Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 28, 1888, Part I, Page 2, Image 2

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    " ' ' '
' ' '
A Bodraffglocl But Enthusiastic Busl-
noos Moa's Parado.
Dan Dickinson Iturln Invectives attho
Ilcna ofBlaliio Chicago Demo
crats Checkmated Other
1'ollilonl News.
The New York Parade.
Nr.w YoiiKOct.27. The business men's parade -
ado tills afternoon was begun and ended under
continuous rain fall. The streets were very
Disagreeable for marching. The start was
jnade at 1 :80 : from the Stevens house. Be
hind mounted police rode Grand Marshal
Xianders. Next came the Seventh regiment
band , loading COO men from the Produce nnei
Maratimo Exchange clubs , all bearing Haunt
ing handkerchiefs. Next came the Lawyers
Cleveland and Thurman club , ! )50 ) strong ,
headed by Frederick K. Condort and Gen
eral Barlow. The sidewalks along Broad
way on both sides were almost impassible ,
notwithstanding the rains. The buildings
along the route wore filled with people. The
Youmr Men's Independent club , 150 strong ,
followed the lawyers' club. The Wino ami
Spirits Trader's ' club turned out 100 strong ,
They presented a novel spectacle , ns they all
wore butiduunas. One company in the par-
nde carried umbrellas , on each of which wa s
mounted a small stuffed rooster. The
Cotton Exchange club , with mu
sic nnd ! . ' 50 men , with bandannas
fell in line at Beaver street. The other clubs
in line were the coal dealers' club , stock
exchange club , auxiliary stock club , con
solidated stock club , exchange brokers , law
students' club , custom house brokers , insur-
nncc men's club , mechanics and builders' '
club , Jewelers' club , hide and leather club ,
boot and shoo club , West side business men
nnd Hurdnnmo railroad supply club , Bank
ers in carriages alone joined the parndo at
Chambers street and completed the flrsl
division. Then came the grand marshal nnel
nccoiid division with staff. , followed by the
flrst and second divisions of the dry goods
Nwlo club from both sides of Leonard street ,
3Jien followed the railroad men's and pub-
STshers' clubs , photographers , gas
Jitters , Klevated railroad men , In
dependent Colored club. whole
sale drug men and consolidated stocl
end petroleum exchanges. The exchange
numbers 8,1(00 ( men , of whom 1,180 are en
rolled democrats , and of these 4bO paraded
As the parade started rain came down will
Increased violence. Moro umbrellas went
tip and the line was fully canopied. A
ludicrous result of the ruin was that Instead
of the.usual command , "Forward , " the lead
crs cried out "Swill , " and when halting time
came the order "Stop Swilling" would ge
forth. The delegations massed in the side
ptreets further up Broadway waited patlentlj
to full in nnd cheered , too. Everything demo
cratlc which the column encountered wa ;
cheered , and everything republican wa-
greeted with groans. There was a genera
cessation of music and cheers when the No
York hotel wus reached , where Mrs. .lame ;
O. Blulno lies dangerously ill.
The largest crowd reviewing Stone was n1
Fourteenth street , and the enthusiasm waa
intense. Two blocks higher the banner ol
the national republican headquarters , foi
which the moving muss reserved its fund ol
ffroans and hisses , floated to nnd fro. Ho-
, bublican spectators were massed all aloii
the block. Groans nnd cheers for Clove-
Jand and Harrison , cries of "No free trade , "
"No free whisky" and "No Chinese" rose on
every hide , and mingled in a common roar.
Coming out upon the magnificent square
the parading thousands saw thu reviewing
ptand , an elaborately trimmed structure ,
.rising above their umbrellas. The prcsi-
Locnt's box was covered by nn awning. The
Lcrowd In the converging streets bailies des
crlptlon. The president was escorted to his
box at 2:05 : o'clock by Eugene Kelly. Sherifl
Grant , Tammany's muyoratity candidate
Congressman Cochran. General John Coch
nno , Congressman luclmrdson and Colonel
Isaac H. Reed awaited him thorp.
Hewitt came later. President Clovp
loud , who had been talking with the other's ,
turned and greeted htm as ho entered.
Mayor Hewitt advanced to Mr. Grant , his
opponent , and said : "We'll have to shake
.bands . , Mr. Grant , across the president , not
across tbo bloody chasm. " The head ot the
procession reached the reviewing stand at
8:30. :
8:30.Mrs. . Cleveland Is said to have witnessed
the affair from a window in the Fifth avenue
hotel , opposite where the president stood.
iThe utmost enthusiasm prevailed In the
Tanks. Thcproduco exchange cried , "Grover ,
Grover , he's gota walkover. " The auxilliary
Block exchange chanted , "Four , four , foui
years more. " The Columbia college and
.university students fired their college yells
at the president The insurance men's
banner was Inscribed , "Wo don't ' insure free
vrhisky. " The metal supply dealers cheered :
- "Don't , don't , don't bo afraid ; tariff reform
Is not free trade. " The wool men had a load
. of sheep in a wagon and placarded , "Free
Vrool'will start mills and employ idle labor. "
Buffalo Bill rode by in a carriage. Judge
Jdartino walked with tbo lawyers' club. The
parade occupied one hour and fifty-live in in
.utes in passing the stand. A careful cstl
mate nut the total number in line at 17,00 <
fc 'toen. After passing through Twent.v-nintl
" " fetreot , whore the democratic national head
Quarters are located , the various boelies dis
v , poraed.
\ . President Cleveland , wife ana part :
* Btartcd for Washington at 7 p. m.
f. .
Dickinson Attacks Blnlne.
X QIIAXD KAI-IPS , Mich. , Oct. 27. Post
< > < tuastcr General Dickinson spoke hero to
( Sight in the same place where Mr. Blaini
Bomo days slnco so vigorously assailed him
vlie began by saying that in the case of ro
l-o liubl lean success Harrison would bo thi
titular president , while the man from Maim
kvotild bo the rogont. Ho denied in tote
luiaino's statements made lioro as bolng faisi
In substance , false In general , and false ii
detail. The speaker hud complied witl
Jllaluo's injunction "to study history , " am
nnd in doing so had examined that gentle
plan's position in relation to American poll
jtics. In giving the result of his research hi
'did so in the following lunguugn :
"Whatever rncorel Blaine has made tipoi
Tils country's history thai is still extant ii
\t Vbad ; whatever is not extant is burned. Hi
Jias done moro to corrupt public conscicnci
and to dcbaoh the political morals of younj
rorn In this generation than any othrr intiu
finces combined. Ho lias boon enabled to il <
this , lllce all public men of history who huvi
pttulncel eminence , because in him the glun
in politics bus been so attractive Hint ho ha :
t > con sometimes successful. Brilliancy am
magnetism have attracted ; but it has boei
nn attraction to ultimate destruction. Hi
pas 'attracted , maligned and slandurci
jiuro public men of his own part ;
und they , without exception , slnco lie OJIIK
to his eminence nnd control , have been illus
trious in the ranks of his enemies. It is true
pf Blame tin of no other man , that whili
Jionest men are not his enemies , all dlshon
orcd public men have boon his friends. Thi
Is a man of false pretenses , upon whom wa
) > lnccil the insignia of soldiers of the cro * ?
