PARTI THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE. 1-8. . EIGHTEENTH YEAR. OMAHA , SUNDAY JIOKNING , OOTOBEK 28. 1888.-SIXTEEN PAGES. NUMBEK ISO K THE KAISER PAINED. Ho Rofora to the Scandal AfToctlug the Imperial Family. HIS WELCOME HOME TO BERLIN. The Emperor's Coronation Expected to Take Place in January. A RECONCILIATION EFFECTED. Family Differences Settled Through the Efforts of Victoria. THE VITALITY OF SOCIALISM. HlHinnrok'H Kant African Policy The Constitutional Crisis In Aus tria Poles Hopeful of Ob- mining Autonomy. William's llcturn. ( Coi ) ) ) ; tuM IkfS l > ) t A'cio York Awnctattil BiiiuN , Oct. 27. A munlclpnl deputation In waiting upon the Emperor William to-diiy presented an address of welcome on the oc casion of his return homo and were startled by sonic emphatic remarks , in the course of the emperor's reply , on the scandal and gos sip of the press affecting the Imperial family. , The deputation requested permission to erect on the Schloss platin memory of the em peror's visit to Vienna and Homo , a fountain designed by Prof. Begas , the artist. The emperor expressed his gratification and in terest In the undertaking. The people of Merlin , no said , had followed Ins journeys and knew that the friendly reception which * met with every wliere was not intended u..y for himself , but for the German empire. For the pleasant surprise which the municipal representatives prepared for him lie thanked them all ; much more for the reason that It happened to como on the day when the church of the Holy Ghost , In which his fa ther , the Emperor Frederick , hud always shown the greatest Interest , was consecrated. The emperor expressed the hope that ho would soon sco more such line churches erected in Berlin. Ho trusted that his Jour- neyings would have the best results for the empire. Ho had learned with regret that during his absence , while using Ills best ef forts for the Interests of the empire , disputes had arisen in the llerlin press regarding the affairs of members of his own family. Attacks were inndo such ns would not be tolerated by nor permitted against any private individual. IIo requested the depu tation to do their utmost to put a stop to the unseemly discussion , as it concerned them all. Ho desired to live among the people of Merlin n a Herllncr. Ho relied upon the represent atives of the capital to respond to that do- sire. sire.None None of the members ventured to make any remark upon the emperor's unexpected reproaches. Even if etiquette had allowed It , they were too much amarcd to respond. The emperor spoke In a quiet tonewhich was utterly devoid of nngor , but his words and manner left the impression that ho felt acutely the attacks that had been made. After retiring from the presence of the emperor the municipal authorities considered the purport of the emperor's remarks. Sev eral of the ofUclals professed their inabfity to comprehend his meaning , though it was obvious the emperor had spoken very seri ously. Mayor Forckorbeek afterwards saw the chief of the emperor's civil court and i o- qucstcd him to give sotno of the emperor's .language. .Prior to the receiving of the deputation the emperor and empress were present at the consecration of the church of the Holy Ghost , which was founded by Frederick. The church it near the Belle Alliance platz , and when finished will bo ono of the flncst edifices in Merlin. The Prince and Princess of Snxc-Melncngcn , the Princess Frederick Charles , Prince Leopold , the ministers of state , and the clvlo authori ties appeared at the ceremony. Architect Ot7cn read an address to the emperor , who , in i cplv , expressed the pleasure ho derived from being presented a spot bearing evidence of Ills father's activity in good works. The ex-empress visited the church on Wednesday , accompanied by her daughter , Victoria. Pas tor Stage took them over the building. On coming to the altar erected by Fred- ericit and herself , beside which a black mnr- blo tablet records the fact that the Grown Prince Frederick laid the foundation stone in April , 1885 , the empress burst Into tears. To-morrow Emperor William will po to Frlcderihruho , whrro ho will spend the night and proceed to Hum- burg. Count Herbert Mismurck and Minis ters Von Hoettlehor , Von Gosslcr , Von Scholz , HCIT Furth and Von Schlllendort nnd Admiral Von Monts will accompany him. General Von Moltke , who celebrated his eighty-eighth birthday yesterday , Is also ex pected to make ono of the party. A report llmls credence that the emperor will confer with Prince Hismarck over a project for his isV majesty's coronation on the ISth of January , the anniversary of the date upon which King Igs. William was created emperor at Versailles. Emperor Francis Joseph of Austria , idr King Humbert , nnd all the chiefs of thoGcr- r10 jnan states , it is said , will bo present at the 10c ceremony , which will bo mndo a great function , cul tion In confirming the triple alliance and glorifying the German unity. Empress Frederick has dollnitely arranged to go to Windsor on the llth prox. , and thcnco direct to Italy , returning to Germany in May , when the Uts Villa Heis , her new summer resilience in the Tannus mountains , will bo ready for occupancy. The grounds of the villa have been immensely enlarged by the purojaso of the extensive lands of the i ? Villa Huttenlehncr. The princesses will the empress to England , the family differences having boon finally ar- langcd under the management of Queen Victoria of England , who has been in direct ! communication with the Emperor William and has used her influence to effect a con ciliation all around. The progress of the landtag electoral cam' ) nil ii promises still bettor for the national - liberals. The divergence of the nationals