6 OMAHA DAILY BEE : fllHUJRSDAY , OCTOBER 25 , 1888. . . 11 THE DAILY BEE. ' COUNCIL BLUFFS. OFFICE. NO IIS PKAHIj BTHF4ET , Delivered br currier In Any I'ntt of the City a Twenty Cents I'crVcfk. . II. W. T1I.TON . MANAOEIl. TELEPHONES ! HnRiNK s OrriCE No. 43. MIXUU MKNTIOX. N. Y. Plumbing company. Only $10.75 nt Chnptntui's art store. Elcpnnt overconttnpa at A. Heller's , merchant tailor , 312 Broadway. Best hard and soft coal and Missouri wood. E. E. Mayno , Oil ) Broadway , The Fourth ward democrats will hold a mooting at the court houbo next Mon day evening for the purpouo of organiz ing a club. John Points , a Chicago & Northwest ern brakcinan , residing in this city , had two lingers severely mashed while coupling cars. Dr. Oreen attended him. Marriage licenses wore issued yester day to Charles W. Penn , of Shelby , and Mies Elizabeth Hughes of this county , mid A. F. Htcnnett and Miss Anna L. Fatten , both of this county. All children who are to ride in the canooin the parade this evening are re quested to be at republican headquart ers not later than 0I0 : ! o'clock. By order of Colonel John Fox. It is currently reported that C. E. Mayno has leased the building next to Tin : BKB otllce , lately occupied by the defunct Herald company , and that he will open a real estate ollicu there. Police fines were assessed yesterday ne follows : Moses Stress , drunk , $8.10 ; George Stanley , drunk and abusing his family , $7.(50 ( ; Joseph Pare and G. Brown , disturbing the peace , con tinued. The heavy silver water pitchers , gold lined and beautifully chased that are to be given to the best lady and gentle man clubs participating in this oven- ing's parade , are on exhibition in the windows of EiBCtnan ft C'o.'s store , and nro attracting considerable attention. Dr. Glllctt , of Cincinnati , Ohio , the mjperintendent of inutruction ot the Chautuuqua assembly , will arrive in the city to-day , and all members are requested to bo present at a meeting at the board of trade rooms ut U o'clock to-morrow morning , to make arrange ments for the programme of 1880 , and to consult in regard to the construction of buildings and the plan of the grounds. No business was transacted in the dis trict court yesterday , and adjourned until this morning. Court will bo opened each morning and adjourned from day to day until Monday , when Judge Loofbourow is expected to return and settle up several cases , after which an adjournment for the term will bo taken. The November term convenes on the Gth , with Judge Carson on the bench. R. C. Ilubbard roused the republicans nt Parry creek Tuesday night by one of his inimitable addresses. Judge Hub- bard is doing most excellent work in this campaign. Ho not only holds the attention of his hearers , but arouses enthusiasm by his forcible arguments , vivid illustrations , well rounded per iods , and his vein of humor. Ho is fast gaining the reputation of being one of the most popular and ctTcctivo speakers of the campaign. It has been reported that Messrs. Walker and Sholcs , former stockhold ers of the wrecked Herald printing company , had purchased the Weekly Herald and would continue to publish that paper as heretofore. Mr. W. R. Vaughn , the present proprietor of the Herald , was authority for the statement , saying that ho had sold the paper to the parties above named. Yesterday Mr. Walker denied it , saying that ho had heard nothing of such" deal , and know of no arrangements for continu ing the paper or of running a job olllco in connection with it. No move has yet been made to open nnothor oftlco hero , but it is possible that some sucl : move will be made when the atTairs o : the defunct Herald printing company are finally settled. See W. C. Stacy's ad. * We ( to not Intend to Indorse any except nrtl cles of merit , but we take pleasure In referring to the " ( Inrlniitl Stoves ami Hunges , whoso miperlorlty Is too well established to bo callei In ( | iistlon. They nro believed to bo mipqualei by any In the world. Sold exclusively by P. C 1)0 Vol. See Forrest Smith's special column. I'omonnl Paragraphs. Mr. J. C. Bixly is confined to his homo by a sudden attack of