Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 25, 1888, Image 1

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, t
Her Brutal Husband Boat Her Onoo
Too Often
Now lie IB Dying and tlio Poor Woman
la Under Guard Kcpubllcan
Music , Processions and
Speech-Making *
Bliot Her Drunken Husband.
NKIIHASKA Cixr , Nob. , Oct. 24. [ Special
Telegram to Tun HER. ] A shooting
scrape , which will likely result In
the dcuth of ono of the participants ,
was enacted hero to-day. John Hall , who
lives with his wife uoil children In a dilapi
dated and abandoned house In the southern
part of the city , went hotnu In his usual state
of intoxication and commenced to abuse his
wife and threatened to murder the entire
family , when his wife drew u revolver and
hot at him , the ball striking the left side of
the neck and passing nearly through. Hall
has , for two weeks past , been in the habit of
driving his family from the hou o at night
and compelling them to seek refuge with
neighbors. Mrs. Hall was not arrested , but
a Kuard was placed over her to await the re
sult of the wounds ,
Coming Clay County Rally.
BUTTON , Neb. , Oct. 34. [ Special to Tun
BKP. ] The grand effort of the republicans
of Clay county will bo the county rally at
Button to-tnorrow. The towns of Harvard ,
Clay Center , F.ilrfiold , Edgar and others ,
Including tbo adjoining towns o ( Hastings ,
Grafton , Fairmont and Friend , arc to at
tend by special trains with their republican
llubs , torchlights ami music , Laird , George
Hustings , Rev. Tuto nnd other prominent
state speakers , besides the county speakers ,
will bo present , nnd address the people in
the afternoon and evening. A special feature
of the evening parade will bo the Hustings
Flambeau club. They propose to light up
the town as it never was illumined before ,
nnd it now looks ns If there would bo an im
mense crowd and a grand time. The republican
candidates for the legislature meet the people
ple somewhere every night and speak from
the rostrum with ability. The democratic
candidates have made no speeches yet und
probably willnot. L. G. Hurd , the republi
can candidate for state senator from Clay
and Hamilton counties , addresses the people
every night. His competitor , George H. Van
Duyno , a farmer of Button , mukes no at
tempt nt speech-making even in the country
school houses , but plies his still hunt among
the farmers. The state tickets ill poll about
their usual vote here , with the gain , if nnyin
favor of the republicans. The Itov. George
Scott , prohibition candidate for congress ,
will not lead his party vote in tills county ,
but will probably get the usual party vote.
Republican Rallies.
WOOD RIVKII , Neb. . Oct. 3-1. [ Special
relogram to Tui ! UEE. ] Ono of the most
enthusiastic republican meetings of the cam
paign was hold hero to-day and this evening.
The town was tilled with pcoplo from the
surrounding country and towns. The busi
ness houses were decorated und illuminated.
After a grand procession the crowd gathered
at the opera nousu where they uro now
listening to rousing speeches by .Induo Aaron
Wall , of Loup City ; Judge J. H. Caldwcll
and Hon. W. P. Coolbaugh , of Grand Island ,
and the legislative candidates of Hall county.
NCJ.HON , Neb. , Oct. 24. [ Special Telegram
to THE Bnn.1 A grand republican rally was
held here this afternoon. Speeches were
made by G. M. Lambortson and Hon. James
Laird. Tbo Columbia opera house was
crowded , for the ilrst time since built. The
streets wore crowded with men and teams.
A train goes to Superior to continue the
rally to-night.
ATKINSON , Neb. , Oct. 24. [ Special Tele
gram to THE BUB. ] The grandest republican
rally of tho' campaign In Holt county , thus
far. was held at the rink this evening , when
fully live hundred people listened to a two
end-a-hnlf-hour speech by Senator Mandcr
son , followed by a short but ringing speed
by Nell Brcnnan of O'Niell. There was i
lurgo delegation * down from Stuart whlcl
Carried in the torch light procession a nlcel ;
constructed log cabin and various appropri
ate mottoes. When at the end of two hour
thcspcukcriproposcd to stop , the cry from th
nudlcnco was so unanimous for him to go 01
that ho put in a little more than another 1ml
hour to good purpose. The entcrtalnmen
was greatly enlivened by the music furnishei
by the glee club and the Atkinson bund.
COLUMIIUS , Neb. , Oct. 24. [ Special Tele
gram to Tun Br.B. ] A grand republicai
rally was held this evening in the oper
house. Hon. M. C. Qulnn delivered an elc
qucnt address upon the issues of the campaign
paign to an audience of COO'pcoplo. . Man ;
Irish Americans from the country wor
present. General A. J. Sampson of Denver
Occupied a pluco on the stage.
NELIOII , Neb. , Oct. 24. [ Special to th
Br.F.l Senator Muuderson nnd Messrs
JMciklcJohn and Frick were hero yestcrdaj
Air. Meiklejolm and Senator Mandcrson spok
in Nollgh from 3 o'clock p. m. till G o'clock
when the party took carriages for Oakdalc
vrhoro a largo und enthusiastic concourse o
citizens and people from abroad paid their re
spccts to the distinguished gentlemen b ,
bands of music , torch-light procession an
colored llrcs. Mr. Frick s | > okc first and iu
clear , argumentative style hold the larg
audience till 10 o'clock , when Senator Man
derson , midst clamors for a speech , notwlth
standing the hour , hold the audience ti !
11:80. : His clear , forcible and pleasing mat
ner won him great applause from politic :
friend and foe.
CUEIGIITON , Neb. . Oct. 24. [ Special to th
HER.Tho republican club was addressc
hero last night by Hon. John U. Hayes , o
Norfolk , and A. L. Towlo , candidate for ro |
rescutatlvo. The audirnca was largo and n
coived the speeches with great onthusmsn
Republicanism iu this district is takingrupi
strides toward victor.v in November.
A Great Day at Superior.
Sci'iKioii , Nob. , Oct. 21. [ Special Tcli
gram to TUK BEE. ] Our city is crowdc
with ) > cople to-night attending the reuuloi
This forenoon live coaches of excursionist
arrived over the Elkhorn road and to-uigt
B. & M. special brought In 200 more froi
Helton and Edgar. They wcro accompanic
by the Edgar cornet band , the Edgar Glc
club , consisting of fifty young ladies wea :
Ing sashes and head dresses of the nation :
colors , and the Columbia band of Nolsoi
The same train also brought Hon. Jamc
Laird nnd George H. Hustings. They wei
met at the depot by a delegation of citizer
and the Northwestern baud , and with coloi
flying marched up Central avenue. Speochi
nro to be made by Lalrtl , Hastings an
others. IJonllres are blazing and flreworl
illuminate tbo darkness , while tbo bant
stationed at different points in the strec
are discoursing In oxhilcrutlug strains. Go
ernor Thaycr is expected here to-morrow 1
speuk on the grounds. Owing to the failui
of speakers arriving the programme fi
to-day was but partly carried out.
