' * FtmriHHr' ' * ' .VHW * aWMMttTIHrt MUMMI'iyiaJHW/Hwnii ' ) ! > ' ( * IMy < Hm lteCI M M THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY OOTOBEK 28. . lS8a SIXTEEN PAGES. 15 Burlington Burlington C.B.&O.R.R , The Burlington takes the lead. It was in advance of all lines in developing Nebraska * It was in advance of all lines in establishing dining-car service between Missouri river points and Chicago. It was in advance of all lines in giving the people of Omaha and the West a fast mail service. * It was in advance of all lines in running its trains from I - the East into Omaha proper. It was in advance of all lines in reducing the time of passenger trains between Omaha and Chicago. It was in advance , and is the only line by which you can foave Omaha in the morning and arrive in Denver the evening of the same day. y It has been progressive in the past. It will lead in the future. Travel and ship via the Burlington. Ticket Office , 1223 Farnam Street. Telephone 250. Depot on Tenth Street. Burlington Burlington b\B.&Q.R.R , THIS is a CUT of the OLD RELIABLE cc * Sa < Jft Jg < 03 CD 0 Mifchel Wagon , Monarch of the Road Manufactured by Mitchell & Lewis Co. , ( Limited ) , Racine , Wis. Next week we will give you a picture of their mammoth factory. The'LUDLOW SHOE' ' Has obtained a reputation wherever introduced troducod for "CouiiECl STYtK"uI'KU- FKCT FIT , " "C'OMKOUT AND DrRAHIL- ITiY. " Tlioy linvo no superiors in Hand Turns , Hand Welts , Goodyear Welts , and Mnchino Sowed. Ladies , iislc for the Luoi.mv" SIIOK. Try them , und you will buy no othor. THE" WMMRCIAL HCOTEHL , Corner Dearborn and Lake Streets , CHICAGO. Tills house has just been thoroughly ntacxwtof ovitr l\mu , maklnit it fur better than any hotel ot the sixmo m-lcii iu the west Blerntor. vlrrtrlc llKhts , batli rooms , and all modern Imiuoveinents. , Rates , $2 and $2.0O Par Day. Including mraM. Centrally located ; accessible to All railway stations , tliratura mill b.islneu Iiousei. Street fan to all poliits of the city. Special rates to praftf&ulonul puoplu. TAPE WORM REMOVED wcrH-HtxFi.oMPi.vrt" . PROF. BYRON FIELD. TOPEKA. KANSAS. \Vc hare a poiltlvc CMTU for ITTIIIVO HUM ) or MirKm.vi I'H.KS. 117 lu ujc tuouianilsuf cn < c of Ion ; tonJ- limh Teliovurur 0. bo itn > nu In nur fulili In It. ciiMtlYu in > wur that we nlll mull one .ample bur niEKto nnr . N. II ThU It no liumbui : ; aclually lucolro n box free by re- foil mail , ( not * lot of rlrnilan ) , nnd nne riipllciitlun will roiiTlnro ruu t Jt worth. AUilrvii The W. Mlllard Co. , Uutttlo. N. V , Mention tlio ( ) ni h lice. k-\ State Line. r , Belfast , Dublin atitl Lhorpool From New York Every Tuesdav , C llQ pvtsaco Kl'i and * 'A acrordlng to location ot staio room. Kxcurslou t&i Ateer e to and from Kurope at Lowest lUtos. AU8TIX IIAJ.mVIN .V CX ) . . Uen'lBonts. . M llroa-tway , New Vork. OIUJ IlLKflHK. ( len'l West em ABent , 1Q { H&udolpb bt. , Chicago , IIARUY I'M MO'llKS. ARMit. Oiuaha Reduced Cabin Rates to Glasgow Kx- lilbiUon. If inUEY no" B" urinary troubles easily , quiet' MUHCI ly and safely cured by IKtCUTA Cnj > - ul * . Severest canes ruredlu vevun ( laytf. bold oiL , oil Unipulsts , or by mull from Do- .Co. , IT ! WhitebUN. Y. 1 ull Direction * . Can be had in Over 700 Different Style * and Sizes , af the same price as fhe counterfeits. Insist upon seeing the Trada Mark or you may bi deceived The Niichigan