Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 26, 1888, Page 3, Image 3

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    * Ya
g.n * . . *
Lively Bdom Experienced in the
Wheat Pit ,
Light Trading In Ontfl Umiminl In
tercut In I'rovlfllons Cattle
Slow and \Venlc Hogs
Cincioo , Oct. 25. | Special Telegram to
TIIK UBK. | The wheat market experienced
quite u little boom to-day , und most of the
advance was held , the story of the day dif
fering In that respect from yesterday. The
market was ntroriK "from the lump. " The
ofllclnl quotations trudo the opening < 1HU
for December and $1. 8 for May , but us a
matter of fact , opening prices for May ex
tended over a range of life , or from fl.lD to
tl.H > 4. The strength displayed was a great
urprlso to the majority of the operators.
The weak closing of yesterday produced the
Impression that prices wcro likely to go still
lower , und the crowd was inclined to
take a radical view in that general
direction. All of which goes to show
that there is no way of Judging
to a certainty which way the cat
is going to Jump. The market had its back
arched , though , most of the session. Decem
ber ranged ut tl.H@1.10 and May SUIi ®
1.1 ( > | . December was at a premium of Jc
over May for u while , but the two months
were on a par or close together nearly nil the
time. The vast preponderance of trade was
in May , but there was enough qoing on in
December to show that there win llfo In the
deal and n largo open interest in that deliv
ery. May reached S1.1&X the Unit time a little -
tlo before 12 o'clock , and reacted from that
jiolnt to about fl. 5 , It recovered } Jc and
bung around ( 15 % for n biiof period ,
I but at a quarter before 1 o'clock the register
Indicated $1.1(5 ( , from which llguro thoru was
f , a reaction of } { c , followed by a season of
steadiness. The price of Decem
ber was fl,15 % when May touched
tl.lTX Ilrst , but on the subsequent
rally both months were (1.1(1 ( simultaneously.
The close was strong ut (1.15 % for December
and tl.l54 $1.15 % for May. The volume of
business was large. The public does notBccm
to bo taking a very Important Hluiro in the
proceedings , but the Northwest and every
considerable commercial center piled in or
ders with more or lens freedom. Domestic
market news was generally bullish. That
from the Northwest was especially so ; in
deed the Northwest was the principal lever
under the market. Ono of the llrat hits of
news set alloat wua the announcement that
receipts at 242 country elevators in Minnesota
seta and Dakota aggregated only illXX ( ) bush
els yesterday. For several days farmers' de
liveries of sprint , ' wheat have been fulling
off but this is the sharpest break
yet and is commonly accepted as
indicative of u decided and speedy
falling off in receipts at Duluth und Minne
apolis. Heceipts at winter wheat centrosaro
also letting down in u marked degree , and
there is n promise of u continuance of thu
light movement , although In Michigan the
grain seems to bo freely in motion. This
falling oft in the movement from Ilrst hands
docs not mean necessarily that there is no
wheat in the country , but It shows that the
flush of forced delivery which usually extends -
tends through the first quarter or third of
a crop year Is over , both as regards spring
and winter wheat und the same is said to be
true of European deliveries. The effect of
this in this country was to cause prices to
react 10tf ( 2c per bushel. The bulls contend
that the market having passed through
a season of the greatest pressure in the
course of values is now naturally
, -upward. The bulls have not been
so full of spirits for twoorthrco weeks and
they arc hopefully setting their eyes upon a
point materially above anything yet reached.
It Is true that eastern markets uro dull and
that there is a disproportionate difference
between the ruling prices for contract and
lower grades and some other markets , but
the bulls say that this fact will not count In
the grand "round up. " when the actual scar
city of all kinds of wheat will bo demon
The strength displayed by wheat was per
haps a cause of some nervousness to yester
day's short sellers of corn and their attempt
to cover added to some buying of November
by party who has been a constant menace
to the bears in this future for the past
month , wcro probably the principal causes
, for the strong opening of the whole range of
futures actively dealt In , Export clearances
were good and English markets were quoteu
steady and heavy shipments from here ill the
next few days arc expected , if ves
sel room can bo secured at
about present rates of freight. The
early strength was knocked out of the mar
ket when the brokers of a certain operator
withdrew. The early gain was considerably
reduced in the last half hour. November ,
after selling at 42'ffc , closed at 41 > 4@Jlc ,
leaving it } i@c higher to-day than yester
day. December , year and January all closed
at the same price as on the preceding day ,
and May , which closed at & > % e , is only u
In oats there wcro no features of Interest
with light trading on the regular market
chiefly by local operators , few outsiders ap
pearing. Transactions were at nearly un
changed figures with a fair Inquiry for May
around 29 > { c. Near months were more neg
lected with no apparent buying to satisfy
shortages , and no desire to enlarge accounts
for any month within current years. A few
cars of No. 2 in store sold at 24 } c , which
was yesterday's general price.
In provisions more than ordinary Interest
was developed. Early in the day the market
was supported by fair buying of January
pork by Hutclunson , but subsequently a
bearish feeling took possession of almost the
entlro trade. Bloom and other holders un
loaded a considerable Quantity of their hold
ings of pork , and their offerings of that
article , coupled with free selling of lard by
Kirkwood and Warren , turned the tldo
sharply downward. In a brief time Jan
uary future sold oft ! )0o ) on jwrk , lOo on
lard and lOc on short ribs. Later there
was a little reaction from the severest
depression , yet closings , save on October
short ribs , wcro lower all around than yes
terday's final prices. October short ribs , for
omo reason , were firmly held throughout
and closed at an actual advance of "Kc. In
other lutes of product the day's net decline
amounted to 2X@5o on different deliveries
traded in of porn , 40c on October lard , 17) < c
on November lard , ISJ o on December and
year lard , 5@7tfc on January and May lard
and 2) c on January short ribs.
CHICAGO , Oct. 25. [ SpecialTelegram to TUB
DBK.CATTLK. | . Trade was slow , unsettled ,
weak and certainly lower on all grades of
natives below ono or two lots of fancy na
tives that sold at f5.90 and below , also ono
car load of Christmas steers that made $0.50.
No buyer could bo induced to look at the or
dinary run of medium natives as long as he
could get splendid rangers for the prices
going. Sudduth & Fratt's rangers were
better for the buyer for the price asked and
which they sold at than any medium
natives on the market , and there were plenty
of rangers nearly as good as the Sudduth lot.
This was the obstacle encountered to-day by
salesmen who hail fair to good medium
natives , and wo again say nobody wanted
them , at least no regular buyer would look
at such as long as there was a pen of good
rangers unsold. Even common rangers out
sold common natives and outclassed them as
well. There was not an oversupply oi
Texans , although there were 148 cars in the
run , and prices underwent little ornochangc
as compared with yesterday , but it should
bo , remembered that Texans sold very low
yesterday , native cow stock , ommon bulls ,
canning stock and low grade natives generally
ally selling ut as low a figure as at any time ,
Veal calves are nlso down to low watermark ,
The stockcr and feeder trade remains quiet ,
with'Jess business than last.week and prices
rather on the .down turn , than otherwise ;
choice to extra beeves , { 5.50 < g < ) .50 ; medium
to good steers , 1,1150 to ; 1,500 Ibs. , ' f 1.40(2
6.00 : 1,200 to 1,350 IDS. . $3.40@4.50 ; 050 U
; i,200Jbi. | 3.lKX,3.W ! ; sleeker * and feeders
$2.10rtUiQ ( : ; cows , bulls and mlxrti.
20J ; bulk , $2.00rrt2.ll ( ; Texas and south
western stcors , t' .40C'2.'J.-i cowvU & 0'@i.20 ;
western rangers , lOfa'i'o lower ; cows , 2.50 ;
Wintered Tcxnns. ii.MQ'I.M.
