Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 27, 1888, Page 3, Image 3

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DAILY BEE : SATURDAY , OOTOfefcR 27. 1888.
Bull Sontlmotit Slrongor Thau EVOT
In Whotit.
Corn Atlvnnco * HllKlitly-Tlic Mourn
Control Provisions Cntllc Hlciw nncl
\Vi-nk lloit * Actlvn Antl Home-
what. Jllilicr Quotation * .
CniCA io , Oct. 20. [ Special Telegram to
Tun lire. ] Wheat scored another udviinco
to-day. If asked the reason therefor about
four out of five would make reply. "It is
Hutchlnsoti and the Northwest. " The stal
wart bulls were loyal to the opinion that it
was due altoKCthcr to the legitimate nnd un
conquerable nature of the situation. From
the best Information they obtain they arc
Rntisflcd that there will not bo over 85,000-
000 or 35,000,000 bbshels to bo spared for ex
port dJriiiK tUo remaining eight months of
the current crop year , of which less than 40
) icr cent cnn come from cast of the Uocky
mountains. That makes them rock rooted
in their convictions , and they predict 11 51
for wheat , with Just as much confidence
now , as they preached tl.00 ® 1.10 wheat when
the price was around bOc. That Ilutchln.soi :
was the larircit buyer to-day is true beyond
dispute , but that it was or is one man's mar
kct in not so clear. There was a good , rat
tling lire of outside orders , and the public
confidence In wheat at around the currcnl
range of values seems to be growing. The
prophesies of the past three weeks that wheal
must break back to (1.10 have not been ful
filled , nnd n new set of buyers have coma it
nbovo $1.10 to rclnforco the stalwarts wh <
could not be shaken out on the buckwart
sweep from $1.83. Tno receipts at boll
gprlng and winter wheat points are not get
ting any larger , and advices from the north
west continue to bo bullish in the extreme
Unless there should bo a series of "corners'
In this market there is slight proa
pect of much northwestern when
KCttinR to Chicago thin year and operator !
have about dropped that section of the coun
try out of their calculations when llgurltif !
on Itho sources of supply contributory ti
Chicago for the season. The opening price
Of December was about 11.17. December ad
Vanced to tl.7tf , worked back to "fl.lO J
went to * 1.17 , back to $ K and up t <
I ' 4. Late in the session it broke to 11.14
ana during the greater part of the session 1
ranged under May , though the course o
prlcds was Jerky. The buying or selling of i
Ingle 5.000 bushel lot was liable to changi
the price } c. May ndva'nced early ti
11.17 % , ranged down to tl.16 % and up t <
11.18. It could not bo kept below $1.17 > foi
any length of time , and between 11:30 : am
12:30 : it touched $1.18 frequently. Shortly before
fore 1 o'clock the market gave way to $ l.liy
for May. "Hutchinson's brokers lllled 'em up1
was the explanation and the stutcmen
proved true. The "old man" parted will
quite a line of wheat above $1.17 . Afte
the flurry the market assumed a tinner tone
and seemed to be resting on a ilrmer foun
dation. The closing prices were # 1.10J { , fo
December , and $1.17) ) { for May , a net im
provcment of I' dMKo for the day. One o
the best features of the market to-day wa
the tendency of May to got above Decembc
and Btay there. Another feature was th
telling out of half a dozen good lines o
wheat by operators like Keam and Gcorg
Bmltb. Ream again announces tnat ho i
going away , this time "for suie , " and othe
bulls who unloaded say they were morel ,
taking moderate profits. They nro believer
In $1.60 wheat , but do not think the price i
' polng there to-morrow. Still another featur
Is the improved demand for lower grades o
wheat at rather better prices.
Corn receipts were 84 cars , under est
mates. The inspection of out store was hcav ,
and the weather was mild , damp and uufi
y vornble to the curly grading of No. 2 fret
the now crop. Liverpool wfls also quote
higher , exports were on an unusual scale
and .tho strength in wheat likewise cncoui
god holders. There was some activity at a
advance of about % o on futures in this yea
and May also made some improvement eve
yesterday's closing figures. In early tradin
buying on a small scale by parties who ar
supposed to hold most of the contract grad
at present in store hero was observed , bi
generally the day's business was without ui
usual features. Outside orders were scare
and the market narrow and unsatisfactor ;
The chief interest centers in November , a
though a ( air share of to-day's operatioc
were in December. The opening price of 41Jj
for November was within , : * 'e of ii
-highest for the day. It was statlonai
for the greater part of the day around 41 > (
41c , advancing slightly Just toward tt
close and closing llrm at 41c , being an n <
vance of % @Xc on yesterday's closing pric
December also gained % c and May closed i
the same figure as it did on the prcccdii :
day.Oats were without important changi
ruling generally llrm , with light business I
May at figures within yesterday's ringei
Uc above the latest prices of thai i .v F
lures this side of May were dull , with th
month practically nominal. Trading In cat
lots was almost entirely in samples , as thoi
wa * little offered in store or to go thero. N
9 was quotable nt 24 ? (324kc. (
In provisions the bear siao again controlU
the movement. Cudahy , Singer , Wrigl
and their followers hammered the mark
with even more than their customary vlgo
They were gunning for holders from tl
start and had no trouble in holding the b ;
ance of power. In the downward turn i
augurated and maintained lard received mo
attention than any other leading lines , thouj
January pork was at times qulto activ
General business , In fact , exceeded the avc
ago volume , and of cash meats the sal
showed something of an Increase. Insii
prices ull around wore touched shortly L
fore adjournment. Uascd on ycstci day's fin
quotations the day's net decline amount
to 50o on October pork , 12) con October lat
J7Jio on November , December , year and Ju
nary pork , 10ll'jfc on deliveries of la
Inter than October , 5o on January short ri
and l4o on May pork.