Stove Company , Do'rolt , Chicago , Buffalo. CAUTION. Bovue ot n r- chants who coDiipend other KOTCT Inprafertnceta "CAMLAND8. " Tlier hare eltb rf alKd ( o iccur * the Sold ( UrUud" nccney or an dwlrouaof Everywhera. ir IOVM ot proat upon cm which b > made. tm J'or Sale by Milton Roger * 0 Sons , Agents for Omaha. DEWEY & STONE , FURNITURE. A magnificent display of everything useful and ornamental in the furniture maker's art , at reasonable prices. SEND FOR PRICES KND CIRCULKRS. THE "BUREKn" Ttt-Vliel . Carriage. "BUREKR"1 , , Two-wheel Plncton. THE EUREKA CO. , ROCK FALLS , ILL. TRADITIOtS OF HALLOWEEN , A History oCurloua Spoils and Love Charms. 3 - MATRIMONIAL FATES FORETOLD. r _ Customs of thf Mystic NlRlit Quota tions From tlio I'oct Gny anil Ot Her Ant liorl t los I'ocr- Itii ; Into the Future. ' Ilitllow'ccn. All boys niul girls know that next Wednesday , Oct. 81 , will bo All Hallow Uvd , though most of thorn corrupt'lta minio to "IJojly Evo.1 They know it is a night of mirth nnd mystery specially ilovotcd to mischief , fun , incantations , divinations , charm ? and spells , but very few of thorn understand its realslgnlli- canic ; , or caif toll whence it duriveSnUa name. It ? ? many conturipg since the church , llndinir it impossible , from the great and constantly increasing multitude of the saints , to sot apart a separate day for each one. , decreed that Nov. 1 should henceforth bo kept as a day iu honor f all the saints and that it should be tnown as All Hollow Mass or All Saints' Day , and that thu night of Oct. 81 , 1m- ncdiatoly preceding it , should thord- ftor bo kept as a vigil and bo known as \ll Hallow Eve , these occasions being till observed in the Catholic , Episcopal nd Lutheran churches. From its first origination Hallow Eve ! ius been invested with a peculiarly nystic cliaractor. As there is nothing n the church celebration of the ousti ng clay of All Saints to justify those ungular ideas and customs associated ivlth Hallow Eve , and as none of them : ire of a religious character , we may 'nstly regard them as relics of pagan times. In the north of Europe in all ages and countries Hallow Eve has been deemed the occasion par excellence for divining the answer to that momentous question , which absorbs so large a share of the thoughts of romantic young mon and maidens who is to marry , whomV The moans employed to gain this much- dcsirod information are as quaint and curious as they are numerous and varied. For this purpose every time and every country has had its own charms and spells peculiar to itself , and they have furnished an almost inexhaustible - haustiblo theme to folk poets and com' pliers of folk-lore. Those of Scotland have boon most graphically described by that greatest of all poets of the people , Robert liurns. In his poem of "Halloween , " ho has given u A most vivid account of moro than half a score of hallow eve charms and Spells peculiar to the Scottish peasantry. In a voryjold .book called "Yo True \rto to Reado the Future , " I llnd the following : "If a maid would know yo name of yo maii/sho is to marry lot her on All Il'ulloft Even , steal out to a lime kiln and throw itclue of blue yarn , still holding to ye otiior end. Presently yo end in yo kijn. will be sharply pulled Then yo maid i must say 'who hold ? ' Whereupon yo'voico of her future hus band Will prbriouhco his name both yo Christian and'yukir ' name. ' " The only obstacle to the successful por/ormanco of this BpqllijhQ / , dilliculty of ttiuli an old limo kIp } ; , Water , nuts' and apples bear a promi nent part in the spells and charms of Hallow Evo. A quaint T > ld book o charms , published in Edinburg in 1690. entitled "Old Father Times JJundlo of Faggots Newly Bound Up. " declares that an infallible means of getting a view of year future husband and wife is to go to bed on Hallow Eve with a glass of water , in which a small sliver of wood has boon placed , standing on a table by your bedside. In the night you will dream of falling from a bridge into a river and of being rescued by your future wife or husband , whom you will see as distinctly as though viewed with waking oyes. This charm is thus alluded to by the Englit.li poet Gay : Last hnllnw cvo I longed my love to see , And tried a spell to call her up to mo. With wood uud w.Ucr standing by tny sldo I dreamed a dream and saw my own sweet bride. In a folk-lore book called "Yo Mys teries of yo Wytchccraft , " which is the oldest in my collection , there is given a charm "By which a maid may know if yo man she" loves bo true. " To perform this the maid is directed to pluck at midnight on all hallow eve , two monthly roses with long stems , naming one for herself and the other for her lover. She must then go directly to her sleeping room without speaking to anyone , and kneeling beside her bed , must twine the stems of the two roses together and then repeat the following lines , meanwhile - while gazing intently upon the rose named for her lever : Twine , twine and intertwine. Let my love bo wholly inino. If bis love bo kind and true , Dccpor grow his rose's hue. If her swain bo faithful , the rolor of the rose roprcsohting him will grow darker and moro intense. Of all the hallowevo spells and charms associated with nuts , one of the oldest is that which prevails - vails in some of England's northern counties , and which is to the affect that if a young man or woman will go at midnight on Hallow Eve to a walnut tree and walk 'around it three times , crying out each tune "Lot him ( or her ) that is to be my true love bring me some walnuts , " the future wife or husband will be neon in the tree gathering its fruit. The poet Gay thus refers , in his "Pastorals , " to this custom : "Last Hullo w Eve I sought a walnut tree In hojKis thut'l'inS' true love's face might see. i ' ' " Three times limited , three times I walked apace , is no Then in the .tree * , I saw my true love's face. " . J ( „ A very oldj > Hallow Eve divination , formerly much practiced by English rustics to tell frqm what quarter of the compass the future husband or wife will come , is performed by stealing out un observed nt midnight , plucking a small look of hair fronronn's head and casting it to the bredzcu Whatever direction it is blown toword pa believed to IMS the location of Urn future matrimonial part ner. This diminution IH also mentioned by Gay iu his "Pastorals" as follows : "I pluck this loch of hair from out my head , To tall whence comes the ono that I shall wed , Fly , sUlron hair , fly all the world around Until you roach tbo spot where my true love is found. " There can bo no question that many of the obtiorvnncoH of Hallow Eve are derived from those of the old Roman festival of Pomona , when divinations and the consulting of oracles and onions were universally