Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 30, 1888, Part II, Page 13, Image 13

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The "Daylight" Store , S. W.Cor. 15th and Douglas.
The Best Clothing Lowest Prices !
We are the largest manufacturers and retailers of clothing in the
World , and our prices are invariably bed rock.
Furnishing Goods , Hats , &c.
The Largest Clothing Firm in the."World. S.W.Cor. 15th & Douglas Sts.
[ 1
* v
ll' ' i
He Proves Himself too Sharp for
the Gypsies.
Ha Smellcd a tmrjjo Sized Mouse nnd
was mad The Trailers-
Illd Not lilko Ilia
Jv *
Captain Jack nnd the Gypsy Trader.
Some slippery gentlemen in Now York
* tried a very shrewd scheme on the
} * * wrong man a day or two ago. The al-
fatr is thus described in the Now York
1 World : A bit ; streak of consternation
ran through u "gyp" stable on Ninth
street , near First avenue , Saturday , and
for a few moments the wily swindlers
who infest the cstabUshinont imagined
they could see a fringe of blood all
around the moon. As Captain Jack
Crawford , the pool scout , came out of a
Broadway store Friday afternoon ha
was accosted by a well-dressed young
man , who said :
"Hello ! You are not with the Wild
West show now , are you ? "
The scout replied that ho was not in
the Wild West business , and the young
man then informed him that he was the
coachman for Mrs. Rollins , a very
wealthy widow , who had just come into
possession of some western hot-bcs which
she desired to have broken by a western
man who understood the bundling of
Buoli stock. Mrs. Rollins , he said ,
would pay handsomely , for the work ,
and if the captain would go to the
stables and see the horses and Mrs.
Rollins' brothor-in-law , who had thorn
in charge , ho could make a nice tiling
of it. Captain Jack is u thorough
f\ horseman , and thinking ho might at
the same time accommodate the lady
, and make u low dollars , he accompanied
the young man to u stable on Ninth
wtreot. The brothor-in-law was not in.
Jwt the coachman wont in search ol
him und soon brought him to the stable introduced him to the scout.
* The wild hor&os , the man said , were
at Another stable , nnd ho told the coach
man * to go there and got thorn nnd
bring- thorn over. The young man do-
Rartod o. > i his errand , and hud scarcely
) ft the stable when a wcll-drobscd man
entered clarrying n buggy whip in his.
band. }
'Who Is in charge hero1'1 ; he asked.
Captainl Jack referred him to the
other nan\ who asked what was wanted.
* 'I beuffht a hone hero yesterday and
I wast to cat him. I was to pay J1WO foi
him , and Pvo got the money here ready
for yeu , " at the same time producing a
roll of bills. ' - '
' I am sorry to inform you that you
cannot have the horse , " said the man
in charge. "When you called on Mrs.
Rollins this morning and sent i your
oard she learned from it tnat you are a
karva U-ador , and she will not lot the
animal ere to a trader. The horse is a
rraat pot with both herself nnd daugh
ter , and they will let him * go only to
( meono whom they know will take
care of him. Indeed , they would never
all hint at all but for the fact that they
arc ffeing to Kuropo for a couple of
years. "
"Well , that's a queer way to do busi-
ntM , " said the trader. "I bought that
} bene from Mrs. Rollins and waa to pay
f yea the money here to-day. Here is the
I laeaey and T want my horse J"
"You can't hare him , " the man re-
ec. "That horse cost Mrs. Rollins
aad you must have sense enough
N * ( kat she would * sacrifice him oulj
) ccnuso she desires to got him in peed
lands. I am sorry , sir , but I can't let
you have him and Unit settles it. "
nTho trader drew CnpUiin Jack aside
and said : "See here , I've got to have
that horse , for he's worth $2,000 it he's
Tortli a dollar. I want to ship him on
the Fall River boat to Boston to-night ,
vhore I have a customer for him. If I
give you the money will you buy him
or moV"
The captain obligingly assented , and
urning to the man in charge , the
; ruder said : "Just make out a bill of
sale to this gentleman , " at the same
Lime beginning to count out the money
from 1m roll into the captain's hand.
