Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 29, 1888, Page 4, Image 4

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THUMB 01 !
Dally ( Morning IMItion ) Including
. lit K , one Vcur . : . . . . . . 1)0 ) no
I'orMKMonitn . . . . . ' . . R l >
ror'Ihrfrc Month * . " W
U * HI'NUAV UKK , niallixl to any
M. Une Vi-iir . 2 ft )
i : . ItOOM * 14 AKIllliTlUllUMi
. .
All communication * relating to news and ed | .
torlitl niBtler should Uu addressed to the Union
All business Ifttern nnil remittance * should ho
mlllVM.Cl ( ( tO TllH IlKK I'Um.lftllINn COMI'ANV.
On MIA. IlrnftH.rhecks nnd postolllce orders to
be made payable to the order of thu totnpauy.
TMeePalilislii ! Company , Proprietors ,
Sworn Statement ol Circulation.
State ot Nebraska , I , .
County of IiiURl . ) "
Ueorg-j li.T/.nUwelc. ! ecretnryorThe Hen Pub-
llsliltm Company , d < n-H Holeniiily wwcnr tlwt the
nitiiHl circulation of TIIK Dtii.r UKK for tlis
Meek endtnn October ' i'i , 18S . wa < as followi :
Hunduy. Oct at . 18.-H
MoniUy. Oct. t\
Tuesday. Oct. BJ
Wednesday. Oct.'I .
TliurMdny , Oct i . Will
1'riduy. oct. j . in.m :
Baturday , Oct. 27 . HUM
Sworn to beforn me mid subscribed la my
presence thin ath dny of October A. 1) . JH8 .
r eal. N. V. I'M ! U Notary 1'ubllc.
State it Nebraska. I _
County of DouKlus. fB3 >
( leorKO II. Tzschuck , t > clni ; duly sworn , de-
POICM and says tluit he in hecrotury of The Ilea
Publishing company , that the auunt averapo
dally circulation or TUB DAILY UKK tor the
inontn of October. 1887. 14.IKJ copies : for No
vember , IKS" , IV.EMcopIiN ; for December , 1817.
15,011 copIcBj forJiinuary , ItJW , ) copies ;
for February , 18M , 15.SUJ copies ; for M arch , ism ,
lli.BMi copies ; for April , copies ; for
May. IKHX , IH.IKI copies ; for June , 188 , lu.'t I
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IBiW. 18.18.1 copies ; for September , IS8.Miis H.I5I
coplwa. ( IKUItni * I1.T/.SUIIUCK.
Sworn to before nnd wubscrlbea In my prea
cnie , this Utlulay of October. A. I ) , 1W8.
N. P. rillL , Notary Public.
IT is whispered that Hugh Murphy
thinks Huscull ia all right.
How tniiny laboring men engaged on
city work can Rotten Pavement Jim
induce to vote for IlaseuUV
TIIK paving contractors think Ilascall
is all right. The question is , can they
vote their men like cattle ?
Wis , Us & Co. will have a useful tool
in the legislature iu cube Prank Mor-
risoy should , by accident , bo elected.
IT is quite evident that the teeth of a
good many democrats are chattering
with fright as they bee the havoc played
in their ranks by the West letter.
Tins will bean off year for John A. , in
flpiteof the marching and countermarch
ing of the McShnno invinciblcs and
the tremendous outpouring of printers'
ink and the flood of democratic litera
INSPKCTOU CAUIOUN denies that ho
has boon offensively partisan in his con
duct toward Morton , and states that he
1ms discharged no Morton sympathiser
in the past six months. Ho fails to mention -
, tion that ho has recently given a clerk
ship to a democrat who is very obnox
ious to Morton. This little squabble is
noted as a sample of democratic har
Sackvillo West of Nebraska. In a
speech at Weeping Water he not only
admitted that ho was a member of the
Cobden club , but stated ho was proud of
auoh membership , and regarded it as
the greatest honor that could bo con
ferred on an American citizen. lie
should now secure passage with Minis
ter West for England where his senti
ments will bo appreciated.
WHEN John M. Thaycr was in the
frontier of Nebraska protecting the
homo-settlers agaiust brutal and blood
thirsty savages McShauo was going to
school in Ohio with a spoiling book
under his arm. When John M. Thayer
was gallantly leading the First Nebraska
veterans from Donnlsou to Vickbburg ,
through the flory ordeal of patriotism
in its oTorts ( to preserve the union ,
John A. McShano where , oh whore
was > ho ?
THE board of county commissioners
has a delicate and important duty to
perform in the selection of election
boards. The peculiar circumstances
which have loft Omaha with no regis
tration lists will aggravate the evil
of illegal voting. The election on
the Oth of November is of vital interest
to the people and candidates of both
parties. There are Indications that tlio
contest will bo close nnd exciting. Un
scrupulous men will take advantage of
this state of affairs to influence and.con-
nlvo at frauds at the ballot. Thoro'will
be no checks or restrictions to prevent
illegal voting except the vigilance ol
citizens and the integrity of the election
boards. For that reason the countj
commissioners should select men ol
irreproachable character , and men
familiar with the machinery of elec
tions. The purity of the ballot is a
serious question and ono of great ro >
THE intor-Btnto commerce commission
has taken a stop forward to shield tin
pooulo against the oppression of rail >
roads. The commission has taken the
ground that it is empowered to call be
fore its tribunal any railroad question
for decision which in its opinion Is a men
ace to the interests of the country. In i
recent decision the dictum was laidilowt
tliut the commission's duty was to lool
out for the citizen as the weaker party
as corporations are qulto able to taki
care of themselves. In accordance will
this view the commission , in advance o
any complaint or appeal , has just do
cldcd that the rates on transconllnonta
business \yoro excessive and dlspropor
tlonato , and has ordered the railroad
concerned to modify the inequalities ii
their tariff and classification. The po
eltion of the commission on this poiu
commends Usolf to fair minded men , I
protects the 'poopla from the first am
gives'tho railroads to unddrstnnd tha
they tnust conform at once to the inter
UUo law In good faith. ' .
