Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 28, 1888, Part I, Page 3, Image 3

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For Sale by
ROOM 40 ,
Barker Block
CHOin : ten-aero tract , near Holt Line R K. ,
In West Omaha , only twentv-tlvo minutes
rldo by suburban trains from Webster street
ilepot ; limnnllicent view , pleasant nml healthy
locution. Just the place for u nlco homo or line
fruit and vegetable gardens. 'Jills property eun
be platted Into fifty choice lots that Will sell In-
sldo of threp years for four to live hundred ench.
I'nn oiler the wholu tract for n short time at
rpWO lots , KlxlVi feet , corner Jackson nnrt
X Iown uvenue , ono of the Illicit residence
tilted In West Omaha , U.MX ) .
E UKJAN'I south fiont lot. tOxl.r. , on llurney ,
ncur M th street , only KifU ) .
HOICK residence site on 81th avenue. In
C Clnrk's addition. This lot Is I'.lxU'H. perfect
irrndo nnrt nicely situated , between St. Mary's
lucmic nnd llurney sticets , to. > U.
COHNiitWxllO : ( , on Hownrrt nnrt 23th streets ,
east front and on guide , W.MX ) .
FOR SAI.B An Inteiest In ono of the be t
pieces of investment property In Omaha ;
cnn oiler this for tvn.tXJJ Purchasers can realize
HU.lilO out of this pioperty within three j ears ;
It will pay j ou to estlguto this.
BAST front lot , Wxl60 , on Ulst street , near
Poppleton avenue , llunscum Placo. Just
the plnco fora nlco homo. Cnn otlcrfora few
days nt Jl',500.
DOI'llljR corner. HOxlM feet , on Woolworth
uvenuo mid Itnd street , facing Hanscom
1'nrk ; perfect nt'udX Just the pluco for an ele
gant residence block. $7riOO.
E AST fn.nt lot on Lowe avenue , In West
Omaha , tl.UW.
ONI ! of the nicest residence lots In Haii'com
Place , on Hoppleton axemie.forsnloon very
Binnll cnsh payment , long time. New cable line
will make tills the llnest residence property In
the city.
CUHNKIl , inoxlWlfet-t.on : ilst nnd Poppleton
avenue , paved btreet , sewerage , water und
gns ; perfect grudo and mnunlllcent w ; ono
of the residence sites In the city. Cull nnrt
get price.
mHltr.E beautiful south front lots on Popplo-
-L ton avenue ror mile fur a few days at u low
Oiuro. ; Only HM cnsh required ; balance can urn
1,2 , n nnrt 4 yenr . If j ou w nnt to secnro n nlco
home In the nicest residence portion of the city ,
It will pay yon to look this up.
A A KEKT on Hnrncy ncnl llth street , splendid
trt wholesale point. A bargain If Mild soon.
/ .HOICi : business lot U\13 ! feet on Tenth near
\J Hnrney ,
flMIAUKAOR anil warehouse property fiflxl32 ,
JL corner 1-th nud Nicholas , sidetrack in alloy ,
There Is HW I prollt In this lot for soma out-
can odor fora short time at t < lUOO.
flOUNRII , 120x180. less than seven blocks from
\J Court House , with three small cottnges rentIng -
Ing for frai per year ; room for three more ;
ground alone Is worth fifty per cent moro than
price asked. H will pay you to look this up
price 17,500.
ELK ( ] ANT residence nnd grounds In Hnnscon
place , barn , furnace , bath-room , city wutei
lie. Can give Immediate posesslon. Cull and
get prlco.
NKW 8 room house , nil modern conveniences.
InWcstOnmha ; a big burguln If taken at
AHUAIN Choice ten ncro trnct with com-
fortnblo house , barn , splendid shade trees ,
etc. , close to city und licit line railway , just the
plncofor tine fruit and veeetnble Burdens. Can
make this u big bargain It taken nt once.
* TJITSINESS lot with new two-story store build-
X > Ing , on M. near STTth St. South Omaha. Will
rent for tw elve per cent on the investment. Call
and see It. prlco tl.600.
of the finest Iluslness Lots In South
Omaha , for a few days at M,000.
1 OT 4 , block M. South Omnhn flOxl&O feet near
JU J andgrth streets , only tl.iiOO
XTINE lots near F and 2.sth street. South
Omalin ; the biggest bargain In South Omaha
; nlco lots , ono a corner , near Catholic
Church ou Zoth stieet , South Omaha , for
NICK little cottUKo nnrt full lot fiOxtdO In South
Omaha , near SNth unrt (1 bticets lor sale at
( i/t\ Acres choice land In Howaid County ,
vJIVclobo to two lallioarts ; for sale at a burS -
S V.VKHAt , good houses to rent. Cun give Im
mediate possession.
Wortliof good Omnlia pioperty
. to mule for llrst-class funn lander
or stock ranch.
(3IVct on Kith street near I'lunam , for u few
tigate.da)3 t lljjuros It will puy you to inves
T WO good clear fnrnn for sale or oxcuungo
for city property.
HKNT Several nice houses la the best
residence poitlou of the city.
I CAN offer for the next thirty day. Flvo
choice ton-acre tracts of land In
West Omaha , close to the city and
near regular stations , on nelt Line Hnil-
road , Hubmban trulns now runningnffnrrt quick
ami ensy transit by u twenty-five minutes rlrto
between this property nnrt Webstei Street
t ou take no risk In buying a five or ten-aero
tractof land. Iftell situated. You cnn live'on
the land , have n pleasant aadcoiufortiiblebome
Tree from city tuxes , ami get to nml from your
work In town nulcker than to most places In our
city , tttu-iu a single lot wouUcokt at much as
the ten acres 1 nm offer you.
P Yon can raise enough otfof five or ten acres to
more than Mippoit jour family , and In two or
thrto j ears the mnid grow th of our city w 111 en
able you to pint the land into choice lots that
will sell for three unrt four Units what you can
buy the land for to-day.
Uon'tlet this chumu slip , but call nnd ECO
what w < i have to oiler. Itemrmbnr there are
only llvo ten-aero tincts. nnrt 1 will cell either
tlvoor ten acres , us partlui prefer.
It will pny jou to call early ami secure a
choice. ,
If you liavo good properly toncll ,
uxclinngo or rout , call uiul list
Gee , N , Hicks ,
. BOOM 4O ,
Barker Block ,
News nnd Gossip of the \Vook
the Orders.
Knight * Templar of Illinois Action of
the town Grund Cutnnmndcry
CJUtl Fellows' Dailies New
In North Omaha.
The Mnnon.B.
The pmnd com-
raantlcry of Illinois
Knights Templar was
in annual session on
the 23d at Apollo
commntulery rooms ,
Chicago. All officers
of the grand com-
inundcry wcro pres
ent. The annual address was nitido by Grand
Commander Sir Edward Stair Mullltior of
Quincy. The report of the grand treasurer
showed a balance on hand of $ S,000 , nnd the
report of the grand recorder showed that
( XX ) templars had been initiated during the
In the afternoon the annual election of
officers was held which resulted ( is follows :
Sir Edward Stair Mulllner of Quincv , past
ran < l commandorr Sir Norman T. Gnssette ,
rand commander ; Sir George M. Moulton ,
eputy grand commander ; Sir Joseph F.
iJ.vas. grand generalissimo ; Sir John White
'hllllps , grand raptain general ; Sir John
I. Whltbci'k , grand prelate ; Sir Gilbert
tV. Barnard , grand treasurer ; Sir Sylvester
O , Spring , grand recorder : Sir Charles
' } . Mac , grand senior warden ; Hurry M.
laloot Olncy , grand junior warden ; Caleb
j. Johnson of Sterling , grand standard
carer ; H. H. Montgomery of Currollton ,
crand sword bearer ; A. 11 Webster of Dan-
irlllo , grand warden , and Archibald McDel-
ahof Chicago , grand captain of the euaul.
The officers were duly Installed by John C.
Smith , past grand commander , assisted by
L. L. Munn , ns grand marshal. The retiring
grand commander , K. S. Mulliner of Ouincy ,
tvas presented with the past grand com
mander's Jewel. The other business per-
allied to the laws and regulations of the
The prand council of Ho.vnl and Select
lasters was opened in the asylum of Apollo
commnndcry at B o'clock. Grand Muster
Nathaniel Bowditch , of Aurora , and repre
sentatives of thirty-live counciKwero present.