sickness. Mr. George E. Judd , a cattle dealer ofMon { tana , is visiting with his brother Dr. C. B. Judd. . Chief Gallagher , of the Omaha fire dcimrtmcnt , was in the city yesterday in company with Chicago friends. James Fonlon , of the clerical force in the county clerk's olllco , is just recover 'og from a severe atttick ot tonsilitis. Mrs. Henry Stagaman , mother o Mrs. W. C. Estop , returned to Cincin nati last evening , after iitu ertoiTueif' ' visit with her dau ] ij > f. " * " Messrs. Ed--K6Thory. of Omaha , and J. QUAairitoll. of St. Paul , prominent ' porting men of this section of the ountry , were in the BlutTs yesterday. Hl'ECIAIj KXCUIISION Vln UurllnRton Itoutc , O. II. & Q. A special excursion will bo run to the Council Bluffs and Omaha bridge cele bration on Tuesday , October 30 , at greatly reduced rates for the round trip. This train will leave Creston at G o'clock a. in. and arrive in Council Bluffs at 0:30 : a. in. Returning leave Council Bluffs at 10:45 : p. in. , stopping nt all stations as in the morning , will arrive at Creston about " :30 : a. m. TicKets for this excursion can bo ob tained of C. B. & Q. R. R. ticket agents on October 30. Passengers for Omaha must take the regular train , as this train will not make connections at Pacific Junction. Tickets are good to return on cither the excursion train oren on regular trains on October 30 or 31. The Township Convention. The democrats of Kane township hold tliclr convention at the city building yesterday to make nominations for the township ofllcors. Einmot Tinloy was elected chairman and J. J. Stewart sec retary. There was but llttlo oxclto- inent and no more than thron ballots were taken to nominate any of the can didates. The balloting resulted in nom inating the following : Justices of the > caco , N. Schurz , A. L. Hendricks and } I. Shoemaker ; constables , N. E. Tyson , Charles Lelbold and C. C. Dcspalnos ; township trustee , J. Sullivan ; township clerk , J. I. Lutz. On the 25th the W. C. A. ladies will Eorvo dinner for IM cents at the Pacific house. A lunch counter will nUo bo conducted. Leaps made on city business and residence - -Notes bqught. Kim- , donco property.Notes ball-Champ Investment company. S.13. WadsNYorth UCo , loan mouoy. THE RALLY OF REPUBLICANS , Preparations Made For o Grand authoring Here To-day. THE DEMOCRATS IN CONVENTION. They N'nmo Their Township Ticket Klcctrlc Motor * On the Way "The How" to Be Cleaned Out Personals. The Ijlno of March. The line of march for this evening's larado will bo as follows : The line will 'orm ' In five divisions along the street running south from Broadway. The first division will form on Ninth street , the second on Eighth street , the third on Seventh street , and so on to Pearl , where the fifth division will form , all with their right resting on Broadway. I'ho veteran Tlp | > ccanoe club and other veteran associations will form on Ban croft street in front of the republican headquarters , and will then proceed to Ninth street , where the start will bo made , the first division falling in be hind the veterans and marching up Broadway , the other divisions falling In as the line reaches them. The line of march will be up Broadway to Main , down Main to Worth , Worth to Ban croft , Bancroft to Broadway , Broadway to the Methodist church , when the line will countermarch thence down Broad way to the opera house , where the line will break ranks. In case there are too many delegations to form on the streets named , extra divisions will form on the streets north of Broadway. It is ex pected that there will be about eight thousand persons in line. Special trains are to bo run , the "Q" alone running three trains in three sections. Omaha will be represented by over fifteen hun dred men. Large delegations are com ing from all parts of this congressional district. It will bo without doubt by far the largest demonstration in this part of the country during the campaign. Boots , shoes. Kinnehan's , 326 B'way. The finish on our collars , cuffs and shirts cannot bo equalled. Cascade Laundry Co. A family moving from the city nnd needing money will sell their upright