President .Cleveland made his'first
mblic appearance in the 'campaign on
Saturday , when ho viewed the business
ncn's parade in Now York. Propura-
ioim for this event had been going on
or weeks , nnd it appears to have been
a Ittrpo and enthusiastic demonstration ,
lolwllhstunding the interference of a
icavy rain. A great popular demon-
tration is , however , possible nt any
imo in Now York , and the presence of
ho president was of Itself sulllclont to
all out tens of thousands of people who
Imply had a curiosity to gratify , with
out having the slightest sympathy with
.he . spirit of the occasion.
Still it was a no table event ,
nnd ono from which the demo
crats may properly derive nonio cn-
couragoment. The apparently cordial
ncetinir between Mr. Cleveland and
ilr. Hewitt will doubtless bo regarded
us u reassuring incident , while the
mndshakingof the mayor and the Tarn-
nany candidate for that ofllcc , "across
the president , not across the bloody
chasm , " as the former expressed it ,
vas not without significance. Demo
crats will readily conclude from those
circumstances that harmony has been
ostorcd to the party in New York , nnd
ve expect to find the organs throughout
the country insisting that biich is the
) laln lesson of the demonstration and its
conspicuous incidents.
Obviously it a would have greatly
lolpod to such a conclusion if one other
democratic leader , the governor of Now
Yorlc , had boon prcbent on this occa
sion , and notwithstanding the fact that
Mr. Hill telegraphed that it was not
micticablo for him to attend , and ulbo
, ho assurance that the relations be
tween the president and hinibolf were ,
ind always had been , of the most agree
able and satisfactory character , it is im
possible not to believe that had Gov
ernor Hill very much desired to bo
present ho could have done so. It wag
not an impromptu affair , and ho had
knowledge of it in ample time to
make his arrangements to attend
without in the least interfering
with his campaign elsewhere. More
over , It was felt to bo of thu highest im
portance that there should bo a personal
manifestation of good feeling between
the president and the governor on this
occasion , and it is known that the dem
ocratic managers were most solicitous
that they should meet. In view of these
tacts can the statement of Governor
Hill regarding the relations between
the president and himself fairly be re
garded as sincere , and docs not the ab-
fecnce of the governor clearly militate
against the conclusion that all ia har
monious in the ranks of the New Yorlf
democracy ? /
This carefully arranged demonstra
tion will not have the hoped for effect.
It was largely theatrical , and the man
who should have played ono of the
most important roles was not there ,
while as to the chief actor ho simply
posed. On the whole wo cannot sec
why the event should materially im
prove the democratic situation in No
Thus far the campaign has been o
coptionally free from personalities. II
was entered upon by both parties withf
determination to discuss principles ant ]
policies , rather than men , to appeal tc
the intelligence and reason of the peO'
pic , rather than to their passions. The
personal abuse and defamation of the
lust campaign had disgusted the bcttci
sentiment of the country and disgracet
us as a people before the world. It wa >
felt that there had been enough of thai
sort of thing for at least a generation ,
and that the time had como to show
that the American people could conduct
a national campaign on a different basis ,
There was until now every reasor
to believe that this spirit would prevai
to the end , but the good record made
received a blot , cast upon it by a demo
cratic leader and a member of the ad >
No other man who has contributec
anything to the campaign has blunderec
bo seriously for his party as Mr. Don M
Dickinson , the pobtmastcr general
When it is remembered that Dickinsot
was called to the cabinet because lu
was believed to be a shrewd and judi
ciotiH politician , who would bo of grea
service in promoting the chances of the
presidontfor u second termhis utter fail
ure in the part ho has played in this can
vasa is surprising. Wohavo heretofore
discussed his extraordinary effort ti
carry the west against New England
and the whole country has been mad (
familiar with it by Mr. Blaine , wh <
convincingly demonstrated the absurd
ity of Mr. Dickinson' * ) statements o
fact and the monstrous character of hii
position. A wiser man than the Michi
gan politician would have remained
silent after his blunders had boon exposed -
posed , but Mr. Dickinson comes bad
with an attempt to vindicate- himself
nnd ns a part ot this hopeless task
makes a savage personal attack upoi
Mr. Ulaine.
There is little if any necessity fo
giving extended consideration t
anything that Mr. Dickinsoi
may say , personal or other
wise. lie has shown himsel
a man of such narrow views , of such tin
patriotic Bontimonts , of such demugogii
motives , and withal BO much a syco
phant , that nothing ho may hereaftei
say can have any influence with intelligent
gent and fair-minded men. It is tin
right of a man to be an ardent partisan
but the partisainsm of Mr. Dickinson i
of so bitter a character that could i
prevail we should soon have sections o
the country warring against each otho
and the nation divided against itself
He is an unsafe man to bo in public life
or would bo if ho had the ability t
exert an extended influence. So far a
his attack on Mr. Blnlno is concomoi
it will bo harmless both to iU objec
and to the republican party. Th
extravagantly fulsome flatterer of Mr
Cleveland is incapable of framing an ,
abuse that can hurt Mr. Ulaino. Th
man who has shown how well ho cai
piny the sycophant will have uo succoo
in the role ot a denunciator , All nun
can readily understand'the incentive'ii
both cases , and in neither creillta
bio to Mr. Dickinson. . Among nil th
politicians who have damaged the !
party and .themselves in the prcson
campaign , the Michigan member of Mr.
