, - : z . : = ; = - - - - I . * - - TfLE OMMIA PArlAY BEEtONDA. QOTOBEE 29. i&S8. . . . ' TilE OLD STORY OVER AGAIN ; , : 'Iowa ts Surely Ropubitcan au for Thirty Years Past. THEUNIONLABOR PARTY DYING. 01t1 1nto 1)ey Mctred Cicrin Out or Ills Boot-I1lq Double ; Meth. od $ ) IcIoqed-Tie ltstc in. Junction Caqe. I Tliny MuAt SWILII4)W Icfeat. DER A1OtI' , III , , Oct. 2.-1Special to Tiir 13i.J - One more week and the agotly will be over , nnd tlio dewocrath of wilt svuUow their defeut os PlLtloolIl. catly a they ham for thlrtS Past. Early Ia the c.ita4 It looked as If some of the iloinocraUc nn(1ldatr ( migh t litill through , C5IOCIaIII ) for .t1lroud commissioners - ers , but tILO ProP of a SY.3ciiflg republi. cw % 'ictory htwo mnaturially Immmprovcil iii the la ) two tvt3nl s. 1imu sp1f.respccttii COfl1t ( not stand the dictation of rctib1icntt railroad lawyers and have "takemi to the tWOOlF4" In hit-go imumbers , and some of them have even gommu oer to time FLsk amid Jirooks I PartY. Tim defalcatiomi fCtmairxmmamz Hunter , mid the raflcmt free trade uttcr.tnccs of Frank llurd have cormipicted the dcmnoraliza- tiomi , and tim democracy approach the end of thin lb buviithrcd eauip lgn a hmoc1ess1y - I conilition. Hi.tiuc carriel this state by a I1U1'aIItY of Ies than 20,000 , but Harrison's najority ovcr Cleveland vi1t be twko as large unless the democrats spccilUy rccovcr from their atathy. 'tZis campaign tvill PracticallY witncs the death of the union labor larti. Lamt year , "Fariiicr Caine" received about 1OOO votes br govcruor , but the 1)arty ) wilt hardly poll balfas mau.v for Streeter , their canilidato for prcsiikmit. The party i torn asunder by internal tltssen'dons. The \Veller faction in the northeastern part of the Lite Li in favor at-high license swd opposed to fusion. The Gillette faction . smear Des Moines tavor wontami suffrage and prohibition and Vcavcr's crowd vil1 support any movement caleblatod to make votes for their idol.Vhether Weaver will got back Into congress or not is a question. Mayor Laeoy his republican OI)1)Ofluflt , is crowding bun closely and has boldly entered the list and faced time grecmmbtck leader on the stummlimm , blot ilubate. "Farmer Caimie , ' ' who lives in his district , has openly boit4d % Ycav- or's tiomuination and theend is notyct. Weaver zefuses to say whether he vil1 vote for Strecter or for Cleveland , and evidently does -tiot know whether lie is running on the union labor or democratic Platforni. The Gillette faction is headed for the vrohmibitiori Jam and another year the diiiiitregatiomi of the greenback or union labor lirty will be cotnpletc. Sovereign of Atlantic , in his wild ; -IeshiL to get Judge harris , the deniocratic candidate for commeress in the Ninth district , off the track , has gone completely over to the democrats , or at least Is making speeches unilerthiedirection , -jtihl harris sticks , and likely wilt t.nthl the end of the eamnpamgn and Sovereign's hope of going to congrcs vil1 vanish. The worst scared man in Iowa to-day is Peter A. Dey. Ills antl.nionopoiy profes. mOns hiavci becit shown to be a hollow mnoclc ery. It Is now pretty vclt established that he suspendeil the taking effect of time sched- iIe for five days in the absence and without the Icnowledgu or consent of his republican colleagues , in artier to give the railroads time to servo their lnjunctlomms , and that he secretly - crotly fkrnished time roatis rate sheets in ad- . % 'aoce amTU. Intormned them ot the probable action of the commission. The latest dodge to secure votes for Dey is time printing of a long extract in circular form of Governor Lambce's recent speech at Guthrie Center In wlmleh ho severely arraigmied the corpora. tions , with a recommendation at the bottom to vote for Iey anti two republicans , and eattcrmng IL broadcast throughout the state. C'lTho circular wa'eumislgeed , aud to a casual * itder It w hutd apcnr lvi if time goveriwr roe- nnnondod this actiOn. The speech was anti a person Looking uvor It hastily and reading only the words in , - rgOypo ooultl not heh $ con idding that -Larrabee was supportirm ] ) ey , wh1ch is not ir o.The governor says Dey's unwarranted imetlon in suspending time schedule Is the : inost embarrasiug timing the attorneys for . the state have to meet and that had it not 'been for tbistiio schedule cutting down freight rates nearly omie-third woulU have been In - . 'That ojsn-atlou long ago. Dey vmhl ' , get the solid railroad vote goes without 553' . ' sng. and this is his only chance of election. The appeal from the F'alrahl injunction re- strahiming the railroad commissioners from puttiw thiochedule of Juno 2'mth in force In -espeot to the Burlington , Cedar Rapids & ) , 2'ortlwrii. the ChIcago , Rock Island & Pa- 'cmnc ; and other roads chattered by the state nud Incorporated under Iowa laws , was ably imrgued in the supreme court this week. The sttorneys for time Btate Insisted that "the Injunction was virtually against the itato anu if sustained wLAald lwohmibit the rtato from oxercIsIn her sovereign lowcrs imnd the foe , clearly umiconstltutlonai , -yhhli , the attorneys for the i-oads took the piosition that oven if It was , no state had a tight to establish such a rate as vouhi baak. lupt the ramiiada , or at least imievemit them from earning any dividends upon their in- estments. hioth sides were well ar ued and the oonrt to k the niatter under advisement. 'h. ludgea will give the question a thorough nsidoration and their opinion on the ease wIll hardly bellied this tera Judges Heck , -Ireed and Ephiuson ar relied on by the veo- . he to overrule. time iiiunction. and even vera and Rothrock may concur. hiould the Injunction be iusthincd , It % v111 be on some technical , point , auci miot on time broad prJnclple contended for by the corporation lawyers. Shonid the decision be in favor of the roads Goornor Larrabee n all proba- Iihit' wilt convene the legislature 1mm extra 3ston , and roconimnd the enactment of the schedule ; reposed bytho comimumissioners , umnd other stringent measures that vLil make LhQ corporations wish they hind taken their rrat doss of medicine uncompialningly. Time ults Lustltutett in the local rouits wilt likely Kwait the determination of this Point. as verythiug hingca upon the ucsUou whether I he schedule is legally in force. ii. 8. Wllcox'the reiubllcan candidate for .presidefltial elector 'In this ( Seventh ) eon. resslonal district occupied time same vest iou twp years ago on the fusion ticcet. Mr. Vilcox was formerly it groenbacker but re- ihizing that his party has seen Its best days le cammie over to the republicans last fail ailU 13 doIng effective vork on the stump. The Ucmocrats are running a renegade re- pubitcan for prosecuting attorney in this ( Polk ) county , who is willing to accept their wotos tint is going to vote the republican na- ( tonal ticket. 