The grand master presented nis'umunl report
.vhich .showed great prosperity ot the onier
.hroughout the state , four new councils hav-
ng been organized. The treasurer's and
grand recorder's reports showed n healthy
condition of finances and a large incicaso in
membership. Tlio following ofllcinls were
elected : Grand master , George C Moulton ,
Chicago ; deputy grand muster , William T.
Mllllgan , Ottawa ; grand conductor of work ,
William K. Forsytiio , Chicago ; grand cap
tain of guard , William L. Orr. 'Chicago ;
raml marshal , S. J. Lefcbre , Gibson City ;
grand steward , Archibald McLellan , Chi-
cag ; grand sentinel , Joseph Bcyls , Paris.
These officers were then duly installed.
A movement has been started by a number
of the masonic fraternity residing in the
101 them part of the city , to organi/o u new
odgc to hold its meetings in the Odd Fellows
mil on Saunders street. It Is the Intention
of those interested to call a meeting in
short titno to talk the matter over , and it
found practicable and not detrimental to the
other lodges in this city , to take the necessary
steps to procure n dispensation from the
rand master of Nebraska.
At the Masonic meeting Friday night nt
South Omaha the name Magic City , No. ,
for the lodge was adopted. The room com
mittee was given authority to select nnd
lease the best rooms possible. Every mem
ber is urged to arrange to visit the Omaha
lodpo next week. Monday night Capital
Lodge No. 3 , Tuesday night Nebraska No. 1 ,
Wednesday night 'Covert No. 11 , and Thurs
day St. John's No. 25.
The KnightR Tcmplnr Action.
The action of the Grand Commandcry
of Knights Templar , in session at Ce
dar Kapids the past week , virtually separ
ates the Iowa knights from the national or
qanizat'ion. A good deal of interest in the
matter has been developed all over the coun
try , and the subject is likely to bo a prom !
ncnt topic of discussion at the next triennial
conclave. The trouble , briefly stated , grew
out of the adoption of a new ritual by the las1
triennial conclave. Many of the knights ob
jected to giving up the ritual which had the
charm of old association to themand , claimed
that the now ritual was not only unsatisfac
tory , but was also illegally adopted. So the
grand commander of Iowa , Clark Varnum
of Newton , issued an address to the Iowa
knights repudiating the now ritual nnd de.
during that the old ono was still the legal and
proper ono to bo used. The grand command-
ery at Cedar Rapids , passing upon his action ,
has endorsed it , und so committed the Iowa
knights to the revolt against the new ritual.
The national officers in turn have proclaimed
against the Iowa course , and declared them
rebels , nnd a lively feeling has been stirred
up. Ono of the officers of the grand com
mnndcry of Missouri , said in a recent inter
view at St. Louis , that orders had been given
to nil comnmnderics in that state , to ad ml'
no Iowa knights ns visitors , or extend any 01
the hospitalities of the order , till tlioso ro
bullions gentlemen consented to worn under
tno now ritual. Hcwcver they do not seem
at all worried over the prospect , and insist
that they are In tbo right , and that the next
triennial will Justify them in the course they
have taken. Already It is claimed that Ten
nessee nnd two or three other southern states
have joined them in refusing to recognize a *
official the now ritual which the prand mas
tcr had promulgated , They sav they will
show nt the next triennial that it was foisted
upon the knights without formal and Icga
adoption , and Is not at all binding apon any
one.A most important step was recently taken
in Missouri in the expulsion of a mason dis
believing in God. The committee in their
icport recognized tne right of the accused to
respect for his honest opinions , but declared
atheism fatal to mnsonary.
The masonic fraternity of Now York was
deprived of its most eminent member by the
death of John W. Simons at Central Valley ,
N. Y. , October 2'J. The naino is familiar
wherever masonary has an organization
throughout the world.
The Masons of Buffalo , N. Y. , will build a
fine temple for the use of the order. It has
been decided to buy a site on Niagara street ,
in the business center of the city , for about
$ . ! 3,000. A building te cost $150,000 will bo
erected on it , a portion of it to bo given up
to stores and offices.
i. oToT P.
Shortly after the
opening of Forest
Lawn cemetery an
offer was made to the
Masons and Odd Fel
lows , giving to each
body about 30,000
squnro feet of ground
gratis on condition of
their buying a certain
amount of ground In
PAX < ux BE.LUl/M.the8amo vicinity at a
price considerably below that which the
ground would have been sold to other par
ties. The Masons availed themselves of the
offer , bought forty lots , to which were added
the 30,000 feet donated , thus making ono of
the most beautiful burial sites on the ground.
The Odd Follows took no action on the mat
ter , and as a consequence the offer has been
withdrawn. Mr. Craig , the superintendent ,
says that ho would like to see all the secret
orders , including the Grand Army , with
burial plats In the cemetery , and regrets that
they do not make an attempt to secure them
now. They cannot buy them as reasonably
as before , but ho says they can do so now at
better terms than they con later.
The following paragraphs occur In the re
port of Grand Secretary Cllno 16 the Grand
lodge I. O. O. F. of Nebraska : It gives tno
pleasure to report that the success aud pros
perity of last j ear is more ttian duplicated
this. 1 am buro that this will be
ItnowledRO lo nil of us. nhd especially to nil
those whoso solicitude for the peed of our
order Is first , , last , and always uppermost in
their minds. Coupling this year's results In
Nebraska with the reported prosperity in
many other Jurisdictions , and the general
growth and promises reported by the Sovereign
eign Oriind lodge , we nro led to believe that
in the increasing effort to do good to ono an
other and to our fcllo'v-men , this prent fin-
tcrnal association Is to take no second place.
Other fraternal orders ( and the number is
Kcttlnt , ' to bo almost lcglonlustead of standing -
ing in one another's way , seem only to bo
more nnd more the demand of the ugc , and u ,
demonstration of what many have IOIIR fore
seen to be nn increasing moral and benevo
lent influence that at last shall weld man
kind into one universal brotherhood.
So-called fraternal orders that may go
down will bo found upon examination to bo
organised too near solely for mercenary pur
poses. Let it bo known now and forever
that an insurance association is not n frater
nal organization. Let us hope the day Is lar
distant when money can takj the places of
love and sympathy. Should sueh a time ever
come , the world will be material Indeed.
The following is from the Brooklyn News ,
nnd is n pretty peed epitome of the jirocess
bv which ono becomes an Odd fellow , in
spirit nnd in truth :
A Is adm.ssUm the candidate sought ,
U is the ballot wo every ono vote.
C Is the candidate , honest and true ,
D the degrees which each passes through ,
K is equality on which wo stand ,
K is for friendship true heart In hand.
G Is the goat wii all have to ride.
H is the harness to hold us astride.
I initiation , solemn and grand ,
.1 Jubilation , the end is attained.
1C is the km.lness the brothers all show ,
L is the love which healeth all woo.
M Is the money which e.iscs distress ,
N is nobility none can express.
O is our Order , 'tis everywhere found ,
P its principles , healthy and sound.
Q is the quarterly payment of dues ,
" { the receipt which we never refuse.
j the H.imurltuu kindlv nnd meek ,
L' is the truth which Odd Fellows speak.
J Is for unity , in it wo'ro strong ,
i' Is virtue , opposed to all wrong.
iVis for wisdom the Order contains ,
X can't bo used in rhyme by my brains.
Y is yourself , you'll Join us I know ,
is the zeal which Odd Fellows show.
of I'ythinq.
The seal designed by Brother French and
adopted by the grand lodge 1C. of I' , , is de
scribed by the Spur as follows : The device
iroper is pentagonal in form , the pentagon
jcinp ono of the symbolic geometrical fig
ures of the order , and used by Brother
French in this connection , because Its live
sides correspond in number to thellvo subor
dinate lodges with which the grand lodge of
Nebraska was organized. The interior of the
iientagon Is divided into live triangles whoso
[ joints meet In the center , while their base
lines form together the boundary lines ; the
inverted triangle being the emblem of the
suboulinate lodge. Untter the huso line of
the pentagon appear the letters F. F. H. ,
they being the motto initials of the
order. Adjacent to the outer edge of
the lower left side of the pentagon appears
the date October W , nnd adjacent to the
outer edge of the lower right side the figures
lyi'.i , the whole Indicating the date of the in
stitution of the Grand lodge , vi/ . , October
11 ! , IbtlO. Along and outside of the two top or
apex lines of the pentagon appear the two
latin words "Semper Fidelis , " that being the
motto of the Grand lodge. In the upper left
hand triangle of the pentagon stands a
knight in armor beneath the word "Grand. "
On the upper right hand triangle is an altar
beneath the word "Lodge. " In the
lower left hand triangle two full
armed knights nro represented clasping
hands in friendly greeting beneath
the word "ICniL'hts. " In the lower right tri
angle Is the bust of Pythias in armorbcncath
the word "Pythias. "
The basal triangle bears the coat of arms
of the civil government of the state with the
word "Nebraska" beneath and the woril "of"
in the upcx of the triangle immediately above
it. The words appearing in the live triangles
composing the pentagon , when taken con
secutively , will bo found to read , "Grand
Lodge Knights of P.vthlas of Nebraska , "
and the device in each triangle symbolizes
the word Itself. The representation of a
rope encircles the pentagon , touching each of
its five angles , while outsldo of this another
circle of similar pattern forms tbo interven
ing space into a border on which appears a
wreath of myrtle , the signification of which
explains itself to every Knight of Pythias.