Cleveland's cabinet heads the list.
nia auxs AXD ma SHIPS.
The effete monarchies of Europe are
competing with the most intense rivalry
n the production of heavily nrmorcil
ships provided with monstrous gUns.
Much has been said about the latest
Italian war vessels , and still more about
the English , and there nro men who
contemplate the Dulliound the Bcnbow
with a sort of panic fear. The annual
report of Admiral D. D. Porter runs
very much in the same groove of
.hought , and hid opinion clearly stated
H that the true policy of this country is
to build fast cruisers and heavy armor
cluds Hlce the Puritan , Maine and Texas ,
tfo matter how perfectly we dcvolopo
dynamite shells and torpedoes he claims
that the necessity for vessels will
btlll exist , "for the ingenuity of man
will contrive some plan to protect the
ships from the annoyances of the small
Try. " Giving all duo weight to so great
an authority as Admiral Porter it is
difiieult to agrco with him. It is clear
that ho advises a path which is illogical
and can lead to no result , and has been
led astray both by protossional nnd per-
ionnl feelings. As the question is ono
not of theory , but of expenditure , it is a
matter of duty to raise a protest against
the acceptance of his views.
Ho advises n middle path , and there
is no middle- path possible. It is a
question of urmorclads as heavy as the
Bcnbow , the Nile and the Trafalgar , or
of swift cruisers armed with dynainito
guns. No pretense is made that the
Puritan and the other vessels are of the
same class as the largest English and
Italian vessels , and though formidable
in themselves they are only small fry to
such. It seems strange that Admiral
Porter and others of his school have not
recogni/.ed the fact that the ono hun
dred and twenty ton guns of the mon
ster vessels are only formidable against
fixed points. .They . will carry a distance
of eleven miles , beyond any doubt , and
will , therefore , play havoc with
any city which they are per
mitted to approach. But why
should they bo permitted. At sea it
would not bo possible for any lookout to
discover a vessel at such a distance , and
any battle which the Duilio or Benbow
light on the rolling waves must neces
sarily bo within the range of fast cruis
ers armed with dynamite guns. The
history of naval warfare has'shown that
the small fry have always the advantage.
The shipa of the great Armada , which ,
when compared with the English fleet ,
were as the Benbow to ono of our fast
cruisers , were utterly unable to cope
with their swiftly maneuvered antago
nists. Tlio distance at which any naval
battle is fought is decided not by the
range of the guns but by the speed
of the vessels , and the fastest
chooses the distance which is the
most advantageous. With all due
deference to Admiral Porter's opinion
such vessels as the Bonbow will only bo
chopping blocks whenever they have to
fight on the high seas with a nimbler
foe. The result will surely bo that all
armor-clads with enormous guns will bo
relegated to the defense of harbors and
will bo rocogni/.ed ns useless for pur
poses of attack. They will simply be
floating batteries costing twenty timea
what they are worth. The republican
policy of declining to plunge the nation
into heavy expenditures for a navy because -
cause there was obviously a transition
period ahead was most sound and wise ,
It galled the admirals and commodores
but it saved the country from spending
money to no purpose. The inclination
which the democratic administration
has shown to wasto'largo sums iu heavj
arinor-clads will not bo approved by the
nation oven though endorsed by Ad
miral D. D. Porter.
A COKTEMi'OUAHY , remarking upon
the fact that the defaulting treasurer ol
the city of Cleveland was known as i
"good fellow , " says it docs not takt
much stock in men of that class foi
public positions of trust. "Tho theory , '
it observes , "that a largo heart goof
with an open hand ; that nobility o :
character is indicated by u knack o :
telling stories , moro or less unclean ;
that manliness is revealed by extrava
gance and depravity ; that the kindest-
hearted people and the whitest souh
and the truest friends are the to
pore and profligates ; this theory
wo say , does not match will
our experience. " It is unquestion
ably too generally the practic <
to prefer men of the "good follow'
class , to which the Cleveland trousuroi
distinctively belonged , for publio posi
tions , and the misfortune of ourpolitica
system is that the practice is likelj
to continue. The sharp , bright , generous
ous follow , cordial to everybody and
especially liberal with "tho boys , " has i
decided advantage in American poll
tics , and probably always will have
Yet sterling worth nnd character is no
wholly neglected. As to Axworthy , IK
was really something more than a gooc
fellow. Ho had demonstrated marked
ability * as a business man , and sucl
sporting tendencies as ho hac
were kept under a discree
restraint. His fall was du <
to the common American greed whicl
leads so many men into speculatlor
even nftor their possessions should be
regarded as ample , and the lesson to be
derived from his case is not altogothni
against good fellowship. Nevertheless
the proposition IB sound that in select
ing a man for a publio position of trust
hid qualities as a good follow should
have very little weight in his favor i
ho hat ) not established a character fo
sterling worth in other respects and foi
incorruptible integrity.