Perkins County Politics.
GIUXT , Neb. , Oct. 2 ( . [ Special to Tn
BBS. ] The democrats and union labor ai
beronts of Pcrklnt county have put count
tickets in the tlelJ. The republicans w !
nominate a county ticket on the 27th insl
rid it is rumored thai ihero will also be i
Independent county ticket. This last Is occ
sloned by tin bitterness arising from tl
county seat troubles of last winter. Ho1
ever , the republicans have their Hues close
nd clearly defined , and with a good ticket
the Hold PerUtn * ccuuty bids fair to reroa
_ _ _ _ _
Matters t Mlndin.
MIHDSK , Neb. Oct. 24. ISwclsi t Ti
BB * . ] There vrss a great republican ral
jn Mlidcn Tuesday night. Rer. 3. Q , To
ado 9 telling talk on the tariff. The rsl
1 jn UPl > lMmUl t OM n Friday eyini
hist , on which occasion Judge O. P. Mason
addressed a largo nnd enthusiastic crowd.
James Laird will bo hero next week.
Judge Gaslln Is holding court. There nro
no cases of Importance this term ,
The wreck near hero Tuesday was caused
by the engineer of the roar train being una
ble to stop his train , although signaled to do
sobya llagman of the train ahead. Coroner
Gillette of this county held an inquest which
was adjourned until to-morrow. Scab engin
eers seem to bo the cause of the terrible
crash , both men stating they were inexperi
enced , and had only Wen on the road since
the strike. One of them was a mere boy.
A Pythlnn Event nt Kidney.
SinxBV , Neb. , Oct. 21. [ Special Telegram
to TUB Br.R. ] Sidney Division , No. 31 ,
Uniform Kank Knights of Pythias , was Insti
tuted hero last night. After the installation
of officers a grand banquet took place in the
spacious dining room , of the Pacillo hotel.
Covers wore spread for sixty guests. Hon.
George M. Jenner presided and was sur
rounded by the Intelligence and wealth of the
city. The principal toasts of the evening
were responded to by Judge Henry St. llay-
nor , Hanker S. C. Morgan , General Henry A.
Morrow , Hon. W. P. Miles , Judge James W.
Novell , Adam Ickes , Frank J. Devlin , County
Clerk L. H. Gary and CiptaliiT. H. Kbsteen.
The rank starts out witli n membership of
thirty and In a short tlmo will be ono of the
strongest organizations in Sidney.
Prohibition EnthUHiatini Dying Out.
NELSON , Neb. , Oct. 24. [ Special to Tun
HEK. ] Uev. George Scott , the prohibition
candidate for congress from the Second dis
trict , spoke In the court room to nearly one
hundred nnd fifty ladles and gentlemen. Ho
Is a forcible speaker and does not deal in
abuse of other men's convictions , but it is
evident that then * is not ns much enthusiasm
as there was when ho addressed Nelson
people last August , when ho was forced to
speak In the open air , there being no room
iu any hall for the audience.
Nebraska nnd town Pensions' .
WASHINGTON- . 24. [ Special Telegram
to Tun HUE. ] Nebraska pensions : John G.
Newman , North Platte ; James K. Ware-
ham , Kiuggold. Original Uobcrt H. Blair ,
Superior ; Katie , widow of P. Elliott ,
Omaha. Mexican widows Edith , widow of
Freeman H. Tucker , Glen Kock.
Iowa pensions : Original invalid Alfred
C. Hurdin , Missouri Valley ; John C. Kltzh-
man , Chariton ; William P. Davis , East Des
Molnes ; Richard E. Comstock , Fontanelle ;
Dccutur E. Humphrey , Walker ; P. H.
Pierce , Bedford ; John Bandy , Fairlleld.
Increase William F. Eichhoff , Muscatine ;
George Schumackcr , Glfford ; James Fetters ,
Kellcrton ; James 1C. P. Baker , Irwin ;
Charles A. Conger , Seymour ; D. M. Sweeney ,
Muscatlnc. Keissuo Timothy Eagun , Ot-
tutnwu ; Bcrryman Hobcits , ICcokuk. He-
issue and increase G. A. Miller , Bloomlleld.
Hurt in tx Runnwny.
AKLINGTON , Neb. , Oct. 24. [ Special Tele
gram to Tim BIK. : | A four horse team witli
a load of lumber ran away with B. Jung-
bluth this afternoon breaking his arm in twc
places and otherwise badly brusing him. The
lumber was scattered for a milo along the
road. Mr. B. was taken to Dr. Hadley'a
ofllco whcro ho was given attention and is
now at his home.
A G. A. R. Post Celebration.
JUNUTA , Nob. , Oct. 24. [ Special Tele
gram to THE BEB.I There were 200 people
present to-night to listen to the exercises o i
the anniversary of Geary Post. Stirring
speeches were made by Messrs. S. L. Bros ;
A. V. Cole , D. V. Stephens , O. A. Buzze
und B. T. Smith. The music furnished
under the direction of D. C. Kcrr was excel
lent and the occasion a grand success.
A Respected Lndy'n Death.
JU.VIATA , Nob. , Oct. 24. [ Special Telegram
to THE Ben. ] Mrs. Allen , wife of Ethan
Allen of this place , died this morning at the
advanced age of seventy-six years. Mr. and
Mrs. Allen removed hero in 1S73. She wai
one of the oldest and most respected citizen :
hero. She leaves n husband and two sons.
Omnlia nnd a Few Other Cities Show
an Increase.
CINCINNATI , O. , Oct. 24. [ Special Tele
gran to TUB BEE. ] To-morrow's Prlco Cur
rent will say : The week's packing for all
points show a deficiency of 50,000 hogs com
pared with the corresponding tlmo last year :
total IGu.OUO against 140,000 last week am
215,000 a year ago. The total from March :
is 4,803,000 against 5,355,000 last year ; decrease
crease 550,000. For the year ending Novem
ber I western packing will not exceed 11 ,
000,000 hogs and probably will fall short o
this , compared with an average of 11,800,00
for thrco years previously and 11,000,000 nv
erago for the ten years ending last year
Packing March 1 to data :
Chicago 1B 5,000 1,910,00
Kansas City 74,000 ! ! 1,070,00
Omaha 683,000 650,00
St.Louis 201,000 300,00
Indianapolis 21C.OOO 25 0
Cincinnati 135,000 149,00
Milwaukee 101.C03 210,00
Cedar Kapids 140,6s ! 1(53,30 (
Cleveland 110,050 150,03
Sioux City 237,400 10,50
Ottuunva . „ . . . 107,202 72,20
Lynching Too Good For Thorn.