from the conservatives is becoming greater. The progrt'sslsts have decided to support the candidates of the national liberals Inovci , thlrt.v districts. In Hie First district of ; or.r lin the national liberals and free conscrva tlvos unite to elect Count Douglas , who aap ccpts the candidature with a fair chance iQf success. SimUpy being the tenth anniversary of the ruichstng's hxw of repression against the so ciallbts , .tho order seized the occasior to aunouncq the Issuq of the Denk . qchrift , a paper prepared1 by the Mead . . eraol the party expressly to show tin futility of goYcrniaeul' * edict * . Out the pollco prevented Its publication. The social ists resorted to placards , which were posted ! everywhere In Merlin and other centers , de claring that the anniversary was not a day for mourning , but rather a celebration of the victorious vitality of socialism. The Deukschrift , however , privately circulates , despite the efforts of the pollco to suppress It. Prince Mismarck's policy with reference to East Africa becomes clear , his overtures to the English , Hclglan Jand Italian govern ments , tending to result in combined action against the slave traders of Central Africa. A conference Is probable , In which Franco will bo invited to Join to arrange for the forcible suppiession of the Arab slave trade. The plan Involves a simultane ous slavery crushing expedition from the Congo state and the Mritlsh nnd German East African territories. The North German Ga/ctlo declares that the Moslem slave trade Is extending its resources to such n degree that no single nation will suffice to suppress It , and that only by co-operation can the civilbed nations succeed in suppressing n traffic which Is a disgrace to the century. The North Gorman Gazette Is confident that the German and English people will prove equal to the task imposed upon them by the sacred pi n 'Iples of religion and humanity. Ihe constitutional crisis in Austria has a period of pause , but below the surface of calm the agitation increases. The order Is sued oy the marshal of the imperial court that documents relating to the coronation of the kings of Bohemia bo collected and ques tioned Is considered to indicate Count von Taafe's intention to advise Emperor Francis Joseph to accede to the C/eehs1 demands. The Mohctniam-Gorman Prince of Clary and AlctHngcn has been trying to effect a com promise between the Germans nnd the C/cchs. According to the proposition sub mitted the coronation will bo purely relig ious ceremony , Involving no re-establishment of the constitutional rights of the Mono- mians. The proposal pleases nobody. The Czechs' refusal to surrender their historic rights the Germans consider would lead the way to the triumph of Bohemian autono my , Including Moravia and Silesea. In the meantime the clerical party keeps more quiet. Since their representative , Herr Schocnvorn , has entered Count von Taafe's cabinet as minister of justice the clerical C/ech hostility has abated. A notable instance of this Is shown in Prince Lichtcnstoin's assenting , It is said , at Emperor Francis Joseph's personal request , to n postponement of the clerical school bill until next year. The bill , which commits the control of the public schools to the clergy , would receive a majority in the rcichrath If the cabinet Insisted upon its passage , but would leave Count von Taafo uncertain of the support of the coalition , leading to his speedy downfall. With the promised dawn of success for the Czech agitation the Galician Poles are hope ful of obtaining in their turn sotno form of autonomy. The Cracow and Lomberg papers discuss the relation of the titular kingdom of Todomeria-Galicia and thoerowning of Fran cis Joseph at Lcmbcrg. The tendency of Count Von Taafco's policy toward the federalbatlon of Austria-Hun gary is watched with the keenest interest here. The matter already threatens to em barrass the alliance. A federal Austriawith Germs , Czechs , Poles , Magyars , Kuthenians and Slavonians In cat and dog discord , could not bo a reliable factor in the alliance. The number of the Munich Neusto Nach- orichtcn , In which an attack was made upon the publication of the present Hfo of the king of Wurtemberg. has been suppressed. The paper charges him with submitting to the disastrous influence of n member of the American legation at Stuttgart , and says the American , with two follow countrymen as accomplices , gave spiritualist seances at which the king was introduced to the ghosts of his ancestors. The foreigners , the paper declares , have drawn ruinous sums from the royal exchequer and are turning the king into a crank. The Nachrlchten practically advices the kind to abdicate. The wife and son of Prof , Gcffcken , who was arrested for furnishing the Deutsche Kundschan with extracts from Emperor Frederick's diary , are allowed to visit him at Moabit , where ho Is Imprisoned. AN AUSTKIAN CUISIS. Tlio Czechs Want Homo llulo For Bo- licmin. 