CniCAOO , Oct. 20. [ Special Telegram to Ti
BKK. | CATTI.B. Trodo was slow and pric
weaker on everything , except ono or f
loads of prime natives , and they barely ma
as good prices as heretofore. Good nativ
are scarce , but only a few are wanted. T
straw that showea which way the wind w
blowing was the sale of Day State rangers
14.00 against M.12K on Wednesday. Tl
brand of rangers equaled anything tl
comes from Montana. They were bought
, Hammond for the export dressed beef trai
and there was scarcely anything better
the ranger hue on the market. Medium n
common natives were again ucglccti
buyers finding what they wan !
in the 00 cars of rangers on sale. Of coui
medium and common natives were dlspo ;
of at ono price or another , but there w <
no llxcd values on the same. However , c
fact was certain they were no higher tl
yesterday. If anything lower. Cow sto <
cunning stock , bulls , and all rough stuff ,
main ut the lowest prices for the year. Text
sold about the same as yesterday. 'J
btocker and feeder trade continues quiet w
prices rather lower than last week ; cho
beeves $5.60(35.75 ( j medium to good steo
1350 to 1500 Ibs , H.OOcSYOO ; 1200 to 1350 1
| 3.60@4.i5 ! ; 050 to 1200 Ibs , t3.00C . ( K ) ; steers
ers nnd feeders active at $3.15(33.40 ( ; co'
bulls and mixed , * 1.20@.90j bulk , * , ' . !
2.40 ; Texas and Indian steers , f.'OCJa
cows , $1.7502.85 : western rangers , VJ.S
4 PO ; cows , rJ.40tji2.00 ( ; wintered Toxa
18.00(53.40. (
lIoiJh Huslness opened rather active ,
poclally In the northwest division , where l
run was light , with a slight upturn ,
other divisions early tmlcs showed no par
uiarchaiiKQ as compared with jeslerd
Later , and especially around about 11 o'clo
tlieru was a largo Increase in the run , the
celpts largely overrunning early optimal
and late arrivals sold 5 ( < ? lUo lower , the K
eral market olonlng rather weak nt ah
13.30 to $5.40 frr common packers and 15.4
C 50 for best mixed ; assorted heavy , incl
Inc fancy butcher welghu , Philadelphia i
trulght loads of choice , sold all the \
from | 5 55 to * 5 05. Assorted light !
Jargelj between 44.45 and 13.80.
NKW YoiiK , Opt. 2 < l. [ Special Telegram to
Tun UKK.I- STOCKS In stocks the nmrkot
was again of minor Interest U > operators. It
oNti | < ! cl rather iiuiet at about steady price1) ,
ns compared with last night's clone. Fluctiu
ntions during the morning holirs were usually
small , arid trading was ot no special Rig.
nlllcutico. At noon thu market was dull and
steady , generally at n shade nbovo opening
prices. Missouri I'acillu developed some
strength and closed nearly 1 point over the
opening , the remainder closing nt or near
the llrst prices of the day a ? n rule.
The following were the cloning quotations :
II. H. 4s regular .I27S Northern Pacific . ZOfi
U. H. 4sroupuun , do preferred fil'i
I' . H.4' ' } ri-Killftr 0. AN. W . . 1UH
U. H. 44HcoupoiiB ! IIM ( > , do preferred , . 14. !
I'ftclHr Os of 'Id. . . .IZlij N.Y. Central . . . IMS
Ci'iitrnl Pacific. . . : isy p. , i ) . 41 : 2 ij
Clilcairo It Alton . 130 Hoc It Inland , . lOX'l
Chicago , llnrlltik'toti C. . M. 4Ht. 1' . . . t'W
AQulnry do preferred. . . , ! ( ) " ?
I ) . . I , . * W. . . .St. Paul * Omaha. . : rj
Illinois Central , .lin do preferred . .ins
1..II.&W . 17 Union Pacific . . . . U\
Kiuisas ATexan. . . ll'i \V..St.I , . * ! ' . . . . 14' *
. . do preferred. . . ZT'/i
MIchlKnn Central Western Union. , . MS
4 %
MONET ON CALI , Easy at 1M < ? * 2 per cent ;
last loan 2 per cent ; closed olTorcd at 2 per
cent ,
STKHUNO EXCIIANOE Quiet nnd wealr ,
with urtual business , at $4.839f for sixty-day
bills , nnd $4.87.f ' for demand.
CHICAGO , Oct. 2(1. ( Wheat lower ;
cash. I1.14 ; < ; November , $1.15 ; Uecetn-
ocr , $1.1(5 ( % ; May , $ I.17'4' ' .
Corn Steady ; cash and November , 415fe ;
December , JKIJfc ; May , IVS c.
Oats firm ; cash , 84 'HC ; November ,
24Vc ; December , 254'c ' ; May , 29b'c.
Uyo 57c.
Hurley Nominal.
Prime Timothy Nominal.
Klax-$1.45 < a)1.40. )
Whisky $1.20.
Pork Lower ; cash , $14.40 ; November ,
$14.30 ; January , $14.3Prf ; Mav , * 14.(15. (
Lard Steady ; cash , $ .83 ; NovembcrS.05 ;
December , $7.0714.
Flour Quiet and unchanged : patents ,
$ rt.75@7.00 ; bakers , fl.75(35.85 ( , winter , $5.50
(35.75. (
Hulk Meats Shoulders , $ S.OO < a8.25 ; short
clear , $3.37K@8.50 ; short ribs , $7.(55. (
Uuttcr Kasy ; creamery , 19MQ26l o :
dairy , 13K@Mc.
Choose A shade easier ; full cream chcd-
dam , 10' ( < | 10V c ; flats and Young Americas ,
Eggs-Firm : fresh , lSX@19c.
