Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 30, 1888, Part II, Page 10, Image 10

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Advertisements under this tinad 10 cents per
line for tlio llrst ln crtlon. 7 cents for each sub-
leouont Insertion , and tl.Ma line per month.
tie advertisement token for less thnnSiCcnM
Iho first Insertion. Seven words will bo counted
lethe llni't they must rim consecutively and
must lie paid fa ADVANCE.All advertise-
Inunta must buhnndedln before 12:30 : o'clock p.
ta. , and under no circumstances will they bo
r taken or discontinued by telephone.
Parties advertising In thwc columns and hav-
In ? their HUSH era addressed In care of riii ; HKK
krill plcaso ask for a chock to enable them to got
Ihelr letters , as none will be delivered except on
hreieiitntlon of check. All answers to advcr-
' IlsemcnH should bo enclosed In envelopes.
All advertisements In thesi column * arc pub
lished In both morning nnd evening' editions of
I'll it DBF. . the circulation of which oggrectati ; ' "
u moro than 18,000 Tinners dally , and idvt-s the ad-
rertlicrs tnn bpnpllt. not only of the cltvolrru.
latlcmofTilK HKK. but also of Council IllulM.
Lincoln nnil other cities and towns throughout
this section of thn country. _ _
Advertising for theio column * will bo taken
tin the nbovo conditions at the following busi
ness Motive * , who are authorliM'd agrnti for fl IIR
aii'Kspcrlal , nnd will quote the same
rates BR can be had nt the main olllco
* *
J OHN W , HELL , Pharmacist820 South Tenth
CHASE & EDDY , Stationers nnd Printers. 113
South 10th Street.
S H. FAlfNSWOHTH , Pharmacist,2115Cum-
J HUGHES , Pharmacist. 021 North lth ( !
. Street
GEO.TV. PARR , Pharmacist , IfOUSt. Mary's
WANTKD- Situation by an experienced
joung man. Stenographer aud type
writer. Also bookkeeper Can glvo roft-rence.
Address O 07 , lice olllco. f > ' 130t
ITUATION wanted byayonnc lad yns dress
maker to go out and new by the day. "S12
Ijuaveuworth st. , up stairs. _ 453 it _
W7ANTKISolicitors. . Good salary to good
Tf men. Call or address , H. I. S.T. Co. Cor.
I3th and Farnam Sts. GTfKttt
ANTKD fJO ) teamsters. ( J25 per month )
( K > ) laburerH ( * 1.7fi ) . Steady work and fare
Appl ) itil7S. ; M ) WK
"IT17ANTKI ) Agents to canvnss for "History
T > of the Hcpmillinn 1'arty. " edited by John
P. Long. ox-KOM-rnor ot AlassnchliBetts , In
dorsed and .iccomriiendeu' by the national re
publican committee. Most of the contributors
' Jxro leading members of congress. The book is
Bellini ; rapidly. Don't delay. A handsome-
prospectus will bo sent postpaid for fioc. Hor-
Und & Co. . 1C1 State at. . Chicago. 111. Ml 31
' \\rANTKn-Ton person1) Monday morning nt
T the Omaha Commrrclal college , corner
Jtitli and Dodgu to wrlto names nt 1 1.00 per tliou-
llvpnrt between 7 nnd H o'clock.
W ANTKI ) Kvnerlenced .solicitors. Good
alnry , permunout position. Address " 0 ,
Ilee olllcc. D4731 *
ns coat makers wanted at tlio Conti-
tieiitttl Clothing house. KSfM
Kirst class plumber , highest
wages paid. Apply Graham Park , 'Mid
t.eav orth nt. G4230 *
t.eavW ANTED Head cook , 75f pastrycook , MO :
faro p.ud. Mrs. Urcga , 314' , S loth. UU 29t
WA NTED Hey to feed nrcsssw oman to clean
stori' . Chabo & Eddy , 11. ) S lOtli street.
run 27t
" \S7 ANTI'.D-An experlence < l Swedish clerk In
TT a general storo. Address Post & Head-
Btrom , Stromburir , Nob. 47831 *
WANTED Energetic men nud women every
where for n genteel money-making busl-
pesi. I'M ' w cokly protlt guaranteed easier than
fOJmoutlily otherwise. Kxporience nbsoliitoly
imueceHsary. Permanent position anil exclu-
Wvo terrltoiy assured. liOO aumpleH free.
Write for particulars. Addrcas , with stamp ,
M > rrHl MfgCo. . IIBI Chicago. 4i7n25T
AGKNTSwnntcdto handle our new line of
goods , lloom 4'2. ! Paiton block. 26V31
WASTflD Shovolers ; wages $1.75 per day :
board JI. 00 per week. Apply ouwoikat
'Rtalo Neb , y ioli fthron contrac.U > r. / . " >
WANTKD-ltiuiroad laborer for Washing-
ton Territory ; an rill winter's job in a mild
r climate : wugcscuiiranteodfrom * j to IJ.SO per
flay , or li to ? JO per month anrt board. At
Albright's Labor Agency , 1120 Farnam st. 015
' '
" \\T ANTED A man to solicit ; salary 8100 per
T f month ; must deposit $2" > nnd give security
. ' for money collected. Address George B. Cllne ,
' Wagner block , DCS Moines , Ta. W5
' " "
- ex-
Jti. poiises paid any active person to sell our
goods ; no capital , salary monthly , expenses In
advance , paitlculais fiee. Standard Silverware
Co. , lloslon. J79
B OYb-Am. Dlst. TeL Co. , 1304 Douglas.
WANTED Man to take the agency of our
safes ; size2xl8xl8 Inches ; weight 500 Ibs :
retail price $35 ; other sizes In proportion. A
rare chance aud permannnt business. These
safes nicet u demand never bofoie supplied by
other safe companies , ns wo nre not governed
ljr the safe pool. Alpine Safe Co. Cincinnati , O.
WANTKD-Good life insurance solicitors
" with bank leforences. are wanted by the
"Onion Life nt 401 Merchants' national bank
building , Omaha , Onice hours 8 to 10 a. in. and
to e p. in. 846
* W7 ANTED 40 sow lug girls also a competent
TT lady bookkeeper. No married woman
paod apply. Geo. btilea , 1211 Howard. 680-1
ANTED-Dlnlng room girl aud cook. 1034
NoUh ICth st. 65031
W ANTED A middle aged single or widow
lady ; no objections to ono small chlln ; to
Iteop home for widower with one small boy.
Address "O 62. " lice Ofllco. 651 2W
WANTED A gill for general house-work ,
family of thiee. wages (4 per weak. Mrs.
Hal-tin. U Farnam st. 657
WA4TKD 3 waitresses for Lincoln. J1S. fora
paid ; cooks for lioardlng house. M and $ s
Week ; hotel cleric. 120 , steady woikj man and
wife for farm , til ) , must ba practical man and
wife , good cook , no children. White's otllco , 119
W Ifith. 675 S9t
TXrANTED Nice joung lady for edict ) work ;
TT must be willing to sweep nnd dust ; K to
W. Competent woman to take entlio charge of 3
children : experienced second girl for olllrer's
family , Sir , ; if cooks for country hotels. * JU to
JO ; J ilrst-class dining room girls out of tltv :
Rood girls for private famllos can nlwoys flnd
york nt any time In my omco. Mrs. llrega. iim $
P 16th. <
T\rANTKD Lady agents for comolnatlon
TT btibtle-sklrt , "Daisy" hose oupixnter.
rubber nprons , bibs , aleovcs , shoulder braces.
eafuty belts , waterproof garmentx , etc : reliable
Bouse. Only guilds of runl merit ; prollt-s larire.
Addrens with stamp. 15.11. Campbell Ar Co. . 4x4
W. Randolph st. . Chicago. HHfinovltfJ.
. , forgenoral housework , 623
N 20th st. , ( orner California. 404
WANTRD-rirai-Uass Klrl , German pre-
feru'd. Good wages. Apply 1112 Sonth loth.