1SSS hiJama ( Jordan Jtcnnett.1 VICSSA , Oct. 2"New [ York Herald Coble. Special to Tun Hci.l-Our : dual govern ment Is threatened with n homo rule crisis , which , now that the roichstrath has been convened , it Is thought hero may result in the fall of the Taaffo ministry and a disso lution of the chamber , thus fulfilling what was foreshadowed by the curt treatment of the Austrian premier by the German cm- pnror a fortnight ago. Homo rule is sought by the Czech nationality. They have long claimed autonomy for Bohemia and long toseo her with Moravia united under ono hcptre anil an independent state , forming a third and now constituent part of the empire. The Czechs in Bohemia and elsewhere arc hostile to the German interests , which Count Taaft'o has also offended. IJls favoritism of Czech aspirations lias also alienated Hungarian sympathy. The pivot on which the fate of the Taaffo ministry turns will bo the new military bill , the object of which is to intro duce into Austin-Hungary recent German military arrangements whereby the army estimates and the number of recruits are determined long in ad vance , thus causing the Austrian parliament to lose control of the military budgets. Count Taaffo favors the bill. In order to pass ii must obtain the votes of two- thirds of the rciehstag , not n mere majority. So between the opponents of the bill and the opponents of homo rule , who seem resolved to combine , a now ministry is Imminent. A crisis has often been threatened , but now It is really ripening and well worth watching. MIDSUM M Kit W F AT li 13 K. , Paris Now En.joyliiK What Klin Lacked Several Months A no. [ Copj/rfyM ISSSby Jamta Gordon PAIIIS , Oct. 27. [ Now York Herald Cable I Special to TUB BEn.l Wonro in midsum- mcr again. The thermometer nt noon to-day registered 78 = in the shade. Open victorias , June dresses nnd sunshades are again to the fore. All Paris is living , dining , driving and walking in the open air. Yesterday after noon wtulo ivalking in the Avenue du Hois do Uologno I mot Admiral Mouchcz , director of the Paris obwrvatory. I remarked to the l admiral : - "Tho weather seems simply gone mad. We had no summer at all this year , and now , when it Is nearly winter , wo are plunged into almost tropical temperature. Can you explain III" . Admiral Ncuchez said : "No , I can give no - explanation based on scientific data that - has been investigated and thoroughly tested , , - ! . hut as a suggestion , or as a guess , I think that these unprecedented changes nro duo to some cosmic convulsion that temporarily diverted the gulf stream further from our - coasts during the summer'and that now the stream , in reverting to its former position , has bruucht with it a superabundance in.of warmed atinoeuhcre. " Such is the admiral's theory , but he , as wen us everyone else , seems bewildered l\y t I this uuexpccUU uuiuitr , T TYTOTr 4 A"P f * i PrPTT P LINSKA OF CAS OLE , The Latest Sensation in the Paris Criminal Courts. A STORY OF LOVE AND CRIME. French Fiction Outdone By a Case in Real Life. RICH WOMEN WERE HIS VICTIMS. Extraordinary Adventures of a Man of Royal Blood. AN OUTLAW IN EVERY LAND. The Heart of a Butcher nnd the Manners of Don Junii Cruel Murder of Marie Agnltant. Prnir/.Ini Outdone. | Cop/l/M | ) ( / 1SS9 lii/Jiimcs ftonlmi HsiwfM PAHIS , Oct. ST. fNew York Herald Cable Special to TUB MEB.I Prado , the myste rious Prado , the assassin of Marie Aquitant , the extraordinary Count Linskn do Castillon , whoso exploits have for the past six months provided Paris with an ever varying series of sensations , will bo tried November 5 nt the seine nssl/cs. Never did Gaboriau nor Pon- son do Terrail evolve from their prolific brains a hero of romance with a moro strongly adventurous career than Prado , Count Llnska do Cusillon. Ono day a grand seigneur , next day a chevalier d'mdustrio , next day an officer in the army of Don Carlos , next day a Don Juan of the public cross roads , then a robber nnd now nn as sassin. Prado will appear in the prisoners' dock nt the head of fifty-live , the ctat major oftheadvcnturcrsnndfcmmcsgalantcs , Jose , Garcia , Uoberto , Andrccs , y'Bancz , Lorenzo , Encarnacion , Prides and the women Pable , Eugenic , Forcsticr , Varlay , Mauricette , Marguritc , CoUronneaut and Mathildo Ar- gele , Doucl. Although volumes have been written about the assassin of Marie Aguitart , Prado still remains n mystery , an enigma. For three years M. Fulcimalgne , substlt du proeurour general , has worked at the dossier of Prado and with unremitting toil has unravelled the strange thread of his cancer. Mr. Falcl- maigno has now drawn up the acts d'accusa tion nnd to-day the Herald is indebted to the publisher of this judicial document that will long bo remembered in the annals of French criminal Jurisprudence. At 10 o'clock in the evening of the 3HH of last November a man was arrested on the banks of the Seine near the Qual do la Conferanco for having committed an audacious robbery , after having wounded a policeman with a revolver. This man was Linska do Castil- Ian. Ho gave his name , however , as Prado y'Uibo. This name was false ns wcro also the names of Mcndoza and Grasset that ho had successively called himself. The inuno Llnska do Castillan is in fact inscribed in the registry of the last mar riage that ho made at Madrid , November 1 , 1SS7 , and also In the uctc do maissanco of his child whoso mother was a woman named Couronneau at Bordeaux , but ho himself ex plains that this marriage was celebrated by the use of forged papers. In con sequence his etat civil is unknown , although it is strongly believed that he is a son of Na poleon and that his mother wus a lady o lionor nt the court of the emperor. Mu what is certain is that In 1SCS ho went to school , ho then being thirteen years old , nt Gigon , and that an elderly lady , who was always dressed in black , but wh has now mysteriously disappeared , used 1 to have charge of him. It win 3 then ho committed his first crime by i ebbing his mother of her Jewels nnd running away Ho then traveled around the world. HI stopped at Mosamblquc , at Calcutta , at Hoiif. Cong , at Haytl and San Francisco and re muincd for several months in New York in 15 > 72. Ho was a lieutenant in the army eDen Don Carlos. Ho profited by n ten days' ' leave of absence to cross the fron tier into Franco and consumato a rob bery of 8,000 francs and rejoined th army In time to distinguish himself at th < sloge of San Scbastien. During the siege ho was taken prisoner and sentenced to be shot , but the daughter of the governor of San So- bastion , whom ho had seduced , saved his life. Ho was afterwards badly wounded nt the battle of Sommorostro and was carried in an ambulance to a hospital , whore ho was nursed by a sister of char ity of St. Vincent do Paul. Ho seduced the sister of charity who was a near relative of the Duke of Norfolk. Ho afterwards married her and made n tour with her to Jerusalem , Palestine , Syria and Egypt. He brought his wife back to Naples in a dying condition , and she died at Iscbla. It is believed that ho poisoned her. Prado then went to Savonna , where he dis tinguished himself by robbing in broad day light and in ono of 3 the most frequented streets of the city 30,000 francs worth of jewelry. Two hours afterwards ho disposed of the jewels and returned to Eu rope. After having taken part in the last campaigns of the Cat-list's insurrections ho went to Peru. At Lima , ho married a woman of excellent family who brought him a dowry 1,200,100 francs. By this wife ho had ono child who died young. His wife also died very suddenly. On the day of his wife's funeral he lost 400,000 francs in a game of poker. Chased out of Lima in.V > the indignant relatives of his wife , ho ro- tuinod to Lisbon. Ho then made a voyage of discovery to Mozambique and Madagascar. Ho wroto. accounts of his travels tod. the royal geographical society nt Madrid. d.3d Ne\t year ho returned to Madrid and opened a gambling house there. In one night he won 200,000 francs by means of a false roulette table. "This , " Prado said , "is the only money that I over earned with real pleasure , for on that occasion I robbed the robbers themselves. " In a few days ho spent all his money and by making love to i aim Spanish marchioness of eighty years of age , hosuccccded in getting her to make him presents worth 0,000 francs. In 1ST9 ho met at San Sebastion a beautiful Spanish lady named Dolores Garocs G. Marilla who is descended from > the kings of Aragon , and on the 1st of toho vcmbor ho married her at Madrid. She brought with her a dowry of 170,000 francs , This wife is still living in Madrid in a garret in the most cruel misery. In alettcr to hong procureur general she relates a heartrending tale of how Prado seduced her , married her , btole her property and brutally maltreated hci . and ilnally abandoned her in the gutter , In liS3 Prado. left Spain and came to live in Paris , } Ie became a cb m.hV ami sniodl ed ] - . Monsieur Knmus , a iMirtner in a scheme for the chemical disinfection of the Paris hospi tal , out of all his money. Ho seduced , whllo in Paris , a jouno flllo du monde and after other adventures of the same kind he lived maritally with a woman named Eugenic For- restler Varley , who for three months hail been separated from her husband , This woman became passionately fond of htm nnd gave him all her money. At this time his entire property consisted of the clothes ho had on and three shirts , It was whllo ho won living with Madame Vuilay that the terrible murder Marie Agultant became the sensation of Paris. Marie Agultant was murdered on the night of January II , 18SO. In the third story of No. 52 rue .Caumartln. Marie Agultunt was a fcmmo gulnnto. She cohabited in lbS(5 ( with a man named Cles , the secretary of Parisian club , but as Monsieur Bles never came homo _ before 4 o'clock In the morning Marie Aguitant profited by this to pass her evenings at the Cafe Amer ican or at the Eden theatre , whcnco she ofter brouglu home with her to supper any chance acquaintance , especially Americans and English tourists. Marie Agultnnt had saved up about 100,000 francs nnd hod some splendid diamonds. She was in the habit of showing these diamonds to her casual acquaintances. When reproached with her Imprudence she would exclaim : "The only persons who are robbed nre those who con ceal what they have. " On the 14th of Jan uary Marie Aguitant was at the Eden the ater. She was seen to leave theater with a man in an English covert coat and wearing a felt hat. She had often been seen in com pany with this man , whom she called her "petit American. " She returned with her petit American to her apartment. A servant girl , opened the door , lighted the lamp and prepared the bedchamber. When the servant girl retired Marie Agultant was nearly un dressed. Prado , during that night , took great pains to turn his back always to the light RO that the servant girl was unable , when examined , to recall his features. At 4 o'clock in the morning Mr. Mies came home. Ho found the door open. Mies , revolver In hand , dashed into the bedroom determined to kill the intruder. He stumbled over something on the floor. This proved to be the head of Marie Agultant severed com pletely from the body. The trunk of the corpse , covered only by a chemise , lay across the fireplace. The carpet was completely saturated with blood. A writing desk had been burstcd open and Marie Agultant's ready money , some 5,000 francs , and all her jewels hud disappeared. That same night Prado entered the 'apartment ' of Madame Narlav , No. 11 Hue Baudln , and went to bed as usual. Ho did not sleep , and during the night continually got up to wash his hands. While smoking a cigarette he said that a woman had been murdered in Paris , and that every one was talking about it , but at this moment no living soul in Paris knew that Marie Aquitant had been murdered except Prado. Madame Nnrlay noticed that Prado's arms and face bore traces of deep scratches , apparently made by a woman's linger nails. The next morning ho got up early and put on his dressing gown. In retiring to the .bedroom ho handed Madame Varley a 100-fnuic banknote , which had been cut by some Sharp instrument. Ho said that ho had rcoefyod iffrcm a friend staying at the Grind hotel , and that the cut in the bank note had