IIoos Tr.ido was active und prices steady
as compared with the downturn , 10@15c. of
yesterday. The bulk of good mixed sold lit
W.fiOQ.''i ' and best heavy at tS.CO and W. M.
Common mixed sold nt t5.25&o.40 ( , and light
assorted at $5.4005.05.
Nr.w Yonic , Oct. 25. ( Special telegram to
the Hr.K.l STOCKS -Tho market opened
steady to strong , London sending some buy-
ng orders. The forenoon was without Im
portant features , price changes being unus
ually small. Prominent room traders bought
St. 1'aul. There was said to be n strong inside -
side support In Northwestern and both these
grangers showed small Improvement in the
early hours. Lake Shore was also strong
and somewhat higher. Slayback was said
to bo boosting It and Hallen'a buying was
thought to bo for the Vandcrbllts. New
England advanced half n point early on Lon
don buying , but subsequent selling by Chicago
cage anil Uoston caused a moderate decline.
Northwestern and St. Paul closed finally
} 4&su higher than they opened , but Lake
Shore did not show much of a nut gain.
New England rested % point lower
and Hichmond Terminal Jf lower. The re
mainder of the list in which there was any
action was not far from opening prices. It
was another uneventful day.
The following were the closing quotations :
U.S. 4s regular. . . . 127J ; Northern Pacific. . "fl5 *
t' . S. 4scoupon * ! . .1"75 , | dopreferrcil ( ip <
H. S.4"sr Wllar. 108 . C. * N. W lliTi
U. 8.4VJHcoupon * ) .108V tin preferred , . . . .HJ't
I'aclllc Us of ' : > UM' , N.Y. Central . . . .108' ,
Contrnl I'aclllc . 3.1 > i P. , I ) . & 13 2ll'i
Chicago It Alton. IKi Hock Isluml 107
Chlcngo.llurllngton C. . M. &St. 1 * . . . .Mi1 }
&gtilncy i/i' ( , ilo preferred lOil'i
D. . I , . Je W. . . .HKi'i ' St. Paul It Omaha. . .I" ' ' ,
Illinois Central. .110 I tlopreferretl 101"
1. . It. At W ] V Unitml'aciflc Mi" ,
Knnstii & Texas . . ll'\V..St.I. , . .VI1 H'i '
L kt-Sllor 10.1'j tli > preferred. . . . "b'S . Wi Western Unlou 64'j.
Mlfchourll'acillo . . . 749 |
MONET ON CAM. Easy at IJ igC per cent ;
closed offered nt 2 per cent.
Smiaivn EXCHANOB Dull and weak at
W.84 for sixty-day bills , and M.bT'-i fur de
CIIICAOO , Oct. 25. Wheat stronger ;
Cash. tl.ii : % ; November , tl.U'i ; Decem
ber , $1.15 { ; .May , $ 111 Hi.
Corn Easy ; cash , 41'c : November ,
41 5-10cc ; December , 39 0 ; May , ! ! Sc.
Oats Steady ; cash , 21' e ; November ,
24 It-lOu ; December , 25 0-lUc ; May , ' "JJie.
H.VO r.Tc.
Hurley Nominal.
Prime Timothy Nominal.
Plnx 11.43. ,
Whisky 1.20.
Pork Easy ; cash , $14.00 ; November ,
$14.47)4 ; January , $11.50 ; May , $14.T2) ) .
Lard Easy ; cash , | > S.'J.'i ; November , $8.15 ;
January , * 3.W f ; May , $8.30.
Flour Quiet and unchanged : patents ,
W.75Q7.00 ; bakers , * 4.75@3.25 ; winter , J5.50
liul'k Meats Shoulders , * S.OO@S.25 ; short
clear , $ S.'J7' ' @S.50 : short ribs , $ r0. .
Huttcr Firm ; creamery , ! Ba27c ( ; dairy ,
15ii22c. (
Chuoso Firm ; full cream Cheddars , 10' '
c ; Hats , ll' ' < (31U ( < jC ; Voung Americas ,
Eggs Firm ; fresh , .
Hides Steady ; heavy green salted , 7c ;
light green salted , " ' 40 ; green , 5'iJe ' ; salted
bull , 5' c ; green salted bull , So ; given salted
culf , 7f )7. ) ! c ; dry Hint , Oc ; dry calf , 7abc ( ;
deacons , lof'tllJc each ; dry salted , 7c.
Tallow Steady ; No. 1 , solid packed , 4 } c ;
No. 2 , ; iX ° i cake , 5c.
Hecoipts. Shipments.
Flour , bbls . 17,000 7,000
Wheat bu . 57.000 69,000
Corn , bu . 305,000 93,000
Oats , bu . 190,000 174,000
Uyc , bu .
Now Vork , Oct. 25. Wheat Rejoiots
97,150 ; exports , none ; spot market quiet
und l@l > ' .c higher und firm ; No. 2 red , in
elevator , 3fl.ll % < gl.l2 > f ; afloat , $1.12 1.ia % ;
No. 3 red , $1.00 ; ungraded red ,
* 1.00@l.ii : ; No. 1 red , $1.15gl.lG. ( Options
more active and lQ 2c higher ; strong , No.
2 red and November closing nt $1.11 % .
Corn Heceipts , 185,150 ; exports , 93,110 ;
spot market weak and moderately active ,
chiefly home trade ; No. 2 rod , 49 @ 49c
in elevator , 494i49c afloat ; ungraded
mixed , 49@50c ; options dull and i , @ o
higher , weak ; November closing at 49 e.
Oats Hecoipts , 79,900 ; exports 800 ; spot
market loss-active and JrfO'fc lower ; options
dull and steady , November closing at 3
spot , No. 2 white , 33o$3c : : mixed west
ern , 27 < 331 } c ; white western , : iOii40c. (
Coffee Options barely steady ; sales
59,750 bags , including October , 818.Wi@I4.15 ;
November $13.00013.95 ; December , 13.30 ®
13.75 ; January , $13.10(5 ( > 13.iO ; February ,
$13.10i13.45 ( ; spot Hio easy and quiet ; fair
cargoes at $15.75.
Petroleum Quiet and firm ; United closed
at 8514-0.
Eggs Dull but easier ; western , 21 ( I22
Pork Quiet and stcadymessl5.7r10.25.
Lard Near by deliveries broke sharply on
realizing the new crop ; options easier und
dull ; sales , western steam , $9.05 , closing
at $8.75 ; December closing ivt $8.41.
Butter Quiet and steady ; western dairy ,
12 } @l8o ; western creamery , lC@2Jic ( ;
Elgin , 27c.
Cheese Quiet and about steady ; western ,
Mlnnonpolls , Oct. 25. Wheat Firm
ness of speculative markets helped prices up
hero for cash wheat. Local millers were
taking most 61 the grain , and samples con
taining a good proportion of hard sold fairly
well. Keceipta to-day were 344 cars , ship
ments 80 ears. Closing quotations : No. 1
hard , cash , $1.29 ; November , $1.2 < JK ; De
cember , $1.80 ; May , $1.33 ; on track , * 1.2t ! .f ;
No. 1 northern , cash , $1.10 ; November ,
$1.10 ; December , $1.1(1 ( ; May , $1.21) ) ; on
track , if 1.20011.22 ; No. 2 northern , cash ,
$1.00 ; November , $1.00 ; December , 81.10 ;
May , $1.10 ; on track , $ l.ia@1.10.
Milwaukee , Oct. 25. Wheat Firm ;
cash , $1.07 ; December , $ l.09 # ; January ,
$1.09 % .