SOME of our contemporaries are male
ing sun while the hay shines , in sovora
languages. During the past week tin
mails have been flooded with tons o
supplements with fruntio appeals to for
eign-born citizens to save the country
and support the democratic state ticket
Even McSluinc's Own bus suddenly beet
inspired to talk Gorman. Campaigi
literature to down Thaycr isulso botnj
manufactured ut the state capital , ant
turrible , revelations about . par
doncd murderers , insurance leeches ant
militia colonels are' being' ground ou
at' fifty'dollars oer. thousand .copies
While this makes the campaign inter
cstlng as well ns profitable to the print
shops , the people of Nebraska are 'dis
counting those terrible tales nnd hair-
alslng appeal at what they arc really
worth. | j
COMPLAINT is made that Mr. Connell
is not inaklng an active canvass in the
section sputh oflho Pintle , where Mr.
Morton has been , making two or three
speeches a day * JMr. Connell is hot un
mindful of the desire of the people of
.liia district to , sco and hear him , nnd
lie has sought to ( gratify them as far ns
it has been wttitiin his power. Ho is
booked for speeches for every night
during the remainder of the campaign.
So fur ho has lost no sleep over Mr.
Morton's canvass. On the contrary ho
feels oncourngcd and confident of a
liandsomo majority. Mr. Morton's Cobden -
den club gospel , like the Sackvillo-
West letter , is a powerful argument
against the democratic candidate.
Nrbrankn Jottings.
The foundation is being laid for a now
grain elevator at Hlair.
The country papers are already warning
their readers to "look out for roorbacks. "
The free 'bus business nt Yorlc ii ended ,
the street car company having purchased both
Michael Sullivan , living near Ilavonna ,
lost llvo stacks of hay by flro lust week. In
cendiarism is suspected.
Work has bccu commenced on the water
works nt Aurora and the mains will all bo
put In before the ground freezes.
Sparks from an engine act llro to three hay
stacks belonging to Isaac Ong , of McCool
Junction , and they were entirely consumed.
The citizens of Snringvlow have petitioned
the | > ostmastcr general for a chungc in tha
star mail route from that place to Ains-
Edward Goetzlucer is In jail In Schuyler
on a charge of embezzlement. Ho was cap
tured In Helena , Mont. , and brought back on
a requisition.
A party of railroad men entered a cigar
store in Norfolk and walked out with a box
of cigars. After considerable of a tight they
wore gathered in.
The examination of D. R. Wilson nnd his
son , William Wilson , nt Beatrice , was had
on a charge of secreting stolen goods. The
Wilsons were bound over ,
A number of prominent Washington couuty
farmers are reported to have been victimized
to the tune of four or llvo hundred dollars
by a trio of patent-right sliarpors.
The democrats of Sarny county on Satur
day nominated Amos Gates for representa
tive. J. S. Kandtill for county attorney , and
E. H. McCarthy for couuty commissioner.
A fractious cow kicked Mis. William Mar
tin , an old lady living near Plattsmouth ,
fracturing her hip bone. On account of the
victim's ago she may never recover from the
There is a dispute in Wayne over the
proper pronunciation of the word "pro
gramme , " many of the citizens articulating
it as though thcy'had their mouths full of
hot mush.
A colored barber' named Miller tried to
end a family difficulty at Oakland by taking
a dose of laudanum. A stomach pump
worked with energy1 rescued the would-be
suicide from the grave.
J. II. Vandcrmarlc nn old and prominent
citizen of Hitchcock county , residing neur
Palisade , dropped ] dfead ot heart disease last
Tuesday morning. "Mr. Vandermark was a
Mason iu good standing.
Plum Creek furnishes an example of busi
ness grit other towns can borrow without
paying n royalty. , The necessity of an ele
vator wait felt , a mooting was culled , and in
lean than ten minuses $4,000 was subscribed
to the enterprise. > (
Anthony Stark , Of'Culbertson , killed nine
geese In five shots'-on the nepublican. This
is good shooting , but not as good as that ol
the man who killed. y99 pigeons ut ono shot ,
and upon being asked why ho did not make it
1,000 , averred that he Would not tell a lie for
one pigeon.
Hot times may bo expected in Perkins
county on election day. The Vcnango Argua
avers that his sutanic majesty , the devil , has
settled in that section and "is loader of the
gang of liars , plunderers , of character villi-
tiers , scandal-mongers , defamcrs , hypocrites ,
political bums and boodlors with which our
county has been and is still cursed. "
Farmers living in the southeastern part ol
Otoe county have for some weeks past boon
losiiiir their horses and mules , the animal ;
dying with every uppcuranco of having boon
poisoned , and investigation proved tills to bo
the case. Several farmers have suffered
serious losses and the matter is to be fully
investigated. Should the party bo appre
hended ho will bo made to take a dose of his
own poison.
A Plattsmouth young man named James
Egan nccIdontiuUy shot himself in the hand
Saturday , the ball breaking no bones but
severing the two principal arteries of the
hand. The blood spurted in a stream from
the wound nnd had n surgeon not been
promptly summoned ho would have bled to
death. Egan is very wcaic from the loss of
blood and it will bo some time before ho fin
ishes cleaning the revolver.
The Gresham Ueview remarks ; "The
Seward Reporter will establish a reputation
as a chronic kicker if it doesn't stop kicking
about such little things. That paper kicks
because it took a letter seventy hours to go
sixty miles from its town. A man ought not
to kick about a little thing like that. Over
in this portion of the country it takes a letter
threii days to go seven miles and nine days
to go thirty miles , varying souiowhat ac
cording to the humor of the civil service re
form administration. A letter mailed at
Thaycr for this ploco usually goes to
Omaha the first trip , the next day it goes
down to Hastings , and on the third day ii
the sign is right it stops off at Gresham.
