Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 30, 1888, Part II, Page 12, Image 12

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H ave been compelled to take the adjoining room , wnich will be occupied by them about November I ,
1888. This room will be devoted to
Cloaks , Millinery arid
The phenominal increase in their business since their opening , five weeks ago , has been unprecedented.
hava been the stepping stones to their succes and which have not failed to be appreciated by an intelligent public.
We have just received MANY NEW ADDITIONS to our different departments , and among them " we call PARTICU-
LAR ATTENTION to a lot of LADIES' , GENTS' and CHILDRENS' HANDKERCHIEFS manufacturers' Seconds of
which we take , the entire production from Henry Matier , Belfast , Ireland , every year.
These goods are the new patterns brought out by them next spring. We offer them to-morrow , at HALF THE PRICE OF THEIR REG
Childrens' All Linen Printed Border Hemmed Handkerchief , 24c. The Same , larger size,3 1-30.
Ladies' Fine Hemstitched Handkerchiefs , fancy borders , xoc and i2 c. *
Ladies' White and Fancy Bordered Hemstitched and Embroidered , Sheer Linen , 2oc.
Gents' Hemstitched , Colored Borders , All Linen Handkerchiefs , 8 1-3 , IDC and 12 0. All good value at half the regular price. You will find our Handker
chief Department the most complete in Omaha and fully one-third less in price. We do the handkerchief trade in St. Louis , and propose to do it here.
In our CLOAK DEPARTMENT you will find many NEW STYLES just received , which we offer at our uniform low prices. One special lot of SEAL
PLUSH WRAPS at $14. Good value for $22.50.
In our SILK DEPARTMENT see the $ i BLACK PEAU DE SOIE , worth $1.50.
In our DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT see the scinch Pin Check Cloths at 500 , worth $1.
In our LINEN DEPARMENT see our $1.25 and $1.76 , Double Damask Napkins , worth $1.75 and $2.26.
In our LACE DEPARTMENT sec our new Linen Ruchings from loc up , and many other novelties and bargains.
Send for catalogue. Mail orders solicited. . Express prepaid to all points within 40 miles of Omaha.
Wm. Barr Dry Goods Co : ;
Sixteenth and JPouglas Streets.
Anoodotoa of Plays , Play-Actors
and P lay-Goers.
Fashionable "Supers" The Kineand
the Singer Bornhardt's Pecu
liarities An EreniiiK
at Uooth'a Home.
FnHhinnahle "Supers. "
Chicago News : Around at the Chicago
cage opera houbo there is a heap of fun
bain ? had over the applications that
coino from society people for permis
sion to serve in the largo company of
supernumeraries required in the pro-
'duction of Messrs. Booth and Barrett's
plays. It seems that wherever Mr.
Booth appears there is a very earnest
ambition among society folk to take
part in Ills performances , just in order
to be able to say they have "acted with
Booth. " This harmless vanity has
raged to a considerable extent hero in
Chicago during the last fortnight. A
largo number of distinguished homo
folk have followed Mr. Booth through
Shakespearean drama , sometimes as a
Roman army and sometimes as the Venetian -
notian populace. One of the ladies who
\ have temporarily joined the list of su
pernumeraries is the wife of a journalist
of national reputation.
But the "super" who has caused the
most prodigious sensation is a certain
young millionaire who moves in our
most fashionable society and has figured
quite conspicuously now and then in
theatricals. This young man
Srlvato up every night in his coupe to
the stage door , dismounts , enters the
theater , arrays himself in cheap tinsel ,
and joins the noble army of super
numeraries with oven more enthusiasm
than that of the average "super" who
labors for his 50 cents an evening.
"Whim the ploy is over the rich young
follow reasbiimes his natural garb , finds
his coupe availing him at the stage
door , and drives to his club. Ho is por-
ftjotly happy in the prospect of being
able to say that ho h-is "acted with
Booth. " There is no tolling what a
splurge ho will cut when lie gets bade
into polite bocloty once more.
Early Dnya of Lester W attack.