, * Wf ANTED Experienced 'Hollcltors. Good
" ' _ BIW permanent position. Address "a.
Cl. Bee olljco. 51731 i
W'ANTED-Waist and skirt llnbhers , 151U
Howard. M. A. Wallace. ail 23
WANTKD A lady to solicit ; must deposit r
. . . and glvo security for money collected.
Address George S. Cllne , Wagner block. Des
Wolnes. la. 6J5
"M KUHAbKA Kmplojrment ollice , 317 N Kith t.
ANADIAN Knitiloj inont Of.lco. Mrs. Hr ga
* > 14i ! . litli.Heterence Omaha National bank
2U3 n 22J
ALENTINE'S Short-hand und type-wrttlna
liLstltute. now Paxton building. Omaha ,
, Jlw only exclusive , practical snort-hand
tichool in the w est. The demand for short-haim
fvrlters Is largely In excess of the supply.
Stunt-tuna Is much superior to book-keeping
jtuid talcirnphy as a means of livelihood. W o
iKlreliutiuctlon * on KcmlUKton and Hammond
I type-wntsrs , Ixjth foi the same pricu.
Day and evening sessions. 8tiid nts tun
i nter at any tinin. Send for circulars. 752 nlJ.
.CUPKHIOK advantages now given In these
' JJorandiiM at Omaha Comnierclul Coll'go.opp.
'P. Or tor 15th and Dodge , ll n Pliman era ,
Jtenilngton type writers. Kv > ry eraduate In
coad i-ct-itlon. Students complete manual in
two weeks , and write CO words In three months ,
Jmrtlral onica drill ulven each ntudAut one
ncopth fr o. Hecliatlons daily one li.vir. Die.
' tatlnn throe hours dally. Day and \ enlnrf son.
lilorui. BttuUnta.00ttr anr. time. For circulars
trrlte Horlibounh Hros. , Omaha. sw nl
_ jjllSCEl.l.ANEOUa WANTS.
f ;
PKIlT ACCOUNTANT-Wanto.l . to adjust
uiplcatcct ! books ; partB r hln accounts
t complicated acoountioc of all kinds : conn.
jrco.-rMpoRdfnc * > sacUei AUres ( ! Fll lie * .
WANTKD-A desirable family to take
charge of dormitory for jonng Indie * at
Ilellev ne college. Apply with reference to Rev ,
F. S. Illavney , Heilcvuo , Nob. 107
rANTED-Thopubllcto make good u jeof
iho Dee's message boxes throughout the
COPV1NG wanted by a young lady. (1 65 Hoc.
617 " >
WANTED If you have any lands , lot * , or
bouses and lots to soil or exchange for
ithcr property , call on me or write. I can flnd
ouanustoiner. C. C. Spotswood 305'iS. IbtU.
TWANTHD Thirty day boarders , also three
> roomers nt Siil Dodfio st. -7I n30 *
Table boardow at 100S Douglas.
VICKO-toom honse , 817 ; line view , nice _ _ _ . . . .
. > bnrhood. Inqutrt-of Julia Stein , 1111 Joug-
ITiOH RENT Hat of fi room * , bath-room ,
V closutf , etc. , now. Inquire at drugstore.
W3 ! . * )
GVH ) HENT-4-room luitisi1 , rast front , for
C lamtly without children , K22 S. IHth at.
480 31 *
: HENT l-room house , Sith und Howard.
67,1 31 *
"I71OH HKNT Houses , Houses , Ilou o . lu
-L1 all parts of the city. Mumaugh A. Kite ,
southwest cpr , luth and HowHrd. Ml
molt HIINT I room hoube , SOOl Lake St. , * 15 ,
C Sclby. 1-iSl Farnam. 481
HUNT 3 story brick residence , I'JIOCnp.
Itol n\e. , 10 rooms. Apply to C. H. Uufotj.
0 > ; ! ; ! 0 H-room nous" , bath room , hot aud cold
w ater , gns , ew or , pav ed street , new. C. K.
Harrison , lib 8 lr > th st. 5V
"CHtl ) HKNT 7-room thouse , bath , range nnd
-L furnace $
U-room house , new . . . .Ml
10-room house , 2 blocks from P. O. 81
JO-room house , 2 blot ks from P. O. 7f >
4-room house , now , 12
7-room house , new , paved street. . .10
8-room lioiiKe , new , JIKMM ! street. . ' i
fi-room house , now , paved street , . 10
J. II. Evans. 1510 Dodge. 408 2fl
IIIJNT frioom liotiso , rity water , No. 1110
lcst. Inquire nt 1009 Howard. 641
COTTAGK , furnished nlooly , for rent ; r > rooms ,
close tb btifilnuss , price tJti ; references re-
quired. C. F. Shaw. lOlfiHow-artist. 333 SOt
TTIOH KENT A nlco 8-room house with good
X ! will , cistern , b.irn. 8.24 South 2th ? st. In-
ciulro 8J7 South 2Mh st 4U3 2 *
A n room Hat for rent and furniture lor sale.
Enquire at ( ' . F. Shaw , 1U15 Howard st.
"IJIOU HENT Good G-room cottnge , 2dth nnd
JJ Dodge streets. Iteuj. J15. Inquire of Hlng-
wnlt Bros. , llarker blork. 431 29 *
7 HOOM brick house. 2411 Hamilton dt. All
I modern Improvements , 110.
Broom frame. No. ' 'Ol'l ' Hamilton St. , J27.50.
1-oavltt Hurnham , No. 1 Crelghtou block. 401
CUK HKNT Desirable cottage of G rooms
-L near street cars , 2524 Charles st. Inquire 1G1U
Capitol live. llS'.Kii ;
* T71OU HUNT Furnished room , 2108 Farnam st.
K 6 3' *
"I71OH HENT Cheap , a new 4-room houses ,
JU cistern , well , closets , coal houses , all com
plete for the small sum of $10 per month. J. H.
1'nrrotto's rental ogoncy. 1000 Chicago st. i l 7
THOU UKNT Two store rooms , vhlch ore con-
JL' verted into living rooms , 0 roomu each , at 113
per mouth. N. K. cor. JOih and Mason , Inquire
214 B J2th .St. 211
FOH RENT For 0 months , modern house of
Brooms , completely funilshed. barn with
room for two horses , rent V70 ; possession given
Sept. 2.5th. Z304 N. 24th , 1 block north ot Lake.
Apply 319 S , 10th st. oca
F I OH HENT-3 flvo room houses. South 24th ,
1st door west of ahot tower. UH30J
TJIOH HENT 2 good houses of 5 nud 7 rooms
J-1 with barn. Modern improvements , it. C.
Patter&on , : )18 ) S 15th st , & < G
FUHN1SHKD House-Wishing to leave the
city foe the winter , 1 olfcr for rent my house
furnished , from Nov. . I to .May . . . 1 , ten rooms , no
r location In city , all modern iraprove-
monts . 'Apply on premises , 2U9 Dodge st.
George C. llobblo. Telephone 88. 187
FOIl KENT 4-room house on B. ICtn st _ two
blocks south ot Yin ton St. ; will rent for 110
per month or sell ou terms to suit purchaser.
Gco. J. bternsdortt room 8 , opposite P. O. 710
F I OK HENT When you wish to rent a house ,
store or onlce call on us. H. K. Cole , room
0. Continental block. 8 > a
TJfKMl REHT-House with nine rooms. 113 S.
JD 24th st. Mount &Grlltlu. 211 S.1UH st. 713
TTIOIl HENT A boarding house with twenty
X1 rooms in good location , with nil modem Im
provements , all new. Inquire of Effincer Dros. ,
Ol281Uth st. IIM n2t
TTIOR HENT House of 9 rooms , good well
J ? and cistern , 1112 S. 13th st. Apply at 110 , ! ,
room 6 , 8. IJtU st. , rent { 30 a month. L.'Duggau.
EOll HENT 7 room house with large barn.