.New HAVEN , Conn. , Oct. 24. [ Specia
Telegram to THE BEE. ] Mrs. Schorkowski
aeed sixty-seven , who lives on a farm nea
Durham , was dragged from bed early th !
morning by two men and brutally assuultci
About 2 o'clock Mr. and Mrs. Schorkowsli
were aroused by a nolso at their front dooi
Before they could got up the door wa
smashed in and two rufllans , George Wil
fains ( coloredand ) Charles Crandell ( white ]
rushed into the bedroom , seized the old lad
and drugged her out on the roadside. Ill
old. lady's husband , who is soventy-sovoi
years old , rushed out to defend her. Crar
doll hit the old man on the head with a clut
knocking him senseless. Whoa , the brute
ilcd they left the couple unconscious by th
roadside. The men were captured an
The Scaffold Fell.
PITTS DUUO , Oct. 24. The scaffold at th
French spring works fell this morning , pri
clpitating I'eter Cuff , Henry Sheller on
Thomas O. Fiersi to the ground , a distant
of twenty-nine feet. Flcrst is in a critic :
condition and will probably die. Cuff an
Shelter sustained serious internal Injurie
but It is thoucht they will recover. Tr
men were engaged in putting a roof on tl
mill when the accident occurred.
Anarchists Preparing to Cclebrnti
Pmsuuno , Pa , Oct. 21. Word comes froi
Chicago that the anarchists of the counti
arc quietly making preparations for a pub ! ;
demonstration on the anniversary of tl
hanging of the flvo anarchists on Novcmbi
11 , und that PiUsburg , among other place
will have a great colouration , As far ;
PitUburg is concerned , however , there wi
bo uo public demonstration.
A Fatal Circus Uow.
LOUISVILLE , Ky. , Oct. 21. At Mount Ve
non to-day John Proctor put on a marshal
badge.aud asked to bo admitted free to Ho
inxon'a circus. An altercation followc
which grow into a fight William Parlte
the town marshal , was fatally cut , Jam
Jones , sheriff-elect , was shot through tl
right shoulder nnd John Brewer shot In tl
Stuall Pox hi Canada.
, Tonosio , Ont , , Oct. 24 , leu cases
mall pox have bean reported at Keswiok ,
small village In the northern part of Yoi
County , Tbe pl Ce hu been a.ukr QUac&
J- .
The Spanish Stnteimnn'H Views on Ills
Country' * Policy.
fCopi/rfyhl IfAlbu Jaw * Ganlon Bennett. ]
MADRID , Oct. 24. [ New York Herald
Cable Special to THE BEE , ! Senor Cas-
tcllar , at a banquet of 1,500 republicans and
liberals at Barcelona , maao a speech very
favorable to Scnor Sagasta and the liberal
po'.icy. Ho thinks it best to acccmallze the
parliamentary government and insure the
triumph of progressive reforms so as to con
solidate public liberties nnd Insure the Iran-
quility and prosperity of Spain. Scnor Cas-
tcllar believes that personal government dis
appeared with the death of Alfonso XII.
Conservatives uselessly try to rovlvo
it by opposing the rc-cstablishmcnt
of universal suffrage. Scnor Castcllar
wants to get that voted before all other
forms , military or economical. Ho declares
himself still , in principle , a frco trader , but
as a statesman , would enforce the protection
of native productions and agriculture against
nations not disposed for a reciprocity of
concessions or treaties , like England in the
cattle trade with Spain. Senor Castellar says
all Spanish republicans favor closer relations
with France. The monarchy inclines toward
Germany , haying given her a treaty 01 com
merce detrimental to Spanish interests. The
true ] Klicy of Spain ought to be , at home ,
liberal and democratic with a retrenchment
of the array and nivv estimates , abroad
neutrality , or Spain will , like Italy ,
plunge into unnecessary armaments
entailing deficits nnd an Increase of taxation
to support the policy of alliances against na
tional aspirations and interests. Scnor Cas
tellar thinks the Spanish monarchy , by imi
tating England under Queen Victoria , will
last longer and bo more popular.
An Honor Accorded Two of the Late
Frederick's Doctors.
[ Cofn/rlijht 1SS3 bu Jam : * GonlunJeimeM.1
BEIILIN , Oct. 21. - [ Now York Herald
Cable Special to Tun BEK. | To-day Profs ,
von Bergmann and Gerhardt had the signifi
cant honor of dining with Vhcir majesties at
Pottsdam. Afterwards their majesties came
into Berlin and drove along the Linden for
the first time since the emperor's return from
his tour , where they were warmly cheered ,
To-tnorrow his majesty will go to Blanker
burg to enjoy the shooting with
Priuco Albrecht , the prince regenl
of Brunswick. On Saturday , havinp
returned , he Is to receive from the municipal
deputation an address of congratulation or
the happy results of his tour , and on Sunduj
will start for Hamburg , probably spending
the night at Freiderichsruho on his waj
through. It will bo doubtful whether the
chancellor will accompany him to Ham
burg. This act of condescension , as it is
scmi-ofllciall.v pointed out , will bo answei
sufficient to the rumor that the cmperoi
means henceforth to be his own chancellor.
He Leaves Sunday forFriedcrlchsruhc
Two Shrewd Americans.
[ Copyr/tfhl / i"5SS li \ Jama Oonlon UennrU. " ]
BEHLIN , Oct. 24 [ New York Herald
Cable Special to THE BEE. ] The cmperoi
leaves on Sunday for Friederichsruhe. Hi
will spend the night under Prince Bismarck's
roof and arrive on Monday in Hamburg ,
where great festivities nro being prepared
for him in celebration of Hamburg's recep
tion into the German custom's union , an
event which was practically consummated on
the 15th of this month. Priuco Bismarck
will not accompany the emperor.
