselhCoVhOIl I tiiiteretl the front door the young inati. who iinswcred to tiltI TIItIIO Of 1)avy , FiLth out a ! the baek. lie lolL confused and cinhtrrnsed , ittiti , ttkiiig libi scat on it Iot niout thirty feet from the Iioiiie , he hid Iiii face it II1U'II ItS lOilIO 1.CItltId i sttiiliii L. i\11 drews c'illod to him. tlieitIr4. . drews CttllC(1 , hu t he 1itlt lits lliigtit iii his itioutli 1111(1 ( would not cohilo. 'I'IICII liii , siI.tit WIJIIt ( Jilt itiiil 4h11(1 ( "Now , ltvy : , wIiltts thu striininnge ? I1ult 1111511t COOlO to Iiuit wIu I 'SI ititit SClIPt. " 1'lieii Comb 'tong in. All of us viII lie tsIiitinc(1 ( of ye. ' ' ' 'Chit it bald llLvy , Its ho liuiig Iht(1c. 'Yes , otful honest. Fcc13 like It 'uti split. ' ' "Shucks ! You's hailitful. Yous itft.hIitl he'll poIo fun tt w&uns. But he Wohl't Davy. I'ops titihl told Ititti w&ru to jiiii' ILIII1 lie $ US it'tI right. IIe'un Woti't bill , Itvy. ' 'F'ur shore ? " "F'ui stitilco shore. Coitto lii , Davy. " She ciune , loading him by the hand , ttiitl I di'l ' my best to put him at his ease. Iii this I succeeded so well thttt tifter ElihlIlor he took me into his iionti- (1011CC. We were lying under a tree , an p I Iittd giveti hint the lirHt cigar he evei' SaW , svlteti lie suildetily said : ' ' \\oiili OU lull lt\Vfl3 ? " \\TlitL ! Ironi getting married ? " I , " sir-c-el You man to "No , - - are a lucky get siali IL girl as Sue. " ' 'Rut foIic'1I lull. " "Let 'ciii ' ' \mid wink , tUtU titter , and make fun ! " ' 'i'oohitVliat of it ? " 'Its just trhul , , but inobbo I kin o it. I've killed l'lLVS mtiitl rattlers and wild- cits , tiitl I've hiitl : lights tout rows , but this skeers mc. " I got Ii ill ) hntced UI ) tutor miii hiour't talk , and thou we took a cut through the woods to see the new ( ' : iliIi rhicht had been Ci'CCtcl ( for the bridal couple. It SVIIS LI huinbe sti'ttCtUro nuide of poles , with no door to the doorway anti no VilitlOW. 'l'ito grotitid sits beaten down hihttl for the Iloor , there was a rude fire llhtCC ) at otie citil 1111(1 8. bedstead had been initde of poles laid in crotches. Iavy's niotlier had given hiiii a bear Spill , 0 kottlo. a skillet coin jug , and these wore placed in a cociicr. Susan's parents hind giveti her a pan , a kettle , th rca I I ii Jl it tes , two spoons , two k ii ives 1111(1 forks , mtiid a bottle of vinegar , and these we ro lilmiccil itt another corner. 'l'iiitthiS the whole outfit. 'I'Iie IOOUII taincers wolo my friends. rn,03 , , had gone to every jroulle ) to oblige inc. and hero WItS ifl opportunity to rC'thhte ( ( their kindness. There wits a geii Ii I it e Coil ii try store htlOlit 11. 111 ile as hLy , itiitl I got Pill ( If 1)avy and voii t t1ovii there. I ! a little talk with the storekeeper , and wrote out a list of things itn 1 tendered the pity , and his s.Oice aictually trembled mi lie said " 1'vclve hull dotlars ! Stranger , ye can't nicini ! " 'Ohi , but I do. " "And iffi free gift to Dave amid Sue ? Wrttll , it boats strpints ! 'Doed , it beats l'LtFS and vildciits 1'ut it. that' , stranger ! I've seed strange things iii my tilno , but this clutters inch" That evening Andrews and his wife had to go over to sit up with a sick neighbor. leaving inc alone with the lovers. After the 'sputter" had heeti lighted Site said to ti'e ' : " You won't keer , will you ? " "About what ? " 'Aiitl POP said you wouldn't laugh nor titter. " titter.Vhmtt " \Vhmtt "Davoutid inc is goin' to court. " "Go right ahead , my detLi' git l. 1 am very near-hightod and hard of hearing , antI you nceilimt be afraid of me. " They siLt dOWII on the dour sill , and aftem' i minute lave queried : " 1Ititi : t 1tOlOlV ) lookin' , be thar ? " : ' 'Gtie44 tiot. " ' ' ' ' ' " 9'Iien I'm gaul' to ! ' ' ' ' ' 'No , you hain't ! 