815 per month for the winter. C. F. Harri
son , 418 & < > . loth St. UJl
TI1OR HENT A new 9-room housp , city water
JL1 and stable , cor. Farnam nnd 42nd sts. Apply
lloom 430 , Paxton block Ml
TI1OK RENT To r sponslblo party , 0-room
X ! brick house , 118 South 25th st , 150 feet from
cable line. Furnace and all modern conveni
ences. Kent Wo per month. Apply to J. W.
Grlllltli , U. P , headquarters. 78d
FOR HENT 7-room lint , city water , bath nnd
modern conveniences. 3 unfurnished and 3
furnished rooms for light hotisekeening. All
over 1003 Howard st C.F.Shaw , 1615 Howard.
FOH RENT 10-room house with steam heat ,
at3B 8. 21th st. O.K. Thompson. Shcely
block , 15th and Howard sts. 234
TIEN-ROOM boarding house on Dodge st ; rent
JCO : furniture for snlo. 3 good 7-roomod
Hats on 10th st ; rents 145 and $50 ; furniture for
sale ; and other houses and Hats In desirable lo
cations. Co-operative Land and Lot Co. . 205 N.
16th st. 603 29
ppOH HKNT 0-room cottage on horse car line.
JL' 118 a month. Apply M. Elgutter IDOL Far-
namst. 41 $
TjlOH HKNT House 7 rooms , 23d at near Cass.
.V House 8 rooms , 2221 Cass st. Inquire Room
33 , llarker block. 1)15 )
SEVKHAL houses for rent. S. T. Peterseu , s.
e. cor. 15th and Doutrlas. EiC
TJIOH ' HENT-lly Hosworth A Topllu. llarner
Jblock. . 3 , 4. B. C. 7 , 8. 9,10,11. 14-room houses
In all parts of the city. 500
71011 HKNT New 8-room house ou Cuinlng
- tst , near Lowe ave. Terms reasonable. Ap
ply quick. SX > tsnood. 305HS16tb. 824
T710R HKNT-House 619 N. 18th street. Apply
JL1 at St A. D. llalcombc. : I 2 California st.
TJIOH ' HENT-At very low rates. 10 and 14 new
A' residence2404 and 2414. Cnss street , Clarke
Place. Ou block south of Crelghton college , on
Farnam and 24th street car line. All modem
Improvements. Aoply , H. T. Claik Union Trust
Co. , or ut 244) ) Cass sheet. /ISO
FOK HENT One 7-room cottage. 2I2S frank ,
' iln st. ; Inquire atC35 Puxton block , p. J
( 'reedon. 314
T7IOH HRNT 8-room bouse , 2413 , 7-room house
A1 242IJ Poppletou uve. Geo. I. Gilbert , With ,
nail b'lg. 210
rilWO furnished rooms , alcova , closets , al
Xmodem conveniences , singleor cnnulte
SOO1. ! CttSS Ht. C6801 *
PUHN1SHKD room , heat nnd gas , suitable
for 2 or 4 uentleiui'n. I'Mi Douglas 3rd tloor
COMFOHTAHl.Y fnintshed. heated room
without board. G13 8. 25th n\e. 6 < e 91 *
TPOll HENT Furnished room Miltable for 3
JL1 gcntlf men. Apply ftVO 8. SJth Et. , ror. St
Marj\i and SOtli , brick rosldonco. B5S It
T7MJH HKNT-I rge furnished room for one or
- . two gentlemen , near high school , furnace
J1,0 * ' iV6 ° * IJ'iJ''room. ' ' etc. Apply to Nethertoi
Hall , Hooia 3 , First National Hank Hulldlng
65431 *
TJ"Oll IIKM'-rronl room , nicely furnished
aodfrn Immoveinenta , S blocks Horn Far
linm. 140fr Jnckbou. 1st tlorr. C07 29
, rooms , 410 N. Hth at
12,115 , and 1 bititable for 4 i'viitlemen.
P ° , U } lE > T7t'llrul8drootna. ! Uourd If de
slrertyat Howardst , yrt l
N'ICELV furnlshnl front room , suitable fo
one or two t-antlenian , 'lUlluitst. 053
17UIRNISIIKD front room ; modern rouvvn
JL' lances. CMS lull. 619 SO *
"lOMrOHTAIILR furnished rooms to Ktpee *
\J table parties troai tl to II j > cr week. 113
Dcxirjlas St. 474
TjiOlt HKNT-NJce largj. furuUhed rcKi
JL1 ulcooultatle for2j ; .Ut > meulE3r8its
fiT r-.oat ru < im . cbesu cri a. 15th
J03-N ,
F UHN1SHEI ) rooms , 1418 Dodge fct.
HENT Comfortable roomi for the win
tcr , with or w Ithout board 171H Dodge st
LJ-OOMhwith itovff * 1 per HcVkToi $ T.S ) per
Lmonth. . ae-4-flS must. tv 112.5 *
[ THTiMllINT A large front room , nicely fur-
L1 nlshed , mndorn conveniences , suitable for 2
gentlemen. 11118 W ebster. ' 21
F8S HENT Furnished or unfurnlslu'd room
- for two gentlemen , or man nnd wfo , 023
toward St. 544
molt HUNT Two rooms nicely furnished ,
L1 with all modern comcuienccs. ( EOS. 17th at.
409 OTJ
ilOH HE N'T A nicely funilshed room with
1 u eof bathroomjconvenlent locutlon.prlvate
smllyito H gentleman of inlet habits ; rcfcr-
nces required. 618 South 20th st. near St. Mary's
iv e. < il2
flt'HNISHED teem with board , gas bath and
heat In home , 2l21.Sevvard St. 3 U 2 > J
mt'HNlSHKl ) loom. A. Hospe , 1513 Dotmlai.
L' S'rjn l
FUHNlSltnn front room for rent with boaid.
Apply 1015 Chicago St. 6IS 31t
HKNT FuinTilTeTf rooms with Hist class
board. 20H Duughia et. f.12 *
FURNISHED loom , llJB20th , nearmo
mo 1120 *
F"oit HENT Furnished rooms ; also , "looms
for housekeeping. Inquire , 171s Cas' .
611 I *
r"\NInicelyfiirnlshcdroom ! with all modern
\/cou\eulencei , 1.TOI Hurt st. Hent SIS. with
icat. & 07 ! W *
XIWO futntshed. aNo suite of unfumlshod
rooms suitable for Hunt hoiiHi-kcotilngsouth-
ast front. Northwest cor. Uth and Howard sts.
51)30 ) *
"VTIcr.rjV and newly furnished south room ,
i- > steam heat , hot and cold water bath , also table board. ! ? ' ! Davenport , nio sot
1JOOM with board for2 gentlemen. 1731 Dav-
JLlonportst. 42 ;
jlOU HKNT Fiunished room , south front ,
JJ N i : cor 21st and Davenport st , 4ra
LARGE furnished front room , all convent-
onces , Hiiltablo for two or tnroe gentlemen.
Address d22 N 15tn st. 40J IJO
FOR HENT Two furnished rooms , bed-room
and sitting-room , tftt S. S2d st. , OUP block
south of Li-avenworth. 465 29 * .
OOMS First class home board. 1718 Dodge.
i 4)5 ) nit
FOH HKNT Comfortable rooms for the win
ter , with or w ithout board. 1709 Dodge st.
1)04 ) nit
"VTEVt'IjV furnished warm rooms 2 blocks
-L > from P. o. , bay window parlors , slnglo
looms , nil conveniences , pilvuto house , luu
Capitol avo. 421 nit
IjlUHNISHKD rooms , with or without board ,
Jt ? IBIO , IKW Davenport. Inqulre.inio Davenport.
42l > N 3 >
LA HGK pleasant room , furnished , brick Hat ,
1410 Chicago at 465
FOU BENT A largo front room , new ly fur
nished , south front , cheap , corner 17th nnJ
Cumlugs sts , northeast corner. ! WS
FOH HKNT Nicely fnrntshed rooms , single
or en suite , 1811 Cumlngs st. 157
I710K RENT Furnished roomi in Qreunts blk
X1 cor. 13th nnd Dodge sts. Inquire of Q o. H. .