This fact is proven by the iwstmurka it bear *
when it finally arrives here. This la a great
ndmlnistrotioa for postmarks. If the pres
ent state of affairs should bo continued con
gress ought to-pass a bill to do away with
this postmark busiucss < ind to put a boll on
every letter before it starts out in its blind
attempt to go somewhere. "
Vinton's publio well is down COO foot.
Davenport has a colored population ol
The check racket is being vlgorouslj
worked at Burlington.
The largo corn crop will make Madison
boom as she ought to do.
Cal Lake's homo , Walnut township , burned
Thursday of last week , with most of its con
tents. Insurance light ?
The United Hrclbrerf , conference at Dos
Moincs adjourned last Thursday after trans
uding miscellaneous business.
The Winterset firemtm have their annual
ball on the 29th of November. This will be
the dedication of their new hall.
Hawkos , iho man on 'trial at Algona foi
incendiarism and forgery , tried to play the
insane dod o , but the doctors forced him oul
of it. J
The Northwester battling works nt Iowa
Fulls has secured settfcrraent with the insur
ance companies und will soon resume opera
lions. 12
KosBUth county has only one representa
tive of tlio colored race. His name Is Link
Singleton , and he fell from his horse last
week and dislocated his shoulder.
The new hospital for the insane at Clar
inda is neariup completion , nnd something
more than two hundred inmates will soon be
removed to it from the over-crowded institu
tion atMt. Pleasant.
A sewer ditch caved in at Davenport Fri
day burying ouo of the workmen under a
heavy loud of dirt , but his companions dug
him out. Ho did not receive any Injuries fur
ther than being greatly frightened.
Tlio faculty of the Dexter Normal school
as at prescut constituted , is as follows : Win.
II. Mouroo , Thos. 13. MonroeChas. . II ,
Beaver. Roy. F. M. Elliot , H. E. Hazard , J ,
M. Eppstoln , Mrs. May C. Monroe , Mrs. Ida
Tracy Kppstein , Wm. S. Butterworth , Mrs.
A , O. Roycc.
A temporary hospital has been provided
for the aick In Minneuaha county.
The work of surveying a railroad' from
Sturtfis to Galena has commenced. ,
The Manitoba railroad was completed to
Sioux fall * Friday , but regular traffic ovei
the new line will nSt bo Instituted for several
The reform school .at PJajiklnton is now In
readiness for tlnl reception of bad bdya and
The Northwestern National bank at Aber
deen sold Us first draft last Wcdncsa y
morning ,
TUo dedication nf the M. E. church nt
Wutertown has been postponed until Sunday ,
November 11.
Rapid City claims to have polled 1,045
votes at the last gcnornl election , and licni'o
under the now territorial low voters will
have to register.
Three boys arrested at Grand Forks for
stealing fruit from Manitoba cur- * Implicated
twenty other boys , some of whom belong to
the best families.
The Argus-Loader expresses the belief
that thcro nro too many churches in Sioux
Falls , and recommends that n religious trust
be formed , nnd that all churches not mate
rially different in creed unlto and build a
union church ,
Thomas Sprlngsted , formerly of Yankton ,
died at Santee agency. An overdose of mor
phine killed him. Mr. Springstcd is the
patty who placed charges before the lust leg
islature against tr. ) Craven , then superin
tendent of the insane asylum.
It is rumored nt Ueadwood that n deputa
tion from the Salvation army will shortly
pay a visit to the various saloons of the city
and between nongs they proi > ese endeavor
ing to iterstiadu the men onpnged In the
business to close shop nud forever forswear
the trade.
Nothine is too good for the average Deadwood -
wood jnvenilo. Jjot long ngo a professional
nurse was summoned from Hinghnmton , N.
Y. , to assist nt the arrival of a Hlack Hills
girl. Having accomplished her mission slio
returns , thus making a round trip of over
3,000 miles for what in many localities would
pass as an ordinary ovent.
The Great Northwest.
Mormons nro being nominally expelled
from the church In Idaho to qualify them to
take the test oath.
John McAultffe , a foreman laborer on Mure
Island , wus whipped Saturday by three sisters
whom ho had slandered.
Elsie Reynolds , the alleged matcrlall/er ,
has been acquitted of obtaining money under
false pretences ut San Diego , Cal.
The Yuba Mining company of Nevada dur
ing the past two weeks has shlpp&d thirty-
two tons of ore of different grade" , running
from 100 to 300 ounces per ton iu silver.
In digging the Douglas-Willnn Satoris ditch
on the north fork of Little Laramie river ,
Wyo. , pay gold gruvol was struck in Wild
Cut Gulch , and three hundred acres of placer
ground was located.
The Denver Republican says that Colorado
would lose tOOO.OOO a year on wool and $750-
000 a year on lead by the enactment of the
Mills hill , without obtaining ono dollars's
worth of offsetting advantage.
Frank Silva , a Stockton , Cal. , barber who
is dying of consumption , last Thursday
walked into John Jery's undertaking room's
and proposed to shake dice with the proprie
tor for u coftln. The astonished proprietor
complied and Silva won.
A peculiar accident occurred the other day
ata San IJiego ( Cal. ) hotel. A boll boy had
been directed to wash some glass brandy
barrels. Inserting n rubber hose In one of
the barrels , which fltteJ the npertjro so
tightly that no nir could escape , ho turned
the water on. Instantly there was an ex
plosion and the barrel was blown to frag
ments , one sharp piece striking the bov's
wrist and inflicting n serious wound. It took
thirteen stitches by a surgeon to close the
wound , and tho'boy lost so much blood thut
he fainted during the operation. Ho will re
cover , however.