Corn Steady ; No. 3 , 42c.
O.its Quiet ; No. 2 white , 20Kc.
Uvo Fairly uctlvo ; No. 1 , 57c.
Uarloy Dull ; No. 2 , 73 > o for October.
Provisions Easier ; pork cash , easy , No
vember , f14.90.
Cincinnati , Oct. 23. Wheat Active and
firm ; No. 2 red , $1.05.
Corn In fair demand ; No. 2 mixed , 40@
Oat's Active ; No. 2 mixed , 25Jfc.
Barley Steady ; No. 2. mixed , 23 > @ 2l ( > c.
Kyo In fair demand ; No. 2 , 60o.
Whisky Firm at $1.14.
Kaunas City , Oct. 23. Wheat Steady ;
No. 2 redcash , $1.00 asked ; November , OSo
asked ; December , sales at OOo ; May , $1.04
bid ; No. 3 red , cash , b5o asked ; No. 2 soft ,
cash , $1.03K asked ; December , $1,04 % bid ;
May , $1.00 % bid.
Corn Steady ; No. 2 , cash , no bids nor
offerings ; November,80oasked ; January , 20o
bid ; May 30Jfc bid.
Oats No. 3 , cash , i0 ! } c asko d ; November ,
20cbid ; May , ! Mtfo bid.
icjiR , Oct , 25. The Drovers' Jour
nal reports as follows :
Cattle Heceipts , 10,500 ; market slow , lOo
lower ; beeves , $3.00 0.50 ; stockers and feed
ers , $3.10@a&0 ; cows , bulls and mixed , $1.20
Q2.90 ; Texas cattle , 5I.MK33.50.
Hogs Hecoipts , 10,500 ; mixed , $5.30(35.55 ( ;
heavy , $5.40@5.75 ; licht , $5.80@5.55.
Sheep Receipts , 9,500 ; market steady ;
natives , $2.753.80 ; westerns , $2.75 3.50 ;
Toxaus , $2.60@3.25 ; lambs , $3.25@5.00.
KnuNixa City , Oct. 25. Cattle Receipts ,
8,554 ; shipments , none ; bulk of supply.thin ,
market steady for good quality ;
good to choice corn-fed , $1.75@5.25 ; common
to medium , $3.25@.50 ; stackers and feeding
steers , $ l.SOi3.35 ; grass range steers , $1.00 ®
8.15 ; cows , $1.25@2.75.
Hops Hecoipts , 5,503 ; shipments. 1,200 ; ac
tive , strong and 5Q10o higher ; good toeholce ,
$5.40@5.55 ; common to medium , ? 4.40Q5.30 :
skips and pigs ; $3.00 ® 1.40.
National Stock V'urtls , East St.
Louis , Oct. 25. Cattle Hecoipts , 2,345 ;
shipments , 1,930 ; market steady ; choice
heavy native steers , (5.00 ( 5.50 ; fair to good
native steers , i4.-lUM5.00 ; butchers' steers ,
medium to choice , $3,80@4,40 ; stackers and
feeders , fair to good , $ J.001'iZ3.15 ; .rangers ,
corn-fed , $3.00(34.10 ( : grass-fed , $2.00@3.10.
. .Hog HeceipV , 8,0051 shipments , 3,335 ;
market lower : choice heavy and butchers ?
selections , $ r > ,50@5.t' > 0 ; packing , medium to
prjme , $ .VU@"i,30 ! ! ; light grades , ordinary to
best , $3.SoQi'.3S. '
Thursday. Oct. 25 , 1S93.
The receipts were light and the market ex
tremcly slow. No trading nt all was done
during the forenoon and It wus quite late In
ho afternoon before any cattle , to speak of ,
vcre sold. The market as u whole was weak
ml lower. There were no very desirable
aUle on sale of any kind , the bulk being
other common westerns and Texans ,
The market dropped off another lOc to-day
, nd only two loads reached $5.45. The gen-
ral quality of the hogs was hardly ( is good
, s yesterday , which made the sales nppenr
ewer than the market really wus. The re-
elpts were light und the hogs were all sold
arly. _
The market was well supplied , there being
Ivc double decks of good western sheep on
Httlo . ViOO
Hoes 8,100
iheep b53
Prevailing Prlcui.
The following is a table of prices paid la
his maruet for the gr.ijoi of Block m on
'rimesteers. 1300 to 1500 Ibs..f4.10 (35.00 (
'rimesteers , 1100to U < 0d Ibs. . a.75 u 4.40
Vnitvo feeders. . . 2,50 ( ft'J.Vt
Western feeuers 2.40 ( 3.CO
Jange steers , cotn'on to choice 2.50 ( g3.25
Common to good cows 1.25 ( a2. ! 5
Choice to fancy cows 2.25 ( ii2.f > 0
Common to choice bulls 1.25 W2.00
'airtoelioico light hogs 5.10 fitS.'Jft
'air to choice- heavy nous 5.35 @ 5.45
Fair to choice mixed hogs 5.25 ( < i3.40
Kepresiiuuiuvo Saloi.
No. Av. Pr.
21 cows , natives ! > : i5 $1.00
I ! oxen 17L < 3 l.OJ
2 Miockers (105 2.00
10 rows , natives 900 2.07 }
10 feeders 712 2.40
0 feeders 12-1(1 ( 2.50
7 Btockcrs 850 2.f,0
2 cows 1275 2.5"
b steers 1050 2.00
15 feeders 1117 3.00
KstctTs , unlives 1318 4.10
" 8 calves , per head 7.35
Owner and No. Av , Pr.
Standard Cattle Co
40btcers , Wyoming and Tex,1053 $2.00
T. II. McKcc
2Scows 1012 1.65
Sand Creek Cattle Co
73 steers 11SO 2.85
W. W. Wclls-
30 feeders , westerns 1100 3.00
Jeader & Son
10 steers , Wyoming 12 < 32 2.S5
A. W. Haygood
20.cows , Wyoming 985 2.00
4 cows , Wyoming 1UB 2.0J
1 steer 970 2.25
, V. H. C
77 steers 1013 2.S5
00 steers 10b4 2.55
No. Av. Shk. Pr. No. Av. Shk Pr.
58. . .157 $5.10 00. 0 240 $5.35
73. . .215 2SO 5.20 04. . . .Uil 200 5.35
09. . .20J 120 5.20 04. . .283 140 5 35
O'i. . .200 210 5.20 01. " 200 5.85
4. . .325 40 523 78. 244 320 5.85
91. . .231 W ) 5.25 70 o m 2fcO 5.35
05. . .217 2SO 5.25 40. .201 bO 5.35
81. . .227 2SO 5.25 05. , .207 40 5 85
78. . .2'JO 210 5.25 77. , .33-1 240 5 85
03. . .210 210 5.25 01. , .251 H20 5.8 ; J
72. . .242 120 5.25 05. 440
. .3.51 200 5.25 ff ! . . bO
. .220 20 5.23 71. 120
70. 240 5.2714 71.Hi . .300 bO 5.40
IK ) . . .335 100 5.30 ( Hi ! . .300 120 5.40
01. . .277 320 5.30 00. 100 5.10
(53. ( . .205 5.30 02. . .20 210 5.40
07. . .203 2SO 5.30 00. . .202 40 5.40
08. . .243 200 5.30 02. . .2bO 5.40
74. . .234 300 5.30 57. . 302 " " 5.40
50. . .313 5.30 30. . ,2'JO "so 5.40
03. . .2aO 700 3.30 07. . .277 bO 5.40
OS. 200 5.30 53. . .30-1 100 545
52 100 5.30 50. . .800 120 5.45
I'ncKcrs' Purchase * .
