Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 28, 1888, Part II, Page 10, Image 10

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    r .u - \ -
, . . . ,
Advertisements under this head li ) cents per
line for the llr t insertion , 7 cents for each nub-
> nequcnt tnncrtlou , mid JUKI a line per month
No advertisement taken for lc i Umn2.-icents
* the llrf > t Insertion. Hu % en words will be counted
to the line : they must ntn consecutively nnd
mtlst be paid In ADVANCE. AH advertise
ments inlint IMS handed lu before 12 : > i o'clock n.
jn , Will under no circumstances will they betaken
taken or discontinued by telephone.
Parties udvertliilng In tin-so column ; nntl hav-
, IncthMr answers wldresscd In cnro of IIIKIICR
will please ask for a check to etiabtn thorn to get
i their letters , ns none will be delivered except ou
1 present ution of check. All answers to ndver-
' tlsements should bo enclosed In envelopes.
All ndvcrtiscmcntq In these columns are pub
lished lu both morning and cv enlng editions of
Tun llRt.thu drtulntlon of whlrh aggregates
more thin IH.O ) papers dally , und gives the nd-
, vertlscrstnebpnatlt. not only of the cltV'Irrii-
' UtlonofTiiK lihi : , but also of Council HlulTs.
' Lincoln and other cities and towns throughout
this noctlon of the country.
' Advertising for these columns will be taken
on the above conditions at the following busi
ness houses , who are ntithorlred agents for THE
4 Hrr special notices , and will ciuoto the snmo
rotes as c.m be hail nt the muln olllco
" " "
"TolfN W. 1JKLL , 7'harmacist , 8JJ South Tenth
0 Btrtot.
/1IIASK& . KDDV , Stationers nnd Printers , 113
' Bouth IGth Street.
Q jl. FARNSWOHTH , Pliarmnclst.i'lUlCum-
Ing Street.
17 .1. HUGHES , Pharmacist , CJI North ICth
> Street
KO , W. PAHll. Pharmacist , 180981. Mory'a
- situation , can furnish horse
WANTED-A for soliciting and collecting
work ; good reference furnished. Address a w
Ileo olllcc- . 514 2S
ANTP.D A job to take care of horses. Ad
W dress 0 57 , Ileo olllco. 475 2t
A YOUNG widow with a boy 2 } ears old de
sires situation where they can have a
good home. \ \ ages no object. Address 0 58 ,
Bee ofllce. 45W-27 *
w anted by a young lad y ns dressmaker
SITUATION go out and Hew by the day. 231S
Ixiavonvvorth st. , up stairs. 4U I *
- for 20 girls of all nn-
WANTKD-Slttmtlons families. My olllie is
lllled with good glrU bec-klug employment ;
liavosome good Swedcswho can speak Eng
lish ; also 2 German girls. Mrs. llrcga , JHi-J S.
IBthl 41527 ? ft
\IMNTEI ) Situation by a good , reliable en-
glniar with ulovvn jcara cxpetlinco und
competent to run steam heater- ) . Address u
62. Ileo Olllce. 4.M 2a *
"tXTANPBD A position ns cook or to do gen-
> eralhousovvork. Cull at 1S04cbstorst. .
U9I 27t
WANTKD Ten persons Holiday morning at
the Omaha CommeiaUl college , corner
15th and Dodge to write names attl.OOperthou-
Hand. Report between 7 aud 8 o'clock.
Kxpoilonced solicitors. Good
WANTKD permanent position. Address " ( J.
01. " Dee ollice. 54731 *
"ITMItb'I c lass coat makers vvantud ut the Contl-
JD nenlalC'lothlnghOusc. T > 24 g > _
WAM KD Two good canvassers , salary and
commission. Call between 10 and 12 u. in.
Room 7. 322 N lilth st , 5.14 28 *
WANTED First class plumber , highest
wages paid. Apply Urnhum Park , 21)10 )
Leavcuwurth nt. 612 30 *
\A7"ANTKI-Head cook. ! 75 : pastry cook , J7) ) ;
T ? faiupald. Mrs. Urega.314 j 815th. r > Ilgt ) )
PRINTER Wanted Apply In peison at once
to the Pilot. Ulalr , Nob. 520 28
TTirANI'KD Kxperlencod advertising solicitor
TT foi city. Western btockmiin nud Cultiva
tor , BO cor. Ilth and Howard .Id lloor. 500 28
"XArAfs Till- Hey tofied urc-ssswoman to clean
T T store. Chasa tc Eddy , 1U b 10th street.
J 510 87 *
_ _
ANTED A pants and vest maker and a
coat maker. J. Larsen , Mlndeu , Nob.
f < r 4'J4 ' 2f > *
( ! ( ) > -r > tmaker at onto , steady work the
year rouua" nd prices ; good. 3ohn Olson ,
Yor" , Neb. . - ' ' 49528 *
TX7 ANTED An experienced Swedish clerk in
TT a general storo. Addicss 1'ost & Head-
Strom , Stromburi' , Nob. 478 31 *
ANTED One hundred bo > s to distribute
thn Omaha Dispatch. ( Jill at No. 523
South Sixteenth street , Oct. 27 , uftc-r 2 p. m.
ANTEO-Two men to solicit ; JIOOtoTOO
made pur month ; all depends upon abil
ity. Exclusive territory given. Call t-aturch.y
morning from' ) to 11 , room 61 , Moichnnts hotel ,
City , 01 write 213 blxth s > t. , DCS Molnes , Iowa.
460-27 *
WANTKD Knergc-tlc men nnd women every-
w hero for u geutoel money-making bnsl-
nefls. frjOweokly prollt guaranteed easier than
NU monthly otherwise. Experience absolutely
unnecessary. Permanent position and exclu
sive territory assuied. lion samples free.
Write for I particulars. Address , with stamp ,
Merrill Mfg Co. , JIM Chicago. 4 J7 n2r.T
W "ANTED Voung man to do janltoi woi k at
Valentino's Shorthand Instltute.for tuition
41327 *
\7AN'lKD-10No. 1 bricklayers. Apply ut
TT building , 'Ihoa.
JS Yatea. 458-28 *
WANTKD An expert Hour salesman for the
road ; none other need apply. Omaha
i- . Milling and Elevator Co. \ 128 \ *
. "tATANTKD A good canyasser Immediately.
(5 ( .TT None but experlc-nced persons with refer
ences need apply. Enquire at lUlb'i ' Mason Bt.
' "IflTANTKD A pianist nt once. Apply to O.
TT Hal court. Cozzens Hotel. 415-28J
* "tXTANi'KD An Intelligent nnd lively young
T T man w lip lt > w ell acquainted lu country and
town , either German or American in n first
class pa ) Ing business , only small capital ro-
r quired. Address G 41 Ileo. 3il)2St )
WANTKD Moue cutteia to go to Heatrlc-o ,
Nob. Chi btlo .V Lowe , room 422 , Urst Nat.
j n _ . iiidir. ; i5ii2st
WANTKD-Flvo lounge makois. Pay 3) to I
60 cents for single , 40 to HI cents bed lounge .
' ' E. M. Hulso Muttiess Co. , 1,111 Nicholas i htrect.
313 23 *
A GKNTS wanted to handle our now line of
XV. goods. Room 4K , Pivxton block. 2i > , ) l
fi'l > TANTKU ShovHlers ; wages J1.7" > per day ;
TT board SI.OO par week. Apply on work at
Rnlo , Nob. Xach Shrop , contractor. 2tn
ANTED- Railroad laborers for Washing-
ton'lorittory ; an all winter's job in n mild
climate ; wnge guaranteed from iito250 per
day. or I1 > to tlO per mouth and board. At
Albright's Labor Agency , 1120 Farnam st. C > &
ANTED A man to solicit ; salaiy HOO per
month ; must deposit H aud give necurlty
for money collerted. Address George S. Cllne ,
Wagner block , IH-i Molnes , la. WO
ACKNISANTKDI75 a month and ex
penses paid any active parson to soil our
goods ; no capital , salary monthly , expenses in
advances partlculu-.s free. Standard Silverware
lloston. 479
B ; OYb-Am. Dist. Tel. Co. , 1JC4 Douglas.
