Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 30, 1888, Part II, Page 11, Image 11

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    mi A
A Tendency Toward BoarlehnosB
Noted In Wheat Speculation.
o -
Ontu Hnincwlint More Active A Hub-
fttantlal Advance In Provisions
Fair IliiBlnosH | Inno In Cuttle
CIIH AOO , Oct. 20. [ Special Telegram to
TUB HIK. : ] TJio wheat market opened
lniMicr with May selling unywhcro within a
rnngoof $ l.20 , ' @ 1.19X. Tito disposition of
trade thereafter was to sell the market , off ,
nnd the tendency of prices was downward
most of tlio time , though rallies wcro sharp
and frequent , nnd prevented important
nhrinkagc In values. Outsldu domestic mar
kets generally ruled stronger than Chicago.
Duluth and Minneapolis woru particularly
strong , nnd New York was unusually
steady , nnd good export was reported.
Hiitchlnson was n local Heller curly and u
buyer nnd seller later , selling on the hard
npots and buying on soft spots. The crowd
was disposed at drat to help him sell , but the
market received strong support from some
iiinrtcr | every time it showed n decided de
sire to "dip. " The great bulk of the buying
was In May , of course , yet a good deal of
busme s was done In December at a discount
VfSle under May. After the openinc ex
citement the market settled for quite a time
around $ I.10 | for May , and then sold off to
$1.18 % . It rallied toll. 10's but broKe soon
afterwards to * I.1SM. Thereafter up to and
after 11 o'clock the rangu was 81.1bX@l.l ( ' <
but toward the last it broke once more , thin
time real-ting to $1.1814 momentarily. The
rebound to 1.18 % was sharp and thcpromisa
of a weak closing did not seem likely to be
fullllled. Thoclo-io wits $1.18 for December
urn ! for May. A break of nearly
lu occurred during the last ten to llfteen
minutes induced by selling by Hutchlnson
nnd reports thutthreo mills in Minneapolis
were about to shut down for the want of
orders. A fair volume of business was trans
acted in wheat , but the trade for outside
public account was somewhat restricted.
The majority of professionals with bullish
predclietlons seem to have floated outof their
holdings and to bo waiting for a break "to
rutcli on again. " Few of them care to short
the market , preferring to "let the other fel
lows" break prices , but they are ever ready
to replace their wheat on weak spots. Spec
ulative sentiment on the board at this time
seems to bo strongly in favor of a decided re
action in price despite Hutchinson's emphatic
and oft repeated assertion that wheat will go
to 81.23 this weak.
The feeling in corn at the opening was
again easier , and tlm tendency was towards
u lower level of prices. Ueccipts were not
iiuito up to the estimate made on Saturday ,
but wcro largo enough to prevent strength
accruing to the market on that account.
Offerings wcro liberal and local operators
were bearish , and with ( MO cars estimated as
to-morrow's ' receipts , thcro was no disi > osi-
tlon to look for profits on the buying side.
The visible supply showing small decrease
where an increase had been generally looked
for , trnd a slightly steadying effect on the
market , but wheat showing some weak spots
had sympathetic influence on other cereals
nnd so long as that feeling prevailed the
amount of the day's business was small and
largely local with n quiet closing of 40' ' ( ? $
44c for November , which is a decline from
the latest price Saturday of 14u1sc. ( } May
closed at &ic , which is u gain for the day
of Jo ( per bushel.
Oats wcro moro active in a speculative
way , with the lending chiefly in May. The
feeling was fairly stonily in that month
around 29'iU29 Va until the posting of the
visible supply. The subsequent feeling was
easier , prices ruling fully ke lower. Little
interest was shown in near futures , which
cased off Jl'e. Juno was offered at that discount -
' count from May. No. 2 cash sold sparingly
early at 24c , with later trading atU o for
gilt cdgo receipts , or Saturday's inside prices.
The closing was active on the May option.
The provision trade favored holders and
sellers in its movement. Unexpectedly small
receipts of hogs strengthened the long sida
and urn day's closings showed nn actual ad
vance in the January future of 15o on pork ,
lOc on lard and fie on short ribs. Deliveries.
nsldc from January , closed for pork and lard
at nn improvement of OJglS&c. October
short ribs were also 5c higher.
Ciiicioo , Oct. 20. [ Special Telegram to THE
Bun. ! CATTI.U Uusiness was fair mid prices
the sumo as at itho close on
Friday on anything at all use
ful or good thcro in the native , ranger and
Texas line. Medium and common stock was
also about the sumo as at the close of last
week. There were about 200 cars of Texans
on sale and such as graded canncrs or below ,
of which there was n largo number , sold
rather lower than any time last week. There
wcro nearly ! UX ) cars of rangers on sale , the
best of which sold fully as well as last
week , ono lot inuking (4.25. Common and
medium rangers sold rather lower
than on Friday. Thcro was llttlo
or no business in the stockcr nnd
feeder trado. Most of the sales were
to yard speculators , as there were only a few
outside buyers present. The receipts in
clude ti.OdO Texans and western cattle.
Steers , 1H50 to 1500 Ibs , $4.50C 45.25 ; 1285 to
1350 Ibs , $ l.75jp4.50 ( ; l > 50 to 1200 Ibs , $3.00 < !
4.00 ; stackers u'ml feeders , 81.l-OO3.35 ; cows ,
bulls nnd mixed , * l.25@2. ) ; bulk , $2.10 ®
2.40 ; Texas and Indian steers , 8).30@3.0.V
COWH , $1.40(32.20 ( ; western rangers , $2.30 ®
3.1X ) ; cows , fl.bCK32.60 ; wintered Texans ,
$2.40 ( < ? 3.40.
Hone Trade was active nt the opening
and fd)10o ) higher , the bulk of mixed selling
at $ ) . -ToiI.V50 , with common nt * 5.2i@5.3U. : A
few fancy heavy mudo $5.50@5.CO. Assorted
light sold at tA.50.
MONBT os CALI < Easy at ! ) © ' ) / l > er
cent ; last loan 2 per cent ; closed offered at 2
jtor cent.
STRHLIXO EXCHANGE Dull but steady at
84.83X for sixty-day bills , and * 4.87'f foi
demand. _
CHICAGO , Oct. 29 , 1:15 : p. ra , close. Wheat
Easy ; cash. 11.1(1 ( ; November , fl.l i
December and May , $1.18.
Corn Easier ; cash nnd November ,
400-1001 December , 3Uc ; May , 3Se.
Oats Easy : cash , 2-lc ; November , 24Jjfc ;
December , 25c ; May , W 1-lOc.
ttyo 50 , 'c.
Uarloy Nominal.
Prune Timothy No trading.
- . , ' .
Whisky f.1.30.
IJ2rk-Ea8y ; cash , $14.75 ; November ,
$14.,5 ; January , $14.57May ; ? ; , * H.S9W.
Uard btcady ; cash , $ S.b'J ; Novcmbei
and January. M.S2K ; May , | S.t5.