Showing the number of hogs bought by
.helcudlng buvers on the market , to-day :
3. II. Hammond Ac Co 453
Omaha Packing Co 1,144
Armour C. P. Co 1,021
Cudahy Bros : 512
Highest anil Lowest.
The following are the highest and lowest
prices paid for hogs during the past few days
and on the corresponding dates ono and two
years ago :
Oct. 1 I Uet. 18J7. Oct. 1883.
5 B7ifc5 ! 90 4 'I' ) 40 Sunday.
B (0 ( Htf 05 4 45 3 75 . ' ! 1)1
fi 05 fed 05 3 S 4 :
B 75 it59J 4 20 < 2&4 uU i
Sunday. 405 41.4 : 4 26 @i 35
5 60 & . * > U3 410 . . . 4 05 C 4 25
K & 0 ( ( . " > U > Bumlny. 3 9J til 15
B > W 721 ! 4 'M (14 ; u Sunday.
5 110 4J5 70 400 < &t 'Jf > 3 HV'.ittl 05
4 00 Hit I 152J .1 bO to I 07 >
5 M < & - > ff , 4 00 2J 3 8(1 ( 01
aumlny. 4 10 4JJ4 Si 3 HO en no
B 40 < aj 00 4 : Ol 3 } 3 C5 &l 75
6 " 5 Wi 65 Sunday. 3 80
5 CTUtM 6Ti 4 25 (24 ( ItJ 425 @ 4 CO
Llyo Btoclc Notes.
W. S. Burmister has gene to David City.
William Fox was in from Bralnurd with
Mr. Grnwbow , Gretna , marketed a load of
hogs at $5.45.
Colin Hunter came in with a train of cattle -
tlo from Smithwick.
Cudahy Dros. , of Milwaukee , bought a
bunch of light hogs.
G. W. Haimnontrce , Farragut , was in with
a load of hogs for W. H. Robeits.
Hobert Johnson , North Loup , came In with
a load of hogs which sold on the market.
Ogalalla , Nob. , was represented by L. A.
Brandhoofcr , who came in with u load of
hogs. _
Produce , Fruits , Etc.
UUTTEH Fancy , solid-packed creamery , 20
@ 23c ; choice sountry , lO lSo ; common
grades , lOwlOc.
FLOUH Nebraska patents , $0.03@7.50 ;
Minnesota patents , $ I.25@iOO ; straight
grades , $ o.00@5.50 ; bakers' Hour , $5.25@3.75
per barrel.
POTATOES Nebraska , 35@lOo per bushel :
Colorado , 75'a8dc.
POULTUV Live chickens , $2.75(33.03 ( per
doz. ; spring chickens , $2.oO@3.0J ; dressed
chickens , lOc peril ) .
PJIAHS California $3.00 ( < * 3.50 per bu box.
Eoos Stnctlv iresh , 18@19ccandled ,
CALiKoitxiAGiiAi-ES $1.25@1.50 per case ;
Dolawares 40@50l\
CONCOIID GUAPES 30@40o per 10-lb
PEACHES Michigan. 50c@$1.00 per basket.
BANANAS Common , $1.50@2.25 per bunch ;
choice , $2.50(33.50. (
LEMONS $5.50 per case.
OIUNOES $5.00i < ii.00 ! per box.
CKLEIIT 25@30c oer dozen.
ONIONS lOW > 50c per bu.
CADHAOE $2 00 per 100.
BEETS lOo per bushel.
TUKNIPS SOe per bushel.
Su'ER ' KIIA.UT Bbls.f4.75 ; half bbls , $2.75.
APPLES Cholco , $2.50'i.75 - > er bbl ; fancy ,
$3.00 per bbl ; common. $1.50 ( 1.75 per bbl ,
CIDER Michigan , $0.00(30.50 ( cer bbl 32
gals ; California pear cider , $15.00 per bbl.
Pop COHN Hico. 3T < 4o ; common , 2@3c.
CAKROTS tOcper bushel.
BEANS Choice eastern handplckcd navies.
$2.00 per oushcl ; western hand p.cked
navies , $1.75(31.80 ( ; mediums , $ l.30@1.40.
Lima beans 5e per pound.
HAY I. o. D. cars. No. 1 Jpland , $0.00) ) No.
S upland , $5.03.
CHOPPEH FEED $14.00@15.00 per ton.
COUN SKga.'c.
VINEGAR Cider , 1018o per ( ; ! White
wine , 10@20o per gal.
CUAMIEUHIES $7.50(33.00 ( per bbl.
PROVISIONS Hams , No. 1 , 12Xc ; No. 3
lie ; shoulders , O'fe ; rib bacon , llKo ;
clear bacon , 12c ; picnic hams , lOc ; dried
beef hams , 10) 0 ; dry salted clears , short ,
9Ko ; extra short , 9ke ; short ribs , gj o ;
pic-kled pigs feet , 15-lb kits , SOe ; lard , 9 > < ®
lOo ; amoVed sausage , G@3c per Ib ; hog cas
ings , 17@lSc.- '
' ' Grocnra lilst ,
. Revised prices are us follows : .
BAoof.xa Stark A geamlou ° 23o ;
koag , seamless. 17' ( Jo ; l.cwiiton A , seamless ,
16c ; American , seamless 17c ; burlaps , 4
to5bu , IKgUu ; gur.nles , single , IMe ; gun
nies , double , l0o ! ; wool sacks. 35c. Twines
Flax , 3so ; extra sail , 20ijJlo ( sail U , IffifSOos
cotton. 21c ; lute. c
Diuno FRUITS t ics , m boxes per ib , 13 ®
ICc ; dates , In boxes , 7(910c ( ; London Malaga
layer raisins , per box , M.50@-3.75 ; Malaga raisins. $2.30032.50 : new Valen
cia raisins , pcrlb , ? , , ; California loose imis
catcls. per box $1. 0. I'lliiorimilomiont. U8rJ ,
f . l'i. pitted chorrics , per Ib. 1 c ; Califor
nia pitted plums , per Ib , 12@13c :
dried blackberries. Per Ib , 7 ; ( jf8c ; dried
raspberries. i > cr Ib , 24@- ; evaporated ap
ples , iiidlc ; ( ; California sun dried
peaches , life ; California unnarcd evaporated
peacnci , KiftflS-c ; evaporated California
apricots , ISc ; Xanteccurrants , C1 < ( ft7c ; Turk
ish pruues , 4'4fi-4 ' ; = rcs citron. 22 < it24c ; orange
peel. 15o : lemon peel. lOc , California French
CorrKES Mocha , 25C t'6o ; Hlo , good ,
7c ; MandahllnK , a'X&SSc ' ; roasting Uio , 1.V4
Oc ; O. O. Java , 24@2 ! o ; Java , Interior. 22 < fc
25c : Hio , lancy , 10 ( , | uc ; Santos and Mara-
aibo. 17W1UC : Arbuckles. 21 fo ; McLaugh-
Hi's XXX.21 "ft * .
SUGAR Granulated , rc ; conf. A , 71 o ;
vhite extra C , 7 , ? < c : extra C , 7 > { c ; yellow
; , 7c ; iKW-dercd. > . ( . ; cubes , & , ,
HONET 1 ( < tl c for ona pound frames ;
trained honey. ' 0@ leper pound.
BKKSWAX Choice yellow , 20 ( 2 0 ; dark
colored , 13S8I4C.