Hides Steady ; heavy green salted , 7c :
light preen salted , 7ic ; green , C c ; salted
bull , 6 } c ; green salted bull , 5c ; green salted
calf , 7@7 > Jc ; dry flint , 9o ; dry calf , 7@Sc ;
deacons , 15J30o each ; dry salted , 7c.
Tallow Steady ; No. 1 , solid packed , 4We ;
No. 2 , 8' < c ; cake , 6c.
Receipts. Shipments
Flour , bbls 1(5,000 ( 31,00 (
Wheat bu 55.000 4C.WX
Corn , bu 321.000 382XX
Oats , bu IbO.OOO ! W8 , X
Kye , bu . . . .
Now York , Oct. 'M. Wheat Receipts
39,350 ; exports , none ; spot market dul
and lljiailjfc ( higher and flrui ; No. 2 red
tl.lSfJU.1:1)4 : ) In elevatflr ; $1.141 @ 1.14j
afloat ; $1.12 @ 1.12 % f. o. b. ; No. 3 red , Jl.Ot
Q1.02 ; iincrudcd red , $1.07@1.13) { ; No. :
red , tl.17fjil.18. Options fairly aetivo am
advanced lKfJ22J.Cc , closing firm at 1 ? @ 1 % <
over yesterday's ; No. 2 red uud Novembci
closing at $1.13.
Corn Receipts , 1,163,800 ; exports , 79,744
spot market moderately active , a tnlk
higher , nnd weak ; No. 2 , 491 @ 40 e in
elevator , 4'.t@W c&ttoati ungraded mixed
49@50c ; options very dull and } 4@i }
higher , steady ; November closing at4'Ju.
Oats Uccolpts , 40.COO ; exports 34 ; spol
market moderately active , J o higher , ant
strong ; options lairly active , > 4c higher , oni
firm , November closing at ; i05fc ; No. i
white , 33o : mixed western , 2Sdi32c _ ; wnitc
western , : JOJ$40c. (
CotTco Options steady ; sales , 93.500 bags
Including October , $13.70@13.75 ; November
$13.35@li.55 ! ; Docotnbor , * 13.00@13.15 ; Jau
unry , fl2.9riC' 13.15 ; February , ? 12.fi5 (
13.10 ; spot Kiodull and easy ; fair cargoei
nt 115.75.
Petroleum Steady and quiet ; Unitet
closed at 85c.
Eggs Fancy , steady and in fair demand
western , 21Kfc22e ( ; limed , lU@19Kc.
Pork More active ; mess , $15.75@10.25.
Lard Lower nnd dull : spot western 18.50
November closing at $8.32.
Butter Easy and in moderate demand
western dairy , 18J4al8c ) ; western creamery
lC@2ic ( ; Elgin , 23K@-"c-
Cheese Dull ancreasy ; western , 9@10 c
Minneapolis , Oct. 20. Wheat The re
celpts of wheat for to-day were 371 cars ;
shlmpents , 79 cars. Sellers were cncour
aged to ask prices again by the stiffness o
outside markets and buyers exercised thci
usual custom of waiting until late in the ses
slon. Sales ranged Ic above yesterday bu
trading was quiet. Closing quotations : No.
hard , cash , $1.31 ' . November , ? 1.31 } { ; DC
comber , $1.31 % ; May , I1.35X ; on truck
$1.31@1.32 ; No. I northern , cosh , $1.17)4" )
November , Sl.lVtf ; December , $1.17Jf ; May
$1.22 > tf ; on track , $ l.30@1.33 ; No. a north
crn , cash , $1.11 % ; November , tl.llJi' ; DC
comber , $1.12 ; May , $1.16 ; on track , $1.14 ( <
8t. ijoals.'Oct. 20. Wheat Higher.Jcas
$1.09K ; November , $1.11.
Corn Firmer ; cosh , 38 (338 0 ; Noveir
her , 3Cc.
Oats Quiet ; cash , 22c ; November , 22Vc
Pork-$15.18) ) < .
Lurd-$8.25@j.50. (
Whiskey $1.14.
Uutter Firm ; creamery , 0@27c ; dalr ;
31a23c. (
KaiiHaa City , Oct.20. Wheat Strongei
No. 2 redcash , 1.00 asked ; Decembersah
at$1.02May$1.00J ; ; No.3 , redcash,82Kcbii
No.,2 soft , cash , $1.03 bid ; December , $1.1
asked ; Muy sales nt $1.11.
Corn Quiet ; No. 8 , cash , 33J < c bid ; yea
29Vcbid ; January , 2S } ebid ; No. 8 , whit
cash , 34Kc bid.
Oats-No. 2,20 ; < o nsKed.
Milwaukee , Oct. 20. Wheat Fir n
cash , $1.0 < J ; December , $1.11 ; Januar ,
Corn Steady ; No. 3 , 42'fc.
Oats Quiet ; No. 2 white , 29 } c.
Kvo Quiet ; No. 1 , & 7Jtfc.
Barley Weak ; No. 2 , 73e.
Provisions Easier ; pork $14.75.
Clnclniiiitl , Oct. SO. Wheat-Stead ;
No. 2 rod , $1.05.
Corn Easier ; No. 2 mixed , 4G ) c.
Oats Harely steady ; No. 8 mixed , 25Wc.
Hyo In fair demand and steady ; No.
Whisky Active and flrm at $1.14.
Chicago. Oct. 20. The Drovers' Jou
nal reiiorts as follows :
Cattle Receipts , 12,000 : market stead ;
beeves , $3.00r < i5.75 ; stockers and fee
era , $1 5003.40 ; cows , bulls and mixed , $1.
02.UO ; bulk , J2.10@2.10 ; Texas cattle , $1.
tJ4.X ( ) .