Something over $ oO were counted when
the stableman said :
"Oh ! see hero , now. I can't consci
entiously do this , knowing that you are
really the purchaser. I am willing and
anxious to sell the horse for my sister-
in-law , but I won't countenance such
work as ttiia. "
The trader then took Captain Jack
outside and said : "That fellow won't
let me have the horse , but you can got
him. You buy him at the figure named
and I'll give you $100 for your bargain. "
"All right , " said the scout. "Just
give mo the cash and I'll go in and
close the deal. "
"Well , you are a total stranger tome
mo , " replied the trader , "and I don't
know that you would lot mo have the
horse after you once got him , for there's
abig speculation in him. I'll have to
make other arrangements. ' '
The trader walked away , and the
captain thought if there was such a bar
gain in sigrit ho had as good a right to
nail it us anyone. Re-entering the
stable , ho looked at the animal as it
stood in the stall unu it seemed to bo
perfect. Not wishing to make too close
examination nor to display any eager
ness to make the purchase , ho told the
man ho could soon got the money to
purchase the horse himself , independ
ent of the trador.and was informed that
the horse would bo hold for him until
the next morning if ho would make a
payment on it. The captain had but
$ lfi with him , and thin ho paid over ,
taking the man's receipt for the monoy.
As lie walked * owards his hotel the
peculiar fragranceol a full-grown mouse
began to work itself into the captain's
olfactory organ , and ho paused. The
more he thought it over the stronger
grow his suspicions that the transac
tion bore a marked resemblance to
something he had read in the papers.
'f\Voll , by .lovo ! " ho said to himself ,
"have I walked into a trap with my
oyps wide open ? Ilavo those follows
pluyed me fora 'jay' with all the worldly
experience I have picked up in fortyj
yearb of life ? "
e wont to his hotel and consulted
friends who are up to all the tricks
of uiotropolitun rascals , and learned
beyond a doubt that ho was being
"gy'pp , d. " Then ho got mad. He slept
oveT the matter and awoke Saturday
morning madder than over. Hastily
dreeing himself in a corduroy suit that
would boar contact will ) the stable tloor
it u dcessary , he went to the stable where
ho keeps hit > own beautiful horeo and
around interview the " "
gallloped to "gyp"
gankr. Dismounting in front ho on
to re'd the Btnblo mm was met with ra-
dlan\t \ smiles by the brother-in-law , who
seem id to ( eel the balance of the pay
ment already in his hands. There were
severa , ! fellows in the stable , among
them i.Uo "capper , " who had taken him
there the day before , and addressing
them. Jixck said :
"Ihavtj some private business with
this roeetier here , and you fellows will
oblige me by taking a walk and u quick
oae. " t
The feltowc scowled , but they had
caught ! gkt el a htavybelt about the
captalu'i wfcist , Mi not knowing what
might be in that bolt beneath the cor
duroy coat they slunk away.
H"Now , sirl" said the scout , with a
Dlazc in his eyes , addressing the stable-
keeper , "I have learned that you are an
infernal swindler , and I have como-hero
to kick you into hash if you don't hand
mo $15 in good bankable funds , and do
it mighty quick. Move lively , now , or
there will bo a now face in the infernal
regions in just about three seconds. "
The swindler had only guessed that
the scout came "loaded for b'ar , " and
his face turned ashy palo as ho dived
into his pocket for the money and
handed it over. The scout then road
the rascal a somewhat pointed lecture ,
and mounting his horse , galloped away.
It is perhaps needless to say to these
who know Captain Jack that ho is not a
man who believes in pistol practice on
the least provocation , but it is safe to
assume that if the swindler had not
promptly restored the money ho would
have received a threshing , the memor
ies and bears of which would remain
with him through life.
All druggists soil Jarvis' Medical
Brandy. _
Habits or the Cockroach.
Cosmopolitan : Whprovor it came
from , the cockroach is a true Anglo-
Saxon in its capacity for colonization.
In Britain it has established itself all
over the length and breadth of the
land , but is chiolly , if not altogether ,
confined to houses , inhabiting kitchens ,
sculleries , bakehouses , and such like
places , whore plenty of food can bo ob
tained. Nothing that is edible ( and
many things that are not usually consid
ered edible ) comes amiss to this voracious
cious animal , than whom it would bo
ditllcult to tind a more omnivorous crea
ture. In addition to almost every arti
cle of human food , such apparently un
palatable objects as woolen gar
ments , the greasy rags used in
cleaning steam engines and other
machinery , shoes and other articles
of leather , and even books and paper ,
outer into its bill of faro. In ware
houses and on board ships the ravages
it commits arc great , whole barrels and
sacks of Hour , corn , rice , and other art
icles of like nature being sometimes
consumed by it. Among other things ,
cinnamon is said to possess great attrac
tions for the cockroach palate , and
there is a scandal to the olToct that
these whoso bu-jinoss it is to reduce the
cinnamon sticks to a powder are not
very careful to separate the spice from
the insects which sometimes constitute
nearly half the contents of the bags
but tumble them together into the mill.