A South German paper contains a sensa
tional article about court lifo in Stuttgart
stating that King Charles is actually the too !
of three American ad venturers who profess tc
bo spiritualists. Lately the king has createc
ono of these American a baron. Anothei
was made a privy counsellor. Whilst th (
king is very economical himself these Amor-
leans dispose lavishly of his monoy. The
story is so sensational that it reminds one o
the lute unfortunate Bavarian king , Ludwig.
A Thirty Days' Fast Ended.
[ Copyri'o'it 1SS hu James Gordon Bennett. ' ]
MuiitiD , OCT 24. [ New York Herald Ca
ble. S | > ecial to TUB BEE. ) Yesterday after
noon at 4 o'clock the Italian , Succl , terrain
nted his thirty days' fast at the Barcelom
exhibition. Ho has changed not a little h
his personal appearance. Ho continued U
fence and walk to the last. His health was
satisfactory and ho slept well. His firs' '
meal was oaten in the presence of many vis
itors , doctors and Journalists. It consistci
of sardines , soup , fried brains , roast fowl
beefsteak , fruit , sweets , soda water , Chianti
and Malaga wines and cigars , Hsaysb
will soon attempt another fast.
Boulanger and the Revision.
PAIHS , Oct. 24. [ Special Cablegram t
TUB BEE. ] General Boulanger was prett ;
sharply handled by the revision committei
to-day , but ho declined to bo drawn int <
what ho called the details. He adhered ti
his former opinions in regard to the senat
nnd the presidency. He regarded the res
toration of the monarchy as a sheer imposs
bility. Two-thirds of Franco , he said , woul
rise against it. The country ought to decide
cido the religious question. Politics mus
bo prohibited in the army.
The Mysterious Americans.
BEIIUN , Oct. 21. [ Special Cablegram t
THE BEE. ] It Is stated that the king o
Wurtemburg was accompanied to NIce b ,
his American favorites. The Munich paper
giving an account of the matter wcro confis
catcd on reaching Stuttgart.
The English Collier Strike.
D LONDON , .Oct. 24. The strike of colllei
is assuming alarming proportions , and it I
feared that the movement will become a pei
eral ono. la Yorkshire 15,000 workers wer
out to-day.
Ho Quarrelled With Llzzlo and JS'oi
the Poor Girl Is Dead.
ST. JOSEPH , Mo. , Oct. 24. [ Special Ten
gram to THE BEE. ] Lizzlo Brizzenc , mil
tress of Cosine Tomassi , a member of th
Pavcnlllas , now playing at the Eden Musoi
bad a quarrel with her lover last night , too
a dcso of "Hough on Hats" at noon to-da
and died at 0 o'clock to-night , She was aboi
twenty-two years of ago and met her love
in Milwaukee about two months ago , sine
which tlmo she has becu with him at Kans.
City ana Omaha.
A Peculiar Accident ,
POUT Jr.uvis , N. Y. , Oct 2 . A fast wesl
bound freight train of the Erie ran into th
rear of another freight , pear Otisvillo , th !
morning. Brakcman McMullenwas instant !
killed , Engineer Hector badly scalded , Cor
ductor Hawkins bad his foot cut off , and tl
leg of Fireman Crotik was severed from h
body. Before a flagman could bo scat fo
ward the east-bound express dashed into tt
wreck and cutoff the leg of HawKlns , wh
was lying on the track insensible from tt
injuries received from the first collisioi
Two engines and a dozen freight cars wer
demolished , but no passengers were hurt.
Railroad Bridge Burned.
DIXON , III , Oct. 24. The Chicago , Bu
lDgton & Qulncy rail road bridge across Ro <
river at Sterling was burned last night. Lo
1 | MOOOt
Several of OommUelonor Sparks'
Rulings PaeMd Upon.
The Widow of the General Has Do *
cldcd Not to Accept the Offer
Made Ily the Loyal
' ;
Fonr Ncbr * kLnnd Cases.
513 FoontEtNTii STIIBBT. }
W-smxoTON , D. C. , Oct. 24. }
The secretary of the interior to-day handed
own a number of decisions In Nebraska
and cases Appealed from the findings of the
commissioner of the general land office.
\mong them was the CMC of James Connors ,
rom whom Commissioner Sparks required
ow publications nnd proof la support of his
ire omptlon cash entry for lots Nos. 1 , 2 , 3
nd 4. section 4 , townshio 32 , rangu 44 west ,
Valentino district of Nebraska. The de-
ision is reversed.
In the matter of the appeal of Sarah A.
Davis from the decision of Commissioner
parks , rejecting her application to make
liomestead entry on the northeast quarter
cction 4 , township 1 north , range 32 west ,
ilcCook district , the stcrctary sustains the
finding of the commissioner.
In the case of JameaJN. Nesby , whom the
ommissloncr of the general land office re-
[ Uircd to relinquish ono sub-division
if the land embraced in his prc-emp-
ion entry , covering the southeast quarter
f the northeast quarter of lot 1 , section
1 , and lots 4 , 5 and 0 of section 23 ,
.ownshlp 1 north , tango 29 west ,
UcCook land district ; the secretary holds
hat as the land lies , ln different quarters
lections , this case comes within the rules
aid down in the case of J. B. Burns , and
.he entry should approximate 100 acres as
nearly ns existing subdivisions will allow ,
t is now ten und ihreo-quarter acres in ex
cess of the quarter 'section and by the ro-
linquishmcnt of the smallest lot , it might be
brought within less than eight acres of that
amount , and as the claimant sets forth no
utlicient reason whyitho rule referred to
should not be aoplled in his case , the decision
of the commissioner is aftlrmcd.
On Juno 1 , Its" , the commissioner of the
and oftlccs held for cancellation the pre
emption cash entry of George A.Wilmeth for
the northeast quarter of .section 25 , township
7 , north , range 20 westMcCook district , Ne
braska. The commissioner , who , at that
time , was General Sparks , was dissatisfied
with the proof that Wtlmelh submitted this
'n good faith in making the entry. Ho had
broken the requisite inumber of acres , had
built a sod house , put upafonco and a stable ,
and a frame house had been erected and
.mprovements to the value of $130 had been
made. Iliu secretary , gay a ho is not pre
pared to find that the claimant was acting In
bad faith ; but ho docs not bcliovo that he
has established his right to the patent , and
bo therefore modifies the decision to the cx <
tent of requiring that the claimant shall be
required to make proof again before this
patent is allowed. „
The Loyal Legion 'offered Mrs. Sheridan
to erect a monument in memory ol
her deceased husband over his grave
n lArlington , ; but the widow hw
decided that she willAcrect a monument tc
her husband in this p ) herself ,
The arrangements hare not yet been per
fcctcd and the style of the monument hat
not been decided upon , but it is believed it
will be a simple shaft and not an elaooratt
affair. The Loyal Legion will therefore select
lect some older spot , and will erect thcreor
a testimonial of their esteem for their gal
lant comrade. PBKUT S. HEATII.