Davis. Mlllard hotel Billiard room. 830
K OOMS Including board In the Young Wo
men's home 1910 Dodge st. Keferences ro-
ciulred. 040
Jt25H HENT A nandsoinu room with alcove at
Jt25 St. Mary's nro. 828
FOK HENT Elegantly furnished rooms wll
board. Inquire IMUDouguu. 384
F 01 ! REN T 5 largo rooms. 1101 Fuinham.
653 31 *
HKNT 3 rooms , entire tipper Hoor. brlk
bouse , J3 ptr mo. . 2.122 Hamilton st. 550 30 *
fpwo or three unfurnished rooms with hcnt
-Laud gas for mother and daughter : location
Ilrst-class nnd within easy walking dtstnnco of
mstotllto ; state pi ice and particulars. Address
: ! fiJ , Ueo. G71 30 *
"I71OK UKST-fTo small family , house. ) rooms ,
JL1 hard , nnd soft water , U10 , cor. 15th on Pacltlc.
493 29
TTNFUUNISHED-SuUable for nousekcepmK.
U Three fJ ) rooms , 2103 Nicholas bt 12 no
Fear (4) ( ) rooms , 415 , S 19th st 23 W )
Three CD rooms. 1019 N. 201 h st 11 2S
Threei { ; > iooms.701 ! ' , Paelilost oo
Three ( ID rooms.JlilJI'lercoMt 12 r > 0
Three (3) ( ) rooms , 1U10N. 21st st 1100
Three (3) ( ) rooms , 707 PftflHo st 1000
Tour (4)rooms ( ) , 1704 Webster st M 20
] "our (4) ( ) rooms 17OI Webster .st 22 GO
Three (3) ( ) room cottage 1124 N.SIstst 12 GO
Judge Hentini ; Agency , s. w. cor. Harnev and
16th bis : . 23. )
TltHl HENT Storeroom. No.JiU 8.14th Bt. An-
Jrlv at 1110 Howard st. Sl !
71OK HKNT 3 stores on Iflth and Loavoa
L' worth , apply Hank of Omaha. 2.VJ
TTIOH HENT Hrlck store. Hat nbovc. 24th nnd
J- } Hamilton , desirable business location. Lett
vltt Durnham , room 1 , Crolghton block. GO" }
TT1OK HENT-Olllce suite 125 month. 2 blngle
J. ! omces { 15 eacli , all fronting 16th St. , liush-
man block , N. K. Cor. 16th ana Douglas. W. M.
Bushman. 1311 Lcaveuworth. 831
"CflOH KENT OnCumlngst. store and llvlnf
JL1 apartments , also livery stable. Enquire o
Harris U. K. & L.Co. , Room 411,1st Nat. bank.
S'lOHU for rent , llli Farnam street. lnqui.n
of Nathan SheltOu. at 1505 Farnam street
RENT Fine retail store room with
large basement , $00 per month. C. F. Harrison
risen , 418 B. 15th st. 8SU
\\rANTED-A tenant for one of the finest
T T farms In Cass Co. ; must be a good farmer ;
will sell one or two good mule teams , nnd farm
Implements. Address Jas. W. llouk. Greenwood ,
Neb. 372
T71OR ' KENT Good barn , 4 stalls , feed room
X' and wagon sned. Inquire at 2U25 Howard st.
GKORGK J. STEHNSDORFF. room t ) , onp. p.
O. , will hereafter give special attention to
renting houses , stores and flats. If you want
your property rented without delay and to reli.
able tenants , do not fall to list the same with
him. 82i
" 1 7E give special attention to renting and colT -
T T lectlng rants list with us. H. K. Cole , room
8 , Continental block. KI7
VOC want your houses rented place them
with Ilauawr. & Co. , 15th , opposite postofllce ,
1N8UHK your life In the Germolnla befori
you cross the bridge.
rEHSONAfi-Mrs. Whitney , nurse , can oe
found at 1815 North 20th st 400 2 *
"pERSONAI/ rou have a personal Hem , or
-L any communication , drop U In one ot The
Heo's message boxes. IDS
I OST Saddle and bridle on 16th st. near Sea
-Lilian's Carriage Repository , Return to C. S
Hlggln's saloon nud got reward. 670 3U
OJ50reward will be paid nnd no questions aakei
Pfor the return of gold watch. Howard move
ment , stolen on U. P. train between Valley am
Chapman on Friday evening , Oct. 19. Address
confidentially , J. D. C. , care P. O. Grand Island
Neb. 2H9
TJWUND Pocketbook contalnlngsmall sum o
-C money. 0 uer can have same by applying
to Goo. U Hughes care of Her .V Co , Ills Hat
iieyst ; uroving property and pa > lug tor tnts
mlvertlKoment. 67231 *
FOR SALE Two hay presses , ono Whltmai
and one Ertel Victor , almost new ; will sel
cheap , llox 545 , Omaha , Neb. 4932
T AHGK square base burner , Cortland Home
XJventllator. KIKXI as new , several heating
ntovps. 523 Farnam. 3U3 ill-
TT1OH BALK Westminster he t r No. 80
JJ burned 1 winter , cheap , 2IOS Jones at. Cal
tmmedlutely. 473 2
fJVUt BALK First-class nearly new piano wll
JU l > a sold on reasonable terms If bold Iminodl
utuly. Inquire 2107 Capitol ave. 301 30
fjlOH BALK Good heavy horse.ery cheap >
JP w lgbt about 1.20J Ibs. Inquire of Dr. Gal
braith , 14th find Douglas st * > . 17fl 2U
TJ10H line family tiorse i
.I1 phaeton at jour owii * price , Inqulro room 2iu
I'lrst National Hank. t70
FOH SALE or tradiiNew two seated car
ilaga aud sluglo top bucgrSelby. . IK
Fnrnam. S7
TJ10H SALE AnowBspat Hnckaway carrlafr ?
J ? t l.c & rt Idiots' llrerr bam. T enty-elghta
aud Le&umwoirUi , Telephone 810. 417
B OU BALE A family ho a or for genera
use.-prlca IUOlaqulw No.3198. Wl Cltjr
NOTICE to fotitrictors'anrt bulldrrs-Voii
w ill sivomonuj'Tiy figuring with HaynurA
Her. their stoik clflwlldors'hardware n com-
ilcte and prices 1 W.
171 ELT hats pTec d and ie hnped ; feathers
13 cleaned nnd tMrfiu r. M. bchndoll , iIH ! N loth.
_ , 740nU
VJOTICE-AII ivar'iltfs holalug board bills or
- > orders against men cmplood by Edger
Moor iron Co. , aiehdrcby nqtilled totirpi-ut
ONIiV catatrljv niiro ou earth , Samples free.
M. I. S. T. otyi . Solith 12th St. f > 77-3Jt
ADIKS SupffJlutoHis hair ou the lace , neck
Jor arms roimA-eil and the roots Instantly
killed by the Electric Neiille Process , luuIng
10 marks or Hears : positively the only perma-
lent u-niPdy. Mrs. Dr. Prtckerd. 1S22 St. Jliiry's
nve ; Wednesdays nnd Thiiis'lnis only. 471 1 *
LADIES If joitdoslro jour diessenniado In
the latest style at reasonable prices , call nt
Iressmanltig pallors , 240) ) Capitol avenue.
a-t ! 30 ?
TmUHNlTUHB cnrofullr moved by the Omaha
-i ? Auction and Storage Co. , 1121 1'arnam st.
Teloponno I2C5. 1 Iliiia
G O to Itavmor Asllor for line tools nmltbulld-
era' hnnlwaie , KH S. 10th st. , Her building.
UTnl7 )
THE banjo taught as an art by Geo.l' . Gellon-
_ btfck.aaso. _ _ 10th at. 182
H. O. HUTKE rrs , manager Excelsior baud.
112U 1'arnam , llrass and string music.
' *
A NTIQUAHIAN book storo. 14M 1'arnam St. .