Scribnors : I hesitated long before ]
made up my mind to become an actor :
but when I finally did so , I determined
that I should know my profession from
beginning to end , and should depend
upon it for my solo support ; and the
cousoquoncs was that my poor mother
often eriod in those early days , because
I would not let her send mo a live pound
note now and then , to add to my weekly
stipend of twenty shillings !
I was resolved that whatever success
I might make I would ewe to myself
and not lo my father's name ; therefore
as Mr. Lester I played the Karl of Koch
ester in the town of Rochester , in a comedy -
ody called "Charles II. , " by John
Howard Payne. I had a vor ;
, - good part the second part of the
piece. Charles Kcmblo was
King Charles , Fawcott playing
Edward and Jones the Earl of Rochester
tor in the original cast , at Convent gar
den. The season at Rochester was abort
bert one , aa my uuclo Henry Wallaok
who had taken the theater as an oxixjrl
inont , had it for only a few weeks. This
was my first professional'engagement
My Bulury was still one pound a week
and I was paid about as punctually ai
actors in small companies wore at Urn
time. Three pounds a week was a good
alary In a country theater , and live
> ounds was enormous. When wo got to
argo provincial cities salaries were a
ittlo higher , but I very much doubt if
any loading actor at Bath , Bristol ,
liivorpool , or Manchester over received
nore than ton pounds a week in those
The King mid the Sinner.
Pall Mall Gazette : M. Lablache , the
'amous singer , has just given another
jistuncc of the proverbial absentmindedness
edness of great men. While ho was
staying ut Naples , King Humbert ex
pressed a desire to make the artist's
personal acquaintance. On entering
Lho ante-chamber of the puluce the lat
ter found that the gentlemen present
were Ml personal acquaintances of his ,
and asked thorn to bo allowed to keep
nib hat on , as ho was suffering from a
severe cold. A lively conversation was
cut short by the entrance of a chamber
lain announcing that the king would
receive M. Lablacho at once. In the
momentary confusion the singer forgot
that ho was wearing his hat , took hold
of another which had been placed on a
chair near him , and went before his
majesty , who at the sight of him burst
into a lit of uncontrollable laughter. Utterly -
torly confused , M. Lablacho aslod hum
bly to bo Informed of the reason of the
king's merriment. "Let mo ask you a
question llrst , " replied the king.
"Which is jour hat the one you are
wearing on your head or the the one you
carry in your hand ? " "Confound it
all ! " exclaimed Lablacho , joining in the
laughter , "truly , two hats are too many
for a follow who has lost his head ! "
Bcruhardt's Peculiarities.
London Star : Madotr.o Bernhardt has
loft London for Vichy , whore she pro
poses to combine business with pleasure -
uro by tno production of her familiar
repertoire anO the enjoyment of what
ever the watering place has to oiler.
The divine Sarah is a woman of exceed
ingly quick , not to say violent , temper ,
and those who saw her behind the
scenes one night can picture to thom-
bolvos the famous occasion when she
called on Marie Colombior with a horse
whip and broke everything in the
house. The Lyceum curtain had hardly
fallen on her tragic death scene in "Fe
dora , " when she was storming and rag
ing at an unfortunate actor , who had
chanced to make some trivial blunder
during the play , and she attacknd him
with a vehemence that almost amounted
to frenzy , utterly refusing to listen to
his explanations. The tragedienne
storms are , however , like thunder
bhowors , violent while they last , but
quick to pass away , and oven Mile.
Colombior has now boon rohibtated in
her favor.
It is wonderful that with her unflag
ging industry , and her magnificent re
ceptions all over the globeSarah Born-
hurdt should bo able to keep perpetually
inn state of pecuniary embarrassment.
She lives hand-to-mouth existence
a sort of - -
tence , possessing a genius for squander
ing her money , whenever she has any ,
and utterly careless what the morrow
may bring forth. Not long ago the
bailiffs made a raid on her property ,
and among other things the notorious
satin lined coflin , in which she often
slept , was put up to auction and sold for
between XI and 5. She seems to pos
sess the gift of perennial youth , and
her friends ayer that she will never
grow old. She herself has said that
she intends her real death scene to bo
something peculiarly startling and
Sarah Bornhardt is a wonderful
lightning caricaturist , and there is
nothing she so much delights in between -
tweon the acts provided , that is , that
no contretemps lias occurred to rufllo
her feelings as plying her pencil at
the expense of her friends. She and
they and Dnmala can often bo seen
crouched together , makingoach other's
wrjraits as fast as they can scribble.