Hogs Receipts , 10.000 ; market opened 5
lOo higher , but closed 10@10c lower ; mixo
$5.256J5.55 ; heavy , $ o.35 ( < i5.lJ5 ; light , $ o.3U
Sheep Receipts. 5,000 ; market stoadio
natives , fy.75f7i3.90 ; westerns , $3 00@3.C
Toxnns , $ 8.60Qi3.20 : ; lambs , $3.76(35.50.
National Htoolc Yards. Kut f
LoulM , Oct. 'M. Cattle Receipts , 1.70
shipments , l,4bO ; market steady ; cnol
heavy native steers , $5.000(5.50 ( ; fair to goi
natlvo steers , I4.40M5.10 ; butchers' steei
medium to choice , ) .40@4.50 ; stockcrs u
feedeis , fair to good , $ J.10 ( < ? 3.25 ; rangei
corn-fed , * J.OO3.10 ; grass-fed , rJ.103.00.
Hogs Receipts , 2.5IX ) ; shinmcnts , 2,16
market easy , choice heavy and butcher sell
lions , t5.B5 ( t' 05. packing medium to priu
M.85Ci70.55 ; light grades , ordinary to be
| 0.25 ( Jtl.45.
KHIISAH City , Oct. 2fl. Cattle Rocelpi
a fl,3lt ; hhipmcnts,3,415 ; marketslowand we
for coiumoir , all fat and cholco steady ; b' ° od
cholco corn-fed , $1.75 ( 5.25 ; common
medium , $ li.25 ( < tl.CO ; stockers and Icodl
steers , $1.50v (3.i.'i ( : : grabs range btcera , $1.0C
3,15 ; cows , $1.85(3..75. (
Hog * Receipts , V , ( HO ; shipments , 802 : i
; live , nnd 5o hlKhor ; good to choice J5.60iO. (
common to medium , $4.tJOQj5.-10 ; vklpi u
es , plus , f3.Hi@UO.
d- Cattlo.
dnd Friday , Oct. 20.1SSS
\y I Quite a good many cattle changed bai
Id I but the trading all took place In an houi
two iu the afturuoon , which made tUo tu
kot Anpoar Tcry dull and dragging nil the
forenoon. The receipts -were llpht nnd
mostly all westerns. Thrrq were a tQW corn ,
fed istefrs which sold nt $3 COO3.T5. A few
western beeves changed bunds but the
* liTivi 11 uv u * un un
tnidlni ? wnsliirgcly III I butcher stork , eannem ,
ofc. The market was weak und about lOo
line * *
The receipts were the heaviest Of the week.
Thu market opened weak but closed 5c
higher with ull sold.
H tier p.
The market was well supplied nnd with
sheep of good quality. Quito u largo bunch
changed hands.
Cuttle 1,000
Hops 5,000
Sheep 3,100
Horses 64
I'ruvsvllitiic Price * .
The following is a table of prices paid In
this maricet for the grades of stock men
Prime steers. 1300 to 1500 Ibs. . 13.75 (34.50 (
Primest crs , 1100to 1300 Ibs. 3.50 t4.00
Native feeders 2.50 ( 3.15
Western fecc-ers 2.50 3.UO
Ranito steers , com'on to choice 2.50 < & ) .25
Common to good cows 1.85 (42.00 (
Choice to fancy cows 2.25 C42.50
Common to choice bulls 1.85 dI2.K ( )
Fair tocnoice light hogs 5.25 ( < 5.U5
Falrtocnolce heavy hoes 5.40 @ . " > .50
Fair to cholco mixed hogs. . . . . 5.30 ( < { 5.40
ItepreenntntiTO Halo * .
No. Ar. Pr.
9 tailings . " . 900 * 1.5 !
II cows 936 1.40
l cow lloo 1.40
III bulls 1800 1.40
( Hmlls 18.13 1.40
1 bull la40 1.50
2 cows 1KIO 1.00
28 cows 901 1.05
4cows 1133 1.65
Ocows 1091 1. 15
Scows 874 1.155
4 cows 1125 l. 5
Scows SV ) 1.155
1 bull 1100 1.75
1 bull 1050 1.75
0 bulls 1083 1.75
1 cow 800 1.75
23 cows , natives 831 1.75
22 cows , natives 7 1.75
lObulls .Mi l.WI
21 cows 948 18)
7 feeders lfe ! > 8 8.W )
11 cows 1035 2.10
3 cows 20 8.15
115 tailings 120 2.20
18 cows , imtlvo 1017 2,30
1 feeder , native 1080 2.65
43 stockers 907 2.155
27 strays 1124 2.75
40 steers , corn fed natives. . . . 1007 3.50
18 steers , corn fed natives. . . . 1800 3.75
20 feeders , Durnams 1833 400
Owner and No. Av. Pr.
O. O. Mills
20 steers 13CO $3.25
North American Cattle Co
83 bulls 1138 1.50
54 cows 959 2.10
Lance Creek Cattle Co *
24 cows 052 2.10
New Hampshire ! Cattle Co
105 cows , Wyoming 1037
P. Spencer
84 steers , Colorado 1157 2.65
Stephens & Meisner
21 steers 990 2.30
Y. T. Cattle Co
79 steers 1129 2.80
51 cows 1029 2.35
85 steers 1133 2.80
97 steers 1133 2.80
20 steers , Texas 1254 2.60
Receivers Union Cattle Co
20 cows 980 2.15
37 cows 970 2.15
50 cows 1017 2.15
No. Av. Shk. Pr. No. Av. Shk , , Pr.
78. . , .229 120 85.25 68. . .248 240 $ r > .374 !