CIIKESE Voiing America , lull cream ,
2 J12 } c ; full cream Cheddars , 1 @ 12c ; full
cream flats , 2 c
PicKi-m Medium , in bbis.$5.rn ; do Inha'f
) als , $ . ' 1.00 ; small , In bbls , $6. 0 ; do In ha f
) bls , $3.50gher. ; < ins , In bbls.on do in half
bl $4.11
JEM.JBS-5V.35 per 30-lb pa"0
SAIT $1.30al.3 ( per bbl.
Horn 7-10. in i
MAPLE Sutun tiricks , lliT12c ( per ib ;
ipnny cakes , 12i13c ( per Ib ; pure maple
syrup , $1.00 per iral.
TKAS i oung Hyson , common to fair , 18@
25c ; Young Hyson , good to fancy , 30v < f55e ;
junpowder , common to good , 22ii23c ( ; Gun-
XHvdcr , choice to fancy , 40a03e ( ; Japan , com-
non to medium , 15ijr. ( : Japan , choice to
raney , 30f45c : Oolong , common to good , 25i $
)5c ) ; Oolong , choice to fancv , 50 ( < l70e ; luiper-
iil , common to medium , 23$35c ( ; Imperial ,
'ood to fancy , 40 ( < i50e.
NUTS Almonils , ifi@17c ; nlborts , 12@Uc ;
Brazil , OjilOc ; walnuts , 12c ; pecans , 10jjllc ( ;
Kjanut-s. ( ( We.
CIUCKKHS 5ii10c ( ! perlb ; assorted cakes , 7
( § 2. > c perlb , ns per list
Finn , Holland Herring , 0 c ( < T95c per keg ,
Fish , yt bbls. , No. 1 , $0.00. Family
3.75 : Trout. No. 1. $550 : Mackerel , H' bbls.
No. 1 Shore , $15. ( 0 , Large Family. $10.50 ;
Labrador Herring , $4.50 ; Columbia River
Salmon , $17.00 per bbl.
CODFISH Per Ib , whole. 6c ; bricks and
trips , 7 < BSe. '
CANi v--Mlxed. S'ffilSe ; stick ,
roclt candy , 10' < @ 13o ; funey caudy.
Dry Good *
COTTON FLVNNELS 10 per cent dls. ; LL
SJcc ; CC , CJfc ; SS , 7'fc ; Nameless , 5c ;
UX , ISo ; 11 , 2'to ; No. 10 , 8) e ; No. 40 , lO fc ;
No. 00,12 } c ; No. SO , 13) < c ; No. 30 , coloredHe ;
No. 50. colored , 12c ; No. 70 , colored , 12Wc ;
Uristol , 12 ! c ; Union Pacific , 17c
CAHPET WAIIP Bib White , l ' , < c ; colored ,
" IUTTS Standard , Sc ; Gem lOc ; Beauty.
.i'c ; Uoonc , 14c ; U , cased , $0.5o.
PBISTb Solid colors Atlantic , Oc ; Slatar
5Uc. Uerlin oil. C c ; Garner oil , 7i\
PHI srs Pink and Hobes Allen , c ;
Kiverpomt. 5 .c ; Steel Ulver , 6 c ; itleh
inond , 0) ) c ; Pacilie ,
Pmxrs Dress Cnarter Oak , r' ;
-.uinniK ) , 4 0 ; Lodi , 5 , ' c ; Allen , Oc ; Rich-
nond , O. c ; Windsor , il > , . Eddystone , ey c ;
> iciilf Ol c
BIKACIIED SiiRETiNO Herkclcy cambric
'o. 00 0 } < c ; UcstYcti 't-4. OXc ; butter cloth
Oo'4iVc ; Cabot , 7J c ; Far well half bleached
8kc- Fruit of Loom0 , ' . . " . Greene
G , 'OVo ; Hope , % \ Kl"K Philip cam-
> ric , iic : Lonsdalo . cambric , i c.
.onsilalc , Oc ; New iork mills , 10J < Cc ;
: Jeppercll , 42-in , He ; Pepperell , 40-in i2c ;
Pepperell , 0-4 , lOo ; pepperell , 8-4 , 21o ; Pep-
Hsrell , 9-4 , 23o ; PcpperelL JO-4 , 25c ; Canton
1-4 , 8r'4c ; Triumjih , Oc ; Wnmsuttn , He ; Val-
FLANNCI.S. Plaid Uaftsmen,80c ; Gosnen ,
; clear Lake , SiJKo ; Iron Mountain ,
While G'H.No.2 , ,2 ' cQ. ;
H , No. 1 , Jf , a * v A " H. No. 2. ; U
H ! No. 1 , Hi30c ; Quecheo 'No. 1. , 42c.
IHET JEANS Androscogirin , 7 c ; Kcar-
sarge , 7e ; Hockport , 0 < c ; Conestoga. Oj c ,
TICKS - York , 30 in. , ! 2 > < e ; York , 12 hiT !
13fo ; Swift River. 8c ; Thorndlko OO , 8X0 ;
Tnorndiko EF , 8Kc ; Thorndiko 120 , 9 > < o ;
Thorndiko XX , 15c ; Cordls No. 5 ,
Cordis No. 4. 1
juiirc.y ± * * -i. I'/JHu , " ' J V. .A , - ;
Beaver Creek AA , ISc ; "caver Creek BB
He ; Beaver Creek CC , lOc.
KENTUCKT JEANS. Memorial , ISc jDakota
ISc ; Durham , 27 > c ; Hercules , Ibc ; Learning *
inglon , 22 c ; Collswold , 27Kc. , ,
CKASII. Stevens' B , C c : blevens' B
bleached , 7c ; Stevens' A , 7 } o ; Stevens A
bleached , 8 > - c ; Stevens' P , 8XC ; Stevens'
P , bleached , 9Kc ; Stevens' N , 9 : ; Stevens'
N , bleached. lOJ c ; Stevens , Silt , 12J./C
MISCBI.LANKO'CS. Taolo ou ciotn , $3.50 ;
plain Holland. 9' ' < c ; Dado Holland , 12fc.
Brown sheeting Atlantic A , 4-4 , 7Xo ; At
lantic H , 4-4 , 7' o : Atlanlic D , 4-4. CJic ; At-
lanlic P , 4-4 , Co ; Aurora LL , 4-4. 6e ; Aurora
C , 4-4 , 4c ; Crown XXX , 4- * , 0c ; Hoosler
LL14 , Cc ; Indian Head , 4-4 , 7K < = ; Law
rence LL , 4-4 , Oc ; Old Dominion , 4-4 , f. c ;
Pepperell K , 4-4 , 7c ; Pepperell O , 4-4 , CJi'o ;
Pepporcll. 8-4 , 18Kc ; Pepperell , 9-4 , 21c ; Pep
perell , 10-4,230 ; UticaC , 4-4 , 4Jfc ; Wachuselt ,
< - 'i Aurora U , 4-4 , 7cj Aurora B , 4-4 ,
West Point ! in , 8 or ,
West Point 29 in. 10 or , 1 c ; West Point
29 in , 12 or , 15e ; West Point 40 in , 11 or , 16a
FLANNELS Red , C , 24 in , 15Xi E , 24 in ,
21 o ; GG , 24 in , Cc ; H A F , # , 25o JKF ,
Si , 27 > c.
Plunaett checks , 7Jc ; Whitten-
ton , 7 } < c ; York , 7 < o ; Normandi aress ,
8Kc : Calrutta dress. 8ko ; Whittenton dross ,
8Jfc ; Krnfrew dress , 8K@1"3 5.
CAMiiiiics Staler , SJ/c : Woods ,
Standard , 5 > o ; Peacock , 5 c.
PHIXTS IXDIOO ULUK Arnold , "Jic ; j
ICMI , C c ; Gloucester , OJ/c : Arnold C long
cloth , 9 : Arnold B long clolh , * 0 } : Arnold
Gold Seal , lo ; : Stielel A , 12 ; Windsor Gold
Ticket. 10K.