the plumes of a knight by nn infidel am
Bcoffeir , "
Ho wont on to say that Blaitio had no
Ixwn in politics for ills country's gooelbut fo
ils own scllllsh ends. Ho challenged an ;
one to point out a measure fathered by Mr
J31aino which had been of material bench"
to the people. Ho would common
ith utterance to Mr. Blaine of one wh
* owore-l above him ns doe * Ml. Wushlngto
.ever u wart to "toll the truth. " Dlokinso
devoted the remainder of his speech to n
tfuting by figures nnd other evlilencn th
tatmnentn mada by Blaine In his Gnin
JKapida speech. Ho paid particular attnr.tlo
to Blaino's tlguros on Now England's cot
gumption of western produce , und as to th
/effect of protection upon workingmcn an
{ farmers. He further argued that the grea
toaUiral markets for the northwest wore th
\ southern states , and by western waterway
ad railroads to the gulf and South America
Thin SohoiniTniilri't Work.
CHICMOO , Oat , 27. - [ Special Telegram t
tTuK BBR. ] ' There w.ia a smile of content o
.the countenance f eVery republican to-da ,
| ind the name of Lord Suckvillo upon ihei
.f lp . The letter of recent birth' but of moa
growth written by the dlstinfilshc
dlplonn ; It tb .cauie. Tbo opinion
) t nil the followers' General .Harrison are
ihat it will surely reap good results. The
democrats have nothing lo say on th6 sub-
loot , and If they bait it Is doubtful Whether
; hcy could bo hoard through the thick cloud
of gloom which envelopes them. About
tholr headquarters Lord Sackvillo's name Is
only spoken in whispers , and It is as much
as his life Is worth for an Englishman to set
his foot-within the bourbon doors. If they
really over thought that Cleveland had n
chance for ro-clcctloir , they think so no more.
A reporter sought thin morning the senti
ments of a number of citizens on the subject
which Is just at present paramount in the
minds of the English speaking people on both
sides of the ocean. There was great unanim
ity in the opinions given , nil coinciding with
that given above. The British consul ,
Colonel Sadler , smiled broadly when up-
preached by u reporter , but said ho must de
cline to bo Interviewed on the subject , as it
would not bo proper for him to express an
opinion on such a matter.
A scheme dovisoU by the democratic county
campaign committee to affect the republican
vote In this city was effectually knocked In
the head to-day. Some days ago several
democratic leaders petitioned the election
commissioners to divide up several
voting precincts whore they claimed
the registration wus so heavy that
all would not bo nblo to vote. A notable fea
ture of the mutter wus Unit the precincts in
question nro in the strongest republican
wards In thu city. The registration in nona
of the precincts was over ( < 00 , and It was
asserted by all who hud had any experience
that there would be no difllculty whatever in
polling this number of votes In the course of
the day. Were the precincts divided nt this
late day , when everybody supposed their
registration troubles were over , it would un
doubtedly result Irt the disqualification of
a large number of republican voters , who ,
not knowing the necessity for another regis
tration , or not bearing of the division , would
bo unable , under our city election law , to
vote. The election commissioners this after
noon decided that they could not make any
change In the precincts except on tbo basis
ot the votes of last November.
The IndlaiiapoliH Demonstration.
IXDiANAfous , Oct. 27. A delegation ol
eighty young ladles , members of the Carrie
Harrison club of Oxford female college ,
Ohio , came to this city to-dny , under escort ol
President Foyo Walker , to pay their respects
to Mrs. Harrison , whoso father , Hev. Dr ,
Scott , founded the school. They marched
out to the Harrison residence and were cor
dially received. General Harrison responded
briefly aud informally to their address , thank
ing them for the visit.
The parade of railroad men to-night was
witnessed by ! 20,000 peoule. Clubs composed
of railroad employes from Terre Haute ,
Richmond , Logmisport nnd New Albany , to
gether with local organizations , composed
the parade and made a line display. Several
of the transparencies referred to Sackvillo
West , and elicited considerable applause and
laughter. Tomllnson hall was crowded to
its utmost capacity , nnel when General
Harrison appeared ho was greeted by a pro
longed outburst of enthusiastic cheering.
The vast audience arose and set up an Indes
cribable uproar with drums and horns , while
nearly a thousand lanterns were swung in
tbo air. The demonstration was the most
notable ono of the campaign and lasted
fifteen minutes.
To-night's speech was tbo seventy-ninth
General Harrison has mndo during the cam
paign , and will probably bo the last. He
said in part : "My friends , the Railroad He-
publican clubs of Indiana. I am hero to
night not to speak on any political topic.but to
express , if I can , the deep and earnest thank
fulness I feel toward you who have shown so
much kindness and confidence in me. Very
early in the campaign there were these who
sought to make a breach between me and
you. [ A voice , "Thoy did not do it. " ] You
did not wait for my .answer. [ Cheers. ]
And time anel again I have wit
nessed your faith that my disposition
toward you and the men who toll for a living
wus ono of friendliness nnd tlat the princi
ples I represented and have always ad
vocated were these that promoted the true
Interest of the workingmen of America.
[ Applause. ] I have always believed and
bold that the pros ) > erity of the country , the
permanency of its institutions , and social
order , all depended upon , our pursuing such
a policy in- our legislation that wo should
have in America a class of workingmen
earning adequate wages thai would briny
comfort , into their homos and maintain
hope in their hearts. [ Great cheering. ] A
despairing man , a man out bf whoso horizon
the star of hope has gone , is not a safe citi
zen in a republic. Therefore I would preserve -
serve against unfriendly competition the
highest possible scale of wages to our work
ing people. " [ Great applause. ]
Alter speaking in eulogy of the intelli
gence , enterprise and fidelity of the railroad
men , the general thanked thorn heartily for
the great demonstration , and retired amid
tremendous cheers.
Blniiie'n Speech in Newark.