Sidney Division No. 3 'j Uniform Hank
Knights of Pythias , was instituted at Sidney.
Neb. , October 23. After the installation of
officers a giand banquet took place in the
spacious dining room of the Pacific hotel.
Covers were spread for sixty guests. Hon.
Ucorgo M. Jenner presided nnd was sur
rounded by the intelligence nnd wealth of
the city. The principal toasts of the evening
were responded to by Judge Henry St. Hay-
nor , Banker S. C. Morgan , General Henry
A. Morrow , Hon. W. P. Miles , Judge James
W. Novell , Adam Ickes , Frank J. Devlin ,
County Clerk L. 13. Cary and Captain T. H.
Ebstcen. The rank starts out with a mem
bership of thirty , and In a short time will ba
ono of the strongest organizations in Sidney.
Notjraska lodge No. 1 suffers a serious loss
in the death of Sir Knight H. K. Sawyer ,
whoso funeral takes place this aftcrnoou.
During the B. & M. trouble ho was employed
as a special and contracted a cold from which
ho was unable to rally. Ho was about forty
years of ago and leaves a wife and three
children. At the time of his death ho was
mastcr-at-arms of Nebraska lodge No. 1 and
n sir knight of Launcolot division. The
funeral mites place this afternoon with full
honors of the uniform rank , Omaha Second
regiment , at Nebraska No. 1 hall at 2UU : p.
m. The Interment takes place at Forest
Lawn cemetery All ofllccrs and sir knights
of the Omaha Second regiment are ordered
to assemble , at Nebraska No. 1 hall in full
dress to attend the funeral.
Major W. S. Spencer , of the brigadier gen
eral's staff , Is seriously 111.
Oriole lodge , No. 70 , has elected K. D. A.
Wade prolate. Their entertainment has
been postponed to two weeks from Thursday.
V 4t
Koynl Arcan inn.
The Koyal Arcanum of Council Bluffs
gave n social to its own members Wednes
day evening. A series of six parties will be
given during the season. Tueso will bo se
lect affairs und only those holding tickets
will bo admitted. They have proved very
enjoyable occasions in the past and are
looked toward with much anticipation.
Koyal Arcanum Guide says the day is
coining when the community will fix the ver
dict of criminal negligence to the memory of
n man who neglects to provide a helpless
family with the necessary protection against
poverty in the event of his death.
Our benevolent fraternities have supple
mented the work of the Insurance companies
by shielding thousands of families aud by
educating their responsible guardians , who
otherwise never would have appreciated the
need of the protection for their IJttlo ones or ,
If appreciating it in theory , never could have
realized its practical benefits.
From personal observation and through
our correspondence wo frequently learn of
families whoso dcstituto condition has
quickly followed afllucnco by the death of
the husband nnd father , whoso solicitude
for his dependents was manifested solely in
providing present comforts nnd luxuries
without an apparent care or thought of the
To leave dependents unprovided for
scorns doubly sad where the head of ino
family , having once protected thorn , per
mits his certificate to lapse through his neg
ligence to pay an assessment.
Two cases have boon brought to our notice
where former members of the Ho.vnl Arca
num carelessly ( if not criminally ) permitted
themselves to bo suspended , and , though
able to pay the slight expense of member
ship , have Just died , leaving their helpless
families completely dcstituto.
Moral ; Don't suspend.
An Oltl Mnn'H Huclrten Death.
SIDNEV , la. , Oct. 27. [ Special Telegram
to THE Bun. ] Uncle Peter Hendrlckson , an
old resident of this place , was found dead in
his chair last night. Ho ate a hearty supper
and afterwards went to the well and drew
himself a drink of water and then wont into
tbo parlor and sat down. Ono of the family
went into the room a abort time afterwards ,
and noticing the old gentleman was very
quiet , she spoke to him. Getting no answer
she went and shook him , when the discovery
was made that be was dead. Mr. Hendrlck
ton was ninety-four years old and well
known in this county. The funeral services
will take place to-morrow at U o'clock ,
The Weekly TJmlgot of Society
News and Qosslp.
Greeting to tlio Hlxhop Ktietiro nt
Urowncll ilal\-\Vho Have
llcen Married tlio Past
The Filch Reception.
Mr. William V. Fltcli and wife , who nro
soon to leave Oninhii on account of Mr.
Fitch's promotion to the management of an
other rullroiul , gttvo u reception at their liotno
n Nineteenth and Leaveiuvorth streets Tri-
luy evening. Tlio reception proper com
menced nt 8 p in. uiul lusted until It , when
ho dunning was Indulged in. I'le ant re-
'reslimenta were served. Tlioso present
ivero : Mr. nmlMrs. Clement Chase , iMr. and
Mrs. J. K. I-loyil , Mr. and Mrs. Lvnian Klch-
irdsoti , Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Hamilton , Dr.
uiul Mm. Summers , Colonel and Miss Sum-
ners , Mr. and Mrs. Rollins , Mr. mid Mr ? .
Joseph Darker , Mr. and Mrs. Motcalf , Mr.
and Mrs. Crury , Mr. and Mrs. Kstabrook ,
Mr. nnd Mrs. Colpctzcr. General Iluwley
iiml il.uurhtcrs , Mr. and Mrs. Wlicaton , Mr.
itnd .Mis. John Monroe , Mr. and Mrs , Moore-
liousc , Mr. and Mrs. K. Dickinson , Mr. and
Mis. Annln , Mr. and Mrs. Huchcrt , Mr. and
Mrs. Dabcoi'k , Mr. and Mrs. Carter and a
iiumher of young society belles and swells.
A Silver Wrddini ; .
The homo of Mr. and Mr.s. L. M. Jennoy
on I'ark Wilde avenue was the scene of a
very happy gathering on Saturday evening
ast , the OL-C islon being the celebration of
; ho silver wedding of trie abovu named
ouple. Mr. nnd Mrs. .lenney ure old real-
ilents of Omaha , having been hero upwards
of twenty j cam , The consequence was that
a largo number of old time friends assem
bled to do honor to the occasion and their
lost. A most ugrce.ibly social evening was
spent , which terminated with a sumptuous
slipper. Several lotteis of congratulation ,
and not a few telegrams were received from
friends at a distance , wishing the twenty-
live year bride and groom a great deal of
happiness. Letters and telegrams were not
the only reminders of friendship and attach
ment , for the tables were strewn with val
uable silver presents , several of which cnino
from afar , the most noticeable being a
twenty-dollar gold piece coined in 1XK1 , the
( Into of the marriage , and two silver dollars
dated 1S03. If good wishes , hosts of friends
nnd sincere attachment avail , Mr. and Mrs.
Jenney will celebrate their golden wedding
twenty-five years hcnco , surrounded by a
numerous and loving assembly.
A PleanaHt I'arCy.
On Thursday evening last a most enjoya
ble party was given by Mr. nnd Mrs. Frank
Dunnochlo nt their residence on Leaven worth
street. The tlrst part of the evening was
most pleasantly spent in listening to vocal
nnd instrumental music. Mrs. Dannochic ,
who is nn excellent musician , rendered some
very line pieces on the piano , nnd Mrs. F.
Howie , one of Omahas' mostpromisingyoung
vocalists , favored the company with some
beautiful Scotch airs. An elegant supper
was served. Tlio fleeting hours wcro a
round of pleasure , and all participants joined
in wishing the host and hostess a wealth of
years to enjoy the comforts of their beauti
ful and hospital hbme.
Reception for Blnhoi ) Newman.