'rime Issue is on the enforce. guent of the iwohlbitary law. The frantlo efforts of time democrats to caPture a part of the Scandinavian vote is really amusing. Two Svedes are on their tatotickct and anyperson of that nationality _ au get anthhmmg of the demnoem-ats they ask for. So far their efforts have not been crownea wIth very brilliant success. The Swedee are a readlmmg and thinking imeo- 1)10 and not easily hoodwinked. A small domocraUo Scandinavian club has been formed 4i this city , made up chiotlyot mail carriers and others i.p iUbtiLi employ , but we liear of no spontanooua uprising of the i3vcdes throughout the state as time demo- cm-aLa predicted. They are naturally repub- itcans and cannot be induced by time SPeCiOUS PhIStrieS of free traders to vote against Ibeir true Interests. HEX. -a S . - Betting Among lowaims. I flzs 1mloiss , Oct. 29.--Special [ to 'rita 13Er1j-Wbo betting mania seems to bave struck Iowa fast and furious In time last few days. A great many bets arc reported , nd a great many bluffs am-c put out instead. Cf bets. Oao of the most renmmmrkabie cases 'mf this kind was that of an old gentleman Eftmet C1ain , a brother of the noted Tente C. Clattin. Hotsarestdentof $ nd ho , paralyzed the democrats of this ylulnity by sending a challenge the Des - . ! tolnes Liader , the deutocratlo organ , pro. t posIu to bet $37,000 on Cleveland. . Ho divided the itnount Into Snms ntning from ' - 1 to $ IQ,000 , whiob he proposed to put on ; such stat.a as iowa , Iiiinois , Wisconsin , etc. , , , , together with a wager of $3,000 that imo vould win alt The domocrots. were In iIgtt ruttier d placardeti the bet In big letters , ' \Iav1t.Lg republicans to moot It. Ls thi-s bet ? C - ' - . _ - . - , qf37OO ) svent so far eve time custemrry ( , tloDoo betS of time Uoffbnan % aOuIe , It , tern- inrarl ! tmstuisiieL1 time ct nmnpnity , but iii fifteen nhlnutca a ropubhicad was on tiamid offering to take time first lnst"ilniemit of i7O(1O ; ( just as soon its th Mnrshiatotrn mime wdq rcat1y 'I'heri caimme another gentleman ofTerlmmg tQ bet lOO that time democratic blimiTer couldn't ' Iroduco aim Percent of time amount of siioney he proposed to bet , nail offering to hmi- democrat vhmo would furnish the bets cii the terms Ciahin $ pro- ioscml. l'hieim It was ( hiscoverpd that time whole thitig was a big dUumoorie ijhtmif with a big I ) , The Ciahiln turims out to he a imimrrn. hess old crank simo imimmiginci lie is very wealthy or at least ioves to have other 1)00- jib tlmink so , but could no immore Imt UI ) thati lid could hut up that mmumnber of nilillous , The local democrats that flew so hugh over thi , bluff. imnt'e dropped to earth , taken dowmi their challenge , timid foci PrettY cheap. - , . , % n Do nil Iliitls of repairing amid employ 110110 but the Ilnest t-orktnon. Call amid see us. El)110L31 & AKU. , Opp. 1' _ . 0. , IuitIm & Dodge. - Abushtmg time Mali Service , Ias Mois , Oct. 2.-Spcciat to Tmu llar.-Thio ) imbUse of the mall service for Partisan purposes l's creating ammichm Indlgna. tiQa In this state , At dlffcrcmit lilnees V05t nnsters arc distributing democratic cant- ialgn , documnoiits , vithotmt postage flaying been juld upon thorn. At Marsluttltown a tlimlted States letter carrier lii unltom-m , eddied - died out ctrctmlitr letters from ticiiiociatic iieidquarteis in Des Moines which mild not bear thifl slightest ti-ace of a stamp. The en- vciopes tvero addmessed in the usual manner , Irnhabl3' at ics Moines , limit wlmeii doilvered by time carrier itt Iarsiimmlitowri they had miot a stamnu' of any kind upon theum. At Madrid tile iostmnaster in 4U1t9 ropubliemis by putting copi of Uieveiand's free trade letter in their boxes , without postage being IttIiI Upon them , mmii then mefuses to turn around and deal out Iiiaiue's speech at- Now Yorlc in time sniDe Way , if Xurhishetl to him. 11cm-c lii this city a carrier in uniform marches alonc his route paddling domimocratic hand bills ( rota one armu amid mmmii fm-oem the other. Carpets , I'urm.lttiro anti Diaperie. . A flue assortment of new goods. ( , JIAS. [ SIJIVEIIICIC , Nos. 1209 , 1208 antI 1210 F'arnaia st. Assessimig 0111cc ilolUers. Jas MIXIIS , Oct. 2S.-Speclal ( to Tima IJar..l-Tiie democrats arc putting the assess- meat thumb.scrbws lntp federal office hold. ct-s in this state with great vigor. Tue state coiiimnmttee has miUced thin cow several tinies , aiid miow the national coumumittec is working for tvhat Is loft. A letter ( roam time Iowa member of the national coinmnmttee , Mr. J. J. llichmumdsoim , of DaVCIIpOrt , has jtmst been immade public. 1mm it tie asks for eontributlomms in addition to wirot has already boon giveim to the state commitWe , amid says that time plan of the campaign has been changed by time demn- ocratfo tuitional committee so as to look to otimer states thami Iowa for success. This is an ndnmisslon that time plan of Rainbow Chaser Brict' has been abammdoned , ammd that the domoermits no longer hope to bm-ea& & the reiubllcarm column of time northwest. The assossniermts in the i'aitway potnl service seem to be enforced more strictly thimu in tiny other branch. A republican clerk who bad been connected with time service for thirteen years was notified the other day to call at headqtmartcrs of the democratic state comn- mnittee and pay up his mtssossmnent. lie de- dined , and inst Monday ho received notice of his discimarge from the service. That is the ; vvy civil service reform Is enforced iii Iowa. Cleveland & Hai'i'isoa agree emi one point , that time best out is Jat'vis' old Brandy. - _ _ _ _ V.reparlmg For a Big Thtmie. Des MoiNss , Ia. , Oct. 2S.-Special to Tita lIer.1-Orest preparations are being made for the big republtcami raiy In this city next Fvday afternoon and evcmmmng. The "l3ig Four , ' ! . Allison , Kasson , Hepburn and.Comi- ger wilt be time speakers. Alt time opera houses in tho&t' hay been engaged , mind at nlgimt there wiLl be the largest. torchlight parade ever seen in this part .ot the state. b'pocial trains will be run frou : nil dirce- tiotis , and It is expected that IOOOO coplc will coins to see the celebration. 