been made by a custom house officer at the frontier. Ho then took out another bank note from IMS overcoat pocket and gave it to Madame Varley. Ho then dressed him self , and Madame Varley no'ticed that his shirt sleeves and his overcoat were stained with blood. When Madame Varley went out as usual to buy breakfast , Prado told her to bring with her a Petit Journal. At 0 o'clock Madame Varlay re-ontered the apartment and surprised Prado in the act of burning his shirt in the kitchen stove. He said : "I have reasons for doing this , but re member that it is 'none of your business. " A few moments after ho burnt up his boots in the kitchen stOAC. Madame Varlay remon strated with him for this because the boots were new ones. At 4 o'clock ho went out but he did not shave himself ns usual. Ho said : "I have no razor. I left my razor to be sharpened at the barber shop. " Ho were his covert coat , his soft felt hat , and bis description corre sponded then exactly with that of the man seen in Marie Agultant's company the pre vious evening at the Eden theater. At Oo'clock ho came homoTigaln. Ho then were a black suit of clothes , an olive green overcoat and a tall silk hat. Ho said : "I gave away my old clothes to a beggar. " Prado and Madame Vurley dined at a res taurant and Prado spoke In a joking way of a murder that all Paris was now talking about. Madame Varley reproached him for joking in such a hard hearted way and ho replied : "Oh its only ono woman less in the world and plenty moro will bo killed before long. " The next day ho came home at G o'clock in the evening after having been absent all the afternoon. He was very feverish and said I that he was obliged to leave at once for Spain. IIo had no appetite and would not touch some dainty dishes that madame Varley bad prepared for him. My Prado's orders Madame Varley packed 1 up all her batrgago and accom panied him to ono of her friends named y'Hanez. On the way Prado bought a pair of trousers and at y'Mancz' rooms a i valise half filled with wearing apparel I awaited them. All three then went to the Garo d'Orleans , where Prado bought n ticket for Mordcaux. Madame Varluy ac companied him aa far as Etnmpcs. She was astonished at this sud den departure tlmt resembled a 'flight from Justice. She coijld not restrain herself from saying : "Are you sure you have not committed some crime ! You seem to be try ing to escape frbni somebody. ' Prado laughed at her and" called her a stupid fool. She afterwards read in the pa pers the description | of Marie Aquitant's murderer and nearly fainted away when she found that it exactly tallied In every detail with that of hcr'lover. ' She soon af terward received alctier from Prado dated Madrid and Saragova 'promising her money. Y'Oanez ono "day'Tinndcd her 400 francs , together with a fetter from Prado ) , telling her to rejoin him at Lisbon i , whence they would sail for America. " Mut after this Madam' Varlay heard nothing more of Prado. Prado afterwards met u lady named Coucronean , at Hordcaux. She was accompanied by her daughter , a charm ing young girl named Mauricette , and Prado fell head over heels in love with Maiu-icetto. Ho oald that ho was a Polish nobleman , that his narao was Comto da Linska , nnd that he wished 10d ; marry Mauricette , Mine. Coureanjan said that It would take so-.uo time to have the 10e. necessary raperj prepared for the marriage. Two daj a afterward , Prado seduced Mauri- 1h cctto and ran up trcmendouj bills which the mother p id. In September , Ib8) 5 , Mauricette Coyeronean became encientc. To conceal her dlsgrec * her mother took her to IAnconleuia I , \yjacro a fhlld wat > born , Prado 1 LC'tmtliiucxZ p tftce/ui Put/ / * . } ' ' ' T-f\j t tZV. . " " * * * f r UGLY REVELATIONS. Wurtomborg's Royal Scandal as It Appeared In Print. PECULIAR STATE OF AFFAIRS. The King Under the Control of Young Americans. THEIR GREAT POWER OVER HIM. Ho Heaps Riches and Honors on the Favorites. HOW THEY RETAIN THEIR HOLD. The Prince's Weak Hrnln UnlmllnnceU By the Spiritualistic Seances Which the Foreigners Conduct. Eccentricities of Ilornlty. fCopj/r/uit / ? ISSSbiiJiiinrs Gonlon I MUNICH , Oct. 27. [ New York Herald Cable Special to TUB HUE. ! A long article - cle , under the heading "Ugly Hevelutions , " appeared Tuesday in the Nuesto Nachrichj ten , of Munich. It deals with a peculiar state of affairs In Wurtemberg. Though no names nre mentioned , the high personage re ferred to can bo no other than the king of Wurtembergwhoso eccentricities nnd friend ship for several young Americans traveling in Stuttgart have given rise to very serious discontent among his subjects. His majesty has squandered largo sums of money on the strangers. This , and his mental condition , nro freely discussed among the people to such nn extent even that ofllccrs and uniformed - formed line officials avoid the table d'hotcs and other places where the sovereign is made the target of sharp criticism. The word curatcl guardian has been pro nounced , and only the fact that the king's malady , consumption , promises to put an end to his life before long , prevents the matter being seriously agitated. What complicates the matter is that the heir presumptive to the throne , Pnnco Wil liam , the king's nephew , bus himself shown signs of n peculiar mental condition. Like the king , ho avoids showing himself in public , and devotes his time to n few chosen favor ites. While the king's marriage has never been blessed with children , Prince William , who has twice married , has no children by his second wife nnd but a daughter by his first. My his death the throne reverts to the ducal house of Wurtem berg , the head of which is a field marshal lieutenant in the Austrian service. This branch of the royal house is Koinan Catholic and