79. . , .203 180 6.85 62. . , .270 800 5.37) *
71. . , .208 40 5.27K 51. . , .291 200 5.40
77. , . 215 320 5.27 > i 47. . , .280 180 5.40
67 , , .3HO 80 5.30 72 , .209 240 5.40
72. , . .225 200 5.30 65. . , .275 640 5.40
74. , . .234 160 5.30 51. . , .289 200 5.40
71. , . .232 160 5.30 69. . , .279 160 5.40
71. , ! ! 297 720 5.30 62. . , .271 80 5.40
68. , . .250 200 5.30 60. . , .269 160 5.40
57. , . .238 240 5.30 67. . , .303 2bO 5.40
75. . , .210 40 5.30 67. . , .258 160 5.40
73. . . .231 5.30 68. . , 2KJ ( 80 5.40
58. , . .228 200 5.30 60. . , .854 320 5.40
72. , . .216 160 5.30 68. . , .257 120 5.40
70. , . .240 360 5.30 70. . . .250 280 5.40
50. , . .858 200 5.30 61. . . .878 80 6.40
78. , . .247 400 5.30 55. . , .875 160 5.40
9. . .261 80 5.30 71. . . .237 840 5.40
66. . .343 200 5.30 66. . . .871 120 5.40
6'J. . .289 180 * ! * 63. . . .263 160 5.40
83. . .249 240 5.3d 73. . . .279 800 5.40
75. . .235 100 5.35 71. . , .2f > 0 5.40
CO. . .255 100 5.35 73. . , .279 200 5.40
56. . .205 160 5.35 60. . . .280 160 5.40
63. . .255 180 5.35 74. . . .270 80 5.42K
68. . .251 120 5.35 66. . . .270 160 6.45
72. . .248 160 5.35 65 , . .871 360 5.45
68. . .858 40 5.35 66. , . .315 80 5.45
68. . .233 100 5.35 118. , . .884 80 5.45
73 . .238 80 5.25 58. , . .303 200 5.45
68. . .253 80 5.35 67. , . .299 200 5.45
159. . .249 80 5.35 67. , . .285 240 5.45
55. . .2(17 160 5.35 60. , . .2SO 5.60
65. . .2 2 1(50 ( 5.37)SHEEP. ) . , . .319 80 5.50
400 Utah westerns 113 $3.20
Pnciccra' I'urchascM.
Showing the number of hogs bought by
the leading buyers on the market to-day :
G. H. Hammond & Co . 5V )
Omaha Packing Co . 5'jn
Armour C. P. Co . 2.33(1 (
J. P. Squires . . . 1,805
and Lowest.
The following are the highest and lowest
prices paid for hogs during the past few days
and on the corresponding dates 0110 and two
years ago :
Iilyo S toe it Notes.
H. II. HotCmun , Suttoii , was in with a en :
of hogs.
W. T. HIcldcy & lira , , Columbus , mar
kotcd a load of IIOKB at (5.50.
H. W. Dunn was In with a rar each o
cattle and hogs from Elwood , Nub.
Jim Frnzler , Columbus , came iu with twi
loads of hogs , which sold on the market.
The receipts of cattle for the flrst four day
this week were In cxcass of the hog receipts
J. H. Barren , president of the New Hanii |
shire Caltlo company , was hero with liv
loads of western co\ys.
Hall & Moore had fifteen double decks o
sheep on the market from Park City , Utali
the largest single consignment of ehecp eve
received hero.
E. C. Goodell came in with n car each a
cattle and hogs trout Western. D. W. Storm
wax In from the sauio place with two loads o
corn-fed cattle.
When western rancors are coming to HIBI
kct as freely us at tno present timu there i
fiiot much room for corn-fed cattle , especial ) ,
the light and half fut natives. Bomo pruU
fair corn-fed cattle sold on the market a
3.75 to-day.
Produce , Fruits , Kto.
HUTTBH Fancy , solid-packed creamery , a
@ 'J3o : choice sountry , ItKiJlSo ; coinuioi
grades , lOi' lOa
fLOUK Nebraska patents. 10.03 ( 7.50
Minnesota patents , $ U.'J5@S.OO ; stralgh
grades , l5.OOQ5.50j bakers' flour , t5.iJ5C 43.7 !
per barrel.
POTATOBS Nebraska , SSQIOo per busboi
Colorado , 75QSOe.
1'ouLTitT Live chickens , IJ.75faa.OJ pe
doz. : spring chickens , ( 'J.aO J.OJ ; drossc
chickeiiH , Ida pcrlb.
PKAHS California M.OOd(3.5U per bu box
Kaon Strictly tresh , IBGtlOocandled.
C'Ai.iKoiiNuOiupKs | l.'J3jl.50 ( per case
Delaware * 40(9Wc ( ) ,
CONCOUB OBAPES 30@40o pei1 10-1
PBACUES Michigan. oOc@ll.00 p6r baske
BAMANAI Common , H.WdJ'J.W per buacb
) > I
o 2
cf QJ ( CD
2 H HiO
holce , $2.50(213.50. (
LKMONS $ . " > .50 per case.
OIIAMIKK * 5 OOWItl.00 tier box.
CELEUV 25@30c ner dpzcn.
ONIONS I0a50c ( per bu.
CAIIIIAOE $3 00 per 100. ,
1U.KTS 40e per bushel.
TuuNirs 30c per bushel.
SAI-EII KHAUT Bbls , $4.75 ; half bbls , $2.75.
APPLES Choice , $2.50'i.7ri-jer ' bbl ; fancy ,
3.00 per bbl ; common. $1 ( Wet 1.75 per bbl.
CIDER Michigan. W.00a0.50 ( oer bbl 32
gals ; California pear elder , $15.00 per bbU
Pop Co UN Rice. 3Cd4c ; common , 2@3c.
tiABiioTS 40c per bushel.
BEANS Choice eastern handpicked navies ,
2.00 per oushcl ; western hand p eked
navies , $ l.75(2il.80 ( ; mediums. tl.30Ql.40.
Iraa beans 5c uer pound. . ,
HAY I. o. D. cars. No. 1 apland , 10.00 ; No.
2 upland. $5.0J.
UHAX l5.00gl .00.
CHOPPED FEED J14.00@15.00 per ton.