NEWARK , Oct. 27. James G. Blainc
spoke in the Belleville avenue rink to-night
to nn audience of 4,000 people. In the course
of his speech ho reverted to the British min
ister's letter , and said :
"From the beginning of the campaign it
has been obvious that England was taking
an extraordinary interest in the election ol
Mr. Cleveland. The London papers , which
at first spoke of it with extraordinary frank
ness , finding it was embarrassing tholi
friends on this side ot the ocean , subdued
their tone , and the democratic pa
pcrs had actually begun to assert
that the British aristocracy were in faol
taking sides with the republican party , when
just at this stage of the game out comes the
letter of the British minister , nnd now what
do the democrats dot At first they wanteel
to deny it altogether , but Mr. West Is a
frank and honorable man , and come out
squarely anel said that ho had written the
letter. Now the democrats e-omo out with
imprecations , almost with curses , upon the
head of the unfortunate man in California
who provoked the letter. They say lie is
fraud , villain , forger and a republican in
disguise , and that there never was such a
man. But , in the name of common sense ,
what has that to do with
the British minister's letter ? Supposing
they prove this letter to bo gotten up by a
republican as u decoy , and for political affect ,
that docs not effect in any way the letter ol
the British minister. That letter from Cali
fornia would never have hurt the democratic
party or the British minister if the latter had
not answered it. | Cheers. ] Possibly this
may have been written for a purpose. I know
nothing about It whatever , but thn whole
point of the mutter is that it calls from Mr.
West his true views of the sentiments of En
gland upon tills contest , and we may dismiss
the other question altogether from our minds
as to what it wus that may have called it out ,
"But theiro is moro , and this is why I in
troduced the subject. I see that Mr. Thur-
man , in his speech yestenlny ; seems foi
the first time to have heard something of the
letter , and considers it a republican plot ,
and intimates that it was first brought out
by mo in my address nt Detroit. I loft Detroit -
troit last Monday and come to Buffalo , nnd
there hoard of the letter for the flrst time.
I discredited it. The next day , however , 1
saw the whole letter nnd also an interview
with Mr. Bayiird , ratlirr regretting the
letter , I must say , but apparently not ques
tioning a word of it. The next morn
incr I came to New York nuel
there read another interview witl ;
Bayard , and after I had bcei :
in Now York all day I" spoke to Madison
Square Garden uftur the whole press of Now
York had fully discussed the subject of tin
letter- But now Mr. Thurman says ho dls
covers and , of course , the whole work
should stand still when Mr. Thurman snys he
discovers the remarkable coincidence 01
that letter and my apccch to the citizens ol
Now * oru City , and Mr. Thurninn quote *
something which ho thinks is very funn.i
from Samuel Wiiller. Now. the only thin !
anyway remarkable about 'Mr. Thunnan'i
humor is the attempt by Mr. Thurman to bf
humorous ,
"Well , gentlemen. It bothers them a gooi
deal , but the sorloum side of it is the soriou :
warning it gives to the people of the Unltee
States of thn deep and profound in
tcrest which the British nation takei
in this elucikm. Gentlemen , we havi
tha largest market In the world , am
the most varied. We make it a great honv
market , vrhilo the great ambition of Enxlam
is that the tariff by which wo do this shouli
bo broken down , and that in great part' i
may be made her.inarkot. The question t
be doolacd by this election is whether w
hall .maintain this market for nurpecplfl , or
by n reduction of the tariff , invite- the pro
elucts of other countries to oomc la and toY
away Ivrguiy th right sfid privilege of tU
Amjrlcan producer to manufacture .for Iho
markets of America. I do not Intend to say
a word , personally , of Mr. Cleveland. I
have spoken of his public nets quite freely.
But of Mr. Harrison I can nnd will speak.
There has been lately nn attempt on
the part of tbo democrats to call him the
n grandson of his grandfather. A man is ,
after all , to bo judged by what ho is hlmsolf.
Benjamin Harrison went into the practice of
law n poor man , and wrought his way up
against obstacles with so much perseverance
and Industry that ho stands at the head of
the bar In Indiana to-day. Ho conducted
himself with conspicuous gallantry on the
field of battle , winning praise of that great
soldier , whose pruiso was Itself n title to
greatness Ulysses S. Grant. Ho has shown
himself n wise statesman in the United
States senate , und shown hlmsolf a wise
candidate. This is the man himself , and
I say that among his opponents there
Is no man but who would bo proud of such nn
ancestry as General Harrison. But his best
claim Is his own merit. And while I honor
General Harrison for himself , I say there Is
no man living possesseel of proper feelings
and worthy to bo called a man who could
feel anything less than pride in that long line
of Illustrious ancestors. "
CarlUlc'fl Indiana Canvass.
TF.RRG HAUTB , Oct. 27. Speaker Carlisle
opened his canvass in Indiana to-night ,
speaking to an audience of 3,000 people.
G U A V E IjOTl'lTANlTs 13 DAN.
French Military Alen Comment on
General Slicrlelan's Memoir.
tCupi/rft/M / ISus liu Jiiintu O'intim lltmutt. ]
PAULS , Oct. 27. [ Ne\ , York Herald Cable
Special to Tin : ] The European
Herald made another sensation this week by
publishing the advance sheets of General
Sheridan's memoir "From Gravclotto tc
Sedan. " The Herald had a wide circulation
among the officers of the French army
Thursday and in reply to the inquiries of n
Herald correspondent Marshal MacMalion ,
who was found nt his Chateau la Forot in
the Lolret after reading Sheridan's momoii
carefully , replied : "It would bo unfair to
criticise Sheridan's memoir from Grave
lotto to Sedan * from a mili
tary point of view ns Sheridan
himself expressly states in it that ho doc ;
not pretend to describe the battle. So the
only point that occurs to mo is to explain
that it wus , of course , for political , not mili
tary reasons , that the army under my com
maud inarched northward along the Belgian
frontier to relieve Mctz , and , as Sheridan
says , Bismarck's exclamation when lie heard
of it was exact , namely , 'It cannot bo uc
counted for unless it is brought about by the
political situation In France. ' " Marshal
McMuhon is still in fine , healthy spirits. He
rides about the woods with ills daughter. Ho
said : "Sheridan's memoir is ono of the mosl
interesting little monograph personal remin
iscences I have read In a long time.