Hour Firm and unchanged.
Uullc Moata-Shouldcrs , W.OOWV.3 ; short
r'ibs ,
-Easr cream chcddnrs , 10i/12o :
UC YouR6 Americas ,
2fB -Scarce ; northern , lP@20c.
HWebitchiinjca ; heavy irociifiaUcd.7o :
Tftllow UnchunRCil ; No. J , sollu puckctl ,
HKci No. a , ; iK j cuke , Oo
Keccipts. Shipments.
Flour. bbN . in.OGO 19OW
Whrntbu . W.lXX ) < ,000
Corn , bu . 275.000 107,000
Oats , bu . -JlO.OOa 1 4,000
Hye.bu .
New Vork , Oct. 9. Wheat Receipts ,
47,000 ; cxKjrl | , none ; swl | market unset
tled and easy with moderate inillln de
mand : No. 2 red , , In elevator ;
ll.IWair.X nflont ; 1.14) ) @ 1.15 ; f. o. b. ;
No , 3 red , ? 1 " > @l.W ; uuL-nided red , * 1.03 >
Q1.12 ; No. 1 red. * ltl8@l.l9 ; No. B
red , ( I O QI.oni , . Options fairly active ;
unsuttled early , l % < fl\c \ higher , de
clined l riiS'jc ' , closing weak at ( Ji' c
under Saturday ; No. ! i red , November clos-
inic at * 1.13& .
Corn Hcceiptd , O'.COO ; exports. 40,400 ; spot
market tnoderuteiy active ; ! { ( $ ! fc lower and
weak : No. ' . ' , 4S > @ 4h54'c In elevator. 48' < ( *
49Uc afloat ; ungraded mixed , 48 > i@4U > 4C ;
optloiiH dull and ( d'jO ' lower but steady ;
November closing aM Kc.
Oats-Hccelpts , i ,700 ; cx | > orts MO ; sixit
market Irrepular and easy but moderately
active ; options moderately active and ) ( ( > ?
J c lower but steady : November closing at
: J c ; spot , No. U white , Jl'lJ lWJfc : mixed
western , 2h@il'jO : ; white wostcrn , : ! 0i40c. (
Coffee Options barely steady ; sales , M.'J.V )
bags , including October , $1'I.G. > ; November ,
tiU5r ; < 7 > i : . : iO ; December , SrJ.sjSta'W.OO ; Janu
ary , flU.T.Vul : ! . < JO ; February , * l'J.70iil2 ( > ri'
spot Kio lower and dull : fair cargoes ut
1 15.25.
Petroleum Steady and quiet ; United
closed at 83 > ? c.
Kggs Firm ; fancy fresh scarce ; western.
21k , ( 2.'c.
I'ork Dull.
Lurd Dull ; sales of western steam at
(3.03 ; November , $ S.r > 0 asked.
liutter Weak and iulet | ; western dairy ,
western creamery , l ( > @ 20c ; Elgin.
Cheese Dull ; western ,
Se. IjoulK , Oct. 20. Wheat-Firm ; cash ,
1.11 > ; November , $ I.1.V4' .
Corn Easy ; cash , 't c ; November , 35c.
Oats Dull ; cash , 22 > $ o : November , 22fc. }
I'ork Uiiehnngcd at $15.00.
Lard -$3.25.
Hut ter Firm ; creamery , 2iX3J7e ; dairy ,
Mlnnrnpnllo , Oct. 20. Wheat Some
early sales wcro made at about Saturday's
llgures , but the tendency was downward and
In the absence of any active speculative mar
kets dealers looked for lower prices toward
the close ; receipts for two days wcro 53."i
cars , and thu shipments amounted to 70 ears.
Closing quotations : No. 1 hard , cash and
December , 11.30 ; May , $1.U5 } ; on track ,
81.3(1 ( ; No. 1 northern , cash and November ,
? 1.17 ; December , $1.18' . , ; May , tl.23'4 ; on
track , J1.2J ; No. 2 nortnern , cash and No
vember , f 1. 14 ; December , tl. 15 ; May1.10H ;
,011 track , $1.15.
Milwaukee , Oct. 29. Wheat Weak ;
cash , $ l.asj ; December , $1.11 ; January ,
Corn Lower ; No. 3 , 41e.
Oats Quiet ; No. B white , 2
Hye Quiet ; No. 1 , 57c.
Harley Ac-live but weak ; No. 2.
Provisions Steady : pork S14.r > 0.
Kiuisns City , Oct. 29.- Wheat Quiet ;
No. 2 red , cash , ! H5c bid , $1.02 asked ; Novem
ber. We bid ; December , $1.00 ' < bid ; May ,
1.00 % bid : No. 2 soft , cash , $1.07 ? ( asked ;
December , * 1.04J < f bid ; May , 81.11) ) bid.
Corn Dull ; No. 2 , cush , no bids nor
offerings ; November , 27'ic bid ; January ,
atjifo bid ; May , SO c bid.
Oats No. 2 , cash , no bids , 20 > 4'c aslced ;
November , 21u asked ; December , 2 ll u bid ;
May 24Jfc bid.
Chlcaeo. Oi-t. 27. i'ho Drovers' Jour
nal reuortsas follows :
C.ittle Kecoipts , 14.000 ; market slow and
steady ; steers , 83.00fiK > .2 > ; stoekors and
feeders , 81.90rt3.i5 ( ; ; cows , bulls and mixed ,
$1.25@2..iO ; Texas cattle , f 1.40@3.05 ; western
rangers , $ l.bOri(3.00.
Hogs Heceipts , 10.000 ; market strong and
5 ( < Mt > c higher ; mixed , 8."i.i.n.50 ! ; heavy. 85.30
( W5.C2I. , ; licht , 8. > .20Cif5.5 ( ) ; skips , ; i.M@5.10.
Sheep Heceipts. SHX ( ) ; market steady ;
natives , * 2.75@3.81 ; westerns , 83.003.45 ;
Texans , $ J.75i3.25 ( ; lauib , 83.75@5.75.
National Stock Yards. East St.
oulH , Oct. 29. Cattle Heceipts , 4,600 ;
shipments , 610 ; market slow ; choice
" : icavy native.steers , fS.OOCffS.CO ; fair to good
native steers , $4-IO5.00 ; butchers' steers ,
necllurn to choice , ? 3.30i4.40 ( ; stockers and
feeders , fair to good , 8-Kl@3.20 ( ; rangers ,
corn-fed , $3.10 4.20 : k'rass-fcd , J2.10@3.00.
Hogs Receipts , 3,010 ; shipments , none ;
market steady ; choices heavy and butcher se
lections , fi.r > 0@5.C5 : packing medium to
prime , * 5.30(7 5.50 ; light grades , ordinary to
best , (5.20@5.40.
Knnsaa City , Oct. 29. Cattle Receipts ,
7,420 ; shipments , 341 ; market steady for
good and espcially good Texas steers ; good to
choice corn-fed , $ t.75@5.25 ; common to
medium , $3.25@4.50 ; stockers and feeding
steers , 81I0 3.t5 ; ; grass range steers , $1.50
@ 3.15 ; cows , * 1.5@2.00.