Ho Thinks Wheat Should Not Be Held
Rock Too-tionK *
FAIIOO , Dak. , Oct. 24. Oliver Dalryraple
of the world-famed Darlymplo farm , and ac
counted one of the shrewdest men engaged
in farming , gives U as his opinion that then
will bo a further advance in the price o :
wheat during the winter , but ho docs not an
tlclpato much advance ) until after the wheat
has passed out of tuo bands of the farmer :
into the elevators. It is believed by manj
farmers who arc holding back their whca
for higher prices that , notwithstanding ttu
light crop , it will bring : as much money Inti
general circulation as "last year , but Mr
Dalrymplo docs not share that opinion. Tin
amount of wheat they will be able to holt
back , ho thinks , has been overestimated
The crop is unquestionably very light am
most of the grain of inferior quality , there
being qulto ns much rejected this year as o
No. " last year. The farmers have notes U
meet this fall , and very few will have an )
considerable quantity of wheat left aftei
they are paid. The encouraging feature o
the situation is that the present high prlcei
are llkoly to continue two or three yean
longer , and with moderately good crops wi
shall bo able to realize handsome profits tha
will enable the farmers to pay off their debts
The effects of this \till , " of course , be felt ii
all lines of business. ] J
Cattle Meii In Trouble.
CHICAGO , Oct. 24. All railroad compamc
which receive stoclf for shipment alloy
transportation for the necessary number o
attendants to take a car of animals en route
This , it is said , has been the basis of oxtcn
slvc forgeries. If a | lot of cattle is to b
shipped from Omalia to Chicago , for In
stance , several idlers } glad of a chance t
get a ride to Chicago , arc signed in agree
mcnt as cattle drovers. When the ca
reaches Chicago the idlers of cours
do not want t return , nnd th
people who obtained transportatlo :
agreements then i make them sigi
false names to the pass receipts , and the
turn a round sum in 4their pockets by sell
ing the return .posits to ticket scalpen
William Kline , Jatnafc MncTc , Harry Lewi
and T. B. Hitch , of Vfyoming , were arreste *
by a Pinkerton operator this morning an
brought before JusUceXyon for forgery , o ;
complaint of the Buamgton railroad , whic' .
has been one of the principal victims of sucl
sharpers as have beenuescrlbed. They wer
held over for hearing , ! . _
Tha American So , ilety's Annlvnrsnrj
PIIOVIDEXCE , H. L,1 3ct.24. At the fore
noon mcetingof theft rty-sccond annlvcrsar
of the American sodiety Secretary Strobe
read a paper upon "Alnerican Freedmen an
African Evangelization. " iThis was followe
by an essay by Mr. 0 sard on the "Lights c
History. " Dr. Glib * t read a report on th
missions of the as * elation among the Ch
ncso in America. It ras necessary , ho salt
to push this work. 3 uo success of this wor
and the injustice tcly dona this peopl
made it very necessary to push it. Tlicr more observant people in the worl
nor ono more sure tel appreciate the aiffej
cnco between the 'Jfrcatment they receive
from our missionaries and that from polit
clans. The service ? tfero closed by an ac
dress on "Tho Ho. atlons of the America
Missionary Association to Young People. "
A Duel Nip ted in the Bud.
AUOUhTA , CO. , OC 24. W. T. McElmurt
and W. E. Jones , fo th of Waynesboro , Go
attempted to pjss th ough hero this morn in
to the famous Sii d Bar ferry ducllic
grounds , to settle a business dispute on tl
field of honor. Jc ins reached the spot s
lectcd and wilted ft til nightfall for his o
ponent. McElmurtfwas arrested by tl
Augusta police nq < > the meeting was pr
vented. Tbo dlfficuRy was settled to-nlgl
by inutuil fneuds. Vlte parties lire high
connected mtl the r.itevi'l ctUBed a gr *
uUa , f i .
The Australian Tourist * Give an Ex
hibition at Des Molncs.
DES MOISK * , la , , Oct. 24. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB BEB.I An Weal October day ,
with an enthusiastic crowd , greeted the
Australian tourists hero to-day. When Um
plro Tcncr informed Mr. Baldwin that ho
could begin to twirl , everybody knew that a
good game would bo expected , for DCS
Molnes1 favorite pitcher , Hutchison , was to
pitch for All America , with Harry Sago , his
ustomary back stop , to support him. Both
: ams hod made a parade through the
irlncipnl strcota , headed by the Third
egimcnt band. It can be said at
ho beginning that both trams put
ip a ilno game , each side retiring In one ,
, wo , three order for the greater part of the
gnme. Hutchison pitched magnificently , but
hrco hits being made off him during the
Ino innings. Ho struck out Chicago's best
latters , mowing down Jimmy Hyau twice
and Anson once , aud eight men altogether.
\ftcr the "old man" had fanned the air in a
, 'aln attempt to solve the Iowa curves , ho
walked off to ono side aud comforted himself
with the reflection that ho had secured
treasure for next year , anyway.
\nson kept his eyes on Hutchison
admiringly all through tha game , and seemed
greatly pleased with his prowess. Baldwin
pitched a good game for Chicago , holding the
All Americas down to six scattered hits It
ookcd , tnough , as if Chicago would bo shut
> ut till the eighth inning , when a passed ball
ot in Chicago's first run. One more was nil
hey could get , leaving the All Aiuericas the
winners by a score of 3 to 2. The score :
All Americas . . . 0 3
Chicago 0 0000001 1 2
Two base hits Carroll , Williamson.
Bases on balls by Hutchison 1 , bv Baldwin
3. Struck out by Hutchison S , Baldwin 4.
Errors All Americas 2 , Chicago 1.
St. Louis 7 , New York 5.
ST. Louis , Oct. 24. Timely batting and a
missed grounder by Slattery m the eighth
nulng enabled the Browns to score four
uns and win the game to-day. King's pitch-
ng was effective , while Crane was rather
, vild. Score :
New York 0 300020 0 .1
St. Louis 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 4-i
Pitchers Crane and King. Bnso hits-
New York 11 , St. Louis 8. Errors New
York 3 , St. Louis 2. Umpires Gaffney and
The Manitoba Railroad Troubles.