The Herald correspondent also called upon
General Suttssler , governor of Paris. Gen
eral Saussler said : "I take great interest in
the memoirs of Sheridan as published in the
Herald , but I feel that it would bo unwise
and ill-timed for me to make any comuicnl
upon them. The events of the late war an
still too recent and the wounds loft are stll
too sore for an impartial Judgment. General
Sheridan , as an American , was iiblo to relate
what ho witnessed , dispassionately. I , as'r
Frenchman , could hardly bo expected te
do so. "
General Marquis do Gallfet , who is the
flrst cavalry general of tbo Frencl
army to-day , nnd is to France
what General Sheridan was to America
spoke of the memoir as an interesting per
sonnl reminiscence but refrained from ex
pressing any opinion upon them from a mill
tary point of view , as the memoirs them
selves do not pretend to give a military story
of the events , but merely descriptions oi
scenes and incidents ; of persons rather than
of hntoripal facts. "
Admiral Count O'Ncil , inspector of'tor
pedoes of the French navy , said : "Grave-
lotto is a field of which every Frenchman is
proud. Both sides claim it ns a vieitory
The account given by the late ox-General
Sheridan in the Herald is too meagre to betaken
taken as a history ; too one-sided to be re
garded as anything butnn ex partc statement
I am an old Crimean soldier , nnd wus a com
mundcr at Gravolotte. Marshal Canrobert
was ono of my companions-in-a mi. Hero is
what Canrobert did at that memorable en
gagemcnt with 40,000 men. Ho hold at baj
twice that number until ho saw that the
enemy , by a dexterous flank movement in
tended surrounding him. Then it was tha' '
ho dispatched an aide-de-camp to Baraine
who , with the main body of the army , wai
two leagues distant. Thoaielo-do-camp fount
Marshal Bazaino playing billiards with om
of his staff. 'Tell Marshal Canrobort to hold
his ground , " was Bazulno's reply , ' 1 can
not let him nave any men.1 The rosul
of that answer in well known. Genera
Sheridan says the Pomeranians cleared all
before them , but if Marshal Bazatno hae
sent the imperial guard to Cauroberts' as
slstanco , as ho should have done , the result
would have been very different. However
I may as well state that we passed the nlghl
on the Hold of battle. The vanquished dr
not ordinarily do so. "
President Cleveland Says Alinlstci
AVost Must Go.
Nnw YOIIK , Oct. 27. The Herald's Wash
ington special says : Phclps , our minister u (
London , has boon Instructed by the presi
dent , through the secretary of state , to Inti
mate to Lord Salisbury , without delay , that
under all the circumstances the president 1 ;
of the opinion that the good undorstnndlngol
both countries would bo promoted if the head
of the British legation hero were changed
After tbo special cabinet meeting the see
rctnry of state was asked what the adminis
tration was doing in the matter.
Secretary Bayard replied : "It is doing ev
erything that it can. "
"Has MinUtcr West's government boon
notified of his Imprudent action < "
"It has been fully notified , nnd the notifi
cation was a prompt one. "
I'helps IlnntniK Salisbury.
Lnxikox , Oct. 37. The Sackvillo letter in
cident bus caused considerable stir in diplo
matic circles. Phelps , United States minis
ter , has gone to Hutllold house , Lord Sulla-
bury's country residence , to see the minister ,
He called first at the foreign.ofllco und , find
ing the prime minister fronqho immediately
followed him to his country seat , U. is sale
Salisbury favors tha retirement of Lord
Sack-villa Must ( Jo.
LONPON , Oct. 27. Lord Salisbury to-du ;
received several cable dispatches from Lori
Suckvlilc , the British minister at Waseiing
ton , admitting the facts in connection witl
the Murchlson letter , und snyintr that ho regretted
grottod them. A number of despatches fron
Secretary of State Bayard were forwarde <
to Lord Salisbury , in which the secretary
urged that In view of the coming natlonu
election in the United States It waa impcra
lively necessary that there should bo i
change In the British representative
at Washington in order to | calm th
popular excitement. Phelps , the America :
minister , und Lord Salisbury hold a consul
tatlon. Mr. Phelpi enlarged upon tbo necos
slty of prompt action on the part of th
British government In order to repair th
evil. Phelps made a special point that b ;
treating Murchison as a British suubjecc , entitled
titled to advice , despite the fact that , hi
stated in his latter that ho was naturalize . *
citizen of the United Btctcs , Lord Sackvlll
bad disregarded and violated the understand
ing of September , 1S71. Lord Salisbury ad
inllted that this was. the most' serious pain
orlewof LordSaokvil'.a'scioad'ict. . , . ,
Yostorday's Se sjlpu of the Y. M. O.
A , Convention at Boatrlco.
A General MopcjhnnillHO Establish-
mcnt Goes Undc.r , with $ tOOOO
Llabllitlcsr/Stunr Fulls at
} ? iff *
The Y. M. < ? . , A. Convention.
BEXTIIICB , Nob. , Oct. 37. [ Special Tele
gram to TIIK Hen. ] A telegram of greeting
was received yesterday from the state Y. M.
C. A. convention of Missouri , now being held
at Lexington , which was responded to by
President Uinglaiut aud a message of root
ing also sent to the convention at Brunswick -
wick , Mo. Probably a larger or better body
of mule singers never assembled together
than those furnishing the music for this
convention , Everyone hearing thcin Is
Last night's meeting closed about 10:30 : ,
after which a prayer meeting wus com-
mcnccil , which took for its subject the llnaii-
clal question which comes up to-day. The
prayer mooting lasted all night. This fore
noon a vigorous discussion was held on the
question "How can the tiiunngemont of our
association finances bo Improved I" The
question was discussed by T. II. Taylor , C.
K. Ober , Woldcnsall , Mockett , Hinicbaugh
and others. The state committee reported
and recommended thatl,000shouldbo raised
for association work unit $1,000 for mission
ary work , and Unit as much as possible of It
bo ralsod In this convention. They also
recommended the retention of Augustus
Nash as state secretary. The finan
cial meeting commenced at 11 o'clock
to-day In charge of George S.
Fisher. Up to 12 o'clock , when
the convention adjourned $1,000 had been
subscribed to carry on the state work during
the coming year.
The worlc of raising the mono } ' was con
cluded this afternoon as follows : Total indi
vidual subscription , $ .1.500 ; from state asso
ciations , $1,150 , making a grand total of
$4lMO. Thu oflleers of the. state executive
coming year are : C. S. Harrison , chairman ;
George A. Joplin , secretary ; O. H. Seward ,
treasurer. Greetings were received from ( ho
Denver state convention , now in session , and
return greetings sent. In addition to sub
scriptions made Woidcnsall , Jonncr and Jop
lin pledged themselves to raise $100 each.
To-night the meeting was crowded to hoar
the address of O. 1C. Ober of New York on
college work and Hobert Weidensallof Chicago
work railroad . Tomorrow
cage on among men. -
row will bo the lust iny and the programme
will be : The consecration meeting at U ; boys' ,
ladles' and young men's meetings in the after-
tioon , aud farewell meetings in the evening.