Drujjs nntl Chemicals.
MISCELLANEOUS Sulph. acid , lj < c ; citric
acid , OOo ; tartarlo 50o ; bal. copavia , OSc ;
borax , 12c ; chloroform , 47c ; glycerine , 2' > c ;
gum Arabic , select , $1.00 ; gum camphor , 32c ;
gum opium , $3.25 ; sulph. morphia , 12.83 ;
bromide polassium , 42c.
OILS Carbon , 150 = > lOc ; headlight , 175o
.45/c ; gasoline , 74 ° 12) ) < c ; West Virginia
summer , lie ; zero , 17c ; No. 1 golden ma
chine , 18o ; extra W. S. lard , 8e ( ; No. 1 lard ,
47c ; turpentine , 51c ; linseed raw , 55c ;
boiled , 5 * > c.
QUININE P. & W- , per oz , 55c ; German ,
per oz , 40c.
Hemlock solo , lSjjJTq ( ) per Ib : oak sole , 31@
St'c per Ib ; oak harness , 30@ > 2c per Ib ; selec
ted oak and trace , 3 over Ib ; oak and hem-
locll upper , 20@22c per foot. Hemlock calf
skin , No. 1 , 80 ( < cOOc per Ib , according to
weight : oak calf skin , No. 1 , 00c@51.0o per
Ib ; Philadelphia calf skin , extra $1.00 ( 1.10
perlb ; hemlock kip skin , No. 1 , 00@70c per
lb ; oak kip skin , No. 1 , 70 80c per Ib : Phila
delphia kip skin , extra , 8,0@00o pcrlb. French
calf Bkins , ( according to weight and quality ) ,
$ t.l5@1.7aucr Ib- French kip skins do. K0c
$1.10pcrlb. Coruovan russctt , IHc ; satin
llr.ish , 20c per foot ; \yelt leather , $3.50(94.00 (
for side ; moroccos , ( pebble go t ) , 20jj30o (
per foot ; moroccos , boot leg , 25@30c per
foot ; glove calf skins , 20a30c ( per foot ;
Douglas kid , 30@40o , per foot ; kangaroo
skins , 40@50o per foot , according to quality.
Toppings , $3.00(810.03 ( per dozen ; linings ,
15.00(39.00 ( per dozen ; apron skins , $10.00 ®
12.00 per dozen.
First and second clear. 1 > 4 In. . . $40 005t 00
First and second clear , \ % In. . 47 OOfefiO 00
Third cleav-.U l } in 4U 00dj46 00
A select , l@lWln ! 37 OOW30 00
BBclcct , l 4'Sl } < ln 35 0037 00
A Block boards , 12@10 feet , 12 in 46 00
B stock boards , 12@10 feet , 12 in 41 00
C stock boards , 12M10 feet , 12 in 30 00
D stock boards , 12@10 feet , 12 in 23 00
Flooring , nrst common , 0 In 34 00
Flooring , second common , 0 in . . .32 00
Select.fencing flooring. 10 00
Siding , first and second clear , 14@10 ft 25 00
Siding , flrst common , 10 feet 22 00
Siding , second common 10 00
Common boards , , . . .10 00
No. 2 boards , all lengths. . . . ; 14 50
Fencing No l,12@20fce * . 10 60
Fencing No. 2 , 12 , 14 and 18 feet , .16 50
Joists nod scanning , 2x4,14(310 ( feet , . . ,10 00
Timber , 4x4 , 6xb , J2.S10 ( feet 17 00
extra A. . ; . . . „ ; . . . . ' . . . 8 80
Shingles , standard A 2 00
Shingles , No. 1 1 60
-rfitu. 2 40
O. G. Halts , 2 In 70
O. G. BattN , UX3 , S. I. S 40
3 In Well tubing , D. and M. bev 22 00
Mctatii nncl Tinners' Stock.
Block tin , small pig $ .23
Mock tin , bar 29
Copper , planished boiler sues 84
Copper , cold rolled 31
Copper , sheathing 80
Copper , pills 30
Copper , Hals 31
Galvanized sheet iron , Juniuta 50 , 10
and 5 per cent discount
i'atcnt planished iron , No. 24 to 27 , A .10
'atent planished Iron , No. 24 to 27 , B .09
{ oofling , 1C , 14x20 6.15
toomng. IX , 14x20 0.93
Hoofting , 1C , 20x28 10.25
Roofflmr , IX , 20x28 18.75
Sheet Iron , No 20 8.60
Sheet iron , No. 27 8.00
Solder , best 17
Solder , No. 1 15
Tin plate , 1C , 10x14 0.53
Tin plate , IX , 10x14 8.25
steel nails , base , per keg , . . . . 2.35
Steel wire nails , base , per keg 2.90
JUNK Machine castings , $18.00(313.00 ( ;
stove plates , $7.00aS.OO ; ; wrought lron$8.00O
10.00 ; bones , dry , $5.00 ; steel , $5.00 per ton ;
oppcr , $ S.Wi 9.00 ; brass , $4.00(38.00 ( ; zinc ,
$ ) . ( HKa3.00 ; solid lead , $2.00@8.00 ; tea lead.
$ J.OOi2.60 ( ; rubber , $2-50@3.00 ; mixed rags ,
I1.10Q1 15 per ewt.
[ iintriimeiits Placed on Hr.corcl Dur-
IIIK YcBiertlay.
F 1'oteraon and wife to S Mottensen , lot
17 , block 6 , ( irammercy Pur * , w d . . . TOO
H K Jenneson et al , to S M Kltclien. lot 0
and n ! M ft lot 7 , block Hoggs and
Hill's n-CDiid nOd , wd . . . . . . . 16,000
H K Jfime-ou et ul. to S M Kitchen , nil of
s w or a w or n e .1 , 15 , M , between lot H.
block ft , HOKKS nutl Hill's second ndtl
and Farnitin yuvet , w il 1,000
U E Jenni'Mm et al , to 8 M Kltchun , s 'M
tl lot 7 and all lot C. block 5 , Hoggs nnd
HlirHnecoudiidd. wd 1H.OOO
S Hii.-caU to T Ilirnnnn , lots 4 , 7,8 and P ,
block f > , lUirlinstcm S [ Harp. < i c d . . 1
A K Toiiralln to 11 W Y te- > , lot 17 , blue *
I. lllllfiiile Itenervr , w d 2,1X10
A K Totizallu to J II 1'enliody. lot 16 ,
Ilock7 ) , Hillside addition. Nol.wd . . . 1,600
J 11 I'cnlioily and wire to W A Hess , lot
II , block 7. Illllsltle addition No. I , w tl 3,000
\VMlsnmnn und Ife to S H Wllllnski ,
lot ? , Wooillaun , wd 620
Duiker ctHl , to U H Hoggs , lot 10 ,
Forbes .sub , nc d 1
J llarkcrct ul , to I , W 11111 , lot U , I'orbes
bill ) , I ] Ull 1
K Ni-wton to A M ( Iri-evy. lot U , lilK HI ,
llunntom plnco , lot 1ft , blk 1 , Fouler
place , w tl 6
L KInsey anil tiiKban I to C II Keller , lot
1 , blk4 , WestOumlng Add , w d 1
A J 1'oppletou and wife to J Hofenateln ,
lotli , blkU , 1'oppli'ton park , wtl 1,000
J U Meie.ith ami wlfo to C I , Chatter , lot
K and ,4 lot M , Windsor place , w d. . . . 2,400
II Kountzeand wire toM II Ilorger , lots J4
and IS , blk 111 , Kountze place , w d 1
II Konntr.e nnd wife to tl It Heifer , lot ,
blk 21. lot 2 , bile iE. , lots 1 and 2 , blk 31 ,
lot a , blk : ir > , lot 1 , bit W , Kountzo place ,
wd 1
H Kouutzo an wife to M 11 Merger , lot f ,
blk 2J , lots 10 and II , blk SI , lot J , blk 24 ,
Kountze place , w d 1
A I , Keen to public , dedication , making
20th uvo 37 tl wide
J Anderson to W Vaughn , jr , c 'J lot 4 ,
blk 1 , nub J 1 KeJlck'H add , < | c d 1
D C 1'atterson et al to M I Patterson , lots
1 , A and 10 , blk 1 , lots 1 , 2 , 7. 8 und 0. blk
2 , FoUoin placf.nnd vC6t 140 It lot ( i.blk
7 , Goto llrlllliint 4,000
E H Corbett and husband to O and M Ttir-
neon , w 3J ft lot 2 , blk 4 , Denlse's add ,
tied 1 , to W J Denlsp , lots 20 to
30 , blk 2 , Woodlau n add. w d 1,000
O i mgou und vlfe to U F Heed , w HJ feet ,
Iot2 , blk 4 , Dentse'H add , wd C.3CO
H .1 Davenpoitto J E Hlley , lot 27 , Daven
port's -lib ( lino's add. w d COO
J K Ullry and wlfo to.I II Hubert , lot 27 ,
Davenport's bub ( Use's add w d 800
? W ( jr.iy uad wife to J S llouser , lot 19 ,
blk6 , iiauscotn place , w d 2,700
Twenty-fecvcn transfers $4f34 !