-tXhlKhcst casli pi Ices paid for second hand
books. Ml n 10T
TNO. MIMiDOON * Co.,315 S. 10th at. ; 10 stonecutters -
cutters , l-'c lineal foot , Colorado sandstone.
OMIl for Destitute Women aud Children ,
18 Hurt at. WO
W OMAN'S Kxchango , 1G17 Farnam st. LuncQ
dally , supper Saturday nights. UW
" "JIDLAND Guarantee and Trust Co. , 1505 I ar
-"J- natn Complete abstract ! fitrnlshod , A titles
to real estate examinedporfocted A guaranteed.
B ENSON&CAHMICIIAKIj furnish complete
and guaranteed abstract ! of title ito any
real estate In Omaha and Douglas county upon
abort notice. The most complete sot of uustiact
books in the city. No. 1009 Farnam st. H7
SlXHAGE-Mcrchandlse , 319 South 10th st.
TOHAGE At low rates at 1121 fnrnam st.
Omaha Auction A , Storage Co. 135
QTOHAGE-Household goods 319 South 10th
THACKAQK , ntorago , lowest rates. T. M
Hushman , nil I.oavonworth. 878
HOOM-COHN wanted nt Omaha broom
" Send sample , state amount j u
have and" price
W ANTED A choice residence property with
eight or ten looms , modern Improvements ,
desirably located. Will pay 1onacash down ,
balance in Nebraska Improved farms ( encum
bered. ) Address , stating location and price , F.
J. II. 2514 Capitol avenue. 317 aa *
\\7ANTED Furniture , carpets , stoves nnd
T > household goods of all kinds. OrnuhaAuc
tion A. Storage Co. , 1121 Farnam. 135
B lowest rates. Odell Itros.
* Co. , 3l'3S.10UlJt. ( 890
M 'ONEV to loan ; long tlina. George J. Paul' '
1009 Farnnra . 9W
UILDING loans. Llnahan & Mahonoy.
D IO YOU want to borrow money ? If you have
diamonds , watphe orjowalry and desire to
effect a loan on favorable terms In n strictly
private and conQuoiiUtil manner , or should yon
want a loan on.turulture. horses , carriages ,
land contracts or penbnai 'property of any de
scription , you ran . .have money advanced at
low est rates ot ihtertrt and ample time to pay
by calling on oriartuling postal card to the
Wo loan ' ilurtwyf amake
out odr 'o rii out our
own papers andnav , bo commission , thus giv
ing tie benpflt toatio.Wrow er.
Our facilities o > e iiudh that wo can accommo
date you la a jorptapt and confidential man
ner , giving you BfuV honorable and courteous
All loans renewed at original rates.
We will pay on any mortgage jounowhava
and give you long time and low rates ; will loan
any sum from } 25 to $1,000.
Commercial and 1st mortgage paper bought
Omaha Mortgage Loan Co. , rooms 217 and 218
1'lrst National Hank building. 448
Till ! Omaha Financial Exchange , Itoom 15 ,
Darker lllock , southwest corner of Faruam
and 16th sts.
Makes a specialty of short-time collateral
and real estate loans.
Money always on hand In sums of $100 and
upwards to any amount , to loan on approved
Secure'd notes bought , sola or exchanged.
Clear real estate and ca < h to exchange for
good first or second mortgairos.
lioans made upon land contracts , stocks ,
bonds , trust deeds , flwt or second mortgage se
curity , without publicity , delay or red tapo.
Financial business of any kind transacted
Promptly , quietly and fairly , Itoom 15 , Jlarker
block , Coibett , Manager. 881
MONKV To Loan Hy the undersigned , who
has the only properly organized loan agency
In Omaha Loans of 110 to J 1,000 mad * on furni
ture , pianos , orcanshorses , wagons , machinery ,
etc. , without removal. No delays. All business
utrlctly conlldentlal. Loans so made that any
part can be paid at any time , each payment
reducing th cost pro rata. Advances made on
line watches and diamonds. Persons should
carefully consider who they nro dealing with ,
as manynew coqcoinsaro dally coming into ex
istence. Should you need money call and sea
me. W. It. Croft , room 4 , WithneU building ,
loth and Harney. 883
MONEY to loan on
anoa , horses , wagons and other porsoual
property ; also on mortgage paper and contracts
as collateral security ; cash always ou hand : lib
eral extensions granted ; business transacted
folrly.qulftly and promptly. The Fairbanks In
vestment Co. , 8 W cor 16th & Douglas , upstairs.
PEOPLE'S FINANCIAL Kxctange The fair
est , quietest , most liberal money exchange
in the city ; loans made without delay or pub
licity. In any amount large or binall. at the low
est rates of Interest , on any available security :
loans may be paid at any time or renewed ut
original rates , o. Houscftreu. mgr. . roomSOiJ
Darker blk. , 15th and Farnam. 17 n 1 > T
-L ana small loans for long nnd short time , at
lowest ratas of interest , on real estate , mort
gage notes , chattels of nil kinds , diamonds ,
watches and jewelry. Don't fall to call If you
want fair nnd cheap accommodations. O. lions-
raren , mgr. , room GOH. Darker llk , 15th nnd
Farnam. 817 n 15'
WH keep on hand money to can on Inside
property in Omaha ana South Omaha in
fsums from .VX ) to $ - > , UA and as we do our own
valuing , make all papers , etc. , we can complete
a loan any day you wish and pay you the money ,
llatos , Smith i Co. , lloom 20J , Hamge building.
M ONEV to loan on improved property at first
hands. No applications sent away for ap
proval. Security and titles examined free of
charge o borrowers. Lombard Investment
company , a09 S. 13tH. st. 104
TO LOAN From ono to two hundred thous
and dollars or smaller sums promptly , east
ern capital always n hand cheap. Philadelphia
Mortgage und TruiAtJU.lfJeo.W. P. Coatoa. U
board of trad e.y f . . ' _ _ lfl ? _
MONEY to loofl ionr Jturnltnre. wagons , etc. ,
without removal , Ot ; on collateral security.
Iluslness strictly conflttftntlal. A. B. Greenwood
& Co. , It 1 CuimtuL'iUihulk , cor. Dth * Jackson.
_ j. j ( . , _ H37
w" PECK lounsoDioney , cash on naud )
$ -i ) .OiK > . can be plaoou on city nnd farm prop.
crty at lowest rates ) IntlUllng loans a specialty.
lloom 4 , mnzer ul ° efc. ' | Opp. P. O. UOil r. IS *
ONEYto loan1 'lh' ' any amount , either for
building or ofhert 1 > , at lowest rates of
Intel est and on slum notice. D. V. Shole-i , room
210 First Nat'l ban * , fly. Lith nnd Farnam
TITONKV to loan'te-iniproyeil city property or
for bulldlngit'urpose.s ; lowett rates ; u
y. Mutual Investment Company , room 1
cer block , 15th Inrt Faniarn. KM
AWO.OOO 0 per rent. Money to loan ou 1m-
Jpprovod farms or city property. James A.
woodman , ut the old fire insurance oDIco of
Murphy & Lovett. 'J 3. 13th st. H _ _
TTVON'T borrow money on furniture , horses ,
-L/wagons , etc. . until you h T seen O. II. Jacob -
cob * , room 410. Fint National bank building ,
cor , 13th nud Farnam WU
T\fONEY to Loan-On real estate and chattel
1V1 security. .Money without delay. Wo-.U > ra
Land and Ixian exchange , 117 S. loth st.
MONKV * to loan on furniture , norses. wagons ,
etc. , orou any approved security. J. W.Ho'
ulns. lt.3-1 Hhpely lAk , 15th and Howard. 01
( | * 2 uO special fund to loan on or 1m
Pprqved property or peed mortgagd p i > er.
U. V. Bboles.'tOlst N t , bank. wj (
ONKV to loanj"casli oil handrio rtclar. J.
W.Squlrs. UI'J Faruam st. I'lrst National
bank building.