Damala has no notion of drawing , but
10 will often catch a likeness with
.aughablo correctness , and then ho is
in high favor with madaine , his wife.
She often findstho pastime so outracing
that she cannot tear herself away from
it , and the audience have to Ixjgullo
the tedium of the ontracto as beat they
An Underhand Game.
Open rivalry is honorable. But any
effort to trade upon the reputation of
peerless SOZODONT , by forcing upon
the public , dentifrices represented as
similar or superior to it , is an under
hand game. Block it by demanding
The Problem of a Flying-Machine.
Popular Science Monthly. Wo must
admit that a bird is an incomparable
model of a flying-machine. No machine
that wo may hope to devise , for the
same weight of machine , fuel , and
directing brain , is half so effective.
And yet ; this machine , thus perfected
through infinite ages by a ruthless pro
cess of natural selection , roaches its
limit of weight at about fifty pounds ! I
said , "weight of machine , fuel , and
directing brain. " Hero is another
prodigious advantage of the natural
over the artificial machine. The flying
animal is its own engineer , the flying-
machine must carry its engineer. The
directing engineer in the former ( the
brain ) is perhaps an ounce , in the latter
it is ono hundred and fifty pounds. The
limit of the flying animal is fifty pounds.
The smallest jMJSsiblo weight of a flying-
mchino , with its necessary fuel and
engineer , oven without freight or pas-
bongers , could not bo less than three or
four hundred pounds.
Now , to complete the argument , put
these throe indisputable facts together :
1. There Is a low limit of weight , cer
tainly not much beyond fifty pounds ,
beyond which it is impossible for an
animal to fly. Nature has reached this
limit , and with her utmost effort has
failed to pass it. li. The aplmal ma
chine is far more effective than any wo
may hope to make ; therefore the limit
of the weight of a successful iying-ma- )
chine cannot bo more than llfty pounds.
8. The weight of any machine con-
btructed for Hying , including tuol and
engineer , cannot bo less than three and
four hundred pounds. Is it not demon
strated that a true flying-machine , bolf-
raislng , sclf-sustnining , solf-propelling ,
is physically imposlblo ?
Dr. Jofferis' remedy euros every cnso
of diphtheria. No physician required.
Mr. Edison's Joke.
Now York Telegram. Odd stories are
told of dolngb at Wizard Edison's homo
in Orange. Ono of the most amusing
occurrences there happened not long
since when a stranger was visiting Mr.
Edison. After an evening largely de
voted to a discussion of electricity , the
guest wont to bed. Ho had barely drawn
the covers over him and settled down to
sloop , when a voice , apparently from the
clock on the dressing-case , said , in
measured tones : "It in now 11 o'clock. "
The startled guest throw off the
covers , sat bolt upright , and felt hit , hair
rising all over his body. Could he have
boon dreaming ? No ; ho was wide awake.
Arising , ho turned on the electric light ,
searched every corner of the room , ex
amined the innocent-looking clock , and
finally called in Mr. Edison. The latter
assured him that there was no ono in
the room , and with half-quieted fears
the guest returned to bed.
Half an hour had been consumed In
the vain search for the origin of the
mysterious voice , and the guests passed
another half hour in speculating upon
the occurrence. Just as ho had per
suaded himself that the sound had been
only part of a dream and was going off
into a half doze , the same voice , in the
same measured tone , culled out :
"Tho hour of midnight has arrived !
Prepare to die. "
There was no mistake this time , and
the horrified guest , without waiting to
turn on the electric light , rushed across
to Edibon'a room. The wizard , broad
awake and half dead with laughter , per
mitted his guest to rap throe or four
times and then responded to his call.