To err is inimnn , but yon make no
inibtalie if jou us > o Dr. Jones' lied Clover
Tonic for dyspepsia , costiveiie'Ss , bad
breath , pilespimples , ague nnd malaria ,
poor appetite , low spirits , or diseases of
the kidneys , utomuch and liver. 60
cents. Goodman Drug company.
Born In a Gale at Sea.
Baltimore Sun : In a stateroom of the
( rood American ship Samaria , lying at
Ward's wharf , Canton , is a sweet little
baby boy as pinK as an incipient rose ,
whoso advent into the world was made
under circumstances peculiarly inter
esting. The little fellow has a happy
father in Cnpt. Snow , and his introduc
tion was made on the voyage of the
Samaria from Antwerp to Baltimore.
On Friday night the Samaria came in
the capes , and on Thursday preceding
she was cuught in a hurricane which
made the noble ship careen to her beam
In the midst of the howling gale the
little cherub came as sf to bring peace
to the troubled waters , and it is hinted
that soon afterward there was a lull in
the storm. The ceaseless rocking of
the ship had the influence of a cradle
rocked by a mother's hand , and the
first lullaby to the infantile ears were
shrieks of wind through the cordngo of
the Samaria , whose sails were snugged
down to close rcofs. It was an anxious
time for Captain Snow to watch the
s ills aloft and at the same time think
of the mother and little son in the
berth below. The sailors say the
waves dashed over the sides in mis
chievous glee as if to plead that they
might biptizo the little stranger with
all the ceremony provided by Neptune
and the mermaids. Both mother and
child are doing excellently.
An Absolute Cure.
Is only put up In largo two ounce tin boxes ,
and is an absolute cure for old sores , burns ,
wounds , chapped hands , and all skin erup
tions. Will positively care all kinds of piles.
MEKT. Sold by Goodman Drug Co. , at 25
cents per box by mail 30 cents.
Grain , Provisions , Stocks and Bonds ,
Margin Transactions a Specialty.
Members of ttio Chicago Hoard at Trade. Prl-
vate Wires to Chicago and New York.
Timber Claims.
Tree Seeds nntl Seedlings for Timber Claims ,
Krult Tree < i , Small Fruits , Urnameutals , Krer-
greeuH , etc.
Sena for price list FflEB I Address ,
D. 8. LAKE , Prop. ,
Shenandoah , Iowa.
(8elUint ( ( rom 60 cents
, tolV > 0) ) will pay you a larger profit than
i any others the next three months.
CAH3iu : , & CO. , ( Limited. )
40 Dearborn Street , Cblcago , 111.
Lie Stock Commission Merchants ,
-T * <
Liye Stock Commission ,
Room 15. zchanite Dnlldlng , Unl n Block TaNa ,
_ bouth omaha , Neb.
Commision Dealers tn Liye Soci ,
acorn K , Oppoctut Kzcbanie Building , Ualon Stock
_ Tarfli , Boutft Omaba , Neb.
" 'T
Of Omeha , Wei
_ _ implements. _
Dealer in Auricnltural Imjlcments , Wagons ,
CirrHiet ( id Iluinln. JineStreet , bttnecDttb and
l thUt
_ _
AfijicnltnrallfflplGinents.fagonSjCarriages .
i , Etc. VTholeiile. Omabt ,
Agricultural Implements , Wagons & Buggies
Ml , 9iO. m ml DOT Jeim Btr t. Omaha.
P. P. MAST& CO. .
Manufacturers of Buckeye Drills , Seeders ,
CaltlTaton , Ilakt , Cld r Mlltt itnd Luban 1'ul-
Terlitrt. Cor. Uth and Nlcholai Strttti.
Agricultural Implements , Wagons 4 Buggies
Akron , Ohio.
Haryesting Macliinery and Binder Twine ,
W. K. Mta.l , Hanntr. HI3Lc Tcnworth U. Ornah * .
Idanufarturtn and Jobber * ID
Wagons , Baggies , Rakes , Plows Etc ,
Cor.'gth and 'aclflc gtrcotE , Omaha , Seb.
Artists' Materials.
A HOSPE , Jr. ,
Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs ,
1M3 Doudai Street. Umaba , Nobraika.
H. M , * S.\V. JONES.
Succeitorsto A. T. K njon ,1 Co. , Wbules lc &lletnll
Booksellers and Stationer ,
FIDO Weddlni Stailonerj , Commercial tRtlonei7
UC ! Iou ln Street. Omaba. Neb.
Boots and Shooo *
( Buoctnora to JU d , Jo ei t Lo. )
AienUfur no ton Rubber Khoe Co. 1102,110441106
llarney tit. . Omaha. Nebraaia.
W. V. MORSE * CO. .
Jobbers of Boots and Shoes ,
1101,1103-1106 Douglii St , Omaba ManuIuctorT , Bum
mer Ht. . Boitun.
Coffooo , Sploos , Etc.
Umaha Cofft * aid fplce Mlllt.
Teas. Coffees. Spices , Baking Powder.
FlaTortng KitracU. Laundrr Blue. Inki. Ktc. lilt-
lilf , lUrotr Blr t , Omaha. N braH .
Crockery _ .
Agent fortbit Uannfacturcri and Importeia of
Crockery , Glassware , Lamps , Chimneys ,
Ktc. O ce , 317 S. ISth St. , Omaba. N bra > ka.
Imoorton and Jobber of
Crcckery , Glassware , Lanrcs , Silverware
Etc. 151 < Faruam St. , New PaitoD RulMlnK.
Commlaalon and Storage-
' "
Storage and Commission Merchants ,
Fpeclaltlr- " r r- < - . f-tpc- , . ' 'nnltrj , Oamr
112Uowrd 8tr t. Omalui.
Cucceiiori to McEbane A Ecbroeder. )
Produce Commission and Cold Storage ,
Omaba. Ntbraika.
Flour , Feed , Grain and General Commision
Merchant. Correipondence ibllclted. 1011 North ICtb
btreot , Omaha , Neb.