Though to its other crimes the cockroach
does not apparently add that of canni
balism , the cabt skins and the interior
of the egg capsules are said to bo oaten
by thorn , and other insects arc occasion
ally devoured Among the latter is said
to be the common bedbug , which , 11
true , is a point in favor of the cockroach.
Complexion powder is an absolute ne
cessity of the refined toilet in this cli
mate. Po/zoni's combines every cle
ment of beauty and purity.
A curious mubeuin has been opened a
Dresden. In it are collected boots , shoos
und slippers which oraperors , kings
queens , princes and other famous per
sons have worn. "Among them are a
pair of boots worn by Napoleon I. nt the
battle of Dresden , on April 27,1813 , and
a pair of white satin shoos , embroidered
In gold , which the same great emperor
wore on the day of his coronation ; an
other pair of strong leather boots whicl
belonged to the famous French Marsha
Murat , afterward king of the Two
Sicilies ; a pair of high heeled boots o
Maria Theresa ; boots of the phlloso
phor , Kant. " .
Jams' 1877 Brandy.purest.saffst&bost
Romlnisconooa of His Experiences
in the Gorman Army.
Bismarck , the Soldier and Statesman
Glimpses of Camp Lit To Dur
ing the Great War The
Iron Chancellor
"From Gravolotto to Sedan. "
In the November number of Scrib-
ner's is found the highly interesting article -
ticlo from the pen of the late General
Phil Sheridan , "From Gravelotto to
Sedan. " Following are extracts from
it :
When the count received mo ho was
clothed in the undress uniform of the
cuirassier regiment of which ho was the
colonel. During the interview which
ensued , ho exhibited nt times deep anx
iety regarding the conflict now immi
nent , for it was the night before the
battle of Gravelotto , but his convorsa-
sation was mostly devoted to the state
of public sentiment in America , about
which ho seemed much concerned , in
quiring repeatedly as to which side
Franco or Prussia was charged with
bringing on the war. Expressing a
desire to witness the battle
which was expected to occur the
next day , and remarking that I had
not had suHlciont time to provide the
necessary transportation , he told mo to
bo ready at 4 o'clock in the morning
and ho would take mo in his own car
riage and present mo to the king , add
ing that ho would ask ono of his own
staff officers , who ho know had ono or
two extra horses , to land mo ono. As I
did not know just what my status would
bo , and having explained to the presi
dent before leaving America that I
wished to accompany the Gorman army
unofficially , I hardly know whether to
appear in uniform or not , so I spoke of
this matter , too , and the count , aflor
some reflection , thought it best for mete
to wear my undressed uniform , minus
the sword , howovar , because I was a
non-combatant. >
On the way Count Bismarck again re
curred to the statb of public opinion in
America , with reference to the war.
Ho also talkodunuch about our form of
government , and said that in early life
his tendencies we're all toward republi
canism , but that family influence had
overcome his. , pceforonccs , and inti
mated that aftorradopting a political
career ho found that Germany was not
sufficiently advanced for republicanism.
Ho said further that ho had been re
luctant to ontor'upon this public career ;
that ho had always longed to bo a sol
dier , but that hero again family position
had turned him from the Hold of his
choice into the sphere of diplomacy.
On the afternoon of August 21,1 had
the pleasure of dining with the king.
The dinner was a simple onoconsisting
of soup , a joint , and two or three vege
tables ; the wines , vin ordinaire und
Burgundy. There wore a good many
persons of high rank present none of
whom spoke English , however , except
Bismarck , who sat next the king and
acted as interpreter whan his majesty
conversed with mo. Little was said ol
the events taking pluco around us , but
the king made many inquiries concern
ing the war of the rebellion , particu
larly with reference * to Grant's cam
paign at Vicksburg , suggested perhaps
by the fact that thord.and in the rooenl
movements of the Gorman army , had
> eon applied many similar principles of
military science.
I found him wrapped in a shabby old
dressing gown , hard at work. Ho was
established in a very small room , whoso
only furnishings consisted of a table
at which he was writing a couple of
ough chaira , and thouniversal feathered -
> od , this time made on the floor in ono
corner of the room. On ray remarking
upon the limited character of his quar
ters , the count replied , with great good
humorthat they were all right and that
lie should get along well anough. Even
the tramp of his clerks in the attic und
the clanking of his orderlies' sabres
below did not disturb him much ; ho
said , in fact , that he would have no
grievance at all , were it not for a guard
of Bavarian soldiers stationed about
the house , for his safety , ho presumed ,
the sentinels from which insisted on
protecting and saluting the chancellor
of the north Gorman confederacy in
and out of season , a proceeding that led
to embarrassment sometimes us he was
much troubled with a severe dysentery.