A pleasant reception was tendered Dishop
Newman Tuesday evening by the members
of the Trinity M. E. church nt the tiospitablo
home of Mr. M. Huialln , Nineteenth and
Spencer. In addition to the congregation of
that church a number of prominent Method
ists from other pnrta of the city wer in at
tendance. An appropriate address of welcome
was delivered tip Judge Fassett , and the
bishop responded in a tinppy manner. The
reception was a preliminary to the dedica
tion of Pickering Memorial church , Twenty-
second nnd Hinnoy streets , to-day , and the
bishop had a chanceto meet and become
acquainted with a largo number of the mein
bcrs of that church.
A Pleasant ( fathering.
The earnest workers of the Christian
church met at the pleasint home of Mrs.
Blanche Kennedy 2217 Maple street , Thurs
day afternoon. After ample justice was
done to an ellegantly prepared dinner the as
sembled workers resolved themselves Into a
quilting party , nnd a merry party of quilters
they were. A number of vocal and instru
mental selections were rendered by some
local musician * who wcro present.
Eitctiro atllrownoll Hnil.
The young ladirs of Browncll hall gave
one of their pleasant parties in the com
modious parlors of that institution last even
ing. A large number of young society men
of the city were favored with invitations and
the event was a pleasant one. Euchre was
the order of the evening and prizes were
awarded to the ocst players.
Mrs. Colpetzor's Reception.
Mrs. Coluctzer gave a reception Thursday
afternoon in honor of the Misses Wadleigh ,
of Clinton , la. The parlors were filled with
ladies , and u pleasant afternoon was spent.
nirttulajr Party.
A most enjoyable party was given in honor
of Miss Mnttin O'Drien'a nineteenth birth
day on Friday evening. The event occurred
at the residence of Mrs. P. F. Murphy , 2W3 (
Dodge. A lint of the guests was sent in too
lute for publication.
The nuptials of Miss Mollie O'Connor n
Dr. Nichols McCabe were celebrated at
Philoinenn's cathedral at 9 o'clock Tuesday
morning. The ceremony was impressively
performed by Father McCarthy , the re
sponses being clear and distinct. After the
ceremony the happy eouplo and friends re
paired to the homo of the bride , where they
remained a few hours before taking their de
parture for their future home.
The bride is the daughter of Thomas
O'Connor , one of Omaha's oldest and most
respected citizens. Nature endowed her
richly in the graces both of person and mind ,
nnd she is loved by all who know her , The
husband , for whom she has left homo and
friends , Is in every way worthy of her. Ho
is a prominent citizen of Lincoln county ,
Nebraska , where , as a man nnd physi
cian , ho has the confidence nnd respect of the
entire community. His pretty homo Is at
North Platto. lo is tlio wish of their friends
that this homo m y always be to them the
sunniest , brightest spot on earth.
Edmund Durko and Miss Mngglc Braden
were married at the Holy Family church at 7
o'clock Wednesday morning , Hov. K. A.
Shaffoll omciatlng , Miss Aggie O'Drieu
acted as bridesmaid and the groom's brother ,
William J. Burfte , of Missouri Valley. In. ,
was best man. The groom has been employed
for the past foun years In the oftlcca of the
machinery department of the Union Pacific
railway in this city. IJc Is an elegant gen
tleman and has a host of friends. The bridn
has boon one of the most popular employes
in N. D. Falconers store. Her homo is in
Gulesburg , 111. After a wedding breakfast
ot the Millurd hotel the bridal couple left on
the 9:50 : train to spend the honeymoon visit
ing relatives and friends in Burlington ,
Gulesburg and Chicago , and will bo at home
after November 15 at SftOS Charles street.
Loon Levy , of Dennett , and Miss Emma
n. N. Goldsmith , wcro married at the syna
gogue on Tuesday ovonlug. The reception
and supper wcro given at the Esmond hotel ,
and dancing continued until 3 a. ui.
On Wednesday last the Holy Family
church presented nn unusually joyous ap
pearance , the occasion being the marriage of
Miss Itoso A. Smith and Mr. James Connolly.
Doth parties are well and favorably known
in Omaha. The groom is ono of our prosper
ous young merchants and the bride ono of
this city's most estimable and accomplished
young ladles. This happy event has been
looked forward to with pleasure by their
many friends , and the hour sot for tbo mar
riage found the church well 11 ( led by those
anxious to witness the nuptials. At 0 o'clock
the wedding march sounded Its glad and
merry notes , as the bridal party
moved up the nlslo to the altar. The
bride was attended by her sister , Miss
Apnes , nnd Mr. T. T. Downey acted as
groomsman. Following cnmo the relative *
nnd near friends. Mr. W F. Wcbt'r and
Mr. E. C. Noon were ushers. On nrtlvJhgat
the railing , the Her , P , Kooptnnns , S. J. ,
proceeded to unlto for weal or woo these two
mutual hearts. The ceremony wn beauti
ful and Impressive , In full accordance with
the ritual of the church. The bride were nn
elegant dress of white fallo silk , walking
length. The drapery was of silk net , grace
fully looped with natural roses and jasmine.
A white veil , twined with a jasmlno spray ,
constituted her heiid-drcss. In her hand she
arried n boquot ot white rosebuds and smi-
ax , The bridesmaid's diess was of
ellcnto cream tint with which she
ivoro pink roses. The groom were
ho customary suit of conventional black. At
hcconclutlonof the marriage ritual a solemn
luptial high mass was celebrated , the tlrst of
ho kind Ker celebrated In Nebraska , liev.
-'uther ICoopmatis was celebrant , with
Fathers Dullek and Shuffcl as deacon and
iiibdencon. St. Phllomeiia's choir , with
rof. Shenk as organist , rendered Farmer's
mass in G. The exquisite solos were boautl-
"ully sung by members of this excellent band
if vocalists. An Informal wedding break-
'ast was given nt the resilience of the bride's
mrents. No. HOI North Kighteenth street , at
.vhlch the clergy and Imany intimate friends
ivcre present. The well wishes for prosperity
in their new life were showered upon the
iiappy pair by all. At 6:30 : p. in. Mr. nnd Mrs.
Connolly started east for a short trip , and on
returning they will settle down nt their
home , 1MS ) California sUfc-et , where they will
bo pleased to meet their friends after Novem
ber 15.
iJiMiKi.nv in nKi.r.r.
Frank .7. Durkley of this city and Miss
nna Durkley of Chillloothe , O. , were mar
ried at the homo of the bride on Wednesday
norning. They go to Cincinnati and Chicago
on their wedding trip and will bo at home to
their friends at517 Capitol avenue about
Novembfir 1.
Miss Mollie Morris , daughter of Mr. M.
Morris , 610 North Sixteenth street , was mar
ried on last Sunday to Mr. Henry Kosenberg.
Tlio bride was dressed in a light olive silk ,
, vith white veil and white roses. The future
lomo of the newly wedded couple will bo at
CO ? Howard street.
C. C. Delden is In the cast.
S. L. Wiley has returned from the cast.
A.M. Hose and wife are in Darlington ,
.1. A. Hartsworth loft for Boston Monday
E. E. Naglo was in Chicago the lirst of the
Mrs. W. F. Vuil is visiting friends in Den
ver , Col.
Mrs. Herman Kount/o has returned irom
the east.
Mrs. W. A. White will pass the winter at
Marshalltown , In.
Mrs. Thomas M. Orr returned Thursday
morning from the east.
Ex-Governor Warren , of Wyoming , was
nn Omaha visitor Wednesday.
The Imperial club will have a hop at Good
rich hall on next Friday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Georpo L. Darney will
shortly return to this city to reside.
The LnVeta club gives its opening ball at
Hunt's hall on next Friday evening.
Mrs. W. C. Payne , of Marshalltown , In. ,
is visiting Mr. ana Mrs. J. H , Griftin.
Mrs. M. T. Patrick entertained a number
of friends at dinner Thursday evening.
The Unity club opens its social series with
n dance nt Masonic hall on November 1.
The teachers of Drownell hall gave an in
formal whist party on Saturday evening.
The Olivette club gives its next sociable at
Metropolitan hall on next Wednesday even
Mr. and Mrs. J. il. Griftin returned
Tuesday evening from a trip into central
Miss Agnes Livescy is on her way homo
from Europe , where she has boon for several
The Metropolitan club give their opening
ball of the season at their hall on next Tues
day evening.
Mr. Henry A. Darrow was married Octo
her 17 , to a Now York lady named Mrs
Emma Jones.