WIXXIPEO , Manitoba , Oct. 24. Chiei
Justice Tuylor rendered a Judgment this
morning in the injunction case behind which
he Canadian Pacific road has been In
Tenched in its resistance to the Provincial
Inc crossing Us lino. After an able review
of the case Judgment was rendered dissolv
ng the injunction. The Provincial will now
go on.
Attorney General Martin Is advertising
'or good loyal citizens to rejwrt to-night at t
o'clock to be sworn in as special police to gc
to the sccno of trouble. The Canadian Pn
cifio has determined to resist , notwithstand
'ug the injunction has been quashed.
This afternoon the Canadian Pacific ob-
: aincd another injunction setting forth thai
the Hcd Kiver Valley road was not a govern
ment road but had been formally handed
over to the Northern Pacific. This second
attempt to balk the Northern Pacific only
Increased the determination of the citizens
nnd a monster indignation meeting was held
to-night. The attorney general expresses
his determination to effect a crossing tomorrow
row morning at all hazards. Fully 5,000 cltl
zens to-night enrolled themselves as special
constables to act. for the Northern PacilU
and they will go out to the crossing in the
morning If the weather admits of iracklay
Guarding Against Election Frauds
NBW YORK , Oct. 24. Superintendent o
Police Murray this morning held a consults
tlon with the pollco captains in repard to il
legal registration and voting. Ho instructei
them to do everything possible to bring ti
Justice all parties violating the election law
To-day the captains will procure oftlcia
copies of two days' registration and vcrlf ;
their correctness later by a house to housi
canvass , including lodging houses , hotels anc
all places from which unusual numbers o
persons have registered. The captains wcri
called upon to assume personal responsibllit :
in the matter. Inspector Byrnes will com
munlcato with the chiefs of police of othe :
cities and keep close watch on colonizers.
Wanted to Help Her Along.
BOSTON , Oct. 24. [ Special Telegram t <
Tun BEE. ] Mrs. Myra Bcnls , a rather good
looking young lady , who once aspired to his
trlouic honors , was separated from her bus
band and now sues Dr. Thompson , of Lowell
for $50,000 for writing her husband letter
defaming her good name und thereby caus
ing a separation. The testimony was verj
spicy. The doctor , who is a man of mean :
and prominently connected , had encourage *
the young lady to bccomo an actress and hoi
helped out the financial end of her training
The doctor asserted that his intention
worn strictly honorable and all he aimed tide
do was to assist a bright little girl to gc
Both Burned to Death.
UTICA , N. Y. , Oct. 24. The rcsldcnoo am
furniture store of Charles Nlgabower , lllon
burned at an early hour this morning , anc
Nlgabower nnd his daughter , aged twelve
perished in the fiames. The residence ad
joined the store. The girl had picked up i
younger brother , whom she carried out
while the father was rescuing another child
Nigabowor , missing his daughter soon after
wards , went back into the burning bulldini
to search for her. Neither returned , bu
their remains wcro found on the third fiooi
of the store. It is supposed the child lost he
way in the building and was overcome b'
smoke. Nigabower was forty-eight years old
Missionary Society Convention ,
SritixoFiEU ) , 111. , Oct. 24. The genera
missionary society of the Christian churcl
began its annual session to-day. The repot
of the board of managers shows over fiftcc
thousand added to the church through thi
branch of endeavor , and contributions fc
missions from the different states aggrcgai
ing $231,703 , The foreign missionary societ
reports fifty-nine workers in foreign fields
receipts , $02,707 ; bequests paid. $7,402 ; Sut
day school contributions , children's da ;
The talk of discrimination against th
blacks and the consonuent retaliation b
them was a feature of to-night's sessiot
Kev. J. K. McLean , from Paris , Tex. , nnd
graduate of Tulladcgo college , Alabama , sal
that the charge that the colored vote ho
been very effectual in defeating problbitio
in Tennessee , Alabama and Texas is to
great extent true.
The Yellow Fever.
NEW YORK , Oct. 24. The following tele
gram has been received in this city fron
Fernandlna , signed by the secretary of th
Howard association : "New cases , fourtcei
No dcattis. Wa hope you have succeeded I
sending provisions this week. This wee
will exhaust our supplies. "
JACKSONVILLE , Oct. 2i. It is now rcportc
heao tnat the fever has existed in Enterprh
since June. Nearly 20 cases are now reporte
with two or thrco deaths. Dr. Neal Mltcho
reports 31 new cases for the 24 hours endiu
at 0 p. m. There were 4 deaths. Total case
3,003 ; total deaths , 337.
A Double Tragedy.
CIXCIXKATI , Oct. 24. This evening , abou
6 o'clock , J. S. Schallor and wife were four
m their rooms on Carlisle avenue with the
throats cut from car to ear. Schallcr had o
idently attacked his wife from the rear ai
after killing her killed himself. Jealousy
suyposed to have been the cause.
Kelljr and the Captaincy.
BOSTON , Oct. 24. The published stateme
that Kelly had been appointed captain of tl
Boston nine for 16S9 Is de-led by Preside
Proceedings of the Grand Cominan-
dcry , K. T. , at Chicago.
CHICAGO , Oct. 24. The election of the
grand commandery of Knights Templar was
continued this morning by electing Harry M.
Haloot Olncy , grand Junior warden ; Caleb
C. Johnson of Sterling , grand standard
bearer ; H. H. Montgomery of CarroDton ,
grand sword bearer ; A. E. Webster of Dan
ville , grand warden , and Archibald McDel-
Inh of Chicago , grand captain of the guard.
The officers were duly installed by John C.
Smith , past grand commander , assisted by
L. L. Muan , us grand marshal. The retiring
grand commander , E. S. Mulllucr of Qulncy ,
was presented with the post grand com
mander's Jewel. The other business per
tained to the laws and regulations of the
The grand council of Koyal nnd Select
Masters was opened m the asylum of Apollo
commandery at 9 o'clock. Grand Master
Nathaniel Bowdltch , of Aurora , und repre
sentatives of thtrty.flvo councils were present.
Thegrand master presented nis annual report ,
which showed great prosperity ot the onicr
throughout the state , four now councils hav
ing been organized. The treasurer's and
grand recorder's reports showed a healthy
condition of finances and a largo increase in
membership. The following officials wcro
elected : Grand master , George C. Moulton ,
Chicago ; deputy grand master , William T.