Prohibitionist Misrepresenting Facts.
GBXKVA , Neb. , Oct. 27. [ Special to THE
H K. ] George Scott , the would-bo prohibi
tion congressman from the Second district ,
and Mrs. George E. Bigclow , the quasi pro-
tilbitiou candidate for- governor , are proven
by the legislative reeprej to have wilfully and
maliciously mireprejtentpd facts. They stated
in a public meetiiu ; in Geneva last evening
that the Hon. Jolm A. Dempster voted
against No. 117. This statement was un
doubtedly made with the intention of inlur-
ing him morally and politically among his
fneuds. If porsouK interested Will refer to
the house jouriml , para 542 , they will sec
that Mr. DempsterSOIL \ record as voting for
No. 117. which is a bul to protect girls oJ
the ago of otghtocn'yeaife ' and under. This
Scott and Mrs. Bitrelow are proven beyond
dispute to have wilfully T.nd maliciously mis
represented the faos. , They were asked to
produce the record but failed to do so , and
left town under cover/of / the darkness of the
night rather than j'raAnln , over until next
morning and ineet'Mr. Dempster.
Tlio Dorscy-'Wti' Qicjrbi ; 'tlobat'e.
CoLUMiitfs,1 Neb' 'pb't. -Special > ( Tele.
gram to THE BKK.i Tlio. joint debate be
tween Dorsey and Weatherby draw the
largest crowd of the campaign this evening
at the opera house. Kvory available space
was occupied. Two hundred ladies graced
the hull with their presence. Both parties
took part In a torchlight procession nnd
paraded the principal streets. Mr. Dorsoy ,
although somewhat Under the weather , had
no trouble in answering every available argu
ment put forth by his opponent to the entire
satisfaction of the vast audience.
A $10,000 Failure.
GUIDE Itocic , Neb. , Oct. 27. [ Special Tele
gram to THE BKE. ] The firm known as A ,
M. Frcelovo & Co. , and later M. B. Free-
love , general merchandise , failed to-day foi
probably $10,000. , They had recently made
extensive purchases east nnd not being able
to meet the bills which wore over duo , cred
itors secured attachments and closed theii
business house. It is stated they will claim
their legal set off nnd the balance of the stocl
will bo distributed among the creditors ol
which there scorns to bo many.
A Itally nt Pnpillion.
PAMU.IOX , Nob. , Oct. 27. [ Special Tele
grain to THE BUR. ] The town was t
blaze of republican enthusiasm to
night. Delegations came in fron
Omaha and the surrounding country. It wu <
midnight when tbo jollification came to ai
end. The orators from Omaha were listened
to with marked attention. It was the grandest
political demonstration Sarpy county lias
over seen. _
Snow at Alnsworth.
Aisswoirrn , Neb. , Oct. 27. [ Special tc
TiinBnn.1 A very light fall of snow fell
hero last night. It was the flrst of the sea
son.Tho farmers are making great efforts to gel
their corn in the cribs before cold weathoi
sets In. The corn crop is the best over raised
in Brown county , and the farmers are com
ing out ahead this year.
Both Lliiil > s Cut Off.
LINCOI.X , Nob. , Oct. 27. ( Special Tele
gram to TUB BBK. ] A ten-year-old bo.v
named Johnnie Hicks , fell beneath some
moving cars on which ho was trying to climb
near the corner of F nnd Second street ?
about U o'clock this evening. Both of hie
legs were severed just below the knees and ,
although the wounds were dressed , the boj
will probably die.
A. IjlvclyMC uni .iijin.
PAWXEK QITV , Ne } > . , pet. 2' . The cam
Dalgn hero Is working Uncly. Judge Martin
is innking n lively' ' ' coftvnss. Mr. Linn's
friends are becomirtgjtfrcAtly exercised. They
begin to realUe that tlicJr candidate is not to
have a walk-away. ' .ThoAicoplb are becoming
aroused to the inlqnlrii-sripracticed by the last
legislature. l j *
Pnlel ritifallfi Cake.
Detroit Free Rrpm : "Speaking of
women , " said thcueqloucl , after a long
paiiao , "I was ttftroJinj ; in Missouri
onro in my bugpj' wliJu { I mot a lull ,
slabsidcd girl of JUvcmty in the road. J
hud tukon a drlntctoruvo ! and felt jolly ,
mid so I hulled liof. . li
"Howdy , Sal ? -FinudayV"
"Howdy , stranff ervltsho ! promptly ro-
piled. 1 * *
'Say , " I wont oW , "I am looking for a
wlfo. "
"What sort ? "
"About your kind. "
"Want me ? "
. "If you'll have mo. "
"Reckon I will. Lot's drive back and
sco dad and mam. "
r"I was joking , you know , and BO I told
nor that I was in a great hurry nnd
would return. Tlireo natives who came
along just then stopped to Und out what
was the matter , ami they set in with the
girl to take me back. The only way I
could got out of'it 'was to bolt for the
woods , leaving the horse and buggy be'-
hlud , and five yearsjater the girl was
Btlll driving them. ' That llttlo jdkd ol
mine cost me iust $350 , t.o say nothing
of boinp run tnrQujjh ii * patch of woods
Qro miles wide.1 , ' ' ' ' ' ' „ . .
[ Continued From First Page. ]
Insisted that Maurlcette should continue to
live with him as his mistress , but said that to
marry her \rould plnco a stain upon
the escutcheon of nobility. In
Juno , 13S7,1'nulo left Maurtcotto and wont
to Koyati , where ho robbed a Jeweller
named Fergorel of 10,000 francs. Ho after
wards returned to Purls , where ho met a
stock broker named Lorenzo , whom ho
swindled out of 150,000 francs. H
was for this ho was arrested In
Paris nnd It was on this occasion that ho shot
nnd seriously wounded the police oftlcer who
effected his capture.
Such Is the act of accusation of this most
sensational trial that to-day Impassions Paris
Prado meanwhile awaits in calmness his i a
cusers. Ho says : "Oh , I will trip up these
lawyers. 1 will prove myself a robber , but
a murderer , never. " Prado has a line
Napoleonic head , and his manners nnd
language are those of a man of the world.
Prado trial will occupy six or seven days. It
will be presided over by M. lo Conselller
Hotoloup. The counsel for the accused nro
Muttres Camllle Camby , Davrillo des Ks-
sarto , Albert Danet , Felix Decori , Crlnieaux
The Subject Now BeiiiK Couriered By
French HtntpHincm.