( CI5.UUI ] to loan on inikta property. Soni * first
P mortgages lor Ml * . Nathau Sliulioa , IMi
F rn m tr t , <
rONKV to loan. O. P. DavU Co. , real estate
I and loan agents. 150,5 Farnam st. 903
| j < P , HI31IEK wants nratrlan business loans
" at once , the larger the bettor. 31S First Na
tional IrntiK , 4Will
MONK\ I/onti city and country ! cnnap
ratoi. no ilul.iy. L. 1' , Hammond , Wl Pax-
ou building , 705
MONET to loan on Improved real cstato.
_ _ Li-avltt llurnlmin. Crclghlon block. 07"
MONKV to Irfmn I/oweat lates. 1/oam closed
promptly , H. K. Cole , Itoom 0 , Continental
lllock. w.i
GPKH Ct\T : monuy to lonn-Cash on hand
W. SI. Harris , room 30 , Frunzor block , opp.
P.O. 8 ! < 6
LOANS made on rent eMate.Mortgago'bought
K. M. cif.w.cor. IStluVDotmTiis
LOANS on ihdrt time nt low rates. Klmlmll.
Cnamp AItyau , room H , I' S Nat. ban *
224 at
MONEY to loan on chattel sncurlttes. Hlsnop
AJ Whoi-ler Loan Co. , room C , Darker block.
! Wnl7
HH. IRKY WOOOiiO to loan on city property
and Improved farm laud. Pronzcr block.
OANSmadoon real estate and mortgages
i bougnt. Lowls S Hood & Co. . IW1 Farniim.
500.000 to loan nt 0 per cent. Lluahau .V Ma-
i honoy. room fioa. Paxton block. MM
fJOODcity and farm loans wanted by A. K.
VJ Hllcy , 151 ! ) I'arnnm. HS.1 .
/-HATTEL andcollateiat loans. SI. H. Davis
lll S l.lth st , room 27. b'f'.i
A \rANTED A partner. Must have tV ) . A
big thing for the light man. Address ( J ,
OU this ollice. 77lKiOt
WANTKD A tate manager for n business
thnt will pay well ; must hnvo experience )
In canvassing ; reference required. The Amor-
lean llookmart , \Vnboshave. . , Chicago. . . 111.
wso a
FOH SALE IVcil Store-Location best In the
city ; a smalt amount of capital required ;
largo sales ; good prolits guaranteed ; 1
business , as I have Interest that takes mo out of
the city. Address G 4J. Ueo ollice. 308 2U *
TOCK of hardware In one of the best western
Otowus , stock about JJ.WX ) , sales post year JJO-
000 ; must sell. Addiess G 50 Ueo ollice. 493 DO *
T710H BALK Oldest and best piylng icstau-
J- ' rant in Omnhn , woith SOO , for JA" > lor thiee
dnyaonly. Inqulrq ; U2 ten\cnworth st. 4G'i sa
WANTBU-A man with from $1.000 toW.OOij
to take Interest In a good established mfg
business. Hlght man can take nctlvo p.trt.
Address O 41) ) . lice. 3fl ! 31
FOH J SAM ; A small Jewelry store , host loca
tion In the city , rare cliauco by addressing
at once , G 45 , lieu ofllce. 3"i5 31t
RAKK business chance : Klna stock of gro
ceries in live city of 12.000 Inhabitant * ) ,
doing a of * .l > , uOO per annum , capltnl re-
ciulrod from l..Oix ) to J4,00o , reasons for selling
ill health. Address G ; . care Hee. 207 n 0
WK wish to employ a reliable man In your
county. No experience required : perma
nent position for three years. Salary increased
each year. Ught , easy , genteel business. Money
advanced for salary , advertising , etc. Largest
manufrs In our line. Enclose 2-cont No
postals. Centennial .M'f'g Co. , Cincinnati , O.
13J J2 8'J '
F I OH 8ALB Salt Lake lots 820 each , at 310 S. ht. 425
TpOR 5ALK or Exchange An old ft
-U good paying IU ry business in Council . 1SJ r Main bt. Wm. Stadlemnn. 6ai
A\rANTED To trade building , association
T T stock nnd other property for a No. 1 driv
ing horse and buggy. G 01 , Ueo oHlce.
Goo 28 *
"IjlOKTl" acres land clear of encumbrance , 10
J- ' miles from Omaha , to tiado for a good resi
dence property ; 19 head of poulos to exchantjo
for choice city or Sonth Oinaua property : $ JU ! > J
stock of groceries for part cash nud good leal
estate ; good city property or laud for brick or
lumber , etc. . etc. Address Co-Operatlvo Land
& Lot Co. , 2U6 N. 10th st. G0329
flOH TTado Choice lot lu ( jrammeroy Paric
J ? and choice double corner In Lipton Place for
good land. 1) . V. Baoles , 210 , First Nat'l bank.
dl 1,000 rash und W.fflO equity In : ) acre f nun.
O ) well Improved , lt > J miles wo t of Omaha ; U
miles from IT. p. H It. , game distance from It ,
& M. H. It. , for good Inside Omaha msldeiice or
business property. Ji. A. Upton Compunv. 3J9
8. ICthst. 37829
IT you have anything to exchange call jind
see our list. Western Laud and Loan ex
change , 117 S. 10th. 007 nS
WANTED Porno stocks of mercnandlso for
Improved farms and n' little money. Hy
Western Laud and Loan Exchange 117 S. 16th it.
TTIOH FXCHANGE-Good renting city and
X1 South Omaha property : also lots nnd farms.
Western Land and Loan exchange , 117 S. Kith st *
. DOT ) 118
" \\7ANTED Good family horse in exthango
TT for choice lot. A. P. Taker , Hill's Hlock ,
15th nnd Douglas. 417
I HAVE real nnd personal property of all
kluils for trade. Call and see me. George J.
Sterusdorif , room C , opp. P. O. 825
T710HTUNE Teller Mrs. Lenorman cin bo con-
-L. suited on all tiltulm of life. Satisfaction
guaranteed. No 318Nl thst
DR. NANNIE V. Warren , clairvoyant. Mod-
leal and business medium. Female diseases
a specialty , llli , N. Iflth t , Kooms2 il 255
TTIOH SALE Nice east front lot , level nnd on
-L1 grade. One block off street car lino. Half
mile Inside city limits. Price J275 , > cash , bal
ance $8 per month. Call to-morrow at resilience
u. e. cor. 15th and Chicago st. & .VJ 30 *
TTIOH SALE Elegant reeldence with barn ,
-L uatli. fnrnaco aim all modern Improve
ments : can glvo Immediate possession. Hicks ,
Heal Estate Agent , room 40 , llarker block.
Wli 31
$ .1,100 buys a good 2-story 8-room house nnd
lot. east front. In Windsor Placo. a bargain.
D. V. Sholes , Room 210 , First National UanK.
TTIOH SALE Unlncumbered real estate In
JP PaclflcJunction. Iowa , which will pay 20
per rent amiuslly on the investment above
tines iiml Insurance. Address F. W. Miller ,
PnclllcJunction , Iowa. D7dnl *
TT1OH SALE Or exchange for Omaha proper-
J ? ty , 8U acres , suitable for platting ; will make
4001ots ; all clear : big mouay in It for some ono
who can push this ; located just outstao ot tha
city limits ot Council lilulls. Inquire Geo. J.
Stornsdorll , opp. uobtofllcc. UU
TTIOH SALE-Lol 50x150. ulth good 2-Itory
-C house nicely f liiishod. all modern conven
iences , within 1 blk pa\cd Ht. , 'i blk from Park
school and M , K , church , Hanscorn This
is ono of tha bust properties In tha city , nnd
can be had at a barir.iln by addressing the
owner , F 14 , Dee olllco. 448
A I1AHGAIN for a few days ; 2 Kllby place
-rVlot.s , Jli.10) for both : 1 lot In Haun-ters if
HItiicibaiign's add. , very cheap. Inquire at 115
8.10th st. 4SJ30 *
IiOH BALE New 4-1 oem hous.0 , n good lot at
n bargain , only tNK ) cash down ,
A choice double corner on Dau-nport slicut ,
luo foot front. Chlcngo street , just east ot
Hnntccr Yntua' htouo resldeme.