Milligan , Ottawa ; grand conductor of work ,
William K. Forsythe , Chicago : grand cap
tain of guard , William L. Orr. Chicago ;
grand marshal , S. J. Lefebre , Gibson City ;
grand steward , Archibald McLellan , Chi-
cag ; grand sentinel , Joseph Ucyls , Paris.
These officers were then duly installed. The
grand chapter of Koyal Arch Masons will
meet In the morning.
Patrick Egan Gives His Opinion of
the Trial's Outcome.
CHICAGO , Oct. 24. [ Special Telegram to
THIS BEE. ] Patrick Egan , of Lincoln. Neb. ,
who is in the citywas asllcd what ho thought
of the Parnell commission so far. Mr. Egan
is one of the noted Irish-Americans arraigned
by the London Times with Mr. Parnell and
his compatriots.
Ho said : "What has been said so far is
simply a rehash of the chargcswithout proof ,
that have been made for the last tlvo years. I
suppose , however , that the Times , with all
Its money , ability and resources , will bo able
to make a plausible showing. But wait until
the evidence for PBrneil is produced. Tno
whole Times case will be exploded and indis
putable evidence developed which will show
Parnell guiltless and the true character of
the allegations against him. You may ex
pect some sensational testimony. "
"You have private information concerning
Parnell's defense I"
"Yes ; I know something of it. I shall
myself , perhaps , bo able to tell some things
which have not been printed in the event of
a sub-commission being sent hero to tuko de
positions of these of us in the United States.
I have no doubt of the complete vindication
of Purnell und all his associates , and this
result will greatly injure the government.
The government is completely bound up with
the Times , supplying testimony , money and
countenance in every way , and the destruc
tion of the Times' case will hurt the conservatives
vatives very much , ami if the Parnellites
are beaten it will hurt them , to bo sure. "
Work of the Commission.
LONDON , Oct. 24. When the Parnell com
mission resumed Its sitting to-day Sir Charles
Russell , counsel for Parnell , demanded the
production of certain letters which the Times
possessed and which were alleged to have
been written by Dillon , Biggar and other
mcmcrs of parliament Ho said that Soamcs ,
the Times' solicitor , hod filed an affidavit
affirming that the Times had : received
the documents from an American named
Koberts ; that some of them proved to bo
bogus , and that on this account they had not
been used In the O'Donnell case. This ad
mission that somebody was supplying the
Times with forged letters , said Sir Charles ,
had a direct bearing upon the Parncll-Egan
forgeries. The documents must therefore
bo produced.
Attorney General Webster held that the
documents demanded wcro not material to
the Issue. The affidavit of Soamcs showed
clearly that somebody had been trying to
trick the Times , and the knowledge of the
trick had been communicated to Paruell's
The court ordered that the documents bo
Russell then asked the particulars of the
charges against Paruell and these involved
with him.
The attorney general informed the court
that the other side still continued to disobey
the order for the production of the league's
bank books. Justice Hannon intimated that
if the refusal to produce the books was final ,
the court would have recourse to its pow
ers to compel their production. Attorney
General Webster then continued the presen
tation of the Times case , making a further
review of the articles on "Parnelllsm and
Crime. " Ho declared that evidence could be
adduced proving that Parnell knew thai
Patrick Egau had supplied Sheridan anc
Boyton with funds to enable them to promote
mete outrages.
Ono of ' features the
to-day's was presence
Michael Davltt. Ho addressed the court
and claimed the right to appear for himself ,
to which the court assented.
Dnrlng Daylight Highway Robbery. .
NEW YOIIK , Oct. 24. [ Special Telegran
to THE BKE. | Ten armed desperadoes , com
prising a ring of the notorious stable gang
of the First ward , yesterday committed a
most daring daylight robbery. Farmei
August Therman , of Brooklyn , was driving
slowly along Green wich street with a loai
of produce , when two young men climbec
quietly into his wagon and seized him fron
behind. They gagged him before ho couli
cry out , while eight other robbers helped
themselves to his property and disappeared
with their arms full. When released the
fanner seized ono of his assailants and calloi
for help. The fellow drew u loaded revolve )
and threatened to take the farmer's life , am
he released him. Ho was afterwards cap
A$15OOO l 'ire at Ogdcn.
SALT LAKE CITT , Utah , Oct. 24. [ Spoola
Telegram to TUB Bn. ] A flro nt Ogden
Utah , this morning about 1 o'clock destroyei
$15,000 worth of property. Tbe flames broki
out in the clothing store of Drosdowitz Bros
and spread to those of Matson Bros , , B
Tcrenes & Co. , It H. Douglas and H. B
Forbes. The heavy wind prevailing at tin
tlmo made the task of extinguishing thi
flames difficult. Insurance about $4,000.
Milan and Natalie Divorced.
BELGRADE , Oct. 24. The Official Journa
publishes a pastoral prepared by the Metro
politan Theodoslus , in which ho says that i
the excrciso of his power as leader of th
Servian church , and by virtue of the right
consecrated by precedent ! ) , ho dissolves th
marriage of King Milan and Queen Natalie
and declares it is no longer existent.
Took Paris Green.
BnooKLYX , N. Y. , Oct. 24. fSpecial Tele
gram to THK BEE. ] Mrs. Lena Marshall
aged twenty , died last evening from a dose o
paris green which she took with suicidal In
tent. She was ono of the principal witnesse
at tbo Inquest in regard to the mysteriou
death of Frederick Pfistcr three years ugo
Identified the Corpse.
BKOOKLTN , N. Y. , Oct. 24. [ Special Tel <
gram to TUK BEE. [ The body of the drownc
man found at the foot of Tbirty-sevcnt
street on Monday proves to be that of Fran
Wilson , a lighterman , of 007 Third uvenu
His wife disappeared on Monday und has nc
been found.
Mrs. Logan Goes to Europe.
Npw YOKK , Dot , 34. Mrs. General Job
A. Lcg Q sslUd for Europe oa
Xm tg-dif.
As Ohlof Executive Officer of th
Union Pnoflo System.
Thomas L. Ktmbnll Appointed Gen *
crnl ManaKcr Flnaclal Condition
of the Road No All union What
ever to Dividends.
Union Pacific Chances.
BOSTOX , Oct. 24. At the Union PuclflO
directors meeting to-day William H. Hoi-
comb was chosen director , vice Colgate , re
signed. Subsequently Holcombo was chosen
vice president , to succeed the late Thomas J.
Potter us the chief executive officer of the
Union Pacific sjstcm , resident at Omaha.