COUN 31@3.c. !
OATS 22Jt23e.
VINEGAR Cider , 10@18o p r E lWhlto
vine , 10@20c per gal.
CKANHKKiiiRs-$7.50a3.00 ( per bbl.
Pnovisioxg Hams , No. 1 , 18) ) < c ; No. i
lie ; shoulders , 9J c ; rib bacon , lU-fc ;
: lear bacon , 12c ; picnic hams , IOc ; dried
> cef hams , lOJ c ; dry salted clear * , short ,
JKc ; extra short , 9Kc ; short ribs , We ;
pickled pigs feet , 15-lb kits , 80o ; lard , 9 ( ! $
iOc ; smoked sausage , 63c per Ib ; hog cas-
ngs , 17@18e.
Orovrm tttit.
Revised prices are as follows :
BAOOIJJO Stark A seamless 22e : Amos-
< cag , seamless. 17 ! c ; Lewiston A , seamless.
19o ; American , seamless 17c ; burlaps , 4
toSbn , ll@14c ; gunnies , single , 13c ; gun
nies , double , 20c ; wool sacks , 35o. Twines-
Flax , 38c ; extra sail , 20@21u sail U , 1920c ;
cotton. 21e ; 1uto. Ho
JJniED FHUITS ties , m boxes , per ib , 13 ®
ICc ; dates , in boxes , 7@10c ; London Malaga
layer raisins , per box , $3.50Q3.75 ; Malaga
loose raisins. $2.30@3.50 : new Valen
cia raisins , pcrlb , ( j4o ; California loose tnus
catels. per box $1. 0. C.ili'ornuiloiidon' . . l-8\
$ ' .4'i ; Pitted cherries , per Ib. l-o ; Califor
nia pitted plums. per Ib. 12@13c ;
dried blackberries , Per ID , 7K80 ; dried
raspberries , ixsr Ib 24@2ic ; evaporated ap
ples , i OJllc ; California sun dried
peaches , i3c ; California unuarcd eraporated
pcactics , 1501Sc ; evaporated California
apricots , 18c ; Zanteocurrants , 6K7c ; Turk
ish prunes , 44(054 0 ; citron , 82SC24c ( ; orange
peel. 15c ; lemon peel , Itlo ; C.ilifornlii French
prunes , 11(31 lilt1
CorrEus Mocha. 25@26o ; Rio , good , 10 ®
17c ; Mandahllng , 862jo ! : roasting Rio , 15(3
IOc ; O. G. Java , 24@26c ; Java , interior. 88 < 3
25o : Rio , tancy , 10 ( < 19c ; Santos and Mara-
caibo. 17J41Uo ( : Arbucklcs. 8IJfo ; MeLaugh-
IIII'H XXXX. 8l 4c.
SDOAII Granulated , lc ; conf. A , 7' c ;
white extra C , 1o : extra C , 7 > < cj yellow
C , 7c ; iwwdered. s' < . ( ; cubes , > ( , .
HONET K' ( * lTo for ona pound frames ;
strained honey. 10 ® lie per pound.
UEBSWAX Cholco yellow , 20@22 } < c ; dark
colored , KIJiMe
CHEESK Voung America , lull cream.
12@12Ko ; full cream Cheddars , li@12e ; full
cream flats , 2 o -
PICKLES Medium , in bbls , $5. 0 ; do inha'f
bbls , $ .1.00 ; small , In bbls , $0. 0 ; do in ha'f '
bbls , $ , i.5J ; gherkins , in bbls , S'.WM do In half
IbU. $4.mi _ ,
JBLI.IES $1.25 per UU.b ] pail.
SAi.T-$1.3X31.3 ( porljbl.
HopE-7-10. u4e ) , i
MAPLB SUOAII Hrtclcs , llC12o per ID ;
penny cakes , 12@13qiper Ib ; pure maple
syrup , 91.00 per gal. -
TEAS i oung Hysont ommon to fair , 18@
25o ; Young Hyson , WOdto fancy , 30t55oj (
Gunpowder , common , to peed , 22@25o ; Gun-
ixwder , choice to fancy/40@05a ; Japan , com
mon to medium , 15f4' & Japan , choice to
fancy , 300450 : Ooloup/common to good , 25 ®
85o ; Oolong , choice to fincv , 50Q70o ; Imper
ial , common to medtumj 25@35o ; Imperial ,
good to fancy. 40fl50c.
NUTs-Aluioiids , I5@17o ; tilborts , 12l-So ;
Brazil , 9@10o ; walnuts , 12o ; i > ecans , lOOJllc ;
peanuts , C'i'Jc
CnicKEiis 510opcr ibi assorted caVet , 7
@ 25o perlb , as per list.
, , FISK. Holland Herring , 0c95o. per keg ,
Whlto Fish , It bbls. , No. 1 , ft-00 , Family
$3.75 ; Trout. No. 1. $550 : Mackerel , K l > ul8
No , l Shore , $15.00. Large Family. $10 50 j
Labrador Herring , $4.50 ; Columbia Rivei
Salmon , $17.00 per bbl.
Conmii Per Ib , whole , Co ; bricks ant
strips , 7&Be.
CANur-Mlxed , 8 ( 18o ; stick , 8 @ 9Vifo )
rocic candy , lOi < Q13o ; fancy candy , 7GJ'JSo ,
lry 'Goods
COTTON Fi.iNNELS-10 per cent dis.j Lti
5Ko ; CO , OJfo ; 6S. 7 < Ji Nameless. Go
RX , 18o : R , 800 ; No , { ot 8Ko ; No. 40 , 10 > < o
No. oo. i2Ko ; No. 80 , l3KoNo. ; 30 , coloredfuo
No 50. colored , 18o ; No. 70 , colored , 12Wo
Bristol , 12 0 ; UnlAn Paciflc , 17o
CAUPET WAiip-BlU White , 18 o ; colored ,
B&TT9 Standard , 8c ; Gem lOc ; Beauty ,
12l4c ; Boonc , 14o ; U , cased , $ t5.6u.