A man may suffer without sinnintrbut
cannot sin without sullering. To suitor
that cold to run into consumption would
be a sin and cause suffering , but War
ner's Log Cabin Cough and Consump
tion remedy will do what its name indi
cates , every time. _ It is a certain cure.
The Highest Colony In California.
San Francisco Bulletin : Life at the
Lick observatory , over four thousand
feet above the ocean level , on a lofty
summit , with other mountain crests
only for neighbors , is an interesting
study. Hero is , probably , the highest
colony in California. The astronomers
and necessary employes of the observa
tory Jonn a little world of their own ,
and few of thorn care often to go outside
of it. The stage that comes once a day
brings news from the world outside and
visitors curious to see the wonders of
the mountain. A contract with a San
Jose expressman secures all needed
freight once n month sometimes oft-
oncr. A butcher with supplies com s
up the twenty-eight miles of tortuous
mountain road once a week. Cows and
chickens are adjuncts to the commissary
department. Quail , rabbits and decl
are plentiful in surrounding canons and
some of the sportsmen astronomers oc
casionally bring them down. The sum
mer air is soft and f > o rnrilled as to ex
hilarate and make great exertion seem
slight. All the astronomers came from
cities , yet none complain or sigh for at
tractions beyond those revealed by the
marvelous telescopes.
Entombed on the Common.
Boston Globe : A eombro undertak
er's hearse standing in front of the old
burial ground on the Common attracted
the attention of many a hurrying pe
destrian , to whom the sight of a half
open door of n tomb within the enclos
ure gave an added interest.
It is so seldom that a burial occurs in
the old Central that people who pass
there every dny almost forcrot that such
n place of interment exists. It wus not
strango. therefore , that when late in the
nftoruoon a cloth-covered casket was
borne to the tomb before mentioned
passers by stopped and gazed intently at
the curious scone.
The funeral was that of Mrs. Eliza
Aun B. Loring , wno died nt her resi
dence , 13 Park street , last Friday , at the
ngo of thirty yearn. Private borvicos
wore held nt the house at 2 o'clock , and
the body was then removed to the fam
ily tomb.
It is not generally known that burials
still take place frouitimo to time in this
ancient cemetery , although they are
always in tombs , a city ordinance for
bidding the making of now graves.
The last Interment occurred about two
months ago , and several take place
every year. It is not compulsory to use
metallic coflins , as might be supponod.
The First Corner in Corn.
New York Telegram : Broker Rus
sell , of the produce exuhungo , is a
teacher in a Sunday school , and his
knowledge of history , both commercial
and profane is "equalled by few and excelled -
celled by none. "
"My friends , " said ho to a crowd of
brokers at the produce exchange , "you
doubtless think that the corner 'Old
Hutch' has created in the wheat mar
ket is pretty big thing and so it is ; but
let me remind you that 'tuoro is noth
ing now under the sun. ' The few of
you who have read the hiblo know that
in olden Union there wus u tremendous
shortage in the corn crop.
"Tho 'Old Hutch * of that day was a
certain ruler of Egypt , who bomohow
managed to got the bulge on the other
speculators. Ho captured all the loose
corn he could llnd and had it stored in
great cribs , something like the big
Erie , Now York Central and Pennsyl
vania elevators. Then ho watched his
opportunity to sell oul nt high figures.
Among thu shorts who came to buy
were Jacob & Sons. They "
"Hold on , Russell , " shouted n mob of
brokers ; "that's a chestnut nnd wo
wou't stand it. "
Then the boys took Ru&sol.l ovbr to
the sample table and punished him by
pouring shelled corn and wheat down
his shirt collar and neck.
-a I
Use Angostura Bjtfors , the world , ro-
nowaad South American hppotlzor , of
exquisite jluv'or. Manufactured by Dr.-
J. O. B ; Siegert k Sons. . . . ' .
Poverty Strlckon Nomads Infesting
the Vicinity of Lincoln.
Sunday Utic ts nt the Cnpltnt City
1'rcpnrlnc for n Grand Hcpub-
Menu Ilally Gciu < rnl nntl
Personal Notes.
Lixcoi N BunsAtj orTitu OMAIU DEB ,
1030 l SlltBRT ,
LINCOLN , Oct. 25.
The nomadic tribes infest Lincoln
to-day perhaps moro than at any other
time during her history. At least a
hundred families nro quartered in tents
iu the outskirts of the city , and the
shelter afforded by the gauzy texture
covering them is barely siifllciont to
keep out the raw air of the evening , lot
alone thu winds and rain thut uro so
liable to come at this season of the year.
A dozen tents can bo seen on East O.
street , and a peep behind the scenes
alone is necessary to prove
that suffering must como sooner or
later , unless there is a change for
the bettor in their surroundings. In
quiry leads to the knowledge that they
are hero doing the most uiunial kinds
of labor and seemingly glad to got It to
do on any terms. But this condition of
facts is not unknown to the city walks
of life , nnd it can bo truly said that pov
erty stalks abroad in the land.