T. L. Kimball WAS appointed general mana
ger , and C. S Miller assistant general maim ,
ger. The president stated that no changes
in the organization of the Union Pacific were
contemplated Mr. Dickinson will continue
as general superintendent , J. A. Monroe ns
general freight agent , and J. S. Tobbits as
general passenger agent.
No change in the organisation of the St.
Joseph ft Grand Island was contemplated ,
or of the various Utah roads. No appoint
ment of general manager of the Oregon
Hallway and Navigation company would be
made nt present ; the duties of the office
would bo performed by Mr. Holcomb until
other arrangements were mude.
Mr. Holcomb is nt present general man
ager of the Oregon Knllwuv nnd Navigation
company , to which lujsition ho was ap
pointed on the recommendation of the late
Thomas J. Potter. Ho had previously boon
connected with the Chicago , Burlington &
Qulnoy roiul , nnd later with the Chicago ,
Burlington & Northern.
Tlio question of advancing money on the
part of the Union Pacillo to meet the coupons
pens of the Denver , South Park & Pacific
firsts , maturing November 1 , was considered
and without final action referred to the
executive committee with full powers.
The question of paying a dividend not raised , nor was there any
discussion as to the resumption of dividends
by the company , either now or hereafter.
The matter was in no way alluded to. The
conimny ) now bus no floating debt for which
provision in cash has not been made. A fund
f $ I,000,000 ) also been provided to payer
or a larco amount of now equipment re-
: ently ordered , oijly n portion of which has
s i et been delivered.
Tlio company bus no work of construction
low going on. The extension of the Salina ,
Lincoln & Western road to Colby , about 173
nllcs , was completed on the 20th lint Tha
noney needed to pay for thU work has boon
provided. During the four yearn between
luno ! U ) , lhi > ( , and .lutic 30 , ISsS , the surplus
ncoino of the sjstom , to the amount of
13,500,000 has been put into property. About
.5,000 tons of steel hnvo iilso , dur-
, ng the period named , been pvlt into the
tracks of the sjstem , in place of iron ,
tnblo showing the condition of the funded
nnd floating debt of the companyIts milcaga
and debt per mile , accompanies this stato-
mont. From this it appears that the entirq
funded and floating debt has been reduced
unco Juno 30 , 1S84 , from $155,410,000 to
H45fiO,15'J , including all accrued interest to
the government , and that in this same tirno
the mileage has been Increased from 4,419 to
4,704. The debt per milo stunds nt $31,101 , as
against $35.170. There. Has been a slight in
crease in the debt since December , 188T.
The increase amounts to $12.4W'J.i7. !
The result of the financial operation of
the whole Union Pacific system for tha )
twelve months ending Juno 30. 18S8 : Gross
earnings of the entire system , $ -0,020,458 ;
surplus earnings. W.l.150,83.1 ; .totaU income ,
$12,2o9,4S.J ; total expenses , $7,507,103 ; sur : }
plus less United States requirements ( ap
proximate ) , $3,53.5,571) ) .
Schoinlnsr For Tormina ! Facilities.
CHICAGO , Oct. 24. The report that tha
Canadian Pacific and Northern Pacific are
ecklng to obtain terminal facilities under
cover of franchises to bo granted for elevated
roads to ostensibly local companies , Is re
ceiving some attention from the newspapers.
It was ascertained to-day that reproscnta-
ives of the Northern Pacific and Canadian
Pacific have recently held a confer-
'nco ' with the president of the Alley
'L" company , Mr. Andrew Onderdonk.
He was ono of the principal contractors la
the building of the Canadian Pacific. The
term of structure adopted for the proposed
alloy lines in both the south and west divis
ions of the city is of us heavy a kind us that
employed on the Now York Sixth avenue
road. It is a matter of comment in this con
nection , that the Sixtli avenue line affords
entrance into New York City for a railroad.
A Bin Deed of Trust.
SAN Fiuxcisco , Oct. 24. The Southern
Pacific company filed in the recorder's ofttca
to-day a deed of trust to too trust
company of New York , convoying to the lat
ter for the purpose of securing the payment
of a mortgage of $38,000,000 , all the property
of the railroad company , nnd also all prop *
erty of the branch roads which have been
amalgamated with it. The deed of trust do.
clares that the branch roads have turned all
their property to the Southern Pacific , and
the latter assumes ull debts and liabilities ,
and that to secure tlio payment of these
debts the Southern Pacific company will issutt
as,000 bonds of $1,000 each. To secure thcso
bonds the company will create it sinking
fund , and after the year of 1808 will pay
$20,000 per month out of the net income of
the railroad and continue until the debt i >
A Car Service Association.
Cnicxoo , Oct. 24. The general managers of
railroads centering in this city mot to-day
and organized the Chicago Car Service asso
ciation' . An agreement was adopted provid
ing that a minimum charge of $1 per day
shall bo made for each cur delayed m the
city or at a junction within twenty miles ol
the city uftor forty-eight hours from the
tlmo of delivery of uch car * on track , loadIng -
Ing or unloading.
The Ilayticn Revolution.
PANAMA , Oct. 2 i. Advices received by tha
steamer Moselle , which arrived at Aspin
wall on the 10th inst. , from Haytl , state that
never before had Port-au-Prmco passed sucU
a night as that of September US , during tha
revolution. Firing commenced on the OTOD.-
ingof September 2-S and continued until early
the next morning. The cannon and galling
guns of the paluco did dreadful execution , as
did also the big guns of Fort Alexander , tha
shells of which crashed through buildings ,
destroying everything and everybody with
which they came in contact. As far us has
been ascertained UOJ persons wcro killed and
TOO wounded , including many wouion ani
childt on ,
The Corwlth Failure.
CHICAGO , Oct. 24. Two more suits were
begun last evening against the Corv/lths
Nathan , Sr. , Nathan , Jr. and Gurdon. Both
were by the Chicago und Aurora Smoltlnjr
and Refining company , the respective
amounts of the claims being $35,000 , and $30-
000. They wera filed In the superior court
and were suppressed for service until this
morning. A replevin suit wps begun tUU
morning by E. W Btatchford & Co. apalnit
the Chicago and Aurora Smelting and llofin-
ing company , to recover possession of 1.350
pigs of lead , valued at $5,500.
Bteatnuhlp Arrival * .
At Hamburg--The Oellcrt , fr K Ntw
Yorl .
At New York Tba Elbe , from Hremsp.
Atl ndon The Michigan , ( ram b&ltt-
more. '
At London-Off Llxtsnl J'olul UN
. noila from New York. ,
I. - < fc 1 . " j ( ,
I * T'