'I'herc will be a grand ihlunihuation anti industrial display at nlghtwlth innumerable Hosts and characteristiC - acteristiC devices. It is intended to make. this the largest i-ally in Ibwa this year. . . Dr. Jefferjs rcmcdy cures every case of diphtheria. No pliysican rccu Ii'cd. A Great Potato Crop. Das MoiNas Ia , , Oct. 23.-Speciai to Tao BaE.1-Tlio sumpi-Ise in Iowa crops this year is the lotato cs-op. It Is oxtraorinariiy large and of fine quality. In this Part of the state farnici-a.raport a , yield of from 150 to 200 bushels ama acre. The season closed dry , with hate frosts , so that the crop matured veil nicely and Is of the best quality , Pi-ob- ably the largest singlocrap in thostate was at Independence. There on less than forty sores a crop of 8,195 bushels has been safely bousea . This was on the farm attached to the insane asylum there , and the voik was mainly done by Inmates of the hospitaL S Where Do they keep the finest first water blue diamonds ? Answer , Edholm & Akin , opposite postoffIco.cor. 15th and Dodge. A New York Policeman Shot Naw Yoiiic , Oct. 23.-Early this morning Policeman James Brennan was shot three times and killed by an ox-convict minted Larry Carlton , Brennan attempted to arrest - rest Canton , who was running away , after knocking down a man who had refused to lY for di-imiks , wimen the cx.convict turned and fired four shots at the officer. lie was caught soon after. Jat'rts' 1877 i3raudypurcstsafe8t & beet' Ibid Up By Train Robbers. Msuitis , Tenmi , , Oct. 2S.-Tho east bound passenger train on the Iron Mountntn road was stopped by train robbers this afternoon neam- Newport , Ark. The assemigers were robbed of 4200. -S Charcoal Furnace Burned. Ari'.irros , Vis. , . Oct. 23.-The chat-coal iron furnace of time Appleton Iron Furnace company burned to-day. Lossld0,000 , besides the loss on ore , coal and wood iii stock , not yet estimated. -I' Tb. importance of purifying the biood can. not be oycestinmatetl , for smithout pure blood you cannot enjoy good health. , At this seasoti nearly every one needs a good medicine 1.0 purify. vitalize , and emtijcim the blood , and hood's Sarsaparilla is wor.hy your confidence. It Is peculiar Lu that It strengthens and bulld.s up the system , creates Zn nppotite. s-nd tones- the digestion , sh1le , It eradicates disease. Give it A triaL - hood's sarimaparihia Is soitlbyahldruggrsts. Prepared by C. I. flood & Co. , Lo eli , Mass. 100 Doses One Dollar , TilE DACIOES OF NEIY YORK- ; FilthLor its Vlohl as Moro Vicious 'riian tlio Chinoo. BLOODYORDER OF "LA MAFIA. " AqnssIn' anmi Hhrmcknmniicrq-Tlmc hex- ngormal Mayoralty I'IgIit-Trlmmlty's Tower In iaiger-oii Nelson' . Crtisndo lit time Metropolis. The Itailnim t'asts. Now Voimic , Oct. 23.-ISticcial Correspond. euro of Timi : IIIE.-Whatewer ] the Califor- rilans may thlimk about the Chinese , it is ocr- t.aiim that imere in this emIlira city the Itatiafis area more umtileasaut'a macro dangerous , amid an Immihuitely dirtier class. Tbero Is an Italian iuartcr lii lirooklyn as well as lii New York , and I hare occasIonally found myseif ma both , The Chinanian is ProfoundlY vimious I imave mme dOubt. 'rho exierlence of the Pacific - cific slope mind of Australia irovos conclu- sivehy that they have no moral souSe. Hut they have a comprehension of tlmo decencies of oxistemiec amni of city life , which enables timent to get along smoothly cimougim , o bug its only tim gurftco of timings Is examined. Not so 'lthi time Italians from the south , and especially ( rout SIcily , for they havb no no- tirni that tiIO3' are expected to be decent. New York is tiisoimsted with timmn. They are eternally shoelcing time cOrnmflunIt3' in one way or another , mind apparently the Catholic church cannot control them. They do not want to be married by iriests because questions would be raised whmicim It would be difficult to ammstver. So they coma to the ximayor anti to aldermen amid to justices of the peace vhio viil tie time knot for miothiimg , In thIs way uncles mind nieces become man and wife mmd aunts and imephotvs , amul also divorces - vorces and remarriages are arranged among tiienmselves ma time umost , offnaud way , Girls appareimtiy not twelve are married to grown amen , and nil time assistants either swear that the child , is sixteen or mutter "aix Jngiese , anti shake their heads , Mayor Hewitt made such a marriage recently , mind after It was over he leaned his elbows on the table of his desk , dropped hits head into his hands and romatned ruumilrmatiimg SIoccimiossiy' for twenty minutes I Prcdmct timattvhcthar he is ic-elected mayor or hot , lie Iimt.cnds to commence a crusade against Italian Inmumigratlon , amid ziono too SOOli cithicm. WhAT IS 'iiE MAFIA. So long mis there was reason to believe that the murder of Ammtonlo I'1lacconlo under the shadow of the Cooper Institute viis a silmihibe iiet of knifing , I soumt you no vord of it. \'htit was the use of gathmcm-iuig information about crimes to supmdemument telegraphic intel- higencol lint. the police , irobabi3 , time famimous iuIShCCtOi' of the detective force have come to the conclusion that It was an ollicial assas- sinatlon ordered by a secret society called "La Malta. " I have vestered all my Italian acqualnt-atices to discover what La Maths is , and anm abbo to inform you that It is precisely the sanme thing as the Canmorra of Naples , the only ditferenco between the two being that La Mafia is comillued oxciusively to SI. cbhly. Fiacconlo was a Sicihlami , amid It is believed that lie was murdered either be. catise he hail left the society or because ito refused to obey its orders. La MatIa like La Cimimiorra , is an organization comprising all classes of society , associated solely for the pUrpoe of levying black-mali. tinder the bourbons thetwo societies flourished so that a maim could not bring Ilgs or nmelons to the nmamket without mimmmg so much to them. In consideration ( or this blackmail they uude- talro to assist all these who are their clients in all thmoim business transactions , to himolest their enemies , to hell ) their friends , to harass their rivals , to give them the benefit of secret thfluonce In civil suits , and to help them if the commit