practiced. ' An AbaolittciCtirr. The oiuGiNAt , ABIETINE OINTMENT it only put up Iu larpo two ouuco tla bozos , aud is an absolute euro for old sores , bums , wounds , chapped baud's ' , uud all akin erup tions. Will positively euro all kind * of plies. Ask for the ORIGINAL AJHETJNfi JOINT- MEN.T. Sold by Goodman Drug Co. , at 05 cuts per box by mull tl0 cents. . ' FURNITURE ON CREDIT , All Kinds of Chamber Suits , 1'arlor Salts , Side Boards , Wardrobes , Bureaus , Hall Trees , etc. ' CARPETS ON CREDIT Such as Body and Tapestry Brawls. Cotton and Wool Jnarain . , Hemp ami Hay Carpet , Oil Cloths , Window Shades , etc. STOVES Such t > s Coo/-9 and all kind * of 1'urlor and Bed Room . Heaters , Ratines and Stoves of all dc-crlp- tlons. BEDDING ON CREDIT Comfort * , Pillows , Blankets , IMCO Curtain * , etc. NOTE OUR TERMS i I $10 worth of goods for $1 down and $1 per week , LARGKER BILLS IN PROPORTION. [ Peoples' Mammoth Instalment House General Outfitters on the Instalment Plan , 8 * 613-615 N. 16th St. , bet. California and Webster. " B. ROSENTHAL & CO. , Propr , " Open evenings until 9 o'clock. Telephone No. 727. ( Ml * lit | * KEEP WARM. * RADIANT HOME STOVES , GARLAND STOVES , OAK STOVES. The LARG-EST STOCK OF HEATINGS- STOVES EVER SHOWN IN THE CITY. Oall and see our goods and get prices be fore you buy a stove of any kind. WE WILL save you money. MILTON ROGERS & SONS , 14th and Farnam Streets. PAID UP CAPITAL , $300,000. SURPLUS $40.000. AMERICAN LOAN AND TRUST COMPANY , S AVINGS BANK -nEPAHTHENT- " UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK BUILDING. . B | 0 Interest on deposits , compounded soml-nnnuallyt \ B ' Savings Cortlflontos with Interest coupons attached. DEBENTURE BONDS In Denominations of S2OO , S30O , 8BOO , and SIOOO , based upon First Mortgage Real Estnto Securities 6 deposited with , and bonds certified by the Union Trust Company of New York. Drafts drawn on the principal cities of Europo. A. C. POWELL , , CASHIER. DIRECTORS ; - i 0 , M , CARTER , Pres. D. D. COOLEY , V.-Pres. PHILIP POTTER , Sec. 1. J. BROWN. ALVIN SAUNDERS. C. S. MONTGOMERY. i. FRED ROGERS. IVoters , Attention ! Whatever are your politics , remember that the KIND OF GIG All you smoke , will ndd to the force of your argument. Box Trade Solicited. Private Lock Boxes. BARKER BLOCK , FAHNAM and 15th. W. G. ALBRIGHT , Real Estate , 2 1 8 S. 1 5th St. , Omaha. - BEST AND CHEAPEST - ALBRIGHT'S CHOICE ! SOUTH OMAHA. BUY NOW TERMS EASY ADPUTFfiTc-T" | STAUD , 1619 Xoward St. , Omaha , has drawn plans and ftnunllbUI specifications for a 9-room frame houso. which combines utIUty.comforteconomy ami benuty.ln a way impossible in anr Booil house that cost * from 11'KM to ll.uoo. As more than li)3 ) - ; _ will be built so. I can afford to oltur a copy for Orieinalnnd splendid " " " " W * For variety of said pliias g forra the set lorplanjof completed hulldtngiof I inn i mil iiiiini all descriptions. I liave in my onice , ranclnu Incest Z from W.OOO to 1400,000. My unusual experience w ill guaranty stxtlsfactlo n and reliable contractors ouly are engaged on my works. Parties wishing to build are cordially Invited. GERMANIA LIFE INSURANCE COMF ANY OP NEW YORK. _ _ Policies Incontestable and Non-forfeltable After Three Years. HUaoWESENDONCK. Prosldont. | CORNELIUS DOREMUS , Secretary Agenclea In all the larser cltlns of thu Unite-Stales and German'l'.lnplre ASSETS A.