The Misses Maud and Susie Woolworth
havu loft for n two or three weeks' visit with
friends in Dakota.
Mrs. Lou H. Dacr , who has been visiting
in Mobcrly , Mo. , for several months , re <
turned homo Monday.
Uev. W. E. Copeland has resigned his paste -
to rate in Unity church to accept a charge in
Washington territory.
Mrs. Nellie Murrav , of Atlantic , la. , is the
guest of her sister , Airs. Jerry O'Lcary , 2009
South Eighteenth street.
Mrs. William Hichardson , of Chicago , is
paying her son , Mr. W. G. Hichardsou , of
TinDEK reportorial staff , n visit.
Miss Josie Parker , of Davenport , la. , who
has been Miss Wakclcy's guest for the past
two weeks , left for homo Tuesday.
Mr. M. Neff , of Philadelphia , who has been
the guest of his cousin , H. M. Patterson , for
three weeks , returned homo Wednesday.
The Misses Mary and Annie Muscl loft
for their homo in Denver last Wednesday
after u six months' visit in this city with
Mr. W. F. Gibbs nnd wife have returned
from an extended trip through the cast , nnd
will bo plensad to receive their friends at
1515 Capitol avenue.
Mrs. C. F. Whitney has been in Bridgeport -
port , Conn. , of late , where on the 17th inst.
her parents celebrated the fiftieth anniver
sary of their wedding.
Archie C. Powell has returned from New
York , where he has been attending the con
vention of the St. Andrews brotherhood , of
which ho was the vice president.
Miss Hattie Duncan and her niece , Miss
Gcorgio Duncan , hiivo gene on a live week's
visit to Denver , Colorauu Springs and ether
points of interest in the same state
Miss Maggie Dixon , who is well nnd fa. us
ably known in this city , will bo married on
next Wednesday afternoon at 4 o'clock , to
Mr. P. McDonald , of Emmctsburg , In.
Mrs. A. M. Pinto , of 703 North Nineteenth
street , entertained n number of friends in a
very happy manner , on Wednesday evening.
Lotto and dancing wcro the features of the
Frank Darrowclough , in the general su
perintendent's office of the Wells-Fargo com
pany , is to bo married next Thursday at 8 p.
in. to Miss Anna Fry , 22'JO Durt street. The
future homo of the couple will bo at 25 3
Charles street.
The following notices of church services are d -
knell to remain MamllnidurlnK tlio winter. All
corn-ctlmii ur addition ! mum be rnuUo bt'lotu Wed-
uesdnjr. Oct. JO.
South Omntia , hall over iiostonico-Itcv. Daniel
Koitem , imitiir. I'lrncliInK every Huniliif at lO.ISa.
111. , iiml 7:15 : | i. in. Miiiiluy tchool ut noon.
Calvary , Siiunilen , near ( 'uiulnit-liev. A. W. CInrk ,
pa tor. 1'rv.irlilnK ut lO.JOti. m. Sumlny sciiool ut
11 : IX Jio evcnliiK service.
Hrit.KruriKers' SuLtmth Home , corner Fifteenth
anil Ihivcnporl A. W. I.inmr , pnstor. Treadling at
1U.U u. ui..anil 7 : l p. in. Humluy school at 1. m.
1'rnrer meutlmt Wcilnemlny I'Vrnlnes nt 7'.iU. Younu
peoiileV incetlne Krtdar , ut 7:11 : Ituvlvnl icr-
rlies ut the hunday nlKlit , Wcdnemliiy nliiht and Krl-
ilar nlitht nil-minus durlnK the entire full and winter.
All M > ut free.
Ironmiuiel church , Nn. 2113 Fiuinilrrs street. ID
Kmintiu place llt'v. K. W. Fo ter , pinter , re ldcmo
JZHOIiln Ktrect. IleKiilir iirvaihliiK M'livlcen on Hun-
day ut 10 , and TiJIp , m. curulav sohool at It
m. Weekly iinoeriueetlatrn : V. r. M. C. K. i.n . .Mon-
Oar evenliiK ut u 3J , unil rt'KUlar church prayer racut-
In on Wednesday uvenlnii ut 7UU. : geatslree. Tub *
lie Invited.
Hctli-Kdcn , Park uvonuo and Lcavenworth Ilev.
II. I. , llouno , pnnt'ir. i-crvlcos mnrnlnx iinil evening ,
tfatbatli scliuul at it m. V. 1 * . N. U. K. 7:11 : p. m.
First /an { church. Nineteenth and Hurt Htrocts
Jtrgulnrservltoi Sunday morning at 11 , and evening
at o'clock. T. H. KwInK , pustor.
North Omaha , 2409 Saunilers-llev. K. W. Foster ,
pastor , i-erilces mornlnk aud evening. Uuoduy
school at lira.
Swedish. C13 North EUhtecnth-Itcv. Lars Arlandcr ,
pastor , bcrvlcoi mornlnx and ovenlnu. Sunday
school at noon. 1'rayer meeting Wednesday evening.
Tenth street mission Ilev. K. A. Uenius , pnstor.
fcervliesat lll.JOu. m. , and 7:30 : p.m.
7lon ( colored ) 81.1 North Seventeenth Ilev. ( tcoryo
W. Woixlbey. puslor. Services at W. ) a. m. , and 7 : . J
p.m. Hunday school at 12.11 p.m. lllble rcaitlnitat
' JOp. m. , Wednesday , J'ruyer meeting ul 7uU : p. in. ,
Krl day.
St. Peters , Twenty-cliihth and I.euvcnworth-Ilev.
1.J. lloyle , pastor. l.uw masn at H a. m.t high mass
and sermon ut 1U. 10 a. m. Sunday school ut 1 p. m.
hodallty at J p. ra. Vespers and benediction at 7 : . Jpm
bt.John's cello htte-Twenty Hflh and t'allfornla-
Uev.M. I * . DowliiiK , H. J. pastor. Sunday ! Mastrs ut
i ; , 8 mid ID a. in. , the last hliin mass with sermon. Ves
pers , rosary and benediction at 8 p. m. Mns cs , week
Uny , at 6 and : Jtl a.m. On tuu Brut Friday of every
month matscintii , 7luidb.JUa. m , 1'tayers , sermon ,
and benediction at 8 p , m.
Holy Kamlly.nn North Klghtecnth-Very Uev. H. A.
KuulTel , H. J. V. ( J. , pastor. Uev , I'etcr Koopmans ,
msutnnt pnstor. Masit'sut 7.'J.mid lU.Wu. m. Hun-
tlay school at noon. Weekday services at 7 and 8 a. m
Ht. I'bllomeim'HcHhnlral.Wl South Nlnlh-Ilev. V ,
UcOurlhjr , p.nw ; S. f. C rroM , wslsUut
Sunday mn e at 5,7,0. and 10'19 ft , m. Holy
( > ,7.andand ! ' work ilays ntTiJUiiml Cn tu.
anu lectures at 7 : . < i p m.
St. .tnirph's , 19) Ninth Scvpiitronlh Uev , (1. J.
( Hauler , pii-tor. M-rvlte nt Sand It ) . Ua.m.nml J M
P in , Dally iiiiifs at Sn in.
SI. Mnry .Mm.-deltfno ( ( fermsn ) MH Dmigliu llov (1
,1 ( iliuiber , t'Mlor , Servli-o ntXnnd III . ( In m Sun *
day HlioolnH Wp. ui. Vc pers j p m. Dnlljr mnss
nt t ) a , m.
M. 1'ntrlrkMUi ( 'mtollnr-Uov. John Jewolt ( 'as- | tor. Ms c < BtSMJnnd 11) ) < U a. m. Sunday
school at 2 p. til
\Vr-nti'Mntr ( llnhc-mlatri , 1414 South Konrtconth
llcvVllllnui Muikiiintnr. | rrvki-i nt Vnnil IDn.
m. , nnd 'i M p. ui. tfumlny sihool al ip m ,
Flr t. Capitol avenue and Twentieth trpet-llcv.
A. Martin , pnstor. xcrvlci'sut lt ) : 3n iii.antl ? topm
Wuhiiit Hill , MchnliK nnd Dale-Uev. J. K. Held ,
pastor. M-nlic'ul UVnm..nnd ) 7 . lp.m. Sumliiy
scbnolut lUu. tu. I'm ) or meeting nt 7 M p in.Ned -
KIMl , Davenport and Mneterntti f-crvlce at 10 M
a mand7 Up m. sundny silionlnt muin. rriiyor
nipetliiKut 7. > l p m , \ \ iduesday.ininn peoples
meeting nl * . .V p m. , h rlduy
" 1. Marr's Avenue , "I. Mary's and Twenty-seventh
avenues. Hev. Wlllnnt Scott , pastor. Services Hi
III .11 n , in , nnil * u . m Sunday school ut noon \ .