crmnm- Immal nets. And vriorto.the coining In time Amua1ci they actually carried ouQ'tJi' . Professions. So longs a imman paid his duos to the Oamuorra and the Malta ho might pier- tier , ravish , burn or steal with impunity , amiI It was because decent hCOPIQ were so slckof tills state of timings that the bourbonswero expelled , The general government wilt 'not stand ammy nonsense , and so these degraded wretches from tao south are flocking Into Now York that they may practice here time horrors which have been too tntmch for Itai. Six 1tiCttMODS lTmi ) FiEI.D. . . Erhard , Grant , Hewitt , CooganWardwell and Cynthia Leonard. All these are , candidates - dates for the mayoralty of this city and the fun is inmmnense. The divimme 'Cynthia ' represents - sents time candidate for mayor upon Betv'zt Lockwood's ticket , anti It is possible that she vill receive nmany more ballots than. the re- sponsmble head. No one cares forBelva , who is simply regarded as an outcome of the fd for Political equality of thotwo Sexes-an absur4 doctrine , because a man's lOlitical right's are based upon the right of the state to take him for a soidier-when it vmmnts soldiers. Bat Cynthia imas some claim to.popularity because bile Is the mother of Lillian Russebi , the actress atid sInger , The candidate parted ( coin her husband ten years ago In Chicago because ho scouted her doctrine ; and sirn maletainea them all the more because of the marital opposition. Lots of young fellows who idolized Lillian Russell before she mar- ned Soiomnons , the composer. have resumed - sumed their idoiatm'y now that the wayward vamr arc parted and wiil voth for Mrs.Leonard to show their devotion to herdaughtem- . Men do not hold their right to the ballot for such tomfoolery , bit this Is a special occasion , and no one can regard the six candidates without an Inclination to laugh. It is a ( set that this is a bouffe campaign , and this Is largely due to the character of Grover Cleveland and to the determination of his niugwimmnp uPPoz-ter to educate the public UI ) to theim' ideas. Wo have beeii so dosed with political economy that a reaction has taken place , and men ai'ebcglnningtoregai-d the whole business as profoundly farcmai. Nan' YORL'S FORTRESSES. There is a very serious side to it , and this eternally crops out. Nobody knows what the labor vote thrown for Coogun will amount to , but everybody knows why time armories of time Scveimth and 'rwelftht rogi- meats immive been made lracticallY forts , and why the armory of the Eighth , the corner atomic of whicim was laid recently by Governor 11111 , is also to be a fort. I learn that time Twenty-second regiment Is lmicovlse to imave a fortress armory , and it is obiious tim-at it Is time Intention of time rich men of the city to cover It with those menaces. They are built with the money of time People under the jro- tence of lrOVldIng against time PossibilitY of mob iaw , but It is notorious that ommly those regiments are furnished with these strimct. tim-es tlmat are known to be friendly to caplthl. No fortress arammory v1ii be built for tim gallant Sixty-umiiftim , a regiment with a heroic record. Vhmyl Simply because the mon and the officers - cors are all toilers , are all hard-listed workers and it , La supposed that they would not aid in opposing time constituted authorities if by ii turn of the wheel time labor amen should sue- coed in electing their cammilidatos. It Is dlfll- cult to see any difference between these structures amid the castles of the Roman barons that vcro destroyed by Rienzi , or those of the robber barons of Germany that vero put down by the guiLds and the vehnijcrichml. There is , however , an essential - tial distinction. Time robber barons built their casties with their own money but time money buroims of America have built theirs by the taxation of the oppressed working classes. - TlIItTF'S TALL TOWER T0TTEIIINO , A groan of time mimost thrilling character has been emitted by time Episcopalians of this city. A series of ugly cracks and fissures mit the dinned arch , and iii differemit parts of the western m-oof. amid in thu Broadway facade on each side of time Lower that is surumounted by' ' Trinity's fatuous spire , have terrifIed Dr. Morgan Dix and Colommel Crugom' who mliii. ages the pecuniary imiterosts of time Parishlon. ers. Experts were engaged to make ii thorough Investigutiomm and they have made a report which is far from consolImg. They state In effect that all the tower pmirt of Broadway has boon built upoim saud which hind been swept on thu southern end of Manimattami Isiand years ago , and that the guotsa rock which everybody believed vas our founds. tiurm , only commences somewhere near A. P. Stewart's store , betwocim Ninth amid Tentim atrett-s Sammil ordimuirily makes -thq best kind of foundatlou , but the experts say that in.ttiissammd there are pocicet.s of quicksand , wimicim catty ho set. lit motion by' oxterda nction. iii the case of Triulty1t isupposod that the , .predlsposlr.g cause hi the elor4oi - raIlroad which rumis behind IL The con- tinualJarrimmg ; notlon eommnnnlcatctl to time soil by Life Iron feams tiat support the struc. turo have set lm'i'a ion several small pockets , muidthose have bi-Oke down hero and there time stiral Ioutmdtttiop of time cimtmrcim , Old Now Yorkers romimernbm.r that wimen lendnil , time fatuous nrchitct o the ( yrus Fleimi building at time battery , b)1 ) for time Voott Bros. their great carrlnvu faptory mmerly OIiOSltC time Astor library , tli cntIre north wall fell with a hideous roar hit after time roof imad been hut on. Everhpdl' said "bad aid-tar" and eusseti the buluihijmg. inspector but Investlga- tion proveil that time daummago iad been ilone by a iocket of liick send. It was iosslble , to rcmmmed3' matters , there , timid I cammnot stc svimy time same , cnot be done for Trimmity. Colonel Cruger could easily hearmm from Mr. ICemimlait Whitt lie did at timt time. AMoQTmi5 SW1tT noxas , Time New York ' World cyldeimtly cares much nmore for Nell Nelson's letters tlmtrn for time eamimpaign. That much is clear. 