'But I must , 'causo I oitor ! " lIe put his arm around her waist , and there was another long silence. Then m he said : "Kiii I squeeze yer ) "But I " \Vehl mobbe. " "Aiid you haln't hissed me fur an I hour. " "lInt I orter be kissed. Andyon ortor be kissed. " " 1 can't consider. " "But you ortor. Nobody'll see. " ' \Vel , iiiebbc you know best. " "Cotrto I ktio'best Haven't. I killed b'ars nitl wildcats ? ' 'tSartin. fur I seed their Itids. " "Don't sot 'wiLy oil tltar , Susan ; sot clusser. " "But you orter. Your pp would say yer orter. Ilttlit't WO most ttWrtili , mnobbo I oiler. " " \Vu's gwine to be crackingly liapy.I 1'os. . " "Never git mad ? " 'tNoap. ' ti mvotit off to 1)0(1 antI left them there , 0 timid I shouldn't wonder if they flut in If most 0 ! the night mit it. At about IC a o'clock next morning the imeoplo began S to drop in , and at II the marriage tooll plnco. l'hie groom had a weak spoil but I braced hiliti up , and when the fatal noose was adjusted and the tr.tp sptiimm his conduct was fair to medium. At tot It. ditimior we formed in procession and escorted theni to their ticw nomo. Al most everybody had ootno laden with ii jiresotit of sonic sort. Iii the center o ' 0 thu cabin wits my surprise , and no cromv Lu of 1)001)10 WOrO uer 50 duuibfounded , t Mrs. Andrews diow time articles oul : . and it tuok ovoryouc's brcutn as sh hi slioutwi : "Hoiti tea and coffee and saloratusI . 4iid hero's cotton tloth muid 1)1115 and thmrcatl ! And hero's sugar and muolasse : mind boap ! 4'tud hero's crockery-rca crockery-amid knives and forks ant 81)001)5 ) - But all thu woman vcro crying b that time anti nil the men wore trom biltig with excitement. They laid it am to me and I had to own Ufl and then An draws called out : 'Yere. Dave , Sue ; git right dowi yere on yor knees and sw'ar to tIll stranger that you'll potluck with hum - . an' his'a as long as grass grows ant wttor ruims , and many the Lord never desert sort hint ! " AtmI who could asic for a greater re ward i' - - - . Six gold medulsawardod Jaiwis' Brand NO3tft SO&i ) Mines. 'rerrutirual Enterprise ; In Ncvad ; are sovor3l doposLt of mineral s&ap - One of those had been worked for thrai L. or lotte year : 'I'lmo soap Is sometime 1' itlaija up lIlt ( ) cakes a It come frein thu i. miiitmes , but usually it'is toned down bi . ailinixtuto with v'arious other soap. . it - ) akottt and \Vyotnltig arc- also de1oits , f natural Soul ) . tti regions wit ore odmt , iorax 1111(1 imilitcial ( hits 1tiOtitttl It In cii ly mecessary tO bring these ltgrcdlents , ogethor iutd it thohti ) iiiliie Is the result. [ lot spriitgs ttS.SiSt voly materially in initing tuid concentrating the materials provided 1) imuturo. 'I'lto hloal ) found ubout lint Spriiigs hi therefore getiorally litirtler ultd mtmotc porfeet tiunti that it- lured in time dry mvitv lii attil about the Iasins ) of extinct lakes. 'rime waters of Owemis and Mono hikes arc so thorottgly saturated with bortt atiti soda In solu. Lion that the tuitlitloim of mumy olcngltiotts imiatter produces soap. 'l'lme waters of Mono utica rodticc myrimt'Is of grttb4 ( which utter a timimo heroine flies ) , which tue vnshetl itshorc , ittid iii 801mb ilttces fot'tmt leltCimeS It foot or two iii ( lIJtthi. ) 'l'lme oily mimittter contuitteil in the grubs 01' flies , tin iting with the alkali iii the water of tIme lake , forms it de1tsit , , of soIIJ : nit inch or tWO iii thiekmtcss each year. 'Ulitis , in the coiite of ages , a dePosit - Posit of ttutuitl soap of greiit depth hits inmilt ti , IJIt the ( Mist stdc of the alkali lakes whore the worms are strantloti -tue prevailing winds boitig from the west. 