Hops Heceipts , 3,700 ; shipments. 1,000 ;
market steady ; good to choice" , f5.30@5.37J :
common to medium , $4VO@5,25 ; skips and
pigs , | 3.00@t.40.
OMAHA. IIVK srooa.
Monday Oct. 29. 18S8.
It would bo hard to imagine a moro dull or
dragging market than that of to-day. There
were plenty of cattle hero and some pretty
good ones , but no ono seemed to want them.
There was some who would look at cattle
but when it came to talking business they
would walk away. At 2 o'clock in the after
noon only ono load of cattle had been sold.
Then the buyers appeared to wuko up all of
u sudden and several loads wore run across
the scales in short order. As high ns fJ.75
was paid for ono choice bunch of heavy west
ern , which wcro the best cattle seen in the
yards in some time. There was also ono
bunch of very choice cows sold at $2.80. The
market us a whole was strong on choice cattle
tlo but easy on common stull. Thcro were
very few cows in the yards and no good na
tive feeders. _
There were not hogs enough hero to make
a market. What few there wcro sold at
about Saturday's closing closing prices.
There were only two loads on the market
but they changed hands.
Cattle . 2.200
Hogs . l.rOJ
Sheep . . . 240
Provnilitii : Prloui.
The following is a tibia of pricss paid In
this mantel for the gradoi of stock men
ITimestoors. 1300 to 1500 Ibs. . 3. 75 (34.50 (
Prime steers , 1X00 lo 1300 ibs. 3.50 i < (4.00
Native feeders . 2.50 03.15
Western teeters . 2.50 ( rtS.t'O
Hango steers , com'on to choice 2.50 @X50
Common to good cows . 1.25 W2.00
Choice to fancy cows . 2.23 GW.bO
Common to choice- bulls . 1.25 (32.00 (
Falnocnoicaiighthogs . 5.20 < 25.2. ' >
Falrtocnoico heavy fioes . 5.25 @ .Y 5
Fair to choice mixed hogs . & .20 ( fto.30
lteprcniitauve Halo * .
No. AT. Pr.
13 cows , natives . 1071 J'J.t-0
13 cows , natives . 1071 1.80
Owner and No. Av. Pr.
Pawni-o Cattle Co
steers , Texas . 035 $2.30
Icow . 1150 1.25
1 cow . 1150 1.50
l-'routler Cattle CoOS -
OS steers . 1147 2.7S
D. Watson
SS steers . 1301 3.75
tfjstecrs . 1313 3.75
S4 steers . PSO 2.40
20 feeders . 1129 2.75
b'Jbtocrs . IKJ-J 2.30
53 steers . 9M O Q
Suffolk Cuttln Co
S3stcerH . 10S 2.70
Slstecrs . 1001 2.70
Mursh & Cooper
19 steers . 1377 3.40
Id steers . , . . .1274 3.40
No. Av. Shk. Pr. No. Av. SUV. Pr.
73. . . . 222 200 fV20 71-.2'J5 320 f5.25
T3..2tV5 80 6.5 CO. . . . ' . ' 2W ) 5.25
02..271 120 5.25 81. . . .218 200 5.27V
( W..2M 200 5.25 02. . . .271 120 5.27 $
71. . . . 252 100 5.25 5S.9J bO 5.30
113. . . .S4G " S3 5.25 OS. . . . 274 ICO 5.80
58. . , . 241 120 ' 5.25 54. . . . 278 260 5.30
? J..2tJ2 120 5.25 .01. . . .210 160 6.30
70. . . .203 HO 5.2t7 . .2'.i3 40 5.35
CJ..2.13 H ) O..Ti C2 . . .2W. JU 5.35
Shnwing the number of hog * bought by
the leading buyers on the market , to-day ?
O. H , Hammond .t Co . C37
Omaha Packing Co . . . 443
Armour C. P. Co . 404
Highest nucl Ijowcat.
The following uro the highest and lowest
prices paid for hoes during the past few days
and on the corresponding datc4 one and two
years ago ;
uet. im i Oct. 1 7. i Oct. I
Prnilucc , Krultn , Ktc.
UOTTKII Fancy , solid-packed creamery , 20
@ : choice country , 10' < f ISc ! common
grades , lOi'illCc.
Kl.oun Nebraska iiatonts , ! .OJ@r.50j
Minnesota patents , jy.'J.XjJj.OO ; straik'ht
Bradcs , $ .YOOjj.V ( > 0 ; bakers' Hour , t5.29.cjj.TS ( |
jier barrel.
POTXTOKS Nebraska , .T5@10c per busnei :
Colorado. 75ffi80o. (
SwEKTPoiATOKS 2c per Ib.
POULTHT Live chickens , li.7fira3.OD p r
doz. { spring cbiokcns , $ :2.oO : < ( ; i.UJ ; dressud
chickeim , lOolu-rlb.
Pnxns California M.OO ( < t3.5U ! per bu box.
Kens Strictly tresh , lSC < * l'c ! ' candled.
CALiFoiiNiAOiiirEs $ l.Uoi ( liiU per case ;
DolaWares 4UnC50i. ( ' .
CONCOHU OUAPK3 30@40c per 10-lb
PEACHES Mlchlirun. 60c@fl.00 i > cr basket.
UASAN1 * Common , II. 50@i.'J5 per bunch ;
choice , ?
LEMONS W.CO j > er cas .
OiusiKM-.ViH ) ( ; il.iiO IX.T box.
Cni.Kliv 2o@)0o : ) uer dozen.
ONIONS NKu'oUc uer bu.
U\miuic fJOUpcr 100.
HRETI lOo per bushel.
TIHNMP ? 'Wo per bushul.
Sifp.u KIIAUT Hbls , f 4.75 ; half bbls , $2.78.
APPLES Choice , J'J.riO'ii'.Troer bbl ; fancy ,
taui ) per hbl ; rommon , $ l.iOr il.7.'i ) per libl.
CIOEII Michigan. per bbl ff3
guls ; California pear cider , $ l.i.OO per bbl.
POP Cons Kice. 8 i4c ; common ,
HKANS Choice eastern liandpicUcd navies ,
$2.00 per Dushel ; western hand p eked
navic.s , (1.75 ( < il.S ) ( ) ; mediums , $1.U1.40. ; )
Lima beans 5c per pound.
HAV 1. o. o. ears. No. 1 JUland , W.OO ; No.
2 upland , * .VOJ.
liKA.v (15.00@iri.00.
CnopPKD FEKU $14.00(315.00 ( per ton.
Cons : ilC T'c. :
OATS 22tf23c. (
ViSEOAii Cider , 10@l8c per c l. White
wine , 10g20c ( per Ral.