'rliere are imimhicatlomis thtmt the editorial iiiimmd has come to the eonciuskni timmit time jig is tip fom' Clevelammd'for othiorwiqo it svould be mm- liossibie to explain two things-time Nell Nd- 50mm letters , whicim 11153' dIrectly Into the hand of Cooan , tim labor cammdidu4o for immayor , amid time prmietieal rctircnmo'imt and disgrace - grace of Ballard Snmlth. who interviewed Cleveland amid vas 'as mind might say , time ad- miilimistrtmtlon Imman of tim IaPem. lie hiss iecn umamimiger of time Brooklyn branch of the Worid amid no one who does not kimov Brooklyn can m'cahize time immslgniflcanco of such a POsitiOn. It is practicaL dismissal. 'time whole gist of the Nell Nelson letters is to showthmtt the tariff plays imo part itt all lu time question of cheap clothes , and that they are tin Outcome of the conditiomms that iierinit ii degradatlomm of labor so fearful that it cannot 'be contemplated without a shitidder. Time tfmaimmconditlon is the divorce of the interests of timoie who make timings froni the tradeS In timem. Capital puts Its umlolley umito something and goes into the mar- kct for sweating labor as time cmtnt Word is. Time consequence is thai here in New York have beemi reprodtmcd dii time horrors that Kimigsloy dcset-lbed mu Yeast forty years ago. Time lirices paid tinder these circuumstaimces are independent or" liii ar1tTs and all trades unions amid caim be mOastired only by the inhumanity - humanity of the employer. He gives not what time labor isrorttt , but just as little as will enable iiisworhc-pcopbo to contimitme work- 11mg. All the Ilapers arc tmoticimmg cases of cx- trenme lmardshmlji amid destitution , and In one mnstaimco , thatof it Comma tailor , a widower , who was trying to SUPIOrt four llttio chIldren by vork In one of these sweat boxes , the Publid sense of wrong was so aroused that. astmbscrlption was mimdc for him , and lie ss-as gmvemm wom-k by ii gtiod tailor vimo did not sweat his PeOliO. Ono man saved ; but lit the name of S'Jffetmmig humanity how does that solve the problem ( or the thousamids whose moans ard unhmeak'd and ummsuspectodl The.y die and make no sIgn ; but will God forgive their dthitiis by slow starvation ? And the capitalists aqswcr these cries ot sufforiimg by buildimig atmory-fot-ts ! SIGMA Trios. S The surest means to rid yonrself of timat distressing cougim Is to use Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup. 2i cts. "Mrs. Jones sits at th , window nil day as liacid as a May morning , and imer five simmail children play hide and seek on the back stairs. " "No wonder ! Shc uses Salvation Oil ( orsprains and cuts. " READY FOR BATTLE. TIme Sioux ExpectaConitlet with the Crows * l rly Moment. STAuuo RocK44msNerDakotaOct. 28.- Chiefs Gall , Sitting Hull , Chief Justice John Grass , and the coiftbldto Sioux contingent , In compammy with MsjifrMcLaugimtinreturnemi to the agency yestkly afternoon. Inmmed- matel , upon their atiQ1 the head chiefs in- stltuted a thom'ougj. muster of the entire Sioux tribe , and e-ery buck was mustered out in good fightin4-4m. Time chiefs appear ready for a serapflh the Crows , but the Indians do not appsmazd.o be very anxious to battle with their olti'il d subtile cnetmmies. The 200 Sioux wMrs fm-omn Lower Brute agency , In comnmaua-of White Ghost , time veteran leader , audh0 Chcyennes , headed by Chief Charger. ; rq expected to reinforce their biothor Siou f1 .1'hese relief forces ac coming up-tIme Missqitr4 u doulm1 aulok or- , der. ) t. . . . ktrow5 : avetrpad3ben aeon nthls : vicia- ityammd are likely to strike a blow at an $ ' znpment ; TimeYar as yet' utiaware of the reinforcements en route for Stoading Rock 'Excitement and confusion Prevails. and the ProPhecy of old Frosthead , tbeiimcdicitme moan of the Sioux , Lsilikcly in prove a dire reality. The mhiitary arc still resting upon their arms and prepared to advance at a moment's notico. . - Indian runners wore sent out to recbn. moiter , but they h.r failed to report mind' It is feared they have faUen a prey to the lui-- , hag Crows. The Secret wovemonts of the Crows are ihlUng the Indmns with mystery and for the Present nb more couricys vihl be dispatched us it Is iwpossblo to locate their whereabouts. ' The niedicino mansays he read in the stars that the sky would be overcast with carmine hue and time blood of time Sioux 'will flow freehy. He says , hmowever , that if the Lower Bride and Cheyemmnes arrive ma tUne -the Crows vill fail before them , and if not the whole Sioux tribe atstanding Rock svihI be mowed down by their ancient foes. The implicit confldbnetiof time Indiana is now Placed in Ftosthead's predictions. . -'S. - 'We Do all kinds of repairing and employ none but the finest workmon. Cutli and see us. Enno131 & Auis , _ _ opp. 15th & Dodge. Rg is Postponed. W-asuiwovoi , Oct. 29.-On account of the ba condition of the track the National Jockey club races were postponed until Tuesday. . _ _ . _ _ _ Collier. Goncstied an-Advance. Loxoox , Oct. 2S.-Thirty thousand inca employed In the Derbyshire collieries have been conceded an advanCe of 10 per coat in wages. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ All th'uggists sell Jat'vis' Medical Brandy. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Stemmrnslmlp Arrivals , - At Nework-Time Servia ( rain Liverpool ; the Devonia from Glasgow ; the Polaris from Hamburg ; time Pawiiee ( rein Mediterranean iOrta. _ _ _ _ S _ _ _ _ The Veather indicatiomms. For Nebraska and Dakota-Fair , warmer , southerly winds. For Iova-Falr , warmer , southerly winds. -5-- - A Return to Duty , This is mthvays desired. nail the speedier It takes lIaeo tIme better. Doublywelcomime is it in time case of those usuaUy industrious little organs , the kidneys , wiUch. when they go on a strike-so to 5leaktt-1Ui4 drop work , son- ously mumperil health In sere than one way Fit-st nod foremost.hthelr Inaction begets their disease , which IS h'dra-headed Includ- iu such dangerous memilsihles as Brigmt.'a dis- case and diabetes. Next , when inactive they fall to assist in rcmoviagifrom the blood 1w- puritics that begctihieurnatIsw , gout and dropsy. Third , thnlradmmactloa weakens the bladder. All this is Pt'OVentablO and remnedi- bIe by the l1oasant pttpiotcr of organic notion - tion , Ilostetten's StomabU Bitters , at once a tonic arid a regulator.a.'iibis gently but effect uahly impels the kidneys to return to duty , and strengthens them nm4d the bladder , Upon time bowels , stomach amid-Liver It likewise cx- erts a regulating and invigoratIng influence , sad it strermgtimemis tbo.53'Atemn , and averts and remedies malarIa and shimnatism. f1 A Poiitica1te5ister. Globe Democrat : A I3ostoim paor ; demands - mands a political registci , when time exact stand1n of an othlco seekei can be detem-nilnea at a glance by those who are requested to vote for him. This would bo exactly on the plan whereby a maim's mom'cantilo standing is doter- nmimed , , For Instance , " Torn Wheeler ! blathmersklte , bumnmimer and bibbor. " "Tom Jones ! lmYs his debts ; at home nights ; gtes to church once a month. " 4' 'I'hoinmts Jefferson Smith ! a fellow ( if 110 capacIty , who allows his cows to. go hungry while he buttonholes for OlIlce , " Such a list would be invaluable , , As LI- rule , the voter kn9ws nothing of nami. dldatQs , oxcopt.thftt- fair means , om foul'timoy secUred thme'caucus notnimma- tibn. As' for' our natiormn candidMos we gefiqi-ahiy , find quite enough , fee- quentiy too 'much. . . ' ' . 