'l'lucse ieculiar , grttbs are the otil , living thing fotititi in the watems of tItttO and Owens iakLs. At certain seitsolis liii inscetiverousditch , called the siooti-hLl1 , frequotmts these lakes. ttiid fectilnir upon the ttqttatic flies and grubs becotites so fat that it can tuirdly fly. hunters kill the3u spoon-bill ( hicks lot' their oil , its the gi'ub on which they feed ltmiintrts to theta a fishy taste so strotig thitt they cannot be eaten-ox- edit by I tmdiatms , who eat both mrornus and ducks. Ducks killed by imutiters mtimtl lost are sometimes loutul in tIm watet s of the hike. All the fetthicrs arc citteti oil the fowl by the allcalino silutioii , anti the layer ( If fat beneath tao shut ( tin immch iii thickness ) is found to be ciiitimged into soap. hmitrd as tito best castile , and beautifully white. For nearly a third. of a ceimtut'y those delicious , pure atid ecoitotnic tions , Van Du.cr's F'Iavorimmg Extiacts , have led the vmimguard : in poni1nrity of articles of their ehuis. mmci' hits dispar- ltgitmg competition been ttl)1O to shake for a single day the faith reposed in theni by the Anmerican peolhle. The bottles of these lxtruots commttiim : sur- plums titensure , a pout t of superiority t.eL' , IiVitlS , ltti(1 ( time lIrOCOSS by vimicii they are iretitretl : jrevctits ) contamnina- tiomi mvith any ueleterioussubstamice. IIou % ilSIititie ' 'Stociced Uit. " The New Vet lc 'l'ribuno'smashmimigton correspoim tien t tells : tmi atnusi ii g story coliCOt'n immg lr , i\ICSil1tnes lirst insight into \Vashiimgton pout ics. After ro- viewitmg the iiiitiimmcr of securing his election thmo correspondent goes nit to say that whoim ho caine \\Tashington ho confided to a fi'iemmd that ho wanted to ' 'stock u ; ) ' a little upon political history - tory ammd other subjects which he supposed - posed were ucceessory for a well- rounded commgressnmn. Together they visited a local 1)00k-seller who has simp- plied litciature to statestnetm for mimoro thati a gemmeratlOim . lellerson 's s'orks , together with several lives of the Sage \Iotitieello , were tue iirst intrchiitscs. 'I'Iioti caine other books containing imoth- ing but simon-pure domnocritey. When it goodly quantity of these Imiul been so- leeteti time book-seller sugg"steu that it would be well to have sotnethibg on the other side. The cOtigressnIan 1rflhm1imtlY asseimted. A rare and valuable editioti of ' 'Time I"cdoralists" lmapemmcd to catch his eye , nail he atonco OVdCVOd the sot. Senator Edmumnds lint ! beoim bolting at the same edition with a view of pur- ohma it , and the bookseller was , not ttnxiuus tO tot It go with the s nor was heard from , But.tho cOflLri.osoitt1t uiotn lccln'aslcu di uot Propose to be made secotmdary to titmy New England sonntormid ho got "l'he Federalist. " Tue mnisfortutme of it nil was that ho hovel. got time to read even the Jolter- sonian precePts. There are tmot many democrats iii Nebraska , yet , small us the number is , the olhicos were hot otmoutch to go rouimd , and " .Eohnny" l1dc- Shano's whole time was taken U3) iii trying to divide the patrotmage equally. Now , ; [ ite.r his library has 1on shipped out to Omnahitu aitti ho 1111L3' iimmd leisure iii which to itmtroduco himself to it. Time trick of carrying the district for a fiufl'i'rtt can't 1)0 ) repeitteil , and lie shrewdly dcchinod a i'CnOmuitlitiOim. - Cleveland & Iiai'rison agree on one point , that the best out is Jarvis' old llrantly. - _ _ - _ _ . 1k 111dm Strike. N. Y. Telegram : "It Isnt everybody timat gets wrecked at this wheat ocr- tier , " said 'roimi Field , the broker , at the Gilsoy. "i've an acqititinUtnec UI ) in Albany who has iimanagod to save a few interesting shekels out of the crash. About a year ago some obliging relative died anti left him $15,000 in cold cash. He didn't call for a hutch and blow it all in before sutiset. lie took it easy and lay low for ducics. During the early sumtner ho took a trip out to Minnesota to see Rome friends , ittiul while there was told about it chance to make money iii wheat. 'l'iic crop would bo short and ho was certain to immake. 