\l > SURPLUS OP 1'IIK COMPAXV. DECEMBER 31ST. 1862. Assets . $260.885 | Surplus . > < , 158 97 DECEMBER , . . 3IST. 1887. Assets . . . . $13.073.247 37 | Surplus. . . „ . $1,836.636 62 Amount of Insurance In force . T 4-5.OOOOOO Annual Income. . , $2.4OOOOO 'lheGermanlapp sc8goall0.1flotadmltoan ietJi for every 1100.00 of llabllltteMX better ratio than that of any ofthe other three largest UIo Insurance eotnpanle-J of the United : Htates.-j cs Rooms ; io nmi 007 , Fint LINEN SALE * . EVERYWHERE. UllANt'II OVFIGK. JOHN M. SHAW & CO COMMISSION , Grain , Provisions , Stocks and Bonds. Margin Transactions a Specialty. < JOHNFON'fc CHItl.HriAN , MaiiigeM. ' 15 ' IWAIW OF .TRADE , . - - ' OMAHA. 'Me'inTien * of tne f'lilca o lloinl of Ttn le. Pfl- vuta Wires tot'lilcab'autul New Vort. OMAHA MEDICAL. SURGICAL INSTITUTE , Li. . * " * i , i * TlijrjHiMi * * ' - N. W. Cor. 13th & Dodso Sts.j1 ton THK TIIKATMKNT OP AM. Appliances for Deformitiss and Troises. llc t fttctlltlci , npp rtu miil riMiioillns/nraurreit * fill treatment nt nverjr form ot dUeaso ri'qulrlutf MuUlcul or bttrulCMl Treatment. FIFTY ROOMS FOR PATIENTS. /i lo ! r > l nd Rttcmlnncf ; best lioipltul accommoda tions In the wpst unnii full Ciurt'i.Aimon I > erorniltle < iuiil Prnco , Tni'iu'.Club huct , Uuivnturu of Ihu Spine , I'llcs , Tumors , C'ancor. Ciiturrli , llrotKhlila. Inlialntlun , KH'clrlcUj , I'nralrMH , Kpllep y. Kidney. Illailder. ije ; , Kar , Skin unil lllooil.nnl ull ! < urKlcilO | > eratlona Diseases of Women a Specialty. IIOOK ON DllEAM'H OK WOMBff J'ltKK. ONLY RELIABLE MEDICAL IHSTITUTB A spin\rTV : or PRIVATE DISEASES. All lllool I > l ca es snocc rnllr trcHtc'd. BrpUIUtlo 1'ulson roiunviil troiu thn y tcm without mercury. Ni'W runtorHtlvn triMitmunt for l < m uf Vltul Pojfor. IVrtoiu unable to vlult u > mny ha treated l lioinobr All commnnk'iitlorn contlrt atlnl. MrilUlncsor iiirtrnmvnU sent hy mull or ekpress. fiouiroly packiiJ , no murks to Indicate conUutt ot stMidfr. Onu personal Intorrluw pruforrt'U. &U1 and consult us or > t nd lilntory oC your case , anil wo * will > end In plain wrapper , our 1 BOOK TO MEN. FREEs , .t Upon 1'rlratp , Mpeclal or Ncrvmu Uliaawi , Irapo- tcncy , Hrplillia , Qluelnnd VarKoculu , irltli qaestloa list. Aildn > 3 * t ' Onidha McdUal anil Suniicul Institute , or I > K. RIcMENAKIV , t > Cor. 13th and Dodge Stx. , - OMAHA. NED. BASK OFOMAHA ; _ Capital , - - - $100,000 < 1O1 South Thlrtcontli Street. General Banking annayin S Bnsiness , _ Cii.vur.KS HuKASTEi ) , I'rosldout U. I * . NHKDHAH , Vtcti I'rosldent. l'it\NK \VARSKIIMAN , Cashier. Tor the lonpflt of Depositors the Savings lie- partiuoiit will b open on Saturday night * from to8tr < loK. C I'or Cent ou Sa > lnp } antl Tlino DepoiUls. LOMBARD INVESTMENT CO , Boston. Mass. , ' Kanann Cltij , Capital & Su plus , $1 $ Tlil companj'lia opened anOmnhaolBoatinil Is prepared to furnlHli money juomptly .ouliu- provcil city and .farm property. . , No application * helit unay for approval. Ixjans closed and paid for without delay. ) .IU11N W. dl.SII. .Muimuar. > , 800 South nth Street 1'list National JUnk. FARM AUD OMAHA CITY LOANS' The Kansas Citf Investment'4 30 C'linmUur of COIIIIIUM-CC , OMAHA , NEH. No lopnys. All Imsluesii donn at thUofllca. HAIR GOODS ! 1IH3. EATE U. CLAHFITT , N inth Hreot , Omalia. Ilnlr awl bk'achlng : also manlcurliii ; . CITY LOANS ! . W. B. MEIKLE/ . noon ) 506 , First Nat'lBanlc Building