WANTKD Man to take the agency of our
safes ; size2fxll < x 18 Inches ; weight 500 Ibs ;
retail price $ .Ut other sizes in proportion A
laroiJmnco nud permanent business. Tlies *
afes nret n demand never befoie supplied by
other safe companies , as wo are not governed
by the safe pool. Alpine Safe Co. Cluchmatl. O.
fSTANTED Good life Insurance solicitors
TT with bank referencesare wanted by the
Union Life nt 401 Merchants' national bank
building. Omaha , Olllce hours S to 10 a. m. and
to 6 p. in. 845
\\rAr TKl ) Cook. private fft' ' Hy. J.OO ; i
TT Kooij ( Jeiiaan jjfrl for houseworfcj
4.00 [ lumen for city work : fOglrla for genera !
boumvvoilc. Nebraska Emplojment Otlico. 31i
Ml ; th strttt. B.X ) 2i >
_ _
"tXrANTED Nlco young ladr for onice work ;
TT must be willing to sweep nnd du t ; Kite
W. Competent woman to take entire charge of !
children : experienced second girl for olltcer'i
family , 115 ; n cooks for countiy UoteU. tMti
CU ; d llrst-rlaas dining room glrla out of city ;
good girls for prlv ate famtles can always find
work at uiiy.tluio In niy olllco. Mrs. llrega.314H
B15th. 54029 *
WANTED Atonco , lady typewriter.
delskohn , Fisher & Lavvrie , COO I'axtoi
block , Omaha. CPU 23
t * ' \\TANTKD Ulrl fortr neral house workai
\ IT HUNKjUit. None but drat-cluja neoc
apply. K28t
_ _
. \\7ANTKD--Ijidy agent * for comolnatloi
ft bustleVlrt , "Daisy" hose supporter
rubber niirou1 , bibf , sleeves , shoulder braces
j > fety Ix- Its , waterproof garments , etc ; rellabli
lioiibc. Only giKxli of real merit ; profit * large
Add rcs with istunrn , R. a. Caninlicll &Uo. . 4X
Vf. llauilnlph at. , Chlcaso.- ' 866 nor IUJ
) A girl for general housework , 623
T i N 20th st. corner California. 404
\\rANNlKIl-fllIrstclnn dining-room glrN ,
TT tin ; middle-aged woman for thn country ,
( no washing ) , II ! competent 2nd girl for officer a
family , * lfi ; mire gill , JJ : S cooks , J.W. Mrs.
llrega.314'S ' 15th. 445 27 *
\WAN1 ED Hy widower , . flrst-cliiss working
TT tiousc-kooper ; In answering glvo full par-
tlrulniD. Address 0 6.1 , Ileo. 4J 2a *
GOOD cook wanted at once ; female ; must
be a tlrst-claiM cook anil can lurnNli city ref
erences ; good wngc-s paid. Address G 48 , this
ofllce 420 sn
"IXrANlKD A gltl for ftenornl housework
TT German preferred. Liberal w ages paid.
Apply at KM5 Douglas sU 4H 23t
"VATANTKI ) A clrl for general housework In
TT miiall family. 2Vi ) Sownrd st. 64123 *
\v T ANTED First-class girl , Gcriimu pre
ferred Good wages.Apply 1112 fcouth loth.
"WANTED II llrst class waitresses for hotel ,
TT south pnrtof slHti1 JIHn month , steady
work , faro paid. White's olllce , 111) ) n Ibtli at.
W. Alt
WANTIJU Competent girl to work for lioird
and attend school. Cull at 24-I ! Chicago
street. K'lSat
\\7ANflii-Cook : , Manning , la. ; gTrf"for
" Osceola ; cook , ! J walterj , diambelinuld ,
kitchen girl for Nellgh. Tares alt paid. Cook
"or boarders , no wasnlng , J4 TOOK for hotel
nd lots new places for girls nt general work.
[ ' member Urn old reliable oltlco , Omaha Ihnp.
llircau , 119 N. loth st. 512T& > *
\VANTKI ) - Krfporloncetl solicitors. Good
salary , pcrnmntnt position. Address" ) ; .
I. " Ileo olllce. 5I7U H
W ANTED Solo soprano nnd alto , fair
readers , for St. Peter's Homan Catholic
: holr. Instruction given for' act \lces. Apply
in Monday after 12 m ut Til I Douglas st , room
1 , to Mrs. K Massy llo\\nnl < KS
W ANTGD-Wulst and skht llnlshers. 1510
Howard. M A. Wallace ail US
W ANTED A Drst class girl for geneia
housework. HJlSOthnt. IUH
VlTTANTED-Alady to solicit ; must deposit 21
T T nnd give security for money collected.
Address George S. Cllne , Wagner block , lea
iloiues , la. 5J5
VTEI1IIASKA Kmployineut olllce , ai7 N Ifith st.
IN 497 2 *
riANADIAN Kmplo ) moiit Olllce. Mrs. Ilregn ,
W314'5S. IJth. llefereuce Omaha National bank
2KI n 22 *
VA LKNTINE'S Short hand nnd tjpe-w riling
ItLstllute. now Pnxton building , Omaha ,
Neb. Tlie only exclusive , snort hand
school Inthovvc'st. 'Ihedcmnnu for snort-hanu
ivrlters is l.irgely in excess of the supply.
Short-hand is much superior to book-Keeping
jind telegraphy as a moans of livelihood. \ \ o
give Instructions on Homington and Hammond
ype-wnt rs , both for the same price.
Day nnd evening sessions. Students can
unter at any time. Send for circulars. 7W nil.
SUPKItlOU advantages nowglvpulu these
branding at Omaha Commercial Colloge.opn.
' . O , cor litll nnd Dodge , lieu 1'Itman BJ.stein.
lomlugton type writers. Eveiy giaduuto In
good position. Students complete manual In
now eokb , and vv rite M ) w orda in three months.
Practical olllce drill given ouch student ono
month free. Hccltatlons dally ono hour. Dic
tation three hours dally. Day nud evening ses
sions. Students enter any time. For circulars
write Itorhbough llros , Omaha. "ISnUl
VV AN'l Kli 'f oung ladles nnd gentlemen to
TT take Instruction In shorthand. 1'lrst ten
essons free. For particulars , address II. W.
( .owe , P. O , Uox 527 , Omaha. 518 27 *
\\7ANTBD-Aladyioom mate ; cull at 1010
TT Hurt ; lofeioncos uxchnnged. 52123 *
" \A7ANTED The address of every single young
T man In the United Status. Oents. write to
.is at once ; address The American I'oirespond-
ng bmeau , box 100 , Clarksburg , W. Va.R3J28
R3J-28 *
wanted bya joung lady. G 55 Hco.
WANTED A respectable young man as
room-mate. Inquire from U to 1 o'clock.
Max Gelslcr , N.b25 a ISth st. 489 28
t7ANTED By btudcnt , place to board and
TT ) odgo. Apply uiOmahaJlusinesatollege ,
0th and Capital ave. 44727
OAllD nnd comfortable''room' in private
'family ' wanted by two gentlemen at roimon-
able prices. Address stating terms , U 54 , Bee of-
nice. 448 27 *
WANTED A good family to adopt a pretty
Klrl four years old. Addre&s Mrs. Moore ,
matron lilshop Clarkson hospital , 1716
Dodge St. , Omaha , Neb. 454 28 *
EXPKKT AUCOUN IANT Wanted to adjust
complicated books ; partneishlp accounts
and complicated accounting of all kinds ; coun
try correspondence solicited. Address F11 lice.
\X7ANTED-A desirable family to take
TT charge of dormitory for joung ladles at
Hellm ne colic-go. Apply with rcfoionco to Ilev ,
P. b. Illajncy , lleilevue. Neb. 707
TANTKD The public to make good use of
. r The Dee's message boxes throughout the
city. 100
WANTKD If you have any lands , lots , or
bouses nnd lots to sell or exchange for
other property , cal' ' on me or write. I can find
you n customer. C. C. Spotswood 303'J S. lotii.
ANEW House , newly furnlsned rooms with
table bonid , hot and cold baths : terms
reasonable. 1123 N 17th st. 529 28' '
W ANTED Thirty day boarders , also three
loomcrs ut 2221 Dodge st. 271 nJO *
W ANTED lable boarders at 1009 Douglas.
WANTED-Ily man and wife two pleasant
furnished 01 unfurnished rooms with heat
and use of bath , for light honnekecplng. Ad
dress "G OH , " llee olllce. 5-'b28 *
"VXTANTED Two or thtco rooms on car or
TT cable line for lady , goutlumim nnd two
chlldieu. In a Htru tlj private family. Address ,
stating tull particulars , P. O. Hex 027 , Omaha.
5)7 ) 2b *
WANTED To rent a room In Shlnn's addi
tion with hard-coal tire ; references glven.
O47. llee olllce. 420 M *
WANTKD lly November 0. tlueo or four
unfurnished rooms , ctntinlly located ; suit
able for light housekeeping. Address with
price. G 50. llc-o ofllco. 41C-28
T71OR RENT Nicely furnished 5 loom house.
JL1 luqulro Nethortou Hull , room 4J3 , First Nat.
bank. 509 27
FOR RRNT 5-room cottage. Davenport st.
81Hper mo. Inquire Netheiton Hall , room
423 , First Nat. bank. 509 27
umii HUNT iit-rooni iiouse , new , every con-
I ? venlence. IVper ) month. Inquire Nctherton
Hall , room 423,1 irst Nut. bauk. COJ 27
Tjibll RENT Houses , Houses , Houses , in
A all parts of the city. Mumaugh A , Kitchen ,
southwest cor. 15th nnd Hovvaul. 601
FOH RENT A handsomely furnixhod modern
house , u rooms , all com enlence i , near cabl o
line , n bargain ; must have references. Inquire
Netherton Hall , room 4 l , First Nut. bank.