I'.S I' . K. Monday evening. Pastor ou-nliis. nl
home , Tuesday. Church prayer meeting Wednesday
lletlilehem chapel , oonttiPlilecnth and lllckorv-
ltov.,1 I' . Thine , piistor siimlny v lioul at 31' , m. In
dustrial v liuol , Mitiinlny nt U n. in ,
P rkvaleohipel : , < oiith Twenty-ninth mid Mnrthn-
T 11.'U ) lor , miiivrlntenilent. Sundiiy school lit J I'm '
'Uipdnilord menuirlnl , Windsor I'lnco ( niulllary to
St. Mar s iixeiuie ) Ilev.lllnnl M'utt , pnstor. In
charge. Minilny nhonl at J p.m. Chiirc-li prujcr
meeting Thursday cu-iilng
riyinoiitli , Kountro I'luce-llPV. Alfred II Pennl-
man.pastor. Holds sprvln-s nt lOn.iu .mid 7 l p in.
Sunday school at noon V I" . S. C. K. iitd 45. llrowns
liro\u chiipt'l sorvlci-s nt t p. in.
Saratoga , Twents-tUtti unit Amp * avptiiie-Hov.
Franks. Hirbps , pastor. Service * at III .11 a in , , iiml
; -.011.111. Y. I'.S C. Knt 0 1'rnjer meetliiK
Wednesday at 7' . < l p. m.
free K ( angi-llc-nl tJeniiun.Twi'llth nml Dorcas-
Hcv K. II. W llriierhcrl , pastor. ser\liosul 10-OH'
n.iiml ? U p.m.oiing people' ' invetlni ! Hi , p in
-umliiv si liiiol ill ' . ' . . ' 0 p. m.S ednesday , prayer meet-
UK at 7 < tl p. in.
Cherry Illll. Central Pntk-ltev .1 A. Mllllenn , pns-
or. servlcesnt 11 a.m.nml" .Kip in. similarsibiiol
it 10a m. Wednesday pru > er meetliiK lit 7 . J p. m.
Hillside , Thirtieth and OIiloervloei nt 10 Ma in. ,
nml * sundiiy "clmol nt noon. Junior \ I * .
> . C. K. nt : m p m : senior V 1' * * . C. I ! atii..0p . m.
rajer meeting Wednesday evening m 7 .11.
1'nrk Plncc , California and Tlilrty-tr ! t-llev. M. I , ,
llolt.piistur. M-r\lie at ID .U ft. m , and 7.uO p. m.
Suiida ) school ut noon.
Trinity cathedral , Klulitecnth nml Capitol avenue
Ver > Hev. lloiin liiinlner , punt or. Ilnly iniiiniuiilnn
nt Sn m. snnilii ) sihool iiml M A'ldrew's brother-
101 ui Mble class lit 1. .Up. in. Morning pnivr , lltnny
mil sermon ill lln in. Veiling | ir ) i-i. wUli short
utdross nt 7 > l p. men liv ' \ ery wi p c day ut' ' n.
m , nml on trldn ) uM'iiliiK ( "Illi lecturent7 ) i. On
illialnt'sil i > s.holy loiuiuiinlimutua m. strangers
cordially \\oicoincd.
All Silntsrliiiic-h , Twenty-sixth nnd Ilownrd-Hev.
. . .Dill.ulitier. . * . T.I ) , rector. Sunday scr\li-es Ilnly
communion ut 7 < Un in. Morning prn > er ami Iliiiny
at II u. m. : cM-nlng ut 4 p. in. Sunday school nt Ip
m.oiing men's lillilo cln s at 11 Hi p in. , directly
utter the midday ervlio On the Hist Sunday ol
each mnntli the hnl > cuiiiiiiniilnii 1 * at 11 o cloik In-
Monit nt morning prayer. senlcos me al-o held on
Weilni-Mlii ) e\unln. > ut 7 'Hand on I rlilay mornings
nt 10 o'clock , strangers nlwuys welioined.
St. Marimbas Kree. .N'lni'tei-ntlinml Cidlfnrnla-ltev.
Joliii\Vllllaiii , pn tor. I'liiln celebration nt 7 ) n in !
clinrul it-lebiutlnn nt 11 n. m. biimluy school nt'.Uj
n m. Clioml t-ven-uiiii ; at 7 W p. m
Ml"lonser > lce Tlnirvlny nt 7 < 0p. m , nl the nil-
ilenrentMr. Jolm Kpcnetei. Itev. John VVIIMam * ,
St. riillllp'.fill North Nineteenth Ilev. John Will-
Imim , pintnr. Cclelmilloiiof holy t-oniiniinloii ntu 10
a.m. Sumliiy KCluiulat Ip m. K\einniii ( at 8 lJ p. in
* -t. Andrew't iiii lon , Wlllnnt Illll-ltev. Chnrlen
Wltnenpimn , pastor , In clniriie. Siinduy echuol at
llert/nuin luitl , on Miiul.i ) nt J p. 111.
bt..loliii'cliiirch , < ornerTwonty-lxlh nnl Frank
lin-Ilev. Wlllliun O p""l IVumon , reelor. Holy
( imiiiiiinloii d-xu-iit on Hn-t * < uiHlHy In month ) nts a.
in. hnmliiy nclinul nt V.t'tn m. Mntlti" , lltnny iinte-
eiimiiiunlon MT\ lee dm tlr t iimliii In month lltiiny ,
liolycomiiiiiiilonliinil erlllln nt li n ra. Kven-niiii ;
nml nermoii ut 7..0 p. m. Kvery Krldiiy , lltiniy.iul-
lire" * , etc. , at 7.15 p. m.
M loiiTnlrty-focoiulmiilt'aH-llev..I.M. .
lliitux , p tKtor. hervlrcs nt 10 K ) u. m , unil 4 p. m.
Siimlay ncbuoi nt J p. m.
Knnntro Memorial , Mxtepiith ami Hnr-
ncy Itev.J. S. Dctwi-ller , pa tnr. sen lies ut III .11 u.
in , nnd 7 5 p tn. Sunday nclmol at noon. IOIIIIK
people s mcctlu at 7 p. in.
DiinMi , Ninth Twentieth , between Lenvenwortli
Hnil Ma-mi-Kov. K.O. llodholilt. pa t irMrMces nt
10 ) a. m..mid7.iUp.m. 'lliured.iy uvenhiK meetlnt !
at 7.iO. :
Swedish , Cas * anil Nlnctecnth-llev. K. A. Kocnl-
Y'CIUIIK Indies'Dorcas meetliiK , Tuesday ut 7. M p. m.
All M iindlnin Icins lire wclcomo.
( icriniui , Kir , South Twentieth Uev. n. .1 Krce e ,
pastor , servlcei nt 10 u. in , Sunday school nt 2 p. m.
St. Mnrk's Kvaiurullcnl.torner of North Twenty-
first nnd llunletliHev.Ci.Il.Schuiir. . piistor. Ser
vices at 1U Jlii.m. , nud .M n. in. Sunila > si heel ut
2..HI p. m. I'ruyer meetliiK , Wodnc day nt 7-15.
IVnlsh nml NniwvulHii 1014 North Twent > - ixth
I'i'tor A. Henderson , imi-tor. Servkes lit lll.Un. m. ,
nnd 7JO : p. m. Tuesday nnd Thursdny ut 7.OI.
First , Davenport , between Pcventccnth and Kluht-
ccnth Uev. T. M. Iliiune. pastor. Preaching service
atlO fla , in. , and 7' . l p.m. bundiiy schciol at ? .M p.
in. Oxford ICHKIIC , : Monday nienliiK. Stilted prayer
uiectliiK , Weilnedduy evening ut 7.O : p. m.
Hrnt Herman , corner boiitli Klovonth end Center
Ilev. Charles ( i. lleekt-r , pastor , llcslilc-ncc W.'l bouth
Kloventh. Servlrcs at 10 U n. in. , and 7..Uji. m. Sun-
rtny school at 2 'U p. m. I'rnycr inpctlnK , Tliursday at
7.Up. : m. Children's nivetliiK , butnr.lay at'Jn. m.