a ruler of that faith would scarcely bo acceptable to the people , a large majority of whom , are pro- testant. The king's strong affection for an Ameri can dentist living in Stuttgart , was some years ago the subject of unkind comment in 'a number of German newspapers. The den tist has since then boon Joined by a couple of young American relatives of bright intelli gence and pleasing manner. These young men live In a magnificently furnished light house , presented to them by the king , and hero ho passes most of his time , ostensibly in the investigation of spiritualistic phe nomena. The gifts of money to the young Americans have been so numerous and so great that the king's exchequer has been depleted. Some of his household are in arrears of pay and the annual visit to Nice had to bo under taken this year on a moro modest footing. The late king , the present king's father , lived to a green old age. Ho had an aged miltresso en litre to whom ho was devoted , and for whom ho neglected his excellent nnd popular wife. When ho died the Stuttgart citizens very nearly mobbed the house of the old king's innnm- orata , who received notice soon afterwards from the police that she had better quit the country. The old king was noted for his love of King Charles spaniels , and was al ways accompanied by two or three of his silKcn-carcd pets during his walks. More eccentric still was his predecessor , the enor mously stout king of Wurtemberg , who vis ited Franco during the reign of Napoleon I. , and was ono of the partarro do rois who ap plauded Talma. "There are certain things , " begins the ar ticle , "difficult to discuss In the columns of a newspaper. They are bandied about from one mouth to another nnd re-echo in the drawing rooms or the beer house. Public opinion or public discontent makes note of them , but to sec them In black and white all people are afraid. This accounts for the re- serve maintained by the newspapers in the capital of a neighboring state concerning matters - tors widely discussed among the educated classes there. This condition of affairs ex isted in our own Mavarla not so very long ago. For a newspaper to discuss what is wrong In the surroundings of a prince is to take hold of n red-hot iron , but a plain , frank , honorable exposure of a very much-to bo-regretted state of affairs la better than to abandon the field to calumny. We have carefully sifted all the evidence and have decided , after mature deliberation , to give the public certiln facts that have oc curred nt a neighboring court , whllo dis cussing them with all tenderness nnd dell- cacy. "Tho country where these events took place is beautiful , rich and inhabited by a bravo , industrious and intelligent people. Its prince is ono f a race that has furnished many illustrious names to German history. Ho stood by Germany manfully In her great struggle for unity. Trade and commerce , together with art and learning , flourished during long years of his reign , but ago and the fatal inio-ads of disease have estranged him from a people whose devotion to their princes is famed for centuries in song and story. His beautiful capital among the hill ho only visits for a brief por- tion of the year. His summers ara passed in u castle situated at tbo extreme southern boundary of the dominion. His health obliges him to pass his winters In France or Italy. His malady causes him to avoid man kind with the exception of those whom ho admits to his Intimacy. Ho holds no com munication with his ministers. Ills secretary attends to all that. As the ministers are un- lmi > cachable , both as to honesty and brains , the transaction of business has been carried on without difficulty. Mut the people nro not sure that all Is as it should bo , for tbo very reason that they are so faithfully attached to the monarchy. They miss the presence of their prince among his subjects and tin Q ) splendor ofh < i court to stimulate trade , or " they attribute to Its absence the "distress ox- stliigin thocjpltul. "This feeling Is aggravated by the fact that the guilty parties are ICrelgneri. B.ucb _ , . _ . fc n M I f + -r * ' a ono , attached in a subordinate capacity the agency of n foreign power , ill some seven years ago to attract the attention of the prince. The illustrious sufferer took n lively interest In the handsome and Intelli gent foreigner and appointed him as reader nnd covered him orders , titles and presents , Other courts showed him similar favors. Alone Emperor William withheld the honors the stranger craved. Mefore long the prince nnd the parvenue were inseparable , while a real nobleman , a life-long companion and confidant of the prince , was sent summarily to right about. "It must bo admitted that the new favor ite did not abuse the advantages of his post- tion. Ho refused to act as nn intermediary Itti private matters , abstained from all Inter ference In public ones. Mut it change came. Two now faces were seen nt court. They belonged to n couple of young men , country men of the new favorite. How they came to nv nb there no ono knows , but they soon capti vated the king , who loaded them with favors. These young gentlemen wcro by no means modest In their desires. They asked for and received very largo sums of money , which they soon squandered. And they had hangers-on , whom they likewise sought to benefit. The monarch presented them with n magnificent house in the capital , borrowing the money to build it from a wealthy manu facturer. It Is hero , in this exquisitely fur nished abode that the royal patron passes most of his time when In the capital. "Musy tongues have much to tell of mys teries within those walls. Wo will confine ourselves to mentioning that hero spiritual- istlc j , seances are supposed to bo hold. This takes ono