'Sijo returned to Albany , cashed out $10,000 of his motmey , svommt bacic and mit it all on wheat margins at lit cents mm bushel. Ton days ago ho closed out lilt lot utiul Put $ lh)0)00 ( ) clear profit in imit ItClcet. Then he quietly returned to iIbamty , wont to the ollhco of Pymme , the pt'ivittO bamiher , and asked how much pr'nmeiIlO it would take to mmet hint c yearly income of 6O00. Ho was told that the safest invo.tment was at 4 POt cotit requirimig $150,000. lt\\telL , hero you go , " said ho. plant ing down a watermelon roll of bills , 4tNow , fIx it up. Put that in bonds and then draw U ) ) a paper binding inc t touch tiottmitmg hut time interest for twen ty years. i : tioii't. imeed any mimore , and I I laId it I nliglmt turti a fool. I'll tnak L will disposing of the Principal in cits I die Ichfore the time's up. The paei a drawim and ho signed It. Now lit knows ho's comfortably beyond i 3 . .Il I , iuiti cittm't cut throat with a fltt'an- cliii imiciut nxI , > ' ' \\'t1t. ; tijpt'.Ialer ) ) hold if he mimar- tia1 ? " 'JodE don't ctmow. You cami tmevct' tell yhi ; ; holds ivhuti you get a QtmlIuim ittouu4.11' Malai'itt ieac'Icre7i by , Iarvis' Brandy. i-94I I it i Itti L1klttpntly ; of' Itttt Ii. It was my trotni fortutme to be ttmvitd to mice iunb dat Mi' . Itlvlq Booths , chitt'inittg t.oLtgo elm inditum ave miuo 5113.5 It eorrqfutmtietmt of the Boston Tratmseriit , anti tiot only to ' 'pti'tako of lunch with mu , uhiuerful rest , " tint to tmioot at the sanie tlit0 tIi , , \ \ 'iilutmimVnrron , \lt' . , Iosepit Jellersoti tutu ! the latter's wife muimul tinughter. Sueh atm itmvltation alluroti 111cc it kmhldlng to fairylammd , or hike otme of those delightful tli'eitiius mvhilch vtiti hilt witeti they are at their brightest-like SOul ) hubbIes of the mind ; therefore , vlieti our piurty arrived - rived at the pretty m'ed-rootcd villa , and fotmiid only time graceful atmd gummtlo hostess within its itosiitithihe , walls , we felt thitut thii tlisappoititmnent immight iitve beeim foreseetm-titt ! : swim thitm gs were too good to ho trite , this iummong others. But ciii' 1)ieltSthte ) WItH only deferred , hot lost. Those treitch- erouis wiimds which delight in dotninitmg all intiritiors , tund especially - pecially 1itLtI1iie1 I3 emmubai'kcd on yachts , iiitd delayed the three dis- tinguisliod friends , sviio ltphearel ( it lit- tie litter , lii the greatest good hunior , making itmerry over time bullets tumid drenchings which they hind received from these same churlish wiimds aimd waves. Itli' . .Jeifersotm's hat Immul been blown overboard from the yacht , butt he regarded time loss its it very Itimiusing cii'- cuinstitnee-in fact , its the best possible joke1 tahicti in cotmimcctiotm with the liii- pi'ovmscd hiemudgeitr which luitti iCeU itttt- tily substituted for time immisslmmg Imiut. Indeed , the gemtlallty of his disposition adds no simmitil chmat'nm to time prescimee of this great actor , and is no doubt one secret of time imnugnotismit , the Imlutimos of Imis acting. Fle nmoves the hearts of all who witness his imiimnitable persoiiittiomms , iOcattso he believes that those hearts exist , and appeals directly to timeimi , as 110 polished sittitist , no ititolleetual cynic , could do. ilr.Tat'i'cii was soniewhmitt iiore grave and quiet in imman mmci' , as hofitted his itdvatmced years and itlrciudy faiiittg health. Alt' . Booth was , as always , stately and reserved iii imis beariimg , but at tue saute tiumme kindly , courteous atul hospitable , with tiiitt itlisolitto situmilicity of iIiiUttiCP that tubsoumec of all itlteetatioti which one sees 01113' in chuildrcum , Icings timid great metm I 1midcd , the quiet , utmas- suniing vitvtt _ , time simply digmuity of thcso actors itimd their families , iimm- pressed inc very strongly , mttmd seemmmed like it siletit protest ngaitmst the iitut'shi- ness ttn1 tmttrrOwliCSS of certain critics1 who CImldetUui wholesale the stage mumd all coimnected with it. The .1ofler0uu called Mr. Wmtrren "UiicleVilhiitiPhe ; was the uncle of Mi' . .Telleroti Os itii