Ifopi/rWit / JSS91 > M Jama Uimliin flcmieft.l
PAKH , Oct. 27. [ Now York Herald Cable
Special to Tin : BEI : . ! The proposed income
tax creates qulto a fever of excitement among
foreigners and all who have an Income over
$100 u year , but the great masses of the people
the peasantry aud workmen all favor It
and it Is to win popularity with these classes ,
who are a very Important class in a plebiscite
or general election , that Flouuot proposes a
bill. In an interview with a Herald corre
spondent M. do Cassagnae thought it impos
sible to say what will bo the result of the
project for a tux on incomes until the measure
shall be submitted to the chamber. In the
discussion which will take place before any
law can bo passed on the subject , the ques
tion may assume quite a different form.
The project may be even entirely aban
doned. M. Guyot , one of the Urst political
economists In France , said he was strongly
opposed to putting a tux on Incomes. He
thought it was interfering with the personal
liberties of citizens to pry into their private
fortunes. Furthermore , the measure seemed
to him calculated to estrange foreigners from
France. Under the existing law a man paid
a separate tax on each piece of property. II
a new law were passed ho would pay one tas
on the combined valuation. Ho was uncer
tain whether the scheme would ever bo real
ized. Felix Pyatt , a deputy and an ex-mem
bor of the commune , was very bitter uboul
the proposed income tax. Ho said It was t
concession of the government to the radicals
and to the labor party inasmuch as it aimed
at foreign worklngmcn. Ho feared the mcas
uro would become u law and summed up In ;
opinion on its merits as follows : "To pas'
such a law at tills time Is the hcighth of ab
stirdity. Wo are making every effort to in
sure the success of an international exhibl
tion next year and on the very eve of its in
auguration we calmly establish a system 01
vexation , ospioijago and taxation againsl
those very strangers upon whom wo count it
the carrying out of our great enterprise
Some people may call this statesman
ship. I give It quite a different name. The
law , if passed , will accomplish nothing in thi
way of ridding us of dangerous or undesirable
sirablo foreigners. That class of stranger :
will turn up their noses at such a petty at
tempt to check their misdoings. On tin
other hand the vastly largo class of estimable
foreigners who hvo hero quietly and nit
manfully in the commercial development ol
France , wll | bo seriously and needlessly an
noyed by this foolish aud harmful legislu
lation. "
A call at the British embassy showed thai
the English residents in Paris have not taker
the matter seriously to heart. One of the at
laches said ho did not bcliovo the project
would over become a law.
At the American legation Mr. Vlgnaud
charge d'affaires , expressed the following
opinion : "If the law is passed it will make
a considerable difference in ttie number ol
Americans who will take up their residence
in Franco. Still that time is at least
some months distant. For my part I have tic
idea that the chamber will bo unwise cnougt
to pass such a law. Not that the law u
anyway unjust to strangers , Inasmuch as
Frenchuen nro eeiually included in its pro
visions , out the people of Franco have vorj
strong objections to having the government
officials interfering with their private affairs
A Growing Opinion That They Arc
HlKht in the Main.
( Copyright ISM by Jamf * ( Jordan Rennet. ]
PAIIIS , Oct. 27 | Now York Herald Cable
Special to THE BKE ] The chamber of dep
uties , divided into commissions , is still ham
mering away at revising General Boulanger.
What the advanced republicans want is tc
revert to a sort of directory , a government
by committees without either president , or
cabinet or senate , everything else to bo lofl
to the chapter of accidents , while the con
stitution will bo thrown into the molting pot ,
thus preparing the way for a now man ol
December. It is now conceded by all par
ties that there is a certain amount of polit
ical logic underlying Boulanger's formless ,
incoherent imaginations ; that his revision
scheme , vogue and featureless as it is , ex
actly reflects the tendencies of the hour and
points the path which for Franco is actually
French Educntora Propose Introduc
ing AthletlcH In the Schools.
[ Ci > pj/Ho/it / 1 , S liu Jtimci Oanlnn lleimetl. ]
PAIIII , Oct. 27. [ Now York Herald Cable
Special to THE BEE.l Another kind of re
vision question is being discussed in Franco.
That is u total clmngo In the public education
of tbo rising generation of Frenchmen. The
Temps , Figaro , Gaulols.SolcIl and all papers
hayo come to the conclusion that the national
system of education Is defective on the physi
cal side , and efforts are now being mada to
acclimatize cricket , foot ball , rowing nnd
American base ball in French schools.
M. Bischof/Hchcim has written to M. Lock-
roy , mlnisto of public instruction , offering a
prize of 5,000 , francs to the person , whether
Frenchman , or American , or Englishman ,
who will invent a new game applicable to
French college schools. The minister ol
public instruction also makes an appeal to
the country and declares that Franco has
need of strong arms nd strong logs Just as
much as strong brains , and orders that
henceforth the directors of colleges and
schools bo responsible for the pupil's biceps
just as much as their mental capacity ,
PrlnccsB Helena Doail.
BEUI.IX , Oct. 27. Princess Helena , wlfo of
George Victor , reigning Priuoo of Waldock ,
died to-day at Arolsoa , the capital of the
Now York has to-day about 0,000.000
of people , or porhnps somewhat less
than nne-Bixth of the population of the
United Kingdom. Their pavings banks
contained at the beginning of this year
$505,000,000 , or , If the comparison bo
correctly made , the full equivalent of
all the deposits in the savings and pos
tal banks of the whole .United King *
Interesting lOvnntH Trnnsrilrliij ; In the
German Capital ,
( CoiwMil 1 < W IMJaniM f.'onlDii ntnnett. ]
BKIIU.V , Oct. 27. fNow York Herald
Cable-Special toTiiR Bun. ] The Volks
Zoltung announces that the prohibition of
Mackenzie's ' defense has been rescinded. This
will cause great pleasure to these of the lib
eral newspapers who heard that there was
nothing in the Iwok to warrant the charge of
Lez Majestic. In commenting tii > on Vlrchow's
interview that appeared In the Herald , many
of the Kusslan newspapers take the professor
severely to tasis for not having expressed his
opinion in the matter sooner.
The mnntlo of the llrst Kmpcror William's
popularity seems to have fallen upon his
grand-son , Unter den Linden was crowded
on Sunday last , while the sldowalks weto
lined four and live deep , with Berllners
anxious for a gllmpso of their emperor , who
had reached Potsdam the day boforc. Hero
they remained on the lookout for the dark
green coupe and Its palrof blooded horses for
several hours , only to return homo disap
The Berllners nro dallghtcd to hear that
the emperor Is to visit the chancellor on his
way to Hamburg. They look upon It not
only as a touching tribute to the personal
nnd statesmanlike qualities of his grand
father's life-long friends , servant nnd ad-
visorbut ; as a further guarantee that the line
of policy already marked out will bo
adhered to.