PitovisioN-s Hams , No. 1 , 12'fc ; No. 2
lie ; shoulders , ljc ; rib bacon , IHic ;
clear bacon , 12c ; picnic hams. lOc ; dried
beef hams , 10 } o ; dry salted clears , short ,
OMc ; extra short , Kc ; sliort ribs , OKc ;
pickled pigs feet , 15-lb kits , 80o ; laril , O'idi
lOc ; smoked sausage , CC Sc per Ib ; hog cua-
Orocrrs Ijlst.
Revised prices are as tollawa :
UAOOINO Stark A seamless 22c : Amos-
keag , seamless. l"/ic ' ; Liowiston A , seamless.
19c ; American , seamless 17c ; burlaps , 4
to 5 bu , Ilul4u ; ; gur.nles , smple , lac ; gun
nies , double , 20c ; wool sacks , 35c. Twines
Flax , ! Wc ; extra sail , 20@2lc sail U , 10a20c ( ;
cotton. Ulo ; lute.h \ :
FRUITS b ics , m Ooxes , per ib , 13 ®
16c ; dates , in boxes , 7@10e ; London Malaga
layer raisins , per box , $3.50@3.75 ; Malaga
loose raisins. $2.30(32.50 ( : now Valen
cia raisins , perlb , i 4c ; Callforuiuloose mus
catels , per box 91. 0. U" toriiiulnnuon- I 8i ,
? " .4l : Pitted cherries , per Ib. 1 o ; Califor
nia pitted plums. per Ib , 12@13c ;
dried blackberries. Per ID , 7 @ 8c ; dried
raspberries. | ) r ib 24 ( $3 c ; evaporated ap
ples , < Kitlc ; California sun dried
peaches , 13c ; California unuarcd evaporated
peacnes , 15@l8c ; evaporated California
apricots , 18e ; Zanteo currants , 0 } ( T7c ; Turk
ish prunes , 4'f(654 ' rc ; citron. 22a24e ( ; orange
peel. 15c : lemon peel , loc ; California French
COFFEES .Mocha , 25@20c ; Rio , good , 105 ?
17c ; Mandahllng , 2f2Sc : roasting Ulo , 15 ®
Kic ; O. O. Java , 24@2fcc ; Java , interior. 22fJ8
25c : Ulo , tancy , 10cCUo ( ) ; Santos nnd Mara-
caibo. 17iyc : Arbuckles , 21c ; McL-augh-
lln'B XXXX. aijfr.
SUOAU Granulated , ! -"c ; coni. A , 7'xo ;
white extra C , 7 c : extra C , 7Xe ; yellow
C , 7c ; powdered. b''uo ; cubes , ' S.i ; .
HONKT icio for one pound frames ;
strained hone.v. 10 ( < ? Ic per pound.
BEESWAX Choice yellow , 20@22 > c ; dark
colored , KIJSSHc.
CHEESE Voting America , lull cream.
@ 12Kc ; full cream Cheddars , ll@12c ; full
cream flats. 'J c.
PICKI.E ) Medium , in bbls , $5."U ; do in half
bbls , 1.00 ; small , in bbls , SO. 0 ; do in ha'f '
bbls , W.5J ; gherkins , in bbls , 9i.WM do in half
lbl 14. HI
Tonicco-Plug , 20 ( < 05c ; smo
JBLLIES $ l.-5 per 30-lb pail.
SALT l.tO@l.a ; per bbU
HOPS 7-10. 11 , i- .
MAPLS SUOAR ttricks , ll@12o per ib ;
penny cakes , 12@l3c per ib ; pure maple
syrup , $1.00 per Kal.
TKAH i oung Hyson , common to fair , 18@
25c ; Young Hyson , good to fancy , 30 ( < i55c ;
Gunpowder , common to good , 2225c ; Gun-
iwwder , choice to fancy,40@05c ; Japan , com
mon to medium , 15i'J ( < Japan , choice to
fancy , ! fO@45c ; Oolong , common to good , 25 ®
y5c ; Oolong , choice to fancv , 5070c ; Imper-
iul , common to medium , 25@35o ; Imperial ,
good to fancy , 40i50e.
NUT. Almonds , I5@l"o ; tllborts , 12@Kc ;
Brazil , yrilioc ; walnuts , 12c ; pecans , 10@llo ;
peanuts , ti ( < Mc.
CBACKKIIS 5@10c per Ib ; assorted cakes , 7
@ 25o iMrlb. as per list.
CANDY Mlxed , Sil3c ( ; sticlc , 8J @ J o ;
rock candy , 10K@13c ; fancy candy. 7g'J ( < c.
Dry Goodi
COTTON Fr.AX.Nisi.s-10 pjr cent dls. ;
o. . coore , c ; o. , co
Bristol , 12 > c ; Union PaclHc , 17o
CARPET WAnp-Blb White. ls'.c ; colored ,
° | l c.
UA.TTS Standard , 80 ; Gem lOc ; Beauty ,
12K ° ' U ° 0" ° > N ° ui cased , | ( ) .5u.
PmNTS Solid colors Atlantic , Co ; Slater
5) ) < c. Berlin oil. 6c ; Garner oil , 7i > .
PuiXTS Pink and Robes Allen , c ;
Riverpoint. 5 c ; Steel River , 0 ko ; lUch
inoiul , C } o ; Pacific , r
PIUNTS IJress Cnartor Oak , V < ;
Ramapo , 4) ) c ; Lodi , 5fc ; Allen , Oc ; Richmond
mend , CKc ; Windsor'i'ai Eddystone , O c ;
8Ji"e : ' Fruit of Loom , W/us Greene
, . O'ie ' ; Hope , 7j/ ; King Philip cam-
brie , Ho. Lonsdale , cambric , i c ;
Lousdaie Uo ; Now VorK mills , lo'dc ' ;
Pepperell , 42-in , lie ; Pepperell , 46-in. I2c ;
Pepporcll , ( M , lOc ; popperell. 8-4 , 21c ; pep-
I > erell , 9.4 , 23o ; Pcppornll. 10-4 , 25c ; Canton
< -4 , We ; Triumph , Co ; Wamsutta , lie : Valley -
ley , 5c.
FI.AXSEI.S. Plaid naftsmen.SOc'.Qostien ,
32J < c ; Clear Lake , a ) } < e ; Iron Mountain ,
FLANNELS Whlto-Q HNo.2 , J2 ' cO ;
H No. 1 K 2 : 11 H No. # u'
, , , * .c , 2. , 3 Ko ;
H. No. 1. > { , 30c ; Oueeheo No. ifV42c
COK-SKT JEANS Androscoggin , 7 , o ; Kcar-
sargo , ifc ; Hockport , 0fo ; Conestogo. OVo ,
, , TxICKo > ° ? lt' m ' " ' 1-J ° 5 York. 33 ini.
13Ko ; Swift Hiver. 8c ; Thorndiko OO , Stfo ;
Tnorndlko EF , 8e ; Thorndike 120 , ti ) o :
' " " "
Mo. 5 , O oi
DNiMs-Amo Ueag , oz , 10 C ; Everett , 7
ot , Kl c ; York. 7 oz , i3 > c ; Hiivraukor , 8c-
Jaffrey XX , ilVSo ; Juffroy XXX , i-jUo
Ho ; weaver ureeK cju , iue.