piano cheap for cash. First class malce. Nearly new , $22. ) . Call for five days at Swanson Music Co. , 329 Broadway. Sec Forrest Smith's special column. Ave. B lots at $400 , small payment down , balance on long time at low rate of interest. Odoll JWs & Co. Have our wagon call for your soiled clothes. Cascade Laundry Co. the Pcii'mnstratlnn. The republican club met at the head quarters -last evening to hear the re ports of the various committees nnd ar range the details of the demonstration of to-day. Chairman Hurl called the club to order. The committee on invitation and pro grammes reported that nearly every hamlet in western Iowa would send delegations numbering from 25 to 500 each , also that from GOO to 1,000 would como from Omaha ; that the general committee has yet made no programme but will do so this morning. The committee on transportation re ported that special trains had been ar ranged from all the railroads , and that this matter is in good shapo. On tlreworks , the committee reported that a large quantity has been secured nnd about thirty men will bo needed for an hour nnd a half to fire them off. On decoration it was reported that Mr. Bix- loy , chairman of the committee was sick , Mr. S. H. Foster was assigned to that position. All the other committees reported and everything seems to be in good shape for the demonstration. The prizes offered to the best club , ladies and and gontlcmen , will bo com peted for by clubs of the Ninth congres sional district only. This arrangement is made to exclude Council Bluffs , as well as the larger cities where delega tions could be made very imposing. Following is the programme for the day : At 3:30 : Senator Allison will speak nt the opera house. At this meeting nil the vice presidents throughout the dis trict who have heretofore been ap pointed are expected to bo present. The Council Bluffs Glco club will attend this meeting. In the evening at 8:30 : at Dohany's opera house Hon. F. D. Jack- sou , Hon. William B. Allison and Hon. J. R. Reed will deliver addresses. The Council Bluffs Glee club will also attend this meeting. The veter ans of 1840 will attend this meeting in n body. At the reviewing stand , corner of Broadwny nnd Fourth street , nt 8:30 : p. m. , the Hon. Lafo Young , Hon. J. R. Lymnn and Col. W. F. Saj > p will speak. The Griswold Glco olub will sing. At 4bis point the procession will bo re viewed nnd the prizes for the largest delegation will bo awarded. At the club room at 8:30 : the Hon. John A. Dawcs of Nebraska , Hon. John Y. Stone and Governor Thayer will deliver addresses. The Henderson glee club will bo present nt this meeting. Following is the order of Colonel Consigny , marshal of the day : Chief marshal , E. A. Consigny ; chief of staff , W. H. Spera ; aides E. F. Holmes , L. Biedcrman , Scott Rico , Colonel Boobo , D , C. Bloomer , W. W. Ellis , C. S. Warren , O. II. Brown , W. F. Sapp , jr. , M. J. Sears , H. Coffee. Others will bo added to the list to-day. The folio wing nro the division com- mnnders and aides : FIIIST DIVISION. R. C. Hubbard , commander ; aides W. I Smith , M. L. Scars , P. Wind. All delegations coming over the Union Pa cific and Wubash will belong to this di vision. SECOND DIVISION. T. J. Clnrk , commander ; aides ; Mar shall Troy nor , lR. D. Richardson , B. Brown. Delegations coming over the Chicago ft Northwestern railroad will join this division. THIllD DIVISION. George Richmond , commander ; aides M. Pattison , F. J. Day , E. C. Brown , Finloy Burke. Delegations from the Chicago. Burlington ft Quincy railroad will bo in this division. rouiiTli DIVISION. Ed Mott , commander ; aides , C. S. Hubbard , D. R. Witter , D. B. Dalloy , W. Arndt , Cory Reed. Delegations coming in on Chicago , Rock Islnnd ft Pacific nnd the Chicago , Milwaukee ft St. Paul railroads will belong to this division. VIKTII DIVISION. L. B. Cousins , commander ; aides , John Limit , K. R. Fonda , James Patter son , J. O. Mitchell. All city delegation's , oxcpptldg the mounted ones , will .belong to this divi sion. sion.All All mounted delegations will form by fours , on Broadway between. Eight arid Ninth streets , facing