The Cunltz memoirs , Berlin's literary
sensation of to-day , are the memoirs
of Huron von Cunitz , minister of
foreign affairs , and a cabinet min-
Uter during the reign of Frederick
William II. They have just been published
and contain one short but Interesting chapter
on the possibility of war between Kussiu and
Prussia. Cunltz , who hud been a lieutenant
general in the army , calls attention to the
fact that Prussia's frontier toward Russia is
so exposed that two Russian armies could
overrun all Prussia beyond the Vistula
before Prussia could bo put in n
posture of dofenso. The Seven Years
war showed , however , that in a long
war Prussia could bo successfully defended
agulnst her northern neighbor. Later , In
the march back from France through Ger
many in 1314 , as well as in the Polish war of
1S ° 0 , the Russian ranks wore depleted by
desertion. This was caused , CunlU thinks ,
by the harsh treatment to which the Russian
soldier is subjected , and would occur again.
The artillery manoeuvres at Coblintz ,
recently , in the presence of Count Waldcrsee ,
Moltko's successor , cost u largo sum of
money. In addition to a full division of the
garrison , four pioneer and four Hold artillery
regiments were routed. No newspaper corre
spondents were allowed within the cordon of
sentries furnished by u whole butullion , nor
oflleers not especially detailed for service
were allowed to come within lines as specta
tors. A fort garrisoned by two companies of
pioneers was first bombarded and then
stormed. The now fifteen and twenty-four
centimeter siege guns worked to perfection.
The new lire balls , ten feet in diameter , that
shed light on the columns of the enemy ad
vancing under cover of the night , answered
their purpose splendidly. They burnt three
quarters of a minute , and illuminated
an area of one square mile. It wus
curious while they burned to watch the sap
pers of the supposed enemy , who nad been at
work with great steel shears cutting through
the wire with which the nbuttls were inter
laced. As the light blazed out whole rows
might be seen stretched out full length upon
the ground , perfectly motionless , to escape
the deadly effects of the Uro poured from the
parapet.Vlicn tbo light died away they re
sumed their silent work. All the men were
armed and equipped ns in actual warfare and
the ammunition waguns carried the regula
tion weight of ammunition from the sur
rounding villages. Olio hundred and sixty
farmers' wagons aud 1,000 , peasants had been
requisitioned requisirt is the Gorman word
to help construct the earthworks. They
received in hard cash for the services of the
men. wagons nnd horses nearly 30,000 marks.
The lundgrachn and a bevy of pretty
Berllneriu are in a flutter over the sale of
the late Landgraeiin Marie of Hesse's jew
els , that takes place at the castle of Philip-
stuhl. The landgraofln , a born duchess of
Wurtombcrg , left 430 articles , including seine
precious pearls nnd bracelets of va
rious shapes and workmanship. These will
bo put up at auction , ns if , instead of being
the great lady that she way , her husband had
been a manager with a series of bad seasons ,
or a stock broker who had forgotten to cover
his shorts.
The now tragedy of Arthur Fitger , the
poet , who some enthusiastic Teutons likened
to Victor Hugo , was produced nt the Rest-
denz theater in Munich on Tuesday last ,
and obtained but a partial success. It is in
five acts , and based on an episode of the
Stuart restoration. Although splendidly
intoprotcd nnd of great literary merit , it is
somewhat lacking in dramatic intcroi.t. The
author was re-called. Among Fitter's best
plays ore "Dio Hoxo'1 ( The Witch ) and
"Von Golto's Gnadon" ( By the Grace of
God. )
A comedy company that has been playing
"My Sweetheart" at ICrull's theatre herewith
with rather poor success came to grief hero
n few days ago , when , according to the Ber
lin papers , the leading ludy and the man
ager loft Berlin and the company for parts
unknown. Orders for their arrest have been
issued and the authorities allow the re
maining members of the stranded company
to give two moro performances In order to
enable them to raise money enough to return
The IlnwHon Divorce Case.
CHICAGO , Oct. 27. | Special Telegram to
THE BER. ] The statement made yesterday
in connection with Mrs. Meckie L. Uawson'x
bill for divorce against her husband , Stephen
W. Hawson , the well-known bunker , that an
amicable settlement of all their legal dilllcul-
eniltics had probably boon reached , was
strongly corroborated to-day by information
indirectly received from attorneys in the
case. This was to the effect that Banker
Kawson has settled f I'J.OOO upon his wife ,
who agreed not to contest her charge of de
sertion In her divorce bill. Mrs. Uawson's
attorney did not think the criminal cases
would bo dropped , but traiel if they were not
ho hail no doubt of Mr a. Hawson's acquittal.
Union 1 ctcrnn Asioclntion.
TOI-EKA , Kan. , Oct. 27. [ Special Telegram
to TUB BKE. ] The seventh annual conven
tion of the Union veteran association closed
to-day. The following nfllcers were clouted
for the ensuing year : Commandor-in-chlef
D. B. Long , KllsworUi , ( Can. ; commander of
eastern division , George N. Tibbs , Jersey
City , N. J , ; commander of middle division ,
Ira P. Reeves , Carmi , 111. : commander of
western division , G. F. Llttlo , Junction City ,
Kan. Thu object of the organisation is to
perpetuate the principles of loyalty to thu
ilair and protection and recognition to the
The Rook Island In Colorado.
CoLoiuno SPiiiNos , Colo. , Oct. 27. The
Chicago , Hock Island & 1'aclflo railroad was
completed to this city yesterday and the
event was celebrated by a bau'qimt tendered
by the citizens to thu oOlcors of the road last
Donlei Having Gone Wrong.
ST. Louis , Oct. 27. J. A. Swan , ex-treas
urer of'ICnoxvlllo , Tenn. , who is charged
.with Doing short in bis accounts , was soon ' In
the olty to-iUy ana denied the cbargo' in
First National Safety DepokU ViulU.
S fas to rent , 95 to lii per yt-ar. , . '
' * *
t / *
Endleott Writes n Companion Plooo
to Woat'e Lottor.
The Secretary Stlys the Canadian
Kiehcry Dispute Will Bo Amicably
Settled President Cleveland
HtH Tomiicr.
Only n Campaign Measure.
61l ! Fot'HTKKXTii STHP.KT. }
WASIIINOTOX , 1) . C. , Oct. S7. )
I was shown a copy of n letter this morn.