'RAbwAYs ! PILLS. l''r ' tin' Cur'of all 1)litl1Ithiltt ni'I'll l-l ST)3tArl1 ( llVtIl , flo'ii. . i iifA lIiit ) ) , N lltVl'm-4 lISFAsns. : Ii l-A ) . ' I , , CmN41'i ) m'A'rIqr ) ( ' ) Sii ' . ( , 'INims : : , C IM i'i.A i 's i'lm'tt iit Ii 'Fl ) l'jM.f.E4 I'A i s I 'iii ii.tCK , DIt.(1OI ' , ( , % , . , INII(11mrIoN ) ( , ill Li.io1m. ; Niim : i'lvlll : : i F'iMM.'I'UN ) Oh' ' 11 I Ii lmt\'lii.i ) , l'l i.is : , 'intl ' all tit'nmmmgetmmjut- , , thu ha. torus ! viscera. i'um-eiy segotablo , cnmitnimmimmg tie mcrctmy , immimmem l or tteletunmn , ilmtmgs. -DYSPEPSIA.-- . ht4tlliSA i"i h'hiIS area cmmm-e for this coumphaint. TImO ) ' tone imp time immtem-naI ocretioim' to iieiutm' ? netloim , restore strrnig&hi to ttmo stommiaehm tiil eiiimmiht , it n i'emfonmim ' its fmmitctiotiq , 'limo - .syimiptoius or l'i'til'ii'4t. disappear , anti u-itim timm'mmm this hisbihity to coimtrict dtsenus. -PERFECT DIGESTION- v1ii be necomplishtoil by taklmmg 1t DWA V'i h'lLLS. hty so mining , 1) l'S1'1il'iit , sicg h I ii.t 1. A.CIIE. t'OUl4 slttAtJli , ImlLlOUSS I.B8 will imo avoided anti time fi'otl thimit Is estum coumtrlbtmte it , noLtnishmhumg , PropertIes for time support of tue mmatural STaSte of the boihi. Prco 25 Cents per box. Sold by nil Druggists. Time Contmcetiitmt , Valley 1'og. .1911mm II. Cimaphim iii American iiiLgit- zhie , : "I should imot s'oiidom' if we hint it valley fog lii time inom'tmimig , " said Timito , as they i-use to i'ctire , ' 'amid if so ycim vI1t ha'e a sight worth sceilig , as It is rare , " Mi' . F. celmoed the artist's onini , and the trio went to their roommis with hm'lght aimticiatlons ; of the inot't'ow , vhIchi were nimmply fulfilled , iltid somno emicluintet' vaved his wand above the scetie. the transfom'mnatirnt could , hmitrdly ittive beemm more momnplotc 01' woidem'ftil. ; Iueing ) their s1umnbmr' thim ertlt hmiul oiitiioly : 41ba-ihxmnrcd. , amid our thm'eo friemmds , the botch amid its ( in- imiedinte surroundimigs hind been liftud jim cIoudlamd ltmmd seemed to be iloatimig tipon a sea of Ilecey whmitommeas which stretched to the furthest horizon. Tim stilt was shimming ( mm a sky of the ileopest bIde , ummlheckod by a single cloud. The air seemed 1)L'1CCtiY tm'mimisparemmt. as in- dccii it wtts , timid there vits nothing to be scemm but the level shoot of vapor which formed a base for the bm'ight blimp. dorno above them. This was was time ' 'valley fog' which Timito hind ltediCtei ) , it hind come , timid Ito vits satisfied , Leading the way to time observatory , whence a view of time en- tim'e ] morizomm could be obtalimed , lie descanted - canted elegaimtly on what was-to one of time party-a novel sigiit. Ills ro- mn'arks wem'c suiiplemiicmitcd omm the inirt of time Dominic as to the causes , origin , ' objects and result8 of 'ahIcy fogs in goli- oral , ly s'Iiieh his commtianiori ) was 'cr v much edf'med , and doubtless convinced of the good maim's eondit'mmn. ( As the obsegvet'a looked over the np- iiti'CfltlY boundless oxpaimso of cloud , t1ie , ' noticed a gentle immovomemmt iii the miitst ; , which gradually became i-otmgh- en d and theim broke into billowy slimipos until it resembled it great white sea with innumerable wares rolling amid tumbling timidet' the inlhummcc of time wimmd. 'l'hcmi time movement immct'cased , great. white nmascs li'oke off mmd di'ifted along like billows of simow ; rifts suit- denly opening simon-cd glimmipses of a voi-ld bemmeathm , timemi closed again. The goldemi lingeca of the sumi wei'c piayiiur with time clotitis , or , a time Domnmmmie cx- pressed it , ' 'Old Sot was stt'ipmmig time coverlet from the sluggish earth. " ' 'Bv amid by , " sahi Ime , ' 'time laoPle ) imm the valley will lciiov that the sun is up ; they lmtive not scott hmimmi yet. " Thou wider rifts appeared. time little plateau half way down time mnoutmtaimm. with the cottage amid stables , caine Into aumihigimt , timid gm'imy stm'ips and streamers of fog floated through time adjoining woods ; then tm'ces in tIme valley , patches of time plaiim itii1 stt'ctciics of tizo rivem' showed. Now the s'hube amass yas [ mm motion bm'okcn into ' , cum'himmg fragmnemmts , aetna of which dm'ifted away liofore time wind. Others , tlm'ivemt Lmgainst the side of MountTorncrept slowly up its steeps , but all fast dissolviimg under time influence - once of time sun's rays , till in half nit bout' ( roam thou' fim'st view , Pinto and his friends looked down upon the earth bathed imi sumiligiit with not a speck of cloud or to thin its brightness. Warn or's Loc' Cabitm Sarsapam'ilhzt regu- lutes the rcuhatot'Bpst blood purifier. Large bottle iii the mntrkot. : Manimfac- tured by proprietors of Warner's Safe Cure. Sold by till druggists. A Snake Around iii. Neck. Mm' ; tufflibdan , of this counts' , wont- to lmia ΒΌ vcU , a'distmumce of seine 200 yards from hije. dwelling , to i'eplenish his watqm' btmtiket , writes uGreenvillcTox , , cot'rcsmomjdent. The vater being drawn anti. timebuckct filled , justasMm' . Stufibo- bean stooped ovem' to set tue bucket on time .grouid , a large black ammalco which hity oileU tmioim time bianch of a tree projectiti just above time imman amid withinafew feet , dm'opped from the troc upon hIs imeek and [ mm mum instant iii- most was coiled about lila neck. Mr. Stufflebeali called for help as long its tie could ; hut this was not long , as upon his secoMd attempt to his 'omce Ito vas frustrated , for time set'- pent hind so tightened itself about his thm'oat that the little shout Ito was able to-make was inaudible. In his dcspormm tion he caugimt the snake around the neck , and with ii well nigh inaddeimod effort rimdual1y loocned its tight