It is barely possible that this tnny be
properly classed ns pauper luoor. 'But
to have it como upon Lincoln in dirt
and filth and slime , breeding dis-cnse
and pestilence , is a matter that invites
the attention of the sanitary com
mission if not the labor statis
tician. During a short ramble
of THE BKH representative this
morning his attention was called to
special evidence of suffering and want
at the doors of some of tlio tents ou O
street , in the squalid and ragged np-
pearanco of some of the children stand
ing about. There is room for the hand
of charity even in Lincoln. The good
church people of the city ought to ap
preciate the fact when going down into
their pockets so lavishly for foreign
missions. It is said that generous acts
lie at the gate of human happiness. I
know from the evidences soon in differ-
out quarters ol the city during the
past few days that there is moro
need for charity contributions right at
home thanthoro canbe for the work of the
missionary in India , China or thu wilds
of heathendom ; so , if generosity bends
ut the will of happiness , there is an op
portunity for saving a- soul , and per
chance a life , without going a mile from
the portals of the home door. This frag
ment is written under pressure of the
belief that there is need for moro
charity work for homo than other lands
than ours. Not iv month ago the pastor
of one of the prominent ohurches of this
city announced from the pulpit nt the
close of the evening service that the
collection of the day for foreign mis
sions amounted to $141. It was a gen
erous contribution , but I do not believe
that the same church , nor any other of
the city for that matter , can raise a like
sum for the needs of the wretched and
stricken at home in a day or iu a week.
At the Capital Arthur T. Solden ,
New York ; A. W. Scribner , Omaha ; K.
L. Hall , Green Bay , Win. ; E. F. .John
ston , Tamaqua , Pa. ; R. A. Wollner ,
Savannah , Gn. ; G. N. Miller , Chicago ;
C. S. Cowles , Des Monies ; S. L. Chap
man , Chicago ; B. M. Potter , St. Joseph ;
W. Sciger , Indianapolis ; S. G. Kusoll ,
St. Paul ; E. W. NelT. Chicago ; J. E.
McCraeken , Omaha ; .T. A. Snyder and
wife , Chicago ; S. Solomon , Cold Day ,
Cal. ; Goodman "Wolff , Chicago ; A.Lovy ,
Omaha ; A. Chapmnn. St. Louis , W. S.
Helphroy.Omaha ; C.W.Waito.Chicago ;
Gco , H. White , Boston ; Hy Fuhnmnn ,
Fremont ; N. T. Gadd , Beatrice ; Rev.
N. MeKurg and F. G. Simmons , Seward ;
J. E. Doty , David City ; J. Grifliths ,
Denver ; W. H. Ashwprth , Dondwood ,
Dak. ; C. Norton and wife , Murshaltown ,
la. ; F. PulTenrath and C. M. McDonald ,
At the Windsor Charles W. Wuite ,
Chicago ; George A. Shaw , Wichita ,
Kan. ; David Bricknor , Now Yorlc ; Jthn
Rogers nud wife , Helena , Mont. ; H. C.
Bright , Sringlield , Mo. ; 1. F. Harrow ,
Chicago ; E. L. Spring , Des Moines ; O.
O. O. Hefner , Nebraska City ; J. L.
Hutchlnson , York , Nob. ; L. Lewis , Chicago
cage ; 11. M. Reid. Chicago ; N.
Sherman , Denver ; E. L. Hick& ,
Chicago ; J. P. Greene , Chicago ;
B. E. Liggitt. Pittsburgh ; .T. L. Divun ,
Council Bluftb ; H. T. Hubbard , St.
Louis ; William Kinkle , Wichita ; J. II.
Kistncr , Denver ; C. E. Prohmnn. Chicago
cage ; J. A. Hamilton. St. Louis ; C. W.
Grilllth. Chicago ; . ! . M. Robinson , Bos
ton : John L. Mcsmoro , St. Louis ; W.
S. Post , St. Louis ; W. N. Dckker.
Omaha : J. L. Lilt , Wilwau-
kco ; H. C. Tatuin , St. Louis ;
E. L. Stout , Cincinnati ; Wm. Dillon ,
Chicsigo ; G. P. Kingnloy , Norman , Nob. ;
J. H. Sterlincr , Goodlund ; R. F. Connor ,
Hot Sp'rings" , Dak. ; Brad Slaughter.
Fullerton ; A. T. Vigartl , Rochester ;
L. D. Richards , Fremont ; A. Kerch-
berg , St. Louis ; A. V. Cole , Grand
Island ; O. II. Johnbon , St. Louis ; Wm.
Gillispie , St. Louis ; Ex-Gov. David But
ler , Pawnee City ; K. L. Hoff , Chicago ;
E. C. Parkinson , Seward ; Wm. Lecse ,
Sewurd ; Rev. J. G. Tote , Shcl-
ton ; C. A. AVoosly , Greenwood ;
Will Craig , Chicago ; F. D. Rugg ,
Chiiinpaigne , 111. : M. W. McDonnell ,
Winona , Minn. ; John W. Hoffman , W.
C. Stephens , W. S. Cottrill and A. J.
Hoopo , Chicago ; George Robinson and
John D. Raoelzo , Now York ; R. L. Dun
can and D. C. Blum , Chicago ; H. C.
Roundtrce , DCS Moincs ; J. Mnrkowit/ ,
St. Louis ; Hiram Dayton , Do.s Moines ;
C. W. Sargent , Chicago ; L. Herman ,
St. Louis ; W. K. Itoswthnl. Detroit ; A.
H , Anderbon , Chicago ; James II. Gray ,
Now York.
At Opelts M. F. Wcstholmon and
George II. Brush , St. Louis ; A. C. Hall ,
Kansas City ; S. Ros < ciibnumSl. Joe ; T.
B. Harluu , Omaha ; C. E. Reid , Pcorin ;
J. F. Kuintui , Holclrogo ; B. L. Cobb ,
Pawnee City ; E. E. Debuchlockor , Paw
nee Citv ; E. A. .1 OUCH. York ; Jolin Har-
bcrg , Omaha ; D. W. Havdock , St.
Louis ; E. B. Carter , DoKalb',111. ; J. H.