T710R HENT-Corner 23d nnd Chicago St. . 0-
JL1 room house , two-stories , all modern Im
provements , stationary wash .stands up and
down stairs , all hard wood llnisn. reasonable
rent. Inquire 1119 Farnam at , 48828
T7UR RENT Largff 9-room house with- all
X' modern conveniences , cor , 24th and Capitol
ave.0rooin house cor. 28tb and Jones sts.
4 room cottage. N. 21st near.Clark st. . $12.
2 good 4-room cottages , lith aud Vlnton tia , ,
cheap to gtf ady tenant ! } .
r.-room cottage , 22d nnd Pierce sts. , tl' > .
6-room house , 2210 Plercn st. , JU per month.
Apyly to Green He Williams , First National
Dank Italtdlng. 4'J128 '
T71OR RKNT-4-room house , east front , for
A1 family without children , B23 3. ICth st.
48028 *
| jOIt ( RENT-3 nlc B room house , 1133 N. 17th
r st. Inquire 210 S. Uth 8t. 41228
TTIOH HKNT-3 room house , 2001 Lake St. , 115 ,
JLJ Helby , J521 Farnam. 484
" 171OH RENT Two 3-room houses , 17.50 earn ,
JD 2Sth aud Walnut st. Inq8288 lathst. 4f028
FOR RENT-7-room house , 1523 Jackson.
38U28 *
TJ1O11 RKNT-3 story brick residence , 1010 Cap-
A1 Itol aw. , 10 rooms. Apply to C. II. Gulou.
TIOR RENT 7-room thouse , bath , range and
D fuiuuce , W5
U-room bouse , new . . . . * 3J
ID-room house , 2 blocks from P. O. OS
10-room house , 2 blocks from I' . O. 75
4 ropm hou e , new. . . , , . , 13
T'rooni house , new , paved street. , 30
8-roora IIOUHI , new , paved streot. . 25
fi niom house , new , payed street. . 18
J. U. Krans , 1610 Dodge. 46 $ 2d
$ JOri > 9ni ntmjo , bath room , hot aud cola
water , gv. sewer , pnv od wet , nevr. C. F ,
HauUou,41ttB. 10th st , ' tSO
HENT-fl-room holism , city water , No. 1119
Foil . Inquire at 1009 Howard. 614
O1TA (1 ( K , f urnlshed nlcelv. for rent ; r. rooms ,
close to business , price J.M ! reference's re-
quired. C. 1' . Shaw , iaffl Howard st. 3.M 2T *
ITiOR HK.ST-firoom brick , hoiHe. cellar , city
JL1 vvater nnd closets , also rooms to tetit. lu-
quire niiOS. Uth. _ 2fll 28 *
RKNT A nlcoH-room house with good
FOH , cistern. Imn. 824 bouth 2tth st. Inquire -
quire SI7 South 2gth st _ 4CJ 2 *
room Hat for rent nnd furniture for sale.
An Enquire at C. F. Shaw , 1015 Howard st.
U Vnl
RENT Small new house on nlloy bet.
FOR and Cass. bet , 13th and 14th. In
quire Miovv Cafe Factory , 1317 Cass St. ; small
family only. _ UdJat
FOR HKNT Good 5-room cottage , 28th and
Dodgp streets. Rent $13. Juqulro of Hlns-
walt Uros. . llarkcr block. 431 29 *
l IV K-HOOM house , pantry , closet , coal
JL1 and cellar. Innulri ) fa ) 3. fed st. 312 28'
T7IORRKNT-A good fl room house , 1014 K.25th
JL1 Bt. , near Mason st. 403 23j
r ? ROOM brick house. 2111 Hamilton st. All
I modern Improvements , HO.
8 room frameNo. . 2019 Hamilton ft. , $
Letvltt Hurnham. No. 1 Crelghton block. 4U1
171OH HP.NT-Doslrablo cottage of 6 rooms
JL1 near street cat a , 2521 Charles st. Inquire IG19
Capitol live. MHI *
TTIOH HKNTI'll ) Davenport street , first lloor ,
JL ? Una furnished room , M gents , Jlr > n month ,
5 i 28
FOR IlKNT South fiont nlcovo loom , nicely
fiirnlehed , modern conveniences , suitnblo
for man nnd wife or two gentlemen ; boaitl It
desired. Pilvntcfamily. . Address r. O.31B. .ll-'Ji ;
171OR HKNT Furnished room , 2100 r
FOR HKNT Cheap , 5 now 4 room houses ,
cistern , well , closets , eonl housts. all com
plete for the small sum of $10 per month , J. II.
rnrrolte'tt rental agency , 1COD lulcngo ut. 39 | 7
FOR RENT 12 room house nnd laige barn ,
27th Ave. , beautiful view. House fust pa
pered and painted Inside and outside. Will rent
cheap to reliable tenant.
Also 10 room lioune and barn on Lenvenworth
near KM. Perfect order , bath room , cellar , etc.
Two 6 room houses on 1'arnham nnd 31th
streets cheap. Hugh G. Clark , Room 7 , Hoard
ot Trade. 300 2j.
FOR RENT Two store rooms , vhlch are con
verted into living looms. Orootnu each , at 81,1
per month. N. E. cor. 19th nnd Mason , Inquire
214 ti J2th St. 211
fjlOK HKNT For8 months , modern house of
JL1 8looms , completely fiuulshc-d , barn with
room for two horses , rent 70 ; possession given
Sept. 2 : > th. 2204 N. 2lth , 1 block north of Lake.
Apply 319 8,10th st. 9tw
F IOH HUNT Stive room houses. South 34th.
Htdoor west of shot tower.
FOIl IlKNT A furnished cottage with ttso of
ptano to party w ho will board gentleman
nnd wife. Apply 1124 N. 2oth st. 181 2b >
FOIl KENT 2 good houses of 5 and 7 rooms
with barn. Modern Improvements. II. 0.
Patterson. .118 S 15th st , 2ttt
FITKNISIIKD Houso-Wlshlng to leave the
cltv for the winter , 1 olfor for rent my house
furnished , from Nov. 1 to May 1. ten rooms , no
better location in city , all modern improve
ments. Apply on promises , 2119 Dodge st.
George C. Hobble. Telephone 8s. 187
" 171 LEG ANT 13 room housQ on Tarnain st. for
JCU rent with 01 without furniture. Orover
Stevens , 15J1 Farnam st. 10J
FOIl RENT J-room notiso on S. 10th st. , two
blocks south of Vlntonst. ; will rent for 811) )
per month or sell on terms to suit purchaser ,
leo. J. faternsdorlT room 0 , opposite 1" . O. 710
FOR HENT When you wish to rent a house ,
store or olllco call on us. II. E. Cole , loom
C. Continimtal block. S-8
T7IOH HENT House with nine rooms. 113 R.
-K 24th st. Mount A , firlllln. 211 S. Htlist. 713
EOll HKNT A boarding house with twenty
rooms In good location , with all modern 1m-
piovcinents. all new. Inquire of Elllngc-r llros. ,
yi , ' S loth st. I1M n2f
T7IOH HENT House of 9 rooms , good well
JL ? and cistern , 111J S. nth st. Apply at HOi ,
room 6 , S. 11th si. , rent ? , iU a mouth. L. Dtiggan.
FOIl HKNT 7 room house with largo barn.
$ IC per month for the winter. C. F. Harri
son. 418 no. 15th St. J 9'il
FOll HKNT A now 8-roon house , city water
and stable , cor. Karhnm tand r" IXiA sts. Apply
Itoom 430 , Pnxton block.r" Ml )
FOB HENT To responsible party , 9-room
brick houne , 118 South 25th st , 150 feet from
cable line. Furnace and nil modem conveni
ences. Kent itxi per month. Apply to J. W.
Grillith , U. P. headquarteis. 780
FAItNAM et , nearSM st , 11-room house for
rent. GroverStevous 1A21 Farnam st. 771- '
Foil BENT 8 and 11 room house , JV > and W5 ,
w 1th bath rooms , cistern water , all modern
Impiovuiueuts , 20th st. near California. Dr.
Jones. 283 28 +
Foil IlKNT T-room Hat , city water , bath and
modern conveniences. II unfurnished and I !
furnished rooms for light housekeeulng. All
over 1003 Howard st. C. F. Shaw , 181i Hovvaul.
Foil HKNT10rooui house w ith hteam heat.
at2Ut S. 24th st. O.K. 'Ihoinpson , Shc-oly
block , llth and Howaul sts. 2
rpKN-HOOM boarding house on Dodge st ; rent
J-iHiO ; f\trnlture for sale. 2 good 7-roomed
Huts on IBth st ; rents Jl > nnd $50 , furnlturo for
sale : and other houses and Hats in desirable lo
cations. Co-opc-ratlv e Lund aud Lot Co. . 205 N.