embrace - brace , It by degrees iolaxod Its hold , On tearing it froiti his neck Ito threw It on the ground and ran toward his house. He vase weak and oximauatcd by this tinmo that lie was compelled to stop amid rest. At this juimeturo his brother. seehimo' him mid knowing front his actions timtt somnething niust be wrong. went to meet him. It was some time after tue bt'otlior m'cachmcd him before - fore Mi' . Stutilobean could explain his terrible expcrionce. When You wamit Seine fliCO wedding presents call on Edhmolm & Akin , opposite post- ofhicc , 15th amid Dodge , amid see their rich assortmncuit. Millionaire Flood's Gold. San F't'aimchco Alta : Flood's estate is valued bygood judges at $15,000OO. ( ) At tim height of the bontuiza excitement , when sham'es oil the leading mines brought 900 and iUtld $50 a inontit dividend. Flood's wealth was mated at 4O,000O00 , hut then came the great shirimikago in Comstoeic values , s'imic1m cut dowmm time fortunes of mmli time mining niilhiommaim'cs fully one-half , timid 14'bood's losses by the Nevada latmlc wimeat deal were fatly $3itm,000. ) ' [ 'ime ; mroorty vll1 lI-olah1' ) be equally dlvideml be- tweorm the wife , semi nmll dittiglitci' . Time imittem' wus nlwim's 1"lood 's fmt'orltc , amid at omia tinme she ptmssessed lit item' owmt m'igimt $3,000,000 [ mm remit cstmite and gov- ernmncnt 1)01103. SIte gave muimoim of this to help hem' hither mit of Ii is eimibam'm'imss- imment a yeah' ago , but still owims itbomit 8JXU,000.'otlmmg ( ) , i'looml Is shm'cwd , bimt has mm sinbill ty , nut the nit mattu ito t'ci' trusted hmitim I mm mtmmy large deals. Et'et'y 0mm is tii rtIsmn of his cmvii fortimmic. If yeti wiahm a fortune , ke01) ) hmeltithty by time usc - of'tmm'imer's Log Cahi a Sarsmmparlhirm , wimicli purl lies time blood timid thus gives imeimlthm timid stieiigthm. Lmm'gcst ; bottlecim time mimttmlct. liessemmeil hluurs ol' iirlmj' , I"orumn : Time imours of litloi' its a ms'hole have beau dimmiimmitjhmrnl , In. tim fmmctory ten houm's imavc becommmo custommmat- ' tim place of ciovomi or cmcn twelve ; time usual itetmi's of work iii tetibc factories forty or fifty yimai's ago ham'e bitemi thmir- tcoim amid oveii foum'te'emm. iii the btmild- 11mg tramics , mmmc amid temm hotmi's have become customnar' tim itiace of eleveim and twelve timid evcmm iiitjt'c , 1mm mill time gm'eat retail 51101)3 and wholesale warehouses - houses iii sm'imieit goods are distm'ibtmted , time hour of closing is earhiem' unit the houm' of OlMillitiF is intem' thmamm it used to be. 'l'ho OitiInmHt calm Limits timid eu every side facts which mmstimijm his s'Icmv timat time gemmem'tmi struggle for life is becotmi- big easier and not imardet' , mm'imibe time statistics of the life immsut'aumec commi- panics prm'o that thmo dui'ition of life is lengthmcimimmg. Pom'ty em' fifty years simmee , the tiaughtem's of the farmnom's of New Emmglmimmd worked thirteen hmoimi's a day in the cotton factory iii order to earn h7I a year ; to-tiny Ft'emtch Camindlmmmms , work- I mig temm imotims a day , cacti $8)0 ( ) a 3e11r ; yet time cost ( if limbom' is less imss' than over iefome , In a hmoad amid general \vmts' it mmm'mgimt be proved tiimmt Ummele Sam utummi imis chiidremm imn'e ohitained such powem. over time mnecimammismn of production - tion timid distributloim dtmi-immg the last twenty-five years , timat if time long hours of wom'k required thirty years tmgo to hm'OdUCC ) the immaterials lot' a imarromv nmmd , stmbsistcmmeo ' timider poem mm'ero miow applied time new coumditiomis , the same iiout's would yield mit least oime-timit'ml nmore of all the miecessat'ies of life thumi they did then , - To time faccl'o-/.zoni's yoimmig / Complex- inn Powdem' gives fresimet' chmmi'rns , to time old mcmiemmod 3'outim. Tm'y it. The Continental Sunday. The Rev. Mm , Stimnsotm , Imi his card to time St. Louis Olobe-Domnoei'at , speaks In a disparagimig tone of time Continental Sunia3' . Haviuig spemit the sumnmucr iii Paris amm(1 ( Antwerp , I ohervcd with much pleasure that on Sunday time umim- 5tiumns amid gatdemis ' .vei'o filled with wot'hcingmen ammd their families , apparently - ently deriving imiuchi enjoyuiient. and 1)055(1)10 ( good from time works of art anti imaturo with ivhcht they vorc roundeiL - 0mm the other hand , upou my return to St. Louis I was fotcibl3' stm'tmck at time sight of a nuumiber of mcmi and boys. on Sunday to , skulktmmg up alleys and satmmmtering into roar entratmes of lo dives In quest of liquor and dcgra- dation. It seems to me that it is just bai'ely possible that ccm'La'imm Iettttmios of tiie Continemmtal Suimdmt3- might with proflt ho gt'utfted into out' own institutions. - . AflTIST. S Advice to MothePs. Mms.VinsloW's Sootimimmg Syrup hould al- trays be uSed for children teething. It soothes the chmild , sQftens the gums allays all paIn , cures wind colic , and is time itest remedy for diavrhwa. 25c a bottle. Time flepui'ter Passes into Obhlyloim. October 10 marks a mmcmv CFIL in Macc- Ictiui mietvspaper w'tn'k , flcmi cefortim the words "i'eportot" and "coi'respondeumt" will miot be used by the New York Hem'- aid. Instead of these words the personal - sonal itrotiouti of time first person regu- bar imuamber mviii be use in all work. local amid othmem'wise. Consequeti tly the Herald pm'cseimts a curious sight to old hmewmqapec muon this mOrmiimig , idthmouih time roportem's amid editors hail time ' I , amy and maine" as time jubilac of deliver- anca from aiioumymmmous thruldomn. An Absoluts Cure. The ORIGINAL AI3IETINE OINTMENT ii only put up in large two ounce tin boxes , mind Is an abs3luto cure for old sores , burns , wounds. chapped hands , and nU skin crop- tions. Will positively care all kiad of piles , Ask for the ORIGINAL ABIETINE OINT- MEL'T. Sold by Goodman Drug Co. , at 2 cents pot' box-by mall 80 cents. hater On. Detroit Ft'eo Press : "Iflsimould send $2i to New York to buy coummtem'feit motley , " lie said at imlico imeadquartcrs yestemda3' . "mmmiii the fellows aemmt mime nothing bitt brown paper , could I have thommm arrested. " "i'd imavo to let It , ha known that I semit for 'queer' goods ? " "And thus erimuinate mnysoif ? " "Exactly. " " \Voil , 1 was risicing for luifoz-mnation Icea friend out iii Dakota.Vhiat I caine hem' to see about was whmethom' it tiog over twenty scars old hind to be 1 Ice a cd. For MAN ! \ For BEAST ! % : * 4\ / \ _ fi 4ii " 4 , - - - - - - Mustang Liniment -qr \ \ ' . ' , , , , . , , . _ , , ' . 