mvife , I do not ktiow vhich-atmd all treated hittu with the most niTcctiotmtte respect. \\Thlltt we lmntt-to eat oti this most in- tcrcstimmtr ocptiWm I have entirely for- gottotm---sav'thAt we begaum with the usual timmy quhitttgs otm thou' daitity siiolls that Iho ! uuiclmcomm was aim elegltnt ittul eiabort qb , and the talIle faultless - less iii its rmpo amid ari'aimgcmeuits. Time talk , f iurso , was largely about the stage , ot miiitttei's cotmnected with it ; for actors dearly love timeir 1)rofessiott , mmd according to my experience at least , alrm's ( tibout it. \\TC sroic immuohi iumterestotl in this peei bolmitmd th ho , drciL1 stage cci- mm isconccs.ivhich wore i'ccouumted for our ieiic ih , $ dlL Jefferson told mis how Ito once forgothiil part--or rather forgot - got t.htttho had delivered two or three lines' which mitice a telling poitm t In lLcmid inc Five atmd gave thmem a second tinlo. Great was Imis sui'- prise when the audience did not respond - spend Withi apliaUso , as lund always boon time citso heretofore ; but the lady witht whmoni lie wut.splmiying wimispered. to Iiini , You have iopoatod your linc. " One of our party tt w asked \Tj1ljiLni SViim- reti whether hue hail ever had a siniilttr .e.'cporienco , whereupon he told us that once , when plavmumg in tIme "Aimiericium Cousium , " lid iiit iitruck thmo nuitch by the right end iumstoad of by the wrong one , as the play required. The match caught flrc no'1 fri' ' a ummoimiont 1" " was so dis- cotmcerted thathmo' completely forucot his piiu't---imntll it fellow actor gave luimmu his lines in a stage whisper. An Absolute Ctiro. The ORIGINLA13IET1NE OINTMENT is only put up In hurge two ounce tin boxes , and is tin abs3iuto cure for old sores , burns , wounds chapped hands , anti all akin erup. tiona. tVil1 positively care all kinds of piles. Ask for the OIUGIAL ! A3IETINE OINT. MEL'ST. Sold inj Goodman Drug Co. , at 23 cents per box-by mall 30 cents. The Thing Went OfT. Otmo imight tOconoe church , says the Atimons , Ga. , Chronicle , when time prayers for tlmaniouriiers was being offered - fered Up by tIme pastor , the sound of aim ignititig muIoh was hoard iii ammo cor- ncr of the house. After prayer was over and before the bommediction was 1)ronounce tue pastor sititl "II thu young iiitttt who struck that match wilt conmo foward after service anti Icnow1ctig It , or say It was acci- ( letital , we sy'ltl OXctiSO him ; but if ho does miot the're i a maim lii this housc who ivill sift it out , mind it will cost hilts more than 1,000 boxes of matches at L wholesale. " This seoineul to fall like r bomb over the people , and all eyes won L turned to where the sound citmo. Aftem the benedictioum it youumg man came for ward and toid tim pastor it wits a 1ad wimo had struck the nmatch. On seciti hoe tIme pastor tithed : "How did ii L hmmuppeti that you struck that match , m ) , t\\Tohl , Sit i : humid it inetch iti my Itamid and itot thmiumking what I was doing rubbed It otm nbench , atud beforol knew it went off.'iY c Of course aik'svas excused , asthe ac ) was simply. ) and iiuroly umnln rimittontional. _ _ _ _ . - , j p'II _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . _ I i - . N4. ! # ' 'BEAST ! s. $ ; 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 4 ; Mustao Liniment , \ : t41 Ow 5q&a , ( i1x&x M&w ; a U Isdeath ZUWULIZIOL L i ) . I , - = . . - - N-- - ; _ : _ ' 4r . , J : 4fw OVERCOATS , IILSTERS , . FUR COATSI \Ve have mntmufucturod this seitsoim the largest stock of fine Overcoats , ever showui by any wholesale clothing house lii the country. It emnbi'aces mill grades and description of inatoi'ial. anti for woricmntinship tumid style , we claim there catm be mtothiitmg better. Prices from $10 to $50. You have the advatm- tago of one of the largest stocks to so- loot from , amid every gnrmnoimt is tuanu- factured lii such a manner as to preserve - serve time