IGth St. 503 29
ITtOll KENT B-room cottage on horse car llnev
Jus a month. Apply M. Llgutter 1001 , Kar-
namst. 418
" 17IOH HENT House 7 looms , 23d st near Cass ,
JL ; House 8 rooms , 2221 Casa at. Inquire lloom
31 , Darker block. 315
Vn'EUAL houses for rent. S. T. Peterson , a.
e. cor. 15th aud Douplas. KW
FOIl RENT By Ilosworth & Jopllu , Darker
block , 3 , 4 , 5. , 7 , 8 , , It ) , 11 , 14-room houses
in all parts of the city. 590
FOll KENT New K-room house on ( Turning
at , nar Ix > we ave. Terms reasonable. Ap
ply quick , hpotswood. 3U3J4 S ICth. 824
1OH HKNT-House 519 N. 18th street. Apply
at St. A. U. lialcombe , ! I 2 California st.
FOH KENT At\ery low rates. 10 and 14 new
residences. 2404 and 2114. Cass streot. Clarke
I'laco. Onn block south of Crelghton college , on
Farnnm and 24tn street car Hue. All modern
Improvements. Apply. II. T. Clark Union Trust
Co. . or nt 24J ) Cass street. 8tl
FOH HENT-One 7-room cottage. 2423 frank
lin at. ; Inquire at C05 Paxtou block. P. J.
Crecdou. 314
FOll IlKNT fl-roora house , 2113 , 7-room house
2I.S ) Poppleton ave. Geo. I. Gilbert , Wltu-
nell b'l'g. 210
FUltNISUKD room , light and heat , suitable
for 2 or 4 goutlomen. 130J Douglas 3rd floor
TTiUHNISHKD room , 11J S 20th , nonr Dodge.
-C 510 na *
tlHNISHKn front room for lent with bo.ird !
Apply 1015 Chicago st. Mb 3It
foil RKNT Fninlahed rooms with flrst class
1 board. 2013 Douglas at. 612 2 * t
TTIOR RKNT Fnrnlahed rooms ; also , looms
JU for housekeeping. Inquire. 1718 Cass.
T . BU 1 *
/ ViNK nicely furnished room with all modern
v/couvcnltnces , 004 Hurt Bt. Rent $12. with
heat. „ 507 2-1 *
mWO furnished , also suite * of unfurnlsnea !
JL rooms suitable for light housekpeplng.south-i
east front. Northwest cor. Uth and Howard sts.
ISH 30 *
NICELY and newly furnished south room ,
steam heat , hot and cold water bath , also
llrst-clnsa table board. 1721 Davenport. 515 297
TnuilNISMKI ) room , large , pleasant , nicely
X' furnished south front roonr. 7 blocks from
P. O. , on cable Hue , most desirable part of city
with or without board , 2U10 Davenport st.
437 to *
FOR RKNT Fnrulshod front room with
closet , nultabla tor 2 gentlemen. 3 debra
from Leav enw orth st. car Hue , 10 S. 17th st.
483 87t
ROOM w ith board for 2 gentlemen , 1723. Dar-
unportst. 4B22T
FOR RENT Furnished room. &outh front ,
M K cor 21st and Davenport st. 480
LARUK furnUhed front room , all conveni
ences , suitable for two or tnree gentleman ,
Address Jtti N 15tn at. 4li.i OU
TTMR HENT Two furnished rooms , bed-room
JU and sitting-room , tf.7 a. 22d bt. , one block
south ot Leavenworth , 401 29t
T710H RENT-Nlcely furnUho < l front and back
X' parlor ; both hot and rold water , gas , for
gentlemen ; 1323 Capitol a > e , top Hat , east end ,
TTKIt RK.NT Furnished room auitable tor 3
JU gentlemen. Apply 602 S. 2jth at. , cor. bt.
Mary's ami frith , brick residency. 451 28
OOXI3 and board , 181J Chicago st. S04o2 > jf
* t *
\\rANTKD-To 1B20 Wilt s , . to par-
V > ties w 1th reference' , furnished pleasantly
located rooms vvHh 'board ) also milte unfur
nished parlors. All modern conveniences , ac
cessible to business coiner by bus nud enrllut * .
OOMS-Hrst clasiTiome board. 1718 Dodfie.
Mof 415 nl
171011 HKNT-Comttfrtnble rooms for the win-
JU1 tor. with or without board. 1709 Dodge st.
. .V ftirnlidiecl i vmrm rooms 2 blocks
i from P. O.ofcuyrwlmlow parlors , single
rooms , all cpurciilejjccs , private house. 1UU
Capitol avo. > ; 4 42:1 : lilt
IjiritNISHKI ) roomi , with or without board ,
JL1 1010 , 1020 Dav BUbor . Inqitlre.llllO Davpnport.
ill & ts > N : l *
T7UJRNISHKD ; modern convun-
JD loncos. Ii233,17tli. fililoO *
\TKA1LV furnished front room , BUltabla for
Jtwo ladles or gc-ntlc-men : ono door from
stiectcnr lino. 2018 Jackson st. , near Twenty-
eighth st 623 2a
T7VURNISHKD south front room , alcove , bay
JL ; window ; modern conveniences , private
family , neai cars aud cable ; suitable for two ,
tM , Including heat and light ; board If desired.
2Vi2 Davcuport. 6U 23 *
OMIOH'IAIILK f mulshed looms to i i-spec-
tuhltt parties fioiu $1 to Jl per week. 1121
Douglas st 470 S3
IOR HKNT Nice largo furnished room with
nlcovo.sultablo for"gentlemeu1IS23riirniuu.
ITHMtNlSIIKD rooms , 1418 Dodge st.
X' MM nl
17IOII KUNT-Comfortablo rooms for the win
JU tor , w ith or without board KOJ Dodge st
VH 31J
T710H HUNT Two looms nicely furnished ,
JL with all modern conv eiilences. ( S50 S , 17th ft.
400 glj
T71011 IlKNT 2nkoly furnlshcsl rooms heated
JU with steam , with or without board. 171'J '
Day enport. 431 git *
TTIOIl IlKNT Furnished teem oIT parlor.sulta-
JLj ble for two ladles or man and wife ; can ha\
use of parlor. 421N 14th. 410 2S *
TG1OH KENT A nicely furnished rojm with
X' use of bathroom [ convenient locatlon.prlvate
family : to u gentleman ot qtlet habits ; refer
ences required. 613 South SOth st. near St. Mary's
av e. , ' 112
TWO furnished rooms with alcove ; all mod
ern improv omcuts. Suitable for 4 gents.
2003 Cass st MR" > r *
ROOMS with htovos Jl per week orJUiOpor
month. 502 4-0 8 18th bt. 4 " '
neil 1 RENT Furnished rooms , boaid If do
sired. 2021 Howard St. 3 2 27 $
FUHNISIini ) room with board , gas , bath and
heat In house. 21JI Seward st. 3J9 21 *
FUHN1SHKD loom. A. Hospo , 151J Douglas.
ELEGANT front rooms , cheap. 023 S. l" > th ,
7K1-N , n *
FOH IlKNT Alaigo fiont room , nicely fur
nished , modern conveniences , suitable for 2
gentlemen. 1018 Webster. 72H
IJIOH HKNT Furnlshod or unfurulahrd room
I for two gentlemen , or man aud wife , 2025
Howard st. 544 _
" \T'CEljV ' furnished front room , suitable for
J.1 one or two gentlemen. SI 1 Hurt st. IVU
A HO K pleasant room , furnished , brick tlat.
J HlOChlcagost 4C5
FOR RKNT A large front loom , newly fur
nished , south front , cheap , corner 17th nnd
lumlngi. ats , northeast corner. JJ3
moil RENT Nfc-otv furnished rooms , single
L ; orensulte , lallfOunilugs at. 157
I71OK RENT FUrntsb'ed rooms in Greunlg blk
X1 cor. 13th and Dbdgu t8. Inquire of Oeo. R. .
Davis. Mlllard hotel billiard room. 830
OOMS including board In the Voting Wo-
i ineu's home. I'JlO Dodge at. References re-
red. > ' > r i > 40
TPOR RENT Avnaiiu pme room with alcove at
J 2oJJSt. Mnry'sftve. ' 2U
" 171OR HKNT Klegantly furnished rooms with
X1 board. Inquiry lilfIouglAS. ( | 3S4
fWU HKNT-Tbmiall family , bouse 3 rooms ,
hard and boft water , 410 , cor. 15th an Pacific.
< to | , " ) i 40S 29 *
TTIOIURKNT 2 uufuinlbhcd rooms. 17 per
-C month , BIO N SJtUSt " 48127 *
rTNKURNISllKD-2iullabl6for'nousokeepiui : .
LJ'IUru6.lrooms ( ) Mt , Nicholas st 12 50
1'oar (4) ( ) rooms , 415 , S inth at 2250
Three (3) ( ) rooms , 101H N. 20th St 1125
I liree ( , i | roonifr , 701 Vi 1'actttcst u 00
'I hrec (3) ( ) rooms. 1412 Pierce wt 1250
Three 0) ) rooms , 1810 N.2Istst/ , 11 00
Three (3) ( ) rooms , 707 Paclllo st 1000
rour(4)rooms ( ) , 1704 Wi-bsterst 18 20
Tour (4) ( ) looms , 1704 Webster Ft 22 50
Three ft ) room cottage 11 , > 4N. 21st st. . . . 12 60
Judge Renting Agency , s. w. cor. Harney and
IDthsts. 238
II RENT StortMoom. No. 214 S. 14th su Ap-
plv at 1110 Howard st. b.11
I7IOR RENT 3 stores on Mth nnd Leaven
1 worth , apply Hank ot Omaha. 2.i9
IriOH RKNT-Hrlck store. Hat above. 21th and
'Hamilton ' , desirable business location. Lea-
vltt Hnrnham , room 1 , Crelghton block. Ml !