Lovoliw , G. W. Dychc. C. C. Me-
Curty , Boston ; J. E. Webb , Kansas
City ; A. A. Dunckol , Beatrice ; M.
Lohoy , Nebraska Oily ; R. R. Waugh ,
Peoria ; J. D. Fauquher , Louisville ;
Fred D. Waugh , Peoria ; J. B. Laugli-
lln , Princeton , 111. ; G. D. Streeter ,
Omaha ; James H. SturgosStuart , Nob. ;
Charles Brun , Sioux City ; S. W.
Struck , AtchUon : F. W. Jackson , Carthage
thago , III. ; Sam Hudbon and P. A. Gu-
buock. Chicago ; W. M. Gentry , Quinoy ;
J. H. Broody , Beatrice : Oscar A. Calln-
han , HcnUoIitmn ; F. C. Walton , Omaha ;
C. H. Smith , Chicago ; Frank West ,
Omaha ; Daniel O. Council , Alfred C.
Blurfull and J. McICoo , Omaha ; J. II.
WilUon , Topolca ; B. C. Freeman ,
F. J. Hoonan , W. A. Sutz , Chlctigo ;
The ropublloans of Lancaster county
.will cap , the climax On the rally ques-
tion.Saturdny ovenlng.Novemboi- . It is
Uesipnod to inak'o this" the greatest rally
that has-been held in the state during
the campaign , and general Invitation !
will bo issued for the attendance of re
publican * nud clubs from all parts of thu
state. Every precinct of this county
will bo represented by club or
delegation , and with Visiting clubs
nnd llamboaus from other places will
participate in the grand parade of the
The following committees have boon
appointed and this selection cim nut teas
a rally that will do credit to the Capital
City and the stulo :
Committee ou Siwakors lions. S , J.
Alexander , J. C. McBfldc , W. H.
Advertising F. A. Boohmer , C. M ,
Parker , Jno. Fawoll.
Transportation W. S. Hamilton , J ,
II. Blair , C. II. Foxworthy.
Docorattons-O. C. Boll , J. II. Blair ,
Harry Ilolchkips.
Finance I. M. Raymond , George
Bowermnn , J. A. Blair , Jno. Fawoll.
Reception and Arrangements W. S.
Hamilton , C. L. Hall , E. P. Rogger , S.
W. Beardsley , F. C. Sovcrinc , J. W.
Dickcnson , .1. C. McHride.
Marshal of the Dny C. M. Parker.
Little Johnny Hicks , the bov who hail
his logs bo cruelly crushed under a
moving train last evening , may get
well. Ho recovered from the shock of
tmipnlation much butter thnii was ex
pected , and at this hour is resting easy.
Johnny's legs were both amputated just
above the knee by Dr. Grimes , assisted
by Dr. Rent. This lesson ought to
prove a warning to all lads who have
been in the habit of jumping upon mov
ing trains , while in the net of switching
or starling from the depot on the regu
lar run.
On noxtTliursdav afternoon the laditvs
of the \Villard union are requested to
meet nt the residence of Mrs. E. M.
Cooley , corner of Ninth and Van Dorn
streets. It is the birthday of the presi
dent and the annivcrsnry of thu union.
There will be a short business session ,
and the remainder of the afternoon is
to bo given to social pleasures. It Is
stated that the bick tire all convalescing
and in a fair way for recovery. With
the number of typhoid patients in
chnrgo of the union this fact is truly re
markable. It speaks well for the care
given the sick and alllictcd.
Ilira , the ton year old son of Mr. and
Mrs. W. B. Williams , was buried to-
dny. He died of typhoid fever. The
funeral services wore hold at the homo
residence , corner of 'A and Tenth
The republicans of Denton held an
enthusiastic rally utDenton last night.
Judge Snolling addressed thu mooting.
Some of the Dunton ladies furnished
excellent vocal music.
Hon. W. H. Woodward has just re
turned from a two weeks' visit to Illi
nois. While there ho took an active
hand in politics _ and delivered a num
ber of campaign speeches. Ho saya
that Illinois it , good for .J. OOO republi
can majority.
"Is the tariff a tax ? " Judge Mason
will answer the qucbtion at the Metro
politan rink on next Wednesday even
ing. Ho will also answer the question :
"How docs the tariff affect the western
farmer ? "
The Young Womana' Prohibition
club has more bottom than the men's
or the boy's in Lincoln. They planked
down $30 recently to help out the lads
and $15 to keep up the voting club.
The average Nebraska girl gets thore.
Do you suffer with catarrh:1 : You can bo
cured if , you take Hood's Snrsaparllla ,
the great blood purifier. Sold by all
Wisner democrats gnve it out that they
could raise fabulous sums of money to Htako
on Cleveland's election. The republicans
raised n purse of $500 , and Blgin Perrine , of
Wayne , who was in town put up a check for
$3,000 with ample endorsement and nary a
dollar of the foreign boodle has bucn sent
Its superior excellence proven la millions of
Imi-iiM for morn than iiuurturot a century. It
Is used liy thu United Ptatos novemiuont. Kn-
dorsudliytheheadsof thoKront Universities us
tlio stronRt'it , purest nnd most healthful. Dr.
Price's Ciemu Imklni ; 1'owdi-r doo.s not cont.Uu
ummonla. lime or alum. Sold only hi caus.
New York , Chicago , BlJ.ouh.
n'djar clnuhrA ] trfa liJt > r9a.
S uta Abie : and : Cat-R-Cuu
For Sale by
. Groodman Drug 'Co. . .