"Mr. Edison , " said the disturbed
sleeper , "there's something uncanny
about this house. I wouldn't sleep hero
all if ' the . "
night you'd give mo place.
Edison suppressed his laughter , heard
his guest's story , and then , going to the
the room , showed the stranger that
there was a tiny phonograph concealed
in the clock and so sot as to give forth
its solemn announcement of the hours.
The offending clock was removed and
the guest slept soundly for the remain
der of the night.
When you need a friend , select a true
ono. Dr. Jones' Rod Clover Tonic is
the bobt friend mankind has for all dis
eases of the stomach , liver and kidneys.
The best blood purifier and tonic known.
GOc. Goodman Drug Co.
Why lie Quit.
Chicago Times- Senator Cullom tolls
a good story and not being given to
practicing law much himself ho can af
ford to do so of a prosperous store
keeper in a small Illinois town , who
once practiced law , but who has long
since abandoned it. Being met by an
old acquaintance ho was asked for all
the particulars of his giving up the
"Didn't it agree with your health ? "
"Oh " answered 'Uncle Joe '
, yes , , as
ho was familiarly called by his friends.
"Didn't it pay ? "
"First rate. ' '
"Moot with sufficient favor from the
courts ? "
"All I could ask. "
"Tlion what compelled you to
quit it ? "
"Well , I'll ' tollyou I was too honest. "
A loud laugh from the bystanders
aroused < fUnclo .Too' 'into earnestness ,
and ho repeated the strange statement
and nailed it to hm shop counter with
his huge list. But his cross-questioner
won ton : i > >
"When did you flndfthis out ? "
"In my very last case. "
"What was that'r1' * ,
"Ono In which I wa retained to prose
cute a neighbor fen killing a dog. "
"And ho was acquitted ? So you lost
the case , and gavot up. your profession
discouraged ? " > '
"No , ho was convicted. "
"Then ho was pqilty ? "
"No , ho was innocent. "
"But didn't thoj-ovidcnco prove his
guilt ? "
"Certainly it did. "
"Then why do you say ho was inno
cent ? "
"Because I had killed the dog myself
a few nights before for trespassing on
my poultry , and I came to the conclu
sion that any business that would aid a
man to convict a neighbor of his own
crimes wasn't the business for me , so I
gave it up. "
All fine Liquor Stores sell Jarvis' boat.
ClIlcHofthe United HtatoH.
The United States will have , when
the count of 1800 cornea to bo made , more
great oitioi than any other country lethe
the world now has or has over had.
The will bo four of a inllUoc Inhabi
tants or more. These are Now York ,
Philadelphia , Chicago and Brooklyn.
There will bo bovon of half a million
or more population. Those are the four
mentioned , and Baltimore , Boston and
St. Louis.
There will bo nineteen which will
harbor more than a quarter of a million
souls each. Thebo will bo the seven
mentioned , and Buffalo , Cleveland ,
Cincinnati , Detroit , Kansas City , Mil
waukee , Minneapolis , Now Orleans ,
Pittbburg , St. Paul , San Francisco and
There will be thirty cities of 100,000
population and upward , including the
nineteen in the foregoing lists , and
Albany , Allegheny , Indianapolis , Jer
sey City , Louisville , Newark , Now
Haven , Omaha , Providence , Rochester
and Worcester.
In these thirty principal cities of the
country there will bo found a resident
population of about , in round numbers ,
11,000,000. "The 320 ( or thereabouts ) ad
ditional cities of from 10,000 to 100,000
inhabitants each which will appear in
the census of 1890 will have an aggre
gate population of fully 9,000,000 , mak
ing the total urban population of the
country 20,000,000 or upwards.
If the country has been growing since
1880 at the normal rate as determined
by previous census that is , an increase
of 1S&\ \ per cent for each decennial period
the entire population of the country
In 1890 will bo about 07,000,000. If , however -
over , as everything goes to show , the
increase has been somewhat beyond the
normal rate , and is likely to so continue
for the remaining years of the census
period , the grand and Inspiring total
will probably bo near 70,000,000.