reputation of Freehand , Loouimis & Co. as the best manufacturers of Site clothing iii the coutmtry. A SUCCESSU The sale of Men's Sack Suits of the celebrated Mechaimicsvillo Suitings , at $12 , has boon quite as successful as our sale of the Sawyer Woolemis last spring. We have nmmunufactured moro of these popular goods and will keep them in iii stock for the next 30 days. Ieimiom- bei' , from different styles of All-Wool Cassimero Suits , regular $18.00 goods , in all sizes fi'oin 34 to 44 , at $12.00. Send for snnmilc s of the cloth amid self- measurement blanks. Men's Frock Suits , $12. To meet a cotistant demand for fi'ocic Stilts of the Alcchiiiuiicsvihle Stilts , we mnmmnufactured ouio lot of time dark , silk niixed mitttormu schtick we alTer iii Aletm's Sitmgle Button Frocic Suits , at the same price as the sacks , $12 for till sizes. CHILDREN'S ' DEPTI Children's Overcoats. We offer a suecial bargain in child- rens Blue Elysian Overcoats , oges 4 to 14 , a thioroughmiy reliable gurmuent ; price $5.00.Ve know this garunent cannot be duplicated for uumy such price. Children's SUItSI \yo have received amiothet' lot of Chmil- dremi's Suits , ages 'Ito 14 ; of time celebrated - ted Mechanicsvlhle goods. Price $1.50. utah ordei's which have boon on hiatid for the suit will be promptly filled. Jersey Suits. Wo are 8hmowing mu full hue of Jersey Suits in all colors tumid vrices. Freeland , Loomis & Co. , Propri t rs _ _ Cor. Douglas and 15th Streets , Omaha , Nebrasic. The Largest Clothing . , Furnishing Goods and Merchant Tailoring House - West of New York -TIlE- QHLOAGO . SilOlli LINE Q } ' ¶ IhlE Chicago , Milwaukeo& St. Paul R'y. ' The Best Itoiite trout Outmaima and Couticil Jihitirs to -THE EAST _ TWO TIIAINS DAILY iizvsvmc OMAHA AND CUUNCtL. Ui.LIFFS Chicago , - ANJhilllwaitkee , SI. Patti , Mittiiemmpoiis , Cedar Itapids , Itock islatul. Freeport , Jtocktortl , Ciimitotm , ] ) itbitqttc , Inveimport , Eight , Madison , Jaumesrille , Belolt , W'inotta , La ( 'rosse , And all other Important poInts Eust , t'orltioat and ictithteat. , t'or thrcuhi ttckt't , , cati I.II ttic ttket ltgent at 1di r-.r"uu Street. In Barker Itlock , or at Union isOtlo I tttinatn Steeper , st.d t' : flitc.t hitting Cars In the wortd are run on the maIn tine of tit , , Chicno , MIt. , , akco & St. Pant 1ittttety , and . 'very attentiont , laid to intl.Iu4ra 5T eltltrteuus etut.loyes of ISo compatny. It. Mtt.t.iIt , 4enernt Mntgor. , J. F. i'UCKFiut. Aio.ttait , Goneret Manager. A. V. U. CAiLPENTEtI , ticuerat i'aasongor and TOkot Ant. (110) . Fl. iiEAI'FC'ilt ) , Attnnt Generat irscngcr ui.1 . Ticket ARoni. J 1 . CLAItt , ( Jeneral Superintendent. . JWIICIOU8 AMP PERI8TEII " Advcrthilng has always pcOVo3 ; successful. Before placing nn . . . Newpaper Advertising constz LORD &THOMAS , 0 * onutrt.ta * azns , d1teIai4oIek8Iru OHICACO. . - THECHICAGOAND NORTHWESTERN - WESTERN RAILWAY. Omaha , Council Bluffs And Chicago1 Tue only rued to take for les Molnea. Marhaitrnvn Cetlar Itapitia , Citnton. Ition. ; Chicago , % tltwnttkoo. 504 alt POtflta Ett. 'F , , the people ot Nebratn.roio. rtuio , \ % yc.ntng , Utah. idaho. Nevttta , Oregon. iVahu. tngton and Caltfornta , It otTers atiperlor adyatagos not i.o'ht.tn by any cutter ttno. Among a tow of the nuinerouc pointa of .uperlortty oiijoyo.t by the t'atros of ttit riut.I between Onahia and ( 'htetigo are Its thin. , , trains a day of tAY coAcmmmcs.wbicit are the ttnet that titiman art no.1 Ingenuity can create. it , iAu.ACz SIFaCtlNtl CAtIS the equniof whirl , can hot I.e . found olsuwhcre. At Council hliutrI. 