M. 40 , CO. bu or 110 fe t by J5i ) , on Websler.neir
30th street. Just at grade , on very easy terms.
East fiont ou Suunders St. , tine fruit trees , n
simp nt } 2.UW.
Fine lot on Lowe ave , , just south of 2 now
houses In La Yeta tl.siX ) .
These nud n nuiuuer of tracts In various
parti of the city are lu my huuda to Hell closa.
If bargains ure wanted In llrst-rlastt residence
property bea J. II. Evans , 1510 Dodge. 4H7 ill
near the H. it. In Council Illuirs , within
easy ncc ess by laboreit. In eltner city. Western
Land and Loan Exchange. 117 H. 16th it. 4VJ-2U
T OTS For Snlo I have ID fine lots In HrlcgV
-I-Jnlnce aad. for sale. For further Information
address E JclTery. Galt-nn. 111. sol
TTIOH SALE im easy terms , the lint house ill-
4 } rectly south of Dr. Mercer's reildenco.elevi-n
rooms and barn with lot 40x1 W , only ll.&tM. The
same Improvements with grounds lW ) only
Ili.OOO. W. T. Seaman.MfHtons , carriages , otc. ,
east Bide ot 18th St. , north of Nicholas , UTfl
TTIOH KALE or Cichanco. Eighteen choice
.1 ? Improved farms wltlifn from fourteen to
( tlghteeu miles ot Omahn. Apply to K. K.
Ringer. I IV N loth st. -T50 iW
T/10K SALErwo elegant homes in llauieoni
-C Place on reawuAbla tf.-ms ; moitcautwv \
lukrntis part payamnt. llusworth & Jojillu ,
F oHSALH-aixtOOfeetliiar comer ' . ti.wlworth
ave. aud 2Mb. kt.ihomt. . ofb room .b ti
gas. clitorn , hot and cold wator. .
lion. i'urnac , 2 ( fllUis , location All that can
.InalrAr SCllOOl tllvh ftdlt * 11 n f > 4 ( if lIHTfi C.
wllhli.g2blocke. cabl In project : H.VC : Ili'g )
casb balanra i-isy , b per o > nt int ri t. C. F.
Harrison. 418 S IStli st. . . .
SSxlWO feet ror. WoolwortU ' ''l" ' > '
Iioui * and Improvements materially the uaino
M above. 5duO , Il.tMJ casli , balaiica eny. U i > * r
wuilnter 3t. C. 1' . HurrUon , 41S B 1 Uel , CM
ffiSOO bnys a full lot and good 4-room cottage
Pensy tennw and good location. D V. Sholes ,
room 210 , First Nat'l bi\nk , cor. IJth nnd Far-
nani IVJ
SALK-Frnnk Wnsserman , nt the Hank
ot Omahn , has HOIIIB of the choicest rest *
donee and business property In the city for fnio
cheap. _ _ 408
TT10HSLiSealed ; bids will be received at our
-1 : olllco up to Nov. lit for lot 10. block 1 Had *
ick's sub tilx Ison. ft , ' ft. front. Also lot 4 , block
3 , Drake's addition , r > 0 ft. front. Only ono lot
will bo sold. Tli so are duo rosldencn sltos , on
Howard and Davonpott streets respectively , between -
twoon 27th and 88th sln-oN. 'I lie right to r'ojoct
any and nil bldsieservoilIllds wlllslntuteims
wanted. M. A , Ujiton Company , 314
Ttioll SALr fiTTncTes HiinilltoiiToT Neb
X1 Inuil , pjpcrncre , one-thlnl cish , balance ntu
percent , Address W. J , Wlldman , leu\er , Col.
FOR BALI ! Or xcliatiifo. Wo hive some
good Omnhix real estate null Nebraska
farms , which wo will "nil cheap or trade for
Mock of clothing , furnishing goods , dry goods ,
boots nnd shoos , groceries or nardwnro. Schles-
luger Hros. , OU S. 10th st. 910
TTIOH SALE-Not for trade , fill 70 ncros of Im-
JL1 pi-mod laud 2 miles fiotn Mntquotto In ,
Hamilton Co. , Nebraska. I'ramo hounti , frame
stanle , ! H)0 ) acres under n good I barb-w Ire fence ,
round ccdnr posts and 2 stays ; living water ,
good corrnl , 2 wells , wind mill , lUMi.itid tank ,
nolf-feedor troughs , otc. ; 75 ncios clover ; model
Price ( nbout * 12pcrncic ) fn.MX )
Cash . . . . 3riix )
3 years tlmont llpor tout 3UW
Go nnd look over tin- laud nnd address the
owner , F , K. Atkins , 1VW Lailmor St. , Denver ,
Colo. 214
TTIOR SALE- Lot II. b. 20 , Hnnscoin placo. txa
JL1 otr what It Is worth. C r. Itanlson , 41S8 I5th
ruder nnd by virtue of the nnthorlty vested
In me bj section cloven ( H ) ot chanter twenty-
six i2i ( ) of the compiled statutes of Nebraska ,
entitled "Elections. " 1 , John M. 'Ihaynr , gov
ernor ot the state of Nebraskn , do hereby Issue
my proclainntlon , that on Tuesday , tno sixth
day of November , A. D. 188s , there will bo an
election held at the nsual places of \ otlng In
said state , for the puri > osoof electing tlio follow-
Inc onicers. to-vnt :
Five elwtors of president nnd vice president
of the United States.
One member of congress from the First con
gressional district.
One member of congress from the Second con
gressional district.
ge One member of congress from thn Third con
gressional district.
Lieutenant governor.
Secretary of state.
State treasurer.
Auditor public accounts.
Comm'isslonor of public lands nnd buildings.
Superintendent of public Instuirtion.
State senator for each senatorial district , and
Representatives for each represent atlvo
district , as providsd by law.
In wltiiuss whereof , 1 have hereunto set mv
hand and caused to bo ailixod the great seal of
tluj stnto Done at Lincoln this
2a day of October , in the year of
our Lord one thousand olghthuu-
[ Seal. ] drod and eighty-eight , the twen
ty second year or the state , and
of the independence of the United
States the ono hundred and thir
By the Governor , JOHN M. THAYEH.
G. S. LAWS. Secretary State.
Running between Council ItlulTand Albilght.
In addition to the stations mentioned , trains
stop at Twentieth and Twenty-fourth btioets ,
ana at the Summit In Omaha.
West ward.
Leave. Arrive.
A No. 2. . . .B:5Hp. m. It No.l 7t l a. in.
U No. K < iWa. : in. ( ! No. 5. . , . / > : Vip.m
A No. 4. . .9:10a.m. A No.3 . . . . :
A No.4 n:40a.m.A : No.6 .
A No.8 Ji : ' A No.7 5Xp.m. ! )
A Nofi . . . . . * : / > p. in. A fttfjp. in.
ClllC'AGO i
A Ni.o W : 10a.m. A No.3 .7)0a.m )
A Ko.4. , , , . .0iOp. ( nx. 1) No.l , . . .7:00n.m. :
II No.s . . .SilOp.m. A : (5p. jo.
No. 2 OS' , a , in. A No.3 8 a.m.
No.4 . . 'JaOp. in. A No. . . . . . . : p. ra.
. . . . PACIFIC. . _ . .
A h'o.10 7:05.i.m.A : | No. . , . , . . .8:56 a.m.
A No.12 7:03n.m.A No. 11. V:00t.iu : ,
A No. * -1:4.0n.m.lA No.7 IhlVa.m.
A dally s M dall/except Suturdafi.C cxctjit o
uiuUy ; li xcapMoncl r ; * fust wall.
. . .
Louisiana State Lottery Company ,
Incorporated liy the loglslaturo of l&W , for 15(1- (
licntUmnl and Charitable puriKiHo * . amt its frail-
chl o made a part of the undent State ronitltu-
tlon , In l.vn1 , by an nvrrwlu'lmltiR popular voto.
tnKo place Soml-Amiually ( Juno atid Drcembnrk
1NO3 takoplaco ou each of thnothrrtenmonthf
in the year , and are till drawn In public , nt th
Academy of MnMr , Now Orleans , IM.