KENTUCKV JEANS. Memorial , I5o : Dakota.
18c ; Durham , 27 > { o ; Hercules , lie ; Learning
Ington , 22 } o ; Cottswold. Zl v.
CRASU. Stevens' U , o c : Stevens' n
bleached , 7c ; Stevens' A , 7 < fe ; Stevens A
bleached , S > Kcs Stovenji. P , 8Kc ; Stevens'
P. bleacheti , ojfo ; Stens' N , 9Ke : Stevens'
N , bleached. lOJ-fo ; Slovens. SHt , I'JXo
MISCELLANEOUS. Taoiu 011 cioin , 82.50 ;
plalu Holland. 9 o ; Dado Holland , I2fc }
, lirown sheetine Atlantic A , 4-4 , 7Ko ; At
lantic H , 4-4 , 7 > fo : Atlantic D. 4-4 , CHu ; At-
lantioP.4-4Cc , ; Aurora LL , 4-4. 60 ; Aurora
C , 4-4 , 4 e ; Crown XXX , 4-4 , CJ/c ; rfooslei
LL , 4-4 , Cc ; Inalam Head , 4-4 , 7fc ; Law
rcnce LL , 4-4 , Cot OM Dominion , 4-4 , tk'c ;
Pepperell R , 4-4 , 7c ; ITflpUrell O,1 4-4 , CJfcj
Pepperell. 8-4 , 18 > Vc , Pepperell , SM. 21c ; Pcv [
perell , 10-4,2.1c ; UtlcaC- ( , 4)fc ; Waclmsctt ,
4U-7 ° ! Atlrora Illi4 i 7oi Aurora 1J , 4-4 ,
CljicCK West Point ra In , 8 oz , lOtfc ;
West Point 29 In. 1Q ozl c ; West Point
29 In , 12 oz , 15c ; West Point 40 in , 11 oz , 16c.
FLAXNrLi-Rcd , C , 2 In , 15J < ; E , 24 In ,
21 c ; G G , 24 lu , Cc H A F , ; 7,23o J U F
* / 27 c.
' UIS'HIUM PluiiKCttcuccks , 7j c ! Whlttcn
ton , TKo ? York , 7Kef Noruiandl cress ,
8Uc : Calcutta dress. KHcsWhlttenton dress ,
8Mc ; Henfrow dress , .8K@12ljc.
\JAMIIHI < ; oiut i , u./c : Woods ,
Standard , 5 c ; Peacock , 5'/o.
ican , OJ/c ; Gloucester , ( Hjfc : Arnold C long
cloth , 9 : Arnold U long cloth , 10J ; Arnold
Gold Seal , 10k' : StlelelA , 12 ; Windsor Gold
Ticket , "
MiscKM,4Nr.ouSulph. . add , lj < c ; citric
acid , ( We ; tartarlo .We ; bal. copavm , CSc ;
borax , lie ; chloroform , 47c ; glycerine , 2)c ) ;
gum Arabic , select , $1.00 ; jjum camphor. ! ' . " > c ;
puui opium , M.25 ; sulph. morjihla , t'-.SJ ;
jromide potassium. 4''c.
OILS Carbon , 150 = 10 } < c ; hcadllgUt , 175 o
t ! > 4c ; easoline , 74 ° 12) ) < c ; West Virginia
uuimer , lie ; zero. 17c ; No. 1 K 'lden m.i-
hlnc , ISc ; extra W. S. lard , Sic ; No. I lard ,
7c ; turpentine , 5-c ; linseed raw , 5ic ;
> oiled , hlc.
QUININE P. & W- , per 02 , Wo ; German
> er or , 4Gc. _
Hemlock sole , lg'7e ( ! per Ib ; oak sole , fll@
SL'C per Ib ; oak harness , ! lO@f.'c per Ib : selec-
ed oak nnd trace. 3'c per Ib ; oak and hem-
ock upper , ! 20 ( 'c per foot. Hemlock calf
skin , No. 1 , bOaWo ( ) per Ib , according to
vcicht ; oak calf skin , No. 1 , ( IOcAfl.Ou ( per
b ; Philadelphia calf skin , extra $1.00 ( 1.10
icr Ib ; hcmlocl : Itip skin. No. 1 , lJOC i70c per
b : o.ik kip skin , No1 , 76jTsOc per Ib ; Phila
delphia kip skin , extra , bOCglKh : per Ib. French
calf skins , ( according to weight and quality ) ,
1.15@1.7oDcr lb- French kip skins do. bUc ( < ?
:1.10 : per Ib. Coruovan russctt , ISc ; satin
linish , SOe per foot ; welt leather , $3. ! > 0@4.00
or side ; moro'cos , ( pebble front ) . liOoTIlOc
icr ft < ot ; moroccos , boot lofr , 25(3 ( Ma per
root ; glove calf skins , 20ii ( ; ) c per foot ;
Douglas kid , 30@40c per foot ; kangaroo
skins , 40@r > 0o per foot , accordlnx to quality.
Tonpmcs , J3.00i10.03 ( per dozen ; linings ,
i5.00@0.00 per dozen ; apron skins , $10.00 ®
12.00 per dozen. _
'irst nnd second clear. 1'4 in . . . $49 00(351 ( 00
First and second clear , \ % in. . 47 00uf ( > 0 00
niirdclea-- , l'4ful.Jiii ; . 43 00yi4i ( 00
A select , l > 4' < < UVf in . 37 00tU : 00
H select , I'fC' ' lXin . 35 OOM37 00
A stock boards , 1201G feet , 13 in . . .40 00
H stock boards , I2n5lf ( feet , 12 in . 41 00
Cstock bourds , 12 < i lG feet , 12 in . 110 00
i ) stock boards , 1S ( 10 feet , 12 in . 83 00
flooring : , flrst common , Din . 34 ( X )
flooring second common , 0 in . 32 00
Select fencing flooring . 19 00
siding , first and second clear , llglO ( ft 25 00
aiding , first common , 16 feet . 22 00
Siding , second common . 10 ( X )
Common boards . 1(5 ( 00
No. 2 boards , all lengths . 14 50
Fencing No 1. 12@20 feet . 1C 50
Fencing No. 2 , 12 , 14 and 18 feet . 15 50
Toists nnd scantling , 2x4 , 14@10 feet. . . . Hi 00
Timber , 4x4 , 8x8 , 12c < tlO feet . 17 00
Pickets , Dand II lint . 22 00
1'ickets. D nnd H square . 25 00
Shingles , extra A . . . . . 2 bO
Shingles , standard A . 2 CO
Shingles , No. 1 . . . . 1 50
Lath . , . 2 40
O. G. Halts , 2K in. . . . ? . 70
O. G. Uatts , J xl ! , S , I. S . 40
3 in Well tubing , D. nnd M. bcv . 22 00
Metals and Tinners' Stock.