T7IOH HUNT Otllce suite t2.i month. 2 single
JL ; ofllcus $15 each , all fiontlng luth sc. , Ilusn-
man block , N. E. Cor. Iflth and Douglas. W. M.
Ilushman , 1311 Lcavi-nWonkh. 834
FOR RKNT OnCumingst. store and living I
apartments , also livery stable. Enquire of
Harris R. E. 4 L.Co. , Room 411,1st Nat bank.
OU'ORR for rent , llli Farnam street , inquire
iJot Nathan bheltou. at 1JOJ Karuam street
T/IOR RENT Fine retail store room with
i1 largo basement , 190 per month. C. K Har
rison. 418 S. 15th st. 823
\V"ANTEO-A tenant for ono of the finest
V > farms In Cass Co. ; must bo s good farmer ;
will sell one or two good mule teams , und farm
Implements. Address Jus. W.ltouk , Greenwood ,
Neb. 372
TCTOR RENT Good barn , 4 stalls , feed room
Ju and wagon sne L Inquire at 2J2T > Howard st.
GEOKGK J. bTERNSDOHFF , room tf , opp. P.
O. , will hereafter give special attention to
renting houses , stores aud Hats. If you want
your property rented without delay and to reli
able tenants , do not fall to list tne same with
lilm. 825
\\7K gtvn special attention to renting and col-
V V lectlng rents , list with us. II. E. Cole , room
6 , Continental block. 837
YOU want your houses runted place them
with Ueuawa & Co. , Uth , opposite postolnce.
TJEHSONAL Have you visited Moody's china
JT store lately ? If not , you should do BO while
the stock of line pottery la complete. 5JJ28
TDKHSONAL Airs , Whitney , nurrfo , can bo
i. found at 18n North 25th st , 4'JO ' 2 *
PKRfcONAL-ln line vases , rose Jars , etc. . wo
can Rnv you SO to 4U per cent at Mood } 's
Uilna store. 302 N IfcUvjit. 5J328
' KTl ONAL VlTlt Wpdy's china store. 302 N
' 10th st ; the handsomest store on IGth st.
. , . M328
china blore , 302N IQtli st. 5J.I28
-lfyounaroa personal Item , or
any communlcatHW drop it la one ot The
Uea's message boxqy. > . 10
UJ60reward will be ( faldtainl no questions asked
Pfortheieuirnof gold watch , Howard move
ment , stolen on UJlMMiln Iwtvveon Valley nnd
Uhupnmn on Frlday vouluif , Oct. 11. Address
confidentially , J. D. C. , tAre r. 0. Grand Island
Neb. i j 299
FOR SALK HooOOuJ ( > lly horse , buggy am
harness 2C31 lUjuJUon at. SOU 2B
FOR SALK Two' hiy pre' Whttmai
and one Krtel "Victor " , almost now ; will sel
cheap. Hex 54 % Omaha. Neb. _ 4M 2
FOll SALK Carpets , fctoves and curtains
524 3 28th t. 28'l 2
_ _ _
FOR SALE At a bargain ; H.300of ; llrnt-class
real estate mortgage paper on lluffalo
county lane. Enquire VU & JUh &t. 42227 *
T4'Olt SALE A lot of fresh milk cows at Mill
JU tary HriUge barn. 2W6 Cunilng st. Call at 5
o'clock p. m. K. B. J enter. 44327 *
HARD coal stove , base burner , good as new
for bale cheap. 414 N 14th at. JVC at
FOR SALK Furniture , sloven , working liar
ness , new , wuahlng machine , cheap uex
week , account of moving. Apply 1511 Hurt st.
I.ARGRwiuare. base burner , Cortlaud Home
ventilator , good as new , several heating
Htoypa , 8523 Farnatn. 393 31. *
OR 8ALK-Westuiln ter healer No. 60
burned I winter , cheap , 210 : ) Jones st. Cal
Immediately. * . ' . 4TJ 8
Fpn HALE Horca.hnrness. Furnlturo 4 room
house for rent. Party Is going to Washington
r. , .lhls Is n good bnrgnlu. Call at once at
2.10) Hrlstol st or Fill N 17th st. 4U27 *
oil SALE-FIrst-class nearly now piano will
bo old ou reasonable , terms It sold linmedl-
aU-ly. luq u 1 re 2407 Capitol av o. _ ; yl 3J
moil HA LE-At low figures a largo assort-
X1 tnent of llgUt and heavy timbers. T > otn. ! etc. ,
otely u ed in false-work for Omaha and ( 'outi
11 IIIilllsbrldBe : also 4 boats. Apply to S. P.
\ti ! hell , room J02 First I > tloiml bank , or at
> rldge foot ot Douglas at. 4 o 28 *
FOll SALK Cheap : 7lnc-llned cnse for Im
ported clgnrs. J. V. Hockmnn. 1T22 Fnrnum.
_ _ _
CflOIl PA LK Good heavy horse , very cheap ,
X' weight nbout 1.3A1 Ibs. Inquire ot Dr. Gal-
) ralth. Uth nnd Douglaa sts. _ r,6 gj
IriOR BALK-Very fine family horse and
phaeton nt > our own price , liuiulra room 210.
First National Hunk. b7fl
Foil SALK or trade Now two seated car-
rlngu nud single top buirgy. Solby , 1541
Farnnin. _ _ _ _ _ .175
FOK SALE A now (5 ( seat Rockaway carriage
at Leo A Nichols' Itvcry barn , Twenty-eighth
and LenvenvvoTth. Telephone 810. 417
"CIO R SALK A family horse or for general
X1 use , price J150- Inquire No. 319 S. 10th. City.
(121 (
cular. Madame Ruppprt. 2H State St. , Chicago.
IAIHUS Supertluous hair on the face , neck
Jor arms i mo\ecl nud the roots instantly
killed by thu Electric Nvidia Process , leaving
10 marks or scarn : positively the only pcrnu-
nout remedy. Mrs. Dr. Packercl , 1822 bt. Miirj'H
nvo ; Wednesdnjs nnd Thurs las only. 471 I *
WANTKD Hoises to winter : 1 vvnnt to win
ter horses , good sheds und stables , good
ots for exerc-lso. fi.OO per tnonth , ou Chaffoo
nrm , flvn mlles southwest. Thompson Chat-
'oe. ' South Omahn. 387-27J
LADIP.S It joiuleslru jour dressim made In
the latest stjleut reasonable prices , call at
dressmanlng parlors , 2400 Capitol avenue.
88230 *
TTIURNITUHE carefully moved by the Omaha
X' Auction and fctoiugo Co. , 1121 Farnnm Bt.
Joleponnol266. UlulS
GO to Haymer&ller fornne tools nndlbulld-
ora' hardware521 S. IGth St. , Her building.
Unl7 )
"VTOI'ICK to contractors and builders You
JLi will save money by figuring with Itaymei &
Her. their stock of builders'hardware la com
plete and prices low. 120nl7
tlK banjo taught as an an by Goo.F. Oollon-
X bock. 323 So. 10th st. 182
LT Imts pressed and reshaped ; fenthors
X1 cleaned and curled. > .M. bchadoll , 218 N loth.
DR. O. RICkErrS , manager Kxcelslor bundl
11201 arnam. IIrasa and string music.
ANTIQUARIAN book store. 1413 Farnam St. .
highest cash prices paid for second hand
books. G2I n lot
JNO. MULDOON A. Co..ll5 S. 10th St. ; 10 stone
cutters , t.'c lineal foot , Colorado sandstone.
JLX27OMB : for Doatltuta Women and Children ,
JLX27 18 Hurt st. 1)40 )
W OMAN'S Exchange , 1E > 7 Farnam st. I.uni-h
dally , supper Saturday nights. 040
ILTIDLANDGu&rantee and Trust Co. . 1505 tar
Ail-nain Complete abstracts furnished. & titles
to real estate uxatcluoilperfected & guaranteed.
KNS"ON&CAHJlTcHAi3L furnish complete
and guaranteed abstracts of title , .to any
real estate In Omaha and Douglas county upon
short notice. 1 he most complete set of abstract
booKs In the city. No. 1509 1 arnam st. bJ
S' TOKAGK ' At low rates nt 1121 I'arnam st.