Notwithstanding his trials , however ,
und in the midst of the corrcspondonco
on which ho was engagedho graciously
took time to explain that the sudden
movement northward from Bar-lo-Duc
was the result of information that Mar
shal MacMahon was endeavoring to relieve -
liovo Motz by marching along the Bel
gian frontier ; "a blundering maneuver , "
remarked the chancellor , "which can
not DO accounted for unless it has boon
brought about by the political situation
of the French. "
Near the gate of the city we came on
the Gorman picket line , and one of the
officers recognizing our uniform ho
having served in the war of the rebel
lion stepped forward und addressed mo
in good English. We naturally fell into
eon vorsation , and i n the midst of it there
came out through the gate an open car
riage or landau , containing two men ,
ono of whom , in the uniform of a general
and smoking acigarctto , we recognized ,
when the conveyance drew near , as the
Emperor Louis Napoleon. The landau
wont on toward Donciiory at a leisurely
pace , and wo , inferring that there was
something more important at hand just
then than the recovery of our trap , fol
lowed at a respectable distance. Not
quite a mile from Donchory is a cluster
of throe or four cottages , and at the
first of these the landau stopped to
await , as * wo afterward ascertained ,
Count Bismarck , with whom the diplo
matic negotiations were to bo settled.
Some minutes elapsed before he came ,
Napoleon remaining seated in his car-
riugo meantime , still smoking and ac
cepting with nonchalance the staring of
a group of Gorman soldiers near by ,
who were gazing on their fallen fee
with curious and eager interest.
Presently a clattering of hoofs was
hoard , and looking toward the sound I
perceived the chancellor cantering
down the road. When abreast of the
carriage ho dismounted , and walking
up to it , ho saluted the emperor In a
quick , brusque way tliut * oemod to
startle him. After a word or two the
party moved perhaps n hundred yards
further on , where they stopped opposlto
the weaver's cottage so famous from
that day.
By 3 o'clock , the French being in a
desperate and hopeless situation , the
king ordered the firing tobe stopped ,
and at once despatched ono of his stuff
Colonel von Bronsart with a demand
for u surrender. Just as this officer was
starting oil I ronwrkod to Bismarck
that Napoleon himself would likely boone
ono of the prizes , but the count , incred
ulous , replied : "Oh , no ; the old fox is
too cunning to be caught in such a trap ;
he has doubtlccs slipped off to Paris"
a belief which I found to prevail pretty
generally about headquarters.
Between 4 and So'clock Colonel von
Bronsart returned from his mission to
Sedan , bringing word to the king that
the commanding officer there , General
Wimpffon , wished to Know , in order
that the further effusion of blood might
bo spared , upon what terms ho might
surrender. The colonel brought the
intelligence ) , also , that the French em
peror was in the town. Soon nftor von
Bronsart's arrival a French oflicer approached
preached from Sedan , preceded by a
white flag and two Gorman officers.
Coming up the road till within a hun
dred yards of us they halted ; then ouo
of the Germans rode forward and said
that the French officer was Napoleon's
adjutant , bearing an autograph letter
from the oraporor to the king of Prus
sia. At this the king , followed by Bis
marck , von Moltko , and von lloon ,
walked out to the front a little distance ,
and halted , his majesty still in advance ,
the rest of us meanwhile forming in a
line some twenty paces to the rear of
the group. The envoy then approached ,
at first on horseback , but when about a.
hundred yards ho dismounted , and un
covering came the remaining distance
on foot , bearing high up in his right
hand the despatch from Napolcau. The
bearer proved to be General Roilloand
as ho handed the emperor's letter to the
king , his majesty saluted him with the
utmost formality and precision. Nape
leon's letter was the since famous ono
running , so charactoristicallly , thus :
"Not having boon able to die in the
midst of my troops , there is nothing
loft mo but to place my sword in your
majesty's hands. "
Whenever anybody arrived with tid
ings of the fight wo clustered around to
hoar the news , General von Moltke un
folding a map meanwhile and explain
ing the situation. This done , the chief
of the staff , while awaiting the next re
port , would cither return to a scat that
had been made for him with some knap
sacks , or would occupy the time walk
ing about , kicking clods of dirt or small
stones here and there , liiH hands clasped
behind his baclc , his face pale and
thoughtful. Ho was then nearly seventy
years old , but because of his emaciated
figure , the deep wrinkles in his faco.und
crow's foot about his cyos , ho looked
even older , his appearance being sug
gestive of the practice of church asceti
cisms rather than of his well-known ar
dent devotion to the military profes
Catarrh Cured.