" \Vodo hereby certify that wo uper\ls tli
arianRuinimts for all thn Monthly nnd Suml-An-
nuitl lta\\lngs ) of The I.oiiHliuin Main Ixitlnrv
( ' ( iitiliuny. und In pi-rson inniuiia nnd control
the Drawings themselves , nnd that the aamn
are rondui-ted with honesty , fairness , and 1
KiHxl faith toward nil pnrtlos , and wu niltllorUu
thurompauy to uin this cortltlratp. with fno-
Hlmlli'iof our signatures nttuchod , In itandvor-
Wo , tliBundoriltniod Ilank-4 and Hanker- " , wilt
pay nil Prlzns drawn lu The Louisiana Htiito
Lottorlcs which may no prouontod nt our count-
ters :
H. M. WALMSLKV , Pros. Louisiana Nat llitik.
PIERRE LANAI'X. Pies. State Nufl Hank
A. IIALDWIN , Prcs.N > wOileans Nat'l llsnk ,
CARL KOHN , Pros , t'nlou National Hank
In thn Acniloiny of Music , Now Or-
lonns , Tuesday , Novenibnr lit ,
CAPITAL PRIZE , $300,000.
100,000 Tiofcets at Twenty Dollars each.
Halves $10 ; Quarters , $5 ; Tenth : , $2 ; Twen
tieths $1.
M T OF I' I7K1.
i PHI/.E or'X ) is . . . . ftuoiH
1 PRI/E OK 10).WMls ) KW.OM
1 PHIX.K 01' WiHKls ) . . .
1 Pltl/.K OF 8.V.UIUIH. . .
2 1'Hty.K.S OK 10.l mo .
ripitr/Esor r. . ( i nro
25 I'RIXES OF l.OCO are
100 PRIZES OF BUI mo .
SIM PRI/.ESOP i0i ! ) are . , ,
tOO PHIZES Ol1 200 are . 100.000
100 of J.VIO are , no.xx ( )
100 do am nro :
100 do 200 are
TI.KMINU , I'ltl/KS.
M > 9 do KKInro V.l.UOl
IWI do lOOuro , , . W , ! ilO
3,1,14 PiIzes , nmouutlng to. . . . . . .JI.OSI.MOJ
NOTK TlokntsclrnwiiKC C ) ill l Prliei iironototi-
tltloil to l > rnilnul prlret.
lirKouC'i.t'ii KATI.S , or HIIJT further liiformallon
< lc lroil , nrlto Icirllily to tlio iitnk > rilKiioil , clonrlf
FtntliiK "our rcslilenci'.vrttti Miito , Cuiiiilr. Mr ct ami
ntiniher. .Moro rnpld return mull ilellvory will bo m-
xurcdlir ) our LiulutliiK on c.Mi eli > i > o liimrlnrf jrour
' * '
'Ui'l I'OaTAI. NOTES. EiprcM Monor Onlcr * . of
New Yolk KxcliniiKi * In cinlliiury luttur , Ourrunor I > T
: " " " " " ) "
ix"ies""tour""onsufiiaArrr :
Or M. A. DAUPHIN , , New Orluuuj. La.
WnehliiKton , I ) . C.
Address Registered Letters to
fiew Orl in , 1,1 ,
T ? PTVT llYT'RIlJ : 'i ' ti'ai'rc' | ' ' < 'i > coor Oon- ) W
lvJMji > llil >
ll1jjltriils ! HeaiiroKnrJ HII.I UP.
l-.iirlr , who aru In i liurt'u ut the itniwlnip. U a Ktinr'T
unteo of absolute Inlnifsi mil Integrity , tluit the
chnnct1 * arc nil outiul , nml lliut no one ciin po ilhlr
dlTlnu vrlmt nuinui'r will Uruvrn iirlzu.
"IlKUhMIIKU , nlKU. Hint the pnyinunt of r'rUpi ' H
( ; t\HANTKKI ) ItV HUll ) NA'llONAl. IIANK1 OK
Nmv Crlc.tntt ) , anil tlio Tlcknts nro * luiipi ! by thn Pri1 * *
lilent ot an Imtltiitloii who n clmrton'it rlxliU am
reci snln it In the liliftio t coprl ; thvrrforo , btswnro
of nnr Iniltnlltinn or anonrinpu * * scheme * ! .
These flcuies nreimuoeloquent than voluine < i
wliich mlKhtlio wiltti'iilnprnliooCthH pocullar
meiltH possessed b\ the MKKCU ( ioods.
.Miss I'UIMM Mtsoi'Tin : UA.NCIKS :
"I use the Mimce HniiRo ronstnutly In my
Schools nnd 1'rlvato Kitchen : It fiillllles cveiy
rcciultoment for tlio must otactlnpc work ; I
would not oxchaiiKO it for an ) raiiK" mado. "
bond for our I'urniico Circular and icad what
phjslclans piofi'ssors.sclcntlits , iiicchamcH and
merchants saj-of tho.Maj'Cd 1'nrnaces they have
IniihO. Don't put In Steam or Hot Water Ap-
paiatiis , till > ou KNOW what a FIKST-CI.AKS Hot
Air I'lirnnco will do for half the cost- .
COOKIM : Siovts AUK SOLD KvKiiiwiiEltE by
ourBRentsnnd we warrant each ono to clru
perfect Ratlsfactlon to the buyer. MAUKK
Ki'HNAt'ico..TT : < )3 UNION ST. , Uoston. M
Lake St. . Chlca ,
& S.
Ageiita Omaha , Neb.
State Line.
Tolns ( ! ou , Itplfust , Dublin and I rcrpool
From New York Every Tuesday ,
Cabin passage fV > and KJO < , ncoordini ; to location
ot state loom. Kxcurslou # to $ * ) .
Stcci.i o to and from Kuropo at Lowest Hates.
AUSTIN HAUJWIN & CO. , Uen'l Agonti.
El Ilroaawny , Now York.
JOHN IIUIGKN. Gcn'l Western Acjont , ,
164 Uaudolph St. , Chicago ,
1IAUKY K. MOOUIiS. Agent , Omaha.
Kedtu'od Cabin llutcs to Glasgow Ex
NO. 303 S. 13711 ST. , OMAHA , 1TEB.
CAPITAL , $300,000 $ ,
Loans Maflc on Heal Estate ,
School , County and Municipal lloinls Negotiated
WM. A. PAXTON. President.
WM. (1. MAUL. Vlca Preilileut.
HOHEHT L. QAHLH'HS , Serretarv.
ALFRED MlLI.AltlTreeaiur8r.
w u. .MAIII. . josiiPii lUiiKEit ,
( iKO. E. lUUKKII.
S , W , Cor , Far and 15th Sts ,
I'alil in Capital U-oOO.
GEO. K. nAHKKIt. Presldcr.t.
U.L. HIEHIIOWKH , Vice President.
1' . H JOHNSON. Cashlc ,
, . H. WII.MAMS , H. \fnxr. .
H. H , JOIINKOH , J. II. ,
Wu , SiKVKit , CIIAS. Mrrz.
AU.KN T. Itr.CTOH , I ) . CUHNIHnil IM ,
li A. llK.NgOK , GUBrAYAMlKUSOtf ,
J , L. MII.KH.
Accounts of Hankers , Merchants and Individ *
nals received on the most favorublo terms.
Capital , - - - $100,000
OOl rioulli Tlilrttionlli Htrrot.
General Banking jiflSayings Business,1
CIIAUIIP llr.EARTKD , President.
C. P. NKBDIUM. Vice President.
FicAtiK V. WAS l.ltti N , Cualilol
1'or the bcnent ot Depositors the Sarlnc ; * D < v
iMirtmcnt vill bs op n n Saturday MglUi fiout
to < o'clocc.
01'er Ct-nl on SarUifi and Tiuia