PIIIXTS Solid colors Atlantic , Oc ; Slater
5Kc. Berlin oil. 6Kc ; Garner oil , 7c.
PUINTS Pink and Robes Allen , ' c ;
Rlverpomt. 5 ; c ; Steel Hlver , 6 c ; Richmond
mend , 0 } c ; Paciflc , .r
PIHNTS IJress Cnartcr Oak , v < ro ;
Ramaix ) , 4 o ; Lodl , etfc ; Allen , 6c ; Richmond
mend , 6Kc ; Windsor , O c ; Eddystone , 6 c ;
Pacific OXc. , .
BiKAcnEn SHEETING Berkeley cambrio
NO 60 9Kc ; Best Yet , 4-4. 6 fc ; butter cloth
Oo , 4Vc ; Cabot. 7) ) c ; Far well half bleached
8Vc- Fruit of Loom , 9tfe : . Greene
gflx wn..n 7j . KinS Philip cambric .
G , 6)o ) ; Hope , ;
bric , Uc. Lonsdalo cambric , ll > .c ;
Lonsdaie'Uc , ; New Y ° n mills , lOJ c ;
Pcpperell , 42-ln , He ; Pepperell , 40-in , 120 ;
Pepperell , 0-4 , lOo ; Pepperell , 8-4 , 21c ; Pep
perell , 9-4 , 23o ; Pepperell. 10-4 , 25c ; Canton
4-4 , Stfc ; Triumph , 6c ; Wamsutta , lie ; Val
ley. 5c.
FLIKSRLS. Plaid IUftsmen,2 c ; Gosnen ,
32Kc ; Clear Lake , 3i3 c ; Iron Mountain ,
to G IINo.2 , f , 2 CQ. ;
H , No. 1 , J , 3 Xc ; 11 H , No. 2 , ft , 2 X ° \ B.
H. No. 1. * > { , 80c ; OuechoB No. 1. / , 42c.
COHKET JEANS Androscoggln , 7 c ; Koar-
sarge , 7J c ; Rockport , OJfe ; Conestoga , 6)c ) ,
TICKS York , 30 in. , 18Xc ; York , 32 in. .
13 > fc ; Swift River. 8c ; Thorndlke OO , 8 > < o ;
Thorndike EF. 8Xc ; Thorndlke 120 , 9) ) c ;
Thorndlke XX , 15oj Cordls Ho. 6 , 9 } c ;
Cordls No. 4.1 ) { n.
" * '
Beaver c"reekAAY l"c ; 1/eave'r Creek
Ho ; Beaver Creek CC , IOc.
K.KKTUCKT JEANS. Memorial , I5c ; Dakota
ISo ; Durham , 27 > < c ; Hercules , IBc ; Learning-
ington , 22)fo ; Cottswold , 27jie.
CBASH.-Stevcns' B , 6 c : Stevens' B
bleached , 7c ; Stevens' A , 7 > o ; Stevens A
bleached , 8 > < o ; Stevens' P , 8Kc ; Stevens'
P , bleached , 9Kc ; Stevens' N , 9Ko ; Stevens'
N , bleached. 10)fc ; Stevens , Silt , I8)fo
MISCELLANEOUS. Taole on ciotn. $3.50 ;
plain Holland , 9 c ; Dado Holland , ! 2c.
Brown sheeting Atlantic A , 4-4 , 7H ° i Atlantic -
lantic H , 4-4 , 7ifc ; Atlantic D. 4-4 , 6Jio ; At
lantic P , 4-4 , Oc ; Aurora LL , 4-4 , 60 ; Aurora
cv4" * ' 4 0 ; Crown XXX , 46 ( o ; Hoosier
LL , 4-4 , 6c ; Indian Head , 4-4 , 7 } < c : Lawrence -
renco LL , 4-4 , 60 ; Old Dominion , 4-4 , tjtfc ;
Pcpperell R4-4 , 7o ; Pepperell O , 4-4 , 6Jfo ;
Pepporell. 8-4 , IS c ; Pepperell , 9-4 , 21c ; Pep
perell , 10-4,23c ; UticaC , 4-4,4Jfc ; Wachusett ,
FLANNELS Red , C , 24 in , 15W : ' E. 24 in
21 e ; O G , 24 In , Oc ; H A F , , 257 J U F
? f , 27KC >
UINOHAM Plunuettcnecks , 7 > io ; Whitten-
ton , 7Ko ; York , 7)tfc ) ; NormundJ dress ,
8tfo : Calcutta dress. 8U0 ; Whlttentou dress.
BJic ; Renfrew dress , 8 @i2 > . ; c.
CAMHHICH Slater , 51/0 ; Woods ,
Standard , 5tfo ; Peacock , 5uc.
PHINTS INDIOO tiLUE Arnold , OJfo ; Amer
ican , Gc ) ; Gloucester , 0o : Arnold C long
cloth , 9 ; Arnold H long cloth. 'OX : Arnold
Gold Seal. 10 > { : Stletel A , 12 ; Windsor Gold
Ticket. 10X.
Druits and Chemicals.
Sulph . acid , l o ; cltrio
acid , COc ; tartaric 50c ; bal. copavia , 68c ;
borax. 18cj cliloroform , 47c ; glycerine , 23c ;
gum Arabic , select , $1.00 ; gum camphor , 3Jc ;
gum opium , $ . ' ) .25 ; sulph. morphia , $2.8J ;
bromide iiotassium , 42c.