back to the time of Frederick William II. of Prussia , whoso minister , Von Woelncrr , invoked apparitions to help secure him his royal master's ' favor. At these seances , that must have u most disastrous effect upon the princj's delicate health , certain - tain of his illustrious ancestors are alleged to bo raised from the dead. Certain dlsd tlnguished residents of the capital nro pointed out as having taken part in these unhallowed comedies. The effect of them , however , on the prince is so bad thatn a distinguished professor from a neighboring university , who had been called in consultation , Insisted on the instant departure of the two strati- ecrs. This the latter agreed to do in consldt oration of a certain sum of money , but though they disappeared for a time , they returned - turned us soon as the eminent physician had quitted the bcdsido of the prince. "This happened about u year ago , and ever since the two foreigners have managed to work themselves moro nnd moro Into the confidence of the royal sufferer. They played with his money at public gaming tables and led such a luxurious existence that , the ex penses of the royal household had to bo cut down. A number of royal horses were sold. The ex penses of last winter's visit to Italy were so enormous that they are not yet settled , and it becomes necessary to raise money by mortgage. The inhabitants of the capital consider the two strangers responsible for this condition of royal financial embarrass ment. Dissatisfaction is loudly manifest. Government employes shun their friends in order not to hear angry protests. Collections are being taken up to celebrate tbo coming of the twenty-fifth anniversary of the king's ascension , and some very painful comments have been the result. One of the strangers is to bo ennobled. No newspaper printed in the capital alludes to this with the exception of a radical ono , whlo'i says that it is proof of favor. It will scarcely appear in the Staats-Anzelgcr or the Official Gazette , but it is true nevertheless and awakens the most curious feelings , nnd sorrowfully ono asks one's self , 'How will it alf end ! ' "Unconsciously ono is reminded of the state of affairs in Mavaria that ended in such a mournful , such a terrible catastrophe. That there Is a certain analogy between the two cases cannot bi denied. " Such are the uirly revelations of the article in the Nuesto Nachrichten that causes pro found emotion in Germany. The king's fa vorites are all Americans. * A FUII3ND OFSHKUDAN'8. A Military Man Who Admired FightIng - Ing Phil. [ Copur/oM / ISSSliu Juinex Gordon /JoiiieM LONDON , Oct. 27. [ New York Herald Cable Special to Tun MKE. ! I visited Sir iScauclmmp Walker , 1C. C. M. , to-day , who was with General Sheridan durinir the cam paign of 1870 at Gravelotto and Sedan. Sir Meauchanip was there as a spectator and as an English military guest. I found he had not yet read Scribner's magazine for Novem ber. I handed him the substance of its arti cle by the late General Sheridan as printed m the European edition of the Herald. Ho ran over the extracts with the greatest interest and then said : "I knew General Sheridan in the Franco-Prussian campaign. Wo all agreed that ho was the most charming of men. I was attached to the stuff of the crown prince nnd ho to that of the king , wherefore we were generally in different parts of the field. " Sir Mcauchamp was again glancing over the Herald account and to judge from the appearance of his face ho liked Sheridan's account Immensely. For some time ho remained immersed In the contents of the Herald , every now and then ejaculating pleasant comments. Ho ap peared greatly amused at the incident where Mlsmurck appeared with the two cgcs. Ho observed : "Just like him. Ho Is much too good n sportsman not to bo a good forager. " "What do you think of the incident of the black bread ! " "Quito likely. Wo often went hungry dur ing that campaign. Those of us who know our way about always endeavored to stow away something In our pocket , for the be tween meals were apt to bo long , nnd often wo had nothing to cat from dawn to dusk. " "General Sheridan mentions you in his memoirs. " "Yes , and he gives mo n luncheon with the king whkh I never got. At the time of that luncheon I was going hungry In another place with the crown prince , but ho was al ways thoughtful about us , yet I think ho had , like ourselves , had nothing to cat since 4 o'clock in the morning. Soon alter the hour of that luncheon wo wcro all called in hot haste to bo at the surrender. " Sir Mcauchamp hero turned the Herald to the Shcrldun account and added : "General Sheridan was certainly present at the most interesting episode of the war , the famous meeting between Napoleon and Bismarck , nt the weaver's cottage. " "Did you see anything later of General Sheridan ! " "Not much. IIo then went on to Paris and Versailles. At the latter pluco ho stopped at the Hotel des Cascades. Everybody of note went there. llowc\cr , I was on a delicate mission and it was necessary for mo to keep my tongno _ between my tccth , so J put up at a small , quiet hotel. Hence 1 did not see much moro of Sheridan , nor as much as I could have wished , for I thought him a splen did soldier and a very interesting man , Uestroyctl by OrrA\\A , 111. , Oct. 27. Hess Sc Crotty's lime works of this city wpre set on tire this morning by a bolt of llgutnlng and buined , I.Less , ! 