'NoLD sQ&J. 'LREU Pawns smi 31 1Jrt.&x&ITioJ. - 14Nk % 'eS4 T : ' , - , . . ' , . - 'p 4Y + , , 'I ' - - 'II ----I - . - . - ' . , . - - . . . ' 'I , , . , , _ , . . . . . , . . " . . . ' ' , . , I. ' ; . . . . . , ' . , . , , ' . . . . , - ( REAL-H' . ESTATE BARCAINS ! or Sale by GEO1 N. HiCKS , ROOM 40 , Barker BlockS S C iioicitrimacre tract , tmsmm Dolt lIuo IL im. , 1mm Vcst tmiaha , cimly tvemiti'-i1mn .nmlimiite- ride by submit-ban tm-imtii' frommm'bitr street. ( teit't ; nmmmgmmtmtr-mt v1or , tii'ii4iimit ) ittil imealtimy location. Just time iIae tom' a mitcohinino or fine fruit and vt'getmtitlo gardens. 'i1ii htrup"rty Ccii lip i'Iatt.-i ltmto flfty vtiott-o int , , that wlih sell inside - side of three years for four to liv. limntireti , eathm. Cami cheF thu shoic tract for a short tmmmme at imm'o hots. itJxl , feet.vomiter .Jncksomm utl lon-e avenmmt' , oumt of time thmmest rsldoncts 1te iii iVet Oiimahma , $ .lt'O0. E hIGN1 sotitim front hott0x132 , on hininoy , near Ctit Ii St reetonh3' * . , rXJ. ( O IIOICH residence lte omm C'itim avdmitmo. iii ( lant's uuiilmtlm , , , . This tot Is 6-4xl25. isrfcct graiht , amid Tiicly , situated , h'tmtweii ' St. Mary's ite1iimti auth Ilarne ) ' streets , C OJINEIL. ( )9x110 ) , on llonail mimiti UStim streets , - _ front iimmii on grade , iii,500. _ iioit sAi , An iiitet'Cbt itt one of the best pieces of Invi-stine-mit proenty imi tmnaiia ; can tifler this for tx'txxi ' l'iircba-mers Calm nailzo t4kOlt ) out of this Irp-rty , withIn three years ; ! wmmh Pity 3oU to iu-estmgate tills. - . 'tS't' trout lot. rnxtio. on ait stmet , mieat _ _ .i h'oppletoim , ti-eiitme , iiitiv.commi Place , Jmtst tile place for a imico honm. Cmi offemor a few days at m.r.oo. - D Ot1Lit corner. liCxt'O feet , on ' , ' ( ootwortb avenue and a.'nd street , facimig hlanacumu I'imrk ; pci-feet. grade , .tmit the 1'lttce ' for an ole- gnat residence block. t7r.OI. ( AS'L' fromit lot on Lowe avenue , .3mm iVet Oniaha , 31,0 JO. JN1 of time nicest meshlonce lots in Hansconi l'iace. on Poppleton avenimeforsalooavery stitait cash payment , hong time. Now cable Iimmt siil imumini this time Iluect residence property hi the city. C OIINIIII , hmxiO feeton 81st aimd Popp1etn avenue , paved street. sewerage- . water anti gasP perfect. grmmde amid mnngulilceimt1em' : out of the finest residence sites In the city , Call and get 1mm-Ice. rI1hiiUh besttlftml sOoth front hots on Popple. 1 ton avenue ror sale for a f'w days at a low flgum-e. Only $ tit4J cash reqmilreil ; balance cami mu 'A , i , : m and 4 3-ears , If-you wimmit to secmi-e a aloe tiouift in the nicest residence i'ortlon of the city , it will pa ) ' you to look this us. . 44 I'Ehtl' on blarney near 11th street , splendid wholesale point. A bargain if sold soon , JIltICE business lot 44s1t feet on Tuntim near 11 ariie''O.OOJ. . - - T ItACKAOF and warehouse property C6x1113. corner 1tb and Nicholas , side track In silty. There ii , 14.OOJ in-oUt Ia this lot for some one , can oiler for a short tUne mit 55.000. C OltNlht , l2OxlBO , lesstlman seven blocks fmOium Court house. withttbreo smimall cottage $ rent- lug for $ ) pr relic ; -roomn for three suit-a ; gi-otmnil aloimols Voitii fifty per cent mneie thaum priceaskect. It viii pay yu to look this up ; pnico$7,51l. - -I1 t.EtiANTrcsldemcc Smitl grounds to flanacoimi _ IJ place , bat-tm , furnace , bath-room , city water &c. Can give imumediate puseasion , 4al1 and get Price. - TESS' 8 roomn house. miii modern cimmeenioiices , InWostOunaha ; a big liargiu if taken at once. B AUGAIN-Cimoico ten acre tract mith corn- , fortable imouso , barn , splemiditl bhiado trce , ) etc. , chose to city miami lint line ma1lray , Just thin plarofor fine fruit and veretable gardens Can nmake this a bIg bargain it taea at once , B L'5INFSS lotwltiinew two-storystont , build. lag , on Iii. iiear5ltb5t. fouth Omaha. t'lll remit for twelve Per cent on time inVe8tuient. Call anti see it , vrice li&Oo. O Nil of limo Snest Business Lots iii South Omaha , for a few days at 13,000. L OT 4. block-Si , South Omaha 60u100 feet near J aiidfi'7tti streets , only $ i,00 TINE lots imear F and Mthm street , oimtli Onuiuia ; the biggest baiguiniaSoutli Omnaima at _ 13,000 , l1iw.hi nice lots one a corner. near Cmthmoflcm Church oti 5Gti street , South linmaha , ( no $5U. 'KTICli little cottage and full 1t COxiMl In Sotmtlm - Oataiia , iieari5him and 0 mitmeets roi'saie at 11,100. 5 Acres choice land Ia hloim-avd County , u-It , Cioso to two m'alhi-oads ; for &ale ata bar- gain. ll'EIAL { good houses to remit. Can gts'elm. uiedtutte possessIon. - ' ) ( ' - vortim of good Omaha property $ . JusJtJ to trade fortirst-clasa farm lamt ortock ranch , ( 'i-I Feet on 16th atm-oct nesm' Yam-nat , , , for a few J ) days at figures it will pay you to inves. tigato. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ rjiss'o good cleat' farina for sale or excimaugo , .I _ for Cii ) ' lirolierty. J1I ( ( itiNT Several mike houses In time best i-esidemico portion of time city. I CAN offer for the next thirty days , Fives choicu ton-acro tracts of land In West Omaha , close tQ the city and near regular stations , cmi hell Line flail. ioatt. submim-ban trains now running afford quick esi'l ' easy transit h3 a twenty-live mimlnutes ride between this uroperty Saul iS'ekiter Iltreit depot. I on take no risE in bmmyimig a five or teim-acro I cci of hand , If well situated. You can live on thu laud. lmam'e mm lheaSsimt and comfortable liwne free front city taxes. amid got to amid ( roam yotir work In town quIcker titan to limost places in otmr city , wit'm-e ! ii single lot wotmh5 cost as mimucim nit the ten acm-es 1 can otter ioU. r You naim rals enough ott of five or ton aeios to inoret tuna support your f&miiiiv , aimS in two or three years the rapid growth of our city wIll enable - able you La , pint time land into choice mets that , -ill sell for three timid four Lilacs wimmit you can bimg 11w land for today. Ion't let this elmarne slip , but call and son i'hiat ws hisi's to oiler , hteziiemb'r there are oimiy live temi-acre tracts , and I mi-ill sell either Uvc.or ten acres. us parties prefer , it. svili pay you to call early and scenic a chmlce , Jf'ois limo gosd properly to soil , cxihiisiic or rent , call und list If. If.Geo Gee .Hicks , . ' - , , - - 'ROOM-40- . - Barker BJ'o'ck1 : . . . . - - -