east. ' Aides , to ; f the . ° marshal will .report . mounted nt 7 p. in. sharp , nt the corner of Ninth and Broadway. Division commanders will wcur red sashes , and all aides red and white rosettes , and will report mounted at 7 o clock flhnrp nt the phtco where their respective divisions tire hereby ordered to form. Division commanders will detail as ninny of their aides ns they think nec essary to go nnd escort visiting dolcgn- tlons to the places appointed for them in the column. If the division commanders , the nidcs and all interested in the parade will bo ready and obey instructions heroin given , wo promise a pleasant and satis factory march. By order of E. A. CONSIGNHY , W. H. St'EllA , Marshal. Chief of Staff. The boys' Harrison and Morton club will act as escort to the Tlppccnnoc club. They will report nt 7 o'clock shnrp at the headquarters. The republican club will report at the headquarters at 0:30 : o'clock to act as escorts to incoming delegations. The members of the republican club arc requested to rojxjrt this afternoon nt 2 o'clock shnrp , nt the headquarters , to act as escort to incoming delegations on afternoon trains. C. S. Ilubbard , commander. . The members of the Tippccnnoo club , with their wives , will bo nsslgned rc- erved sents on the platform at the pcra house this evening. Baby show to-morrow and Saturday afternoons at the Catholic fair. Trip- 'ets exhibited Saturday. Elegant silver up and bed awarded" prizes to the most popular babies. Voting will con- inue all the week. Fresh California canned goods at Tib- bltt's , 345 Broadway. Dr. C. C. Hazcn , dentist , opcrn house block. Morehouso & Co. , blank book manu facturers. First avenue lots for sale at a bargain. Odell Bro's&Co. We have no competitors in finishing collars , cuffs and shirts. Cascade Laun dry Co. Illinois and Iowa best soft coal , Gleason , 26 Pearl street. On co. The places for registration will l > o open to-day , nnd every voter should jeur in mind that unless he personally appears and gets hit ) name enrolled ho will be barred from voting. The places lor the several wards are : Fir&tr John Hammond's olllco , corner East Broad way Fand Stutsmnn street ; Second E. T. Waterman's ollico , No. 411 North Main street ; Third 13. P. Hatton- tmuer's , No. 29 Fourth street ; Fourth thirst precinct T. D. King ft Co. , No. 543 Broadway ; Fourth Second pre cinct Sandwich Manufacturing com pany. No. 1228 South Main street. The boards will bo in session to-day and to-morrow from 8 o'clock a. m. to 0 o'clock p. m. Guns and ammunition at Odell ft Bryant's hardware und steve house. Notice the beautiful finish given col lars , cuffs and shirts by Cascade Laundry company. Odell Bro's & Co. loan money on real estate. Rock Spring coal , Gleason , 20 Pearl street. See Forrest Smith's special column. Baby show , concert and elocutionnry entertainment this afternoon nt the Catholic fair ; 10 cents admits. Supper 25 cents. Mrs. L. Simmons , dressmaker , 314 Broad way , over Eiscmnn's , on electric motor line. Special advantages to Omaha ladles. Buy n lot on Broadway and realize 50 per cent a month on. your investment. Odell Bro's & Co. Saint Bernard Place. I have a number of fine lots for sale in the above addition , located only two blocks away from the street cars on Broadway. These lots are 50x250 feet , nnd nro choice residence property. They are high and dry and present a commanding view. ' For full informa tion regarding price and terms apply to J. G. Tipton , solo agent , 627 Broadwny. The Woman's Exchange will enter tain the Presbyterian sociable at the residence of Mr. F. H. Hill , on Third avenue , Friday evening. The Motors on the Way. Manager Evans , of the Omaha and Council Bluffs bridge company , received n letter yesterday morning from Pull man , 111. , stating that the majority of the cars and motors for the new electric motor line had been shipped nnd would bo hero ready for use on the 20th inst. , givinir ample time for tests before the formal opening on the 30th. Some of the material will bo shipped on the 25th and the general freight' agent of the Rock Island has agreed to get it through to Council