Ing which Is significant. The letter roferroel
to was written by an Unghshiunn In London
to Sir Charles Tuppor. It first congratulates
him upon the moderation of the language )
used by him in referring to the United
Status , in which the writer has largo vested
Interests , in his speech in Shontod , ami then
says that the writer ban neon another letter
written by Mr. to Mr. Joseph
Chamberlain , in which Mr. Kndlcott assures
the hitter's ' special envoy that after Ihe dom
ing election , and in spite of tbo retaliation
message' , further negotiations will bo begun
by this country towards the settlement ot the
fisheries dispute. This would seem to Indl
cato that the retaliation message was bun
combe , in spite of the assurance of Senator
Morgan to the contrary.
All sorts of rumors nro utloat ns to the ac
tion of the administration with reference to
the bad break of Lord Sonkvllle. The Now
York Herald to-day hud an article from its
Washington correspondent In which it was
intimated that Information had been re
ceived from Secretary Bayard to the effect
that the whole mutter had been called to the
attention of the Britisti authorities through
Minister Phclps ami the dispatches from
London would Indicate that Mr. Phclps lias
had some telegraphic instructions on ttio
subject , ns ho Is re-ported to have hud an interview -
terview with Lord Salisbury yesterday.
Secretary Buyard declined to-day to nlllrm
or elcny the New York Herald's story ,
but ho said that the administration
would do nil that was proper and
necessary under the circumstances. It is
leurned on the very best authority that the
correspondence between Lord Suckvillo and
the California Briton , together with Lord
Suekviile's remarks on the subject , printed
in the Now York papers , and an abstract of
the conversation between Ills lordship and
Secretary Bayard , were prepared and sent
to Minister Phclps to-day , with instructions
to present the whole cane to the homo
authorities In London. A gentlemen , form
erly very prominent in the state department ,
wus asked by your correspondent what such
action as this could mean , and whether It
would bo followed u.v the absolute recall of
of the minister. Ho replied that it might
lead to his recall or simply to a censure from
the British home olllce. In either event
Lord Sackvillo will not bo likely
to stay here. It is the cnrrent
belief of all Englishmen now in Washington ,
who know something of the diplomatic af
fairs of that country , that his lordship will
retire from the diplomatic survieo entirely ,
but the recall of the minister docs not undo
the harm. Ho has shown that British sym
pathy is entirely with the present adminis
tration , and the voters of this country who
hud the wool pulled over their eyes , uud who
have been persistently told that the extruota
printed from Kngllsh papers were republican
concoctions , now see that the British njow -
papers were simply voicing the sentiments
which exist among the mombera of the
British government , and they wilt doubtless
govern themselves accordingly. Nothing has
occurred In the administration which has
created half the excitement of this incident.
Secretary Bayard has come in for his stouro
of abuse , too.
When the president read the Interview of
his sceiretary of state , which was telegraphed
from his homo in Delaware , Mr. Cleveland
forgot for the moment that hewnschiof
magistrate of 00,000,000 people and became
once more the every day citizen that ho used
to bo before ho was elected mayor of Buffalo.
The language which he used in commenting
upon the secretary's interview WHS snbllmo
In.its picturesqucncss , but it is said that it
was so sulphurous that the clones nnd em
ployes in the white house had difllculty in
breathing for some moments after the presi
dent had expressed his feol'ngs. ' The at
tempt to show that the letter was drawn out
by a trick will not have the duaircd effect.
There is no doubt whatever that Lord Suclt-
ville wrote the now celebrated letter , and it
cannot bo doubted that the sentiments In
expressed therein were his honest , candid
convictions. Pennv S. HEATU.
Synopsis of Governor Caleb West's
Annual Ilonort.
WASHINGTON , Oct. 27. Caled W. West ,
governor of Utah , in his annual report to
the secretary of the interior , estimates the
population of the territory at " 10,000 , an in
crease of 00,000 slnco 1880. The munufaa-
luring industries of the state are In a satis
factory condition , and , taken as a whole , the
year bus been a progressive and prosperous
one for Utah. Owing to the ) unusual light
rainfall during the growing season , dry
farming bus not been a success , but irri
gated land bus produced abundantly. In the of his remarks upon tne Mormon
question , the governor says :
"Nothing can Justify the despotism of the
Mormon political system to the people who
have known ami appreciate the blessings of
rt free government. The word of the priest
hood Is to the Mormon people ) the command
of God , not only in matters of faith and
morals , but in all civil , political and commer
cial affairs. This pricsthoood not only rules
the church , but the territory.
Pending n settlement of the question of ad
mitting Utah into ttio union , the governor
recommends the appointment by congress of
a committee with full authority to make a
complete and thorough investigation of thu
civil as well ns religious conditions hereto
fore and now prevailing in the territory.
Justice to the whole country , the governor
says , ns well as to tbo Mormon people , requires -
quires such an investigation to bo mado.
Military Sentences Modified.
WASHINGTON , Oct. 27. The president has
modified thu sentence of dismissal in the casa
of Lieutenant Colonel George A. Forsvtho ,
Fourth cavalry , convicted by court martial
of duplicating his pay accounts , so as to provide -
vide for liis suspension from rank and duty
for n term of three years on half pay. . 'Tho
president has modified the sentence of dis
missal in the case of Lieutenant Alex T.
Dean , Fourth cavalry , to suspension from
pink and duty on half pay , and to be confined
within the military posts to which his com
pany may bo assigned for a period ot six
months and ho reprimanded in general orders.
Lieutenant Doan was accused of drunken
ness and of thrcatoniuc to kill his superior
ofllcor. u
Nebraska anel IOWA Pensions.
WASHINGTON , Oct. U7. [ Special Telegram
to THE BnE.1 Nebraska pensions ! Original
Invalid Daniel Maher , alias Fay , North
Platte ; William McComans , Long Pine1 ; Re
issue John D. King , Wayne.
Iowa pensions : Original Invalid Ocorga
B. Barker , Pleasant Prairie : Alonw II.
Lane , ICoosauqua ; Israel M. Williams , Iluth-
von ; David Newman , Nowbern. Increase
James B , Houghland , Klson ; Frank Good-
ninn. Fort Madison. Uelssuo-Clarlc B.
Hopkins , Wyoming.
A Bloolcmrto Runner CapturM.
WASHINGTON , Oot. 37. The AWrfcan
steamnr Hnytlan Uepubllo , while attempting
to force the blockaJo of tha Insurgent port of
St. Marc. Haytl , with rebel troops , arms ami
ammunition on board , wax capture < J. Tin
captain and crew are prlooiior * of war at
The Woailier IniMaiilor.4.
For Nebra Land Dakoli ; . Pllr , t > ' . r ,
northwesterly wind * . . . . '
For Iowa ; Fair , " co J v. .a eU > m tterly
wind * . . > . - .