A clergyman , after years of suffering
from that loathsome disease , Catarrh ,
and vainly trying every known remedy ,
at last found a recipe which completely
cured and saved him from death. Any
sufferer from this dreadful disease Rend
ing a solf-addrossed stamped envelope
to Prof. J. A. Lowronco , 88 Warren St. ,
Now York City , will receive the recipe
free of charge.
Old ToamsUir.i In Chicago ,
Chicago News : It is no doubt u mat
ter of considerable interest to know that
in Chicago there are a number of rich
and influential men who have followed
the humble occupation of teamsters.
Their beginning was on n remarkably
small scale , and as they grow rich they
gradually ro o above the rank and file
of drayman and became capitalists.
Prominent among these are Arthur
DIxon , the alderman from the Flral
ward , and W. P. Rend , the millionaire
coal merchant. Mr. Rund still carries
on n teaming business , as does ulbo Al-
donnan DIxon. Mr. Dixon is the oldest
member of the city council , having boon
elected.continuously for twenty years
with \t\ci cxr.optiou Of ono term. Mr
Is well known ua a ftenurou * em-
> loycr , paying his men more wages than
hey can got olsowhero.
No one bcems to contest the boner
vith John Shaw of being the oldest
.eamster . in Chicago. Mr. Shaw is sixty-
hrco of ago and is still actively eta-
iloyod at the Goodrich docks. Ho OWBS
i number of teams and works moro
lours than any man in his employ. Mr.
Shaw came to Chicago in 1804. and has
> een n teamster over since. "Pogleg"
Sullivan is n noted character among
.ciunBlers , being one of the oldest anu
laving a national reputation. He it
was who first discovered the fire in Mrs.
D'Leary's barn , when Chicago was
Durnod in 1871. Mr. Sullivan lived next
door and saw the lire when it broke out.
fie has always insisted that the Iradi-
ion about the cow kicking over the
amp is false , and that there was not a
cow in the stable nt the time. He ismr
works for the Standard Oil company aa
Probably the most remarkable MM
unoog the old teamsters is Patrick
Brennock. For thirty-oight yaara IM
drove a dray on the streets of Chicago.
ilia hair and board turned white a > me
sat on barrels and boxes or hung kU
foot down from the side of bin cart.
Young horses grow old traveling W-
iwocn the shafts , and the axles of ktS
dray were worn away through ftictiM.
Yet he plodded on from 1849 to 1887 ,
when one day , after taking & severe
cold , ho hud to carry a chair out of the
liouso to use as a stop in climbing upon
the dray. It happened to bo his birth
day and ] ho was sovontytwoeara 14.
EIo unhitched the horse from th U
Fashioned dray and wont into the hnina P5f
The horse died of old ago soon afUr-
ward and the dray was sold for $5. Mr.
Brennock is still halo and hearty aad
lives on Superior street , having consid
erable property.
Ilosford'H Acid Phosphate.
Beware of Imitations.
The World's Motive Power.
Science : The motive force of the
world as officially summarized by the
bureau of statistics , Berlin , presents
some remarkable facts , together with
the interesting general statement that
four-fifths of the engines now working
in the world have boon constructed dur
ing the last twenty-five years. In
round numbers Franco has 50,000 sta
tionary or portable boilers , 7,000 loco *
motives and 1,000 boats' toilers
, , ; Gor
man v has 59,000 boilers , 10,000 locomo
tives , and 1,700 ships' boilers ; Austria.
12,000 boilers nnd 2,800 locomotives.
The force equivalent to the working
steam engines represents , in the United
Slates , 7,500,000 horse power , 4,600,080
in Germany , 3,000,000 in Franco , and
1,500,000 in Austria. In these enumer
ations the motive power of the IOCOBQ-
tivcs is not included , whoso number in
all the world amounts to 105,000 , repre
senting a total of .1,000,000 horse power ,
which amount , added to the other pow
ers , gives a total of 40,000,000 horan
jwwer. As a steam horse power is equal
to throe actual horses' power , and a
living horse equal to seven men , the
btoam engines of the world may bo
said to represent , therefore , approxi
mately , the work of 1,000,000,000 men.
Children Cry for Pitcher's Cistorlt. .
WkM B kr * lick , we if r bw Outotta.
WkM the VM * Child , ! H 4 for Ctttorta ,
Wb n * IMBUM KlM , ih * clue o CMtpda ,
, { „