BlutTs on the 20tli. It will IMS impossible to have all the rolling stock hero on that day , but enough will bo hero to enable the man agement to furnish a ton-minnto ser vice and do its part in caring for the enormous crowds of visitors which will bo in the city on that day. A report has been circulated by parties who have been constantly and persistently work ing against the now bridge from its in ception that there would bo no motor cars hero to run on the day of the open ing , but the report is utterly without foundation , as cars will bo run ns nbovo stated. On and after next Tuesday electric motorcars will bo running over the now bridge between this city und Omaha. Card of Thanks. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McCarl dcsiro to return their sincere thanks to all friends who so kindly assisted them during the illness nnd funeral of their little daughter. Best bargains in real e'stato. Odoll Bro's ft Co. Ladies who are to furnish provisions for the W. C. A. dinner on the 25th will leave them at the Pacific house Elcaso otwoon 0 and 10 o'clock Thursday morning. For Sale Cheap Lots near the bridge to parties who will build at once. Ad dress or call on J. R. Rice , No. 110 Main street , Council Bluffs. Baby show at the Catholic fair tomorrow row afternoon. Also concert and elocu tionary entertainment. Voting every day. Money loaned at L. B. Crafts ft Co.'s loan ottlco , on furniture , pianos , horses , wagons , personal property of all kinds , and all other articles of value without removal. All business strictly confi dential. 'For bargains In real estate In any part of the city sec F. J. Day , the load' " ' ing real csUto dealer' . CT HAS FOR SALE FREE TRACKAGE On the following railroads : Chicago & Northwestern. Chicago , Burlington & Quincy. Chicago , Rock Island & Pacifc and Union Pacifc. Don't wait to buy nt second huml , but buy now of the owners. CHEAP HOMES. ON EASY TERMS. Residence lots in the besh additions in the city. Don't fail to call tuitl see if you want to buy. CT . f \ * - siJ r T I CD r > MASONIC TEMPLE , COUNCIL BLUFFS. TELEPHONE NO. 113. Killed in n SnmUinnk. About 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon an accident occurred at the Big Lake sand bank by which John Easing and a pair of horses were instantly killed. The unfortunate man was hauling sand , and was caught before he knew the im mense mass of earth was falling. The bank nt that point is about one hundred feet high , and the dirt fell with terrilic force. Hundreds of tons of earth came down in the fall , burying the man ten feet deep. The horses attached to the dead man's wagon jumped in time to clear themselves from the wagon , nnd escaped uninjured , but a pair of horses attached to a scraper were caught and completely covered , with the exception of their heads , which were left sticking out of the dirt , and still remain where they stood , present ing a strange and ghastly appearance. The horses wore instantly killed. There wore two witnesses to the sad af fair. They dug out the unfortunate victim us ciuickly ds possible , but ho was dead , having been killed by the great force of the blowJ The patrol wagon was summoned , and be was taken to his homo , 717 Avenue G. The deceased 'was about 60 years of ago and leaves a wife and two children. No arrangements have yet been made for the funeral. Go to the Masonic temple and see the babies 10 cents admits you. On the ° , ' .th the TV. C. A. ladies will servo a dinner foi25 , cents at the Pacilic house. A lunch counter will also bo conducted. Turn Out Torciiea t Every republican in the city who has or can get n torch is earnestly requested to bo on hand nt the club room this evening at 7:80 : o'clock. Wo have quite a number of bargains in second hand and slightly damaged pianos and organs which wo will renter or sell cheap. MUELLKH Music Co. , 103 Main street. J.G.Tipton has bargains in real estate. IjtuHcs Attention. For the demonstration of to-day the Pacific house has boon secured to servo as-headquarters of the ladies during the day and evening. Money loaned on furniture , pianos , diamonds , horses , buggies , or anything