Omaha Auction X btorago Co. l.l >
rilRACKAGE , storage , lowest rate * . W. M
Jllushmau , 1311 LeavenvTorth. 878
BROOM-CORN wanted at Omaha broom
works. Send sample , state amount jou
hav o and price. 5 > r29 *
\\7"ANTEO-To buy fresh milch cows with
TT calf ; from 1 to 20 head. Addrosa boxH ,
South Omaha. ; is8-2i *
WANTED A choice residence property with
eight or tun rooms , modern improvements ,
desirably located. AMU pay $1,000 cash down ,
balance in Nebraska improved farms ( encum
bered. ) Address , stating location and price , F.
J. II. 2511 Capitol a\enue. 317 29 *
WANTED Furniture , carpets , stoves nnd
household goods of all kinds. Omaha Auc
tion & Storage Co , 1121 1'urnam. 1J5
MONKV to loan on improved city propoity or
for building purposes ; lowest rates ; no
delay. Mutual Investment Company , loom 1 ,
Darker block , IS'.h and i'arnam. 539
M ONKV to loan ; long time. George J. Paull
Ib09 Farnam st. Wl
UILDING loans. Llnahan & Mnhoney.
> WH
MONKV to loan on furniture , wagons , tc , ,
without removal , 01 on collateral bocurlty.
lltislness strictly confidential. A. K. Oreouwood
& Co. , R 1 Cunningham blk , cor. 13th A Jackson.
DO YOU vv ant to borrow money ? If you have
diamonds , watches or Jewelry aud desire to
effect a loan on favorable terms In a strictly
private und confidential mnnuur , or should jou
want a loan on furniture , horses , carriages ,
land contracts or personal property of any do-
hcrlptlon , jou can have money advanced at
lowest rates of Interest and ample time to pay
by calling ou or sending postal card to the
, Omaha Moitgnge Loan Co.
„ -
We loan out our own money , make out our
own papers and pay no commission , thus giv
ing the bonellt to the borrower.
our fnctutle i are such that we can accomrao-
date > ou | U a prompt and confidential man
ner , giving you fair , honorable and courteous
All loans renewed at original rates.
Wo will pay off any mortgage jounowhavo
nndgivoyou long time and low talcs ; will loan
any sum from t > to tl.OOO.
Commercial and 1st mortgage paper bought.
Omaha Moitgago Loan Co. , rooms 217 and 213
i'lrst National Hank building. 443
rililU Omaha Financial Exchange. Room 15 ,
JL liaiker Hlock , southwest corner of Farnam
and luth ttts. , , ,
Makes a specialty of short-time collateral
anfl real estate loans.
Money always on hand In sums of J100 and
upwards to any amount , to loan ou approved
Secure'd notes bought , sold or exchanged.
Clear real estate and cash to exchange for
good first or second mortgages.
Loaud made upon land contracta , stocks ,
bonds , trust deeds , first or second mortgage se
curity , without publicity , delay or red tape.
nriancial business of any kind transacted
Promptly , quietly and fairly. Room 15 , llarkor
block , Corbett , Manager. _ 881
To Loan-By the undersigned , who
has the only properly organised loan agency
in Omaha Loans of JlOto Jl.OOO iiiadn ou furni
ture , pianos , organs.horses.wngons , machinery ,
etc. , without removal. No delays. All business
Ktllctly confidential. Loans so made that any
part can be paid nt any time , each payment
reducing tna cost pro rata. Advances made on
line watches and diamonds. Persons should
carefully consider who they are dealing with ,
ns many new concerns are diilly comtnir Into ex
istence. Should you need money call ana see
mo. ' W. U. Croft , room 4 , Withnell building ,
IBth and Harney. _ 883
to loan ' < m household furnlturo. pi-
MONKV horsus , wagons and other personal
property ; also on mortgage paper aud contracta
as collateral security ; cash always on hand : lib
eral extensions granted ; business transacted
falrly.quletly and promptly. The Fairbanks In
vestment Co. , S W cor 15th It Douglas , upbtnlm.
* iJ
' FINANCIAL Exctnnge The fulr-
est , quietest , moat liberal money exchange
in the cfty ; loans made without delay or pub
licity. In any amount large or small , at tne low-
eat rates of Interest , on any available security ;
loans may be paid at any time or renewed at
original ratex. O. Bougcnren. mgr. . room 6lVi. (
Darker blk. , IMh and Farnam. 817 n 15T
P ana small loans for long nml short tlmn. t
lowest rates of Interest , on real estate , mort
gage notes , chattels of all kinds , dlamondx ,
w aiches and Jewnlry. Don't fall to call If you
want fair and cheap accommodations. O. lions-
cfiron , mgr , room M ) { , llarkor blk. 15th and
KarnaniJ ] * 017 u 15
WK keep on hand money to oan on lusldo
property In Omaha and South Omaha m
sums fromlVXto V > .OM , and an we do our own
valuing , make all papers , eto. , wa can eomploto
a loau any day you wish and pay you tue money.
Dates , Smith \Co. , Room 2UJ , Ramgo building.
1)83 31
MONEVTcTloan on Improv od property "at first
hands. No application * sent away for ap
proval. Security and titles examined free of
charge o borrowers. Lombard Investment
company , ' > H. 13th t. ) C4
to loan. O. F. Davis Co. , real estate
and loan agents , 1503 1-arnam st. Wl
rpo LOAN-From one to two tinndrod thous-
X and dollars or smaller suma promptly , east
ern capital alwajH ou hand cheap , Philadelphia
Mortgage nnd Trus : Co. , Ueo.W. P. Costes. U
board of trade , , , 1
CjlOO.OOO.OOcasli to loan on Improved city nnd
Pcountry property , First mortgage notes
loiisht. ( 'ash rendv , no delay , Olllca flunratity
Iioan A. Investment Co , 10th and Chicago sts.
4H 28
* WOW ( fl per rent. Motuiy to loan on tin-
ipproved farms or city property. .lames A.
woodman , at the old lire Insurance olllce of
Murphy .V LovottjjBJ S 1 Itlt .L _ ( H4 _
MONKV to loan on fiirnltureThorses. wagon * ,
etc. , or ou any approved security. J. W. Hob-
jlus. 1LJWO Slieoly blk. 15th uud Howard. 01
GW. 1'Kl'K loans money , rnsh ou hand ,
tVii,000. ) can be plnred on c Ity nud farm property -
erty nt lowest rntos ; building loans n specialty.
llooiu 4 , Fron-cr block. Opp. 1' . O. UQil n >
MONKV to loan In any amount , either for
building or otherwise , nt lowest rates of
nterest nnd on short notice. I ) . V. Sholes. room
.MOKlrst _ Nat 1 bant , cor. Uth and Farnain. XJJ
DON'T iKJrrovv money ou furnlturo , horsoi ,
wagons , etc. , until } ou have seen 0. II , Ja
cobs. room 410. first National bank building ,
cor. ilth nnd Kurnnm Wl
MONKV to Loan On real estate and chattel
security. Money without delay. Western
nnd 1/iixn exchange , 117 S. lt Ui st. ( Mini
aj2,100 special fund to lotin on vacnnt or Im-
Pproved property or ( rood mortgage paper.
1) . V. bholus , 211) ) iBt Nat.1muk. 410 Jl
MONIV ! to loan ; cash on hand ! no delay , J.
W. Niulio. Kill ) I'nruam sU 1'list National
bank building. Si * . )
11MMWO to loan on Inside property , Some first
* P mortgages for t < ale. Nathan Sheltou , ivn
Knnmiu street. 89" )
ES. IIISHKK wants Hist class business loans
nt once , the target the bettel. Jib Mrst Na-
.louul bans. 4J8nt
MONKV to Loan City nml country ; cnonp
rules , no dulay. 1. . 1' . llauimoud , 4 < W Paxton -
ton bulldliig. 71B
MONKV to 1,0.111 I/iwost rotes. Ixiaus closed
promptly , II. K. Cole , lloom 0.
Hlock. RV
6 PER CENT money to loan-Cash on hand
W. M. Harris , room 'M , 1'reuzer block , opp.
P.O. fe
JOANS made On loal ostnto.MortLMRosbouKht
F. M. HlUiardaon.K. O.s.w.cor. 15th&oiiKlas ( )
T , OANS on short time at low rates. Klmball ,
J-JChnmp & Hyan , room n. U S Nat. uanjt.
M1)N to loan on chattel securities , Illsnop
fe \S heeler Loan Co. , room G , Marker block.
H . lIirA' 1500,0)0 ) to loan on city property
and Improved farm land. Freiizor block.
T OANSmadoon real estate and moitgagca
JLJ bougnt. Lowls 3. Itoed & Co. , 15J1 Farnam.
| 897
MONKV to loan on Improved real estate.
Lenv Itt Ilurnhnm , Crolghton block , 679
WUOJO to loan at 0 nor cent. Llnahan & ?
$ honey , loom 600 , 1'axton block. 000
and farm loons vvautod by A. K.
_ lliloy , 151 ! ) I'arnam. SXi
/ HArrKLandeollatoral loans. M. E. Davis
Vv'ia ' S Uth st , room ! J7. blt't
RKA1 estate loans , lowest ratos. Odcll llros.