11.0 . tttn4 of the UnIon lachtic itaht. waf cOnflICt In union depot wIth tboe of the Chtt CU4iO & Nortttwestern Ity. In Chicago the train , of thta ilno make clone cOntectton Wittt thoacofait other Eatern lIne. . For Detroit , Colnntbia. indtanapoila. Cincinnati , Ntztgartt Fatt , litiflato. Fittaburg , Toronto , ) tontreat , Uoton , Now York. i'hiiadelpbia. itaihhznore Wits ) , . button , and alt points In the NaiL. Aak for ticket. vIa the "NORTHWESTERN" If you wial , tite belt acrontmodatholl All ticket Kuenta aeit ticket. via liii. hue. it. ilUtiuttVi. If. 1' . WILSON , Geti'h Manager. tient l'ass'r Agent , . cuttrAao. um.t.s. W.N. hAnCOCK ( ilni iVustorn Agent. 1) . it. glMttAl.I. . Ticket Agent. ( I. F. iVkST. City ra'senger Agent 1401 Farnam St. . Urn aba , Nob. DR HORNE'S i Belts I The Grandeil Triumph of Electric Science-Sd- Oent1emtn' Rritntlfic entuficalty Made and Practically Applied ; WI th Eleetrie m. 5.11DISEASE CURED WITHOUT MEDICINES aVa you Pal. . Ip the iia.'k , itIp.lIca.I or I.tmb , IT WI LL CURE YOU oa. DebilIty , i.uubngo , ( ) c.srrnl lebtlIIy. hIIurntet.m t I'arl.aIaNr.uralgha , Sclnthu.IIIaeaacaafKIdae7s , $ plmai ilaa.TorpId LtyrrGo.t , Ezhus4I. . . . EmliIo..Athnu heart Itseaae , Iy.pe.Ia. ot.sttpstIon. Ert.Ipl..i idigcatIo , , , o.Lnaa , 5 , . P pot.fley , Catarrh , 111rr. . Epitcp.i. l'onb Auebiubitc , ilydenecte. IhiooI llar..r. , Iroo.y etc. , then this b..tt I. jeat whnt yea arI. Xleetrieitg Ia.taaiI FeW Can be apptIe.t I. , any pan ultht. body. and Whole cur family , can wear It. . L eiectrtftes the Stood ' H E N ALL E L 8 E F A U LS. Every en. gemilne and u.eJ'i7v perniluien. ysoig the ( oli..wlng who bae i.oe , , : TESTIMOPIPALS cuit'-.j. htuagland. it. B. Parker and J. 11. linslett.aII on Hoard of Trati , . Chfra. A.iregory ' coii.itlston . ? gipreiantttoca Ynrdss Jluddioble , thogrsat horseman ; A. C. Woodlev. 51. P. , t Main Streem'flutfalo , N , Y. ; U. i' . ' J14ttu , It. P. . ) lormontown. Iowa ; LemueI Milk , K.nkake , , . itt. ; .ludga I. N ) turraySat.ervite ) , ltt.i E. I. . Abt.ott.upf. city water work , South lienS. lad. ; llobt. Ii. $ auiwon , Chicago poatomoet Lb. tcMichaeh. it. Ii. . Itutralo N. Y.-'Yuur belt Ins acconipliamied wttaL no oIlier remedy baa , S. .toadyu.eraaa&ndcvtnfort&hIe .ieepatnt st. ' MOSt. Mall alderman 154) Kas$53th5trvt.NewYorhc etc. WEK , NERVOUS PEOPLE. Ia. nousa's LzcT&O.M4C. I rrtro.MagimeUJeIt. R agile SaLT pn.dttsty . curm Trus.oomWuied. Oua.ranteedtbe attzuaATlssasvsLuImAuT. only ace tatho wor&dpanerathng t C. end exbauattng cc.ntInuoua ) : lecgrfo .r . ) fagrsetki cbate Oiaie. of buthseze _ -cst. ScienUfle Dut fkuttaiai 23 to I 00 degrre. of 4 . I I EJ.ctrlcity. UUELNTZIIU the anti lOteclire. Avoid joouitortftbio , . Sendluanie forpamphitot. . , .eintIa. , .owprful.t1ti. ALSO ? IW1O BELTS FOIL ISISEAIS.5. f.ffeotI , . CKDIC&L ILWrUIC BaIT In the ' alcotria suapen.orit. true wilt , ) iaia Delta. 'mur.FSRENcES-Anv banks comniercial agency orAyobog , , , oompanlra wlthm.nv etta.es . .noworth. hni.ato house inihte.go ; whiotraatudruggl.ta,5anss. iLuitauoua. ILICTISli TRUSSIS rou &IIJrVJI. Erautci.co and Chicago. u.oou curat- sans eump tot LIIVJI&tetI pamphlet. DR. W. J. HORHE , Inventor , 191 Wabash Avenue , Chicago. w. G. ALBRIGHT , Real Estate , 218 S.I5th St.Ornaha. BEST AND CHEAPEST- ALBRI&HT'S CHOICE ! SOUTH OMAHA. BUY NOW TERMS EASY . . . _ _ - - - . . - . . , - - - - - - - - - - A RCUITECT L. 6TAU8 , 1619 Xoward St. , Omaha , hac drawn p1an anti . apeclacatloni , for a 9-roots train. uuility.oomnforteconoznv and bt&Utytn away impossible in any gooti . . house that Costa from ( iiIoO to l.iJO. As more than 100 w1t be built io , I can atford W over a copy for . _ - ' antisplendid $2i , the usual fees otherwige being from . esfgns furnish d , as can be jit2e , btoTperceat.Fatentcppned for 4"or avarletyot " the aets ot planaof completed builtilngaof - ' on. IMY. in my office , ranging In cott ' unuarexper1noe ivIllguaraat aatlutactfdn ' - rllsbi. contractors .nly are engaged on my work. lattice wishing to b's lid 1S cordially tmiy1tt1. . . . . . . . . . a - . - - - . - . ' S . .S.S % -a . A . _ . _ . _ - . - - - - Kilt Suits and Ovr- . coats , ; , 'Flie largest flume of flume itoveltt'ver