of value ut low rates of interest. No publicity ; fair and honorable dealing. A. A. Clark & Co. , olllco cor. Broadway and Main , over American express. E. II. Shcafo & Co. , inako long or short time loans on real estate , in sums to suit , at lowest rate of interest. Olllco Broadway and Main street , upstairs. Attention Flambeau Club. The members of the llambcau club are requested to meet on Fourth street this evening promptly nt 7 o'clock for drill. E. H. Shcafo loans ir.onoy on chattel security of every description. Private consulting rooms. All business strictly confldental. Olllco 600 Broadway , cor ner Main street , up-stturs. Positively cured by these Mttlc Pills. CARTERS They also relieve Dis tress from Dyspepsia , In * ITTLE dlgebtlon and Too Hearty Eating. A perfect rem IVER edy for Dizziness , Nausea , PILLS. Drowsiness , Had Taste In the Mouth , Coated Tongue , Tain In the Side TOItPID UVEIt. They regulate tljo Bowela. Purely Vegetable. SMALL PILL , SMALL DOSE , SMALL PRICE , THE FOLLOWlNQ AHE A FEW OF THE BARGAINS ) I CAN OFFER IX ( FRUIT AND VEGETABLE FARMS. 5 ACHES Within city limits , small house , 1,000 grape vltiea. Jl.-tX ) . 7 ACHES Within city limits , good homo and Improvements , JJ.OO ) . 6 ACIIKS Adjoining city limits , good house. All In small fruit. B.000. 10 ACHES Adjolninir city limits ; two story house ; bmall fruits in abundance , 30 ACHES a'i ( miles from P. O. , all Improved ; house and barn. 1,500. 80 ACHES 4 miles from 1 > . O. , all Improved ; hotihe und barn. SJ.WKl. 1'rlcea will K" up nfter the brldiro la opened. SO ACHES On the tiat near Omaha , will make choice addition for platting. W. C. STACY , NO. O MAIN HT. S STEWART M D 0 V M , , , , , , , , HOSPITAL 45 FOURTH STSEBT. Telephone No. U 1)5. COUNOlfc BLUFFS , : I ' J IOWA FOR SALE ! A Complete Stock of COOK and HEATING STOVES Lower tlmn the lowest goods sold on easy pay. iiicntB nt Cash Prices. For the uccomodiulon of WorkliiRinen , I will keep open Sunday from 8 n. m , to 1 p. m. For Second Hand Goods In KO < 1 order I will pay full vulue. Special inducement to Omaha Customers. A. J. MANDEL , Nos. 323 and 335 Broadway. " SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE. Sl'EriAIjadvcrtlsi'ments , Hiichnq Lost , Found , To Loan , For Sale. To Kent , Wants , HoardIng - Ing , etc. , will bo Inserted In tills column at the low rate of TUN CKNTS I'KH UNK for the flm Insertion nnd Five CcntB 1'er Mno for each sub sequent Insertion. Leave advertisements nt our office. No. 12 Pearl Street , near IJroadway , Council Jtlutrs Iowa. WANTS. FOll SALK Lease nnd furniture of hotel In Omaha. Good reason for Helllnt , ' . Will sell on payments or tradu for 11o stock. Ad dress 1M N. 10th St. , Omaha. MC ONKSrOWKIISrnllandKet the bundle left ut our house , ns wo nro nliout to move nnd cannot htoro It longer. J. Hanulbalson FOR HUNT House corner ad nnd Vorhees st. Inquire nt 700 3d st. W IANTKI ) A Hrst class kitchen girl nt the Knsex house , Council Hluirs. WANTED A good Blrl for general house work in private family. Apply nt 103 Main street , Council Illuirs. WANTED-Clty canvassers. Call at White Kowlnir machine olllco , 305 llroadnay. Council llluirn. tjTlOK KENT A furnished room , suitable for C two gentlemen , ground lloor , very centrally located. Applicant must give reference. Ad dress T. 16 , lice olllco. \\TANTr.D-A competent abstractor. Ad- drem , with references , J 10 , lice office. Council Illuirs. W ANTED Mattress makers at C. A. lleebo & Go's. fCB for sale In car load lots. Mulholland k Co. FOU KENT Furnished front room , for gen- tlemen. ! S1 N. Second street. HUNT Seven-room cottaite. on the corner - ner of 3d avo. and Oth f t.V. . C. James. T71OR KENT A large number of good dwell- -C Ings. Call and examine Hat. E. H. Shoafo & Co. , liroadway und Main Bt. , up stairs. HOUSES for rent. Johnston & Van I'atten . U3 Main at. FORREST SMITH'S SPECIAL WANT "ITTOIl SALK Mouse of 5 rooms and two lots on J-1 Hth avenue north of the transfer. Will take $1,1X0 for this , cmo-lmlf rash. FOU BALK A line corner In 1'ierco's addition Just north ot the transfer , on 7th avenue and 18th nt , fibxiau ft. , Vxa. T71OII BAMS House and lot north of U. P. -L transfer cheap at &UO ; J-'OO cash and J- . " > per month. "filOH PAI.K-T.ot 44x120 on 1st ave , near N. W. -L1 U. H. depot , on N. W. track ; cheap at U < X ) . FOU SAM ! 