OILS Carbon , 150 ° lOo ; headlight , 175o
14c ; gasoline , 74 ° 12Xo ; West Virginia
summer , lie ; zero , 17c ; No. 1 golden ma
chine , 18c ; extra W. S. lard , 8 c ; No. 1 lard ,
47c ; turpentine , 51c ; linseed raw , 55o ;
boiled , 5Sc.
QUININE P. & W- , per oz , We ; German ,
per oz , 46c.
Hemlock sole , 18@27o per Ib : oak solo , 3l@
Stic per Ib ; oak harness , U0@32c per Ib : selec
ted oak and trace , 3Jc per Ib ; oaK and hem
lock upper , 80@22c per foot. Hemlock calf
skin , No. 1 , 80 r90c per Ib , according' to
weight ; oak calf skin , No. 1 , 90c@ll.0u per
Ib ; Philadelphia cult skin , extra 91.00(01.10
per Ib ; hemlock kip skin , No. 1 , Go@70c per
Ib : oak kip skin , No. 1 , 70@80o per Ib : Phila
delphia kip skin , extra , 80@90c per Ib. French
calf skins , ( according to weight and quality ) ,
$1.15@1.7o Der Ib- French kip skins do. bUccg
91.10 pcrlb. Coraovaa russett , isc ; satin
fluUh , 20c per foot ; welt leather , 93.50@4.00
per side ; moroccos , ( pebble goat ) , 20@30o
l > er foot ; moroccos , boot leg , 25@3Uc per
foot ; glove calf skins , 20Q30C per foot ;
Douglas kid , 30(340c ( per foot ; kangaroo
skins , 40QjOc per foot , ncconllng to quality.
Toppings , 9SOO(7i)10.00 ( ) per dozen ; linings.
95.00@9.00 per dozen ; apron skins , $10.00 ®
12.00 per dozen.
First and second clear. 1X In. . .949 OOQSl 00
First and second clear , IK in. . 47 OOM50 00
Third clear , i ; ( u > lX in 43 004(5 ( 00
A select , IJ lJf iu 37 00@39 00
Bselect , I &IX in 35 00 ( 37 00
A stock boards , 12@10 feet. 12 in 46 00
B stock boards , I8@l(5 ( feet , 18 in 41 00
C stock boards , 181S ( feet , 18 In 30 00
D stock boards , 18 < < ilO feet , 12 la 83 00
Flooring , flrst common , 0 In 3400
Flooring , second common , 0 in 32 00
Select fencing flooring 19 00
I Siding , first and second cltmr , 14@16 ft 25 00
Siding , first common , 10 feet 8200
Siding , second common 1900
Common boards 10 00
No. 8 boards , ull lengths 14 50
Fencing No l,18@20feet 10 50
Fencing No. 8 , 18 , 14 and IS feet 15 50
Joists and scantling , 2x4 , 14 ( < $1 < 5 fee . . . .10 00
Timber,4x4 , 8x8 , 18 ( < ? 1 ( feet . . . . . .17 00
Pickets. D and H Hut.5J3SwS3B3W ! 00
Pickets. D and H square 85 00
Shingles , extra A 8 SO
Shingles , standard A 2(50 (
Shingles , No. 1 1 50
Lath 840
O. G. Batts , y/i In 70
O. G. BntU , kx3 , S. I. S 40
3 in Well tubing , D. nnd M. bov 22 00
Mctala and Tinners' Stock.
Block tin , small pig $ .23
Block tin , bar yj
Copper , planished boiler sues 34
Copper , cold rolled Bl
Copper , sheathing ; J
Copper , pltts 3D
Ou > SUM *
Grain , Provisions , Stocks and Bonds ,
Margin Transactions a Specialty.
Members of tno Chicago Hoard of Trade. Pri
vate Wires New York.
Paid Up Capital $400,000
Surplus 50,000
II. W. VATKH. 1'resident.
LEWIS S. IthKii , Vice I'reMdent.
A. E. TOUIAI.INnd Vice President.
W. II. S. HUOIIES , Cashier.
_ . . A. E. TOUZALIN.
Banking Office
Corner 12th and KarnamSts.
A Qcncrallluuklng 11 usiuessTransacted.
The Kansas City Inve.tment Co ,
3O liumlcr of C'oiiiiuerce ,
No ilel ys. All buaitiess douo at this office.
Health is Wealt i !
Dii. B. 0. WIST'S NIRVB AKD BnAiw TKIA * .
UINT , guaranteed tpectfie for Hysteria. UUzfc
e > i. ConTuUlons , Kits. N rToil Neuralgia ,
lleadaone. Nrvoug I'roitratlon. caused bylti *
n 8 of ale hol or tobacco. Wakefulneu. Mental
llepretilon. Hortenlng of tha Kraln. reiultlnz la
Insanity , and l Jln to mlsarr. decay and
death. Piemature Olcl Ago , Uarreonesi. L n !
Poncr In either gey. Involuntary Lo9i t and
Sparmatorhoca caused by oTer-exertlon of tni
brain , relf-abute or oTer-indulgence. Kaoh bof
contains ona month's treatmeaT. 11.00 a box ; of
six DOXM for I5.0C , lent by mall prepaid on r + >
eelpt of prtc .
To cur * ejtr oaie. With each orw recelre * by
ns for six boxet. accompanied with M.OO , we >
will send w * yarchaier our writtea ( uarante *
to refund the money if the treatment dees not
effect a cure. Guarantees Issued only by 0. F.
UOODMAN.DniM2Ut.Bole Agent. lllS Farnaim
Ftrcet. Otcihe. y& .
Kemarkable for powerful symM
iheUc tnne. pliable actlojPand ab
olmte quraulllty. an y ! ttru'record ,
the best guaraiifiia of the eicef
kence of tneso Instrument * . *
Are the Best ,
Durability , Evenness oi
Point , and Workmanship.
Himplci ( or trttl of 12 < tlO reat itjlo ' wtllo
rei loliO ' ( ct-ul la uujiA.k fur