If you've Rot a pain or ncho or a bruise ,
Salvation Oil will roach the coao instantly.
Price 25 conts.
Attention Voters. By resolution passed bv
our loRislaturo , all good citi/ons are icqucst-
ca to use Dr. Hull's ' Cough Syrup nnd recom
mend the same as the pnoplo's remedy for
cough's colds , etc. 25 cents
Ho Knew.
Detroit Free Press. Loungers about
police headquarters were startled the
other day by the siyht of a young and
prettv girl of eighteen slipping into the
chiof'broom with anxious face.
"Oh ! dear ! " she began , "but someone
ono is going to bo killed , and I want to
prevent it ! "
"That's very kind of you , " ' answered
the chief , as ho waved her to a seal.
"It's a a young man ! "
" 1 see. Ho is going to hang himself
on your account is ho ? "
"Oh , no , Ho is going to fight a duel
with a another young man on my ac
count. They are to moot to-night.
Ono will certainly bo killed. Please do
something to prevent it.
"There is no fear , miss none in the
world. "
"But they will fight. "
"Oh , no , they won't. Before the
hour arrives one will start for Port
Huron and the other for Toledo. That's
the Invarablo rule , and It won't fall in
this case. "
"Aro you sure ? "
"So sure that if either of them shows
up I'll resign my position. I'll have an
officer on the watch. "
Two hours before the time came ono
young man loft by the Brush street
depot and the other by the Third street
station , and as the chief received the
report no said :
"Of course. Why not ? Poor , Inno
cent girl. "
How Gold Uln Are Made.
Now York Graphic : The. workshop
where rings are made isaourlous place ,
full Of ingenious moclianicul appliances.
Gold coin is put in a small crucible with
flux , and the crucible placed inside of a
covered pot , which is subjected to the
heat of a powerful flame of natural gas.
To increase the intensity of the heat a
btrong blast is produced by means of a
fan , making a constant , even tem
perature. The gold is rolled
and converted into convenient shape
for use , precisely as iron is worked in a
rolling mill. It has passed through
grooved rolls of various sizes , ono after
another , until it is fashioned into nar
row strips of the desired width and
thickness. There are also other rolls
for converting the ingots into sheet
gold. For stamping the bettings for
rings a screw press is used , dies of va
rious sizes being inserted as required.
A diamond ring is thick at the center ,
gradually tapering in size from the top
downward. A piece of gold , after being -
ing cut , is laid upon a metal die and a
heavy hammer , working in a frnmo
and operated by moans of a rope and
pulley. Is made to descend , thus giving
with ono blow the desired shape to this
part of the ring. Hundreds of differ
ent dies are necessary for the various
styles and si/.cs of rings.
After the drop-hammer has stamped
the gold into shape it is placed in a thin
metallic plate containing a hole , in
which it fits exactly , and driven through
bv a punch worked by hand , thus cut
ting away the gold nhoring tothcedgcs ,
which pieces arc carefully bavod.
All along the side of the room are
workmen seated ut benches , some shap
ing the pieces into rings and soldering
them together , others inserting and
fastening the btono bettings , and still
others performing various borts of
equally difficult work , all necessary in
the making of a ring. In another part
of the room is a curious bit of machinery
which ib called a lapidary lathe , and i"s
used for shaping and cutting down
stones when necessary. A round piece
of metal bhaped Hko a small grindstone ,
is bet in a horizontal position and is
made to revolve. To this emery
is applied , and the btono being held
against it , it is soon reduced to the
proper dimensions. It is then polished
on a similar appliance of wood coated
with putty powder. Another interest
ing object is the enameling furrwi'c.
The article to bo ornamented , having
been previously engraved for the recep
tion of the enamel , is placed in u little
oven coated with the enamel in the
shape of a powder. It is then heated
until the enamel runs , and is then re
moved from the lire to bo cooled and fin
A peculiar process is that of gilding
or electro-plating. The article to bo
gilded is first thoroughly cleaned by a
line brush of brass wires. A piece of
gold is attached to the positive polo of
an electric battery and tlio article lo the
negative. Both are then placed in the
same solution , and the electric current
does the work , trannforringa portion of
the gold to the object to bo plated ,
I cheerfully recommend Red Clover
Tonic to those suffering from troubles
of the btomach and Hvor. I am now on
my second bottle , and it makes mo feel
like a now man. C. M.CONNOltNushua ,
la. Goodman Drug Co.