Hlock tin , small pig . $ .28
[ Mock tin , bar . 7 . 2l
Joppcr , planished boiler sizes . 34
Joppcr , cold rolled ; ! . , . . 31
popper , sheathing . , . . 30
Copper , pitts . ' . . . . , . 30
Instruments Placed' on Record Dur
ing Ycntcrday.
A L. Gray to K. J. Albright , lot 10. blk 2 ,
Pruyn s sub. Hyde park , w d . t 80fl
A. O Donaboo and ' hnspnnd to A. E.
Kelby et ol. 7H lots ftnd"parts of lots In
Carthuge , u icd. . . . . . , . 1
The Patrick Land company to F. U. Del-
linger , lots 7 and 8 , blk 113 , Dundee
Place.wd . 2,000
A. Kountze tt al to E.K. Watson , lot ] , blk
11. I'lalnvlew. w d . 6M
J. W. llarnsdall to L. E. Hammond , undl-
vidiKl ' / ote 'J ' of BW ai-IM3 e. w d . GC
C. II. Evans and wife to W. A. Colliimer ,
lot 1. blK 1. PlBlnview. wd . 1,000
( } . K. [ loners und wlfu to J. Thomas , lot
40 , Okalioma , w d . 300
C. H. 1'ayuu et al to Mutual Investment
compuuy , loti 7 and 8 , blk 16 , Highland
I'lace.wd . C.ODO
C. K. Mayne et al to J. I ) . Ferrae , part lot
J , blkl.U. 13. Mayne'H 1st add , Valley ,
qed . 1
O. Kgan to K. Shannon , Wxlio ft In lu w > 4
tax lot , 10-li-lO e. w d . 1,900
A. I. . Heed to J. Parllne , lot 0 , blk IB , Wil-
cox's -'d add , w d . COO
A ! Tukcy et al to A Stockdule , lots 17
ana 18 and 19 , blk 14 , Clifton 11111 add ,
w d . l.W
N It Macleod and wife to M O Macleod ,
lot 0 , bile S , Ambler Place , w d . 000
A 1 * Hendrluktton to F Clirlbtcnsen , w 5
acres of e of n w of e aii-lO-lU' , wd. . . 1,000
O It b Is T Co to M Buundcrti , lot 3 , bile 1 ,
Saundera and HelmbaiiKh s add , Wnl-
nutlllll.wd . 300
Win L Md'ague to James Morris , lots 4
and 5 Catalpa Sd add , wd . 1,000
J L McCague toT Heofry , lot 2i , bit fl ,
West Cumini ? add. w d . 325
H M Hunt and wife to J M Parker , 68 lots
in Florence , q C (1 . 1
Eighteen transfers aggregating . I1 ? , : K
JPHBC Jnnies' Luck.
St. Louis Chronicle : Jesse James , jr. '
only heir of the great land pirate , is
fifteen years of ago. und strange irony
of fate works for T. T. Crlttendon and
his sons , for that very governor of Mis
souri who hounded his father to death ,
anil received his Uncle Frank after the
surrender of the latter. The story of
the boy's engagement to work in Crit-
tonden's real estate olllco is interesting.
The boy , it appears , answered an adver
tisement for an olllco boy. Haifa dozen
other eager applicants were before
Crittcndon asked him what ho could
do ,
"I'll fight , run a foot race , or write a
letter with any of those kids for the
job , " answered the brigand's son.
"Write a letter , " bnid Crittonden.
Jesse complied , and proved to write a
bettor hand than any other applicant.
"What is your namoV" asked the ox-
governor kindly.
"Jesse James , jr. , " answered the boy.
Doubtless ex-Governor Crittondou
was as surprised that ho was about to
hire the son of the notorious Jesse ,
whom ho had hired , the assassins to kill ,
us the boy and hib mother were to learn
that the former's employer was the ox-
CarousInK i'u the Army.
' Yes , I loft a lieutenancy in the reg
ular service at $125 n month , " said a re
tired army olllcor , "and took a position
at three-fifths of. that salary , simply because -
cause I couldn't stay in the army nnd
preserve my independence. A commis
sioned olllcer in n1 fort or recruiting
depot .vhoro there , are other commis
sioned olllcors is expected to carouse urn'
gamble as long us .his money lasts , nnd
if ho don't ho is nobody. Ho can't be
economical und'th * " * " . no matter how
hard ho may tr\i , ids associates won't let
him. There arc , 'frequent and expen
sive social ovoiM nt the post , and he
must chip in his snare on the barest
mention of the matter. There arc
nightly poker parties to which ho is in
vited , and which arc likely to keep him
'broke1 twenvy-uino out of every thirty
days , but ho cannot refuse either to
chip in or to attend , unless he is willing
to bo ostracised by these who arc almos
his only companions. I don't know r
single officer at West Point , of any
thing like my ago , who owns oven o
small homestead , and its all duo to thit
infernal system of carousing and gam
bling. "
the Weasel Asleep.
During a heated political campaign
an eloquent young orator , still living
old ana honored- who occppied a pulpi
in one of. the inland towns of Kobruska
not n 100 miles from the fair nnd nour
ishing city of Orel , announced as the
subject of his evening discourse : "Free
Trade or Protection , Which ? ' '
The nnnmincomcnt was greeted with
Interest by the politics-loving people ol
thnt plnco , nnd when Sunday evening
came quite n Inrge nttcndnnco of hard-
cncd free trnclcrs nnd conflrincd pro
tectionists were on hnnd to listen to the
rovaroucd gentleman's speech. Not. n
little disappointment , to put it mildly ,
was dlbccrnablo on the fnccs of the
strangers when the cliseoum > turned
out to bo nn old-timo MothodlEt sermon
on "free trade in sin und protection
from sin.1
That speech , it is snld , is the only ono
delivered thcro during the campaign
that received no after discussion from
the sidewalk politician : ) of the plnco.
Michael T. Evers , who was charged
with the theft of a pair of gloves in the
court of special t-es-slons , Newark , ad
mitted his guilt , hut pointing to a weep
ing wife and several wretched children ,
said ho had done so to buy them bread.
Misfortune , ho then told , had followed
him till hib life. "Ho had once been
shipwrecked ; a murder had occurred in
the house in which he lived and ho had
been locked up for months as n witness ;
with his family he had walked from
Bristol , Pa. , to Jersey City looking for
work , anil on ono occasion lie became so
disheartened that ho attcmpte-l bui-
cide. " Ho was discharged anil a num
ber of lawyers made up a purto for him
nml his family. According to the New
York Press , Evcrs for three weeks
sought work on the wharves in that city
nnd during that time rescued six pur-
sons from drowning.
Grain , Provisions , Stocks and Bonds ,
Margin Transactions a Specialty.
Members of tlio rhlcaio Hoard of Trade. 1'rl-
vate Wires tiK'hlciigoand New York.
loom 39 , 22-24 Pacific Ave. , ChlcaRO.III.