1H acres on both sides of U. I' . It. H. truck , H mile west of union depot ; would make a Mno addition to Council llliuTsorOmaha. Only $7M per acre. FOK 8AI.I1 An elegant fi-room cottage with lot MX ISO , on Harrison ht ; this property Is worth from * 'IUOJ to SI.W ) . but If bold boon will bell for JiWJ ) ; good terms. FOR HUNT A flne now eiijht-ronm house at No. HIS 4th avenue ; bath room , closets ana all modern Improvements ; nice largo pleasant yard. This place Is only iJ.blocks from dummy depot. FOU HHNT Nice 4-room cottage on 8th ave. and lUth Bt. , only til per mouth. TO LOAN Money to loan on horses , cattle , furniture , pianos , Jewelry , otc. ; bee mo be fore borrowing elsewhoro. FORREST SMITH , Room 4 , 3rd Floor , Urown liulUUng. i TREE OF LIFE A positive euro for Llyor and Kidney troub les , all Ulood Diseases , Indigestion , DyspCp- sla , and Sour Stomach , U found In MOORE'S ' TREE OF LIFE. For said by local druggists and druggists evnrywheio. Prlco II per bottle , six for 15. Address all communications to DJt. J. U. 9IOOIIE , HlufT * , I * . " BUY A HOME , Nice new five room cottages with closets etc * finished in hard wood and oil , only 5 minute * walk front Omaha across the new Bridge and located immediately on new electric car line , A And easy terms will secure you a comfortably and convenient home. ONLY A FEW LEFT. .A. . H. FITCHC , P. O. BOX 488 , OMAHA , NEtt LJSHHI ) 1H4U. 1NCOKPOIIATED 18T9 CO-T MASSILLOX , OHIO , MANUFACTURERS. Especially Adapted fof SIZES FROM ELECTRIC ' 25 TO 300 HORSE LIGHTING HORSEPOWER POWER , Mills and Elevators * AUTOMATIC - : - CUT-OFF - : - ENGINES , Speculations ntul estimates furntKhod for complete Hteum plants. Regulation , Durability Ouan/ / anteed. Can show letters from users where fuel Kronomj- equal with Corll s Non-CouJonslDgJ BRANCH 1IOUSH , COUNCIL BKUFF. * , IOWA. J Send for Catalogue , E. C. HARRIS , Manager. , ' PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY. j / . Hydraulic and Sanitary Engineer. Plani , Estimated HDIDl/IMDIMT I Specification ! . Supervision of Public Work. Browj Building , Council Blufli , Iowa. riMI CV Dl IDI/LT Attorney at Law , Second Floor Brown Building , 1JB " rllNLLY DUrmLV" Pearl St. , Council Bluffs , Iowa. ' * Ml | D7 Justice ol the Prace. Ofllce over American Exprcts , No. 418 wVnUriBroadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa. OTr\MIT 0 Cln/IC / Attorney * at Law , Practice in the State and Federgj OlUNt. Ot OlIVIO" Courts. Onice Rooms 7 and 8 , Shugart-Beno BlocKI Council BlufTs. Iowa. T MA CM. Dentist , Room C , Opera House Block , Council Bluffs , lofl CASCADE LAUNDRY COMPAN MAKE CALLS AND DELIVERIES PROMPTLY. NO. 33O BROADWAY. TELEPHONE NO. 26 DR. C. B. JUDD , MANUFACTURER OF ELECTRIC BELTS AND ELECTRIC TRUSSES , No. 6O6 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa. ' WANTED Good Salesmen on large commission or salary. Ai\D TUAVI LIXG AGKXTS OX " " The "WHITE" Is K This is the verdict of all ladies who have used the White Sowing Machined See it before buying any other. ' OFFICE , 305 Middle Ilrondxvny. J , M , BROWN , Manager D , H , McDANELD & CO , , Hides. Tallow. Pelts , Wool and Furs. Highest Market Prices. Prompt Returns. 20 and K2 Main StreetCouncil niunXTowa. DANCING CLASSES. TUESDAY I BATUHDAY AT 4:93 : P.M. AT 3 P. M. AND 8 P. M. I AND 8 P. H. Royal Arcanum Hall , Beno Block , MRS. THE MORRIS TYPE WRITER. FBICE $15. Is nual to Friced Hacking. TheEdlion Mimeograph , the bttt avparatui for manifolding , autographic ad typo writing wurk. IMW coplei can be taken , The Exoolclor Co. .Council Blufis , la. o o ROCK SPRINGS , CANON CITY , And All Flue Grades of Coul. COUNCIL BLUFFS LUMBER CO. TELEPHONE HO. & . , . DYE Wols NO , 29 MAIN STREET , Latest Novelties lu HUMAN HAIR GOODS , MRS. C. L GILLETTC. FINE , CHOICE IMPORTED MILLINERY. 1514 Oougift * sc. , Oinnb * , Neb , OFFICER & PUSEY. BANKERS. tWflronlwar council Iiiua * . ' i w , BiublUti 4