Jokers of Hard and Son Coal ,
M9 South IJtb StMtt , Omaha , Ntbruk * .
Mannfactnrcrs ofLtme ,
And iblppcr.i ut Coal , Coak , Cuuient , Hauler , I.lm
Drain Tllu. and Sewer Pipe. Once , 21 * ,8.13tk
St. , Omaha , Kelt. Telephone Sli.
" "
M. E SMITH * CO" .
Dry Goods , Farnishinc Goods and Notions ,
110 } and 1104 Doujla * . Cor. llth et. , Onaba. Neb.
Importers and Jobhers in Dry GoodsNotions ,
G ta' Fnrnliblng Ooodi. Corner llth and Iluner
BU. . Omaha. Nubraika ,
Shippers of Coal and Cofo
214 South 13th HU. Omaha. Neb.
Wholesale Dealers in Furniture ,
farBan Street. Omaha. Nebraikm.
Omaha , Nebruk * .
Wholesale Groceries and Proyisions ,
TOS. T07,709 and 7118.10th St. , Omaha , Neb.
Wholesale Grocers
I th and I arenworth Street ! , Omaba , Nobraika.
Wboleealo Manufacturers of
Saddlery & Jotters of Saddlery Hardware
And Leather. IKti , 1105 and 1(07 llarae ? St. , Omaha ,
JHeavy iHardvvnre.
Heayy Hardware , Iron and Steel ,
Spring ! , Wagon Stock , Ilardwar * . Lumber , Etc. 120S
and 1211 liarn i utreet , Omaba.
Builders' ' Hardware and Scale Repair Shop ,
Ittchaalct * Tool ! and Buffalo Scalei. 1 0& Douglui
Blreet , Oaiaka , Nebraika.
Wholesale Hardware ,
nil anfl narnrjSti. , Omaha , Neb. Western Agenti
f or Auatln P w er Co. , Jeffenon Steel NaJli ,
Katrbanki Htandard Bealei.
Wholesale Hardware , Cutlet ? . Tin Plate ,
Metali , Sheet Iron. etc. Agents for Howe Scales
Miami 1'owdrr and Lyman Barbea wife.
Omaha , Nebraska.
Hats , Capo , Eto.
Wholesale Hats , Caps and Straw Goods.
1107 name/ Street , On aha , Nob.
All Kinds of.Bnilding Material at Wholesale
18tj Btiect ao4 Union PaclBc Track , Omaha.
Dealer in iumher , Lath , Lime , Sashj
DOOM , Ktc. Taxdi Coratr } th and DewflM ! Corce
k mfcarj
c. N.
Dealer in All Kinds of Lite ,
13th and Culifornliv Street * . Omaha , Ncbmiko.
Lumlier Lime CcfflcnCiic
, , , , Etc ,
CorncrCthand Douelm ( . .Omaha ,
To Dealers Only ,
Office , 1ICJ Farnara Plrfft Omaha.
Wholesale Lumber , Etc ,
Imported and American I'ortlaml Crini-nt. Put !
Agent for Ullnuke llrilrnullc Couient and
QuIncT Wbllo I.IUIQ.
Dealer in Hardwood Lunte
TTcod CarpeU and Parquet flooring , tth and Douglai
_ NUllnery ! and
" " " "
inporters & Jobbers in Millinery & Notions
! tH. tlO and iU Smith llth Street
OvorullB. ,
Manufacturers of Oyeralls ,
Jeani PanU , KUlrK , lite. lltRand 1104 Uougla * Street ,
Uniitba. > eb.
Wholesale Notions and Furnishing Goods
403 and 105 B ( utMOth St. , OmnhH.
WMsale Refined and Lubricating Oils ,
A le Orea > , Ktc. , Omaha. _ A. II. Hl hnp , Mannjen
Kotions and Gent's ' Furnishing Good ? ,
110S Uarnej Street , Omaha ,
Office Fixtures.
Manufncturc.'f of
Bank , Oifice and Saloon Fixtures ,
Mantlet , Sideboard * . Rook Caicn , DriiK Klxturrs.Wall
Caiei , Partition ! . KalllnxJ.Coiinlern. llecrami Wlno
Cooler. , Mil-Torn.etc. hiotorj anil nrare , liJU Had lia
Scuth 13th Si , , Omaha. Telephone DM.
Paints and oils.
Wholesale I > Aler ln
Paints , Oils , Window Glass , Etc ,
HIS Tarnam Street. OmahaNob.
Wholesale Paper Dealers ,
Carry a nice itock of Printing. WrappliiK and Writing
Special attention eiren to car Inml uriler ! .
Proprietor Omaha Paper Box Factory ,
Nos. 1V.7 and 1319 Douglas St. , Omaha , Neb.
Wnolesale Farm , Field and Garden Seeds
til and UU Jonca Htrei t. Omaba.
Storage , Forwarding A , Commlsalon I
Storage , Forwarding and Commission ,
Branch hnune of the Uenuuv HIIKKT Co. Hiuglcnal
wuoleiale and retail , IJOb UlOanil 1312 Itartl Siruet ,
Omaba. Telephone No. 750.
Lager Beer Brewers ,
IWl North Klgthtconth Street , Omaha , Keb.
Manufacture Galyanized Iron and Cornice ,
John Epeneter , Proprietor. 950 Dodge and 103 and lot
Nenh 10U btreet , Omaha.
_ Prljjtera Materlals. _
Auxiliary PuWishers ,
Dealer. in f
Rubber Goods.
Manufacturers and Dealers in Rubber Goods
W Clothlnc aad Leather Belting. 1003 Farnam Street.
Sjah , Doora , Etc.
M. A. DISBROW , CO. , i
'Vboleiale Manuficturers of
Sash , Doors , Blinds and Mouldings.L
Branch offlce , 12th and Irani Street ! , Omaha , Not ) . S
Manufacturer of Sash , Doors , Blinds , '
lulillngi , StMrWork and Interior Ilar'l Wood Klw
U. N. B. Comer Mb and I < caYimnortu btrccta ,
Omaha , Mco. I
, Pjumpa , Etc.
Pnmps , Pipes and Engines ,
Jt"m >
Wholesale Pumps , Pine , Fittings ,
Jtcam ud Water fiippllei. no-iinunrtpp. fnr Mont.
_ _ s Roods Ktunam t. , OmahJJ
Steam and Water Supplies ,
Engines , Boilers and General Machinery
. . . . , .
ibcut I Toil NVor * * u * * - ?
Iron Works.
Carter & son , Prop' . Manufacturer ! ef ull kinds
Steam Boilers , Tanks and Sheet Iron WorU
Worki South 20th and n. & M. Crosilnir.
Wrought and Cast Iron Building Work ,
Englnci , llrais Work , General Koundrr.Mnohlnoand
Ulackimltb Wiirk. onu-o and Work ! , U , r. lljr.
and 17 Ui Utroet , Omaha ,
Manufacturers of Wire and Iron Railings '
Daik KMIi , WlnJow Quardf , Hewer StamlVlra
Slgnt. Etc. IP North Kth Ktrcet.Oiauba.
Man'frs ' of Fire . &Barglar Proof Safes i
Vaultt. Jail Work. Iron ani Wire fimclng , Hlins , Kltt
O. . ' ' . . .
AuJroon. 1'roD'r. Cor. lllbaadJackiun Bt r
Iron and Wire Fencir , Railing ? , Guards
and Bcrteni , for banki , oinces.iforn , roililepfos , etc.
ImpToreq AwnlDiii , I ocLtmltli Mni'lUntrr c.ud
lU Worts. < * > boutU Hell Ht. .
'Email ' Bnrglar 'Proof Safesjime 'Locks '