Cpi | lKiiinciiti of drain nollcllrO. Ornlu nml 1'ro-
> l linu bnuRlit. 4 > r mid , nr rnrrlpO nn innruliK.
Viilualilp 'lrcnli r anil lliilly Mnrkvl Il <
porCnscnttiiiinyftililn > H. CnrrKponilrnccvillrltt-Ml.
La Platte Land Co ,
OFFICE , Chamber of Commerce
liuildiny ,
CAPITAL , $300,000. $ ,
JOHN H. CkAHK , 1'rc ident Lincoln , Ntb ,
CHAHLKSA. II ANN A. Treasurer Lincoln , Neb.
FKANCIS C. UUAHI'R , Secretary , Omuhn.
Lam's in the desirable Counties in
Nebrnskn , KIUIMIS Colorado and Wjoni-
r hi u ht nnd sold.
A Great Medical Work for Young and
Middle-Aged Men.
New Edition , Revised and Enlarged ,
YounK and mlddlc-necil men who aru sutTerlnK
from the InitlKcrvtlnnn of ) outh , Kxhaitsted vltnllty ,
Nervous and IMiyMcul Debility , I'remitturo Decllnu ,
&c. , anil the thou < mnd untold ml'erle consequent
tboreon. and nil \\hi > nrc hick and Buffering an.l do
not know K lint all them , cim borurvd without fall
by following tlie Instruction * In the Science of Lire
or Self I'rescrMitlon. 1'rlce only fl by mnll I'Ojt-
iiuld , fenled. Ills n hook lur eery mini , ; < ilpiit-ef ,
full Kilt. 126 prercrlptlonn for ull acute and
chronic * ilUcni'B. Fully pnriorBtul by the National
Medical A octHtlon , Hlio awnnled the KOld and
jewelled medal to the author. Illustrative latuple ,
with endorciu ! > nta of the presi. free If you apply
now. Adilri'"the Pcubody Medical InMltute or Dr.
W. II. 1'AKKKll , No. I , linfltnch H. . BouMn , Maxi. ,
who miiT be cnntulted contldentlally cm all iliseiues
of man , nl rpfclulty.
"Tho Silence of l.lfc , the latest work from the
pen iif the ublo and ill tlniulsheil consulting phycl-
clan of the Ponuoily MedlcHl Instttute , lloaton. It by
far THE HKST medical treatise for youiiE nnd middle-
aged mvn ever sunt forth In the Knull'U IUUKUHCO ,
and It Is pulillnhed by an Inntttuto founded by the
philanthropist known In America cr Eng-
Them l no mnmber of society to whom The Sci
ence of Life will not be ui > eful.wbitbi-r youth , parent ,
guardian , Instructor or clergyman. Aliuo.vAUr.
M&x Meyer-Established 1866-Adolph Ueyer
Max Meyer
& Bro. ,
General Agents for
and JAS , W , STARR
Story &Clari and Shoninser-Bell Organs
Write ( or Catalogue.
- & * BEND FOR CIRCULARSi.-fr , -
r. lui'Ai.MiR. N , i > . niniM AN. j.u.
Lie Stock Comraission Merchants ,
Offlce-Hoom 21. Opposite Kzcbange nulldlnu , Union
_ block V nl , fouth Omaha. Neb. J ;
Liye Stock Commission ,
Room 15 , Eicbaniie Uulldlntt , Union block rards ,
Bouth Umaba , Neb.
Cominision Bealers in Live Sod
&oom22 , Opposltn Kicbangu Ilulldlnn , Union ? tOck
_ _ Yards , tioutb Omana , Keb.
Of Omaha , Limited ,
tctu r .EOJO.3 > uvrlaUadcBt.
ARrlculturni implomonto.
Dealer in Agricultural Implements , Wagons ,
CarrUfti and Huijlu. Jm Ptrrrl , b tif uVtb nd
lOtn , Omaha , Ntbiatka. _
Agricultural Implements , Wagons.Carriages .
Buiiilti.Ktc. Wholesale. Omaha , Nfbra k .
Wholesale I ) alrs In
Agricultural Implements , Wagons & Buggies
_ tOl. 0 , TO aud W7 Jones Btrnt , Omaha. _
P. P. MAST & CO. .
Mannfactnrers of Buckeye Brills , Seeders ,
Culllvaton. Hay Hakes. Cld r Mills and Lubau l"ul-
ers. Cor , lllh and Mcholas btrefls.
Wbole ale .
Agricultural Implements , Wagons & Buggies
_ i-imcr Ulh * nd Mrbnlsn Streets.
Akron , Ohio.
Hamsting Machinery and Binder Twine ,
W. K. Mead , Manager. 1513 1 ei\ St. , Omaha.
Manufacturers and Jobbers In
Wagons , Buggies , Rakes , Plows Etc ,
Cor. tuhsnd PaclBc Streets , Omaha , Neb.
Artists' Materials. .
A HOSPE , Jr. ,
Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs ,
UI3 Douglas Street , Omaha , Nebraska.
Booksellers and Stationers.
H. M , & S. W. JONES ,
Eucccsrorsto A. T. Kenyon A Co. , Wholesale A Rctrll
Booksellers and Stationers ,
Fine Wedding Stationery , Commercial Stationery.
t : > 22 Ioula Street. Omaha. > b.
_ Boots and Shoes.
Successors to llecd , Jones A Co. )
Wholesale Manufacturers of Boots and Shoes
Agi'utsfor Huston lluboer Hhf.e Co. 1102 , 11W A 1VX
llarney M. . Oinaba. Ncbraaka.
w. v. " MJREco. " . .
Jobbers of Boots and Shoes ,
Bt.Omalia Mauufactorj.Bum-
1101 , 1103-llOi Douttln
uicr M. . llcston.
Coffees , Spices , Etc.
" '
Omaha Coffee and Pplcc Mills.
Teas , Coffees. Spices , Baking Powder ,
FlaTorlnu Kitracts. laundry nine. Inks. Kte. 1414-
141b llanny Street. Omaha. Nabraska.
Crockery and Classwajre. _
Agent for the Manufacturers and Importers of
Crockery , Glassware , Lamps , Chimneys ,
Kt" otnc .HI78 nth ft. . Omaha. Nebraska.
luiDortvrs nnd Jobbers of
Crockery , Glassware , Lamps , Silverware
Etc. llHr-nmamSt. . ' crl > axtonll lldlng.
Commission and Storage- _
' "
Storage and Commission Merchants ,
Speclaltlctip - ri . Chpr'o Poultry , Game ,
112Howard Street. Oaak * .
Bucccssors to McMmnc H Scbroedcr. )
Produce Commission and Cold Storage ,
Omaha. Nebraska.
Flonr , Feed , Grain and General Commision
Merchant. Correspondence solicited. 1011 North
StreetIninhii , Nub.
Coal , Coke and Lime-
" ' " "
Johoers of Hard and Soft Coal ,
m Fouth 13th Street , Omalin , Netiratka.