Scwanl street , corncrTwenty-spconrt-Ilcv. William
M. Worloy , pastor : residence 'AKI toward street.
Class niei-tliiK at .h a.m. 1'rpaihliiR at 10 M n. m.
Class at Unnon. Sunday school at2 Up. m. Class ut
l'.Wp.m. : I'rcuctilnK at 7.10 p. m. 1'ruver lupvtlntf ,
Iliuriday ut7 : . J p. in. Tencliers' meetlnir. Friday.
7Ml p. in. VounK people's incutlni ; , Monday at ,1.10 pin
First , Norwenlnn nnd Danish , Twenty-first , between
Pcward and frrnnklln Uov. 11. Davidson , pastor.
I'reiicliliiK nt 10..iO a. m. , and : 'M p. m. bundiiy school
at 4
South Tenth Street , Tenth and Pierce Hev. C. N.
Datt son , pastor. 1'rencliliiK ut 10 M n. in. , unit " -111 p.m.
Sunday school nt ,1p.m. I'rnjer nippting , Wednes
day cvcnlnit at 7 : > o. Teachers' meetlni : , Friday at
l.ip. \ . 111. Vounic pcnplo'B meetliiK nt li.U p m.
Children's meetliiK nt 10 n. m. Class meetliiK nt noon.
Swedish. Klehtcentli , between Cnss and Cullfornla
Hev. 1 * . J. HerK , pustor. Treadling nt 10. , ) iiiid7..Upni
Second African , Williams nnrt Slitccnth Ilev. T. T.
Thomas , pastor. Preachingut lU.JOu.m.und 7.JO p.
m. Hunday i-chool ut 'I p. in.
Africancorner KlKhtconth and Webster-Hev. P.
A. lliiliburil , pastor. Senlrusat 11 n. m. , undsp m.
sabbath school ut 3 p. m. Prayer mcctlnR , Wednes
day OCIllllK.
Frpe , HU South Klcventh Services nt 10 H a. m. ,
and 7.tO : p. m. Sunday school at lt. . 0 n. in. Holiness
meeting at.I p. m. Pnoer iiicctlnir , Tuesday at7-.rj.
West Oinalin , corner Thlrty-soventh und Mason
1'rcachlnK every Sabbnth at 10 oO K. m. , and 7.U : p. ra.
Sunday school at' ! : . p , ra.
West Side church Prcachlnit every Sabbath at
10..W a. m. , und ' " . .U p. ra. Sunday school at i.M p. m.
CastellarStreetchurch-Proachlngut lO.'Wii. m. , and
" : , ! p. m.
Walnut Illll church-Preaching at 10.30 a. in. , and
7 : : Jp. ra.
Florence church Preaching at 10.M a. m. , nnd 7:30 :
p. ra. bunitay school at 'l.M p. in.
Preaching every Sabbath at Park Forest school
housu at 2..ilp. m.
Albright church Hev. W.I.I < uthor , pastor. Preach-
InK every bubbath at 10. K ) u. m. , nnd 7 : k ) p. m.
First church. Doilgo and Seventeenth Her. W. J ,
Marsha , pastor. Itc'SldPnco .Ml South Twenty-tlth
avenue. Prcui-hlni ; at ID < 0 a. m , and it p. in. Sab
bath school at 11 in , V. P. S. C. I' ! , meeting ut 7 p , m.
1'rayer meeting , Wedncduy at 8 p. m.
Second church , Sauudurs nnd Nicholas Ilev. W. II.
TI-mlerMm , pii tor. llcsldcnce l.'lfi North Twenty-
slxthi I'ruachlng nt H ) . ( On. in. , nnd 7 : p. m. Si.b-
tilth sellout al \ in. VounK people's meeting at 7 p.
m. Prayer mceili.i ; , Wednesday at U p. m.
Southwest , l-cavenworth and Twentieth Hev , D. H.
Kerr , pastor. Itesldence te.1 ! < imth Twentieth. Preaching -
ing at 8 n. in. , and 8 p. m. Sabbath school ut U 15 p ,
in. V. P. S.C. K , tnouttntf at 7 p. m , I'm ) c-r luoctlnn ,
Wednesday at 8 p. m.
HrstCernmn , KlKhteonth , nenr CiimlnK-Hcr. . ! . ( ! .
Si Inillilc , piiMor. Itesldenco H17 North Kluliteanth.
Preiiclilng at 10:0 : u. m. , mid 7U p. m. ( jornimi Sun
day school at nnon. KiiKllsh Sunday school at 'I p. m.
In churiieor oflieers of First Preslijturlnii church.
PrnermeutliKIn ! ( iuruianat7 .tip.m , Wednesday
Cii'tcltur Street , Slsti-enth nnd CastcllnrHev. . J.M.
Wilson , piihtor. Itesldencu Suventi-eiith and taste ) ,
lar. Preaching at 10On , in , and 7 Kip. m. Sabbath
school utUni. Young people n meeting at 7 p.m.
Prayer mefUnif , Wednesday at 7 45 p. m ,
Westminster , South Twenty-iilnt'innd Mason. Hev.
.lohn ( iordon , pastor , llcsldcnco Hit Soulh Thirty-
first. PrcucbliiKat lo.lla. 111 .and 7'Up.m. ) Subbutb
Fthool nt 12 m , Young peoples mcc-tlni : ut 7 p.m.
Prajrer nlcctlnK , V.'ciiniiOiy at 7 : , J p. m.
Ambler Place , lliillou avenue And Mlrnnda I'lace
Itcr.d.M. l.iidgo. pastor. Residence Klghth avenue
and Miranda street. Pri-achlnKat II a. in. , nnd 7'Op. :
m. Snlibath school at U 15 p , m , Prayer und teach
ers' meeting. Wednesday at7.lo : n. in. West Albright
fcHbbath school util p. m. PrcaclihiK service at 4 p , m
Walnut Illll. lave avcmin ami Nicholas street
Ilev. W. J. Palm , pnstor. IteMdenru 4118 .Nicholas
stn-et. Prcai'hlng at 10 :0 : a. m. , und 7 M p. m. Sale
bath school ut II ra. Prayer luccllnir , Wednesday eve
ning ut 7.
Knox. Nineteenth and Ohio-Hev. Paul Martin , pas
tor. llesldence'JIi : Ijika. Preaching at 10 .u a.m. .
und7' . ) p. m. Sahbiitli school atlJiu. Pruyer meetIng -
Ing , Wednesday evening at7.U. :
Welsh , .r.'l Saunderllcv. . W. It. Williams , panlor.
Itesldc-nco till. Decatur. Subbath school at noon.
PrvachlnKat 10 Oa m.and7:1) p.m. Prayer meet-
lug , Wednesday evening nt 7. n.
Chun hot tlieStrnnKc-r.Twcnty-fifthand J streets ,
South Omaha Ilev. Hubert I , Wheeler , pnilor. scr-
vltesat II a. m. , and 7:15p. : m. Pruyer meeting , Wed
nesday evening at 7 : d.
First United , C12 North Klithteenth-Servlcca nt 10 :0 :
a , m. , K nil".Up. : m. Sunday si heel nt noon. Young
people's meeting at 6.M. Prayer meeting , Wednes
day ut 7 : Up. ra.
Park Avenue United , Park nvcnuo and Crant-Itev ,
J. A. Ilendi-rson , pnstor. Services morning und eve
ning. Sunday school nt noon.
Central United , Seventeenth , between Dodge and
Capitol Hveniio-Hev. John Williamson , pastor. Si-r-
vices at 10.JO u. ra , , und ; M p.m. Sunday school ut
Unity , Bevcntecnth , between Chlcngn nnd Cass
Ilev. W. K. Copeland , pastor. Preaching ut II u , tu.
mid 7. JU p. m. Sunday school at U.lip. ra.
THE Alllir.
Fort Omaha Hov , Orvlllo J. Nave , poit chaplain ,
rervlcouf ? p.m. bunday school utSp , ra.
Northwest corner Twenty-llrst and Clark , "ervlcea
morning mid evculug. Sabbalh school at li.'M p. ui.
A Wrcokud Sclionnor Found.
WASHINGTON , Oct. B7. Lieutenant Com
mander Emory , commanding the United
States steampr Thetis , reports to the navy
department , under dixto of Gulf of Alaska ,
September 29 , that the wreck of a schooner ,
supposed to bo the Lookout , of Bun FranCisco -
Cisco , has been found on Alaska Islam ) , ono
of the Aleutian group , und that no , Informa
tion In regard to her urow could bo learned
from the native * .