showim In Kilts with Overcoats to nutteim. Mail Orders. Ordorm from all parts of thmo'Ulilted ' States solicited , and will be 1mrbthptly filled. Sumiplo garimiotits will bosemt to ally address. .1 Special Sale of Sckrlet Underwear. We hmaio just i CCCiVOl ( t eompiot lltioof all-wool scarlet umulotwcar , iurG cochiiieal dye , which we offemnt the ye' nmarknbly low price of 15 cents each. All sizes , 8-i to 44. This zuriuont cannot - not be bought jim any othmorstoi for ios thmnit $1.25 , but we offer themntcloao out at 75 cents each. Scud your mail orders now. U- I _ Your Left Livir' Ar Is OUT OF OilER ? ' READ TBIS II' IT IS 1'zorl.tsry Medicine that neutij bala &s1a to prove its worth. . . - - * - - ' . K' . _ _ _ . . ' ti I ' ) . . . - I ' . , . . ' . - - I .4 I , llr CIiider's ' [ e 1ier oitters , TIle only DltlU.4 Bitters In te tjijte tteL ¶ Ilis oily Bitters recognize4 b7 the United States fn'terxiat revenue 1wa as sl'ro- notary Medicine. Lawtttmly Patentedl Nb. of tetit149 t70. Contains no tuslr'ofls.io essential olj , no tote1n subatsace or damag. lag drug. . A perfectly pure medicine. corn. U pounded from Pure Stoat herbs aud Old l'eaeht plsaisut to thu taste. gulet and decisive 'tim ' Its ect. Cures Dyspepeta or Yellow Janndie. In flY days. Itegniates the floweig. lailgorates Ijiaetlye Liver Cures Dhaea.ed Liver , Kegivas I. Kidueyi ' Improves the AmipetltoQutckly , Regulate. ttm'e Wnale ayatern. ew Life ' to Lbs waiLs $ yt4i. oLeft Lirer hitters are obi In Omfth. Nab . by the IhOwtnhi druggtst , , lttetnrds'n ! irtg Co. . ' Special Wholraate.lor ttt drug huton't0f Ncbr.tzka. Ito. taller. Uoodman aa hollow. lirug ( ' 0. , W. .1. Vhltuhiou.e , i' . iY.Spitf turd. 11am Ii. Frni4wc.rtn. betiroter' , Phiarutacy iCithtn & Co. JoIn ( hittdlahi. 51. Parr .1. A. hihhtn' & Co. w. . .i. t tughtee , .ItIn It. Coutte. C , 1. l'rleo , M.Jt'owehi I' . lt.Gent.c'd.Jnhn 14. ituitaky , Mrreht's , iharwacr .Iatne. Forytt , . it. Il Itoit. Ur. .1. J. Sayilte , C. St. Cn. 5ev. F. Chitittlor. , ltntt'a lititruietcy , t.IIrn'y ' . Iaya .1. tm lOug. J. W Ciftrke , .1. II. Svhttnidt Miu 81pit , , .1 14.Chrlstoraon. W. K. Lauiltfln , ii. 14. COXM4 Conrad , Frnr.k ii' . } 'tgg. it. itascuui'oa. Geu. itoeder hioyd'g Fharmi'ey , C. A. Sleheher , Itowurd Mayer , . Frank iottone & ( .0. , WhOleaio dealers to ( gurs and 1.011 LIver Ulutera ' Dr. I E. lVIcGrew , i One oF time 1114 SuccessfuL SPECIALISTS In the Treatment of all Chronic or the ' I So-called Incurable Diseases , A curil gtiaranteotl In aim easea of 1'iIVA1'E and SKIN DISItAHI * . lit ! SIIMrdericof tIi LI NXiJAIi 0110/INS Cured nuiti MANIIOOI ) anil J ENKItU Y LIItSTOItEI ) . Un'ierthe ' floe14rt forum of treatment no dli , ea'.e . l coiisldemei lmicurable'unttt this iarts of the hotly affected by dla.a..e are dastroyod faster than they can lo repaired or built up. C0NfUL'rA'rloN PIIEE. Trestumient by corroslQudeuco. Send btamp ttm Z13p1y. S t , t ( . Office--Bushman Block , 10th atid Douglas Sta. Omaha. Neb. WE AK1j l'.tlcr.tbi ? ) , bflUelq , o atsaigyig re ( lJltkhy't.t. Saw Iu'aoyzi , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 11.1. 'p.ltflc"urpU.cuaLop aaaaugiW&LgNvII , lt mild ooflhig : cane , , , of Itydir.etl7 tiIuougi sit wit . h'g lhi.u , , . .to ksit' ' , ad Viggrou , 51rrgth. IflIsstor. . .j.etri . , , , C.i fit Urui.t lmt.roven.nt.o.r ln,11n117 alt oth Of WI , , I.alt , . ont caper. to ca. , . . . , , . , . tnIflIIItIlCUrrdtth..iueljS. 5I.d peinhit4c.n Uto3andseEI.cteeCo. I 9LaSaIfest.Vhleswit JDSEPHCILLOTTS I' STEEL PENS. , ' GOLD fif:2,1I. PARIS EXPOSiTION 1873. Nos. 30-404-170-6041 TIlE MOST PEfl'ZCT OP GENTSCtItuIsTg 1OOKI ( SellIng from ( .0 c.tmts A to 3.r.ii will nay yen a larger pfof1 .haa anyotners the next three unoiiiiia - C/uiiSIi.T. & CO. , ( i.ltnltu& . iOItrboru street , Chicago. ill. . . . . ; ; 4c . . . - - - - a - _ . . . _ _ _ . . _ _ . : . . _ . _ _ _ _ ! _ " 5. 1 as I