S7"J. JOHNSON ftCO. \ . . '
Mannfactnrers ofLlme ,
And hlppur , in Lunl.CiMk , Ceuien nastor. I.lm
DiKln Tlio , and Sewer Pipe. Otilov ilS.S. litb
St. , Umaba , Neb. Te'cpbin ' tit.
Cooda nno Notions.
M. E SM"ITH & co. ,
Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods and Notions ,
1102 and 1104 DouKlai. Cor. lltb St. , Omaha , Neb.
Importers and Jobbers in Dry GooflsNotions ,
Genta' t'urnUblnK Ooodi. Corner nth and LlaJner
m . , Oioaba , Nebraika.
Shippers or Coal and Cok
71 Soulh 13th Rt. . Omaha. Neb.
' "
Wholesale Dealers in Fnrnitnre ,
Faroam Street. Omaha. Ncbruka.
Omaha. Nebraska.
Wholesale Groceries and Proyisions ,
'OS. 707,709 and 711 8.10th St. , Omaha , Neb ?
Wholesale Grocers
llharnTTearenworth Streeti , Omaha , Nebraska
Whnletalo Manufacturers of
Saddlery & Jibbers of Saddlery Hardware
And Leather. IIOJ , 1IQJ nml HOT Ilnrcc-y St. , Omaha ,
* Hoayy Hardware.
Heayy Hardware , Iron and Steel ,
Springi , Waxen Htork , Hardware , Lumber , Ktc. 190 <
and 1211 Uarn ) r btretl , Oiuaba.
Bnilders' ' Hardware and Scale Repair Shop ,
Mechanic.ol.nduffaloPc.le. . . | Uoug.a . ,
Wholesale Hardware ,
Wb and HarneT Bti. . Omaha. Neb. Weitern Agcnti
for Auitln Powder Co. , Jeffenon Sleol Nallt.
Falrbanki titandaid Hcalei.
Wholesale Hardware , Cutlery , Tin Plate ,
Metals , Hhpet Iron , etc. Aftents for II own Bcaleu
Miami J'owaer and I.ymuu llarlied wire ,
_ Omuha , Mebraaka.
, Eto.
Wholesale Hats , Caps and Straw Goods
1107 Haroer Street , Omaha. Nob.
All Kinds of Building Material at Wholesali
IStj Street and Colon I'aclBe Track , Omaha ,
Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime , Sash.
Uouri.Ktc. Yinlt-Oorner 7th n : rxitwlai ; Cnn !
C. N. DIET2.
Dealer in All Kinds of Lumber ,
13th and California SttceU , Omaha , Nebratka.
Lnmlier , Lime' , tent" Etc , , Etc ,
Comer t and Douil iSU..Ora h .
To Dealers Only ,
OfficeHOT Karnam Street , Omaha.
Wnolesale Lnmber , Etc ,
Impon J and Amertriiti I'ortliinJ Omcnl.
A nt lur MllwmUro llyilr ullcC m l and
Qulncj Whim l.lDie.
Dealer In Hardwood Lmnlier ,
Wood CarpcU nJ 1'arquct flooring Wh nd rtouiUl
Importers & Jokers in Millinery & Notions
Mannfacturers of Oyeralls ,
J ani PantsShlrti , Kte. IliUnml 1101 UuuglM Street ,
Oiusho. feb.
Wholesale Notions and Furnishing Good ?
4K1 mmKH < ntti 10th St. , Omaha.
Wholsale Refinoil and Lubricating Oils ,
Aile Off o. Etc. , Omaha. A. U. . Mutineer
Notions and Gent's ' Furnishing Good ? ,
1KB Unrner Street , ( \raatm.
Office Fixtures.
e.1' of
Offlce and Saloon Fixtures ,
Pana and oils.
Wholc'alo Dcniorsln
Paints , Oils , Window Glass , Etc ,
HIS Fnrnam Struct. Omahk.Neb.
Wholesale Paper Dealers ,
'arrr a nice ttnck of 1'rlTitlng. Wrapping and Wrltlnf
t'f r. 8p clal attention glron to car loail iirilem.
Paper Boxes *
Pronrietor Omaha Paper Box Factory ,
NOJ. 131 * and Ul'J Uouglns St. , Omabu , Neb.
Wholesale Farm , Field and Garden Seeds
811 nnd 913 Jonca Street. Omaha.
Storage , Forwarding St. Commission
Storage , Forwarding and Commission . , ,
Branch houno of the Heirapy lluaffy Co. } .1
wbulciale and rt'tall.jUW UlOantl l.flJ lian
Omaha. Tclepbonu No. 76U.
Lager Beer Brewers ,
1421 North KliftbtccntU Street , Omaha , Veb.
Manufacture Galvanized Iron and Cornice ,
John Kpeneter , Proprietor. 100 Dorian and 10(1 ( nnd 101
North Wtb Street , Omaha.
Auxiliary Publishers ,
Rubber Goods.
Manufacturers and Dealers in Rubber Goods
Pll Clothing and Leather Belting. KXB Karnarn Btr t.
3jsh , Doors , Eto.
M. A. DISBROV/ , CO. . '
Wholesale ManuTr.cturers of
Sasu. Doors , Blinds and Mouldings.
Branch ufOce , 12tn and Irani Street ! , Omalm , Neb. I
Manufacturer of Sash , Doors , Blinds- ,
-uldlupi , Htalr Work and Interior Ilnr'l Wool Kin.
> n. N. K.Corner Htli nnil Ix'avc'uwurtti fctrcvti ,
Umalin , Mcu. i
Fittings , Pumps , Etc.
Pnmps , Pipes and Engines ,
Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings ,
Jteam and Water Supplies. ni > < 4niiflrli > r fi" Ma f.
. , ( Koods Knrnam t. , Om nfc
Steam and Water Supplies ,
Engines , Boilers and General Machinery
, , ; k ( Heam Jmp . Haw MIK , .
Iron Works.
Carter & hon , Prop' * . Manufacturers of all kinds
Steam Boilers , TanKs and Sheet Iron Wort
Works South 3)1 ) h und II. tt M. Croiilntr.
Wrought .and Cast Iron Building Wort
Entities , Ilm's Work , General Foundry , Maolilno and
liluckimlth Work , onitu and Works , U. P. Ky.
and 17tb ritruet , ( ; niHha.
Manufacturers of Wire and Iron Railings
Man'frs ' of Fire & Burglar Proof Safes J
Faults. Jail Work. Iron an I Wire K.mrlriK. Hlgns. Kto.
O. Andretn , Pruo'r. Cor. lltb and Jack o HH.
Iron and Wire Fences , Railing ? , Guard !
and Screens , for banks , oinctt t'orvs. ruiUlor.ce * . oto <
Improved AwnlnKS , lAOksmltli Mji'blu > r > : in < i
llUclomlth Works. < UH-.itli nth. St.
Fire and Burglar Proof SafesTimeLoc'u