Retirement of an Knuiruhs Diwaijor.
The Pokln Gazette contains two de
crees , ono by the empress dowager , the
other by the young emperor , relating to
the retirement from public life of the
former. The empress announces that
when the emperor first assumed the
reins of power she could not refubo nlm
her assistance In his doubtn and diffi
culties , and therefore she constrained
herself to comply with the prayers of
the ministers and to instruct him in the
art of governing. But now th em
peror has applied himself with such
zeal and succose to tua tank that he U
able of hlmiiolf to decide and regu
late the affairs of ntat . M tkey
coino before him. As soon as his
riago is celebrated bo should
co in pie to control of the empire and the
board of astronomy is desired to select
an auspicious day in the second ,
month of the coming year for the in
auguration of the emperor's unaided
rulo. The emperor himself dwells oo
the unexampled manner in which the
( impress dowager gave herself to the
severest labor , tolling day and night
and knowing no rest. Seeing now that
she is about to retire , his heart is filled
with mingled sentiments of gratltudo
and distress , but ho dare not disobey tno
empress' commands. With awb and
care ho will give his whole heart to the
multitudinous affairs of the nation , hop
ing to repay the love of her majesty ,
Ids holy mother , who nurtured and in
structed him. But , as in those times of
dilliculty , the weight upon hisshouldors
will bo doubly heavy , ho hopes and
trusts that the officials , great and small ,
will share his feeling of responsibility
and continue unswervingly to afford
him their most loyal assistance. In
conclusion ho desires the ofllcors concerned -
corned to consider carefully what coro-
nionios should bo performed on the oc
casion of his assumption of solo power
What Jle Came For.
Detroit Free Press : A couple of
young farmers were having a dispute
up Grand River avenue yesterday. The
team was being hitched up when ono of
them bald :
"Well , Bill , what about that boer ? "
"What beer ? "
"Tho boor you promised. "
"Don't remember. "
"Don't you ? You wore driving along
by my place this morning while I wai
feeding the hogsV"
"Yes. "
"You asked mo to come to town. I
said I had a chnnco to earn twelve shil
lings digging potatoes and couldn't
Hpnro the time. You said coino along
and wo'd sue the sights. I said it
wouldn't pay. Tlion you said wo might
see a big lire. I said I'd seen 'em and
didn't care. Then you said if I would
eomo you'd treat to the boor. So I
came. Where's the bcerV"
"Ounno. "
"Hain't you going to buy nnyV"
"No. "
"You hain't ! "
"No. "
"Then , Bill Simmonds , I want to say
that you arc a durncd mean man. and
don't you never have the face to asic mo
agin to lose a whole day and ride twen
ty-eight miles to accommodate you ! "
Take no other , Jnrvis' Brandy is boat.
A. Curloim Colnuldoiico.
Detroit Free Press : "Just five years
ago to-day , " said a farmer at the Cen
tral Market yesterday , "I was oomlnff
in with a load of potatoes and a bag foil
off the wagon. When I mlsiad it I
wont buck , but soin ono had gobbled
it. "
"Upon my soul ! " gasped a man who
stood by , "but this is strange ! "
"Why ? "
"Just IIvo years ago this morning I
found a bag of potatoes near the tollgate -
gate ! "
"It must have boon mine. "
"Not a doubt of It. "
"And and "
"You'll settle with mo , of courao , I
hold them four weeks , at a chargt of
fifty cents per week storage. I aiuvor-
tised them to the amount of 11.20.
Tlion , as they were beginning to spoil ,
I paid and expressman 60 cents to
cart them to an orphan asylum. I'll
run into the office and make- out your
bill. "
Ho ran in , but when ho came dut the I
farmer and his team had slid out anil
were not to bo found. f