From Instant Death by a Locomotive
An KiiKlno KIIIIH Into n M'splncctl
Hwltctl ami IMown Throned
Three llux Cnrn llcniro Itu
Course Is Hun.
"How oonevents of oven moro than onlln-
nry Intcscst nro foru'olton , " said n popular
lo omotlvooiiglno < r during n rocvut couvrihn-
tlun with the \\rltur.
"Sow 1 Mill venture to nythat not morothna
n don pcoplu In this city remember nn acci
dent Unit imppenod eight years ngu. wlih'h win
nt miirit thiin ordinary Interest to mu and other *
Unit 1 might mention , for In It o nearly losfl
ourllves. tscoim art'Interested now , well It
w us only nfrelL-ht wreck , n thing that liappvni
every dny , I thlnf you ulllnnr. but If you ciiru
to listen I will toll you of It. I remember It ills * was two weeks before Christmas ol ht
yoius ago. I was Ililng then on the I' p. ,
nnd wns cnllpd on to tnKu out nn extra. The
morning wns n cohl one. there was Ice and sleet
on the ground nn Inch thick , our train wni
nmile. up uiul wo Blurted oft , bonllng aloiitj
merrily oor the
every moment going futter until we attained a
speed of nearly sixty mtloH nn hour , wo were
ucnrlng u btutlon about twenty seven miles
westofhere. I wus standing In the guncwny ,
when Hiulilcnlv 1 felt u shook unit then 1 felt myself -
self llyliiK thiough the nlr , struck something
with ttrrlblo force nuil was utu'otiicloim. 'Hio
engine , I nftc'rwnrd learned , hail phinued Into it
mlsplft'eti switch nnd plowed Its \\ny through
three box eurs before It wns biought ton stand *
still. I wus
riCKHii n * roil mui. :
My hcml wns cutfiluhtfully nmlmv left leu win
broken. I wns tnken homo nml for sl\ months
1 Invlnhed : you enn see foryousulf wlieivmy
hena wns cut open ( showing two ugly looking
scnrs running nearly the whole Itngth of tha
heiul. " )
"Hut I thought you hnil a narrow cscnpo ro-
centlyV" put In tlui w rltor.
"Vm. Iliad. " H'lillml the engineer , "but ns I
ha\ebiit u moment of time I must n k you to
excuse mu now , but If > oil w ill c ill on Mrs. I.und-
beck , nt lll.l lloughis street , she will toll you of
n Hliiillnront' . "
Thnwiltor oallect on Mrs I.umlbeck nt the
number given nml found n busy , but goiml nn < t
plt'iixniitliuly whKii\ohlm ( the follow lug put *
tlciilnra or her nnrrow escape.
"You see , " "bnld Mrs. l.uiulbock , " fora long
tlnio I hud boon troubled with nil affliction oC
thu head ami thiont , inv heul was stoppel up
the major part of the time , nose stopped up nml
running , my eyes would wnter : I had u piiln
over theejos nml often In t'io ems. 1 had to
knwk unit nplt , had n batl couuliouhl Ueleh
wlnl ncoiHhKrublo nnd my btom ich was out
of order , my breathing wus
nml nltoKether I felt very miserable nil th
time , nnd toinaKo mnttciswoiho I could scarce
ly sleep , would wake up with tits nml starts nud
on netting up In this morning would feel ns tired
in I illil on going to bil the pi ovions nlnht. "
"I huil it-art ot the success of Or C. M. .lorrtun.
In lust-iiidi i uses iiMiilno uiul I determined to
call on htm nnd 1 nm u\ct ertlntly ghul I illd . Ha
examined and told me tnnt I hurt hypert * fcila
cutniih of the nose unil throat nlso that 1 nail
polypus tumors In my 1100. 1 Btnrled treat
ment nt once nnd today I nm cuivil. HP removed
the polypus nnrt treated my cutiirrh In Mich a
manner thntln two months I WUHentirely cured.
What inorAcnn I Miy ? I would advise any miller-
cr not to trllle with patent medicines oru pliysl- '
elan who know H nothing nliout treating cnturrtt
but to call on Dr. Jordan at ; I10 and nil Itnnigo.
lllock , who can unit will euro It. MrI.unilboctc "
lias refilled In Omnhn for the pnst llfteen years
nnrt Is well known by many of our best cltlzuua.
A ] ioi trait of her accompanies this sketch. She
Ihos at No. 111.1 OoiiL'lKx Htrect. wheio she may
bo fouud and tills statement verified.
How Catarrh la Produced.
Although taking cold Is ono of the common
est mill most familiar of phenomena , yet tha
dangers of Its neglect in treating und its ulti
mate result nro not appreciated. The rule Is to
let It wear Itselfout or seemingly to. In n very
large mujoilty of cases , catching olrt develops
In mi nttucic of ncuto Intlnmntton of some portion
tion of the upper air pnssncen , ns being n point
of least resistance , und , further , ns these attacka
recur with Increased freiiueney anil gravity. w
llnrt the morbid process locull/es Itself f iirthon
down nud nearer to the vital centers , nn rewards
the so-culled liability to take cold , HuliouM ba
understood that this Is duo to nn existing
chronic catiurlial Inllummntlon of perhaps so
mild a tvpoas to give rlso to but very trivial
symptoms , or oven passed unnoticed ; but still
uii existing catarrh , the result probably at a
neglect ert tolrt nnd the renew ed attacks to whlcu
the Individual her-omcs no liable , consists In tha
Hunting up of the old trouble.
As each fresh nttnrk subsides , the rhronld
trouble makes Itself known by moro decided
symptoms , fresh colds occur with greater fre
quency nnrt them Is finally established a chroma
catarrh of the nose and throat with UK many
annoyances of Htopned up nose , lump of mucua
In the throat , hawking nmi spitting , pain ovee
eyes nnd bridge of nose , rlnnlngor buzzing m
ears , hacking couuh. Inter on bail oiler scuba ,
unusual rtiyne < < s of nose and tnroat , und finally
giuver trouble lower down In tint air pussugcs.
His very much to bo deprecated that asnrnla
an ordinary cold Is allowed to take Its own
course without treatment. It u part has onca
becomn Inllumr-rt It la left In a > ve.ikeneil condi
tion which invites renewed attacks from n very
The country Is Hooded with patent inodlclucn
for the euro of cuturrh , which uro concocted
and murto attractive for the express purposoof
milking money. It U utterly impossible to prp-
pare a slnele remedy to meet the different
jinases of catarrh. A remedy for one stage mav
b injurious to another. His Juut such vtvpura-
rntlons , with tiielr "guarantee core label on.
that hnvo weakened the confidence ) of the great
majority of sutTerers of thin loathsome trouble.
of having their diseasn skillfully treated by a
physician who has mpdo astnrty of tn'OsViscusej
inltsevorv condition , has devised remedies ,
methods of applying them and with the largo
expei loncoot having treated thousands of case *
before your c * c < ime before him. Thnold le
cenrt that "Procrastination Is the Thief ot
Timo" can bo no bettor cxemplllled than In ft
case of neglected catarrh.
( Late of Uellevue Hospital. New York , )
Succeeded by
CHAItU'.S M. JOim.VN ,
( Lnto of the University of Now York City ntj
Howard University , Washington , 1) ) , U. - '
No. 31O and 311 Building
Corner Fifteenth nnrt Haruey bts. . Omaha , Neb *
where all curable cases ute treated
with success.
Note Dr. Charles M. .Ionian has ben resi
dent phyalclun for Dr. McCoy , In Omaha , for
the p.iat year and is the phyelclan who nan
inailti tliu cuios that have buun published
weekly In thU paper.
Medical diseases treated Hklllfully. Consump- , ' * * ' *
tlou , llrlcht'H disease. Dyspepsia , Itheumatuui
anil all NI'.UVOUH IHHHASHS. All ilUe.ijg pa ,
cullar to the boxes a specialty. CATAUUV .
CONSULTATION at oillco or by a ll , II.
OMlco hours 9 to 11 n , m , 2 to t p , in. , 7 to So ,
ni , , Sunday oillce hours from U a. m. , to ip. m.
Correspondence recelvts prompt attention.
Manvdlieusts ure treaud mecesJfnUv by Dr.
Jorrtpn tnrouen tUo mallMwd it M tniu ponluU
for tliiiK * unable to rnnkn u 'luri'uy ' to