& 0 , 3U S. 16th St. B90
FOlt SALE Feed Store Location best In the
city ; u Mimll amount of capital required ;
largo sales ; good profits guaranteed ; 1 moan
business , as ] bave Interest that takes mo out of
the city. Address U 41 , lice otUco. 3tiS 2 < j *
STOCK of hardware In one of the best western
tonns , stock about $ .1,500 , s.kles past 3 oar tiO.-
000 ; must .sell. Address G 50 Ileo olllce. 4U3 . ) *
FOIl BALK Hestnurnnt on 16th st. Hhort
order houses.hotcls. reasonable prl ics
Co-operatlvo Land and Lot Co. , 'J05 N. 10th.
T71OH SALfi Oldest nnd best piv lag restnu-
J ? rant lu Omaha , worthluOO , for JJil for thren
days only. Inquire 7UJ Leavenworthst. 4G1 ! OT *
F OH 8ALK At L.TO Douglas st , best location
for horseshoe counter , for salu cheap. Long
lease. Apply N i : corner nth and C.ipitol a\o-
ilue. A. Ktttcrner. 4.B27 *
ANTi-A : man with from Jl.OOO toj.-i.000
to take iaturebt In a good established mfg
business. Hlght man can take actlvo turt.
Address O 40 , llee. 39J III
WANThD To BOI ! barber shop on easy
terms , cheap rent , good location. Call 418
S IJth ht. TOi ' i *
FOH SAF < K A small jewelry store , best loca
tion in theclty , rare chance by addressing
at once , U 45 , llee alike. a < )5 ) lilt
T71OH SALK A meat market ; this Is a snap ,
-L' as the Ice season Is over nnd trade la picking
up. It must be sold on account of poor liealth.
Call qulcK , as It will soon go , at 1017 Howard st.
RAllK business ctumco : Flna stock of gro
ceries In live city of 1-S.OOQ Inhabitants ,
doing a business of $ J.'i,00"per > annum , capital re-
( ( Mired from . ' .000 to M.OOu , reasons for selling
111 health. Address a .W. care Ileo. i-W u 0
A MILL wanted Tlio Ashford Town Site
Company , ot Klmbull , Neb. , otrcr valnablu
assistance to nny ono putting In n Homing mill
utAhhford , Neb. Oood water power , a now
butrkhnud rapidly settling country ; no iom-
petition within ono hundred miles. For par
ticulars address L. D. Schoiir , betretary Ash-
ford Town Site Co. , Klmball , Chojenno Co , ,
Neb. 477 28 *
BUSINESS CHANOKS and real estate bar
HyJ , L. Illco&Co , Office over Commercial
National Dank.
1'artnt r wanted In n number one established
olllce. Iluslnoss located In Omaha.
Partner wanted In an established and pa ) Ing
manufacturing business , located In Omaha ,
Denver , Cole , or Sun Francisco , Cal.
I'or sale Klec ant sev oil-room modern new
house , on east from lot. ! oed barn. Cars by
the door , and in good neighborhood. The place
is worth $0,000. Will bo sold for f 1,750. Half
I'or sale Splendid seven-room house , south
and east front , corner lot , stieet cars by the
door , every modern convenience , good neigh
borhood. Worth ut least * ) , ' Will bo sold for . Half cash , Don't fall to Invustlgatu
these bargains.
1-or sale beautiful lot opposite Klountre
I'luce. Coven-d with large maple trees , worth
tJUOO , will soil for $ l , < ijO , butt cash , fceo this and
you wlllpurclnso.
I'or sale a line lot on Lake stieet , fronting
twoKtrorfts , and Isa corner with 1 a feet front
age on Tvventv-fifth street , near SaundeiH htrert ,
worth 4I.WJ'will Hell for $ . ' ,50i ) . half cash.
Must have money.
Ear hale-four of the choicest lots In Hitch
cock's addition ; two corners on grade ; am
worth J7.V ) ; will sell the bunch for ff/iOO. half
1 or tale-ten Hno Iot3 on Fourteenth , Fif
teenth and Mxtecnthstieets. In Nortti Omaha ,
one-half mllu from the fair grounds ; vvoith
JIUOeaoli ; will sell the bunch for KUUit ) or will
trade for improved Omaha property , or for
farm propeity.
For Hale THO of the finest lots In Crelghton
Heights itddltlou : worth t , M each ; will bell for
( j3U each.
For sale rour lots in Covell's Addition to
Crolghton Heights ; worth ' > OJ each ; will soil
the bunch forgl.-flJO , or will trade for good faun
For ( .ale Two choice Improved IfiO acre farms
in Sheridan county. Nebraska , with good build
ings ; near railroad : will sell or trade for Im
proved Omaha property , merchandise orllvo
Two good Improved farms.ln Ilrovvnaud Holt
countlex , Neb. , to trade foi Omaha property.
Two shares of stock In Poppleton patk build
ing ussoclallon , wltti'4 line Ion on which houses
will bo built , pi KB * l'i"MJ each , halfcnsn. baUnco
fJ5 per mouth. Tnosalots are woith tl.snoedch.
A splendid chance to secure a homi In a tine ad
dition Mivnt cars , motor and cable will run
w Itbln a year to this addition 4TJ if ?
WH wish to employ a. reliable man In your
county. No exporlenro renulrod : perma
nent position for three years , balarr lncn'asu < l
each y ar. Light , easy , genteel business. Money
advanced for salary , advertising , etc. Largest
manuf'rs In our linn. Enclose K-cent No
postals , Centennial M'f'g Co. , Cincinnati , O.
1JU J4 89
„ KALE-Salt Lake lots S20 each , at JIO S.
IMh st. 425
riALK or Exchange An old established
good paying Llvtry business In Council
Iliads , I a. , 10 N Main hi. Wm. SUdleman. 69J
"TJIOUTV acu'S land clear of enrumbranca , 1C
JU miles from Omaha , to trade for a good resi
dence property ; 19 head of ponies to MrliBiPBH
for choice cltj or South Omiiha property ; f , < ,5U > )
stock of groceries for part cash and good r < at
e tiite ; good city property or land for brick or
lumber , etc. , etc. Address Co-Opuratlvu I4\nd
& _ Lot Co. , 2U4 N. ICth Ht. 50.1 29
nUMfTraUtt C'hoicu lot lu Urammercr park
JE and choice double rornor In I.tpton Place for
good land. D. V. Sholes , 21U , First Nat'l bauk.
$ 1KH ( cash nnd W.OOO enulty In : 0 acre farm.
w all Improved. IM miles west of Omahn ; 9
lullus from LT. P. R. R. . same distance from II ,
& M. R. R. . for good Inside Omaha rtuldence or
business property , M , A. Uplou Company , 309
8. ICth It. 37029
IKyouhavo anything to exchange call and
nee our lint. Western Land and Loan ex
change. 117 S. lUUi. 007 Ui
ANTKD-Some stocks ot mercnundlsa for
Improved farms ndaUittlo mouey. Hy
Western Land and Loan Kxchange 117 H. ICth st.
TTIOIl KXCHANOK-Oood routia : cllr and
JL' South Ouiaha property : aUo lou and tarmi.
W astern I tnd and Loan vxcoange , 117 h. ICth at-
\VANTKD flood fnmllr horse In orchnnia
for choice lot. A. V. Tukey , Hill's IllocV
15th nud Dotiglnn. 417
IHAVK real and personal property ot nil
kinds for trade , ( 'nil nnd see mo , Ueorao J.
Stornsdoiff , room 0 , opp. P , O. 8ii
ITIOHTUNKTollor-Mls. Ixu-onnnncan becon-
X1 suited ou all nlmlrs of life. Satisfaction
guaranteed. No 3I3Nliltliat
T\K. NANN1K V. Warren , clairvoyant. Mcd.
JU/lcnl and business medium , IVmnledtsenwei
n specialty. II1. ' . N. 1Mb M. Hooms2 , A3. 255
ri'P.NTION-Tho gifted destlnv leadorcnu
bo consulted dally for two vvt-i-ks tu all af
fairs of llfo or death ; tells your life from tha
i radio to the grnv c : reunites the M-pnrnted w Hti
the wonderful Egyptian charm ; loo.itcs dlseasn
and heals them with -
Mess-agunnd olcclrlo trewt-
ment. Ollko 417 S Ilth st , ut ) stalra , looms 2\I.
SALI.-Klognnt reeldcnro with Uarn ,
imth , furnucu nnd all inndnrn Improvements -
ments ; can glvo Immediate possisslou. lucks ,
Real Kstato Aguit , room 40 , darker block.
515 ill
AT voui own price If tnken In tinea dnjs the
nicest little business In Oinahii. Inqmro
n -.tea South lOthstret-t. lu cigar tore. next to
Windsor hotel. R.Martin. Oil as *
"IjlOH SALK Nothing but first-class propor-
X1 ties. M. A. Upton Company. fcW 28
$1,500 buys n good 2 storv 8 roonr"ium5a nnd
lot. onat front. In Windsor Plu-e , a bvrgalu.