5 > Wj ) insurance , f4OW , . * / ? i ' : , . - ' " : . . ' . ' BRITAIN'S ' BORCIIARD. His Private Letter the Subjoot of English Prosa Comment. THEY DENOUNCE OUR POLITICS * Their Minister Made a Toy for Par ties to Play With. STANDING BETWEEN TWO FIRES. Both Elements Will Damn Him for Doing What Ho Did. THE DEMOCRATS DON'T LIKE HIM Ilccinisc HIM Indiscreet Screed Ig Ma- bio ( o Allonntn the Hulk of the Irish Vote from Their Candidate. Hnckvlllo'N Silly hotter. [ ro/ri0'if ) ) ifSSlniJama Gimlonfrmirtf.1 LONDON , OCT 137. [ New York Herald Ca ble. Special to Tun Bin. : | Even the week lies pointed their current issues to the sensa tion about Lord Saekvillo , llrst communi cated hero through the Paris edition of the Herald , and then chorused by the London dally papers. For Instance , the Saturday Hoviow says : "Lord Saekvillo has become for the moment not so much a mark as n missile , for the republican and democratic parties fling him back ward nnd forward Hko genial young giants at play , from ono to another. The former exclaim in scandalized Indignation against the unwarrantable Interference of the British minister in the affairs of this country and the latter , not to bo behind hand 1 , denounce him for compromising them with the unpopularity of a patronage which they never solicited and to which they indig nantly object. Naturally the democrats who cannot afford to have the Irish vote altogether alienated from them by being I suspected of enjoying the favor ol a nation now connected with Ireland by the union of hc.uts , are a little more offensive in I their t lectures to the peccant minister , but i i the t other side runs them pretty close. For tunate Lord Saekvillo 1 What a delightful I government to bo accredited to in such lively i i times. An indiscreet correspondent elicits from you , or perhaps a party wire-puller en traps you into writing a confidential reply tea a private letter of inquiry nnd hero is the re sult. " The Spectator , which ono of several papers that has leaned towards Harrison , remarks : "It is to secure the Irish vote as well as the ultra-protectionist vote that this nonsciiso Is written about English intrigue in favor of Mr. Cleveland. Can not Americans under stand that if the world wore at stake Eng lishmen arc'- too stumd to Intrigue I Republican - . publican paper * declare that Mr , Clcvo ' land is England's man and 'demand that the minister should at onca be sent home. In n country where no ono respects any right of privacy nnd on the eve of an election , Lord Saekvillo should have returned n moro evasive answer or none nt all , so as to avoid even the appearance of in flucnclng ono vote. Mut the anger expressed is ridiculous. Foreign ambas sadors in England nro always favoring 3 parties from which they hope for help , an ! American ministers all over the continent i stand for liberal ideas. No objection Is raised unless they break > omo diplomatic etiquette , which Lord Saekvillo has not done. Ho has only made the mis- talco of thinking aloud. The affair only proves the excessive importance attached in the states to Mritlsh opinion. Had the letter been written by the French minister it would have been considered proper cour tesy toward a president who has still in any event five months to reign. LONDON , Oct. 23. New York Herald Cable. Special to Tin : Muu. ] Nearly all the Sun day papers give attention to the Saekvillo sensation. The Dispatch remarks : " 'Our sleepy foreign secretary , Lord Salisbury , ha missed an opportunity. Ho ought nt once to have recalled Lord Saekvillo by telegraph , but ho has waited until It is too lato. Ac cording to the report in the Now Yorli Herald yesterday the American cabinet has met nnd sent a dispatch to London in forming Lord Salisbury that u good under standing between Great Britain and the li United States would bo promoted by a change of head at the britlsh legation at Washington , but even this step will not undo the mischief. Lord Snckvillo's letter may seriously Influence the Irish vote and Imperil Mr. Cleveland's chances. The republicans aie of course using it to the utmost. " LoNDONOct. 27. [ New York Herald Cabla Succiul to Tun Mcu.J So far as the pro vincial papers have had time to notice the Suckvlllo matter they seem to chorus the sentiments already sent the Herald from London , condemning Sackvlllc's Indiscre tion. Doubtless Joseph Cowcn's newspaper , the Newcastle Chronicle , may be ncccptod as ono of the ocst exponents of provincial sentiments. It contains a long leader In the course of which It says : "It Is n lamenta tion that the great republican party should resort to tactics so dishonorable. It is , moreover , particularly annoying that a Mritish minister should have become the vic tim of a trick so transparent. Having shown how easily ho may bo deceived , it may bo necessary to find Lord Saekvillo some other post than Washington. Though It is qulta understood there Is no great culpability in hid action , it is humiliating to England that he ? ambassador must bo discredited during what remains of the electoral campaign la America. " PnrneU'N Cane In Hcotlanil. EniNiiuna , Oct. 27.-In the court of ses sions to-day the case of Parncll ucnlnst the London Times was again called. Parnell'a counsel moved that closure of the record of proof bo allowed. The court , after consider able debate between the counsel , granted the motion of the plaintiff. Murray , counsel for the Times , said that the only publication , averred in the complaint was that copies of the Times had been mailed to persons la Scotland. This nvcrrmcnt , ho contended , was irrelevant. The prosecution , ho Raid , further claimed the right under the registra tion act to certain funds which ho wus sura the act gave them no right to. The Judga then decided to send the case to the pro ceed uro roll for a decision on the various points submitted. Troubles. GIIEAT MAUHINOTOS , Mass. , Oct. 27. Thd Mershiro Woolen company , of Great Harring ton , suspended this afternoon and the work * are shut down. . ' Resources and liabilities arc yet unknown. In Ib70 thb company fulled f or ftoo.oco , ' ; . . . - , .S