D. V. Mmloa , Room 210 , 1 list Million U llniiK
_ _ _ _ 578
rpOR HA LK What you linve been looking for
J isn nice "Hloiy , nnnl wood Ilnlsln-d ujmsn
of 8 rooms , ou onsf front lot In u geed nulghbor
hot > d for W.500. Wuhnvolt. M. A , 1'iiton Com-
3710R SALK Unlnciirabered real state in
1 PaciUc Junction. lovuv , which will pay 20
per cent annually on thn Invostmnnt abovn
faxes nnd Insurance. Addrosa F. W. Miller.
PaclncJunctlon , Iowa. u-ul *
"IJ1OII SALK-Or oxrhange for Omaha proper-
X1 ty. 80 acres , suitable for platting ; will inakii
40DloU ; all clonr ; big money lu U for aotne. emi
who ran push this ; located Just outslilo of thn
city limits of Council Hlulls. In < iulru Geo. .1.
SteriiHdorlT , opp. post ofllco. : ui
osAK-llcst bulldngsttes
Company. 6W24
FOR SALK-Lot 50xlV.with ) good 2story
house nl < cly fInlshud. nil modern couviui-
lentes , within I blk paved st , c , blk from Park
n < heel and M. K. church , Ilanscom pi ice ThU
Is one of the best proportion In the city , and
can bo had ut n bargain by addressing the
owner , F 14 , Hue olllco. 413
AHARGAIN for u few dajs : 2 Kllliy pluco
lots , S,10J for both ; 1 lot lu Saundeii &
Hlmebaugh's add , , \erychcap. Inquire at HI
b. lath st. 4ti)0 ) <
FOll SALK 13 line lots on high ground in
Hryunt A Clark H addition. Council lllutTs ,
for iiV ) curb. . Must be sold nt once. M. A I'p-
ton Company. &n 2s
TJiOIt SALK New 4-room house , n good lot at
X1 n bargain , only ( ICO cash down.
A choice double corner on Davenport stieot ,
1.41)0. )
100 foot front. Chicago street , Just cast of
Hanker Yntes' ttone residence.
30 , 40. 50. to or 110 fec-t by IW , on Wobstnr.ncnr
30th street , Just at gradeon very c-asv terms.
Knst front on Saunders st. , line fruit trees , a
Simp nt $2,000.
line lot ou Lowe nvo. , just Houtli of 2 now
houses In La Veta. JI.HOO.
These and a number of tracts In vailous
parts of the city ore lu my bunds to se.ll close.
If bnrgaliiH arc wanted In flrst-olnss residence
property see .1. H. Ev ans , 1110 Dodge. 4H7 ,11
FOR RALK Eighteen Hno ronldenco lots In
West End from r50 to,700. ) M. A. Itptou
Cotnpany. 5.ts 28
X1 near the H. R. In Council Hlulls , vvltlilu
casj access by laboreis In either < Ity. \ \ estcrn
Land nnd Loan Kichaugo , 117 S. luth bt. 4"X < J-J
FOR SALK- Host business pioptity. M. A
Upton Company. MS2S
T OTH Foi Sale I have 10 line lots lu Hilggs'
Xiplace uild. for Hale. I'or further Infoirantlou
nddrtss E. Jeffery , Gnlenn , HI. Nil
F Oil's A LK Omaha dirt. Von will wish jou
owned more than jou do beforu "many
moons. " M. A. Upton Company. 6J328
TTKHl SARK on cany terms , the Hrat house dt-
X' rectly south of Dr.Morce.r'srosliloncoelevon
rooms and barn with lot 40x1 M , only $1,60(1. ( The
same Improvements with gnfunds 110x500 only
IL1.000. w. T. Seaman , wngoni , carriages , < tc. ,
east side ot luthht. . north ot Nicholas. OT6
TpOR SALK 100x140. southeast corner tilth
X1 and I'm k Ktroc-l , nice ( i-rooni house , cemented
cellar , cltj- , cistern and well water , good barn *
co il houseetc. . , etc. , an extra bargain at HOCU ) ,
(1,110 cash. M. A. Upton Company. 6J328
OR SALK or exchange. Eighteen cholco
Improved farms within from fourteen to
eighteen miles ot Omaha. Apply to E. l\
Ringer. Ill ) N15thBt. 350 30t
FOR SALK Two elegant homos In Hanscom
Place on reasonable terms ; mortgage paper
taken as part payment. Hosworth A Jopllu ,
Harker block. B'M
"IJ1OR SALE Host residence propeity. M. A.
X1 Upton Company. 6JS 28
$800 buys a full lot and good 4-room cottage
easy terms nnd good location. D V. Sholos.
room 210 , First Nat 1 bauk , cor. Uth and Far
nam. WJ
FOR SALK-NIco homo In Windsor Placo.
f nil c-ust front lot , { 3,000. $500 less than It Is
worth. M. A. Upton Company. MS 28
OR SALK Frank Wassermnn. nt the Hank
of Omaha , has Homo of the choicest resi
dence and business property lu the city for fula
cheap. 408
FOR SALK Allklnds of good propeity. M.
A. Upton Company. Gut ) 28
Oil S \ LKSeuled bids will be received at our
olllce up to Nov. 1st for lot 10. block 1. Red-
tck's .sub Ulv Ison , 6 : ft. front. Also lot 4 , block
.1 , Drake's addition , 50 ft. front. Only one lot
will be Hold. These arc line residence Bites , ou
Howard aud DavenportstrooU icspectlvuly. be
tween 27th and 28th streets. The right to reject
nny und all bids reservedItlcls w 111 state terms
wanted. M. A. Upton Company. 314
FOR SALK The very beat South Omnhn
property nt lowest prices obtainable. M. A.
Upton Company. 631 23
ITVJRSALK IflxlOO fectnear corner Woolworth
.V uv ii. and 28th t > t ; hoimo of 8 rooms.bathroom ,
gas , cistern , hot and cold water , Rower connec
tion , furnace , 2 cellars , location all that can be
deslieu , school , church nnd 2 lines of horse can
wlthlng2 blocks , cable In project ; $4,500 ; 11,1)00 )
cash balance ) easy , 8 per cent interest. C. F.
HutrUon. 41SS 15th st.
Jlxiooo feet cor. Woolworth ave. and 23th at. ,
house nnd improvements materially tha same
as abnv e , 9IVOJO , 11,000 cash , balance easy , 8 per
cent Interest. C. P. Harrison. 418 H 15th at , 091
OH HALE The shrewd man will buy when
trade In thu article Nought U quiet. Now Is
the time to make Investments tu Omaha. Sco
M. A. Upton Company. 5JH28
TTVO R 8ALK-612 acres Hamilton Co. . Neb. .
X1 hind , VI per acre , one-third cash , balance at U
percent , Addrosa W. J. Wlldmun , Denver , Col.
T7IOK .SALK-Homes. Thane are to be pitied
1 ? Unit have money lu their pockets and nro
"homeless , " when necessity compels u perwon
hoi n nnd there tosncrlllce on n good home. M.
A. Upton Company. _ 5J823
it HALK-or xcn&nge. ( Va n .T8 omo
good * real eitata and Nebraska
fanus , which wa will sell cheap or trad * for
stock of clothing , furnishing roods , drr poods ,
boots andsbonR groceries or hanlwar * , Bchl singer -
inger Uros. . OU 8.10th sL ' ' 910
FOR SALK M. A. Upton Comimny , rtal es-
tate nnd Investinonl brokers , loth ft. , oppo
site Chamber of Commerce , invite vIMtors to
the rlty to call In at our epictous onicea , whera
we shall be glad to dtstutis real estate raluea
end Investments. M , A. Union Company , tele-
phoue854. L CM8g
_ _
C1OR SALE Not for trade. 51370 acres of Im-
JL1 provo < l land S miles from Marquelto in ,
Hamilton Co. , Nebraska. Frame house , frama
Btabla , 300 acres under a good 4 barb-wlra fc-nce.
round cedar posts and B atara ; llrlni ? water ,
good corral , - wells , wind mill , 320-barrel tank ,
nelf-feedortrourhB , eta. ; 75 acrua clover ; model
Price ( about 118 per acre ) . . . . . .18,500
Cash - . , j aU\t
3 years time at ( Iper cnnt , , . , . , , , , , , , , . , , .4. SftX )
Go and look ovnr the land and address tha
owner , K , K. Atkitu , 1MK Larlmor it. , Denver ,
Colo. sn
T7IOU BALK-Wben you buy ot''Owner" you
X' have one pleco to'choono from. Whin you
buy from u you have several hundred out ot
which you can cot an extra bargain. M. A. UD-
tou Company.
TT OR HALij-Lotll.b.UO Ilanscom place. r Vl
JL1 off what it U worth. O.lf. Harrison. 41HS nth
TQ1OH ' BALK Nebraska farms. Tin-re is blK
. money In them at pieseut prices. M. A.
Upton Company ,
The Kansas City Jnve Iment Co ,
30 Clmmlter of Coniinercu ,
. OMAHA , NEU. -
Hi delays , AI ( Uustnen1 doiM at tha'offic | /